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 Winner of BBCAN 2019

Arisa congratulated Dane on his win!

May 09, 2019

Dane was super happy & happy he did it for his father!va handler elementet om? Hva gjør det interessant? Skriv en fengende beskrivelse for å fange besøkendes oppmerksomhet..

Finale BBCAN7 2019

May 09, 2019

Finale BBCAN7 2019

Three agents remain, but only one will pass the final test. Let's get started. Do you promise to tell the truth? All three answer yes. Kyra, do you think crying makes you a weak player? No, I think other people think crying makes me weak, but I used that to my advantage. Did you do enough to win? Yes. Are you sure? I said yes! Dane, does a Pretty Boy deserve to win? I've been on fire this whole season. Anthony, do you have any regrets? Not one. I'm the puppet master. I controlled every single vote whether I was HoH or not. Did you lie in this game? Anthony scoffs. The real question is which of you is the most worthy? Let's examine the evidence.

This season on Big Brother Canada 15 double agents assembled with one objective. But nothing could prepare for them for a wicked game of spy and they learned whether you're an enemy or an ally there's no difference when a target is on your back. From the start, while most of the spies in training were still tingling and mingling, there were four particular HGs that went straight to work. And even though all eyes were on them, little did the house know the behemoth of all alliances had just been born.

Among the pretty boy ranks was a hoser with a heart of gold, Dane who quickly flashed his brilliant social game to match his competition prowess. Standing behind him was his low key lieutenant, Anthony. A man of great leisure and a natural born talker.

While the jocks bro'd down, life in the house was a little more emo for Kyra and they quickly became a push over and a pawn. But after escaping an early eviction, Kyra learned a key lesson for any spy. Self-preservation over everything.

Meanwhile, the pretty boys eliminated their enemies one by one by one. The biggest threat to them turned out to Then an epidemic took hold of the house...the Anthony effect. Pulling the strings behind the scenes Anthony left Dane and Adam to take care of the competitions. The best of an alliance was on a roar, but control led to conflict like real brothers they picked on each other. Ultimately, loyalty was #1 and they protected their cover at every turn. But the power went straight to their hands and crafty Kyra spotted a slip. Though knowledge without power in this house was useless.

Despite the secrets and lies, throughout the season this house became a refuge for 15 strangers. Coming together from different worlds and diverse backgrounds. It was a microcosm of life without walls. Back in the game, Anthony pined for more power, so he stepped out of the shadows to claim Cory's HoH. The couching tiger became the lion tamer and with no regard for Adam's love life, Anthony tag teamed with Dane slamming Sam out of the game foWithout the distraction, the pretty boys were unstoppable even though Kyra saw through their act. It was to no avail. The pretty boys disposed of everyone leaving their easiest prey for last. Just one win away from the greatest final four in BB Can history, except Kyra wasn't playing and they earned a place among the giants alone, but not afraid. Knowing the dream of final four was over, the boys were feeling all the feels and with Dane's back against the wall he nailed down Anthony's loyalty. Saving his game and sending the first pretty boy out the door.

Then Dane went off and crushed two crucial competitions which meant an impossible decision for the boys...pulling the plug on their brothers game. And then there were three. Tonight, it's Anthony, the master manipulator vs Dane, the conniving competition beast vs. Kyra, the unrelenting underdog. But only one agent is worthy and nothing can prepare them for what's coming tonight, on Big Brother Canada, the finale!

The three HGs are all kneeling on a block of wood and Arisa tells them they have been apprehended for the most important mission for the season. Dane, Kyra, and Anthony it's time to face off in a three part operation to determine the final HoH. In the first competition, they are being held captive in a subterranean lair. The objective is to escape by any means necessary. They need to grab a crystal one at a time and slide under a cage in water and stack their crystal on a floating block. The first to stack 25 crystals will win the first part of the final HoH. But they have to be careful and not make too many waves or their crystals will fall.

Dane says he didn't start playing the game on day one, he's been preparing for this his whole life. All three have one crystal and they head back. Anthony is extremely confident going into this confidence. There are three people left in this game, two dolphins and a great white shark. He's not scared of Dane. He's not scared of Kyra. Kyra says winning this competition guarantees her spot in the final HoH and maybe the Final Two and she wants to prove that.

Dane has 8 of 25 crystals stacked. Anthony's waves knock his crystal's over. Anthony says this isn't about speed, it's about taking your time making sure your stack is steady and you don't make huge waves. Dane watches as his stack falls over and he starts again. He says it's so frustrated but all he can hear is his dad in his head. Kyra has 22 of 25 crystals stacked and she says stay and slowly makes her way out of the water and the stack falls over.

Anthony now has 21 of 25 and he's moving very slowly. He adds crystal 22 and moves on. Dane is at 23 of 25 and he's caught up and is placing 24. Anthony says people think he can't win competitions, but just because he hasn't been showing the juice doesn't mean he can't win. He's bringing the gold home. Dane's stack has fallen over again when he was one away. Anthony has 23 of 25 and he's moving very slowly. Anthony is shaking and his stack falls over and he clenches his fists and bends over.

Kyra has 13 of 25 and Dane is rebuilding his stack. Kyra places another crystal and her stack falls over and she catches it. Frustration is setting in for all of the HG. Kyra says they are holding their own in this competition and those guys aren't going to steam roll them. Kyra is proud to be here in the Big Brother in the house and they want to win for every person who has ever felt like an outsider or an underdog who just wasn't good enough.

Dane stack is almost rebuilt and he's moving slowly. Anthony and Kyra are trying to catch up. Dane is now on his last crystal. He puts it on and puts his hands up and Dane has won part 1 of the final HoH and will move directly to part 3. Dane says his dad has been with him every step of the way and he's going to see him win Big Brother Canada. Arisa says another HUGE win for Dane and part two is next with Kyra and Anthony going head-to-head.

Kyra is going first in part 2. On go, the doors will open and a question will appear and they must line up their answers. If they are correct, the doors will close and re-open with a new question. If they are incorrect, they will have to try again. The fastest HGs will move on to part three with Dane.

The first question is who won PoV on even numbered days. Kyra answers Adam, Cory, Dane, and Damien and they are correct.

HoH Challenge with even number HG. We need an answer, Ship 'til you Drop, Buzzkilled 2.0, Drunk speeches, and Pipe Dream. Kyra has two incorrect and they change two answers. They have Buzzkilled 2.0 wrong. Kyra calms themselves down and they realize Buzzkilled isn't correct and they change it.

HG with only one HoH reign in order. Kyra quickly answer Chelsea, Samantha, Cory, Mark, and Kyra. Kyra says they've been on the outside of an alliance the entire game and they want to win this so badly. Kyra finishes with the last question and says please be enough.

Anthony is up and he says he struggles with the mental competitions but at this point of the game the stakes are too high. This competition is his. He gets the first question correct.

Anthony is struggling with the second question and he keeps running back and forth. He says he's tired and ticked off. We see him running back and forth some more and buzzing in incorrectly. He says he doesn't know the answer. He says he's not going to keep playing this dumb puzzle. He's done with this. Elapsed time is 1 hour and two minutes. In DR, he says that was a tough one man.

Dane is revealing the results of part 2. With a time of 3:30, the winner is Kyra! Anthony hugs them and says congratulations. Kyra says they are going to the final HoH. Now they can give it everything they have to beat game. The third part, and oh so critical part, is coming up. Arisa tells us the jurors are taking their decision very seriously and they sat down with a BB icon to discuss their decision.

Ika Wong comes out and joins the 6 HG. Sam, Cory, Mark, Este, and Damien are all there and Ika asks how it's been going. Ika wants to know what Mark told the jury about the Pretty Boys and he says he broke down how they ran the game every week. Cory thinks Anthony is coming, but a few are saying Dane. Sam says Anthony, she doesn't want to see Adam.

Adam comes out and joins the jury and he goes straight to Sam for a kiss. Adam tells them Dane won HoH and PoV and Anthony sent him out. Sam says Adam deserved to win more than anyone.

Ika wants to talk about Dane. Este says Dane is a great liar and Cory says Dane is great at multiple parts of this game. Damien says Dane has won competitions, had a great social game, and had to sweat and pull himself off.

Ika asks who doesn't deserve to be there? Cory thinks Kyra. Sam disagrees and says that Kyra had to adapt every week and they did so without the support of an alliance.

Adam says Kyra adapted quickly each week. Mark says the only reason Kyra is still there is because the Pretty Boys decided to bring them along. That's the only reason Kyra is still there. Ika says who broke up the Pretty Boys? Kyra.

Ika asks who was the best game player, and they talk about how great Anthony is at the game. Adam says he's good at talking.

Ika says Cory you were pro-Anthony. Cory says it's a balancing act with Anthony. She is hurt but she also respects his game. Este says it's about more than the money, it's about who deserves to win. Cory says the speeches can sway her.

Ika says don't be petty, let the best player win. Arisa says in just a few minutes, that jury will make the final ruling and crown the Season seven winner.

It is now time for Dane and Kyra to face-off in part 3. Arisa greets all three HGs and congratulates them. It is time for the final part of the last HoH competition for season 7. Arisa wishes Kyra and Dane luck and has them make their way to the backyard. They fist bump as they walk out together. The winner will be named the last HoH of the season and will determine who they take to the final vote.

Since the jury will decide the winner, let's find out what you know about them. The answers will be A or B. If they are correct, they'll take a step forward. Whoever has the most points will win.

On what day did the secret assassin nominate Cory for eviction. Answer A for 38 or B for 45 and both are correct.

Ture or false, Adam only lost one PoV competition that he competed in this season. Answer a for true or b for false. They both answer b and are correct.

Mark was nominated for eviction three times. What day was he nominated the second time? Answer A for 43 or B 52 and they both are correct with B.

How many jurors played in the competition competition beast hall of fame. For three answer A or B answer 4. Kyra is wrong and Dane is correct. Kyra freaks out and says they just got the answers backwards.

Of the jurors, how many have never won an HoH competition. Answer A for two or B for 3. Kyra answers B and Dane answers 2. The answer is A and Dane is correct and Kyra is wrong.

Over the course of the season, how many times was a PoV used on a member of the jury. Answer A for two or B for 3. Dane answers B and Kyra answers B. Both are correct and Dane has won part three and he wins the final HoH!

Time for the final eviction. Arisa says Dane will now cast the sole vote to evict and by doing so will decide who sits next to him in Final Two. Dane says this was his dream for 20 years and he controls his own fate and he earned this power. Tonight, he gets to turn his dream and his vision into reality. Everyone knew about the Pretty Boys, but no one knew about the Dane and Anthony show.

Dane evicts Kyra. Kyra says what the hell Dane? Why did you lie? Dane says Kyra wouldn't have taken him. He says good job Kyra. Kyra leaves and Anthony and Dane celebrate.

Let's hear it for Kyra! Arisa says Kyra was so close and they looked so shocked! Kyra says they got played so hard by Mr. Poutine Papi. Kyra thought they might have been closer than they let on when Anthony changed his mind on getting rid of Dane. Arisa asks Kyra what they learned? Kyra says they learned no matter how hard it gets or if you think you aren't capable or as strong, you need to keep fighting.

Dane and Anthony are the final two agents standing this year. Time to bring out our jury! Arisa introduces Samantha, Cory, Estefania, Damien, Mark, and Adam! Arisa wants to know how things have been at the jury house and they say amazing.

Arisa wants to know what the most surprising thing about the game did you learn? Damien says all the stuff going on behind our backs. Without giving away their votes, how do they decide who should win? Adam says someone who represents the season.

Arisa wants to know who they think was evicted. Most think Anthony, but Dane and Kyra each also got a vote. Kyra comes out and Mark is shocked. Kyra hugs Adam and Mark and Samantha and says Dane got them. Arisa asks Sam how she feels seeing Kyra and she says her heart is broken. She says Kyra is a warrior and she loves them with all her heart.

The jury will get an opportunity to ask any question they want. Sam wants to know from Dane why he took lying to a whole new level? Dane says he never lied to the Pretty Boys or to Anthony. Dane says the only time he lied to the Pretty Boys was to get Adam out. It broke his heart, but he honestly was loyal to Anthony.

Cory says Anthony, I was 100% with them and he wasn't with her. She's bitter. So go ahead, finesse her. Why should she vote for him? Anthony says Cory, she was 100% loyal and they connected on a different level. He realizes there was no way he could against Cory because of her loyalty. Since she walked in the house the entire house had a pact against her and he protected her every step of the way.

Este asks Anthony in their conversations he often bragged about how he was so good in the game. What did he do in the game that made him so confident? Anthony says he laid on the house and observed and watched every person. He stuck with loyalty and that's why he never touched the block because he always brought the truth.

Damien says glad to see Dane's teeth are in. Damien says for 55 days he thought they were working together until he was blindsided. Why should he give him his vote? Dane says he wanted to bring him along to top 5, but the boys who he was loyal to didn't want him there.

Mark asks Dane what his manipulative move was. Dane says getting Kiki, Este, and Damien on board in a final four with them and he lied to them as much as he could to keep himself and the pretty boys safe.

Adam asks Anthony why he should vote for him when he wasn't loyal at the end? Anthony since day one everyone was afraid of him, but he didn't fight for his name he fought for someone else's name. He was upset that he was sacrificing his game for someone else and he had to act.

Kyra says Dane lied his way to finale. He knows for a fact he wanted to get them out during double eviction and he's one of the most sneaky players of all time. But he still gave Kyra false hope. Why does he get their vote? Dane says because Kyra gave him false hope too because Anthony told him that Kyra was going to take Anthony over Dane. Arisa says when we come back we'll hear the final pitches and then the jury will vote!

Just before the final vote of the season, both Anthony and Dane can plead their final case for the jury.

Anthony says in an ocean full of waves it almost impossible to tell where the current is going. He's been a great white shark since day one and he was loyal to the soil to his alliance. This is the greatest social experiment known to man and he's been the leader of the greatest alliance. Please reward him with MVP of the season.

Dane knew he was going to be a huge competitor. He says he works for a civil engineering company. He never felt threatened because of his social game. He won when he needed to and threw when he had to. He took out Adam, which was the biggest move of the season. Dane says he knows he's the most deserving player because of his social, physical, and mental game. Please vote with not just your heart, but your brain.

Sam is up to vote first and she says this decision isn't as easy as they might expect. May the best man win. Cory says is she voting with her head, her heart, or her gut? Yes. Este says she promised herself she'd let go of any bitterness. So here she is voting for the most ruthless player of the season. Damien congratulates both of them. They worked very hard for this.

Mark says he's voting for the second prettiest of them all. Adam loves them like brothers, and he understands they had to get out the biggest, baddest player in the game, but loyalty is a tricky thing. Kyra says let's just say they feel incredibly betrayed by both of them. They are voting for the person they think played the best game they possibly could. Arisa says with that the season seven winner has been decided.

Arisa says the jurors made the final decision, but there were six other HGs that were part of this season. We see clips of Laura, Maki, Kailyn, Chelsea, Eddie, and Kiera and they are on stage.

Arisa asks Laura what was the story this season? Laura says it was lit and it was great to be part of such a diverse cast and everyone can find at least one of them to relate to. Arisa asks Maki what was the plague and did it work? Maki says we'll find out shortly. He doesn't know what the plague is. Dane broke his word and broke his heart and one thing for the Pretty Boys and he puts up the L sign on his forehead.

Arisa says Kailyn and Kyra butted heads in the game. Has their opinion changed? She says no. She wishes she'd played Kyra's game and appealed to the powers that be. Arisa asks Chelsea why she couldn't convince the other women to go against the Pretty Boys and she says no one wanted to go against the power at that point. She gives it to the peanut butter and jelly boys.

Arisa asks Eddie if Adam is any cuter? Eddie says when he cries. He didn't see this final two coming and props to them for making it so far. Arisa asks Kiera what it was like to see Este get betrayed. Kiki says if you want to be the biggest snake you have to shed some skin and he shed her, Este, and Damien.

Arisa shows clips of some of the biggest meltdowns of the season. Kyra is laughing at themselves and Kiera looks annoyed. Arisa asks Anthony what it is about the game that makes them lose their minds. Anthony says people forget there are genuine emotions every step of the way. You're around these people 24/7 and there is no place to escape. It's a difficult game socially and even tougher mentally.

Arisa asks Kyra about their relationship with Anthony. Kyra says Anthony was a mentor all season. They thought he was manipulative but they needed a rock because they couldn't do it alone. Kyra says they knew they had to stand their ground with Anthony or he'd think he could walk all over them. All of the secrets from inside BB HQ will be revealed and some of the HGs will be shocked!

This season the Big Brother had more secrets than ever before. Time to reveal ALL of the top secrets. We see Damien being selected by Canada to get an opportunity to go in the house first. Anthony is stunned and Mark is shocked. Dane's jaw is open and we see Damien watched Adam make his alliance.

We then see Cory getting her mission to make three final two deals after being chosen by Canada as the HGs to enter. We see Cory making the alliance with Eddie, Kailyn, and then Damien.

We then see Damien get a special delivery with the clues and we see him searching for the clues and finding them and going into the Lounge and him getting to see highly classified files from two HGs. Mark is shocked too. We see Damien select Mark and Sam.

We then see Adam in The Archives and him finding the blacklight and searching for clues and finding the cassette tape and listening to it in the tape recorder and his choice for target as the secret assassin.

Arisa asks Damien, how hard it was to keep the secrets. Damien says Canada voted for both of those and he'd hear the boys guessing who Canada would vote in and it was never his name.

Arisa asks Adam what it was like as the secret assassin. Adam says him and Dane tried so hard to get Cory out and then he gets that and sent her out and it was great.

Arisa says they all enjoyed watching the showmance, Sam and Adam. But everyone enjoyed the epic bromance. We see the Pretty Boys and how they were formed.

We see all the clips of how they said they were smarter and stronger than everyone else. Arisa asks Dane about their emotion. Dane says they will be brothers for the rest of their life and they are legends in his mind and they've done something that will never be replicated. Arisa says not everyone liked it, but they did something beautiful. The results are next!

Will Agent Dane or Agent Anthony win this covert season of Big Brother Canada!

The winner wins $100,000, a $25,000 makeover from Leon's, $10,000 in groceries from Summer Fresh, and a trip for two to anywhere in the world from Contiki.

Time to find out the winner! Dane and Anthony are holding hands. Samantha voted for Dane. Cory voted for Dane. Dane is shocked. Este has voted for Dane. Dane is crying. Damien has voted for Dane. Congratulations Dane! He has won Season 7! They hug and head out.

We hear Arisa says Mark, Adam, and Kyra voted for Dane. Dane and Anthony pose one last time as they head out the door. Let's here it for Anthony, and the winner of Big Brother Canada Season seven Dane!

Everyone gives Dane hugs as the confetti falls. Arisa goes to grab Dane and says he outplayed everyone to win it all! What is going through your mind? Dane says it's a dream come true, he's been watching for 20 years and he doesn't even know what to think.

Arisa asks, what do you think your father would say right now? Dane says he knows he's proud of him. Mental health is a serious issue. It's OK to not be OK, but it's not OK to stay in that mind frame. Let's hear it one more time for Dane! It was a unanimous vote!

Arisa says Anthony is $20,000 richer. Can he believe he made it this far? Anthony says every single second of every day was hard. All glory to God and he thanks everyone for their support.

​🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨 

May 09, 2019

 ​🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨 

Congratulations to Dane ... won by a unanimous vote

Dane won Part 1 - Kyra won Part 2 (Anthony quit) - Dane won Part 3 and Final HOH - he evicted Kyra - Dane won the season on a unanimous vote

📢Good Thursday Brother-Lovers 

May 09, 2019

📢Good Thursday Brother-Lovers 

AND WARMLY WELCOME TO ALL OUR NEW MEMBERS <3 It's Day 69🍁 of Big Brother Canada 7

Yesterday, Big Brother Canada 7 aired a special eviction show - though it's really not that special, since something like that happens every single season at this time. It's really just about finding a way in order to create some "drama" at this point in the season.

Ultimately, the main crux of tonight's show, at least for us, revolved around Adam Pike and whether or not he could find a way to escape the difficult situation he was in. He entered tonight's episode of the obvious target, and was won a ton of competitions and was not involved in much back-stabbing as Dane. If you're Head of Household Dane, of course you're going to want to take him out. We hope that maybe he was bluffing on that idea, but he wasn't, and he also proved it tonight.

After Dane won the Veto, which was a particularly awesome challenge made into a giant video game, then had an opportunity to control the rest of the vote. He decided to let Anthony cast the deciding vote and following that, Anthony made the decision to evict him from the game. We do feel for Adam, given that he is such a big competitor.

The real winner for Adam going home now is Anthony, mostly because he's got a better chance of winning the final Head of Household now. Really, the same for Kyra. Really, to us the big loser tonight is Dane. If Adam stayed in the game, Dane would've had someone who'd take him to the final two. Now, he is going to final three with two people who would likely take each other.

Ultimately, the thing that shocked us was just how emotional all of the guys got over this decision - they really agonized over it, for better and for worse. Adam did some really good points, as well, making an argument to Anthony that he had, would take him to the final two because he had a better chance or beating him. We don't know if he actually meant it, but it was at least a good argument to present. It just, unfortunately, didn't work out for him and it wasn't enough to keep him in the game.

If Big Brother Canada does bring back returning players, you gotta think that Adam is a candidate for it. He really grew on a lot of people all season, really to the point where now, he is seemingly the most popular person in the entire Pretty Boys group.

Tonight's Show!

May 08, 2019

Arisa lets the big breaking news sit in that a special eviction will be taking place. We're going to catch up on what's gone down since Adam and Kyra have been put on the block. 

We pick up at the nomination ceremony on day 63. Adam says he's on the block but the boys are telling him he's a pawn to get Kyra out. But he has a feeling something is going on. However, if he wins the veto then he controls his own fate.

Kyra says they're on the block, but they know there's a plan to get Adam out and they hope they keep their word even though they've been working together. Dane says he feels bad, but Adam is too dangerous to keep in the game and there's no way he beats him in the final two.

Kyra asks Dane what he's telling Adam if they're the target and Dane says he's not telling him anything. Kyra says he hasn't asked? Dane says no. Dane says they need to make him feel comfortable because as soon as he doesn't feel comfortable that's when he becomes the marine. Kyra says they just want clear communication and Dane says that's what he's doing. Kyra says they don't have much of a choice other than to trust them. Right now, only Anthony can vote to evict someone. It comes down to this veto competition.

The veto competition is called Veto Hunter. They've stepped into a larger than life video game. They'll explore and find a question box and they'll have to search for the HGs faces to answer that question. When they think they are right they lock in their answer and if they're right they'll release a veto. If they collect five coins and put them in a box one at a time that will take one minute off their time.

Kyra wants to win so they can have the sole vote to evict Adam and have that on their resume. The first question to answer is Evicted with three votes. Kyra has found Cory, Damien, and Este. Kyra goes up in the first room and overlooks the box. They set off through the rest of the video game and they realize their error and go turn back. Kyra says it's essentially set up like a maze and it's easy to get turned around. Kyra makes it back to the room with the pink box and they don't see it again. They are in full panic mode and they cannot find this buzzer. They are back in the room with the buzzer and they are getting emotional and they say let's see how ashamed Kyra can be today.

Kyra goes back and says there is obviously no pink buzzer. They say they must be missing something big and they finally figure it out and find the buzzer and they release the first veto. Kyra says they are the dumbest player in BBCAN history. Kyra is on to the next question and they are getting frustrated. Kyra says surprise, surprise Kyra fails yet again. They finally buzz in and say they tried their best, but it wasn't very good.

Adam is up next and he says he's seen competitions like this before. He finds those evicted with three votes and releases the veto. He finds the questions nominated on day 27 and HoH's who nominated Damien. He is trying to work on two days at once, but he's forgotten about the second question. He finds the question evicted on an even number day. He buzzes in to finish and he is trying to figure out what he's missed. He's also answered the question sat next to Estefania on the block.

Adam goes into the box with nominated on day 27 and that's the question he missed, but he can't find the question. He keeps looking and says he can't find the right room.

Adam tells us he needs to answer one more question but he can't seem to figure out where it is. In the meantime, he's collecting all five coins to take a minute off his time. Adam finally finds the question he missed and he says omg, I forgot to go back to this question. He was HoH on day 27 so he knows the answer. He says idiot, he honestly feels stupid.

Anthony is up next and he finds the first question, evicted with three votes. He knows Adam and Dane will do well with this competition and he knows he won't be as fast, but he's still going to bust his butt out there. He has Este and Damien and he's wrong. He feels behind so he has to do two questions at once to go fast. He knows day 27 was a double eviction. He can't find Eddie and he finally finds him and takes him to the question room. He rings in and he's incorrect. Anthony says this video game is one of the hardest things he's ever done.

Anthony says he's sweating, he's panting, and he's struggling to move around. Anthony struggled to get into a new room and his time is up. He says that's OK, he can count on his number two player to make the shot.


Dane says finally! A competition geared towards small dudes, plus he knows his days. Dane has Chelsea, Kiki, Kyra, and Eddie for nominated on day 27. He answers Chelsea, Dane, Damien, and Mark on the next one. He answers Mark, Sam, Damien, Cory, and himself for those who sat next to Este. Evicted on even days he has Kailyn, Sam, Mark, and Cory, but he has one wrong. He yells Kiki! He goes to get Kiki and adds her and he's wrong. He says what the heck am I getting wrong? He realizes Sam is wrong and he remembers it's Laura. He finally gets Laura. He says all those girls that don't like him are coming back to haunt him. Dane says that's not good. Pikes got that one.

In last place, with a time of did not finish is Anthony and he smiles. In third place with a time of 54:05 is Kyra. And the winner with a time of 25:10 is Dane! Adam wants to know his time and he was four minutes behind him. Dane says he has all the power at this last point in the season. four HoH's and two Vetoes. He's not done yet!

The HGs all head inside and Adam says what he did wrong. He says he's such an idiot. Dane says now that he has control of everything, he won't use the veto and Anthony will have to send Adam home. Dane says with great power comes great responsibility. He's celebrating in the blue room and Adam comes in and he says it's the Adam and Dane show. He says he loves Adam as they hug. Adam says he's so glad he pulled that out. Anthony comes in and Adam says are we doing this? They pose and Dane says it's so damned hard being this damned pretty. Legends!

Adam is talking to Dane and says he doesn't have to worry right? Dane says no. Adam says he just wants them to make final three and Dane says that would be epic. Anthony comes down and Adam says this is by far the best alliance ever in BBCAN history. Adam says whenever an alliance has gotten this far, someone has always backstabbed someone else. Arisa says when we come back, we'll check in with all of the jury members.

The jury house got a little more crowded when Mark moved in to join Sam, Cory, Este, and Damien. We see them dancing and they are saying it's like a vacation. They do lots of fun things. Este and Damien spend morning playing the ukulele. Damien thinks they'll see Adam and Sam says Mark isn't part of the guys' alliance, but she's always wrong so she doesn't know.

Mark says he feels a bit let down and he says no one will be able to create what The Pretty Boys did. They are a legacy. Back at the jury house, they don't think Kyra will join them and Mark comes in. Mark says he has so much to share and he is excited to tell them how the season went down. This season wasn't called Big Brother, it was called The Pretty Boys evicted everyone. Sam is happy Mark is there, but she's also mad. Mark says they controlled the entire house and Sam says Mark was in the alliance with the boys. Cory is so angry with Anthony...he lied to her! Damien says he sees why he didn't fit in the four, they all have huge egos and Mark is clapping himself on the back.

Mark shows the footage of Kyra winning HoH and Cory thinks that it was great it was Kyra won that pivotal HoH. Sam knows Kyra is struggling and seeing them pull out a win, they love it. Mark says now that he's in jury he can sway the jury votes any way he wants. Which Pretty Boy does he want to win? We see them all in a hot-tub and they toast to the season and seeing who will be joining them.

Arisa reminds us the finale is tomorrow night. Everyone still inside has been busy plotting and campaigning. Adam wants to talk to Anthony. Adam says Arisa just told them there's a surprise eviction and it's time to talk to the boys and get to the bottom of things. Adam asks Anthony are we doing this and he replies I think so. Dane joins them in the HoH and Adam says it's all up to Anthony.

Anthony heaves a sigh and Adam is looking back and forth between Dane and Anthony. Anthony says this game...Adam says you aren't doubting anything, are you? Anthony says let's talk to him Dane and Adam says come on guys. Adam says that's all we talked about is us three going to the finals. Adam asks if they are evicting him? Adam says you know how much I wanted this. Dane says trust me, I know Pikes. Adam says are you cutting me loose? Anthony nor Dane will make eye contact.

Adam gets emotional and says I thought we were doing this. Adam says what happened to the prettiest three sitting in the finals? Adam says if he won he was keeping Anthony. 100%, he didn't care. Anthony says Adam is one of the greatest to ever play this game. There's no beating him. Adam says it hurts. He would never in a million years turn his back on them, he didn't care if he was winning or not. Adam stands up and fist bumps both and leaves the HoH room. Anthony and Dane both get emotional and Dane says he feels sick. He says this is the hardest move. He tells us he doesn't want to do it, but no one is beating him. He didn't come to finish in second or third, but his hurts. He's taking a guys dream away and he feels awful.

Adam says he feels hurt and betrayed, but he isn't rolling over. Since Anthony is casting the sole vote, he's the only one he has to talk to. They head to the blue bedroom and he says Anthony is better off keeping him because Dane will take Kyra because he beats them. Adam says if he stays he would take Anthony. He says Dane is phenomenal, he's played a great game and he can't beat him in Final Two. He tells Anthony if he keeps him, he promises to take him to Final Two.

Dane won the PoV competition and the house is full of emotion. It's now time for the veto ceremony. Arisa calls all the HGs to the living room. Arisa tells them they are all having a huge impact on the outside world and we hear from various fans who are saying they are inspirational in a variety of ways such as working out, being a strong black man, being a strong person despite what you go through in life, and seeing a non-binary person on television.

They all clap and say good job, guys. Arisa says we are about the shift gears. We're about to get to the biggest veto ceremony of the season. Dane can keep the nominations the same or remove Kyra or Adam for the block and Anthony would go up for eviction. Dane says this is the hardest decision he's ever had in the game and he has decided not to use the power of veto.

Adam and Kyra each have a final speech for Anthony. Kyra says they hope Anthony makes a game move that is best for his game. Adam says Dane will take Kyra if Anthony keeps them and if neither he nor Dane will take each other if he stays. Adam says he hopes he'll keep him and if he votes him out he respects the decision.

Anthony says he has played to defend his people, but now he has to make a decision for himself. He says Adam is the biggest competition beast of all time. He is a legend, a hall of Famer, THE marine and they will be brothers for the rest of his life. He's sorry brother, he has to evict Adam. Adam gives Anthony a hug and Arisa says Adam has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. Adam goes to give Dane a hug and Kyra gets a hug and Adam heads upstairs.


Arisa is with Adam and she says he's too pretty for this and he didn't think they were going to backstab him like that. He had a gut feeling, but he didn't want to believe it was true. He says this stings. It took him 20 minutes to create that alliance and he didn't think they'd do that to him. He's feeling the most betrayed by Anthony. He thinks Dane will win the final HoH and take Kyra and Anthony will regret that.

Arisa asks about his relationship with Samantha. Adam says it was very real and she definitely stole his heart. Arisa says what will she say when she sees him and he says she'll probably be upset. Arisa says Adam should know he's respected and loved and he accomplished his dream of creating a dominant alliance. Arisa can't wait for tomorrow night and either Dane, Kyra, or Anthony will win Big Brother CanadaSeason 7!

📢Good Wednesday Brother-Lovers <3

May 08, 2019

📢Good Wednesday Brother-Lovers <3

It's Day 68🍁 of Big Brother Canada 7 Week 10

Tonight, we watch the Big Brother Canada 7 week 10 Power of Veto competition play out. We will see one player leaving a surprise eviction, and this will take us to the final three players. We also see the start of the first part of the final Head of Household competition.

In reality, we are a few days behind because this eviction really happened on Saturday. We already know who won the Veto, Dane. This gift him all the power this week determine which two players would be with him in the Big Brother Canada 7 final. It's pretty clear that he wants to take Anthony along with him. This left Kyra and Adam on the chopping block.

Dane has been working with Adam, Anthony, and newly evicted market all season. The Pretty Boys claimed they wanted to go to the end together. However, Adam seems like a big threat — competition wise. They might have no chance of taking him out at the final three. Kyra has won one competition all season, so they don't seem like a competition threat.

Tonight pre-recorded eviction will come down to whether to be loyal to the Pretty Boys to the end, or increase their chances of winning the game. We expect Anthony and Dane to evict Adam.

Anthony will be the one to cast the vote, but Dane and him will agree to it. We expect Adam to be the fourth place finisher and a little devastated to get this far but not make the final.

Who do you think will leave the Big Brother Canada 7 house tonight?

Complete TV schedule for the rest of this season BBCAN 2019

Wednesday, May 8th A Special Eviction Episode 7PMThursday,

May 9th The Big Finale! 8PM


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Why Anthony Should Win Big Brother Canada

May 08, 2019

Why Anthony Should Win Big Brother Canada

We already covered the games of Adam and Kyra. Now it’s time for a look at Anthony’s Big Brother Canada game. Anthony was one of the dominant members of the Pretty Boys. What he lacked in competition wins, he made up for in his influence with other players. Many players trusted him or they wanted to be his ally, especially some of the early evicted players like Kailyn, Eddie, and Maki.

No one trusted Anthony more than Cory. Cory became his true ride or die, which was a good person to pick. She had the competition prowess that could have eventually matched Dane and Adam’s wins, which is why the Pretty Boys needed her to go. She was a major pawn in Anthony’s game, but a thorn in the rest of the Pretty Boys’ plans. Cory helped Anthony get out his biggest rival, Sam, but she made an enemy of Adam.

This turned out terrible for Cory, because she left the following week, but it helped propel Anthony closer to the finals. He formed an early bond with Kyra, which made it easy for him to manipulate her. This then helped the Pretty Boys get out some players like the Young Bloods Este and Kiki. Anthony played more of a mastermind-esque game all season. He was able to sit back and let his allies and others do all the hard work, while still getting his way most weeks.

Anthony has a few major game flaws. The first one is his lack of competition wins. In some of the older Big Brother seasons, competitions wins weren’t regarded with as much weight. However, modern Big Brother is all about the competition wins. If you don’t win enough of them, the jury doesn’t seem to take you as serious. So far, Anthony has only won one competition. If he ends up next to Kyra in the final two, then competitions become a moot point.

If he ends up next to Adam or Dane, then he’s not looking too good. The jury can easily see it as the Pretty Boys carried him along to the end. However, he could also argue that his social skills allowed him to never touch the block. If you don’t have the competition wins, then your social and political game could win you points with the jury.

Anthony’s second big game flaw is his arrogance and treatment of some of the jury members. They won’t be too enthusiastic to give a guy who talked badly about them, either behind their backs or to their faces, the prize money. He also talked a big game but didn’t win enough competitions to back it up.

His influence over others and how he made a lot of the major Pretty Boy decisions will help him argue his mastermind case. He just might have angered a few too many jury members to really have a fighting chance. He also can only say he did the behind the scene work, which the other Pretty Boys could easily dispute those claims if they feel like it.

Do you think Anthony deserves to win Big Brother Canada 7? Let us know in the comment section below.

Why Adam Should Win Big Brother Canada

May 07, 2019

Why Adam Should Win Big Brother Canada

It’s the end of Big Brother Canada 7 time. To honor the road to the end, we’ll have a few special posts to help move us towards Thursday’s season finale. This post starts a series of posts where we’ll access the game of the final four players. We’ll discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of their Big Brother Canada games so far. Adam is up first. From now until we get through all four, we’ll be doing a post each day about the final four players’ games, and we’ll discuss why they deserve to win Big Brother Canada 7 and what might stop them from winning the game.


Let’s dive right into Adam’s game.


Throughout the season, Adam has been a physical beast, dominating one competition after another. Dane and him matched and broke some Big Brother Canada records with their competition wins. These wins helped secure that the Pretty Boys made it this far in the game. If Adam didn’t win so many competitions, then he would have probably been evicted way earlier in the game. The Pretty Boys would have also been targets, and they would have left the house never to have their names mention in Big Brother history.


Adam not only won competitions to keep himself and his alliance safe, he influenced his closest non-Pretty Boy allies, like Kyra, Sam, and Chelsea. This influence also helped keep the Pretty Boys in the game. The only reason Mark made it to fifth place was because Adam helped flip the target onto Kiki and off his fellow Pretty Boy.

And let us not forget that the Pretty Boys wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for Adam. On day one, he had a plan: He chose three guys that he believed would be loyal and had individual strengths. This created this nearly unstoppable alliance. Without having at least a decent read on people, he would not have known the right three to pick. Despite some talk, overall, they did stay loyal and each member had a major part in their game dominance. They also had an overall decent strategy of infiltrating other groups and making themselves seem loyal to others before the Pretty Boys.


Where Adam fell short was his loyalty. There were moments in the game where he should have cut a Pretty Boy, or picked the wrong one to cut. Last week, Anthony and Adam should have voted to evict Dane over Mark. It would have completely changed the outcome of this week, and likely ensured that Adam made the final two and very likely won the game. But Adam was too loyal to his boy Dane, who was nowhere near as loyal to him.


Adam also lacked some social skills, especially when Sam was in the house. He didn’t socialize with enough people outside his group. This helped him become the villain in the eyes of many of the other players (mainly because of his competition wins, and the Pretty Boys slandering him behind his back). If Adam made it to the final two, he would have had a hard time shaking his villainous reputation. Half the jury members were not Adam fans.

Adam made history with his competition wins, he formed the most dominant alliance in BBCAN history, and he showed a true passion and love for the game. Adam has also had one of the most interesting character arcs this season, so it would been a thrilling finale to see him make it to the finals and win– fulfilling his lifelong dream as a Big Brother Canada super fan.

Why Kyra Should Win Big Brother Canada

May 07, 2019

Why Kyra Should Win Big Brother Canada

Yesterday, we examined Adam’s Big Brother Canada game, its strengths and weaknesses. Now we continue our game assessment with Kyra. Kyra is one of the most interesting players to examine because they had the most growth during the game.

Big Brother Canada 7 started with Kyra as the emotional player that everyone wanted out of the house. They seemed like an easy target. However, their lack of competition skills made them a non-threat. They then grew from easy target to pawn star. As a pawn star, they were able to get comfortable with many of the heavy hitters, which made many targets before them.

At the beginning of the game, Kyra was able to show their observational skills; this helped them assess potential threats. Kyra was the first player to really laser in on the Pretty Boys, but their lack of competition wins made it hard for them to really make any major moves. Through the latter part of the game, they got close to almost all of the Pretty Boys, which made them a more useful pawn in the Pretty Boys’ games than any of the other players.

Kyra also won one of the most critical Head of Household competitions. They then became the first person to take out a Pretty Boy. We mean they only had Pretty Boys to pick from, but that might earn them a little credit with the jury.

Kyra’s biggest game flaw was how easily other players manipulated them. They were manipulated by the Pretty Boys into keeping Mark the first time, then they were constantly manipulated to do the Pretty Boys’ will. Additionally, Kyra seems to not quite understand that they really had no major part in the moves made this season. However, they believe themselves to be this great player. If they argue this in the final two, it could make the jury turn against them as a possible winner. They might see Kyra as too lacking in game awareness to be the winner of the season.

One of the main things Kyra has done is help play up them being a weak competitor, which increased their chances of becoming the final two goat. Depending on which Pretty Boy they’re up against, a bitter jury could easily award Kyra the win, for not being as offensive as the other choice. Kyra could also discuss their journey, where they were kind of on their own all season. They didn’t have a big strong alliance behind them to back them up. They had to get to the end by themselves. Every week was critical for them and Kyra had to survive multiple times on the block.

Of the final four, Kyra would have the hardest time convincing the jury that they deserve to win over any Pretty Boy, but stranger things have happened in the Big Brother world. And if the right variables come together, Kyra could definitely take home the crown.

What do you think of Kyra’s game? Do they deserve to win Big Brother Canada 7? Let us know by commenting below.

📢Good Monday Brother-Lovers <3

May 06, 2019

📢Good Monday Brother-Lovers <3



It's Day 66🍁 of Big Brother Canada 7 Week 10


Complete TV schedule for the rest of this season BBCAN 2019

Sunday, May 5th See The BBCAN Awards 8PMWednesday, May 8th A Special Eviction Episode 7PMThursday, May 9th The Big Finale! 8PM

The Final Four Battle for HOH

Week 10 Head of Household Competition

For this Head of Household competition, the houseguests must look at clues to figure out which Power of Veto competition is being described.

Round 1- Adam gets a point

Round 2- Dane gets a point

Round 3-Dane got a point

Round 4-Dane got a point

Round 5-Adam got a point

Round 6-Dane got a point

Round 7-Didn’t get that far.

Dane won Head of Household, and he made it to the final three.

Adam starts to cry about losing this HOH, while Dane is excited about it. Then Adam gets over the lost enough to congratulate him about his win. He tells Dane that he just has a feeling that he’s going this week. Dane tells him to just win the Veto. The say they can’t let Kyra win the Veto.

In DR, Dane says that he doesn’t really know if Adam is good this week. He needs to discuss with Anthony whether they’re getting rid of Adam or Kyra this week.

BBCAN7 Awards

Sara from BBCAN3 comes to dress the houseguests for the Big Brother Canada awards. It has a 70s theme attire.

Award 1: Best Caught in the Act Moment

Winner: Sam and Adam

Award 2: Favorite Bugging Out Moment

Winner: Have-Not meltdown

Award 3: You’re “How Old?” Moment

Winner: Cory is 29.

Award 4-Best Grooves Baby Moment

Winner Damien raps

Then they get to see a video tribute of their time in the house.

BBCAN7 Week 10 Nominations

With only three to pick from, who will this week’s HOH nominate for eviction?

Anthony asks Dane not to put him on the block, so he can go all season without hitting the block. During the Wendy’s date, Dane explains to Adam that Anthony doesn’t want to go on the block. He tells him that he needs to nominate Adam and Kyra.

Anthony and Dane then discuss if they should take out Adam or Kyra to the final three.

Kyra overhears Dane and Anthony’s conversation and kind of throws a tantrum. Anthony confronts them about it.

Dane nominates Adam and Kyra.

Do you want to see Adam win Big Brother? Let us know in the comment section below.

Tonight's Show!

May 05, 2019

 Previously, on Big Brother Canada, when Kyra put up Dane and blindsided Adam, the Pretty Boys stopped calling the shots and sta. With everything on the line at the veto competition, the alpha dog held on for his fourth veto win of the season. Then Kyra replaced Adam with Mark the pawn beside Dane the target. Facing sudden death, Dane turned on the waterworks and after Kyra bought the act, Dane made a monumental move by pulling on the guru's heartstrings and played the loyalty card.

With Anthony conflicted, Mark, the braniac made an epic error and after casting Mark adrift, the guru masterfully mastered Kyra to do the same. And on eviction night a 2-0 vote sent the first Pretty Boy to the jury. 

Tonight, who will win HoH and guarantee their spot in the finale. Will the Pretty Boys sweep the BBCAN awards? It's all groovy baby on Big Brother Canada!

We pick up on eviction night on day 62. The final four hug and they say BBCAN7! Anthony says one of the Pretty Boys had to go, this was the end of a great era and he had to let Mark go because he trusted Dane more. Dane says he used his strong social game and some crocodile tears to convince them he needed to stay. He can't believe he pulled that off! He goes to the blue bedroom and celebrates, and he says he's going, top two baby.

Adam says he's in top 4, but he's super stressed out because of a conversation he had with Kyra before eviction. We see Kyra telling Adam that they decided to keep Dane and he wants to know who that's coming from and he confronts Dane and wants to know if Dane and Anthony are planning something against him. Adam goes to Anthony and he wants to know if Kyra wants Dane to stay to take Adam out? Adam is afraid everyone is going to gang up on him and he wants to shake hands and agree to final three. Adam tells he's confused on what's going on right now and he doesn't know who to believe or to trust. But whoever wins this next HoH secures their spot in Final Three and he needs to win this.

We see the start of the HoH competition called Name That Mission. They will be showed HGs photos one at a time and when they can identify the veto competition those HGs played in, they hit their buzzers and name the competition. If they are correct, then they get a point. If they are incorrect, then the others will get a chance to buzz in for the point. The HGs with the most points will be the new HoH.

Dane says he needs to win this HoH because he was almost out the door last week. It's his dream to go to the finale and he's going to take himself there. The first mission is up and we see Chelsea's picture followed by Maki and Adam buzzes in and answers On a Roll and he is correct. Adam has 1 point.

Mission two is up and we see Estefania and Eddie and Dane buzzes in and he answers Spaced Out and he is correct. Adam and Dane both have 1 point. Anthony has 0 points. Anthony says he's put so much work in his social game so if he feels good regardless who wins. Study his days for what?!? He doesn't need to do that.

Mission three is up and we see Cory and Chelsea and Dane buzzes in and answers competition Beast Hall of Fame and he is correct. Dane has two points, Adam has 1 point, and Anthony has 0.

Mission four is up and we see Kyra and Damien and Dane answers Miner Delay. Kyra says they kept Dane to take out Adam and they can't believe they are saying this...but go Dane. Dane is correct and he has three points, Adam has 1 point, and Anthony has 0.

Mission 5 is up and we see Estefania and Adam buzzes in and says Wendy's challenge and he is correct. Dane has three points, Adam has two points, and Anthony has 0 points. two questions remain. If Dane gets this next one right he will be the HoH. Adam says his heart is beating out of his chest right now and he doesn't know who he can trust so he wants to win this. Dane says he needs this to secure his spot in the finale. He is so close to the finale he can taste it.

Mission 6 is up and we see Anthony and Dane buzzes in and screams and yells Balls Out and he is correct, and he wins the HoH! He is yelling and celebrating, and he gets emotional. He thanks everyone.

Dane says he can't believe it. He says one second he was going out the door and now he's going to finale night. He knew it was going to be a tough journey to get to Top 3, but his dream came true. The HGs all head inside and Kyra is in the storage room and says that's why we kept Dane and not Mark. Mark wouldn't have been as fast with the buzzer. Adam is in the bathroom area sitting with his head down. He says he could have won that. Anthony comes in and pats him on the back and he says he could have won that. Anthony walks back out and Adam sighs.

Dane heads into the storage room to celebrate some more and says Let's Go! He says you do need me, Anthony! Dane says season seven winner...Dane Rupert. He sits in the refrigerator and says he's so hot. He nods and smiles and Adam comes in and says he's not mad at him. Adam says he studied so hard and he's just and Dane says he loves him and he gives him a hug. He says the whole time it was between them. Adam says he feels like he's going home. Dane tells him he needs to win the veto. Dane says they can't let Kyra win. Dane says PoV means everything.

Kyra comes into the storage room and asks if Dane and Adam are hungry and they are quiet. Kyra leaves and Dane says he's proud of him. Dane says between the two of them they have seven HoH's. Dane says he's telling Adam he's good, but to be honest, he doesn't know if he is good. He needs to get with Anthony, his ride or die, and decide if Adam is good. Anthony and Dane are in the bathroom area and Dane says he has no idea what to do here and Anthony says realistically, it's his win, but at the same time he'd love to not touch the block for the whole season. Dane says they'll talk later and make up a game plan.

Dane says Anthony tells him he doesn't want to touch the block and if he makes Final Two without touching the block, that proves his resume and that's concerning to him. Kyra is downstairs with Adam and Kyra asks does it feel real we're the final four? Anthony walks by and says it's just a dream.

Who wants to see Dane's HoH room? Dane has a picture of Coco and she is the love of his life, but they are best friends and he misses her. Dane's video is from Coco and she says they knew he'd be killing it and everyone gets super psyched to watch him on TV and they are super supportive and he should expect a few chirps for some things they've seen him do on TV.

Adam heads out of the HoH leaving Kyra and Anthony with Dane. Dane step one? Anthony says stop one. Kyra says that's why kept you. Dane says I finally pulled my weight and Kyra says you always have, just against me. Kyra says they feel like Adam knows and Dane says they'll talk later. Kyra leaves and Dane and Anthony fist bump. Anthony says that's the biggest win of the season. Dane says he'll tell Adam he swore to Anthony that if he kept him he wouldn't put him on the block.

The final four are lounging and we hear a doorbell and Sarah, the Season three winner, shows up and says it's time for the BBCAN awards. She tells them they are a bit casual and they are about to get groovy. She takes them to the HoH room where they have new outfits. Anthony says he's going to look so wavy. He says you can't knock what he's wearing. Adam comes out and models his outfit next, followed by Dane and he takes out his teeth. He says he looks like a million dollars. Kyra comes out next and Dane says 20 out of 10 and Sarah says she got disco fever.

It's time for the Seventh Annual BB Canada awards and she introduces Dane, then Adam, then Kyra, and finally Anthony. The final four are in a big bed to watch the awards and Sarah made them a special treat that matches her outfit and she joins them on the bed. They have martinis and they cheer to the final four. Sarah takes a few snacks and heads out.

The nominees for favorite caught in the act moment are Este and Dane and Sam and Adam. We see a clip of Este and Dane making out and Adam walking in on them and Este saying nothing happened. Dane says this is so embarrassing to watch and he apologizes to his mom. Then we see a clip of Adam and Sam kissing and Chelsea walking in on them. Anthony is dying of laughter. The award goes to...Adam and Sam!

The nominees for favorite bugging out moment... Blood Veto gone and Have-Not Closing. We see the clip of Dane talking about nominations and him going into the lounge and seeing the blood veto is gone and going to tell Sam and blaming Adam for taking it. We then see a clip from the trivia from the quiz to close the Have-Not room. We see Kyra crying and Dane getting mad. The award goes to...Have-Not Closing! Dane says good prank Big Brother!

The nominees for you're how old moment? Cory is 29 and Kailyn is 45. We see a clip of Cory and Eddie talking about how old Cory is and her promising she's 29. Eddie tells her they think she's 40. We then see Kailyn introducing herself and saying she's 29 and Dane saying he doesn't know a 29-year-old who can cook like her. The award goes to...Cory is 29!

The nominees for most excellent groove baby...Damien raps and OMG! We see Damien and all the HGs in the HoH and he's rapping. Dane says this is sic. We then see Anthony singing OMG! And all the HGs doing it at their party. The HGs are all laughing and Anthony covers his face. They think it has to be OMG! The award goes to...Damien raps! Anthony says that OMG song was iconic. It's clearly going down in history!

Adam goes to get colas for the HG. They discuss they can't wait to watch the whole season now. The TV screen switches to show them entering the house and a few random clips from the season. They then have a picture of the HGs of the entire cast and they cheer to season 7.

Kyra and Dane are in the blue bedroom and they are talking about the veto. Dane says it's going to be days and he's just as sure Kyra would have been as good at the last competition as he and Adam. Dane is trying to manage all the relationships in the house and it's a juggling act. Dane tells Kyra that Anthony doesn't want to touch the block.

Dane is bringing Adam to Wendy's because when Adam was HoH he brought him. Dane goes down to pick up the food and he is served Johnny from Season 6. Dane heads back up and tells Adam it was Johnny. Dane tells Adam he thinks Anthony wants the Pretty Boys in the final three and Dane says it'll be us two in final HoH. Adam asks if Dane promised Anthony final two and Dane says no, but he did make a deal to keep him off the block so he'd have a perfect record. Adam says he doesn't want to go on the block and he will 1000% keep Anthony. Adam says if he goes home this week it will break him.

Anthony and Dane are talking about what they want to do for the final three. Dane says you know how it is. He says they have to keep Adam on their side and Anthony says if they're keeping it 1000 like they always have, he'll destroy both Adam and Kyra in final two. Dane says he'd kill them both and between them, it would be 4-3. Kyra walks in and Anthony says he's not going to do well with days. Kyra says they don't need to pretend they are talking about something else, just tell them to go away. Anthony says he's going to go put them in their place right now. That's the last time that happens.

Anthony goes to the blue bedroom where Kyra is and says that's the last time that happens, do you understand? Anthony says do you want to feel trusted? Kyra says I'm trustworthy. Anthony says if we're working together you have to be trustworthy. Kyra says they saw them in the mirror as they walked in and Anthony says so they have to wait for Kyra tell them when they can have a one-on-one conversation? Kyra says you act like you weren't talking game and Anthony says that's the last time you do that man and he walks out.

It's time for nominations! Dane says he's won four HoH's this season and this one is by far the most important. This secured him in the top three. There's not a lot of options left for who to put on the block, but the decision he makes will have a big impact on the rest of his game. He's a huge fan of Big Brother and he knows at this point he has to play with his head and not with his heart.

Time for nominations! Dane's first nominee is...Kyra. Dane's second nominee is...Adam. Dane says he nominated Kyra because why not make history. He's sorry, for the fourth time. He chose to nominate Adam because he is Mr. Veto and he bets his bank account on him winning his fifth veto of the season. Whoever wins veto this week is guaranteed top three and he wishes them all luck.

Kyra says surprise, surprise, guess who's on the block yet again via Dane. Adam says he's OK being on the block because he wants top three with the guys. He just needs to go out and win his fifth veto. Who will win the most important veto of the season? And who will be sent home in a surprise eviction? Find out Wednesday!

It's Day 65🍁 of Big Brother Canada 7 Week 10

May 05, 2019

It's Day 65🍁 of Big Brother Canada 7 Week 10

Complete TV schedule for the rest of this season BBCAN 2019

Sunday, May 5th See The BBCAN Awards 8PM

Wednesday, May 8th A Special Eviction Episode 7PM

Thursday, May 9th The Big Finale! 8PM

Yesterday Arisa appeared on the BBCAN screen and informed the HGs that within minutes the Final Four will become a Final Three.

Arisa "Hello everyone, as you can probably guess I have another major announcement to make. Tonight in just a matter of minutes the final 4 will be the final 3. This is a surprise eviction."


Week 10 Power of Veto

May 04, 2019

Week 10 Power of Veto


Dane won the veto

The final Veto is always critical, because it determines the final three outcome. Whoever wins this important Veto not only secures their spot in the final three, but they get to decide who takes the other spot. It’s essentially the most powerful position of this final week.


Everyone will want this win, even the Head of Household, because then he has a big opportunity to determine the final two people facing off against him. In the Pretty Boys perfect world, it would be them in the final three. However, Kyra messed up their plan of final four last week by winning Head of Household. They then ended Mark‘s game.

Are you happy with these results? Who do you think will get voted out at final four?


May 03, 2019

9:25 AM BBT Sarah Hanlon enters the house and greets the HGs. The feeds cut.
10:00 AM BBT – 4:17 PM BBT  Feeds Down
4:17 PM BBT Adam and Kyra are talking about when the feeds end. Kyra walks into the kitchen before heading into the storage room. Dane is in the kitchen cleaning up. Dane walks into the storage room with Kyra. Dane tells Kyra maybe you will pull out a win. She says if it has anything with days I don’t have a chance. Kyra walks back into the kitchen. Kyra comes and sits by Adam and says it should be fun to watch this season. Dane heads back into the kitchen. Kyra tastes Dane smoothie and tells him it is much better than Marks. Dane says that is because Mark adds bananas to the smoothie. Kyra said I am surprised they did not show the fights. Dane said well you and Anthony won that one. Adam asks what time is it? Kyra says I think it is 5 pm. ADAM IT’S TIME FOR A BATTERY CHANGE. Adam brings the battery box. Kyra says I think we all spent a lot of time in outfits.
4:30 PM BBT Dane says I can’t wait to I am able to go outside. Kyra says me too. Dane says can you believe we have literally been hanging out with each other for 24 hrs a day for 65 days. Kyra says yeah I am surprised I am not sick of you guys. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION!! Dane says what. STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Adam walks off. Dane heads to the couch and lays down. Adam goes into the storage room. Adam walks into the bathroom and lays on the couch. Kyra s stretched on the chairs, Dane is sleeping on the sofa and Adam is laying on the sofa in the bathroom. Dane is snoring.
4:45 PM BBT Dane is still snoring on the sofa. Kyra is looking at the walls. Anthony walks into the area where Kyra is sitting. ANTHONY CHANGE YOUR BATTERIES. Adam is still lying on the sofa. PLEASE RETURN THE BATTERY BOX TO THE STORAGE ROOM. Anthony looks in the fridge and says where are the muffins? Kyra asks Anthony if he is hungry? He says no I was just looking for the muffins. Kyra goes into the storage room and starts pulling out food to cook. Kyra preheats the oven and washes the pan she is going to use. Kyra starts humming. Anthony is going over who won and who played in the competitions. Adam is helping him with the HOH comps, who hosted them, and who won them. Anthony says you know that spider is still alive. Anthony said lets go over it again.
5:00 PM BBT Anthony leaves out. He goes downstairs by Kyra. Kyra looks at the camera and says I am so bored. Kyra asks Anthony why did they give us this if we don’t have wine. Anthony asks Kyra do you want a bite. Kyra tells Anthony that shirt looks good on you. THERE IS ONE HOUR UNTIL THE NOMINATION CEREMONY. THERE IS ONE HOUR UNTIL THE NOMINATION CEREMONY. Kyra walks upstairs. Anthony walks out the bedroom and asks Kyra where are the chicken fingers. Kyra tells him I am fixing taquitos. Kyra goes into the blue bedroom and starts looking for something to wear for the nomination ceremony. Dane is laying in the HOH bed. Kyra asks how does Dane get the wrinkles out of his shirt. Anthony says Wrinkle away. Kyra sticks the shirt in the dryer to get the wrinkles out. Adam asks why is the water different up here than down there. Kyra goes into the HOH room by Dane. kyra offers to bring up some taquitos Dane says no I will come down and get some. He asks Kyra how do you feel. Kyra says it is just a lot but I feel like I am going to win. Kyra tells the camera I am going to win this last veto.
5:15 PM BBT Anthony is going over the days again with Adam. Adam is trying to go by week and Anthony is confused because he wants to go by days. Anthony said it is too much. If I knew it was going to be like this I would have been gone a long time ago. Anthony says why are there so many mental comps. Anthony is throwing the bottle up in the air and catching it. Anthony says how weird was it that we were all right here when the bell rang. Kyra takes the taquitos out the oven to check them. Anthony is now in the kitchen as well. Someone yells in the background. They yell again. Adam is staring at the ceiling. Kyra checks them again. Ane is in the bathroom and says are you ready for the noms. He asks what is in the dryer. Adam says Kyra’s shirt. Adam says I need to pull out a win for tomorrow. Anthony is in the kitchen talking with Kyra. Kyra offers Anthony food. Anthony goes into the storage room to look for sweet and sour dip. Anthony yells out food is ready. Dane and Adam are walking downstairs. Adam comes and fixes his plate and adds salsa. Anthony says I hope they give us three hours outside.
5:30 PM BBT Kyra tells Adam he can take more he says I am good. They start making noises. Anthony and Adam start singing. Anthony goes into the storage room looking through the cabinets and fridge. He comes out and say there is no juice. Adam comes out the storage room and says we need more lemons. Anthony said remember kids would have lemonade stands. Adam said I did not have that but I used to go and sell toys I did not like to kids on the street the day after Christmas. Dane comes into the kitchen. Kyra tells the story about how toothbrush and the bristle was stuck in her throat. Feeds go down at 5:38 PM BBT. They come back at 4:40 PM BBT where Kyra and Adam are cleaning the kitchen. Adam says I am ready I supposed. Adam says I wonder who goes up Kyra says I know I am. Adam says so am I., Kyra says at this time I don’t care it is all about the veto anyway. Anthony is sleeping on the sofa in the bathroom. Kyra is wrapping up the remainder of the taquitos. Adam goes into the bathroom. Kyra heads upstairs to the HOH room and tells Dane I am just coming up here to get my hair stuff. Kyra tells Dane I am glad we kept you.
5:45 PM BBT Kyra said yeah we don’t get along but we do get along. Kyra said I mean what I said when I told you that I want to go to the final with you. Dane says that I meant it when I said it too. Kyra said Anthony played the best social game. Kyra said he would win if he made final two because he didn’t put any blood on his hands. Dane said yeah that is because he was in an alliance and for 8 weeks they all put up who he wanted. Kyra leaves out and Dane says that no they won’t take me to the final two or will they? Kyra, Adam, and Anthony are in the bathroom. Adam sings out BE CAREFUL FOR WHAT YOU WISH FOR DANE. Kyra tells Anthony when I cry my Bells Palsy shows. Dane walks in and Kyra asks him and Dane says no I don’t pay attention but next time I will. Dane says next time I will pay attention to it. Kyra laughs at him. Adam walks into the bathroom. Dane tells him you were a marine last time you got put up. Kyra says I told him to wait until the veto ceremony it is longer. This one doesn’t matter. Kyra says you all look clean and I am in my tracksuit. Anthony aks Dane if this matches. They both go into the HOH room.


6:00 PM BBT Kyra is in the blue bedroom changing from what Kyra had on. Kyra asks Anthony Sketchers or Vs? Anthony changes into a black shirt. Kyra and Anthony are finishing getting dressed. They both leave out the blue bedroom. They all head into the bathroom to brush teeth and do any final touches. Dane is sitting in the chairs under the stairs waiting on everyone else to finish getting ready. 6:07 PM BBT FEEDS GO DOWN they come back up with Kyra brushing Kyra teeth while Adam and Anthony are sitting on the sofa watching Kyra.
7:08 PM BBT Feeds come back. Everyone is in the kitchen area. Everyone is talking about past things that happened. Kyra says there is about 5 hours left. STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Anthony is talking about eating blueberries when he was younger. REMEMBER CANADA IS WATCHING WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE. DANE says hey its me.
7:15 PM BBT Everyone is still sitting around the counter. Adam is talking about when he was little and they would go and pick blueberries and strawberries. Dane says he has not done much in the last two weeks Adam says I have been doing push ups. Dane says he is going to enjoy this last week of vacation. Anthony starts talking about spring break. Kyra says my hair looked so good at the beginning of this season. Dane says yeah mine too. Anthony is sitting in the chair just watching Adam, Dane, and Kyra talking at the counter about different things. Kyra asks Dane and Adam if they want to watch the first episode together. Dane says I think they said they will show it to us. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. They start talking about Kyra’s hair and the Wendy’s comp. Dane says we have a veto competition today. Dane says this is going way to fast today. Adam starts saying shit-fuck repeatedly. He then says someone will go home tomorrow. Adam goes into the blue bedroom and says this is the biggest one yet. Kyra walks upstairs and says this is a fucking crazy day.Kyra goes into the bathroom where Adam is laying on the sofa staring at the ceiling.
7:30 PM BBT Dane is in the HOH counting the days with his fingers while listening to music. Kyra comes out the restroom and leaves out the bathroom. Kyra leans over the balcony looking down at the downstairs area. Dane continues to go over the day


May 02, 2019

10:00 AM BBT As we start the day Adam has prepared breakfast for all the HGs. They are all getting ready to eat. You can hear the comp set being built. Anthony says That was good. This is the first time I ever had eggs with onions on this show. Anthony is putting things away in the fridge; Adam is doing the dishes. Adam says He remembers his dream from last night. It had hgs from last season in it. Anthony says Dreaming about Big Brother while playing Big Brother. Mark is making his egg. Anthony is playing the sock ball game. Dane has joined them and starts playing sock ball with Anthony. Anthony and Kyra are in the HOH Room. Kyra asks him if Anthony asks if he was talking to Adam about them. Anthony says No he is just being cranky. Kyra says We hate how we have to build up Adam’s ego. Anthony says You don’t have to. Kyra says We hate that we are going into Final 4 with the 3 strongest players. Anthony says We all are going into Final 4 with strong players. Kyra says Dane is going to take Adam out. Kyra says they are going to talk to Mark first then Adam. They say they are going to tell Mark that they need to move forward with people they trust and although they have been building trust with him they trust Dane more.
10:15 AM BBT Anthony asks When do they do that dinner you guys were all talking about. Kyra says At top 4. Anthony says Mark will talk to you then Dane; then Adam then me and that will be the end of it. Anthony leaves and Kyra says They are like this and crosses their fingers saying The Brotherhood. Anthony and Adam are in the washroom. Adam says They have no idea what is happening. Anthony says Well you have seen them talking with Dane. Adam says Do you think Dane told them. Anthony says No. He asks Adam if he has talked to Mark yet.Adam says No but I am just going to tell him Mark you never once campaigned to me so I know you want me out. He adds You know if we sit down together for longer it will get heated. Anthony goes to ask for the clippers. Dane and Anthony are playing sock ball. Mark goes into talk to Kyra. They tell him that moving forward they need people to trust and they trust others more than him. Mark says I don’t think this was made overnight. Kyra tells him that they have struggled all week which is why nothing was said until this morning. Mark says To them that he is their best for their game to win. Kyra asks him why he made Final 2 with everyone. Mark says You have had Final 2’s with everyone left. I have no Final 2 with anyone. Mark says I have never thrown out your name as someone to get out as a pawn yes. Mark tells them that week 2 I fought very hard for you to stay. Mark tells them Call everyone in. Kyra says they want to talk to Anthony alone. Mark says He knows that things changed because of how he has been treating me. Anthony comes in and Kyra tells him what Mark said. Kyra says We think have a group meeting. They say to Anthony when you told me Mark was throwing out my name and that never made sense to us because We are an easy person to beat in final 2. Kyra says We don’t want the one person we can possible win against out. Anthony is telling them that Mark has told him.
10:30 AM BBT The conversation continues with Kyra saying he is pushing me for answers. Anthony says We can’t let Adam know that we are using Dane to take out Adam. Adam comes in and Kyra says This week has been rough for us as you know. They continue with We think you Dane and Anthony are good players. They say I want to keep Dane. Adam says So is this you; Anthony and Dane to get me out. Kyra says No. Adam says I don’t believe you right now Kyra. Adam leaves and goes to the washroom where Dane is. Adam says Kyra wants to keep you now is that because you 3 want to gang up on me. Dane says No that isn’t true have I come after you yet in this game. Adam asks If he campaigned against me. Dane says No not until after you won Veto.

10:45 AM BBT The conversation continues with Dane saying No he hasn’t made any other Final 2 deals. Adam says If you did that will be it for me. Dane goes to Kyra. Dane tells Kyra that Adam just questioned him Kyra says We know he said he didn’t believe a word we said. Dane says Adam believes him and it breaks his heart but it is Big Brother. Dane tells Adam that Kyra told him they want to keep him because they don’t trust Mark anymore. Adam says I am stressed as f**k right now. Kyra calls Mark back in again. Mark says I will keep it short You do what you want today but I will tell you I will help you take out Adam if you keep me in this game. Mark leaves and heads into the blue room. Anthony and Adam are talking Where Anthony says I know Kyra will take out Mark. Dane is there as well. Anthony says Kyra is not going to win a hundred thousand dollars no matter what. Adam says Is this a real Final 3. They shake on it. Anthony said Would you tell them the most they can win is twenty grand. Adam says Yes I told them earlier this week. Anthony says That’s cold man I can’t do that. Adam says It doesn’t make sense that they want to keep him now when along they wanted him out. Dane says Do you think I didn’t know I was campaigning to an emotional player. He says I just told them I was smart; then they said You deserve to be Final 4 more than Mark does. Adam says I want them out bad man. Dane goes to talk to Kyra and make sure they are okay. Kyra says Who’s to say you guys aren’t playing us. They continue with since you guys told me to tell Adam that line. When we knew he wasn’t going to buy it. Dane says I told Adam that I played the emotional card.
11:00 AM BBT Dane says I have Anthony’s back 100% so that means I have your back. Kyra says We made this decision so why do you only have my back tied in with Anthony. Dane backtracks and says I have your back I just said it wrong. I have never lied to you in this game. Kyra says Stop Dane you have lied to us. Kyra says We just don’t want people to think that Anthony controls us We came up with this plan we know Anthony is taking credit for it. Kyra tells him that We are taking a risk trusting you. Kyra asks Does Adam believe you guys right now. Dane says Anthony is talking to him now. Dane says Mark tells me he is a fan of the show but I don’t think he is a biggest fan as I am. Anthony has been called to the DR. Dane leaves the room saying he will send Anthony up when he is finished in the DR. Kyra says They are going to tell Adam that the reason I want to keep Dane is we came to the realization that Mark would take one of you guys before us. Adam is telling Dane about his conversation with Mark. Kyra tells Adam that the reason why they want Mark out is because they are seen as a weak player as is Mark so they needed to increase their chance to get to Final 2. Adam says I am telling you right now if I have the choice in my mind I am not taking a weak player to Final 2. Kyra has gone up to their HOH Room to listen to music.
11:15 AM BBT Adam says I just don’t have time for them and their bulls**t right now. Adam and Dane are saying that they don’t think this will be a double but they do think that they will be mental. Anthony joins Adam and Adam tells him what was said between him and Mark. Adam says he told Mark he knows you don’t like me. Adam says then Kyra comes out of the pantry after talking to Dane and told me their reason for wanting Mark out. Anthony asks Where everyone is? Adam says Kyra in HOH Mark in Red Bedroom Dane in Blue Bedroom. Anthony and Mark are in the blue bedroom where Anthony is telling Mark about his conversation with Adam. Anthony says At the end of the day it is about us 4. Mark says Do I have your vote. Mark says If I don’t that is very shitty. Anthony says You told me you would vote Adam over me so that means you will vote Dane over me. Mark says That is not true man and you know it. Mark says Give me your vote make Kyra vote me out. Kyra comes in and asks to speak to Anthony. Anthony says When you went off on me the other day that hurt man. Mark says Can you give me your vote so I have my friend back.
11:30 AM BBT Mark says Anthony I need your vote man. Sorry if I sound heated. Anthony says No I get it man. Big Brother tells them 4 hours til Live Show. Anthony enters the HOH Room where Kyra tells him that Adam said he doesn’t believe a word we say. Kyra tells him about the conversation they had with Adam downstairs. Anthony says Very good very smart this is our only chance. Kyra says they told Dane this was their idea that Anthony had nothing to do with it. They continue with we just hope Dane is on board with this. Anthony says He is don’t worry start to get dressed and stuff. Feeds go down at 11:35 AM BBT
11:35 AM BBT Feeds come back 11:40 AM BBT With Mark packing up his bags. Adam comes in but no words are exchanged. Kyra moves make into the Blue room from the HOH Room. Adam has been called to the DR. Kyra comes downstairs and Anthony asks if they are okay. They answer with did you find the bearshit. We are scared shitless. Kyra says We have to remind ourselves it is just a game. They tell Anthony that he has his thinking face on. Anthony says He thinks he will be called back in. Kyra says the person that wins the most is gunning for us what are we supposed to do there is nothing we can do to change that. Kyra says You are admitting that if he wins he will take us out. Anthony says think about who Adam took out Eddie.
11:45 AM BBT Kyra says Adam has said all season He will take a strong player to the end. Anthony says that is because Adam seen you guys talking so he has to say things like that. Kyra says We have practised our goodbye speech for the last 3 days. Kyra asks Does Mark think you are going to vote for him. Anthony says Yes. Kyra heads back upstairs. Mark is still in the Blue Bedroom packing up his things. Adam is still in the DR. Anthony in his spot in the nook area; Kyra in HOH Mark in Blue Bedroom Dane nowhere to be seen. You can hear the comp set being built as well as the crew talking. All HGS are preparing for the Live Show today in 3 hours.
12:00pm-8:00 PM BBT – Feeds down
8:00 PM BBT-9:00 PM BBT Feeds Down for the Show by a unanimous vote Mark was evicted (2-0) Dane won HOH
9:15 PM BBT-9:30 PM BBT Feeds Down Feeds Return at 9:43 PM BBT
9:45 PM BBT Everyone is sitting in the bathroom talking about what it will be like to see themselves on TV. Kyra says sometimes they hear their voice on the clips and it sounds like they smoked 80 packs of cigs and they get horse. Feeds down again at 9:49 PM BBT For a quick second then return and Kyra asks Dane if Coco will be jealous of him flirting with Este and he says no she told him to and said if it got him further in the game it was fine. Everyone reminisces on some of their favorite memories of the game and different competitions along with talking about what makes them, “funny” Everyone continues talking and joking back and forth. Conversation switches to love and they talk about how Mark didn’t start dating or talking to girls until he was 21 or 22 and Adam wonders if it’s true that he only had a girlfriend for 3 weeks and Dane and Anthony say they doubt it.

Tonight's Show

May 02, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, against all odds Kyra slayed the four goliaths, and the Pretty Boys final four fantasy went up in flames. With Kyra's first taste of pure power, the underdog went into overdrive to take out the bromance. When it came time for nominations, it was a blockbuster blindside when Kyra put up the two biggest threats in the game. Spiraling from the betrayal, Adam exposed his Pretty Boys and the unstoppable alliance imploded. But in the end, they were loyal to the soil.

In a heist for PoV, Dane and Adam fought for their lives, but the great Dane's slip up cost him everything and the mighty alpha stretched his way to safety. Reeling from his loss, Dane suffered another blow, when Anthony crushed his hopes of salvation. Then at the veto ceremony, Kyra replaced the alpha with a pawn and Dane had lost all hope...or had he. Tonight, the stage is set for a Dane and Mark showdown and tonight a Pretty Boy will fall on Big Brother Canada.

Arisa says our massive two hour season seven finale is just one week away. Let's see what happened after the game-changing PoV ceremony.

We pick up with Adam's speech on day 58 and Kyra's replacement. Mark says there is about 135% chance he's staying this week. No way they keep Dane because he could win the competitions and win this game. Kyra says Dane has put him on the block three times and hasn't managed to get them out. Kyra says they put him up on their first try and they just sealed his fate.

Kyra is in the storage room with Adam and Anthony and they are saying they feel really bad, but it's a game move. Kyra says seeing him cry and this is his dream and he does care about him, but this is his dream and they are taking it away from him. Anthony gives Kyra a hug. Meanwhile, Dane is upstairs in the blue bedroom and he smiles and says he isn't going anywhere. Dane says he doesn't want to go home and he's been playing up his emotions to make people feel sorry for him and there's a chance he can convince people to keep him over Mark.

Kyra is outside and Dane comes out and he wishes him good and says everyone loves an underdog story. Kyra says he played a legendary game. Kyra tells us they know how it feels to sit on the block on eviction night and they feel sorry for him. Dane tells Kyra that he told Adam not to vote for him. Kyra says he can and they can break the tie. They say it's kind of poetic. Kyra says on week two Dane broke a tie to save them on week two and this week they could vote Dane out.

Dane is talking to Adam and says Kyra has a lot of nerve and recaps the conversation and he tells Adam he doesn't want Kyra to have the satisfaction of making the big move of the season. Dane says he needs to convince Anthony and if he can do that he will have the votes.

We see a flashback of Dane and Anthony making a Final Two deal on day three. Dane says they didn't see eye-to-eye sometimes, but they need each other. Dane says Anthony needs him because he can't beat Adam or Kyra in a mental competition but he can. Dane then shows Anthony his suitcase where he's been studying every day. He says he's been watching for 20 years and he loves this game and he can beat Adam and Kyra in the final competition. Dane says I need you Pappi, just like I know you're going to need me down the stretch. He says his back is against the wall. Anthony doesn't say anything but they fist bump and Dane leaves the room.

Arisa says in a few minutes, either Dane or Mark will be sent packing. But let's head back in for more fallout from the Pretty Boys falling apart. Mark and Anthony are in the hot-tub and Dane is getting in. Dane says he's dedicated his life to hockey and improving his skills. He says size did matter and being five foot seven was a difficult challenge and always hearing you were too small puts a fork in the heart. He is talking to Mark about hockey. Dane says when he had to quit hockey he was at a loss, but everything happens for a reason. He tells Mark and Anthony everything led him to here.

Mark says he's ready for eviction night to get here so they can get rid of Dane already. He and Anthony need to start thinking about next week and Adam is still going to be there and he can win PoV. Mark says if Adam and Anthony are in the Final Two, he'd have to give his vote to Adam. Anthony tells us excuse me?!? You have the audacity to say you'd vote for Adam over me in Final Two? He says Mark will never understand how loyal he's played the game.

Anthony goes to talk to Adam in the storage room and he says Dane deserves to be here more than Mark. Anthony tells Adam Mark told him he came to win and play. Adam says Mark wants to take Kyra to a Final Two. Anthony says he'll ask Adam once and then never again, will they go to the Final Two? Adam nods and Anthony seems to be on board with voting out Mark.

Arisa says the jury will decide in one week who will be the season seven champion. The population at the jury house doubled last week, let's see how they are getting along. Sam opens the door and says jury life has refilled her tank. She says it allows you some time to think about everything that has happened in the game. She doesn't think Dane, Adam, or Kyra will come next. She says it's hard to say. Cory says she's on her way to the jury and she's the reason Sam went home. They hug when Cory arrives and she says they are about to have the most satisfying I told you so. Sam says she's over the moon to see Cory because she was telling the truth.

Cory says there was a guy's alliance and she and Sam make the Pretty Boy sign. Cory says Adam is the reason she's there and Sam is over the moon her man is still there fighting for her. Este says she's nervous to see Cory and Sam and she doesn't think they are expecting her. Este comes in and says hey pretty girls. She's still processing everything and still trying to figure things out. They talk about the alliance and Este says she hates them all.

Damien says it's weird being out of the house. Dane putting him on the block was a surprise. Cory is very sad that it's Damien coming in. Damien is still mad, but he's moving forward as best as he can. Damien tells him Dane put him up and Cory says she can't handle it. Sam says The Pretty Boys don't want to make big moves. Este says she's talked bad about Dane all day and then she finds out Damien was the one who voted her out. Este says being a jury member gives them time to put things together and Damien says you can fill in all the gaps. Sam says may the best player win and they all say cheers.

Since Day one, the Pretty Boy alliance has had a massive stranglehold on everything in the house, but in a few minutes, that alliance will be broken up. Let's take a front row seat for some incredible gameplay. Anthony goes to talk to Dane and he says he needs Dane to understand some things. He says his loyalty was with him this entire game and Dane did some pretty disloyal things. He says he was in every person's head doing what he could for their game. His definition is ride or die is a little different from Dane's definition, but at the end of the day, he's a man of his word. Dane says he promises he never had a vision they wouldn't make it. Anthony says he wants to make it clear, him keeping Dane is not because he needs him. He doesn't need his puzzle, or his winning a mental competition. He says Dane's social game was great, but he had a huge assist. Dane says he's always been loyal to Anthony and he knows he's an intelligent guy. He promises he'll take him to Final Two and Anthony says his definition of ride or die is fight to the finish. Dane says he's still going to act like he's going home as he and Anthony hug it out.

Anthony says Kyra really, really wants Dane out but he doesn't want to the Prince of Kelowna to go. So he needs to get Kyra on board just in case he needs them, but he needs Kyra to think it's their idea. Anthony tells Kyra that Mark has been throwing mental competitions and Kyra says which ones and he says all but Drunken Speeches. He tells Kyra you know how Mark is always mumbling a song? Kyra nods. Anthony says it's a song about everything that has happened this season, HoHs, PoVs, and slop. Kyra says then why don't we get rid of him?

Anthony in the DR pauses, smiles, and shrugs.

Back in the HoH Anthony says we can consider that. Anthony says you need to talk to Dane.

Kyra calls Dane and talks to him and says they've talked to Anthony and they realize Mark is shady. Kyra says they also know Adam is going to be very hard to beat. Kyra tells Dane they can convince Anthony to keep him.

Dane cries and says he would do anything to stay and Kyra says they are looking at the game and who deserves to be here and they think Dane deserves to be here. Kyra says Adam is unstoppable and if he can help them, then they can help him. Dane says he can beat Adam and they hug it out. Kyra leaves the HoH and Dane looks at the camera and smiles.

Arisa says HGs should know never to get comfortable until the eviction vote. Just moments ago, Kyra hit Mark with some shocking news. Kyra tells Mark they have their reason not to trust him as much as they trust other people. Mark says you and I know that your best chance to win is with me. Kyra says then why have you been saying my name the last couple of weeks? Mark says he hasn't. He says Anthony can speak well and everyone buys it.

Kyra wants to call Anthony in and talk to him alone. Mark wants to talk to Anthony in the storage room and he wants to know if Anthony wants him in the game. Mark says what do I say to who? Anthony tells him to tell Kyra that if they keep him in the game, he has a better chance to take out Adam. Mark and Anthony hug and Mark says he wants a tie vote.

Mark and Kyra go back to HoH and Mark repeats what Anthony told him to say to Kyra. Mark says Adam can make anyone feel comfortable and Kyra says I know. Arisa says we'll be back with the vote in a minute!

Arisa welcomes us back and says we saw some very last minute drama play out. The vote could go either way. Let's check in with the final five. Dane takes the teeth out and says he hates sitting on the block next to Mark and what an experience and he feels like his time here isn't done and he knows he can help them moving forward. He is proud of what he did this season.

Mark says what a ridiculous experience he shared with Anthony, Adam, and Dane and cool HoH Kyra. Mark says the only question he has is who do they think they have a better chance of beating in a final two? The answer is him. He trusts them and hopes they'll do the right thing.

Time to vote!

Adam votes to evict Mark.
Anthony votes to evict Mark.

By a vote of 2-0, Mark has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house.

Mark gives everyone a hug and heads upstairs. Mark says one more thing! Adam? It was Dane's idea to backdoor Sam during Cory's HoH. Arisa says Mark threw Dane right under the bus and he says it was all for Canada, he doesn't care.

Arisa says Mark was confident going into the vote. What did he miss? Mark says he probably should have campaigned more.

Arisa says Mark talked all season about making a big move and blowing up the alliance.

Arisa asks why Mark didn't take a shot during his HoH and Mark says he didn't have the numbers. Mark says what he should have done is put up Dane and Este and tried to backdoor Adam if he didn't get picked to play in PoV.

Arisa asks who has for the winner and Mark says he hopes Anthony does have it to the end and he has his vote.

Adam says they've done some great things this season and he knew Mark was plotting to get him out of the game and he never campaigned to him. Pretty Boys for life.

Anthony says if he could tell a short story about a guy named Mark, he'd say he is a Big Brother hall of Famer and a member of the strongest alliance in the game, but down the stretch, he couldn't trust he'd be loyal. Dane says Mark knew he and Adam were close, but he didn't know he and Anthony were closer. Kyra says they didn't think they could take out Adam without Dane's help.

We have a final four, now we need a new HoH. This challenge is to identify the veto competition based on who competed in. In front of them is a mission log and it will reveal five HGs one face at a time. When they think they know it they will buzz in, If they are correct they will get a point. If they are wrong, the other two will get an opportunity to buzz in and get a point, and the HGs with the most points will be the new HoH.

Our first mission is up and we see Chelsea. After a moment, Adam buzzes in and answers on a roll and we see a clip and Adam is correct and has a point.

Next mission we see Estefania... then Eddie. Dane buzzes in and answers Spaced Out. We see a clip and Dane is correct. Adam and Dane have a point each.

Who is going to win? We'll find out Sunday. Wednesday will be the special eviction and Thursday will be the 2-hour season finale full of Big Brother surprises.

​🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨 

May 02, 2019

 ​🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨 

By a vote of 2-0 Mark has been evicted

The New HOH is Dane

The comp was trivia based on previous POV

When Mark left he threw Dane UTB and said to the house that when Cory was HOH air was Danes plan to backdoor Sam .... Adam was mad ... and asked if it was true ... Dane told him it was either Adam or Sam that was gonna go

Special eviction will air on Wednesday

We will get Jury segment of all jurors joining Sam on tonight’s episode

In Danes GB message he told Mark that he was closer to Anthony


May 01, 2019

10:00 AM BBT – HG are all getting up. Anthony just went to the DR but is now in the kitchen with Adam, Kyra and Dane. Adam is eating breakfast and Mark is sitting in bed in the blue room studying days with mnemonic devices. Anthony is going to make a banana shake. The HG in the kitchen are just sortra sitting around. Kyra says they is not sure they are hungry or not and may shower first. The storage room door opens and Anthony & Krya go in. Anthony comes out with the blender with bananas in it. He makes a shake. Anthony says that it’s the best shake in the house so far. Dane tastes it and says it’s good. Adam asks what else he has in it. Anthony says it’s a secret but if he wants one he will take care of him. Sounds from production building things is in the background. Dane says they are going hard again. Kyra comes out of the storage room. Anthony says that day parties have already started in Toronto. DANE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Adam says he feels like it’s too early. They talk about how cold it is this morning. Anthony goes into the storage room to clean up and Kyra leaves the kitchen to sit in the chairs. Adam gets up to wash his dishes. Anthony comes out of the SR and asks if someone threw out his banana peels. Kyra says yeah and he says he thought he had something to clean up but there was nothing. Anthony brings some banana shake to Kyra. Adam leaves the kitchen. Anthony is making more drinks.
10:15 AM BBT Mark gets up from the bed and heads to the washroom.You can hear BB production talking and drilling in the background. Anthony just walks around the kitchen drinking. Mark heads downstairs as Anthony begins to rinse his dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Mark goes into the SR and Anthony goes to sit next to Kyra. Kyra moves a chair over for Anthony to prop up his leg. He says the bruising is gone. Dane comes out of the DR and stretches his legs and says the sounds production is making building things sounds interesting. He heads to the kitchen and asks Mark how it’s going. Mark’s mic is not on so he is talking to Dane but it is not legible. Dane and Kyra talk about Dawson – Dane asks if he can listen to music, Kyra says yeah and tells him all of the music they requested didn’t make the cut. Kyra asks Anthony if he saw Mark go up the stairs. They laugh and Kyra says he is the strangest person. Kyra says they are scared to talk to Adam because they feel he is the strongest player in the game and that he will gun for them. Anthony said that Adam has tried to bully people and that Kyra has to stick up for themselves. Kyra says that what’s being built is for 4 players but there should only be 3 playing HOH. Unless they are prepping the veto stuff in case it’s back to back. Kyra says that he missed Mark’s story last night. Kyra tells him that the story was meant to lead to a punchline of a joke and the joke was better Nate than lever. Kyra says that the story was about a snake with an identity issue……Kyra continues to tell Anthony the story. Dane calls down and says the TV is gone. Kyra says that yeah they must have done it yesterday when the doors were locked.
10:30 AM BBT Kyra says that Mark likes chaos and likes to see people miserable. Kyra says that when they were upset or Sam was upset that he would smile. Kyra says that he is alarmingly good at days but he is not strong enough to help them. Anthony said imagine if I had won any comp in the middle. The whole game would be thrown off. Kyra says that a lot of people felt comfortable bringing Anthony with them because they felt they could beat him. Kyra says that it was the same with them, that they did not play well at comps. Sounds from production are getting louder. Mark is getting dressed in the blue room while Adam lays on the couch. All HG are in general conversation.
10:45 AM BBT Mark goes downstairs and sits with Anthony and Kyra. Adam is laying in bed still in the blue room. Kyra is talking about their hair and how often they get the color retouched. Sawing sounds are still heard in the background. Anthony has his hand over his face with his eyes closed. Kyra tells Anthony they want a matching tattoo with him. Kyra talks about Anthony’s picture in the main frame and says that he looks like a villain from a Bond movie. They laugh at it. Kyra says he looks bad but in a funny way like he is going to cause s&i^. Anthony says he is so tired. Adam comes downstairs.Dane is listening to music in the HOH room. HG downstairs are just sitting around being quiet. Kyra asks if Anthony farted, they say it was a bad one and puts a shirt over their face. Anthony tells them to embrace it and they say they don’t wanna, and he says that is not very nice.
11:00 AM BBT Kyra asks if Adam is going to make a sandwich but they are going to make scrambled eggs. Anthony asks Adam what kind of sandwich he is going to make. He says he will do it in about 20 minutes but he will have coffee first. Kyra tells Adam that there is a ton of bacon left. Anthony says the game last night was fun. Adam agrees. Adam says his chest is a little sore from the other day. Adam starts talking about how his chest got sore the other day and BB tells him to stop talking about production. Adam and Anthony talk about the game from last night. Mark and Anthony are playing a game with a pair of socks rolling them into a space. Kyra is making breakfast. Adam and Anthony argue about the scoring of the game. Adam says Anthony is a cheater.
11:15 AM BBT Anthony and Adam continue their game and continue to argue about who is winning and who is closer. Kyra is eating her breakfast. Kyra washes her dishes. Dane and Mark are cooking now.
11:30 AM BBT Adam and Anthony continue to play and argue about the game. Mark is eating and Dane is still cooking.
11:45 AM BBT Mark and Dane go and watch the sock game Anthony and Adam are playing. Adam and Anthony continue to smack talk and argue about who is scoring what and who is cheating. The boys come up with a game that bring pots that have a different point value. Kyra is in the HOH room getting ready. Mark and Anthony are now playing “sock ball” as sounds of construction continue in the background. DANE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Adam and Anthony are in the kitchen now preparing to make some food. They are grabbing food from the SR. Adam talks about putting butter in his coffee. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES. Adam says that adding butter slows the process of the caffeine down in the coffee. He says he did it when he was on Keto.
12:00 PM BBT Adam continues to prepare a sandwich. Dane comes out of the DR. MARK PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Kyra is in the washroom doing laundry. Dane talks to Adam about the TV being removed from the HOH. That means there will be no more videos. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Adam asks Dane if they are still good? That they are all going to stick to the plan? Dane says yeah I know. Mark comes through on his way to the DR and Dane asks him if he needs a chair. Feeds go down at 12:08 PM BBT.
12:24 PM BBT Feeds come back everyone is in the kitchen area. Dane heads up to the blue bedroom. Kyra says how are we going to get to the hot tub. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Kyra says it must be some type of memory shit. I don’t know. Kyra walks upstairs. Anthony and Adam are still eating. Anthony says I haven’t said anything. Anthony Mark says why am I nominated then. Adam said we have been playing this game together since the beginning put Mark has not talk game to me in two weeks and now he wants to talk to me. Anthony says this game is not about being loyal.
12:30 PM BBT Adam got up and start cleaning up. He tells Anthony something is up. They are not doing anything out there. Adam is cleaning up the kitchen area. Anthony has finished eating. Mark and Dane are in the blue bedroom. They are talking about their first impressions of the guys. Mark says he hopes neither of us won’t go home this week. Mark said that Canada does not like villains and he doesn’t think that they are villians. Mark is still folding his clothes. Mark and Dane are trying to figure out if this is going to be a double eviction. Mark said there is not going to be anymore HOH rooms. Dane leaves out. Mark starts talking to himself. Dane goes to the HOH room and tells Kyra that we need to tell Mark. Kyra said I don’t think we need to tell him when we are in the hot tub area because it is such a small space. Kyra asks where is Mark’s head at. Dane is talking about how he can beat Adam in a mental or physical. Kyra says after Dane leaves out I hope he is telling the truth. Kyra starts listening to music in the HOH room. In the bathroom Mark and Adam are brushing their teeth. Anthony asks Mark where something is and he says I put it right here on the counter. Mark finds it. Anthony says I am going to take a shower and then I will come get it. Mark heads back to the blue bedroom and asks Anthony what is wrong. Anthony says I am tired. ANTHONY PLEASE FIX YOUR MICROPHONE.
12:45 PM BBT Dane walks into the bathroom picking up all his stuff. He heads into the blue bedroom where Kyra, Anthony, and Mark are on the beds. Dane walks out.. Dane tells Adam guess what. Adam walks into the blue bedroom. Dane is looking for Adam. Kyra leaves out the blue bedroom. Kyra walk into the HOH room. Kyra says I am so sick of the boys gotta win. Dane heads into the blue bedroom and asks Mark how did you fit all of that into your bag. Kyra asks are you trying to drive me insane with this whole patriarchy thing. DANE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Dane says oh I am popular today. Adam, Anthony, and Mark are laying in the bed of the blue bedroom. Kyra is in the HOH room listening to music.Dane runs upstairs and grabs something out the blue bedroom and then runs back downstairs. Mark has gotten up and started packing. Kyra leaves out the HOH room. Mark is still packing up his stuff. Feeds go down at 12:57 PM BBT

1:20 PM BBT Feeds are back with everyone in the hot tub area. They are talking about all the mosquitoes in the hot tub. They are all talking about all the things they have encountered in the hot tub area. Everyone is just sitting around no one is talking.
1:30 PM BBT Everyone is still sitting in the hot tub area no one is talking to each other. You can hear construction in the background. Kyra gets up and pulls the jacket off. Then sits back down. Dane gives Kyra a cigarette. Mark, Anthony, and Dane start talking about basketball and how Michael took the whole rim down. Dane tells them at the Olympics the puck went through the mesh. Dane tells them a story about one of his exes sisters playing hockey with the boys. Mark asks about a playing that went to play for another team. Dane said yeah he likes it because no one knows who he is. They are talking about different hockey players and how they were traded to another team. Mark asks about baseball. Dane says yeah we have a baseball team. PLEASE STOP TALKING IN CODE.. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES.
1:45 PM BBT Dane gets into the hot tub. Anthony says if I get in there I am not going to want to get out. Mark says I am going to get in there with you. He then heads out the hot tub area. Dane starts saying stop looking at me swan. Dane says I am Adam and I am Sam and together we are Sadam and then starts making kissy noises. Adam says we never did that. Mark comes back out in his swim trunks and gets into the hot tub. Dane tells Kyra he forgot his teeth were in his pocket. Dane says my address is Ship it to Coloma this tub. Dane and Mark are sitting in the hot tub and Kyra, Anthony and Adam are all sitting around watching them in the tub.
2:00 PM BBT Anthony says he thinks Eddie took his socks as he had a 6 pack of black socks. Mark says he took my shorts. Dane says he took a shirt of Damien’s. Kyra says Eddie didn’t want to wear the same outfit 2 times in a week. Mark and Dane are talking about hockey teams and hockey players. Anthony has put his feet in the hot tub.Adam asks Dane if he mountain bikes. Dane says Yes Adam says When I come to visit I want to go mountain biking again. Dane gets out of the Hot Tub. There was a fast clip of other people in the house studying the fish tank. Dane says Night Night Jimmy. Kyra asks if they want to play the 8 game. Dane says I think he is asleep over there. Kyra says No he is going over his days. Adam says I am thinking in my head. The conversation between Mark and Dane is over washroom in various bars. Kyra says They are going over days.
2:15 PM BBT There is not a lot of conversation going on. The rooster goes off as Adam has his eyes closed. The conversation is now on silly sayings. Mark says What starts with FU and ends in CK He then says Fuel Truck. Feeds go down. Feeds come back a couple of seconds later with Kyra singing You are my fire. Dane says Eddie had a crush on Damien. Mark says Eddie’s HOH Basket would have been 20 eggs and bunch of bananas and a tree of avocados. Krya thinks that because they have been locked in for so long they allowed them to come outside for awhile. Adam thinks a possible eviction today. Adam and Mark put the cover over the hot tub. Anthony says NO more outside. Mark says it is kinda like being in jail. Dane gets called out for his mic. Feeds go down as they continue talking about jails and what you would get solitary confinement for.
2:30 PM BBT Feeds come back at 2:41 PM BBT With the HGs back inside the house. You can hear the comp being built. Anthony asks Adam to name all the POV Comps. Adam and Anthony are setting up pots and a taped up sock to play bucket ball.
2:45 PM BBT Anthony and Adam have set the rules. Anthony has 3 points. The points go close to the pot 1 point leaning on the pot 2 points in the pot 3 points. Score is 4-1 for Anthony. Dane and Anthony are in the Blue BR Mark is getting dressed. The score is now 7-7. Score is 12-10 Anthony 15-10 for Anthony 18-15 Anthony. Anthony 21-15 Adam went to retape the sock. Kyra and Dane are now playing a game. Anthony is going to cook some hot dogs. Mark is preparing his orange grapefruit smoothie. Anthony is boiling hot dogs for those who want some. Score is 5-3 Dane. Score is 10-4 Dane Anthony gets asked to arrange a house wide battery change. Score is 15-5 Dane. 18-5 Dane Feeds go down
3:00 PM BBT – 3:30 PM BBT Feeds down. Feeds come back at 3:40 PM BBT with Adam making a new sock ball They are now playing teams Mark and Anthony are one team Kyra and Adam the other team. Kyra tells them the rice is coming out of the sock. Adam tries to tie the tee shirt. Adam ays in a Newfoundland accent If it is anything like my shoes me will get it in a couple of times. Anthony has decided to safety pin the tie together. The score is 4-3 Anthony/Mark. Game is now tied. Mark just got a point as well but the points cancelled each other out so score stays the same.
3:45 PM BBT The game continues with both Anthony and Kyra scoring 3 points but they cancelled each other out. Score is 9-7 Anthony/Mark 11-7 Anthony/Mark 12-7 Anthony/Mark 12-8 Anthony/Mark Adam is rewrapping the sock as the rice is falling out again. They are switching sides Kyra is trying to push Anthony to the other side of the room. Adam has finished fixing the sock ball and the game continues. The score is 15-11 Anthony/Mark 17-14 Anthony/Mark and we stop for a sock ball fix.

8:00 PM BBT Feeds return post show to Mark Adam and Dane in the HOH room talking about the game overall and especially Kyra’s HOH reign. They all feel bad that one of them, (most likely Mark) Adam says he never went against the pretty boys and Dane says he didn’t either. Mark mentions being shocked Kyra put him up. Dane agrees and says he told them it was a good game move.
8:15 PM BBT In the bathroom, Adam and Anthony are talking about Dane and it sounds like they are discussing how much longer to keep him in the game. Anthony brings up how Dane is very, “what if.” and says that even though he was a pretty boy with them, his loyalty was all over the place because he had a final 2 with each of them, (Anthony and Adam) Mark, Este, and Damien, he then goes on to say that if things had gone differently for any of those people, Mark would have been long gone and Dane probably would have tried to snake one of the two of them.
8:30 PM BBT Anthony and Adam continue their conversation and Anthony talks about being unhappy with Kyra, he says he was upset that they brought up knowing about the PB alliance all season and says he doesn’t care what they knew, but their comments during the POV ceremony he thought were very disrespectful and he isn’t trying to preach to them that the pretty boys are the best alliance to ever come about. Anthony goes on to tell Adam that when Cory won HOH Este said that she had a lot to tell him but she couldn’t right away and then as he tells Adam he later found out that what she couldn’t tell him was that Dane had been throwing his, (Anthony’s) name out there and he says he’s had to play dumb this whole time, but that he doesn’t understand why Dane is throwing his name out there in the first place.
8:45 PM BBT Dane is singing in the Blue BR, PRODUCTION: “Please stop singing” and feeds cut to the bathroom where Adam is shaving and Anthony is taking a shower. Adam yells to Kyra to bring him his tweezers which they do. Adam trims the rest of his beard and he and Anthony discuss outfits for eviction night quickly before Adam leaves the bathroom and heads downstairs to the kitchen joining Dane and they joke that, “Kyra must have gave up on the house” as Adam says. Dane laughs.
9:00 PM BB In the kitchen Dane is washing dishes and Adam sits at the bar and tells him he would do anything to be able to watch TV and have some snacks right now. Dane agrees and tells Adam he would be willing to watch literally any sporting event even darts, but what he would really love to watch is some playoff hockey. Adam says he also would love to watch some playoff hockey and they start talking a little bit about playoff beards. Dane says he hasn’t shaved his at all in weeks. Adam asks if it bothers him having a little bit of extra scruff and Dane says he can barely even tell the difference. Dane leaves the kitchen but Mark joins Adam and they make pickles and cheese which Adam hasn’t tried until now but says is really good. Mark says it’s a good snack and says he really likes cheese, he says when he travels and goes to France and The Netherlands, he gets some, “really solid cheese there.”
9:15 PM BBT Anthony comes into the kitchen where Mark and Adam are still eating snacks and saying something about eating frogs and asks if they can start playing a game. Mark and Adam say sure and Anthony can’t find his bottle and says he’s really getting sick of everyone hiding his bottle. Kyra is in their HOH room laying in bed snuggling their stuffed dog and then goes downstairs where the boys are all playing a game with the sock ball. Anthony and Mark are both taking turns throwing it across the room to each other and trying to land it in a pan.
9:30 PM BBT Mark and Anthony continue their game and discuss scores. Dane walks through on his way upstairs and Adam is watching them play and making what looks like another sock ball. They are arguing back and forth playfully about the game and change up the rules a little bit before they keep playing. Kyra is aying on the couch in their HOH room playing with their stuffed dog and talking to themselves saying that they’ll be forever known as emotional after this and their friends and family will never let them live it down.
9:45 PM BBT Downstairs Mark seems to be on a roll with the sock ball game and winning every round. Anthony can be heard playfully yelling, “aggghhh” and Dane tells Anthony, “Don’t let this idiot win again” meaning Mark and they start another round of the game. Anthony says next round they’ll play in teams and Kyra asks Dane what he’s making for food. Adam is playing the sock ball game against Mark. Dane jokes that he needs to be in DR shape in 2 weeks.

Tonight's Show!

May 01, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, after the Pretty Boys formed in secret on day one, they took out every single threat to their game. The least of their worries was Kyra, so the boys carried them to final five and with Big Brother Canada history on the line, the Pretty Boys were one win away from becoming the first alliance day one to final four. But the underdog destroyed the Pretty Boy dream and crushed their first HoH win of the season. Just like that, the Pretty Boys were denied their shot at history. Then the giant slayer confirmed their loyalty to Adam and Dane.

Sensing a threat to his ally, the guru crafted a pitch for mark, then mark threw to Kyra, and then Anthony went in for the kill. But the only voice Kyra heard was their own. Then in a stunning blindside, Kyra put up the two strongest players of the season. 

Seething from the hit, Adam exposed his own Pretty Boys. Tonight, will the pretty boys each other alive? Can Adam or Dane get a grip on the power of veto? There's a mother load of surprises on Big Brother Canada!

We pick up after the nomination ceremony on day 56. Adam can't believe Kyra put him on the block. He's been their closest ally since Sam and now they screwed him. 

Dane says he isn't surprised he's on the block, but he IS surprised he's there with Adam. Big move Kyra. Kyra says no way could they beat both Adam and Dane, and this was the only way they couldn't take each other off the block.

Kyra explains their decision to Dane and Dane says there is still veto. Adam heads upstairs and interrupts and Kyra explains to Adam their decision. 

Adam tells Kyra they won't beat any of them because they've been an alliance 20 minutes into the season because they ran the house and made sure everyone voted the way they wanted them to. Kyra says even if they don't win, they have to set themselves for the best chance possible. Adam says they are the best alliance in BB history and Kyra won't beat any of them because there will be three Pretty Boys on the jury. Adam tells Kyra that Anthony threw them under the bus the previous week and so much for loyalty. Adam is upset and walks out of the room.

Kyra asks to talk to Anthony and he comes in the room. Kyra says they knew there was an alliance, they didn't know it was made 20 minutes into the game. Kyra asks Anthony if he told Adam to put them up the previous week. Adam walks in and says yeah, Anthony, did you tell me to put up Kyra. Anthony is denying it and said he never said that and Adam says you said it when we were in the hot with Mark. 

Anthony still denies it and Kyra decides to get Mark in here. Mark comes in and Anthony says did I ever say to Adam to put up Kyra and Mark says that never happened.

Kyra says they've worked from outside the alliance and if that doesn't win them some respect from the jury?!? Adam leaves. Anthony and Mark hug Kyra and then head out too.

Kyra talks to the camera in the bathroom area in the HoH and says he is a bitter child. Look at it from the outside buddy! This is the best game move so far... roll the tapes! He's been loyal to Dane. They don't want his loyalty. 

Adam goes to talk to Dane in the storage room and Adam tells him Anthony and Mark were in on it. Dane says one of us win veto and we got this. Adam says they are denying these conversations.

Adam and Dane head to the kitchen and Anthony and Mark are upstairs looking downstairs, and Adam says are you going to tell me when they aren't around that conversation didn't happen? Mark says it didn't happen. Adam tells Mark he needs to man up and Mark says he's not the one stomping around. Anthony says he never said to put up Kyra and Adam says you do all the talking. Anthony says the plan was to take out Damien though, right? And you and Damien had talked of final threes with Dane? Did you or did you not, since you want to talk facts?

Adam says they need to stop arguing and they hug it out and they say they love each other. It's all good. Adam goes and gives Mark a hug too. Adam says no matter who sits in that final chair, one of them is going to win. He promises. If it's not him, then it will be one of them guys. They ran the game and planned it perfect. It is what it is and what they have here and what they've done this whole season is unreal. Dane says this season is so exhausting and all he's going to do is focus on the next PoV competition.

This competition is called Jewel Heist. Everyone will play including the HoH. Each HGs has a wall filled with Jewels. The goal is to steal as many as they can. The green ones are worth 1 point, the blues ones are worth 2, and the red ones are worth 3. But it's not so easy! They can only steal jewels when the laser beams are off. At the end of the competition, the HGs who has stolen the highest value of jewels will win the PoV!

Dane says he has to win this. If he wins he stays, and if he loses, then he probably goes home. Adam says he hates being on the block with Dane, but he wants to win and ensure he makes it to final three. Kyra says you have to be careful which jewels you pick and you have to be fast because the lasers don't stay on long. Dane says this is more difficult for shorter guys. Adam has the lead with 13 and Anthony has 8.

The HGs get another pull and Dane falls off after losing his balance. Dane says he falls and he feels like he let himself down, he let a lot of people down. He thought he could win this challenge, it's frustrating. Mark feels like he's in a movie. Mark says winning this PoV is not necessary and everyone knows Dane or Adam will be going home. So even if Adam wins, he's OK not going for this competition. The lasers go off again and the HGs reach to pull jewels. Adam and Anthony both have 25 Kyra has 11 and Mark has 8.

Anthony wants to pause so he can go to the bathroom area and Adam says seriously? Anthony says no. Anthony really wants to win this PoV because Adam has won a bunch and he needs to let the house know he can take him down when he wants. Anthony is struggling to reach a jewel lower on the board. Anthony has 27 and Adam has 25.

Kyra tells Adam that he was never meant to go home. They ask how the others feel about giving Adam the veto? The other guys don't answer and Adam says give it to me. He laughs and looks at Kyra and they says sorry bud. The lasers go off and they grab again. Anthony has 28, Adam has 27, Kyra has 21, and Mark has 18.

Adam says the red ones are the hardest to get but he knows he and Anthony are close so he has to get those jewels. Anthony gets a blue one and Adam is reaching for a red one but struggling. We go to a commercial.

We're back and Adam is saying he knows he and Anthony are neck-and-neck and he needs to get that red jewel. The lasers go off and everyone stops. Kyra falls and is now out. Kyra says this is their final round and Anthony and Adam both have 30 and Mark has 20. Adam asks Anthony how many he has left and Anthony says 8. Adam is talking to himself and says he needs this win. With 39 points, Adam has won PoV. Anthony finished with 34.

Adam says number four. He's feeling amazing right now. He's guaranteed final four and his safety. Dane says he failed and Adam succeeded. Great job Adam. Now he has to figure out what he has to do to stay in this house. Adam thanks his mom for his long, lanky body. Adam goes into the storage room and celebrates and Dane heads upstairs. Adam says he's not going nowhere.

The HGs are all in the lounge chatting and laughing. The frames on the wall all come on again and everyone wants to know what's happening. They see the door and they say someone is walking in. We see four women and a guy enter and it's their mothers and Mark's best friend. Anthony says he thinks about his mom a lot and seeing her in the house is mind-blowing. The mothers start looking around and they are discussing the disarray the house is in and underwear laying around. Adam's mother finds Sam's heels in his bag and Anthony's mom found his pink doo rag. They are now all in the HoH talking. Anthony's mom says she's waiting for a grandbaby and Adam's mom says Sam might take care of that for her.

The mothers all head downstairs and they want to know if they ever clean up. They clean the kitchen for the HG. Anthony's mom says when he was by himself he'd ask her to come help clean, and she says it does not help, it's her doing it for him. Anthony's mom lays on the couch as Anthony does. Their mothers are mimicking them. Dane says all he wants to do is give his mom a big hug, but he can't because he's stuck in this room. Anthony's mom is playing pool and Adam's mom is dancing on a table.

Judy, Kyra's mom, says exploring the house was awesome and sitting in the DR was great and she says Kyra should enjoy the hot-tub more. two moms get in the hot-tub and the others sit around. Sharon, Adam's mom, can't believe she got the opportunity to do this. They say the HGs will always be their kids. Mark's friend says Mark says he's six feet, but he's really five eleven. Judy says watching the show you forget everyone has a life and they all have a family and to see they are real and how wonderful they all are is great.

Since they are all getting a taste of the BBCAN house, it's only fitting they are faced with a difficult decision. Only one of them will get face time with their loved one and they must decide. They are trying to figure out who will get face time. Mark's friend steps out and Dane's mom says he's had HoH's and he's seen her and Adam's mom steps out too. Anthony's mom wishes he'd won an HoH but she gives it to Kyra's mom and tells her they only have two weeks and they can tell Kyra they're playing a good game. Kyra comes out and hugs their mom. Kyra tells Anthony's mom she has an amazing son and then hugs Dane's mom, followed by Mark's friend and Adam's mom.

Anthony is then called to the living room and the HGs are shocked. Anthony's mom is shocked and they hug and are crying. All the HGs are emotional. Anthony's mom introduces him to the other mom's and Mark's friend. Mark is then called out, followed by Adam, and Dane is last. Dane's mom says they watch him all the time and everyone is doing so good. Dane tells his mom he loves her. The HGs do a group hug in the lounge and the mom's and Mark's friend thank BB in the DR.

Kyra says seeing their mom really reminded them of the outside world. It reminded them they are there to win and they have to get out big players and that's why the target is Dane. Kyra goes to talk to Anthony and they are talking about Kyra being emotional, but they don't want to let their emotions affect their game decisions. Anthony says they did something legendary. Kyra says they are reminding themselves it's not a popularity contest and they're a people pleaser, but you can't always do that when only one can win.

Dane says in order to have a chance to stay he needs Mark on the block next to him. In order to do that, he needs to make sure he has Anthony and make sure he can get in Kyra's head. Dane asks Anthony if he has his vote. Anthony says he was under the impression there were pushes to put him and Mark up. Dane says no, it wasn't like that. Dane says so if Mark goes up, you still have to think about it? Anthony says we were supposed to be ride-or-dies? He says I need to ask you something, did you make a final two with Adam and Dane says Adam did mention it to him. Dane says if he had a chance to choose between Anthony and Adam it would be Anthony. He says so I don't have you and Anthony says I don't know bro.

Mark is talking to Dane and Mark says people will try but it will never happen. He's happy to be part of history. Adam and Anthony come out with Dane and Mark. Adam says we knew we would have to take shots at each other at some point. Kyra comes out next and it's quiet. Kyra says did I come out at a bad time? Dane says no, just saying goodbye. It's a fun season. Dane wishes everyone luck and Anthony is crying. Kyra says they had power for the first time and they couldn't waste that power and Dane says they made a great move. Kyra says they're proud to have gotten to know all of them. Adam says we did good boys. Mark says we did good.

It's time for the PoV ceremony. Adam comes in and says the Prince of Kelowna and the Man that found new land have been nominated. He gives Dane a chance to tell him why he should use the veto on him and Dane salutes and says please don't use the veto on me.

Adam has decided to... use the veto on himself. He says it was hard to get nominated by someone he trusted, it was worse to sit next to Dane. Kyra says they knew Adam would likely win the veto, and that's why they had to do what they did. Kyra nominates Mark and says even though they've made amends, this is the only game move they can make to ensure a strong player leaves.

Kyra says this game really takes its toll. Even though things went their way, it's still really hard and they have to keep on fighting and do what it takes to get to the end.


April 30, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Kyra and Mark are sitting on the chairs outside of the kitchen and Kyra is talking about her dry skin on her hands and that they peel. She goes upstairs to put cream on her hands. Dane is sitting in the hOH room and Kyra tells him that Mark told them the chairs they were sitting in were the watching chairs.Kyra grabs some lotion and heads back downstairs. She goes to the kitchen where Adam and Anthony are talking about love. Kyra weighs in about her views on love.Adam talks about Sam and that he has not seen her for two weeks and that he wants to see her but that his feelings have changed since she has not been in the house. Mark comes and sits at the bar with them. Kyra says that working for Big Brother would be a cool job. They say Happy Day 60. Anthony brings two more eggs out for Adam to make. Kyra talks about the number of days left and that the finale is usually on Weds and are live. Anthony says they are RECORDED live. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. The HG are laughing and making fun of Kiki about asking to winning HOH and winning veto. Mark said that he asked her about using the Veto. They talk about the upcoming comps and that they are hoping it will be a cool one. They are saying they hope it’s an endurance comp. They talk about last season and who won the first HOH. They are in general conversation. Adam goes back to talking about Sam and Mark asking if Sam loved him that he would have take her to final and vice versa. He says that it would not have mattered at that time who won the 100K then it would be both of theirs. He says that when he is in with a girl he is all in. Adam says that Mark asked him if Sam was the one and how he knew. Kyra said that it’s because Mark has never felt that so he wants to know.
10:15 AM BBT Mark talks about people he sees that are in relationships that go on trips and how they act when they travel together. The eggs that Adam made are done and he cuts slices for everyone. Dane is now in the kitchen. The egg omelet looks like a pizza. Anthony is cutting english muffins. Dane is getting coffee. Kyra asks for half an english muffin. HG are now eating breakfast. HG are talking about live feeds and BBAD. They are talking about using VPN’s and how people can watch outside of Canada. They talk about how they have used different methods to watch programming in different countries.
10:30 AM BBT They all thank Adam for the breakfast. He says “Wait Until You Have My Meatballs”. Adam says – now we can just sit and wait for 17 hours, my favorite part of the day! They say it will be a long day. Kyra is walking around and looking in the file room. They sing if there is another secret power in here I am gonna find it. Maybe not today though. Anthony and Adam are reviewing days. In the blue room, Mark and Dane are getting dressed and are in general conversation. Dane is going through his bags and walking around the blue room.
10:45 AM BBT Mark comes in and they engage in general conversation. Dane is trying to pack up his stuff. He was looking for his ring and found it in the garbage.
11:00 AM BBT Anthony and Adam are talking and Anthony is talking about Kyra and how much they hate Mark. Adam says that Kyra really thinks that they can put up the biggest players in the game and really get one out? Adam says Kyra is not going to be happy especially since Kyra can not play in the next HOH. Anthony says that the greatest 3. Adam says the greatest 3 in Big Brother Canada ever. Anthony says he is going to tell Mark that he loves him and that he played a great game and he is a legend but he feels that Dane deserves to be here more and he knows that Mark have tried to venture away from what was supposed to happen and he is sorry. Adam says that Mark will blow up and it will be a sad moment. Dane comes down and the boys stop talking. They are in general conversation. Mark is preparing to do laundry.
11:15 AM BBT The three boys and Kyra talk about Mark and how he talks about love. Adam says he has no clue. Kyra talks about different kinds of love and how it differs. Mark goes past them above working on laundry and Dane yells up “Any more questions about Sam?” Adam says to Mark that he was getting him in trouble last night by asking him deep questions about Sam and if Sam was not in the house who else he would have hooked up with in the house. They talk about Chelsea and that she would have been Adam’s choice. Adam says that he never said that Chelsea was a girl he would go for. Mark says you win. Mark asks another question. So Sam is here and wants a runner up? Adam says he doesn’t like to share. Mark says that Adam told him yesterday that he would experiment. Adam says he would not do that on television. And not just a new relationship that he would not experiment. Adam says he can not wait to see her and can not wait to move forward with their relationship. He says he will meet his family, move in with her, have a dog named Veto and Dane says he will be the groomsman. Mark says he will be the uncle. They say that Mark is Uncle Lerch. Mark says Uncle Lyle. He wants to be introduced as the jokester. Adam says that Mark is the villain of the season because no one liked him. Mark says that no one hated him for an extended period of time. The talk about brand names and they say Batman and production warns them to stop talking about brand names. Mark says that the word penguin could be used in many different ways but that if he used the word Joker he would maybe get called on it so it would have to be Jokester. They talk about who really was the villain. They talk about being considered villains during people’s final speeches on eviction or POV nights. DANE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. They are talking about different HG speeches. Adam teases Mark that he needs to get on social media so people can reach out to him. He says that he agrees that keeping it private for the first little bit but that superfans deserve to have an email to get questions answered. Adam goes into talking about Sam again and talks about having sex and at the beginning that’s what is is all about. He says he fell for Sam in the house without that part. Mark talks about that happening to him also and that he wanted the girl around him. Adam says that it was nice not having the physical and getting to like that person without that, and then you have that intimate relationship then it will be more intense. ADAM PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Adam asks what they are going to do all day because they just can not sit there all day. Kyra said they can do the board game that Corey created. They said no. They say a bubble tourney. They say that they win by keeping their bubble floating. Kyra suggests the hot/cold game. They say no. Kyra says that they have to play the boys games. Adam says he doesn’t want to be blindfolded. Kyra leaves and Adam asks if they were upset because he didn’t want to play blindfolded.

11:30 AM BBT They suggest sock golf. Adam talks about the HOH room and BB tells him to stop talking about production. They talk about playing rock paper scissors. They say no. Mark asks who they think the biggest villain of the season is? Anthony says he doesn’t think that villain is the word. Mark asks what it would be then? Anthony says it’s not oddball, it’s not villian….he says that people didn’t like Mark’s game. Mark asks what about it. They go through the HG who have been evicted and how Mark’s relationship was with them in the house. Anthony asks who in the house does Mark think he didn’t get along with the most and Mark says Momma. Then he says Chelsea. Mark said that he didn’t have side deals with anyone and that was his mistake. Mark says after that would be Kikki. Mark says that he has no idea why that would be because they sat on the block together. HE said he didn’t have a connection with Eddie either. He says maybe because he was a floater. Anthony says it’s more a wildcard than a floater. Anthony says if they started the season all over again, what would they do different. Mark says he would actively search them out. Mark says that he was a shield for Sam and Anthony. Adam says that Kyra also played a part in that. Anthony said that Sam insinuated that he and Mark needed to have conversations. He says that Sam was unsure about Adam’s relationship with him. Sam knew about his relationship with Corey but knew that he was loyal to Adam. He says that he had conversations with Sam where she told him that she would need to get Adam out. She told him that Adam was messing up her game. Adam says that she came to him and told him they needed to distance themselves in the house. She said that they can continue their relationship outside the house but Adam says that she really wanted to but also didn’t want to. Anthony said that if they had actually distanced themselves that Sam would have been a much stronger player.
11:45 AM BBT Mark talks about day 28 and asked what Adam would have said to her. Anthony said that he would have humiliated her. He said that Kyra would have used the power, Kikki would have gone home and then Sam would have gone home the next week. Anthony said when you have power, you don’t abuse it, you go to your alliance and firm things up. Instead, Sam took all the information people brought to her and she tried to make deals. Mark says that the same thing was with Damien and that he had little deals with everyone. Anthony said that Damien really never said much maybe only to Este and Dane. Mark says that it’s easy to say you don’t have deals when you are not an HOH. But when you are HOH you do break deals. Adam asks who had the best HOH. Mark says week one with Adam sending home Laura. Anthony said that was a bad idea and that they could have worked with Laura. And if Damien would have won things he would have been a problem. Also, Damien aligned himself with Este who was the weakest player in the house. They say the next biggest was when Dane got out Maki. Mark said that Momma was able to convince people in the house to do things. She convinced 4 people vote the opposite side. That put a target on her back. Mark asked who Sam would have put up if she won Buzzkill 2.0. Anthony said that Este was already flirting with Dane and would have seen that Este and Kikki were getting closer to Dane in power. Mark said that the house looked like Team Dane and Team Adam. Anthony said there were not two sides, there were three, that Anthony was also considered a main. Mark said he was talking about after Momma left. Mark said that he feels he gravitated towards team Adam and Damien was more team Dane. Adam said that he felt Mark was more with Kikki and Este. Mark says that Kikki and Este was dead set about putting both Adam and Sam up. Then he said in Kikki’s speech that she had nothing against Adam, Mark was like woah!
12:00 PM BBT The conversation continues in the Nook Area about HGs who have been HOH or who other HGs targets were.Anthony says I could have gotten Sam out during Chelsea’s HOH. Mark says Chelsea told him that her big plan was to BD Momma. Kyra comes down Anthony asks What they are doing? They tell him have a shower. Anthony yells lets play a game. Mark says If Eddie had won Would he have put You and Adam up? Dane says No because I had a deal with him. Mark says Yea I would say Adam and Sam. The conversation goes to the tie vote in Week 2. Dane said He asked Maki in the Archive Room who he was going to put up. Dane says Este was there and he said me. The conversation continues around the tie vote. Anthony says Eddie said I want to vote with the house that week so I tell him and he votes against the house. Dane says on Adam’s HOH s we got Laura Eddie and Este out on mine we got Maki Chelsea and Damien out. Anthony says Laura didn’t lie. Anthony says All Laura said was Sam wasn’t in her bed most of the night which was the truth but Sam spinned it differently. Anthony says Laura told her you are putting the target on your back. Dane says Laura would have been cool for us. Anthony says Laura would have been gang. Mark says She had no finesse power. Anthony says I couldn’t campaign for her because I would have painted a target on my back. Mark asks Who had the craziest week. He continues with I had to put up 4 people. Dane corrects him and says No Pike put up Cory. Anthony says We should have named ourselves the Death Row or Darkside. They give the signal in the mirror and say All of Canada is probably doing it. Anthony says My Mom would be awful in this game because she doesn’t understand but she would have been loved. Dane says Mark your friend must be on the feeds a lot he knew where everything was. Adam comes out of the DR and the conversation continues with the boys saying Adam your mom always smiles a lot. They ask Dane if his Mom will come to finale. Dane says probably not because I will be in Jury; then again she might because she will want to meet everybody. The conversation goes to who will be back from the cast. Mark says all the cast has to be there.
12:15 PM BBT They wonder how much intel Cory had before she entered the house. Dane says She never knew about us so maybe not a lot. Mark thinks she may have seen footage but not sound. They start talking about using some WD40 on a couple of doors and get called out for talking about brand names. Dane starts talking about his job and how he prevented potholes. Dane is explaining about fixing potholes on the runway of airports. Anthony says He hates when he hits a pothole in his car he actually stops driving and goes home. Mark is saying that the 401 through Toronto which is the busiest highway in the world. Dane is explaining how you could repave the Don Valley Parkway. Anthony says There are a lot of Red Light Cameras in Toronto. He asks Adam if they have them in Newfoundland. Mark is giving a vocal tour of the Don Valley Parkway Hwy 401; 427 and Gardiner Expressway. Anthony says I love how Este wanted Dane to do some traveling and was planning their trip.
12:30 PM BBT Dane is telling another trip plan Este had. The boys are all laughing about it. Mark asks Who do you think outside of us would be fun to have a road trip with. They agree Sam and Damien. The conversation goes to hangovers and bars they have gone to. Adam is telling them about a game that they play over Christmas called 12 Bars where you have to go to different bars and complete a drinking task at each bar. Adam says He was wasted by 9 pm. Mark starts telling a drunk story that he participated in. He tells them about 2 girls he met where one of the girls was into him but he wasn’t into her. He says the girl he dug but she ditched him. Mark explains why he just went to bed. He says he was drunk both Anthony and Adam say You said 3 drinks. The stories start going to strange places they have made out with ladies they picked up at bars.
12:45 PM BBT Adam starts telling about a trip to Mexico where he and his ex seen some guy beating up his girlfriend and the police coming and throwing him in jail. Big Brother tells him to remember Canada is watching. Mark says It would bother him if his best friend didn’t like his girlfriend . Anthony says It would depend on what you have told them because they won’t know the details of your relationship. Adam says What are we going to do. Mark says Curls for the girls. Anthony goes to get some cake. Mark says Adam you have a big heart you should hold your head high. Adam says That’s because of my Mom; she is very loving and caring and would do anything for her kids. Dane comes out of the washroom stall and forget to wash his hands. Adam is getting some yogurt Dane says cake buddy. Anthony has taken some cake up to Kyra where he asks them if they are okay. Kyra tells him that they don’t like being talked down to; they say they don’t put up with it in their real life. Anthony says Don’t let 1 stupid comment Adam made ruin it. We all had fun yesterday. He says He is going to leave that there and for them to listen to a couple of tunes and come chill. They ask when he is going to tell Mark Anthony tells them. Anthony says You are a hall of famer you have been playing for 60 days outside your comfort zone. Kyra cries We got here by luck. Anthony says You didn’t get here by luck you are getting stronger every day.
1:00 PM BBT Kyra says this is so far from what we are use to? Anthony says And you are doing it and why. Kyra says Because this is Big Brother. Kyra says We can’t sit down there because I am not one of the boys. Anthony says We are talking about getting drunk on the beach. Kyra tells him they can’t relate to that. Anthony says there is only 10 days left you came out hard and you need to keep it up. Anthony says Take the time you need listen to your music. Anthony tells them that no one downstairs is talking bad about them. He tells them you are a Hall of Famer. Anthony says When I go downstairs I am just going to say they are napping. Anthony eats his piece of cake and Kyra’s piece as they told him they weren’t really a fan of chocolate cake. In the HOH Room Kyra is listening to their music and trying to get their emotions in check. Adam is lying down in the Leon’s Lounge going over his days in his head. Kyra is trying to decide if they want to go downstairs. They finally leave the HOH Room. Anthony says He is going to have a shower wash his body then f**k all. Mark heads into the pantry. Kyra puts their mug in the dishwasher. Mark gives them a hug and says Sorry they are down. Kyra says They are just missing their mom that it was sad to see her go. Adam borrows Dane’s hat as he was called to the DR. Dane heads upstairs. Grabs another hat and heads into the HOH.

1:15 PM BBT He asks Kyra if they are okay. Kyra seems to be having a hard time breathing. Dane runs to get their water and feeds go down to the HOH Room. Mark is in the kitchen making his 6 orange smoothie for himself. In the background you can hear the construction for the next HOH Comp. Mark is still peeling his oranges and grapefruits. Feeds to the HOH Room are still down so we have no idea how Kyra is doing. Adam joins him in the kitchen. In the washroom Anthony is telling Dane about Adam not wanting to play a game that Kyra wanted to play. Dane says I just went in there and they are bawling. Anthony tells him that when he took them cake they were crying. Anthony says Adam was so blunt with Kyra when Adam said Go play the game with Mark and I’ll go into a different room so I don’t have to hear either one of you. Mark joins them and says Yeah Adam said the same thing to me but I’m not upset why is Kyra upset. Both Dane and Anthony say Yeah they are. Dane says I am not into playing games especially with the backyard closed down it is not a good thing for Dane Rupert.
1:30 PM BBT Dane says he needs to shave and get a haircut. Anthony is in the shower. Kyra is in the HOH Room talking to the cameras saying that sometimes it is just easier to give into her emotional side. There is a lot of beautiful things in this game and in life so we can’t give in to our emotions. They say they know that they will be talked about outside this house as being very emotional but they are more than that. They continue with We are emotional but we don’t want to be seen as weak. They tell Canada if we knew everything we would know that they are not weak. Kyra says Good talk Canada but you all know someone who feels the same as me You have to make the decision to like yourself make the decision to be strong.We know it is hard when our whole life we have been told we are weak and a nothing. They tell Canada that they will believe in themselves for the next 10 days their whole life but they will try for the next 10 days. They continue with there are a lot of strong players in this game and we are the underdog. Everyone loves a good underdog story. They continue with we all just have to keep doing it we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are strong. Kyra continues with we have to let our weakness become our strengths. Kyra continues with I turned my weakness into a strength and look at us we are top 5. Kyra says We never thought someone with my gender my mental health would ever be on a show like this but here we are. I am intense. They thank Canada for the good talk; they feel like they are getting a hug. They hope that this rant reached one person who needs to hear this. They say this is for you. They continue with We are going to make it to Final 4 than Final 3 Final 2 and then I am going to win. They say this game by winning comps you need to adapt We have had our back against the wall since week 2. They continue with if any of our friends and family we love you but you have to realize We are trapped in a house with 4 alpha males 4 alpha straight dudes; this is not something we usually do and this is hard. Feds go down. At 1:43 PM BBT. Feeds come back a minute later with Kyra says Canada don’t forget believe in yourself be proud of who you are. Kyra says We are going to go and be the self we can be. They leave the HOH Room saying We love you.
1:45 PM BBT Anthony is brushing his teeth, Mark is checking the dryer. Dane and Kyra are sitting in the nook area. Kyra is telling Dane it is really hard to talk with Anthony. Dane says Everywhere I go Mark asks where Anthony is. Kyra says Now might be a good time you go to my room. Kyra goes and says Anthony now is a good time. Anthony says Mark is folding clothes. Dane and Kyra are waiting for Anthony to come in. Anthony enters. Kyra says We have felt good with you and Dane feels good with you. We need to talk about next week We need to get Adam out. They continue with Mark has been shady. Mark comes in and says Can I listen to music after. Kyra says Shit just tell him you caught me in a panic attack but I am good with mental; Anthony you are good physical; Dane is good physical and mental. Kyra says there is no point taking out the second strongest player when the first strongest player in the game. Dane says My mom told me yesterday to do what I had to do to get to the end. Dane says At the end of the day I came here to win and solo. Dane leaves saying he is just going to tell Mark he walked in on a panic attack. Anthony decides to leave too. He says to Mark and Dane one HOH and they panic. Kyra comes out of the HOH Room and explains to Mark that Dane found her in the washroom having a panic attack. They tell them all that they are fine. Anthony says Is it food time.
6:00 PM BBT Dane, Adam and Mark are in the kitchen. Mark and Adam are playing with some cheerios. Dane is called to the diary room. Kyra tries to scare Dane on his way to the diary room. Mark and Adam are stacking cereal. Kyra goes into the kitchen and leaves after a couple of minutes.
6:15 PM BBT Kyra and Anthony are in the kitchen. Kyra knows that they will never get Mark’s vote in the end. Kyra says that this season has so many physical competitor. Kyra and Anthony start going through their days. Mark comes in.
6:30 PM BBT Anthony is studying the days. Kyra i helping him. Mark adds in every now and again.
6:45 PM BBT Adam is making burgers or meatballs. Dane is back from the diary room. They discuss Mark. They say Mark hasn’t talked game in 2 weeks. Kyra comes down. Adam is actually making meatballs. Anthony and Mark are napping in the HOH.
7:00 PM BBT Kyra, Adam and Dane are sitting on the couch. Adam, Dane and Kyra played a little game for awhile. Adam is preparing supper for everyone. Dane is sitting around the island. Kyra was sitting against a wall in the kitchen. Kyra asks if Dane wants to play the blindfold water game. Dane said maybe later. Kyra says it’s okay they are just bored. Kyra says they have smoked 2 packs of cigarettes in a row. They said that alcohol played a big factor in that.
7:15 PM BBT Anthony comes out of the HOH. Kyra said they had a teacher who was french. The class was all laughing because the teacher said something and they all took it in a dirty way. Adam wishes they would give them all alcohol tonight. Kyra doesn’t think they will. Dane and Adam are going over their days. Dane is repeating a poem over and over to help him remember the days. Anthony is napping on the couch. Adam starts to whistle. Kyra is sitting beside Dane.
7:30 PM BBT Kyra is now laying on the couch. Dane is in the HOH listening to the iPod. All of the houseguests are quiet. Mark came downstairs. He is sitting around the island. Anthony is moving around now. Adam’s meal is done cooking.
7:45 PM BBT Everyone thanks Adam. They are all eating now. Adam made barbeque and sweet and sour meatballs. They are talking about what would happen if they blindfolded them and took them hostage. Adam asks if anyone wants the rest of the rice. They are doing the dishes now.

10:00 PM BBT Mark, Anthony, and Dane are baking a cake. Mark is doing a minute by minute commentary of Anthony pouring the batter in the pan. Mark says now we need to make the icing.Dane heads into the HOH room where Anthony is listening to music. Anthony leaves out.Dane is whispering to Kyra. Kyra tells Dane if anyone asks me why I changed my mind then I will tell them I change my mind all the time. Kyra goes into the bathroom and starts flossing. Mark feeds Dane brownies in the storage room. Adam says 10 minutes until countdown. Mark is counting something. MARK PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Dane starts laughing. There cake comes out flat and they are trying to decide how to get it out the pan. Adam says I was trying for brownies but it came out more like cake. Dane starts counting whatever Mark was counting. He says I am at 100. Adam says it should be about 500.
10:15 PM BBT Dane is spreading icing onto their cake. Adam shows Dane how to ice the cake. Mark comes out the DR. Adam is now decorating the cake with sprinkles. Adam is decorating the cake with BBCANADA . DANE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. You hear in the background Hey Dane. and then the sounds cut off. Adam shows the cake it say BBCAN 7 TOP 5. Adam fusses at Mark about leaving an empty tray in the fridge. Dane comes out the DR. Adam asks where is everyone and Dane says they are probably sleeping.
10:30 PM BBT Dane is putting the sprinkles back into the container. Mark is talking to Dane and Dane is not paying attention to him. Dane tells Mark just talk to everybody. Dane and Mark are playing beer pong with the sprinkles and the bowls. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Kyra comes down and asks where is everybody. Dane is telling Kyra the story about the cake. Kyra is looking for Adam. Mark says Abe Lincoln says half of everything you read is true. Kyra said oh you are quoting Abraham Lincoln now. Mark starts singing THIS IS THE GAME THAT NEVER ENDS. Mark says that I can see trying to explain this to my siblings later on about how I went into a house to live and wanted to leave but couldn’t leave. Adam comes back into the kitchen. They all start calling Anthony so they can all blow out the cake and say top 5. They laugh saying the camera is following them. They all yell out BBCAN 7 TOP 5. KYRA PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Adam cuts everyone a slice of cake. Adam says cheers to Mark, Adam, and Dane invention. They all start laughing. Anthony says this ain’t it chief. They all talk about how awful the cake tastes but are still eating it. Dane says the cake looks like a yoga mat. Dane says we tried but it was an epic fail. Mark says this cake reminds me of my past relationships they look good but taste bad. Adam says it doesn’t matter it is our top 5 cake. Anthony says it tastes good they ask him if he wants more he says no I am full thank you.
10:45 PM BBT Adam goes and put the cake in the fridge. The guys are cleaning up the dishes. They are trying to see how much time they have until they can go to sleep. Kyra comes out the DR they all talk about how great the cake tastes. Kyra says it tastes good just have a different texture. Dane and Mark are washing up the dishes. Kyra is still eating the cake while Adam is sitting there. Kyra asks what time is it. Adam says I think Damien would ask for a second piece of cake. They are talking about everything that you can add to the tea. Kyra said Chelsea would not talk whiny to me but when she was in a group she would talk whiny. Adam is cutting up ginger while everyone else is watching. They are all sitting around talking about different messages they hate hearing. Dane tells them that he really liked watching Dawson’s Creek and he really liked Dawson. Kyra said Dawson was the whiny one. They are talking about another show that they used to watch. Adam said I guess I should have watched more TV before I came here. Dane said what did you do he said I read, worked out, and started writing a story. They ask Adam what was it about he said story about my life and my ex girlfriends. Dane said you actually like let people read it. Kyra asks Dane who did he like better Dawson’s Creek or the OC.
11:00 PM BBT Kyra tells Dane I loved that you are showing your other side. They all laugh. Adam starts talking in a foreign voice. They all said we should get snapchat. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES. Kyra said I knew when you guys were talking about how great it was then it had to be made. Kyra said tomorrow I will make us dessert crepes. Dane says yeah I knew something was wrong when we had to flatten the cake. They start going over what they had in the fridge. Adam says if it was good then you would be thanking Adam, Dane, and Mark. Dane and Mark said we are not putting our name on that cake. They all start playing a game. They have to guess the name. Mark keeps changing the rules.
11:15 PM BBT Kyra tells Mark his game is annoying. Adam is winning with 9 points. They are playing to 10. Mark says ok lets go to 15. Mark said that was way to quick and then he says lets go to 20. Anthony guesses everyone on the first try until he gets to Kyra. Dane goes into the storage room to make some tea. Anthony is about to win the game.
11:30 PM BBT They are still playing the game so far Anthony is still in the lead. Kyra calls Anthony a comp beast. They are all trying to decide how many points each one has.


April 29, 2019

10:00 AM BBT HG are outside smoking. They are all in general conversation. Anthony is asking about the cigarettes and flavors and additives. Kyra and Dane are explaining what is inside the cigs. As HG talk about cigs, feeds cut out on all 4 feeds at 10:01 AM BBT. Feeds return at 10:11 AM BBT. Dane is washing dishes then heads upstairs. Anthony and Kyra are sitting at the bar eating breakfast. Adam is in the blue room where Dane comes in. Adam is flossing his teeth. Dane and Adam change clothes. Kyra is now in the HOH room listening to headphones. Anthony comes in and they go into the HOH bathroom area to talk. Kyra says they don’t know yet but they don’t think it’s smart to evict the one person they can beat and it’s less about them beating in him in the last comp and the final 3 and more in the second round. They say with Dane or Adam – they have a very low chance.
10:15 AM BBT Kyra says they know they want to take out Adam and they want that too. Anthony is talking about the HG in the Jury House and no one dislikes Adam more than Dane except for Sam. He says that Dane at this point is indebted to Kyra. Kyra says it doesn’t matter because they can’t not beat them.Anthony says that Dane is the worst at wordplay. Kyra says that Anthony is good at word play and how does they know that he isn’t playing them. He says when the time comes, he will give Kyra ammo. He says Kyra has a lot of ammo. Kyra says in the past when they have trusted people it’s bit them, and they have learned from it. When Anthony comes to them and tells them things, they don’t know if it’s true. Anthony says he can not beat Adam, but he knows Dane can beat Adam and Anthony has a better chance of beating Dane and if Dane is in the final 3 they can beat Dane. Kyra says they are worried about the second comp. Kyra says it’s better for Anthonys game to keep Dane. Anthony says that Dane will not bring him or Adam. But Adam would bring Dane. He says that in Dane’s mind he can beat Kyra and in the Jury he will not win. Anthony said that he can beat Dane in the final, he thinks he can beat Kyra but he doesn’t think he can beat Adam. He says that the boys have not been loyal to him. Kyra says that in the video they have not said much and that what they did talk about they have already fessed up to. Anthony said he can argue Kyra against Dane and that they do not realize what they have done. Kyra says getting out Dane is the bigger move and that they can beat Adam. Anthony says Mark can not beat anyone at this point. He says the power is in Kyra’s hands and they decide to take one off, use that person to beat the bigger person and take them out. He says that Kyra doesn’t know them as good as Kyra does. He tells Kyra that Adam will take anyone else over them. He says Mark’s best shot is 20K. Anthony says that Mark has had talks with Adam. And it’s been that way the whole season. Kyra says that the only way to feel comfortable about keeping Dane that they need to talk to Mark about saying their name. Anthony said that remember when they were talking about saying Kyra’s name. He tells Kyra that they didn’t want them in the house. Dane convinced Mark keeping Damien would take them to the end. Mark was campaigning get Kyra and Este on the block instead of Damien. But he never spoke loud about sending Este home. Anthony said it was just a discussion and not that it was happening. Kyra said that yesterday Mark said that they needed to get out. Anthony said if they start to talk about it that they will start a shit storm and if Kyra doesn’t trust them then just to tell him now. He said that people in the house has said his name but he kept people in the house that helped his game. Kyra said if Mark brings them to final that they will win and Anthony said that he will do that. Anthony said people has different shots if they are up against different people. Anthony said that Adam didn’t do anything for the first 41 days and all he did was cook dinner. Against Kyra, they wouldn’t have a chance. That Kyra could say they knew there was an alliance and I didn’t care about it or how strong you were and it was not strong enough to get me out. He says the issue Kyra is having is because they do not know all the stuff the boys have said and done to each other. He says Adam would be afraid to take them now. Then you used Adam in the game to get further, then you got him out and used someone else to get further. Kyra says this makes sense and they know it but it’s risky. If they want 20K that it will work, if they want to win, they need to get Mark with them in the final 2. Anthony tells Kyra that Mark will not take them but he is telling them the truth. He has been on every single side since day one and Mark will not take them to the final. But Dane is simple minded. Dane will not take the boys especially after now. If Dane wins he will take Kyra hands down. He tells Kyra that they can beat everyone except Adam in the final it will come down to word play. He tells Kyra that they did more than he did but Kyra says that he had his hand in everything. Anthony tells Kyra that they did it without an alliance.
10:30 AM BBT Anthony says that Mark knows that the highest he can get is the 20K. He says that with them playing pool all day they are talking game. Kyra says that now Adam is not playing into the hate Mark and Kyra says that it is weird since before the was in agreement. He tells Kyra that Mark will take Adam. It makes sense to him but now he knows that he has 100% loyalty from Kyra. He said he can not beat Adam but he can beat Dane. He says Dane’s mind will be that Kyra is on board and keep him in the game and they are all going to take out Adam then Kyra and Dane can take out Anthony but that Dane does not know that Kyra will have the ammo to beat Dane in the final. He says that they know that if he wins he will take Kyra and if Kyra wins they will take Anthony. He says that Adam 100% will take out Dane. He says in the HOH room that they should pull candies and that Adam looked at Damien and Este and said they should have been gone last week. He says that Adam will not take Dane to the finals after this. Anthony says that Kyra has to trust him and that he needs to trust them. That they need to make a calculated decision. They hear noises and Kyra says that they think this room is haunted. Anthony again says they need to take out Adam before Dane. He says they will win and go to final 2. Kyra says they hope they do not look back and regret this decision. He says when they hold hands and stand at the podium they will understand. Kyra says that Anthony can beat Dane in a physical. Antony says that they have been getting stronger every single comp. He tells Kyra that if they are in final 3 with Dane that they both can beat him. He said he will come out angry and be doo rag Duggie. Kyra says part of them is telling themself that it is very dumb but the other part says that Mark doesn’t deserve to be here and having a wild card in the final 4 is too dangerous but having an army in the final that is indebted to them sounds good too. Kyra says that they have looked back and realized all the stupid things they have done in the game and that in 2 weeks they do not want this to be one of them. Anthony said that he has the same regrets in the game. He said that they are the only one who knows what’s in his head and that he is 100% loyal. He says the only way is to put 100% in one person and go for it. He says that he had that with Corey. He said Corey had her own things going on. He said that he has found out the brotherhood was not loyal that he said that there was a time he could have gone on the block and they didn’t tell him. Kyra asks who would put him up and he tells them that it was all the way back to week 3. That the boys have not been fighting for him and being loyal it was all about the boys themselves. He said that Kyra needs to do one thing and stop not believing in themselves. He tells Kyra that they won a mental comp – then feeds go down on all 4 cams.
10:45 AM BBT Feeds down at 10:45 AM BBT Feeds return at 10:50 AM BBT. Kyra and Adam are sitting in the chairs next to the kitchen. Kyra says that they are hesitant to drink water because they will be locked up for the day. Mark fills up his water and heads to the bathroom. Anthony goes into the washroom to brush his teeth. Adam and Kyra talk about how many more days and episodes are left before finale.
11:00 AM BBT HG are all in general conversation as all feeds go out again at 11:01 AM BBT
11:15 AM BBT – 11:43 AM BBT Feeds Down Feeds come back at 11:43 AM BBT with the HGs preparing food for an HOH Lockdown.
11:45 AM BBT The conversation is over the fact that Anthony hasn’t had a bowel movement in roughly a week. They are saying they have 20 minutes until Leon’s Lounge Lockdown. Adam tells Anthony to make a watery protein shake with 3 scoops of protein as that helps him move his bowels. There no conversation going on. Mark says He hopes that they can watch television while in there. He hopes he can see the Toronto Maple Leafs play hockey. He says He hopes they are still playing in the playoffs. Dane says there maybe another Lockout in 2020 because the players want more money. Kyra says it is not fair that they lock you out of a washroom for a few hours. Kyra says The mother in us is coming out it has been 7 days since you have had a bowel movement. Kyra asks him not to have his first bowel movement in their washroom. Kyra thinks they will all have to watch something on the televisions and remember them for a comp later. Once again all conversation has stopped while they await instructions from Big Brother.
12:00 PM BBT Kyra joins Adam and says Poor Anthony. Kyra says I don’t think it is a comp for the whole house because last time we got told to clean. It has to be something to do with that room. Dane says it could be a comp about the breaches. Mark comes down from using the washroom. Adam says Good thing I didn’t make that omelet it would have taken an hour. Kyra states they think it has been 2 hours. Dane wonders why the backyard area is closed off. Kyra thinks because they don’t want us going outside when they call us. Adam thinks there is people walking around. Dane says there is a lot of mirrors in this house I won’t want this many mirrors in my house. Mark states he would want some in his bedroom. Mark is telling them that his brother always took toys apart to see how they worked; walking into this house he wants to do the same thing. Kyra says working here with us might be pretty boring as we don’t do a lot of stuff. Adam states they probably know us better than we know ourselves. Feeds go down at 12:05 PM BBT
12:15 PM BBT Feeds down Feeds come back at 12:23 PM BBT with all the HGs in the Leon’s Lounge. They are watching a television when all of a sudden Anthony Kyra say that is my Mom!! Mark says That is my friend. They are asking for volume to be turned up. Dane’s and Adam’s moms are there as well. They are having a tour of the house. All the moms all have Big Brother bags. The Moms are trying on clothes. Dane’s Mom has his boxers on. Adam’s mom has found the kiss that Sam left Adam. Adam’s Mom pulls out high shoes from his bag.
12:30 PM BBT Back in the Leon’s Lounge where all the HGs are watching their moms and Mark’s friend go through their things. They are still asking for sound. The family is in the HOH room and sitting in the bathtub. They sit in a circle and say they are planning a final 5. Dane’s mom goes to look for Dane’s teeth and are complaining they do not have any booze. They go downstairs and ask if they should eat all their fruit. They say that the kitchen is messy. Anthony’s mom goes into the storage room and sees all the beer. Feeds go down at 12:37 PM BBT but come right back up for a few seconds and go back down as Mark’s friend asks what they have to eat. They try slop. They say there is an aftertaste to it. They go out to the kitchen as they say they would have set up their kitchen so much differently. Adam’s mom finds the tin foil cat and she names it Prince Charles. They say that there is a lot of cleanup to do and that the dishwasher is not magic. They see the butter is out and they cover it. They go out to the living room and see a sign. It reads, “Hello and welcome to the BBC House. BB wanted to give you a taste of what your loved ones have been up to for the last 59 days. So for the next few hours make yourself at home and have fun”. Anthony’s mom lays on the couch on her stomach like Anthony as the family laughs. They head to the backyard and they lift some weights and go to the pool table. Adam’s mom gets up on top of the circle couch and does the jig like Adam and Sam did. Anthony’s mom picks up a pool stick and lands the first ball. They head outside to the hottub. The HG are watching their families going through the house, all have smiles on their faces. They are still asking for sound. They finally get sound.
12:45 PM BBT The family is talking about finding the secret room. Anthony’s mom said she wants the BB house after they are done with it. She is saying that she will rent out the other rooms in the house and that the HOH room would be hers. Marks friend asks who is crying. They all say Kyra for sure and that they are all crying. Anthony’s Mom said if they were in front of her that she would cry too. The family talks game talk and the sound goes out again. They see BB tell the family to stop talking about production and they laugh. Sound returns. Adam says my mom was watching live feeds then? Anthony’s mom asks if everyone is legit about …… then sound goes out. Adam’s mom asks if anyone knew when the HG got the call to go into the house. Anthony’s mom said right before. Adam’s mom said they emailed her when he was already in the house. BB tells them again to stop talking about production and they blame it on the alcohol. They talk about Slop again and what they can make with it. Kyra’s mom gets up to do something in the mirror and they told her not anything about production. They head inside again. Kyra’s mom puts on Kyra’s sunglasses. They try doors and they are all locked except for the bathroom in the hallway. They go into the house and try more doors. Feeds go down at 12:57 PM BBT
1:00 PM BBT Feeds return 1:07 PM BBT. Anthony’s mom says she wants to do cleaning. They see Adam’s hat and glasses on the end table next to the chairs in the kitchen area. They say it is warm in the house. Anthony’s and Adam’s mom begin to clean the kitchen. Marks friend is washing dishes. He offers to make a slop smoothie. They say that it is quiet and they say that it is because they are thinking. Marks friend is in the storage room getting slop ready to make smoothies. They talk about what will happen when the HG get out of the house. Adam’s mom is sweeping, Kyra and Anthony’s mom work on starting the dishwasher. Dane’s mom is wiping down the counter. Mark’s friend puts the slop smoothie on the blender and says he kinda wants it to be gross. The mom’s still work on getting the dishwasher to start. They say how many mom’s does it take to turn on a dishwasher. Dane’s mom is in the storage room looking for garbage bags. Mark’s friend goes to look at the dishwasher and they say they need the man to fix it. He gets it to work. He chugs the slop smoothie and says the aftertaste is what gets you but the first taste is not too bad. Dane’s mom takes a spoonful and says it’s nasty.

1:15 PM BBT They say they can not imagine eating that for a week at every meal. The HG continue to watch their family on the television. Dane’s, Kyra’s and Adam’s mom go into the storage room. Dane’s mom says they are gonna talk in secret. They continue to look for garbage bags and feeds go out at 1:18 PM BBT – Feeds return at 1:20 PM BBT. Mark’s friend goes upstairs to the blueroom, lays down and says he wonders if he is on the live feeds right now. Kyra’s mom heads upstairs. Anthony’s mom says it is too cold to go into the hottub and she doesn’t want to get sick. Kyra’s mom looks in the blue room where Mark’s friend and Dane’s mom is. She asks them what they think about the hottub. Dane’s mom passes because of her foot but she said she can go outside and start smoking. Kyra’s mom says she will go and change in the HOH room. They talk about towels and if they should throw some in the wash. Anthony’s mom talks to Mark’s friend and she asks how long they have known each other and he said since they were like 4 or 5 years old. He says that when they were little they would play Survivor and Big Brother. Adam’s mom find another Tin Foil figure. The family is on a quest to find garbage bags. Anthony’s mom is on a cleaning spree. She talks about Anthony asking for her to come and help him clean and she says Help? No, it’s mom doing it for you. She talks about a Sr in her building she helps and feeds cut out at 1:26 PM BBT
1:30 PM BBT Feeds down – Feeds return 1:34 PM BBT and everyone is in the HOH room looking at pictures. Anthony’s mom finds the earphones. She puts them in and says she is going to be like Anthony. Mark’s friend said it would be mean to eat all their snacks. They eat some. Kyra’s mom finds the bubbles. Anthony’s mom says the HOH room is sexy. Mark’s friend asks Anthony’s mom what it will be like when she sees him. She says she will cry. She says she cries when she watches him on the show and that she misses him bad. She calls him everyday. She said she calls him until he calls her back. She said she can tell when he has had a bad day at work. She talks about where he works and feeds cut out for a few seconds. Anthony is wiping his eyes as he watches his mom talk about him. She says that they are best friends. Kyra’s mom says that all her kids live close to her and that they have family dinner every Sunday. She says she is blessed. Anthony’s mom says she wants one grandbaby. Adam’s mom says that Sam can make that happen for her. Anthony’s mom says she just wants to see her son happy and married with one grandbaby. She says when your children go through things and feeds flip off for a few seconds and return to mon’s talking about their kids relationships. Feeds out at 1:40 PM BBT
1:45 PM BBT The moms and Mark’s friend are leaving the HOH room and heading downstairs, They have brought the bubbles and head outside to the Hot tub area. As the Hgs watch their families they are enjoying laughs and giggles as they struggle with the simple things they first did, like the Hot tub cover, and aqua packs. Feeds cut again as the loved ones are getting into/sitting around the Hot tub. Once most of the loved ones are in the hot tub feeds come back and they all start having chit chat about random things like the HGs would, bagel shops and food places. Dane and Anthony’s moms have stayed out of the hot tub but still part of the conversation. Just like without regular HGs our loved ones are asking each other to hand things to them.
2:00 PM BBT The loved ones are talking about how tall the Hgs are and sharing life information and then Anthony’s mom almost falls out of a chair when they realize the leg is broken. Feeds cut out 2:00 PM BBT
2:07 PM BBT The Loved ones have moves Seats and are back to talking. They are saying how much so many of them look to their children and one another. The loved ones are going over where they are from and accents. Mark’s friend says when he left Isreal he was a year old and moved to Yellow knife in Canada. Someone else says they were there too and left at like a year and half. Feeds cut out again as they are talking personal information. When they return the HG are watching the loved ones getting out of the HT and heading inside. Kyra points out that Adams sister found a new guy and they were just talking about it the other day. Kyra comments how much like Mark his friend is. Dane thinks his mom will collect and begin doing the towels since they were used. Most of the loved ones are in the Sr getting supplies to cook a meal. The HGs are trying to decide what is being made Poutine or lasagna, as the Hgs watch on the monitors they speculate if this is a comp or if they will get to see/touch them.
2:15 PM BBT They Hgs are having a great time watching their loved ones go digging for items and searching all over, Kyra feels like Danes mom must be watching feeds at home she knows mostly where everything is and has made a few comments only known by feeds in Kyra’s opinion. Feeds continue to cut in and out meanwhile the Hgs are discussing how they are always on Tv and all the crazy things they have done. Adam mentions about the Bathroom and what do they do if they need to go since they will be in the room for a long time. The HGs comment on the outfits and shoes of the loved ones. They Debate of if the stove is on or off and how confused the loved ones will be when food isn’t cooking. They ask what the go to meal is for the loved ones at home. The Hgs speculate if maybe they will get to eat a meal with the loved ones, but there is a liability of them saying or asking a question that gives away game, maybe even with glass between them, feeds cut out again 2:26 PM BBT.
2:26 PM BBT- 3:38 PM BBT Feeds are out
3:38 PM BBT All the loved ones are gathered in the living room with one of them reading a card about seeing the loved ones. The card says only one of them will get one minute with the loved ones but they have to make a decision between themselves, a few of them bow out leaving it between Mae and one other person. The HGs are all rooting for Anthony’s mom to get the time. Several of the loved ones say they have had opportunities to send in videos and Anthony hasn’t gotten a video or HOH. Dane and Adams mom have bowed out Marks friends has bowed out so its between Kyra and Anthony’s moms, Kyra is pleading in the Leon’s lounge for Mae- Anthony’s mom to get the time. Anthony’s mom is in tears saying for Kyra to get the visit and pass on how much they all love their kids, She will see her son in 2 weeks, the other moms are saying how proud they are of their kids and how important this is but for Kyra’s mom to give her a hug and pass on how much they all love their kids/family. Anthony’s mom has gone to the kitchen to get paper towel and clean her face and other moms have followed to give hugs n support. In the lounge Kyra is saying no Mom let Mae have it, The HG are trying to tell a crying Kyra its not her fault her mom isn’t just bowing out easily. Feeds go out.
4:00 PM BBT- 4:15 PM BBT Feeds Down Feeds return at 4:16 PM BBT to Mark, Adam, Anthony and Kyra eating a large meal at the kitchen table which looks like lasagna and salad. Anthony says it is such a blessing. Kyra says they feel guilty even though they know they shouldn’t because it’s their mom and not them but Anthony deserved to see his mom. Anthony tells Kyra they deserved to see their mom too and they say it was less about them wanting to see her, they know Anthony’s relationship with his mom and Kyra’s mom has everyone at home. Adam says he’s been away and hasn’t seen his mom in 7 months. Kyra says they wonder what Anthony’s mom was saying when she was folding his laundry. Anthony says it’s her OCD tendencies. Kyra asks if she really does have OCD and Anthony says yes. Dane reemerges and tells everyone that their friends and family are all beautiful people and he can’t wait to meet them all again. Mark asks Kyra what everyone’s family members told them to say if they don’t mind him asking and they say it was all somewhat of a blur, but they all said that they love them and they’re so proud. Anthony laughs about his mom’s impression of him lying on the couch and Mark says it was hilarious. Kyra says Dane’s mom was hilarious. Everyone jokes about Anthony’s mom folding all the laundry.
4:30 PM BBT Kyra is pacing around the storage room crying and saying they can’t believe they got to hug their mom. Feeds cut to the kitchen where all of the pretty boys are still eating and Anthony is saying how his mom was asking what PB meant and he said brotherhood. Dane and Anthony start cleaning up the kitchen and Dane says that his mom said Coco has a crush on anthony as well as Dane. Adam, Anthony, and Dane are all out in the hot tub area talking about the family visit. Kyra comes outside and paces around and the boys are talking about one of their many pool games. Dane says everyone has a different strategy when it comes to that.
4:45 PM BBT Adam asks if the top cover is n the hot tub and says he wants to get in Dane says he wants to get in too and he thinks the cover has been off for a while. Anthony adjusts the temperature. Dane says it was nice to hear from his mom that Coco was watching him. Kyra says they didn’t even talk to their mom they thought they had to just hug and run but they had so many things they wanted to ask her like is their dog ok and how their uncle is. Dane says his mom told him that Coco goes over his mom’s house and watches all the shows and the live feeds with her. Kyra says that’s really sweet and Coco will more than likely get back together with him. Kyra asks Dane if his mom knew he was on the block and he says he doesn’t know. Kyra gets up yo go see if Adam will let them have one of his cigarettes. Adam and Mark join Anthony and Dane outside and they continue talking about the family visits. Dane again says he might go in the hot tub. Mark says his buddy left his bathing suit at the BB house and Anthony says he can probably give it back to him. Mark says he definitely will. Conversation switches to everyone wondering about the travel for their families.
5:00 PM BBT MArk says he blacked out he had so many things he wanted to tell his buddy but he was just so excited to see him and that everyone’s mom’s were really cool and he enjoyed getting to meet Adam and Dane’s mom. The boys all agree that their pretty boy alliance must have been highlighted quite a bit this season because all of their moms were talking about it. Adam is in the kitchen making brownies and says he’s never baked before a day in his life, so this will be the first time, then narrates everything he’s doing. Anthony, Dane, Mark, and Kyra are talking about a night earlier in the season where everyone was messing around with Adam in the hot tub. Kyra says everyone looks really good on TV and they’re glad about that and say they’re glad they look tall. Kyra starts talking more about the family visit and says they’re glad they got to hug everyone’s mom and Anthony says they should have let everyone go hug the parents. Kyra says they’re in such a good mood now and tells Mark they’re sorry his mom couldn’t come. Mark says it’s ok and he’ll see her soon but he’s glad he got to see his buddy Ty. Kyra says Ty was funny. Dane says that the two of them and anthony will be final 3 and Dane says he’s going straight for that HOH and he has Kyra’s back. Kyra says they don’t really want to go to the finals with Mark anymore and he knows he’s not going to win, so if he goes all the way to finals, he’ll say he came up with so many different plans. Kyra says they’ve heard a lot of shady things about him throughout the game and that he was one of the first people to say they needed to get Maki out and it will be easier to get to final three with the 3 of them against one of Adam
5:15 PM BBT Mark and Anthony are whispering back and forth in the Blue bedroom discussing the plans for next week saying that they both need to gun for the POV and make it clear to Dane that the pretty boys alliance is still a very real thing. Dane and Adam are in the kitchen Adam is still baking and Dane tells him he’s so full. Anthony leaves the room to go make coffee for everyone and yells to Dane to ask if he likes sugar in his coffee, dane says yeah one scoop and anthony says ok and yells back, “you too Adam?” and Adam says no sugar. Anthony comes out and sits at the kitchen table with 4 jars mixing up everyone’s coffees for them, Adam asks which one has no sugar in it and Anthony says none of them yet they just have milk in them so Adam grabs one and takes a sip. Dane runs into the room and says, “It’s so fucking nice to hear that Coco is watching. She goes to my mom’s house for every epie” Anthony says, “nice man” and Dane grabs his cup of coffee.
5:30 PM BBT Kyra is laying on the couch in their HOH room crying and listening to their music, then they eventually let out a sigh and get up saying they guess it’s time for them to go downstair and hangout with everyone. They grab their coffee cup and leave the room saying, “Ugh what a day.” before heading downstairs. Everyone is now in the kitchen talking a little bit more about the mom visits. Dane says Mark’s friend bowed out first because he thought it would be more special for the moms to see their kids. Anthony says his mom bowed out too but he could tell she didn’t want to. Mark says it would have been a little bit easier for the Dads to bow out, but he says there’s something like a mother and being told that their child is right behind a door but they can’t see them.
5:45 PM BBT Everyone is outside in the hot tub area talking about the mom visit. Mark asks Anthony if his mom has traveled at all and he says a little bit and lists off the places she’s been. Adam says she’s been more places than he has. Mark says it’s crazy to hear how Newfoundland is closer to Ireland than British Columbia. Dane says it was crazy ehn all the parents showed up because he saw them come in and wondered, “Who the hell are these people?’ and then he saw his mom and got so excited.Kyra says Anthony’s mom told them she was so proud of them and says she’s a special lady and so is everyone else’s mom. Dane says he can’t wait to go over Anthony’s house and see her and Kyra agrees and says they’ll all make a mess so she can clean it up. Dane says they can all have her make them some poutine. Kyra says, “Day 59” and Dane says best day ever! Kyra agrees.Mark says tomorrow is April 30th and then it goes to MAy
6:00 PM BBT Kyra, Anthony Dane and Mark are in the backyard by the hot tub. Kyra went to check on the cake. They went to the pool table and challenged Adam to a game. Mark says that Kyra was trying to start a fight between himself and Dane. They said that Dane was talking about him behind his back. Mark said he didn’t believe Kyra. Dane wishes he could smoke little left handed cigarette. Mark and Dane think that Damien had an alliance. Dane said that Cory was always complimenting Damien saying how loyal. Dane said that when he went to kiss Cory on the cheek, she turned and he kissed her on the lips. Mark said Dane is the kind of guy to just laugh it off. Mark said that his friends always criticized him for kissing his mom on the cheek. He said “sorry I am normal and have emotions.” Dane said he wants to go to San Fran and go to Alcatraz.
6:15 PM BBT Mark said it’s really cool but going at night is cool because it makes it more spooky. Dane asks if it was just the worst of the worst. Mark said it was just people who were high risk to escape. They discuss the three people who tried to escape. Dane said he would think the water would be warm but Mark says it is super cold. Dane asks if people can walk along the Golden Gate Bridge. Mark says yes but it would take a really long time. Mark is playing a game of pool by himself. Kyra, Dane and Adam are in the kitchen. Dane remembers a time when Big Brother locked the fridge. Mark got bored and joined the rest of them in the kitchen. He eats some sprinkles.
6:30 PM BBT The cake finishes baking and cooling. Dane immediately takes a small sample. He thinks it tastes good.Anthony is in the diary room. They all take large pieces and thank Adam for making it. Dane loads sprinkles onto his piece. Adam makes it clear that the dishwasher is ready to be loaded. He says it drives him crazy when people just leave their dishes in the sink and expect it to be done. Dane says that the veto is very important.

6:45 PM BBT Kyra said they can’t believe it’s all going to be over in 11 days. Dane replies “it’s fucked!” They are both smoking cigarettes. They are going to play 40/40 eventually. Kyra confirms that Dane and them will have a talk. When they leave the backyard, Dane looks at the camera and says he can’t believe that worked. Mark was listening to music in the HOH. Kyra goes up to the HOH and they start chatting. Kyra says that themself and Mark are equal. Mark says he apologizes for not revealing the guy group’s name. He says he was having an emotional moment. He says that he will reveal it by the end of the week. Kyra is convinced that the other guys will tell them. Kyra asks if Mark is going to play 40/40.Mark says not but asks if everyone is playing. He changed his mind when Kyra says that everyone else is playing. Adam states the rules. It seems very similar to kick the can.
7:00 PM BBT They decide that Kyra is it. Kyra doesn’t take too long to find them. Adam is it next. Dane’s next hiding place is under the bathroom sink. Adam can’t find Kyra and Dane.
7:15 PM BBT The houseguests are still playing 40/40. Kyra got mad at Mark for cheating.
7:30 PM BBT They are playing 40/40 still. Kyra is getting frustrated. Dane is doing well and hasn’t cheated.
7:45 PM BBT They are still playing the game. They finally finish the game.
8:00 PM BBT Anthony , Dane, Kyra, and Adam are all hanging out in the living room trying to come up with some more games they can play, dodgeball being a possibility. Kyra asks Adam if he wants to go out for a cigarette and he says Dane needs to go to the bathroom first. Kyra says he’s a fast pooper. All the houseguests wonder why the day feels so long and Kyra says probably because they went into Leon’s Lounge so early and instead of going from room to room, they all just sat there and watched their friends and family members explore the house for 3 hours. Adam says usually they’re all up for about 16 hours. Anthony and Mark are laying on the couches in the living room not much conversation is happening at all between the two of them. Kyra, Adam, and Dane are all out in the hot tub area smoking cigarettes and once they finish they head back inside. Adam is breathing into the glass on a door noticing how he can see his own breath. Adam has joined Adam and Anthony is the living room
8:15 PM BBT Everyone is in the living room reminiscing on the season and talking about love. Anthony says he wishes they all could just watch a movie and fall asleep. Adam says they basically watched a movie today. Dane says yeah they watched a thousand sobbing moms and Ety in the DR. Adam says he can’t believe fish sleep which sparks a conversation amongst the other houseguests about the fish. Adam wonders if they’re really sleeping or if itjust so dark in there they can’t see. Mark says he thinks he saw a butterfly or a moth or something. Mark is wearing a neon orange beanie and Adam asks him if it’s his favorite hat and he says, “it is now” Dane says it probably looks really bright on TV. Anthony asks what they should do to stay awake and they all say they might go out to the hot tub later.
8:30 PM BBT Anthony and Kyra are in the kitchen and Kyra whispers to Anthony that they are going up to their HOH room and ask him if he wants to come with them he says he will after he finishes heating up some of the lasagna from earlier. Mark yells to them all that he’s going out to the hot tub and asks them if they want to go out and both Anthony and Kyra say not just yet. Kyra tells Anthony to meet them in their room and then they can talk. Kyra yells out, “My mom was here! That was Judy! She looks good for 65 ay?” Then they say that she is their little munchkin mommy. Anthony is sitting at the counter eating his lasagna and says he would’ve given Kyra’s mom a hug. Kyra says their mom would’ve loved to give him a hug and asks if Anthony remembers if she said she was proud of them. They say they don’t remember because they were too busy crying. Anthony says he was too and Kyra says that Anthony’s mom did say that she was proud of the both of them. Kyra tells Adam that his leg looks so long and skinny Adam says it’s because he’s jacked.

8:45 PM BB Kyra starts talking about the finale and says how it will be exciting to see everyone. They say Adam’s jaw will drop when he sees Sam because she’ll probably wear a nice dress.
9:00 PM BBT Adm is lifting in the lounge and MArk comes in and starts singing, “curls for the girls.” Adam says that that is what, “Judy Pitudi” Kyra’s mom said when she came in the house earlier. Anthony and Kyra are in the kitchen whispering about someone. Anthony says that Mark told him he wouldn’t vote for him in the end and Anthony told him he probably wouldn’t vote for him either, but if Adam goes to the end, he’ll probably win. Kyra says that Adam hasn’t talked game to them yet at all. Dane and MArk are outside in the hot tub area. Dane is smoking a cigarette and Mark is swimming. Dane says the cat is out of the bag since Adam got nominated. Mark says he saw Dane’s mom on TV and it was cool to see her walking through the house. Dane joins Mark in the hot tub and they continue their conversation on the friends and family visit.
9:15 PM BBT Mark says that his buddy Etay who came to the family visit for him knows the game really well and knew all about the archive room and where everything was in the house. Mark says he probably even knew right away when Kyra came out that they had all been watching from inside Leon’s Lounge. Mark asks Dane what his mom told him and he says she told him that she was proud of him and she was watching every episode and that Coco was also proud of him and she’s been watching every episode with Dane’s family. Mark says it seemed like everyone had really been watching the live feeds except for Anthony’s mom. Conversation switches to Mark telling Dane about one of his buddy’s dogs and how smart it is. Kyra joins them outside and they start talking again about the moms visit. Dane wonders if his sister was busy and that’s why his mom came and tells them that his sister was his CT. Mark says that his mom was his CT but it was his buddy that came to see him. Kyra says that their mom was also theirs but they don’t think it was just their CTs who came. “You are not allowed to talk about production”
9:30 PM BBT The conversation about the family visits continues and Mark says they probably made it like a mom’s trip and he says that if it wasn’t passover, then there might have been a possibility that he mom could have been there, but she probably wouldn’t have eaten anything and what not because of her strict diet, then he says maybe she wouldn’t have even come anyway because his dad probably wouldn’t have wanted her on TV and then the topics of conversation like politics and religion would have made her a little bit uncomfortable. Mark and Dane switch the conversation to sports and more specifically soccer. Mark says he likes soccer but it’s very hard to make it playing professionally in Canada, you have to go to Europe. Dane says that he went to a Vancouver whitecaps game with one of his buddies and their were people walking up and down the road chanting “Whitecaps” Mark says their fans are probably very loyal because Canada is a pretty small country compared to the US.
9:45 PM BBT The sports conversation switches to hockey and the best ways to get tickets cheap and/or last minute. Dane tells Mark about a time where he had two different sets of tickets and he watched one game until the half and then went and watched the other for the second half and sat at the bar. Mark says that if you wait around until about 10 minutes after the game starts, then you can end up getting tickets for dirt cheap. He tells a story about a time where he went to see the Canucks and he waited around until after the game started and went outside and said if anyone was selling tickets, he was willing to buy and he ended up meeting a family from Seattle and there were 8 of them there, but they had 2 extra tickets because they had originally planned on having 10 of them there, so Mark asked if he could buy just one and they told him that they were only selling the two of them together, so he ended up buying them both and tried to invite a friend last minute but she couldn’t come so he ended up having an empty seat beside him and ended up explaining hockey to the family throughout the game.
10:00 PM BBT Kyra and Anthony are listening to music in the HOH room. They start talking about different types of music player. Anthony hits Kyra with a pillow. Kyra tells Anthony the HOH room is creepy at night. Anthony says he is going to be sleeping here next week. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Kyra says Anthony is like a big brother to Kyra. Kyra said that I have massaged a lot of people this season. Kyra tells Anthony we need to go shopping with our prize money. Kyra says my girlfriends are not fun to shop with because they don’t like going to the mens section. Mark and Dane are in the blue bedroom. Mark said that Damien told him my girlfriend signed me up for the show and then I went on the block. They both head to the bathroom. Mark goes into the shower. Dane goes into the other shower. They are talking about their moms. Anthony is laying on the HOH bed listening to the music. Kyra is sleeping. Mark asks Dane does he still have his apartment or is he subletting it. Dane said he still has it but he thinks he is going to go and stay in his mom’s basement for the summer so he can save up some cash. Anthony has now started blowing bubble at Kyra. Kyra is trying to block them. Kyra tells Anthony the bubbles taste disgusting. Anthony leaves out and heads into the kitchen where Adam is using the blender he tells him I am preparing the omelets so when tomorrow comes we will be ready. Adam asks Anthony if wants to smoke a joint outside. Mark said they finally fixed the sound. Anthony says they talk like they despise Mark. Anthony says that he is trying to do something. Anthony says he is going to sit Mark down and tell him why he is leaving and we are not going to do it in front of Dane.
10:15 PM BBT Adam says we still have the burgers in there. Adam says Burgers with the omelets. Anthony starts signing burgers with the omelets. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Adam and Anthony are playing basketball in the storage room. Adam and Anthony are trying to see if that is green onion or asparagus in the fridge. Anthony says it is green onion. Anthony tells him he needs to cut out the sugar so he can get abs. Adam said yeah that is why you don’t have abs. Dane heads into the HOH room. Kyra said has he said my name to you. Dane said no but I can probably get it out of him. Kyra said I can tell when he lies. Kyra said I have Anthony on board. Kyra said I have not officialized it so don’t talk about it yet. Kyra tells him when they call bed time come to my room and I will get Anthony. Kyra said I have made up my mind. Kyra says I am lowering my chances at winning but I don’t want to take Mark until the end. Kyra said I would rather than go against the best then try playing against Mark. Mark walks past the HOH room. Kyra said Mark does not play well. Kyra tells Dane he is a legend. Dane says I did not bullshit you last night. Mark says he is looking for Adam Pike the man who found land in Newfoundland. Adam says you should have said that in you pov speech. Adam is chopping up chicken and putting it into a container. Anthony is outside in the hot tub area. He is saying that he has been worried about his mom the whole time he was in here. It meant so much for him to be able to see his mom and know that she is ok. Dane leaves the HOH room. Kyra is whispering to Kyra trying to decide the best situation. Mark, Adam, and Dane are in the kitchen. Adam asks Dane if his mom was a huge fan of the show. Adam ask Dane what else do we need.
10:30 PM BBT Dane says we have bacon, egg, and tomato. Adam says he is going to add the burgers to it in the morning. Mark is making a smoothie. Adam is adding the bell pepper to the stuff for the omelets. Dane heads out to the Hot tub area where Anthony is sitting. Dane says he is so inconsiderate. Anthony says yeah. Dane says the beauty of it that Mark is not going to campaign. Anthony says that i am going to go to him man to man and tell him I am voting against him. Anthony says I am not going to leave it to a tie I trust Kyra and all but I still don’t want to chance it. Dane say he is going on and on about it. Anthony said I was still on a high from seeing my mom and Mark comes to me and asks me what are we going to do about Adam. he said I tried to get away from him and he followed me and asked me again what are we going to do about Adam. Dane said it was awesome to see our mom’s consoling each other. Dane said I wanted to talk to her. Anthony said we don’t want to startle Dane or Mark when the time is right we will. Anthony tells Dane to double check the door to see if anyone is watching. Kyra joins them out in the hot tub. Anthony says it was so good to see my mom. Dane said yeah it was so good to see our family. They are all talking about how much taller Kyra is from Kyra’s mom. Kyra drinks some of Anthony’s tea and says that it was really good tea.
10:45 PM BBT Dane and Adam are in the kitchen they both head to the storage room. Adam tells Dane his mom make him sick. Adam says my mom says we are going to make it to the end. Adam says yeah me and you. Adam starts talking about past houseguests. They are calling the previous houseguests legends. Dane is making him and Adam some tea. Dane says we are almost out of milk. Adam says may be we will have some tomorrow. Anthony and Kyra are still in the Hottub area talking. Kyra is whispering. Dane and Adam comes out and joins them. Kyra tells them that the days go by faster since it is then end. Mark come out and joins everyone. Adam says since Sam has gone then his farts have gone down.

11:00 PM BBT They are all talking about their mom’s being there. Adam says my mom looked so beautiful today. Adam tells them she just got it cut recently. Anthony says that he is number one in the house. Kyra and Adam leave out to go play pool. Kyra said we she said today is going to be a good day my heart just melted. Dane come in from the hot tub area. Dane asks what are they doing. Kyra says Adam is practicing his break. Mark and Anthony leave the hot tub area. They said we are going to play tourney. They decide who is playing first, second, and third. Kyra and Anthony are the first to play. Mark says so I play the loser of this game. Mark and Adam are still trying to figure out how the game needs to be played. Mark says it doesn’t matter I will still beat you. Adam says that’s fine I can still beat Anthony and Dane. they are all laughing and having a good time watching Kyra and Anthony play. Anthony scratches and says it is Adam’s fault. Mark starts asking Dane about his teeth. Dane starts telling him that he is now on his fourth and fifth set of teeth. He tells Mark what happen to his previous teeth and how they went missing.
11:15 PM BBT Anthony wins the game. He goes inside to put socks on. Mark says so Kyra I am playing you next. Kyra says yeah. Adam and Dane set up to play. Mark says the pool table is not lined up with the mirror anymore so he can’t watch it tv style anymore. Anthony comes out and says Dane is killing you man. Anthony says Kyra let me borrow your glasses for a minute. They all start laughing. Adam wins. Mark and Kyra are now playing. Adam says Mark gets into his head when they play. They are all trying to help Kyra beat Mark. Mark says when he plays Adam and Anthony he legitimately plays Anthony says what about when you play Dane you just let him win. They all laugh. Adam is coaching Kyra. Mark wins. Anthony and Dane set up to play.
11:30 PM BBT Mark is whispering to Adam. Anthony tells Dane you are not going to get any balls in. they are talking about who is going to play next. Anthony says I am so mad I was wanting Dane to have four balls on the table when I beat him. Dane calls his next play but didn’t make the shot. Dane for the win. Anthony blows on the last ball. Adam and Mark set up for the next game.
11:45 PM BBT Kyra keeps yelling out Adam’s name. Adam tells Mark I just literally gave you the game. Anthony says Mark pulled out a Dane on Adam. They all start talking about Mark and his orange hat. Anthony asks are you guys hungry. Dane and Kyra say yes. Someone says we will eat soon. Anthony asks do we have any eggs. Kyra says there are a few eggs left we can possibly get some more tonight. Mark wins. Adam gets upset Adam plays Anthony. Mark says Adam would not shake my hand. Kyra says I ca go make something. Kyra says I am going to have some leftover lasagna. Anthony says wait and we will all eat together and make fun of Mark. Anthony says wait we can have the burgers tonight. Dane and Kyra are in the kitchen. Dane comes out to watch the guys play. Dane said I told you no negativity in Leon’s lounge Mark heads upstairs. Dane is watching Adam and Anthony play. Looks as though Adam is winning but Anthony does something to distract him. Anthony misses the hole. Anthony and Adam are having mor fun distracting each other. Anthony wins. Mark tells him Adam you said that you would shake my hand when the tournament was over. They all yell WAKE UP CANADA.


April 28, 2019


10:00-11:00 AM: Dane told Anthony that it has been the two of them since Day 2. He said “just like Kobe and Shaq, we didn’t see eye to eye but we made it”. Dane pitched that Anthony needs him just like he needs Anthony. Dane told Anthony that he cannot beat Adam, Kyra or Mark in a mental competition, but he can. Dane then revealed his cheat sheet that he has been using to study since the beginning. Dane insisted that Anthony will need him since the mental competitions are going to come, and he can help Anthony study too. Dane said the others will be scared of Anthony but he is not since he had a vision since Day 2 that they were going to be in the Final 2 together. Dane promised on his dad that he will take Anthony to the Final 2. Dane said he will not campaign against Mark if he goes up, and the only thing that he will say is that Anthony needs him. Dane again brought up that Kobe and Shaq didn’t agree on things but they went to the finals and won. Dane mentioned that everyone brings up how Anthony is such a good talker and he would be impossible to beat. Dane said he can beat Adam in the mental competitions that take place in Part 2 and Part 3 of the final HoH competition. Dane said he will persuade Adam to give him his vote, but he needs Anthony. Dane added that he will tell Adam to take Anthony if he wins, but he does not want Kyra to have the biggest move this season. Anthony listened on in silence and Dane continued to pitch. When Anthony broke his silence, he said “let’s meet up in one hour”.

11:00-12:00 PM: Anthony spoke to Adam about the situation at hand. He said Dane and Mark were in the middle of the alliance all season long, saying things to the two of them about each other. Anthony said those two painted the picture that Adam and Sam were trying to get him out. Adam denied it. Anthony told Adam that Dane was pushing to get Sam out since Day 1. Anthony said he figures that Dane was painting a picture that he hated Sam. Adam said he thought that Anthony was gunning for Sam the entire game, which Anthony denied.

12:00-1:00 PM: Adam brought up Anthony saying that he wants to get to the end with people that deserve it. Adam said it’s not good for him if Dane goes, since both Kyra and Mark will take him out. As for Dane, Adam said he is focused on getting Kyra out. Adam let Anthony know that he will not be doing a split vote. He doesn’t want Kyra to have the satisfaction of breaking the tie and making a speech to Dane. Anthony agreed. Anthony then talked about how he was always loyal to the boys, yet Dane and Mark played for themselves. Anthony said he doesn’t care what happens this week as long as they come to a collective agreement. Adam said he doesn’t think that Dane would put Anthony up. Anthony said Adam is 1000% not going if Dane stays, and he doesn’t think that he would go either. Adam said Mark is 1000% going to keep Kyra. Anthony agreed. For that reason, Anthony said Dane deserves to be there more. He suggested that Mark doesn’t care about loyalty. Anthony called Mark a savage that would stab him in the back. Anthony guaranteed Adam that he will not put him on the block. If Dane or Kyra win, Anthony said he would finesse them into keeping Adam. Adam said he would not nominate Anthony if he wins either. Anthony asked Adam if they are going to go Final 2. Adam said from everything that he has told him, yeah. Adam questioned if they are doing the same thing that they are talking about Dane doing in regards to the Final 2 deals. Anthony said no since Dane and Mark were plotting against them the entire time. Adam said Dane loves the show with a passion, whereas Mark doesn’t care about the people. Adam believes that Mark is pissed off at him due to not using the veto on him. On top of that, he doesn’t think that Mark likes him. Anthony said Mark is going to go on the block, and then the only way that this will work is if Adam acts surprised when Dane stays. Adam said it will be the best season ever if Kyra is blindsided after wanting to be the one to break the tie to evict Dane. Anthony said that he will tell Dane to pretend that he is going home.

2:00-3:00 PM: Anthony spoke to Dane. He said Dane needs to understand that he doesn’t fear anybody. Anthony brought up that Dane did some disloyal things, including taking out Cory. As for him, Anthony said he was loyal to Dane and put the two of them ahead of the Pretty Boys. While Anthony said his definition of a ride or die is different than Dane’s, he told Dane that he is a man of his word. Anthony clarified that him keeping Dane has nothing to do with beating anyone else. He said he is keeping Dane because he gave him his word. Dane told Anthony there was never a doubt in his mind that they wouldn’t be the two of them. Anthony said his definition of ride or die is that no matter what, you fight to the finish. Dane assured Anthony that that’s what he is going to do for him. Later, Kyra told Dane that they are going to do whatever they can to win, but they have to remind themselves that it’s not just about winning. Dane said he is doing that right now. Kyra told Dane that he played a good game and his dream may not be over, since he will get called back if there is an all star season. Dane brought up that he told Adam to vote him out since there is no point in not making it a 2-0 vote. Kyra said that they can break a tie since it’s poetic and would make for great TV. Dane said he wont tell Adam anything. Mark chatted to Anthony about not giving Kyra the opportunity to break a tie. Anthony agreed. He said he is not going to let Kyra humiliate Dane.

3:00-4:00 PM: In the kitchen, Dane told Adam that he really needs his vote. He mentioned that Anthony is leaning a certain way and he thinks that he can get his vote. Adam told Dane that he is not going anywhere. Dane said he can’t believe that Kyra had the nerve to tell him that they want to break a tie. Adam said he will jump for joy when Dane stays. While Dane said he would be sad for Mark, he thinks that he deserves to be there more. Adam agreed. Later, Anthony spoke to Kyra about Mark. He let them know that Mark will push the guys to stick to the alliance in order to get Kyra out next. Anthony brought up Mark saying that he is not there to make friends. Kyra said they have known that Mark was shady for a while now. Anthony accused Mark of being the first one to talk about going after the guys. Kyra believes that Mark wants to take them out because he knows that he can no longer beat them after the big move that they made this week.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds went down at 6:33.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:01. Adam used the Power of Veto on himself. Kyra nominated Mark as the replacement nominee. Kyra told Dane that they have been thinking a lot, and Mark is someone who is shady whereas Adam is someone that will be tough to beat. Kyra suggested that they could talk to Anthony in order to convince him to keep Dane. Even if that doesn’t work, Kyra pointed out that they would have the tie breaking vote. Kyra told Dane that he deserves to be there more than Mark does, and they can help him if he is willing to help them get Adam out. Dane said he can beat Adam in a competition. Kyra mentioned that Anthony will need to trust that Dane has broken away from Adam in order for this to work. Kyra added that they do not need to take Dane out if the two guys are no longer together.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kyra told Dane that he cannot let Adam catch on to the fact that they want to keep him. The two agreed to make a truce. Dane swore that he will not go after Kyra. Kyra said they have to be honest with each other moving forward, letting each other know when their names come up. Kyra advised Dane to continue to act mopey around the house. Afterwards, Dane hugged Anthony and told him that he loves him. Anthony let Dane know that he has got his back.

Tonight's Show

April 28, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, with the Pretty Boy machine in full throttle, the bros worked every angle to make sure they'd weather every storm. First, they roped Kyra into a final five. Then Adam and Dane doubled down and made a final three with Kyra, while the other half plotted a final two of their own. And on eviction night, the Pretty Boys dumped another sidekick to jury. 

Then Big Brother opened the trap door with the second double eviction of the season. Things got rolling when the Great Dane cued up another celebration making the Pretty Boys eighth win of the season. 

Then Dane put up Damien and Kyra on the block and the pretty boy lieutenant bagged a PoV win and dashed Damien's hopes. 

Then a unanimous vote sent a fan favorite to jury sealing the final five. With the Pretty Boys one win away from perfection, they are ready to write Big Brother history? 

We pick up after the double eviction on Day 55. Adam says the Pretty Boys just survived the double eviction and he can't believe it. It's been their plan to take Kyra to top 5 because they'd be easier to beat to make Final Four. 

Adam and the guys talk about how they convinced Damien to evict his ride or die and then they sent him home. Kyra says they are beyond relieved and they are thrilled their final five deal made earlier in the week became a reality. 

Anthony and Dane are in the bathroom area and Dane says he can't play HoH, but he knows the common goal is to get Kyra out. He says he did his part to get the Pretty Boys to top five and now the others need to finish it out and beat Kyra.

It's time for the HoH! The competition is called 'We Need an Answer.' Dane will ask a series of answers about the season, then they'll race to find the answer on their walls and hit their buzzer. But take too long and it will cost you because only the first three to ring in will get a chance to answer. The player with the most points will win HoH. Mark says he knows his days and he's been studying all season so this is his challenge to win. 

What was the name of the only PoV competition Eddie competed in? Mark rings in first, then Kyra. Adam and Anthony seemed stumped and Adam finally grabs an answer and buzzes in. 

They all say spaced out and they all get one point. Kyra, Mark, and Adam each get a point and Anthony has 0. Anthony says he didn't even know he was supposed to study days until week 3. But hey, at least he won't be seen as a mental threat. 

How many HGs were evicted without having been a Have-Not? Is the answer A. three or B. 4. Adam, Mark, and Kyra each ring in and Anthony is out again. Dane says Anthony, were you sleeping the whole season. Mark and Adam answer A and Kyra answers B. The answer is B and Kyra now has two points. Adam and Mark have 1 point. Anthony has 0. 

Kyra says they've been studying all season long and they feel really good about this competition. Next question: On what day was a HG evicted becoming the first member of the jury. Anthony, Kyra, and Adam ring in first. Kyra answers 41, Anthony answers 34, and Adam answers 41. The correct answer is 41 and Kyra has three points, Adam has two points, Mark has 1 point, Anthony has 0. 

In what PoV competition did a nominee win for the first time. Anthony is the last to buzz in. Kyra answers spaced out, Mark answers after, and Adam answers 36. Dane says what are these guys doing?!? The answer is Spaced Out and Kyra has four points, Adam has two points, Mark has 1 point, and Anthony has 0. 

Who was the first HGs to be Have-Not in back to back weeks? Adam, Anthony, and Kyra answers first. They all answer Samantha and they are correct. Kyra has 5 points, Adam has three points, and Mark and Anthony have 1 point each. 

What day did the very first PoV competition take place? Mark is very quick to ring in with Kyra right behind. Adam is stumped and Anthony rings in. Adam is repeating the question and he is still stumped. Adam is confusing PoV with HoH and can't find a number 1 and Dane keeps saying PoV. Everyone answered 8 and they are correct. Dane says Adam is very wrong. Kyra has 6 points, Adam has three points, Mark and Anthony have two points each. 

Which HGs won a PoV competition on day 22. Kyra, Adam, and Mark ring in first. They all answer Cory and they are all correct. Kyra now has seven points, Adam has four points, Mark has three points, and Anthony has two points. 

If Kyra answers this next question correctly, they'll be the next HoH. Which HoH competition took place following Kailyn's eviction? Adam rings in first, with Mark right behind. Kyra and Anthony are both looking. Kyra finally hits the button. Adam and Kyra answer Buzzkilled 2.0 and Mark answers Secrets and Spies. The correct answer is Buzzkilled 2.0 and Kyra is the new HoH! 

Adam goes and hugs them and says Samantha would be so proud of them. The guys all give hugs. Kyra can't believe it, they finally something. Kyra says the timing is perfect. It couldn't be better. Dane says this was three against 1. He would have killed this competition and those boys let him down. The greatest story ever written is the biggest fail of the season. 

The HGs head inside and Kyra says they've never been so grateful and proud. Adam and Kyra head upstairs and Anthony, Mark, and Dane are all in the kitchen talking about Adam. 

Adam says now that Kyra is HoH, one of the Pretty Boys has to go home. Now he has to push the final three he and Dane made with Kyra. Adam asks Kyra if they are down with this and Kyra says yeah. Kyra says he has Adam's back 110%, but they need to think. Adam says he has their back too. 

Mark says to Anthony and Dane, who would have thought? Dane says day 55, the end of the Pretty Boys. Kyra says now that they have some power, they can actually make a big move and big moves look good on a resume. Kyra likes Adam, but he's way more loyal to Dane and that causes them to doubt the final three. Kyra says Anthony and them had a rocky week last week, but they still are close to him. Kyra says Mark is annoying, but they have to think about this decision.

Anthony says maybe there will be a secret assassin who can evict the HoH. Who wants to see Kyra's HoH room! Kyra misses their family so much and they've wanted this room for so long. Kyra's video is from their nieces and nephew and they are proud of them and tell them to keep up the good work. Their nephew says they miss them so much and Kyra is their favorite Auntie! Kyra says seeing their faces made them even stronger for the final push. 

Anthony says last week Kyra and he had a bit of a disagreement, but he smoothed it over and they are tight again. Anthony and Kyra are in the storage room and he says they didn't just win the competition, they crushed it. Kyra says they'd take him to Wendy's and heads upstairs. 

Adam comes into the HoH room while Kyra is listening to music and they sit down to chat. Adam says they've basically had power now for two weeks and Kyra says Adam won't touch the block. Kyra says if they don't nominate Dane, then Anthony will know they're working together. Dane comes in and Kyra tells him if they don't put him up, Anthony will know they are working together. Kyra says they are considering putting Dane up as a pawn. Dane says he won't get mad about it just like Kyra didn't, but what if Anthony wins veto and pulls down Mark. Adam feels like they would keep Dane or Adam over the person. They tell Kyra to enjoy their music and head out. 

Kyra calls everyone to the living room. "HGs, Big Brother knows they are all tired of being Have-Nots and are sick of slop. They will now have the opportunity to close down the Have-Not room for the season. Since they've all spent a lot of time in The Archive room, they will now be quizzed on the contents." They will be given 30 minutes to study the room now. If they pass the quiz, they will close the Have-Not room for the season. If they fail, then they will ALL be Have-Nots for the rest of the season, including Kyra. 

Dane says he's tired of being a Have-Not and he wants to win. They all head into the room and decide to divide and conquer. They are reading the boxes and moving some around and doing some counting. Kyra gives a 15-minute warning and they are still studying. Dane says he can't reach the top shelf. Time is up! They must get 5 of seven questions correct to close the Have-Not room for the season.

Question #1 True or False: There were three pink binders on the desk. They answer True and they are correct. They have 1 point.

How many boxes said evidence on it? Anthony says seven before Kyra answers the question and they are correct and have two points.

On the emergency plan binder, what color what the Evacuation strip? They discuss red and green and Mark and Adam says red but Dane answers green. They have three points.

How many boxes in total were on the top shelf? Mark does some convoluted math and they answer 31 and Kyra says the answer is 35. They still have three points.

On the bright green folder standing on the shelf, what did the label say? They are all stumped. Anthony says the bright green folder? How the heck are we supposed to know this. Dane answers evidence. They are wrong, it says Heat Up Procedures for Glass Furnaces. They are still at three points. They must get the next two correct.

On the bingo card on one of the boxes what number was circled. Mark says I-24, he saw it. They answer it correctly. They must get the final question correct.

How many red binders in total were there in the room? Anthony says there weren't any red binders. They decide on 0. The answer is 2. 

It gets very quiet. Dane is waiting for the joke. Kyra says that means we're all Have-Nots for the season. Dane throws the board down. Kyra walks away. Dane hits the pool balls and Anthony says he can't do slop again. Kyra is crying and says they don't even get to sleep in the HoH room, they didn't even get to play. Kyra says being on slop sucks. It's unbearable to be around these people and these guys are going to be even more upset when they put them on the block. All the HGs are very upset. 

Kyra comes out of the DR and Dane calls everyone to the living room. Kyra reads since they have not taken this news well they'll be happy to hear Big Brother was pranking them! They all scream and celebrate.

Dane wants to play pool with Adam. Dane tells him he has a secret. He went to school and he's an engineer. He wanted everyone to think he was so dumb. Adam laughs and says designing buildings. Dane says he fooled everyone and Adam says he fooled him.

Anthony is talking to Mark in the blue bedroom and Anthony doesn't want Mark to touch the block because he's been loyal to him. He needs to give Mark so mojo to spit to Kyra so he can stay off the block. Anthony says his best shot to stay is to throw the other two guys on the bus. He says they just aren't smart enough and he needs to put jets on the plan.

Mark says Anthony has given him a plan and he needs to talk to Kyra and make them realize he is the best final two for them. He goes to talk to Kyra and Kyra says you're an option. Kyra says they are close to Adam, but they are going to run this HoH. Mark says he is a better position for Kyra in a Final Two as well as Anthony over Adam and Dane. Kyra says everything Mark says is true and noted. It's a lot to think about it.

Arisa comes on and says it's time for the annual Big Brother Canada awards and Canada can help decide the winners. Tune in next Sunday to see the BBCAN Awards, and visit

Kyra is bringing Anthony to Wendy's because even though they've had a rocky few weeks, he's still someone they want to work with. They say it's their first date and laugh. Kyra heads to get the food and it's Erica from Season 6. 

Erica congratulates Kyra and they get their food. 

Kyra tells Anthony they were leaning towards Dane and Mark up. Kyra says Adam and Dane want them to put up Anthony and Mark. Anthony says they've done so much sneaky stuff, and to Kyra, and that's disrespectful. Anthony says if Kyra wants Dane gone, that's fine. Kyra says even though they trust Anthony, no one else is going to tell them how to run their HoH. They are going to choose their own path to the end. Kyra says they are down with a Final Two and Anthony says they ARE the final two. 

Adam goes to talk to Kyra and Kyra says they are feeling good and going to do what they need to do. Kyra says they had some thinking to do and Adam needs to trust them. Kyra says no worries man. Adam says he's worried and he knows Anthony is really good with talking. Kyra says they made up their mind without Anthony. 

Kyra says my decision is my decision. Adam says fine, I'll win HoH next week and we'll be sitting in the finale laughing. Adam leaves and says Love ya and Kyra says love ya back. Kyra gets emotional after Adam leaves. We see shots of each of the HGs getting ready for the nomination ceremony.

Kyra heads to HQ and they say they finally have power in this game and they can't be called weak anymore. Kyra says they need to make a decision that will not only keep them safe next week but for the finals. Kyra says with only four people left, it's not really about ruffling feathers because either way, people will be upset. They need to think about what's best for their game moving forward and that means making hard decisions. Kyra says they are about to make the biggest move this season and they know they are about to make some people mad, but it's their decisions and they feel really good.

Time for the nomination ceremony! Kyra's first nominee is Dane and the second nominee is Adam. Adam says they could have put Kyra up last week and they'd have been walking out of this house. Kyra says they know Adam is loyal to them, but he's more to loyal to Dane. 

Adam says you know what? I'm loyal to this and he motions to all the guys. Since day one. He says Kyra is lucky they are here right now. Kyra says they know they are and that's why they need to play smart. Kyra says they know, everyone knew. Adam says no one did anything about it. 

Kyra says they nominated Dane because he won HoH three times and put them on the bock every time. Dane is a strong competitor and they couldn't beat him in the end. Kyra says they nominated Adam so he couldn't take Dane down or save him. Kyra says they'd be insane to go to final three with him and Dane. Kyra says they didn't come to play for third, they came to win. 

Adam hugs Dane and heads into the storage room very upset. Adam is mad that Kyra put him on the block. Adam says he did everything he could to keep them safe and this is how they repay him? Adam says he just blew up the Pretty Boys, but he doesn't care. If he's going down, then they're going down with him. Who will win the Pretty Boys showdown? Find out Wednesday, on Big Brother Canada.


April 28, 2019

8:00 – 8:44 AM BBT HGs still sleeping; lights still down.
8:45 AM BBT First wakeup call, followed immediately by the rooster. Mark asked to do battery exchange. Dane up and offers to do it. He tells Kyra the tv says the ceremony is today. Dane gets coffee brewing. Alarm clock rings at 8:51. Adam called to the DR, he’s off-cam but on-mic; he says he had just told them he was going to look at his injured toe and shower and they call him into the DR. Anthony joins Dane in the pantry and they discuss the fact the ceremony is today and what it may mean.
9:00 AM BBT Mark lounging in bed in the blue br, as per usual. Anthony in the kitchen preparing his coffee. Kyra calls down to ask Anthony if BB had said something sthey’d missed and he says no and they get called out for talking about production. Adam asks (off-cam) if they think the ceremony today will be followed by an instant eviction. Dane outside having a smoke and his coffee. Mark and Anthony talk in the blue br; they think it’s going to be an instant eviction followed by a battleback. Mark tells Anthony that they need to beat Adam because he’s a freak of nature. Down in the kitch, the ‘freak of nature’ is preparing everyone’s breakfasts again. Adam and Kyra talk about the possibility of it being an instant; then Kyra and Anthony discuss the same. Kyra joins Mark and Dane around the hot tub. They talk about Dane’s schooling; Dane says that Coco is just finishing her second degree, and she’s the reason he got through school.
9:15 AM BBT Mark, Dane and Kyra out by the hot tub, drinking coffee and chatting. Anthony and Adam in the kitchen while Adam prepares breakfast; Anthony says that this is the time of the game where people are going to talk to him about Adam. Anthony says that Adam already knows where it is, and Dane joins them in the kitchen. Adam says he doesn’t plan on campaigning from here on out, he’ll just play hard and it’ll be what it is. They talk about the lights coming on in the bedroom. Dane says he did 2 years of college for civil engineering, worked a bit and didn’t like it so he tried to go back to school to become a physiotherapist. His current boss agreed to help him through his degree and then he could buy the company. Mark joins them in the kitchen and Anthony is called to the DR; he thinks that is sinister. He’s back quickly, and the guys settle in to eat breakfast.
9:30 AM BBT Everyone in the kitchen/dining area, eating breakfast and chatting. Kyra heads up to the HoH room, but tells the guys they are welcome to come listen to music if they like. Adam says it would be crazy if it was an instant today, and the guys agree. They finish eating and clean the kitchen. Up in the blue BR, Dane is packing his belongings. Mark joins him, but only stays long enough to get dressed and tells him he’s heading outside. Dane continues to pack and says it’s been quite a ride.
9:45 AM BBT Anthony, Adam and Mark around the hot tub, soaking up rays and talking about past HGs and how and when they talked to them about the PB. They think that Kyra is lying about knowing about he PB all along, and that they’re asking questions but claiming they already know the answers. Anthony says they all speculated about the alliance but no one knew for sure. They keep talking about how great they’ve played, and how they’ve had everyone fooled all this time.
10:00 AM BBT Out in the HOT TUB area Adam, Anthony and Mark are still talking about Damien and his game play. Kyra has joined the guys in the backyard. Dane is there as well. They are now trying to figure out when they left their homes. Dane and Adam say they left on February 18th Kyra and Mark since February 22nd Anthony says the same. Kyra says my battery is full if anyone wants to listen. Adam says I may but Mark the hog over there. Kyra says Mark listens to everyones music the most out of everybody. Mark says No Este did. Adam says This was the first comp I never got an scars in. Anthony decides to go shower and brush his teeth
10:15 AM BBT In the Blue Bedroom Dane is talking to Anthony telling him that he needs him in this game. Dane shows him his calendar and says I can teach you. Dane says I can beat Pike in a physical and I can beat Kyra Mark and Adam in a mental. I swear on my Dad that I will take you over Adam or Mark. Dane continues with Everyone is scared of you in the final. I love you man. I have been watching the game for 20 years. I am not campaigning man I am just saying You need me. I think you can’t beat them in a mental. Dane explains how is calendar works. Anthony is just listening. Dane says I am showing you this because as you will need me down the stretch as I need you. I don’t want Kyra to have made the biggest move this season and right now they have. I am sorry we never seen eye to eye this season but we need each other. Dane tells him he was going to show you this at Final 3 but if I leave this is yours. I run every day and go over the days while I am running. I have been watching this game for 20 years I will take you over Adam I will convince Adam that it is him and me at Final 2 but I will take you. If Adam beats me I will convince him to take you. I got this game. Dane says that he never wanted to go against him. He doesn’t want to leave it to chance for someone to win the mental. Anthony says lets meet up in one hour. Dand says again “I got you man” and leaves the room. Anthony sits on the bed putting his head in his hands. Dane heads to the washroom and is pulling clothes out of the laundry. Anthony leaves the blue room and goes to the washroom. At the pool table, Adam and Mark are playing pool. Dane heads back downstairs and joins them at the pool table. Mark tells Dane that Adam had a ball that rode the edge of the pool table and went in the hole. Mark ends up winning the round and Dane plays him next. The boys are just in general conversation about the game of pool.
10:30 AM BBT Adam goes to the storage room. He comes back. Something happens with the pool table and they tilt the table to put something under it to make it level. They talk about playing pool outside the house and how they never had time to play. Dane says he is getting is a@@ handed to him in this game right now. Mark wins again. Dane heads outside to smoke. Mark talks about playing pool where he put cups in the holes so that he could play more games.Adam and Mark do rock paper scissors to see who breaks. Adam calls Mark scissors McGee. Mark says that’s because Adam always does paper. Dane is in the bathroom. Anthony is brushing his teeth. Dane heads to the blue room and says under his breath “Please put up Mark and give me hope”. He says that if they put up Duggie he is done. If they catch wind he is close with Anthony he is f%c*ed. He says he is not dead yet. He takes his towel and heads to the bathroom. Anthony is still in the bathroom getting ready.
10:45 AM BBT Dane is getting ready for a shower. Anthony heads to the blue room for a few seconds to grab lotion and heads back to the washroom to the mirror to apply it He finishes and heads back to the blue room, puts his socks on and makes his bed. He heads to the kitchen and fills up his water bottle. Anthony goes to the pool room. Dane is done with his shower and he is doing his hair. Anthony heads outside. Dane is brushing his teeth and spraying his hair.
11:00 AM BBT Mark and Adam are still playing pool. Dane heads downstairs. He watches Mark and Adam play pool. Mark is calling the balls. Mark wins again. Adam says he beat him 3-5 and he is going outside with Dane to smoke. Dane says it’s a nice day and Anthony says it’s beautiful. Dane lights a cigarette. Mark comes outside. Adam is in the storage room. Kyra come sin the storage room. She grabs some coffee. She tells Adam that the music player is free if he wants it. He says maybe later. She adds some milk to her coffee. Adam is eating fruit. Kyra leaves the storage room. Adam fills a glass of ice with water, grabs the broom and takes it to the pool table and brushes it off with the broom. Dane comes in and Adam asks him if he talked to Anthony. Dane says yes, he tells him what he talked to Anthony about this morning. He says that Mark will pull the strongest player off and then he will have a great chance of winning HOH. He said that he told Anthony if they are going to let Kyra pull the biggest game move of the season. He says that Anthony told him he has to think. Dane heads to the storage room and sees there is no more coffee. He rinses out his glass and fills it with water. He goes into the storage room and grabs a lemon out of the fridge. He goes back into the kitchen and squeezes lemon into his water.
11:15 AM BBT He heads back outside where everyone is. Anthony says he was supposed to bring something to the pantry and he forgot last night. He heads back inside as Adam says he guesses they will workout. Anthony heads upstairs leaving everyone else outside. He grabs something from the blue room and takes it to the storage room and leaves it on the counter. He goes to the DR door and presses the button. The Green light glows and he goes in. The HG outside are talking about a past season where a HG got so heated he pulled a door off the hinges. Mark says he is going in to get a muffin and he can split it with someone. He heads inside. The HG outside just sit in silence. Adam says he thought he saw a spider. Anthony sorta freaks and says where? Kyra says what a big man and afraid of showers. Adam talks about his house being infested with earwigs. Feeds go down at 11:29 AM BBT The return 2 min later at 11:32 AM BBT
11:30 AM BBT Dane is sitting in the kitchen with Mark. Outside, Kyra asks why they feel so guilty for playing a game. Anthony says it’s because they are emotional like he is. Kyra says that now they see they can have emotions and not play with emotions, except with Chelsea. Anthony tells them that they did something legendary. Kyra says that they have to remind themselves that it’s not a popularity contests. They like it when everyone is happy but you can’t make everyone happy when only one person wins. It’s goes against how they are. Kyra says in 14 days they can see their family again. They say they will miss it in the house but that they are almost at the end, They say it’s actually 12 days left. Kyra says they home their mom is at the finale for sure. Anthony says they came hard this week but it has to be harder next week. Kyra says it will be hard to beat Adam, Anthony says real hard. Kyra says he has won almost every comp. They say if he did win veto and choses who leaves, that he will win final two. They say that Adam will not take them or Mark because they are good with their days. Anthony says that he only feels safe with Kyra and that he can not trust the truth from anyone but them. Kyra says that they think he can trust Mark. They say now it will come down to hustle and luck. The loyalty thing got everyone here now it’s hustle and luck. Anthony says still loyalty. Kyra says they ahve to go against Adam and that they were loyal to him the last few weeks. Anthony said that they will take him down and not to worry. Kyra says that Adam has a God complex and that they have to play into it. They say he plays a bad social game and without comps he would not be here. Kyra tells Anthony that Corey propositioned her in the file room to a final two. Kyra said that she was not going to be in the house and she didn’t want to lie to Corey. Kyra said they didn’t even have a final two with Chelsea. They didn’t want to make a commitment and break it. Kyra said that because Anthony knew so much in the game they thought Anthony had some sort of breach or spy access. Anthony said it’s because he was observant. Kyra says that some things he guessed Kyra only said in the DR. Kyra said that it took them some time to learn how to center themselves. Kyra says that this week would be so much harder if Anthony was not still in the house. They say that they need someone to have their back. Kyra says that their family has dinner every Sunday and they think that they sit and watch together and that this is their episode. They are proud to make their family proud because they are the screw up in the family big time. Kyra says they saw their potential but they didn’t see it in themself and that was frustrating to them. Kyra feels that the jury house will be shocked. No one will think that Kyra had it in them. They said only Corey would. One thing Kyra says they regret that they should have been a friend to Corey the day after Sam left and that they owe her an apology and that it wasn’t fair. Kyra says Sam will be beyond impressed because Kyra has wanted Dane out since week 2. They talk about Sam being alone in the Jury House for a while. They say that BB would give her things to do and that she has a chance to unwind. Kyra asks Anthony who he thinks is following him the closest. He says his mom is not tech savvy and refuses to get a phone. He tells Kyra about his mom. He talks about getting her a cell phone.
11:45 AM BBT Dane and Adam play pool. Mark watches. Kyra and Anthony are still outside. Anthony is still talking about his mom and the cell phone. He says after two hours on the phone getting her a phone she called and canceled the order for the phone. He says his mom is afraid of technology. Then he tried it again to get her a phone. They talk about a bruise on Anthony’s leg. Anthony gets up and stands in the shade. Anthony said if he works out his legs, he would never find nice pants to fit. They talk about Anthony’s mom and a cell phone again. Dane is upstairs in the bathroom. Anthony heads back inside. Mark and Kyra are left outside. Anthony goes into the store room with Adam. He asks Anthony what he is thinking. Adam tells Anthony that Dane says that he talked to him. Adam says it’s a big decision for sure. Anthony says his issue is he doesn’t understand why Dane came to him and tells him all these things about Adam but that he doesn’t see it. Anthony says that Dane and Mark are saying things to Adam about him and to him about Adam and it didn’t make sense. He says that knew that by the way Adam was talking and acting that what Dane and Mark was saying was not true about Adam and Sam wanting to get him out of the house. He tells Adam that Sam wanted to get Adam out and that’s why he didn’t like Sam. He said he didn’t think it was a problem because Adam could have worked it out and that they could have used Sam. Anthony says that Dane told him that he made a deal with Adam that he wouldn’t get out Sam and Adam would keep Este. Adam says yes that conversation happened.
12:00 PM BBT Anthony said that he had Corey on lock and that she would have been loyal to the boys. Anthony continues with Why did Dane want Sam out so hard. Why did Dane paint the picture to you that I wanted Sam out.He says his biggest issue with Sam was she started throwing Mark’s name and Dane and my name out I decided she needed to go. I had enough votes to keep you over her. Kyra enters and Anthony continues with I even told Kyra that. Kyra says I hated her Anthony says No you loved her almost as much as Adam did. Kyra agrees saying Sam is their best friend. Adam put a band aid on Kyra’s arm and they leave. Adam says to Anthony whatever you decide. Anthony leaves he comes back after he checks to see who is around. Adam says If Dane goes home and if anyone else sits on the block beside me I am going home. Adam says Dane says he told me he was going after Kyra but you let me know if you are voting to keep Mark and I will do the same because I am not giving Kyra the chance to break a tie. Anthony is explaining how he played this game by not lying to anyone. He says I played to keep PB safe. He is explaining How many times Mark and Dane have brought up his name. Anthony says I don’t care f you had a final 2 with Dane because Dane is a What if type of guy and I don’t care. Anthony continues with I almost slipped out there with Mark because the whole Damien thing was Dane. Anthony says I don’t know why they kept telling you that you were safe with Damien. He continues with I set up the whole fight with you and Kyra to get to Este and you know what she said She would get you out then Dane then it would be me and her to the end. Anthony says I spent the whole game trying to keep safe Yes I had to do to keep Dane safe too but mainly it was to keep you safe. Adam says I never even see it that way. It is crazy. Dane made Final 2 with everyone. Anthony says Why did Dane always bring up getting Adam out same as Mark Why did they keep bringing up getting you out. My loyalty has always been my downfall but that’s how I ride.
12:15 PM BBT Anthony says The only thing that I do know is you never once came to me and said let’s get Mark or Dane out. Adam says I know Mark is 1000% keep Kyra. Anthony says Dane will go after Kyra not us. Anthony says Mark told me I am not here to make friends I came here to win I don’t care about any of you. He continues with Mark will stab me in the back because he has no loyalty. But if you switch Dane is always a what if type of guy. Anthony says then there’s you and me you have been the most loyal. Anthony says When Kyra won I knew what to say. Anthony says Kyra didn’t lie. Anthony says It was easy to take over Kyra’s HOH Anthony says There is one thing I can promise you I will not put you up and I can finesse Mark and Kyra if they win that you will not go home. Adam says Dane told me I don’t want to go home on Kyra’s HOH so if we keep him he will target Kyra. Anthony says I am going to ask you once and take your word because I have never lied in this game. Do we have a Final 2. Adam says After everything you told me Yes but we just finished talking about all of Dane’s final 2s aren’t we doing the same. Anthony says No because we are doing it late in the game. Adam says Dane loves this game same as me.Dane has watched every single season from the states and here. Adam says Mark hates me and he told me if he had won the double I was going up. Anthony says You need to tell Dane that we talked and it is in your hands. Anthony says Just tell Dane that I told you that I had to think about somethings. Adam says I know Mark will put me up in a heartbeat. Anthony says Go to Kyra and tell them that you are giving your vote to Dane. Anthony says I am going to say to Dane that I want the people who worked the hardest to get here.
12:30 PM BBT So then I will tell him I am going to vote to keep him. Adam says I am a huge fan of this show and the both of us staying will be great. Adam says All season long that you have done things and everyone in the jury knows that. Adam thinks that if him and Anthony are Final 2 Anthony will win. Adam says I don’t care if I win I want to go to the end of the game with someone who is loyal. . Anthony says I give you my word I will not put you up and if someone else does I will finesse it so they don’t because that is what I do. The conversation ends and Adam goes to workout saying Wild man Wild. Anthony has joined Kyra and Dane in the Hot Tub Area with Kyra saying It has been a journey. Kyra says Tonight’s show is going to be a shocker. Dane leaves and Kyra starts telling Anthony that Dane told her a lot of things and said he is sorry. Kyra says they all know that we are close. They continue with We told him Mark is the replacement nom. They say he tried to tell us that we would win against Adam and it is nice that he tried to set up his friend. Kyra says that They are proud and thank Anthony for having their back this whole game but especially this week. Anthony asks them what they think will happen to day. Kyra says Well at first I thought an instant but it isn’t going to be late and we have another HOH. They continue with or someone goes home this week and then an HOH then fast noms and POV Ceremony and someone goes home next Sunday. Then we have 3 days for 3 comps. Inside Adam is working out and Mark and Dane are playing a game of call shot pool.
12:45 PM BBT Back outside Anthony and Kyra are talking about how they felt when they thought they were going to be HN for the rest of the season. They tell Anthony that they feel that Anthony will win HOH. Anthony says No matter what happens we will discuss it. Kyra says They are grateful that he showed them all his cards. Anthony says I knew I could always trust you but you were so close to Sam. Kyra says they never thought that Sam would betray them. Kyra says Dane thinks Adam’s social game got so good after Sam left but both of them think it didn’t improve. Kyra says No matter what happens now We are proud of the game we played. Kyra says This game is about getting out of your comfort zone. Adam tells Anthony that he feels guilty because I am doing the same thing as Dane has done. Anthony says No you are not I told you. Adam says to Kyra and Anthony that it would be good if Sam was still here. Anthony says to Kyra after Adam left I am so sick of the Sam thing. He tells them that Adam is like you he doesn’t want to believe Sam would turn against him. Anthony says if Adam and Sam were on the block together he would take Sam off the block if he won Veto.
1:00 PM BBT Mark and Dane are playing pool. Anthony is telling Adam that he told Kyra that they were talking about Sam. He continues with You were just as loyal to the PB as me and that is who I want to sit next too. When we sat in that HOH Room and I told you I think I can beat you and Dane and Mark I was being honest. Back in the kitchen he is telling Kyra that he told Adam he was sorry for saying what he did about Sam but it was the truth. Mark joins them and Anthony says Adam is mad at me now because I told him Sam wasn’t really into him. Mark went to see if there was another can of tuna. Kyra is cutting up strawberries to put in the tuna salad. Mark comes back saying I knew when I came into the house I wasn’t getting in a showmance because you have to have someone like you first and that wasn’t going to happen.
1:15 PM BBT Dane is making a smoothie Anthony and Mark are watching Kyra make a tuna salad. Dane is heading outside with his smoothie. Mark has made a new game of spinning the mayo lid and running a finger around the spinning lid without touching it. Dane is outside saying to himself I ain’t going home I’m not going home. The salad is made and Kyra Anthony and Mark are eating it. Outside Adam and Dane are talking Adam is telling Dane what he said to Anthony. Dane says I told him that he needed me. Dane says My bags are packed and I am walking around sad. Adam says I told him Mark isn’t going to take you. Adam says he never said anything. Adam says I told him that Anthony worked his ass off all season. Adam says Next week we just have to win the Veto. Anthony joins them and Dane says Mark’s favorite player is Kevin who cut the strongest player at the end. He isn’t going to take either of you to Final. Adam says That if Dane goes this week and I don’t win Veto next week I’m gone. Mark has joined them so the conversation changes to Dane telling them that they need to fight hard to get Kyra out next week. Dane says You have to do it for me. The Pretty Boys made all these moves but Kyra made the biggest move. The conversation switches to if the HOH at Final 4 wins Veto they take someone down and that person decides who goes home. The conversation switches to lasts year top 4 POV Comp.
1:30 PM BBT The conversation is on food Feeds go down at 1:35 PM BBT They come back with the boys in the backyard asking each other questions about days.Dane asks If they think he is going home today and should he wear his suit or not. He is shaving his beard off because he says his mom will kill him. He continues with F***ing Kyra. All I want is for you 3 to be in Final 3. In the kitchen, Kyra tells Adam about the dishwasher and that the dishes were clean and that Mark put a bowl of tuna that he rinsed in the clean pile. Kyra asks if Mark has ever lived alone?? If he did for a bit his place was probably a mess. Kyra says she she would be grossed out if they used a dish for cereal or yogurt and it had tuna in it. Adam is grating something. Kyra is making Iced Tea. Outside, Mark and Anthony are talking about taking out Kyra. Mark said that Adam may take him out because he is good at mental and that he would take Anthony out because he has played a good social game. Mark says if it’s them both in the final two that he would win 5/2. Anthony says he doesn’t think so. Anthony had never been on the block or won HOH so didn’t piss anyone off. Anthony tells Mark about all the scores that he had in the game. Mark said that Dane told him he would not campaign. Anthony says no he will not. Mark says he looks different today. Anthony says he told Dane that Kyra made this move and it sucks and that we wish we could have made final 4. He says Dane asked if he had his vote and Anthony said no and said it was a big move by Kyra and eventually we were going to have to start thinking about this and that he is sorry. He says that Dane said wow what a game. He says it sucks to see someone go. Mark asks if Adam will vote for the tie. Anthony says no. Mark asks if Anthony respects Dane or Kyra more. Dane comes outside. Mark asks 50/50 and Anthony shakes his head. Mark says take it or leave it then. The stop talking.
1:45 PM BBT Dane says he drives a truck at home. That he needs to get ready for the hockey season. Dane’s mic is not turned up so it’s hard to hear what he is saying but he is talking about his job. Mark asks if his job is hard work. Dane says the fieldwork is hard but as a lab guys are not too hard. Dane says he will work every Saturday but that he is hungover but he will work. They ask if he is hungover every weekend he says yeah. He talks about some of the people at work. He talks about the equipment he uses. Mark asks if he makes good money. Dane says he has been working for a year in June. Anthony gets up to go inside and says he doesn’t want to get too dark. Dane says he makes $25 an hour. He said if he goes up to an engineer he will make a lot more. Dane says that he works for his step dad and that he owns the company but that he will need to go back to school to get degrees to run the company. They talk about schooling. Anthony is in the kitchen with Adam alone as Kyra goes outside. They talk about Mark’s conversation with Anthony and Adam talking to Dane. Adam says that Mark said he was not here to make friends but he was here to make money. Anthony said it hurt his feelings a bit and that he said it with a certain tone. Adam said he asked Dane that question too. Kyra told Adam that Dane is getting ready to go that his bags are packed and that he gave Kyra back Sam’s glasses. Adam said that it could twist. They say it is a crazy game. Adam said that two guys have never sat in the finals in BBCAN. Adam goes through the seasons who were the final two.
2:00 PM BBT The conversation in the kitchen between Adam and Anthony continues with the only time there was two guys was in the states. Anthony went to ask for lettuce and tomatoes. Anthony says he has 4 or 5 friends that he talks to everyday. Adam says He has 3 friends like that. Adam says his friend Danny and him are like that his friend Terry was the same. Adam is making burgers for everyone. Anthony says F***ing Este man so sneaky. Adam says Sam too I guess. Adam says Do you think that she is like that in real life. Anthony says No I don’t think so it was game. Anthony says She was a genius really because she would tell people yes I have Adam but I need to play my own game. Adam says Your Social Media is going to skyrocket. Dane has joined them. Anthony shows How much of a tan he got in 10 minutes outside. Anthony goes to talk to Dane for a minute. Anthony goes into the Blue Room and says I wanted to talk to you but I need you to understand something. I don’t fear anyone on this planet I don’t fear Adam in a physical or mental comp. My loyalty has been with you but you did some shady things. Anthony says the whole thing with. Cory you went behind my back and never came to me. You were the target when Cory was HOH but I changed it. If I decide to keep you is not because I need you it will be because of my loyalty. My boys are watching this at home and they know what is going on in my head. Dane says Throughout this whole season I never thought of anything but us . Dane says At first Este was saying your name and I changed it so she would think Adam and Kyra.Dane continues with but my goal has never changed my vision was always you and me at Final 2. Dane says I never wondered away from that vision. Anthony says My vision of Ride or Die is you fight til the end. They hug it out. Anthony leaves and Dane is crying. Anthony comes back in and says I am going to tell Adam that I am still thinking.
2:15 PM BBT Dane says I am still go to act like I am leaving Kyra told me they were putting up Mark. My vision is still there and Adam knows nothing about what is between us. In the kitchen Mark is watching Adam cook burgers. Dane is wondering if he should wear his suit if it is an instant eviction. He says his bags are all packed all he has to do is bring it down. Mark and Anthony are going to play a game of pool while Adam finishes preparing burgers. Outside by the Hot Tub Kyra and Dane are talking and sharing a smoke. Kyra says At the end of the day it is we have to do what we have to do to win. Dane says It is just hard to thinking of my game is over. Kyra says You played a good game. They continue with If there is an all stars season you will get called back. Dane says I am going out with my head held high. Kyra says We know we can’t beat you. Dane says My bag is packed but I want to wear my grandma’s suit if I go out right away but if it is a normal ceremony I will wear regular clothes. Kyra says Your one mistake was winning the double. Dane says I thought Mark and Adam would have won it. Kyra says We don’t think that Mark is as smart as me so he would have put up me and Adam. Dane says Adam is good with both physical and mental.
2:30 PM BBT Kyra continues with Adam needed to win because he always had a target on his back. Dane tells them that he will vote with his head. Kyra says Mine is the underdog story. Dane says Everyone loves the underdog. Dane says I knew Este was going home but I feel bad for the lies I told her. Dane says I told Pike not to vote for me. Kyra says Well he can vote for you and we can break the tie that would be poetic. Dane says I saved you on a tie. Dane says The love of my life is Coco even though we broke up 3 years ago I have been trying to get back with her. They both head inside.In the kitchen Adam Mark and Anthony are eating hamburgers. Kyra has joined them for a hamburger. Dane has joined them. They are all exchanging their batteries for the 2nd daily battery exchange. There is no conversation at all as all the HGs are eating .
2:45 PM BBT There is still no conversation as all the HGs are still eating. Adam says Do you know what we never did but talked about is pancakes. Anthony says That was amazing Thanks Adam. Anthony asked if there is shade in the backyard. Adam says Yup it is smoke time. Anthony is helping Adam clean up the kitchen. Anthony heads outside. Dane offers to clean up but Adam says I would rather it get done now. Kyra comments They always get tired after they eat. Adam says I hate crumbs and I hate clutter. Kyra asks him if his roommates are clean. Mark and Anthony are talking Mark is saying we can’t beat Adam. Anthony says It is what it is. Mark says Next week is going to be crazy I hope you or I win. Kyra has joined them. Mark asks Kyra how they were when they started smoking. They say I had my first cigarette when I was 11 but became a smoker when we were 17.
3:00 PM BBT Dane & Adam talk game. Dane says that he’s going to act defeated. Adam says to Dane that he’s got his vote. Dane & Adam walk outside to the HT area. Anthony says that he doesn’t like the sun. Anthony says “black people don’t like sitting in the sun.” Kyra says “ever?” Anthony confirms. Kyra says that they’re opposite. Dane says that portuguese people love the sun. They chat for a while.
3:15 PM BBT HGs are relaxing outside. BB says “Please wake up. Nap time is over.” Mark & Anthony say that they weren’t napping, just enjoying the sun. After laying on his back for a while, Adam lays on his stomach. Mark gets up and goes inside.


3:30 PM BBT Dane is playing Pool. Kyra says that the veto ceremony is weirdly late than usual. Anthony agrees. Dane enters outside, and Anthony leaves, saying “to grab my water.” Kyra asks Dane if he’s going to go in the hot tub. Dane says that he might. Kyra leaves, saying that they’re going to get changed. Mark goes back outside. In the BlueBR, Anthony says to Kyra “Mark is being so weird.” Anthony says that Mark said that they need to get out Kyra. Anthony says that if they take out Kyra, they’re still be PB. Anthony says that he’s being shady. Anthony says to keep this between them, saying that Mark said that he loves snakes in the game, mentioning Kevin. He says that Mark said “I don’t give a fuck about you. I’m here to play a game.” Anthony says that he said that on week 3. They both go to HoH. Kyra says that Mark is psychotic, and talks about something he did before. Anthony says that after Dane won the second HoH, Mark was talking about taking out Adam. Anthony says that it was too early. They talk game. Anthony says that he’s psychotic. Kyra says that Mark isn’t winning Jury. Kyra talks game, then Anthony says to Kyra “keep doing what you’re doing.”
3:45 PM BBT Anthony enters BlueBR. Anthony says that Mark is acting really weird. Anthony says that he hasn’t said anything to Kyra. Anthony says that Mark made a F2 with Kyra. Dane says that Kevin did that too in a previous season, making deals with people. Dane says that he wants to see the look on their face when Dane stays with a unanimous 2-0 vote. After Anthony leaves, Dane says “you think we’re stupid, Mark?” Kyra enters. Dane says that “it all fit” (in his suitcase). After a while after Kyra leaves, Dane says “bags are packed. Stay in the house.” Before they get back outside, Anthony tells Dane to not make people get suspicious and Mark will tell people “to put up Anthony. Mark’s smart like that.”
4:00 PM BBT Adam jokes that he’ll keep counting the days when he leaves the BB house, like when he goes to the grocery store. The chat for a while. They laugh about studying in the archive room. They all chat for a bit.
4:15 PM BBT Adam asks “when’s the ceremony happening?” Mark asks “doesn’t it usually happen early in the day?” Adam says that it’s usually later in the season. After a while, Mark asks Kyra “you good?” Kyra says “yeah. Just tired.” Dane gets called to the DR.
4:30 PM BBT After a while, Kyra says “I miss sex and women and orgasms.” Kyra then realizes that her family’s watching and says “I was just kidding.” They all continue to relax. Mark leaves to get dressed in RedBR. Kyra says that it’s weird that the veto ceremony is so late, and predicts that the next eviction is an instant eviction. Kyra tells Adam to go ahead and give Dane his vote because “that’s his boy.” Kyra asks Anthony what his mom is doing right now. Anthony says that his friends are probably keeping her busy to keep her mind off of things. Kyra tells Anthony that he has good friends.
4:45 PM BBT When they’re alone, Kyra & Anthony talk game about Mark. Anthony says to Kyra “don’t worry.” Mark enters. They change the conversation to food. Dane enters a while later. They chat for a bit. Kyra gets called to the DR. The HGs continue to talk about family.
5:00 PM BBT Dane & Adam talk in SR. Adam recalls what Kyra said to him. Dane says “what a fucking bitch.” BB tells Dane to “watch your language.” Dane leaves after a while.
5:15 PM BBT Kyra, Dane, and Anthony are relaxing outside. Adam is playing Pool. Mark & Dane chit-chat.
5:30 PM BBT Feeds go down for a few minutes. Mark, Dane, and Anthony head back inside. Adam goes in the shower. Kyra asks Dane what hat to wear. Dane whistles at Kyra as they come out of the blueBR. Kyra laughs. Kyra & Anthony chat outside for a bit. Kyra asks how he’s trying to sell it. Anthony says that he’s delusional and “doesn’t like you in the game” Anthony says to let him think and say whatever. Anthony says that if Adam wasn’t such a big player, then “we might have to get out Mark next.” Kyra says that they can’t beat Adam in mental, but not physical. They both continue to talk game. Anthony leaves to get ready.
5:45 PM BBT In the blueBR, Dane says to Mark & Anthony “whoever it is, I’m not campaigning.” Mark says that it’s a brotherhood. All the HGs continue to get ready for the veto ceremony. Adam & Mark play Pool.
6:00 PM BBT Dane is in the blue bedroom getting ready. He leaves out to head into the bathroom. Mark , Adam, and Kyra are outside Kyra is watching Mark and Adam playing pool. Mark is telling Adam about how he tried to explain what happened when he was trying to play one time and it did not go into the right hall. Kyra calls Dane handsome when he comes outside. Dane and mark are now setting up to play a game of pool. Adam and Kyra are watching them. Anthony comes out and joins them. Kyra and Anthony has moved inside and are sitting on the chairs under the stairs.
6:15 PM BBT Kyra is telling Anthony it’s hard to do it all the time. Dane heads upstairs and Kyra asks him if he is going to wear the blazer he goes and picks up the blazer. Kyra asks Anthony if he is ok he says yeah. Kyra says he definitely understands that. Kyra is telling Anthony about wear Kyra leaves. Dane comes downstairs and puts on his microphone. Dane asks Mark and Adam when is it going to starts Adam said they told us 15 minutes. Kyra is telling Anthony about a previous relationship and how the girl stalked Kyra on facebook. Kyra said the girl would bash Kyra on facebook. Kyra said she was the one at the time however Kyra does not know if she is the one that Kyra wants to reconsider a relationship with because the girl would enable Kyra.
6:30 PM BBT Dane is sitting on the sofa. Dane walks to the DR. Kyra tells Anthony that I am a very emotional person and people try to take advantage. 6:34 PM BBT FEEDS GO DOWN


April 27, 2019


6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds went down at 6:24 for the veto competition.

10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned at 10:01. Adam won the Power of Veto. Dane told Adam that they have got to get Mark up on the block. Kyra came by to bring Dane some pizza. They told him that it’s just a game. After Kyra left, Dane said that he should have got Kyra out in week two. Later, Kyra told Adam they knew that he would win the veto. Adam said they didn’t know that for sure. Kyra explained that they had to put Adam up or else he would have used the veto on Dane once they got an inkling that he was the target. Adam said it’s clear that Anthony, Kyra and Mark are working together since Kyra told them that they should all drop once Dane was eliminated from the veto competition. Kyra said that Adam is being presumptuous. Adam headed upstairs to vent to Dane about what Kyra said to him. Dane said he cannot stand Kyra right now. Dane said it’s not over yet, since he will be able to get Anthony’s vote as long as Mark goes on the block. Dane said he has a weird feeling that Kyra and Mark have had a Final 2 deal. He pointed out that they were celebrating after the competition. Dane asked Adam if he has his vote. Adam said yeah. Kyra then spoke to Adam, looking to clear the air and explain their move. Kyra said it’s the only way they thought that they could get Dane out. Kyra suggested that Dane only made a truce with them because it was good for his own game and he viewed them as weak. Kyra added that if Dane was willing to turn on Este, he would turn on them. Adam asked who Kyra is thinking of nominating. Kyra said Mark will be going on the block. Kyra also let Adam know that their mind is not budging about evicting Dane.

11:00-12:00 AM: Dane asked Anthony if he has got his vote. Anthony said he has been wanting to have a talk alone with Dane. He asked if there were talks about putting him up next to Mark. Dane denied it, saying the only thing that was mentioned is that Anthony might use the veto on Mark, and then Adam would go up. Anthony said he was under the impression that there was a push to put him up, and then he would have went home. Dane insisted that he didn’t push for Anthony to go up. Anthony said Adam must have done it then. Dane once again asked if he has Anthony’s vote. Anthony brought up that Dane knew they were supposed to be ride or dies yet he evicted Cory when Cory was detrimental to his success in the game. Anthony said Cory was good for Dane’s game and had agreed that they should have a Final 3 together. Anthony accused Dane of evicting Cory for Adam. Dane said it was done because he felt that he would have a better shot at beating Damien and Este in competitions. Anthony then brought up that Dane had a Final 3 deal with Adam and Damien, as well as others with Este. Dane pointed out that he took Damien out, which he wouldn’t have done if he was thinking about himself and not the alliance. Anthony circled back to Dane targeting Cory. He said it really bothered him since Dane was supposed to be his guy but he did not come to him about the talks to backdoor Cory. Anthony questioned Dane about having a Final 2 deal with Adam. Dane said Adam approached him about one but it was only 2-3 weeks ago, and his loyalty lied with his Final 2 deal with Anthony. Anthony let Dane know that he has felt left out of things of late, seeing as it has been Adam and Dane together. Dane said there is no question that he would have chosen Anthony over Adam if it came up. Dane asked if this means that he doesn’t have Anthony’s vote. Anthony said he doesn’t know.

12:00-1:00 AM: After his talk with Anthony, Dane went to the bedroom alone. He said that he is going home for sure. Dane then joined the guys in the kitchen. When Adam asked if everything is alright, Dane said that he is going home and he only has five days left in the house. Kyra later told Dane that he played a remarkable game. Dane wished the houseguests the best of luck moving forward. He said that they all played a phenomenal game. Dane told Kyra that he really respects the move that they made.

1:00-2:00 AM: Before heading to bed, Adam asked Dane why he is saying that he is leaving. Dane mentioned that Anthony is pissed about Cory leaving. Adam asked if Anthony gave Dane a clear answer on his decision. Dane said no. Dane wants Kyra to think that he is for sure going home, as he wants Mark to end up on the block next to him. Dane told Adam that he will continue to work on Anthony as long as he has his vote.


April 27, 2019

8:00 AM BBT BR lights still down; HGs still sleeping.
8:30 AM BBT BB being exceptionally generous and allowing the HGs to sleep, slowly bringing the br lights up. Anthony up and heading out to do the battery exchange. Rooster sounds at 8:40; no HGs stir. Anthony alone in the kitchen/pantry making coffee and starting his day.
8:45 AM BBT Kyra sitting alone in the HoH room, nobody moving in the blue BR. Kyra heads downstairs. Anthony says that he had a good chat with Adam last night and Adam admitted everything to him. He says that Adam was shocked at the things Anthony knew all along; he tells Kyra is something should happen to him, he wants them to be safe. He tells them to talk to Adam today and tell him that the intended target was Dane. He tells Kyra to take a step back with Mark and tell him that their best shot is against Mark and they want to work together. Kyra takes Anthony’s advice and agrees to do both his suggestions. Dane joins them downstairs, followed by Adam. Mark called to the DR. Adam sets about making breakfast for everyone.
9:00 AM BBT Everyone in the kitchen/dining area, trying to wake up. Adam’s sausages frying are the only sound to be heard. Kyra heads up to use the WR but even that doesn’t get the PB talking. Once alone, Dane tells Adam it’s going to be a good day and Kyra’s going to regret their decision.
9:15 AM BBT Everyone, except Mark, in the kitchen area cooking and/or cleaning before eating. Kyra called to the DR. Everyone finishes their breakfast. Adam asks Kyra what they think the comp will be, and they say they think physical, but it couldn’t hurt to go over the days. They agree that the build for the comp sounds like a big one. Kyra heads into the blue br and chats briefly with Mark about how they slept and tells him that his breakfast is waiting downstairs.
9:30 AM BBT Mark alone in the blue BR, Adam and Dane sitting silently downstairs. Dane asks if Anthony and Adam spoke last night, and Adam confirms they did. Adam says he feels he’s going home this week if he doesn’t win PoV; Dane tells him to win. Mark finally comes downstairs to eat and thanks Adam for making his breakfast. Adam being called to the DR breaks up the monotony of no one speaking. Anthony rejoins the rest of the boys in the living room. Dane says Adam’s going to be really hard to beat today and Anthony agrees. Anthony talks about streaking towards a lake to skinny dip, and jumping into the lake and it was only two feet deep and the bottom was nothing but rocks and zebra mussels. He says that’s what the scars on his body are from.
9:45 AM BBT Anthony continuing to tell the story about being injured by zebra mussels while skinny dipping. Mark asks when Anthony stopped his passion for basketball; Anthony says that he was too good, got too cocky and had too many injuries before college. Mark asks if he was at a level to play NCAA in the States; Anthony says when he was in grade school everyone (everyone!) thought he was going to the NBA but then he went to a crappy high school. Mark asks if he was the best in his school and he says he was the best in his high school in grade 8; he says that he started grade 9 playing varsity. He claims that everyone knew they were going to win the championships because Anthony joined the team. Mark asks if it’s too late to pursue his dreams now and both Anthony and Dane say it’s far too late.
10:00 AM BBT Anthony is still telling Mark about his basketball dreams as a teenager. He is explaining how he learned to dunk the ball. He is now talking about winning the Regional High Jump when he was in grade 8. He says it was one of the greatest moments of his life. He continues with I never felt so on top. He asks Dane what his best goal ever was. Dane starts telling them about a goal he made where he faked the pass. Dane continues with there was a midget league hockey game where he got a goal while playing in Quebec. He says he played defence at that time. Mark asks You watch goalies as a kid how do you know that they are going to grow up to be the best. Mark says it is amazing how the players know how to tip the puck so it will go in the net. Dane says I think Kyra is afraid to come downstairs. Anthony says he should put shorts on and ice his knee properly. Mark and Dane are wondering what the upcoming comp is.

10:15 AM BBT Mark says the yard will probably be opened much later tonight. Dane thinks the comp will be around 3rd battery change. Mark is explaining what to day means in the Jewish Religion if you are the first born and male. He says you have to fast all day but if you are under 13 your father has to do it for you. The conversation goes to What they think the POV Comp will be and when. They think it will be late. Mark and Dane are going over the nights from day 42. Mark says Day 55 we made history. Dane says But now it is a fail. Dane says I have choice words but I will keep them to myself but it is a great game move. Dane says If Adam wins You go up; if I win you still go up. Mark says I know it sucks. Dane says We should have kept Sam as they lied to my face every day. Dane is telling Mark what Kyra said to them yesterday. He continues with Now they can’t even hang out downstairs they are so scared. They asked me to talk to Adam as they are scared of him. In the backyard you can hear production building the set for the comp. Mark wonders how much each camera cost. Dane guesses a couple of thousand.Anthony has gone upstairs to check on Kyra. Anthony is telling them about the first time Sam talked to them. He is telling them that Sam approached him about working together. He says Sam wanted to backstab everyone they were both close to. Anthony says Sam is a good liar and good at manipulating people. Anthony is blaming Sam for every move that he was involved in. Kyra is saying Well she had us fooled.
10:30 AM BBT He continues with Mama went down to talk to Chelsea where I joined the tail end of it. He says Mama said to him She thinks we are going to trust her after she told us she was working with Sam. Anthony says He defused the conversation. Anthony said Someone asks me a question about Chelsea and I made her look like a G. Anthony says that is when Chelsea told me about you. Kyra asks Did Chelsea say she was loyal to us. Anthony says Yes she was trying to tell people that she wasn’t close to you to protect you. Anthony says When you both were on the block the first 3 days you two were hooked at the hip. Anthony says Sam tried to paint you as a liar to Cory but Cory didn’t buy it which is why Cory was so hurt but what you said to her the next week. Anthony says Sam has been gone since day 41 and is still in everyone’s mind. Kyra says Sam will be a friend of ours for a very long time. They continue with I knew Sam and Chelsea weren’t as loyal to us as we were to them. They continue with I still stayed loyal to them so it proved I was loyal it is like Dane who has turned on people he was loyal too. Anthony says Mama was very upset with me after the Maki vote. Anthony continues with What Mama did to Dane she tried to do to me. Kyra brings the conversation back to if Chelsea campaigned against them. Anthony says Chelsea was telling everyone that you were following her and that is what it looked like.
10:15 AM BBT Mark says the yard will probably be opened much later tonight. Dane thinks the comp will be around 3rd battery change. Mark is explaining what to day means in the Jewish Religion if you are the first born and male. He says you have to fast all day but if you are under 13 your father has to do it for you. The conversation goes to What they think the POV Comp will be and when. They think it will be late. Mark and Dane are going over the nights from day 42. Mark says Day 55 we made history. Dane says But now it is a fail. Dane says I have choice words but I will keep them to myself but it is a great game move. Dane says If Adam wins You go up; if I win you still go up. Mark says I know it sucks. Dane says We should have kept Sam as they lied to my face every day. Dane is telling Mark what Kyra said to them yesterday. He continues with Now they can’t even hang out downstairs they are so scared. They asked me to talk to Adam as they are scared of him. In the backyard you can hear production building the set for the comp. Mark wonders how much each camera cost. Dane guesses a couple of thousand.Anthony has gone upstairs to check on Kyra. Anthony is telling them about the first time Sam talked to them. He is telling them that Sam approached him about working together. He says Sam wanted to backstab everyone they were both close to. Anthony says Sam is a good liar and good at manipulating people. Anthony is blaming Sam for every move that he was involved in. Kyra is saying Well she had us fooled.
10:30 AM BBT He continues with Mama went down to talk to Chelsea where I joined the tail end of it. He says Mama said to him She thinks we are going to trust her after she told us she was working with Sam. Anthony says He defused the conversation. Anthony said Someone asks me a question about Chelsea and I made her look like a G. Anthony says that is when Chelsea told me about you. Kyra asks Did Chelsea say she was loyal to us. Anthony says Yes she was trying to tell people that she wasn’t close to you to protect you. Anthony says When you both were on the block the first 3 days you two were hooked at the hip. Anthony says Sam tried to paint you as a liar to Cory but Cory didn’t buy it which is why Cory was so hurt but what you said to her the next week. Anthony says Sam has been gone since day 41 and is still in everyone’s mind. Kyra says Sam will be a friend of ours for a very long time. They continue with I knew Sam and Chelsea weren’t as loyal to us as we were to them. They continue with I still stayed loyal to them so it proved I was loyal it is like Dane who has turned on people he was loyal too. Anthony says Mama was very upset with me after the Maki vote. Anthony continues with What Mama did to Dane she tried to do to me. Kyra brings the conversation back to if Chelsea campaigned against them. Anthony says Chelsea was telling everyone that you were following her and that is what it looked like.
10:45 AM BBT Kyra says We came into this game as a viewer made mistakes but we learned from them. They continue with We have proven we are smart because of the moves we made this week. Anthony says I could not of told you then because you would have blown up. Kyra says Now they don’t know how they will act with her. Anthony says She is your friend and you need to remember this is game. Anthony says Chelsea did try to paint a bad picture of you. Kyra says The one thing I liked about her is the fact that she never campaigned against me. Kyra says I tried to help her with her campaign. Anthony says I kept telling her to pick the biggest target in the house and say you are going after them. Kyra says We tried to help her but because we wanted to help her fight to stay because we knew we would put up a better campaign. Kyra asks Why did these people think Chelsea was stronger. Anthony says Because of the emotional thing. He tells them don’t let anyone tell you that you are not a strong player. Kyra says We have proven we are the strong player we just made the biggest move in this game. Anthony tells them when Sam pulled him into here for Wendy’s she wanted me to know that she wasn’t aligned with Kyra or Adam. Anthony continues with Everyone knows I don’t lie. Kyra says the only thing we left out was the boys alliance but I did tell Cory after. They continue with that is the one thing we lied to you about. They continue with that is when I told Cory if I won I would put up Adam and Dane Dane because we don’t trust him. Adam because he would be a vote for Dane. Kyra says We don’t want Canada to think badly of us. Anthony says Canada loves you you are favorite player. Kyra says Everybody threw out my name but we had to choose who we wanted to work with even though they threw out my name. Anthony says That is why Sam is such a great player. Anthony says Sam did tell Cory but said that it was your plan. Kyra says We wanted to work with Sam you and Cory our number one goal was to get Dane out. Kyra says the people who told us they were loyal to have not been loyal to me. They continue with You are the only one who has been loyal to me. Anthony says That is what hurts me the fact I really liked these guys and they lied to me. Anthony continues with last night Adam admitted everything that him and Dane had going. He continues with he even told me some stuff about Mark.
11:00 AM BBT Anthony says in this game I have never lied to anyone I have played a honest game. Anthony is telling them about how upset Mark got when Adam didn’t warn him Sam was putting him up. Anthony says if you me or Mark win we are sending Adam home. Kyra says What if Adam wins Anthony says He isn’t going to win. Anthony continues with Adam said after Cory left he wanted us to talk. Kyra says He wanted to protect me. Anthony says He did the same thing to you he did to Sam when you won. Kyra says If Adam wins Veto this week and stays and wins Veto next week he will send us home. Anthony says I won’t allow that I have a lot more info to use against Mark. Kyra says My goal in this game has always been to get Dane out. Kyra says We will probably go next week. Anthony continues with I said you ain’t going so you ain’t going.
11:15 AM BBT Kyra says Even after we had that fight we knew when you came up after that we would be okay. Anthony says Even though I directed it at you I was watching Adam. Anthony is telling them that right after I leave call in Dane and tell him that he is liked in this house but you put me on the block 3 times so if you are going to hold this against me that is wrong. We can continue forward if you don’t have to. Kyra says I am going to get a strong player out this week I am going to get a strong player out this week if you win the Veto and pull yourself off congrats. Anthony says He won’t go to Adam he will come to me. I will tell him I don’t even like Kyra you seen the fight we had. They hug. Kyra goes looking for Dane. Dane and Anthony are in the washroom brushing their teeth. Dane heads into the Blue Bedroom where Mark is saying he has to wake up. Dane says I have to go talk to Kyra. Mark says What do you have to say. Dane says I have nothing to say. Mark says I have been asked. Dane says All I can do is hope Adam doesn’t win Veto. Dane goes to talk to Kyra.
11:30 PM BBT Dane walks into the HOH Room. Kyra asks him how he is doing. Kyra repeats exactly what Anthony tells them to say. Dane agrees that it was a good game move. Dane tells them that if I win Veto I have your back if he wins then it will be what it is. Dane says if someone else wins and noms stay the same then the game starts. Kyra says Well we just wanted to have that quick chat it is going to be a fun one we all get to play. Dane leaves. Kyra goes to get their laundry. In the Blue Bedroom Anthony is holding court with Dane and Mark. Anthony is repeating some of the conversation he had with Kyra. Anthony said Everything Adam said yesterday cut Kyra very deep. Anthony says It is what it is. Mark asks How his talk went. Dane says they just told him they wanted to get out a big player. Dane says Adam last night made is easy for campaigning. Mark says Last night two to 280 pound men crying it out. Dane says Did you and Adam make up last night. Anthony says Yes he came and said he was sorry. Dane says I have to beat Adam today. Mark says We all have to. Anthony says He needs to ice his knee. Mark says I need to do my workout. Dane says have a cold shower just before the comp. Dane is going to eat a bowl of cereal. Mark is showering Anthony went to use the toilet. Adam is downstairs working out. Adam says He is bored Dane says one of us has to win after that f****ing talk. Adam asks Dane what did they say to you. Did they say the same shit. Adam says I think if either you or I went to Finale the whole jury would be pissed off with us. Dane says They will be in trouble if we both leave they think they are safe with Anthony. Adam says Biggest blindside of the season and pulled off by Kyra. Dane says I knew I was going up but not against you. Adam says Did Mark throw that comp was this all planned. Dane says Mark put after for one of the questions in the comp for HOH. Adam says he could have thrown it. He adds Who knows it is going to be a long ass day. Anthony joins them. Adam says I am going to make ground turkey. Anthony says Everytime you make it I have been on slop. Adam tells him he is going to make it in a half hour to an hour.
11:45 AM BBT Adam is doing push ups Anthony is in his normal position lying down on the couch in the living room. Dane is sitting in the nook area. Mark is showering Kyra is in her HOH Room. There is no conversation at all. They hear a noise and Anthony says that is the noise a subway door makes when it is closing. It seems that neither Dane or Mark heard the noise that Anthony heard. Anthony starts laughing and says you know I think it is very funny that Este and Kiki thought they were going to go far and called themselves Young Blood. Dane is saying that they have some friends in common that Kiki had a thing with a girl he use to date. He says he really thinks she is 23 now because he knows her best friend who is dating a friend of his and she is 24. The house goes quiet again while they wait for the comp to start.
12:00 PM BBT Dane is doing push up while Anthony is watching on the sofa in the living room. Dane is asking Anthony if he is good he says yeah. Dane says what if he pull himself down. Anthony does not respond. DANE STOP SINGING!! Dane is doing something in the kitchen. Anthony is laying across the sofa. The cameras are doing different angles on Anthony to see if he is sleeping. Anthony has an ice pack on the back of his knee. You can hear Adam and Mark in the background but unable to hear what they are saying. Mark is in the storage room looking through the fridge. Mark is whispering to Anthony. Anthony tells him that Dane is trying to get Mark put on the block. Anthony says no matter what you are not going out. Mark said you can do whatever you want I am voting Dane out. Anthony said that the only reason for the tie breaker is so that Kyra can give the speech to get Dane out. Mark said well then you can vote Adam out then. Mark said I figured something like this would happen. Mark said he is a good liar. I mean he lies so much that he can even convince himself what he is lying about. Anthony said I did not believe it Mark said yeah we should have reconsidered what who we worked with. Mark tells him I know why you told me to throw the comp.

12:15 PM BBT Anthony said what are you talking about. He said remember balance of power and I was on the block and you told me to throw the colmp. Anthony says I never told you to throw a comp. Mark said yes you did so we can balance power. Anthony says I think you have me confused with someone else because I would never tell you to throw a comp. Mark says no it was you he says why would I say that because Este would have taken your place and she would have went home. Mark said no the reason to was to get rid of KIkki. Mark says well maybe I misheard what you were saying. Anthony said that it doesn’t make sense because I would have wanted Este out. Anthony is whispering to Mark. Mark said why would we keep Kikki. Mark said my biggest regret is not getting close to you earlier. He said oh yeah I know you were sleep most of the time. He said that you opened my eyes up to alot of things that were going on. Anthony said Dane said that Adam was the bigger target. Mark said Damien did not know anything that was going on,. Mark said I only have one lie that I haven’t told anyone he says the necklace I have been wearing and that I told people a friend gave me I actually bought it from the dollar store. He said I was the one who was in Dane’s HoH room telling him Maki needs to go. Mark said Kyra did what we wanted her to do. Mark tells Anthony yeah what they don’t realize is we orchestrated everything. They may have won the comps but we were telling them what to do. Mark said we did good keeping Cory around. Mark said Adam slipped up and told me he was the secret assassin. ANTHONY PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Anthony says oh man.
12:30 PM BBT Kyra comes down Anthony comes back from the DR. He asks Kyra who has the music player Mark asks if he can have it after Anthony. Kyra tells them that Kyra is making grilled cheeses since they have time before the comp. They start talking about food. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES. Dane is sitting in the chair below the stairs. Mark and Kyra are playing a game with their hands. Anthony is sprawled out on the sofa. Adam asks what was the pool tournament called? They say right on cue. Adam starts asking about the other comp names. He asks what was the boxes called. They all yell out ship til you drop.
12:45 PM BBT Mark is telling Kyra how to play the card game that they are playing. Adam yells out what day did you win HOH. Mark said who me. He says yeah. Mark says Day 41. Mark said I won Kyra said why do I always lose. Mark says do you want to go first. DANE PLEASE WAKE UP NAPTIME IS OVER!!! Anthony asks Mark about the game he is playing. Dane says Bob the button hates me today. DANE PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Kyra finally wins. Kyra lays on the other sofa and asks where is Adam. Anthony says I don’t know. Mark is in the storage room looking in the fridge eating a pepper. He leaves out and heads to the kitchen. Kyra asks Mark what is our game called he says um I guess fingers. My buddy taught it to me but never gave me a name. Kyra said I think we should name the finger game. Kyra said Finger Knockout. He says yep we can do that. Mark goes and lays on the sofa. Kyra comes up with other names. They come up with some crazy names. Mark said that well I mean I went on national TV and got the math wrong. Kyra said so much for our human calculator. .Kyra said I feel like it is going to be a really big one. It is going to be a cool set up. Mark said yeah were everyone wins 5,000 dollars. PLEASE WAKE UP NAPTIME IS OVER. Mark said who is sleeping. Kyra said we are not sleeping. Dane said if everyone got a quick 15 that would be nice. Kyra says I want to cook something just so I would have something to do. Kyra says I need a cigarette. Mark is playing with the sofa.
1:00 PM BBT Kyra is in the storage room looking through the shelves to find something to cook. Kyra comes out the storage room with a package of chicken breasts. Anthony says I just found a strand of Momma’s hair. Kyra said how do you know it was Momma’s hair. Anthony says its Momma’s hair. Mark has his arms over his eyes. Kyra said hey Mark do you want to play a game where you hide something and I got to find it. Kyra said I am going to get the blindfold. I am so bored. Mark said I am going hide the water bottle. Kyra said ok do hot and cold and you can hide it upstairs or downstairs. Kyra is making up a song so Kyra doesn’t hear Mark. Leaving the blindfold on Kyra searches for the water bottle. Kyra is feeling around the wall and is really close to the water bottle. Mark has put it on the bridge going to the nomination room. Kyra has completely walked passed it. Kyra is right by it but keeps going passed it. Kyra knocks it over with Kyra’s foot. Kyra finds it. Mark is now blindfolded and Kyra is hiding. Kyra says since this is your first time I will not hide it upstairs. Mark says Mark is blindfolded a normal Tuesday for Mark. Kyra has it hidden. Mark is trying to walk around but afraid he is going to walk into something. Kyra said I will let you know when you are close to something. Mark said why haven’t we played this game earlier since it is so much fun. Mark is still trying to figure out where he is walking. Kyra has it hidden behind one of the pilings in the kitchen on the floor. Mark is close to the bottle.
1:15 PM BBT Mark ask Kyra how can it be warmer and colder at the same time. Kyra is holding the counter so that Mark does not hit the counters ledge. Mark finally finds it. Mark said I knew it the whole time I was messing with you. Mark asks Kyra to show him where he was walking. Kyra says it gets boring here. Kyra said that it was funny that the camera kept going from you to where the water bottle was hidden. Mark had hidden the bottle again. Kyra is again trying to find it the bottle. Mark is trying to direct Kyra. Kyra is in the area where the bottle is located however can not find it. Kyra finds it. Anthony tells Kyra that he is going to put the timer on for 10 minutes. Mark starts signing while Kyra hiding the water bottle. Mark hits his head. PLEASE WAKE UP NAPTIME IS OVER. Mark said I have a really good hiding spot for the next one. Mark is walking all way around it. Mark starts doing push ups. Mark has completely moved away from the water bottle. Kyra said ok lets start with directions. Mark kisses the camera. Mark is getting confused because Kyra says warm and cold. DANE PLEASE WAKE UP NAP TIME IS OVER. Mark finally finds it. Anthony is sitting at the kitchen counter. He gets up and moves away from the counter.
1:30 PM BBT Mark and Kyra are still playing their game. Mark put it in the center of the floor and Kyra finally finds it. Mark tells Kyra that he was holding it the whole time and he just wanted to see Kyra walk in circles. Adam is in the kitchen cooking. Mark asks Kyra did I show you the game with hand eye coordination that I showed Sam. Kyra says no you can show it to me. Adam is cooking Kyra tells him that Kyra needs to get there for a moment to put spices on the chicken. Adam continues seasoning something. Adam tells Kyra that Kyra is putting too much butter on the chicken. Mark is in the storage room walking back and forth. Mark is whispering to himself while holding a container of cereal. Kyra is in the bathroom asking Anthony if he could flip the chicken. Kyra puts on a hoodie that was in the bathroom. Anthony tells Kyra I am going to hop into the shower real quick. Kyra brings clothes into the blue bedroom and starts folding them. Mark is in the storage room eating cereal. Adam is still cooking. Mark heads upstairs to the bathroom. Adam is still in the kitchen. Kyra is still folding clothes. KYRA PLEASE GO TO THE DR.. Mark is going over the days in the red bedroom. Mark is going over scenarios in his head. Mark is whispering to himself. He then says that is what I thought. Mark leaves out. Mark says no luck today huh. Mark is in the bathroom where Anthony is showering. Mark then heads into the blue bedroom going over the days again.
1:45 PM BBT Kyra is downstairs talking to Adam as he is plating his food. Adam is now making a second plate of food. Mark is still in the blue bedroom going over his days. Adam checks the chicken. Adam sits down to eat his food. Mark is now going over the last few days in the house while banging his water bottle against the bed. Dane comes into the blue bedroom by Mark. Mark pretends to be asleep. Adam is at the counter eating alone. Mark is in the room alone now.
8:00 PM BBT- 10:01 PM BBT Feeds down for POV competition
10:00 PM BBT Feeds return at 10:01pm. Dane is resting in the BlueBR, and Kyra, Mark, and Anthony are eating pizza. Mark is jokingly telling Anthony that it’s good when you fail because you know what your weaknesses are. Kyra says that they’re only friends with women. Kyra tells Mark that he’s only allowed to say “you know what I mean?” up to 5 times a day because BB told them (Kyra). Adam is getting dressed in the BlueBR. BB tells him to put on his microphone. Adam goes to the DR. Kyra is frustrated about not being able to use the iPod because BB won’t give it to them. BB says “you are not allowed to talk about production.”
10:15 PM BBT Houseguests are lounging around. Dane is eating a piece of pizza. Kyra is doing the battery exchange. Adam & Dane are eating pizza in the kitchen. Adam asks Dane what day it is. Dane answers and Adam says it’s Sunday and goes over the days.
10:30 PM BBT Kyra tells Adam that there was no intention of getting him out this week. He says okay. Adam says that he suspects that Kyra is working with a couple of HGs. Kyra strongly denies it. Adam says that it’s done with. Adam goes up to the BlueBR. Adam tells Dane that Kyra said “I told you you’d win.” Adam vents to Dane about Kyra. Dane says that Kyra won’t put up Anthony. Dane & Adam are mad about Kyra. Adam says he “bust his fucking ass” to get off the block. Dane says that he thinks Mark & Kyra have been working together. They vent some more about Kyra, then talk about the comp. Dane says to Adam that Anthony was neck in neck with him. Dane says that he wants to make Kyra’s HoH look stupid. Dane says that Kyra would put up Anthony to make sure he (Dane) goes home. Adam says that he’s “right out the door” next week if he doesn’t win HoH or veto. Dane says that if he survives this week, he’s not letting Kyra get final 3. Feeds cut at 10:42pm.
10:45 PM BBT Feeds return at 10:53pm. Adam is resting on a bed in the BlueBR. Kyra enters. Kyra says “I’m sorry. It’s the only way I could get Dane out.” Adam says that he thought that them & Dane (Kyra & Dane) had a F2. Kyra says that there was a possibility that they would’ve been taken out week 2. Kyra says that they never intending on getting him out, and wanted to give Adam a chance to take himself down. Adam asks who the replacement nom will be. Kyra says Mark. Kyra says that they’ve been wanting to get Dane out all season. Kyra says that Dane is a great competitor this season, and is glad that he (Adam) won the veto. They both talk about the comp and the upcoming days. They both wonder what might happen. Kyra tells Adam that he’s the strongest player in the house. Adam says “comp beast.” Kyra thinks that Adam has more wins that anyone else from previous seasons. They both talk about former HGs. They both say that they didn’t expect Mark to get that far. Kyra says that they had to make a big move and be able to look back and be proud of making a big move in the house.
11:00 PM BBT Kyra says that this game brings out the best and worst of people. Kyra says to Adam that they felt like a terrible person for putting him (Adam) up. Kyra says that the game made them realize stuff about them.
11:15 PM BBT Mark enters to ask Kyra something. After he leaves, Kyra says that that’s a different Mark. Adam says that there’s 7 different Marks. They both continue to talk game. Adam tells Kyra about the Pretty Boys getting together. In the HoH room, Anthony & Dane are talking about something that happened before in the game. Anthony tells Dane “they’re not putting me up.” Anthony says that he didn’t like Sam. Anthony says that the week Cory left, that Sam & Adam blamed Kyra.
11:30 PM BBT Anthony tells Dane that Kyra isn’t putting him (Dane) up. Anthony asks if there was talks of putting up him & Mark. Dane says no. Anthony says “there were pushes” to put them both up. Dane says no. Anthony says that he probably wouldn’t have taken himself down. Anthony says that Adam said that he would’ve taken him down if he went up. Anthony says that if he and Mark were to be put up, that he (Anthony) would’ve gone home. Dane says that he never pushed for his name. Anthony says that if it wasn’t him, then it was Mark. Anthony says that he thought he was the target. Dane says “so I don’t have your vote now.” Anthony says “that’s not what I’m saying.” Anthony says that Cory leaving was detrimental to his game.


11:45 PM BBT Anthony asks Dane why he was making final 3s with Adam and Damien & Este. They talk about the past. Anthony asks Dane if he had a F2 with Adam. Dane says yes. Dane says no. Dane gets annoyed. Dane says to Anthony that he made a ride-or-die deal with him (Anthony). Anthony asks if it’s been since day 1. Dane explains himself to Anthony, but Anthony won’t answer him. Dane says “come on man.” Dane says “so I don’t got you.” Anthony says that he doesn’t know. Dane says that he didn’t think he needed to talk about it. Anthony says it’s about sending home Cory. They continue to talk game. Anthony tells Dane that Cory would’ve never gone after him. Dane says Cory would have beat him (Dane).


April 26, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Kyra (HoH) showering before talking to other HGs about their plans. Mark and Anthony talking basketball in the dining room. Adam and Dane playing pool in the backyard. Anthony called to the DR, Mark makes his way to the blue br and recites his poem. Anthony comes in and starts coaching Mark on things to say to Kyra to try and secure his safety this week. The PBs have splintered into Mark and Anthony vs Dane and Adam. Mark says that Dane and Adam aren’t smart enough to take them out. He says that he and Mark are still going to be sitting together in F2. Anthony says that Dane had F2 deals with everyone and he is only still in the house because he had the PBs backing him up; he says that Mark is the only person who has stayed true to Anthony the entire game. Mark says it all really comes down to who wins the PoV this week; Anthony agrees and says it’s do or die time. He leaves to go shower and Adam comes in to make his bed.
10:15 AM BBT Mark alone in the blue br, lazing on his bed, Dane collecting garbage around the house, Adam brushing his teeth in the WR, Anthony in the WR and Kyra showering in the HoH room. Kyra camtalking in the HoH room. They say they don’t want Adam going home on their HoH; they head out to the blue br briefly and then to the WR. Chit-chat in the WR between Kyra and Adam about Cory and Sam and how they’re getting along in the jury house. They joke about who the secret assassin was; Kyra heads back to the HoH room.
10:30 AM BBT Mark and Kyra talking in the HoH room. Kyra says this week is hard because there’s not a lot of people to choose from. They say they’re close to Anthony and close to Adam and they’re trying to figure out what is best for their game. Mark says that Kyra’s best shot at winning $100K is to be sitting with Mark and Anthony in the F3. He points out that Adam and Dane are the two strongest players in the house; he reminds Kyra that they can’t play in the HoH next week and their only hope is to win PoV. Kyra says they’re deciding between two different paths, and they’re not going to tell anyone before the ceremony because they want to make good tv. Kyra points out they’re their own person and have their own opinions and have been playing their own game. Kyra says they think Dane threw the comp last night. Kyra says no one is going to make their decision for them; they’re in a house full of boys and no one is going to change their mind. They say people are going to be angry with them this week, and there’s no way around that. Kyra asks Mark to act like he’s going on the block; Mark leaves and Kyra settles in to listen to music. Mark makes his way to the WR and Kyra shows up to bring him back to the HoH room; they want to clarify that they didn’t tell Anthony they weren’t going up. They tell Mark to go ask Anthony and that they’re not happy and they feel like Mark is trying to put words in their mouth. Mark leaves and Kyra camtalks about people putting words in their mouth. Mark heads back to the blue br and settles into his bed. Adam and Anthony grooming and talking in the WR; Anthony says he’s been loyal to the boys but it comes down to who deserves it, who busted their ass and who brought a lot to the squad. Adam agrees and says they’re very very close to $100K. Anthony called to DR. Anthony tells Adam that respect goes a long way and he respects Adam in many different ways.
10:45 AM BBT Anthony and Kyra called to the DR for the start of the Wendy’s lunch. Adam makes his way to the archive room hoping to find another secret power and rummages through boxes. Dane outside in the backyard soaking up rays. Adam finally comes to the realization that there’s nothing new in the archive room. In the WR, Anthony and Dane are talking while Anthony brushes his teeth. Anthony says that Kyra is taking him to Wendy’s for one of two reasons: a) to put him on the block or b) to ask for advice. Anthony says whatever Kyra says, he’s got a way to spin it away from both Mark and Dane. He says it will come down to analyzing the words they use and responding accordingly. Dane talks about Mark still talking about their worth and he can’t explain to him that they failed.
11:00 AM BBT Dane and Anthony talking in the WR; Anthony says that Mark only talks about what’s going to happen after they’re out of the house and he rarely talks gameplay. Dane says he figures that it will be Mark and Dane on the block and Anthony says he wouldn’t count him out. Dane says Mark doesn’t perform well under pressure and tomorrow will be a big day. Dane leaves and Mark comes in. Anthony asks how Mark’s talk with Kyra went; Anthony says that Dane and Adam are sewering Mark. He says that they’re even trying to convince Anthony that Mark should go. Anthony says he’s going to paint a picture and Kyra will believe it. He tells Mark to play dead in front of Adam and Dane. Downstairs, Kyra and Adam are talking in the secret room; Adam says that he was talking to Anthony and told Anthony that if it comes to Anthony and Mark on the block, Anthony is safe. Adam says that Anthony said he was closer to Dane and Adam than he is to Mark, but Adam thought it was the opposite. Dane joins them in the secret room. Adam says that Kyra should do whatever they want; but they’d like to maintain their F3. Adam tells Dane about his earlier conversation with Anthony in the WR.
11:15 AM BBT Anthony joins the rest of them in the secret room; they tell him they can see a screen from in there that shows the date and time. They tell him it is 11:15 on April 26. Kyra says they want to go have a smoke before the Wendy’s luncheon, so they all head outside. Dane says he’s happy HNs is over and Adam says they haven’t said that, and they usually do. They talk about the comp last night’ Adam says it wasn’t that he didn’t not know the answers, he just kept messing up the responses.Kyra says they knew when they only had a one point lead that they couldn’t miss anything else. Adam heads inside. Anthony says it feels like it will be a nice day; Dane says he’s going to workout, hot tub and shower. They talk about Damien. Kyra heads in to play a game of pool.
11:25 AM BBT Feeds cut
11:30 AM –  Feeds Down for Wendy’s lunch
12:04 PM BBT Dane and Mark are playing Pool discussing if they would ever play again and if it would be Canada or US BB they would try to apply for. They finish the game and re rack for another round. Mark stars asking Dane about Hockey and Goalies. They begin to make trash talking comments about the pool game. Mark asks about the alliance Damien made with him during the second HOH Dane had.They laugh about Este and Kikki having an alliance and how they don’t get to hang out in Jury. Dane wins and wants to go work out, so he heads in to get water and Mark follows just mousing around the Kitchen looking to munch on something he is bored and then heads upstairs. Adam is downstairs next to his Foil GF napping
12:15 PM BBT Mark comes down and grabs something to munch and heads out to play pool alone while Dane works out. After shooting around some balls Mark lays down on the couch and plays with his facial hair while mumbling and studying in his head.
12:30 PM BBT Dane heads into the house takes a quick moment then grabs weights and heads back out. Dane takes a small break and comments a heart attack at age 28 guaranteed, don’t make it to 30 guaranteed. then grabs a weight and starts working out again. He heads back into the house and towards the kitchen. BB calls out the HGs for sleeping, Adam comes over and sits at the bar. Dane says he saw them go into the DR, They are waiting for the Wendy’s lunch to be over so they can have the left overs, Dane starts singing about no more HN’s They want to get into the pantry so they can make food. They get called out twice for talking about Production. Adam tried to get into the secret room, and sees Kyra and asks if there is food left over and can they go up yet. NOPE. Adam and Dane head in to sit at the kitchen bar.
12:42 PM BBT – 1:17 PM BBT Feeds Down
1:17 PM BBT Adam and Dane are in the blue room, Adam thinks he has a strand of Sam’s hair on him, Kyra is in the HOH with music on having a dance party. Adam wants to go work out, while Dane is changing saying he doesn’t want his butt out and Adam tells him its out. Adam begins a warm up workout, Mark and Dane are playing a new version of pool. They are setting up just a few balls and using the cue ball trying to only make a few shots to get them all in. Dane is getting over the game and wants to play a real game and then HT. Mark says he might join him after the game, Adam is working out in the background. Kyra is laying in her HOH still listening to her music.
1:30 PM BBT Adam is called away from his work out for a house wide battery change. Anthony has not been seen since feeds came back. Dane mentions how Anthony doesn’t look happy, and they are not aware of where he is after lunch. Adam comes by and does the battery exchange for them as Mark and Dane keep talking pool mixed with Hockey. Adam points out the HN room is still open. Anthony comes out and checks in on them, they say they are heading to the tub. Anthony fully dressed heads outside, Dane heads out in his suit while Mark heads up to change and come hit the Tub. Anthony decides he is going to change and get in as well. Mark and Anthony whisper in the blue room about what Mark needs to do to follow Anthony and how to stay off the block. Anthony says be down and look just boost them up and point out how much you respect their game and getting here. Mark leaves and Anthony has a huge smile as he changes. Mark finally makes it back outside, Dane comments the real game starts tomorrow, Mark chuckles and says it was 55 days of warm up. Mark enters the HT, Dane finishes a smoke and they begin to talk about Danes job and how his oss it probably mad.
1:45 PM BBT Dane says that May June is the busy season right after winter everyone is building now, Mark asks him why he decided to go to engineering. He shares how his step dad owns the business and is willing to give it to him if he gets his full degree. He tells about all of his schooling and how he loves where he is at and isn’t sure he wants to complete the 2 years left for it. Anthony joins them and forgot a towel, Mark finds Sams bobby pin. They boys talk about taking the HT and keeping at their houses and then onto friends from back home. They ask Dane about his hockey career and why he didn’t play on a professional team. Dane tells more about being a big city boy and and losing his scholarship and not getting a career but he still loves to play. He moves on to how to get more exposure and get an agent. Feeds go out as the are talking about agents, and the top agent to get right now. 1:56 PM BBT
2:00 PM BBT Feeds Down Feeds return at 2:06 PM BBT PRODUCTION: “Attention houseguests the hot tub is now off limits” Dane wonders if that means the backyard is closed for the season and then tells Adam he needs to talk to Kyra and goes inside.
2:15 PM BBT Mark and Anthony are playing pool and rock paper scissors. All houseguests are called to the living room and Kyra says they each get their own individual couch. The screen in the living room says “Nominations today” Kyra stands in front of the houseguests and says they have some news that the houseguests will find out very soon. Anthony jokes that he has to scrub the floor with a toothbrush and Adam asks if they get to eat Wendy’s everyday for the rest of the season. Kyra repeats that they will find out very soon and Adam yells up to Dane to bring down a black Adidas shirt.
2:30 PM BBT The houseguests are all in the bonus room looking through all of the boxes and sorting through them starting with first name and then by number. Everyone continues their sorting with broken files, and empty working files. MArk makes a spot for the empties. Kyra says they don’t want to interfere and they don’t know the questions. Mark wonders what if this is all a game and there really aren’t any questions. Dane says they’re probably easy questions.
2:45 PM BBT Kyra tells everyone to start counting and th they all count each box by category and try to find ways to remember how many there are and of each number. They count homicide and St. John’s files next followed by Chicago, Seattle, and Philly.

3:00 PM BBT Adam finds 16 files and Dane says theres 16 shelves, 3 homicide and 3 New York and 12 names. Dane says if they go back on slop for the rest of the season he’ll lose his mind and Kyra says they hope the questions have nothing to do with the contents of the boxes because they didn’t really pay attention to those. Adam reminds everyone that there are only 12 minutes left in the room and they count off everything they’ve found. Feeds go down at 3:05 PM BBT feeds return at 3:10 BBT and Kyra tells the pretty boys to close down the have not room they need to get 5 out of 7 questions right. Kyra asks the first question which is a true or false, they answer correctly and need 4 more to close down the have not room. Kyra asks the second question which is, “How many boxes say evidence?” they answer 7 which is correct.
3:15 PM BBT The boys haven’t gotten any questions wrong yet Kyra asks another which they discuss a lot and Kyra says they need an answer right away, they answer 31, unfortunately the answer is 25. Kyra asks another question they get it wrong but only need to get two more right. Kyra asks the final question and says if they don’t get it right they fail. Mark answers correctly with I24 and then they get the very last question wrong and are put on slop for the rest of the season. Everyone is very upset but Kyra says that they all did really good and nobody should be mad at themselves. Dane says he hopes they came out and say it was all just a joke.
3:30 PM BBT The mood is very somber in the house after losing the no slop challenge. Dane is upset because he has been on slop for 3 weeks. Anthony says maybe they’ll get a pizza party and Mark says no theres 2 weeks left it’s the very end of the season and they’ll keep them on slop. Kyra is very upset and crying saying that now they don’t even get to sleep in their HOH room and didn’t even get to play the answer the questions game which they sat isn’t fair because they knew a few of the answers and now they don’t get to enjoy their bed in the HOH room. They are also upset because the backyard is closed and they can’t go and smoke a cigarette. Almost as if on cue, production announces that the backyard is open. Everyone goes outside and discusses how hard the questions actually were. Kyra is very upset because now they have to be a have not for the last two weeks of the season and as they said earlier can’t enjoy any of their treats because their HOH basket is gone. Mark says good thing they already drank their booze.
3:45 PM BBT Kyra is laying in their bed in the HOH room crying to Adam telling him that this isn’t fair. Adam tells them that they have to look at it like, they are all on slop and it sucks, but they’re still in the running for the 100K. Downstairs in the kitchen Mark and dane are saying that this has to be some kind of sick joke Adam says he’s going to make this show the least interesting one all season and just sleep all day and not care what production says. Dane says it’s shitty for any HOH because they won’t get to stay in the room or eat any of the food in their basket and will have to take a mattress to the HAve Not Room.
4:00 PM BBT Adam Dane and Mark are sitting at the kitchen counter talking about the fact that they are all on slop. Dane says We are going to be told all day to wake up. Anthony is sleeping in the nook area. Adam says I can’t believe I had that right and never said anything. Kyra is sitting outside having a cigarette saying the test was not a fair test at all.They are yelling saying You guys just don’t understand how hard it is to eat slop and sleep on the floor for 2 weeks. Anthony is still asleep in the nook area. Mark Adam and Dane are still at the kitchen counter watching Dane make slop pancakes. Kyra has now come back inside and is sitting down. Kyra says We should have taken the time with the math instead of just believing Mark. Kyra asks if they get notice for when Noms are so should they just be ready. They comment well We haven’t got the couches yet so I guess it will be awhile. Adam and Dane are going outside for a smoke. Dane yells to Kyra to join them but they are in the DR. Adam says Why did we trust Mark he isn’t as smart as we thought he was. Dane says 3 F***ing weeks of it. He does the math in his head and says more than half the season on slop.
4:15 PM BBT Adam says back on the sugar diet. Dane says This has to be a joke. Anthony is awake and has made his way to the washroom. Adam comes inside and meets up with Kyra who says This is not a prank we asked. Everyone is going to be more cranky this week. They ask Adam if he has gone over the days. Dane has joined them. Adam says that they should have been able to answer in the test. Kyra says I got the best sleep last night in that bed since I got in the house. Kyra says I asked you guys if you wanted to go with Mark you all said yes but I knew the math was wrong. Kyra says I don’t know yet if it will be you or Anthony to Dane. Adam says Well are you scared that Anthony will freak out. They tell him No I just need to weigh my options. Kyra says I’m going for coffee. After they leave Dane says What options. Adam says I think something was said at Wendy’s. Dane says Put Anthony and Mark up if one of them wins one of us go up we go home. Dane tells Adam to talk to them. Adam says He will try but he doesn’t know if they will listen. Dane leaves the HOH Room. Mark is lying down in the Blue Bedroom. Dane is in there as well but there is no talking.
4:30 PM BBT Anthony comes out of the DR and says he wants to talk to Kyra. They tell him Adam is in their room. Anthony and Kyra go outside. Anthony tells them Adam says that he would use the veto on him if he was on the block. Kyra says They are telling them that they don’t need to look at options as they would have strong people protecting them. Kyra continues with We don’t want to waste our only HOH to not make a move. Anthony says If anyone yells at you I will say something. I am on your side. He tells them that you go into a room I go in the room. Kyra says I would be stupid to go to a final 3 with them. Kyra says During Chelsea and Sam HOH Dane and Adam made sure someone against Dane left. Kyra gets called to the DR. On the way there Anthony says After the ceremony just say to them I am not allowing you guys to cut me at Final 3 Let’s have a house meeting or get out of my damn room. Anthony and Mark are in the washroom where he tells Mark to stay cool. He tells Mark he has his back. Dane is in the kitchen flipping his slop pancakes.
4:45 PM BBT Kyra comes out with a card all HGs are called to the Living Room. Dane says it is not good news Kyra is crying more. Kyra says Hey Everyone seeing as how you have not taken this news well Big Brother has been pranking on you. Mark hugs Kyra saying Well Done. They are all clapping and saying Well Done. Adam asks Kyra Did they know all along. They tell everyone NO. Anthony is getting ready for the shower. Mark says It was set up for a fail and we almost got them all right. Feeds go down at 4:52 PM BBT
5:00 PM BBT -5:45 PM BBT Feeds still down
5:53 PM BBT Feeds come back with Mark sitting in the lounge area as Adam starts to prepare to cook. Anthony is talking to Kyra in the HOH Room He is telling them congratulations. Anthony is telling Kyra that Mark says that he doesn’t think that Kyra likes him. Anthony is telling them that there is no way he would pick Mark as final 2 over them. Kyra says One of us is going to win. They tell him that he needs to practise his days. They tell him that they will help him. Anthony says He is going to listen to some music.Kyra says they have butterflies they are so excited. Anthony tells them they are looking around for them.
6:00 PM BBT Adam is cleaning in the kitchen. He takes the slop pancakes out of the oven and says Bye Bye slop so good. He takes a couple of bits say So Good throws the rest in the garbage. Adam peeks in on Kyra. In the washroom he says to Adam I just asked her when they wanted to eat. Adam says I think they are going to listen to him because he has been in their ear all season long. Big Brother tells them there is 2 hours until the Nomination Ceremony. I had people tell me if he makes it to Final 2 they will vote for him.Adam says Well we won’t have touched the block either if he hadn’t of gotten into Mark’s and Cory’s ear. KYRA S PLEASE GO TO THE DR.Kyra goes to the DR and Anthony stays in the HOH listening to music.
6:15 PM BBT Dane is in the HOH room with Anthony. Anthony is telling Dane about Mark telling him that he feels like he is going up and that Kyra doesn’t like him. Dane says that he needs to come up with something. Anthony said he better but he will not do anything after the ceremony anyway. Anthony says he has to worry about himself at this point. Dane says if he goes up that he has his back. Anthony said that Adam said the same thing.Anthony says we can do anything we want at this point and not to worry. Anthony asks Dane if Kyra said she was putting him up and he says that Kyra said Mark but didn’t know who else. Anthony said that is exactly what he heard to. Dane said that Mark can not win POV. Dane says he is not too worried if he goes up, and that Anthony should not either. Just to worry about the veto more than anything. Dane leaves the HOH room and Anthony is alone. Dane goes to the blue bedroom and lays down on the bed on his stomach and looks like he is thinking. He gets up and heads downstairs and goes to the DR. Anthony heads downstairs as well and passes Mark who is sleeping on the chairs. He goes into the storage room and looks like he is making a smoothie. Kyra is laying on the bed in the HOH room. Adam is in the blue room and lays on the bed and goes over days talking under his breath. All the HG appear extremely bored. Anthony is talking to Mark and tells him that anyone can win HOH. Mark tells him that there are two votes to keep him. He says he hopes that he doesn’t go up against him.
6:30 PM They go into the storage room and further discuss the noms. Anthony just walks around the living room. He goes to sit on the couch upstairs. HG are beginning to get ready for the nom ceremony. Anthony is working on laundry.
6:45 PM Anthony and Dane are sitting on the couches upstairs in silence. Not too much happening in the BB house. Everyone is waiting for the nom ceremony.
7:00 PM Mark goes into the blue room and lays down talking under his breath. Adam is preparing food in the kitchen. Adam asks Dane if he has talked to Kyra. Adam says he feels like he doesn’t want to. Dane tells Adam they can not let Mark win the veto. Adam eats his salad. Dane says that they need to win the veto. Adam says that everyone is moping around. Dane says he hates that energy. THERE IS ONE HOUR UNTIL THE NOMINATION CEREMONY. Anthony comes and joins them at the bar in the kitchen. Anthony asks if they did the our thing yet, they said yes and he gets up to grab something to eat. He says he will get some fruit. He grabs some strawberries and a banana. Kyra asks if he has to wear her skechers and they tell her no, just for player picks.
7:15 PM BBT Adam asks Anthony if he talked to Mark today. Anthony said a little. He said he told him that he can still win the POV. Kyra is getting ready for the nom ceremony. Mark and Dane are also in the blue room with her KYRA S PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. They talk about being able to see the room. Kyra leaves the room. Dane asks about the conversation he had with Anthony. Mark tells him what they discussed. They talk about Anthony never touching the block once. Mark says he played his game. They talk about Damien and that he didn’t get the magnitude of how people mess you over in this game. Mark asks if Dane got a chance to talk to Kyra yet. Dane says no and Mark says is it a what’s the point kind of thing? Dane says that they have their mind made up. He said he doesn’t want to talk to anyone about it. Mark asks if he always told people when he put them up. He said everyone except for Chelsea. He says he did Chelsea and Kyra because they were a duo. They talk about when Dane nominated Chelsea and when her picture never came up and then he had to say it again. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. They talk about past comps. They say that the POV comp should be a good one with what they are doing in the backyard. They talk about Sam and what she did in the game. Mark asks if Dane thinks that Sam and Adam will be a thing outside of the house. Dane says yes. Mark asks if Dane thinks he would go gung ho with Este after the house. Dane says that Este is not his cup of tea. He talks about her telling him that he an not smoke and has to become a vegetarian. Dane goes to the bathroom.
7:30 PM BBT Adam comes in and asks if he is ok, Mark says he is ok. Adam says he looks like he is down. Mark says he may look like that but he really is ok. Mark talks to him about what Dane and him were discussing about Sam. Adam says that after the show he will probably stay at her place. Adam changes his clothes and leaves the Blue room. Dane comes in to get his bottle and goes downstairs. Adam tells Anthony that the boys should sit on the couch like they did the last time but Damien was in it. Dane says, lets see if I’m going up. Adam says that they haven’t had a nom where they didn’t know who was going up. Dane says that Chelsea didn’t know. Adam says that Mark probably knows he is going up. Dane says it is what it is. Mark comes downstairs. Kyra is in the HOH room getting ready and doing their hair. Dane goes up to the HOH room. Kyra says that right now they are not saying names for noms because they may make up their minds last minute. They say either way a friend will be upset with them. Kyra says they will all find out in 20 minutes. Dane asks if Kyra is still leaning towards Mark. Kyra says yes. Dane says that they can not let Mark win POV. He tells her that he and Adam has their back. Kyra says they appreciate it. He leaves the HOH room. Kyra says under their breath, he doesn’t know. They have no idea, I think they are suspicious but…. As they walk around the HOH bathroom looking at the camera. What is about to happen is going to be ….. And they take a deep breath. It will be a tad explosive. Kyra says they are beyond anxious right now. Kyra practices her speech. She talks about Dane and what she is going to say during her speech.
7:45 PM BBT Kyra practices her speech saying “Dane i have decided to nominate you and you have won 3 times this season and you put me up every single time, it’s only fair. Also, you are one of the strongest players in the game and I can’t risk you winning. Adam I have decided to nominate you for the exact same reason Dane put me up beside Chelsea week 4 – you made it very clear how powerful this veto is this week and I can’t risk you taking Dane off the block. I know you are loyal to me but you are more loyal to Dane.I know you guys were hoping I was stupid enough being in a final 3 with you gus was good for my game but I didn’t come to win 3rd or possibly 2nd place, I came to win 1st place and the odds of that happening with both of you in the house are very slim, I hope you understand. It’s just a game and I am here to play. Kyra looks out the HOH room doors and goes back inside. She walks around pounding her fist into her hand. She walks out of the HOH room and goes downstairs. Krya goes into the storage room and takes a drink. The boys are talking about a battle back. Kyra comes out of the storage room and says they don’t like how creased the shirt is so they are going to try another option. They head up to the HOH room to change. They change into a black shirt and blazer but keeps the black hat on.Then Kyra heads to the washroom and works on their hair. Meanwhile, the boys are downstairs talking about past comps and Mark is laughing.Kyra comes back downstairs and says they would love a smoke right now. They ask how long until noms? Anthony says 15 minutes. They are all now sitting at the table. They are talking about a previous season where there was heaven and hell.
8:00 PM BBT They talk about past seasons. They talk about production and BB yells at them to stop. Kyra says they are bad at walking down stairs that they will make them do it a million times. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Adam says he needs to trim his beard. Anthony talks about a company that sent him things for his beard that they wanted him to take a picture with the products. Adam says he gets his haircut every two weeks. Anthony says he goes every Thursday locked in. Kyra asks if they should do Salmon and stir fry for dinner. Adam says he can do that. They talk about eggs and bacon.They pick on Mark and his math. Kyra says they are excited to see the room. Adam says to see Samantha’s little face. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. DANE PLEASE ARRANGE A HOUSE BATTERY CHANGE …. Kyra and Dane put some things in the storage room.
8:15 PM BBT HG are all sitting waiting. KYRA S PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Kyra gets up and says see you in a bit. Kyra says there is a sock ball on the floor and it may be in the camera view.The boys say it is one last ride and it was a good run. Feeds go down at 8:18 PM BBT for noms.
8:30 PM BBT – 9:30 PM BBT Feeds Down
9:37 PM BBT Feeds back Anthony and Kyra are talking to Anthony and they are talking about if Anthony said to put Kyra on the block? Adam says that he said Este and DAmien. But Anthony said that he never said to put Kyra up. Kyra says lets get Mark. They go to get him. Mark comes in. He says if the level of conversation goes down then he will talk. Anthony asks Mark if he said to put up Kyra? Mark says never. Adam says that in the hot tub that the conversation happened. Mark said that the conversation didn’t happen. Anthony said that Adam can not look him in the face. Anthony said this conversation can go on for hours but that Anthony never said to put Kyra on the block. Kyra tells Adam that they put him on the block for the same reason why they were on the block against Chelsea because that he would take Dane down. Kyra tells him that he is the reason that he is up there because he told her that this POV is very important and that they can not take that chance. Adam says that if he leaves that the boys have a chance of winning. Anthony said that it is not for him to decide that’s for the jury to decide. Kyra said that they have not been involved in this alliance, that they have been in this house alone and that they have to get credit for that. Anthony says again to Adam that he can not look him in the face and say that he wanted Kyra on the block. Anthony says that this is a game move and that he didn’t put him on the block. Kyra says that they do not care at this point but the fact that he is telling them they have no chance of winning. Kyra says that they were on the outside of this alliance from the beginning and if that doesn’t earn them respect then it’s fu84ed. Kyra says if they didn’t feel alone before they sure the hell do now.
9:45 PM BBT In the kitchen, the guys are still going at it. Mark is telling Adam that it’s all discussion. Adam walks away and goes downstairs to the storage room where Dane is. Adam tells him they are in on it. They hug. Dane says do not worry, it’s not over with. Adam asks Dane about the plan to put up Kyra and Este that was brought to him at the hot tub. He said that he didn’t want to put up Kyra. Adam says it was not his plan. Dane said that Adam told him he wouldn’t put up Kyra. Adam tells Dane about what they said about Adam taking Dane off the block which is why they are both up on the block. Adam comes out of the storage room and he yells to the guys upstairs about the discussion in the hot tub. Kyra is going off on the camera in the HOH room. They say that they are still in the game and has made the biggest move of the season, and for Adam to say that they have no chance of winning is BS. Kyra says that Adam is a bitter child and that this is the biggest game move so far in the game. They say they f&c(in called it with the Boys Alliance. Upstairs outside the HOH room, the boys are talking and Kyra comes out of the HOH room as Adam says he is sorry for blowing up. Kyra sais this is a game. Kyra said they were an outsider this whole season. Adam says that he will be going to the jury house telling them every single conversation that has happened. Kyra says that they are happy to be left out of it like they have been all season. Kyra turns around and goes back into the HOH room. Adam said that they were not expecting this. It was supposed to be top 4. He said that speech really stung. No matter who goes to Jury that there are 3 votes so that one of the boys is winning 100%. Adam says he will not blow up anymore. Mark heads downstairs. Kyra comes back out and says it is not personal but it’s part of the game. Putting him up was the only thing that would give them the best chance. Kyra says that both them and Chelsea knew week two that there was an alliance. Kyra says the boys thought they were stealth and secretive. Kyra tells them they had blood veto and saw more benefit taking out blood veto and that they knew that Mark was aligned with them. Kyra said that they thought Mark would be better in the house. Adam says they do not need to keep talking about it. Kyra goes up to the DR door and slams the button. The DR has a red light and they go to try the outside door. Kyra slams into the storage room hitting Mark with the door.
10:00 PM BBT Kyra begins to cry and Mark goes to hug them. Kyra says that this whole game they have been an outsider and that they have earned the right to be here. Kyra says they beat the odds and that they were not a part of the PB. Kyra says they need to come down. Kyra said that they wanted to shock for television. Mark said they shocked him. Kyra said that they have never played this game emotionally and that they have known about the alliance since week 2. Kyra asks Mark when did the working together stop? Kyra asked was the situation with Adam real? He said they will talk about it later. Kyra is alone and talking to the camera again saying they are about to take out one of the head honchos. Anthony comes into the storage room and goes to hug Kyra. He tells them to be strong. Kyra says again that they knew they felt like an outsider for a reason. Anthony said he felt great and was close with them but one thing he never once told them to take Kyra out. He says he has his way with the truth and that every scenario in this game is honesty. Anthony said that these guys are not honest. He said he watched the people on his side and they were not honest. Kyra says that they know the guys were not honest. Kyra said that they had to play dumb because that’s what kept them in the house. If people want to say that Kyra got there by luck by all means but Kyra says they played to their strengths. Kyra says they were never stupid. Kyra knew there was an alliance. When they heard about Corey they jumped at the chance to crack the foundation. Kyra said that they want to go final two with Anthony but that they feel that he lied to them. Kyra asks if Damien was part of it and Anthony said no. He tells them that they are strong and it doesn’t matter what people say. Dane comes in and gives her a hug. Dane says that they know how Adam is and that he blew up. Kyra says they earned their place here and no one can say it was by luck. Kyra says she proved they play the game by the move they made. Kyra says they hope BB sees that they need a fire exit and a cigarette. Adam comes in and gives Kyra a hug. Dane and Anthony leave the storage room. Adam says he is sorry and that he is a hot head and he should have not said what he did. He says that there was a plan for the boys to be top four. He says that when Kyra is up as the last final 2 they can say they took either Dane or Adam. Adam says they both may stay if either Dane or Adam win and pull themselves off. Kyra says to him again that they are not here by luck. Adam says that Kyra deserves to be here like everyone else and it was not right of him to say that. He said that they won fair and square. He says sorry again. He says he was not expecting it. Kyra said all season that there has not been one shocking nomination so they did it for TV. He says he is going to cook the salmon. Kyra leaves the storage room. They go sit on the couch next to Anthony. Adam tells the camera he was not expecting this today but it is what it is. He says now I gotta win. The fight after noms has settled down in the house and Adam is going to cook dinner.


April 25, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Big Brother just informed the HGs that they will be going into rehearsal in 20 minutes; then good bye messages. Adam Este and Mark are preparing their breakfast. Este and Mark are sitting at the counter eating and Este tells Mark it is their last meal together. Adam is washing dishes. Adam finishes and heads upstairs. Anthony asks him if he his headed to the washroom. Adam goes into the HOH room. In the washroom, Anthony and Dane are talking about a triple. Dane says there are only 15 days left. Dane says that Mark asked him if he staying. Anthony asks if he should tell Este now or after the rehearsal? Dane says after. Anthony tells Dane what he told to Este when she campaigned to him. He says that he will tell her that it is not advantageous for him to keep her. He said that she told him she would be willing to stab anyone in the back, including the people she works with and he said he does not want to see her just slide into 20K. Anthony says his beard has grown fast and that he is excited that he has a beard. He tells him that he didn’t start to grow a beard until college. Damien comes in the washroom. They talk about their facial hair. Dane talks to Damien about him passing gas all night. Damien says it’s the slop for two weeks. Damien talks about production saying his name when he is asleep. He says he tries not to fall asleep all day then he goes to bed and can not sleep. Dane says the same things happens to him. They are just in general conversation. Downstairs, Kyra and Este are talking. Este tells Kyra that no one telling her anything. Kyra says that the only one who would flip their vote was Anthony. Kyra says that it really does not matter. Este tells Kyra what she is going to wear.
10:15 AM BBT Este tells Kyra that her dress is very tight and vavoom so she is only going to wear dainty. HG PLEASE GO TO THE LIVING ROOM. Este runs to the bathroom and Adam lays down on the couch next to Kyra and they ask if he enjoyed his breakfast. He says he did but he gets tired after he sleeps. Mark comes to sit down followed by Anthony. Still no Dane, Damien or Este. Kyra tells Mark that production may ask him to put on clothes as he is still in his bathrobe. Dane and Damien join them. The television says LIVE EVICTION TODAY.
10:19 AM BBT – Feeds Down for Live show today

9:00 PM BBT Feeds Down for the live show. In the double eviction Este was evicted 3-0 with only Dane voting to keep her. Dane won the second HOH and nominated Damien and Kyra Anthony won POV and didn’t use it Damien was evicted 3-0
9:15 PM BBT Feeds return at 9:17 PM BBT and Kyra is the new HOH and they and the boys are celebrating in the living room.
9:30 PM BBT Anthony and Kyra are whispering back and forth in the storage room. Kyra mentions taking Anthony to Wendy’s then goes into the kitchen to make tea. Kyra yells up to Adam and asks if he wants any. Adam says he wants a crazy tea and comes into the kitchen where Kyra already is and they say they don’t like crazy teas, (ginger and lemon) but they’ll make him one.
9:45 PM BBT All of the houseguests are in the kitchen and Kyra is talking about being excited about winning HOH and jokes that now they can evict themselves on their own and not feel bad about it then say they were only joking.
10:00 PM BBT Mark, Anthony, Adam, Damien, and Dane are all in the kitchen talking about Batman, Spiderman and other comics. Kyra joins everyone in the kitchen and the conversation switches to breakfast foods. Everyone is now reminiscing about who would cook over the course of the season. Dane is pacing back and forth in the storage room.
10:15 PM BBT Kyra says when they get their HOH room they want to drink the full bottle of wine they get in their basket. Anthony says if they do that, they’ll be “in the shitter” Mark says to drink the mini bottles. Kyra is called to the DR probably to get their HOH room. The pretty boys are all alone in the kitchen talking about how they wish they could hit the reset button on the season. Mark says he wishes he could go back to day 6 and they should have kept Laura. He asks why they even voted her out anyway and Adam says because she was talking smack and was going after Sam. They all joke about all the different moves they could have made over the course of the season. Adam says the best part of HOH is the video sketchers and Wendy’s. Dane jokes to stop talking about brand names.
10:30 PM BBT Feeds down at 10:29 PM BBT Kyra is getting their HOH room
10:45 PM BBT Feeds return at 10:43 PM BBT everyone is in Kyra’s HOH room Anthony says he wants to get a dog when he gets back home. Kyra is drinking their wine. Mark congratulates Kyra on the win and leaves the room. They say they need to figure out what to do they’re going to put up Mark. Feeds go down at 10:48 PM BBT Feeds return at 10:54 PM BBT
11:00 PM BBT Feeds return at 11:02 PM BBT to all of the pretty boys in the kitchen discussing all of the things Kyra has said about possible noms and deals throughout the season.
11:15 PM BBT Everyone is out in the hot tub area talking about the double eviction. Kyra says tomorrow they’ll talk game with every single one of the pretty boys and they say it’s hard because half of them will have to go up no matter what. Mark says the veto is where the money is. Everyone is sitting around the hot tub going over all the evictions of the season thus far.
11:30 PM BBT Dane is in the blue BR making his toothpaste calendar and then heads into the lounge to play rock paper scissors and pool with Kyra and Mark is watching them. All three wonder if they played the most pool this season. Kyra says probably every season plays a lot of pool.
11:45 PM BBT Mark and Dane are playing pool in the lounge Kyra is watching but leaves soon after and Mark and Dane talk about who Kyra will nominate for eviction. They both agree that it will be one of them and Anthony and say that if someone comes down with the POV, then whoever of the two of them wasn’t already up will go up and they would all vote to keep Anthony. In a tie, they say that Kyra would go with whatever Adam wanted

Tonight's Show !

April 25, 2019

This season, it's been a picture-perfect existence for the Pretty Boys. They've dominated the game like no other alliance in BBCAN history. Anyone who stood in their way was disposed of, but now are they too cocky? Are the cracks becoming too big to cover up? 

Tonight, it could all fall apart in the panic of the double eviction. Can the Pretty Boys continue their total domination, or will a new contender rise and take control? Tonight, it's anybody's game on Big Brother Canada!

Arisa welcomes us to the 200th episode and tonight is a double eviction. Tonight, either Este or Mark will be headed to the jury and as we've seen in double evictions in the past, anything can happen. Let's check in to see what happened after another dramatic PoV ceremony.

We pick up at the PoV ceremony on day 52. Mark says the entire trajectory of this week has been masterminded by The Pretty Boys. This is perfect and it throws suspicion off the alliance and he's just coasting along in the game. Este says being on the block sucks and she knows for a fact she has Dane and Damien's vote. Now she just needs to make sure she has Kyra's vote.

Kyra says they'd been working closely with Adam, but they were pulled into a 5 person alliance with Adam, Dane, Anthony, and Mark so it's good to keep Mark and get rid of Este. Kyra then makes the sign of the Pretty Boys and says they are part of something. Adam says he is in an alliance with the Pretty Boys, but he wants to go to the final two with Dane. Dane and Adam talk about getting Damien to vote Este out. Dane says Este is going this week, but he doesn't want to be one of the votes to get rid of her.

Adam says he's been in the house for 52 days and they get bored and creative and he's created a doll out of aluminum foil and her name is Angela. Kyra says Adam has gone a little crazy. Adam says she likes soccer, shopping, and she likes beer. Anthony says Adam has had his highs and lows, but since Sam has been gone he's completely lost it.

Este is talking to Kyra and Kyra says being a Have-Not has taken a toll on them. Este says they are struggling. Este asks Kyra if the plan is the same because she hasn't talked to Adam. Kyra thinks the plan hasn't changed and Este says for the following weeks she does have Kyra's back. Este says she knows she has Dane and Kyra, and she thinks she has Damien. Kyra says they think Este is alright and they go to the bathroom.

Adam and Dane are talking to Damien and Adam says who do you want out and who are your ride or dies and they laugh. Adam says they need to make sure the boys are safe next week so he wants to get close to Damien. Dane says let's say we keep Mark how can we make that happen? Damien says he doesn't trust Mark, he's lied to his face, and he's legit tried to get him out of the house. Adam is pitching an all guys final and Damien says it would be cool. Este comes in and says she needs to change and Adam and Dane say bedtime. Este asks if they were talking about her and were they trying to get her out. Dane and Adam say yeah and Damien says you better start campaigning and she says stop. It sucks being on the block three times in a row.

Arisa welcomes us back to double eviction night. Yesterday, we finally saw Damien pull himself off with his first competition win. Damien has a ton of support back home in Nadleh Whut'en. We meet Sue and Johnny, Damien's mom and dad. Emma is Damien's girlfriend and she says the prettiest boy is not part of the Pretty Boys. She's been watching the feeds and she misses him.



Sue says seeing Damien being the first HGs voted in was really fun. Johnny says this game is going to learn a little more about honesty from Damien. Sue says when he was first on the block, she was like omg and him being on the block for the fourth time she's tired of it. Emma says he's been on the block four times and he hasn't' had a single vote against him and that speaks to his social game. Clearly, he's doing something right.

We see his brother and he says it's great to see Damien playing with integrity. Tamar and Pamela, Damien's sisters, are in a huge crowd of people to cheer for Damien. We hear someone drove four hours to be there. Charlie, his niece, thinks it's awesome to see him on TV. We see the crowd from home watching Damien win the PoV competition and they all cheer. A local child says Damien shows him he can do anything. Emma says in her dream scenario is Damien wins HoH and puts up Adam and Dane and one goes home. And that's what's happening!

Arisa says let's head back inside where BB gave the agents a chance to let loose a little. Este says it's been a stressful day and they all head out to the hot-tub. Anthony says BB has put food and drinks in the backyard and most of them are on slop and he's going to eat half his body weight. Dane says they've been in the house too long, it's time to party!


All the HGs are in the DR and they are chanting party! Damien hears his song by his band, Kedah Clan, and he tells everyone. Damien says watching the HGs dance to his music, let's just say the game was chilled.

Este and Dane are in the DR hugging each other. We then see Este in bed in the HoH room and Dane joins her and they are making out. Adam goes into the HoH bedroom and says be careful what you wish for Dane! I See that Estefania! They tell him to shut up and nothing happened and Adam leaves.

Mark is outside with Anthony and he motions Anthony over. Mark says Adam and Dane are snakes, does Anthony think he's still good. Anthony says he doesn't have to worry. If he catches a whiff that someone is going to be disrespectful or someone will approach him with such a question, he'd flip the house upside down. Mark says honestly, he only trusts Anthony. Anthony says the plan was four to the end, but along the way, two of them did some shady crap. Anthony says no one is going to do dirt if they do he's going to flip the house upside down. If they're going to take Mark out, they might as well take him out.

It's Day 54 and Dane and Este are talking. Este says if she goes home this week she will be so mad. Dane says you aren't going home, Mark is. Dane says he knew this day was coming and it's not easy letting her go and Canada, it's not easy to see someone you like go. Dane says when Este finds out that he hasn't been 100% upset with her then she might be upset with him and never want to talk to him again. Este tells Dane it just sucks that people might be lying to your face.

Time to get to the first eviction of the night! Este says the person next to her put up three people last week and didn't care if any one of them went home and he's been playing for himself and hopefully they are sticking to the plan to get him out. Mark loves each of them and he wants to know if they really think he's an impediment in them winning the prize then can they raise their hand. No one raises their hand and he says I didn't think so, do the right thing.

It's time to vote!

Anthony votes to evict Este.
Damien, unfortunately, votes to evict Este.
Kyra votes to evict Este.
Dane votes to evict Mark.

By a vote of 3-1 Este has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. Este hugs Mark and Adam and Damien and then hugs Dane as she heads up the stairs. She says she loves them and blows a kiss and heads out.

Arisa asks Este if she was blindsided and she says yes. 100%. She had no idea. She was nervous yesterday and today. When she heard the numbers she thought maybe it was OK. Arisa asks why she didn't campaign harder and she says she was just worried she was just paranoid. Arisa asks if maybe she depended on Dane too much and she says yeah, but she felt like he had a say in the house.

Damien says he has no idea what's going on in this house, they can't stick to a plan. Dane says she has one of the biggest hearts he's ever seen and he knows their friendship will last. Dane says he was 99% loyal to her and he did keep a secret and he makes the Pretty Boy sign and he says it did mean something. Mark says the backdoor plan was his and Adam says the backdoor Mark plan was never a real plan and he tells her he was in an alliance with The Pretty Boys with Dane, Mark, and Anthony.

Este is on the way to the jury house and it's time to let everyone know it's another double eviction. Arisa lets the HGs know about the double eviction and instructs them to go to the backyard for the HoH competition!

Time to get to the HoH competition! 

Each HGs will take a shot on a giant pool table and their ball will land on a score. The HGs with the highest score will win HoH. Mark is first and it lands in 2. Damien is up next and he scores a 6.

Dane is up and he says a big cue for a small guy. Dane hits 13 and is now in the lead. Kyra is up and they score 3. Anthony is up and he says I love you mom and scores a 9. Dane has won the HoH!

Dane and Kyra talk and Kyra says if he needs to put them up as a pawn, it's OK but they don't really want to go up. Damien comes in next and hugs Dane and he says, Mark or Kyra. Adam is next and says there is no reason for a Pretty Boy to go up. Dane says Adam needs to win veto. Dane says if he puts up Damien he will be mad at him. Pretty boys though!

Arisa calls the HGs to the living room . Everyone comes in and Arisa says she knows it's happening quickly but they need to know who he's putting on the block. Dane nominates Kyra and then says it's really tough and he nominates Damien. Damien does not look happy. Damien says how did you guys swindle this one? The PoV competition will be up next!

So far tonight, Este has been evicted, Dane won HoH and nominated Kyra and Damien. It's time for the PoV competition. This challenge is called Balls Out and on go, they will race to get all of their gumballs out of their gumball machine by pushing them out the door. Once they are all out, run out and hit your button. The first one to empty their machine and hit their button will win PoV!

They all seem to be making decent progress. Damien seems to be a little behind. Adam is close. Kyra has the least amount of balls out. Anthony has most of his balls out. It's between Adam and Anthony. Dane is cheering them all on. Anthony has his last ball and is out and beats Adam by a few seconds. Anthony and Adam and Dane celebrate. When we come back, we will find out what Anthony will do.

We're back for the PoV ceremony. Anthony stands and he has decided NOT to use the PoV. Kyra says if they think they're beneficial in the game to help them survive their second double eviction on the block. Damien says the boys have talked about it a lot and they have a chance to make history. Whatever happens, happens...cheers!

It's time to vote!

Adam votes to evict Damien.
Anthony votes to evict Damien.
Mark says he got lucky last week, not this week. He votes to evict Damien.

By a vote of 3-0, Damien has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house! Damien looks a little shocked. He says he doesn't know what to say and accepts a hug from the boys and Kyra hugs him and says it's not a gender thing man. Damien says there's been a lot of talk. Damien heads up the stairs and exits the house.

Damien is welcomed very warmly by the Big Brother Canada crowd. Arisa says she knows he's smiling, but there is no way he could be happy. What is he feeling? Damien says he didn't see that happening. He feels betrayed by the boys and his hockey brother.

Arisa says you must know you're a fan favorite because Canada voted for him to get two advantages. Damien says he's so flattered and he'd keep on speaking, but he's a little choked up. He says this is wild. Arisa asks what he's going to remember from this experience? Damien says he's a First Nations kid and they can dream big and have them come true. Arisa asks who he thinks will win and Damien says Dane will win.

​🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨 

April 25, 2019

 Este evicted 3-1 (Dane was the 1) - Dane won HOH and put up Damien, Kyra - Anthony won veto and didn't use it - Damien evicted 3-0


April 24, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Kyra gets called to the DR. Boys are outside smoking. Este is in the HOH room listening to music and singing in her head dancing. Adam goes back in the house leaving Damien outside. He is going over comps and who won. Dane and Anthony are in the bathroom. Anthony is brushing his teeth and Dane is wetting down his hair. Mark is getting out of the shower. Anthony says he is going to sit in the tub. Kyra and Adam are sitting in the chairs next to the kitchen and are talking to Este about music. Kyra and Adam talk about how high Mark wears his towel. They laugh about it. Damien comes in. Mark comes out and they call him high towel boy. Anthony comes downstairs. The HG are just in general conversation. Damien goes back outside. Mark is washing his bed sheets for the first time this season. He offers to do Anthony’s. Kyra says she is so excited to not be on slop. Adam talks about the POV that Kikki won and that was luck. Adam and Kyra go over days. Este is making a smoothie. Damien is outside alone.
10:15 AM BBT Adam talks about a dream he had. He tells Kyra and Este that there was a secret room with pull outs in it. Este says that she never had dreams before the house but that since the house and her drinking banana tea she dreams. Mark is sitting at the bar drinking a smoothing. Este says she thought Mark was a HN and she felt bad eating in front of him but they say he is not a HN. Kyra says that last night was the worst night ever for them and it was painful. Adam is preparing breakfast.Este is sitting at the table eating. Este tells Kyra that she will give them a massage later. Kyra says it’s so nice to finally drink coffee. Kyra asks if the coffee was too strong for her. Este says that she had to make a new batch. Este asks who made the strong coffee and Kyra says Dane. Este says that Kyra looks like they are crying. She asks whats wrong? Kyra says that they are just sore and hungry. Kyra is laying their head on the dining room table and has the hoodie over their head.
10:30 AM BBT Outside in the backyard, Anthony is in the hottub and Damien is sitting on the couches. They are not talking. Anthony is singing to himself that it is another boring day with no food and he is in a bad mood. Mark joins them outside and all three are in silence. In the kitchen, Adam is still making breakfast. Adam, Kyra and Este are just in general conversation. Kyra head outside leaving Este and Adam in the kitchen. They are talking about Sam and her raspy voice. Este talks about Sam and how close she thought she would be with them but that when she saw the relationship with Chelsea that she didn’t. She says she wanted to have one person in the house. She thought it would be Sam but it was Kikki. Adam says if the girls would have gotten together and made a strong alliance that they would still be in the house. Adam says so she knows that he tried to make an alliance with 8 people. Este says that is too big of a number. Adam says that they didn’t need to be best friends 24/7 but as long as they all voted together and had the same mind set they would have made it all the way. Dane comes in and Adam tells him what they are talking about.
10:45 AM BBT Adam says that they were good for a while with that 8 person alliance. Adam says that Sam regretted some things she did. They are in general conversation about different things. Adam and Este talk about production things and production yells at them 4 times to stop. Adam finally says ok. Este says she hates being in trouble. Este leaves the kitchen. Damien comes back in the house and goes upstairs. Mark and Anthony are outside now talking. Adam is washing his dishes. Mark is saying that he has tried to talk to Damien. Marks asks how the campaign talk with Este went last night. Anthony tells Mark that Este tells him that she felt sick because she was hung over and that she wanted to talk to him tomorrow but then sit and talks to him for an hour about random stuff. Mark says that Dane will give a pity vote and Anthony says probably. Mark says that he is relying on Kyra not to mess him over. He says he will put his trust in that for now. Mark says that Adam wants a 4-0 vote. Mark says that Adam doesn’t want Damien upset with him. Dane and Adam come out. Mark says that he needs to chat with Adam and tells him to have a seat. Mark asks if Adam wants him to chat with Damien. Adam says that Damien told him that Mark has not talked to him yet. Mark says that if he goes to chat with him but that if he does it will be bashing Adam and Dane. Because Damien knows that he will not win against them.
11:00 AM BBT Mark says that he will need Adam in the room to tell Damien to keep him. Adam says that Damien said that he pittys the first guy that goes to the Jury house with a bunch of women. Adam said that Damien told him that he went to Mark when he was HOH and talked about final 5 and that Mark didn’t like what he said. Kyra and Este are playing pool while the guys are all outside talking. They say that Damien does not want to go against Dane. Mark says that he prefers that Dane be in the room when he talks to Damien. Adam tells him that they pulled Kyra in last night and that they are all in agreement to get them out so Damien changes his vote. They said that Kyra was fine with it. Mark says that Damien doesn’t understand the game enough to know that next week that everyone will automatically play. Mark asks Dane if he is going to throw a pity vote and Dane says yes but that he doesn’t want to go against the PB. Este comes out. They stop talking and Adam makes it sound like they were talking about a possible double and what the comp could be. Dane says that it will be mental. They are now in just general conversation and talk about the pool game she had with Kyra. ESTE PLEASE FIX YOUR MICROPHONE. Mark is in the kitchen now then goes to play pool with Kyra. They tell Mark that there is really no one in the house they trust. Kyra says that they have a good gut with him, Adam and Anthony. Mark tells Kyra that they are good. They say that they do not want to see the guys cover their ass and get her out. Mark says that she should be good. They talk about the chairs being removed and the numbers that are left. In the storage room, Dane and Damien are talking. Damien tells him that Adam told him that when he was HOH that he would put up a big player and he lied and put up Este. They talk about the votes and who is voting for who. Dane tells Damien that he felt good with Mark. Damien says that he felt good with Mark to until he put him and Adam up. He asks if Adam forgot that. Dane says that if Este stays, that they know she will go back up. Dane says that he will go talk to Adam about it. They leave the storage room and go into the kitchen. They say the smoothies they are eating taste likes chalk.
11:15 AM BBT They talk about Anthony and that he is loyal. Dane tells him that the next person that needs to be out is Kyra. Damien says that it is a mental game going forward. They talk about comps and how you need to stack days. Dane says that Mark is not good under pressure. Kyra runs through and runs to the bathroom saying she was holding it all game. Damien goes to sit on some chairs. Kyra says they are so dehydrated and gets some water. She goes back to the pool room Dane comes back up to Damien and tells him that it is a 2/2 vote regardless. Dane says that they should just say they are good with a 2/2 vote and that it sucks. Damien says then they need to make Kyra the target. Dane says he has already told that to Adam. Dane says that even if they say tomorrow it is different that Dane is not going to change his vote for Este. Kyra is talking to Adam while they are playing pool about how she feels about Dane taking her cigs and chain smoke from her pack. Kyra wins the pool game and asks Adam how it feels to be beaten by them. They say that Adam was the only one in the house they didn’t beat yet.
11:30 AM BBT They play another game. Outside Mark and Dane are in the hottub. They both don’t have mics on so it’s hard to hear but they are talking about the votes and Damien. Anthony is sitting in the sun on a chair. Dane talks about the conversation with Damien in the storage room. That Mark put him up. Dane says that if it’s a 2/2 vote that their votes really don’t matter anyway. Dane says that Damien is annoyed with Kyra. Dane tells them that he told Damien that no one is talking to him because they know that he is voting for Este. Dane says that Este can not go 3 weeks without campaigning. Mark asks what are they going to say? Dane starts to tell him and Damien walks out. Damien is getting ready to go into the tub. Dane says that the jets are so strong. Anthony gets back in the tub. Adam and Kyra are still playing pool. No game talk with the two of them.


11:45 AM BBT The boys in the hot tub outside are silent as well. No game talk or talk of any kind is going on right now. Dane gets out of the tub and says he is going to get coffee. Damien asks if he will come back and he says no so Damien gets into the tub. Damien says he has been sleeping on the floor for two weeks but the jets hurt. Dane says that’s what he was talking about. Damien resets the jets that turned off. Anthony gets up and goes inside. Damien and Mark are left outside. They are not talking. Inside, Anthony is getting ready to boil water. Dane is back outside but not in the tub.
12:00 PM BBT Dane is sitting out sunning. Kyra asks him if he heard anything yet. Kyra said that I am going to make a slop smoothie in a bit. Mark and Damien are in the hot tub. Dane is picking up towels as he leaves out. He comes back out and sits in the sofa. Damien and Mark get out the hottub. Dane and Damien are sitting on the sofa. Mark leaves out the hot tub area. In the storage area making tea. Mark comes into the storage room.Mark tells him he knows how Kyra is voting and Anthony voting. ANTHONY PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. ANTHONY PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. Mark is eating breakfast. Dane is sitting counting his days quietly. Anthony is laying his head on the counter. Feeds go down.
12:14 PM BBT – 12:19 PM BBT FEEDS GO DOWN. Feeds come back with Anthony having his head still down on the counter. Mark and Adam are playing pool while Este is running around in the backyard. Mark wins the game. Damien and Dane are still in the hottub area. Dane says we only have to worry about is Adam I know Anthony gonna win. Anthony comes out to the area and Dane says we were just talking about you and that it would take you a month to figure out the days. Dane asks Anthony how does he feel he says I am not made for this. Damien says we get to vote tomorrow. Dane says it feels weird not to vote. Dane says remember me I am Damien I won power of veto.Damien says the clouds should be coming soon. Kyra is in the shower. Mark and Adam are playing another game of pool. Where Mark wins. Mark says rematch. Este is sitting in the corner on the couches watching the guys play pool. The boy in the hot tub area are just soaking in the sun not doing any talking.
12:30 PM BBT Dane leaves out the hot tub area leaving Damien and Anthony out there alone. Mark and Anthony finished their game where Adam won this time. Mark says it is because the table is curved. They set up for a new match. Dane goes into the kitchen. Adam yells to him come play me when you want to play in the big leagues. Adam is losing and blaming it on the table. Mark wins again. Adam says we are doing the best out of 7 right he says sure. I mean we can do the best out of 9. Mark says I need to take a dump pretty badly so we will need to make this a quick game. Mark says he is going for stripes. Dane is in the kitchen. Dane says that Damien told him that Mark has not came and talked to him at all. Adam says Damien wants it to be him, Anthony, Adam, and Dane in the final four. Adam says well I will talk to him at a later time.
12:45 PM BBT Dane is putting the slop on the sheet to make the slop pizzas. Adam says he would have talked to Damien earlier but he got called to the DR. Adam says Este is not even campaigning to stay. Dane says if it is a 2-2 vote.Adam says he is going to bring up the assassin thing today. He tells Dane act like this is the first time you heard it when i tell everyone. Adam says Mark used the whole pack of fruit and two bananas. I don’t think he ever lived with other people. Dane said no he probably just went out. Dane says Este has diarrhea in the middle of her workout. Adam starts talking about how Este runs. Dane puts the slop in the oven. Adam asks where is Damien he tells him outside and Anthony is out there with him. Dane starts cleaning the dishes. Adam asks him if he wants to play pool or go for a smoke. Dane tells Mark he need to actually talk with Damien. Kyra comes down and Dane says hey Kyra. Kyra tells Mark that I bet Adam 3 times in case he didn’t tell you. Adam said well yeah Mark bet me too. Adam changes his mind about drinking coffee. Kyra says well I am going to make iced tea. Dane tells Adam let me finish this and I will go for a smoke. Mark starts whispering to Dane and Dane is agreeing with him. Dane says you need to talk with Damien with me around. The guys are headed out to the hot tub area. Mark says so you are telling me I don’t have your vote.All the guys are in the hot tub area while Kyra is making tea. Dane starts singing. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Adam says well I guess I am going to go beat Marko now Dane and Adam come from the hot tub area.
1:00 PM BBT Dane is calling Mark’s name. Adam starts playing pool with Dane. Dane tells Adam he is so sore and he doesn’t know why. Este tells Kyra when I think of you now I think of the pink dragon. Mark asks Kyra how do you make the tea? Kyra explains the process. Dane says why is that room still locked we need cardboard. Este brings out the stuff to make a smoothie. Adam says there comes mark. He says yeah I was just getting dressed. Dane heads into the kitchen. Kyra goes outside to the hot tub area and asks Damien if he wants some ice tea. Dane, Mark, and Adam are still outside playing pool. Kyra is still talking to Damien about random stuff. Kyra tells him I can’t believe he wears an XL. He tells Kyra it all depends on the clothes. Kyra and Damien are sitting in the hot tub area while Dane and Adam are playing pool.
1:15 PM BBT Mark is laying on the sofa playing with the pool triangle. Damien is sleeping as well as Kyra. Adam sets up for another game of pool. Adam is trying to find out where the curve is located on the table. PLEASE WAKE UP NAP TIME IS OVER. Dane starts talking about Anthony. Kyra sits up. Damien is still lying there but has his eyes open but is having a problem keeping them open Anthony sits up and then starts talking to Kyra. kyra doesn’t respond back so he just looks up in the sky.
1:30 PM BBT Damien has turned his face towards the sofa so no one can see he is sleeping. Dane and Adam are playing another game of pool. ANTHONY TAKE OFF YOUR SUNGLASSES. Damien gets up and heads out the hot tub area.Mark comes out and sits next to Anthony. Anthony sits up they both are just staring at the sky. Dane says he really don’t want to be stripes but. The camera zooms in on Mark. Dane and Adam head inside. Adam says he needs to play Anthony. Dane is in the kitchen.
1:45 PM BBT Dane is cooking something. Mark, Anthony, and Kyra are still sitting outside. Dane is eating his slop pizza. Este walks in the kitchen.
2:00 PM BBT Kyra heads in from the outside to use the RR, Anthony says its getting too warm he is heading in, Damien is working out, Dane enjoys his smoke on the couch with Mark and Este. Anthony has brought in some dishes from their afternoon slop Dane just made for all of the HN’s. Este heads in to the SR. Kyra thanks Dane for the slop pancakes as they were all just talking how hungry they were. It was a nice change of pace. Este and Anthony are talking about the plan that was made beginning of the week. She gives her small pitch about how she feels Kyra will vote with Adam’s wants, she feels she has Dane and Damien’s votes but she will confirm later. She tells how she is willing to let past be past and move forward and wants to stay and asks for his vote. He tells her that he is still kind of indecisive as they have been getting closer and he thinks plans are still the same. Este says she feels she has been loyal to those she had promised it to and that Mark is alone because he looks out for Mark and no one else and that has caused him to be in this sticky situation. Anthony says he has heard all game about Final 6’s, 7’s, 8’s and lately hasn’t heard any of them so it makes him think. He says he needs to think about who really has my back and who is going to tell me what’s going on. He claims his social game has been his biggest strength, and it doesn’t matter what Adam wants he will vote what’s best for him. Mark walks in and Anthony still keeps talking and Mark grabs food and heads back out the door. Este says it’s funny you bring up Final deals as I have been hearing alot especially last week with Corey and 2 different sets of people but she was not in either one. He says he is trying to put thought into it and will chat with people and let her know as soon as he knows. With a hug they end the conversation and exit the SR.
2:15 PM BBT Kyra heads up to HOH and finds Adam working out and jamming to music, so They head elsewhere finding themselves in the WR together Este asks how Kyra is doing and gives Them the Pitch to keep her. She says she has been thinking alot since the truce and truly she would not put Kyra up and how unlyoal Mark is and how its made the game hard for her. Este gives Kyra the promise of her Vote if she is here and not on the block with her. They both fear there is alot of strong players and others need to go. Este explains how Anthony took the conversation and did his round about not giving any answers. Este says I need to make sure Adam knows I really like this truce and trust it, then with Damien since he has been mad at Mark and closer to her. They both share how everyone has had rough week with Slop and Hangovers and now is the time to talk. They are worried about tomorrow and what to expect but expecting the unexpected. They start talking about Damien and how he is a quiet dude and who would put them up, who would feel they were the target with. Now it’s Veto and HOH to keep you safe that’s it. They mention how there is only 70 days in a season and there’s 16 days left after this eviction. Will there be a double and an instant, will it be a triple this week? They explore the options as they think about it. Take turns going potty, meanwhile down in the nook in the BY Mark and Anthony are talking Anthony is trashing about Dane and his actions in the house.
2:30 PM BBT After hearing about the conversation Mark wants to point it out to Damien that Este just inadvertently said she is putting him up if she wins. They figure its best to let Anthony go in with the information, Kyra walks up to check in as she heads towards the BY. They don’t want to make a big scene so they leave and Mark says we can chat later. Anthony says the entire game he has been finessing both sides for the boys but the others haven’t and instead were trash talking him and so Damien isn’t going to trust Mark. Anthony points out he has never been in on a Dane/Damien convo and he wants to set up a situation later and see how it plays out this week. Anthony gives pointers to Mark on how to talk to Dane and how to go about it and how he has been loyal to him since day one. Anthony wants to go shower and put in work just to follow up and make sure everyone is on target and has the right plan still on track. They don’t feel the Sympathy vote is needed. Mark asks Kyra to play pool and how They feel about tomorrow. Kyra says good about the plan they have ( Keep mark Vote out Este) but nervous about the unknown twist. He asks what they mean and whats uncertain to them, they are just nervous someone could be playing them. They agree they like that no matter the conversation they don’t BS each other. They discuss how they haven’t made F2’s and how they are playing. Meanwhile Out in the BY Anthony is chilling with Dane and Damien who are sun tanning. Damien asks how close to May is it, Dane jokes with him.
2:45 PM BBT The Silence and Sunbathing continues as well as the pool games between Mark and Kyra. Dane heads in from the outside and says nothing as he passes by. Kyra says at this point in the game, unless I win a comp ill take 2nd because I won’t win against anyone in the game. Dane and Este in the Kitchen, Este is cooking, Adam grabs a broom and is sweeping upstairs around the HOH door entrance. Dane heads up the stairs and says he was called out yesterday for something and then BB calls him out about his Mic a few times, He heads into the HOH room and tries to fix the mic, Este asks about the stir fry thing Adam made the other day. Pool game continues with little bits here and there of talk. They continue to compare themselves against the other HG and if they think they will win or lose if taken to F2. Anthony is sent on a Battery replacement trip.
3:00 PM BBT They start a new game of pool, Adam is still sweeping around upstairs, and no one is talking. Anthony Grabs clothes and then asks if he can soak them in the tub. In the HOH room, Adam says how he is cleaned up the room for the next boy. They only worry about about the Double and the POV. Dane has moved Downstairs and is vacuuming in the SR, They figure out how to plan to keep Mark and talk to Damien without pushing too hard. Anthony tells how Este tried campaigning to him today and shares how that went. Este and Kyra are at the Kitchen table talking and sharing how they feel and who they trust especially Mark , then only what they feel the Final 3 comps will be. They feel that there has to be more than one person leaving this week. Kyra compliments Este’s necklace with the shirt, they talk about it for a moment and then Kyra asks if Dane is grumpy. Este says no, and comments how good her meal was. She hates eating alone and knows Kyra would have eaten with her. Kyra says she should get a free meal for cleaning up after Este monday night. They move onto the olympic themed comp and how that was a hard day.
3:15 PM BBT Kyra felt like Chelsea had it in the bag, and she was doing well but not good enough they go back to how old Corey really is. They move onto the fall Kyra had from a comp and want it shown. Up in HOH Anthony is still trying to help Adam know how to “paint the picture” when he talks to Damien and keep him in the “boys” but not push too hard. They decide to let Anthony talk to Damien, and then later tomorrow Dane and Adam will go to him and back up what Anthony says. Kyra heads in they tell her the plan. Kyra tells them they are being smart and no hard feelings them using her name. They are not planning to tell Este at all and letting her be blindsided when the vote is read. Kyra tells them the pitch Este gave her and how she asked about Marks campaign. Kyra asks is Dane actually okay with it or is he upset, they say no he is okay with it, and points out how Dane took out Este’s Ride or die and she then turned around and made out with him and started a romance.
3:30 PM BBT They keep talking about how Este has “played” not playing the game just trying to stay safe and clinging onto power. Este is calling out Mark for doing this but she has been doing the same thing except she hasn’t been trying to play the game while doing it. It’s all been flirtatious. ALL Feeds go out 3:33PM BBT for a moment and when they return everyone is leaving the HOH room everyone is headed out to the backyard/outside. Dane is called to the Dr, Este is eating a snack, Adam and Kyra light up a smoke while Anthony jumped straight into the HT with his feet, Damien is playing pool by himself. There is lots of general conversation. They try to come up with Kyra and Anthony’s Showmance name, Kyruggy, Shankthony, Anthankyra, .. Anthony says he almost dated a girl names Antonia. After a few more names Anthony jokes “THEM” Adam asks about the weather and if it’s been like this all day, he is bummed he missed it. Anthony comments how hungry he is and wants BB to take care of them tonight, Kyra says probably not. They discuss how last year they got their special poutine request. Este is called to the DR and heads in. then Dane comes out Anthony tosses a little water towards Kyra and they say they know it was him.

3:45 PM BBT Anthony points out all the mosquitos in the HT, BB gives them a 15 min warning for the Outside to be closed off. Anthony gets out and sits on a couch. It’s quiet and still outside, Kyra is called to the DR. ending their time in the sun. Este is back out to enjoy the last few minutes of Fresh air the HGs will have till after eviction. Dane throws out one liners from a Fight between Kyra and Anthony, and then they take turns throwing out other one liners and laugh about it. Damien can be heard laughing with them but was not seen coming out. 3 MIN WARNING, Dane jumps up and the others start to mingle about collecting items and things that need to come inside. Dane and Damien are the last 2 cleaning up and closing up the BY. With that everyone has made their way inside and lockdown inside has begun.

8:00 PM BBT Feeds return after the show to Dane and Este in the BlueBR talking about the past houseguests and who would vote for who in jury. Este changes the subject to talking about Mark and how he shoved popcorn in her mouth earlier.
8:15 PM BBT Feeds cut to Adam and Kyra in the HOH room talking about why they both think Este should be voted out this week. Both Kyra and Adam agree that Este doesn’t know how to make any decisions for herself and that all she really knows how to do is flirt. Adam wonders if her little showmance sorta thing with Dane is real at all and says he really does think that there has to be something there, he thinks this because he says all it took was a couple of drinks for the two of them to start making out with each other. Kyra says it’s also more than 50 days of not making out with anyone and that they would make out with someone too if there was a girl there that they found semi attractive. Adam says that’s also true, but all she really does is ride other people’s coattails and that her, “ride or die” is always different depending on who is in the house saying first it was Maki, then Kiki, and now Dane.
8:30 PM BBT In the kitchen Damien is telling Adam about the company he works for back home. Mark says it’s cool how Damien had the chance to go anywhere in the world from playing pro hockey, and still decided to build a life back in his home province. He says it’s not like he’s moving back home and living off of his parents. Damien tells Mark that when he came back he knew some things needed to change around there and even though he says he sees the good in people, he realized the people he truly needed in his life. Conversation switches to Mark asking Damien what would happen if in a group of friends in Damien’s hometown if there was someone dealing illegal substances and Damien says it would be immediate banishment, he says, “do whatever you gotta do in your house but don’t be out there selling things illegally” and asks Mark, “Can you imagine losing somebody because of something so preventable like that?” Mark says it’s awful and all it takes is one wrong dose and you’re done.
8:45 PM BBT Damien and Mark talk a little bit more about the rec center Damien is opening up back home and Damien tells Mark about how he got everything ready to go and was so close to having it up and running and then the pipes froze, he didn’t know and turned on the water and they flooded and went everywhere. Mark says, “Rookie mistake” and Damien laughs. Marks tells Damien that his parents and the elders of the community must be really proud of him for doing something like that for the community and Damien says it’s been received pretty well.

9 PM BBT Kyra is blindfolded and searching for something. Mark you have to find the door to the backyard. Kyra I don’t want to touch a pen!s. The feeds switch to Damien and Adam in the secret room off of the file room. Damien I don’t think he is into the 5 as much as he says he is. Adam you don’t think? Damien just about the way I chatted with him he’s about winning the 100k right. So I was like what would you do if you won next week? Would you go for it and try and build your resume? And that’s basically what he said. He said he would swing for the fences again because that’s the only way I am going to win the 100k. He wants to go up against people he can win against. Adam did you talk to Dane? Damien I haven’t said anything to anyone except you. Adam F**k! So he would probably put you and me up again. Damien MMMhhhhmm. I was like who can you beat? Now between the two? You can beat Este more than Mark right? Because I was like would you put up Kyra? And he started going off about these million scenarios. Who would I win 100k against? Am I going to win against Adam? No. Am I going to win against Dane? No. Adam maybe he is trying to build with you? So if we do get to the final he is on your side or something. Damien its good for me but it makes me wonder where his head is at. He is more about the individual but will do what he has to to get to the next level. Adam f**king Mark. I feel like Dane could get in his ear. Damien but you guys got in his ear before and it didn’t work. Adam true. Maybe let Dane know. I’ll talk to Mark and they report back. Adam leaves.

11 PM BBT Mark they wanted to know what I was going to do. Adam asked me the most loyal guy in the group what I was going to do next week if it was a double evict. Would I put him up again. Is he a f**king idiot? Anthony I hope you win it. Mark honestly I will need you. If its a double because there will be three votes. Anthony were going to be alright. Mark I can’t believe they questioned my f**king loyalty in front of everyone. I am so fired up! Honestly dude! Anthony you’re sick but I love it. Mark if I send Adam home the people in jury would love it. Kyra joins them.

12:23 AM BBT Kyra Its either going to be 3-1 or 2-2 and Adams going to vote to keep you. Mark I don’t know about Damien. We had a conversation and he just walked away. Adam’s going to vote to keep you. Kyra we’re going to try and keep you safe. Either way you’re safe. Nothing is going to change. We’re trying to get Damien. I’m not but Damien is.

Tonight's Show!

April 24, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, when the secret assassin's cold-blooded handy work put Anthony's ride or die on ice, the grieving guru was ready to lash out! But at the HoH competition, it was a bare-knuckles boxing blow out and when Anthony tried to cut a deal in the final round Adam stung like a bee. Then Anthony collapsed and Adam delivered his third HoH win of the season.

Reeling from the knockout, the raging bull called out Kyra to reassert his power, but Kyra kept the heavyweight at bay and Adam was torn between opposing forces. Then the alpha dog checked in with the boys about targeting Damien, but the guru had an entirely different idea all based around a phony plan to backdoor Mark but Adam struggled to sell the story to Kyra, so he called for Pretty Boy back up.

Then the bros worked their magic and at the nomination ceremony Damien and Este hit the block and the Pretty Boys had struck again. Tonight, who's got the nuggets to haul in the game's most precious metal. Will anyone see through the PB BS before it's too late? It's going to ha get "hairy" tonight on Big Brother Canada!

We pick up after the nomination ceremony on Day 49. Damien says here we go again, that couch is still warm from last week. Damien says they had a house meeting where everyone wants to backdoor Mark and hopefully, he can space for Mark on the couch and win that veto. Adam says backdooring Mark isn't going to happen. Ideally, Mark wins the veto and nominations stay the same. But if Damien or Este win veto he doesn't know what he'll do.

Damien is talking to Este and Dane and he says he's been on the block four times and three of them he was also a Have-Not. Mark is talking to Adam and they are talking about Dane hopefully not getting drawn. Mark says for this plan to work they really need the plan to go their way. As long as Damien or Este don't win the PoV, they can do what they want because they control the house.

In the Have-Not room, Damien is alone talking to the camera. He says he's in a pickle and he loves and misses her a lot. He has a girl back home, her name is Em, not being able to hear her voice or see her face, it's tough. He says it's a tough day, but he's playing this for her. He says he's sorry he hasn't won anything, he's trying. He's been away before playing hockey and it gets harder every time. Damien says when it gets hard he thinks of her and he loves her.

Adam, Anthony, Mark, and Dane are in the blue bedroom and Mark says if Adam gets HGs choice he should pick him. Adam asks Dane if he wins PoV will he use it. Dane says he kind of has to use it on Este. Dane says he has to think about jury votes and he might have to save Este if he wins.

Kyra says they've been in the house for 49 days and it's the most mentally and physically exhausting than they imagined. Kyra goes to sit alone in the storage room and they say the game is more difficult than they predicted. They thought they'd just find their people and stick with them. They didn't think what would happen if they lost their people.

Kyra says they know they are annoying and they get emotional. Kyra says they're just human, it doesn't change whether they are in a game or real life. They are proud they made top 7. Kyra says they are not a quitter, they get right back up and keep on fighting.

Damien is drumming against a table and chair and entertaining himself. It's time to pick players for the PoV competition! Adam says this player pick could derail the boys plan. Mark needs to get picked, win the PoV, and keep nominations the same so the plan doesn't get exposed. Adam gets HGs choice and he chooses...Dane. Dane says thanks Adam, now he's stuck in the middle of all this. Damien draws Kyra and Este draws Mark. Este says OMG, I pulled out Mark's name. Are you kidding me? She could have easily pulled out Anthony's name. Anthony will host.

Anthony wants to know if he is in the woods and a black bear was chasing him, would Damien save him? Anthony wants to know if Damien thinks he can take a bear and he says no. Anthony thinks he could. Mark is talking to Kyra and he says he likes to play ahead in the game and he wants to get Kyra on his side. Mark says they both know Adam can't play next week and he'll be looking to Kyra to win. Mark is trying to explain to Kyra that he's a loyal guy and he can help Adam and Kyra. Mark says they can take someone with them who can win HoH's or go with someone who hasn't won and can flip-flop. Kyra says they know the plan is to backdoor Mark, but Mark is making some great points. Kyra tells Mark he's a smart guy.

Anthony and Mark are talking. Anthony says Adam and Dane are sneaky and he found out Adam promised not to put up Este and Dane promised not to put up Sam and they are snakes. Mark says what if I win veto and take Damien down and Dane goes up. Anthony says he wants to win Big Brother and he wants to take people who have been loyal to him and who have been appreciative of the things he's done.

Adam and Dane are talking about the veto competition. Dane tells Adam he shouldn't have won this HoH. Adam says if he Dane, Este, or Damien win veto and he doesn't put up Mark, then Este, Kyra, and Damien will all be mad. Dane says what if one of them wins? Adam says I should just put up Mark and send him home.

There are minecarts, train tracks, and gold nuggets and they are back in the wild, wild west. Anthony says the only thing finer than a stack of gold is himself. 

On go, the HGs will start fixing their track by replacing the broken planks, then they can jump in the cart and go mining. They will then send the cart for gold and then stack them on a scale, but they'll only fit one way. If it doesn't fit, then they send their nugget back and get a new one. First to finish wins HoH!

Este says she's on the block for the third time and she needs to win this to keep her and Damien safe and prove to herself and others she deserves to be there. Mark says he doesn't want to win this...he NEEDS to win this. The house is living in two realities where one half thinks he's a backdoor target and the other half knows there isn't. Mark says the best way to continue fooling the house is for him to win.

Anthony tells Este to hurry, that track won't build it'self! Anthony says Damien is looking confused. Damien says they all know how great he is at puzzles...but he has to keep moving. Dane says he loves to compete but winning this would not be smart. Anthony tells them they can't go mining until their track is done! Dane says he hates puzzles and Anthony says Dane is struggling.

Adam tells Kyra they can do this. Damien has finished his track and he says holy crap, he actually completed a puzzle. Mark says Damien of all people has just finished his track and he cannot win or he's going up! Mark finishes his track. Mark says he needs to get mining for this PoV!

Mark, Damien, and Kyra are now on the second part of their puzzle. Mark has his second nugget in. Dane and Este have finished their tracks. Kyra falls out of their cart. Kyra says the second part of this challenge is way more physical and they are competing against a couple of jacked dudes and Mark, but they are strong and smart and great with puzzles. Kyra has taken the lead and Mark says what?!?

Este is struggling and Mark is a little. Kyra gets another piece and now has five.

Damien says they are giving it a go and he cannot lose this competition. His goal is to stay calm and not panic.

Kyra brings the wrong piece and has to go back. Damien now has five. Mark has two and Adam says what is he doing?!? Adam says they had so much hope for him, but watching him perform it's not pretty. Kyra has eight pieces and Damien also has eight. Kyra and Damien are neck and neck and on the track.

Damien takes a slight lead. Kyra is right behind and they have brought back the wrong piece and Damien now has the lead. Damien says he's been in the house for 50 days and he doesn't have a single win. He wants to win this for his friends and family, his girl Em, and mostly he wants to win this for himself to prove he's not just a blockstar and he deserves to be there. Damien is on his last piece and he completes the puzzle and has won the PoV!

Damien says holy crap! He mixed in a win! He says it feels amazing, he's finally going to pull himself off the block.

Mark says losing is never fun, but what's worse he may have to go on the block and the possibility of going home becomes very real. Kyra tells Este how they fell out of the cart as the HGs head inside. Kyra tells Damien good job.

Damien, Dane, and Este are talking, and Este says they are here for another week! Este says they are three, that's half the house.

Anthony heads to the HoH room to talk to Adam and Adam asks if Mark even tried? Anthony says I'm not sure he understood. Adam says he has to put up Mark and take out Este and make sure the Pretty Boys are solid. Adam says how stupid will he look if he doesn't follow through with the plan. Anthony says they have to find a way to bring it to him because he will lose his mind.

Kyra goes to the HoH with Anthony and Adam and Adam says he has to put Mark up but they have to convince Kyra Mark is worth saving. Adam tells Kyra that Este told him if she won HoH she wouldn't nominate Adam and Dane.

Anthony says Este has been running to power. Kyra says Mark talked to her in the pantry and he got through to them. Kyra says they tried to win veto so maybe they can keep Mark safe. Kyra says they want to be seen as a valuable player and Anthony says we need you right now. Kyra leaves and Anthony smiles and he fist bumps Adam and says that couldn't have gone more perfect.

Este is standing over Dane with her hair as his and everyone is laughing. Este then stands over Damien. Este moves around to Anthony and he says he looks like a black Jesus. Everyone is laughing.

Mark heads to the HoH room with Anthony, Dane, and Adam. Anthony says he had a conversation with Kyra and they said they wanted to win to keep Mark safe. Mark says so you want me to go on the block? Adam says after the story and the plan, he'd look silly not going through with it.

Mark suggests Dane going on the block and then he doesn't have to vote Este out and he still gets her jury vote. Dane says Mark is making sense and Dane says OK, put me up. Adam says are you serious? Adam wants to know if they should tell Kyra this is the plan and Dane says to pull them in and say they want to talk about it.

Kyra comes in and Adam pulls them into the bathroom area with the rest of the Pretty Boys. Anthony tells Kyra they look incredible and asks them what they think about the top five. Kyra says deal. 

Kyra says that has to stay very quiet to make sure Dane doesn't lose a jury vote. Dane says they might be going up instead and Kyra is on board. Damien comes into the HoH room and Mark and Dane run to hide in the bedroom and shut the door.

Kyra and Adam head into the bedroom area and Damien says he just wants to make sure everything is the same. Adam says the plan is still a go and Damien sits on the couch. Mark comes out of the bedroom and heads out of the HoH and Damien says that was awkward. Dane stays in the bedroom.

Dane is outside alone and says "Morning Dad." He says got to get there, final two. He really, really doesn't want to go on the block. It's a stupid plan. He says Mark, be a frickin' man about it. He says he'll probably get fed a lot of crap from Anthony and Mark. Kyra heads outside. Dane asks how they slept and Kyra says not that bad. Dane says feeling pretty good. Kyra says when they walked in they felt like they had a final four, but they feel good with a final five.

Dane says Mark has to stop being a baby and Kyra says it would just stir up chaos if Mark didn't go up. Kyra says when Este feels comfortable she doesn't campaign. Dane says Este wants to hang out with Kyra a lot.

Este and Damien are talking about Mark. Damien says they have to win from now on and control their own destiny. Kyra is talking to Dane in the bathroom area and Kyra says when it comes to putting Dane up instead of Mark, what's the explanation? Dane says it has to be Mark. Kyra says Adam will look ridiculous if he doesn't put Mark up. Dane says if Este goes out mad at him, then he'll lose her vote and he can't have three jury members mad at him this close to the end.

Adam comes to talk to Dane and Kyra in the bathroom area and Dane says he doesn't feel good with going up and it needs to be Mark. Dane says he feels good with Kyra and maybe it should be them three against Anthony and Mark. Kyra leaves and Adam goes to the bathroom and Dane does a little dance. Arisa comes on and tells us the HGs don't know it yet, but tomorrow is a double eviction!

It's time for the veto ceremony and Damien says today is the PoV ceremony. Damien says after being on the block four times he's won the PoV. Don't worry Canada! This is the only beginning. He says it's good he won something, but it feels better that he has control over his own destiny. Damien says he feels good with the backdoor plan of Mark. He's good friends with Este, but he's going to use the veto on himself. He hopes Adam sticks to his word and puts Mark up in his place.

Damien heads to the living room and he decides to use the power of veto on himself. He says he's been on the block four times and he hasn't been able to pull himself down until now. Damien says Adam, we were on the block together last week and the person who put us there didn't care if either of us went home. I hope you do the right thing. Adam says there was a plan in motion and he thanks Damien for making it happen and he chooses Mark as the replacement nominee.

Mark says he tried his best to get Dane on the block, but it didn't work out in the end. He feels like he's taking one for the Pretty Boys and they better keep him safe. Adam says he didn't feel good putting his boy Dane on the block. Este says she is still on the block, but the person with the fewest allies is on the block with her and hopefully, she's there for another week.


April 23, 2019

10:00 AM BBT – 12:24 PM BBT Feeds Down this morning. Prior to feeds going down we got a shot of this….Wonder what it means.

12:25 PM BBT Feeds come back with Anthony Kyra Dane and Adam in the HOt tub area discussing the chairs. Adam says I thought we were going to see something special but no. Damien is there as well. Adam is talking about doing a cannonball in the Hot Tub. Adam tells Anthony his impression was very good. Adam is thinking of going to have a bath with a bath bomb and some music. Mark and Dane are heading into the house to play pool. They are going to help Este up to her bed. She seems to be sick a possible hangover maybe. Dane is walking her up to bed and she tells him that she doesn’t feel good when she walks. Back outside by the Hot Tub Anthony and Damien are relaxing.
12:30 PM BBT – 12:45 PM BBT Feeds go back down.
12:46 PM BBT Feeds come back with Dane talking to Este who is in bed. Dane says something to her behind his hat and she says Oh and covers her mouth. They get called out for talking about production. Dane has made Este a bagel and she is eating it. Este tells him she has a lot of grandmother clothes but she left them at home. Dane says Mark will eat what she can’t. Este asks if anyone is talking about eviction. Dane tells her no not that he knows about. He suggests When she feels better to go talk to Adam and Anthony. Este is telling him that Anthony said he knew she wasn’t going home but he was butt hurt that his best friend was going home. Dane says We have spent 53 days in this house. The only cameras up are on Dane and Este . Dane is saying he wants to eat the other piece of bagel. He says I think the only reason I got a hangover/ headache is because I am hungry. Este says Water grosses me out after drinking. Dane says He remembers falling but doesn’t remember why. Este asks What his plans are for today. He says the chairs are gone well 7 are gone. Adam joins them. Adam says He is showering but they should have kept the mop upstairs. Dane says We will get it back.
1:00 PM BBT Este says Mark was being so funny yesterday. Este says they both kept waking up and talking during the night. Dane says this morning he noticed the chairs. Dane says Adam admitted doing it. Este says That makes sense. Mark checks in to see how Este is feeling. He tells them he played pool against Kyra and beat them 3-0. Mark and Dane head into the washroom. Dane is using the stall and Mark says Dane you crack me up bro. In the workout area Damien is lying down. Mark is setting up the pool table to play a game of pool. Big Brother says Damien get up. Dane and Mark are playing pool. Dane says go eat something and have a water. Damien is watching the pool game. Kyra is standing in the kitchen. They are saying something to themselves and heating up a slop pancake. Adam is telling Este that he doesn’t feel hungover. He leaves telling Este to feel better. Dane and Damien are now going to play a game of pool. Dane says it is pouring out. Mark says We have gotten all seasons here.
1:15 PM BBT The pool game between Dane and Damien continues. The conversation is on an actor from the movie Star Wars who didn’t like acting and quit. Adam has joined them saying you are going to lose the next game. He asks Dane if he wins this is it a two game winning streak. Dane says Yes. Adam again says You are going to lose the next one. Anthony has joined them. Anthony says He has retired from playing basketball with the Toronto Elite Team but he is replaying his best move from when he played. Adam gets called to the DR but says I got next game. Dane and Anthony head outside. They all head outside as it is thundering and lightening out. They are going to bring the cushions in. Big Brother tells them to stop that so they put the cushions back outside. Damien Dane and Kyra are outside where Dane says he thought today was Wednesday and only had one more night. Kyra says We have no idea what is coming Thursday. Dane says We all should have agreed to take the letters then whoever didn’t take it target. Adam joins them. Adam and Dane go in to play their pool game. Kyra asks if they can play the next game. They say to Damien they can’t believe it is Day 53.
1:30 PM BBT They continue with it has been one hellva game. Damien agrees with them. Mark is watching the pool game. Kyra comes in and Adam says it is peeing out there. They tell him it sounds way worse than it is. Damien agrees with them. Anthony is there with them but walking around. Kyra says When you guys say Mark’s shot it sounds like Marsha. They ask Dane if he seen Marsha with his teeth. Dane says NO . Kyra wonders If they will get Marsha this season. They hear the thunder and say Whoa. Adam wins the game and Kyra is up. In the kitchen Dane is making some slop pancakes Damien is eating one Anthony is just sitting there.
1:45 PM BBT Dane says Every time he is on slop he has had 2 days of drinks. Este has finally come downstairs. Kyra and Adam are still playing pool. Dane has joined them. Dane says Long Game. Kyra tells him we have played 2. Kyra could win the game but missed sinking the 8 ball. Adam won the game. Adam and Dane are now playing. At the kitchen counter Mark and Este are talking about the fact that if Este became a billionaire and not tell anyone. Mark says he would be impressed if she did and no one knew. He continues with the government would know. Este says Mark you don’t understand not in my world. Mark says you can create the stock market to fall and not pay the military but he is pretty sure there are back up plans so you will never own the states. Mark says Do you want to own the country or the people. Este says the country. Mark says well if you ever become a billionaire you can buy an island. She says she wants the laws to be her laws. Mark tells her okay you have to start a war.
2:00 PM BBT In the kitchen, Este is talking with Mark about the different countries and the difference and how each one can recognized it their own way. Kyra is sitting in the Living room with Anthony who is napping at this time. Adam and Dane were in the jacuzzi area and now they are leaving it to go in the Play area and into the kitchen. Dane fixed himself his bottle of water. Este and Mark are continuing their discussion about politics and how it would be to politics their own island or whatever country they are in. Adam is sitting in the kitchen just listening to them as they continue their chat on how to govern their town or country. In the HN room, Dane is talking to himself or the feeds saying what moves would be the best for him and who to keep in the game vs who to vote off in order to stay in the game longer. He is reviewing also all of the comps and who has been winning and put on the block and what days that those things has happened.

2:15 PM BBT Kyra is joining in the conversation that Este is having again on what she would do if she did own her island and how much she would charge for certain things. In the meantime, Dane is still in the HN room and going over day by day of what has been happening in the house like who has been winning comps and any other special days in the house. Anthony is continuing to nap and get comfortable in the living room as Kyra seem to be doing the same. Este is staying silent in the kitchen. No other words are being spoken for the moment. Dane in the HN room sitting in one of the dental chair mumbling or just not talking. The house at the very moment is pretty quiet. Danes going thru all of the different scenarios and what would bring him closer to win. Kyra is getting up and heading into the kitchen and is asking Anthony if he prefers a sausage more than another one as she is about to start cooking. Dane says he need to go socialize. He says he is going to tell Adam he is gunning for the next HOH and not get it. Hed says if he does that the Adam will be pissed. Dane says he doesn’t want the money just wants the title of winner. Feeds go down.
2:26 PM BBT-2:37 PM BBT FEEDS ARE DOWN. Feeds come back up with Dane and Mark playing pool. Damien is watching them on the sofa. Anthony is in the kitchen. Dane tells Mark he plays the game with integrity Mark says I play the game with finesse. Este comes out and sits by Damien. Anthony walks out then heads back into the kitchen. Anthony heads to the hot tub area where Kyra is located. Dane won the game so he heads to the hot tub area. Dane said when he said the backyard would be closed I know something is going down. Kyra asks Anthony if he is feeling better. THIS IS YOUR 15 MINUTE WARNING THE BACKYARD WILL BE CLOSED ALL HOUSEGUEST MUST MOVE INSIDE. Dane. ‘Kyra, and Anthony talk about farting. Anthony says he is starving. He says he wants a burger. Anthony says why can’t have Wendy’s. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES. Kyra said top 7 left of season 7. Adam comes out and joins them.
2:45 PM BBT They are speculating about why the chairs on in the circle. DANE PLEASE GO TO THEE DR. Kyra tells Adam we will go over our days later. Adam and Kyra leave the hot tub area. Mark is putting all the pool balls in the holes. Adam says one houseguest must make sure the sliding glass doors are closed. Kyra tells Anthony to play Adam in pool. Este and Kyra are talking quietly. They tell Adam he never kissed anything like that Kyra said I am pretty sure he kiss Sam like that. Mark is in the HOH room walking around. He starts whistling. Este tells Adam she is sorry for putting her fingers in his mouth yesterday. Adam said you were a little flirty last night with everyone. Este said I was just counting teeth. Kyra said yeah you were flirty yesterday. Anthony says Sam is in everything Adam does. Mark comes from the HOH room. Adam says those are his shorts but he doesn’t know if they are in the HOH room. Anthony says this is your final warning. THIS IS YOUR THREE MINUTE WARNING. ALL HOUSEGUEST NEED TO HEAD INSIDE. Anthony says that this is not the normal warning. Damien said I am trashed today maybe I will go take a shower if I have some clean clothes. Everyone heads inside. Anthony says this is your final warning all houseguests must massage Anthony’s feet today. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING ALL HOUSEGUEST MUST BE INSIDE AND ONE HOUSEGUEST MUST ENSURE THE GLASS DOOR IS COMPLETELY CLOSED.
3:00 PM BBT Anthony, Damien, and Este are sitting around. Anthony starts singing. He stops singing and says he is hungry and he did not get to eat anything. Anthony starts singing Popcorn chicken. Este leaves and heads out to storage room. Este and Kyra head to the bathroom.. Este is handing out batteries. Este says alcohol poo is the worst smelling kind. Mark says we have 17 days left. He says wait it is 19 more days. Este is looking for Dane. Adam is in the HOH room laying on the chair. Este says where is Dane. Mark heads into the HOH room to get his hat. Anthony asks her whose Hoodie does she have on she says mine. Este said everyone asks me that. Mark is laying down on the sofa in the living room. Kyra walks down the stairs and Anthony starts calling Kyra’s name. Kyra goes and lays opposite Mark on the sofas. Damien says we are just relaxing. Kyra walks off. Este is in the kitchen with Kyra.
3:15 PM BBT Damien and Anthony are laughing. Kyra says I have to feed my boys and make sure they are nice and strong for what is about to come. Kyra is frying up something. Anthony says yeah Mark. Kyra tells them dinner is served. Damien says he is so ready to eat. Damien said he would not have made it without Kyra. Este says it is so good.Kyra said yeah it doesn;t taste like slop. Kyra said you know they must be good if someone is eating them this fast. Dane comes out the DR. ESTE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Dane asks if he can have some slop Pizza. Kyra tells Dane to clean the big bowl and Kyra will mix up another batter of slop to make more pizza.
3:30 PM BBT Feeds go down for two minutes they come up with a closeup of Anthony sitting in a chair. Dane and Kyra are in the kitchen. Kyra is mixing up slop and Dane is washing a pan for Kyra to use. Kyra tells Dane thank you. Mark tells Anthony yeah they want full eyes open and he walks off. Este comes down with a new outfit on and Kyra says oh you look cute. Dane asks what is Adam doing listening to music, Kyra says yes. Mark goes and sits next to Anthony. Dane asks Kyra if Kyra wants coffee Kyra tells him I am going to have a tea. Dane says what are they doing. Kyra says probably setting up for Thursday. Adam comes downstairs and starts talking about music. He and Dane are in the storage room. Dane asks him what is up you big squidward. Anthony and Damien are sitting in the chairs staring at the walls. Adam is looking for the bagels. Adam says maybe I won’t have bread it looks so gross. Dane is playing with his hair before getting the milk out the fridge.
3:45 PM BBT Dane, Adam, and Kyra are in the kitchen. DANE PLEASE CHANGE YOUR BATTERIES. He yells out I did. Kyra said I am making for the slop party. ANTHONY PLEASE WAKE UP NAPTIME I OVER. Anthony said what my eyes were not even closed i was sitting here looking at all the dirt on the floor. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Adam see some food in the fridge and says I still have the food I forgot about. Adam is eating while Anthony is sitting there. Dane has joined Anthony and Damien on the chairs by the kitchen. Kyra is still making slop pizza. Adam asks Este why are you dressed up. Kyra said I just did a batch and we ate it. DAMIEN PLEASE WAKE UP NAP TIME IS OVER. Damien starts smiling. Kyra says we will have 18 I am doing three batches.

6:00 PM BBT Damien and Mark are talking about hockey. They are in the living room. Damien is talking about being a goaltender. Mark asks what a full- out slapshot feels like. Damien says every shot hurts a bit. Damien says that his dad really enjoyed watching him play. Mark asks where the worst place to get hit is. Damien says the nuts or the the head. Damien says he wear 3 groin protectors. Este is eating pizza. Dane and Este were talking in the HOH room about the party last night. She says she got sick. Este tells Dane that she threw up in the Diary room and then just left it there. Kyra cleaned it up. Damien says that there is a canoe trip planned for the summer time. Big Brother reminds the houseguests that “Canada is watching, please watch your language.” Damien is telling Mark about hunting. Mark says that he wants to go hunting but would want to use up everything. Damien says that he only hunts for food and not for fun. He doesn’t see the point.
6:15 PM BBT Adam and Kyra are in the HOH with Este. They don’t think Corey is 29 they think mid- 30’s. They don’t think that her stories add up to her age. They are really convinced she’s older than 29. Este says she’s had a pizza overload.Kyra yawns and stretches. Adam claims he only had his eyes closed for a few seconds and immediately heard “wake up, naptime is over.” Kyra says that Adam is going to be so popular because he has won so many comps. They wonder what the record is. Adam has 3 HOHs and 3 POVs. They think Mark or Dane would know. Big Brother tell the people downstairs to stop speaking in code.
6:30 PM BBT Mark and Damien are still talking about hockey. Mark asks about equipment managers and other positions like that. Este, Adam and Kyra are talking about who threw up last night. Feeds go down for a moment or two. Damien says to pass the time on the bus he would sleep or listen to music. Mark says he can’t sleep on busses. Damien says that the Oil Kings were a good crowd. PA was a quieter crowd. The feeds on camera 3 & 4 return for a few seconds.Mark and Damien can’t believe that there’s only a couple weeks left. They wonder what Cory and Sam are talking about in the jury house right now.
6:45 PM BBT There isn’t any game talk. Kyra says they haven’t seen Anthony in awhile. They think he’s napping in the have not room. Mark says that he looks like he’s 14 or 16 without a beard. Adam said he’s going to miss being in the house but it will be fun watching the season back. Adam and Kyra are just talking generally now. Mark and Adam are making up new versions of rock paper scissors.
7:00 PM BBT Mark, Adam and Kyra went to the backyard. Adam is going to have a cigarette then they are going to play pool. Kyra thinks it’s going to be a double eviction on Thursday. They said they don’t want it to be a triple eviction. Damien and Mark are playing pool. Dane joins Kyra and Adam for a cigarette. Kyra asks him if he’s okay. Kyra asks if Dane ever had to take ice baths for hockey. He said yes but he hated them. Dane is called to the diary room.
7:15 PM BBT Anthony looks like a zombie. He’s not speaking, he’s only answering Kyra’s questions by nodding. He says he has a very uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. Kyra tells Damien his hair looks really good today. Adam and Mark are playing pool. Adam and Dane are in the bathroom. Dane is trying to get a stain out of his hat. Este and Kyra are playing pool.
7:30 PM BBT Este says she’s tired from yesterday. She says she knows she should be studying but she’s too tired. Kyra says the boys have been teaching them about pool. Este won the pool game. Adam is working out. Mark and Este are going to play pool now. Mark said that he used to run barefoot on the treadmill at school. Este said that one summer she applied abroad but didn’t get accepted. Este says her stomach hurts from all the pizza. Mark confused what colour he was supposed to be aiming for. Este asks i Dane is going to play the winner. Kyra and Anthony are chilling in the kitchen.
7:45 PM BBT Este says she really sucks at making straight shots lately. Mark wins the pool game. Dane is going to play Mark now. Damien and Este are watching. Adam is still working out. Kyra and Anthony are talking in the storage room. Anthony says he would rather have just one or two good friends than 4 fluffs. Kyra says that they are surprised that they have so much in common even though they have two very different stories. Kyra says that they have both overcome so many hardships. They think that it’s nice to have someone in the house who is introspective. Kyra is really trying to get Anthony to open up more (game-wise) Mark is playing Damien now. Este says that Damien’s game face is funny. Este is just laying on the couch and watching the game. She adds to the conversation once in awhile.

9:50 PM BBT. Kyra Its a very interesting game. I’ve wanted to play it for a long time and I’m here and I’m playing it. I wish I had a little more power in this house.. but you have to work with with you have. So far I haven’t had much power but I’ve been close to people with power. Very, Very curious which way its going to go. Literally anything can happen. I could win this game! I’d need a miracle. I will at least get second place. I can feel it .. but I want to win. I really, really, really want to win. I know we all want to win but Kyra heads back inside.

10:38 PM BBT Dane when did you find the power? When we were all locked in the room? Adam when you .. did you find anything? Dane that’s when you found it? Adam yeah. Dane because you were going in and out of the DR and in and out of that room. Adam but like I didn’t actually use it till I don’t know if I’m allowed to talk about that. Dane I knew you found something. Adam it wasn’t that though.. I never seen the recorder till a couple days later. I found a black light. Dane yeah you said that. Adam and then I found notes. Dane imagine if we crushed up one of the numbered boxes?! Adam and Dane head inside.

11:25 PM Mark say its a triple and you win it what are you going to explain to Damien when you put up like Kyra? Dane f**k it. Mark like at that point you’re like screw it? Dane sorry guys. Mark okay so lets say its a double? Dane whoever wins POV better win POV. Mark lets say its a double you put up Kyra and Damien still? Dane yeah. Mark if its a double its like really awkward. Dane-yeah because I’ve been close to Damien since week 1.
Adam what are we going to tell them? Dane who do you think you can go further in the game with. Adam yeah but he’s going to put me on the block. He’ll be like Mark will put you on the block or something. Dane no we’ll be like Mark we all have a common goal of getting Kyra out but Mark is starting to realize that is only one person that hasn’t touched the block. Adam so we need to tell Kyra this this is what we have to tell Damien for this to happen. Adam goes to get Kyra. He gets her and comes back to the HOH room. Adam we just wanted to tell you what we were going to tell Damien. Because he is probably going to think if Mark stays if Mark wins he is going to want to put up Damien. So what we’re thinking of telling Damien so that he feels comfortable is if you keep Mark we are all going to have a common goal to get Kyra out. That is not the case. You know that? Kyra yeah. Adam next week we want him out. Kyra if he does win he will 100% put me up. Adam he would put up Mark. We just can’t let him win.


April 22, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Outside Dane, Kyra and Mark are smoking (not Mark) in general conversation. They talk about golfing and how Tiger Woods made the game expensive. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES. Adam comes outside to smoke. Dane gets up to go in and says he is going to get ready. They talk about when they play the POV and how last week it was later. Adam says that they give them that hour and that the hour goes fast. Dane heads upstairs and is putting pillows on the couches arranging them.. Anthony heads downstairs. Anthony comes outside. Dane goes into the HOH room. Anthony says his neck and his back are giving him trouble. Dane sits on his couch and listens to his music. Kyra and Adam are talking about getting a cat. Adam says he will name it Prince Henry. Adam goes back in and goes upstairs. Kyra, Mark and Anthony are still outside. They talk about if the next comp being possible triple. Anthony says that they can do whatever they want (meaning BB) They have this stuff planned out in advance. There has been twists this season. Who knows. Kyra asks Mark how he is, he grunts and she says Just Tired?. Mark heads back inside and says he is going to make some carrot juice. Anthony lays down on the couch outside. Kyra says that last night was the worst night. Anthony says he was up for 3 hours straight. He didn’t want to say anything because he didn’t want to do the battery change. They asked if he heard them up. Kyra asks who ended up doing the battery change. Anthony says Damien finally. Kyra asks if he is thinking of Game shit or life shit. He says life shit. He said he will never not get sleep over game shit. Kyra talks about their farts saying they are unreal.
10:15 AM BBT In the house, Mark is in the storage room preparing his carrot juice. He goes into the kitchen and opens an avocado. Kyra talks about getting dressed. Kyra talks about being the only non-boy in the house. Kyra says they wanted to explain to him how they feel in the house. That they have not won anything and wishes they would not feel things so intensely. Kyra says they learn everyday. Anthony says it’s all about self awareness. Kyra says it seems easier for other people. But that in other ways it can be harder for them. Kyra asks Anthony if he goes to church. He says he used to go weekly but now it’s every once in a while. Anthony asks if Kyra wants to go with him. They say they will go with him to church. Kyra asks if they sing Gospel. He says yes and there are words up. He says he was born with this voice and he laughs. Kyra says that he may or may not have referred to him as the most entertainer of all time. Anthony says he is the most electrifying entertainer. He says that he is like that everywhere he goes. Kyra says they are more personable outside the house. Anthony says he doesn’t care to be judged, criticized or hate him. He says he knows he is a lot to deal with because he is like this all the time. Kyra says that maybe it’s just Alpha’s that don’t like him. Anthony says he can count on one hand people that didn’t like him. Kyra says they can not wait to hold her dog. They hope they are ok. Anthony says that after he gets out of the house he will be more affectionate. He talks about his girlfriend. They talk about people in the house who made mistakes. Feeds for their cameras go down. In the washroom, Adam is in his underwear and no microphone brushing his teeth. He is talking to Dane about the upcoming votes. ESTE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. ADAM PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. Dane is spraying his hair with hairspray. Damien comes into the bathroom and uses a lint roller on his shirt. Adam is doing laundry with his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.
10:30 AM BBT ADAM PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Dane is now brushing his teeth. Dane is talking with a Chinese accent about shampoo and conditioner. Dane now uses the washing machine. Anthony is now dressed. Este is flossing her teeth. Dane slaps his stomach making music. He clips his fingernails. Anthony is in the blue room and Kyra comes in. Anthony says POV in 15 minutes. They are looking for clothes. Mark is in the kitchen putting dishes away. Adam is sitting outside alone smoking. Kyra. Este, Dane and Anthony are in the bathroom. Everyone seems to be getting ready for the POV ceremony. Este is putting on makeup. Anthony is pulling clothes out of the dryer. Dane is now dressed in the blue room. He heads downstairs. Adam comes back inside. Dane is cleaning up the kitchen.
10:46 AM BBT – 12:00 PM BBT Feeds Down for POV ceremony

12:00 PM BBT Anthony, Adam, and Mark are out playing pool, Anthony is telling Adam what he told Damien about flip flopping from Este and his vote. Anthony loses and Mark steps in to play against Adam. Adam tells The boys how Dane had said he was tossing a Sympathy vote to Este against Mark.  Damien removed himself with POV. Mark is the replacement nominee. Kyra is outside smoking, Este is sunbathing as Anthony heads out and back in to get sunshades. The 2 outside are talking about how they thought it might have been an instant eviction, and now they know it’s either double or triple this week. They wonder what it’s like at Jury house for Sam and Corey and All feeds cut out for a few mins and return at 12:09 PM BBT to show Adam, and Mark rushing around to change clothes. Damien heads outside with a beverage Dane and Anthony are already out there. They crack jokes about Production calling out different lines during comps. Anthony is looking for his water bottle, Este mentions how North America will be getting the Olympics in 8 years well 7 this summer.
12:15 PM BBT Este wants to see Columbia make it, then it goes on to the world cup, feeds cut to Mark in the Kitchen talking to Kyra about the POV. Mark is telling Them use your confidence especially next week. They head up to put on shorts and he finishes making his snack. Adam and Dane discuss a workout potentially, Este thinks she wants to do the workout out in the HT area. Anthony’s foot begins to twitch and he points it out to Dane they all start talking about drinking and dehydration and cramps. Kyra is back in the BY to enjoy the sunshine. Anthony mentions starting to get hungry, Damien says there is bread in the oven and they want Kyra to make hers again tonight. The BY begins to chant BBQ and Casual beers. Anthony heads in to grab shorts it’s too hot. Mark is outside with the HGs. Lots of general conversations between multiple people. 12:25 PM BBT Feeds Out
12:30 PM BBT We get a quick glimpse of the HGs grabbing a few items for outside and they are right back out.
12:41 PM BBT All Hgs are outside enjoying the sun and relaxing. Damien puts on sunblock but it’s rather quiet outside. Kyra comments on damiens shorts, Dane heads into the hallway. Mark is called to the DR. The clouds roll in they comment on them and then move on to foods they would love to have while the Cloud coverage Adam heads in to grab food really fast. BB calls out the HGS saying Nap time is over no one moves or says anything. Adam is back out and Kyra asks what he ended up getting, Chicken Pesto warmed up. Anthony is called to the DR., Mark heads back out and onto the couch. Damien says he should go check on the slop soon. Kyra continues to Call out Adams name in a whisper playing around voice. They say they want to make bacon Cheese burgers, and Fish. Adam says make it a double patty. She moved some meat that was in the Fridge.
1:00 PM BBT The sun has peeked through again for a bit, still rather quiet in the Backyard with all the Sunbathers. Mark heads in to get some food and says he will be right back out. Kyra laughs at how Marks choice yesterday wa a bun with Jam. Dane is headed inside for a moment and tells Damien he will go check on the slop in the oven. Kyra mentions making some Ice tea once the sun goes away with the next cloud. Este is inside working out running stairs and the landing. Dane collects dirty cups as he heads towards the kitchen to check the slop. Mark is playing with pool balls and begins to show Dane how before he heads out. Adam is heading in and Mark heads out again. Kyra heads in to make tea, Adam comments how Este is doing it, and she says yea not like Dane. Anthony heads out as Kyra passes by and explains about the large Cloud. BB calls out the HG again about Napping but everyone outside was moving when they made the announcement so they are trying to figure out who it was towards.
1:15 PM BBT Kyra is in the SR waiting on the Hot water, when They come out of the SR Damien is at the bar counter and they say something with no response. Kyra heads back in to grab ice cube trays and slop bucket. Kyra was called to the DR. Adam is in the house now rinsing his dish. Adam heads out of the Kitchen and up the stairs into the WR. He runs into the Damien and says he might work out while the large cloud is there. Dane walks in from outside and asks about it. Damien says close but I dont think its quite ready. Mark, Anthony, and Damien when he gets back out there are talking about if they would come back for a second season. Anthony says only with stipulations, I get to nap, slop only once, more TV time. Then he sings “ poutine party ” then he and Mark begin to discuss them and what the best kind would be.
1:30 PM BBT Este uses the outside pool table area to workout more, while Dane uses the weight bench. All Cams go back the Hot tub area where Anthony is singing about food. The Sun is back out and all the guys minus Dane are outside talking/singing about food and enjoying the sun again. BB calls damien out for sleeping but he isn’t asleep. Kyra is back in the Kitchen telling us all about how to have fun as a HN HG. Sleep on the ground, talk to yourself, spa day for everyone in the house. Kyra thinks they will be asked to do the Battery Change. They work on finishing up making all the teas, Mark walks in sees the box and decides to just do the Battery change for everyone. Oranges and lemon slices for the teas are added. Once complete They deliver Ice Teas to everyone, Dane does not want any.
1:45 PM BBT Everyone says Thank you, they are all enjoying it while in the heat. Kyra asks about the lighter and then sits down to enjoy the sun and her tea. Anthony is still coming up with ideas of Poutine he wants. Kyra says they would do just about anything for some right now, the boys come up with ideas. Kyra says you have to remember it’s not a matter of would I its Could I since they are asking very physical ideas. Then they joke about dreams and commercials. Adam points out just how Sweaty he gets, Kyra is looking for cushions to lay on. Anthony mimics bb saying “ Anthony please go to the Pantry” he says his nips would get hard. Anthony makes fun of Adam and his accent and how he gets giggle and hard to understand. Anthony wants Chicken Alfredo says even that sounds so good. Adam agrees and they continue to make a meal outta the fantasy. Including Kyra rubbing their feet and he says They don’t get to eat. They tease Mark about his food intake and and how he eats in the pantry so no one knows. They call him out for putting the plate back in the fridge after eating the pizza and the empty bag of milk. He says its not him but they all laugh it off.

4:00 PM BBT Este, Kyra, and Dane are in the kitchen making lunch. Anthony stops in to wash his hands. Este asks Dane if he likes asparagus and he says not really, he eats it but it isn’t his favorite and it makes his pee stink. Este says not really for her and Kyra says they love it.
4:15 PM BBT Anthony grabs his water bottle from the blue bedroom and heads up to HOH to use the bathtub. Feeds cut to the downstairs where Este is fishing through a basket in the living room and MArk and Kyra are playing pool and Mark is joking around with Kyra about their moves in the pool game, he says it’s become them just hitting balls around. In HOH Anthony is looking in the mirror and fills up the bath and sits next to it watching it fill up. Dane is passed out on the HOH couch. Feeds cut to Damien laying on the couch upstairs outside the HOH room whispering the days to himself and trying to figure out who won what competition and who was on the block for what day.
4:30 PM BBT Este comes upstairs and sees Damien gpining over the days on the couch. She knocks on the door to HOH and Damien tells her he thinks Dane is in there, Este decides to join Damien in going over the days and competitions and almost immediately Damien is called to the DR. Este heads into the HOH room and walks by Anthony who is now fully immersed in his bath. Este asks Anthony, “Did you just growl?” as she walks by and he laughs. Este sits on the bed across from Dane who is still asleep on the couch and Anthony is enjoying his bath. Downstairs Damien is out of the diary room and heads into the kitchen to grab himself a drink, he is now sitting on the chairs off the kitchen drumming and getting really into it. Este comes into the living room and dances to his beat before sitting down next to him. Kyra says that’s a good idea and Damien asks what else he can do and asks if he can borrow someone’s water bottle. Este grabs him one and he says he’ll make a drumset and they look for more things around the house that they can use as instruments. Este is now sitting watching Damien who is now having a full out jam session in the kitchen using anything and everything he can find as pots and pans. Este has a knife and a cheese grater for herself and is scraping back and forth making her own music along with Damien.
4:45 PM BBT Damien and Este continue their jam session in the kitchen and Dane hears it and comes in to watch once he realizes what’s actually going on. Damien and Este stop for a minute to take a break and high five each other, Mark says they were awesome and Damien says he’s sweating and then they start playing some more as all the houseguests have gathered around to watch them. With Este called to the DR, Damien decides to give a solo performance and Dane who has been watching yells, “areeba” and “okurrrrrr” Este has emerged from the DR and starts to dance a little as Damien finishes up. Este is disappointed that the “song” is over and Damien says, “That was a sick beat whatever it was” Este tells him to play another one so he does.
5:00 PM BBT Dane tells Damien that drumming on the water bottle makes a cool sound and Damien agrees. Damien drops a few more beats using the water bottle quite a bit for a cool sound, Este keeps dancing in the background and all of the houseguests are now watching from the kitchen. Damien finishes another round and says he has the beat from it stuck in his head and says he needs more slop. Mark asks him if he’ll use the beat he has stuck in his head for his next song and he says he’s not sure but it’s fun to just play around with a few different ones. Este tells Damien, “That was so much fun!” Damien agrees and says he’s very tired now because he hasn’t played drums in so long. Damien is continuing to play some beats on his homemade drum sets while Adam and Kyra are sitting at the kitchen table. Adam is making animals out of tinfoil and Kyra is watching him and asking questions about them.
5:15 PM BBT – 11:55 PM BBT Feeds Down


April 21, 2019

8:00 AM BBT All HGs sleeping.
8:30 AM BBT – 9:30 AM BBT Feeds Down
9:30 AM BBT Feeds back, HGs rising and slowly starting their day. Kyra does battery exchange; Dane heads outside for a smoke. Dane mumbles to himself about Marsha and then says that he doesn’t want to go on the block; that it’s a stupid plan. He says Mark needs to be a man about it; he’s anticipating getting fed a lot of shit by Anthony and Mark today to try and convince him that him going on the block would be a good idea. Dane runs through days/his accomplishments; he says it’s week 8 and his girl has to go. He says he made a F3 deal with Kyra and Adam, and thinks it’s a joke. He heads back into the house. Anthony is in the kitchen and he says it’s going to be a good day. Kyra heads up to do laundry, and says she’ll be out to smoke once that’s done. Anthony heads upstairs to brush his teeth and Dane heads back outside. Dane says that Kyra has no idea what’s going to happen and they should have listened to Chelsea about the PB.
9:45 AM BBT Dane alone in the backyard. Este still lounging in bed, Adam goes in to look for something and BB tells her to put on her mic. She whines she’s being picked on. Adam heads back to the HoH room. Kyra heads out to the backyard to join Dane. Dane asks how their elbow is and they say it’s not too bad; they report sleeping well. Dane says that they can’t mention their f3 in front of Anthony or Mark. Dane says that voting out Sam was tough for him, but he’s happy she told him that Kyra could be trusted. They talk about having to vote Este out this week. They discuss the comp last night and the fact that Kyra fell out of a mining cart. Kyra says that Mark is being selfish by not volunteering to sit beside Este this week. They figure that Este will feel comfortable sitting beside Mark this week and won’t campaign. They talk about how they’re in a good position to win for the next few weeks in a row, and how Adam and Dane should throw the win to Kyra if it comes down to the three of them.
10:00 AM BBT At this moment, we have Damien in the storage room talking to the feeds and letting us know that he needs to really puts his mind into studying properly t be prepared for the comp. He is walking around the house and heading into the secret room where he is all by himself; he is still trying to see how to turn that tv on by saying a few commands to it but to no avail. He is saying he loves what production did to the house by adding the secret room. Damien is out of there and walking around in the BY where Adam is playing pool all alone. Damien is now out where the jacuzzi area enjoying his coffee with some of the HG, Dane and Mark. They are discussing gardens and what they parents would do to their yard. They all feel like they have slept a bit more this night than any other night. Este and Kyra are now with the other HG and they are saying that it is a nice sunny day for a sunday. Dane is saying to Este that she falls asleep pretty fast and that they have been cuddling for the last 3 weeks. Adam has been called in the DR. Dane is saying that when he got up; he made first coffee then used the bathroom. Anthony has just joined them.
10:15 AM BBT Este is asking if the comps are being shown on live feeds so they are no and explains to her what goes on with the live feeds and she is also wondering why she hasn’t hosted yet a comp. All 4 cams are looking into the outdoor room where the jacuzzi is. They are wondering where all of the jackets are as they are sitting outside and getting a bit cold. They are all talking about the different cities they have lived but no game talk. Este says that she lived in the Quebec area and depending where they live; the expenses can go up.

10:30 AM BBT Anthony is saying a story about a cougar following a cyclist. Dane is saying that he thinks he would rather fight a bear than a cougar; Damien is saying that his niece was surrounded with her dogs and protected her against a cougar when it would appear in her yard. They are saying that it is important to make a lot of noises when they are in nature to let the animals know that that they are around. The HG are also discussing all of the wild animals that are around and how careful they have to be when they are in the wild.
10:45 AM BBT They seems to be enjoying to talk about scary movies.Este is saying that the movie MEG was good and how big the whales or shark can get pretty big especially back in the prehistoric time or the movie SNAKES ON THE PLANE was very intense. Mark is saying that some parts of Germany, there is no speed limits and he thinks it’s cool but wild at the same time so they are comparing the different countries and the different laws about getting your driver license.
11:00 AM BBT A few of the HG are now in the kitchen cleaning up but no one is really talking at this time. It is Adam and Mark. Back in the Jacuzzi area, Adam is smoking there while drinking more coffee. Este is now in the kitchen and trying to make herself something to eat as she is cutting fruits and setting them up on a plate. At this time, the house is pretty quiet, not much going on. No one is talking but just enjoying the perfect weather.
11:15 AM BBT Dane and Mark, Anthony and Damien are outside chilling for the moment, there is no game talk. They are talking about the oceans and how big they are and it can be disturbing on how many sharks there are in the oceans and that they can hear your heartbeat from far away. In the kitchen, Dane with Este are snacking on some fruits as Dane and Kyra joining them.
11:30 AM BBT Back in the house, most of the house? Most of the HG are sitting outside again enjoying the beautiful weather they are having. Anthony has gone into the secret room in order to try to get more clues but he is not being successful as Damien is walking in.
11:45 AM BBT Feeds have been going in and out as some of the HG are looking into the secret room but they can’t seem to find anything. They are going thru all of the boxes. And no one is talking either.
In the bathroom, Kyra is chatting in there with Anthony who is showering and Este as well; they are talking about weight and that while being in the house, their eating habits have changed. Not much going on in the house as they are just chatting about life but no game talk.
2:00 PM BBT Dane & Kyra talk in the HT area. Dane says that he told Adam that if he goes up, he knows that he’s safe. Kyra says that it doesn’t make sense, saying that it would work if it was a good plan. Kyra says that Anthony is acting like it’s a good plan because he’s worried that Kyra will flip. Dane leaves a moment later. Dane & Mark play Pool in the BY. Anthony & Adam hang out in HoH, talking about music. Mark tells Dane his poem for remembering the days. Este and Damien hang out in the dining room. Kyra leaves the HT area, so Mark joins the HT area.
2:15 PM BBT Kyra & Dane are playing Pool in the backyard, and Este & Damien are hanging out in the dining room. Dane goes up to HoH. Kyra joins a while later. The convo is still about music. Kyra recalls the vote count of evicted HGs. Este is alone by the fishtank.
2:30 PM BBT Anthony & Adam are listening to music. Dane is sitting alone on the HoH couch. Kyra is laying on the bed. Este is looking at the fish downstairs. A while later, Adam goes downstairs, Este & Dane make some food, and Kyra goes to the bathroom. Kyra goes to the HoH couch to listen to some music, but Anthony isn’t ready to give up the iPod yet. Dane is filtering water. Adam says “Day 52. Not a fucking thing.”
2:45 PM BBT Anthony & Mark are in the HT area hanging out. Anthony says “all I want to do is sing and dance. This is torture.” Mark says “only 19 more days. Hopefully some shit doesn’t happen.” Mark says that he’s working on Kyra. Anthony says “they’re so unloyal and they’re unpredictable.” Mark asks Anthony what to do if he (Mark) goes up. Anthony gives him advice. Anthony says that he’d be uncomfortable going on the block. Mark says that he’s backed up in a corner. Mark says that he’s worried that Dane made a final 3 with Adam & Kyra. They chat for a while. Mark asks Anthony about his goodbye message to Este. Anthony says that Dane is the reason Cory’s gone. Mark tells Anthony that in his goodbye message, he told Cory that it’s all Dane. Adam & Dane enter HT area. Adam talks game. Adam says that he doesn’t want to start a new set of lies. “We don’t need to create a divide for next week because there’s already a divide.”
3:00 PM BBT Adam says to blame certain things on either Kyra or Damien. Adam works out some scenarios. Adam says that Este is “going to stir up shit.” Anthony says that Este is very smart and will say whatever she wants to Damien. They work out what to say. Damien walks up to the HT area. Adam hears him coming up, so they stop talking game and talk about music.
3:15 PM BBT Este joins the HT area. They continue to chit-chat.
3:30 PM BBT After a while, Adam enters HoH to talk to Kyra. Kyra says that Mark is worried that Kyra will change their vote. Adam says that during rehearsal, he’ll do some game moves. Este enters. All 3 talk game for a while. Anthony & Adam talk game in BlueBR. Adam says that Este walked into HoH after he says that Este flip-flops. Anthony says that Kyra can change the convo. Anthony tells him to go back. Adam goes back. Kyra leaves HoH. Adam leaves a while later. Adam joins Kyra in the bathroom. Anthony joins. Kyra says that Este listed ways that Mark doesn’t like her. Kyra says that they’re not stupid and won’t go against their final 5. Kyra says that they don’t trust Este. Kyra says that they’re going to talk to Mark. As Mark & Kyra leave, Kyra says that they heard that Chelsea & Mark knew each other before moving into the BB house.
3:45 PM BBT Kyra & Mark talk in the backyard. Kyra says that they’re not going against their final 5. “Going against that would be the most stupid game move in history.” Kyra says that when Este’s on the block, she doesn’t complain. Kyra says that their final 5 deal is brilliant. Kyra says “I have your back.” They both hug, and Kyra leaves. Mark talks to Adam for a moment. In the HT area, Kyra tells Damien “it looks like you’re deep in thought.” Damien says that he wants to talk to Adam later. Damien leaves. Kyra asks Dane “what is Damien thinking. Dane says that he doesn’t know, saying that he’s just been laying down and haven’t been paying attention. Dane leaves to go pee. Kyra leaves a while later, and Dane comes back to the HT area. Dane is frustrated with Kyra. In the kitchen, Adam tells Kyra that they both need to make a good decision.

9:00PM BBT Adam says everything he’s told to Damien Este already knows.. She knows he knows she wanted him out when Mark was in power. Adam plans to talk to Este right after rehearsal (they do a rehearsal for the eviction) This is going to be on of the biggest moves in the game does he keep Este or Mark. They talk about who Damien would put up, Mark and Kyra. Dane – I know that for a fact.. he’ll put up Kyra and Mark which is perfect… Kyra would do the same. Adam says Anthony won’t put them up. Mark probably will put him and Damien up and say it’s for some “story line” Dane – Anthony will put up Kyra and Damien Adam – I feel very good Dane – same

Kyra joins them Dane – i’m on board with the plan but I’m giving a vote to Este Kyra – we’re in a very good spot guys .. very good spot Kyra says Mark is the most tense out of all of them. Dane – he’s spinning in his heads.. Kyra – so you are telling Este she’s safe? Dane – 100% Kyra – making her feel comfortable and everything? Dane – yeah.. I’ve been hanging out with her Kyra – the less people expect the better Dane – ohh yeah yeah.. 100% Kyra – first time in a long time ‘m not paranoid Dane – good ..

9:20PM BBT Adam says that Kyra could easily wins the HOH next week. Dane agrees says Kyra is performing better in competitions now.. Talking about the name for their final 5 alliance with Kyra “Them and the boys” Adam – if Damien wins and it’s a triple Dane – Kyra, mark .. you Adam – he might even put up Anthony Dane does think so says that Anthony “didn’t vote for him to leave” Adam – yeah .. I’ll just tell him you are on board with her leaving and everyone else is on board Dane – yeah .. I’ll talk to him after you talk to him.. be like have you talked to Adam yet

Dane says after Este gets evicted he’ll walk her to the door and say “I don’t know what just happened I’m probably leaving next” Adam – Imagine he changes his vote Dane – Damien.. would be hilarious.. Adam goes on about what he will say Tomorrow during the Power of Veto Ceremony. The Pretty boys are playing up that Mark is the target this week but in reality it’s Este. Dane – Mark freaks me out because he’s always scattered he really thinks he is going home . Adam – yeah Dane – like shut up man .. he’s buying way to f*ing far into this roll Adam – just like today .. Dane about Mark – man grow a set .. (LOL)

Adam and Dane mention that Anthony told them they should have kept Cory because then they would control the veto. Dane – she could have won the box game (the hoh) They agree it’s stupid to say that so much has happened since Cory left.

Dane – I’m going for every single comp now.. there’s no point Adam – yeah They mention how Damien got a “heap of Confidence” since he won the veto Dane – whatever


Tonight's Show !

April 21, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, hidden deep with the dusty archives a ticking time bomb was about to go off, and Adam made the explosive discovery. Relentless in his search, the alpha dog unlocked the mystery of the secret assassin. 

Armed with a deadly weapon, Adam locked in on Cory and then pulled the trigger and the beast from the east joined Damien and Este on the block.

Reeling from the hit, the mastermind growled, and the underdogs howled. With his ally's life on the line, Anthony went on the offensive and when the infighting escalated, the mastermind lost all control. Then on eviction night, Anthony was outvoted three to one and his asset took a fatal hit. While Adam was pumped up by his successful mission.

Tonight, who will get their ship together and deliver in the HoH? Has the guru's game finally been exposed? The hits just keep on coming on Big Brother Canada!

We pick up from the live eviction on day 48. Adam is stoked Cory walked out the door. He says she's the reason Sam was gone and now he's the one who got her out. Anthony says Cory was 100% loyal to him and she didn't need to go yet, she wasn't a threat to any of the Pretty Boys. People are dancing and celebrating, and they don't need to come near him because he's not in a good mood.

Kyra says Anthony is clearly upset he lost one of his closest allies and he needs to not be so comfortable because things aren't always going to go his way. Kyra goes to tell Adam that Anthony is mad, and Adam comes downstairs and says Cory was a compulsive liar. Anthony tells Este he'll have a conversation with her because he has some things to tell her, and then he'll have one with Kyra. He says if he wins this next HoH, as God as his witness, he's flipping the house upside down. Nobody's safe!

Adam recaps the rules to the HoH competition. They have to grab a box and stack them and if any boxes touch the ground they are out. Adam says he feels comfortable with everyone, and he knows the other PB's know if they put him up he'll take himself down, but he wants to win this HoH.

Dane says he wants to do good in this competition, but this is not a good time for him to be in power because he's working with Este and Damien, and of course, he has his pretty boys. Kyra says their little arms are a disadvantage in this competition.

OK HG, the next shipment contains a special delivery. The next box contains a letter from home. If they want it, then they have to add it to their stack, and if not they can just let it go. Este wants a letter from home, but she'll have an extra box and she needs to win this HoH to stay safe another week.

No one takes the letter from home and Damien says sorry Mom and Dad and he tears up. Kyra watches it go by and they get emotional, as does Este. No one takes the letter from home. 30 minutes have passed.

The next shipment are "Have" boxes, meaning if they take this box they are guaranteed to be "Haves" for the week. Dane says are you kidding me. He stops the box and then lets it go. Este is the only one to take a box and is a have along with Mark and whoever wins HoH and everyone else is a Have-Not! Dane is upset that he didn't take it and now he's a Have-Not two weeks in a row. "

Since there are so many Have-Nots this week, Big Brother has a treat for them. It's a couple of pieces of pizza and Anthony and Kyra didn't take it. Anthony says pizza is his favorite food besides poutine. He should have gone for the pizza! Este has seven boxes and everyone else has 6.

The next shipment is a mystery box. They can take the box and add that box, or let it go and take the risk of either adding 0 boxes or two boxes. Kyra decides to play it safe, as do Adam and Damien. Mark opens the envelope and it's 0 so the others do not have to add a box.

Another delivery is on its way and Este is struggling and she ends up dropping. Dane is starting to shake and he has a box that's a little crooked. He tries to go fix it and it starts to slip down. He uses his leg to kick it up and another shipment arrives at that time. Anthony and Dane are at 9 boxes, and Adam, Damien, and Kyra have 10 boxes. Dane is still struggling and trying to kick his boxes up and they drop.

1 hour and 20 minutes have elapsed and Kyra has one that's crooked and they don't think they can fix it. They say they can't stay straight, they've never been able to. Another shipment arrives and Kyra is struggling to add theirs and they drop. Kyra says this suck, they really wanted to win this competition and they really hope Adam wins at this point.

Damien and Adam have 11 boxes and Anthony has 10 boxes. Damien shows a little movement and another shipment is arriving. Adam makes it happen and says keep it coming Big Brother and another shipment arrives. Damien says his calves are shaking and he just got off the block and he doesn't want to go back up. Another shipment arrives and Damien says oh man!

A new shipment arrived and Damien is struggling and his boxes are crooked and they eventually fall. It is down to Anthony and Adam. Adam says, keep each other safe? Anthony says drop your boxes and your safe and I'll even take you to Wendy's. Anthony says drop now and the person of your choice stays safe. Adam says last time he made that deal it bit him in the butt, Anthony's girl took out his girl. Adam says there has been tension between him and Anthony and he just wants to beat him. Adam tells Anthony if he drops he's safe. Another shipment arrives and both add to their stack but Anthony's wobbles and then drops. Adam has won HoH!

Anthony is the first to head inside with everyone else behind and it's very quiet. Kyra and Este are in the storage room and they are both saying thank goodness Adam won. Kyra says Anthony has played a smooth sailing game so far and he's friends with everyone in the house. Anthony says he's upset, this was not Adam's competition to win. Anthony says he's still aligned with Adam but he'll never forget the horrible choices he's made throughout the entire season. Adam goes into the blue bedroom where Anthony is and he asks if everything is OK and Anthony says yes. Adam says he thought Anthony was solid.

Este and Damien are talking and they say they are still there. They hope Mark goes home. Este tells Damien that Anthony was upset and everyone was making deals and they are all against him. Este says to be careful of him. Anthony wants to talk to Kyra because they've been disrespectful to Cory and he needs to bring some of this to light.

Anthony says he's going to sit on the floor and whisper so he doesn't intimidate anyone and he's talking to Kyra and Adam and he repeats things he's heard Kyra say or that he heard they said. He tells Kyra that he knows they told people that Adam and Dane are a threat and Kyra says they told Adam they didn't trust him. Kyra says it's OK because they figured out Anthony's game too. Kyra says Anthony aligns with the strong and then mentors the weak and vulnerable. Anthony says you are weak.

Anthony says Kyra was running their mouth about Este all season. Kyra says Este and I have to work together because everyone else is gone and there have been two sides. Kyra says Anthony plants seeds to make people doubt each other. Anthony says he doesn't like that's why he hasn't touched the block Kyra. Anthony says he hasn't touched the block because he's been honest with every single person in the house and Kyra can't say otherwise. Kyra says they've been loyal to people this whole game and they've fought for the people they've been loyal to. Kyra says they're not a liar and they get emotional and Adam comforts them.

Damien and Kyra are drinking protein shakes and they say cheers. Who wants to see Adam's HoH room? Adam says he hasn't had the HoH room since week 1 and he loves it. He has a picture of his sister and his mom and he's going to look at it all the time. He says he's going to take Dane to Wendy's.

His video is from his mom and she says she can't believe he's on the TV, let alone Big Brother. She can't believe the little boy she has grown up to be a lovely man and he makes her proud and he has this!

Dane heads down to the lounge and the paintings on the wall all turn to Leon's logos. The moose in the room starts talking and it's Marsha. Marsha says they hope Dane isn't on slop anymore because they can't stand him farting. Marsha has a mission. He has to drop his tooth in someone's drink, he has to get someone to put his tooth in their mouth, and he has to make cookies for the whole house and make them think he lost the tooth in the batter. Dane says no problem.

Dane says drop a tooth in someone's drink? He does that all the time! He's going to try and drop his tooth in Kyra's drink and all he's thinking is don't get caught. Kyra steps away and Dane drops the tooth in her cup and they take a drink and asks what the metal thing is? Kyra says is that your tooth? Dane says did it fall out? Kyra gives it back.

Dane says this is going to be tricky, like who wants to wear his disgusting teeth. Dane tells Este girls at home put his teeth in their mouth and he thinks it's funny. Este says do you want me to put it in my mouth, is that why you're telling me the story? Dane says I don't know. Este sticks the tooth in her mouth and Dane tells us that was too easy. Este is a bold girl!

Time for the last step and Dane calls everyone in and he starts making cookies. He puts the tooth down on the counter and Anthony sees it. Dane says this is going to be tricky, he has to be super sly. Dane starts asking has anyone seen his tooth and Este says to check the garbage. Kyra says did you put it in the coffee again. Dane says maybe it fell in the batter. Kyra says did you use crunchy peanut butter and Dane says no. Dane says did you just eat my tooth?

Dane goes back to see Marsha and says he completed all three tasks and he won a reward for the whole house and he can't tell anyone about Marsha. Marsha says before you go, give Marsha a big old sloppy kiss. Bye!

Dane calls everyone to the living room and he reads, HGs, you maybe have noticed I've been acting strange today. But what you don't know is, Big Brother sent me on a mission to trick you with my teeth. And because I succeeded we all get food and drinks for the whole house. We see them eating and they cheer to Dane's teeth.

Adam says he picked Dane for Wendy's because he gets grumpy when he's on slop. Adam and Dane look at the menu and then Adam heads down to get it from Olivia from Season 6. Adam ding-dongs with Olivia and then heads upstairs and ding-dongs with Dane.

Adam says he is working with the Pretty Boys and he thinks he needs to put Damien up on the block because he was supposed to go last week and Damien isn't doing anything for him. Adam tells the Pretty Boys and Anthony says if he does that with Damien, then he could lose a jury vote. Anthony says he should put up Kyra and Este. Adam asks what he should tell Kyra and Anthony says tell them they have to be a soldier and trust him.

Adam says he doesn't want to put Kyra on the block. He knows it's what the boys want, but he doesn't think it's a good game move for him. Adam talks to Mark and he says he doesn't want to put Kyra up. Mark says so what you want to put Damien and me up? Mark says we just talked about this and came up with an amazing plan and Adam says but it wasn't an amazing plan. Adam tells Mark he doesn't want Kyra up because he knows they will go and he doesn't want them to go on his HoH. Adam says he is in an alliance with the guys, but he wants to make the best move for his HoH.

Adam says Mark doesn't want to go on the block so he has to tell Kyra that he wants to backdoor Mark. Kyra says what if Mark wins and Adam says then Damien goes home. Adam says let me go get Anthony and Kyra says why? Adam says Anthony can explain it and Kyra says Anthony is good with his words and of course he's going to defend Mark. Adam says the story the guys told him to tell Kyra isn't making sense so he has to get them all in the room and figure it out.

Adam calls everyone except Mark into the HoH room and they are discussing a backdoor plan and he is trying to get volunteers to make his plan easier. Este says and then if Mark wins whoever you put up stays on the block. Adam says Dane has never put him on the block. Damien says he could take himself down, but he hasn't been close in a PoV competition. Dane says he'd use it to take Este or Damien down. Kyra says they'd still put Mark up because if he wins then they are screwed with getting him out. Adam says he still doesn't want to give him a chance to win PoV and take himself down as Adam did.

Time for the nomination ceremony! Adam tells us he wants to make final four with the Pretty Boys even though they've had tension this last week. Adam's first nominee is Este. His second nominee is Damien. Adam says numbers are getting little and he made a deal with Anthony and he's a man of his word. He told Sam he'd stay close to Kyra and he's honoring that. He says they aren't his target and let's make the plan happen.

Este says being nominated for the third time in a row sucks, but there is a plan in place to backdoor Mark. Damien says four times on the block, it's like he's stuck in a time warp. Mark says Este and Damien have no idea the Pretty Boy's pulled a fast one on them!


April 20, 2019

8:00 AM BBT Lights still down, BB allowing the HG to sleep.
8:15 AM BBT Lights on, no wakeup call yet. Audio on, battery exchange complete, HGs not moving. Alarm clock at 8:26 AM BBT  Kyra up and out of HN room.
8:30 AM BBT Feeds on HN room. Anthony and Damien still snoozing. Anthony called to DR. Damien called to DR. Feeds on blue BR. Mark not moving; Este up and out of br. Mark gets roostered, claims to be awake and goes back to slumbering. Feeds switch to Dane and Adam in HoH room. Dane listening to music, Adam making his bed. Dane jokes he hopes Damien wins PoV, but Adam doesn’t find it amusing.
8:45 AM BBT Adam makes his way out of the HoH room to the blue BR. Dane joins them and laughs that Adam just moved from one bed to the next. Adam tells Mark he’s going to win PoV. Adam says eventually their game is going to be exposed, and there were already too many questions about him not putting up Mark. Dane and Adam leave the blue BR and head downstairs. Down in the kitchen/dining area, Kyra, Damien, Este Adam and Dane are lounging and chatting. Adam had promised Este he’d have a veggie week and he’s forgotten; she is teasing him and he agrees to try tomorrow. He explains he needs to eat as soon as he gets up, and she prefers to wait to eat. He starts to cook his bacon. Este says she had problems falling asleep last night
9:00 AM BBT Mark and Anthony talking in blue BR. Anthony says that Dane and Adam have been spending an awful lot of time together lately. Mark says he figures that Dane has been convincing Este to look weaker than she really is in hopes he can convince the boys to bring her to f5. He thinks Dane will then use Este to get Adam out. Mark says he wants to go F2 with Anthony and Anthony agrees; Mark says he doesn’t think that Este even deserves to win second place. Mark says he’s going to start working Kyra today. Anthony says that he’d like to take Kyra with them to F3. Mark finally tells Anthony about his poem and recites it for him. Anthony tells Mark about what happened when Maki went out; Mark knew nothing about it.
9:15 AM BBT Adam cleaning the kitchen, Mark and Anthony talking in the blue BR. Mark explains that Dane is guaranteed a win against Este and that’s why he’s hitched his wagon to her. Mark vows to not let Anthony go anywhere. Anthony talks about how he was behind Sam’s eviction 100% and he would have been regardless of who won that HoH. He says he doesn’t care about comps and who won them, he’ll vote for who played the best overall game. Anthony says he’ll never forgive Adam for not using the veto on Mark, and he’ll never respect Dane for dragging Este along to use and the final straw for him was when they tried to backdoor Cory.
9:30 AM BBT Adam and Dane talking in the HoH room. Adam says that Kyra told him that they’re having a tough time in the house because they’re so different than the others. Dane says they are always talking about adapting, but they’re not adapting to the house or the game. He points out that Kyra had a hand in getting rid of most of the girls but now they’re complaining there’s too many males in the house. Adam and Dane say they’re glad Cory is gone. They said she thought she was funny when she wasn’t, her strange noises and jerky movements they believe were put on for show. They talk about all the deals she had with everyone. Dane says he figures it’s probably a double this week. Damien joins them in the HoH room. They talk about how everyone is moving very slowly today. They talk about how girls are so clingy. They wish Canada a very happy 4/20. Dane thanks Gord for legalizing marijuana; Adam asks why he said Gord. Dane explains that Gord Downie from The Tragically Hip was a big stoner so they honoured him by legalizing it on his birthday, October 17. Feeds in HoH room cut.
9:45 AM BBT Mark and Anthony talking in the blue BR. Mark says he is more vulnerable than the people on the block this week. Anthony tells him he’s safe. Mark leaves the blue BR. In the HoH room Dane, Damien and Adam are chatting about girls and relationships. Dane leaves and Damien and Adam talk about Adam and Sam’s life after the show. Adam says that he hopes that it’s not a long wait for the comp today. Damien says he’s excited to see Emma; he says he’s turned into a big softie in the house. They talk about working out and how kickboxing would be great for Damien to get into; Damien says his only concern would be his shoulders popping out.
10:00 AM BBT The conversation in the HOH Room continues where Adam and Damien are talking about bar fights. The camera follows Damien into the Red Bedroom where he changes his pants. Dane Damien Anthony and Mark are talking about a conversation Anthony had with Kyra. The conversation is along the lines that Kyra seems to be having a problem with being in the house. Anthony says Kyra has extreme highs and extreme lows and an emotional breakdown can happen at any time not just in the lows. He continues with I told them that there are millions of people who wanted this chance and that they are raising awareness. I also told them that everyone in this house will take the time to talk to them about personal things not games. Feeds go down during the conversation. Anthony says Kyra told him that they had a conversation with Adam and Este and explained her personal problems with them. They told Anthony that They felt better telling them. The conversation continues but the feeds go down. All feeds are down at 10:09 AM BBT. Feeds come back at 10:10 AM BBT where Kyra and Este are talking about relationships. Este says My biggest fear is being 45 and having a bunch of kids and not knowing what else is out there. Este says I still love my ex boyfriend but he is so very different He sees things black and white where I see things more grey. Kyra says They have watched a lot of relationships. They continue with there is a difference between seeing things black and white and being stubborn in your ways. Este says I was with him for 5 years and he really knew how to deal with me which makes it hard. Kyra says They felt the same way about their ex Lynn. Este says I like being out of my comfort zone but I am not in a relationship. Este leaves to go to the washroom. Kyra goes to the HN Room Grabs something and leaves.

10:15 AM BBT In the Blue Bedroom Damien Anthony and Mark are talking about hockey players and Mark gets called out for his mic. In the washroom Adam and Dane are talking about the POV. Dane says I hope it is early so we can have the backyard. Adam says Yeah we sit around bored waiting for the backyard; then go sit in the backyard and get bored again. Adam says He needs to go over his days. Kyra is in shower as is Dane. In the Blue Bedroom the conversation is still on hockey. The conversation now is on the band Damien is in and the fact that they get paid now. Este is in the pantry grabbing some fruit for her breakfast. In the Blue Bedroom the conversation continues with Damien talking about the band he plays in.
10:30 AM BBT In the washroom Adam is turning on the dryer. Kyra and Dane are finishing up their showers. Adam says I can’t believe we have been in here over 50 days. The guys are talking about getting erections when they are with either Sam or Este. Kyra asks how they hide it. Adam says up tuck it. Dane tells Kyra that Este says he is being weird today. Kyra tells him that she is extra sensitive today. Dane says today is is Day 9 for me on slop so yeah maybe I am a little weird. In the Blue Bedroom Anthony says 2018 social media really helped him with his modelling. Mark is asking him how he got noticed. Anthony says The second you leave the house you have to pick a name and stick with it as that becomes your brand. Dane says Right now he only posts once every few months but now that he is here ad will get sponsors he will have to post more often. Damien says When he posts it has to do with First Nations; hockey and the band. Damien says I keep it clean; unless I became chief one day. Mark asks How do you become Chief. Damien says In the past if you were suppose to be chief you were chief. But now it has gotten Westernized but my People are starting to see that we can’t fight against each other we have to work together. He tells them that his father is an elected official. Mark asks If when you turn 18 do you all get royalties. Damien says No that is bullshit unless your reserve signed with an oil company. He explains that you can take a lump sum or put it out. Damien says there is good and bad that come out of it. He says that what happens is gangs move in to those reserves and start giving the young ones things first for free but as they get closer to 18 they charge them so that when they turn 18 they say to them you owe us and the young people give them their money. Anthony asks if there are reserves made up of mainly gangsters. Damien says they are there and the feeds go down.
10:45 AM BBT Dane is in the pantry grabbing more coffee put there is none so he is making another pot. The conversation in the Blue Bedroom the conversation continues around Damien filling them into Reserve Life. Mark asks if there are any creserves. Damien says there are some he says the reserve his girlfriend is from is getting into the marijuana business as the forest have been burnt down. Damien says The new thing the reserves have discovered that they own the water rights and the mineral rights so that now the mines have to now have to deal with the councils. Damien says my Native name is Ketlo which is my last name. Anthony ays Do you have to know someone on the reserve if you want to go there. Damien tells them No anyone can go to a reserve. Damien says We are now building a gas station because we have cheap gas. He is explaining how the status card works with being tax free. He explains that he can go on any reserve show his status card and get tax free gas. Mark says Do they take the GST off everything . Damien says For me yes but not for you.
11:00 AM BBT Kyra and Este are in the File room hunting for clues they think that there maybe a video that they may find. Adam is in there as well. Este found a Hamilton paper from Feb. 2, 2019 which was the day they moved into the house. Kyra says Mark hasn’t even gotten out of bed today. Adam found something about Bruno. Adam says I don’t think there is nothing in here. Este says I am beginning to think so too. The box number is the same. Este is reading the February 2nd Hamilton Spectator newspaper. Kyra is going to make a slop shake. Damien has entered the secret room Este says there are still 204 boxes not counting the hidden one. In the HN Room Dane and Anthony are talking about Este and how it is pissing them off. Anthony says Whether or not you get pissed off I get pissed off. Dane says She told me I wasn’t her ride or die.Dane says Adam told me not to win the POV. Anthony says You should try to win. Dane says I should win and pull Este down to see if he does put up Mark. Dane says This was not a comp to win. Dane continues with he is in the same with me he is good with everyone. Dane says same as the day one grant you I would not have beaten Mark because I did have Maki wrong.
11:15 AM BBT Dane asks Who would you have put up if you had won. Anthony says Este and Kyra. Anthony says I would have told them my plan was to backdoor Damien because he has never said anything to me about game at all. Anthony says Damien doesn’t care about the alliances. Anthony says that is why I told Adam to go make a deal with Damien. Dane says I forgot we spent the first 41 days covering Adam’s ass. Anthony says I don’t want to win this POV Dane says I don’t want to either but I want to f**k up Adam. He continues with Adam did not need to win all these comps. Dane says He wants to get to Final 2 and say I won all these comps. Dane says Then he comes up and says Don’t win this comp. Now I do just so I make him look stupid. Dane says If the next comp comes down to you and me I’ll give it to you so you can see your Mom even though I want to see Coco Moms are more important. Anthony says Este is using you and thinks she can drop you later on. I want her out so she realizes she really doesn’t have that option. Dane says if she wins she will for sure put up Mark because she hates him. Anthony says Mark doesn’t communicate well. Anthony asks if the POV will be a big one. Dane says I don’t know but after this one they are all mental ones. Anthony says ideally Mark wins this one. Dane says 100%. Dane continues with Mark won’t use it. Dane says We should still split the votes so Adam has to do it. Dane says I really want to win so Dumb Dumb has to look stupid.
11:30 AM BBT In the washroom Adam and Kyra are talking about thinking next week. Kyra says We are. Kyra tells him he is going to tell you want you want to hear Adam tells them I am telling him what he wants to here. Adam says I can’t wait until everyone watches this season. Kyra asks Why is there something else going on. Kyra says They think Mark Anthony and Dane are working together. Anthony has joined them in the washroom. He asks what they are talking about. Adam says About you and your bullshit. Kyra says I am excited to play in my 9th million time. Adam says If Dane doesn’t get picked he has gone the whole season without having his chip pulled. Este gets called to the DR. Kyra tells Anthony that the talk they had yesterday really helped them. In the HOH Room Dane and Adam are talking about the fact that Este and Kyra have no idea about the PB Alliance. Dane says Este did when Chelsea told her and Kiki but doesn’t anymore. Adam says Whatever happens this week we can’t worry about the jury. They all can’t be mad at us. Adam says Kyra is always trying to give him advice He continues with Oh Kyra if only you knew. Adam is rearranging his pictures. Dane gets called out for talking about production as he was saying he thinks in jury they get to see the comps. Dane gets called out for the volume on the music player. Adam tells him he cleaned the washroom.
11:45 AM BBT In the washroom Anthony is showering. Kyra says This is also a platform for me to talk about Mental Health issues as well as Non-Binary. Kyra continues with Yes it gives me extra issues but I get through it. They tell Anthony they can’t believe how cocky he is. They continue with you aren’t even that great but you believe you are. They tell him that he is the most confident person they know. Anthony says He is this way because he has been through a lot. He says it may come off as he is cocky but he just has dealt with a lot. He explains that there was a time he wasn’t so confident. Damien was in using the stall and leaves. Damien and Mark are playing sock ball. Mark says Do you think your parents will fly in for Finale. Damien says He thinks so. He also thinks Em will if she is done college. Damien says He played catch with his Mom because his Dad is a lot older than his mom is. Este is now in the shower seems Anthony got in the shower without a towel so Kyra passes him one. The conversation goes to how tall Anthony is. The conversation between Damien and Mark is on hockey players again.
12:00 PM BBT Anthony and Kyra are in the bathroom. Anthony tells them about the commercial he was in.he tells them that the clothes were a perfect fit and that he was able to get a lot of clothes since the commercial was for tall men. Anthony says you can send something to a manufacturer and have them make it for your size. Este is in the shower. Este is asking him about it since she wants to open a boutique. Anthony is telling her how to do it. Kyra says Kyra wants to open a store for non binary people since it is really hard to find clothes for them. Kyra said I think that is something that is needed. Anthony tells them that it comes to exposurer. Anthony tells them to model your own clothes and take to social media to get people to buy your stuff since they will buy it when they see people with the same body type or same way of thinking. Kyra said that since eight years old I have been going to the men’s clothes but they never really fit. Damien is throwing the sock back and forth with Dane. Dane tells Adam they just called someone to the DR. Kyra says she just got called to the dr. Damien said when he gets back he is going to have to play on the slow pitch team due to forest fire. Mark said lets go walk around a bit. Adam, Anthony, and Mark head into the storage room. Adam said Kyra thinks he, Anthony, Dane, and Mark are working together. He said I told Kyra that how is this the case when Dane went on the block next week. Mark said I will need to go and fix things with Kyra. Adam tells him what until after the POV since I just talked to her.
12:15 PM BBT Mark said well I have to go to Kyra and say what is going to happen next week when Adam is can’t play in the HOH. mark said yeah I need to get in touch with Kyra. Anthony said we need to go to Kyra and try to incorporate Kyra with us. Kyra is now in the storage room. Kyra is listening to Mark talk. Mark says that if houseguest choice is chosen he hopes people choose him. Adam says that well we are making all these assumptions and we have not played the POV yet. Adam says things change in a matter of an instance. Anthony leaves out the storage room. Mark is talking about how much he almost won a few of the comps. Adam said well yeah and some people may choose a different alliance. Kyra said well from a social standpoint things do change because I would not have hung out with Adam. Adam said yeah I would only go and hang out with Sam. Kyra tells Mark we will talk later and I have nothing against you. Mark said well when someone makes a good chess move then you tell them good game. Adam said well think about it everyone is buddy buddy with me right now but next week the same people who were gunning to get me out last week will be gunning for me again. Mark said if I was to win the POV then we will all talk and decide what to do. Adam asks Kyra is Kyra going to gun for the POV. Kyra said well of course I am. Mark said I am. Kyra said we can talk about it. Adam leaves out Mark starts talking to Kyra alone. He tells Kyra obviously me and Adam have been gunning for each other since Sam left but they are trying to put it to the side. Mark said I had Cory but now Cory is gone. Mark said I could start throwing things against the wall or I can adapt. Mark said well next week Adam is going to need to have someone on his side to win so that he is safe next week. Dane is in the storytelling room with Anthony.Anthony tells him he was not there for the conversations. He asks Anthony if he ate today. Anthony said I didn’t have anything. He says he had explosive diarrhea yesterday.
12:30 PM BBT Anthony said it was so painful and that it was like a knife that went through him. He said all I had was a bagel and two apples when it happen. Anthony said the second was after the cookies. Dane starts laughing. Anthony asks him what are we going to do. Dane says just sit back and watch. He asks Anthony has he played in more than 2 comps he said just 2. Dane tells Anthony he missed the second Good night Houseguests. Dane says he was crushed last night. Dane starts talking about going to a play off game. He is telling Anthony about going to a section that the floor was made of marble and that he could not pay attention to the game because too busy enjoying the lounge. Anthony said yeah Toronto takes their sports really seriously. Mark tells Kyra that Kyra cracked on all of them. Kyra said good talk and we will talk more. Kyra said we will go talk to Adam but this conversation should stay here. Mark said I am not going to go and tell everyone in the house but you can tell who is working with because that is who they spend most of their time with. Adam is talking with Este at the counter they are discussing the days. Kyra comes in and stands in the kitchen area. Adam is grilling Este. Kyra said she wants to picture what the chicken tastes like. Adam says the early ones everyone knows it is the ones that have just went through. Kyra said I wonder why people know them so well. Adam says well we have been grilling each other so we remember them. Dane walks passed them. Adam says what did he say he was doing in the HOH room. Kyra says ask me one. Adam says Day 1. Kyra tells him he says and . Kyra said and what? Adam says Adam becomes a legend. They all laugh.

12:45 PM BBT Mark is upstairs looking down on everyone. Este is walking around with Dane. They are in the blue bedroom and they are talking about blue binders that were behind the boxes in the wall and that he will show her where she says wow, Think outside the box. Dane leaves out the blue bedroom he asks Damien about a shirt. Damien and Dane are in the Have not room. Dane is looking for a shirt, he says I found a tie too Damien says I didn’t know I brought that. Kyra comes into the Have not room and asks Dane if he made his bed last night. Kyra saw a flashlight last. Dane tells her how he made a flashlight. Dane says Mark has my hat. Dane says he is going upstairs. He tells Este to find something. Dane heads into the red bedroom and is searching in their for a particular shirt. He leaves out. Dane tells Mark he squished his hat. Dane and, Este head into the bonus room looking for the binders Dane was talking about. Kyra comes in talking about the POV is worrying her. Mark is laying on the couch in front of the HOH room. While Anthony is lying on the sofa in the story telling room.
1:00 PM BBT Damien, Dane, and Este are in the bonus room looking through the pages in the boxes. They are laughing at some of the pages. Este said are you asking me what will happen if I leave. Dane is humming. Damien walks out towards the door the cameras close up on Este reading the pages. Anthony is laying down in the story telling room looking at the floor. Dane is standing by the files talking to Este about random stuff. Dane walks out. Este is still reading the papers. Kyra is laying on the sofa in the storytelling room. Anthony asks Kyra are there any leftovers Kyra says yeah. Kyra says I am waking up less in the room then when I first came in. Kyra said it seems like we are having longer days. Dane is telling Adam what to say at the picking the POV players ceremony. Este has moved upstairs to the red bedroom and is laying down.
1:15 PM BBT Kyra, Damien, Adam, and Dane are in the kitchen area. Dane is making something, while the others are sitting around the counter. Kyra tells Damien to stop yelling. Adam says he wants to go back to sleep. Kyra says yeah me too. Kyra tells Damien thank you. Mark comes down to the kitchen area. Mark is in the storage room looking in the fridge. Mark is walking around the storage room. Anthony has now joined those in the kitchen He is eating the concoction that Dane made. Kyra said she keeps picturing having a cigarette. Dane walks off. Kyra offers Anthony the last piece. Dane is busy cleaning up. Kyra and Anthony are sitting at the counters. Anthony is not saying anything. Adam is called to the DR. Someone is calling Adam’s name. Mark is still in the storage room looking for more food. Este and Kyra are in the red bedroom.
1:30 PM BBT Kyra asks Este why she is said. Este said I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Este tells Kyra it is hard with a houseful of guys. Kyra said it is different. Este says that she does not feel like laughing at their stupid shit right now. Kyra tells Este that I am here for you. Este says I know you are the reason I am still sane in here. Kyra said well we only have 3 weeks left and then we will miss it. Este says I know. Este says everyone says I have Dane but I can’t talk emotional stuff with him. Kyra said watch my name is first. Este says why do you say that Kyra says every time I am not on the block my name gets picked first. Este says I want to borrow them. Kyra says they will look funny on you. Dane and mark are in the storage room. Dane says as soon as we know then we need to make a plan. Anthony is agree with everyone one. Dane says we need to win the POV and take someone off so he can put dumb dumb on the block. Dane says then we can tell dumb dumb you should have won the HOh. Dane leaves out and Mark says he is eating in here because he does not want to eat regular food in front of everyone since everyone else is on slop. Dane comes back in and says he was the first to go to sleep last night. Mark says that they filled up the fridge for 7 people but only three can eat. Feeds go down at 1:40 PM BBT.
1:40 PM BBT – 10:20 PM BBT Feeds down for POV Comp
10:15 PM BBT Feeds return at 10:20. Anthony, Dane, and Adam are talking in HoH. Dane says that Mark is so bad. Mark enters and apologizes. In the BlueBR, Kyra tells Anthony that Kyra’s bummed that Kyra lost. Anthony reminds Kyra to not be confident and it’ll rub people the wrong way. Anthony says that everyone’s watching every move. Anthony returns to HoH and says that Kyra was complaining about Este. Mark gives them a plan of what to say to other HGs. Adam & Anthony tell the other PBs about a convo they both had with Kyra. Mark says what HGs might say if certain things are done.
10:30 PM BBT Anthony says that that “would only work if it’s Golden Globe acting.” Mark says that if Kyra or Este win HoH in the triple, the Pretty Boys won’t be put up. They continue to work out what’ll happen. Adam wonders if there’s going to be any last-minute decisions. Kyra enters HoH. Anthony asks Kyra what Kyra thinks about being in the top 5. They all work something out and Kyra agrees to it. Adam tells Kyra that Kyra can’t be “cocky” about it. They all agree and leave HoH. Damien enters and talks to Adam. Adam tells Damien congrats and that he deserved that win. They all talk about the comp for a while.
10:45 PM BBT Mark & Dane talk in HN. Mark laughs about Kyra agreeing to be in a final 5. Dane talks about a final 3. They talk it out then hug. Dane tells Mark that he’s smart. Mark thanks him. Mark says “did you see the look on their (Kyra’s) face!” Mark asks who should win HoH next. Dane says that he really wants to see a video from Coco. They talk about the veto ceremony. Mark works out who will say what. Mark says that “Este will never forgive Adam for what he did.” They chat for a while, then Dane leaves. Mar works something out in his head. Anthony enters. They chat for a while. Mark says that Dane told him that he’s going to make a final 3 with Adam & Kyra. Mark asks Anthony if that’ll happen. Anthony says “only if Damien doesn’t win.” Mark says “whatever happens, Damien can’t know.”
11:00 PM BBT Anthony & Mark talk game for a while. Mark works out what would happen. Anthony says that he hopes that he wins next week. In the bathroom, Dane & Kyra talk game. Dane tells Kyra that it would be better if Mark goes up. Kyra says that it won’t make sense because people might get suspicious. Kyra says that Kyra’ll talk to Mark in HN. Dane tells Adam & Kyra “us three.” They all agree and leave. Kyra enters HN. They talk game. Mark talks about Jury. Mark says that Este will hate Adam. Mark says that they all have a final 5, and tells Kyra that Este & Damien are going after Kyra. Mark reminds Kyra that it’s the final 7. Mark says that Damien & Este told him when he was HoH to take out Kyra. Kyra is surprised by this, and Mark says that it’s true.
11:15 PM BBT Mark leaves. Anthony tells Kyra that Kyra will soon see “who truly has your back” and to pay attention. Anthony tells Kyra that Kyra’s the smartest person in this house. Kyra says “no I’m not.” Anthony says that it’s true. Anthony tells Kyra that there have been many talks of wanting Kyra out, and they’re gone now. “So what does that tell you.” Anthony tells Kyra that Kyra has seen some dark times and have come out strong in the end. Kyra says that this has been the longest time in 8 years without seeing their therapist. Dane & Anthony talk game in the SR for a moment.
11:30 PM BBT Anthony & Kyra leave HN and join HGs in the dining room. Dane says that he really wants a cigarette. Dane & Este say that that veto comp was good. Kyra says that whenever they’re on slop, they “have to pee, like, 10 times a day.” Este says that it’s probably because of the minerals. Mark sits alone in HoH, listening to music.
11:45 PM BBT Anthony, Kyra, and Damien are resting in the living room. Dane & Este are chatting in the kitchen. Dane goes to change the garbage in the bathroom, but Kyra offers to do the toilet garbage because of “female products.” Este relaxes on a couch in the living room. BB tells Este to wake up. Kyra and Dane talk game briefly in the SR. Dane leaves. Kyra dances, then says “Happy birthday, Mom. That was for you.” Kyra says “I was so close. I could’ve had it.”


April 19, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Dane, Mark and Anthony talking in the hot tub. Anthony is saying he’s going to tell Adam to put up Este and Kyra. They are working on ways to convince Adam that Mark doesn’t need to touch the block for him to be able to carry on his storyline. Anthony says that Este and Kyra are okay with losing because they’ve never been people to win. They try to figure out what’s going on with the season as last night wasn’t a triple. They talk about things Mama told them when she was in the house. Adam joins them outside and tells them he’s thinking about putting up Damien because he’s been keeping him safe since week 2 and Este because she should have been gone last week but there were bigger targets to get out. Anthony starts pitching saving jury votes by putting up Kyra and Este. Tell Kyra she’s safe, and someone else is the target. He tells Adam to pitch to everyone that he wants to backdoor Mark this week because he tried to take him out last week. Adam is worried about what he’d say to Kyra.
10:15 AM BBT Pretty boys still in/around the hot tub making plans. Anthony advising Adam on how to pitch his plan to Kyra to keep them calm. Anthony pitches calling a group meeting without Mark to pitch his backdoor plan on Mark. Adam agrees to the plan and they solidify the order Adam should talk to people. They play up working the Sam angle with Kyra; tell them that they’re Sam’s ride or die so now they can be Adam’s ride or die. Adam goes in and Mark immediately asks what they think the odds are Adam can execute this properly. Dane says he’ll stumble a little but he’ll execute it as planned. Adam comes back out to ask what to say to Este; they work it out and Adam heads back inside. Mark and Anthony tell Dane he needs to gun hard for the next HoH. Anthony is still salty that Adam didn’t throw the HoH to him last night. Mark talks about how Canada is rooting for the Pretty Boys.
10:30 AM BBT Kyra and Este chatting in the LR; Anthony, Mark and Dane chatting in the hot tub. Dane says that by 2050 Kelowna’s airport will be larger than Pearson. Kyra and Damien join them outside. More random chatter. Este listening to music up in the HoH room.
10:45 AM BBT Anthony and Mark chatting in the hot tub; Damien and Kyra playing pool in the backyard. Anthony tells Mark to develop his relationship with Este this week. Mark tells Anthony that he was a radio show host in Edmonton. He says that the next thing he wanted to share was…and feeds cut at
10:49 AM BBT –  1:00 PM BBT Feeds Down
1:00 PM BBT Adam, Mark, and Anthony are in the Blue room, Antthony is trying help Adam come up with a story to explain why Kyra is going on the block and how he is “ backdooring” Mark. Adam wants to go Este and Damien on the block but Anthony is saying they need to put up Kyra. Anthony says it’s more about loyalty inside and outside the house in Jury. Anthony feels that Kyra is getting better at the comps and getting more confident. They want more talks with everyone involved and how its all discussions to be stronger. Anthony says these are all his brothers, and they will all be friends for a very long time, things seem to get heated but its not a fight we are all a unit. Adam wants to tell the noms they are pawns, but Anthony says we need to have a good reason as to why they are there and they can create whatever reason they want they have been doing it all game. Adam doesnt think Kyra will buy the whole BD Mark with her as a pawn, but Este and Damien are a better option. Adam says how he would use they were both just on the block and were saved. Meanwhile Damien, and Dane are playing pool. Anthony wants to make it a public conversation not a behind the door whisper thing. I made a deal with Anthony, Kyra is ride or die, Dane is strong in comps,I have bigger plans in mind so these are my options. Anthony says in the beginning it was easier because he controlled everyone outside the groups mind and steered them away from targeting the PB.
1:15 PM BBT Dane, Este, and Kyra are in the HN room talking and trying to calm Este about being a pawn and then Dane and Kyra are are wanting to head to the Blue room to check in on the convo. Dane heads up alone to help to keep the peace. Kyra and Este end up in the Sr and Este is all excited about the food they just got. Damien enters the room with battery Change, Anthony says I said my peace I feel she ( meaning They) is toxic and you can see all the lying. Anthony says at the end of the day it’s what’s best for your game, and I will be honest and everyone saw what went down last night. Adam left the blue room and is in the SR with the ladies and is telling them he wants a house meeting minus Mark but doesn’t want to put him straight up. Este says if your concerned about it then put up strong players so they are for sure playing. She calls him out on wanting to put up her and Damien, and she says oh kay. He wants to hold his loyalty to Anthony he did make a deal last night. They discuss if Dane does play he has a high chance to win, Kyra asks to talk alone with Adam and they head up to the HOH room. Adam comes in and goes on about how he just talked with them and how he went off about the last week. Kyra says just let me talk and tries to point out that everyone knows he wants Mark out, Damien is expendable, and Adam wants to bring in Anthony and Kyra pushes back and says no he is defending Mark. He says no one is on the same page so i’m rounding everyone up and if it comes down to it we are using candies and voting. Adam grabs Dane and Anthony leaves Mark alone.
1:30 PM BBT They both come in the HoH and Dane calls Este up, Adam says if we can’t come to a decision then we will vote with candies. Adam gives his points/facts and how he is thinking. Mark on the block is 100% chance he plays and could win, not on the block there is a chance he doesn’t play and can’t save himself. Anthony drops the info that without saying names there are people in the room he would completely take down if he wins pov. Kyra points out how no matter what we know Mark is gunning for you whether he is up or not. The Broken record comp is brought up and how Mark was second in the comp. Dane offers to go up as a pawn if the plan is to BD Mark but everyone in the room needs to agree that POV is used to pull him down. Kyra wants Mark up right away, but not next to Dane, Adam feels like this is days, times, mental and that is Marks strong point, but it’s not Danes strong point. Adam points out how it would be Kyra or Este’s strong point. Adam asks Damien what he is thinking and he says he doesn’t feel the greatest about winning a pov and it could be anything and could be a crap shoot like the Bingo one. Este asks if Mark knows they are all in here, Adam goes on about how Mark put him up and how everyone felt great with Mark winning. Adam asks What would Sam do Kyra, and I don’t know is the answer. He says no matter what I feel confident that Mark leaves this week, Kyra feels this is risky, but there are 6 in this room and it’s a 1 in 6 chance he plays and wins if not nominated. Dane jokes about it being the 1st name pulled to play veto. Adam just doesn’t want it to be a wasted HOH.

1:45 PM BBT Dane asks about the BD and how can we do it next week if everyone plays. He mentions how the rest of this is Mental POV and that is Marks strong suit we saw that when he won HOH 9 for ( questions. Dane shares how the comps are really can be anything goes, and then how if they get HG choice chip everyone pick Dane or anyone left minus Mark. Adam is over the chat and says he is going to go get Coffee and Kyra asks about a smoke. Adam opens the door and sees Mark making a smoothie and heads back in the room Kyra heads out. Adam moves his pics around, they start talking about Sam and he says how early on in the game Sam said she wanted to propose then he goes on to his talk with Olivia from the Wendy’s meal. Dane has left and is down in Sr with Kyra as the others begin to disperse. Dane comments on the HNs and needing items. Damien, Adam, and Dane in SR realize there is pineapple and Dane can’t have it. Adam leaves the Sr and the boys chuckle how it looks like it will be the 2 of them up on the block. Adam is back in and Dane is out and Adam says I should have let him have it and then i wouldn’t be in this pickle. Damien tells Adam he can’t tell him what to do, Adam won it follow your gut. Damien says at least there is a common goal.
2:00 PM BBT – 2:34 PM BBT Feeds are down
2:34 PM BBT FEEDS COME BACK UP. Kyra said Kyra is so excited to see family again. In the HOH room Dane is talking with Este. Dane said that he is going to take Este down if he wins POV. Este tells him that they have not had houseguest choice in a while. Adam says he is going to lift weights and then go smoke. Este asks him if he can volunteer to go up in my place. Este said that I have kept my mouth shut however I am still going on the block. Este says it is going to be me and Damien again. Dane said well then I will save Damien then. Adam said he told Kyra the information and Kyra says that makes sense. Adam and Kyra ask Damien if he was the assassin he says well yeah.
2:45 PM BBT Anthony is laying on the sofa. ESTE PLEASE STOP SINGING!!! ESTE PLEASE STOP SINGING!! She says I hate getting in trouble. Damien is sitting staring into space. Mark, Kyra, and Dane are outside in the hot tub area. Mark is telling them how Kikki told him that she hates his scarf. Kyra says yeah it is an ugly scarf. They start talking about how long it took for them to remember and pronounce everyone’s name. Kyra tells them that tomorrow is Kyra’s moms Judy’s birthday. They are all just sitting around look around. Kyra said so Sam is in the Jury house I wonder what she is doing. Este comes out. Kyra asks Dane does he want one of his cigarettes or one of Kyra’s, he says it does not matter. They are looking for the lighter. Este says that is a sign from the universe. Dane says the coffee messed up his stomach. They talk about what type of tea do they like. Este ask Dane does he drink coffee just because he has nothing better to do or is it something he has to have. Este tells them that her mom was supposed to take her to a pineapple farm. Dane says he thought pineapples comes from trees. Dane said everything says had pineapple on it. Este asks him has he been to the polynesian ethic and Dane says what she said well that answered my question. Kyra starts talking about Dane’s false teeth. Mark asks him does he clean his teeth too.Dane tells them about a story of when he was at the bar and his teeth were in a glass.
3:00 PM BBT Kyra goes inside.Mark says he wants to eat outside because everyone else is on slop. Mark an Este are in the Hot tub area. Este says Marsha call my name. Mark said so you can be the secret assassin again. She said you think it was me? He said no I don’t. Este says she made black beans for lunch. Este said I should be full from Wendy’s put I am not. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION! Este in Mark leave the hot tub area. Kyra is in the HOH room with Adam. Adam begins to work out.
3:15 PM BBT Kyra and Dane were playing pool. Dane tells Kyra to ask Mark to play. Dane heads to the bathroom then walks out. Dane sits at the counter and asks Este what is she doing. She tells him making tea. DAMIEN PLEASE WAKE UP NAP TIME IS OVER. Kyra and Mark play a game of pool. Kyra hands Mark a plate to bring inside. The feeds go down. Kyra and Damien are in the kitchen eating. Kyra asks Damien has he decided .Este heads upstairs. Este and Dane are in the bathroom and Dane tells her I don’t know why you are on the block.Dane says Adam must have talked to Mark.Este said you need to talk to Adam after his workout because his math is wrong. Mark will be the first to one picked in the veto comp. Damien heads into the bathroom. Dane says that his girlfriends put his teeth in their mouth. Este puts Dane’s teeth in her mouth. He says you look good with the extra teeth. Damien is just sitting there listening to them too. Dane says we are not officially a couple if you want it. Este says I will let you know.
3:30 PM BBT Anthony and Mark are playing pool. Anthony tells him that if he gets backdoored he does not want anyone talking to him. He tells Mark to go and talk with Adam. Someone is talking to them in the background. Everyone goes to the counter. BB has a little treat for all the have nots. They give them cookie mix. Everyone is super excited. They all say thank you BB. everyone is talking about what ingredients and what part each person is going to do. Este heads into the storage room and gets butter and eggs. Mark and Adam head up to the area outside by pool table. Adam is telling him what was said in the “house” meeting. He tells him that I told everyone agreed to put you up. Adam says Dane volunteered to go up. Adam said it is hard to choose because I told Sam I would look out for Kyra. Adam said he told Este that they had an agreement for about two hours.

3:45 PM BBT Adam says best case scenario is that Este you win and then I would have to put someone up. He said I told Anthony he was safe from the beginning and Dane has always been on my side so that only leaves Mark, Damien, and Este. Adam said he has also been talking to Kyra about how loyal Mark he was to Cory and ANthony even when the whole house was against him he still stayed true to them. He tells him I told Kyra maybe we need to work with him. Mark said well I am hearing that you are planning to backdoor me Adam said no that is what everyone thinks that is the plan. Adam said I am going to go in with you and say Mark you are welcome to my HOH room and to listen to my music and that I understand this is just a game. Everyone else is trying to make cookies. Adam and Kyra are in the storage room talking about eggs. Everyone is back in the kitchen. He asks Damien if he was still full from Wendy’s. He says yes. Everyone is enjoying the cookie party. Kyra does a shout out to Kyra’s parents saying mom and dad I love you. Dane said he was hoping to keep his birthday letter but that is ok he will see them in three weeks.
4:00 PM BBT They joke about being in the house for 700 days straight. A few of the Hgs head out to smoke and ask the others to be on the lookout for the timer. Hns can have cookies but cannot use milk to dunk them. Adam outside tells Dane that Este talked to him and said all she asks is that she is not on the block next to Dane. Adam tells about the conversation with Mark last week and how he was straight up and told him and has been loyal. Not that they want him to stay but if he does it’s something to work with. Damien/Este is the safest bet and BD Dane but it does not leave this Circle. They have already told Este she is safe if still on the block end of the week. Kyra asks about if Mark knows he might be an option. They all agree they don’t hate him and want him to be included and not secluded. They all head in to get some cookies before the others eat them all. Dane says he is going to dip his in coffee. Cookies are out of the oven and cooling, Mark is telling about Pastries to Este. Kyra suggests a rock paper scissors tourney while they wait. Dane is so excited he is preparing napkins for everyone and then they all decide they need a few more minutes. Dane is whistling and then Mark tells a story about a new thing being tested out about Amazon stores.
4:15 PM BBT It’s been brought up that when the business owners split and Divorced she got ½ his money, and they they ask if Debt works the same. Adam brings up wanting to know what the POV will be. They want a time challenge. They talk about the comp last night and where the boxes came to on them and BB calls them out for talking about production. They comment on Mark’s radio voice and the comments they were all making at each other that were not appropriate and will probably not make the episode. The Hgs are getting antsy for the cookies and wanting them to cool faster. They all begin talking about bugs that they would eat like crickets in something but not Cockroaches. They begin to serve up the cookies and shout out a big Thank you! People are not loving the Peanut butter ones so they pass them to Pike ( Adam) Dane asks if anyone has seen his teeth, and begins to look for them, He looks in the the dishes, the garbage, the batter are all options. Kyra feels like They bit into them as They had a crunchy piece of cookie, and it tasted like metal and They take it to a whole new level. Everyone is trying to calm Them down saying its not possible they wouldn’t have melted and disappeared in the batter like that. They are searching around the counter, more in the dishes, and Storage room, also the trash can and Kyra still thinks they melted and were consumed by Them.
4:30 PM BBT- 5:30 PM BBT Feeds go down as Danes teeth are missing and they can not find them and one Hgs thinks they ate his teeth after the cookies have come out of the oven.
5:33 PM BBT Feeds return All Cameras are on the living room Kyra please fix your microphone. Damien. Adam, Este, Mark, Anthony, and Kyra are in the living room all laying around Adam says this is happening and heads outside. Kyra asks if there is a set amount of time they can eat the cookies as HN’s. Damien says Cookie Coma as everyone is laying around eyes closed not moving much. Kyra sneezes a few times but not a word is spoken. HGs please wake up Nap time is over. Anthony spouts off we aren’t sleeping just resting our eyes it’s so bright. They talk about where the cameras are pointed at and then get called out about production. Kyra wonders if Chelsea was perceived as a B, and then goes on about how she thinks the other Hgs who were evicted are loved, and Momma K actually made shirts. Damien asks about having his Jacket laid out on the bench from the washer. HGs Please wake up nap time is over, Anthony says ok pick on me, Damien says my eyes are open, Kyra points out Dane has a hat over his face and how they have been in trouble before and doesn’t want to lose a party. Up in the WR Dane has began to talk to Mark who is apologizing about getting feisty.
5:45 PM BBT Then they talk about how bad Mark needs to win the Veto so it keeps Este and Damien on the block. Mark wants to work on his relationship with Kyra just incase. Dane tells him that he had to volunteer again to go up and no one else did. Mark said it’s a perfect story that everyone wanted Adam out but no one would put him up, Mark did and since I can’t beat him Join him. They review the POV comps Mark has played where he came in and who the comp was, and who to pick for HG choice tomorrow. They discuss that Adam isn’t great with numbers/days but if he makes it to F2 Adam will win against anyone. Then how they will tell Este why she is going home and about the PB’s They wonder if its a triple this week. Dane comments and says Kyra actually thinks she ate my teeth they laugh a moment and say they knew someone took them right away but it was fun to play along. Next week will be hard because of wanting to play in final 4 HOH. They run through jury votes briefly. Downstairs Kyra is with Este and discussing how people are a little different in the house than out. Kyra mentions how you can’t guess how you will be in the house like all the Crying she says it’s about 4 times a week. Este says shes has cried 4 times in the 50 days in the house.


5:33 PM BBT Feeds return All Cameras are on the living room Kyra please fix your microphone. Damien. Adam, Este, Mark, Anthony, and Kyra are in the living room all laying around Adam says this is happening and heads outside. Kyra asks if there is a set amount of time they can eat the cookies as HN’s. Damien says Cookie Coma as everyone is laying around eyes closed not moving much. Kyra sneezes a few times but not a word is spoken. HGs please wake up Nap time is over. Anthony spouts off we aren’t sleeping just resting our eyes it’s so bright. They talk about where the cameras are pointed at and then get called out about production. Kyra wonders if Chelsea was perceived as a B, and then goes on about how she thinks the other Hgs who were evicted are loved, and Momma K actually made shirts. Damien asks about having his Jacket laid out on the bench from the washer. HGs Please wake up nap time is over, Anthony says ok pick on me, Damien says my eyes are open, Kyra points out Dane has a hat over his face and how they have been in trouble before and doesn’t want to lose a party. Up in the WR Dane has began to talk to Mark who is apologizing about getting feisty.
5:45 PM BBT Then they talk about how bad Mark needs to win the Veto so it keeps Este and Damien on the block. Mark wants to work on his relationship with Kyra just incase. Dane tells him that he had to volunteer again to go up and no one else did. Mark said it’s a perfect story that everyone wanted Adam out but no one would put him up, Mark did and since I can’t beat him Join him. They review the POV comps Mark has played where he came in and who the comp was, and who to pick for HG choice tomorrow. They discuss that Adam isn’t great with numbers/days but if he makes it to F2 Adam will win against anyone. Then how they will tell Este why she is going home and about the PB’s They wonder if its a triple this week. Dane comments and says Kyra actually thinks she ate my teeth they laugh a moment and say they knew someone took them right away but it was fun to play along. Next week will be hard because of wanting to play in final 4 HOH. They run through jury votes briefly. Downstairs Kyra is with Este and discussing how people are a little different in the house than out. Kyra mentions how you can’t guess how you will be in the house like all the Crying she says it’s about 4 times a week. Este says shes has cried 4 times in the 50 days in the house.
8:00 PM BBT-9:15 PM BBT Feeds Down Feed return at 9:25 PM BBT to Mark, Anthony and Kyra in the Blue BR Kyra is going through their clothes and Mark asks them what they’re going to wear. Kyra says they’re trying to decide between their flower shirt, or a navy high collar one they’re looking for right now.
9:30 PM BBT Conversation about clothes continues in the Blue BR. Kyra still trying to decide which shirt to wear and Anthony says he thinks he wants to wear a blazer but he knows it’s going to be hot AF. Anthony asks Kyra and Mark if he’ll be too hot in a blazer and Kyra says very likely and that everyone else is wearing dress pants. Kyra leaves the room and Mark and Anthony start whispering about the POV. Anthony says he thinks the houseguests will be woken up in the middle of the night to play for POV and Mark says to him, “If you win you’re not using it right?” Dane who has just joined them tells Mark not to pull his name if he gets houseguest choice. Feeds cut to Adam, Dane, Anthony and Kyra getting ready in the bathroom. Kyra tells Adam he looks nice and Adam says he has a lot of nice clothes. Dane jokes that what he’s (Adam) is wearing now (maroon dress pants) doesn’t make Dane think he has a lot of nice clothes.
9:45 PM BBT Everyone is still getting dressed up in the bathroom. Adam is shaving and Este is wondering what to wear. Kyra is finishing up their laundry. Kyra leaves the bathroom after doing their laundry and all the pretty boys are getting ready. Adam and Kyra think they might have gotten shirts mixed up and go in the blue bedroom to check. Adam then heads up to his HOH room to finish up getting ready by himself, he puts on a button down and dress pants and mentions he wants to, “get this party on the road” so it seems like some type of party will be happening tonight. In the red bedroom Este tells Mark she’s trying to decide what to wear tonight and that she doesn’t know how fancy she wants to go. Mark tells her that Adam is a smart player and didn’t even give him a chance, (to save himself) Este says she thinks he probably will have a chance though and that there is only one person not playing, so it would be a, “crazy, crazy thing” if Mark was the only one to not play in the POV comp and she says they’ll know for sure tomorrow.


April 18, 2019

 10:00 AM BBT Anthony has asked to talked to Dane.Dane says to him I was shocked that she told me Adam and Kyra are not voting to keep her. Anthony says Cory asked him to talk to him. He says She told me that Adam was very rude to her. Anthony says She told him that she has his vote and Mark if it is a tie but I don’t know about Dane.Sam told me and Cory that Kyra went and lit up Kiki. Anthony says That is where Cory’s head is at. He says I told her I talked to everyone but Kyra. Anthony tells him that he doesn’t care what the house wants he is going to vote how he wants. Dane says I always seem to be in the middle of shit. I don’t know why but I am. Anthony says Cory wants to take you to Final 3. Adam doesn’t want her here because his social game sucks. Adam is running around saying because of Sam but I don’t think he cares about Sam as much as he says. Anthony says Look at Este she has been running around saying I hate Kyra yet now she is lying around with them. Dane says I have been close to Damien since day 1 and I know that Este is close to Damien but I know she is only close to Damien because we did a BC Alliance. Dane says Adam Este Kyra and I made a final 4 but it means nothing to Adam or me just to cover our asses. Anthony says Este wants to go deeper with me but she wants me to say something first. Dane says Este told me I would have to cut you if I could because I can not win against you. Dane continues with Adam has changed since Sam left. Everyone is starting to like him. Dane says I want you to know if I vote out Cory I am not going against you. Anthony says I know that. At the beginning of the game I got close to everyone which is why as an alliance we got so far at the beginning. He continues with It is what it is? I know you are not going against me. I am not Adam and don’t see it that way. In the pantry Adam and Damien are talking about Anthony wanting to just talk to Dane alone because he knows he can’t change my vote but he thinks he can change Dane’s. Damien tells him he talked to Dane last night and he feels fine. Adam says Anthony and Cory together is powerful. Damien says Live Eviction jitters. Damien looks in the camera and says Hi Mom and Dad day 48 and I’m still here.
10:15 AM BBT Dane and Anthony are finished talking and Dane is making slop pancakes. He tells Adam Cory told me she doesn’t think Adam and Kyra are going to vote to keep me. Damien and Adam are sitting at the kitchen counter and Adam says Let’s get this show on the road. Damien responds with It is going to be an exciting one today. In the washroom Cory and Anthony are doing their morning routines. Dane is switching his laundry from washer to dryer and putting on a clean top. Dane says Este the new Sam. They are always together. Sam was the new Chelsea now Este is the new Sam. Dane is hunting around for his teeth. Mark and Adam are sitting in Cory’s and Anthony’s spots in the nook area having a general conversation with Damien as well. Anthony is in the Blue Bedroom going through is clothes. Damien is telling Mark about mix and mastering a record in a studio. Dane is thanking Big Brother for more slop. In the lounge area off the HOH Room Kyra and Este are saying that they got up early and have already been told that they need to get ready as rehearsal is in an hour. They get called out for production. Kyra says They find it so strange how close they are with Adam. Este asks How many heated discussions you two have had. Kyra says Quite a few. Kyra says They are glad Chelsea got voted out only because it is better for their game. Kyra says You can’t get that close to people in here. Este agrees saying Yeah if Maki and Kikki were still here it would be very hard. Este says the coffee is really good today. Este says She thinks Dane is in the HOH Washroom Kyra says Adam went in there. They continue with They think they are being sneaky but they aren’t. Este gets up to go into the washroom where Anthony and Cory were talking but stop. Anthony leaves saying We’ll talk.
10:30 AM BBT Cory is in the washroom and Kyra comes in saying Oh No 25 minutes left on the dryer. They decide that they have to do their hair before rehearsal. Kyra jumps in the shower. In the kitchen Anthony is talking to Damien and Dane saying at first we could all say It’s just a game but as it gets further in it becomes different but it is just people’s campaigning. Damien says I wonder how Momma is doing? Dane says probably pretty good she is with her kids. Dane sings a line from Country Roads and Damien says That is one song I never learned. Dane and Damien are having slop pancakes Anthony is trying to decide if he wants to eat. Dane yells to Este that there are pancakes. Este joins them at the kitchen counter to eat her slop pancakes. In the washroom Cory is still getting ready and Mark is lying down on the sofa there but there is no conversation.
10:45 AM BBT Back at kitchen counter Este is asking them if she is still here do they want to join her in a week of veggie meals. Damien says I’ll join you with the veggies but I need meat also. The conversation is around what they will eat when they are off of slop. Este offers one of her slop pancakes to Dane as she says she can’t eat it. Anthony has left the area. Este says 2 more days before 4/20 maybe we will get some cookies. Dane says We can hope. Este says She can’t eat that stuff because she would freak out. Anthony has rejoined them with a couple of pieces of fruit complaining about his stomach because he ate too much cheese again. Back in the washroom Kyra is out of the shower and blow drying her hair. Cory has finished putting on her makeup. All the HGs have been called to the Living Room looks like it is rehearsal time. Feeds go down at
10:52 AM BBT – 9:13 PM BBT Feeds Down for Live Show and HOH competition.
9:13 PM BBT Kyra and Dane are down stairs talking about how they think the final will be Either 3 or 4 people.Anthony, Mark, and Damien the blue room talking, Anthony is telling them about Este and how she wanted to talk but only after seeing who would win HOH. Dane and Adam in the SR vent about Mark and Anthony for a moment and then Adam says well he probably didn’t think I would win HOH. They head out and hand the stuff over for HN room. Dane and Kyra are the HN’s this week. Kyra has to use the WR and says they wishes there was one down stairs. Este verifies with Adam and Dane the name of the comp today. Up in the blue room Anthony is going off about how the others are walking around cocky and it’s not fine and dandy as Kyra walks in for a brief moment. Anthony goes on about Kyra and how they wanted to check in this morning, feeds go to the living room where Kyra and Adam are talking about how he is furious and mad. They want to know why they are getting all the heat and he is so mad and angry at them. Adam says that he came close to winning but lost, then is a HN, and just lost his BFF Corey he is fuming. Anthony comes down and sits on the floor and whispers in order to help be sensitive to Kyra. He brings up the competition Balance of power. Anthony says here is the thing there are 2 types of players Adam who doesn’t give up and then Mark who freaks out and calls them out on playing like Mark.
9:30 PM BBT He asks when is the last time we had a good conversation, they go back and forth about when it was and how the conversations have been. He calls them out for being shaky and adapting but says that Adam is in a better more solid position because he isn’t flipping around. Anthony tries to say they haven’t spoken in over a week and a half but this morning had the nerve to check in. They continue to raise their voices with each other and Anthony says They are playing the weakest most flip floppy vote. Says they can’t paint a picture but tried to this morning in the WR. Then Kyra calls him out on being a mentor player and how he plays with the strong but tries to control the week. Kyra keeps talking about how she isn’t trusting and had to adapt. Anthony asks if they have told Adam and Dane about when she doubted them. Anthony and Kyra continue to argue and go on about what the last 2 weeks with Corey and Sam has conspired. What are things that Kyra did or didn’t say and how has she been loyal to Anthony recently and what are those “lies” he feels are lies and they feel it’s always been the truth. Anthony says the one thing you will not do in this game is “LIE ON MY NAME” Anthony gets fed up stands up and then Adam leaves and then Este’s name is brought up. So they all move to the Kitchen where the whole house is now located.
9:45 PM BBT Anthony brings up a conversation with Este and asks questions about more conversations. The Sam Backdoor conversation, how they apologized with each other after Corey won HOH then he goes after Kyra again. Kyra says yes we have been on opposite sides but we have talked it out and made up, Anthony says that Kyra has been lying and trying to talk bad about Este all week with Corey and then now are playing nice and it’s fake. Kyra points out how he talks so vague so nothing can get back on him. Anthony says they end up on the block so much for the lies. Anthony has one last question then said it would be over but its gotten him even more heated. He goes back to his example with the comp and goes over it and then walks away as They say they have made one mistake and realized it and are correcting it. Anthony ends up in the washroom cleaning off his face with water and saying its for you Corey. The Kitchen is pretty quiet minus Kyra trying to breath. Adam and Dane have given her hugs and console her. Damien and Este sits silently. Anthony heads downstairs and someone checks in on him he says he is okay. Dane , Mark, and Anthony are in the SR talking and laughing. Anthony then asks Este if he can have her for a moment in the HN room. Kyra goes to Dane to clarify a few things with him and point out some of what has been going on. In the Hn room Anthony is telling her where he stands with her and how her actions have kept them close.

Tonight's Show!

April 18, 2019

Arisa says tonight, the HGs discover the secret of The Archives! All season long, the archive has confused, consumed, and confounded. Tonight, the mystery ends! Tonight, one houseguest cracks the code. Tonight, the secret assassin s unleashed, and the rest will learn that luck comes in threes.

Tonight, in a Big Brother Canada first, the HGs will be voting to evict 1 of three nominees. It's a massive game move that could change everything. Let's take a look at what happened after the PoV ceremony.

We pick up after the veto ceremony on day 45. Este hugs and Damien and says she's a big, bad player. Este tells us this isn't a good move for Mark. Anthony says Este is on the block. Cory, the beast from the east, is not because that was HIS plan. That mojo can't be bought or taught. Kyra says Mark just made the whole house mad. This was the opportunity to backdoor a strong player.

Dane says if Cory goes to the Final Two, he will give her his votes. She came in late and everyone said she was the target, but now she's still here. Mark says to Cory he isn't going to bow down to people. Cory says they were telling Mark to take out a big target, but maybe it could have been Dane. Mark says if they want the power so badly, then they can win and take out a big player.




Adam says he has seen this week that Mark listens to Anthony and he has Cory's back more than theirs. Dane agrees. Anthony comes in and asks if it was a good move and Dane says he honestly doesn't think so. Dane says they got out Sam last week because she was a threat to the group and Anthony says to everyone in the group. Anthony says Damien is more of an athlete and Adam says he's just afraid it would bite him in the ass. Anthony doesn't think so.

Damien goes to talk to Mark and says so I'm the big move? The guy that hasn't won anything? Mark says yeah. Damien says he's played nice and calm all season and now Mark is screwing him over. Damien leaves and Mark looks at the camera and shrugs. He says yeah, the nominees might be upset, but that's part of the game. Este says Mark only has Anthony and Cory now and he made Adam, Damien, and Dane mad so he better hope one of his friends has his back. After Este leaves, Mark looks at the camera and says bitter much?

Adam heads into The Archives and he says Anthony is getting on his last nerve and he wants to kick his game into high gear. He knows Big Brother really well and he says there has to be something in that room and he's not giving up until he finds it. He begins looking through boxes and he finds a little case with what appears to be a flashlight. Adam hears someone and puts it back, but he takes it back and reads use the flashlight to search the room for top-secret clues that could change the game. This is for your eyes only so make sure you are alone. Adam says what am I supposed to be looking for Big Brother?

Adam is using the flashlight and looking on the floors, the boxes, the walls, He finally finds a box that when he shines the light on it he can see a 7. He thinks season seven so maybe he has to search that box. He doesn't find anything in there. He then finds a box where he can see a 4. Mark is lying on the counter in the storage room while Adam is looking. Adam finds a box with a two and then one with a 9. He is stacking those boxes to the side. He finds one with a star and then a tape recorder. He can't find anything else so he knows he has to keep searching.

Adam finally finds a part of the wall that looks different and a box slides out of the wall. He goes to look at the numbers again and he puts in the numbers. He tries different combinations of the numbers and finally gets the box to open and there is a cassette tape that says secret assassin. He puts it in the recorder and plays it. It says, "Agent, if you are hearing this message, you have unlocked the secret of The Archive giving you the power of the secret assassin. You will now go undercover and take a shot at the target of your choice. You will lock in a third nominee for eviction. The third nominee will be revealed to the house, but your identity will be kept confidential. The HoH is immune from this power. Take your shot and make it count!"

Adam says the timing paid off. Adam says he is the secret assassin and he's watched the show his whole life and having a power like this is mind-blowing and he definitely won't waste it. Arisa says we now know Adam is the secret assassin and when we come back, we'll find out which HGs has ended up in his crosshairs.

Arisa says the eviction vote is just minutes away and it will be unlike anything they've ever done before. Damien and Este are nominated, but one more will be joining them. Who will it be? It will be all up to Adam!

Adam is in HQ considering his options. He says Dane could go up but he's put in his work for the Pretty Boys. Adam says he and Kyra are tied together because of Sam and he feels like they are a solid number for him. Adam says Anthony has way too much power in this game and hasn't won a competition. That annoys him. He thinks Anthony has Cory's back over the Pretty Boys. All of the Pretty Boys have sat on the block except Anthony. Adam says he pushed for Cory to go on Sam's HoH and it didn't work out. He pushed for her to go this week and it didn't work out. He says it's pretty risky on who he puts up but seeing as how he has this power, you will be going up and he grabs Cory's picture. Adam says it's a big move.

"Attention HG: Everyone report to the living room immediately! As you have noticed throughout the season, The Archive room has piled up with an endless supply of documents and boxes. What you didn't know is one of the boxes contained a special power. This power allows one agent to change the trajectory of the game. This power has been found! The agent that found it has now assumed the role of secret assassin. This assassin earned the right to secretly nominate a third HGs for eviction! The HGs they have chosen to nominate is... Cory. The secret assassin's work is complete! The three nominees now face eviction and the vote will end one of their games!"

The HGs are in shock and Este says what?!? Cory says she has to get ready to campaign and she walks away. Anthony is in shock and Mark is just smiling. Damien says Cory goes up on the block and he is not the threat anymore. He thought he was 100% going. Holy crap! Este says she's very, very happy right now. Mark looks stupid this week! Este says not to be cocky, but she's not leaving this week. Adam says right now no one knows he's the secret assassin and he wants to keep it that way. The HGs speculate the assassin was Damien. Kyra assures Damien he's staying.

Anthony and Cory are sitting together and Anthony is thinking hard. He says he thinks it was Adam and Cory thinks so too. Cory says she knew people wanted her out but she thought they'd have the balls to take her head on. Anthony says whoever the secret assassin was, his name definitely crossed their mind. Taking a shot at Cory is taking a shot at him. Anthony says when I find out who you are and believe me I WILL find out who you are, your game is over. You will be uncomfortable every single day and you will be begging to leave the house.

Arisa is with Emmett from Season 1 and asks what he thinks of the season. He's impressed with the way the Pretty Boys are holding it together and now they are showing cracks. He's impressed they stayed together. Arisa says for now. She asks him to predict a winner and he says, Dane.

Adam is in the storage room and says what a day. Adam says he wears a necklace for his friend Taylor who passed away September 16 and he knew Adam loved the show and they were very close. He says on the back of the necklace it says today is going to be a good day and he always tells himself that. Adam goes to pray in the HoH and says this was a good day. He wants to win this game for him.

Damien is talking to Adam and says everyone loves Cory, but she's great at this game and she could beat all of them. Adam says Mark and Anthony are gunning for Damien, but he put Cory up to get her out of here. He wants to save Damien so he'll have his back moving forward.

Cory goes to talk to Dane and she says his vote is crucial. She can't rely on Adam or Kyra because she sent Sam home last week. She's confident Mark will keep her if she can get Dane's vote and force a tie. Cory says she wants to battle it out with him and she'd love to battle it out with Pike's. Cory says if they battle it out and Dane gets her then he'll have her vote. She promises she'll be loyal to Dane until they get to the end. Cory says she doesn't see Adam and Kyra changing their vote because they are emotional people. That's what blows her mind because she put Sam up but she didn't vote her out. Cory says she is going to prepare an eviction speech.

Adam and Kyra are talking. Kyra says they can get out the girl who backdoored Sam. Kyra says they finally feel like Adam could be their number one and they feel like they are part of the game and have some influence. Adam says Dane better not mess this up and Kyra doesn't think Dane would do that. Kyra says Dane is smart and they don't think he would do that. Adam says Mark is in love with Anthony. Kyra really thinks Dane is going to be smart.

Dane goes into the HoH with Mark and Anthony. Kyra says Anthony is good at talking, but they think Dane is too smart. Anthony tells Dane that Adam will be up any second. Dane says he thought Cory was the best person to go out. Anthony says we all discussed and decided Damien was the best person to go and now you're changing your mind. Anthony says if the three of us know 100% that Cory won't put us up, then it breaks down to Adam, right? Anthony says we need to think about the team. Dane says why are we worried about Damien? Anthony says why are we worried about Cory?

Adam says Cory is a school teacher, she's smart, she knows her days and she's athletic. Anthony starts defending Cory and he stands up. Adam tells him he needs to calm down and sit down and stop pointing at them. Anthony asks Adam if he thinks he can beat them in the final four? Adam says yes. Anthony says he is going to be all of them in the final four. He can take ALL of them down. Wake up, call guys! In the final four, he's beating every single one of them!

Arisa says thanks to Adam and his secret assassin power, Cory is up as a third nominee alongside Este and Damien. Arisa goes to the HGs and tonight, they will all get to hear from some of their favorite people, their former HG.

Laura says can't say she was too sad to see Sam go. Maki says seems like they got away from her plague after all. They are in for a treat when they get out. Kailyn says her shoulders are tired from all the cooking and cleaning she's been doing. Eddie says he never had a crush on Adam, but he really likes Damien, and it's like a sausagefest in the house. Chelsea says she's talked to a few of their families. Kiki says she misses some of them and she wishes Este luck. Sam says she's having so much fun in the jury house and she doesn't want to see Adam or Kyra anytime soon.

Damien says three times he's been on the block and this time with three other people. He says you know the type of person I'm in this game and he shouts out to his family and friends. Este says she holds them close to her heart and soul with a lot of love and she hopes the people who said they have her back really do. Cory says she doesn't want Kyra and Adam's vote because even though they know Sam threw their names under the bus, it shows they are weak minded and weak players. And she doesn't want to work with weak players. Cory tells Dane if she leaves this house he will not have her vote, but if he keeps her and she'll be loyal. 
Arisa says only four of you will be voting and Mark will only vote in the event of a tie.

Adam says this is for you Sam, I vote to evict Cory.
Anthony votes to evict Este.
Kyra gladly votes to evict Cory.
Dane says I guess I don't have a jury vote, but I evict Cory.

By a vote of 3-1-0, Cory has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. We'll let her know in just a few moments.

It's time to reveal this wild vote! She goes to the HGs and tells Damien he is safe. She says Este and Cory, one of you are heading to the jury. Este is safe, which means Cory has been evicted. Arisa reveals Cory had three votes and Este had one. Cory hugs Este and Damien and then hugs Anthony and heads up the stairs and out the door.

Arisa gives Cory a hug and has her settle in. Arisa says can we talk about that speech? Cory says Arisa cut her off! She says you have to go out swinging. Arisa says when you sent Sam out last week she said you were out next. What will you say to Sam? Arisa says we voted you in and Cory says she's so sorry she let them down. She says it's been a whirlwind but she wouldn't' change anything. Cory says her boy Anthony is going to win this.

Kyra says they spent the better half of the season watching her back and when she got the power she tossed that loyalty out the window. Anthony says he will find out who did this and he will get revenge. This will not go unavenged.

Dane says Cory is an amazing person and she got too close to his boy Anthony and he's been working with Anthony for a long time.

Mark says Dane was the one who was behind the backdoor plan. Adam says he and Dane were the ones who came up with the backdoor plan and Sam was the one person who was on her side, he's been in an alliance since night one called The Pretty Boys and they've been taking everyone out ever since, and yours truly is the secret assassin.

Time for the next HoH competition! This competition is called Ship til you Drop! They are all about to start their first shift at BB Can shipping. The goal will be to never drop their package. Boxes will begin to come down their ramp and they will have to stack their boxes. If they drop a box, then they are eliminated. Last one standing will be the new HoH. Their first shipment is on its way! The competition starts now!

They are holding a box against a yellow beam. They get a second package and the HGs all get it and work on putting it between them and the other box. Adam says this will get more difficult when it gets out there.

One week from tonight, we will have a double eviction!

🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨 

April 18, 2019

🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨 

By a vote of : 3-1-0 Cory has been evicted!


The SecretAssassin was Adam!!! the brown boxes had numbers which he used the flashlight on..then he found a panel in the wall which had a safe in .he used the numbers a few times & opened and in it was a cassette and listed on the recorder


In the goodbye messages they confirmed the PBS and we don’t think Cory got it

HOH is in progress ... it involves delivery of boxes and each HG has to stack them horizontally against a wall as each box comes down you add it if the stack falls you out

Next week is a Double Eviction


April 17, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Outside by the Hot Tub area Adam Kyra and Dane are reviewing how many boxes and where they are placed. Kyra asks if he checked the secret room and if anything is different. Adam says No. Dane says you have to remember how many boxes came in on like say Day 7. He says He thinks it might be part of the final comp. Adam says Big Brother is laughing at me because I was in there counting again this morning. Adam says Tomorrow is a big day. Kyra says Tomorrow always goes fast. Dane asks if we only can save 1 can it be Este. Both Adam and Kyra agree. Dane says we only have 15 days left and 6 people. Dane says We get a big player out tomorrow. He continues with At least she got to play in the POV and she did well in it. Dane says Yea it would piss me off if my fate was sealed and I couldn’t play in the POV. Dane says I think we are going to lose the backyard sometime today. Adam leaves to go work out. Dane says As much as I hate to lose Damien Este is the better choice. Dane says He thinks Anthony is like another Paras from last season. Dane says If I am final 2 with Anthony I have a good chance to win. Dane says the final final HOH is all days. Kyra says This is surreal sometimes it really hits us that we are really here. Dane says we only have 23 days left but I would do it again in a heartbeat. Kyra tells him if he is Final 2 you have my vote. Dane says You played a good social game as well. Kyra says It was weak at times because we stayed with people we were comfy with. Dane says But ow you are with Adam and me. Dane says I miss Sam. Kyra says Yea I miss her a lot. Dane says Don’t tell her that. Dane says Did you see how bad Adam scared me last night. Inside Anthony and Corey have taken their spots in the nook area. Anthony is telling her She needs to talk to Kyra because they don’t have their own voice. COrey says I think I have to be totally honest with them. She tells Anthony that she is going to tell them that she believes Kyra told her about the backdoor plan because they were trying to build trust with me. She says I will also tell them that they are still not a target for me. Big Brother tells them that they will lose the backyard in 3 hours. Corey says She is going to tell her that Sam lied to everyone. Damien walks by on his way upstairs. Adam walks by and Corey asks if he is still working out. Adam replies yes. Corey says she is going to tell them that Sam lied about conversations that Sam had with me. Anthony says I think you should tell her that but you also need to say Sam is a liar and lies so much she actually believes them. Anthony continues with Kyra does not have a mind of their own she will do what Adam wants because that is who they are following right now. Mark joins them. Anthony asks How he is doing? Este walks out and they all say Good Morning.
10:15 AM BBT Kyra and Dane are still sitting outside by the Hot Tub area. They are talking about the fact that they think they get outfits to wear to finale. They get called out for talking about production. Dane goes to make some slop pancakes. Kyra is finishing their smoke. Dane stops by to talk to Anthony and Corey. Anthony is complaining the coffee cups are to small. Dane says I haven’t had a donut in so long I would crush it. Corey says Should I tell Kyra that Sam wanted her out. Corey says I just feel like that Kyra just doesn’t understand. Kyra comes in and asks if they want sausages. Anthony says Do it now. Corey comes over and says Do you think it is tanning weather. Kyra says She thinks so. Corey asks if they are going to cook all the sausages. Kyra decides to cook 4 sausages per person who are not on slop. Corey asks if people have been campaigning to them. Kyra says Not hard. Corey says Everything that happened between me and Sam had nothing to do with you. Kyra tells her that last week it proved to me that we were not working together because it felt like you were interrogating me and that is not how you treat someone you are suppose to trust. Kyra says it made us feel that you were trying to confuse us. They continued with You are a strong player and we can’t beat you. Kyra says When we walked into your room last week and you treated me like a student. This is not your classroom we are all equal here. Corey tries to defend herself saying she wanted to get to the bottom and in the end Sam did admit to lying. Kyra says Sam may have been lying but I wasn’t and you made us feel like we were.
10:30 AM BBT Corey continues with I am sorry for how I made you feel last week. Kyra says You made us feel like you were talking down to us. We felt it was disrespectful to us. Corey says You must know that I don’t think I think I am better than you. Kyra answers Yes a little bit. When you got power you changed colors. Once you got power you treated us differently. I know you were trying to get to the bottom of something. Corey goes back to but I needed to know. Kyra says You have to remember this game everyone’s name gets throw out mine has been throw out since week 1 but I am not going around investigating. Corey says After Sam left I wanted to give you your space because you were close to Sam. Kyra says I know you and Anthony are mad at me but at the end of the day you will see that Sam did not want you out you can believe what you want but you will see at the end. Kyra says They think about their decision yes they are an emotional person but they think logically about their vote. Corey says I am sorry for how I made you feel last week but I need you to think about how we were before then. They end their conversation as Adam decided to cook. Kyra says Yeah I started cooking and she came over. Kyra says She is not voting to keep her. Kyra says We told her that she is a strong player and after last week We are unsure. Kyra tells Adam that they never told her that today but will because they won’t lie. Kyra says We told her she disrespected me last week,they continue with she had tears in her eyes she almost cried. Adam says She won’t talk to me know because she knows we won’t cancel each others vote but will vote the same. Adam says You should have said We are just taking Anthony’s advice from last week and getting out a strong player.
10:45 AM BBT Outside by the Hot Tub Damien, Anthony, Este and Corey are having a general conversation. In the kitchen Adam is preparing breakfast and Kyra is telling him it is not so much people coming after us but going after our people. Kyra says We thought she was done and she just kept going. Kyra says We are not going to lie it felt kind of good to have her try and convince us to not feel disrespected. Adam says When she talks to me what am I going to say. She shouldn’t have taken out Sam. Kyra says Just say You are taking her and Anthony’s advice and taking out a big player that you don’t think you can work with. Kyra says I told her that she called me out in front of everyone shows that we are not really working again. Kyra says We told her we are not really working with Damien or Este either so at the end of the day we have to vote out a player who is strong because there are enough strong players in this house. Adam says I am going to tell her that I was told if you stay and win Kyra and I were going up. Kyra says Don’t say you were told because she doesn’t like lies. Adam says It isn’t a lie I was told. Kyra says Well she started her talk to me with I have never lied in this game and that she would not put us up and you are telling me our name came out so she does lie. Kyra asks if he trusts that. Adam says 100%. Kyra says Our decision will be what makes sense for your and our game.
11:00 AM BBT Feeds go down. Feeds come back a minute later with the HGs in the Hot Tub area still having a general conversation. Mark, Damien , Corey and Anthony are sitting out there enjoying the sunshine. Inside ESte and joined Kyra and Adam in the kitchen. Adam is cleaning up the dishes Kyra is still eating Este is making a slop pancakes or slop bread. . Dane is in the DR. Outside by the Hot Tub area Mark is asking if Adam’s arm is any better since the slop pipe comp. Corey has decided to go put workout clothes on and come back outside. The conversation outside is on music and who they like. Back inside the kitchen has been cleaned up. Adam is making a lemon drink and found a bag of ice in the pantry fridge. Back in the kitchen Kyra is telling Este that yes they would like to create some drama but only if they attack her first then they will attack back. Este says She is really sad she didn’t eat more chinese food. Kyra asks Este if she wants to play pool later. Este says Yes Kyra heads out to the backyard to smoke. Adam and Kyra join the HGs outside. Mark goes in to make his bed. Kyra tells him there are sausages inside on top of the oven. Adam says The room is back in play Day 47 with less boxes. Kyra says the secret room has more paintings and the best sofas in the house. Damien says he likes that room. Kyra says There is 3 weeks left how crazy is that.

11:15 AM BBT Adam says I’ll get a nice burn today. Anthony says It is f**king hot. In the kitchen Mark is peeling an orange. In the pantry Este is waiting for the kettle to boil. Mark is grabbing stuff out of the fridge. Outside the HGs seem to be just relaxing enjoying the sunshine as there is no conversation taking place. Dane comes out of the DR all dressed up; heads upstairs saying I had to talk about that thing. Anthony has come inside and him and Mark head into the pantry. Anthony says that last meeting Adam pissed me off. Anthony says You want me to trust the most disloyal person in the house. Anthony says Dane said he wanted to talk today but I really don’t want to because they have already decided between the 2 of them how they are going to vote so that means we are at the bottom. Anthony continues with Adam has done the most questioning of the PB. Mark says Forgive but don’t forget Karma is a bitch. Anthony says I know that baby. Corey joins them and says Do I want my smoothie right now. Corey is filling Anthony in on what Kyra said to her this morning. Anthony says that is how they are though they always feel like they are being attacked. Corey is telling him that Kyra said that they thought by the way she treated them last week that she felt better than them. Anthony says I knew Kyra was going to be cocky because they have that time now. Corey says It took every ounce of me not to say something. Anthony says I feel you.
11:30 AM BBT Anthony continues with they will be humble very soon. Corey says I have to come up with a game plan for the big guy. . Anthony says I know myself very well and I know Kyra very well and if I talk to them it will end up with them going to the DR to complain. Dane tries to go into the pantry and it is locked for a slop delivery. Dane is making another pot of coffee. Anthony is eating very loudly with his mouth open. Anthony says I just want to erupt. Corey says You would have been proud of me. Anthony says Kyra was saved and now they are being cocky. Corey is telling Dane about the statement Kyra made about her treating her HOH Room as a class room. Dane says I would have snapped. Anthony says Whenever they get caught up in a lie they feel like they are being attacked that is a typical Kyra move.
11:45 AM BBT Dane and Este are talking about events that happened yesterday. Dane says his girlfriend will be screen shooting everything. Dane says Someone will get me out hope it isn’t you. Dane tells her if you do you will win. Dane tells her Corey told her Kyra more or less told her she was a bitch. Dane says Corey is pissed because she doesn’t know who put it up. Este says she is going to make slop pancakes but put them in the oven. Corey says she is going to keep trying to convince Adam that he is not a target of hers. She says she is going to tell him that know that moving forward you are not a target of mine and I will not put you up. Corey says I feel like I am not good at this. Anthony says Because you are trying to be nice. Anthony continues with YOu go over the facts you start with the Kikki campaign. Damien enters so the conversation stops. Outside by the Hot Tub the feeds are down at the moment. In the kitchen there is no conversation as Damien is preparing some type of slop meal. Anthony is washing the frying pan he used for his egg. Corey mentions week 1 of slop for them together and how Damien tried to make soup. They laugh at the fail. Damien is cleaning up his dishes and tries to decide where to eat his breakfast. Anthony is trying help Corey with her campaign to Kyra. He tells her to focus on the Kikki campaign, how Este and Kikki made fun of you, didn’t share cooked food for you, and how attitudes changed. People only talk to people when they need them, Keep going back to Este and how you are better for their game over both players without saying those exact words. Anthony is telling her no miss Nice Corey, and she is fearful its too hott and will upset Kyra.


12:00 PM BBT Feeds go out a quick moment, and back with Anthony telling about Sam and how she with Adam had a plan to pin the whole plan on them, go ask around the house. Anthony says bring up the fact there is lots that Sam told me that I didn’t share but thought it would get back to you. How come as soon as Sam is gone you stop talking to me, coffee time is elsewhere, extra smokes to avoid me..etc? Corey is hearing what’s being said but is worried about it being too rough so she needs to make adjustments. As for Adam she needs to remember that he isn’t the Alpha male he tries to be. Bring up the Archive room and working together and keeping Anthony out of it but this is how I feel. You vote for me to leave means you are afraid of me, keep me here and i’m not targeting you. Anthony says short and sweet he can’t remember things. Anthony says you have to treat him like he is Dumb, but give it in a way he thinks has respect. Boost his ego about wanting him in the final and how she wants to face the best in the final 2. Anthony head outside and Kyra sits up so he can fit on the couch. Corey heads into the HOH WR. Conversation outside is about the weather. Este is inside up in the main HOH getting ready for the day. Kyra asks Anthony what he had for Breakfast he says a burnt egg, and they talk about a work out.
12:15 PM BBT Corey heads down towards the workout are and finds something gross on the floor and Dane working out alone. She heads back into top off her Coffee and grab a fruit. Corey has made her way to the work out area to eat her breakfast, Este heads out to the Sun with the rest of the house. They are all discussing Bees and being stung, or stepping on them. Este doesn’t want them to kill the bees and just leave them alone. Damien says its a hornet its okay they look meaner and that’s how he knows. Dane gets up and tries to kill it. The conversation changes when Mark asks what do you think they do with the BB house after the season is over. Many of them say start over for next year it takes a long time. They joke about moms coming to play the game. Este brings up Megan form BB 19 when she self evicted. Then it brings up the gentleman in early US BB that was kicked out for violence, then when Chima was removed for not listening and tossing her mic in the jacuzzi.
12:30 PM BBT Este asks if anyone has Deodorant outside, No one has any but Kyra wants to go change into a tank so they say they will bring out some. They begin to talk about buying houses and how to spruce up the homes or redoing things to keep busy and up to date. Dane tells about a rental home he was involved in with a friend. They discuss the inflation of the pricing of the houses and how the location plays a part. A house that sold last year for 650,000 is expected to be 1.1 Mill in about 5 years. Damien has changed into his swimming trunks and is trying to get more of a tan. Conversations are all over the place and hard to follow but about weights, basketball, and weapons. Kyra is back and suggests that mark go put on Shorts instead of sitting out in his underwear. He says he is okay and fine and topic is dropped. They begin talking about a specific location called the “Maddison” and BB tells them stop talking about brand names. They begin discussing the Comp and how certain people were performing in the comp. Then it’s off to peoples walking patterns.
12:45 PM BBT Corey is still the only one not out in the Sun, the rest of the HGs are enjoying the Sun and having general conversations not following one topic for very long. They begin to talk about movies and tv shows and some of the actors that played in them like a set of triplets that played one part in a movie. Mark asks about the energy drink that does the crazy flips and if Dane would ever try it, Dane says yes. Kyra asks Anthony if he is hot he says no he is in the shade he like outside for fresh air not the sun. Dane asks about the Slop being cooked and heads in to check on it while Este tells Damien I turned off the Oven. Anthony takes off his Jacket, Feeds Show Dane in the house removing the Slop bread from the pan and making a dip sauce for it. He then heads out to the BY with it, Este comes in and heads up to the WR, Corey is spotted still sitting in the nook by the work out equipment. Corey heads up to the WR and right back out and to the HOH WR. Este finishes and heads back outside.
1:00 PM BBT Corey heads back to her corner, while everyone else is outside enjoying the sun and fresh air. Anthony heads in, Corey motions for him to come over. She says she is going to pull them when they come in and then once she is done she can go enjoy the sun. They embrace in a hug, he tells her she smells really good and then she asks if she’s in a good spot to do the talks. He says yes and he walks away. Silence Outside they are discussing Alcoholic drinks and resorts fees fines and removal of persons for behavior and actions. Then they tell stories of being drunk on a plane or leaving items on the plane. Adam is planning on heading in and says Food time then work out. Damien wants to know when he starts the work out. Inside Corey calls him over to talk and says I want to talk to you for a moment, she tries to ask him about the conversation in the archive room before he was on the block but he is already defensive. She brings up how his name has never come out of her mouth. He wants to know how did the decision come for Sam to go up and she says honestly Sam and how she answered things when I asked Questions.
1:15 PM BBT They go over the scenarios of how she is not targeting him, who she would and he points out that he is close with Dane so it’s not in my best interest to vote him out. She says who do you want to keep around that would not put you up. She says how she wants to talk to Kyra because she doesn’t like the way it ended, but Sam was lying to me and i had to get her out. She feels that there was a great conversation had with Adam and she gave him the space she feels she would have needed if it was Anthony who had left. It’s ingrained in her to take him to the final and fight it out. They continue discussing that there are lots of connections but eventually you have to start cutting them and Adam points out how much Corey is wrong about Sam. Corey said if she sees that she was it will make her sick but it’s not how it was told to her. Adam points out that there are others who wanted Sam out so they fed into the paranoia of the Sam/Corey situation. She says she is sorry but she felt in the moment was the best option and she needed to end it before her game was ended. Corey says think of the foundation we built, and how we have played the game, and she continues until she is out or the End. She says YOU are not my target it’s the social games. Adam asks what’s your pitch to Dane,that you are going after me.? Because it’s not Anthony, Kyra, or Mark. She points out how people who have won no comps have made it this far because of social game and that’s scary. She tells him when I was vulnerable on my Day one you took me in and that’s why I have never said your name or went after you. Yes you would be a good option to put up if i was playing a game like Kyra, Mark, Este but im not.. Im playing a different game, I am playing to go to the end with the Marine.
1:30 PM BTT  They revisit the comp briefly and then Adam gets up and says if anyone else is campaigning saying this I am come talk to me because it’s not my play. He heads off to inside the house and she adjusts her mic. In the SR Adam looks into the mirror talking to himself about how Corey isn’t putting up him,Kyra, Anthony, or Mark. Then begins to grab items out of the fridge to make food. Adam is called to the DR. Corey has stayed in her corner waiting quietly as the other HGs are still outside taking in the fresh air and Sun. Mark asks if anyone wants Oranges and Ice blended then heads in. Kyra wants alcohol, Este wants her ukulele before alcohol, it’s quiet outside. Kyra says They thinks it’s lunch time, then asks Anthony if I make a salad do you want some? They are planning to make a Tuna Salad and collecting water bottles. Kyra heads in and says can we chat one more time.? So Kyra heads over and Corey begins and says I don’t like the way we ended. She apologizes, Kyra accepts it. Corey says going into the Chaotic week of my HOH I wasn’t ready for it. Corey reminds them that Kyra was never caught in the mix for the mistrust. Despite what had happened she believed them and felt it was genuine. Kyra points out how it wasn’t the intention but you did call me out and others were like whoa because they didn’t know the whole story.
strong>1:45 PM BBT Kyra says its not me holding a grudge when I vote this week it’s what I find best for my game just like you and Sam. Kyra says that They genuinely felt its because they went to Corey with the information is why Sam went up and then home. They explain how They are making all decisions is based on game not on personal. Kyra points out how the perspective of who Corey would go after. Corey says when you go talk to Adam I just talked to him and you will see Adam is not my target and Strong comes in different forms. Corey points out how she has been so blunt and forward and if she changes her game play now then she won’t get a vote at the end. She points out again how she got on the show 1st time because she likes being tossed to the wolves and fighting against the best. They go back to the nom speech and move forward again on Coreys game direction and how it hasn’t changed. It’s the social games that worry her and Kyra is not at the top of that list. We are getting to the end but there are still HOH’s left. If im in the next HOH you don’t have to worry. Kyra says she will think on it and is open, Corey says I don’t want you to feel like I think I am better than you if anything Kyra is better than Corey. Kyra says we are all different players and it’s about adaptability and not just comps, we are all equals. Kyra is called to the DR ending the conversation. Adam, Este, Anthony, are in the Kitchen where Corey joins them and they discuss a nasty smell and how it ruined Anthony’s day. Este is making slop pancakes, Adam is chopping veggies, Anthony is eating an apple they talk about what do past HGs do about slop?
2:00 PM BBT Mark asks Dane who was his favorite player from last year he tells her Kayla. Cory comes out by them she tells Dane he looks like he was electrocuted. Mark talks about Day 35 and how he was on slop. Dane said he is going to clean up after all these hooligans. Cory said we need to play a game and then wash all the jackets. Mark leaves out . Dane tries to find him a jacket. He asks Cory if she is ok before putting up some of the jackets. Dane said I don’t know why we need jackets its 15 degrees out. Cory tells him see you he says no I am coming back. Cory tells him that when she sits out she freckles. Mark is playing pool by himself while Adam works out. Adam heads out to the hot tub area.
2:15 PM BBT Cory, Adam, and Dane are talking about what they do to work out. Este comes out to join them.Dane tells them Eddie works out everyday and Cory said really. Dane said he ate a lot too. Cory said Eddie asked her that if she was 40. Dane said I never believe Momma was 29. Mark walks in and the back out the hot tub area. Adam said yeah Mark likes it when women treat him like crap. Dane leaves out. Adam tells them how his sisters would dress him when he was little. Este says she is going to go work out. Cory said yeah Damien was having issues working out. Adam heads into the kitchen by Kyra. Adam said Cory said she told him that she is going after people who have strong social game. He said so that means you are going after Dane then because he has a strong social game she said no. kyra tells hi we will talk about it later and offers him some of Kyra’s salad. Este comes into the kitchen and Kyra asks what else should be put into the salad. Este tells Kyra I am so jealous. Kyra said originally I was making the salad for me but now I am making it for three people. Dane and Adam scream out at each other. He ask Dane what is he about to do says listen to music. Adam follows Dane into the storage room.
2:30 PM BBT Adam said so here is Cory pitch he says I asked her so if you win who are you going to put up she told him that I am going after those who has the best social game. He said well Anthony and Dane has the best social game. He said so I know you are not putting them up and you won’t put Mark up then that would only leave 3 people and you are telling them you would not put them up. He said she told me I want to bet the best and I can see me and you in the final. Kyra said that she told me you are not my pawn and that I want to play Adam in the end. Kyra said she told me she wanted to put up the ones who are physical and social games as well. Adam said why would I want you to go after the people I am cool with. Dane said well tomorrow I am going to tell her that Damien and I have had a truce since Day 1 and I am not going to vote him out. Adam said I just want to let you know what she said. Adam said I told her that you are going to feel real dumb when you go back and watch this season and you see that Sam did not have anything to do with it and you had her go home. They said Anthony is still trying to play for her. Este and Dane are talking in the kitchen. Anthony is working out telling Damien that music is powerful. Adam is sweeping up in the pool/workout area. Anthony asks him was he a janitor before coming in. Adam said well no but if you owned a gym you would want to keep it clean right. Anthony says that what you pay people for. Dane is putting the pool balls together. Adam says if everyone was like Adam Pike the world would be a better place. Adam says he will wait until Anthony and Damien are through working out to work out. He goes and play pool with Dane. Mark and Anthony goes out to watch Adam and Dane playing pool. Dane asks Mark where is his music player. Mark walks off. Dane says he needs to listen to the music player.

2:45 PM BBT Este and Kyra are in the kitchen, Kyra said it was nice that Kyra made Mark a bowl. Kyra calls Mark to the kitchen, Kyra goes looking for Mark. Este tells Kyra it is nice outside. Kyra asks her if she wants to go eat outside. Damien comes into the kitchen. Anthony, Kyra, and Este are all eating at the table. Anthony says it tastes really good. Kyra says yay Este helped me. Kyra says we did not get much fish this week. Kyra said we need to get Adam to make his cod again. Dane heads to the HOH room. Mark says they are duking it out at the pool table. He tells Dane this is what I listened to before I went on stage. Dane said Adam talked to Cory and that she is going after the social players and she wants to take Adam to the end. Mark said I give up. Dane said Adam told her that the three names she gave was Este, Mark, and Dane. Mark said well if it is a tie I know where we stand. He said then Adam said I asked her what are you telling Dane and she got quiet. Mark said I am so stressed out. Mark said I hope that the next one will be true/false thing. Mark said it should be a mental since they have not closed the backyard. Damien comes in and asks to listen to music. He asks him if he could listen to music later. Damien asks can he just sit up here and the feeds go down.
3:00 PM BBT Feeds come back up with Dane and Este are dancing in the storage room. Cory is washing dishes. Dane yells out another hour of sun. Dane goes out to the hot tub area where Kyra is putting on sunblock. Kyra asks Dane if it was rubbed into her face. Damien is also out in the hot tub area sunning. Este comes out and joins them. Este is passing something out to everyone. Kyra asks her how is the tea coming and she says it is coming. Anthony comes out and says nicest day in the backyard and yall are losing it. Corey comes out. Anthony says backyard will be closed in one hour. Everyone yells out Happy Birthday Mikey. KYRA S PLEASE TURN ON YOUR MICROPHONE. Cory said I guess I need to go and bring all the weights in. Anthony said why can I see my heartbeat in my ankle. Kyra said that is one of your pulse points. Anthony tells Dane to come look at his foot and see how it is tweaking out right now. Dane starts adjusting himself in front of everyone. Adam is working out by himself.
3:15 PM BBT Anthony, Kyra, Dane, Este, Cory and Damien are in the hot tub area and are talking about their siblings. They all start talking about how Dane’s hair looks like he touched and electrical socket. Kyra asks for a towel Dane gets up and brings on to her. Dane asks why is the door open and then proceeds to say that the floor is getting water damaged. Kyra asks Dane if he could bring Kyra their smokes. Este spills her ice tea. Kyra asks if anyone wants a refill of iced tea. Kyra and Adam are in the kitchen Adam is making a smoothie while Kyra is putting up the Salad that was made earlier. They both head out to the hot tub area. Cory says she is sore from yesterday. Everyone besides Mark is enjoying the sun and Anthony says I wonder what the breeze feels like and that he wants to open the door. Adam and Dane say they prefer to work out alone. Mark is in the HOH room enjoying listening to his music alone.
3:30 PM BBT They are all talking about the different workout routines. Adam asks Cory if the smoke was going towards her she says know I just stank. They start singing Happy Birthday to Mike. They sing it again in French and Spanish. Cory says thanks guys that was really nice I hope that makes up for the year I forgot his birthday. Kyra said you forgot his birthday. Adam says I am always more excited to give the gift than people who recieve them. Anthony says that he is the best gift giver. They all start saying their birthday dates. They just realize Mark is not there. Anthony says F*** Mark. Kyra asks Este she puts milk in her ice tea she says yeah are you not supposed to. Kyra said my mom’s birthday is in three days so we can do this again. They all are talking about getting a tattoo of the eye. Dane said get it on your forehead and if anyone asks say Big Brother is always watching. Anthony says yeah and when they say who is Big Brother he said I will say Stop Talking about Production. Anthony says what are you talking about he says Stop That. Production comes on and says STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Kyra starts talking about her Harvard jacket. STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES. THE BACKYARD WILL CLOSE IN 15 MINUTES ALL HOUSEGUEST MUST HEAD INSIDE. Anthony said his friend spent $1,200 on plants on amazon. Kyra tells them about a prank that a friend played on Kyra’s roommate. Adam tells them how he spent money and time on plants that he put out for a house he rented. Dane said he is going to smoke one more before they go in. Kyra asks Adam if he wants to smoke one more he says no. They start talking about Ace Ventura. Dane says he is Canadian too. Adam says no one is listening to them about the backyard being closed. Dane said that is ok we will all be locked out. Kyra starts talking about coffee.
3:45 PM BBT They are talking about what they would do when they go visit each other. Dane said he is going to sign everything with his hockey number and Cory says that is what all my kids do in class. Adam says my sister said she is never having kids. Dane tells him he can be his kids godfather whenever he has kids. They start talking about the grinch. Cory said that she didn’t want to have kids until a couple of years ago. Dane says he will never have a vasectomy. Kyra said well if you marry Sam then you would be an uncle to them. Kyra says if you and Sam have kids I better be an aunt. They start talking about kids names. Cory said that the older names are coming back. CORY REMEMBER CANADA IS WORKING. Este says she does not like guys names. Adam tells the story about how when his niece saw him after 7 months she would not leave out his arms. Anthony says sweat is trickling down my stomach. Cory said that J names give you the hardest time. They start saying J names. Anthony leaves out the hot tub area. Dane tells them that he needs a neck brace. Damien heads inside. Adam tells Dane Canada is watching Dane. Kyra tells them they are all so funny. Anthony is in the HOH room with Mark. He says there will be a meeting tonight and everything will be cleared up. Anthony tells him he does not trust anyone. Mark said I am going to say that we all said our peace and let’s all go into the next week with a clean slate. Anthony leaves out. THIS IS YOUR THREE MINUTE WARNING THE BACKYARD WILL BE CLOSED ALL HOUSEGUEST MUST MOVE INTO THE HOUSE. Mark is pacing back in forth in the HOH room. Este and Cory are bringing in the weights. She asks Cory has she worked out today and Cory says no that is why I want to bring in the weights. Cory said let bring them all in just in case it is for 24 hours and the boys want to work out.
4:00 PM BBT Production is telling the HG that the BY is now closed and that one of them needs to make sure the back door is now locked up. So, Corey and Adams are making sure t is all done properly. At this time, now all of the HG are in the house. Damien is in the HN room laying on one of those chairs all alone in the room Kyra is in the kitchen in the middle of doing the dishes and apparently she is all alone as the other HG are up and about.But, looks like Adam is enjoying his meal. Dane is the HOH room listening to the music he was given but also all alone. None is talking at the moment and the house is pretty much silent.
4:15 PM BBT Dane and Mark are in the HOH room finishing their conversation about what could be happening on the next competition.
4:25  PM BBT Dane and Este are sharing the Ipod listening to music, Damien and Kyra are in the Wr Showering Corey heads in and uses the RR. Mark comments on the songs they are listening too and how there are some weird techno songs. Adam colmes out of the Shower from the HOH and heads out the door. Corey is headed back downstairs. Corey and Anthony are in the kitchen talking and he is saying that she works out a lot and that she is not use to be out of her routine. They are also saying that they need to stop smoking. BAck in the Blue BR, Adams and Mark talking about who they should go after. Adams is being called into the DR leaving Mark alone in the bedroom.
4:30 PM BBT Anthony and Corey are still in the kitchen and they are talking about the HG and where the loyalty are starting to lay. Anthony left and now Kyra is in the kitchen with her. Kyra is saying that being an HOH is hard and whatever the HOH decides, then it is what it is. Kyra is saying that being the BB house is pretty hard and people on the outside do not realize it. Corey is saying that she needs to eat after realizing the time, especially after not eating much. She is in the Storage room looking to find something good to eat.
Kyra and Este are whispering for a few minutes, then continues to dance by herself while listening to music. Corey is saying that she still feels sick as she is trying to eat.
4:45 PM BBT Dane with Adam and Anthony are discussing and trying to figure out who will stay and who they should vote out. Kyra and Este are just chatting up and seeing what will be happening and all it is now is speculations. Mark is in the Blue BR having a conversation with Anthony where he is letting him know that he is not happy with the situation because he has been working hard in order to keep Adams off the block for him to think that he would throw him under the bus. Adams is walking out of the room and right after, Anthony is saying to Mark that he doesn’t like the fact Adams is paranoid.
5:00 PM BBT Adam with Anthony and Mark are in the Blue BR are reviewing orally all of the dates and what has been happening with each competitions and who won, who went home. In the kitchen, Damien is sitting with Corey as Este is running around the house getting her exercices. In the Storage room, Este is whispering to Damien so low that it is almost impossible to hear a word. He is talking to the feeds that he is hoping for the best and there is nothing more he can do. Damien is walking around the house and is entering the secret room. HE is talking to himself in the secret room and is saying hello to the moose as he is checking up the room to see if there is anything he can find that someone else has not. He then sits on one of the sofa while drinking his coffee. Damien is talking to the TV and tells it to play hoping it would turn on. He is now trying to close off the room to see if the TV would come on but for some reason, he can’t seem to do so as the door looks like it is stuck.
5:10 PM BBT Feeds are down.
5:20 PM BBT Feeds have returned to where some of the HG are discussing on whom they think should be winning and what are the jury members are thinking and who they will vote for towards the game and now, Mark is walking out of the room as some of the other HG are staying. They are talking about past season.

5:30 PM BBT Kyra and Mark are in the storage room and they are saying that tomorrow will be a crazy day.Kyra leaves the room leaving him alone. Damien with Este are sitting downstairs chilling as Adams comes down in the kitchen. Kyra is making herself a snack, Mark is joining them in the kitchen as Kya is playing some game questioning the other HG with questions that could be asked while playing the next comp. Adam is admitting that he didn’t know how the Final 3 worked. Kyra is asking him some questions about previous seasons and who won and who took who. Kyra is trying to figure out what time of the day it is at this time as Adam leaves the kitchen area.
5:45 PM BBT IN the Blue Bedroom, Anthony and Corey are talking and he is saying that she needs to take every conversations she had with each other HG into consideration and go from there. Anthony is trying to guide her and see what will put her in the best situation in the game and sometime to put dome of the HG back in their place. Back in the kitchen, Adam is saying that some of the HG are in a showmance. Adam is eating some kind of sandwich and Kyra is saying that she really enjoys eating muffins.
6:00 PM BBT Some of the HG are in the kitchen as other are in the blue Bedroom. All is pretty quiet in the house
8:00 PM BBT Feeds return around 8:03 PM BBT to Adam and Damien in the kitchen telling crazy stories about parties they went to in college. Mark joins them and tells them about one of his buddies who used to work at a massage parlor in Edmonton and a new girl started and brought muffins for everyone. Unbeknownst to Mark’s friend, they had been laced with weed but he ate 3 of them and called Mark and told him, “the waves are so beautiful” Mark was confused and then later realized the truth about what was really in the muffins and while under the influence of eating them, his buddy had gone into an electronic store and touched every screen on the computers thinking they were touch screen and the “waves” he had been referring to were the background.
8:15 PM BBT In the bathroom Cory and Anthony are talking about the live show tomorrow night and Cory is saying that while she was in the shower she was thinking about what she is going to say in her speech before the vote tomorrow night. Anthony tells her it has to be good and she says she wants most of it to be a surprise, but leading up to that what she thinks she’ll say is, if she stays, there is going to be wrath in the house and there is a very important HOH coming up, but whether she wins it or not if she stays, she’ll remember what side of the vote everyone was on and whether they voted for her to stay or not. Cory asks Anthony if he think that’s ok for her to say and he says it should be fine. Anthony, Adam, Damien, Kyra, and Cory are all in the kitchen now, Este can be heard singing in french in the background.Cory made pasta for everyone and says as a have not she wants to ask if it’s ok for her to have a spoonful, she also asks everyone to make sure Mark is all set and Adam says he came down earlier and made a big bowl of chinese food before going back upstairs to HOH.
8:30 PM BBT Only Adam, anthony, Kyra and Cory remain in the kitchen now. Adam mentions something about rice and cory says she’ll make rice instead of more pasta and Adam helps her with that. Anthony is already eating a plate of it and talks about how he doesn’t like pepper in his pasta and all his friends make fun of him and says they can’t put in pepper in it if he’s eating it and his mom says the same thing. Este is now at the table with everyone and Adam and Kyra are helping Cory make the pasta and rice. Anthony starts singing a parody of “La cucaracha” about Este only his version is, “Estefania, Estefania” Production: “Please stop singing” Anthony whispers the song instead and says he can’t remember the original version, este tells him it’s a spanish song called “La Cucaracha” which means the cockroach. Cory says there’s a lot of food and they probably won’t finish it all. Este asks, he just a “Is there really a lot of food?” and Cory says kind of, she used a third of a tofu box. Kyra says it will make for good leftovers. Corey is already at the side table in the kitchen with her plate and Adam and Kyra are finishing up cooking and este takes some sausages out of the oven. In the living room, Mark and Anthony are laying on the couches saying things are about to get intense in the game. Anthony says all the food he just ate made him so tired Mark agrees and their conversation switches to Momma Kailyn and how she made food for them all the time. Anthony says he thinks she must have gotten mad at everyone towards the end because she stopped cooking for them. They both laugh and Damien comes in. Mark asks who started the “Mom” nickname with Kailyn and Anthony says he did. Mark says its funny because anthony is older than her.
8:45 PM BBT Mark leaves the living room and Kyra joins Anthony and Damien. Kyra says they want to play hide and seek. Anthony says no one would ever be able to find him, probably not even the cameras. Kyra asks where he would hide and Anthony says he can’t tell them. Kyra asks if he tried it already and he says no. Damien says all you really need to do is go off camera and duck behind something. Conversation switches to the POV competition which Adam won the other day and Kyra says as they were climbing down the ladder Adam finished. Anthony says, “Faster than light Adam Pike” and that he looked like, as Dane reminded Anthony the “Wacky inflatable tube man” (presumably referring to the ones from Family Guy” Kyra asks Anthony if he gets his clippers every thursday and he says yes he does, Kyra asks if he’ll still get them even if he doesn’t cut his hair and Mark says he’ll still cut the sides. Kyra asks if they can either borrow them to cut their hair their self, or if Adam can do it for them Anthony says of course.
9:00 PM BBT Damien, Anthony, Cory, Mark, and Kyra are all on the couches in the living room joking around and Adam is upstair talking to everyone from over the edge. Kyra suggests they all play a game and Mark asks what kind, Kyra says either a game like they played with bubbles earlier, a points game, or some type of catch with the pillows. Adam asks where the sock fall is and cory says they have a tinfoil ball. Anthony says they should come up with a new game called, “Everybody cheer up Anthony” which he says could be fun. Kyra guesses that it’s probably around 7PM (BBT) because the, “fish light” is out and Anthony says it went a while ago so Kyra says it’s probably closer to 8/8:45 PM. Cory says she’s tired because of all the carbs she just ate which was pasta. Kyra says oh yeah, they know Cory isn’t really used to that and Cory says she’s glad she at least got some tofu in her too but says she’s usually used to a routine so the game is throwing her off a bit.
9:15 PM BBT Kyra is talking about their job as a bartender saying that they usually work from 9PM-3:30/4am but some nights if it’s not busy, they’ll start doing their closing tasks as early as they can and then they’ll slowly close and be able to get out a little bit earlier but usually it’s around 3:30/4 am and sometimes they work as a server at a restaurant from either 12-5 or 5-10 because theres a day and a night shift. They say once in a while they’ll do both and serve from 12-5 and then go straight to the bar and work from 10PM-4AM and once they worked a triple serving from 12-5 and then bartending from 6-4. Cory says that’s insane how they’re allowed to work that many hours. Kyra says it’s because it’s 2 different jobs and cory says that makes sense. Kyra says they actually miss working and Cory says she understands because being a bartender sounds like it would actually be a lot of fun. Kyra says it definitely is because you get to talk too a lot of people and they like the actual action of making the drinks and they’re clumsy in their day to day life, but not when it comes to making drinks. Cory tells them about a guy she knows who owns his own brewery and went overseas with his ciders and won a bronze medal for them, she says he wanted her to bartend at his brewery over the summer when she wasn’t working as a teacher. Kyra says she’d probably be good at it and that making beers is super easy. Kyra asks if Cory knows a lot about beer and she says she likes to drink it. Kyra says cider sounds so good right now, Cory says that and a glass of red wine. They both agree. Kyra decides they want a cup of tea and gets up to go make one asking if anyone else wants one. Cory says she’ll have a cup or orange pico tea and to let her know when they’re ready and she’ll help carry them into the living room. Everyone gets called for a battery change. Mark is in the living room with Cory and Anthony and Damien who are sleeping. Mark jokes for BB to tell him a story and ends up telling it himself in two different voices.
9:30 PM BBT Mark is talking about one of his friends who is a huge Big Brother Superfan and says he was hanging out with her literally right before he came to go on the show and says about how the American live feeds cost money, but she has a subscription for them and has watched both American and Canadian big brother since season one of each and follows all of the past houseguests on every form of their social media. Both Mark and Cory give her a shoutout her name is Miriam and she’s from Calgary. Mark says how when he last saw her before he came out to be on the show, they were talking about it and he says how they usually discuss all the episodes together and she told him they would have to talk about episode one after it aired and Mark was thinking in his head about how she wouldn’t be able to do that right away, but he thinks she would love to meet everyone, and she’s probably losing her mind over the fact that someone she knows is a houseguest this season. Mark is talking about Paul from BBUS 18 and 19 and is saying about how he tried to look like the godfather in the DR all the time. Damien asks if Paul was the one who tried to make a deal with everyone during one of the competitions where they were all on ice blocks. Mark says that that was him, and it was similar to this season on BBCAN 7 when they were playing buzzkill 2.0 and he wanted pizza, and Sam told him that she wouldn’t out him up and to go get pizza knowing she would probably put him up anyway.
9:45 PM BBT Mark, Adam, Este, and Kyra are all in the kitchen playing some game, bouncing a little white ball and trying to get it to land in a glass which equals 2 points and adam ends up winning. Kyra finishes making everyone’s tea. Feeds cut to Mark and Dane in the HOH room. Mark lets out a heavy sigh and says he should probably grab the bubbles which he does, and sits on the bed blowing them. Dane grabs his plate of food and says he’s going to go lay down. Mark asks if he’s feeling good and Dane says he’s ok, and thanks Mark for telling him some things. Mark says it’s no problem and to let him know if he wants to talk. Dane says, “Thanks Man” as he leaves the room. Downstairs Kyra and Este are in the kitchen and Kyra is talking about how they don’t feel included in the game because, they’re, “Not a guy.” Este says she feels the same way sometimes but they both have to remember that when they go home they have their own friends outside of the game. Kyra says they still want to be included in the game talk because they are there to play the game and not just watch from the sidelines.

Tonight's Show!

April 17, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, when Adam's squeeze got sent to the jury, the Pretty Boys were on top of the world. And the boys were ready for their next move.

The party hit stride at the HoH competition and when the others got wasted, Mark threw back a perfect score, served up his alliance's fifth win of the HoH season. Mad with power, Mark was tickled by the idea of sabotage, and the rogue agent floated putting up one of his own.

With the dual purpose of covering up his alliance while keeping Adam in his crosshairs. When the alpha dog heard the plan, he didn't bite. On the hunt for the second nominee, Mark went to school with Cory, then Mark's sights locked onto the silent but deadly Damien. With the pressure building on the Pretty Boys, Mark and Adam went at it again. Despite the tension, the boys decided to stick together and put on a show for the rest of the house. Then Adam joined Damien on the block. Tonight, who can handle the spiciest PoV of the season? Will the cracks in the pretty boy foundation collapse into a chasm? Hold the door! It's time for Big Brother Canada!

We pick up with Adam's speech during the nomination ceremony on Day 42. Mark says when he won HoH, his first thought was to take a shot at the Pretty Boys, but the timing just isn't right. He put Adam up so it throws everyone off the alliance and it's for his own sadistic pleasure.

Adam doesn't agree with the plan, but if he thinks that's what is best then he'll have to play along. He used the anger to make it seem like he was actually mad at him. IT was just to throw everyone off so no one ever thinks he and Mark would be working together. At the end of the day, The Pretty Boys are good.

Adam goes to talk to Mark in the HoH and he says they are good and he's with them 100%. Mark says Adam did tell him he had a speech plan. He says he and Adam have had their differences but at the end, they came together to fool the house. He is talking to himself in the HoH room and he says he thinks he has to focus on the Pretty Boys all the way. This is nuts.

Damien is a little aggravated. He says this is his third time on the block and he is sick of this. He says this is so annoying. He needs to take himself off the damn block and force Mark to show them what he's made of or he might be going home this week. Este says that ceremony was a bit ridiculous and there is too much testosterone in the house and Adam's speech just came across as him coming across at intimidating. She says there is more than one way to play Big Brother. You don't have to be a competition beast to win. Este talks to herself outside and she says she's not afraid of Adam and she's not a delicate little flower. Dane comes out and says he's here to save her. Este says she's so tired of being the damsel in distress in this house.




Anthony and Cory are talking and Anthony says if Adam wins, then Damien goes home. Cory says say Dane wins PoV, that would be their chance to take out Adam because everyone would be behind that. Cory says if Adam stays on the block they can just send him home this week. Anthony says Cory is his homegirl, she's been loyal to him, but he's been riding with the Pretty Boys since day one. It's been more and more difficult to play both sides and some decisions are going to have to be made soon.

Kyra, Adam, and Dane are in the Have-Not room and Kyra says they will win PoV and take Adam down. Kyra says they have to get Cory out now because she's obsessed with Anthony. Dane says they do hang out a lot and Adam says it's starting to bug him. Kyra says they saw Cory staring at Anthony smiling and she's worse than Kyra was with Chelsea. Dane says she's driving him insane. Cory and Anthony are playing Rochambeau and Cory screams when she loses and Dane says shut up!

Dane is talking to Mark and Mark says Adam isn't a competition beast, he's a competition destroyer. He has a great chance of winning PoV and pulling himself down and he has to consider a replacement nominee. Dane says this is it, backdoor Cory 2.0. They can finally make this happen and get her out the door. But they have to figure out how to bring it up to Anthony because he might not take it well. Mark says this is a really good plan.

Kyra and Anthony go into the storage room and they have groceries. They put them away together. Dane is in the HoH room playing with bubbles. It's time to pick players for the PoV competition! Dane says they want to backdoor Cory. She's a beast at competitions so she better not get picked. Mark draws Kyra's chip. Damien draws Este. Adam draws Cory. Adam and Dane don't look happy. Adam says he had a three out of four chance to pick Dane, Anthony, or HGs choice and he draws Cory. Now he just has to beat her and he can get some satisfaction for Sam walking out the door.

Adam is talking to Damien about who Damien is close with. Adam says he's just working on both of them staying in there. Adam says now that he doesn't have Sam, it would be nice to have someone outside the Pretty Boys. Adam says either you come off or I do and whoever goes up can go home. Damien says they should get their selves to top five and Dane and Adam and himself can be something good.

Anthony and Mark are talking. Anthony says what's the next move? Cory? Mark says yes. Mark says he'll explain everything and if he doesn't like it...Mark says Cory hasn't spoken to her once today. Anthony says she feels good.

Mark leaves the HoH for a moment and Anthony leaves too. Anthony wants to talk to Dane for a second and he heads back to the HoH room. Adam is in the bathroom area and he says Anthony feels closer with Dane just like he does too.

Dane tells Anthony they discussed who was better to get out right now. Dane says there have only been four winners left in the house, Cory, Adam, Dane, and Mark. Dane says it might be better to get Cory out before Damien. Anthony gets aggravated that Dane and Adam think he's like Adam because he might cry if Cory goes on the block and he wouldn't be like that. Anthony says his only issue is, they all agreed they'd make decisions together, but when they started making two person alliances things started to crumble. Anthony says he likes Cory and Damien comes in. Anthony says he's OK with whoever Mark wants to put up, he just wants everyone to talk about it so it's fair.

Anthony says he just found out the guys have been talking about putting Cory on the block. He doesn't know what gave those guys the impression they are running the game, but nothing happens in this house without him knowing about it. Anthony talks to Cory and tells her that Mark is considering nominating her as a replacement. He can't tell Cory everything, but he needs her to gun for the veto because he can't let her go out like that. He tells her not to say anything. Cory leaves and Anthony says snakes...dumb move man. Dumb move.

The HGs head outside for the PoV competition and it's a Wendy's themed competition. Dane is dressed as a pepper. On go, the spice will spill out of their container and they'll slide down a fire pole to their sandwich. They will then run down and search for puzzle pieces and put it together. But beware! They will have to watch their spice and make sure it doesn't run out. If their spice runs out, then they will be eliminated. They will have to run down and scoop spice to give themselves more time. They will also have an opportunity to earn a larger scoop if they hear the phone ring and are the first to answer the phone. After their puzzle is together, they'll have to maneuver the game board to roll some balls onto 6 red spots on the board. The winner will win PoV AND $5000 from Wendy's.

The HGs start going running back and forth getting their pieces. Este says this challenge is so difficult. Not only do you have to run back and forth, but you have to pay attention to your spice. She is definitely gunning for this so she's not a replacement nominee. Kyra would like to win because they want to win the money. It's not a lot, but it covers some debt.

Damien says he's tired of losing all the time and he needs to show people he's a competitor and can win. Adam and Damien are on their puzzles. Cory says Anthony was acting weird before the competition and she's not sure what was going on so she needs to win this veto. Cory runs back to refill her spice. Everyone is working on their puzzle and Anthony tells them all to focus. Kyra is refilling their spice. Este is almost out of spice and she runs back. The phone rings and Damien won the larger scoop from the phone call. He says hopefully this can help him dig his way off the block.

Kyra tells Adam he's almost out of spice. Adam says Kyra is getting on his nerves. They keep telling him his spice is almost out and it's still half full. He knows Kyra is looking out for him but it's still annoying. Cory says this puzzle is hard and Dane says no one said this would be easy Cory. Este and Cory run back to refill their spice. Kyra makes a dash back as well. Kyra yells for Adam. Dane is watching Adam's spice too. Adam sprints back because his spice is running out.

Dane yells remember everyone, if you run out of spice you're out of the competition. Adam is sprinting back and he makes it just in time. Adam is the first to finish his puzzle and he's on to his first ball. Adam sees Cory is catching up and that adds fuel to his fire. The ball falls off the edge. Kyra is done with their puzzle. Kyra's ball falls off the edge too. Cory's puzzle is done and she runs back to fill her spice. Adam gets his first ball in and he heads back to fill his spice. Este is done with her puzzle and Damien is still working on his puzzle. Dane says Damien is giving hockey players all around the country a bad name.

Adam has ball number two and Cory has her first ball. Adam has his third ball. Adam gets his fourth ball and he has two balls to go. Cory looks a little frustrated. Adam lands his fifth ball and he's on his last ball. Dane says the man that found new land. Adam lands his final ball and has won the PoV and $5000! Adam says three for three and five grand in the bank. They have a plan for Adam to come down and Cory go up and out. He needs to push hard for this to happen because he won't be satisfied until Cory walks out the door.

Dane says his boy Adam is a machine! Now they can do what they want and finally backdoor Cory. Dane goes to celebrate with Adam. Adam says this has to happen. She has to go and Dane agrees. Dane says did we just witness what we witnessed? Damien is no threat at all. He never even finished his puzzle. Adam says Cory could have easily won that. Dane says Este is coming and he congratulates Adam and leaves with Este.

Anthony and Cory are talking and she asks who Mark is going to put up. Anthony says he doesn't know but he knows people have been talking. Cory says to put me up? Anthony says Mark is too smart and at the end of the day He is going to decide. He tells Cory to stay calm and play it smoothly. She has to trust him. Cory says I trust you.

Anthony is talking to Mark in the HoH. Anthony says Adam is dumb as nails and Dane is just trying to stay safe with Este and Damien. Anthony says he loves Cory, but he wants to keep her because she believes everything he says because everything he says is true. Anthony says Dane lies to the boys to protect Este. Anthony says he's from Toronto and he's loyal to the boys and Adam and Dane need to stop acting like little bitches. Mark says Anthony has made some good points about Cory going only furthers Dane and Adam's game. Anthony fought tooth and nail to keep him safe a couple of weeks ago and he's standing with Anthony.

Arisa tells us Canada has been wondering all season long about the secret of The Archive room. All will be revealed Thursday!

Mark is talking to Este and she realizes she could be the one going up. Este says Mark could put up Cory because she's a big competitor. Este says if she goes up then there trust will be broken and she'll be mad. Este says she thinks the whole house wants bigger targets out. Este says right now there are three big competitors in the house. One has their backs, one just took himself off, and the other she doesn't know. Este says come on Mark, make a big move. Do something with your HoH!

Adam says Mark told him he talked to Anthony and he's getting cold feet about the backdoor plan and it's making him mad. He goes to HoH and he's talking with Dane and Mark comes in and Adam says what are you thinking for tomorrow? Do you want to make a big move or send home a weak player? Adam says Anthony had one conversation with you and Mark says I'll get Anthony right now.

The Pretty Boys head to the HoH room and Damien says they are a bunch of dummies. Adam says the other morning they were discussing what they thought and now it seems like things have changed. Adam thinks Cory is a bigger threat. Mark says if you wanted Cory out so much, why didn't you take me off the block and put Cory on the block? Adam says he wanted to, but did you want to expose us? Kyra pokes their head in and they get quiet.

Adam says so you're going to take a weak player out on your HoH? Mark says Damien could be a strong player. Dane says jury won't respect taking out a weak player. Mark says taking out Cory doesn't help his game and he thinks Damien could still be strong. Adam says so you're going to trust Cory and think she'll do what we want? He doesn't think so. Anthony says I do. I say one word and she will do it.

It's time for the PoV ceremony! Damien congratulates Adam on winning PoV, he's the biggest baddest player in the game. That being said, let's see who the biggest, baddest player joining him is. Adam has use the power of veto on himself. Since he just vetoed one of Mark's nominations, he has to choose a replacement nominee. Here's his chance to put up another big player.

Mark says he didn't know Adam was going to use it, but he lives to fight another day. Mark says his goal for the week was to further his game strategically.'re my replacement nominee. This PoV ceremony is complete!

Este says she is on the block again thanks to weak Mark. He could have gotten a strong player, but he's a coward and this is the most pathetic HoH of the season. Adam says he took himself down so they could put up Cory. He doesn't know what Anthony and Mark are thinking but she's the biggest threat to the Pretty Boys.


April 16, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Out by the Hot Tub area Anthony, Dane and Corey are talking about who could have put Corey on the block. They are also trying to figure out if it is a Triple this week. Adam and Kyra join them so the conversation changes to what they are going to do to day as it is Dane’s Birthday. Kyra says Well they gave Sindy with an S a party. Dane says What that season 5 Kyra responds with There have been a lot of birthdays in the house. Adam wishes his grandfather a Happy Birthday as well but he doesn’t know his age. Inside Damien and Este are sitting in the Nook area having a general conversation about Damien’s brother. Damien says He pretty much does it all himself now; they are talking about Damien producing records. He says he would be broke if it wasn’t for his older brother. Adam walks by saying it is Dane’s birthday today so no game talk to day. Outside the conversation revolves around past seasons and the HGs that have received . They are talking about the power Canada gave Neda. Corey says She told Ika she was a doll. Dane says Her skin is perfect. He continues with she is a 20 out of 10. Dane says When he watched her on television she looked perfect but in real life she has not one imperfection. Kyra has left the area. Corey says If you guys have any advice for me I am all ears. She says I know it is your birthday. Dane says It doesn’t matter. Anthony chimes in it doesn’t matter who did it just know Dane and I got you. Corey says She thinks it is Adam because now he doesn’t want to even work out with me. Dane says He is still hurting because you sent Sam home. Corey says He was gung ho yesterday and the day before. Dane suggests she talk to him. The conversation has stopped. Back inside Kyra and Este are whispering about the fact that she has no concerns. Damien is with them. Kyra says They are going to try and convince Dane that Corey will take him to the end and get Adam out for him. Kyra says Even Chelsea said he put me on the block and wanted me out of the house and I still like Dane. They continue with that they are a little worried Anthony may convince him because Anthony is so good with his words. Kyra says They feel like she hasn’t even campaigned with them yet.
10:15 AM BBT Este is whispering That Corey knows she is on thin ice. Kyra says She treats us all like we are her students. Damien says Sometimes I feel like I have been suspended from class when she talks to me. Kyra gets called out for her mic. Kyra says I fell right to sleep last night. Este says Does the banana tea help you sleep. Kyra says Yes it does. Este is telling them about her crazy dream she had last night. Back outside by the hot tub Dane is telling them about the training he had to do when he was trying out for a hockey team. Dane is telling them about a Drag Queen he met that also was a 20 out of 10. But had big hands. Back inside Kyra is saying that in the house that no one is not truly happy. Kyra says Why did he take you to Wendy’s if he put you on the block. Este says She thinks Mark put up two people that he wouldn’t mind whichever one went home. Damien says as soon as he put Este up next to him he knew he was going home. He says he went outside and the sky opened up and it poured on him. But then Corey got put up and I have hope. They are trying to figure out who put Corey up. Kyra says Well if it was one of you two I love you. Kyra says I need to go do my hair as we have a very busy day ahead. Este is trying to figure out what to wear today. She says She only has 2 pairs of jeans. Mark has finally left the HOH Room but he has his hot tub shorts on. In the washroom Adam is telling Kyra that they are going to work on Dane all week now. Kyra says They are going to try and turn Dane against me. Adam says He confronted Anthony last night but Anthony denied it. Kyra says He is saying I am lying. Adam says He is doing the same thing when Sam was on the block and he told me Sam was going to come after me. Kyra agrees he is doing the same thing. Adam gets called to the DR.

11:30 AM BBT Mark comes out to get in the hot tub. Kyra says They honestly don’t know who put her up but they know it wasn’t Mark or Anthony. Mark says Maybe it was Canada. Corey says That would break my heart if Canada wants me out. Mark thinks the boxes and tape recorder and tape that was found was just to mess with our heads. COrey says She likes to go head to head with people not sneaky. Corey says She has no respect for someone to go behind my back instead of face me eye to eye. Kyra asks do you think we will ever find out. Mark says What someone stand up and say I did it. Corey says If they tell me they did it and I do go to jury it will be their resume with me. Corey says It is cool though and I do get it but I just have to figure out the campaign. Kyra gets up to leave. Corey says to Mark you came out to get in the tub and didn’t let me chat with them. Mark says I’m sorry. COrey asks him if she screwed up with what she said. Mark says no it was just an uncomfortable conversation. Corey asks if Adam came to talk to him last night. Mark says Yes but it was nothing big. Mark says it was just I want to do what the HOH wants but I also want to do what is good for my game. Mark says It is no secret Adam wants you to go. Corey asks about Damien. Mark says I don’t know where he is at because he hasn’t won an HOH . Corey says Yesterday I got him to calm down a little bit. Mark says I told him straight up after he calmed down that I know if I go on the block you aren’t going to vote to keep me so both you and Este on the block that only leaves 1 vote in the house against me. Mark says He thinks 2 people are going home on Thursday. Corey tells him I like the way you ran your HOH you did what was good for you. Mark says I don’t know the whole house hates me. Corey says No you surround yourself with people who you knew would be loyal.
11:45 AM BBT Dane and Este are putting the chairs back around the dining room table. Damien is eating some slop pancakes. Kyra joins Este and Damien and tells them that Corey talked to them. They are telling them that orey says She doesn’t like how she was put up as she likes to go toe to toe with them. Kyra says Mark is really pushing for her to stay. Kyra says They are really going to work on Dane. Este says Adam told her that they were talking to Dane for a long time but she isn’t going to question him. Este says to Damien How long should I wait after eating to work out. She asks Kyra to play pool. Kyra carries Este out to the hot tub area. Este says to Corey I am not use to seeing you outside this early normally you are in your sit. Adam, Dane Kyra are having a smoke. Corey and Este are on the sofa Mark is in the hot tub. Mark says Do you guys realize that our life is down to battery change. Corey says What time is it? Kyra says 10 past 2nd battery change. The conversation is on general topics.

12:00 PM BBT All cameras are on the Hot tub area where there is several different conversations going on. Mark and Dane are talking about their trips to Vegas. COrey is talking about the colour of her mother’s hair. Adam says Flaming Redheads. Dane asks Mark if he wants him to cut his hair. Adam says trim your sideburns. Mark says How long do you think beards will be in style. Adam says beards will never go out of style. They start talking about Jimmy Fallon and get called out. The cameras all switch to the inside where Anthony and Damien are playing pool. Anthony starts to say something but wait until Este passes. Anthony says Este said this morning that I was going to campaign against me. Anthony says He has no intention of mentioning his name or Este’s name. Anthony says I was going to campaign for you but it is different with Corey is on the block. Damien says I get it you and Corey are close and loyal to each other. Anthony says I know people in the house are worried about me but I am just trying to wrap my head around it.
I don’t care who put her up. I just want you to know that I am not going to talk shit about you. Damien says I get it we both keep things close. Damien continues with I know you are loyal to Corey but I also know what you told me before she was on the block. One of us is leaving on Thursday but if I stay know I got your back. Cameras 3 & 4 are down so it is just the pool game. Damien says to Anthony if you get pissed off you know you can talk to me. Anthony says He can’t make a shot today.
12:15 PM BBT They finish their game and Damien asks if they want to go again, Anthony says sure. Damien says that this is a tough game, he is not talking about pool but about BB. Anthony agrees. He says that it’s because they are all cooped up with nothing to do and being bored. Damien says he wishes he had a pen and paper. They begin the next game not really talking much. Anthony says he is so mad under his breath. Anthony is doing well at the game. Damien says he shouldn’t have asked to play again. They finish the game and Damien says he is going to make some pancakes because he is getting skinny again. Dane comes in from outside. Anthony and Dane are now playing pool. Anthony hits the balls too hard. Mark comes through and says he is going to take a shower. Anthony says he loves this game. Kyra comes in and sits down on the circle couch.
12:30 PM BBT There is not a lot of activity going on in the house. They finish their game and Dane goes to the bathroom. Anthony lays down on the couch and is stretching out. Krya talks about the game they played yesterday where they played well. They ask Anthony if he is sore, he says he is just achy. Dane returns from the bathroom and begins to play pool with Kyra. Anthony asks if the sun is out. Dane says not really there is a lot of fog. In the kitchen, Corey is talking about eating non-needed sugar. At the pool table, Kyra tells Dane that they will not do any game talk on his birthday. Dane says he appreciates that. Anthony goes to the Kitchen and tells Corey that she needs to start reading people. She says that she told Kyra that she understands why someone would put me up that it makes sense. But that she put Sam up because she was lying to her. She said that at least she looked Sam in the eye and told her she was going up, but that she is not getting the same. She said that she wants Kyra to go back and tell Adam. Anthony says for her to go after Adam’s pride because he has no dignity. She says that the whole relationship with Adam has been making it to the bloodbath and the bloodbath is after the triple. She says that everyone in that goes for it and those who you beat vote for you. She says that’s how she has been playing the entire time. She tells Anthony that she feels that it was Adam suggesting to back door her and not Dane. She said that Sam is not in the clear but that she feels that what she told her about Dane is true. Dane comes into the kitchen. She asks what their workout status will be. Anthony says to be determined. Este comes running past the kitchen and they count her laps. Corey washes a dish and goes to sit on the couch.
12:45 PM BBT Outside in the backyard, Anthony, Damien and Adam are talking and are in general conversation. ADAM PLEASE GO TO THE DR. In the storage room, Mark and Kyra are talking. Kyra says they don’t want to make everyone nervous. Mark tells them that what they have told him that other people in the house are saying the same thing. He says that Corey came to him and said if she goes up that she will go home. Kyra says that Mark has been saying it’s time to get out a stronger player. They tell him that they don’t want Adam to go and Mark says that he gets what they did and it’s called strategy. They said that they will not win the physical comps. Kyra says that people will build relationships because of that. He says that he knows if they win that he will not go up. THey say that’s because they made that deal. Kyra says they are afraid of Corey. They say that it all exploded when Corey was HOH. Mark asks Kyra if they have talked to Corey about Chelsea’s HOH and backdooring Corey. Kyra says that they have but that Corey doesn’t believe them. Kyra says that people need to realize they are not always going to feel safe in the house. They say that because of their life experience, they are not scared of being uncomfortable. Mark says that if this week is a double or triple that he very well could be walking out the door minutes after his own HOH and he said he knows that there will be backlash and he will have to deal with it.
1:00 PM BBT Kyra says in this game what comes around goes around and obviously they were going to find what what Sam did before she left. Kyra goes out to the kitchen to grab some sugar. Kyra goes back into the storage room and continues her conversation with Mark. Kyra says that they have shown loyalty by campaigning to keep people in the house. Mark tells Kyra that he has not made any deals, Kyra says the same. Mark says that there are undertones in conversations that they need to pay attention because people are not going to right up to them and say who they are working in. Kyra says that now people are not going to get out weak players because they want people in the game who they can beat. Kyra tells him that it’s a good thing that people are upset with him because then they will not be worried sitting next to him in final 2. He says that but look where Damien and Este are. But because Kyra has sway that everyone wants to take Kyra to the final. Mark says that Kyra showed that they can compete but maybe not on the same level as others in the house. Kyra says that they don’t think they have as much sway as he is saying. Mark says that their mid-game sway is what kept them here. Kyra says that they are resilient and Mark says they have a good social game. Mark talks about Kikki and that Mark says she would have been better as a solo instead of Este and Kikki being a duo. Kyra asks if he thinks Kikki was obsessed with Este. Kyra says that Kikki is bi and that she would always talk about Este and would look at her. Mark says he maybe didn’t read the signals. Mark says they both like female attention. Kyra says that Chelsea got them good. They both head out to the kitchen leaving a mess in the store room. Mark puts his drink on the blender. They go back in the store room and Mark asks Kyra to keep their conversation between them and that he knows that Kyra studies days with Este. Kyra cleans up the mess in the store room and Mark leaves. He comes back in and Kyra asks him how he knew that Kyra was practicing days with Este. He tells them that he saw them. Kyra says that everyone is studying days in the house.
1:15 PM BBT Mark says that 6 out of 7 people will bring Kyra to the finals. Kyra says this game changes very fast. Mark says if Corey puts her up that people will keep her but that Kyra is the closest to being bulletproof in the house. Kyra says that they do not 100% know where people’s heads are at because they are not involved in big conversations. Mark says that’s only because he is HOH. Kyra says that they think not putting Corey up as a replacement could be bad for his game. Mark says he was thinking of numbers to keep him instead of vote him out in Damien or Este. He says that the HOH doesn’t send anyone home but they only nominate. Kyra says they tried to build trust with Corey and it didn’t work. Kyra says that the house thought he would take out a big player. Kyra tells him that Damien has not talked game with anyone. Mark says that’s a bad thing. Because of that, he is a scary player because no one would know where his head is at. Kyra says they don’t agree with that. Mark says it’s because a vote. He tells Kyra that he has his own reason for doing what he is doing. Kyra tells him that after this HOH that he needs to explain to the house what he is doing. Mark says he has already done that. That he broke it down to them as best as he could. Kyra says they get it and that he feels tension from many angels. Mark says that the world sees him making a weak move. Or that there is another angle. Kyra says that it also means Corey and Anthony are on his side. Mark says unless they go rogue. Mark says he really thinks two people will be going home this week. Kyra says you really think so? They clink glasses and Kyra leaves the storage room. Mark is left in the storage room walking around talking to himself under his breath. He leaves the storage room. Kyra heads outside to the back yard where Anthony and Damien are still sitting. Kyra says this day is hard because there are no cigarettes. Damien says good for you and Kyra says it’s not her choice. Mark goes and sees Corey sitting on the chairs and goes to talk to her. Corey says that if she goes out of the house doing her best and she can not pull a Kikki and change what she says. Mark tells her to go talk to Anthony. He walks away. Dane and Este are working out. Este walks out and sees Corey and goes up to talk to her.

1:30 PM BBT She tells Corey that everytime she sees Corey she is doing something weird. She tells Este that she needs stimulation and not to judge her. Mark and Dane are now playing pool. They talk about votes for Corey. Kyra comes in from outside. They ask Mark if they can use the music player. Kyra leaves and they go back to discussing votes. Damien comes in. Mark asks if Damien wants to play. Dane goes back to work out. Anthony is outside alone. Dane comes out and asks what Corey was talking to him about in the kitchen. He says that Corey told him about the conversation with Kyra. Anthony says that Kyra is trying to kiss as much butt as possible. Anthony says that they only want 20 grand. He talks about the conversation with Adam in the store room this morning and that Adam doesn’t have any loyalty. Dane tells him that Kyra said that Anthony told him that Dane was the biggest liar in the game. Anthony says that he does not talk game with Kyra. That the last time he talked to Kyra that they told him that it was Adam coming after them and not Sam. Anthony said that he had a conversation with Este this morning. That she told him that she knew with it was like to have someone close to you on the block. He says he will not run around the house crazy like Adam. He said that he will have quick conversations with a few people. Este told him that when Kikki was gone that she didn’t trust anyone else in the game. That Este told him she was totally loyal to him and he said it is what it is. That we are at the point in the game where it’s not about loyalty but about fighting to win. Dane says that Damien told him that if he wins that he will put Mark and Este up. Anthony said that he talked to Damien this morning and that he will be campaigning for Corey. Damien said to Anthony that he totally gets it. He says that he was going to get into it with Mark but that he really doesn’t have to talk to Mark but to Dane. But that Dane is loyal to PB and to him but that he will do what is best for his game. Anthony says that it comes down to who will not put you up or vote you out. Anthony says that Adam has not been building relationships and now he wants moves to be made so he feels safe. Corey told him that she should act like she is worried. He says he told her that he is not going to run around crazy and that he will be talking. She asks him what she should do. Anthony said that he doesn’t know, because if people want her gone, she will be gone. Anthony tells Dane that he may feel that he can trust Damien but that if Corey wins she will not put him up. Dane says he feels safe with certain people. Anthony says that at this point you need to watch out for your own game. He says that he hopes people will not get offended in this game when he told them to their face that he could beat them.
1:45 PM BBT He says he came in the house to win. Anthony says that Adam is a career loser. So why should he get offended by something like that. Dane days he doesn’t care. Anthony says he has been loyal to BP this whole game. He says he is not going to continue to talk to Adam. But that it makes sense to keep Corey. He says it’s not about winning comps anymore. Anthony says it comes down to him and Dane. Adam comes out. Dane asks if he has more packs of cigarettes. Dane says that he was in the DR for a long time. They begin talking about what they say in the DR PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. ADAM PLEASE GO TO THE DR. He gives his cigarette to Dane and he tells Adam he will save some. Adam heads inside. He paces around for a bit and production asks him again to go to the DR. He heads inside. Mark is playing pool alone. Outside, Dane and Anthony are talking about Anthony’s mom. Dane says if he wins, they are going on a trip. Anthony says same. Dane tells Anthony that Mark told him he thinks two people are going home this week.
2:00 PM BBT Corey and Mark are playing pool. Mark tells Damien he is shocked he actually won. Corey and Damien start setting up for a game. Outside in the hot tub area Mark and Anthony are talking what tis there next game move. Anthony said the only way we can get Dane on board is if we sell out PB. Anthony said that Dane said Damien in loyal to him but that is not the case. Anthony says that Dane goes to each person the Wed before the eviction and tell them that he is voting with the house. Mark said that Este threatened him that if she is not here for the final four then she is not voting for him. Mark said that Kyra has not game that she has only been riding on everyone’s coat tails. Anthony said well you know Este does too. For example she came up to him this morning and started kissing his ass and I told her upfront I am not going to campaign for Cory to stay I will only talk to one person. Anthony said well you know she(Este) sold out her closest ally when it was an option.
2:15 PM BBT Anthony tells Mark that had he won the HOH comp Go For It then there would be different house dynamic. Adam and Dane are working out. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Mark tells Anthony he is the glue to hold everyone up and he is the super glue cement. Anthony said that he still would have gotten rid of Maki and probably Kailyn since she kept making jabs at Adam. Anthony tells Mark I know for a fact that Adam and Dane have a final two. Mark said why no one else has came ot me like you did to explain why you wanted to keep Cory. Anthony tells him because they have a final two and think they run this house. Damien has joined Dane and Adam in working out. Anthony said now I have to start thinking about my game the whole time it was all about the PBs.Anthony tells him that Dane is going around and making side deals with everyone. Mark says well we know everyone is voting out Corey. Anthony says he is still going to vote to keep Cory safe. Anthony said that I know Adam did it. Mark said why didn’t we have this conversation prior to this happening. Anthony said well because he was always up Sam’s side. Mark leaves out then to make sure no one is sitting there. Anthony said we will not say anything else about it if Dane votes out Cory then we know he and Adam have a final two. Cory has joined the guys in their workout routine. Kyra and Este are in the HOH room talking. Feeds go down at 2:28 PM BBT
2:30 PM BBT Dane asks the guys does hes think that they will do anything for his birthday. Anthony says I think so. Adam, Damien, and Cory are still working out. Dane tells Mark that we need to just Anthony and Adam fight it out. Anthony leaves out and Dane is in the hot tub. Dane is telling Mark what happened last night he states that Este came to him and asks him if he was in the HOH room last night he says well yep. He said he went back into the Have not room and she asks who was up in the HOH room he said well Mark, Anthony, and Me. he said she asked me so Adam was not up there he said well no. Dane said well Este said that everyone believed that there was an all guy alliance. She said I told you then there was not one since we kept putting up Damien. Dane said she told me that I did not believe that there is a guy alliance. Mark said well Kikki was the only one who believed it and I am so glad that she is gone. Dane said yeah she would be the one to blow my game up. Mark said well you each need to have a ride or die. Mark said that this should be the triple because they always have one then the two. Mark said we need to all sit down tonight and decide. Dane said so do you want me to put blood on your hands he said well if I have to. Dane said that why is Anthony is saying that he is threatened by Damien when Damien has not done anything. Why is Anthony so afraid of him. Dane we have already got rid of the all the winners like how we got rid of Chelsea, and Sam, and even Kikki. Dane said still think that it is Adam. Dane said it does not matter who because we will take control again next week. THIS IS YOUR 15 MINUTE WARNING THE BACKYARD WILL BE CLOSED. They are trying to figure out who each person will be putting up if the won HOH.
2:45 PM BBT THIS IS YOUR THREE MINUTE WARNING ALL HOUSE GUESTS NEED TO MAKE THEIR WAY INSIDE. Dane gets out the hot tub. He and Mark head to the inside. Mark starts singing that they are going to celebrate Dane’s birthday tonight. Este is in the HOH room listening to the music on the Ipod. Cory and Adam are in the kitchen area. Cory starts making bird noises. Feeds go down for a minute. Adam and Kyra are talking about places near Calgary and Alberta. Adam tells Kyra that for a long time he just crashed from place to place for a while and then was able to buy a car. Kyra asks him why did he moved back to Newfoundland. He says well because of the ex girlfriend. . Adam tells Kyra that he had a rotation in some of those areas so that is why he traveled a lot.
3:00 PM BBT Kyra said are we going to have another veto. Adam said why would they do that she said well because we have another nominee. Adam said I don’t thinks so. Adam starts going back to talking about his job and how much he moved around. Anthony is in the kitchen cooking while Cory is sitting at the counter. Mark keeps walking back and forth behind Anthony. Anthony and Mark start quoting a book. Mark starts whispering to Anthony. Mark said that he and Dane are a lot a like and that makes for good TV. Anthony walks away and Mark starts pacing back and forth. Anthony is still cooking something to eat.

3:15 PM BBT Adam, Este, and Kyra are now sitting outside the HOH room and he is telling them how he would up with the job he has now in the oil field. Kyra asks him don’t you have to be certified he said no not at first. Adam tells them that he welded for 6 years. Adam said there was about 6 people that were from his same area. Adam said when I got tired of welding I started doing a job with driving. He said that for several years he would do construction during the summer time and then do some type of welding throughout the rest of the year. Adam said that his friend was a supervisor and he kept telling him to come and apply with them. Adam said and that is how I got started, Este asked him what is the day like. He said well each day is different. Cory said that well I was going to get him out in the end but I guess he bet me to it. Damien is walking back and forth around them. Mark is eating his salad. Cory leaves the table to fill up her water bottle. Mark finishes up his salad and goes to wash his plate Anthony is still eating. Mark tells Anthony that he thinks they are up there. Dane asks them 10/10 or 9/10 for the broccoli. Cory tells him that it is good. And goes to fill up the blender. Anthony is saying something to her but can’t be heard over the blender. Mark and Anthony are looking through the cabinets for some garbage bags. Cory pours Anthony a smoothie she tells him let me mull over more about what I am going to say to them.
3:30 PM BBT Cory keeps sneezing and Anthony tells her bless you. DAMIEN PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Mark comes back from the DR with trash bags. Then heads upstairs to the HOH room. Anthony returns to sit on the counter. Dane and Mark are in the HOH room. Mark checks to make sure no one is listening. Dane said so the story line is that Cory wanted me gone. Your story line was that Sam was after you and that is why Sam is gone. Dane said that I still say that I need to get rid of Cory. Mark said that well you know the story line changes from week to week. Dane said well if I change my story line so quickly it will be suspicious. Dane said so again why would I go against it. I mean we did paint it after all. DANE PLEASE FIX YOUR MICROPHONE. Dane said well no one knew about the backdoor plan and yet i was still put as a target to go home last week. Mark said that well you two made up so you are planning to safe her. Dane so I am not going on to send her home. Dane leaves out the HOH room and heads to the bathroom where her gets dressed.
3:45 PM BBT Dane is in the bathroom rehashing his conversation with Mark. Este come in the bathroom and asks him if he is good. He said why wouldn’t I be good I am 28 years old today and I have said my piece. Anthony and Dane are now in the blue bedroom. Anthony is looking for something while Dane si putting away his clothes. Anthony starts singing. Anthony leaves out while Dane puts on his vest. Dane continues to get dressed. Someone walks in and asks Dane something he says yes please and they walk out. Dane calls Mark a coward and that how he could have changed his story line previously and that now he wants to change his. Adam walks out in the blue bedroom. Dane said that he spoke to Mark and he told him to change his story line. Dane said that well I am sticking to mine. Kyra comes in and tells Mark he looks pissed. Kyra said are we all wearing vests. Adam says that I don’t have any vests. Kyra asks him what size does he wear so that they can figure out what Adam can wear. Anthony comes in the blue bedroom and says so you guys are talking about dressing up for this. Adam says no I am going to just wear a t shirt and jeans. Adam said he does not get dressed up alot. Kyra gets dressed Adam leaves out and Cory comes in to get dressed.
6:00 PM BBT Big Brother has given Dane a birthday party this afternoon. They were given an Instax camera. They are taking pictures. The houseguests are doing different poses in the pictures. Dane was given a pink boa. Everyone is dressed nicely. Cory and Anthony get a picture together. Dane, Este and Damien get a picture taken of them. Dane and Estephania get a picture. Este is sitting on Dane’s lap. Este tells Cory to hurry up. Dane asks if she was getting uncomfortable, she says that her smile was getting tired. Mark and Cory take a picture together. The boys’ picture turned really dark. Este, Dane and Damien get a picture together. Cory and Damien get a picture together. They are refilling the film. Kyra says they want to be in one photo too. Corey takes a photo of Anthony, Mark, Adam, Damien and Kyra. They are going to take a picture of Este being creepy.
6:15 PM BBT Dane and Este are taking a photo with the pink boa. Kyra wants a photo of the “vesties” (people with vests) Este wanted to do an individual picture of everyone. They have 20 left. Damien and Anthony got a picture. The guys do a photo of Chelsea’s guy’s alliance. They want wine. Kyra wants a cigarette. The pictures taken upstairs seem to have came out better. They are going to play drinking games. Mark and Este want wine. Dane wants to do a selfie with everyone.
6:30 PM BBT The houseguests are still taking photos. They want to play beer pong. Cory, Mark and Este have never scrapbooked. Dane is making a scrapbook right now. Each houseguest is making a page. Dane is decorating the book. They want more alcohol to at least get them drunk.
6:45 PM BBT All of the houseguests are going to sign a page. Este is taking a picture of Mark and Anthony scrapbooking then she takes one of the whole table. Mark is signing random songs. Kyra is making a scrapbooking page. Just general chit chat.
7:00 PM BBT Around 5 BBT the PBs had an argument in the Head of Household room. Adam says there’s a lot of people saying that Anthony told people Adam can’t be trusted. Adam asks if Anthony said that to people. Anthony gets mad and says that the fact that’s even a question shows him where his head’s at. Dane says that they need to take out the biggest threat. Anthony defend Cory. Adam says they need to get her out. Anthony defends Cory by standing up and pointing. Adam says that he didn’t have to stand up and start pointing fingers. Dane says Cory is a threat. Anthony brings Kyra up to Adam. Anthony is hurt that Adam believes Kyra over him. Anthony asks who Adam trusts. Then, Adam stood up to show Anthony how he was acting. Adam says Cory is a threat to himself and Dane. Anthony says Damien is a threat to him and Mark. They start arguing about why Sam was evicted. Anthony says Cory would only put up Adam. Dane says Damien would put up Kyra and Adam. Anthony keeps bringing up Damien. Dane mentions that Damien told him that him, Dane and Adam could go far together. Dane says that they have been winning but Cory is the only other one that’s been winning. Dane says everyone wants Mark out. Anthony asks if Adam really thinks Damien is less of an athlete that Cory. Adam says it’s already been proven. Anthony says it’s very obvious that one of them is the assassin because Cory went up. Dane and Adam Want Cory out. Mark and Anthony Want Damien to go. Dane and Adam say that whole game they have been thinking about the team. Anthony thinks he controls Cory.
7:15 PM BBT They are each going to sign the page they made. They are also writing little birthday messages for Dane. Damien is surprised to see that they all have borders on their sheets. Damien says that his is just simple and straight to the point. Mark says his page is messy. Dane says it adds character. Mark gets up to show Dane. Dane says he really likes it. They think that scrapbooking should be the next HOH competition. Kyra said they’d all be going home. Estephania is called to DR. Este wrote Dane a long message on her page. Kyra says that they are a very cheesy birthday card writer.
7:30 PM BBT Adam and Este are bringing a chocolate cake with candles out from the SR. They bring it out to Dane and sing “Happy Birthday”. He makes a wish and blows the candles out. Big Brother have him another gift. Dane starts to cry. It’s a picture of his dad. The houseguests clap. Adam mentions that everyone asked for them to give that to Dane. Este cuts the cake in 8 pieces. Dane said this has been his favourite. He told “Kyerseys” (Kyra) that this is the only one he remembers and didn’t black out on.
7:45 PM BBT the picture of Dane and his dad was taken when Dane had real teeth and more hair. The houseguests are all eating their piece of cake and telling each other how old they are. Adam is called to the DR. Este says she ready for Chinese food. Anthony and Cory hug at the table. Cory said she’s ready for bed or drinks. The houseguests start to clean up. Anthony is attempting to speak French. Kyra corrects his French. Just general chit chatting. Kyra is doing the dishes. Anthony is laying on the couch. Anthony said that Cory is such a baby. Cory gives Anthony a Biology lesson in arteries in the stomach. Kyra feels she’s being judged by Este for her artistic capability. Dane sits down to the table with Este and Kyra.


April 15, 2019


9:00-10:00 AM: Dane told Adam he doesn’t understand why they are going to leave the only person outside of their alliance that has won anything in the house. Dane mentioned that Cory could win the triple, or win the veto and then win the following HoH. Dane said they have to talk to Mark again. Adam said it’s clearly not getting through. Dane explained that if Cory wins the Final 5 HoH, he and Adam will go up and then it will be Mark on the block once Adam wins the veto. Dane said it would be ridiculous if Mark were to nominate Este. In the HoH room, Mark let Este know that he is putting her up as a pawn. Este said it’s up to Mark but she thinks it’s a waste and that he has sealed his fate in terms of jury votes. Este said Sam is already pissed off at Mark, he is breaking her trust by putting her up, and Damien will hate him for targeting him. Este then left the room.

10:00-11:00 AM: Mark let Damien know that he is putting Este on the block. Mark said he has told Este that she is the pawn since Damien is a bit stronger than she is. Damien asked if he is the big move. Mark said yeah. Damien pointed out that he and Este have not won anything. Mark said they both want him out. Damien questioned if Mark is all hurt about him campaigning a little bit for Kiki. Mark said it’s that and also the fact that they would both vote against him, so one of them has to go. Damien said “f*cking real big move, man” and then walked out of the HoH room. Once he left, Damien walked through the house and said “f*cking weak, Mark”. Adam then went to the HoH room. Mark said that he will be nominating Este. Adam said this decision will be Mark’s $100,000 decision since people are saying that they will not want to vote for him now. Adam brought up that Cory is the only one who could win back to back and get to the end. Mark said that it’s the route he has chosen. Adam said it’s all good. Elsewhere, Damien told Kyra that he is not going to campaign against Este. He admitted that it will be hard for him to stay. Kyra said that Mark is such an idiot and they cannot believe it. Kyra said they want to go tell Mark that he better hope Cory wins the triple because he has now pissed everyone off. Kyra then went to tell Mark exactly that. Kyra added that this was Mark’s backdoor opportunity. When Mark said that he doesn’t want to hear it again, Kyra said “you are not thinking game. I don’t know if it’s cause you are fragile. All eggs in one basket”. They then walked away. Dane talked to the cameras. He brought up that Mark is making such a weak move. Dane said Mark is a perfect person to bring to Final 2 since nobody respects this move and he got nobody out during his HoH week. Kyra joined Dane. They told Dane that Mark is a coward. Kyra took the blame for not letting Sam take Cory out. Kyra explained that Anthony made them believe that they could trust him and Cory more than Adam and Dane. Dane said he hopes that the HoH competition is mental since the two of them, Adam and Este will be competing against Cory. Damien then spoke to Dane, letting him know that he plans to go out swinging. Feeds went down at 10:41 for the veto ceremony.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:43 following the veto ceremony. Adam used the Power of Veto on himself. Mark nominated Este as the replacement nominee. Kyra mentioned to Damien that Mark went up to the HoH room with Cory. Kyra said that Mark is so stupid. They told Damien that it is not over yet. Damien called himself the big bad player who couldn’t even solve a puzzle. Kyra figured that Mark made the move since he now believes that he has Anthony and Cory on his side.

12:00-1:00 PM: Out in the hot tub, Mark was alone studying the days. Dane joined him outside. Dane said he supports the move but he would rather be competing against Damien, Este and Kyra than Cory. Dane explained that the two of them will be on the block together if Cory wins the Final 5 HoH competition, since Adam will win the PoV. Dane said he knows that Mark can’t go back on it now but he would have preferred to take his chances with the others. Mark let Dane know that Este said she is not voting for him. Mark said he wants to see if he can make a Final 2 deal with her. He joked that he would say “Este, is our Final 2 still on?”. The guys discussed that Adam is a very strong player. Dane said that it’s good to have him on their side but it will be tough to beat him if the Pretty Boys get down to the Final 4 together. The guys discussed that Anthony will have to go up in the triple if one of the boys need to be nominated, because he has not yet touched the block. Mark commented that Anthony is slowly becoming Paras. Dane said Anthony’s social game is so good.

1:00-2:00 PM: Anthony told Mark that he is a legend. Mark asked if Este will vote for him at the end. Anthony said he made the move make sense to Este by telling her that it was a genius move since people like her but don’t like Kyra, making her a better pawn. Dane joined them. Anthony said that Damien approached him earlier to let him know that he and Cory would not touch the block if he wins HoH. Anthony said Damien claimed that he would be going after people who think that he is on their side. Anthony said this is the kind of attitude that he was trying to warn them about. Dane said it’s going to be hard to beat Cory. Out in the yard, Damien said that something had to have been said to get Mark this mad at him. Damien figured that it is the person on the block next to him. Cory said the only thing that she can make sense of from a strategic standpoint is that Kyra has done nothing in the game so that’s why Mark would not want to nominate them. Damien said he felt fine about going up next to Este until Mark told him that she is the pawn. Moving forward, Damien said that he would probably nominate Kyra and Mark. Feeds went down at 1:51.

8:00-9:00 PM: Big Brother instructed the houseguests to gather in the living room. A few minutes later, the houseguests were played a message. It was revealed that one of the boxes in the archive room contained a secret power which has now been found. The houseguest who found the power is now the secret assassin and earned the right to nominate a third houseguest for eviction. The secret assassin nominated Cory. One of Cory, Damien and Este will be evicted this week. Afterwards, Mark looked at Adam. Adam asked why Mark is looking at him. Mark mentioned that Adam finds a lot of boxes. Adam and Kyra explained that they wouldn’t have been looking through the boxes after the recorder was found if he had found the power. Outside, Adam, Dane, Este and Kyra celebrated. When Damien joined them, Kyra told him that he is staying. Adam added that he told Damien he was going to stay. Inside, Anthony told Cory he is pretty sure that Adam is the assassin. Anthony said it makes him really mad.

9:00-10:00 PM: Dane came inside and told Cory he is sorry that she went up. Cory said it’s okay since there is only one person leaving. Kyra confirmed with Adam that they will be voting to evict Cory. He said yeah, and the only thing that could change it is if Dane switches his vote. Outside, Mark told Anthony that Cory is screwed. Anthony thinks that Adam, Dane and Kyra will all vote her out. Mark said he doesn’t mind Cory leaving if this week turns in to a triple eviction. Anthony encouraged Mark to think about his own game since Damien and Este are after him. In the have-not room, Dane and Este celebrated. Este pointed out that Cory is going home as long as Adam, Dane and Kyra stay strong. Dane brought up that Adam likes Este and he is actually a good guy. Este said she likes him as well. Adam entered the room. He told Dane that nobody is getting in Dane’s head. Dane said his head is solid. Adam let Dane know that his mind is not changing since this is what he has been wanting for two weeks now. Dane said his mind is not changing either. Este told Adam, Damien, Dane and Kyra that Anthony is the only person they have to beat in the HoH competition now, so they are going to win between all of them.

10:00-11:00 PM: Anthony asked Dane who he thinks the assassin is. Dane promised that it wasn’t him. He said it was probably Adam. Anthony asked if Dane is going to vote Cory out. Dane said they will talk about it since his mind is not set. Anthony said he will not even bother talking to Adam and Kyra about it, and he will not pressure Dane either. Dane again said that they can talk about it. When Anthony left the room, he said to himself that Dane is a liar. Dane spoke to the cameras. He said that the assassin was not him but he would have made the same move. Dane wondered what Anthony doesn’t see since Cory is the only person outside of their alliance to win competitions. Dane said there is no reason not to take the shot at Cory when she has no chance at getting power right now. Dane said there is no way that he will be persuaded by Anthony.

12:00-1:00 AM: Anthony told Mark that they have to save Cory. Mark agreed but didn’t see a way that they could make it happen. Anthony said that he will convince Dane to keep her. Mark figured that it would be doable if only one person is leaving this week, but not if two are. Anthony hopes that they can keep Cory either way for their own games, but he agreed. Mark asked what they will do if the guys say no. Anthony said they will keep that card in their pocket. He talked about Adam and Dane being in it for themselves and not for the group. Dane joined them. He said he still believes that Cory is the biggest threat. Anthony asked if Dane is saying that they should go back on the plan. Dane said he thought that the move should have been to get Cory out all along. Anthony stressed that he put in so much work with Cory that she trusts Dane more than anyone in the house. When Adam joined the boys, Anthony talked about being confident that they can win. He said he will beat every single one of them once they get down to the Final 4. Adam asked Anthony about people telling him that Anthony is saying he cannot be trusted. Anthony said he can tell where Adam’s head is at based on the fact that he would even ask that. Dane pointed out that it was a yes or no question. Anthony said it hurts that he even has to answer that question. Anthony told Adam to name the three people he thinks that he trusts most. Dane said Anthony trusts the guys the most. Adam threw Cory’s name in there and also said that Anthony probably doesn’t trust him based on how heated he is getting. Adam brought up that Anthony said he set him straight last week when he was campaigning for Sam, yet he is doing the same thing for Cory. Dane reiterated that they can put their fate in their own hands if they evict Cory. Mark said he is being targeted by Damien, Este and Kyra. Dane let Mark know that he pissed a lot of people off so everyone is after him right now.

1:00-2:00 AM: The Pretty Boys continued to debate who should go. When Anthony pushed that they stick to the group decision, Adam pointed out that he had no say in this or in going on the block since Anthony got to Mark. Adam later said that everything that comes from Cory is really coming from Anthony since he tells her what to say. Adam doesn’t think that Cory likes him. Adam let the guys know that he has nothing to say because he knows what he is going to do this week. Before the talk broke up, Mark told the guys that they will stick to the plan of keeping Cory if only one person is leaving. Adam informed Mark that he is not going to be having this same discussion every night when they are not going to be able to agree. He said he strongly disagrees that Cory is good for their game, as does Dane. Adam then went to Dane to make it clear that he will be voting to evict Cory and he will not be changing his mind. Dane said he knows.


April 15, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Big Brother informed the HGs that the POV Ceremony is happening soon. Kyra and Adam are talking about what Adam can say to get Mark to put Corey on the block as the replacement nom. Kyra has left Adam alone and he is going over what he will say at the POV Ceremony when he takes himself down. Anthony has entered the HOH Room and Mark says I am going to be honest with you about a few things. He starts telling him about the conversation he had with Adam and Mark. Anthony says Corey said Thank heavens for Mark because if I know if I go on the block I am going home. Mark says Here is the plan Este goes on the block. She was here and said if I go to jury I will make sure you don’t have mine Sam’s and Damien votes. Damien walks in and Mark says Este is going on the block and I told her she is the pawn. Damien says So I am your big move a guy who hasn’t won anything. Real big move man. Damien says F**King joke you are weak Mark. Adam is in there now Mark says I thought about this long and hard I am putting up Este you have my support and I hope you have yours. Adam says I will tell you this whatever decision you make will be the difference from 20 grand and 100 grand because I will tell you you won’t have Sam’s Damien’s or Kyra’s vote. Adam says You do realize that Corey can win back to back. Mark says What is your speech. Adam is telling him what he is thinking of saying. Adam leaves. Down in the breakfast nook area Corey Anthony and Damien are sitting. Corey says I wish I had the answers for you I really wish I did. Damien says Oh I got the answers in my head. In the washroom Este is telling Adam and Dane what she told Mark that she says you are making a stupid decision Sam hates you I hate you and Damien will too I work hard in the jury house so you won’t win. You are a weak player. Adam says If I was making this decision you would not be going on the block. Adam says Look at it this way if you make it to final you can use the fact that you survived the block now just win an HOH. Adam says Stupid Stupid. Corey and Adam are in the Blue Bedroom where Corey is telling Adam campaigns are big. Adam says I hope the triple is this week. After this week we have 20 days left. Corey says It is strange how this game changes so fast.
10:15 AM BBT Este asks What makes me an easier pawn than Kyra. Anthony says Because people want Kyra gone. Damien and Kyra are in the Nook area and Kyra is saying this is not a big move. Kyra says to Mark you better hope that she wins the triple because you are pissing off the whole house. Mark says I don’t want to hear it again. Kyra says as she walks away all eggs in one basket Marko not good game. In the washroom Anthony and Adam are in the showers Corey and Este are applying their makeup. In the kitchen Dane and Kyra are talking Kyra says Mark doesn’t want to win he just wants people to think he is a big man and in reality he is a scared little boy but thank you Mark for making everyone’s target easier for the triple. Dane says Well back to the drawing board. In the Pantry Dane says Whatever What the f**king ever. What a weak move. Remember in week 2 Mark I could have gone the easy way. Your whole HOH Mark you did nothing no big player out. F**king snap. F**king joke F**king Este big move. Kyra joins Dane in the Pantry Dane says Week 2 I took out a big player Week 4 I took out a big player Mark’s week no big player. Kyra says They must have made him a final 3 deal but Anthony hasn’t won anything they are pinning all their hopes on her if one thing goes wrong game over. Damien walks by them as they head out for a smoke and says I told him off. Mark comes by and Dane stays back and says each week I was HOH I took out a big player. In the Hot Tub area Dane tells Kyra Mark said to him I don’t know how you did this twice. Kyra says We could have done it when Sam was HOH but I believed Anthony when he said I was safer with them I f**ked up. Kyra says I can’t be normal with her I don’t care if she knows she is our target. Dane says I never had a side I was targeting big players and now the big target is safe this week.
10:31 AM BBT Dane says if she wins HOH during the triple Either Adam and I need to win the POV. Dane says Mama was right but if she gets down to final 2 she will get my vote because that is impressive to come in late and make it that far. Dane says Este told him you don’t have my vote Damien’s vote Sam’s vote or Kyra’s vote Good Luck with the 2o grand. Dane and Damien are playing pool. Damien says Am I supposed to pretend there is no elephant in the room. Damien says If I leave this house I am going out with a f**king bang. I know exactly what I will say if I leave. Mark is sitting outside by the Hot Tub by himself. He is whispering but can’t be heard Damien says When he says Este is the pawn he makes it very clear. Dane says Corey asks me if Este was saying my name; he suggest Damien use that in his campaign Damien says I am not like that. Dane says I know. The pool game ends and Damien goes to chill in a corner. Mark is still outside by himself pacing and thinking.
10:42 AM BBT – 11:43 AM BBT Feeds go down for POV Ceremony.
11:45 AM BBT Feeds come back with Adam Kyra Este Dane talking about what Veto Comps they played in. Inside Anthony and Damien are playing pool Mark walks by them on his way outside. Mark goes outside while the rest come in. Corey says She is going to eat get some carbs in her system and work out. Adam gets called to the DR. Anthony joins them and feeds go down. Kyra and Damien are playing pool and Kyra says He is putting all his eggs on Corey because right after the ceremony Corey and Anthony went up in his room. Damien says All week he says he is going to get a big bad player out and he picks me who can’t complete a puzzle. Kyra says Well he has been alone all game and now he feels like he has them. Kyra states it isn’t over yet. Damien says I think I am going to start with a joke because it could be the last speech I made. Kyra says Did Sam whisper to you See you soon. Kyra says If she was here she would be going home. Kyra continues with if Sam and I hadn’t stopped the backdoor things would be different. The thing is we tried to stop it. Damien says It makes sense why he did it and didn’t listen he wanted to rebel. The conversation in the kitchen is on general topics around food. Kyra and Damien have joined them. Mark is making a grapefruit shake and thinking of putting sugar in it to sweeten it up.
12:00 PM BBT Some of the HGs are preparing food some are watching the food being prepared. Dane comes out and says the card is still in there. Anthony says What card Dane replies You know the one you have to read when you win a POV. Mark is tasting his grapefruit shake. He says Maybe I will add honey. Corey says add sugar people eat grapefruit with sugar. Corey and Anthony are in the storage room and they talk about Kyra being oblivious to everything. They look at each other and laugh. They both leave and go to the kitchen. Kyra and Adam are sitting on chairs outside the kitchen. They are talking about being tired. All HG are just in various general conversations. Adam says he can’t do anything until the door opens. He says he checked 5 minutes ago. Kyra asked if it was unlocked this morning he said he didn’t check.

12:15 PM BBT Anthony is cleaning his dishes. HG are just walking around really not doing anything. Corey asks if they want to play 40/40 today. Mark heads back up to the HOH room and goes to the bathroom. Downstairs, Anthony and Dane are talking about who can do more reps. Dane tells Anthony he has more endurance than he does. Adam says he hates the way he is eating. He says he misses eating Keto because eating in the house is making him feel bad.Corey heads upstairs and goes to the blue bedroom to change her clothes. She puts on a hoodie and heads back down stairs. ADAM PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. At the time all the HG were not talking. DANE STOP THAT. He says “What? It’s a door”. Damien is in the storage room alone, before he walks out he says it looks like his time is coming and all he needs is 3 votes ut it appears that Mark has a vendetta against him. ANTHONY PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Anthony heads to the DR. Corey says that she may need to put sweatpants on. Anthony and Kyra are talking about the file room and when new boxes came in.
12:30 PM BBT Mark is outside in the hot tub playing with the bubbles. Anthony is in the storage room with Dane. They talk about the Jury house and what they get to see. Anthony said he wonders if Adam leaves early if he will go to Sam and tell her everything. Dane says he will. But they have to vote for one of them. Anthony is making coffee. In the kitchen, the HG are talking about coffee. Anthony and Dane are arguing about who is washing dishes. Adam tells Anthony he is not a working man. Anthony says he is a supervisor. Adam says yeah, you hold a pencil and a clipboard. Adam is trying to get into the file room. ADAM STOP THAT. He says I want to see! He said he is going to sit there until the door opens and check it every 10 seconds. The HG start talking about the comp, production says PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. And feeds on the HG in the kitchen go down. Dane, Kyra and Mark are outside. Mark is still in the hot tub and Kyra and Dane are smoking.
12:45 PM BBT Kyra and Dane are talking about Dane and Mark in the HN room when they were coming out of the DR They said they saw them. Kyra heads back in the house and Mark and Dane are left outside. They talk about Corey and that she is a beast in comps. That she is going to be very hard to beat. They study days. They talk about what the upcoming POV will be and that if the next eviction is the triple that the comps will have to be quick ones. Dane says that if Corey wins, she will put up Este, Kyra or Adam. Then if Adam is up, he will win the POV and take himself off. They say that are using the word IF with Corey, she has a very good chance of winning. Mark tells Dane that if there was ever an all star that he would come back and that Dane makes good TV. Dane says the only thing about Adam, he played in two more comps and has 2 additional wins but that he and Mark are tied. Dane tells Mark that he is playing along with the whole Hate Mark thing. Mark says the whole house loves Adam and hates him and that the house hated Dane in the middle of the game. Dane says yeah and everyone loves Anthony. That Anthony has not touched the block all season. Mark says that Mark is becoming Paris. Dane says that he doesn’t want game talk tomorrow night for his birthday.
1:00 PM BBT Dane is talking about Adam making it to final 2, that he will have the votes to win. Dane heads back inside and Anthony goes outside with Mark. Adam asks Anthony if Corey will vote for him. Anthony says yes that Corey loves him. Anthony goes to the door where Dane is putting on a jacket and he asks if he is coming out. Anthony is talking about Damien that he told Anthony that he told him that Anthony and Corey will not go up. But that he is not talking about Este. Dane says that Damien has not gotten a win. Dane goes in and Anthony says under his breath to Mark that Corey is not putting him up. Dane comes back out. They talk about Chelsea and that she is outside the house saying that she knew it all along about the boys alliance. Mark says that this was a week for good TV. Dane tells them they should get up and go to hug then some sit down the the others sit down and the ones who sat down first get up. Mark says that if Dane did not suggest a boys alliance that it would not have happened. Mark says that he is looking forward to Dane’s birthday tomorrow.
1:15 PM BBT Mark says if anyone causes trouble in the house he will put a stop to it. Mark asks if he is going to make out with Este. Dane says no. They talk about Dane making trouble in bars and never gets kicked out. Dane says that everyone that has been evicted so far has a Pretty Boy stamp on them. Dane says eventually they will get caught. Damien and Corey are playing pool. Mark says that he made a mistake putting Dane on slop, he should have put Corey on slop. Dane says that it’s ok, it just makes it more obvious they don’t like each other. They talk about Maki and that he put everyone’s name out there. They talk about how many seasons they have watched. At the pool table they are talking about why Este is not the pawn but Damien is and they did the exact same thing. Corey says that if he gets info from Mark that it would help him with his game. Corey says she feels like Kyra as given it away that Corey will be the next target. Damien tells her that he knows that Adam is threatened by her. She says he should be. Damien says if he stays, that if it is a triple next week or if it is normal, that he would need her help. She tells him that if he does the brainstorming with the wrong people that it will bite him. He says that’s what he thinks is happening now. He says he wants to chat with her later when it is more private. They just continue to play pool.
1:30 PM BBT Corey leaves to go to the washroom and returns. The boys outside are talking about battle back in previous seasons. They talk about a season where there were 4 players left, there was a battle back bringing someone back in the house. They continue to talk about past seasons. Dane gets up to leave and Mark and Anthony are left. They talk so low the mics can not pick it up but they are talking about Dane and something he said.They talk about Adam saying something about Mark putting Este up. Dane comes back out. They talk about Kyra. Dane tells him that he has to go along with everything and it’s crappy. Dane goes back in. Anthony tells Mark that Corey loves him. Mark tells Anthony that he told Corey he will not put him up. Mark tells Anthony what Dane said about Corey winning. Mark says that seeing the BS that has happened over the last two weeks he is more loyal to him because he is the glue. Kyra and Adam are putting coats on to go outside in the hallway. Mark is saying that Adam is someone is you backdoor, then Adam comes out of the hallway. The sun comes out. They talk about the speech today. Adam asks Anthony what happened on day 28.
1:45 PM BBT They continue to ask Anthony questions about specific days.
1:51 PM BBT – Feeds Down


2:00 PM BBT – 8:00PM BBT Feeds Down
8:00 PM BBT 
A message started playing. It said “throughout the season, the archive room has piled up with an endless flood of documents and boxes. What you don’t know is that one of the boxes contained a special power” . This power allows one agent to change the trajectory of the game. This power has been found. The agent that found it has now assumed the role of secret assassin . The assassin earned the right to secretly nominate a third houseguest for eviction. Cory has been nominated by the secret assassin.
Adam says, ” You guys found that recorder, no? “
Este says, ” We saw it. “
Dane says, ” It was gone. I’m blaming you. “
Adam says, ” Don’t blame me for it. “
Kyra says, ” It doesn’t matter “
Mark says, ” Adam? “
Adam says, ” What are you looking at me for? “
Mark says, ” I don’t know. You find a lot of boxes in there. “
Adam says, ” When they told us about the recorder, we looked through every box. “
Kyra says, ” Why would we have done that?”
Kyra says, ” Well we know it wasn’t Cory that found it. “
Este says, ” Whoever found it is obviously never going to say, and that’s fine”
Everyone gets up from the sofas and heads to the hot tub area. Este, Damien, Adam, and Kyra are celebrating in the hot tub area.
Adam says, ” We can’t act happy. Don’t act happy. “
Este says, ” I think it was Damien. “
Dane says, ” It wasn’t you three. “
Kyra says, ” I saw Damien smirking. “
Adam to Dane/Este/Kyra says, ” There is four people voting. One person needs three votes”
Kyra to Damien says, ” You are staying in this house, buddy! “
Este says, ” Damien, we are staying! “
Adam says, ” I told you we would both be safe. Don’t act happy though “

Anthony to Cory says, ” I was staring at Adam’s face the entire time. I’m pretty sure it was Adam”
Anthony says, ” That makes me really mad. “
Cory says, ” What is he (Adam) saying to you about me? “
Anthony says, ” Nothing”
Anthony to Cory says, ” Adam has turning them (boxes) around so people cant see, breaking them so people cant count them. He is the only douchebag that would do something like that”

Adam says to Mark, ” You think I did it. You have been eyeing me down ever since the fucking thing happened. “
Mark says, ” You have been eyeing me down the whole veto ceremony, bro. “
Dane says, ” You put me on slop, motherfucker “
Dane said that someone found it before but it was in the DR. Dane said so does this mean that this is a single and next week is a triple. Kyra said we don’t know for sure that this is a triple. Kyra and Adam leave out to play pool. Este and Mark are still in the hot tub area and Este asks him why does everyone think it is a triple. Mark said it could be a single. Este said it could be a triple but done like a double Mark said wow what a freaking turn of events.

9:15 PM BBT Este leaves out and Mark says OH My God I can’t believe this is going to be the triple. Este goes by Kyra and Adam and starts whispering. Este asks Adam where does he want her to put his hat he tells here anywhere. Dane is talking with Cory and he tells her he just knew they were going to say his name. They are throwing the sock around. Dane tells someone that he is going to look like a dummy to Canada too. Este said she is upset because she was the first one to look through the boxes. Este said she stopped because she was the one messing it up and Dane said I wonder who it was. Dane said I want to be the one to find something. He tells Kyra you probably found the Blood veto originally. Kyra heads upstairs. Dane says Marsha the Moose better come see me. Dane and Este go into the have not room and he is complaining about how he can’t find anything. Dane tells Este I literally went through all those boxes and did not find anything. I know my mom is at home laughing her ass off at me.
9:30 PM BBT In the Hot tub area Mark and Anthony are talking. Mark says I am going with it. Mark is speculating who did it. Anthony said I will be able to judge by the conversations. Anthony said why is Dane going around shutting a basketball and dancing around like he is happy. Mark tells Anthony you know Cory is leaving. Anthony said I need to think for a bit. Mark said do you want me to leave? Anthony says you don’t have to leave I just need some quiet time. Mark leaves out and Anthony is sitting by himself. Adam is in the kitchen cooking. Cory is sitting in the area just staring into space.
9:45 PM BBT Mark is going through all the days. Anthony is really quiet. Damien and Dane are in the have not room. Damien are trying to figure out who had the secret power.
10:00 PM BBT Dane and Damien are still talking. Dane said I went through those boxes and broke it down. Damien said yeah that room is going to be a hot commodity now. Dane says he is going to use the bathroom and leaves out. Damien is sitting in the have not room. He says this just means that I am going next week. He says I mean I have not done anything I could not win anything all I have been is a blockstar. He says all I have done is survive the block three times. Damien leaves out the have not room. Anthony heads to the sofa outside the HOH room and starts looking under and through everything before heading into the bathroom. He is now searching through the bathroom cabinets. Anthony heads downstairs before he starts eating. Adam is cleaning up Mark asks Anthony if he wants to have the mint chocolates. Este starts washing dishes. Anthony is helping Mark cook. Kyra comes into the kitchen and asks Mark what is he is making he tells Kyra lemon ice tea.
10:15 PM BBT Cory is working out. Adam talks about how the dish towels stinks. Kyra tells him I like the blue rags that you can throw away after a few times. Adam and Kyra is still cleaning the kitchen. Kyra said we are having a dishes party. Anthony walks upstairs to the blue bedroom where Dane is folding his clothes. Anthony asks Dane is Cory going out. Anthony says I am not going to even bother to talk to Adam and Kyra. he tells him Damien is not smart enough to put up Cory. Dane said it is not me I wish i could find it. Anthony said it is what it is. Anthony said well I know Adam has been gunning for Cory and so has Kyra. Anthony said I am going to work out once my stomach settles. Once he leaves out the room he says F****ng liar. Dane is still folding up his clothes. Dane says what does he see there are four pretty boys and she is just there. We need to get rid of her while we can. Why the hell don’t we take our shot. Why would we take her to the final four. Adam comes out and says that Dane said he was going to smoke a cigarette but he is not outside. Adam said he is still upstairs he never came back down.
10:30 PM BBT Este says that I am prepared to hear a lot of things he has wanted her out for a long time. Damien is outside with Cory and Damien tells her he is sorry for what happened to here. Cory said that I would have been a vote for you. Damien said that I know that I found the tape recorder with her but there was nothing in it. Damien said that he did not go through all the boxes to find the tape. Damien says it is going to be crazy. Cory said that I have been kinda waiting for something like this to happen. She said I am ready to go toe to toe with someone. Damien said that makes sense. Cory said if I can figure out who it is then I can try to take them out. Dane tells Este he let her take him down. Dane tells her he just pooed outside. She tells him eww. Este says that Dane is her best friend in the house. Anthony and Kyra are playing pool. Cory is still working out. Dane is sitting in the HOH room with Mark. Dane says that the show should end on May 10th. Dane said we are here up to 75 days. Dane said if it was a triple then it is possible Mark said it can’t be a triple this week. Mark said that I really want to get with everyone wants to talk about it. Mark said well I just pissed two people off with me for no reason. Mark says Damien is a cool dude. Dane said I think Cory should go but not sure right now. Dane tells Mark to talk to both Este and Damien. Mark said Damien would have voted for Kikki if he would have the votes. Dane says I need to put up Este because she has been targeting me since Day 1. Mark asks him have they came and talk to you he said not yet. Dane said if Damien wins HOH he would not put up the Pretty Boys. Dane says everyone wants to have a final deal with me. He said the only person Adam has is Kyra now but they are not in an alliance.
10:45 PM BBT Mark said I get to share my HOH with a secret assassin. Dane said I have been watching this show since the beginning and I can’t find anything. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Kyra and Adam are now playing pool. Adam is talking about how his pants have shrunk. Adam is still coughing. Adam tells Kyra he needs to hit the gym he is getting a belly. Este comes out and Kyra tells her that she beat Anthony in pool. Adam tells them that his leg is still hurting from the comp. Este says she woke up sorer today then she did yesterday. Dane said that Damien still can’t win anything the closest thing was Buzzkill and he still lost to me and Sam. They are still trying to figure out the days. Mark said that his memory serves him well this week should be a triple. They are discussing the latest comp. Dane said that I feel good mental. Mark said that if it goes to a tie then what do I do. Dane said that Anthony should vote for Damien, I vote for Este and Kyra and Adam vote for Cory. Dane said that next Anthony needs to touch the block. Mark said do you don’t think Adam would put me up if he wins HOH. Mark said that you and Adam should have been out a long ago. Mark said if Eddie won do you think he would have put you up he said absolutely. Dane said Eddie ate all the food. Like he ate all the bananas. Mark said how is he is in such good shape. Mark said has Anthony talked to you. Dane said yeah he asked me did I do it. Mark said that you couldn’t tell them even if you did. Mark said I would have been mad if you would have put up Kyra. Mark said Kyra is an honorary member of the Pretty Boys. Mark says let talk to everyone. Dane said if Anthony brings up that Cory is not a threat again then she is for sure going home. Mark said we can’t forget what Anthony has done for the group.


April 14, 2019

8:00 AM BBT BB allowing all HGs to sleep after a late night PoV competition.
8:20 AM BBT Dane up doing battery exchange. Dane upset that the backyard is still unavailable, so he refuses to make coffee and goes to relax in the LR.
8:30 AM BBT Dane in LR alone, Adam and Kyra still in bed in the blue br. Anthony and Dane meet in the pantry; Anthony says Adam is a strong player and he’s caused them a lot of problems. Anthony is campaigning to Dane to not get Cory out this week. Anthony tells Dane that he told Cory last week that he was getting a weird vibe from Mark; he set up a connection with Mark and Cory because he set it all up. He pitches Cory being a third for Anthony and Dane. He pitches how much Adam has held back from them all year because of his allegiance with Sam. He is really setting this up to be an Anthony vs Adam battle soon. Dane says if they win triple they should get rid of Adam. Anthony pitches that he’s always been closest to Dane. Adam comes into the pantry, wheezing and coughing. Anthony says he thinks it’s from the dirt and sand from the comp. Feeds cut briefly.
8:45 AM BBT Dane goes into the HN room to rouse Este, but they just end up snuggling on the only feed available. Video is of HN room; audio is of kitchen area. In the kitchen, Kyra, Cory and Anthony are drinking coffee and cleaning and starting their day. Up in the HoH room, Mark and Adam are talking about Cory and why she should be the renom. Mark asks Adam if it was Este and Damien up, who he would evict; Adam says Este. Adam says he’s frustrated that Dane doesn’t talk the same way in front of Anthony as he does why Anthony is not around. Mark explains that Anthony did a lot of work for them last week; he stresses that if Damien wins he’s in danger.
9:00 AM BBT Adam and Mark talking in the HoH room about the benefits of keeping Damien over Cory. Adam says that everyone knows that Kyra wants Cory out; he’s worried that the news is going to leak out. Adam says he’s scared to play against Cory; he believes she can beat anyone. Mark called to the DR, but says it was a good convo and they’ll continue it later. Adam settles in to listen to music. In the blue BR, Kyra and Dane are talking. Dane tells Kyra to tell Mark that they want Cory out. They’re worried that Adam is going to go at Mark too hard, and he’ll scare him off. Kyra goes to see if they can interrupt that conversation. In the HoH room, Adam tells Kyra about his conversation with Mark. He explains that he’s worried she’s going to find out they’re campaigning against her and she’s going to freak out. Kyra asks whether or not they should give Mark names. Kyra says they don’t care if Cory is upset with them or not; Adam says that he’ll be upset if Cory doesn’t go.
9:15 AM BBT Kyra and Adam talking in the HoH room. Adam says that the boys are all afraid of Anthony; Kyra says he’s good with his words and a manipulator. Kyra says he’s protecting Cory because she’s obsessed with him and would never go against him. Kyra says if it’s Este against Damien, they have to get rid of Damien because he would be a number for Anthony. Adam says that he’s going to tell Damien that the only person he stands a chance of staying against is Cory. He goes to find Damien to talk to him. Kyra and Mark head back into the HoH room to chat. Mark tells Kyra that they’re safe. Kyra says Mark started the week wanting to get out a big target and Este and Damien are not big targets. They say that they’re worried he’ll let people close to him influence him. Mark explains that Damien was never his target; Kyra says that there are people who will try to intimidate him, but getting Este out is a waste of his HoH. Kyra explains that keeping Este is good for everyone, at least through the triple. Kyra says they should get out people who may win the triple and not take them. Kyra says they’re more concerned that Mark is more worried about his relationship with Anthony than about getting a good player out. Mark says he knew winning the HoH was a death sentence; Kyra says it doesn’t have to be if he sets himself up properly. Kyra swears they have Mark’s back going forward; they ask for Mark to promise not to tell Cory they said her name.
9:30 AM BBT Kyra says that next to Este, Kyra wouldn’t guarantee Damien would go home. The only guarantee he has on someone going home is if he backdoors Cory. Kyra asks him to come find them if they want to talk because they don’t want to bother him. Kyra leaves the HoH room and heads downstairs; Anthony heads up to the HoH room. Mark tells Anthony that Adam is much calmer. Anthony tells Mark that they’ve been loyal since day 1. He says that Adam has not been loyal and is the reason that Mark almost went home 2 weeks ago; he says Dane has been loyal. He says Kyra is feeling far too confident right now; he asks Mark if he trusts Kyra and Mark says it doesn’t matter because they’re so bad at the game. Anthony says Cory asked if Mark would put her up and he said he didn’t think so. He pitches Cory hard. Mark says Adam doesn’t feel comfortable competing against Cory but he does against Este and Damien. Mark says he doesn’t want his star player being intimidated by the competition. Anthony says that he has control in the house, and if Mark puts Este up, Anthony will ensure Mark is safe.

9:45 AM BBT Mark and Anthony talking in the HoH room. Anthony says that he’s already convinced Dane to vote Damien out this week. Mark says that he can’t ask Dane about it and Anthony says he can’t but Anthony will bring it up and get Dane to admit it when they meet later. Anthony is bashing Adam and saying that Mark needs to stay loyal with him and Cory. Anthony is saying Dane and Adam have built solid relationships outside of the PB, but they haven’t. (Apparently he’s forgotten he’s campaigning for his bestie Cory?) Dane joins them in the HoH room. Anthony pitches his plea for Cory to stay. He explains that Cory’s target is Adam, long before either of them. Anthony again says Adam has been playing for Sam all game and shouldn’t have a say after only rejoining the PBs a week ago. Dane says he doesn’t want their fate to be in the hands of someone else. Dane explains that Cory is a stronger competitor than Damien and could end up controlling their fate. Dane says he’d rather have Kyra or Este in F5 with them than Cory. Anthony says that if Sam hadn’t gone home last week, Adam wouldn’t even be talking game to them; Mark points out that he’s still one of them. Dane says that Este would put Mark and Adam up and they’d save Mark and let Adam go. Dane says he’s with the boys, and if they decide to keep Cory, he’ll keep her. Anthony tells Mark and Dane to talk to Cory independently today.
10:00 AM BBT Mark, Anthony and Dane talking in the HoH room; Anthony pitching keeping Cory. Dane reiterates that he wants the boys to be in control of their fate and the only one who can jeopardize that is Cory. Adam joins them as Dane is explaining how Corey can beat the boys. Adam says that the house thinks they are going after him so that was good. Anthony said that sitting in this room right now is bad and it was too long. Mark and Adam are left in the room. Mark says the best thing is him playing in the POV. Mark tells him the conversation is basically is setting up where they want to go. Adam asks if Damien is going home because he feels comfortable with the fact that Este should go home. Mark says it all boils down to this next week which he can not play. Adam says if the plan doesn’t play out this week the way they want, Este will run to Corey and it will bite them in the a@@. Kyra wants Este out bad and Adam says he can not stand to be around her. Adam says that if he wins next week he will not put Mark up. He says what if she wins and puts them on the block. Mark says that unlike Damien that Mark has been building a relationship with Corey. Adam says he also has been building a relationship with her but it’s not as close as Anthony’s relationship is with Corey. Mark says his relationship with Corey was built when he was on the block. Adam says he feels it’s not good yet and Dane tells Adam that there is plenty of time. Dane says that he is good with everyone. Dane says do we want to control our own fate? This is a point where we need to win. Dane says he won when he needed to personally need. He said he didn’t need to win this week, but because of PB he didn’t have to play. Dane says if somehow Corey gets to final 5 she has a very good chance of winning and that she can wipe the floor with them in comps. Mark says he is not good with Damien and Este. Adam says that Damien and Este would put him up with Kyra. Mark says they will go after him too. Dane says that last night Damien was upset being on the block because Este was not on the block and that he is sick of her and can not understand how he is on the block instead of her.
10:15 AM BBT Dane says that there are always repercussions after HOH but that eventually you will be good. Adam tells Mark to tell him that there is a big plan and that two guys had to go on the block. Mark says that he took Damien to Wendy’s and didn’t really want to talk to him. Dane says because he is up on the block and that Damien said when they came back from Wendy’s he was going on the block. Mark says that he didn’t tell him specifically at Wendy’s he was going up. Adam says that Anthony and Corey have obviously talked about final two. Adam says that if the guys keep losing as long as corey is in the game he is safe. Dane leaves the HOH. Adam tells him to bring in Damien and talk to him. Mark says then why don’t we bring in Corey? Adam says because Damien will not win. Mark says what happens if Este starts pulling in the Mental comps? Mark says that they know that Anthony have been keeping them in the game. Mark says that if Corey goes on the block he will be with the boys but Mark says he is concerned that there are two people possibly winning in a true or false comp that they may win and they will be one man down. Adam says that they have Kyra who will win. Mark says that do you think they will vote with the boys? Mark says he has built a relationship in the game. Adam says that Mark has built a relationship with Damien in the game. Mark says yes a personal relationship but not a game relationship. Mark tells him that Damien has been saying he wants Adam out. Mark says that he is not going anywhere. Mark says that people still think they hate each other. Adam says when everyone is in a group they say things differently than when they talk individually. Mark says he feels he is left out a lot of these conversations. Mark says that don’t think for a second that if Damien wins that he will put up the strongest people. Adam says if Este stays that she will go to Corey. Mark says that Anthony is a talker but doesn’t win and Corey wins then all of them are safe. He says that Anthony won that HOH. Mark says that this will be a long day of thinking and he is going to talk to Damien and that he knows that he will want to keep Kyra and Este because they are not as strong of poklayers. He says he dislikes Este with a passion and doesn’t think he can handle another week with her. Adam says the bright side is he is still in the house. Adam said they should have taken Este out earlier. Mark says that they could have said that with anyone in the house that has been evicted already. Damien comes into the HOH and asks if they are chillin’. They say nothing is still open, he says no secret room, no air. Damien says that he is going to control what he can and hope for the best. Mark says he is going to grab some breakfast and he will talk with him later. He leaves and Adam and Damien in the HOH. Adam says to let Mark feel the best that he can. Adam says it’s a tough situation. Maybe he feels safe with different people. Adam says that he stressed his case to Mark about what he would like to see happen and other people are saying things different. But he tells Damien to talk to Mark and do what he needs to do. The best thing that can happen is to let Mark know that he is good with the guys. Damien says he really is good with the guys.
10:15 AM BBT Damien says if we have the guys we have the votes. Dane and Mark are in the storage room talking. Dane says he will be good with Mark. Mark says the way looks at it, there is no foolproof way to guarantee the triple. Mark says he wants to see Anthony step up and win. Dane says that he will talk to Anthony. Mark says he thinks they are making a mountain out of a molehill. Dane says even if we keep Corey and she wins the triple then if she doesn’t win then she wins POV, then she can win HOH, then win POV again and make it to final 3. They say they are good with Corey and they are not worried. Dane says that he can beat Damien, Este and Krya but he can beat Corey but it will not be easy. They talk about what the triple comps will be. Dane says that he was talking past the pool table to go out to have a cigarette and he heard them going over numbers and Dane says he knew then that Anthony was full of s%#T. They walk out of the storage room. Adam and Damien are done in the HOH room. Adam, Dane and Mark are in the kitchen getting food ready. Kyra and Este are sitting on the couch. Adam and Mark are now talking in the storage room. Adam tells him that Kyra will not go against them and Mark says he knows. Adam leaves the storage room. Anthony is laying on the couch. HG are now in casual conversation. Mark leaves the storage room and heads up to the HOH. He asks Damien how it is going and what’s on his mind. Damien says not good for him right now. That he will need a bigger target or Este to go up. He said that Este or Kyra would go home if they went up. Mark says that he has not made a decision because people are giving him a lot of information and it takes him time to distress all of it. He says that knowing that when he was on the block but he was not looked after. He says it was a fight to stay in. Damien says that action speaks louder than words but that he still here. Damien says why do you think I was campaigning? He says there were more people than him. Mark says he knows that Este was campaigning. Damien then says that’s why he can not understand why he is on the block instead of her. He says he can not compete with the cuteness and that he hears things from other people. He says whoever wins next week, then Mark says that about next week that he will go up. Damien says that it will have to be one of the boys but that they would keep him safe. Depending on if a girl goes home this week.
10:45 AM BBT Damien says then guys need to go up and it will be him because he can not win. Mark says that in the final 5 you want just the boys but that’s like suicide for their game, wouldn’t it make more sense for Este to be there because you can beat her. He says he knows that Damien’s position is not easy to be in. Mark says that playing against the hardest players to beat. Damien says that then he wants Kyra and Este to stay so that means he goes home. Mark says he wants all 3 of them to stay. Mark says that he is ok but yet not ok after being HOH this week and not able to play next week. Damien says that there is only 1 random draw POV left if next week is a triple. Mark asks how does he see final 5? All guys playing against each other? Damien says he could potentially win a POV depending on what happens. They talk about potential types of comps and who could win them. Damien says things happen so fast in the house that they really don’t know. Damien says that if there is a triple that he will go back up. Mark says that if he does stay and goes back up that he has a better chance of staying because people will want to keep who they can beat. Damien says they all love Corey but she is a strong player. Damien says that he is in tough shoes and the third time on the block can be negative for him. Mark says that when he decides he will tell him the plan. Damien says that it’s annoying with how things are happening and the boys are good for numbers but they are going to be hard to beat. Mark says that there are people he has not talked to and either late today or tomorrow morning he will have a decision. Damien says that when Sam was leaving the house that she told Damien to see you soon. He hopes what she said isn’t true. Mark says that with the triple it’s possible that he could leave the house 20 minutes after his HOH. Damien says he is going to study his a@@ off. Damien says that he needs fresh air. Mark says him too and he will listen to music and think on it and then will come for fresh air. Damien leaves the HOH and Mark grabs the music player and lays in bed. Corey sticks her head in and asks if he needs a minute and Mark asks for 5 min. She says ok and goes downstairs.

11:00 AM BBT The only feeds are Mark in the HOH room where he is still listening to music and he is running through things in his mind. He mumbles but what he is saying can not be heard. Feeds go to the kitchen and Corey says she wants fresh air but they are smoking by the door and she can not get fresh air anyway. Damien heads outside. Corey is sitting on the chairs. Mark comes out of the HOH room and says he is ready to chat. She heads up to the HOH room. She says she just wanted to say Hi and hang out. Mark says he is ready to call a house meeting to have everyone talk. She says they have not talked in a while. She tells him that it is raining out and everyone is smoking outside so she is going to wait for them to come in before she goes out. Corey says that she is sorry she couldn’t pull it out yesterday. He says that at least Adam got 5 grand. Mark says that he just has to put up a replacement. She says that she knows that she should not have scooped sand as long as she did. He says Adam and Kyra really won. She said she wanted to let him know and she sees that the house is crazy right now and that there is an open gap. Corey says that Anthony also has been cranky. Mark says he doesn’t care if someone is cranky that he will make his own decision. Corey says that Anthony won’t tell him what to do but will support what he will do. Corey says that Adam is bigger, faster and stronger than her and it was a hard win. Mark asks if her and Adam have talked over stuff. She says that he will always remember that she took out Sam. She thinks that wedge will always be there but as a person they can have good chats.. Corey asks if he is thinking about next week. She says honestly she doesn’t really know the relationship with Adam because him and Kyra are avoiding her. She says that sometimes people can not separate game from personal but that she hopes that they understand why they did it and it was because she was being lied to. She said that the relationship with Sam was very different than what she has with Adam and Kyra. Mark says by extension it involved Adam and Kyra and Corey says in their mind. But she says if Adam wins that he will put her up. Corey says for Mark to tell her if she is overstepping.
11:15 AM BBT She says she is curious why Kyra is pitching to him. Mark says it’s because she is close to Adam. That is is now KatAm. That Kyra will fight for who she needs in the game. Corey asks if Kyra understands that they are an option? Mark says that he doesn’t think that Krya is the best option and that taking them to the triple and competition is like night and day. As crazy as it sounds, everyone wants Kyra in the final 5. Corey says she doesn’t because she doesn’t respect their game play. For her it makes her resentful. She looks at someone who gets far in the game because of that kind of game play. She says if everyone had the same type of game play it would be a very different game. She says maybe Kyra is really a mastermind and that the just don’t know. Mark says that everyone could be. Corey said that right down to it, taking Kyra into final 5 is smart. Mark says that it also can be seen as a weak move. Corey said that no one would vote for them though. Corey said that she is a logical person and that taking her makes the most sense. She says that she wants to be transparent with him and that she doesn’t like the idea of taking Kyra to the final 5, no but that she sees why that is the smartest option. She says that Adam and Kyra are super easy to read and that is an asset to have in the game because when they lie it’s easy to see. Mark says his head is literally hurting and he is going to ask for some Tylenol. Corey asks if there is anyone that he would like her to talk to? She says that Anthony and her have relationships with different people. She says that if he would to say Anthony’s name, that she would tell him because of the loyalty she has with him. Mark says he feels he has made more personal relationships than game relationship. She says that for example, the game talk she has with Este would be more light and fluffy and not anything like the game talk she has with him. He says he needs a few moments. She says that she doesn’t want him to feel like he has to talk to her but that he wants to talk to her. She said she will give him his space and to let her know when he wants to talk again. She goes to give him a hug and she says she understand exactly how he feels now. She leaves the HOH room. MARK PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Mark says just when he needed some music. He says ok BB, I’m coming. Adam is in the secret room alone looking around. Damien and Dane are playing pool and just in general pool conversation. Dane goes into the file room and grabs a lid to try to get a stuck ball out of the pool table.
11:30 AM BBT Corey joins Adam in the file room. Corey is telling him about the room. That all the game talk that happens in the room. She says if there is anything in this room and if anyone deserves it, it is Adam. She says that they needed this room to have places to foster secret conversations, they needed this room for them to find the secret room. She says that she comes into the file room to read. Adam says that he thinks that some questions could be specifically on the room. Corey says that with the room being left in this condition, it would not be hard for BB to throw something into the room. Adam says then why do the frames change and Corey says that is part of the game. They talk about a medial magazine that Adam finds from 1988. Corey says imagine how far medicine has come since 1988. Corey says that he must feel so god winning the veto. She says remember when she was talking with him and that winning POV was the best option. Adam says it doesn’t look good for Damien. Adam says that people are telling him that Damian is coming after him but that he feels good with Damien. He says that he knows that people are saying things about him also that he never said. Adam said it’s just people trying to get people to go against each other. Adam says he trusts Damien because the things he is hearing doesn’t sound like Damien. Corey says if his gut is saying things, he needs to go with his gut. Adam says that the things he hears about Este he feels are true. Corey says she feels that at this point of the game it is hard. Adam says he spoke with Mark and that he feels good with Corey, Dane and Anthony. Adam says that he was told that he would have gone up with Kyra if Damien won HOH. Corey says that she can say that Damien has not said anything to her about him. But Adam says that he was close with Kikki and Este and when Mark was on the block against Kikki that Damien campaigned for Kikki to stay. Corey tells Adam that not a lot of people talk to her about him. She said it’s because people know that they are close. Adam tells her that he feels that Mark will put up Este. Adam says that everyone is stressing about a triple and that it may not even happen. That it could be a normal week next week, followed by two doubles then the final. She says that is a possibility.
11:45 AM BBT Adam leaves the file room and Corey looks around. Adam goes to the pool table and plays pool with Damien. Adam tells Damien that he needs to talk to Este and come up with a plan. In the kitchen Dane and Anthony are making food and talking about Corey. Anthony says that Corey likes Dane. Anthony and Dane both say they are top two. In the HOH room, Mark and Este are on the bed. Este is telling Mark that her and Damien are now playing about who they can beat in the game. Este says that she will vote Damien over Mark because he will be a jury vote. She tells him that they don’t talk much. Mark says that they are sleeping in the same HN room, common. She says that doesn’t mean they talk game all night. She says that they have promised each other things and if she voted him out that he will be pissed. She tells Mark that he doesn’t owe people to tell him who he is putting up because it’s his HOH. Mark says he doesn’t want too many people pissed off in Jury. Este says that she will vote whatever way he wants. She says she is fighting for herself and no one is fighting for her. He said that if he were to put up Corey, and he tells her to vote Damien out she would. She said that he would not put up Corey. She said she is not going to go and protect someone who didn’t have her back and at the end of the day it’s her game. She said that she has fought hard for people but at this point no one is fighting to keep her so it’s her game. Este says that she can not understand why he didn’t put up Kyra against Adam. Mark says it’s because people want Kyra in the game. Then if Adam hadn’t won, then it would be different. Este says that they showed their cards because now people know they are working together. She says that Sam set them up before she left. She says that if he decides to use him as a pawn. Both her and Damien are on the same playing field because neither of them have won. She says if a smart person wins the triple, they will put up a strong player against a weak player but not two weak ones together. So that the odds that Mark will stay is good. She said that she doesn’t see people putting her up against Mark or Kyra together or him with Kyra. She says she is annoyed that she hears Corey wants all the strong guys in the end with her. She doesn’t know if it is true or not but if it is that it is annoying. Mark says that everyone can say whatever but people don’t always say what they are actually thinking. Mark says that it is possible that 20 minutes after his HOH he could go home.
12:00 PM BBT Este is still talking to Mark she thinks if Adam wins and puts you up I can probably convince Dane to vote to keep you. Mark says I think Damien might put me up if he wins the triple. Este says Dane won’t put you up. Mark says If Adam wins he isn’t putting Kyra up and if Dane doesn’t put him up he won’t put Dane up. Mark says I don’t think Corey will put me up but who knows so I guess that is the question. Mark says there is a good chance that we both maybe leaving next week. Este says Whoever is HOH during the triple has to send home a good player sending home a week player that person will not get my vote if I send it home. Este gets called out for her mic. She continues talking about How she will vote in jury. She says it will depend on when she gets there but the game is based on social mental and physical. She says Look at Adam He was HOH twice and the first time he sent home Laura the second time Eddie nether one were strong players so I see that as a not big move. Este says I would be good with Anthony in final 5. Mark says so Kyra Dane Anthony and me plus you. She agrees. Mark says that is interesting. Este says Of course you know I adore Dane but I know I can not beat him so we can talk again after final 5. Este says No I would not put up Dane in the triple. Mark says There is 2 fast HOH s on the night of the triple. Este says After the Triple she will take a shot at Dane. Mark says I think he knows the whole house wants to take him out. Este says Yea most of the house wants the big competitors out. Right now there is 3 big competitors in the house and 1 of them just pulled himself off the block. Este leaves and Anthony comes in but Mark asks him to leave for 3 minutes so he can listen to a song.
12:15 PM BBT Damien and Corey are talking in the secret room Corey is saying that she hopes people will still talk to her. Damien says I am just annoyed because everyone just thinks I am easy to throw up on the block. Damien continues with I don’t know what is said behind closed doors. He says First Este is going on the block she has a 2 minute conversation with Mark next thing I know I am on the block. Corey says Now see I would tell you. She says She has never told anyone who her targets are. She says She did tell people that it was none of their business. She says it sinks your game if a name comes out of your mouth. She tells him when you are campaigning I would never ask you who your targets are. Damien says I feel like I can’t trust anyone but you. Corey says Maybe I should be worried. He says I think I would stay if Kyra was up against me. Corey says It is a smart move to keep Kyra past the triple because they are easy to beat. The camera switches to the Hot Tub area where Adam is having a smoke. Up in the HOH Room Anthony is talking to Mark about how they as a group they have to be strong where Adam wasn’t strong. Anthony says I haven’t won anything Mark says Yea you won the slop pipe one you just didn’t have the room. Anthony is telling him that Este told him when Sam was HOH she told him they wanted Mark out. Anthony continues with Adam has lied this whole game to us but I am not going to confront him until the end. Mark says that is why Dane was so comfortable with me putting up Adam. Anthony says Dane is loyal to us because he thinks he can beat us but he has about Adam and Adam has brought things about Dane.

12:30 PM BBT Anthony says I have saved both of their asses several times. He continues with Adam talking to me outside this morning saying that I am the strongest of the 4 of us. Anthony says Adam and Dane want Damien because they think they are cool with him. Mark says I don’t want to backdoor Corey even though that is the name coming out of people’s mouths. Mark says My speech will be like Congratulations Adam you live to fight another day my other target is already on the block Este please take a seat. Anthony says Adam has a weaker social game than Damien is. He was trying to figure out their dog’s name before Sam even knew his last name. He tells him say whatever you have to; to Este even if it is to say I’ll talk to the boys. Dane enters and Anthony says If Damien goes home we are all safe. If Corey goes w are all in trouble. If Este stays and wins 2 boys are going up. Anthony repeats what he told Mark about Corey. Dane says I said Corey’s name because she can beat us. Mark says Dane you are in a good position with everyone.
12:45 PM BBT Mark says Este talked to me. Mark tells him that she wants to take you to Final 5 then cut you. Anthony says it comes down to the 3 of us. We have been running the house since week 1. Mark says I felt good at first when Sam was HOH but then Adam kept avoiding me. Anthony says I told Kyra about the girls dancing and saying they were going to get the showmance out because I knew they would run to Sam with it. Anthony says We have had to control Adam the whole game. Adam was wrong to not come to us as soon as he figured out. Anthony says that is why I think that Corey should stay it is good for 3 of us if Damien stays it is only good for 2. Dane says Okay I am good with whatever is the best for all of us. Dane says I have a girlfriend at home but it is fun to play around with her. Anthony says Do I like Corey yes but I have been picking players every week to get close too. He continues with We have been babysitting Adam this whole game and just now you are starting to think about yourself. Mark says I like the fact that we are together and have been together since Day 1. I like that because in my real life I walked away from my religion and I lost all my friends but here it feels like a brotherhood. They agree that they will have group discussions and make a group decision.
1:00 PM BBT Anthony says Everybody’s head is where we want them to be. He continues with when you talk to Corey you need to be honest. Mark says If this is the way we go I am going to make it clear that Damien is my target. Anthony says We are to pretty and too cool. Mark says It feels so good to be part of this brotherhood. Dane and Anthony leave and Kyra comes in to use the washroom. They are talking about playing a game of hide and seek and tag but at first they are going to go in the hot tub first. They are planning how they are going to play the game. The conversation is on childhood stories. Now it is on movies that they have watched and liked. Anthony and Dane are getting ready to go in the hot tub. Corey and Dane are talking about they trust each other and both feel good with Mark. Corey says I am not a check in person but know that I am loyal with you and Anthony. Dane says He doesn’t trust Este because she is keeping a lot from him.
1:15 PM BBT Corey is doing laundry for both her and Anthony. Anthony is getting ready for the hot tub. Anthony tells Corey to talk to Dane and Mark today. Este is doing a house wide battery change. There is no conversation as most are getting changed to go in the hot tub. Damien is getting ready to go in the tub as well and is looking for a towel. Mark is heading out to the hot tub. Dane says He told Corey that her him and Anthony should talk then bring in Mark. Dane says My loyalty lies with PB and my loyalty lies with you. I feel I won’t mind if I lose to you and I feel you feel the same way. Dane says He is going to be struggling on his birthday because it will be the first one without my DAD. I can’t believe he did what he did but I believe he had to do what he had to do. Dane again says Tuesday is going to be so shitty a shitty day. Anthony says You are strong and I will be here with you every step of the way. Anthony says I told you guys from the start man luck and loyalty. Adam won 5k. Dane says Yea he can’t be mad we gave him 5k. Dane says he is hoping that Tuesday there is some kind of party.
1:30 PM BBT In the kitchen Corey is making herself some lunch. Adam is in the secret room looking at the files. He doesn’t find anything and heads out. Kyra is also making herself lunch as well. Kyra says They are taking their lunch outside Corey says She is out of it today she really misses home and wants to talk to her Mom and Dad. She asks Kyra if they have had these types of days. Kyra says I have had those days I normally talk about my family they say that helps them. Cory says She is going to eat and read. She found a medical journal and is going to read it. Corey asks How they have been. Kyra says Just readjusting. Corey says She feels like she is going to cry. Kyra says I worked out this morning. Corey says Yeah I am proud of you. Kyra says they are going to work out again with Adam. Este is heading out to the hot tub as well. The conversation out at the hot tub is on sports. All the HGS but Corey are outside by the Hot Tub. They are now talking about movies that they have seen.
1:45 PM BBT The conversation continues about movies Kyra is explaining a movie to Dane. Kyra is looking for the lighter. The conversation switches to Dane wearing false teeth as a plate or getting implants. He decides to wait until he is mature.The conversation goes to slop. Damien gets called into the DR. Adam said that he can’t wait for burgers. He said that they have tomatoes. He said that he hoped they have pickles. Mark asked Dane if he used a shovel or just his hands to dig in the sand. Kyra said that Kyra didn’t realize that Maki was so close. Dane said that Kiki was closer.
2:00 PM BBT In the kitchen, Damien and Cory talk together. Damien said that he didn’t want to freak her out but he felt that no one was safe. She tanked him and he left. Damien goes out to the hot tub. He said why did you all get quiet? Anthony said that they were talking about Este and Kiki. Este said that they were all going to get free drinks now. Adam said burger time. Dane came in and said that today on the show, they get to watch the hoh comp. Damien said them i’m not really on the block. In the kitchen, Adam starts to make hamburgers. Anthony asked him how many. BB tells him to put on his microphone. Adam asked Antony if he thought there was a secret veto. He said there was one in the other seasons. He said the blood veto wasn’t very spectacular. Anthony joked that now he will be checking for fake walls and stuff. Adam grates an onion and it makes him cry. Anthony said that he was just as close as Adam and it wasn’t affecting him. Anthony sang that chef pike was in the building.
2:15 PM BBT Dane came into the kitchen and BB asked him to put on his microphone. Anthony said that they needed some hand soap. Adam asked him if he would grate some cheese. Anthony said that he would. Adam gets called to the DR. He said seriously? And washed his hands before going. Kyra came in and started to put dishes away. Kyra sighs and Anthony asks if Kyra was ok. Kyra said that Kyra was just tired. Adam returns from the DR and continues to make the hamburger patties. BB says to stop talking in code and then to stop singing. Adam asked if Kyra was bored. Kyra said bored and tired. Kyra said there were too many hours in the day. Adam said usually there weren’t enough hours in the day. Adam asked if they should make fries. Anthony said that they might as well. Dane asked himself what he wanted to eat. He answered… slop. Dame grabbed a bucket and said that it was some good slop. Dame said imagine if the BB house was actually somebody’s house. He said imagine the shakedowns you could have in here. Dane said Faster than light, Adam pike. Dane said my name is Adam pike. I have one speed and one speed only and that is go.
2:30 PM BBT Anthony asked Dane if he would drink the blood from the ground beef for 2000 dollars. Dane said that he would do it for 20 dollars. Mark and Damien put the lid on the hottub. Mark said that this game makes people go snakey. Damien said that he fell into the emotion of the game but now he is calm. Mark came into the kitchen. Adam said that he forgot about Mark and asked him if he wanted a burger. Mark said that he did and that he was going to have a shower. Kyra said that Kyra just wanted to curl up on the couch and watch movies. Anthony asked if Kyra would eat slop for 2 days to be able to watch movies. Kyra said yes but not a week of slop. Adam asked who put a quarter of a pickle back in the jar. Kyra asked Anthony if he liked pickles. Anthony said no, they look like frogs and taste like frogs. Adam asked how he knew what frogs taste like. Kyra said that Anthony eats weird. Anthony said that Kyra eats bacon with jam. Adam said that Cory makes toast with eggs, jam and ketchup. Anthony asked Adam if he was making bacon. Adam said that he cooks the burgers in the oven, then fries them to get them crispy. Anthony said yo, you are different. Anthony said that he was getting anxiety.
2:45 PM BBT Anthony asked Cory if she could see his triceps through his shirt. Cory replied why would you ask me a question he already knew the answer to. Anthony asked her how she enjoyed her reading. She said it was good. She was reading about catheters. She said that she didn’t read the section on bypasses yet. Cory said to Adam that she felt that if he had his own cooking show he would do it without a shirt. Adam said he would call it, Tasty is good. Cory said she was going to get a cookie. Adam said that he ate the last macadamia cookie.
3:00 PM BBT In the blue room, Dane and Damien practice some more bb trivia. In the kitchen, Mark joked that Adam got 5000 dollars for a half an hour work. Anthony said that Adam slid down the pole and flipped his hair. Adam serves the burgers to Mark, Anthony and Kyra. Anthony said Tasty is good comes through again. Kyra came down stairs and said ok i’ll have a burger. Cory asked Mark if she could listen to music. He said that she could. Mark said that he didn’t know why he was drinking random cups of milk left around on the table. Anthony said my god, Damien ate 2 of these? That’s crazy. Kyra asked if anyone knew if it was still raining. Adam said he could demolish a smoke. Anthony asked what was better, morning smoke or after a big meal? Adam and Kyra said after a big meal. Anthony asked after a big meal or after sex. Adam said after a big meal, Kyra said after sex.
3:15 PM BBT Dane said that he was effin rattled. He said we hate Mark. He said that he hates slop and his goatee. Este told him to shave it. He said that he couldn’t, that it is the playoffs. Este said it’s the playoffs? Dane said that jury was the playoffs. Este said that Mark asked her if she talked to Dane and was ok. Este said that it didn’t make sense to put her up over Kyra. Este said that she told Mark that if he put her up, then he couldn’t expect her vote for the triple eviction. She said that she was campaigning for Kyra and that Cory probably wanted Kyra up as well. In the red room, Damien goes over trivia by himself. In the washroom, Este plucks Dane’s eyebrows. Dane said that it hurt so bad. Este said that she had to do the other side or it would look lopsided. Este goes to the kitchen and asked Mark if he was peeling a grapefruit. He said that he was. Este said that it was the only fruit that she didn’t like. They talk about the veto comp. Este aid that the worst part about filling the box with sand was seeing a new pile of sand.
3:30 PM BBT Adam said that he hoped that the sand didn’t have silica. Este asked what silica was. Adam said that it gets into your lungs and causes cancer. Adam said that at his job, they had to wear full protective suits. Este said that there was so much food. Why can’t i eat some food. Kyra said that it was so weird that Kyra had never seen anyone eat a grapefruit like that. Mark said that usually he peels them and eats them in sections. In the blue room, Dane and Damien talk about campaigning for Kiki. Damien said that Dane was and Kyra was also but somehow he ends up on the block. Back in the kitchen, Mark asked if there were towns in Quebec where they refuse to speak english. Kyra said there were some who refused but there were also some that didn’t know how to speak english. Kyra said that Kyra’s french was better than Cory’s but not to tell her that. Este swears in french and Kyra said that Este was also a swear in french. Dane asked where Cory was. Dane said that Adam flaking out on the couch was nonchalant. BB told Adam to please wake up. Adam said that Dane should let him sleep. Dane said that Adam got to eat a burger and he didn’t, so if he couldn’t sleep, neither could Adam.
3:45 PM BBT Kyra said that Este could come to the bar Kyra works at and drink. Este asked if she could drink for free. Dane said that Kyra was a bartender, Kyra didn’t own the bar. Kyra said that they get employee discounts and it sucks when a group of employees come to drink because they don’t leave tips. Damien said that he missed napping. Este said that she cuddles with anyone that lays beside her, except Damien. Kyra asked why not Damien. Este said because of Emma. Damien said that he wouldn’t want her to be cuddling with some guy on the show. Adam is in the archive room and the secret room looking for clues He exited the room and said no secret power, haven’t found it yet. All feeds go down for a moment. Damien asks if anyone watched big daddy. Kyra asked whose slop was in the toaster. Este said that it was Danes. Adam said that they should turn it off because Dane was still in the dr room. Adam puts on a jacket and heads out to the yard. Kyra followed him out. Adam said that it was crappy out. Kyra said that Kyra better double up on the jackets.
4:00 PM BBT Kyra & Adam are looking for cigarettes, checking the jackets and outside. Kyra finds some. Kyra says that they both need to find a way to be around the other HGs off. Kyra tells Adam that if he wouldn’t have taken himself down, he’d go home. Adam says no. Kyra says that he wouldn’t have the numbers. Adam tells Kyra that they both have to win HoH next. Adam says that if it’s not a triple, they both have a higher chance of not going up. Dane enters the HT area with Adam & Kyra. The convo turns to chit-chat. Kyra says that they haven’t been scaring each other since Sam left. Adam says that it’s been blah since Sam left. Kyra says that one of them is going to win the triple. Dane asks who they’d put up if they win the triple. Adam says that he knows, but won’t say. Kyra jokes that they’d put up both of them (Dane & Adam). They all leave a while later. Dane says that the vibe has changed in the house since Sam left. All 3 go to the pool table and use the pool balls as HGs to discuss strategy.
4:15 PM BBT Cory, Mark, and Damien are chit-chatting downstairs. Kyra, Dane, and Adam join them. Adam suggests playing a game. Dane talks to Cory about different sports games. Cory leaves to go to the toilet. After a while, all the HGs start to make noises to fill a silent room. Este joins Dane, so Dane is about to leave, then Este leaves. After Cory leaves the toilet, Dane suggests to her to mess with Este. BB tells HGs that the backyard is closed, and to close the sliding glass doors. The HGs are surprised. Adam goes to backyard to get something. BB says “Adam, stop that.” BB calls Kyra to the DR. HGs say that she’s been called to the DR because of the blood veto. Damien jokes that they’re getting letters. Adam jokes that Kyra’s been given a similar task like Ika in season 2, where Kyra will have to choose between money and burning letters. Adam suggests that BB gave Kyra a task. Adam suggests hiding from Kyra. They all hide in Leon’s Lounge. Adam says that Kyra will flip. They try to close the wall, but boxes are in the way.
4:30 PM BBT HGs wonder what to do. They all hide out in Leon’s Lounge. They play “I Spy” to pass the time. Adam hears walking, so they all stay silent. Adam suggests guessing how long it’ll take Kyra to find them. Cory says 15 minutes. Adam suggests that when they all get out, to act suspicious.
4:45 PM BBT BB says “ple Kyra goes out of DR. Kyra looks for the HGs, but can’t open the door to the secret room, but Adam is blocking it. Adam says that there’s videos playing of all the HGs. Kyra leaves. Kyra gets their mic, then comes back. Dane asks Kyra from the other side if it’s a task and a video is playing. Kyra asks if they’re messing with them. The HGs say that they’ve been locked in, and to ask BB to unlock them. The backyard opens. Adam and others try to get out, but can’t open the door because boxes are in the way. The feeds go down at 4:52pm, then return at 4:55pm. They now hide in the HN room. Kyra gets Este out of HoH, saying that something weird is happening, and can’t open the secret room. Este says that it’s probably just a prank. Este is called to the DR. Kyra asks what’s going on. Kyra looks under the HN room door, and says that they can see their feet. Kyra walks around the house, asking “what’s happening. What’s going on?” Kyra goes to Leon’s Lounge (the secret room) and says that there was definetly nothing on the TVs.
5:00 PM BBT The other HGs (all except for Kyra & Este) run to hide in the BlueBR. Kyra walks around the house and checks the HN room. It’s empty. Kyra says “what?!” Kyra tries to enter the BlueBR and can’t get in. Este leaves the DR. Kyra says that the HGs are now in the BlueBR, and the door is locked. Este says that it’s a prank. Este says that it’s just a prank. The HGs hold the door closed. Kyra and Este look under the door and can see their feet. Kyra goes downstairs to the living room, waiting. After a while, the HGs leave out of the BlueBR and Kyra & Este catches them. Damien gets a bloody nose. Feeds cut at 5:07pm, then return at 5:12pm. Kyra asks Dane why the were hiding. Dane makes stuff up, saying that BB did it. Kyra investigates the HN room after Dane tells them that something was hidden. Adam suggests hiding in HoH. They all were going to hide in the backyard, but Kyra catches them.
5:15 PM BBT After Kyra goes towards the secret room, they all hide in the backyard behind a wall. Kyra goes to the BY and through the house. Kyra tells Este that they can’t find them, and suspects that there’s a secret wall. Este checks behind the wall in the BY, and finds them. Kyra asks them what happened. Kyra suspects that the other HGs were given a task. Kyra asks what’s happening, and says “why am I being attacked.” They all keep with the prank. Anthony briefly searches Kyra. Anthony tells Anthony “tell us what you want us to do.” Cory laughs and apologizes. They say that they were bored and had some fun. Anthony keeps up with the lie. They chat for a while.
5:30 PM BBT Este, Dane, and Adam hide in the SR. Kyra tries to open the door by pushing on it, and asks Mark for some help. Mark says that BB locked it. Este and Dane remove stuff from the cabinets. Mart enters. Dane finds a hiding spot. Este tries to hide in a cabinet. Adam gets Kyra, saying that he can’t find everyone, and looked everywhere, and says that they’re not in the pantry. Kyra looks around, saying that it’s suspicious. Anthony & Cory are hiding in the BlueBR. Kyra enters the BlueBR. Anthony says that she doesn’t know what’s happening. Cory says to Kyra to finish this task because they need a pizza party. Dane, Adam, and Este run to hide in the HN room. Mark tells Kyra that the doors are locked.
5:45 PM BBT In the BlueBR, Anthony & Cory chat. Cory says “they copied Adam’s puzzle and placed 3rd.” Cory says that your life doesn’t change after a board game, but it’s crazy to be invited to play a crazy game (BB). Cory says that you don’t tell someone to “go read” after someone says that they feel like they’re about to cry.
6:00 PM BBT Anthony & Cory chat for a while. Anthony tells Cory to give people a chance to lie. Cory says that it’s hard to think strategically. Cory says that Dane is saying good things about her to Mark, “so that’s good.” Cory says that she’s told people that her game relies on them. Anthony says that if you stop talking to people for a while, they’ll think that you’re talking about them to others. Cory says something about Damien. Anthony says that you can’t trust some people. In the HT area, Kyra asks Dane if Mark is going to put up Este. Dane says that he doesn’t know. Kyra says that they have a feeling that they both will be there past triple. Dane says that he feels that way too. Kyra says that it was weird not seeing people when they came out of the DR. Dane asked Kyra what the task was. They both leave the HT area after a while. Dane enters the BY and says “I got winner,” referring to Pool. In the BlueBR, Cory says that the only time she’s lied to Adam was when he asked about Sam.
6:15 PM BBT Cory asks if she should ask Adam how he feels about going into the triple. He says yes, and to tell him that she feels comfortable with him. Damien and Adam are playing pool while Dane is watching them. Corey tells Anthony he is not wearing her robe anymore. Damien tells them that his nose is not broken Dane says yeah but it is swollen. Dane and Damien are getting ready to play pool. Anthony tells them that BB was playing along with their prank. Dane tells them he just saw the worst game of pool ever referring to Damien and Mark’s game. Adam heads into the blue bedroom to grab a towel. Kyra tells Este that they are going to go take a shower. Kyra leaves out the room but Este is still in there tearing up the cardboard to one of the file boxes. Anthony, Corey, and Mark are watching the guys play pool. COREY PLEASE GO THE DR. Dane tells her don’t be surprised if everyone is gone when you come out. She says Ha Ha.
6:30 PM BBT Kyra said that Kyra was looking for everyone and they disappeared. Kyra said that I was hoping it was a task so then we would get a party. Anthony has went into the blue bedroom and states he doesn’t have a hoodie to put on. Anthony tells Damien she scared the shit out of me. Adam, Mark, and Dane are in the HOH room. Adam asks him do you want to make a big move or waste your HOH. Mark goes and calls Anthony in the HOH room. They all head into the bathroom. Mark says Damien is about to come in the HOH room. Adam says I still say Corey is the bigger threat.Adam says Damien has not won anything and is not a big threat. Mark said if you want to have Corey out so bad why didn’t you do it when you took me off the block. Adam said that Sam said do not use it. Mark said oh so because Sam said. Adam said well we did it because we were not trying to expose anything. Adam said so you are going to take out a weak player then. Mark tells him that Damien can become a threat.
6:45 PM BBT Mark tells Adam what he’ll say during the renom ceremony. Mark says that at the ceremony, he’ll tell Este that she’s just a pawn. They talk about who’s going to leave the room and how. Adam & Mark talk game. Adam says “we had a plan and it worked out perfectly.” Adam says that they’ve got to stop worrying about what other people think. Mark talks about the cash prize. In the archive room, Kyra says “everyone acts different when they win HoH.” Este says that Dane doesn’t and remains level-headed. Adam enters the archive room. Kyra farts and apologizes because it smells really bad. Adam asks if the numbers in the Archive Room mean anything. After Adam leaves, Kyra says that “Anthony definitely got inside his head.” Kyra says “I really don’t want Cory to win.”
7:00 PM BBT Kyra and Este are still in the archive room Este tells Kyra that she doesn’t understand that he is not close to anyone and she doesn’t know why they won’t do it. Kyra tells Este will they are getting out all the strong people for us. Kyra tells Este that I am trying to understand Mark and I can’t. Kyra said maybe he thinks that she will take him further and he doesn’t thinks Anthony and Dane will not take him. Kyra tells her that we have a good chance of making it to final 5. Kyra leaves out of the Archive room and heads to the kitchen. Mark is making some type of smoothie. Corey is telling Mark how to clean the blender. Corey says that she can feel it when she tries to breathe from the last challenge. She tells Adam that he wa coughing all night. Adam and Mark both head to the storage room. Adam starts putting things up Mark leaves out. Adam starts whistling. Corey and Mark are getting set up for a game of pool
7:15 PM BBT Corey asks Mark is there a party going on upstairs in the HOH room and you need to get out. He tells her yeah. Mark said I am not telling people what I am going to do and i am going to remain loyal to the people who have been loyal to me. Corey said yeah exactly like I told you last week you haven’t targeted to me and I won’t target you. Mark tells her suddenly everyone has a best friend in the house.Kyra comes out and Corey says hi and Kyra leaves back out. Corey tells Mark I don’t blame them. Adam is in the kitchen cleaning up. Kyra comes and lays down next to Anthony who is listening to the ipod in the HOH room. Dane goes out to the pool table by Mark and Corey. Dane is talking about a concert he went to.
7:30 PM BBT Este comes out and Dane asks her is she is tired and she says yes. Mark turns around and says what do we have going on here. Mark says Game Over for Corey and misses the shot. Dane and Este are having a conversation by the backdoor while Mark and Corey are setting up for another game. Mark starts signing he needs a haircut. Corey tells him he needs to focus. Mark tells Corey he will not take outside for granted anymore. They head to the hot tub area. Corey tells him the furniture is soaking wet. Corey asks Mark how should she approach Adam. Mark said Adam has confidence he will win the comps but he does not have confidence in those he works with. Mark tells her tell him the past is in the past and let’s see if we can move forward from this. Mark said just let him know why you did what you did. Corey said well I have talked to Adam but Kyra has not spoken to me. Mark said that Adam had never said your name besides that he said that you took out his girlfriend. Mark said that people are looking at him as that he put up Adam in revenge. Mark said in a perfect world that he would put up the strongest people. Mark said Adam said that will people will put you out in the triple. He tells her we are all looking forward to the triple eviction. Mark said since Day 1 I have trusted Dane. He tells Corey that Adam is a free agent now since Sam is gone.
7:45 PM BBT Dane and Este are laying down talking. Este is whispering. Adam tells them look at the lovebirds. Dane said you look like a lost puppy dog without her. He says I feel like one.Dane said I was talking to Kyra about you earlier. Este and Dane start horseplaying. Dane leaves out and Este goes by Adam. Este asks Adam should she go up to see Mark. Adam said I think you should. Este asks him what y’all talked about when you were up there. Adam said what me and Dane talked about with you. They start talking about last season. Adam said have you talked to him at all she said yeah I told him he would be safe for the triple. Adam said have you talk to Damien at all she said no I guess I need to go and talk with him. Este heads up to the HOH room where Kyra is laying in the bed. Damien is sleep on the sofa in the HOH room. Dane is in the hot tub area and they are talking about Mark’s time in Europe. He tells them he left Jan 2017 and came back Dec 2018 right before New Years. Mark asks Dane if he is going to buy a condo and they start talking about condo prices. They all leave out the hot tub area. You can still hear them talking about it in the background. The camera is on Adam working out. Anthony comes by the group who just came from the hot tub area. Adam asks them was that thunder he heard. In the HOH room Kyra asks Este what is everyone doing. Este tells Kyra Adam is working out and Mark and Corey went into the hot tub area. Kyra tells Este I’m so bored. Este says it gets tiring. Feeds go down.
9:00 PM BBT Feeds return at 9:02 PM BBT. Kyra, Cory, Dane, and Este are all in the kitchen and they are all taking turns playing with the sock ball. Adam suggests the play horse and he and Cory do just that. Dane and Kyra are making slop burgers. Este asks how to play horse and Adam explains it to her just as the slop burgers are ready. Dane este and Kyra are at the kitchen table eating their slop burgers and slop pizza, adam and Cory continue their horse game. Damien has joined Dane and Este at the kitchen table and is eating the slop burgers with them. Cory and Adam are throwing the sock ball behind them as a part of their horse game, Anthony is watching and cheering them on.
9:15 PM BBT Cory and Adam are taking their last few turn sin their horse game as they each have h-o-r-s and Damien and Kyra are quietly looking on. Anthony can be heard in the background saying, “this is for the game.” Damien and Kyra are saying the wish they could go outside and Kyra says they’re so bored and it makes it even harder to be in the house when the whether is bad and they’re stuck inside. Anthony and Adam are talking sports and about how they wanted golden state to break a record. Este made coffee flavored pancakes and she and Kyra are at the table with Adam and Anthony talking about hockey. Production:”Dane please wake up nap time is over” Adam asks anthony if he ever played hockey and Anthony says he never played ice hockey but he played pond hockey as a kid. Este asks what that is and he says when you play hockey on a frozen over pond. Este takes a bit of the coffee pancake and says it’s so gross and it doesn’t even taste like coffee, she wonders how Dane makes the slope pancakes so good and Kyra says because he bakes them first and then fries them up. Este tells everyone about the slop burgers from earlier and Adam asks how they were, she says they weren’t bad and with lots of barbeque sauce on them are great.
9:30 PM BBT Everyone is now gathered in the kitchen around the table and Anthony mentions how it is 2 and a half hours until bedtime and Este is surprised and says, “That’s it?” and says it seems like the day has flown by. Anthony says he thought it dragged and they’ve just been eating all day. Este tells Anthony to have a blueberry muffin with strawberry jam. Anthony gets excited and says whoa! Este tells him she just came up with it at the top of her head, Anthony says, “Of course you did!” Dane sees it and asks what it is, Anthony tells him Este made it. Adam is scooping tuna into a bowl and tells Kyra every time at home he opens a can his cat comes running. Kyra asks what kind of cat it is and they ask if it’s gray, Adam says yes gray and white. Both Adam and Kyra agree that they need to ask for more mayo. Anthony and Dane eat muffins and jam. Adam sings a song about summer fresh and says “muffins with jam define the muscles that Dane doesn’t have.”
9:45 PM BBT Dane, Este, Adam, and Anthony are all in the kitchen making food. Anthony is eating one of Este’s muffins with butter and she’s making more. Adam finished making tuna and Este asks if he’s going to eat it all in one sitting, Adam says no he wants some of it now and he’s going to pack the rest of it away for tomorrow. Este says she could never eat all of that at once. Anthony says tomorrow after all these muffins he’s going to start eating clean. Adam and Este don’t buy it Adam tells him he’s said that before and never done it. Feeds cut to the HOH room where Kyra and Mark are having a private conversation about Adam’s replacement nominee. Kyra says they think they can be a better competitor than Este. Mark tells Kyra that it’s funny because some people come in the HOH room and do everything they can to save their life, others say nothing at all, bit Kyra comes in and tells the straight up truth and MArk says they are very loyal and will stay loyal to Adam even if it means they go up and brings up how they cheered him on and tried to help him in various comps. Mark tells Kyra that regardless of who he puts up and what he has done so far, he still wants it to be Kyra and Adam in the finals with him. Kyra says that they know Adam isn’t going after Mark and says that he had to make a scene in order to prove that, but they also think part of it was probably to just make good TV. Mark says, “yup that’s Pikes”

10:00 PM BBT Damien is by himself in the bonus room shifting through one of the boxes with lots of different colored papers in it and moving around some of the boxes he seems to have found a whole bunch of binders on the floor, goes through a couple of them before saying, “I’m just wasting my fucking time” but decides to keep going and grabs another box off of one of the top shelves to go through, he finds a giant stack of newspapers and gets excited but again finds nothing and says, “oh well” takes a sip of water and keeps looking before eventually grabbing the newspaper he pulled out and sits down to read it.Adam, Dane, Este, and Kyra are all in the kitchen casually chatting. Dane tells a story about when he tried to brush his teeth with a charcoal whitener and jammed the tooth brush in his tooth gap and then they all talk about how Anthony gives himself a smoldering look in the mirror when he brushes his teeth and hair. Dane says he hasn’t had anything to drink in 54 days, almost 2 months. Este asks if he is going to treat himself for his birthday and he asks if she is, and then says no, he thinks the ship has sailed and he doesn’t really want to. Este asks Adam what his hockey number was and he says he was 8 for a while and then he was 16, this sparks a conversation about he and Dane’s hockey numbers and then everyone starts talking in triple digit numbers which must be a code for something as production tells them to stop speaking in code.
10:15 PM BBT Adam, Este, Dane, and Kyra continue hanging out in the kitchen. They are talking about pranking Kyra earlier and Adam tells Kyra that he was being weird earlier in the pantry because Dane was hiding behind the shelf. Kyra says they were looking for their flip flops and Dane says he heard them talking about that. Kyra asks if this means they’ll be pranking someone else tomorrow. Conversation switches to hockey and play off beards. Dane says when he first started playing hockey he was disappointed because he couldn’t grow a playoff beard but then he was happy because he didn’t have to shave everyday. Este says that Dane and Damien are the only guys in the house who don’t have a beard and Dane mentions how it’s playoff hockey time. Conversation switches to everyone jokingly giving Dane and Este a hard time about their showmance/alliance/yadda yadda and Kyra tells Dane to talk a lot less about Coco (his girlfriend back home) if he wants to have something with Este. Este says she likes hearing about Coco. Adam tells Dane that he needs a bad girl and that good girls are no fun. Este says she’s been in a relationship the last 5 years of her life since she was 17 and Adam says that’s good and Dane doesn’t need that and says that if Dane had all these “good girls” he’d probably have something like, “30 kids kicking around somewhere and child support with no job” and then asks Dane what he would do if he ever found out he was a dad, Dane says, “I have no kids that I know of” they all laugh.
10:30 PM BBT Anthony, Dane, Adam and Kyra are all still in the kitchen. Adam is sitting under one of the cameras and is wondering what would happen if he covered one of the cameras with his baseball cap and Kyra says, “Don’t do it you’ll get in trouble” Adam says maybe he’ll just try it for one second and starts to hold it up. Production: “Adam stop that!” Kyra says, “See exactly!” Anthony wonders who has been yelled at by production the most and Anthony says probably Dane gets the most “Please stop that” and “Canada’s watching” Mark comes in and says Dane has so many, “Please stop that” that they’ll probably have an autotune of it by the end of the season and starts singing, “Dane please puh puh please please stop that.” Production: “You are not allowed to talk about production.” Kyra lets out a loud yawn and and Dane says, “Everyone was sleeping and I get called out” Este gets called to the diary room and everyone goes OHHHHHH! Kyra tells her to ask about banana tea for everyone and asks if they can all get different flavors. Este says she’ll ask. Adam and Dane are playing catch with the sock ball and Adam tells dane, “not to hit him in the nuts” Dane says he wouldn’t throw a curveball like that and they continue their catch game in the living room.
10:45 PM BBT Adam is now in the bonus room hiding in the corner. Kyra can be heard talking in the background so Adam might be trying to prank them again. After a few minutes, Adam walks over to one of the boxes and starts drumming on it and shortly after leaves the room. After leaving the bonus room, Adam joins Mark, Dane and Kyra in the kitchen and they are talking about the POV competition from yesterday which seems like it was very physical. Adam says his shins have been hurting all day and Kyra says their legs hurt too. Adam says he hasn’t been that sore in a while. Dane says it’s probably shin splints from all of the running they had to do in the competition. Kyra says even just squatting to use a shovel (not clear for what) was a workout in itself. Mark says Cory was very close and Kyra says they thought that she had it because she yelled, “I got it” but Damien got “it” (not clear what they’re referring to) first.
11:00 PM BBT Adam, Kyra, Dane, and Mark are all sitting around the kitchen table eating cashews. Anthony is called to the DR. Mark jokes that he’s getting a tempurpedic bed and and says that Anthony is probably the least liked houseguest and least likely to get something like that. Everyone is talking about what kinds of nuts they like, Mark says he likes them but they make him nauseous and he can only eat them in small doses, he says a bag of trail mix is even too much. Adam says he hasn’t taken a shower yet today and will probably do that soon and says he wishes Sam was there to come with him.
11:15 PM BBT Everyone is continuing their conversations in the kitchen and they are all talking about Chelsea. Adam says Kyra is upset because Chelsea said they were annoying and Kyra says that she thought everyone was annoying. Adam says, except him and Kyra agrees saying that Chelsea never told them that Adam was annoying. Mark says that Kyra was probably crying so hard in their goodbye message to Chelsea and Kyra says no it was actually a little bit harsh because they had just gotten into an argument but when they did Sam’s they were crying because right before they went to the DR to do it they were talking to Mark in the DR and he got them to cry.

Tonight's Show

April 14, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, with Cory as HoH, Anthony took the chance to go after the number one threat to the Pretty Boys and the mastermind burned his vision into her brain. And when Dane pinned down the PoV, Anthony's disciple tagged in and slammed Sam on the block next to Este. Hoping to save his beloved, Adam pitched Este as the target, but the mad menace still had to a bone to pick with the showmance.

With the vultures circling, Adam struggled to accept Sam's fate so Anthony stepped in with a full court press. And when Sam threw her last hail Mary, the trigger happy marksman was tempted to go rogue. But on eviction night, despite a farewell vote from her Romeo, Sam kissed her game goodbye and crossed over to the other side. Straight into the jury.

Tonight, who will get drunk with power and become the new HoH? Will Mark strike first in the Pretty Boys civil war? Will the two underdogs finally get the message? There's a whole lot to swallow on Big Brother Canada!

We pick up on Day 41 and Adam says he's sad to see Sam go, but he's kind of relieved on the game. With her not here, he can focus more on his game and the Pretty Boys. Anthony says his plan worked, Sam is gone. He saw how much of an influence she had on Adam. Adam's focus is back on the Pretty Boys and they can do what they came here to do...make it to final four.

Kyra says they're devastated. They wanted to give Sam their vote, but they had to play the game with their head and not their heart. Kyra tells Adam they feel like a coward and he hugs them and Dane comes in and Adam says it's OK. Adam says people would have understood if Kyra had voted to keep Sam, she was going home either way.


Damien shows us the cassette record in the archive room.
The Pretty Boys celebrate making it to the next phase of their plan.
Adam saved a lipstick print from Sam.  He keeps it in a Zip-loc bag and kisses it every night.
Mark's HoH video is from his friend Itay (and unnamed dog.).
Mark tells Adam he's thinking of putting him on the block.
William Laprise Desbiens from Big Brother Canada 5 delivers Mark's dinner from Wendy's

The Pretty Boys are in the storage room celebrating and they all do the sign to the camera and Adam says he feels bad doing this right after Sam leaving. Adam says he feels like a target in this house even with Sam gone and he thinks one of them has to win.

We're at the HoH and we pick up with the Drunk Speeches competition. They will play clips of the speeches, but they'll play them as if the speaker was tipsy when they gave them. Mark says he wants to win the HoH because he wants to show the house that he is strong and shouldn't be considered a pawn. He wants to take a shot at the "biggest" target in the house. Kyra is sick of being looked at as being a pawn and they think this competition is for them.

We hear Kiera's speech from Day 34 and Damien says he'd sound like that if he were drunk. He says he knows it's Kiki but she's had so many speeches. Anthony says he's been studying days, but it's hard to remember the forgotten ones have been saying. He's got bigger fish to fry, the GM, the top scorer has to make sure they are good. Mark gets one point.

Mark says he knows his days like the back of his hand and he even made a poem all the way to day 41. The next speech is Maki's speech. The answer is Day 13. Mark, Damien, Adam, and Kyra are all correct.

The next speech is Chelsea's eviction speech. The answer is Day 23 and Mark and Este get it right.

Next is Laura's speech from her eviction night and some people are answering day 20, but the answer is Day 6 is correct. Mark is in the lead and Adam and Kyra are two behind.

Sam's speech is from when she won PoV and saved Kiera. Dane says he knows his day very well and he created a calendar in his suitcase and he's used pasta noodles and cereal, but this is not his HoH to win. He wants everyone to think he's a dumb meatball. The correct answer is day 17 and everyone is correct except Anthony and Dane.

Next, is Cory speech when putting Sam on the block at the PoV ceremony. Adam would like to give Cory a taste of her own medicine. The correct answer is Day 38. Mark is in the lead and gets the next one correct, no one else can catch up and he will win.

The next speech is Maki's speech from the veto ceremony. Mark answers Day 10 and then re-thinks. He settles on day 10 and that is correct. Mark is the new HoH!

Day 41 and Mark becomes a man, the game starts now! Kyra says Mark got all the answers right in a row and that's impressive. It makes them concerned about Mark's mental game. Mark makes Dane, Este, and Anthony Have-Nots. Mark says he knows he can't beat The Pretty Boys in a final four situation and this might be the week he has to take a shot at them.

Mark celebrates with the Pretty Boys in the storage room and he tells us he has a chance to make a very strategic move. But he has to consider his options very carefully because if he goes down that path, there is no turning back. Dane and Cory are speculating what Mark might do and Cory thinks Mark might put Adam up and Dane thinks Mark will put up Este and Damien.

Adam is talking to Kyra and he doesn't think she's a target. Adam finds something of Sam's and begins reminiscing about her.

Dane is walking around and pours water on his head. HE says you want some of this? You can't handle this! He pretends to be a Zamboni. Then he picks up some hand towels and swings them around. Adam says he's nuts, he lost his mind.

Who wants to see Mark's HoH room?!? They all head upstairs. His video is from his friend Itay and he sends love from Mark's parents. Mark says his parents are deeply religious and probably aren't the happiest he's on the show, but it feels good to hear the words of encouragement. Itay says everyone they know is rooting him on like crazy and tell him to keep his head down and go for it.

Este and Damien are talking in the lounge. Este says he won't put up Dane or Anthony or Cory. Este says everyone wants Adam out and she says Mark will want to make a move. Damien feels great with Mark and he doesn't think he's on Mark's radar. But the gears in his mind are starting to turn and maybe it IS him he wants to target. Damien talks to himself and says whatever, put him up and he'll take himself down.

Mark and Anthony are whispering and Anthony says we got three targets right? Mark says he has some ideas. Mark wants to put up Adam and Mark tells us putting him covers the boy's alliance. Mark says it also gives him an opportunity to maybe take a shot at the Pretty Boys. Anthony says he likes that.

Dane and Mark are in the HoH room and Dane says The Pretty Boys take over the room again. Mark says in order to pull off putting Adam up he has to make sure Dane is on board. Mark says Adam will be upset but Mark was on the block because of his girlfriend and by extension him. Mark says it's not the prettiest situation, but he knows Anthony will be on board with it.

Kyra and Anthony are in the blue room talking and Kyra asks Anthony about his family. Anthony talks about his mom and her being a single mom and how hard it was to raise him alone and how he always had everything he always needed because of his mom. Anthony says she's amazing. Anthony tells us his mom is his best friend and that's his real ride or die.

Kyra asks Este what Dane's favorite food is and Este says they are the furthest thing from that. Este says she likes Dane, she's working for him, but she's aware of the perception of them in the house and she doesn't want to be seen as a power couple, but she doesn't want to pull too far away because he is her protection in the game. Este says she knows what's she's doing.

Anthony goes in to talk to Adam and Mark and Adam says it would be stupid to send Kyra out. Anthony says they have to decide their target. Adam throws out Este and Damien because Damien won't win and pull himself off. Mark says he has a different idea and he says maybe putting up one of the boys, either Adam or Dane. Adam says he doesn't feel comfortable on the block and Mark says I wasn't comfortable either. Adam says what if Damien comes down and Mark says we put up Este.

Adam and Mark are talking about when he was on the block. Adam says that week was out of our control and Mark says you could have taken me down. Adam says we had the votes. Mark says he could have assured he was safe and take him off and screw Sam, but he played with her. Adam says do whatever, put me on the block.

Adam says Mark tells him that he's not going up and he's not OK. He says power is getting to Mark's head and he doesn't want to go on the block. It shouldn't happen. Adam goes to the blue bedroom and talks to Kyra and tells them he's probably going on the block. Adam says Mark is sour about last week and Kyra says why is he thinking about the past and not about the future of the game. Kyra says Adam needs to calm down because he's big and intimidating and Mark is a small man compared to him.

In The Archives, Dane is walking through. He says the first time he went into the room all he saw was empty shelves and every week more and more boxes came in and he wants to get to the bottom of what these boxes mean. Adam and Dane are talking and Adam says they are counting boxes and it probably means nothing. Adam says there are 253 boxes.

Damien sits at the table in The Archives and Este comes in and she spots a tape recorder. Damien picks it up and says it's cool. Damien says Big Brother didn't throw it in there for nothing, there has to be a story. Dane comes in and they are discussing the recorder. Damien wants to hide the recorder and Dane puts it in a box and puts stuff on top of it. Dane says does that mean anything? Does this room mean anything?

Mark has invited Damien to his Wendy's dinner. He says Damien is a very under the radar player who doesn't give away much so he invited him so he could get him to talk. William from Season 5 makes the Wendy's delivery for Mark.

Mark and Damien start to talk and Damien says the hardest people to beat would be Cory, Adam, and Dane. Damien says it's probably a chance I'm going up and Mark says you or Este. Mark is trying to get Damien to open up and nothing is coming out and that's a massive red flag and Damien says I hope that conversation goes really bad.

Cory is talking to Mark and she tells him to figure out who has her best interest in the game. Cory says after an HoH, she pays attention to the everyone, who comes over and celebrates and who looks scared. Mark says Cory is giving him advice on his HoH and he feels like he's in a classroom and she's the teacher. Mark says Cory is a strong player and she could do damage. He's not here to sit in a classroom and learn new things.

Dane says you want nice Dane? You're not going to have him this week because he put him on slop! He goes to the lounge and he's venting. He says he stinks, he's disgusting because he's on slop. Dane says slop is the worst!

Mark is talking to Dane about putting Adam up and Dane says he's on board with that. Mark says he's putting Adam up for the storyline. Dane says Adam is going to freak out. Mark says two of the four of The Pretty Boys have already touched the block. Dane says Mark could put him and Este up if he doesn't want any backlash from Adam. Mark says he'll think about it, but he'd rather not. Mark says after this conversation, he is starting to question if now is the time to take a shot? But Adam is out of control and he wants to see him on the block.

Adam says Mark floated the idea of putting him on the block and he thinks it's a terrible idea. He says there are in an alliance and there are four other options he can choose from. Adam is talking to Dane venting to Dane and Mark comes downstairs and Adam says he thought they were going to discuss things at a team instead of them doing things on their own. Adam says he doesn't agree, nor does Dane or Anthony. Adam says why did you put Dane on slop? Adam thinks Mark is making decisions on his own and he's bitter about last week. Mark says Adam not taking him off the block is as insane.

Dane tells Adam and Mark they should all just calm down. Adam says Mark seems bitter about last week. Adam says Mark got a little taste of power and he's making decisions on his own. Mark says he's done and walks away. Adam says Mark will not enjoy this HoH, I can promise you that.

Mark heads to HQ to consider his options. He says he has to make a strategic move to catapult him to the end of the game. He says he came in with a three-stage plan, create an alliance, evict the competition beasts, and then turn on his alliance. Mark says timing is crucial and he doesn't know if now is the right time. He can't afford to take a shot and miss. He needs to play this right.

It's time for the nomination ceremony! Mark's first nominee is Damien and his second nominee is Adam. Adam says two weeks ago, the girls wanted him out of the house and he campaigned for him and it was a 5-1 vote. Adam says he's going to use all his energy and come after Mark. Mark says him and Damien have a good personal relationship, but their game relationship is struggling. He nominated Adam because he's the biggest, baddest player and he's taking his shot.

Adam says he's mad he's on the block and the speech is complete BS so people don't think they are working together. Mark decided this is NOT the week to take a shot at the Pretty Boys and he's just going to roll along with it. But it's a long week until Thursday night...

📢Good Sunday, Brother-Lovers <3

April 14, 2019

It's Day 44🍁 of Big Brother Canada 7 Week 7

Week 7 Power of Veto Competition

  • Adam won it

We have an interesting Big Brother Canada 7 week. It was interesting because Head of Household Mark started by declaring war on his own alliance member, Adam. Mark is bitter with a capital because of a couple weeks ago when Adam and Sam risked his Big Brother life. They were right because he ended up staying that week, just the sheer audacity of letting him go and stay on the block was enough to send Mark over the edge. However, it seems that Mark has had a change of heart.

Yesterday, Mark nominated Adam with the intentions of trying to get him out this week.

Yesterday, Cory. Este. And Kyra were selected to compete for the Veto along with Adam and Damien.


The plan was to get Damien out but a little before the Veto competition started, the target started shifting towards Cory, which Anthony is not happy about. It will really come down to last minute decisions this week.


April 13, 2019

8:00 AM BBT All lights still low, all HGs sleeping. (Feeds are HN and HoH rooms)
8:15 AM BBT Lights fully on, morning wakeup call sounds. Kyra performs the battery exchange; other than that, no HGs moving. Alarm clock sounds. No one moves.
8:30 AM BBT Mark sits up in the HoH bed. Dane in pantry getting coffee started. Cory in her usual spot. In the pantry, Kyra and Dane are talking. Dane says he wants to win the PoV and take Adam down. Kyra says that would make people suspicious of Dane; Dane says that it would probably be best if Adam won it. Dane takes his coffee and joins Anthony and Cory. Este and Damien join the rest of the HGs in the kitchen/dining area. Dane tells Damien that he was talking in his sleep. Kyra volunteers to make bacon and eggs for the HGs after they’ve eaten.
8:45 AM BBT Most HGs gathered in the kitchen/dining area drinking coffee and chatting. Anthony thinks he could outrun a moose in a forest and take on a medium sized black bear. In the pantry, Dane promises Adam he’ll use the PoV on him if he wins it, and then he’ll push for ‘someone else’ to go up. Up in the HoH room, Dane and Mark are whispering. Mark finally told to put on his mic. Dane says that he’s going to gun for the PoV and use it on Adam. Dane starts working on Mark about putting Cory up if Adam comes down. He tells Mark that she will put 2 boys up if she wins HoH; Dane says she’s already told Anthony that, but Anthony is keeping it from Mark. Dane says he or Adam are winning the triple. Dane says that they’re sitting pretty; if anyone but Cory wins the veto, they’re going to use it. They talk about how Adam went off the rails yesterday, but they have both been on the block.
9:00 AM BBT Mark and Dane talking in the HoH room. Mark is unsure if Anthony is throwing comps or if he’s just unable to win them; Dane figures he’s unable to win them. Mark talks about the merchandise they can sell and the legacy they can leave in the game by how awesome they are. They talk about Mark winning the HoH comp, and how they didn’t need to finish the comp because of the lead Mark had. Mark again talks about how legendary they’re going to be once they’re out of the house. Mark gives Dane his ipod and tells him the battery is low, that he should kill it and bring it to the pantry for them to charge. They discuss that Anthony won’t like them putting Cory up, but it would make no sense to bring the strongest competitor outside of the PBs to the F5. Mark says they should take Kyra because they’re no threat at all, and they cook and clean for them. Dane brings the conversation back to how they’ll have to pitch it to Anthony to put Cory up because he’ll get pissed and angry and speak angels out of his voice. Dane says he’ll tell him that if he wanted Cory here so bad, he should have won HoH.
9:15 AM BBT Dane and Mark talking in the HoH room. They’re busy slapping themselves on the backs for how awesome they are and how they’re fooling everyone. Dane says that after today they should not have to worry about Cory. They talk about life back in BC. Dane heads to the WR and Mark decides to head downstairs to make something to eat. Down in the kitchen/dining area, most HGs are still milling around drinking coffee and preparing food. Adam running days by himself in the HN room.
9:30 AM BBT Mark in the pantry, pacing and whispering to himself. He then heads out to chat with the others. Cory doesn’t think they got as much sleep as they normally do. Dane listening to music, singing and dancing and blowing bubbles. He’s called out by BB for singing. Este and Kyra called out for napping. Anthony and Adam grooming in the WR.
9:45 AM BBT Dane listening to music in the HoH room, Anthony and Este lounging on couches, Adam pacing and stretching. Mark and Kyra on couches in LR, Damien lounging close by. ALL HGs experiencing difficulty starting this day. Este called out for napping again. Mark tells Adam that things are looking really good right now. Mark tells him that Kyra is very close to them and devoted and Adam says that they told him they want to bring Mark to F5. Adam says if he gets HG choice, he’s taking Dane because everyone knows they’re close already. Mark talks some more about the merchandise they’re going to sell and how they’ll all make at least $100K off their merch.
10:00 AM BBT Kyra comes into the washroom and starts talking to Adam. They tell him that they need to convince Mark to put Cory up because if he puts Este up you will go home. Dane says I know the plan if I play and win I am for sure using it. Dane says Mark knows he can’t beat Cory he knows he can beat you and Damien. Adam says No one talk about it. Dane says No I understand Good Plan. Dane says in 2 days it is my birthday Adam says I told them if there is a party I am not going to take these pills for a couple of days. They start talking about the upcoming comp and the fact that last week it was pretty early. Dane says Yea but tear down is fast last week we got the backyard and it was still daylight. Adam says I really missed Sam that first day. Dane says You will see her in 3 weeks. Kyra says It is strange that we are still here and doing the same thing and that is strange. Kyra says I cried when she left because she was my friend. Downstairs Cory is sitting in her normal spot in the nook off of the dining room table. Damien is sitting next to her but there is no conversation. It sounds like someone is making a smoothie or slop shake. Back in the washroom Adam is on the sofa and Kyra is in the shower there is no talking there either. Adam gts called to the DR. Dane heads into the HOH Room to use the washroom but the smell is so bad he leaves right away. He gags a little bit takes a big breathe and heads back in. Anthony and Este get called out for sleeping. Este says I am awake Big Brother. Anthony gets called out again and says You think I fell asleep in 14 seconds You are starting to piss me off. Big Brother calls him out again.
10:15 AM BBT Cory is telling Mark for a mason jar size smoothie you only need half a banana, 3 tablespoons of yogurt and a bit of honey. Mark says I made a lot. Damien is making some slop for him Este and Dane. Dane is in the HN Room trying to move one of the chairs up higher. He says This is bulls**t and starts banging on things and singing I am bored I am bored. Dane gets called out and told to stop that. He replies That is what happens when you are bored as s**t. Dane says Well I’m bored this room means nothing at all. Dane runs up stairs and runs passed Cory. In the washroom Anthony Este Cory and Dane are standing around talking Damien makes a loud noise like a scream. Dane comes back in and says He spilled hot bacon grease all over his foot. Someone left it in the oven and he didn’t know it. Anthony says Who did that. Dane says 1 guess. Dane jumps into the shower. Kyra puts a load of laundry on. Este says it is her gums that hurt not the tooth. She thinks it is her wisdom teeth coming through. Adam and Damien are talking about if they get HG choice to pick Dane. Damien is in the pantry saying I have to touch the block 3 times and some haven’t touched it once so much for loyalty this is bullshit man. He goes back out to the kitchen to continue washing out the slop bucket.
10:30 AM BBT Dane is playing peek a boo in the shower. Anthony says I like how you have to go on your tippy toes. He continues with The biggest POV every true or false. Adam says Mark shits it stinks. Cory says You need to leave the door open a bit. Adam says It just pisses me off because he put me on the block but laughs. Adam is now in the shower. In the blue bedroom Cory and Dane are talking about the fact that they avoided the block. Anthony walks in and Cory says We were just talking about you About how much we hate you. Anthony leaves and Cory says So I am trying to play through my head if Adam wins POV who would he put up. Kyra Dane says No I don’t think so. Cory says Este Dane agrees because he says I don’t care really. Cory says The 3 of us need to set ourselves up for the triple. Dane says I think Adam is more mad at Mark then us. Cory says Gun for the Veto. Dane says It would be good if all of us play in the veto. Cory says Adam told her he understood why she did what she did. In the bedroom Dane is talking to the cameras saying I can’t beat you but you aren’t in power this week thanks for doing our dirty work last week but now it is time for you to go.
10:45 AM BBT In the washroom Anthony is now in the shower. The conversation goes to Eddie telling Adam that He was the eye candy for himself. Dane says Eddie left the house famous. Downstairs Damien is saying his foot looks a little red. He explains to Kyra what happened. Este is making slop shakes for the 3 of them while the slop cooks in the oven. Este discovers that there is no more slop so they will have to wait for shakes. Dane is asking Kyra to tell them in DR what is needed. Damien thinks his foot isn’t as red as it was a couple of minutes ago. In the washroom Cory and Anthony are still preparing for the Player picks and POV Comp today. Cory asks What do we do now. Anthony says Think that what do we think about trusted allies. Cory asks What Sam said in her final fate. Anthony says Bad move Cory you sealed your fate. Cory says No she said I had the numbers to back door you but I didn’t. Anthony says No she did not. Adam is washing his bed sheets. Cory says We should do ours after. Kyra and Damien are sitting in the nook area but there is no conversation. Kyra says Maybe Mark is in the DR.because she is trying to get in Adam says Dane already asks. Kyra tells him that Dane didn’t get in. Kyra is saying they use to have long hair. They ask Adam if he ever wanted to be a marine. He says He always wanted to but was too busy. Kyra says auditioning for Big Brother Adam says Yes.
11:00 AM BBT In the HN Room Dane is going over the days. He says it is all up here and points to his head and the fact he doesn’t need his game board anymore. He is going over the votes of the evicted HGs and the names of the HOH’s now POVs Dane says He has everybody on his side. He says Mark you want to make a big move but you are doing what I want. Dane says Kyra says they came up with a plan to back door Cory He says Good plan Kyra it is your plan not mine if it doesn’t work. Adam joins him where Dane says He is trying to stay cool. Dane says Good plan Kyra. Adam says Damien was freaking out but I told him to relax and that neither one of us is going home one of us just needs to win the POV. Dane says After the POV Comp we are going to have to tell Anthony that if he is against back dooring Cory he is being selfish because Cory only wants 3 guys to go to final 5. Dane says If he wanted Cory safe he should have won HOH. Adam says He is doing what I did last week trying to keep Sam safe. Dane says Exactly. Dane says if Kyra wins You come down same with me if Este wins Damien comes down. Dane says Am I afraid of anyone no Am I afraid of Cory Yes. Adam says She comes into the house and gets to final she wins. Dane says She can easily control who goes home. Dane says I told you she would put up you and Mark and we would have to vote out one of you too and there is no way that is happening. Adam finishes what he was eating and leaves.
11:15 AM BBT In the Leon’s Lounge Mark and Anthony are talking about Maki saying he thought Adam was going to put him up. Anthony says Maki told Este and me we had to get a plan to take out Adam; then he switches to Dane. Mark says You are my campaign manager when I was on the block. Mark says Adam running around getting angry but I knew that we could calm him down. Mark says He thinks Damien doesn’t like Este. Anthony says I don’t want Este to say anything to Damien. Kyra enters and asks if they needed time to chat. They tell her no. Mark says Day 48 will be in 5 days. Kyra says Yea it is the triple. Mark says I had some good chats with Adam. Kyra says He seems calmer today. Mark thanks them for chatting with Adam yesterday. Anthony says Let’s get it on. He asks Mark If he has any idea when .Anthony says these sofas are so comfortable. Kyra agrees saying they are their favorite sofas in the house. Este is making slop shakes. In the kitchen they are talking about the possibility of them putting spiders in a tank with them. Adam says I would freak. Este says it is eels with me.
11:30 AM BBT Anthony is asking if they are going to have burgers today. Damien joins them and agrees to have a slop shake. Anthony gets called to the DR. They tell him to ask for dish cloths and glass cleaner. Adam asks Damien what he heard on the tape recorder. Damien says there was no tape. Kyra says They go in that room because the lights are the dimmest and the sofas are the most comfortable. Cory comes down saying come on POV. There was a loud noise after it stop they all go WOW Oh My God. Dane tells them a story about when he bought his niece a jumping castle and ended up breaking it and had to buy her another one. The conversation goes to writing a book about things that happened to them that were funny. Dane says We can only talk about our own experiences not about anything else.
11:45 AM BBT Cory is telling them about the most romantic thing her husband did. She tells them when he asked her to marry him. She says they walked into their house after borrowing a table of her mom and he just put the ring on the table. Cory has decided to make a small shake. Este says Didn’t she offer the bed back. Adam says There was a lot more to you I’ll tell you later. They call Anthony to do his re enactment of Adam’s speech. Anthony says I can’t do it like that. Damien gets called to the DR. Most of the conversation is on general topics. Anthony says He has 60 to 80 pairs of Jordan shoes that he hasn’t had out of the box. Adam asks What the point is. Anthony says If I wear Jordan’s I just go to the mall. Adam says No shoes stay clean in Newfoundland because of the weather. Este says You never know what the weather is like it can be sunny then rain then snow then sunny again. Dane says they only have winter there. Adam says only 3 weeks of nice weather. Everyone is having different conversation it goes from weather to clothes.

12:00 PM BBT Kyra and Adam are having a conversation at the counter talking about how they choose what to bring to the house. Everyone else joins in the conversation. Anthony tells them that he pack by the rules and everything he was told not to bring he sees everyone wearing what they were told not to wear. Este is sitting there listening to everyone. Kyra tells Adam what he would look good in. Corey asks what they are trying to dress for and Kyra tells her we are just shopping in our heads. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES!! Corey said what about jeans and a fitted long sleeve. Dane goes and massages Este shoulders and tells them he gives happy endings afterwards Kyra said I figured you would say that. They start talking about the different shows that were on when they were little like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, Big Comfy Couch, Power Rangers and Pokemon. Mark are Adam and throwing the sock around. Then Adam starts working out on the couch. Mark is throwing the sock up in the air. Kyra come and sits on the sofa and asking Adam what shows he likes to watch. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES!!! Kyra and Adam keep talking about TV shows they watch. Adam tells Kyra that his grandfather makes him cry. Adam tells Kyra about this girl that he dated when he was in high school and that she gave him a letter and he left it on the dresser and his stepmom read the letter and they put him out and he went to live with his mom. He tells Kyra that now he and his stepmom have a good relationship. He says when he and his exes were having issues he could contact his stepmom and she would give him advice. Kyra and Mark are throwing the sock around. Adam yells out this pick the players for the power of veto. Kyra said we did and you are not playing. He laughs. Adam yells out why is it so hot in here except the Have Not room and the bathroom. He said well it is because they want us to walk around naked thats why. Kyra said I can’t believe those are actually lights I thought they were cameras. Adam has joined In mark and Kyra throwing the sock, Kyra knocks it under the soda. Mark walks away. Anthony is now laying on the sofa. Adam tells them that he is good at everything. Mark walks upstairs. Kyra asks Adam and Anthony what are they bad at. Adam says nothing. Anthony says Soccer.
12:15 PM BBT Adam changes his answer and tells Kyra he is bad at golfing and soccer. In the kitchen Corey tells Dane and Este that she has taught every grade she tells them grade 7 and grade 9 are the worst grades to teach. Dane said that I was always good in school. Dane walks into the storage room he comes out and says we have more maple syrup.Este tells him not to fret she is going to make them something good. Damien sits back in the chair and then leaves out. Corey tells them Adam and Dane sad story and starts laughing. Este and Damien laugh as well. Dane is now on the sofa. Adam asks has Mark when in their just yet they say no. Dane says why did they wake us up so early. Kyra asks someone where their jeans came from and they start putting initials to stores. Corey heads into the living room. Mark comes downstairs and they ask him has he been called yet. They start talking about the character for Mario Kart. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES!! They all keep talking about the game without saying the name. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES!!! They are all excitingly talking about playing Mario Kart. They start talking about another game. In the living room Dane and Anthony are laying on the couch, Damien, Adam, Kyra, and Corey are sitting there they are all talking about wanting to go to the outside area. Kyra tells them we should have it after the comp. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION! They start guessing when the backyard will be open. Dane said well it still is not today.
12:30 PM BBT Dane tells them about someone giving their protein shakes. Anthony asks him does people who do things on social media do they make a lot of money he says yeah if you have a lot of followers. Dane starts talking about a girlfriend who would post on social media when he was on dates and how much money she made posting constantly on their social media. Adam said well all women have to do is put up some pictures of their butt and they will have so many followers. Dane tells them that his ex girlfriend lost 180 lbs. Dane says I will put up a picture of my butt do you think you can smell it too because it stinks. They all start laughing. Kyra said the days are so long because we are just sitting around waiting. Someone said it can take hours from now for them to decide for us to choose. Corey says after we pick we can give our mental focus to something. Kyra tells them we need to order some more kitchen towels. Anthony said well it’s a good thing we got up early. Este says really he tells her well no. Corey is making some music in the background. Adam is now in the kitchen drinking water. He leaves out and Dane comes in. Adam starts talking to the fish. Adam says oh yeah I can wash my sheets I was supposed to do that several hours ago. Este goes and lays down on the sofa. Anthony says I am losing my mind. Damien says yeah I am too. Anthony says on days like this they should allow us to nap. Damien tells Anthony something and Anthony laughs. Anthony asks Corey if she is going to make it through today. She says Am I? She goes by him and hits him. She then says I need a change of scenery. Corey is looking through the papers. Kyra, Adam. and Dane are in the bathroom saying they all hope to get picked. Dane said I hope Mark picks me. Kyra said if the three of us get picked then Damien doesn’t have a chance. Adam says it gets boring more and more everyday and they need to start pranking people.
12:45 PM BBT Corey is reading pages of things in the boxes. Corey starts walking around then lays on the sofa in the lounge area. Adam is scrubbing his shirt. Damien is now scrubbing a shirt. Production says something. Damien says that Anthony and Mark are going to get us in some shit. Adam goes into the bathroom. Mark and Anthony are in the storage room Anthony tells him that she is the reason Kikki went home. Anthony said he never wanted Este to get his far anyways. MARK PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM. Anthony says here we go. Mark leaves out Anthony is still eating. Anthony leaves out and goes and sits on the sofa. Damien is in the Have Not room looking for a shirt.
1:00 PM BBT Dane is laying down on the sofa in the bathroom. Adam comes out the bathroom and Dane tells him I don’t know man I have it is so hard to sleep on the floor. Damien and Anthony are just sitting around in silence. Kyra and Dane come into the living room. Adam is still in the bathroom.; He checks himself in the mirror then heads to the blue bedroom to grab a shirt.. You can hear a drill in the background. Este tells Dane that she is tired and her body weighs a ton. Dane said that if he wins the veto he is using it on Adam and then Mark would put up Corey and she will go home. Este says are you sure that is what Mark will do. Este asks him have to talked to Mark about this. Dane said come on we are playing picks. Dane leaves out. Este says if I hear it I will get up. Dane comes back and says that I don’t know who he will put up. Este says I am ok with her leaving but do you think he will do that. Dane says that if Corey stays she will win the triple. Dane tells Este I don’t like her. DANE PLEASE FIX YOUR MICROPHONE. Este says well if I win then I can take Damien off then he will only be able to choose is between me and Corey and I know he won’t put me up. Este tells him if you win it then you would have so much power and you can choose what to do. Kyra comes in the Have Not room and asks if anyone has seen her glasses. Este and Dane are still trying to run scenarios of who would win and who would go up. Everyone is planning on using the POV if they when with the exception of Corey and Anthony. Dane tells her that Corey believes that she and Damien are closer than ever.
1:15 PM BBT Corey is back in the room looking at the files and tells Damien to read this resume it is so funny. He leaves out and heads upstairs. ADAM PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM. Kyra brings something out the storage room. Dane says Corey really messed up her HOH and she really is irrelevant because she only won because someone gave it to her. Corey only took out Sam so that she could control Adam. Dane said I only need Adam till the triple. Dane said that Adam is now working with Anthony and Corey. Dane says that he hopes Damien wins. He tells her if she wins to pull Damien off. Dane says we got to get Damien or Adam off the block. Este said I don’t think Mark will not put Corey on the block. Dane says as of right now Adam is safe. He says Adam has enough votes to stay. Dane said he nominations don’t make sense, if he really wanted to get Adam out he would have put up Kyra so that he could not vote for him to stay. Dane leaves out and Este is just laying there. Damien is lying on the sofa upstairs by the HOH room. Kyra and Dane are now in the bathroom. Corey is still reading the papers.
8:00 PM BBT HGs are in the bathroom. Anthony & Adam are talking in HoH. Ankthony tells Adam “I’m not like you.” Este comes in for a battery change. She leaves, and they continue their conversation. Adam says that they’ll talk afterwards if he takes himself down. Adam says that it is what it is, then leaves. Anthony asks to talk to Dane. He says yes. Mark asks “we can’t talk as a group?” Anthony says yes, but later. Anthony & Dane talk in RedBR. Anthony says that Adam “acts stupid because he is stupid.” They star to talk, then Adam enters. Anthony tells Adam that he looks strange when he. Adam asks if he has a F3 with Damien. Adam tries to move the convo, and Anthony accuses him of “beating around the bush.” Dane says that he’s very scared of Cory. He says that she’s very scary. Anthony says that there’s no more sly smiles. Mark enters. Mark says to not put up the Boys during the triple, and if you do, we’re not voting for you to get the $100k. Anthony says that this crumbling of the group has got to stop. Anthony says that he doesn’t trust Damien, and tells Adam that he (Damien) has a passion against him. Adam says that Damien has never said that. Mark suggests stop talking because it’ll look weird that the HoH is talking to them. Anthony says that it doesn’t matter.
8:15 PM BBT Anthony says that they’re in Jury now. Anthony tells different situations for PoV. Dane says “let’s all calm down, and it is what it is.” They all start to leave, then stop because “it’ll look so stupid” if they all leave together.” Anthony & Mark go up to HoH. Mark says that the HGs will put up 2 boys regardless. Mark tells Anthony that he’d never leave him out of a conversation. Anthony says that their convo in the RedBR was about Adam. Anthony says that Adam keeps giving him weird looks. They wonder what’ll happen if Damien wins. Anthony says that he’s going up if Damien wins. Anthony says that Damien acts dumb around him. Mark suggests “scaring the shit out of Damien” by saying that they’re not putting up the boys and won’t vote for him in Jury. Dane enters HoH, but Mark asks for some time, so he leaves. Anthony says that if Damien wins at the triple, the Boys are going up. Anthony says that Adam is too dumb that he doesn’t know how to play the other side. Anthony says that he’s not like other HGs. Damien enters HoH, and Anthony tells him that he’ll talk to him in a little bit, so Damien leaves. Anthony says that when he asked Dane for a private convo, he says that Adam looked scared. He says that when Dane was going to tell him something, Adam came in because he’s scared. Anthony says that Cory’s going up no matter what. Anthony says that Este isn’t trustworthy. Mark agrees. Mark & Anthony talk about what they’re going to say. Anthony says that he’s going to call out Damien. Mark says that he trusts him.
8:30 PM BBT Anthony calls Damien to HoH. They have a quick convo, then Anthony leaves. Mark says that things blew up. Mark says that we’ll figure this out after the PoV. They both agree that it’s stupid to talk about it before.In the bathroom, Anthony and Cory chat. In the HN room, Damien Adam & Dane are chatting. Dane leaves. Adam says that he could tell that Anthony was freaked out. Adam says that he walked in and told Anthony that whatever he tells Dane he can tell him. Mark says that he “doesn’t give a shit what people said in the past and is moving forward.” Adam & Damien say that if Adam takes himself down, the replacement nom is going home. Kyra enters. Adam says “we all need to just chill out.” Kyra asks what drama is going on, and Adam & Damien say that it’s nothing. In HoH, Dane & Mark are talking. Dane says that Anthony hates not being in power. Mark says what happens happens. Dane leaves HoH. Dane enters the bathroom and Anthony talks to him. Anthony says that he hates that sneaky shit.
8:45 PM BBT Dane says that it’ll suck if it’s a fun comp ‘cause they can’t play (Dane & Anthony). Cory exits the toilet. Dane asks her if she wants them to leave. They leave. Feeds go down at 8:49pm.


April 12, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Adam, Anthony and Mark talking in the HoH WR. Adam is arguing that he should not go on the block this week because he’ll be in danger. Mark says that Adam had the opportunity to take him off the block and didn’t; Adam is amazed that Mark is holding a grudge. Anthony and Mark tell Adam nothing is set in stone yet. Anthony and Adam leave and Cory comes in to talk to Mark. Mark tells her he’s not feeling good with anyone and is just trying to ensure his safety through the triple. Cory says no one is safe with everyone at this point. Mark tells Cory he’s inclined to put up Adam this week. He says if he survives that he can see a F5 that includes Anthony, Cory, Este and Kyra. Cory says that it’s obvious that Adam and Mark haven’t been working together all game, so it would be an obvious person for him to put up. Adam storms into the HoH room looking for his water bottle; Cory is far more upset with the way it happened than Mark is. Mark says that to him all that matters is F2; jury is jury it doesn’t matter if you go in first or last. Cory tells him that if he ever wants to talk, she’s available. He asks about how the bd plan on her was supposed to work and she explains her understanding of it. Mark says he’s trying to understand how much of Adam’s actions were controlled by Sam and how much were his own.
10:15 AM BBT Cory and Mark talking in the HoH room. Mark feels like Adam will win the veto because his neck is on the line. Cory reminds him that the vetoes he’s won weren’t played against Cory and Adam. Mark says he will not be bullied this week; he’s already made his decision and his mind won’t be changed by being yelled at. Mark asks who she’d put up for the other nominee; she says Este wouldn’t take Mark to F5. Mark thinks Este, too. Mark says he won’t put up Cory, Anthony or Kyra this week. Cory says that she’ll let him mull things over; he knows he can come talk to her whenever he likes. Before she can leave, Anthony comes in. Mark tells Anthony he will not be bullied. Anthony says Damien is coming up in a second. Mark tells Anthony he’s going to put up Adam. Cory tells Anthony about Adam barging in. Mark tells Anthony that he’s willing to see how the week plays out with Adam before he decides who he’d like to leave this week. Anthony and Cory agree with his plan for the week. Cory leaves Anthony and Mark alone in the HoH room. Anthony tells Mark that Adam is losing it; Mark says that Dane volunteered to go on the block beside Este last night. Anthony says that he tried to talk to Adam about calming down, but doesn’t think he got anywhere with him. Cory comes back in to use the WR. Mark tells Anthony to make a F3 with Kyra and Adam.
10:30 AM BBT Anthony and Mark talking in the HoH room. Anthony says he’ll reel in Kyra in a couple of minutes to figure out where they’re at. Anthony tells Mark that he’s impressed with how Mark has it all figured out; he promises Mark his vote if he’s sitting F2. Mark tells Anthony that he did something for Mark no one else did; he defended him. Mark pledges Anthony his vote if he’s sitting F2. Anthony tells Mark that Adam had lied to him about Mark being nominated. Anthony says again he likes this Mark. Anthony leaves. Down in the pantry, Dane and Adam are talking while Dane cuts his hair. Adam says there’s 4 other people in the house, there’s no need for one of the boys to touch the block. Adam says if he goes home this week, he’ll punch Mark square in the teeth on live tv. Dane asks if Adam’s going up and Adam says he doesn’t know, all Mark said was Adam or Dane. Adam says Anthony tried to say that Damien was their biggest threat this week because he’s trying to protect Cory. Dane leaves to go talk to Mark. He asks Anthony if anyone is upstairs; Anthony tells Dane about what’s going on and the fact that Adam is just freaking out. Adam comes out and Anthony quickly changes the convo to what Dane should say to Mark. Dane heads upstairs. Mark tells Dane that he’s not going on the block. Dane says as a group, their biggest threat is Cory, not Damien. Mark sings Dane’s praises some more about loyalty. Dane tells Mark that Adam is freaking out. Dane and Mark agree they can talk about what happens after the pov, after the pov. Mark confirms he’s going to take Damien for Wendy’s, but asks Dane to allow him to tell him that. Dane leaves.
10:45 AM BBT Mark and Kyra talking in the HoH room. Mark immediately tells Kyra they’re safe, but he’d prefer if they not say anything to anyone else about it. Kyra tells Mark that he was safe the week Sam was HoH; Mark tries to explain that he didn’t feel that way. Kyra says that Adam fought for Mark; he’ll watch and see that Adam did fight for him and couldn’t go against Sam’s wishes. Mark says he appreciates Kyra’s wishes to keep Adam; they say that it’s not wishes to keep Adam as much as it’s wanting him to know the truth. He tries to get them to explain in a way that will make sense to him; Kyra says that that is almost impossible because he’s intent on holding the grudge. Kyra says that Sam wore the pants in that relationship and Mark knew that better than anyone; they say Adam is struggling and much weaker without Sam. Mark says that nobody wants Kyra out; everyone wants them in the f5. Mark asks Kyra if they’d want Adam in the F5 and they quickly say yes; Mark says maybe that makes sense for them because they can’t win comps. Mark says if it makes them easier for them, they can say that Adam’s going up as a pawn. Kyra says Adam has never said once said Mark’s name, and they’re just surprised to hear Mark say Adam’s. Mark tries to explain that there truly is no one else he wants to put up; this makes sense to him. Mark says it baffles his mind that Kyra wants Adam in F5; he says that if Adam makes it to F5 he’ll win. Mark explains how the game changes once you’re in F5. Mark says people have proven that it’s an all-out blood bath right now; and people are truly only loyal to themselves. Mark asks Kyra to keep this conversation between them.
11:00 AM BBT Mark and Kyra wrapping up their talk in the HoH room. Este comes in to use the WR. Mark says he doesn’t feel like he can beat Adam in the F2. Kyra says they understand he’s doing other people’s dirty work; he quickly corrects them saying it’s best for his game too. Kyra leaves. Anthony and Cory talking in the dining area. Cory asks who Anthony would want to leave if it came down to Damien and Este on the block on eviction day and Anthony says that he’d have to think about that. In the HN room, Dane and Este are trying to make the ‘mattress’ more comfortable and talking to Damien. Dane says if he gets put on the block, he’s going to freak out. Este leaves and Dane says that she didn’t understand why they’re not sleeping in one big bed again.
11:15 AM BBT Anthony and Cory talking in the dining area. Adam and Damien talking in the WR. Adam says it wouldn’t surprise him if Mark put up two weak players or two players who could easily take themselves down. Damien laughs and says Este’s back in the HoH room with Mark, he says there’s only one way to find out and that’s wait and see. Adam goes into the blue BR and Kyra says they tried; they told Mark that Adam had fought to keep Mark. They also explained that Mark would have a better chance against Adam but they don’t think they got through. Kyra says that they don’t think Mark is as smart as they thought he was. Adam again vows to hurt Mark if he goes home on Mark’s HoH. He says he should threaten Mark; Kyra says that wouldn’t work. Kyra explains the different ways they tried to explain Adam was beneficial to Mark’s game. Kyra says that Mark’s threatened by Adam because Adam wins a lot; they say he’s not thinking about his game, he’s thinking about his ego. Kyra says that if Adam goes up, they’ll probably win the veto; either way he has a bunch of people who would take him down if they win. Kyra says Mark sounded bitter about Adam not using the veto; Adam agrees. Cory comes in to get her workout gear; Kyra asks if she thinks Sam’s already at the jury house. Cory brings up Adam busting into the HoH room while she was talking to Mark; he says that he’s down this with everyone’s HoH, not just Mark’s. Cory gives up trying to pursue this line of reasoning. They talk about working out today and then about the Wendy’s meal happening before noms. Cory leaves; Adam says he hates her. Kyra asks about him storming in, and Adam says it happened and he doesn’t care what she thinks. Kyra says she’s entitled.
11:30 AM BBT Este, Anthony, Dane and Mark in the LR/dining room area, lounging. Dane called to DR. Adam heads downstairs to join them and asks Mark how his talks have gone. Adam asks for a chance to talk to Mark, and promises to remain calm this time. They head to the secret room and Mark says that he’s putting Adam up and he wants Adam to win and take himself down. Adam says that he sees what’s going on; Mark says Kyra just spent a half hour campaigning for Adam. Mark tries to explain this is good for the alliance; Adam says he’s trying to get him out. Adam gets up and leaves, mumbling “f-ing idiot” as he walks through the dining area. Adam returns to the blue BR briefly, then pokes his head in the red br and the HoH room looking for Kyra. He tells them he’s going up; Kyra says he needs to stay focused on winning the veto. Adam again threatens to punch him in the face. Mark comes in, so Adam leaves and heads to the HN room briefly as Anthony and Este are talking in there. Up in the HoH room, Kyra is explaining that they’re trying to get Adam to chill out because he’s felt safe all season, so he’s freaking out. Down in the pantry, Adam is telling Cory that Mark is putting him up because he’s sour about Adam not using the veto on him. Mark comes in to get juice and leaves. Cory tells Adam to remember it’s a long week, and not to get too hot on day one. Adam says if he had won HoH, Mark wouldn’t be going up, but it is what it is.
11:45 AM BBT Adam alone in the pantry fixing coffee; Cory returns and tells Adam if he wants to chat she’s available. He says that he’ll just win the veto. He leaves and gets called to the DR. In the secret room, Mark and Anthony are talking about Mark’s chat with Adam. Anthony says that Adam’s being a baby. Anthony tells Mark about him coming into the HN room, and Anthony asking for a minute because he was talking to Este so he stomped out. They discuss how both Adam and Sam only think Mark is doing this because he’s holding a grudge, but they’ll see when they watch the show. Anthony says Adam needs to relax and stop stomping around the house. Mark confirms to Anthony that he’s putting up Adam and Damien. Anthony tells Mark to wait until he sees how Anthony crushed Adam’s soul in his discussion with him in the WR. He says that he told Adam he didn’t tell Anthony about the plan to bd Cory because he was worried Anthony would storm around the house, but that’s how Adam acts, not Anthony. Mark says that Kyra told him that Adam campaigned hard for him not to go up, but Anthony says that didn’t happen. Cory comes in, so Anthony leaves to go talk to Adam. Cory tells Mark that Adam was losing his mind in the pantry. Mark and Cory discuss him being a loose cannon.

12:00 PM BBT Adam and Anthony talking in the blue BR. Adam says that if Mark’s looking for a storyline this week, he’s found it. Adam says Cory won’t vote to keep him because he stormed into the HoH room to get his water bottle. Anthony asks if Adam wants a F3 with him and Cory; Adam says no, he wants a F3 with the boys. Anthony does an incredible job of de-escalating Adam and gets him joking about what he should say to him after the nomination ceremony. Adam says that BB will set this up. Anthony says that no matter who wins veto, Adam is coming off the block. Dane comes in and says that everyone is freaking out about Adams behaviour. Anthony recaps what they were discussing and they laugh about it. Anthony spins how good this is going to be for the viewers. Anthony says that Kyra really believes they can take the boys down. Dane asks Anthony what they should do if they win veto, and Adam reminds him they said they’d use it to save Adam. DAMIEN PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Este is walking around telling BB she wants a mango and tells them it’s been so long since she has had one and she misses them. Kyra is in the kitchen and Dane, Anthony, Adam are in the blue room. Anthony is talking about who needs to win triple next week so they can stay in the house. They say that Corey is most likely to win the triple HOH. Dane talks about being confident in if Corey wins it that they have to play safe. Dane says that he thinks 3 of them would make it but not all 4. Anthony tells Adam that he needs to talk to Corey and tell her that he is sorry and that he knew what was happening but he wanted to cover for Sam and that he doesn’t trust anyone in the house and that the only people he trusts is her and Anthony. He tells him that he has to paint the picture for her of who he is. Dane says that if Corey puts up Mark that they can save him. Anthony says that Mark made up his mind before talking to them and he said he will have a conversation with him.
12:15 PM BBT Kyra comes into the bedroom and all of the guys stop talking. Kyra is looking for her glasses. Kyra gives Dane the protein drink she brought in. THey tell her that her glasses are on the couch and she leaves the room and the boys continue their conversation. Anthony goes over again what Adam needs to say to Corey. That he needs to pretend to be pissed off about possibly going on the block and tell her that he doesn’t trust anyone in the house and that Corey and Anthony have been the only two real with him in the house so that she feels that she is good with keeping them all in the house. So that Corey feels safe with them. Adam asks that if he should say he feels resentful for sending home Sam. They tell him not to say that. Anthony just tells him to say he is upset because he can not trust anyone in the game besides the two of them. Anthony tells him to throw out the work Fuc#i* at least 10 times. He gets up to leave and Anthony tells him not to go out with a smile on his face, he needs to look angry. Adam makes a reference to pots and pans. The make jokes about what Adam should do with Mark. They laugh about the scenarios they suggest. They tell him to go first talk to Mark then to Corey. They tell him to go find where Corey is and go pace back and forth and show an emotional angry Adam. Adam leaves the room and Anthony and Dane are rolling in laughter. Adam finds Mark and they go to talk. Adam tells him that he trusts the process and tells him that he is fired up, tells Mark the plan and that he is going to storm out of the HOH, gives Mark a hug and begins his Angry Adam pacing act. He goes to the kitchen and is looking for Corey in the store room. He finds her in the extra room and Corey invites him in. He tells her he is Fuckin pissed off and had his head up his ass all week and he was obsessed with Sam. Corey said she understands that and she did not hold that against him. He says that it Fuc8i* pisses him off because they all wanted Kikki to stay but that he is frustrated that Mark will be putting him up and he says he doesn’t trust anyone in the house (he is using F^c*in the required amount of times Anthony told him to) He tells her that she and Anthony are the only two who have been real with him. He says she is sorry he was super pissed off and he is mad Sam went home and she took the heat. He says that she can beat anyone in this house. Anthony is a wizard in the house and can make anything happen. HE says that he trusts her with this. He says he wants to punch Dane in the face, he says he thought he was tight with Mark and that is not happening now, he knows Este hates him and DAmien is throwing his name out like crazy and he knows that Damien and Este will put him up. He knows he is good with Kyra. He says he is sorry for being hot and heavy.
12:30 PM BBT Corey tells him that he needs to remember who he is with in the house and they are not like his buddies at home. He tells her again that he wants to work with Corey and Anthony because he doesn’t trust anyone in the house. Corey says that it is hard to be considered for the block. She tells him that she had to reminder herself when that happened to her that she had to remember it’s a game. She says that he has won a lot and made good connections with people. She says that she doesn’t blame Mark for looking at him because he is an amazing competitor. She tells him to say his truth. He says he will have a speech for nominations. She says if that’s what he thinks is best for his game. She says it’s his game. She tells him to look at – he is guaranteed to play Veto. She asks if Mark has told him he is going up. Adam says yes. She says then it’s 100% chance he plays in veto. It’s a resume builder. The more you have to fight the better game player you become. She tells him to look at jury. And he is in the game now with competitors. Those people are voting in the jury house. She says this is what he wants. She tells him she will vote for him if she is in jury because she has seen his game play. Adam says she is making him feel better. She says she has wanted to tell him that so she is glad he came to find her. He says that he wants to say something spicy ini his peach, she says then that’s what you should do. They get up to hug and Adam goes out and Corey lays back down on the couch. In the HOH room, Mark and Damien are talking about Kyra and POV. That they will take Adam down. MArk says the heat is off Dane and now on him with Sam calling him out. Feeds go to the bathroom where Este is getting out of the shower and Anthony is in the shower. Adam is in the bathroom washing his hands. Damien is shaving and Adam is asking who he is going up on the block with and calls out everyone’s name. Damien says he feels that any one of them could go up. Corey comes into the bathroom. Back in the HOH room, Mark and Dane continue their conversation and run scenarios about what will happen with POV. Mark tells him about conversations he has had before when he was on the block. Mark tells Dane that if he doesn’t put up Adam he will look stupid. Mark says that he will say that he will tell the house he has a confession that he is in an alliance with 4 guys called the pretty boys and he can not put them up. They laugh and Dane says you can’t say that. Mark was teasing. Dane tells Mark that Kyra tells him that they want Mark in the final 5. Mark says that it’s interesting that they tell them both two different stories with Kyra, Sam and Adam. Dane says that they are working on Corey to keep the boys for final 5. He says that corey wanted Kyra, Anthony, herself and Dane. Mark says the only thing he needs from Adam after today that he needs to back off after today. Mark says that if any of the boys win that they take off Adam. Mark says than it’s down to a vote if he stays on the block. Mark gives Dane the headphones and Mark says that he needs to walk around. They talk about who they could have lunch with. Mark leaves the HOH and goes to the storage room. On the couches upstairs, Damien and Kyra are in conversation. They talk about who Mark will take to Wendy’s. She asks Mark if he is making a Mimosa and tells him he has to be careful how he opens the bottle because it will fly and hit a camera. She runs downstairs to help him. She teaches him a trick on how to make it.
12:45 PM BBT Mark and Kyra are in the storage room, Other HG are in general conversation. In the storage room, they are talking about the questions in the comp and Kikki’s speech. She said that she has listened to every speech for the exception of Kikkis and that’s why she messed up the question. They are crunching numbers if there is a triple or a double eviction. They says it has to be a triple. They talk about the HOH being able to play after the triple. Kyra says that until final 5. Mark says that those comps will be one of those timed game. In the HOH room, they guys are playing with bubbles. Anthony is blowing them and Dane is ninja kicking them. Mark is telling Kyra that . Krya says that Mark has shown his game and that she is glad he has not been manipulated. They say that she is not an emotional player. Kyra tells Mark if Adam takes himself down that they will make sure that he will not be bitter. Kyra says that Adam hopefully Adam calms down. MArk says he will have a convo with him. Anthony comes into the storage room. Kyra comments on his pink shoes, pink durag and his navy suede suit. Kyra tells him that he has upped his game. Kyra tells him her stomach has shrunk in the house. Mark leaves the storage room. Anthony and Kyra are looking through the fridge and try to figure out what they will make. They ask Anthony how hungry he is. They make food suggestions for him.
1:00 PM BBT Anthony decides on what he wants. He says he wants chicken and asks if there is bacon. Kyra says that they had the last two pieces this morning for her bagel. Most HG are in the kitchen all in different conversations. Anthony and Mark are now in the storage room. Adam tells him that he had the talk with Corey and Anthony said he will wait to talk to her about it until she comes to him. Adam pulls out salmon and goes to the kitchen to begin cooking. Este is sitting on the chairs next to the kitchen and the camera goes to zoom in and she smiles at the camera. Anthony asks people who use his hat to be careful with it. He takes his hat to put it away. Anthony says he would make something for Mark but he is going to Wendy’s and he highly doubts that Mark will take him. Mark and Anthony go to play with the ball. In the bathroom, Anthony and Corey are there. Anthony is cleaning the hat. Corey tells Anthony that Este wants to play catch with Mark. Anthony laughs. She tells him about the chat she had with Adam. Anthony asks “An Angry Chat?” She says no, a good chat. She tells him that Adam wants to work with them. Anthony laughs and asks if he is serious. She tells him everything that Adam said to her. She says that she told him it’s ok buddy. She tells him that Adam is so pissed because he can not trust anyone in the house and she goes on to tell Anthony that Adam told her that she and Anthony are the only two have been straight with him in the house. Anthony says “I knew it”. She tells him that she told Adam about playing in the veto and having 100% chance to play if he is on the block. She tells him word for word what she told to Adam in the secret room earlier. Anthony gives her a hug and they laugh. Anthony tells her that she has to keep that close with Adam all week. She tells him that Adam told her that her talk with him was exactly what he needed. She says that they just need to keep building that with Adam. Corey says that if Adam is in the final 2 against Mark or Damien that because he has had the most adversity she would vote for him. Anthony says that they have covered all their basis. She says yes, that was a 5 minute conversation. Anthony asks if she told Adam that she would talk to Anthony. She says no, he asks if Adam said he would talk with Anthony, she said no. So Anthony says then this is where it is. Anthony says he wonders if Adam will talk with him. Corey says she thinks he will because of the vibe she got. Anthony keeps saying that this is good. Corey says if the triple is next week then they will not be exposed at all. She says if one of them did win next week they would have to lay their cards out and that could be bad so it would be better if they didn’t have to. Anthony says he just wants to lift up the rug a second. The fist bump and say it’s all under the rug. They both leave the bathroom and Anthony goes back to the kitchen. Adam and Kyra are talking and Anthony comes into the conversation and Adam is talking about his speech when he goes up. Adam says they have the pantry locked. Anthony tells Adam that he was in a war zone in his sleep last night. They tease him about what he was dreaming about and that he had a locket with Sam’s picture in it. Kyra says save it for the veto.
1:15 PM BBT Anthony talks about when they were playing with bubbles in the HOH room that one popped in his eye and it’s burning. Anthony says he heard the pantry and goes to push the door but it’s still locked. Kyra heads upstairs, Adam is peeling carrots in the kitchen and Anthony goes over to where the HG are playing catch. Mark and Este head upstairs. Kyra comes back to sit at the counter. She goes by to check the pantry door. In the HOH room, Dane and Damien are talking. Dane is imitating Adam where he is huffing and puffing saying Fu8k Mark and that he misses Sam. They laugh and leave the HOH room and go downstairs. Dane asks if it is raining. **** PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Mark heads up to the HOH room where Este is. She grabs the headphones and listens to music.
1:22 PM BBT – 3:28 PM BBT Feeds Down

3:29 PM BBT Feeds Return. Dane is in the bathroom by himself, Anthony, Este, and Kyra are in the living room Kyra is describing a fake romance story with Este and Dane as characters and asks Este if she would kiss him and she laughs. Kyra asks Este if she thinks Dane would be a good kisser and she says maybe, Kyra asks if Este thinks Anthony would be a good kisser.
3:45 PM BBT Dane Este and Damien are in the Have Not Room talking about the possibilities of noms and POV this week. Damien says the noms will most likely be him and Anthony. Dane tells Damien to pick either him or este if he gets houseguest choice and este says if Damien or the other nom which is rumored to be Anthony come down, then Este will be the one to go up in their place. Damien says he would have both their votes and possibly Cory’s. Damien leaves to go to the bathroom and tells Dane, “thank god I at least had Wendy’s today. Este is now in the bathroom with them and Este brings up the possibility of Adam being nominated and she says if he goes up and takes himself off, then hopefully Mark will put up Kyra.
5:45 PM BBT – 7:13 PM BBT  Feeds Down
7:13 PM BBT feeds are back up. Mark and Dane are in the HOH room. Dane tells him that he’ll let Mark be for a while. Mark said to the camera that he may have to stay with the pbs until the end.
7:15 PM BBT In the have not room, Damien said to Anthony that they need to win the veto. Damien said please be something hockey. Anthony said yeah like a goalie comp. Damien said that it should be interesting and just plan for tomorrow. Damien said Mark didn’t want to put up easy targets, he had to pull out the big guns. Good luck next week though. Anthony said imagine if Adam goes up there and just does push ups. Damien said he was 22 days without being on the block. Anthony said when were you up last day 14? Damien said he came off the week momma k went home. Damien said that he was actually happy that Mark won. He said that he didn’t see this coming. He said that he wondered what Este said to him to get out of that one. Back in the HOH room, Mark and Cory talk about the hgs game. Mark said that there was no integrity, you either want the money or not. Cory said that if Mark has a conversation with Adam to explain why he was on the block, to tell him that he doesn’t think he could beat him in the end. Mark said that this is the eve of the bloodbath and he has to sit out the triple eviction. Cory said to give him time to calm down because Adam is like a child emotionally. Cory said that there was only 2 girls left in the house plus Kyra who is no gender. Mark said that he wanted to talk to Kyra at some point. Cory said to let Kyra come to him. She got up and left. Este, Dane and Cory are in the kitchen. Este asked if they had their last battery change. Cory said that they hadn’t.
7:30 PM BBT Kyra and Adam talk in the Have not room with Damien and Dane and Cory. Anthony came in and lay down on the floor. Este came in. Dane told Damien that there was pizza there if he wanted any. Anthony said is everyone there. Dane said except for Mark who was eating chocolate in the HOH room. Anthony and Mark are talking in the HOH room. Anthony joked about hgs asking him what happened between him and Mark. We made up baby. He said the Kyra asked him who flirts more, Anthony with Este or Este with Anthony. Mark said that it was good for his game. Anthony said that it was good for both of them because they are creating a divide. Mark said that he thought that Damien was upset still about being on the block. Anthony said that he was over it. Mark said that only 2 times did he flirt when asked and it didn’t work. Mark laughs and said that when Adam started yelling it was perfect. Anthony said that Cory told Adam to leave him alone. So right now he wants Adam to slow down so it doesn’t seem like he is being a bully. Anthony said that Damien said effin Este, she said something to Mark. It should have been her on the block. Mark said that Este said it would break trust if she went on the block. Mark said in his good bye to Kyra he said that Kyra was so bad at this game that he needed Kyra there. Kyra came in and asked for a chocolate.
7:45 PM BBT Mark asked Kyra to take one and put them in the freezer. Anthony asked Kyra if Kyra was a better cook than him. Anthony said so because you can put condiments on meat it makes Kyra a better cook. Anthony said what about my pasta. He said that Kyra only cooks for Sam and Adam. Kyra said that if Adam wins and takes himself off the block, Kyra would try hard to make sure Adam doesn’t gun for him. Mark said that he doesn’t even remember what Adam said to him. Kyra said that if it is a physical comp, then Adam has a good chance. Kyra said that Adam told Kyra that he saw Mark in the final 5. Kyra said that Adam didn’t see a point in campaigning before the veto. Kyra said that if Adam pulls himself off then Mark will have to think about another nom. Mark said that he hasn’t been a bully in this game. Kyra said that he didn’t come off as a bully. Mark said that Kyra was a peace keeper. Kyra said not this week. Kyra said that Sam was Kyra’s best friend and Adam loves sam but Kyra can’t control Adam. Kyra said that Kyra was going to get some coffee. In the kitchen, Adam, Este, Cory Kyra and Anthony are talking together. Este said that she tried to make pasta but didn’t put water in the pot. They all joke about how Adam talks. Anthony stood up and said this is what a man looks like, not that skinny shit. Kyra said that for desert, Kyra was going to make lava cakes. Anthony said to use the microwave so it didn’t explode like Adam’s attempt. Kyra said that if Adam wanted, Kyra could make chocolate and peanut butter ones. Este asked if they put away the blueberry ones. Kyra asked how many were not on slop. Adam said 4. Anthony said 5, they forgot about Mark.


April 11, 2019

 10:00 AM BBT Feeds go down at 9:58 AM BBT Feeds come back at 10:13 AM BBT with most of the HGs sitting around enjoying their breakfast. Sam and Adam are sitting at the kitchen counter enjoying their last breakfast together in the house. Adam says This is the 6th person evicted so it is jury or Canada gets to vote for the 7th jury but we really don’t know. Sam says I don’t want to go home. Adam says to her We are going to go far. If I take home the hundred grand what’s mine is yours I’ll buy you a happy meal.
10:15 AM BBT Most of the HGs are sitting around joking around. They are talking about the mistakes they make playing pool. The conversation now goes to the fact that the stall stinks after Mark used it. Cory says I have a body spray that is good at masking smells I’ll leave it in the stall. Mark is talking about some countries where you don’t put your toilet paper in the toilet you wrap it in clean toilet paper and put it in the garbage. Anthony says He would like garlic shrimp from his favorite place right now. Cory says She is going to blow dry her hair and maybe wear the dress she wore in. They start talking about cutting their hair without permission. They get called out for talking about production. Kyra has moved over to the kitchen counter to talk to Sam. They are going to look for a place to talk. They head into the Leon’s Lounge. Sam says No he is not mad at them for scratching his arm. Kyra says Does he understand that you want to spend some alone time with your friend. I need him to like me more than ever. Kyra says I got up during the night looking for a secret veto but I didn’t find it. Sam says Do you think that I will go to jury. Sam goes over her speech for tonight. She starts by thanking Big Brother and Canada for allowing her to be on. She continue with I played this game with my heart. Sam says I want to end with Adam because I don’t think anything I say will change.
10:30 AM BBT Kyra is going to try to count 30 seconds for Sam to do her speech. The conversation in the rest of the house has stopped. Cory and Dane are cleaning the kitchen. Other HGs are using the washroom to get ready for the show. Mark has gone to pack his stuff. Adam Dane and Sam are in the washroom. Adam is going to walk Sam up the stairs tonight as she exits the house. Mark gives Sam a hug Adam decides to go over his days. Dane is deciding what to wear tonight for the show. Anthony and Cory are in the HOH washroom with Cory saying going into the HOH you need to think about throwing it, but first you need to talk to Dane and see what he thinks. Cory asks him What do you think Adam will do if he wins. Anthony says I think Dane is a target for him as well as Este. Cory says We have to put my name in there. The toilet in the other washroom is clogged and the general thought is Sam did it. In the dining room Mark and Damien are talking about an app that the First Nations People are using to relearn their language. Damien says he is working on a book with some others for his native language. Damien tells him of a lady who wrote a book about First Nations Medicine.
10:45 AM BBT The conversation goes to an elder on Damien Reserve who attended Residential School
10:50 AM BBT -8PM BBT Feeds Down
8:00 PM BBT -9:00 PM BBT Feeds Down for live show by a vote of 5-1 Sam was Evicted Mark won the Drunken Speeches comp and is our new HOH!!! Dane, Este, and Damien are Have Nots Arisa Cox has announced she’s pregnant with baby number 3!!!
9:15 PM BBT Feeds return at exactly 9:15 PM BBT and we have Kyra and Anthony are in bed together in the blue bedroom and Kyra is talking about taking the game one obstacle at a time. First being to make it past the triple, next final 2 and then win. They say that they are excited that everyone now is a part of at least the jury if nothing else and they say that that’s a good thing., Anthony says it’s a good thing for some people and Kyra says they plan on going all out for the rest of the game.Anthony is telling Kyra about his past and his relationship with his father, he tells them that they have barely spoken accept for one letter maybe a year or two ago and Kyra asks if Anthony has ever met him, he says, “Yeah I met him” and leaves it at that, but goes on to say how he’s super close with his mom to this day, because she was always the one who did everything for him growing up. Anthony says that as a child, his mom would play catch with him, bring him to school, help him with homework, pack his lunch everyday, wrap all his Christmas presents and take him trick or treating on Halloween, and his dad was nothing but a bum. Anthony goes on to say that as you get older you begin to see your parents for who they truly are and his mom sacrificed her life to make sure he was ok and he says he wants to give back and help her. Kyra asks if he takes care of the house for her and he says he does a lot for her and helps her in any way she possibly can especially because she doesn’t make a lot of money and doesn’t work. Kyra asks if she’s watching him and Anthony says that she doesn’t have internet so not the feeds, but definitely the live show. Kyra asks how old she is, Anthony says 58 and Kyra says she’s still pretty young and that their parents are both 65.
9:30 PM BBT In the living room, Mark and Cory are talking about the upcoming week. Both agree that they would rather be up against Este in a competition than Sam because Este doesn’t do very well in those and even though she did ok at first in the HOH she ended up not doing well at all towards the end. Cory starts to basically prep Mark for the week about HOH and tells him that people are going to start coming to him and telling him things that they think he wants to hear and he has to be able to see through that, she also says that Mark’s HOH will be very different from hers because she already knew people that were a danger to her game and the people who weren’t, so she had to try to get to the bottom of that and her HOH really was an investigation in the end. Mark asks Cory if in trying to figure out the bottom of it, does she feel like she solved all angles and Cory says yes and that that is also an element of figuring things out as HOH. Cory goes on to say that the moment she knew was when both Kyra and Sam’s stories just didn’t add up and seemed to be two completely different things. Cory says that Sam came to her after after the POV and said that she and Kyra’s stories didn’t line up because they weren’t telling the truth. Mark says that even for argumentative purposes if Sam really wasn’t a part of the backdoor plan and it was all an elaborate scheme, there were still a million other little things that didn’t add up. Cory says exactly.
9:45 PM BBT Outside in the hot tub area, Kyra is sitting alone smoking a cigarette and Dane comes out to join them. Dane asks Kyra how they are and they say ok, and that they’re taking things day by day even though it’s kind of stressful. Dane and Kyra both agree that there’s no point in stressing about noms until the know what Mark is going to do. Dane says he really doesn’t know what’s going to happen and that Mark is, “kind of a funny one to win.” Kyra says they knew he would win that and that he wouldn’t get one question wrong because he’s really good at memorizing the dates and whatnot, especially after this week in the HAve not Room Kyra says they were all talking about days and had had them all down perfect. Dane asks to borrow a cig and Kyra says of course. Dane tells Kyra he thinks they’re ok and they says they think so too and that they’ve definitely had some good talks with Mark over the last couple of weeks. Kyra says that they told Mark that they aren’t going to treat him any different now that he’s in power, but if he wants to hang out and/or talk then they can and it is what it is. Kyra says definitely Mark was on their radar and they were on his but as numbers are dwindling, they are realizing more of who they can trust. Kyra says they don’t really know who Mark feels good with and Dane says neither does he, but he knows he, (Mark) is not happy with Este because she was campaigning for him to go up against Kiki. Kyra says obviously Este would campaign against whoever was up beside her best friend in the house. Kyra continues to say that they hope Mark will keep the past in the past and do noms based on who he thinks will benefit him in the future of the game. Dane agrees.
10:00 PM BBT Kyra and Dane’s conversation continues outside by the hot tub, but the topic has switched from Mark’s potential noms to Dane now telling a story about a time where he got sick and he got sent to the hospital for three weeks and the doctors thought he either had a blood infection all through his body or maybe even cancer because he had some type of blister in his mouth from braces and then he ended up going for a second opinion at a different hospital and they asked him if anyone had tried to pop it which they hadn’t, so this doctor ended up doing just that and it healed, but after that Dane and his mom both agreed that he needed to get his braces off. Kyra says that’s so scary and Dane says it was and they were testing him for cancer almost everyday. Kyra asks how old he was at the time and he says 16. Kyra says it’s weird that it was an infected cyst and asks what it tasted like, Dane says, “pure puss green shit came out of my mouth.” Kyra says, “And all you got hit in the mouth playing hockey” Dane says he got hit with someones stick and it damaged his braces and he put the mouth guard in over them which caused bacteria to get in and cause an infection resulting in the cyst., he says he thinks it’s because of the germs on his glove. Kyra tells a story about how they woke up with bell’s palsy on their 16 birthday, and woke up with the whole side of their face paralyzed. Dan asks, “On your actual birthday?” Kyra says yes not the day before or after, their actual 16th birthday, but they still wanted to go about their day and celebrate and went to brunch with their friends. Kyra says they went to an amusement park in Montreal and because they had no control over the one side of their face it was blowing everywhere in the wind on a roller coaster and so gross, and then goes on to say that they don’t remember if it happened that time, or another time they went, but they got stuck on the roller coaster on a slant for 3 hours. Dane asks if they like rides and they say they love roller coasters. Dane say he does too but after that he wouldn’t want to go on one again. Kyra says the fire department had to come and carry everyone off and then after that they ended up getting free season passes so that was, “kinda legit.” Dane says for him, never again if that ever happened. Kyra says they love roller coaster and have a mild addiction, Dane says he does too, but he needs to go inside and thanks Kyra for the cigarette.
10:15 PM BBT Dane, MArk, and Adam, are all in the HOH room discussing the plans for the week. Mark says no matter what happens they need to consider all of their options and asks, “What happens if Kyra is to win HOH next week?” and says it’s something to think about and they can’t make any assumptions right now. Dane says that’s true, but after the triple, Kyra’s not going to win an endurance comp against the three of them, Mark says, “right exactly. So I very much agree.” Adam says that Mark could very well beat them in mental and he and Dane could very well beat them in physical. Mark says he feels such a confidence boost now that he won the HOH competition as the conversation switches to that. Mark and says if it was a tie he would’ve wrote zero and it would have been the biggest game through. Dane says that you can erase it right away after so no one would ever have to know and says that he (Dane) got two questions wrong that he actually did know, and one about Maki was the only one he really didn’t know. Mark says he thought that that was Damien talking at first but then he realized that, “Only Maki speaks in such poems.” Mark changes the subject and says that he’s definitely, “toying around with a few ideas.” and says that he’s about to share some information that should obviously stay between the pretty boys which is that, Este is one of those names, because he knows how much she wants Adam out. Mark tells Adam he does need that bit of info to stay between the pretty boys for right now, but she is definitely one of those names that is up in the air. Mark says as far as who Este goes up against, if she goes up, that’s another thing, he says he doesn’t think Kyra is the best person to go up right now and says that they’re just too easy. Adam says thank you and Mark says absolutely, and that Adam has definitely given some good points and it’s not just lip service, he (Mark) is truly listening.
10:30 PM BBT The pretty boys (Mark, Adam, Dane) continue their conversation in Mark’s HOH room. Mark says the worst possible risk right now would be if Kyra wins the triple eviction, he says they boys are screwed if they do but if Cory does, they’re probably not screwed, if Anthony or any of them win, they’ll definitely be fine, if for some reason Este stays and Damien goes home, Adam, himself, or Kyra will go up. Dane says it will be Cory, Kyra or Adam. Dane continues to say that Este might even put up Anthony, Adam or Mark. Adam asks Dane if he’s sure about that, and Dane says she likes Anthony though. Mark asks what if she goes rouge and puts Dane up and Dane says that she already told him she would take him to final 4 and then cut him in final 3. Dane says that Este kills him sometimes and says that she got mad and asked him why he didn’t do better in the HOH comp and he told her he didn’t need to win that one. Adam says the only thing he’s worried about is the whole last week how it went down, saying it was him and Dane and Cory’s not stupid, but the only reason why Sam went up on the block was because Anthony got in Cory’s ear and if she ends up winning again in the triple, she could just say, “fuck it” the three of them wanted her out and Este was a part of it, and then all the pretty boys will end up going up.

Tonight's Show !

April 11, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, at a full groan HoH competition, Cory struck a deal with Adam and her pipe dreams came true! Now in power, Cory was consumed by an old failed plan to backdoor her. Bound by a promise and with limited options, the tough talking teacher threw Este and Dane in detention. Besides being the true backdoor culprit, the Great Dane sucked up to top dog Cory, while Big Tony stood by and set up the fall.

After informing Dane on his part to play, the stage was set for a pivotal PoV competition. In the end, Sam flopped and it was total Dane domination! With the star-crossed lovers left out of the loop, Adam tried to get to the bottom of the plan, but a suspicious Sam sensed her fate and the east coast sweetie got salty. At the veto ceremony, the prince of Kelowna tossed the bullets to Cory for his dream assassination.

Tonight, can Sam scam her way to safety? Will the Pretty Boys turn on each other? It's going to get pretty ugly right now on Big Brother Canada!



Arisa welcomes us and says what a week it was! Talk about drama! With Cory's HoH you'd think there would be a major power shift, but the Pretty Boys are still running the house. Let's look at the fallout from the PoV ceremony!

We pick up at the veto ceremony and it's Day 38. Sam is crying and says she feels a little stupid right now and she's ben fighting since day one. Dane is incredible with lying and she wasn't comfortable with backdooring him during her HoH and now she's paying the price. Anthony says seeing Sam on the block gives him all kinds of tinglies and Adam had to be in the dark, but it's for his own good. Este says Sam has been the biggest target and she just has to sit back and watch.

Sam says she had Cory's back the entire time to Cory and she just wants her to know that. Cory says her gut tells her that Sam has been gunning for her and she just knew she has to strike first. Cory says she is sorry, but that's the way the game works. Dane and Mark go outside and they are celebrating. Dane says he's wanted Sam gone since week two and his heart is full. Dane says Adam might be heart broken about it, but they are going to Pretty Boys until the end of this game.

Sam tells Adam not to be sad and upset. He gives her a hug and holds her in the kitchen. Sam tells him he'll be OK. Adam says he knew this was coming every single week. Honestly, he's surprised she's still here. He says he had to work every week to convince people why Sam should be here. Sam says Dane started the backdoor plan, but she didn't give all the details to Cory because she wanted to protect Adam because he was part of the conversation.

Cory is in HoH with Anthony. Cory feels great! The plan her, Dane, and Anthony have been planning all week worked to perfection. Sam is a liar and she seen right through it. Cory asks Anthony if she was too hard on Sam and he says he would have went way harder.

Adam says he's 100% loyal to the Pretty Boys, but he doesn't understand why Sam has to go this week. Sam is outside talking to Kyra and telling her them she didn't tell Cory everything and Dane tells Adam this is for the best. Sam is crying and Kyra is consoling her and Adam says he feels guilty for Sam protecting him and now if she goes home, it's his fault. Kyra says they could create a tie and Cory could be the tie breaker and Sam says she wouldn't waste her energy. Adam tells Sam to stop it.

Adam is talking to Anthony and Mark and he says he feels bad because Sam thinks she has a chance to sway Mark's vote. Mark says he'll listen to her and Adam says stop, I know how this is going to go and it's decided. Mark tells us Adam is beyond infatuated with Sam, Sam already put him on the block and he doesn't trust her. Adam can't see the game in front of him. Adam says why not Este? Anthony says Este is very week. Mark says Adam had a chance to convince Sam not to put Mark on the block and he can't trust her and she's a liar and Adam tells him to chill out. Mark says he's not mad at Adam, he's fired up about someone with Adam. But you know what? He'll listen as a gentleman with an open mind...and with an open mind, he'll vote Sam out.

Let's head back inside to see what strings Sam is willing to pull to see if she can avoid the backdoor. Kyra is outside with Adam, Sam, and Dane and Sam is asking Dane for a vote. Adam and Kyra head inside and Sam says she'll be straight up with him, but she's guaranteeing she'll keep Dane safe if she wins HoH. She says if she could get his vote, they could tear the house apart. Sam says Este is riding your coattails, do you want that? Este comes over and the conversation ends.

Este goes to talk to Dane in the lounge and Este says Cory told her when Sam goes, they'll be the only two girls left. Dane tells Este that Sam has been campaigning for his vote and that Kyra is campaigning for Sam too. Dane says they will campaign to Mark and he could be a wild card. Dane says Sam said she has a better chance of winning HoH than Este. Dane says Sam has to go, she's overbooked her stay in Big Brother Canada.

Este goes to talk to Mark and last week she campaigned so hard for Mark to go, and now she has to make sure he doesn't hold any grudges. Mark says people see Este cuddles up to Dane and they are close. Este says she knows Dane is playing his own game. She says Adam and Sam are in a real relationship and they are never going to go against each other. Este says Sam is a better competitor than she is and she could win. Mark says cool.

Adam is heading into the HoH and asks Cory how it's going. Cory says it feels like you want to talk to me. Adam says he knows everyone wants her out right? Cory says she isn't doing this because it's what the house wants, she's doing it because it's her own thing and she hopes he can see that. Adam says everything is pointing at Sam and it's not fair. Adam says if Sam stays, then they won't put her up. It's two numbers. He knows she's going home and he gets emotional and Cory says you're breaking my heart, Pike and she consoles him.

Arisa says let's head back inside for all the last minute campaigning. Sam heads into the HoH. Sam says she 100% has Adam and Kyra's voice and if she can somehow get a third vote Cory could break a tie. Sam says she needs to get back Cory back on her side. Sam tells Cory that Adam WAS part of the backdoor conversation and that's why stories were never lining up. Adam says she's throwing Adam under the bus, but she has to play her game and she thinks he would understand.

Sam tells Cory if she gets to stay, then she is still the number one target and they are still coming after her. Mark talks to Sam and says he wants to hear what she has to say. Sam says she got to Cory, now she has to work Mark and she's going to say what she has to in order to stay. Mark wants to know why he was the pawn and Sam says that would have ruffled the fewest feathers.

Mark says he's been waiting weeks to blow up the Pretty Boys and he missed his shot at the double. He's afraid he makes it through and never makes that big move that sets him apart that it will be bad for his game. Sam says she thinks Dane is running the house and she will never screw Mark over. Mark tells Sam if he keeps her there, he'd be relying on Kyra, Adam, and Sam to keep him safe. Mark says if something crazy happened and he kept Sam there would be chaos and that could be good for his game.

Anthony asks Dane what Adam is saying to him and Dane says he's campaigning for Sam to stay. Anthony tells us Adam is running his mouth and trying to save Sam and that's not a good move for The Pretty Boys and if he keeps running his mouth they have bigger problems. Anthony goes to talk to Adam and says they are supposed to stick together as a team and he loves Sam, but they have not social game. Adam says Anthony has spent as much time with Cory as much as he has with Sam. Anthony says you know when I first spent time with Sam? When she became a problem for the Pretty Boys and I got right on it so she wouldn't be a problem for the Pretty Boys. He says you know she wants Dane out? That's a problem, so let's get her out and everyone else and then it can be a blood bath.

Arisa says we have a showmance that can be hot and steamy one second and downright cold the next. We look back at Sam and Adam and their relationship. Sam says Adam is caring and funny and he's a good kisser. Adam says he's glad he has her in there. Sam says it's getting harder to play Big Brother and crush on someone. We see a few of their arguments. Sam says to Adam with Kyra sitting there that if is what she thinks it is, then she won the best prize ever.

Arisa asks Adam how it feels to see Sam on the block and he says it breaks my heart. Arisa wants to know who they think is the most underestimate player in the house and Sam says Kyra. Kyra says Damien. Dane says Este. Cory says Mark. Arisa wants to know who they think will win it all? Mark says himself and Anthony says definitely him and Arisa says he's staying humble. Adam says his boy Dane. Este says hopefully her, she doesn't know. Damien says he has to get on the Me train as well. Arisa says that means we have a game. Arisa then congratulates everyone because whoever is evicted tonight will be the first member of the jury.

Arisa says it's time for eviction! Este says she loves everyone and she appreciates them sharing the experience and she's been playing with her head and her heart and she doesn't think that's a weakness. Sam thanks Big Brother for living her dream and she says the HGs are amazing and she sees value in each of them, except Mark. Sam loves Kyra and without Adam she wouldn't know what she'd do. She wouldn't be there if it wasn't for him. She tells Cory she had her back and this is how she repays her and she hopes everyone keeps that in mind.

Time to vote!

Dane finally votes to evict Sam.
Anthony sadly votes to evict Samantha.
Damien votes to evict Sam.
Kyra sadly votes to evict Sam.
Mark votes to evict...Sam!
Adam votes to evict Este.

We now know that Sam is the first HGs headed to jury and we'll break the news to the HGs in just a few moments.

Arisa heads back inside to give the results of the vote. By a vote of 5-1, Sam has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. Sam gives Este a hug and then Dane. Sam then hugs Kyra and Adam walks upstairs with Sam carrying her bag. The HGs chant Sadam. Adam puts her bag down, twirls her and dips her and gives her a kiss. He picks up her bag and hands it to her as she leaves.

Arisa says to Sam what's it like to see the house without her in it and she says it's strange and such an incredible experience. Arisa says she had a huge impact on the game and clearly on some people. Arisa says she feels like Sam didn't expect what happened with Adam and Sam says getting to know him she completely fell for him and she loves when people surprise her in that way.

Arisa says Adam dropped in that competition and now you're here. Do you regret protecting Adam with Cory and she says a little, but she felt the trust with Cory was there and she paid the price for it.

Kyra says Sammy Squirrel, they trusted the wrong people and they don't know what they'll do without her and they're proud of her. Dane says he and Adam had a stronger bond than her and Adam and he's going to miss her and he makes the Pretty Boy sign. Anthony acts like he's crying and says he hates this and he loves this and makes the PB sign and laughs.

Mark says Sam, he thinks she's the best player in the game but he wants to be the best player in the game and that's why he had to vote her out and he also makes the PB sign. Cory says she did want to work with her but her and her allies saw right through her lies. Adam says he tried everything he could to keep her this week, but there's a lot going on that she doesn't know about and he makes the PB sign and then says he loves her.

Arisa says it's time for the next HoH competition! This competition is called Drunk Speeches. During the season, they're going to hear some speeches given season, but they will be a little fuzzy. They have to identify the day the speech was given.

The first question is up and it's Kiera's speech from the blood veto week and Mark answers 34 and he is correct and everyone else was wrong.

Next, we hear Maki's speech played in slow motion. The answer is 13 and Mark, Damien, Adam, and Kyra get a point. Mark has two points in the lead. 

We'll see the rest of the drunken speeches on Sunday and we'll find out who is the next HoH. Arisa wants to share one more thing from her family... she is expecting her THIRD child!

🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨

April 11, 2019

 🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨 

SPOILER By a vote of 5-1 Sam has been evicted

The New HOH is MARK The comp was Drunken Speeches

Mark had to pick the have nots ... they are Dane, Este & Damien

During the goodbye messages all of the PBS did their sign... and all Sam did was nod

After the eviction Kyra was crying saying they feel like a coward for voting out Sam


April 10, 2019

 8:15 AM BBT -4:15 PM BBT Feeds are down due to technical difficulties.
4:15 PM BBT FEEDS COME on with Mark and Anthony are in the kitchen. Mark tells Anthony let’s go into the pantry.  Mark is telling Anthony I am happy with whatever happens I mean we are the game. ANTHONY PLEASE STOP SINGING. Mark asks Anthony if he is about to get dressed he says no.  Outside Dane and Damien are in the hot tub where Dane is telling them about him having to take a drug test to play hockey and that he had to drink red wine to get the feeling he gets from weed. Damien tells them yeah we are constantly drug tested when you play hockey and the process they do. Kyra is asking question about what kind of test they do..PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION.  Dane tells them that you can’t drink anything like redbull etc. Everyone but Corey goes inside. Anthony asks her if she is going into the hottub and turns on the jets. Dane is folding towels. Damien is looking around then asks Dane if he got a tan.
4:30 PM BBT Kyra tells Sam that Kyra is very loyal and caring. Sam says I am so close to getting through. Kyra tells Sam you are by far the strongest I have seen on slop. Kyra said I am not on slop I am just starving myself. Sam whispers to Kyra. Kyra starts whispering back. Kyra says it is only going to work if he is not as close to Corey as we think. Dane and Damien are in the shower. Este comes out the storage room.Sam goes into the storage room with este. Este is eating a sandwich she tells Kyra she is missing tofu. Kyra tells Este her lettuce looks so good right now. Kyra asks Este does she mind her being this close while she eats. Este suggests they make pizza for dinner tonight. Kyra keeps talking about how crunchy the sandwich sounds. Adam comes into the kitchen. Kyra said she likes it when he is sweaty talking about Sam and Adam. In the storage room Adam tells her this is the first time we have had a house meeting that make sense. Adam said we can swear we can sway Daimen.Adam tells her we need to try and work with him. Adam picks up the milk and says is it April yet. She tells him yeah he said well the milk says March 31st. Sam tells Adam that she is going to go to Damien and tell him Adam has kept you safe can you say that about Kikki. Sam said I am going to have a hard time with you because you are going to make me so jealous. Adam said maybe that is why the other one did not work out. Adam tells Sam you want me to just tell you no babe I will never do that to you.

4:45 PM BBT Anthony and Mark are in the hot tub. Corey is laying on the sofa. Este is tweezing a hair off Dane he tells her thank you. Este says I am going to change.Dane said I liked the first outfit you had on. She said yeah but it was to called. Adam yells out Anthony. Este tells him he is in the back back. Kyra comes in and asks Dane if he is good. Kyra said that I have been starving myself since I have been on slop. Damien walks in and Kyra walks out. Dane tells Este dad’s sweater. Este tells Kyra she has changed like 5 times today. Kyra said how many clothes did you bring. Adam and Sam are in the kitchen Sam tells him I am not going to let you out the house. Sam says go ahead and marry me already. Adam says do you hear that Canada only 40 days and she wants me to marry her. Dane is in the background and Sam calls Dane’s name. Adam asks if it is still sunny outside. Dane tells him he is going outside to smoke
5:00 PM BBT Anthony is the hot tub and says let her go. Mark said yeah I like that movie. Mark tells him it is such a low budget movie but it is so good. They start talking about one of the Batman movies. Sam, Dane, and Adam go into the storage room and Adam asks him what are you making. Adam leaves out. Sam leaves out. Dane talks to the cameras and says thank you Summer Fresh. Summer Fresh is the best. Sam says let talk about me more. She said what did you think when I came in the house. Adam said I thought I was in trouble. He said Mark was trying to hint at to hit on Chelsea but I was attracted to you. Adam said then we I won the first veto and you told me you were going to propose to me. The we just started cuddling. Mark and Anthony are still talking about movies. Anthony asks him what type of shows do you see me in. Mark said see you in a serious type show. STOP SPEAKING IN CODE. Adam says he should get extra pay for always cleaning up the house. Dane says yeah Mark never cleans up. They all walk outside to the hot tub area. Sam says she is going to hang back so people don’t think they are together. Damien is setting up the pool table. Damien is playing pool by himself.
5:15 PM BBT All feeds go to the hot tub area where Mark says he does not know what is going on.
Mark tells them now it is cold. Sam tells him where he can get a jacket. Dane said yeah it was warm when the sun was out. Adam tells them about how he they tried to scare Dane last night but it didn’t work because of Kyra. They ask Adam if he could fart on command he says give me a minute. Anthony tells them they have about 2 more hours of sun. Sam tells Corey she looks cozy she tells her I am. Damien comes out and Sam goes in. They are all watching the clouds. Dane heads back inside. Adam leaves the hot tub area. Dane and adam start playing pool. Mark and Anthony get out the hot tub. The guys put the cover on the hot tub. Sam and Kyra are in the blue bedroom.They are whispering. Kyra tells her that is why no one wants to work with me because I don’t win anything. Sam tells her we legitimately want to work with her. They start trying to figure out when the triple eviction would be happening and when the jury will start. Kyra asks why doesn’t Dane want to work with me. Kyra says they talk about me like I am dead.
5:30 PM BBT Este and Dane are in the HOH room Dane is telling her what Sam is saying. He tells her I am not going to vote the person I like the most in the house. Este says so they are not saying anything new. Corey comes out Este tells her one of her songs made her laugh so hard then start talking about it. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES. Corey tells them she is going to go put on her workout gear. Dane says I am voting tomorrow the way we said we were going to vote. Corey said well I put you up because I thought you were targeting me. Then I found out the truth. Corey said she can’t imagine playing the game lie after lie. She says when Adam and Sam came up here that they asked are we a target. She said that is a possibility. Corey said well let me get some caffeine and music in me. She tells them what types of work out she is planning to do.
5:45 PM BBT Sam and Kyra are outside in the hot tub area. Sam said I think we are going to keep going back in forth. Sam says Dane knows the game and he doesn’t want to do it if it is going to make it a tie and Mark doesn’t want to do it unless Dane is doing it. Kyra said I think he is tired of the same thing as I am. Sam said so should I tell him I want to work with him. Kyra says no. Kyra says so Anthony is pushing me away because I am close to you and I won’t give him a pedicure. Kyra said today has been better than yesterday. In the HOH room Este says I am growing gray hair because I am getting so stressed out about it. Corey tells her remember it is a game and don’t get stressed out. Corey said if I go I go. Corey said me and Anthony talk about it and she stated that if she was asked to come back she would not. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Corey said I like to push myself. Anthony said if she says I am a real good competitor then I will talk about her comp wins. Dane said yeah you have come close several times. Anthony said yeah and the next time she tries to talk to me I am going to humiliate her. Damien walks in and Anthony walks out. Dane tells him yeah she is saying you, Anthony, and Corey are working together. Damien said I ate a lot of carbs today so I am trying to find something to eat. Damien said I could eat a sandwich. Mark walks into the storage room. Mark just stands there. Damien says I already know what I am doing and walks out. In the kitchen area Anthony is at the sink Mark is standing in front of the counter. Damien is just walking around. Damien asks where is the blender. Mark and Anthony leave out the kitchen and head to the pool room. Mark said I know why we had that conversation in the storage room and then starts whispering. Anthony then tells him I will tell him right now in front of Sam. Anthony said that Corey told them before she found out that they planned to backdoor Corey. Anthony says I need to go humiliate him. Dane walks out. Dane said that Adam is saying Mark is sour and Anthony says I am going to go confront him right now. Anthony comes into the bathroom Sam and asks him what is going on. Anthony says that I talked to the other guys and you have not came to me. Anthony says so you are campaigning for Sam to stay and you are not where your loyalties lie. He said I have throw Sam under the bus to save us by telling her that Sam was the one who was going to backdoor her. Anthony said do you think everyone is going to target Sam if she stays. Anthony said did you tell Dane that he said yeah. Adam said so when is Este and Corey is going to go home. Anthony said that I know how to use my words and Sam does not know how to be finessed. Anthony says so well I have a problem when you go and talk to everyone else and not me. Anthony said Sam has been telling me that Corey and I were safe and who do you think Sam will put up next week Anthony says I don’t know. Anthony said everyone but you told me that Sam was talking about putting me up. Adam said well if she goes this week then next week I am going home.
6:00 PM BBT Anthony says I am going to explain this one more time. She is throwing you under the bus and has put all three of our names. Adam said she has not done anything like this week. Anthony said yeah she has. Adam said I did not know what happened until the night before the POV ceremony and Corey said that Sam was going out. Anthony said that you and Mark got into it about this. Anthony continues to call Adam out for having conversations behind his back with the other PB’s and how Adam is being blind to Sam and Sam is gunning for all of the PB’s. Adam says Antthony is spending just as much time with Corey and he loses it, Adam defends himself saying that he has been helping to keep them off the block. They run scenarios with the triple, Anthony feels the PB’s need to start sitting down together and making decisions and stop this 2:2, 3:1, shit. They continue this in circles, Adam protecting Sam, and Anthony protecting Corey, and neither of them can come to an agreement.

8:37PM BBT Cory says she doesn’t think Sam is going to try to talk to me in case of a tie breaker Damien just enjoy your day finally Cory I’m just wondering if Adam will come to me and own up to everything because he hasn’t done that yet Damien let him keep digging himself Anthony joins them. Goes on about Sam “grasping” Adam’s mind and taking control of his “entire game” Anthony she lied to a bunch of people and she was the leader of that group I think Cory yeah Cory things didn’t make sense them doing the things they did Damien premature.. they got too excited Damien says it’s a pit fall for being a fan of the game.. you get too excited. Cory says Damien and Anthony were two people she she told she wouldn’t put on the block nobody else. Cory well I told Adam and Sam I wouldn’t once dam dropped but that’s before I knew the sh1t . I made it under certain assumptions Cory when I tell someone (you aren’t going up) I make it under certain assumptions Damien leaves Anthony keep in mind that Sam told everyone the three of us are working together It’s funny.. I can see why people would think that.. Cory he follows us around Cory he knows that we have the goods and he wants in on it. He pretends he doesn’t want to know but he really wants to know. Anthony he never wants to say anything and that ain’t fair Damien Cory I know Anthony you could have been here you could have been on the iron throne with us Cory mentions Este wanting a final 5 with Anthony, Cory, Dane, Damien and her Anthony says it’s a shame Este won’t make it past next week They laugh.. Cory says Anthony is bringing it out of her she’s had “Camera Time” where they said Cory Kennedy that’s savage Cory I feel like we complement each other well You’re Anthony’s puppet Anthony – great team

Mark joins them.. Anthony tells him how solid the three of them are.

8:30PM BBT

Cory gave Adam and Sam the HOH room and a beer for a bit.

8:47PM BBT Kyra I just feel like its my fault. Sam its very probable that I would have won

the next one and you won the one after that. Adam agree. Kyra I called a lot. Sam I’m a big girl, I can make my own decision. Kyra I Adam its fine, this was going to happen no matter what.

8:45PM BBT Mark I got kicked out of the HOH room. Cory oh yes, sorry dude. Mark you gave them a bottle of beer too? Cory yup. Mark Nice Cory I love how you say that with disbelief. Mark that’s like 20% of your beer right there. You’ve got to ration that. Cory Adam’s still in the game so and Sam’s in jury right!? You’ve got to think about those things. And Adam’s tore up I don’t know how much Sam is but I feel for him. His poor heart is taking a beating today. Hopefully this will help. Anthony enough about them I’ve had discussions with Cory I am just going to come right out and say it. You obviously know I am good with Cory. You’re good with Cory. Going into next week I don’t want to just say you’re safe. We’ll sit down and have discussions. Mark – that’s kind of how I was feeling as well. We’ll sit down and chat tomorrow and then after Mark I agree. I’ve had good chats with you Cory. And I can compete, I’m not dead weight. Mark I’m in to you. Anthony – I’m kind of into you too.. And you’re kind of good looking too. They comment on

Tonight's Show

April 10, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, when Cory heard about a failed plan to send her out the backdoor, the alarm bells went off. 

At a slippery HoH competition, Cory and the alpha dog held on for dear life, then Adam cut a deal to protect his showmance over his bromance and the east coast shredder muscled her first HoH win of the season. 

With Cory convinced that Dane was behind the backdoor, the guru started spinning his web to trap Sam, but to pull off his master plan, Anthony had to extinguish Adam's fire. 

Then flushed with power, Cory tried to smoke out the backdoor culprit. With Cory still struggling to find the truth, the spin doctor prescribed a lethal injection. 

At the nomination ceremony, Cory put Dane and Este up on the block, honoring her deal with Adam... for now. 

Tonight, can Dane top the charts and record his first blockbuster. Will Anthony produce a big hit for Cory's HoH? It's about to get wild... on Big Brother Canada! 




We pick up after the nomination ceremony on Day 35. Cory says she's really happy with her nominations because she wants to show people she's not afraid to make big moves. She still isn't sure who to believe. Este says being on the block sucks, especially when you're next to your number one in the house and she doesn't feel like that target. 

Anthony says Cory has no idea he has total control over her game. He's going to save Dane this week no matter what. Dane says he finally gets to compete in a PoV challenge and he will fight his way off the block.

Dane tells Este not to panic and it's not the end of the world. Dane says he'd rather it be this way instead of getting backdoored. Dane and Este exchange a little kiss. 

Anthony says Sam has been distracting Adam for weeks now and The Pretty Boys have wanted her out for a long time. And now it's time to set up the execution. Anthony is playing pool with Cory and he says when Dane comes off the block, we put up Sam. Cory says Anthony is pitching the backdoor plan with Sam and it's making sense and it's a great use of her HoH. Anthony says this is going to be the greatest season ever! 

Dane says he was in a tight position last week, but in order to save both of them, he had to make a deal to save Kiera and Mark. We see Dane talking about the backdoor plan and he planted those seeds, but he needs to convince Cory was the one behind the backdoor plan.

Dane is talking to Cory and Cory says she's being fed two different stories and she has to decide which one she will believe. Dane says he wasn't even in power last week. Cory says everything that Dane tells her is lining up with what Anthony has told her and as she's putting it together, she's realizing it's Sam she can't trust. 

Sam and Adam are talking and Sam tells him that Cory doesn't trust them at all. Adam says she does and Sam says she doesn't trust me. Sam says Cory has been asking her a ton of questions about the backdoor plan and yes she was in the conversations, but the backdoor plan was not her. Adam tells Sam to stay call and he tells her to say the exact same things she's been telling Cory because if she changes her story then Cory will know they've been lying all along. Sam tells Adam if Dane comes down one of them is getting backdoored. Adam gives her a hug and says trust me, don't say crap. 

Dane is heading back into the HoH room with Cory and Anthony. Cory says it's going to get heavy. Anthony says The Pretty Boys have wanted Sam out since week two and it's time for the execution. He's been selling the plan to Cory and she's going to do the dirty work for them. Cory tells Dane about the plan and he thinks it's a perfect plan. He says he's going to win that veto and Anthony tells Dane not to tell anyone else. 

Dane says his boy Anthony has Cory in his pocket. He absolutely nailed this on the head, but in order for this to work, he has to do his part. Dane is celebrating alone and he says he blows up and he gets rid of Samantha. Dane says they have no idea, they think they are safe. It's a privilege to be on the block and compete in PoV and win and save himself and Samantha... bye-bye. 

It's time to pick players for the PoV competition! Cory draws Kyra, Dane draws Samantha, and Este draws Mark. Dane says what the heck?!? I pick Sam. That's not good for the backdoor plan. Anthony says thank goodness Adam wasn't drawn because he doesn't know about the backdoor plan and he doesn't want him messing up. Damien is selected to host. 

In the lounge, Mark is talking to Anthony. Mark wants to check-in with Anthony and see if it's the best move for him to win veto or let Dane take it. 

Mark says Anthony is so close to Cory, he's basically running everything this week. Anthony tells Mark to play for it, but Sam can't get it. 

Anthony tells Mark about the backdoor plan and says Adam is too close to Sam. He says Adam is 25% of an alliance and Sam is 0%, she's nothing. Anthony doesn't care about Sam. 

Dane and Adam are in the storage room talking about whether Cory would backdoor Sam and Dane doesn't think so. Mark comes in. Dane says Kyra is so dumb. Kyra says the best case scenario is for Samantha to win this veto because if Dane comes down, there's a chance they or Sam could go up. Sam says Mark will throw it so he just needs to win. Sam says Dane is happy right now and she thinks it will be a puzzle. It will be fine. Kyra says Day 36, Kyra wins PoV. 

Damien is behind a turntable and he's a DJ host. There are giant records with their names on it and a "song". Damien reads the directions to the PoV. 

The competition is called Breaking Records. They have to make their new song a number one hit. They will have to roll their ball around the side of the record. But if the ball falls, they have to start over. They have to spin the ball around their record 300 times. 

Dane says it's going to be a good day. It's a good day to play in his first PoV and it comes at the perfect time. Dane says if he wins, then he's safe and they can pull off the backdoor plan. 

The HGs are off to a good start, but Kyra is the first to drop. Este drops her ball next. 

Mark used to be a juggler, so this competition is right up his alley. Mark says this is his chance to show the house he's not a floater. 

Dane is not going to drop one ball. He knows he's got this and he says Cory is going to have to find a replacement. Sam says if she doesn't win this, then Cory could put her up and she knows she's on Cory's radar. 

Dane drops and he has to start over. Sam is at 46. Este is at 5 and she says this is her first time on the block and she has a chance to save herself and she keeps dropping the ball. She's getting frustrated. She says she's expected to get to 300 and she can't even hit double digits.

Mark is at 70 and Sam drops and is back at 0. Anthony is cheering Sam and Este on. Mark is the first to 100 and Dane is at 69. Mark drops his ball and has to start over. Kyra has a rhythm going and they're at 60. Kyra takes a minute to take a drink and when they come back they drop the ball. Dane says he's not dropping another ball. He's good and solid. 

Cory says Dane is crushing the challenge and she knows she can't celebrate too loudly or people will get suspicious. Dane hits 150 and Cory says she's celebrating inside. Sam says she's going slow and she can hear Dane being very confident and somewhat cocky. Sam says shut up Dane, I'm trying to beat you! Dane is at 225. Dane continues to pump himself up and he throws the ball and as it comes down he bobbles it and we go to commercial! 

We're back and Dane is bobbling his ball, but he saves it. Dane is now at 250. Sam is at 56, but she drops. Sam hopes Dane will drop the ball at 299 and it will be anyone's game. Dane says Adam, kiss your girlfriend good-bye because this Pretty Boy is about to seal the deal. Dane hits 300 and he has won the PoV! Adam, Dane, Mark, and Anthony celebrate and he says you ain't getting rid of me. Dane tells us he's going nowhere, baby! 

The HGs head inside and Dane and Este go into the Have-Not room and Dane tells him she's not going anywhere. He says he couldn't tell her and she still doesn't know. Dane says he knows how to play this game. Este wants to know why he didn't tell her and he says he didn't tell anyone. 

Este and Dane look at a camera and say bye Sam and wave. Dane leaves and Este says what?!? 

Dane goes into the HoH room and Cory is in there. Dane celebrates and says picture perfect! Anthony comes in and he celebrates with Cory and Dane. Cory says we just have to be cool. Cory says this is going to be the most epic! She's just reminding herself of everything as said so she could get ahead in the game. Cory says if you cross me, it's never good. She's just wondering what Adam will say if he drops the 'we made a deal.' Anthony says, "Tell him to take his deal and get out of her room."

Sam and Dane are in the blue bedroom and Sam is congratulating Dane and she hugs him and says he did great. He heads out and Sam is alone and she's thinking. She says he's such a freaking liar. OMG. She says she loves him, but man... she's not giving up. Not at all. She's here for the long run! 

The HGs are outside and they are drinking. Sam says this house if full of lies, scheming, manipulation, but at the end of the day, they are a crazy, huge dysfunctional family. They cheer to the final nine. 

Este is in the bathroom area with Anthony and Este laughs and says Kiera and Chelsea were dead set about a guys alliance between Anthony, Dane, Mark, and Adam and she tells him about Kyra telling them about the sing and Este made the sign to Dane to see his face and he was like what is she doing. Anthony says Este has no idea how close to the truth she is and it's not hard to make it sound stupid. Anthony says what was it supposed to be like second grade and boys against girls and Este says she never believed it. Anthony tells us he's really humble, but something you're just really good at and he gives us the sign. 

Sam goes to check in with Cory to see if she can figure out who the replacement might be. Cory says she doesn't know what she's going to do. Sam says I know you're smart and you know who you can trust. Cory says she's going to put up someone she knows will be best for her game. 

Sam says Cory isn't giving her a lot of information and it's making her very nervous. Sam reiterates to Cory that she's one of her soldiers and she always has been. Cory says she wouldn't be surprised with all the information coming in she'll have to trust her gut and make the decision at the ceremony sitting on the couch. Sam leaves and Cory says this veto ceremony is going to be insane. It's going to cut deep. 

Adam and Sam are in the blue bedroom and Sam says everything is going to be OK. Sam asks do you think they'll put Mark up? Adam doesn't know and Sam thinks Cory will put her up. Adam says Dane seems pretty confident. Adam says the boys are telling him he's safe and not to worry, but he's worried about Sam. He wishes he'd held onto that pipe to guarantee Sam's safety. This sucks! 

Sam and Adam are both in the HoH with Cory and Adam want to know what Cory is going to do? Cory says she doesn't know and she's probably not going to tell anyone. But she's not going to BS them, and Sam is in her mind as an option. Sam says that's frustrating for her because she feels like they built trust.

Adam says if we wanted to backdoor you, we could have because he won PoV and they had the chance. Cory says she wants to believe them, but this game says you can't trust anyone. Sam says it's upsetting that you believe them over us, and Cory says I didn't say I believe them over you. Cory says there are some discrepancies and the conversations that are more compromising are more about Sam and not Adam. 

Sam asks Adam to leave the HoH so she can talk to Cory. Cory says, in the end, her gut is going to tell her does she believe Sam or does she believe Dane. Sam says she is not going to sit there and take the heat on something that was not her idea. She says everything that is coming towards her is being manipulated by Dane. 

Anthony and Kyra are playing pool and Kyra asks what's wrong. Adam says apparently people are going to Cory and pinning everything on Sam. He says him and Sam tried to build trust with Anthony and Cory and now she's going to take the fall. Anthony is looking at Adam as Adam continues to talk about how Sam shouldn't be targeted for something she didn't do. 

Anthony says Adam is so obsessed that he doesn't see Sam going is best for The Pretty Boys. This is why Sam needs to go so Adam can stop playing so emotional and get his head back in the game. Anthony says Cory has been getting a lot of information and a lot of people are talking. Adam says I don't know and he heads inside. 

Sam wants to have a chat in the HoH with him and Cory. Sam needs to get everyone together and prove she tells the truth. Este, Kyra, and Anthony are also in there and Sam says they are lying.

Sam calls Dane out and Dane denies the plan. Este doesn't understand why Dane would tell Sam the plan and not her. Why would Dane trust Sam over Este? Sam and Dane argue back and forth and she wants to know why she would bring it up right now. We hear BB announce: "The PoV ceremony is about to commence," and the HoH room clears out. 

We go straight to the veto ceremony and Dane uses the veto on himself. Dane says someone once told him you miss 100% of the shots you don't take and Cory should take this shot and he knows she won't miss.

Cory says with all the information she acquired and her intuition. She says Sam is the replacement. Sam says not a smart move and Adam says you just got played. Sam says you just sealed your fate. Cory says you can talk me to alone, but don't come at me in front of people. Adam says just stating the obvious. 

Sam says Dane. This is all Dane. Dane gets everyone to do his dirty work and once again it worked. For Cory, this is 100% a bad move. If you take me out of this game now, who do you think is next?

Anthony is in the DR laughing and he says this is what I do man.


April 09, 2019

9:00 AM BBT Mark is the only one up right now. He is in the Leon’s Lounge talking to the cameras. He tells us he didn’t come her to float on by but to make big moves. He continues with although floating in a good strategy if you have people backing you. He says HOw long to wait before you start winning comps. He says I think this one would be a good one to start with. What do you think Canada. He also tells us He is the best pool player in the house. He gets up to leave and says Oh Man my head is spinning. The backyard is now open and Mark heads over to the pool table. Big Brother says Good Morning HGs time to wake up. Mark goes to do a house wide battery change saying I got you Big Brother No problem.
9:15 AM BBT Dane is making coffee for everyone. In the Blue Bedroom Este and Damien are still in bed. Sam and Kyra are in the washroom talking about how many votes Sam thinks she has, She is going to try and get Mark’s vote. Adam has come into the washroom asking Sam to hurry up as he feels like he is going to pee his pants. Kyra says You keep your talks the same You don’t mention names you just state the facts because that makes sense. Adam comes out of the stall and says if you have a house meeting you can’t bring up names. Kyra tells her to not say the Pretty Boys are holding a meeting but there is no audio. The audio is from the Blue Bedroom. Kyra walks in so they change the topic. There seems to be a problem with the audio the cameras show Damien walking down the stairs but the conversation is from the Pantry. Dane says He is going for a smoke. Cory walks in so they say Good Morning. Adam says I was just thinking if we send Sam home this week who will Cory or Damien put up. Anthony says If Sam wins it is me Cory and Dane on the block.
9:30 AM BBT Outside by the Hot Tub area Dane and Kyra are talking about Sam’s campaign speech. Kyra says I am going to leave the campaigning to them but if you want my thoughts I will give them to you. Kyra says Yes at the end of the day I am close to Sam Dane says Like I am close to Este. Kyra says At the end of the day it is whose campaign is the best. Kyra says Although we butt heads in this game I do like the fact that you have been honest with me. The two of them agree that if they win HOH they will not put each other up. Kyra says That although I am loyal to Sam it will be whoever makes the most sense. Kyra says Sam has Weed Brain she forgets conversations she has had. Dane says See I don’t when I went to school I only smoked in the morning. Dane says I worry because I am the biggest threat. Dane says If Mark wins I don’t think he would put you up. Kyra says No it would be stupid for him to put me up I am one of the few people he can beat. Kyra gets called to the DR but says on her way in You are good at this game I would rather have you on my side then against me. Dane says Hi to his Dad. Dane says To the cameras I am not winning the next HOH I have Este Damien and my 3 boys. It would be stupid for me to win. In the Pantry Anthony Adam and Mark are talking. Anthony says Trust wise Cory Este and Kyra are more trustworthy than Sam. Adam says Kyra won’t put Este up because they think that there is a guys alliance. Anthony says Does Kyra trust you. Adam says Well they told me not 100% but they talk to me because of Sam. Anthony says You forget who is talking to everyone. Anthony says If Damien Cory or Kyra start fighting with one of us then they have to go. Adam says If Sam is in this house everyone in this house will put up Sam and Kyra up for the triple which gives us a better chance of getting past the triple. Mark says I can’t trust Sam she said she won’t put me up and she did. Mark says I think I can beat Este more than I can beat Sam. Mark says She says she has weed brain what if she makes a deal with me this week then her weed brain kicks in and she forgets.
9:45 AM BBT The conversation continues with Mark saying Kyra won’t go home next week. Adam says If Este wins she told Dane that she wants Kyra to go home and she is going to put me on the block next to her. Anthony says You are forgetting what we can do. Mark says Do you think I wasn’t in trouble last week. He says I go by my gut and I had a feeling in my gut. Anthony says I am going to tell you what I told you yesterday but I need you to listen without replying. Este and Damien enter so the conversation stops but before it stops Anthony says Do you know Why there isn’t an all girls alliance because we are that f**king good. Mark says We were talking POV Damien says not HOH Comp Este says Veto talk Anthony says We were talking campaign talk. Everyone leaves with Damien saying in Este’s ear We will figure it out. Este says I want to know what he said. Anthony has been called to the DR. Damien is making breakfast for everyone that are not HN. Most of the HGs are just sitting around. Out by the Hot Tub Kyra Dane and Adam are having their morning cigarettes; Mark is sitting with them. Dane says Doing the squats with Cory I was dying but after doing a 100 of them after 40 days of not doing f**k all it is hard. Dane says I thought of getting up early and clean the kitchen but when I got up and it was clean Mark did it. Sam says Good Morning to the group. Dane gets called to the DR.
10:00 AM BBT Sam is asking how everyone slept. The conversation goes to the fact that Chelsea had a pimple pop and she had blood running down her face. Adam and Mark are talking – Mark says if he wins next week he is putting up Este and asks Adam the same. Adam says yes and Corey. Because Corey is the worst person. Mark says how do you think the PB made it through the week safe and sound. He asks Adam to ask Dane. Mark says that he heard Dane went to Corey and worked something out. Do you think that Anthony is working the strings this week for us? Adam says it was stupid for Corey to win HOH this week. Sam comes back out. Mark says he is not disagreeing with him. Sam says that Mark is the least vocal on how slop affects him. He says there is not anything he can do about it but that it gives him a shorter fuse. Sam says slop on top of everything that goes on in the house, she is surprised that more things don’t get heated. Adam says he is starving and goes inside to eat. Sam says that she knows that Mark doesn’t fully trust her in the game. Mark says he doesn’t trust anyone. Sam says it’s about probability and she knows that he knows that and she doesn’t have to explain it to him. He says I know that she didn’t want him out. She says that she can entertain a conversation and he says not to do that to him now. She says she knows that she broke his trust. He says he is inclined to vote her out and keep Este here but it gives him no joy. He says he can believe in her heart that she didn’t want him out but he truly believes that she would have told Kyra that but Sam says she can not go along with that. She says she is truly deeply sorry that she broke his trust. He says that it’s not what it looks like. She says to HIM. He says all those conversations with Kyra because they are close. Sam says that before that HOH she was not that close to Kyra. He says the person that spends the most time in the HOH room are most likely aligned. He says he feels that and Sam says that it is wrong. He says if you had not put me up that week you would have had my vote. She says she knows she is most likely going home this week, if not this week, it will be next week. She says it makes it more likely for him making it to the end. If she is not in the house that it is more likely he will go up. She says that if she is on the block with him she will go home. He asks what info will she take to Corey to convince Corey to keep Sam in the house.
10:15 AM BBT He says the house knows that she doesn’t like Dane. What will change Corey’s decision? Sam says the truth. She says that there was more truth that Corey needed to know. He says that it is her life she is fighting for. She says she knows she was the backdoor idea for week two. He says you would throw Adam under the bus for your game and she says it’s Big Brother and he says well I should go to Adam and tell him that you are throwing him under the bus. She says that it’s up to him what he says. He says if Adam knows, and she says no that they are going to Corey as a group and it’s what best for their game. She says that he is thinking that Adam would be upset knowing that Sam has to do what she has to do to stay in the game. Sam says where the numbers are and she will try to build the trust with him but with where the numbers are now keeping her in the game makes sense. He says she brings up a good point but if it is coming down to a 3/3 that means he is screwed. She said that it makes a difference outside of the game but not inside the house for Mark’s game. He asks her to explain what will be said to Corey now that is going to allow them to springboard to the next level and Este going home. She says that Corey will know that Sam is the target before Corey and that she will go on the block before Corey. She says that the will tell Corey that if loyalty gets her out of the house then she can leave with integrity. But that the backdoor plan was originated with Dane. Mark says he feels that Corey will not care that Sam will be targeted before her and that Sam is a liability and has to go. She says that she was protecting someone close to her in the game. She says that she has never changed the way she treats him in the game. He says if she made deals with everyone in the house, his gut tells him that Sam is scrounging for options. She says regardless of what he thinks, at the time he was the only one in the house that would leave no ripple effect in the house, she knew by putting him on the block it would affect her the least in the house and if she takes the hit for that she will regret that move in the game. He says that he will be able to beat Este in the future. He says the change of him going on the block if Sam goes home is high. He asks if Este will put him on the block. She says that Este and Dane feel they are good with everyone in the house and that is very dangerous. She says if he thinks he can trust Este over her then that is a mistake. He asks what exactly happened then. She says that she knows he wants ammo to put Adam against her. She says that there is a time that Adam and her will go against each other but she is doing what she needs to stay in the house. She says she knows she will not get his vote and not talk about that in the hypothetical. She said that she was not in the conversation with the back door plan but that two people came to her and told her about it. And he says then she went to Corey and told her about those two people and she doesn’t believe Sam. Sam says do you know that? He says he doesn’t know but that she would not share the full story because one of those people are close to her. But yet she has not shared all the info with Corey. She asks how do you know that? She says you are assuming that I have not had the conversation. I have talked to Corey and appreciates the trust and she understands why Sam withheld the information. Now that she has that information she can focus on what is important moving forward in the game. She feels she has time to remind people they are playing BB.
10:30 AM BBT Dane pops out and goes back in. Sam says that Corey is smart and knows that SAm is a bigger target in front of her. She says at this point in the game that it is the smartest thing to do and it would be a mistake if people do not think of the options. She tells Mark that he needs to do what is best for his game regardless. He says that he knows she is protecting someone and he says that he needs to do what he needs to do to protect himself. She says that Adam and Sam in the game protects Marks game. She says that her going out of the game gives more opportunities for people to take as shot at Mark. Kyra stands at the back door and listens to what is being said outside. She pops out and said she can come back if they are talking. Sam says one minute. Kyra goes back inside. Sam says that she has opened up to him and that he knows she is close to people in the game and it makes it difficult but in the back of her mind she knows that they will eventually go after each other and that they need to think moving forward. He asks why he wants to keep Este? She says that he wants to keep someone who talks about him. He says it’s because he can beat her in a comp. He says do you think that Dane will put him up? She says you don’t think Este will put him up? He stands up and says he needs to have some time to think and goes inside. Sam sits outside alone. In the kitchen, Mark goes into the storage room. Damien follows him and Mark tells him that he just had a long campaign chat. Damien says that Dane wants to talk to him so he is going to go find him. They walk into the kitchen and Este is reading a label on food. Sam and Kyra are talking outside and Sam goes over with Kyra what the conversation was with Mark. Kyra says that they know that Sam feels defeated and says that Adam is worried. Sam says that she knows he had a chat with Anthony and Mark. Kyra says that the campaign Sam has is the best it can be. Sam asks that should she show her cards more now since people are worried she will win HOH again? Feeds go to Dane and Mark in the red bedroom. Dane asks Mark why does Adam think there was a backdoor plan on Sam? Mark says no and Dane asks then why did Adam tell him that Mark told him that. He says that I was wondering because I told you a little bit about it but if they come to him that Mark doesn’t know anything. Mark is telling Dane that Adam is losing his mind. But Dane says that Adam told him that it came from Mark.Dane says that he is going to tell Anthony that because he will lose it. He asks DAne if he ever said that Dane’s plan to evict Corey and Dane said yes but you don’t tell people that. He tells Mark if Anthony asks that he didn’t say anything. Dane goes to talk to Anthony. He runs into Adam coming out of the HOH room and tells him that Corey told him that Sam told her everything and that Sam threw his name under the bus and he tells Dane that he is not going to fight for her to stay. Dane goes to Corey and tells him what is happening. THIS IS YOUR 15 MINUTE WARNING THE HOUSE WILL BE OFF LIMITS. Dane tells Corey that Adam was trying to get information from people. Corey said would she tell Mark about a back door plan? I am smarter than that. Dane tells her that Adam told him that Mark told him that. Then that he went and asked Mark and Mark said he didn’t tell him that. Corey tells Dane that Sam told her that her and Kyra’s story didn’t line up and why. Corey says despite what Sam said that she is still good with him.

10:45 PM BBT Corey said to Adam that Sam told her that it was him and Dane that came up with the plan. She said his face showed that Sam didn’t say anything and Corey told him I am sorry I thought Sam would have talked to you before she came here. Corey said that things are going to explode. Corey said this isn’t want she wanted. Dane leaves the HOH and she says she is to go to the DR soon. She stays putting on makeup. Dane says he is heading to the backyard. In the blue bedroom, Anthony and Adam are talking. Adam is telling him about Dane walking in on a conversation in the pantry. Anthony says that he is going to talk to Dane. Adam says that Mark told him that the backdoor plan was to get Corey out of the house. Adam also told him that Sam told Corey that he was part of the backdoor plan. Dane walks in and Anthony goes over the conversation and about the pantry conversation this morning. Anthony said that it was just Adam campaigning for his girl. Anthony says he will talk to Damien and make it right. Anthony says the biggest thing is Sam throwing Adam under the bus. Adam says he wants to know and will ask Sam and Anthony says no. That Corey told him. Adam says that he wants to sit and talk to both Sam and Corey. Corey comes in and says Sam is downstairs. Adam leaves the room. Dane tells them the conversation with Mark and said that he didn’t say it. That Mark is trying to get information by making stuff up. Corey told them that she told Mark what Sam said. Sam asked what did you tell him? She said I assumed you would have told Adam so get ready. Anthony and Corey leave the room, Dane walks out saying it is about to get interesting. THIS IS YOUR 3 MINUTE WARNING THE HOUSE WILL BE OFF LIMITS ALL HG MUST GO TO THE BACKYARD. HG are all getting ready to head to the backyard. Dane tells Mark that Sam told Corey about the backdoor plan saying Adam was a part of it and they are fighting. In the HN room, Mark and Anthony are talking. Mark tells Anthony that he never said anything about the backdoor. So Anthony says that it’s just Adam? Mark says that he knows how to keep his mouth shut. Anthony tells Mark about the conversation in the blue room with Adam. He tells Mark not to confront Adam about it and to leave it be because Adam and Sam are fighting about it. The three of them leave the HN room.
11:00 AM BBT Adam and Damien are talking THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING THE HOUSE IS NOW OFF LIMITS. He tells Damien about the conversations he has been having. All HG are in the backyard. Kyra and Adam and Kyra is telling him that Corey is afraid of him. They tell him do not blame Sam, blame me, it was my idea. Kyra tells him that Sam would never do that. Adam says clearly Sam’s loyalty is more to them than to him because he asked Sam specifically not to do it. Adam asks Kyra are you scared of Corey? Kyra tells him that Corey interrogated them. He says that Kyra and Sam went into Corey and changed their story. He says it looks shady on Sam. Kyra tells him that Sam was trying to protect him. Kyra tells him that Corey already knew because Dane said something. Kyra is telling Adam Choose your people its clear what it’s happening. Dane tried to create a divide between Corey and us and it worked. Kyra says that Dane sees going to final 5 with Them is good for his game.
11:15 AM BBT They are ready to call a truce and work with him. She asks Adam when we talk Names it goes nowhere, he says of course. Adam feels all of Corey’s actions and words are coming from Anthony. Kyra says if Sam goes then we are still safe as long as you Dane or I win next week. I might end up on the block but its so the person next to me goes home. Kyra tells Adam that if you make it F2 and i’m Jury you have my vote. They head out for a smoke. Outside Anthony, Sam, Este and Sam are sitting on the couch. Mark is in the hot tub and Kyra is standing behind the couches smoking. HG are all sitting in silence. Kyra asks how the triple works? Does the winner have the sole vote? No one really answers and she says nevermind.Kyra says that they should have taken the bread outside. Mark says he just wants the door to open. He wants to see a car right now. Adam comes outside but doesn’t say anything. He looks very upset as he taps his coffee cup. Damien and Este are playing pool. In the hallway leading outside, Adam and Dane are talking and Adam is telling him about the conversation with Corey. Then Dane tells him about the conversation this morning. He asks how he is with Sam. Adam says it is what it is. He says that he told Sam that it was stupid to change the story now when her back is against the wall. He said he is going to enjoy the rest of the time in th house. He says that Sam listened to Kyra over him. Dane says that Kyra is stupid. They both go back in the backyard pool area. Damien and Este are singing playing pool. Dane sits at the table. Sam comes in and sits on the couch.
11:30 AM BBT Dane says he heard tools so maybe they fixed the dishwasher. The house is open again. DANE PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. The only feed is on Damien and Este playing pool. Este says uh-oh. Dane comes back into the pool room. Damien says his hands are hurting and he needs more water. Dane says no it’s called arthritis. Corey is in the store room making a smoothie. Anthony is looking for Corey. He goes to the file room to look. Adam comes up and talks to Anthony and tells him the conversation with Dane in the hallway to the outside. Anthony says it’s all good. Adam asks if Sam is here too and Corey tells him that she is upstairs. Adam heads upstairs. Anthony is seated at the counter watching Corey make her smoothie. In the bathroom, Sam is putting on makeup. Adam says the way he sees it – that all week long that they had the same story then Sam changed her story and saying Adam had something to do with it. Sam says that Corey already knew and Adam says that doesn’t matter. She said their story was already different. Adam continues to tell her but we agreed that we weren’t going to say anything. She already knew so I had to, It’s better for your game anyways. People think there’s a divide between us I am already on the block. She says I had to merge stories and come out and tell the truth because i’m on the block and if there is a tie, am I supposed to roll over and die and not try.? Adam exits as Este comes in and comments how it smells like feet. Down in the Kitchen Corey, Damien, and Anthony are discussing how “He” is submissive as Dane walks in.
11:45 AM BBT Feeds go out. When we get some Cameras back, Corey is warming up something in the micro, trying to help Anthony figure out what to eat, should he use a sauce or not with his slop bread. Damien points out how sparse it is now and the first few days it was just people everywhere. Damien asks Anthony about the amount of slop bread he is eating and he points out yesterday he only had that small bread and shake and that was it. Damien heads up to HOH where Este is having a solo Dance party rocking out to the ipod. Sam is still in the WR but finishing up and putting her make-up stuff away. Kyra tells Sam that Corey, Este and Damien just came out of the HOH room. They tell her that she should keep going because she has a good campaign. They tell Sam that they told Adam to step back and let Sam do it. That if he keeps it up it will look like they are closer. Sam asks Kyra if Este is campaigning at all. Kyra says not to them. Kyra says that Sam needs to be straight with Dane and tell Dane what she did. Este comes skipping through the bathroom. Krya tells Sam that she has to admit it to them. Sam says she doesn’t know how to approach Anthony without being straight with him. Kyra says to give him the facts and he will respect that. In the HOH room, Corey and Dane are talking. Corey is telling Dane about the conversation with Sam and says she told Sam that she appreciates the truth and Dane says well it’s too late. Dane tells her about Adam coming to him. Corey says that Kyra says to her that actions speak louder than words and that Corey didn’t go up. Corey said she got so heated.
12:00 PM BBT They said that Corey’s name was being used more for the backdoor plan. Anthony comes in and sits on the bed. Corey said that she told them that she doesn’t believe them. Damien comes into the HOH room. They stop talking about it. SAM PLEASE GO TO THE DR Anthony says that Adam doesn’t care that she threw his name under the bus if he isn’t going home. They talk about the speeches. They talk about the show tomorrow and what they are going to show. Dane asks Corey what song he is listening to. She tells him and he said he likes it. She said her wedding song was by the same band. She pulls it up on the MP3 player. They talk about bands and albums PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT BRAND NAMES They talk about music. Kyra is sitting on a chair by herself. PLEASE TURN DOWN THE VOLUME ON THE MUSIC PLAYER. Corey asks if they think Sam will do pitches individually to them. Dane says that she wasn’t to talk to him. He said he told her he would be open minded but he says his mind is shut. That Sam needs to know that there is no hope. He says Adam is not helping either. Asking her on a date making it a final goodbye. They laugh about the date. Anthony said he was sitting on the couch and hearing Adam and Sam talking to the camera and he said he head was going to explode. Dane thanks her for using the music and he hands the music player to Anthony. Dane tells them that Adam tells them that they have to keep Sam. Dane says that he knows a lot more than Adam thinks. Dane leaves the HOH room. Anthony says that it’s annoying to talk to Adam. Corey said the chat she had with him this morning was ….. He asked her if she was thinking about next week? She said Yeah, I am! They laugh.
12:15 PM BBT In the backyard, Dane and Mark are talking. Dane tells Mark that he doesn’t seem too good. Mark says yeah I know. Dane gets out a cigarette. Dane says someone is coming and he doesn’t know who but he heard the door. Dane says that everyone is talking game at this point and if they are not they are stupid. Mark says the 4 of them need a long chat after the week is over. Kyra comes out to smoke. Sam is on the chairs in the HOH room giving her pitch to Damien, Anthony and Corey. When she comes out, she comes and tells Kyra what she said. In the HOH room, Anthony says that what she is saying is ridiculous. Sam tells Kyra she is going to talk to Dane. Sam heads up to the HOH and has a group pitch to them all just stating her facts, she doesn’t want to over Campaign and will talk individually again but continues to point out how she is a shield and will go home before any of them when on the block for triple. That its a numbers game now and you need to be thinking about this, and what a good manipulator Dane is and how he would stab them in the back and put anyone of them up on the block next week when he wins HOH. She leaves the room and they all make comments about how she will be going home before all of them and Este, the end of this week. BB calls out Anthony to turn down the music, Damien and Corey discuss wine. Sam and Dane are outside Smoking and he asks how she is doing. She says you know my back is against the wall and I have had to throw you under the bus and they discuss maybe taking Este out because he needs someone he can trust to win the next HOH so he can play in the Triple.
12:30 PM BBT Sam says she has to play the game and she is not throwing his name out as a target unless she thinks its the difference in the vote. He plays along saying they have been telling him he was the target he was the one going home. She apologizes for trashing his name in her campaign, yes they want each other out but they are using each other as a shield. Sam points out how Este is not a threat and he says she won’t win anything. They talk about the triple. She admits to having to throw Adam under the bus and how it’s causing a riff with her and Adam. its pointed out they came in a single players and will leave that way not as couples. They point out how people will go after the couples and so it’s better to separate everyone. Mark heads out and joins them Sam takes another Smoke from Kyra. They discuss workout and if they will or won’t today. Outside in the conversation with Dane and Sam, Dane says that he can not believe that Corey, Adam and Anthony have not touched the block yet. Sam says that she feels the two of them have done each other solids in the game and Dane says that he respects that. She tells him that she could have backdoored him and rallied the votes to get him out and he tells her that he could have done the same to her. She asks the pros for him keeping Este. She tells him if he and Este do not win the HOH he will go on the block or get back doored. Este comes out after her workout. Este asks if they think it’s too early for lunch, they say no – she goes in to grab a snack. Sam says for the rest of this campaign and none of this comes back to her that she knows that the loyalty stays in this game.
12:45 PM BBT He asks what he can say. She tells him to say that she said it is a numbers game and that with less people that she is the target. She says that he can say that Sam is gunning for him and she said that people think that anyway. She tells him that if she is not in the house that in the triple he WILL go on the block. She says she understands why he is building his loyalty with Anthony and Corey for that but that she wants him to remember that loyalty means more in this game. Anthony heads to the backyard. Dane heads into the house to work out. She tells Anthony that he knows it’s a numbers game and that she is not going to BS him. She says she knows that he has a good bond with Este. He says you see that? She said that’s what it looks like? She says when she was thinking about what she was going to tell people that it is clear where she would go if she would win HOH if she stayed, she tells him that she won’t touch him. He tells her the same and she says she trusts that. She said it’s ok if he does. But if people keep Este here, the person next to her will go home. She says it’s about how long you want to stay in this game. She says keeping Este here is not smart. She asks for his pros for keeping Este. He says that he has information on Este. He knows who she does and doesn’t trust and who she is working with. He says she has lied to him several times and has said his name to people and it got back to him. Sam says that he is a smart player. He says that if you are good for his game he will keep them in the house. He doesn’t care if they say his name. Sam says that she will go on the block before him. He says he doesn’t think so. He says it depends on who is in charge. That she is not public enemy number one. That she thinks that everyone doesn’t like her but that’s not true. She says he knows where her loyalty lies and that it is important this week more than ever because the truth came out. Corey was never going to get backdoored and was not going on the block. She says that she was upset about it. That she had to speak the truth and people are angry with her. He told her she should have dropped that off the bat. She says she knows. But she knew if she did that, that Adam would be sitting on the block instead of her. Anthony says that is period right there. She says when she was going into this, she knew it was part of the game. Sam says that since Corey’s name was not thrown out as much as hers name was. That it all started with Dane and that she wasn’t there but she said that she didn’t think it would go that far and she knows that Adam has had to fight to keep her in the game. She said that she is sorry if that broke trust with him. He says if he would put himself in her position, he says that there were other alternatives. He says maybe she thought it was a good time to get out a bigger player. He says that she was personal when she nominated people and did it based on what she thought. She said it was personal. She said that putting Mark on the block he didn’t have ties and by putting Kikki on the block that she wanted to break Este, Kikki and Dane. She said she felt solid with him and Corey and more so with anyone else in the game. Anthony said he felt the same way. She said where she was it was not personal and if it was, Dane would have gone up but she knew he would win POV and pull himself off – she said it stays with them. She has a lot of respect with how Anthony and Corey are playing the game.

1:00 PM BBT Knowing that they are a strong couple and if the two of them can get past the triple, one of them will win the game. She tells him that keeping Este in the game will target them but keeping her as a target will skyrocket their chances. She said now it’s all numbers and probability. She tells him that Dane and Adam are not going for the HOH because they want the HOH for the triple and let her go after it, keep him and Anthony safe then after the triple, go after each other. She said she is straight facts and not trying to convince him of anything. He says true. She says that the triple is where people put up couples and if Este stays that she will ride Dane’s coat tails the whole way to the end. She tells him to use her as a shield. And if he wins HOH put him up but it will allow him to get further in the game.Keeping her here one more week, keeps everyone here more weeks. Adam comes out and she asks him to give them two more minutes. HE says that he thought she was alone and was coming to sit with her. She said he is mad at her. But she said that Anthony is right and it could have gone down differently. She is a strong woman with a mind of her own but the truth was she left out one thing, and if that sends her out the door she can leave with her head high that she stayed loyal. But that people need to put that behind them and look at the triple but if they take her out, they are sitting ducks. She says again that she will not gun for him – she has bigger fish to fry. She says that when she talks to him she feels differently because he tells her what’s up. She says that she doesn’t know what Dane is telling people but he is go good at making people feel that he can carry them to the end but that he has manipulated everyone’s HOH and tried it with her. She said he has a ⅛ chance in winning the HOH and a ½ chance of getting on the block. She said she has never been able to BS her. He says she is a great player and top 3 in the house. But that she made bad moves along the way. From the beginning she said she shouldn’t have done the showmance and within 24 hours of talking with her. And she knew that would be an issue. People see value in her that’s why she hasn’t touched the block until now. He says that people do not hate her or she would have gone up earlier. She said that she is in this position because of what people have said. He said that she should have gone to the strongest people in the house and come up with the plan and to be careful with the words that you say to people, even those you trust. If you don’t do anything from the start and keep your mouth closed from the beginning, it’s easy to wiggle out. She says he is right. He said that her campaign shouldn’t be about the triple, he says you are talking to people who have only seen 1 or 2 seasons. THe people in the house are focused on week by week. He said you can not talk about the triple if you want to stay, you need to talk about who you are going up against. She says she wants people to see the bond she had with Adam since week 2 made people change the way they played the game. She said what has to happen is for people to see regardless of what she is saying that she has developed a target. He says you stay this week, next week Anthony and her are on the block? She said that she appreciates getting this far in the game, vote for who is best for your game. He laughs and says he is trying to help her campaign.
1:15 PM BBT He asks her if she is close with Este and does she believe everything she says. NO Do you think Dane is close with Este, Do you think he trusts everything she says NO but a lot more than me. Sam shares she feels that and and Este and Dane will put up Sam before Anthony, Corey, or Damien. Anthony disagrees but says come Thursday he is looking into something. Anthony says the pitch she is giving is not valid, lets have real talk. She says real talk you and Corey are not going up if I win HOH I don’t see you as a threat to my game right now. Sam feels Este is a threat not because she can win but if she’s on the block she will stay the other person ( threat) will be the one to go. She tells him to be real with her now, and he says I have already been real with you. Anthony says once Sam is gone no one knows where Adam will go, and He asks about Adam and Kyra do you think they are playing their own game? She says yes but I think they both know I am a shield and they will stay longer if I am here. Anthony says they have been campaigning for her and not themselves to him. Sam is saying if Este stays in the House shes riding with Dane till the end, Anthony says if you pay attention neither of them really care about each other. Sam says that makes it dangerous because you know what I am going to do right now. Sam thinks its a mix of the obvious and the not so obvious that needs to be thought about and says all she asks is when he thinks about it to do that. Sam asks What are the Cons of keeping me, he says I can’t reveal that but its not many. Sam knows it will be a tight sway but she doesn’t want to bug him. He says it’s not bugging me it’s a game you are supposed to do this, she says they deserve to be here. Sam heads in and Anthony stays out in the BY HT area.
1:30 PM BBT Sam comes in to the BY and Adam comments on how she looks like she was Crying she says no it’s from the sun. Kyra heads out, Dane is running laps and Adam is asking how the chat went she said good one of the better Chats. She is brief and quiet with her comments about the conversation since Dane is passing by often. Up in HOH Mark is listening the the Music, ( Country) and Corey leaves him in there to have some chill time. Damien and Este are on the couches outside the HOH studying days, comps, orders of things. Out in the BY Sam and Adam are at the tall table silently and Sam’s crying Kyra walks in and embraces her for a large long hug. Sam says everytime I do my make-up I cry. Sam and Kyra head in to the bonus room and then into the back lounge area. Sam tells Kyra about the conversation and says Anthony is a tough one. Kyra says you are not going to be able to Sway him he was Fuming after Adam talked to him. Mark and Dane are the 2 Kyra thinks they can get. Sam tells how she told Anthony to his face she doesn’t see him as a threat because she can beat him in the comps. Out in the yard Adam and Dane are discussing the triple and how its going to play out. Dane feels 100% safe going through to the triple. Adam feels anthony will play it safe and not win. They begin talking about smoking and how quickly their packs go.
1:45 PM BBT Adam comments how it probably looked bad this morning in the pantry and dane says yea really bad then onto the scabs on Adams arms and how he wants to pick them and they are slightly warm. Then they say their sleeping nap spots and how they are getting away with it. Then he tells how he was talking with Sam in the Wr and kept throwing up the PB sign and she didn’t pick up on it. They begin to work out and play pool. Sam and Kyra are still in the Lounge room whispering about the conversations they have been having. Kyra feels it would be easier to get Dane and Mark and that Corey, Damien, and Anthony are too tight and more than anyone thought. Sam shares some of the points she has used and how she is trying to get others on board. She calls out to BB and asks them to help her stay. Kyra says they feel it’s their fault. Sam is telling Kyra they are asking her who is campaigning for her and she tells them no one is campaigning for me instead they realize how beneficial it is to have me here.Kyra starts whispering.
2:00 PM BBT Mark is in the outside the HOH room with Este and Mark is telling her who he would put up if he was HOH. Este said that she would not put people who are in the same mind frame as her. Mark tells her you need to campaign. Este said well you know you have to remember that people will start going to jury and you have to remember who is going to be in there with you. Este tells Mark that when Kikki was here I felt like I was playing for two people and now I can play for just myself. Este tells Mark he needs to separate himself from Anthony and Dane. Este said that she did not like how they treated Eddie when he was here. Este says I play with my head and strategy instead of playing with my heart but I don’t like how Adam and Kyra treat everyone. Mark tells her you know that is good because you have to think about who you will take to the final. Este said no one will when against Kyra because everyone will vote for her to win. Mark said well yeah now the way they have it set up to where they will only come in second place. Mark tells her thank you for laying it out that way. Este stated she would rather be stuck at jury and be able to decide who wins the money as long as it is not Kyra and that they are deserving. Adam scares Sam. Sam yells and Este and Mark walk away from each other. Mark goes into the storage room to find to get some ice. He leaves out and speaks to Adam while throwing ice cubes into the blender. Mark is blending his ice cups for his slop smoothie.
2:15 PM BBT In the Hot tub area Corey and Anthony are picking up the jackets. Este asks for one of the jackets and goes outside. Corey yells out we are going to tub. Este is laying on the couches. Dane is working out as Adam is walking around. Dane says he needs a beer tonight. Dane tells him he is almost done and may work out again later tonight. Adam picking up weights. Dane tells Adam he is so weak. Corey comes out in a robe to go to the hot tub she passes by Kyra and asks if Kyra is winning Kyra says no Kyra is winning. REMEMBER CANADA IS WATCHING.. WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE. Corey comes to the hot tub area and Este tells her she is sorry for the way she has been treating her lately. Este said I have just been so frustrated because I wanted to win this HOH. Corey said that everyone has came and talked to her but Adam. Este said it has been awkward because Adam has been campaigning for Sam to stay and she said I would turn around. Este said I didn’t start campaigning until today because I don’t want to keep repeating myself. Corey said I know I am the last one you would talk to me because I don’t have a vote. Anthony comes out to get in the hot tub. Este tells them I wished it was sunny because I wanted to tan. Kyra and Adam are whispering. Kyra says Sam needs to chill the **** out. Kyra tells Adam don’t tell Sam you should have listened to me instead he needs to be more supportive. Kyra said everyone is acting like this is high school.
2:30 PM BBT FEEDS GO DOWN THEY COME UP AT 2:34 PM BBT Adam has went out to the hot tub area. Dane is also out there talking to Corey. Corey calls Dane an older version of Prince Harry. Mark comes out. Adam tells them if they are for sure voting out Sam by tomorrow let them know so they can use the blue room while everyone crams into the red room. Dane tells them this has been the longest he has been without some. Dane says he is not helping Sam’s case by and Feeds go down.
2:45 PM BBT Feeds come back with Corey, Damien, and Anthony still in the hot tub. Dane is on the couches. A plane flies overhead and they all so woah. They are talking about all watching the show together. They start laughing. Anthony said we should all watch episode 5 together. Kyra, Sam, and Adam are in the story telling room. Kyra, Sam and Adam are now outside with Sam telling Adam she will get her revenge. Sam starts arguing with Adam and Kyra tells them to stop. Sam kisses Adam on the cheek. Kyhra tells them to stop. Sam said well we never kissed. Kyra said yes you did you told me he was a good kisser. Sam said i never told you that.
3:00 PM BBT Dane is in the washroom in his bathing suit talking to Anthony and Damien while they shower. Damien is singing and Dane jokingly tells him he is the, “Songbird of the generation” Damien continues singing in the shower. Mark comes in carrying a box and he and Dane change their microphone batteries. Feeds cut to the living room where Kyra and Sam are having a heated conversation about Sam and Adam’s relationship. Kyra says that they think Adam is very hopeful about a future with Sam outside of the house but hearing some of the things Sam say may make Adam think she’s not hopeful. Sam says she’s so hopeful to the point that she doesn’t want to get hurt and Kyra says that they were just going to say that, Sam is more than hopeful in reality, but she is very scared of getting hurt because she’s been hurt before, but Kyra tells Sam that that was a long time ago and Sam agrees. Adam tells Sam that he doesn’t want that to happen either and jokes, “but you don’t even like me anyway you didn’t even shower with me last night.” Sam throws the sock ball at him playfully
3:15 PM BBT In the kitchen, Damien, Este, and Mark are eating at the kitchen count. Feeds cut back to the living room where Kyra, Adam, and Sam are talking about their future and Kyra mentions how Sam has a business that she can’t just up and leave, but Adam says she only works two hours a day. Kyra asks if Sam really only works 2 hours a day and Sam tells them that she’s available for bookings from 11-1 and Adam laughs and says so then she drinks and does nothing for the rest of the day. Sam says she doesn’t drink, instead what most people fit into 8 hours she fits into a couple and says that when she opened up her schedule things got insane through her salons online booking system so she says she has people schedule appointments online and then she manages it from there on out. Anthony is now in the living room with Adam, Sam, and Kyra and he says he is starving. Adam says at least they all have almost got through another week and asks Anthony if he they asked him to come back next season, but told him he had to be on slop the whole time would he do it? Anthony answers with a hard, “NO!” Adam asks, “really?” and says he would, Kyra and Sam say they would too and Sam says she thrived on slop. Adam says he would stay on slop for a year to be able to come back and play big brother. Adam says they need another ball to throw.
3:30 PM BBT In the kitchen Cory and Damien are making lunch and Mark is cleaning. Damien says they have to make it 3 ore hours and then they can work out. Adam and Sam have joined everyone in the kitchen and are helping to make food, Sam tells Cory whatever she’s making smells good. Anthony and Kyra are sleeping on the sofa. Sam comes out the storage room and picks something off the counter. Corey and Damien are sitting at the table Mark is walking around. Adam is cooking lunch and telling Sam how to cut something. Dane goes into the HOH room and puts on the ipod. Adam is cutting up carrots while Sam is looking for something in the fridge. Kyra walks upstairs.

3:45 PM BBT Corey is in the storage room eating something she comes out and Mark and Sam are sitting at the counter. Mark goes into the storage room is laying down on the counter in the storage room. He is doing crunches as he says so so exhausting. Mark starts talking about being a have not and this is the closest he can get to being on a bed. He starts singing he needs a pole roller. Este is on the couch rubbing Anthony’s back. Sam tells Adam that she is not that type of person and that if that is how Asam shows his love then they will have to deal with it. Corey is sitting at the counter listening to them. Sam tells Adam she think what he is doing is a cop-out. He asks her what does she mean she tells him you know an easy way out. Corey says I know exactly what you mean. Adam says so basically I do nothing for you. Adam is making gestures and says who am I? They both yell Eddie. Corey says oh Eddie my boy. Sam tells Adam you need me. Sam picks up the greens and says I guess we don’t need greens.
6:00 PM BBT Corey, Anthony and Dane are in the kitchen. Just general chit chat. Dane leaves the kitchen. Anthony said that if he had small boobs he would wear the “smallest shit.”Sam comes to eat a muffin in the kitchen. Corey starts to hum and then is told to stop singing. They start talking about 20/10 ratio. Este is also in the kitchen. They start talking about hunger. Corey says that she drinks a lot of tea and water. Corey is talking about a hormone that isn’t good for your organs. Corey says that she doesn’t drink coolers or anything with lots of sugar. Este said that she started drinking sugar-free cranberry juice. Corey says she likes water with different fruits. Este mentions she just started drinking wine.
6:15 PM BBT Kyra and Dane are laying on the couches.Big Brother repeats ”Mark, stop that!” for the third time. Corey said at her wedding, there was a dark cranberry wine. She said that even wine drinkers were very impressed. Her wedding favours were wine and a drink voucher for the bar at the wedding. Mark, Damien and Dane are in the bathroom. Mark is brushing his facial hair. Mark said he barely remembs Eddie. Damien is shaving his face. Damien isn’t really adding anything to Dane and Mark’s conversation. Mark said he has a dream that Dane and Este were fighting. Dane said “no that’s real life.” Dane said that a lot of people are getting annoyed with him. Dane said that Mark and Anthony are the only ones with good pictures. None of the girls have nice ones. Dane said that he has seen the pictures many times from being HOH and winning Veto. They declare that they willl meet in the have not room.
6:30 PM BBT Big Brother tells Dane to stop singing. Dane replies that it is just a beat. Adam and Sam are in the storage room. Sam says she will not say the “L” word in her speech. Adam asks what they will name their dog. He suggests Charlie. Sam likes Veto. Sam says she hasn’t prepared an eviction speech yet. Corey, Dane, Anthony, Mark and Damien are in the have not room. Corey makes a joke about Kyra. They start talking about a season where the houseguests had to nominate two others for eviction. They then strat to discuss Tim’s run as HOH. Tim used gummy bears to figure out who the other houseguests wanted to have evicted. Dane brings up the Chilltown alliance. The houseguests in the have not room discuss the previous have not room. They say they have it pretty good considering.
6:45 PM BBT Dane said he hopes that this isn’t a boring season. Dane says his favourite seasons are season 3 and 6. They start talking about past seasons and the final three. They thought it was funny that even though Karen hated Kevin, they were the final two. They think it is crazy that ⅔ of the house is in the have not room right now. Mark starts doing impressions of Adam and Sam. The houseguests think that Kikki’s last week was crazy for her. She was the first one to be evicted on their have not week. The feeds turn off for a moment or two. Kyra, Adam and Sam are in the storage room.
7:00 PM BBT The houseguests in the have not room are talking about gambling. Dane said that poker is a long process but good money can come from it. Mark said he made over $3,000 in a week and used it to pay for schooling. Dane always wondered why the houseguests only dressed up on Thursdays. Now he understands. The backyard is open now. Corey said she is going to have a dance party by herself in the HOH room. Dane and Kyra are having a cigarette. Kyra says that smoking is a disgusting habit but it doesn’t make them a disgusting person. Kyra said that they have had their issues with Dane in the past. Kyra says that people treat them like a kid. Sam and Adam are talking to Kyra and Dane now. Adam does an impression as Dane’s teeth. Sam pleads for Dane’s vote. Mark and Anthony are playing pool.
7:15 PM BBT Kyra proposes that if anyone goes up against Este, they will be evicted. Kyra says that Este hasn’t done any campaigning because she feels safe. Dane and Adam are going to do abs. Dane wants to do more pull ups. Dane is bragging about being the best spitter. He says he spits very, very well. Even though it’s not the most attractive thing. Sam is telling Dane that Anthony was trying to tell her how to campaign. Sam said she was trying to be straight up with Anthony. Big Brother tells them to stop talking about production. Sam thinks Anthony was trying to back door her and Dane was involved but she said it’s fine. Sam says that there aren’t many cons to evicting her. Dane and Sam think that Corey, Damien and Anthony are in an alliance of sorts. Sam said that she guarantees Dane’s safety if she wins HOH next week. As a plane goes by, Sam and Dane are amazed at how low they are. Dane says that Kyra has been telling people that he is the biggest liar in the house. Sam said that Kyra wants to keep Dane safe for the next couple weeks. Sam believes Dane is the biggest threat in the house and together they could tear the house apart. When Este and Mark comes out, the conversation stops.
7:30 PM BBT The conversation is very general. Sam is having a cigarette and looking at the sky. Sam pleads to Big Brother for a party. Kyra and Anthony are playing pool. Este says that the scary stories from yesterday were really fun. Este is trying to come up with conversation topics. Dogs and rights of passage are possibilities. Mark and Este start speaking French to each other. Big Brother tells Mark to stop singing. Este asks why Big Brother was getting mad at him before. Este asks what she should make for supper. She complains that they have no food in the house. Mark said he wishes he could have bread. He said the pancakes aren’t bad but everything takes so long to make. Este tells him to make a big batch and put the leftovers in the freezer. Mark said that he hopes tomorrow won’t be so dramatic. Este asks if he wants to go in the hot tub. Mark asks este to give him a few minutes. Adam and Anthony are playing pool.
7:45 PM BBT Dane is in the secret room. He is counting and studying. Kyra and Sam are playing pool. Sam is telling Kyra about her conversation with Dane. Kyra said that she truced with Dane. Adam comes out to the backyard and starts coaching Kyra and Sam with pool. Kyra wonders if Dane will ever be able to trust them. Kyra asks Adam if he changed. He said he just put on a sweater. Kyra asks how everything gets back to everyone. Feeds one and two are down. Adam is helping Kyra with pool. Kyra and Sam are almost done their game. Sam and Adam are playing each other now. Then Kyra and Sam are going to play again. Very general conversation now. Mark is lifting weights. Damien is laying on the couch in the backyard. Mark and Damien are talking about dieting and workouts. They also mentions how important sleep is. They are talking about sprinting vs running and jogging.

Summary Tuesday April 8, 2019

April 08, 2019

Summary Tuesday April 8, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds went down at 10:17 for the veto ceremony.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:50 following the veto ceremony. Dane used the Power of Veto on himself. Cory nominated Sam as the replacement nominee. Out in the yard, Sam cried. Kyra said Dane put in a lot of work to get her backdoored since he wants Adam all to himself. Sam said that she has to get Adam to open his eyes if she leaves. They agreed that Adam is delusional when it comes to Dane. Kyra said they might actually self evict. They asked who they are supposed to get close to now that Sam may leave. Sam suggested working with Adam and Anthony. Sam said she wants to call everybody out if she knows that she is going home.

12:00-1:00 PM: Adam came by to speak to Kyra and Sam. Kyra said the only way to keep Sam is by throwing Dane under the bus. Sam said she doesn’t even think that Kyra should waste her time on Adam. Kyra let Adam know that the boys want Sam out in order to have him to themselves. Sam said Adam is fine with that. Adam asked her to stop, but Sam said it’s true. Adam told Sam that he has been fighting for her since Day 1. He revealed that the guys wanted him to throw the last HoH so that they could put him up next to Sam in order to send her home, so it’s going to be hard to get the votes. Kyra asked if Mark is included in that. Adam said no.

1:00-2:00 PM: Adam, Anthony and Mark chatted in the pantry. Adam said he knows 1000% that it was not Sam’s idea to backdoor Cory. Anthony said he knows that Sam went to Cory and Este about creating a girls alliance, saying that Adam is definitely an option for next week. Adam let Mark know that Sam thinks she has a chance to sway his vote. Mark said he will hear her out. Adam argued that two guys will be on the block if Este wins. Mark said they will be in the same spot if Sam wins. Mark said it’s BS that Sam wont put him up again, seeing as Adam already had a chance to convince Sam not to put him up but he couldn’t do it. When Mark continued on, Adam told him to chill out. Mark said he will listen with an open mind but he will vote Sam out. Mark asked why Sam didn’t put Este and Kiki up together. Adam said it’s because he made a deal to protect Este if Dane would protect Sam.

2:00-3:00 PM: Mark asked Sam why so many people have wanted her out since the beginning. Sam asked if it’s because of her personality. Mark questioned why she is asking him when she put him on the block. Sam said she knew that he was not going home. She mentioned that there were talks of a guys alliance, which she thought he was a part of, so she believed that he would be secure. Sam explained that she knew she wanted Kiki to go but she later realized that Mark wasn’t as tight with the guys as she thought he was. Sam brought up that she will always go on the block before Mark if she stays. Mark asked Sam who she would put up next week. Sam said that one of her nominees would be Dane. Feeds cut before she named the second nominee.

3:00-4:00 PM: Anthony told Dane they have to be careful since Damien and Este are so close. Dane said both have been telling him that they will nominate Adam and Kyra if they win HoH. Dane asked if Sam has talked to Anthony yet. Anthony said the only thing Sam told him is that Dane will be coming after him if she leaves. Sam then broke up the conversation. Mark asked Adam if he actually thinks that Cory could be convinced to keep Sam if came down to a tie. Mark had been told that his vote is needed to give Sam three. Adam said it’s possible if he discloses some information.

4:00-5:00 PM: Adam told Dane he knows what everyone wants but he is questioning what the best situation is. Dane said they need to win HoH. He mentioned that Sam can win and she is telling Cory that she is coming after him. Adam said the fact is that she already won and didn’t put him up. Adam asked what will happen if Este nominates him next to Mark and then they don’t win the veto. He suggested that they have a better shot at persuading Sam than persuading Este. Dane said Este really wants Kyra out. Adam and Dane eventually started discussing that they are doing the most in the game and that they are so close to getting to the end. Dane said they will control the votes after this week, since they only need three votes at that point. Once Adam was called to the diary room, Dane and Mark had a chance to chat. Mark made it clear to Dane that Este is not simply going to get his vote, and she needs to campaign to him. However, Mark said that Dane knows which way he will be voting. Mark brought up that the Pretty Boys are running the show. He said Sam is such a liar. Dane said it’s perfect since no one knows that Mark is in the alliance. Mark thinks that Sam is the only one to suspect it.

5:00-6:00 PM: Mark let Adam know that the best option for him is still probably to have Sam leave. Adam brought up that Este is good with a lot more people than Sam is, making her more dangerous. Adam suggested that the boys could bring Sam in. Mark told Adam that he can convince Anthony and Dane of that if that’s what he believes. Adam said they can get Sam to swear on something, which Mark said means nothing to him. Mark brought up that Sam told him she wouldn’t put him up the week before she ended up nominating him. Adam explained it as Mark being the least threatening of the boys. Mark also discussed that he is more likely to beat Este in a competition. Adam admitted that Sam nominating Mark was not a good look. He said he had to give it a shot. Elsewhere, Anthony told Dane that Adam is out of his mind if he thinks that Damien is coming to the Final 5 with them. Anthony said they need to bring someone weak. He threw Kyra’s name out there as someone who is weak and should be taken as far as possible.

6:00-7:00 PM: Adam told Sam he thinks that she has a better shot at getting Anthony and Dane to vote for her than she does with Mark. Adam let Sam know that Mark is sour over her putting him on the block and lying about a couple of things. When Adam added that Mark thinks Este would be easier to beat, Sam said that’s fair. Later, Sam advised Adam to stop campaigning for the day. She felt that he had started to say some things that were doing more harm than good. Adam pointed out that she would have been gone long ago if not for him. Adam said he has some say with the boys, so he just has to get in to their heads. Adam suggested that she work on Anthony since Dane will follow suit if Anthony gets on board with keeping her.

7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony told Mark that either Damien or Este need to be the next to go. He said which one goes first will depend on who wins HoH. If Anthony wins, he plans to target Este first. Anthony spoke to Mark about last week’s events. He said he knows that Adam and Dane were the ones to come up with the plan to backdoor Cory. Anthony said he would have understood had they approached him to let him know, but they didn’t. Anthony said he eventually talked to Dane to let him know that there cannot be any more funny business moving forward.

8:00-9:00 PM: Out by the hot tub, Kyra let Sam know that they plan to nominate two strong players should they win HoH next week. Sam asked if she is talking about Adam and Dane. Kyra said they would nominate Cory next to Dane, telling Cory that she is going up to ensure that Dane doesn’t win the veto. In Leon’s Lounge, Adam and Dane talked about Anthony pushing for Cory to stay until the Final 5. They do not believe that it’s best for the alliance to have her in the game for that long. Both agreed that Kyra would be their best bet to take to five. Dane admitted to Adam that Sam has a good shot at leaving this week. Adam said he would like to know if it’s a sure thing on Wednesday so that they don’t waste their final day together. Adam said it’s probably going to be a lot different playing the game without Sam, and in a good way. Dane said Adam will then be focused on winning, which is what he needs since all he is thinking about is getting to the Final 2 together. The guys said it will be a win either way if they can make that happen. They also promised that the other would have their jury vote should they not make it to the end together.


April 08, 2019

9:15 AM BBT Dane gets called to to a house wide battery exchange. He gets up to do it saying I hate this shit. He puts on a pot of coffee before heading into the HN Room to exchange battery. Dane heads into the HOH Room saying you had a late night last night. Cory says He knows but if they had been telling the truth they would be tearing the place up. Cory says Yesterday that Sam said on your one on one with her she kept saying Dane and back door. Cory continues with I told Adam that you guys were trying to build trust with me why am I only hearing about the conversation between her and Dane today I need to move forward to protect myself from the triple eviction. She continues with He told me he doesn’t want her to go. She says I told him Everyone has to go. Dane says Anthony and I tried to talk to him yesterday but he wasn’t listening. Dane says He really likes her I hope she really likes him. If he gets out of this house and she doesn’t he is going to be heart broken. Cory says My heart broke for him but I told him I am just hearing about this today who knows what I will hear tomorrow. Dane says I can’t wait to hear your speech. Cory says I am not even telling Anthony mu speech. Feeds go down. In the washroom Sam is preparing for her day. In the pantry Dane is making himself a coffee.
9:30 AM BBT Dane heads out by the Hot Tub to have a morning smoke. Dane has been called to the DR before he can have his smoke. He is not happy about it stomps his feet as he goes in. Anthony is up and heads into the washroom. Says good morning to Sam. He tells her he slept better last night. Anthony gets called to the DR. He heads into the HOH Room and Big Brother yells to him to go to the DR. He tells Big Brother he needs to use the washroom real quick. Cory says to him We will have our coffee and what not and I’ll tell you Adam was here a long time last night. Anthony heads to the DR. Cory goes for coffee. Cory is preparing coffee for her and Kyra. Cory gets called to the DR. Outside by the Hot Tub area Dane says I can’t wait to see what she says about me. Actually I would be hurt if they didn’t talk about me. He says to the camera You hate us because you ain’t us. He is now mouthing the words to his speech for today’s ceremony. He says Este I am sorry but I have to use the veto on myself because I felt I was going home this week. Cory I hope you realize the opportunity you have this week to take your shot. He then goes back to mouthing the rest. In the nook area Kyra Sam and Adam were sitting waiting for Cory to come out of DR. Mark joins them. Cory comes out and sits down with coffee. Adam goes to the DR. Adam seems to have a touch of the flu. Cory gets called back into the DR. Back out by the Hot Tub Dane says You know Sam you just needed to win that POV. Sam you weren’t going to beat me. I walked out into the backyard and you weren’t going to beat me.
9:45 AM BBT I can’t wait for someone else to throw my name out. I must be doing something right. I have been watching every season and taking notes. I have watched this for 20 years; I don’t just like this show I love it. I don’t have your vote if you are in jury I don’t care you are 1 out of 7 if you respect this game then I will have your vote. He gives us an evil laugh. He continues with I love this game you guys just like it. I have been a fan of this game for 20 seasons. I have copied every great player in this game; formed an alliance never went against their plan and made friends with everyone. You watching up there Dad Are you enjoying it I love you Dad. You can’t wipe the smile off of my face today. Today is going to be a great day Good Bye Sammy. He heads in. Dane joins the group at the dining room table. DANE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Dane says he already went to the DR but he gets up to go anyway. In the bathroom, Damien and Este are getting ready for the day. Este is washing her face. Damien is getting dressed. Este says she needs to wash clothes today. Sam comes into the bathroom and asks Este how she is feeling. She says better than most days but her stomach feels funny today. Sam says that she knows about the convo with Corey and that the backdoor situation came from Dane but that if she goes on the block against her that their relationship is still the same. Sam says it is not a fun feeling and that she has been fighting since the beginning. She says that it’s too bad that the girls did not get together early in the game. Sam says that she tried not to lie in the game but it didn’t get her very far. Kyra comes into the bathroom and Este is putting on her makeup.


10:00 AM BBT Out in the backyard, Mark, Dane and Adam are talking about Corey being able to win comps, that they don’t want that going into the triple. Adam says that Corey will take Anthony as far as she can. Adam says he is not worried about Este or Kyra in the game. Mark says that he was thinking, Sam loves Adam and Corey loves Anthony. Adam says if Este wins that he will go on the block. He tells Mark that before that Este was talking a bunch of smack about him and Mark says yes it was a 180 degree flip. He says that they need to pay attention to those who are being influenced by others in the house. Adam says if Kyra wins that it may be him and Este or him and Mark. Mark is going through various scenarios of who may win and who will go up. Adam goes back in the house leaving Mark outside – he walks around and talks to himself under his breath for a few seconds then goes inside as well. Dane is in the blue room getting clothes and heads to the bathroom. Este is still in the bathroom putting her makeup on. In the storage room, Adam and Damien are talking and Adam says he is 99% sure that Sam will be going home this week. Damien says whatever happens the guys will have Adam’s back. Adam says that if Este wins, he will touch the block. If Kyra or Damien win, he may touch the block. Adam tells Damien that he can not see anyone putting Damien up until next week. He says if they can get past the triple that they have a good chance. He says they have to work as a team and get to final 5 and then….. Damien says that would be great. Adam leaves the storage room and Damien looks in the fridge. Mark comes in and he asks about Adam and Damien says he was just talking about POV. Damien goes into the kitchen where Adam is making food. Adam is sitting in the chairs close to the kitchen. Sam heads up to the HOH room where Corey is drying her hair. She tells Corey about the conversation she had with Este in the bathroom. She says that she told Este that Dane was behind the backdoor plan and that she knows that she had a conversation with Corey and that with her being on the block and she is fighting for her life in the game and that Este told her thank you for handling it better than Adam did. Corey asks if Este admitted to lying. Sam says that she took it as admitting to the lie. Sam says it just happened and wanted to tell her but that when she was talking to Este that Kyra and Mark came into the bathroom. Kyra comes in and asks if they could have a meeting with Dane and Este later. Corey says that BB told her to get ready but that if they want to, sure. COREY PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. Sam says she knows Este is lying. She doesn’t need to argue with anyone about it because she knows. Sam says that Este didn’t even argue with her.10:15 AM BBT Corey says that she would have gone in harder with Este and Sam says she handles things differently. Corey says she wanted to know the reasons and that there could be a number of reasons why she would lie.
10:17 AM BBT – 11:51 AM BBT  Feeds Down
11:51 AM BBT – Feeds return – Corey, Anthony and Damien are talking in the HOH room. Corey said she wanted to make a point in her speech. Corey said what will happen now? Anthony said that they will spend a lot of time together. He tells them that Sam told him that she was loyal and whatever they do to keep her in the house. That during the conversation that Sam asked Damien to leave when Sam was talking to Anthony. Damien said that it will give them more information when she campaigns. Corey said that she told Adam that he doesn’t know the level of conversations that she has with people in the house and the information she has. Damien says that Sam has not told Adam everything. She says that Adam told her that Sam would vote to keep Sam. Corey asks if she did good and they tell her she did incredible in her speech. Corey says she feels bad snapping at Adam. Anthony said that he would have gone higher with it. Damien says that Adam does that to the girls all the time. Anthony said that he should shut his mouth. Corey says she wonders how much will be on TV. Anthony said all of it. Damien says BB did you catch all of that? Sam and Kyra are talking on the couch. Kyra says that if there is anyone to be up against …. Sam says that it will be an easy campaign. That Este is the best person to be up against. Kyra says that Sam needs to concentrate on how much Este flip flops. That Este tells people what they want to hear and that Dane has trained her. Kyra says that Sam needs to get Adam to tell her everything that Dane has lied about. That Adam can keep her in the house. Sam says that this is not a surprise. Kyra tells Sam that she needs to go over every conversation she has had with Dane. Kyra tells Sam that Dane wants them to sit back and let it happen. That’s why they think there is a boys thing because they will have Adam when they vote Sam out. SAm says that Adam prob wants her out too. Kyra says that Corey is a fake piece of s. Sam says that she thinks Kyra could win the show. Kyra says they think she can make it to the end. Sam says she wants to do something crazy and call everyone out and let them know how she feels.
12:00 PM BBT Corey up in HOH tells Damien that she feels Sam is using the feeling of Defeated and will be able to try and get pity, its not working and and Corey says that Sam and Kyra’s shitty stories didn’t even line up. Corey says if you were telling the truth, you would not have the demeanor she had and crying she would have been on fire chaos. Kyra and Sam are out talking on the couches still where Kyra is trying to help Sam with ideas to add or make her pitches based on. Adam joins them and asks if they have cried together and Kyra fills him in on how Corey feels that the stories don’t line up but its because the ladies tried to protect Adam. Adam says it has nothing to do with Corey wanting her out its these other guys who have been trying and that he talked to Mark and tried to point out how Mark has been bad mouthed by Este and never by Sam. Kyra feels if they can get one more solid then they can try to get Corey to see how Dane spear headed all of this and she made a mistake and then in a tie vote Corey saves Sam. Adam feels before they talk to Corey Sam needs to work on Mark. They continue to discuss how Corey knows alot more than they perceived but she knows the whole story and we need to talk to her and really get her to see Danes part. Sam is dreading talking to Mark but says that she has been the same since the beginning look at Este and how she flips each week with people. The three of them head in to grab slop, and beverages before they go for a smoke.

12:15 PM BBT Sam is being snarky with Adam and Kyra is trying to be middle man and keep things calm. Sam breaks down again and says she doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Kyra explains to Adam how the insecurities are that he has multiple loyalties and how They see the way she works for his game and he is using the others to keep her longer. Kyra says its not in her favor but it’s not hopeless, lets see if we can get Mark to flip and Corey to see how Dane is playing everyone. They head into the SR for a moment and then Kyra heads out as Dane comes in, Adam tells Dane what is going on and how he is trying to point out there is no hope. Kyra and Corey walk in and out interrupting the conversation multiple times. BB asks them to leave the pantry. Sam is called to the DR. As the Kitchen area clears out Adam apologizes and says when you look back you will see it was Sam who told me not to use the Veto and she just kinda shrugs it off. With multiple people in the Kitchen the conversation is very surface level small talk. Adam and Dane are trying to talk a little in the kitchen but Dane is acting like he never had a conversation with Adam first about it. Damien is asking questions about making food with Adam. Anthony and Este have made their way outside to enjoy the sun and fresh air, Anthony wants to spend all day out there, Este wants to Tub tonight, Kyra has headed out to smoke and sits on the far couch away from them the other two talk about the weather.
12:30 PM BBT With the variety of Hgs in the Kitchen conversation is very basic about food with mostly silence between the sound of them eating their food. Damien and Adam comment how they got Donuts for everyone this AM and they thank BB for the sugar rush to stay awake during the POV ceremony. Adam finishes eating and begins to clean up all the pans and dishes from them cooking. Adam is heading out to smoke but wants to wait for Sam, Dane says he will meet him out there, Up in HOH Kyra and Corey are talking. Kyra is trying to clear up what happened and Corey is not having it. Kyra is apologizing for not saying the whole conversation but she thought it was best for Corey and Anthony to not know all the details. Corey explains I don’t think that you wanted me out or Anthony, but you are more loyal to Sam. They work out the details about what happened and how Kyra never wanted to go with the plan of a BD but They felt there were reasons when They needed to withhold a few details. Corey says there are several conversations that she has that no one knows. She explains it’s because of the truth I got from you and the holes from Sam’s story that got her on the block.
12:45 PM BBT The HOH conversation continues as Kyra explains how Sam went through every person possible when nominating and Kyra helped to steer away that idea of Corey or Anthony. Kyra tells Corey about the idea that Sam and her had to use adam to use the Veto, Corey shakes her head and says she doesn’t believe her Kyra is upset and shooken. Kyra didn’t say anything sooner because they thought it would put Sam and Them in more danger. Kyra points out how Dane has been up Corey’s butt since she won and then he won and how it looks like Dane has her wrapped around her finger but Corey is denying it. She thought it was better for her to hold it like Anthony has told her to hold info. Corey feels like Sam should have thought of telling her about the BD idea with Adam, neither Sam or Kyra felt it was necessary since it never came to fruition so why bring it up and cause more paranoia. Kyra says end of the day Sam is most loyal to Adam over anyone else and so the plan was shot down very quickly. Kyra says moving forward she is worried since she has been sticking her neck out for Anthony and Corey. Corey tries to clarify that because Sam and Kyra’s stories don’t line up thats is why Sam is on the block. Corey says she need 100% certainty going into this triple. Kyra wants to work on building trust, and Corey feels that her Gut is right and Sam is not 100% with her. Kyra asks do you feel that way with everyone else in the house.
1:00 PM BBT Corey says I could be making a huge mistake and when I get home and watch this and see it i’ll feel dumb but right now there is nothing I can do at this point. Corey says its not guaranteed Dane wins HOH and if Kyra wins they can do whatever they want. Corey says she knows an believes that Kyra had her back last week with good intentions. Adam, Anthony, and Mark are in the SR talking and he is trying to get them to understand how Este needs to go and keep Sam, they keep interrupting him and saying no. Mark says Deal shmeal and is getting heated why is it okay for me to go up. Adam points out the small deals that were made to help keep him and Sam safe and how he got Anthony’s name out of Sams mouth. Anthony says how he has been trying to set up connections for weeks, and how its all going to be okay because there is 4 vs 3 coming up. They guys try to trap Adam into campaigning for Sam because they feel Kyra is right outside the door. He makes a few points but doesn’t try hard and Mark says the proof that he wasn’t the target is in the pudding she didnt go home and her BFF Kyra did not use the Blood Veto to send him home. Anthony heads out to grab food and comes back and points out that Kyra is right outside the SR door. They get a little louder on their conversation to allow them to hear the conversation, Anthony feels like she is going to go take this to others and blab.
1:15 PM BBT Kyra, Este, Sam, Damien and Dane are outside with small talk smoking enjoying fresh air. Anthony points out how Dane is moving around with power but pushing guys strong and how they want to make it final with the boys. They contemplate Damien being brought in and sit down and have him join us, Anthony keeps egging Adam on to campaign for sam to help “hide” the boys alliance. Adam says I will do it around but i’m not doing it yelling from the SR. Adam leaves the SR and Anthony follows shortly after a celebration with himself. Dane is up in the HOH with Corey and she is filling him in on the conversation with Kyra. Dane says he confronted Adam about taking all the negative out on him. Dane points out how the HGs outside were acting nice and happy and if you were really unhappy you wouldn’t be so joyous. They feel it’s the best executed BD in BB history and its because it stayed between the 3 of them and they are running the house. Corey is not on anyone’s radar, but Dane is on everyone’s. They discuss how the only ones left in the house who have won anything is going to be Adam, Dane, and Corey and they need Anthony to get this win. Dane tells Corey to keep some loyalty to Este and next focus is getting Kyra out. Corey comes back to the conversation with Kyra and how she told Kyra that its Sam because of the holes. Kyra has Sam in the SR they are whispering about the conversation she had with Corey. Kyra tells how she tried to pitch and campaign and point out that Sam left out details because she is so loyal and it would have benefited Corey’s Game, and that its lost. They both head to the Kitchen, then Kyra to Dr and Sam to the RR. Feeds go to the backyard Hot tub area where its silent.
1:30 PM BBT Dane and Corey are still in HOH talking about how they feel Sam is going to try and campaign and how to address Adam and Corey. Both Kyra and Sam are back and in the Kitchen discussing more how Dane has wanted Sam out since week 2 and because she can win over Este so she is a threat. Kyra is pointing out how for every pro there is a con, so people need to have the full truth and they will be like oh she is showing her cards. Kyra points out that Sam got in a showmance really early, she has been a target since day one and has managed to stay, you have to throw Dane under the bus and how he is playing both sides the whole game. Kyra says Dane will follow right behind to campaign and point it out in your campaign that the paranoia is going to get him and he will tell you what you want to hear. He wants me out so he can pull in Adam and then he has everyone. Point out that you have been in the middle and it’s been awkward but you know they have both saved you. Adam joins them so they give a ½ truthed answer of talking about the campaign and who to start with. They have loyalties to each other and they haven’t bounced around with the power. Kyra says she needs to go in head first with the information not last min or it looks desperate.. Kyra tells Adam it’s not too hard to get things to flip with this amount of people especially when they have 2 solid votes, they only really need 1 and Corey. Sam asks if este is campaigning yet, they say no just kissing up to everyone. Kyra mentions how Este is a great liar and keeps her cool. They toy with the idea of the “girls alliance” Mark walks in and they ask what do you think the next comp is going to be. Kyra is hungry but They do not want Slop. conversation goes on to if they get a part what food do you want.
1:45 PM BBT Mark says before he came he went out to a restaurant every day and ordered salmon and salad. Kyra looks for her water as she is coughing Sam offers hers. Outside Damien and Anthony are laughing about goodbye messages. They both discuss Corey and how from day one they felt they would all work together one day because they felt good with one another. They don’t need fake conversations they know they have the numbers and can have quick conversations after being ears and looking out for one another. Anthony says from the beginning of the week he was hearing Sam had been throwing out his name nothing new but Sam told him last night she has never said his name. They move on to Kyra and how Sam stayed out of it when Chelsea was going home but Kyra was all over and again They are doing the same trying to help save Sam. It’s just making Them a bigger target. Anthony feels there really isn’t many alliances but people have others backs. They move around in group and just chat and do things with one another. In the Kitchen, Mark points out slop makes you different you act and react differently. Sam is eating staring at Adam. Adam is asking about Sams Cycle and she mentions she hasn’t been on hers since week one. She is expecting it today or tomorrow but is kinda late, she says “ No that’s not possible, is it?” and feeds quickly cut for a moment. When they return Kyra is still coughing and Sam tells her lay on her side it will help. Kyra comes back in the KT and the talk of the Girls alliance and they explain that it was twisted info from Kikki and Chelsea that went to Dane and continued getting twisted even more. Kyra and Sam continue to explain to Adam what the idea was and the plan last week.

2:00 PM BBT In the HOH Room Cory is repeating the conversation she had with Kyra this morning. Cory says All 3 of them told them to watch back the season then you will see. In the kitchen Sam Adam and Kyra are talking about the fact that Cory thinks Sam has been throwing around her name so she doesn’t feel 100% with her. Este interrupts with a battery change. Adam says The way I seen it there was 3 duos whichever one won a duo was going up. Sam says You never should have let go. Adam said Everyone says Cory was solid. Adam tells her not to put the blame on me.Sam counters with Well you do it all the time. Kyra says Don’t beat him up He is doing it to himself. Adam says We both felt good with Cory in the pantry right after the comp this Dane twisting things around. Feeds go down as Kyra was asking them to fess up about making out in the house. In the HOH Room Anthony says I think Este is going to try and make up to me. I am going to bring up Not only did you hear Cory’s name and never told me You never told me when my name came up. Cory says Kyra says They didn’t want to bring up Dane’s name because I thought he had you. Anthony says Kyra is going to be very emotional so I am going to say You should have come to me as soon as you heard Cory’s name. Anthony says As soon as that HOH was won they made their plan. Cory says If Sam really wanted to go forward with me You don’t use my name as a pawn. Anthony says It is going to make m very mad this week with every conversation she has with me. Anthony says I don’t know if we will put her up next week but we will talk about it.
2:15 PM BBT Cory says If you are throwing my name around that means I am disposable to you. Cory says I got very mad. Anthony says Do what you need to do but you gained a lot of respect from people in the house. Anthony says Adam will come up to you again. Cory says If she was having all these conversations with Dane and wanted to work with me she would have told me. Anthony says I think Adam will put up Kyra because he will blame Kyra for Sam leaving. He tells her that Adam will never put you up. Mark has joined the group at the kitchen. Kyra starts asking Mark questions and Mark asks her if They are Sam’s campaign manager. Kyra continues with You and I are in the middle so everyone wanted Sam out for a long time so would we not want to keep a bigger target in the house as a shield. Mark says Even if I voted for Sam there would not be enough votes. Mark says but it is better for my game to go with Cory wants. Adam says If you vote to keep Sam you have me and Kyra who will have your back/ Kyra says There has been a lot go down this week and a lot has been twisted which is why Sam is on the block. Mark says Why has everyone wanted Sam out. Kyra says To get Adam. Kyra says Sam and Adam are a showmance so it is easier to throw her name out because Adam is a beast. Sam says People in my real life don’t like me because of how I am but I try to treat everyone as I want to be treated. Mark says How can I trust that you won’t put me up even if we have good talks this week. Mark and Sam go to talk privately. Mark says Why everyone wants you out for so long. Sam says Chelsea put it in my head about a guys alliance so from that I thought you were part of it. Sam says When it came back about Kikki I wanted Kiikki gone because I realized that you weren’t that involved. Mark says I have already been f**ked over by Chelsea and I don’t want to be f**ked over anymore. Sam says I know I will always be on the block before you and if I win I will never put you up.
2:30 PM BBT Sam says If I stay in this game you know that I will be on the block for the triple so you will be safe. Mark says Yea then I am against all the big guns here. Sam tells him her target is Dane if she stays Feeds go down at 2:38 PM BBT Feeds come back at 2:41 PM BBT with Anthony and Cory still talking in the HOH Room. Anthony says I don’t like the yelling that goes on as well as the fact that Damien knew what was going on even before it happened. He says Damien just sits around and listens. Anthony is saying that I don’t know why Damien never told you. He continues with Adam is a very strong player but is weak minded. Anthony says Adam wll take out Este Damien and Kyra but I don’t think he will go after Dane. Anthony says I am going to do what you did if I win this week just tell people that I don’t want to talk game the first night. Back in the backyard area Sam is telling Mark that if Dane or Este win I think you will be put on the block maybe as a pawn. Mark says He doesn’t think that Kyra doesn’t like me and the only reason that I didn’t go home because Kikki screwed up. Sam says if Kyra wanted you out of the house they would of campaigned against you to me. Sam says You don’t have to worry about Kyra.
2:45 PM BBT Mark says Kyra told me last week that they would listen to me with an open mind then they told me I made good points. Sam says Look I will tell you this about me I have weed brain so I don’t remember a lot of conversations I have. I get one thought in my mind and the rest of it is noise. Sam says Kyra has conversations with me where they go round and round and I don’t get it all. Mark says So if I give you my vote what about Cory. Sam says Cory made a decision based on lies. She continues with I will need to have a good conversation with Cory. Mark says If there is a guy’s alliance in this house I don’t know about it. Sam says I don’t know for sure if there is. Mark asks her Who she thinks is in this alliance. She tells him Dane Adam Anthony and possibly Damien but she isn’t sure. Mark says I don’t think Adam and Dane are in an alliance because I think it is both of them are strong players and are using each other as shields. Sam says keep me around as a shield and that you know where my head is at. Mark says she makes good points but there are alot of stories not lining up.
3:00 PM BBT Sam says i’m not a good liar and its not out of lies its confusion. He says he understands but he has a few questions and asks about her HOH and why she didn’t put up certain people. He doesn’t want to look back next week and be up on the block. They run scenarios if Este stays this week and wins HOH who does she nominate and use as a replacement. Mark truly feels that if Dane wins HOH he won’t use him as a pawn. Then the idea of no triple but a double double comes out. Sam says I will keep you safe you deserve to be here. Sam says she was looking for someone who wouldn’t ruffle feathers and I promised you wouldn’t go home and I stuck to that. There was a fear that the Blood veto would have been used but they are glad it wasn’t. Sam tells him ask people verify with people. Outside Este and Corey are chatting about the speeches that were given and how they aligned so well. Este says Adam is acting like a huge baby and even Sam being on the block is acting better. Corey says its telling how people act before, and after things happen. Corey mentions Kyra telling her that Sam is covering up for Adam and how Kyra thinks that’s the only reason Sam is up on the block, Kyra, Dane, and Adam come out for a smoke. Adam tells about how he burnt the Nutella and they are called out for using brand names. Sam and Mark continue to talk in the nook outside the dining room. Mark says he is looking out for Mark because everyone is calling him a wildcard. Mark feels he needs to show he can win to move him out of Pawnville and into someone to watch out for. Sam says I will go out before you and if we are up together i’ll go first. Mark runs those numbers and sees that it would be 2-3 but she goes home. Mark says he needs to talk to Adam and Kyra and she reminds him that Dane is probably going to come and try and get in your head. She tells him keep your cards close to you, don’t do anything to jeopardize your game.
3:15 PM BBT Sam says she needs to try to campaign and Mark agrees and says you were respectful to me , they hug and feeds go to SR where Dane and Anthony are. Anthony fills him in on his talk with Corey. Dane says all the heat is on him and that’s okay it keeps Corey and Adam Safe. Anthony is worried about Este and Damien being so close but Damien says he will target Adam and Kyra. They wonder about if they could use Kyra since she is so weak minded. Sam interrupts as she is putting food away, they end the conversation and Anthony goes to sit at the bar in the Kitchen and make small talk with Sam. She says we all did well making it this far in the game, she can learn from others mistakes but she needs to take it easy and slow and it’s monday so she needs to start but slow. Anthony tries to give her a little advice on campaigning and she says we will chat later and he walks away. She heads to the BY and Dane exits the SR with hands full of dishes. Anthony is preparing to work out, Kyra, Sam, Adam are at the pool table playing a game, Mark walks by asn says we can chat later. Kyra disappears and Mark sets the table to play against Adam while Sam watches from the sideline. Dane is in the Kitchen and Anthony walks back in and they say they want to talk with Este to see where some holes are and what the truths are. Anthony brings up how both the girls have mentioned the “girls alliance” but they need to protect Este this week and it’s a good time to hear what Sam has to say and get all the info. Este walks through comments on the smell and Dane tells her Adam burnt the Hazelnut spread. Este heads upstairs and Anthony is back out in the yard working out again.
3:30 PM BBT The pool game and solo workout continues without much conversation besides trash talk at the pool table. Damien has entered the Kitchen where he and dane discuss maybe working out. Dane is Called to the DR. Anthony sees Corey and says I think Sam will be throwing Este under the bus hard. He tells how they think going after Este this is the best case and Anthony goes back to workout as they end the conversation about science. Corey heads into the house and towards the Kitchen but Corey wants to workout but is afraid she is going to be called to Dr. Corey heads to get Chocolate milk and uses the last of it between her and Dane. Este says she likes it but doesn’t go out of her way to drink it. They discuss other beverages and Este tells her about Mulled wine. Corey tells about how she does Create your own wine kits and Este is shocked. They both head out and somehow the conversation goes to her kids picking her outfits sometimes. They all discuss a work out and then she describes a few ideas and how to get this in. Damien comes in gets a refill of water and right back out. Corey heads up to the HOH to Sit and listen to her tunes. Damien watches Anthony work out, Mark, Sam, and Adam are in the BY discussing how Corey can be a firecracker, Sam thinks its more powerful when you don’t say anything at all.
3:45 PM BBT Sam doesn’t really remember the conversation she was still in shock of being on the block. Adam states what it was. Sams next game plan is to go talk to Corey, Mark heads in. Sam moves over to cuddle Adam and asks why does everyone hate me. Adam thinks it goes back to Chelsea’s HOH, Sam thinks people are just intimidated by her. Adam shares a little of his conversation with Mark they comment hoe Este isn’t even campaigning. Adam wants to put up Damien and Este and BD Corey a taste of her own medicine.. It upsets Sam that he said it because that means she goes home. He apologizes and she tells him Lie to Mark tell him he is safe he won’t go up even if it’s not true. Adam throws out the idea that maybe Dane will vote to keep her he did say it before she was on the block. Sam says what do I talk about all week, the Campaign is the campaign and I don’t want to go to
hard and fast to quickly. She mentions Anthony coming up to her wanting to talk saying he knows Este has been talking. She thinks she can get Mark and keep Adam. Adam gets hot in the sun and gets topless. Sam says people need to remember she will go up before them is she is still here. Inside Este and Dane are chatting at the Kitchen Bar, Dane is concerned Este talks so loud, Mark walks in and asks Mark what she should have for Dessert. Dane says you can’t ask the man on slop about Dessert. Este smells the Slop that Mark is eating.
4:00 PM BBT Sam and Adam are outside in the hot tub area and Adam is talking about Sam now being on the block, telling her that he did everything he did everything he could, although he should have tried harder to win the pipe dream HOH competition but he says, “shoulda, woulda, coulda, I’m sorry I can’t save you for another week.” Sam says he still can and Adam says he means he’s sorry he couldn’t guarantee their safety this week. Sam says she’s so happy she has a jury vote if she doesn’t make it through this week, and she’s so happy that she’ll have a say in who wins the game. Adm smiles at Sam and says if she and Este are both on the jury together they’ll be bickering back and forth the whole time about who should win, he says he can see it now. Sam says they don’t all have to vote the same way and Adam says of course not, but he means when they all have to sit around and give their opinions before the vote. Adam tells same to find a way to get Mark to change his mind regarding the vote and Sam says he, “grilled her hard” and they had a good chat about the different scenarios. Kyra joins Adam and Sam outside and asks for a cigarette, then asks Sam how her talk with Mark went which she says was good, and Kyra says that Mark wanted to talk to them next, and they wanted to make sure they were on the same page with what Sam told him. Sam tells Kyra Mark basically wanted to secure his safety and tells Kyra to do that even if they have to lie, same then goes on to tell Kyra that Mark thinks that they don’t like him which they are shocked to hear. Sam sayss he basically thinks Kyra doesn’t like him and she tried to explain to him that it’s because they were on slop and it makes them a different person, but Mark said it was even leading up to Sam’s HOH he thought Kyra was gunning for him and then they weren’t and Sam ended the conversation with Mark by telling him she can’t speak for Kyra.

4:15 PM BBT Mark, Anthony, and Damien are all in the lounge talking about the HOH competition and how hard it was to hang on to the pipes. Mark says that Cory was riding pretty the whole time and Este and Dane each had pretty good form, but they shouldn’t have locked their arms which is probably what made them get tired faster. Damien agrees and says that’s what he did too. Anthony says he thinks he did the opposite and locked his legs too tight so he couldn’t flex them without falling off he says hopefully the next HOH competition won’t be like that. Mark says he loved the last POV competition. Anthony thinks it might be one where they have to hold 60 pounds above their head and Mark says to Anthony to just say if everyone drops within the first couple minutes they’re all safe and everyone laughs. Damien says, “I think we should just evic everyone next week.” Mark says that’s a good idea. Feeds cut to Leon’s lounge where it looks like Sam is campaigning for Kyra’s vote. Sam tells Kyra she thinks she should stay in the game because she feels like she has a lot more to offer than Este. Kyra says if there’s one thing that they think they’ve proven in the game it’s loyalty, but they don’t know if giving their loyalty to Adam last week was a mistake or not, but at least Sam should see that they can give loyalty and if Sam can keep them in the game next week and through the triple eviction, Kyra will vote to keep her. Kyra says if Sam is sitting up there next to Este, who does she think will go home? Who does she think is a bigger threat? Kyra says for everyone’s game, it is smarter to keep Sam, but Cory probably thought that because Sam was throwing her name around, she couldn’t trust her. Sam asks in what context did Cory think she was throwing her name around besides in context and Kyra says they really don’t know, but they’re guess is that Dane said it was primarily Sam. Sam says ok and Kyra says the funny thing is dane never even mentioned backdooring Cory.
4:30 PM BBT Adam and Dane are outside in the hot tub area discussing the competitions for the upcoming weeks. Dane says he thinks the triple will be mental and Adam says yeah but there’s still a backdoor option and Dane agrees. Adam says it will be a shitshow if Cory wins the triple and it will be the two of them and either Mark or Kyra. Dane shakes his head yes and says that’s why they really need to think about next week and they needs to go into the HOH thinking that they’re going to win it and they have to, “tell everyone what’s up” Dane says he thinks he and Adam’s mental game are both a lot better than Mark’s. Adam agrees and Dane says that Mark thinks he’s some type of mental genius, but he doesn’t have the “Pressure factor” and can’t do anything under pressure, but adam and Dane do and Dane says it comes from playing sports growing up and says that he thinks Mark IS a genius, but he doesn’t handle himself well under pressure. Dane says he thinks the triple will be quick and Adam says it will be the same thing as the double, quick HOH, noms right away, quick POV.
4:45 PM BBT Sam is in the HOH room having a one on one conversation with Cory. Sam starts to tell Cory that she wouldn’t be sitting there on the couch talking to her if it wasn’t for Adam and if it’s loyalty that gets her out of the house, then she’ll leave with integrity. Sam tells Cory that yes Adam was party of the conversation where backdooring Cory was mentioned and she goes on to say that she owes it to Cory to tell her that now that her back is against the wall and she needs to do whatever she can to stay in the house separate from Adam and says that she doesn’t even know if Adam would do what she’s doing right now. Sam says it was in the archive room and two people came in and sat on the couch in front of her and laid out the plan, she says that coming in and having to explain it to Cory separate from Adam is probably the hardest thing that she’s ever had to do in her entire life. Sam continues saying that she knows that Dane is gunning for her in the game and she keeps saying that and it’s a little bit different because as HOH after everyone gunning for her she wasn’t sure why Cory wanted to get to the bottom of it so quickly because she, (Sam) just kind of brushed it off people wanting that to happen and she says she totally understands where Cory is coming from because she wasn’t involved in everyone gunning for Sam, so she (Sam) understands her (Cory) wanting to get to the bottom of it and isolating it like that. Sam tells Cory that she wants to completely understand that she was never going to put her on the block or backdoor her. Sam says going into her HOH she trusted Cory wholeheartedly and cory wasn’t up in the HOH room that much because Sam thought they felt safe with each other, and tells Cory that she’ll watch it back and see that Sam is telling the truth.
5:00 PM BBT Mark and Kyra are having a conversation in Leon’s lounge. Kyra seems to be convincing Mark to vote to keep Sam as they are telling him in the game, it’s not necessarily about who will vote to keep you in the game if you’re on the block, but more about who wouldn’t put you up in the first place. Kyra says that Adam and Sam have proven to be loyal players and Kyra knows for a fact that they, (Adam and Sam) would never put Mark up. Kyra says that they know Sam put up Mark in the past, but it was at a time when she couldn’t ruffle feathers and it’s not that time anymore. Mark says, still Sam had a laundry list of people she could have put up at that time so why didn’t she put one of them up. Kyra says they can’t speak for Sam and Mark says he knows they can’t speak for Sam, but they do know the answer to that question because they’ve talked to her. Kyra says they don’t know all of the conversations Sam has had and just because the two of them talk game, doesn’t mean that Sam tells Kyra everything just like they don’t tell Sam every conversation they have. Mark says ok and Kyra says that the only reason why Sam told them that part of the conversation is because Sam asked if they were being a bitch to Mark and Kyra said that they’re a bitch to everyone sometimes and if there was something personal then they would tell Sam like Mark told Sam that everyone doesn’t like her, but Kyra again says that when it comes to the game, Sam doesn’t tell them every conversation she has.
5:15 PM BBT Mark and Kyra continue their conversation in Leon’s lounge. Kyra tells Mark to look in the future and not the past and asks him if keeping Sam would be beneficial to him in the game rather than keeping Este and says he doesn’t even have to know the answer to that right now and he should think about it because they have multiple days and plenty of time to weigh out the options and it will continue to go back and forth until the eviction. Kyra says they are the type of person that whenever someone proves loyalty, they fight for them and Sam has proven to them loyalty. Kyra says that because they and Sam connect on a personal level sometimes when they communicate Kyra will ask in what way they mean something and says that they are a people person especially when it comes to women they have a good sixth sense and they can tell how Sam is feeling sometimes even though she can’t vocalize it and Kyra says that she (Sam) is not good at vocalizing things and says that there have been many times where they have had to couples therapy Sam and Adam because Sam can’t vocalize things very well. Kyra tells Mark that moving forward in the weeks to come, it is going to be flip flopping between the two of them as pawns on the block next to threats. Mark says, “until one of us can win something.” Kyra says, “Well yeah, because nobody is going to want to put up two threats because only one of them is going home.” Mark confirms that next week will be a regular HOH and then the week after that will be a triple and Kyra says yes. Mark says there’s 9 left and Kyra says this Thursday they’ll play for an HOH and then Mark says after that one person will go home, then three people will go up, two people will go home, and they’ll be down to 5 people and next Thursday there will be five people in the house. Kyra says yes next Thursday is the triple. Kyra goes on to say that they’re not just sitting there fighting for Sam to Mark on a personal level because they like Sam, it’s for their game too. Mark understands and Kyra says he is the only person they’re talking to one on one about this.
5:30 PM BBT Outside in the hot tub area, Sam, Dane, and Anthony are hanging out on the couches, Dane is talking about his girlfriend and says she’s very smart and has two degrees. Sam says, “good for her” and Dane says that her dad is a genius too and every time he would sit down with him he would get so intimidated because all he would ever talk about was things like politics and Dane says he doesn’t really know anything about that and Sam says yes talk about sports or something instead and Dane says he’s not really a big sports guy, he likes sports, but everytime Dane would bring up the Maple Leafs he would say he didn’t really know too much about them. Conversatio switches to how everyone will watch the future seasons and new houseguests and think that they don’t compare to them. Anthony says that this is the best season ever. Kyra joins everyone outside and asks for a lighter then smokes a cigarette. Feeds cut to the kitchen where Adam and Mark are discussing the triple and Adam says four of them can play for HOH in the triple. Adam says if Este stays, then he really has to gun for it and she told Dane that she was coming After Adam. Adam says that Sam is always going to be in front of somebody and este is not. Adam says next week if Sam is still in the house she will still be the target and she will always be, “in front of somebody else” meaning first in line as target because everyone wants Sam out. Mark asks if Este will go out in the triple and Adam says he doesn’t know and Mark says, “maybe she wins the game then, or maybe Sam wins the game, maybe she turns into Paras and she wins the game.” Adam says that’s a very good point, that could happen.
5:45 PM BBT Dane, Kyra, and Anthony are all outside in the hot tub area and it looks like everyone is taking a nap. Dane was passed out on the couch and production calls out, “Kyra S, and Dane please wake up…nap time is over.” Dane confirms he was out cold and Kyra says production startled them and they jumped up, they get up to head inside and say that if they don’t they’ll end up falling asleep again and they want to walk around and play some pool. Anthony says he’ll be out there staring at the sky and Kyra says to enjoy it and tell it I say hi. After Kyra goes inside Dane puts on his jacket and moves over to sit on the other couch next to Anthony. Anthony says to Dane, “Bro did you hear about Sam’s new campaign? She’s throwing Adam under the bus.” Dane’s jaw literally drops and he says, “Shut up! Adam came up to me and she said you were on the block and I gave you my vote to stay so you think you can do the same for me? I know it will be hard for you to vote Este out but I WILL NOT put you on the block next week.” Anthony asks Dane who said that Dane says Sam and they both crack up laughing. Anthony asks Dane if he said he’d think about it and Dane says he did and laughs again. Anthony tells Dane that Cory came up to him and told him that she, Anthony and Dane need to sit down and Anthony told her for sure they are going to do lots of that this week and Cory told him, “Sam is being a bitch and she’s going to throw Adam under the bus.
6:00 PM BBT Damien is almost finished his workout. Dane says that he might workout after he finishes eating. Anthony is singing and making up random lyrics. He continues to hum the tune of whatever he was singing. Corey and Mark are talking in the storage room. He told her that he is voting Sam out. He says that he wants to hear Este and Sam’ campaigns. He said he’s voting out with pride. Mark also mentions that he is only telling Corey and Anthony where his vote lies. Este is going into the hot tub. Este is told to put on her microphone. Este says that her skin is peeling and it is sore. Corey says she’s going to miss the iPod. Este says that the playlist this week has been the best yet. Este hasn’t gone into the hot tub yet, she seems to be soaking up the sun’s rays.
6:15 PM BBT Sam and Kyra are talking. Sam turns to the camera, points at Kyra and says that Kyra is a “fucking superstar.” Sam thinks that if Kyra actually won stuff, that they would be gone. Kyra said that they believe in Sam. Sam doesn’t know how to approach Dane. Sam thinks that Dane understands that she wants to stay in this game. Sam says she can’t change her campaign too much. Kyra said that they will do anything to keep Sam in the house. Este and Corey are in the hot tub. Corey says she doesn’t use the “token” system in her classroom. She says that it teaches kids to work for reward rather than self-motivation. Corey shows her students how to play chess. Este said that she used to play solitaire when she was a kid. Mark is talking about slop.
6:30 PM BBT Mark said that he feels very sluggish and tired from the slop. Corey said that since everyone has been on slop now, they definitely know how it makes them feel. Anthony and Kyra are talking. Anthony tells Kyra not to run all over the house and spread rumours. Anthony thinks that Kyra shouldn’t yell at anyone and should focus on their game going forward. Corey and Adam are in the kitchen with Sam.
6:45 PM BBT Sam and Adam are having a slight disagreement. Sam tells him that he doesn’t think. Adam is telling Sam that Este was chirping Mark. Mark said that Sam also chirpped him. Adam kisses Sam and they leave the storage room. Corey thinks that it is later than what they thought it was. Adam is called to the DR. Dane, Sam, Damien, and Mark are in the backyard. Just general chit chat.
7:00 PM BBT The houseguests in the backyard are talking about forest fires. Sam thinks the pimples on her face are hormonal and not stress. Adam and Sam have a cigarette and then shut their eyes. Dane and Este are in the blur bedroom. Dane says it’s going to be really hard for anyone to keep Sam over Este. Dane tells Este that Mark wants Sam gone bad. Anthony and Mark are talking. They are just complaining about people in the house.
7:15 PM BBT Mark and Anthony are still talking. Dane and Este are talking about pressure from other people. Este said that Maki couldn’t take it. People would always ask him who he was putting up the next week because he was sure to win.
7:30 PM BBT Sam, Damien and Adam are still in the backyard. Damien is in the hot tub. Sam and Adam are sitting on chairs by the hot tub. Sam tells Adam that his nose is red. Damien said that they are so cute. Este is told to put on her microphone. She hops into the shower. Dane is sitting in the bathroom. Damien is out of the hot tub now. Sam thinks that there is a snow storm in Newfoundland right now. Anthony said that he has got close to Kyra. Anthony thinks Dane is a coward. Anthony is proposing a plan for Mark to do all of his dirty work for him. Mark seems to be buying into it. He says Damien and Este have got to go. Big Brother tells Kyra and Dane to wake up because nap time is over. Este complains that she has nothing to wear and then she asks Dane to borrow one of his t-shirts. Este tells Dane to go workout or something because he keeps trying to fall asleep. Este tells Dane that she is going to pick out his nicest t-shirt and then ruin it. He told her if she does that, he will ruin her.
7:45 PM BBT Adam and Sam are playing pool. They aren’t talking about anything interesting. Corey and Anthony are watching them. Anthony said that he lost himself days ago. He has no energy to move or do anything. Este says that she’s been missing home. She thinks it’s because she knows that even if she’s evicted, she’ll go to the jury house and she won’t see her family for at least another month. Este goes down to kitchen. Dane is also there. Este says that Dane is a very likeable person. She said that her mom would probably like him because he’s hot. Este said that if her mom found out she was dating someone who smoked weed she would be mad. Dane says that he barely ever smokes cigarettes. Dane tells Este that her mom should be more open-minded. After Dane finished the dishes, he goes outside and fixes the pillows.
8:00 PM BBT Just general conversations happening. Anthony and Este are talking. Anthony tells Este not to limit herself. Kyra and Sam are playing pool. Sam tells Kyra to chill out. Sam and Kyra are done playing pool. They are having a cigarette break now. They begin to go over Sam’s campaign plan again. Sam said she would rather go out with a fight than to go out knowing that she could have done more to save herself.
8:15 PM BBT Anthony said there are no right and wrong ways of doing things. Everyone has their own strengths and weakness. Anthony said his Instagram followings grew very rapidly in a year after he stopped caring so much. He turned his passions into a paycheck. He said he always knew he wanted to something with photography and modelling but he never thought he would just get a call one day. Anthony says He knows what he wants to be. He says He is at step A and will get to step B. Anthony says Free is something different for everyone. Out by the Hot Tub Kyra and Sam are still talking about staying true to your words. Sam says If I am in jury and you are final 2 I will help get votes for you. They are now going over Sam’s speech for eviction night. Kyra says I have been a target since Day 1 if you vote me out of the house then who will become target 1. Kyra says I can be put on the block because I am so loyal. Sam says if you are fighting for me You are fighting for everyone in the house. Sam says I was going to bring up Adam something like I feel like I have won even if I walk out the door.
8:30 PM BBT Kyra says I don’t think I would be here without you. You have let me be me emotional and have always had my back. I will always love you. Kyra says I am lucky to be here; Sam says If I stay here and the HOH is mental I am going to bomb it. Kyra says I want to win I’ll tell you later who but not Adam. Sam says You need to put up strong players. Kyra says If Dane would work with me I would love to work with him I think he is a great player. Inside the conversation is on general topics. The conversation is about Eddie and the fact that he was always moving. Outside Sam says I really don’t remember what people say to me but I can’t beat myself up over that. Kyra says I think I am set up well I am not someone that people want to get out. Kyra says if they were sitting next to Anthony I would go because he has a great social game. Kyra joins the group on the lounge area in the backyard they are telling a story about Anthony talking in his sleep on night. Este says Is there anything that triggers it. He says I think it is only when I am tired.
8:45 PM BBT The conversation nows goes to who everyone shared a bed with. Adam and Dane are in the Bonus Room Adam says We have to think who would put 2 guys up. Dane says Este wants Kyra out. Adam says If Sam is actually going I want a day to spend with her. If it is real you will see her outside the house.
9:00 PM BBT Adam tells Dane that he would like to get a couple bottles of wine and get his first Kiss from Sam. Dane says he has been trying to get a kiss from Este. Adam says that he does butt grabs, and Dane says yeah he does. He says that Este says that they would not work out outside of this house. Adam and Dane leave the secret room and Adam goes to the kitchen and Dane goes to check the HN room. In the pool room, Mark, Corey, Sam, Este, Anthony and Kyra are all in general conversation. Adam comes in and goes to the weights. They ask where Damien is and they say that he is prob taking a nap. Dane joins them. Mark asks what they would like POV or Power nap. They say Blood Veto or Blood Nap? Kyra goes to find Damien. Este asks if anyone would like pancakes and that they could make slop pancakes so they could all have pancakes together. Adam is doing crunches. Dane plays pool. All HG are in general conversation.
9:15 PM BBT They talk about Martha the Moose and they say that if they complete the challenge that the moose gives they get something. Sam is talking to Damien in the HOH. She talks to him and tells him that she feels the relationship she has built with him is genuine. She tells him that regardless of who she is on the block against she will go home. She tells him that as long as Sam is in the house, she will go before him so that keeping her in the house will keep Damien in the house. She leaves the room and Damien says that she makes a good point but the numbers are not with her, he says she has to go and he goes back to listening to music. Este and Kyra are in the storage room pulling things out to make pancakes. Kyra takes most of it to the kitchen. Este stays in the storage room and looks through cabinets looking for beans. She takes a handful of cereal and eats it. She says she can have a baked potato and then grabs some muffin.She takes a sweet potato out to the kitchen. Feeds go back to Damien talking to himself in the HOH room. He says that if he went on the block with Este that she is easy to beat so he would go home. He says that Mark is a potential, because he would stay over Mark and that would take him past the triple. He says keep the people that actually care about you as long as you can – and he can plead the case that he has not won anything yet and others have. He says basically he needs to win an HOH. He says they need to split up Adam and Sam because they are a powerful duo. He says that Mark would put up bigger players instead of him. He says Este would not put him up. Dane would put up Adam. He says Anthony would not put him up yet. That he would put up Este and Dane before him. He says he thinks his odds are better if Este stays. Adam and Sam are good players and have shown they can win. He says Adam, Dane and Corey who can win if Sam goes. He says he is prob 4th on the list. But Mark and Este are ahead of him in mental comps and Adam, Dane and Corey area ahead of him in physical comps. He says that they have been talking about this the entire year so they need to get out a showmance. Last year they failed to get out a showmance and they ended up top 3 – that can not happen this year. Outside, Kyra and Sam are smoking. Kyra says that they are not campaigning anymore – if they do, it will do damage. They say that everyone knows that they are fighting for her to stay so that there is nothing left for them to do. Sam tells Kyra about the conversation with Damien. Kyra says he is solid but that they do not know where his head is at and that they like him and he is a good guy. Sam says the highs and lows of this game changes all the time. Sam tells Kyra that she told Damien that she has been fighting in this game from the beginning just like him. Kyra says they may not be able to sway Dane. Sam says that Corey told her that she has a good campaign. Sam says to Kyra that she is just stroking her ego.
9:30 PM BBT Kyra says it’s hard to play with these people. Kyra says that they hope people are proud of them. Sam says she is trying to play a good game but she is figuring it out as she goes. Kyra says that people have tried to put them against Sam and vice versa. Dane joins them outside. Kyra tells him that Sam was talking about how funny Kyra is and that people in the house are just realizing it. They talk about Blood Veto and how it played in previous seasons. They all talk about how they didn’t realize how the house really was unless they came into the house. They say that they all have fans out there. That they all represent a different community. They say that it is a lot harder than they thought. Adam comes outside. He tells them that he appolized to Este. He says that he was hot headed and just came out of a conversation and he was not thinking. Dane says that Este came up to him and told him about Adam going after her and that she asked him if she could hang out with him because it scared her. They are just in general conversation. Kyra heads in. The HG in the pool room are just in general conversation. Corey says she is thinking about tubing until bedtime. Kyra says that it makes the time pass faster. The go on to talk about the best time to hot tub. They go into talking about HOH wins.
9:45 PM BBT The HG outside are talking about their conversation with Anthony. Adam says that his targets are Dane, Este, Kyra and Damien. They say that the things he said were off putting and that it will not make it to air. Sam says that was his speech. Adam tells Dane that they need to try and get Kyra out next. Dane said that Kyra had told him week 2 that Kyra would save him but when he talked to Kyra before the POV challenge that Kyra was hesitate to use the POV if Kyra had won. He tells him that Kyra tried to call him out this morning since he had won the POV. Adam and Dane leave out of the hot tub area. When they reach the pool table area Sam is hiding by the door and scares Adam. They all laugh.

Summary Sunday APRIL 7

April 07, 2019

Summary Sunday APRIL 7

10:00-11:00 AM: Cory let Adam know that she wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up making her final decision while sitting on the couch during the veto ceremony. Adam said she can either put a pawn to ensure that Este goes home, or she can put someone up who she wants to go home but might not go home, and then they might be mad at her. Cory acknowledged that she needs to be looking ahead to next week as well as focusing on this week. Cory mentioned that Adam has not shown and disloyalty towards her, so she asked “why would I break a good thing?”. They agreed that there aren’t many options to choose from, but Cory said she would like to talk to a few people today. Adam said the two of them don’t need to talk any game since he feels pretty comfortable about what they have talked about. Cory said she needs to fill in some of the gaps, then she will decide who is most threatening to her game.

11:00-12:00 PM: Kyra headed to the HoH room to talk to Cory. When Kyra asked about the replacement nominee, Cory said that she doesn’t know. Kyra listed off Adam, Sam, Mark, Damien and themselves as the options. Kyra pointed out that Cory didn’t end up getting put up last week. Cory argued that it doesn’t matter, but Kyra said that it shows someone wasn’t gunning for her. Cory feels that it’s dangerous enough that someone thought about putting her up since they could easily go back to that. Kyra said it sounds like Cory is thinking about the past rather than the future. Cory said the past is a big part of figuring out what she wants to do in the future. Cory explained that she has some gaps to fill in the information that she has, and then she will nominate the person who is a threat to her game. Kyra asked if Cory wants to ask them anything. Cory said no. Kyra said they and Sam have reason to be worried that Dane took himself down, since Dane will suspect that the two of them gave Cory the information about him. Kyra said they hope Cory sees that Sam would not come after her and that she shut down any talk of that. Afterwards, Cory filled Anthony in on her talks with Adam and Kyra. Cory believes that Adam not bringing up Sam’s name is a sign that he knows what she is about to do and he realizes that she has valid reasons for doing it. Later, Anthony and Kyra spoke. Kyra thinks that Cory is unwilling to hear her out. Kyra believes that Cory is too focused on finding out answers about the backdoor plan when she is not going to get them. Anthony suggested that part of the reason Cory isn’t listening to Kyra is that they seem to be attempting to point fingers away from Sam. Kyra insisted that Sam is not going after Anthony and Cory. Anthony said Kyra and Sam have had an agreement since Day 1, and that is Kyra’s ride or die. Kyra said Anthony and Sam her her #1 allies but she doesn’t trust Sam’s gameplay as much as she trusts Anthony’s. Anthony asked if his name came up last week. Kyra said it did at the beginning. Anthony told them that means that it was one of the first things to come to Sam’s mind. He said the only reason he didn’t go up is that Sam knew she couldn’t get the votes. Kyra said it’s because they convinced Sam that Anthony would be good to work with.

12:00-1:00 PM: Anthony and Kyra continued to talk. Kyra eventually said that if Sam said his name to multiple people, she didn’t listen to what they had to say. Kyra said that is detrimental to her game. Anthony suggested that Kyra call a truce with Dane. Kyra headed outside to talk to Dane. They admitted to being bitter about Dane nominating them. Kyra said they hope that they can make a truce since they are willing to let go of past bitterness if Dane is. Dane said he is willing to do the same. Kyra told Dane that they will not put him up if they win the next HoH. Dane said he would return the favour the following week. Once Kyra left, Dane spoke to the cameras and questioned how long Kyra is going to keep lying to him for. Dane said he is not stupid. Dane then talked to Este, telling her about the conversation with Kyra. He also told Este that she will have his vote and Damien’s vote, plus Cory is not targeting her. On top of that, Este said that she feels good with Anthony.

1:00-2:00 PM: Mark asked Anthony how he is feeling about everything. Anthony said Sam is going home. Anthony told Mark not to hint anything to Este, because they are going to get Este out next week. Anthony told Mark that Cory will keep him close if he makes it seem like he wants to work with him. Anthony added that they could then bring Cory to the end if she feels good with the two of them, Adam and Dane, because she will then be down to take out the rest of the houseguests. Anthony said Cory is not scared of going to the end with guys since she thinks that she can beat them all anyway.

4:00-5:00 PM: Kyra got emotional and was crying in the living room. Sam told Kyra she doesn’t think that they will be going up. Kyra said they don’t want Adam or Sam to go up either though. Kyra mentioned that Adam should have held on during the HoH competition. Sam agreed but said if it’s her time, it’s her time. Kyra said that Sam cannot go down without a fight if she goes up. Sam said she will fight. Kyra suggested that Sam throw Este under the bus, making it seem like she was the ringleader and trying to convince everyone of a guys alliance during Sam’s HoH reign.

5:00-6:00 PM: Sam told Adam she thinks that Kyra believes she will be going on the block. Sam said it’s fine if she goes up and she will not throw Adam or Kyra under the bus no matter what happens. Adam reassured Sam that she will not be going up. Adam said he will talk to Cory tonight, then everything will be fine and make perfect sense.

6:00-7:00 PM: Adam looked to get a read on what Cory is thinking. Cory said she doesn’t know yet and she probably isn’t going to tell anybody. Cory added that if there is no reason for her to be targeting him or Sam, then they will be fine. Adam explained their thought process both during the double eviction and during Sam’s HoH week. He said it would have been the stupidest game move to go after Cory, seeing as Este and Kiki would still be after them and it would have made Anthony mad at them as well. Adam pointed out that they could have backdoored Cory had they wanted to, as Sam was HoH and he won the veto. Sam said it’s not something that ever would have happened. Both said they would not go after Anthony or Cory next week either.

7:00-7:30 PM: Cory asked Sam if she has ever sat down with Este to say that there is a backdoor plan to get Cory out. Sam said never. Adam asked if they should get Este up there. Cory said no. Adam reiterated that they had the chance to backdoor Cory had they wanted to. Cory said Kyra came to her with the same argument, but the fact that it was even considered makes her uneasy. Adam brought up that he would have felt on during the HoH competition had he known that Cory was feeling this way. Cory said she agreed to keep Adam and Sam safe but she started hearing some things and realized that there are gaps in stories. Cory said she is not going to sit there and BS them by saying they are not up for consideration. Cory clarified that the conversations that are compromising are more so about Sam than Adam. Cory and Sam then agreed to chat on their own. Sam stressed that Dane was the one behind the plan to backdoor Cory. She said there is no way that she will sit there and take the heat for it when it was not her idea. Sam told Cory that she is going to make a big mistake if she puts her up. She insisted that the information Cory is getting is being manipulated by Dane. Sam explained that she put her finger up and stopped Dane when he was pitching that Cory should be backdoored. Meanwhile, Adam confronted Anthony. He told Anthony that they tried all week to build trust with him and with Cory, yet this is all getting pinned back on Sam. Adam said it will be BS if Sam gets backdoored tomorrow. Anthony said it wasn’t just Cory, and that a lot of people have been talking. Kyra spoke up to say they both know that Sam was not pushing for Cory to be backdoored. Adam let Kyra know that Este is the one saying that Sam was behind the plan. Back upstairs, Sam promised Cory that she is not going after her. Cory said it is going to come down to whether she believes Sam or she believes Dane. Kyra entered the HoH room to say they are genuinely confused why this is being pinned on Sam when Sam had her back last week. Kyra added that they attempted to build trust last week by sharing the information that they did.

7:30-8:00 PM: Once Kyra left the HoH room, Cory said she almost asked Kyra to leave the room and then come back in appropriately. Kyra went to speak to Adam. She said Cory was staring her down and testing her as they looked into her eyes the entire time. Kyra said they are shocked that Cory is even considering nominating Sam. They agreed that Sam is likely going to go home if she is nominated. Adam said he shouldn’t have dropped during the HoH competition. Kyra later suggested that it may be best to put the target on themselves if they can guarantee that they would have the votes to stay over Este. Kyra doesn’t think that Adam, Sam or Anthony would vote them out. Adam said he would have a better chance at staying too, but he doesn’t think that they will put him up. Elsewhere, Anthony filled Cory in on what happened with Adam. Cory then told Anthony that Adam and Sam were grilling her and trying to intimidate her. As for Kyra, Cory said it took everything in her not to lose it on them when they came in hot and were coming at her. Cory said her gut has already told her to go with Dane over Sam.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds went down for the episode.

9:00-10:00 PM: The Pretty Boys chatted out in the yard. Adam asked what they think Cory is going to do. Both Anthony and Dane said that Cory is not telling them anything. Mark said he hasn’t talked to her yet. Anthony reassured Adam that he is safe this week. Adam brought up that it’s crazy to think he was wanting a guys alliance like this two months before he even got into the house. Dane said he wanted the same thing with four people. Anthony mentioned that he has put it into Cory’s head that Damien and Este are really close.

10:00-11:00 PM: Out by the hot tub, Kyra and Sam discussed that Dane keeps talking to Cory, which should show her that he is trying to set someone up. Sam believes that keeping her would be the smartest move for Cory. Kyra agreed. Sam thinks that Cory has her mind made up at this point. Kyra said they think that there has legitimately been a guys alliance this whole time. Sam agreed. Kyra headed to the HoH room. They told Cory that Este shifts depending on what she needs from someone, and she is surprised that Cory would believe it. Cory clarified that she didn’t say she believed it, and she only asked Sam if it was true. Kyra went on to talk about Dane playing every side. They said they are baffled that Cory would consider going after Sam when Sam would be loyal to her. As for Dane, Kyra said he is going to gun after Anthony and Cory if they allow him to stay in the game along with his numbers. Once the talk wrapped up, Kyra told Adam and Sam that they got Cory thinking and they felt powerful.

11:00-12:00 AM: Sam spoke to Anthony and Cory. She reiterated that the plan to backdoor Cory came from Dane. She said it speaks volumes that Dane quickly comes to Cory after anyone talks to her, since he has to do damage control. Sam said Dane is so good that he could convince her that she is a banana. Cory pointed out that Sam has been saying she has seen through him since week two. Sam said Adam is manipulated by Dane. Cory said she will sit and listen to Dane but know that they are smart people. Once Sam left, Anthony and Cory discussed that her pitch was insane. Anthony called her a really good Big Brother player. Cory observed that she and Kyra hit all of the same points. Cory said that your average player probably would have fallen for what Sam pitched, so she commends her.

Tonight's Show

April 07, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, on eviction night in a hail Mary, Kiki made her case to be the Dane slayer. After the house voted, all eyes turned to Kyra who drained the blood veto of its power and Kiki got carried away, hobbled and humbled.

Tonight, who's got the pipes to clench the HoH? Will the Pretty Boys get jelly? And is their alliance toast? It's going to get sloppy tonight, on Big Brother Canada? 

We pick up after the live eviction ceremony on Day 34. All is quiet and the HGs are somber. Kyra and Sam run to the storage room and celebrate together. Sam says Kiki was her target this week and even better, she called out Dane in her speech. Cory and Adam come in and Adam says Dane seems worried right now. Let's stay calm and see how tonight goes. 

Dane says Kiki just called him out in front of the house! What the hell girl! He talks to Anthony and Anthony tells Dane to keep his cool. Dane says now he feels like he's a target and he doesn't know what to do. Este says she didn't agree with Kiki throwing Dane under the bus because it has left her in a very awkward position. Dane vets to Kiki for a moment and after he leaves, she says Yikes! She says she's going to win HoH. She wants to put it out there, it's going to happen. She's going to win it for Kiki. 



Arisa explains the HoH competition they must hold onto a pipe. The last HGs hanging on will become the new HoH and the first three to fall will become Have-Nots. Sam says everyone is looking strong. Dane is adjusting and he says this competition takes incredible strength. Damien adjusts. Este is struggling. Lots of grunting from several HG. Anthony says this competition is extremely hard, the next heaviest person is 100 lbs lighter than himself. 

Adam is struggling and Kyra is having a hard time holding on. Este says she can't and Sam tells them all to hang tight. Cory says she needs to win this HoH more than ever because she heard from Kyra that there was a backdoor plan and her name. She wants to win so she can get to the bottom of who wanted to backdoor her. 

Dane says this is impossible. Kyra is still struggling. They say their arms are on fire, Canada!

Anthony hangs upside to gives his arms a rest. Mark's shoulder is bothering him. Este is chanting to herself. Kyra is the first to fall. Anthony falls right after. Sam says good job, this isn't easy guys. Este is just waiting for one more to fall so she's not a Have-Not. 

Mark goes down. Anthony says this suck, not only did he not win the competition but he's also a Have-Not. He wants one of the Pretty Boys to win so they can be safe and find out where everyone's head is at. Damien wants to win because numbers are getting smaller and there are some good competitors in the house that need to be eliminated. Este is struggling and she tries to readjust and she falls.

Adam lets go with one arm and readjusts. He says this is difficult and he really needs to win the competition. He has the Pretty Boys, but they aren't seeing eye to eye right now. They all want Sam out and he doesn't so he has to win. The pipes spring a leak and squirt at them. Damien says now things are really slippery. 

Cory readjusts on her pipe. Damien is the next to fall. Adam is hanging down with one arm. Dane says it comes down to Cory, Adam, and himself and he can't afford to fall. He's holding on to this pipe for dear life. Sam tells them to keep pushing! 

Cory says she's glad it's down to her, Dane, and Adam and she's glad she's between them and they can look right at her and see she's solid. They've been powerhouses the whole time and she wants them to know she's right there with them. Adam is promising both Dane and Cory they are good. Dane drops. 

Cory tells Adam to give it to her because she wants it. Adam says you want it? Does that mean I'm safe? Cory says yeah. Adam says he feels safe with Cory and if he takes the deal he and Sam are safe for the week. He looks at her and says you promise? Cory says yeah and Adam drops. Cory is the new HoH!

Cory is so excited. The fact she could beat out all the boys in an endurance competition is cool. Dane heard Adam make a deal with Cory. Is he part of the Pretty Boy alliance or not? The HGs head inside and Adam asks Sam if that was the right move? She says she's here for another week, this was perfect. Cory joins Adam and Sam in the bathroom area and she says there's no way she was putting them up. Sam says you know the master manipulator will do what they do.

Kiki joins Damien and Dane in the blue bedroom and Este says we're in trouble this week and Dane says because of your friend. Este says don't blame me. Dane leaves and Este says Cory will try to get Dane out or Sam out, but she doesn't think it will be her or Damien. Este says she just doesn't want to lose another person. Este says if Cory puts up Dane and she hopes Cory won't put her up. Damien says oh Este, we're in one. Este says we're in a pick and Damien says we can get out of it though. 

Cory and Anthony are talking on the couches. Anthony says he knows Cory has caught on to the plan to backdoor her last week. He's going to use this situation to get the spotlight off Dane. He whispers to Cory that he doesn't think Dane had anything to do with the backdoor plan and he knows for a fact that she's been gunning for him. Anthony says there's so much more to this story and Cory tells him to keep an eye on Dane. 

Anthony says Cory isn't quite buying it yet so he's going to need the full help of the Pretty Boys. He talks to Mark and says there has to be a way he can pin the backdoor plan on Sam. He needs help planting, not just seeds, but a tree so they can get the power back to the Pretty Boys. 

Who wants to see Cory's HoH room? Cory has pictures of her husband, her sisters, and her parents. She says seeing her family brought her back and grounded her. The video is from her sister and she says they miss her and mom and dad miss her so much. She loves her more than anything and they can't wait to see her come home with the prize. Cory says she loves her baby sister so much. 

Sam is listening to Cory's music and dancing. Cory says she doesn't know if her brain is ready for this. Sam says her HoH is coming off a crazy HoH and trying to decipher who's lying and who's telling the truth. Sam asks her how she figures out the lies and the truth. Cory says she goes with her gut most of the time. Cory acknowledges Dane has been acting differently this week. Sam says the backdoor plan originated from a conversation between herself, Adam, and Dane and we see it was Adam who first put Cory's name as a backdoor option if someone came off the block the previous week. Sam says Cory can 100% trust Adam and Dane is going to try and spread the blame and Cory is smarter than that. 

Anthony talks to Dane and Kiki told Cory she had nothing to do with a backdoor plan and Cory says she knows and it put into her mind it was Dane and Adam. Anthony says Cory won't put up Adam, but she might put up Kyra and she might put up Sam. Adam comes in and says what do you figure. Anthony says Cory is unsure about the whole backdoor thing and we're going to pin it on whoever we have to pin it on.

Dane says Kyra told Cory the backdoor plan was from me and you. Adam says who do you want to pin it on? Dane says Kyra or Sam because Cory knows the girls wouldn't do that because they aren't capable of it. Adam walks out and Dane and Anthony try and calm him down and call him back. Dane says we're done and Anthony says he's psychotic.

Adam goes into the archives and punches some boxes and throws some papers. He says Sam is good for his game. Anthony tries to talk to Adam and says he doesn't want to talk right now, he knew they were going to do that. Adam and Anthony are arguing. Adam wants to know why Sam involved when she had no part of it. Adam says he could have easily won that, but he gave it to Cory. Anthony says Adam needs to listen, he's playing too emotional. Anthony says he knows Adam likes the girl, but they've been plotting this and she's been doing the same thing to him. Anthony says who would you rather stay and Adam says the boys. Anthony says then we have to keep the numbers and we have to keep the guys together. 

Cory and Kyra are going into the HoH. Cory says Kyra has been known to take information and share it with the world, so she's hoping to get some information from them over Wendy's. Cory goes to pick up their order and it's Demetres. Cory wants to know what happened last week. Kyra says they were approached by Dane and were talking about a backdoor and Kyra says Dane mentioned Cory might be a good idea. Kyra says Sam said she didn't think it was a good idea and then Kyra went and told Cory. Kyra says they were never in the group talks. Cory says Dane is saying he didn't spearhead it. Kyra says they feel like Cory is quizzing them. 

Dane joins Mark and Anthony in the hot-tub and Dane says it's so hot. Anthony says they have to work on Cory today because Sam is running her mouth to Cory and she's working hard. Anthony says we have to keep Cory's trust. Anthony says Adam is sabotaging Dane to save face with Sam and he's weak. Where Adam is weak, they have to stay strong. Anthony says he's a cry baby and he's weak and he is trying to save Sam over the guys. 

Adam comes outside and Dane says they have to keep this solid. Mark says it looks "pretty" to him. Adam says no matter how emotional he gets, he's not a burden. He says his heart is with them and Dane says this will be the greatest love story at all. 

Sam, Kyra, Este, and Damien are in the kitchen. Sam says she likes talking about gross things. She doesn't want to see gross things coming out of their bodies, but she wants to smell their armpits. Sam has Damien smell her armpits and he says fresh. Kyra says girls smell good and Sam says some girl's armpits smell like tacos. She then grabs some taco seasoning to pass around.

Este goes to talk to Cory and Cory says she feels like she should be putting people on the block who she is questioning who has her best interest at heart. And she's questioning to Este. She says she gave her word to Adam that she wouldn't put Sam and Adam up, but she needs to find out more what Sam is doing. Cory says she's hearing so many different things. Este says she swears on everything that plan didn't come from her and when she talked to Sam it sounded like it was her plan. Este says the best move for her is to expose Sam's game. Cory says information is going to help her maneuver this week. 

Dane goes in to talk to Cory. Dane says honestly Cory, he respects her on a personal level and he respects the heck out of Anthony and he apologizes for not talking to them about the backdoor plan. Dane says he thought they knew about the plan. Cory says she's trying to figure who's lying to him and who's not. Cory says Dane is super sketchy right now and getting the truth out of these people is like pulling teeth. Cory says if everyone had just been honest with her, this wouldn't have happened. Cory says she's a logical, reasonable person. 

Anthony goes in to talk to Cory and she says she doesn't know how to go about this. Anthony says he's sure it was all Sam. He says after Chelsea left she tried to get close to Cory. Anthony says Sam is using Kyra and Adam and she's just plotting for Cory until she doesn't need her anymore. Anthony says she's a slithering, slimy genius. Anthony says they have to take her out. If they're going to take out the head of the monster, they have to get Sam out. This isn't a popularity contest, this is where the lions play. 

Sam says Cory is really trying to get to the bottom of the backdoor plan. Cory is very smart and she needs to do what she has to do to deflect any blame from Adam and her. Sam goes in to talk to Cory and she says Dane didn't deny he knew about the backdoor plan. Sam says Mark was the first person to throw out names, but she doesn't want to say exactly what he said. She says then Dane did the same. Cory says there was a conversation with Dane. Cory says they were one-on-one conversations? She thought it was said in a group situation. Sam says no. Sam leaves and Cory looks at the camera and says this week is going to be insane. What is she going to do? She needs to figure out how to expose her because she's feeding her BS. 

Cory says she's been on a mission to find out who viewed her as a target and people who had their mouths shut last week are now singing like birds. This house is riddled with lies. She's been trying to figure out who targeted her as a backdoor last week. She's thinking about nominating Dane because she thinks he spearheaded it, Este could have been an accomplice, and even though she made a deal to keep Adam and Sam safe, but she doesn't trust Sam. She's also considering Kyra because she's loyal to Sam and a good foot soldier. She needs these HGs to know if her name comes out of their mouth, they are entering her crosshairs. 

It's time for nominations! Cory's first nominee is Dane and her second nominee is Este. Cory says she has chosen to nominate Dane because it has been brought to her attention that there was a LOT of conversation about her name and a backdoor and he was in a lot of those conversations. Cory says she chose Este because she heard that she too was a part of it. 

Dane says this is his first time being on the block and there's absolutely no way he's not going out and winning a PoV and taking himself down. Este says it sucks being on the block with her number one, but there's still the PoV and she will fight for that.


April 07, 2019

 8:00 AM BBT BB Allowing the HGs to sleep in.
8:15 AM BBT Morning wakeup call. Mark stumbles his way to the pantry and grabs the battery box to begin the morning exchange. Dane up and moving around; heads into pantry to get coffee brewing.
8:30 AM BBT Dane and Anthony talking in the kitchen; Dane says that Adam and Sam are freaking out. He says Sam filed her nails down to the bone last night. Anthony asks if it’s weird that he doesn’t feel bad at and Dane says no, that he doesn’t either. Cory joins them in the kitchen and greets Anthony with a hug. Kyra, Adam and Sam make their way downstairs. Adam helps Dane unload the dishwasher. Upstairs in the blue BR, Damien and Este are still struggling to wake up. Sam tells HGs about her crazy dream last night.
8:45 AM BBT Damien up and stumbling his way downstairs; Dane heads outside for a smoke. Once out there, he realizes he didn’t bring a lighter with him. He heads back inside. Most HGs still in and around the kitchen/dining room area, chatting. Este finally joins everyone else downstairs. Dane, Adam and Sam head outside for a smoke. Adam asks what the plan is and Dane says he doesn’t know. Kyra joins them outside. They all engage in silly conversation in silly voices; many giggles. Adam heads inside. Dane says it’s Sunday, April 7th and it’s day 37 in the house. Dane says his arms still hurt from the HoH comp.
9:00 AM BBT Sam, Kyra and Dane outside chatting. They discuss what would be different if Eddie had won that PoV comp; Dane says it’s too hard to tell what may be different. Kyra says they told Anthony they would make pancakes but they’re too tired. Dane says it sucks that none of those guys cook. Inside, Damien and Cory are chatting about everyone wanting her to tell them what her plans are. She says she wants to handle it the same as her nominations and they’ll find out when they find out. Mark comes over and joins them with ice coffee. Cory asks for a party tonight. They discuss ways to make the games they play more fun. Back in the backyard, Sam Kyra and Dane are still smoking and chatting. Dane says he doesn’t want to go back to real life, he’s enjoying his time in the house too much. Sam talks about her business and then about her tattoos. Dane asks if Sam plans to continue the relationship with Adam outside the house and she says she hopes so. Dane says that he hopes they give them alcohol for his birthday. Dane says he asked Cory last night who her replacement would be and she told him he kept stuff from her last week so she doesn’t owe him anything. They discuss the difference between confidence and cockiness. Kyra heads inside.
9:15 AM BBT Este, Damien, Cory, Mark and Adam in the kitchen/dining area. Kyra and Anthony join them. Back outside Dane and Sam are talking about Sam’s house and the cost of housing in Kelowna. Dane asks if she’ll be able to join them on the cast vacation after the show and she says she wouldn’t miss it. They talk about how much explaining there will be after the show is over. Back inside, the HGs are chatting while Adam is cooking breakfast. Back outside, Kyra has rejoined Sam and Adam and they’re talking about how much bigger the house feels now with less people in it. Chatting about the weather. Sam leaves to head inside. Dane is having a sneezing fit. Kyra says you always feel like you’re starving on slop. Dane leaves to head inside.
9:30 AM BBT Kyra alone smoking in the backyard. Damien eating, Adam still cooking in the kitchen, most other HGs in around the dining area chatting. Kyra called to the DR; comes out and starts searching for something in the WR and then the blue br. Dane meets them on their way out and asks if they’re missing something; Kyra says one sock and Dane says him too. Dane searching blue BR and finds his. Kyra still searching; Mark now searching for something but quickly finds what he was missing. Kyra on hands and knees looking under the bed/storage in the blue br.
9:45 AM BBT Kyra searching for a sock from their costume for the PoV; they say they’ve checked everywhere and are sure they put it in the shoes. They head back to the DR. HGs still lingering in the dining area chatting about television series. Dane and Mark playing pool; Dane complains about being so sore. Mark ask Dane if he’s going to use the veto and Dane says Este asked if he’d use it on her. He’s quick to acknowledge she was joking. Mark says Adam is going to lose his mind and Dane says it’s what’s best for the team.

10:00 AM BBT Mark and Dane are still playing pool. Dane wins; they decide to play another game. Most of the other HGs are at the dining room table or nook area just having general conversation. The conversation goes to whether or not they are allowed to cook before the live show for the HN to have right after the HOH Comp. Damien has asked to play the winner of the pool game. Kyra gets called out for her mic a couple of times. Mark has lost the pool game so has joined the rest of the HGs . Adam says he wants to go to sleep. Cory has gone to make her morning smoothie. Anthony says He needs to go lie down. Adam has decided that he has to get up and go workout. Mark has decided that he is going to lie down outside. He says it is nice weather. Anthony has decided to join him.
10:15 AM BBT Anthony has stopped by the pool table to tell Dane and Damien he is going outside to lie down. Outside Anthony and Mark are talking about what options Sam has to deflect the target out of herself. Anthony says She only has you and Este but I took care of you last night but Sam doesn’t know that. Damien and Dane have joined them. The conversation goes to cars so the cameras switch to Adam and Cory where Cory tells him that he is not on his radar. She says She is going to have some conversations then decide what she is going to do. Adam says Well you put someone up as a pawn and Este goes home or you put someone up that you want to go home and they stay then you become the target next week and you can’t play. Cory says You have never crossed me. Adam says I don’t feel we have to talk anymore game I feel comfortable with you but you are running out of options. Adam says I am wondering if I win who would I put up. Cory says it is funny because I walked in with a target on my back. Adam says He has tried out for Big Brother 5 times before. Adam says it was a long journey to get here.
10:30 AM BBT Adam says I thought when I walked in here I thought if I don’t win the first HOH Anthony and I are going up. Adam says I thought that I wasn’t go to drop then Dane dropped and then I dropped. Adam says I want to win the triple. He continues with at that point you take shots at who you don’t feel comfortable with. Adam says He has always said he wants to go to the end with the best players. Cory says if it is 3 people to final 3 that have been loyal to each other then you don’t mind who you take. Cory says I have to mind check myself when someone makes a good game move why they did it. Cory says it is possible that it will be done against me at some point. She continues with Sam says you can put up a pawn but at this point in the game who is a pawn; you don’t know who they have been building relationships. Cory says You don’t know if the conversation happening is Let’s stay apart so no one knows that w are working together. Cory says I just need to have a couple of more conversations with some people to try and fill in the blanks. Cory says She thinks everyone knows their days. She admits that she hasn’t been counting boxes. Adam says Kyra can say before and after. Dane has walked by. Dane and Este go into the blue room and gather around Dane’s foot locker to study with his board. Sam has joined Cory and Adam. Cory says she thinks that the secret room is really nothing but just to give us another room to talk game in. In the Blue Room Este are still going over the days with Dane’s board. Adam has gone to work out.
10:45 AM BBT Este and Dane are still studying the days. They are at day 21. Sam and Dane are talking. Dane asks if she has talked to Cory yet. He says No but she doesn’t think anybody hass. Kyra is in the shower and gets called out for no mic. Sam has gone to change into her workout clothes. Cory has walked in on Este and Dane asking them if they are going to workout. ESte says Maybe she will do her butt exercises. Dane says Everyone wants to know what is going on. Cory says Yea I haven’t said anything. Dane says I told everyone that I was your target so you didn’t owe me anything. Cory says Adam talked to her earlier. She says Adam did not talk about Sam once just himself. Dane says Good we are getting him back on track. Dane says Anthony made a good point they are running around because they are lying. Cory says I told Adam I probably won’t make my decision until I am sitting on that sofa tomorrow. Outside by the Hot Tub Anthony Mark and Damien are sitting around. Damien says if he hadn’t of come onto the show he may have let his hair grow long.
11:00 AM BBT The conversation goes to playing music. Mark says he just knows how to play basic stuff. The conversation goes to what bands they like. Adam and Sam are talking about the conversation he had with Cory. Lounge going over the days by himself. Dane is getting some of his days mixed up. Damien is talking about a song his sister sings. Sam and Adam are the only ones working out at the moment.Kyra and Cory are talking in the HOH Room. Cory said Because he won you are an option. Kyra says You only have a limited number. Cory says I have to ask some questions and go from there. I need answers still from last week. Kyra asks How are you going to know the truth. Cory says I am very good at what I do. Kyra says But you didn’t go up. Cory says it does matter because if the thought was brought out it can come back out. Cory says I have to go with my gut. Kyra says it seems like you are playing in the past and not the future. Cory says I have a very good gut feeling. She continues with I will ask a few more questions and see where I go. She says Whatever I do who goes up on the block is the person who I think will not be good for my game. Kyra says Right now there are 3 duos. Sam and Adam Dane and Este and you and Anthony. Kyra says the rest of us are in the middle. Kyra says I need you and Anthony here in this game especially Anthony because of my mental health issues he keeps me calm.
11:15 AM BBT Cory says I ask questions and watch. Kyra continues with I know it is more scary now that Dane took himself down. He knows I told you stuff and Sam does so we both are worried now. Kyra continues with if you are not going to put up Anthony Damien and me up that only leaves you a couple of options. She tells her she trusts Sam and knows Sam will not be gunning for you. Cory has been called to the DR. She tells Kyra to come talk to her anytime. Outside Dane says I am going to miss living with you guys. Anthony decides he is going to exercise. Damien heads inside as well. Dane asks Kyra if they found Cory they tell him yes. The conversation goes to Este asking him to take her off the block. Dane says it happened one season in the States and the guy went home. Kyra says I am so hungry. They say they find it hard because no one else is on slop with them is cooking anything. Kyra is asking if their parents are watching. They tell them that they love their parents. Kyra ask Dane if he knows what Cory is doing. He tells them she says she isn’t telling him anything. Kyra says they think Cory wants to make a big move but I don’t think I am a big move.
11:30 AM BBT Kyra decides to go in and play pool. Anthony is now talking to Cory. She tells him about her conversation with Kyra. She says I am not making my decision based on conversation I actually watch what is going on as well. Anthony says he will set them straight later on as they will probably want to talk to me. She tells him about her conversation with Adam and the fact that Adam is a big player. Cory says Kyra told her that she can’t worry about the past. Cory says I got someone to call out their close ally in their eviction speech in 2 minutes. Cory says I felt like I kept my cool but I was stressed and rebutalled everything I said. She tells him that Adam never once brought up Sam in his conversation with me. Anthony says that is good. Cory says I need to win won of those question comps so I feel better. Anthony says Sam still hasn’t tried to talk to me so she isn’t as smart as she thinks. Damien comes in Cory asks if he is going to workout. Damien says Yes. Anthony asks What they are going to do. Cory says in a half hour as she wants to listen to some music. Anthony says he is going to mentally prepare himself to work out. Cory asks Damien how he is feeling. He says Good. She says She doesn’t want to talk to people. Damien says I felt that way yesterday. Cory says I just need to decide who is telling me the truth and who is lying. Cory says I know they are asking Anthony Who I am putting up. She wonders why they aren’t talking to her. Cory says I am putting up someone who has targeted me if you haven’t targeted me then you have no reason nervous. Cory says She doesn’t want people to come up and give her advice.
11:45 AM BBT Cory says She told Adam that she is going to make her decision while sitting on the sofa. Cory says I never asked anyone who their targets are. Damien says the person you put up is going to go home. Cory says no matter what I think of Este I can’t tell her not to worry. Cory says I need to put someone up who is not good for my game. Damien says I think Este has other targets than you. Damien says I won’t lie to cover for someone else. Cory says I wish I had more answers for you but I don’t. Damien says Mark has come up and ask me who you are putting up. Cory says You are not an options and Anthony isn’t an option. Damien says I know the people who want to gun for the triple are not targeting you me or Anthony. Cory says that is good to know. Cory thinks they are making good television. Cory says This is the perfect HOH for me to win. Cory is repeating the conversation that Adam had with her after the HOH Comp. Cory says After Adam asked if Sam and I were good I knew he wanted to make a deal.
12:00 PM BBT Damien says It will be interesting if you get someone big out. Cory says I am thinking about next week so I am not target number 1. She says It is a matter of who do not want to piss off this close to triple eviction. Cory again says I am going to make my decision on the sofa because that is what I feel good doing. She says she has speeches ready for each one and whatever her gut says is the speech she is going to deliver. Damien says Well it will be interesting to watch. Cory says I need to do what is best for my game moving forward. Cory says she is going to listen to some music before she works out. In the Blue Room Anthony and Kyra are talking. Anthony is saying that you and Sam are not a package. Anthony asks Did Sam go to bat for Chelsea Kyra says NO. They continue with Yes Sam did fight for me in week 2. Kyra says Are you telling me not to fight for Sam. Anthony says Cory has to do what is best for her but I am not going to fight for Sam Adam or Mark. Anthony tells her to try and build a relationship with Dane. Kyra says Dane doesn’t trust me because he knows I was the one who told Cory even though he is denying it. Anthony says Lara went home for telling the truth. She was facing Sam’s bed that week and knew whether or not Sam came back to her bed. Anthony asks them if they told anyone that he told them they were probably safe. Anthony says Do you want people to know that you are working with Cory.

12:15 PM BBT Kyra says I want Sam in the game but if she went around and mentioned your name to many people she really didn’t want to hear what I had to say. Kyra says I am not going to campaign for anyone. Sam enters but leaves right away. Anthony tells her not to tell Cory that them and Sam are not a package deal. Anthony is giving them advice on how to get on Dane’s side. Damien and Adam are still working out. Anthony is getting ready to go work out. Adam has stopped working out and is reviewing his days. Adam says He didn’t think he would make it that far. Damien agrees with him. Adam says it will be nice to get past the triple now and to Final 5. Sam has come out of the DR and joins the conversation about the triple. Outside by the HOt Tub area Dane and Kyra are talking about the game being adaptable. Dane says I liked what you told me what you did yesterday. Dane says Eddie lied to me 3 times so I had more trust in you. Kyra tells Dane that they respect his game that they think he is playing a good game. Kyra says if I get to Final 2 I won’t win because I haven’t won anything. Dane says This game is not just about winning comps; you have had your back up to the wall since week 2 and that plays a lot. Kyra says That they feel that the house is going to go with what Cory wants because even if it is a tie Cory breaks it. Dane says If I was on the block come Thursday it would be stupid for people not to send me home because like you said I am playing a good social game and have won comps.
12:30 PM BBT Dane says I have always been honest with you and I love that you were honest with me yesterday. Kyra says Right now in this house people are going to tell you what you want to hear. They tell him that they could not lie right to your face. Kyra asks him if they can call a truce. Kyra says I want to be here I want to play this game. Dane says He doesn’t want to win the next HOH because I want to play in the triple. Kyra says I would want to win the next HOH as I want to see my family but if I win I won’t put you up. Dane says He won’t put her up. Dane says I got f***ed by Kikki. Dane said she did say I can’t believe I am not going to get to jury over Kyra. Kyra says You have to learn by other people’s mistakes. Dane says All you need to do is say 1 name and stick to it. Dane says As soon as I got nominated I touched base with the people I was close too. Dane says If I was still on the block I would start with Cory who could get Anthony; then Sam and Adam then Damien. Dane says I don’t need to campaign and if it comes down to you and me I don’t want it so it is yours. Dane says I told Cory I did talk to Kikki and gave her advice on how to campaign. Dane says If you or I don’t win this one we will be on the block. Dane says That was the hardest comp I have ever been on the slop pipe. Kyra leaves to make a slop shake. Dane is talking to the camera saying how long is this going to go on they have been lying to me since week 2. Let’s leave it at that. Este and Dane are in the pantry. Este is making a smoothie. She is telling him she hates doing speeches. Dane is telling her about the conversation with Kyra. Este says They are so full of shit. Este says I don’t like the way they speak down to everyone. Este says If I knew for sure I was safe I would so say something. Este says Look at what they said to Kikki. Dane tells her to trust him. Dane says it is a good thing that Adam wasn’t playing in that comp. Dane says I would use the veto on you if you wanted me too. Este says I would never want you to do that.
12:45 PM BBT Out by the Hot Tub Kyra Adam and Sam are having a general conversation about Chelsea. Kyra says She was so scared that people would forget about her so I bring her name up. They all yell out to the camera that they love Chelsea. They all think that she will be watching. Sam says she is tired after the workout. Sam says She will make Kyra a slop shake. Sam is going to show Kyra had to make a slop shake. Kyra says They gave Cory their talk but really it is going to be between you; me Adam and Mark. Adam says Everyone is on board. Kyra says it will depend on how I feel right now I don’t feel good. Sam says the slop smells funny. Kyra says Should I have put it in the fridge. Sam says I do but I am done telling people. Cory is in her HOH Room listening to music.
1:00 PM BBT Adam says He thinks they went through 3 or 4 buckets a day when he was on it. Adam asks about some hamburger meat. He thinks he probably went bad. Cory joins them and Sam says She thinks everyone is onboard with the Eastcoast Sweats workout thing. Adam is cleaning up the kitchen. Adam says to Anthony that he has to join the club as this is the biggest class all year. Adam says You don’t have to but we would like you too. Don’t you like to see Cory smile. In the HOH Room Este is listening to music and dancing. They are all waiting for Dane to join them. Dane has finally joined them so the exercise class starts.
1:15 PM BBT The exercise class continues with Kyra watching. Este is still in the HOH Room listening to music. The complaint from all the guys is it is f**king hard. There is a lot of heavy breathing.
1:30 PM BBT The major complaint seem to be that their lungs are burning as the exercise routines continues. Most are starting round 4. The rounds consist of 20 hand slap push ups; 20 squats with weights over head and 20 box jumps to squat x5. Damien says the push ups are the hardest thing ever. Dane says He is dying. Adam says the other day we did 10 rounds of 4 different workouts. Most of the HGs have finished their 5th round of the routine but still all you can hear is heavy breathing. Dane says I am dead. No more cigarettes Daddy. Anthony says The most fittest season ever. Dane says that was fun never again. Kyra says I am glad I didn’t do it. Adam says We have to do our air high five. Get in a circle around the BB CAN. Damien says I need to walk around after that one. Most head outside to cool down. Kyra is talking to Anthony on the sofa. Outside Dane Adam and Damien are relaxing after the workout. Dane says He is going to do abs after but he needs to rest right now. Damien says that was tiring. Kyra has been asked to do a housewide battery change. Anthony says He is going to do another ab workout later. They are discussing how they can continue after they leave the house. Cory says she is going to add them to her Facebook workout group.
1:45 PM BBT She tells them there is 15 members of all ages that goes to her gym. She says She thinks she is the youngest. As the conversation goes to people who they can not talk about the feeds go down.Feeds come back outside where Dane is saying he has been tired all day and after that is more tired. Kyra says They feel crampy today because of their periods. Inside Adam and Cory are now doing a couple of yoga routines. Sam has joined them. Anthony is watching. Outside it looks like Dane is sneaking in a little nap after the workout. Damien is as well and looks like Kyra is napping too. Mark is heading inside. The conversation inside is on general conversation. In the washroom Anthony and Mark are talking about taking Cory to final 5 because she isn’t scared. Anthony says Cory is really surprised at who names Adam is throwing out. Mark says Cory said they are throwing my name out there. Anthony says Yes but I handled that. Looks like most of the HGs are now going to go out in the Hot Tub. Anthony tells Mark that Este has to go before Kyra as they can control Kyra and Este is flirting her way through.
2:00 PM BBT Adam goes to the SR to look for something to eat. He enters the kitchen to say that he’s going to make wraps for supper, then after talking to Este, saying that she was going to make herself curry, Adam decides to make the wraps for lunch instead. In the hot tub area, Kyra, Anthony, and Damien are relaxing. Sam is looking for her bathing suit in the BlueBR. In the kitchen, Adam says that it’s 5:45. Este says that their sleeping schedules will be messed up. Este & Adam both go into the SR. Adam says “sorry” to Este. Este says that that’s the first time she’s heard him say sorry. Este says that that’s probably because he hasn’t done anything where he had to say “sorry.” Downstairs, Mark sees that Cory’s going down to the HT area, so he tells her that he’ll join her. He follows her to the HT area. Cory says that she has cramps. Adam asks her what cramps are. Cory asks if he’d like the biological explanation. He says yes, so she explains it.
2:15 PM BBT Dane goes to the kitchen, joining Este. In the HT area, Adam finishes his food. Cory gets ink the hot tub without her mic. BB tells Cory to put her mic one. Mark talks about getting a tattoo, but isn’t 100% sure about getting one yet. Multiple conversations are happening at the same time in the HT area. Mark is talking to Este in spanish. Mark asks Este if she’s considering getting a tattoo. Este talks about where she’d get one. Este says that she doesn’t where that much clothes. Mark suggests getting an eye as a tramp stamp, that way it’ll freak people out. Mark asks Cory if she’d get a tattoo on the back of her neck. She says no. Dane talks about what kind of tattoo he’d get. Inside, in the living room, Sam & Kyra are talking game. Sam says that she’s freaking out. Sam asks Kyra how they’re doing. Kyra says that they don’t know about Anthony. Sam tells Kyra that she’ll talk to Cory later. Kyra says that she’s very intimidating. Sam says that she’s not ready to throw Adam under the bus. Kyra says that they’re very stressed out for her. Sam says that Cory said that she’ll make a last-minute decision. Kyra says that she usually makes calculated decisions.

2:30 PM BBT Sam says “If I had a dollar for everytime I felt that someone was going to backdoor me.” Kyra says it’s hard to tell some stuff. Sam says that she knows that people throw her name out as a backdoor. Sam asks Kyra where they got some info. Kyra says “from people.” BB calls Kyra to the diary room. Sam joins the HGs in the HT area. Adam says that they’re doing shootouts. Anthony shouts out to “everyone” They talk about the live feeds. Mark asks if he can go back to see this season’s live feeds. Dane says yes, up to 9 days. Mark & Dane joke about Karen & Kevin’s game relationship from season 5, asking if they’re still on for their final 2. After a while, Dane says that his leg is jello after working out. Dane tells Cory that she’s a beast. Dane says that 4/20 is coming up, and legal, and wonders if BB will let them celebrate. Mark says that there will only be 5 people in the house on 4/20 if there’s a triple eviction.
2:45 PM BBT They relax for a bit. Sam asks Cory about what her husband does. Cory says that he works with a lot of trigonometry and it really impressed her. They go back to relaxing. Sam says that after the last live eviction, she knew to not wear that dress again. Cory gets out of the hot tub, saying that she’s hungry and needs some protein in her. Mark says “real protein.” Dane tells Cory that she has some good music on her iPod. Cory leaves the HT area, to her HoH room.
3:00 PM BBT Damien jokes that Chelsea put him up because when he used her HoH shower, he left slop all over the place. Dane & Mark talk about the comp. Dane says “I’ve put a lot more gross stuff in my mouth.” Mark says that he’s ready for some barbecued steak. Mark leaves the HT area. Dane tries to scare Mark. Cory says that she needs to eat, saying that she’s only had a strawberry smoothie today. Dane tells her “yeah, you need to eat.”
3:15 PM BBT Mark & Damien play pool in the backyard. After a while, Dane practices his speech during the veto ceremony.
3:20 PM BBT – 3:58 PM BBT Feeds Down
4:00 PM BBT Dane is outside talking with Damien, Kyra, Sam, Este and Cory. Kyra said thank you to Damien for making bread out of slop. Este said that she feels like moving around but doesn’t want to go inside. Adam is in the kitchen making some food. Dane and Mark begin to play pool. Sam came in. Mark and Dane rock paper scissors for break. Dane wins. Damien came in. Dane missed his shot and Damien said nice shot bro. Dane scratches on the eight and Damien and Mark set up for a game. Mark runs the table and misses the eight ball. They re rack the balls and play again. Mark wins rock paper scissors for break again. In the blue room, Este and Dane go over some bb trivia together. They review the days and events of each day in the house.
4:15 PM BBT Kyra is in the living room talking quietly to the camera. Kyra is talking about which hgs Kyra wants to see evicted first. Este, Mark and Dane are the first three Kyra wants gone. Out in the yard, Anthony, Cory and Kyra talk about the last week. Kyra said Kyra has a new respect for the have nots. Anthony said that he didn’t sleep well last night. In the pool room, Sam and Damien play a game together. Sam asked Damien how he makes the cue stop when it hits a ball rather than keep rolling. Damien said he didn’t know, he just hits the ball. Adam poked his head in the room and said that the chicken was ready. Sam said that it is too soon. That it can’t be ready yet. Damien sinks a few balls in a row and Sam said that he was so good. Sam asked him about partying with his girlfriend. Sam said a true test is getting drunk together and having fun and not fighting. Damien said that he gets along with her friends and she gets along with his. Sam asked what year she was in her nursing. Damien said that she was in her 4th year.
4:30 PM BBT Damien gave Sam a few pointers and she sank a few balls. Damien joked that he shouldn’t be helping her. In the kitchen, Este, Dane and Adam prepare the food. Out in the yard, Mark, Cory and Anthony chill together. Mark asked if everyone in New Brunswick speaks french. Cory said that they take french immersion in school, so even if they were english they could speak french. Mark started to say all the things he knows how to say in french. In the kitchen, Este, Sam, Damien, Dane and Adam are eating together. Kyra wanders through. Sam grabs a container of chips to share. Sam asked if there was any ketchup and Damien said that there was. They all say that the food is very good. Damien said that it was a very good idea to make that meal. Adam asked Damien if he cooks at home. Damien said that he does alot at home but that he didn’t need to in the bb house.
4:45 PM BBT In the yard, Cory said that she had an american friend that sewed canadian flags on their bags when they travelled abroad. Mark said that everyone loves Canadians. Mark said that we share a border with only one country. Cory said that Quebec wasn’t too happy with the country for a while. Mark said that it was a close vote. Cory said that she was glad that Quebec stayed. She said that it was the closest place to where she lived for concerts. Mark said that he was waiting for Sam to get him for pool. Anthony said that maybe the whispers have begun already. In the kitchen, Adam and Dane clean up after their meal. Adam goes out to the yard and offers some food to Anthony and Cory. Adam told them how he prepared the food. He said that his cooking was on fire lately. Anthony said look turtles, it’s the shredder. Adam said that when they are off slop, he’ll make a great meal. Adam said that at least they got beer during their slop week. Dane came out for a smoke. Cory was joking about being told to stop singing a few times. Adam asked if they were going to get the pool tournament going.
5:00 PM BBT Adam, Dane and Damien talk about wwe matches. Dane said that it must be so hard to have a 45 minute match. Mark leaves and Cory said goodbye to him. Mark said that he would be back. Cory said that Adams sternum goes in. She said that it would be easy to give him cpr. Dane said that hopefully he won’t need it. Adam said that he needed a shower after his workout. Cory was mentioning her leg workout. Dane is called to the dr room. Sam came out to the yard. She sat down and said that the sum was so nice. Anthony said he wondered if they could lure a seagull in the yard after hearing one squak. Sam said just get fries. Adan said or bread. Adam said all they have been doing is eating and lounging. Cory said that she was happy they all came out. She said that when she was out there by herself, she was falling asleep. Cory said that she hope her substitute was doing well. She said that when the weather gets nice, the kids just want to go out and play. Mark and Este are in the pool room and begin to play a game. Este said that she lost her groove, that she was very exhausted. Mark asked her how he should win today. She missed her shot and said are you kidding me, i never would have missed that shot 2 days ago.
5:15 PM BBT Este asked Mark if there were any cranberries left. He said that there was.Este asked him who he thought the best player was. Mark said it was Adam. Mark tells her that the game is hers. Mark scratches on the 8 and asks her if she can play 9 ball. She said she could and Mark racks the balls.Mark wins rock paper scissors and breaks. In the yard, Anthony and Kyra talk about football. Cory and Damien chill on the sofa. Cory said that any real good football player in Canada goes to play in the states. Anthony said it was a money thing. Cory sits up and says she is going to listen to music. Cory said that when she let him listen to the song she was doing the jump-swim to in the HOH room, he said it didn’t match the music. Damien said that he was at a party and Jump Around played and there was so many people jumping at the same time, he could feel the floorboards flexing. He said that they had to change the song.
5:30 PM BBT BB told them to put the cover on the hot tub.Kyra was laying down in the yard and bb said please wake up. Sam asked her if she had her eyes closed. She said that she didn’t. Damien said that it was for him. Kyra sang jump up, jump up. Kyra said thanks Damien, i have that song stuck in my head. Kyra said that they were both still there after being on the block. Damien said that at least Kyra didn’t have the stress week. Kyra said that with Dane coming off the block, they didn’t know what will happen. Kyra asked him how to make the slop bread. He told her roughly and Kyra said Kyra will make pancakes instead. In the pool room, Adam, Mark,Este and Dane are talking and playing a game. Dane asked Adam if he’s kissed Sam yet. Adam said no. Mark asked Dane if he kissed Este yet. Mark joked that he had a makeout session with Este. Mark told Este that Danes eyes were higher up. She said that Dane looked like he was going to fart. Dane just scratched shooting the game. He gets angry and says are you kidding me. Every time. I was killing you.

5:45 PM BBT In the HOH room, Cory and Anthony talk game. Anthony said that Kyra told him that Kyra thought that Cory was hung up on the back door plan and not thinking of the future. Anthony said that Kyra was campaigning to keep Sam in the house. Anthony said that he could bring Kyra in there and get Kyra to admit it was Sam. Cory said that she didn’t want to do that. Anthony asked Kyra if his name was brought up. Kyra said only in the beginning. He said that Kyra’s story didn’t make sense. Kyra said that it just makes sense to keep him antd work with him. Cory said that Kyra came in and told her that she didn’t go on the block and actions speak louder than words. Cory said that it didn’t. She said that her name was still brought up. Cory said that when Kyra left after their talk, Kyra was probably worried. Adam came in. Cory said that she didn’t sign up this. She said that she knew there was lying and scheming but she didn’t truly understand. Adam said that it only gets worse from here. Adam said that he cried before Chelsea left. Cory said that she didn’t expect that from him. Adam said that the longer they spent together the harder it gets to play the game. Out in the yard, Damien and Daneare talking. Dane said that the other day, Adan tried to scare him
6:00 PM BBT Adam is talking to Sam about talking to Cory. Adam says that he doesn’t know why they both got dragged into this. Sam says that when she talks to Cory, that she’s going to remind her that she can trust her in this game. Adam tells her that she’s not going on the block. Sam says that she has a vibe. Sam goes to HoH. Anthony is laying on the HoH bed. Sam scratches her head with a head scratcher.
6:15 PM BBT Anthony says that he’s hungry. Kyra enters. As Kyra lays down, Anthony farts and tells Kyra that he’s been waiting until Kyra got to the HoH room to fart. Outside, Dan talks to Damien. Dane says that showmances do pretty well. Dane & Damien chit-chat. Upstairs in HoH, Sam is inspecting the head scratcher. There’s 6 long strands, and 6 short strands. Sam & Kyra jokingly say that they’re glad that it’s evenly distributed, or else they both would’ve lost it. Kyra says that they already lost it. Sam says that it’s cool in the HoH room (temperature-wise). Kyra agrees. They chat for a while. Kyra says that near the beginning or their week on slop, they were about to eat granola, forgetting that they were on slop, and BB told them to “stop that,” so they spit it out. Sam smells a slop fart from Mark.
6:30 PM BBT Cory exits the HoH shower, remembering rRNA. Adam joins the HoH room. They continue to chit-chat, joking to Kyra that they ruin everything. Kyra agrees. Mark loads a song onto the iPod, and Cory tries to dance to it without listening to it. In the HT area, Dane Damien & Este are chit-chatting. In HoH, Kyra & Anthony playfully fight over getting massaged. Cory goes to put the blowdryer on her hair, and apologizes if it bothers the music. Kyra thinks of getting a Baconator and chicken wings. Anthony says that you can’t eat Wendy’s and chicken wings at the same time.
6:45 PM BBT Anthony says that this is the worst day. Kyra asks if it’s the worst day or worst feeling? Anthony says both. In the hot tub area, Dane talks about a kids show in the ‘90s called “Uh oh.” Dane says that Maki said that he didn’t get on the show, even though they came to his school. In the HoH room, Anthony & Kyra get up from the HoH bed and leave. Cory says that it’s in her best interest to not talk to people. Cory says that she’d prefer to just have a beer. Adam says that he wants to talk about what they talked about. Adam brings up the convos in the SR. Adam talks about building trust. Cory says that these are good conversations to have. Cory says that today she’s using today as an opportunity to not talk and just listen to others. Adam says that he doesn’t talk to Este. Sam tells Cory “I know that you have a good gut.”
7:00 PM BBT Cory says that she’s not responding by saying “for sure,” when people talk to her, because she doesn’t know if it’s actually for sure. Cory says that she hears many stories, but the house does stuff to people and can’t be naive. Sam says that trust has been stretched. Cory asks if there’s ever been a convo with Este about backdooring her (Cory). Sam says no. Cory nods and says okay. Sam says that if there’s ever a time when she wants to talk, she’ll be honest with her. Cory says that she knows. Adam suggests bringing up Este to the room. Cory says no. Cory tells Sam that she feels good about her, but wonders about Anthony. Sam tells Cory to trust her gut. Cory says she’s using her time wisely. Cory tells Adam that she’s “not going to bullshit you” and says that she’s considering putting him up. Adam leaves, to let Sam & Cory talk. Cory tells Sam that she didn’t want to say that to him, but felt like she needed to. Sam promises on her life that Dane is the only person that she’s “thrown under the bus,” and not her (Cory). Sam says that Dane wants her (Sam) out of the game to get closer to Adam.
7:15 PM BBT Cory says that when she talked to Kikki, Dane said the same thing, and she (Sam) said something different. Sam says that if she gets put on the block, she understands. Adam enters, and asks Cory if he’s allowed to talk to other people about what they just talked about. Sam says to get Dane & Este out, because they’re probably going to go after her. Sam says that she was glad that she won HoH so she “could finally breathe.” In another room, Dane tells Este that he has a plan if Sam goes up. Dane tells Este that most of the HGs want Sam gone. Este says that she wants to go talk to her. Dane says “In front of Sam? Just pull it together.” In HoH, Sam tells Cory that she’s not going after her, but Dane & Este are. Cory says that her gut is asking if she should trust her or Dane. Sam says that she has a good gut. Kyra enters. Kyra asks that they’re not surprised that lies are being told. Kyra says that they and Mark were playing Pool, and Adam came in hot-headed.
7:30 PM BBT Kyra says that they knew it was coming. Kyra leaves. Cory and Sam pause for a moment, then Cory says “I’m not going to lie. I was going to ask them to come in appropriately.” Sam says that she wanted to come in as a pretty honest person. Cory says that she’s heard stuff that has been linked to her mouth. Cory apoligizes and doesn’t want her to feel that way. They hug and she says it’s okay. Cory says to tell Anthony that she wants to talk to him.
7:30 PM BBT Anthony enters and tells Cory that he wants to bring her up to speed. Anthony says that his patience is thin. Anthony says that Adam said that it’s not fair that Sam’s name is being brought up. Anthony recalls what just happened, and Cory laughs. Cory says that Adam & Sam trying to intimate her. Cory recalls their conversation a moment ago. Cory says that Sam was talking about trust, that Sam wanted to say that she was hurt. She says that it was getting on her nerves when Sam was talking to her. Cory recalls when Kyra barged into the HoH room and Cory just stood there.
7:45 PM BBT Cory continues to recall her conversation with Sam. Cory says that she keeps on telling them that she’s going with her gut. Feeds cut at 7:50pm for the show.


Summary Saturday APRIL 6TH

April 06, 2019

Summary Saturday APRIL 6TH

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds returned at 1:11 following the veto player pick. The veto players are Dane, Este, Kyra, Mark and Sam. Anthony told Mark that he needs to gun for the veto. Anthony said Dane can then come off of the block and Sam can go home. Mark didn’t necessarily want to win but he said that he would try. Anthony asked if he is not going to win to save Sam. He told Mark that he has something to prove since people outside of their alliance have been looking down on him. Anthony also said that Adam will try to bully Mark into not using the veto if he wins it. Mark said he will not be intimidated. In the have-not room, Dane brought up to Kyra that they made a deal with him in week two that they would use the veto on him should he be on the block. He said he hopes that Kyra will stick to their word. Kyra didn’t want to commit to that. They said that they will consider it. Kyra pointed out that Dane said he wouldn’t nominate them just before he won his second HoH, but he did it anyway.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kyra paced around in Leon’s Lounge, talking to the cameras. Kyra said Dane is delusion if he thinks that their deal still stands. They pointed out that he has lied to their face so many times. Kyra made it clear that they need Dane to leave the house this week. Adam asked Dane if he thinks that Cory would try to backdoor him or Sam. Dane said she for sure would not backdoor Adam, plus he doesn’t think that she would do that to Sam either. Dane said he is going to push for Kyra to go up if he wins the veto, especially after his conversation with them. Mark joined them. Dane said he wants Kyra out next week even though he had pushed for them to be with the Pretty Boys at the Final 5 because they cannot win a competition. Dane said they lie too much. When Mark brought up that Kyra will never win a competition, Dane said he doesn’t care. Dane told Adam that he better get Sam to vote to keep him, otherwise it will look suspicious if the guys are the only ones voting to keep him.

3:00-4:00 PM: Mark asked Cory if she wants him to gun for the veto. Cory said of course she does since it’s always good to have a win under your belt. Mark said he does want to go for it. Mark asked Cory if she wants him to use the veto. Cory said no but she does want him to have a win. Cory let Mark know that she will deal with it if she does have to choose a replacement nominee. Cory then spoke to Anthony. She said she prays that they make a competition that is built for Dane. Cory said her mind is thinking when Dane wins, not if Dane wins. After the veto competition, Anthony said he is going to tell people that he doesn’t know what the plan is and he didn’t even know that Este was going to be going up.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down at 4:32 for the veto competition.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds returned at 7:51 following the veto competition. Dane won the Power of Veto.

8:00-9:00 PM: Sam told Adam that Cory wanting to split a beer with him is probably a good sign. Adam said he doesn’t want Sam to go up either, but they made a deal. They discussed that they are supposed to feel safe this week but they don’t. Sam believes that nominating Mark would create the least waves, and then Este can go home. Sam wondered if Dane would come for her and Adam yet. Adam said maybe. Sam thinks that it would be her if anything.

9:00-10:00 PM: Sam headed to the HoH room to ask Cory how she is feeling. Cory said she doesn’t know what she is going to do and she is weighing out her options at this point. Cory explained that she doesn’t necessarily want to find a pawn, but rather find the person who threatens her game the most. Cory added that she is ultimately going to trust her gut. Sam said that Cory made a good move with her gut by putting Dane up. Sam mentioned that another way to look at this week would be to put someone up that would ensure Este leaves, since that would take a number away from Dane. Once Sam left the room, Cory spoke to the cameras about how the veto ceremony is going to be insane. Cory’s plan remains to nominate Sam. Elsewhere, Kyra checked in with Anthony to ask if Cory likes them. Anthony confirmed that she does. Kyra asked what kind of damage control they need to do with Dane. Anthony advised Kyra to do nothing this week. Kyra asked if Cory is going to take a bigger shot this week or try to get Este out. Anthony claimed that Cory is not telling him what she is going to do. Afterwards, Anthony filled Cory in on his talk with Kyra.

10:00-11:00 PM: Dane told Anthony that they need to execute the plan. Anthony said that it is 100% going to be executed. Dane expects Sam to try to sewer Kyra. Adam joined the conversation. He asked what they think is going to happen. Anthony said Cory is not telling him what she is doing. Dane said he figures that either Kyra or Mark will go up. Dane reassured Adam that Cory only says good words about him. Dane asked Adam if they should push for anyone to go up, or if they should just let it be. Adam said that they should maybe just let it be, but he wants to point out to Cory that leaving both Dane and Este in the game could result in Cory having three people mad at her heading into next week. In the HoH room, Mark asked Dane if he is sure that Cory is nominating Sam. Dane said he doesn’t know but he is going to push for that. He suggested that Mark push for the same thing. Mark said he will have the votes even if he goes up. Out by the hot tub, Anthony and Dane discussed that this will be the best executed plan ever. Anthony expects that Adam will not talk to them for a while after Sam is nominated.


April 06, 2019

8:00 AM BBT HGs sleeping; lights begin to come on. No audio on either available feed.
8:15 AM BBT HGs sleeping. Four feeds up; audio finally comes on on first two. Sam doing battery exchange. Anthony slowly crawls out of his bedroll and heads out of the HN room. Sam heads back to snuggle with Adam after completing the battery exchange.
8:30 AM BBT Rooster sounds. A few Hgs up and moving, while many are still lounging in bed. Video of blue BR; audio of Dane in the kitchen. Dane, Anthony and Sam in the kitchen getting coffee started. Sam saying they all fell asleep pretty quickly last night; Este only told one story. Dane admits he didn’t even make it through that. Dane tells Anthony that Adam told him last night that Este was going home this week. They agree that he’s hanging Dane out to take the blame with everyone; Anthony says if Sam was on the block he wouldn’t be talking to anyone. Dane says Sam told him she wants to talk to him today. Dane says that week 2 Kyra promised to save him if they could; he says they swore on their niece/nephew. He says if he gets HGs choice he may pick them. Dane teaches Anthony that you can pour a coffee while it’s brewing without it making a mess; Anthony is amazed. They joke about how the think Adam would try to convince them to let Sam go to the F2. Anthony brings Kyra a coffee; they pledge undying love and a pedicure today.
8:45 AM BBT Adam and Sam come downstairs. Mark is out of the HN room. Dane and Adam in HN room talking about Sam wanting to talk later. Sam joins them and says that Dane has her vote. Sam and Dane start arguing about who brought up the backdoor plan last week. Dane says he doesn’t know why Sam is freaking out right now; he’s the one on the block, not Sam. Sam maintains that she’s not freaking out; she wants to make sure he knows that she hasn’t said anything against him and he has her vote to stay. Dane says that Kyra told Este that it was Adam and Dane who came up with the backdoor plan. Dane says that Kyra has stirred some shit up. Sam leaves; Adam asks Dane to stay and talk alone. Adam says she’s going to blow up her own game.Dane says that he’s going to win the PoV and it’s going to come down to Este and Sam on the block, and he’s sure they can agree who needs to go. Adam agrees. Sam comes back in and tells Dane to talk to Kyra again about what went on last week. They all leave the room.
9:00 AM BBT Kyra, Anthony, Mark, Dane, Sam and Adam in the kitchen/dining area having morning coffee. Dane and Adam in pantry: Adam says if she’s acting like this all week, she’s going to go. Adam starts making breakfast; Este joins them in the kitchen area. Kyra and Sam talking about work. Talk turns to tourist attractions around them. Kyra says they want to be by the water when they retire; Anthony says that everyone does, you’d never hear someone saying they want to live in the middle of downtown when they retire. Kyra talks about a town in Cape Cod that’s a majority of the population is gay.
9:15 AM BBT Anthony, Kyra, Dane, Mark, Sam in the dining area enjoying morning coffee and chatting. Este and Adam are preparing food in the kitchen. Kyra gets them discussing what they wanted to be when they grew up. They talk about buffet-style restaurants. Adam, Sam and Dane eating breakfast in the kitchen. Sam says she wants to host if she can’t play in the PoV.
9:30 AM BBT Damien joins Sam, Adam and Dane in the kitchen. Dane tells him that he ate the breakfast Adam prepared for Damien. Sam finishes eating and rejoins the group in the dining area; Dane brings his meal to eat beside Este in the dining room. General chat. Cory finally joins the rest of the HGs downstairs. Sam talks about her business. Talk turns to squirrels and then air pollution. Mark talks about travelling from Toronto to ‘suburbia’ and he couldn’t believe the difference in air quality. Sam talks about life in Nfld.

9:45 AM BBT Most HGs gathered in/around the kitchen/dining area. General chat going on. Dane heads upstairs to the WR to join Adam. Adam says that he’s going to talk to Sam about her behaviour. Dane says there’s no reason for her to be so paranoid. Adam says if Sam does tell Cory the truth, they’ll just deny it and blame it on the girls. Dane says that Cory has grilled everyone, but Sam is the only one who’s freaking out about it. Dane says he is the one on the block, he is the one taking the heat. He says that he’s going to win the PoV; Adam says he hopes he doesn’t go up as a replacement. Dane says that there is no way she’ll put him up as she likes him. Adam is going to take care of some personal grooming needs with a disposable razor; Dane hacking at his hair with scissors. Adam heads into the shower; Dane heads to the blue BR. Dane talks to the camera about Sam and how her paranoid behaviour is helping them get her out this week. He says if Sam wants to be angry with someone, she can be angry with herself and Kyra. She’s the one who was talking in front of Kyra. He says he hopes that she gets drawn to play and that it ends up coming down to him and her for the win. He looks in the camera and says, “Sam you’re going home this week. I’ve wanted you out since week 2 and it’s finally going to happen.” He says he’s really close to Anthony and Cory. He says he has to win this veto; step one of the plan was for him to go on the block, step two is for him to win veto. He says anyone can win except Sam and Adam. He says he hopes he wins because he has a good speech planned for her.
10:00 AM BBT Dane is going over his speech, then says I never told Cory anything. He continues with I never said you did but why are you bringing it up to me unless you bowed down to her. As we leave Dane in the Blue Bedroom . In the Nook area they are trying to figure out what day it is. The rest of the HGs are having a general conversation. Adam has now finished in the washroom and is in the Blue Bedroom making his and Sam’s bed. Mark is telling them about a friend of his and the strange job interview that he had for his latest job at a stock market. Adam and Sam are in the washroom going over the days. Adam says I know you were just talking this morning but it looks bad. Adam says You do it every time and you have yet to touch the block. Sam says You don’t understand how much information Kyra has given to Cory. Adam says I don’t want to wake up to you in a panic every morning. Sam tells him that is because you and Dane are not worried about me. Sam says I am trying to protect you. Adam says You do this every week. Adam says You freak out to the person who is on the block. Sam tries to say something and Adam says I don’t know what you are talking about. Sam says She wasn’t freaking out she is just energetic. Adam says You are a smart woman and you will figure it out. Adam says Everytime I go to talk to Cory I come out of that room feeling good. Sam says That is because you are lying to her face.
10:15 AM BBT Kyra is now talking to Sam saying you were in a panic this morning. Kyra tells her to stop talking about the past. You have no one else’s game in your hand you need to worry about yourself. Kyra tells her that they are covering their own backs. They tell her that they have her back. Sam says Dane says Este says it is getting pinned on him because that is what you told Este. Kyra tells her she needs to chill. The conversation stops as Mark comes in. Kyra tells her that part of Big Brother is damage control. They whisper to her that I know you don’t want to trust me but I have your back. Adam re enters the washroom Cory says I think after the players for POV.. Adam and Kyra are in the Leon’s Lounge where Kyra is saying I had to tell her to chill because she was going around this morning freaking out. Adam says I told her if she wanted to change her story she will look bad and that is on her. Kyra says Sam’s needs to stop freaking out.
10:30 AM BBT In the nook area the conversation is still on general topics. Back in the Leon’s Lounge Kyra is saying I think Cory wanted to put Dane up and then put Este up because it won’t piss anyone else off. If she put Sam up Cory will piss off 2 people. Kyra says They need to talk to Sam and get her to calm down. Kyra says I may not be good at comps but I can read people. Adam says What if Dane comes down it will be Sam or me up. Kyra says Dane isn’t coming down don’t put that out in the universe. Kyra says she needs to keep you and Sam in the game because you guys are shields for her ( Cory). Adam says If Dane and me go into a room together Sam is right there. Kyra says I am going to do damage control with Sam you leave it alone. Adam says she can’t freak out around Cory. Kyra says she needs to act the same way with Cory as she always had. Kyra says I am going to try and talk to her and calm her down but it is hard without the backyard. Adam is recounting the boxes. The conversation in the nook area is about a singer who gave a free concert. Seems it is Lady Gaga. Kyra says She is now putting the focus on her music then anything else. Damien says I saw AC/DC. Adam is in the Leon’s Lounge by himself going over his days and the comps. Sam comes in and joins him. There is no conversation. The conversation in the nook area are on musical instruments.


10:45 AM BBT There is still no conversation in the Leon’s Lounge so we go back to the nook area. Cory is telling them all the sports she played growing up. Damien says If you have a game the next day you can’t party. He tells Kyra is not like in the movies. Damien says If you want to be a professional you can’t party all the time. Still no talking in the Leon’s Lounge. Sam finally breaks the silence by saying We have been a target since day 2. Adam says You always freak out. Adam says I am trying to avoid you today but you always find me. I thought Kyra would talk to you before me. Sam gets up and leaves.
11:00 AM BBT Cory and Dane are in the pantry where Dane is telling Cory about his conversation he had with Sam this morning. Adam Dane and Kyra are putting the sofa on the marks for the show. In the Pantry it looks like Sam and Adam have made up. They hug and kiss it out. Sam says I trust you as she leaves. Adam is cleaning the Pantry. Kyra gets called to the DR. Mark is telling them about some of the flights that he was on that got cancelled. Cory is now telling a story about her lost luggage.
11:15 AM BBT The conversation is still on trips that they have taken where their luggage has been lost. Cory has gone to the DR to ask for supplies. In the Leon’s Lounge Kyra and Sam are talking. Kyra is telling Sam that Cory won’t put her up because Cory will not put her up because she would then have Adam and themselves pissed off with her. Kyra says When you get paranoid you get really paranoid. Kyra says no matter how close I am to Anthony I will always have your back. Sam says Why couldn’t Adam talk to me like this. Kyra says Dane and Adam will continue to lie. Kyra says Cory knows you are going to protect Adam. Cory is not stupid and knows you are covering for Adam. Kyra continues with You need to act as normal as can be. Sam says I just have a gut feeling I am going up. Kyra says Don’t put that out there. This week Dane is going home so now what do we do with Este and by the way Mark is driving me nuts. He doesn’t realize you can shut up. Kyra tells her to stop running to Adam and Dane about your paranoid. Sam says Anthony told me that. Sam says Look it was Adam and Dane brought it to me but Dane is talking to me but is still buddy buddy with Adam. Sam says I wanted to talk to Dane before he said anything. Kyra says No you let him talk we fix it afterwards. Kyra says We get Dane out then Adam will stick to us. Kyra says Cory will believe us but you need to tell Cory that you are covering up for Adam if Dane comes off the block.
11:30AM BBT The conversation continues with Kyra saying Cory knows. Sam says I’m stuck in the middle. Kyra says I know that but you need to come to me before you talk to the guys. Sam says I needed Adam there because Dane is just going to deny deny deny and I was going to look stupid. Kyra says You need to come to me first you went in there like a mad person and paranoid. We can talk it out and still execute the same plan but differently. Kyra says At the end of the day my story is my story and your story is you covered for Adam. Kyra says I didn’t say names but if you look at it there is only 3 people. Sam says Cory told me the girls didn’t know about the backdoor plan. Kyra says at the end of the day I will take the blame because I was the one that got Este and Dane on the block. Sam says I got your back. Kyra says I got yours but when you get paranoid you hurt my game. Kyra says They do realize that they did say that right. Sam says Yes they both know that but they are busy saying that didn’t happen. Kyra says I can tell them word for word what they say. Sam says If I play I want to win. Kyra says If I play I am going to lose. Sam leaves and Kyra is deep in thought. In the HOH Washroom Dane and Cory are talking about the fact that Adam would not have beaten her in that comp. Cory says When he did drop he said you are going to keep me and Sam safe. Cory says I am going to tell him I said I would keep you safe. Cory says He knows that she has betrayed me and he is covering up for her. Cory says After I put her up and if he Runs into this room I am going to tell him You know what Pike you need to leave this room and try this again. Cory and Dane are still talking and Kyra comes in. Dane says She is coming right to you after they talked to Sam. Cory says They are worried because we are having these long conversation. Dane says This is do or die for me. Thanks Cory We got this as he leaves the room. Dane says His neck hurts so he hopes it is a hard comp. In the Blue Bedroom Kyra is getting set up to do their laundry.
11:45 AM BBT In the washroom Damien and Anthony as well as Este are preparing for the day. Kyra is preparing her laundry. Sam has joined her as well as Dane. Dane says He was attracted to her when he first seen her in the kitchen. Dane is having a shower. Sam says I felt a vibe this morning and I needed you to know that I had your back. In the HN Room Anthony and Cory are talking Cory says Dane says Este was freaking out at first. Anthony says I don’t think Dane told her the plan. Cory says I don’t think Damien did either but I think someone did. Cory says I want Adam to feel guilty. She says I heard all these different stories. She said What if I execute an innocent person. She says I asked Adam if I could ask him something but I don’t want it to get back to Sam. She says I asked him if it was Dane who said it. She tells him that Adam just danced around it. Damien is laying on the benches in the bathroom. Kyra is yelling it is cold water coming out the shower. Sam tells Kyra that everyone has been using Kyra’s body wash. Adam tells them he had two eggs and he shared it amongst three people. They are trying to find out when the Have Nots end. They think it is going to be after the triple eviction. Kyra asks they don’t do have nots all the way through. Everyone tells Kyra no. Damien leaves out the bathroom stating he is falling asleep.
12:00 PM BBT Sam is still curling her hair. Este comes into the bathroom. Sam asks her if they are still going to do butt workouts today. Adam asks hope I am not intruding too much. In the Have not room Corey and Damien are talking. Damien tells her that I hope no one comes in and hears the conversation we are having before the POV competition Corey said I didn’t think about it too much because i was not HOH. Damien tells them that he is a little irritable today. Corey asks if he wants us to leave he said no I a good with you guys. Anthony says I understand. Corey said I have three spots I can go to where I can be alone. Corey said this looks like a good spot. Damien said that this place is good I found that out when I was a have not. Anthony said Mark told them that at his home they have no tv and so when he goes to sleep he can just go to sleep anywhere. They said well does he have internet. Anthony said no just books. Corey said well I am glad that he is able to go out and explore. Corey said it has been real interesting to hear about Mark’s life. Anthony asks for nail clippers. Corey leaves out. Anthony tells Damien he could climb walls and that every comp counts now. Damien said yeah no more participation ribbons. Anthony asks if it was smoky the first night in here. Damien said yeah after the first challenge. Damien said it could be worse the ones from previous seasons where brutal. He said that last year remember they had a coffin with water around it. Anthony said yeah this one is just floor. They start talking about the Have not rooms from previous seasons. Anthony asks him what was season 5. Damien tells him I didn’t watch that season. Anthony said oh yeah it was the one with the bones. Anthony said you know what would make it brutal if we had to sleep in those chairs. Anthony said isn’t there like a weight limit on the chairs. Anthony tries to get comfortable in the chairs. Damien tells him something is going on over there don’t you hear the vacuums. He tells Anthony we are probably going to wear pink and yellow again. Damien said if we win we are going to have to make big moves. Anthony said these chairs are uncomfortable and then goes by Damien and lays down. Anthony asks Damien do you think he will propose soon.
12:15 PM BBT In the blue bedroom Este and Dane are talking. Dane tells Este that this comp is geared towards you. Este tells Dane that I hope you win because then if I am sitting next to Sam and then Sam will go home. If I win and Sam goes up then it will be a tie between you and Sam. Este asks him do you want to work with Corey after this. Kyra comes in and Dane asks Kyra what do you think POV is going to be. Kyra states I think it is going to be a balance beam. Kyra said POV is usually physical and mental. Mark walks in and lays on the bed. Kyra walks out saying brush my teeth. Dane tells Mark I hope you play in the POV. Mark said why because I suck at them. They all laugh. They are trying to figure out the probability of who will be picked for the veto comp. Mark asks them if they get houseguests choice then would they pick him. Este said I will pick you if I get houseguests choice. Mark said I think it is going to be a game board type of thing. Mark explains to them what he is talking about. Mark said that it would be an individual game. Dane said that it may be the one where they had to build the tower with blocks. Dane and Mark are trying to figure out exactly what day is today. Dane tells them he has 10 days til his birthday. Mark tells Este just for you today can be day 35 just don’t tell the people downstairs. Mark asks Dane if he talked to Corey he said yeah.; He asks Este she said no because I already said what I had to say and I still got nominated. Dane said I can’t wait until Anthony gets HOH or Nominated so that he can see his picture. Este said that she wished we got keys. Mark asks them if they gave them their real fingerprints. Dane tells him I only remember my number. Este asks is anyone having lunch soon. Dane tells her I made some chicken breast she said I guess I will have some of that. Dane leaves out leaving Este and Mark. Mark tells her that he could never have a conversation with Kikki because she would get up in the middle of the sentence and leave out. Este said that I wonder what we will all be like after the house. Mark said it should be an interesting POV. Mark tells her well this is your time to shine. Este tells him stop giving pressure. Mark said you know how that you were telling me to open up more I feel as though Damien is now like that. Sam walks in saying sorry guys I am just looking for something to wear. MARK PLEASE STOP SINGING. Mark tells them he is not doing well today and then asks why is there random hairs on the floor. Este said well we are girls and we shed a lot. Sam said what should I wear today. Este said wear a skirt.
12:30 PM BBT Anthony and Damien are still in the Have not room talking about what they are going to do once they get out the house. Anthony tells him 2018 was the biggest life changing events. He said some really dark times and he thought he had hit rock bottom before however the beginning of 2018 was really dark. Damien tells him when things get good you have to remember that time. Anthony said that is why my direction is totally changed. Before I was money driven now my substance is totally different. Damien said yeah when I got back home I had to realize what i was missing and what was important and then everything just fell into place. Damien said I never thought that this was going to happen. Feeds go down at 12:34 PM BBT.- 1:12 PM BBT
1:12 PM BBT FEEDS COME BACK- Este and Damien are in the bathroom. Damien tells her that he has a half sister. Este asks him so when you say you have 4 sisters do you count her. He tells her yeah. Damien said it is tough having a half sister because you have to continue to reach out. Este said it was really hard because her dad passed when she was young and her half sister mom passed away and she was not able to go. Damien give Este a hug. Este said she needs her eyes to go away because she does not want people to think she is crying about this game. Anthony comes up and Este gives him a hug.
1:15 PM BBT Corey and Anthony are in the HOH room. Anthony tells Corey that Kyra is in their tripping. He said that Kyra said that everyone thinks Kyra is going to win. Anthony said we can use Sam and Adam. Corey said that if Sam wins then if she doesn’t use it then we can get rid of Dane. Corey said that she knows it wasn’t Dane. Corey said that if we need to then we can tell Sam that KIkki was the one who started this and that will take the pressure off Dane. Anthony said yeah I think it was Kikki and Este. Anthony said yeah and tell them that it was Este then they can take Dane down and put up Kyra and then Este will go home. Corey said if we start now then they will think it is something going on if we wait until the POV is played and we see who wins. Anthony said yeah we have time. Corey said they purposely make veto competitions high intensity. Kyra comes in and Corey is telling Kyra that Kyra needs to focus on that Kyra has almost won several times. Kyra said the worst thing is that Kyra was picked for the veto. Corey said well I just feel vulnerable. Corey said stop feeling vulnerable. Kyra said well if Dane wins then I am who he is going to be gunning for. Corey tells Kyra it depends on the competition. Corey said well each competition is catered to each others strengths. She tells Kyra how do you think I won. Corey tells Kyra you need to look inside you. Corey said you will always have the doubt but you have to put your best forward. Kyra apologizes Corey tells Kyra don’t apologize unless you are not going to do your best. Corey offers Kyra the Ipod so she can listen to music before the comp begins. Corey hugs Kyra and then leaves out the HOH room.

1:30 PM BBT Feeds go back down Feeds come back up. Dane is in the secret room recounting the boxes. He leaves out and heads to the have not room where Adam and Sam are sitting there. Dane tells them he is going home if he is up against Este. Mark comes into Leon lounge by Anthony. Mark says Dane has his own shit going on. Mark is whispering to Anthony. Mark said that Dane knows so he is going to come hard. Anthony said you know what he said to me the other day. He said that Dane said that Sam and Adam have a final two and that Sam is going to cut Adam in the triple eviction. Anthony tells Mark that he needs to stop letting people think that he is not a threat and he needs to start showing that he can win comps. Anthony said this is going to work out. He said Adam is shitting bricks because he thinks he is going to take Sam to the final two and we are not going to let that happen because we are risking our games to get them to the final two. Anthony said that Adam is going to try and bully them to not use the veto. Anthony said he is risking the squad for Sam and I am not going to let him do that. Anthony said that we are going to tell him we are not going to use the veto and then at the last minute use it. Anthony said I am sick and tired of him not caring about any of us and not wanting to use the veto for us but will do anything to save Sam. Anthony tells him that I painted a beautiful picture to Corey about what Sam has been doing. Anthony said that we can’t let Sam win. Mark said I definitely know who is not going to win and he says Kyra. Anthony said well Sam can’t win. Kyra walks into Leon Lounge and Mark asks Kyra if Kyra is going to make bread today and Kyra said no. Anthony tells Kyra that I am wondering what the comp is going to be. Kyra said I heard balls. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. Kyra asks Anthony if he is sad he is not playing. ANTHONY PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Mark and Kyra walk out of Leon’s Lounge. Kyra and Corey are trying to fix something to eat. Adam and Sam head to sit down at the bar. Kyra said the slop pancakes are gone.
1:45 PM BBT Adam says I am going to work out and leaves out the room. Corey and Sam are having a conversation regarding Corey’s relationship. Sam asks if she should work out before the comp. Sam is cutting pieces of cheese off the block and eating slices. Sam asks Dane if he wants to use her knife he tells her he is going to use if for peanut butter so he hands it back to her. Este and Damien are in the HOH room listening to music. Este is asking Damien about playing different types of instruments. Este hears a song that came on that she has not heard in a while. Damien tells her it is an electric guitar. Adam is working out in the dining area. Sam tells them instead of snacking she is going to make something of substance like egg on bread. Este and Damien are still in the HOH room listening to music. Este asks him can he bebox and he says no I have a buddy who can though. Kyra and Dane are in the Have Not room. Dane asks Kyra what has been our day since Day 2. He said that you stated if you won the veto then you would take me off the block. Dane said that I told you that if I got houseguest choice then I choose you since you promised me and if I am on the block with Este on Thursday then I am going home. Dane said that if you win then you need to use it on me since you gave me my word. Kyra said that I did promise you and I will keep my promise however you did make a deal with Maki 24 hours prior. Kyra said I am not telling you yes or no. Kyra said that remember before Buzzkill you promised me that you wouldn’t put me up but you did anyway. Dane said that you did tell me you were going to use it and I expect you to keep your word, Kyra tells him I will tell you now I can’t guarantee anything. Kyra comes into the kitchen area.

Feeds down to play the POV

8:00 PM BBT Este, Sam, Mark, Kyra, and Dane are all in the kitchen making dinner, while Corey and Anthony are in the living room talking about carbs and Damien is laying on the couch. Damien says something to Cory and she says he mumbles a lot like her cousin. Damien laughs and says one of his old roommates used to have to translate everything he said to one of their friends because he would mumble so much. Este joins Damien, Anthony, and Cory in the living room and asks if they want Sundaes later. Damien says he’s not a no guy of course he does, he then goes on to talk more about his friends and hobbies back home and says that his nickname is, “Skeeter Beats” Dane says the song that Damien and Este were making in the secret room sounded pretty good and had them sing it so they do and Dane joins in a little bit. Producers tell them to stop singing but Este says it’s a made up song and they continue singing. Este says she’ll be the background dancer and tells Damien to put her in the credits because she helped him write the song.
8:15 PM BBT We now have a large group in the living room of Dane, Sam, Mark, Este, Cory, Anthony and Damien casually chatting about TV shows and music. Dane brings up the show, “Married with Children” and Cory says it had some controversy, Sam says she didn’t watch much of it but she could never seeing them having a show like that today because of all the controversy. Everyone is now throwing around a pair of socks while they’re talking about male anatomy and how they all thing, “balls are weird” Este says, “They need to be tucked inside the male body.” Sam says it’s because they need to be a very specific temperature in order to procreate. Everyone is looking at the two orange balls with screens on them by the door trying to figure out the dates and what time it is. Everyone is now sitting on the couch playing catch with the socks and Este says they’ll start having their sundaes in about 20 minutes. The group in the living room has now shrunk down to Adam, Sam, Anthony, Este and Dane playing catch with Mark standing off to the sides. Sam says they all need to through with their “wrong” (non-dominant) hand. Everyone is now messing with Este’s head and she says she is left handed so Mark tells her to throw with her right. Mark says he can’t wait to go outside and Sam tells him he did a great job in the veto comp and mentions that he was in the lead at one point. The POV competition involved numbers and Dane has just asked Este what number she got up to, she tells him she is embarrassed and he guesses 60 or 40, Este laughs and says 8.
8:30 PM BBT Adam and Sam are cuddling on the floor in the Have Not room and Adam says he hopes Este goes. Sam says it wouldn’t look good for Cory to put up someone like Mark who she knows would stay. DANE WON POV. Adam wonders what would happen and what Dan would do with the POV if he somehow got back on Cory’s good side. Adam says he hopes Sam doesn’t go up on the block and she says she won’t, it will probably be him, (Adam) Sam says she knew Kyra wasn’t going to win the veto and Adam says Sam was close and only had one bad ball, she asks if he was watching her and he says he was, but he did look down for a little bit at one point. Sam says she did have it at one point and if she could have figured out the technique a little bit earlier, she probably could have won, but she says Dane definitely moved faster then she did. Adam says he doesn’t want to go up but he doesn’t want Sam to go up either and she says she’ll be fine. Adam says that was the deal and they snuggle closer and Adam kisses Sam’s head as she says they were supposed to feel safe this week Adam says, “but we don’t” Sam says she wishes the POV ceremony was tomorrow.
8:45 PM BBT Back in the living room, Dane, Anthony, and Mark are hanging out on the couches and Dane is telling the boys that he’s now with this POV win checked off all of his boxes and experienced everything in Big Brother including block, slop, POV comp, POV win, HOH and the only thing he hasn’t experienced yet is the block after the POV. Feeds cut to the kitchen where it looks like Kyra just made slop pizza and Dane says he’ll make it for them next time and that they made the crust a little bit too thick and it tastes better with thinner crust. Adam is in the kitchen now with the two of them. Adam tells dane to put in another slop pizza and after Kyra leaves they (Dane and Adam) start to talk a little bit more about the plans for the next few weeks. Adam says he’s worried for the triple eviction and Dane says all he needs to do is win the next HOH but Adam says he’s not sure if he wants to win the next HOH.
9:00 PM BBT Dane and Adam are talking in the storage room and Dane says if Kyra goes up next to Este, they’ve lied to him do many times so he really doesn’t care who goes if it’s the two of them. Adam agrees saying, “I don’t give a shit who goes.” Mark comes into the storage room and Dane tells him, “Look man you gotta win this HOH next week you just need to.” Mark says Anthony could win and Adam says that’s true Anthony could win. Dane says Anthony has been doing great at the question competitions and Mark says so has he. Mark says Anthony would be ideal to win next week and Dane says, “Actually Anthony would be ideal to win next week because he doesn’t know the number days or anything and he was the first one out before Adam.” Mark says he hopes the three of them, (Mark, Adam, Dane) can play in the triple for sure and Dane says they will. Dane says he doesn’t want someone else to win and one of them is a pawn. Sam comes into the storage room and says she thought it was just Adam in there and he asks if she made him a sundae. Sam says no because she didn’t want the ice cream to get soft by the time he was ready for it and Adam says she should have made it anyway because who cares if it was and he’s made a lot of food for her over the last couple of weeks. Sam agrees and says she definitely should have and even Dane pointed out how lucky she is to have Adam. Dane says he did tell her that she’s lucky to have Adam and that the dinner he made everyone was very good, Sam and Mark agree.
9:15 PM BBT Adam and Sam are now alone in the storage room and Sam says she thinks Adam is struggling to balance her and Dane in the game. Adam says she had no ass when they first moved in, but now it’s definitely grown, Sam says, “Yeah I’ve grown an ass since we’ve been in here did you just change the subject?” Adam doesn’t really say anything and Sam tells him if he wants to get through the double eviction he’s going to need her there. Feeds cut to the HOH room where Cory is taking a bath in her bikini and Sam is sitting on an ottoman talking to her. Cory asks how Sam is and she says she was waiting for the dust to settle before she came in and talked to her. Cory says she doesn’t know what she’s going to do about a replacement nominee for Dane and Sam says she wasn’t even going to really say much about that. Cory tells Sam that she’s weighing out her options, but there really aren’t that many options to pick from. Sam says that’s what her and Adam were saying and they were wondering who Cory could even put up at this point. Sam says you look around at the people surrounding you in the house and you realize there’s not many. Cory says there’s only 9 of them and they’re all going to jury at this point. Sam says she wouldn’t want to be in Cory’s position right now and it’s tough. Cory says it’s tough but it’s the game. Sam says exactly it’s the game and they have to separate the game from personal. Cory says the person she puts up, she needs to look at it not necessarily as a pawn, but who threatens her game the most because if someone goes home she needs it to be beneficial. Sam says yes, it needs to do something. Cory says she needs to think about it because if Este is on the block Dane is going to have campaigns for Este going. Sam says she needs to think of it not really as a pawn, but she doesn’t want Este to go as much as the person she’s going to put up. Cory says yes because she doesn’t know what Dane is going to be capable of with Este.
9:30 PM BBT Mark, Dane, Adam, and Damien are all in the have Not room talking about it being day 36, Dane says there are 10 more days until his birthday which is April 16th. Adam asks what day of the week it is and Dane says it’s a Tuesday which is perfect because there aren’t any competitions or anything that goes on on Tuesdays, he says if they all behave for the next 10 days he hopes they can get an alcohol delivery and says as long as they, “be good” the producers “HAVE TO” let them drink. Dane says he wants to get, “absolutely loaded in this house” and if people get drunk they’ll probably talk a lot. Anthony asks who will give dane a lap dance and they all agree on Este, Anthony says Sam also would and Dane says, “Yeah Sam would, she said she would.” Adam says he wants one too and Dane says that he told Sam he’ll definitely be in the house for his birthday now that he won the POV and Sam told him she would give him a lap dance to which Dane told her, “Yes you will.” Adam says he’ll watch.
9:45 PM BBT Anthony and Kyra are in the living room talking about what could happen with the replacement nominee. Kyra says they know Cory wants answers regarding the whole backdoor plan from last week and they know that people are denying everything. Anthony tells Kyra he doesn’t think they should really say anything at all this week and especially stay away from saying anything that could possibly be twisted and too keep quiet, do their own thing and lay low and hopefully they can fly under the radar even into next week because if they don’t win HOH, they don’t want to say anything that can be used against them and potentially send them home. Anthony is now filling Cory in on his conversation with Kyra, he tells her that they’re feeling guilt and Cory says, “They’re feeling guilt? Oh good.” Anthony says he’s had 3 questions from Kyra today alone asking him if he really thinks that Cory likes them and will keep them safe. Cory says of course she likes them. Anthony says he’s probably going to go in the hot tub and asks Cory if she wants to go too and she says not right this second because she was just in the tub in her HOH room and it kind of felt like the hot tub because she would go from that to a cold shower. Cory says that Anthony is her number one ali right now and even if she puts up somebody like Damien, she knows he wouldn’t put her up in return, but it’s all about ranking the people on their own side right now because when it gets down to say five of them left and they have to put up one of their own because somebody has to go, Damien would go up.
10:00 PM BBT The backyard is open, and HGs enter. Cory and Anthony talk inside. Cory asks “Do I do it? Damien joins them and breaks the chair. Cory is called to the DR. Damien joins Anthony. Anthony tells Damien that Cory’s smart and will know what to do. Damien says that they have the votes, unless something crazy happens. Damien goes outside for “some fresh air.” He joins HGs in the HT area. Anthony goes to play pool. He’s the only one in the backyard. 6 HGs are outside: Sam, Adam, Dane, Kyra, Mark, and Este.
10:15 PM BBT Adam talks about how the mics can hear everything, and even picked up the sound of Dallas’s fart, when he farted in a jar, in season 5. Dane recalls a time when he constipated himself in the BB house. Sam mentions that it’s probably because of the slop. They chat for a while. They chat for a while, then some join Anthony in the backyard. Kyra talks about their condition, being borderline. They say that they’ve beeh in therapy since they were 17.
10:30 PM BBT They say that being in the house is a challenge. Damien tells Kyra that it’s good that they’re challenging themself. In the BlueBR, Dane Adam & Anthony are talking game. Anthony says that Este remembers every word for word that Kikki said. They talk for a bit, then they all leave for the bathroom. Dane asks if he should push for anyone. Adam says that he’ll tell Cory that if they backdoor someone, then at least 3 people will be pissed off. Dane says that he told Cory that if he’s on the block, he’s not going home. Adam says that that’s the same for Sam. They both leave. Anthony goes into the hot tub.
10:45 PM BBT Dane talks to Anthony for a bit while he’s in the hot tub, and Dane & Sam play pool. They play for a while, then Dane & Este talk in the Storytelling Room. Este says that she’s scared, and asks what to say to Anthony. She says that she trusts Anthony, but he won’t talk to her. Dane recalls what Adam said to him in the bathroom. Dane says that Adam considers him & Este a duo. Dane tells Este to be loyal to Adam (?). They talk about how they did in the comp. Este says that she was worried that he’d drop his ball. Este wonders if Cory will put up Mark because of her. Dane says that Mark isn’t going home. Dane tells Este to act scared. Dane says that Cory wants to work with Mark. Dane tells Este that they’re going to get far.

11:00 PM BBT They both leave, and Dane finds a $9,000 pay stub on the floor. In the hot tub area, Mark puts the cover on the HT, then talks to himself. BB tells Mark to fix his microphone. Este, Sam, Adam, Cory, and Kyra eat some snacks and hang out in the kitchen. Dane & Adam play Pool.
11:15 PM BBT Este, Cory, Sam, & Kyra are hanging out eating snacks in the kitchen, and Adam & Dane are playing Pool. In the kitchen, they joke around with accents. Mark & Dane chat in SR about Adam. Dane says that all they can do is hope and prey. Most of the HGs gather in the kitchen. Cory arranges something silly.
11:30 PM BBT In the bathroom, Mark talks to Anthony. Mark says something, and Anthony tells him to deny everything. Anthony tells him what to say to Cory. Mark said that he already said that. Anthony says that he needs to say it again. Anthony tells him what else to say. Anthony tells Mark that he almost had the veto comp. Mark suggests walking in on a conversation with him (Anthony) and Cory. Anthony likes the idea, and says he’ll do the same if it’s him & Cory. Anthony says that he’ll tell Cory about good qualities of him (Mark). They leave the bathroom. Kyra smokes outside in the HT area. Anthony goes downstairs in the bathroom, looks down, and asks “is this throwup?” Someone suggests that it’s Maki’s. Outside in the HG area, Kyra says that they’re not going home for a while. Adam joins Kyra & Sam in the HT area. Mark joins.
11:45 PM BBT Este, Anthony, and Cory are chatting inside the house, while Kyra Damien Mark Adam & Sam are in the HT area. Kyra leaves. Adam recalls a time when he noticed that someone shit themself. Adam & Sam say that they notice how people walk. The convo turns to farting. Inside, Kyra joins Cory Anthony Cory & Anthony. The convo is about proteins in biology.
12:00 AM BBT As we end the night, Cory is discussing biology, and some houseguests are hanging out in the hot tub area chit-chatting.


April 05, 2019

5:00-6:00 PM: Anthony told Cory he thinks that they should play out the week by having Dane and Este on the block, and then using the veto on Dane. Once Dane is off of the block, Sam would then go up. Cory agreed. They discussed that they cannot let Damien, Este, Kyra, or others in on the true plan to backdoor Sam. Anthony expects Adam to ask right away about who will go on the block if the veto is used. Anthony originally suggested saying that it would be Kyra, though he changed his mind to suggest that Cory simply say that she wants Dane to go and would like for people to respect her wishes. If Adam wins the veto, Anthony wants to convince him to use it only to have Sam go up. Afterwards, Cory and Dane spoke in the HoH room. They discussed keeping the plan a secret. Cory informed Dane that she told Sam about him sticking to his story. They discussed that Adam will storm into the HoH room after Sam goes on the block at the veto ceremony.

6:00-7:00 PM: Este asked Dane if he has heard anything. He said that he hadn’t but he thinks that there is a 99% chance that he will be going on the block. Cory then pulled Este aside to inform her that Dane is going on the block. She said that Dane knew. Este was then told that Cory plans to nominate her next to Dane. While Este thought that there would be better options, she said that it’s fine. Este swore on her father’s grave that she was not the one who initiated talks about backdooring Cory last week. She said that Sam was behind it. Este added that she was pushing for Mark to go on the block, not Cory. Cory assured Este that a lot can happen even though she is going on the block initially. Este then went to Dane. The two discussed that they will be going on the block together. Dane said one of them has just got to win the veto. He let Este know that there is another plan in place. Adam asked Anthony if it will be an issue if they save Dane when Cory wants him to go. Anthony said no.

7:00-8:00 PM: Cory told Anthony that Este swore on her father’s grave that Sam was the one who came up with the plan to backdoor her. Cory thinks that there is no way that Este would lie when swearing like that. Anthony said he knew it all along. They discussed that they need to win the veto. If Adam wins, Anthony would like to tell him that Kyra was placing the blame on him, and then suggest that Kyra will go up if he uses the veto. If Adam does use the veto, they would then nominate Sam instead. Cory brought up that Demetres told her during her Wendy’s delivery that she needs to go with her original gut instinct, and she hadn’t wanted to believe that Sam was capable of doing all of this up to this point.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds went down at 8:19 for the nomination ceremony.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:40 following the nomination ceremony. Cory nominated Dane and Este for eviction. Dane let Anthony and Cory know that Sam came to him to say that he is going to be okay. Dane joked that he will be but she won’t be. Cory suggested making Adam feel as bad as possible about having him take the fall for the plan to backdoor her, just in case Adam decides to use the veto on Dane. Dane said it would be hilarious if that happened. Once Dane left, Anthony advised Cory to be careful with what she tells Dane because it could all get back to Este. Anthony also worried that Damien could feed info to Este that she may run to Adam and Sam with. Cory brought up that she would be fine with Damien using the veto on Este if that’s what he wants to do.

10:00-11:00 PM: Adam spoke to Cory. When he said that Dane could very well take himself off, Cory said that she doesn’t even want to think about that. Adam told Cory that he doesn’t want anything to be said that would impact what the two of them, Anthony and Sam have going on. He reiterated that he would like to have trust between them. Adam said he feels good about this week and he thinks that they can win against next week. Cory asked if Sam is convinced that Dane wanted to backdoor her. Adam said yeah. Cory asked if Dane had ever given any inclination that he wanted to get her out. Adam said he only heard it from Sam. Cory once again asked for Adam’s opinion on the matter. Adam said Dane might not have ever said anything but he doesn’t know. Adam admitted that he and Sam had discussed potential backdoor nominees such as Cory and Damien, as that is “just something that you do”. Cory talked about being concerned that she is executing an innocent man. Adam asked if he should keep nominations the same if he wins the veto. Cory said yeah for now. Adam let Cory know that people would probably want Este out over Dane, which wouldn’t get much blood on her hands. Even with Este, Cory said she doesn’t know if it would be the right person since you are never going to know if you are making the right move. Damien then spoke to Cory. He brought up that Adam and Sam basically told him that he could not go against them or else they would have kept Kailyn over him. In particular, Damien said that Sam was the one who told him that she has a lot of pull. Cory said she hopes that she is not being played by Sam, because part of her decision was made based on what Sam told her. Elsewhere, Adam reassured Sam that she will survive this week. He said that Este will leave even if Sam is nominated next to her for some reason. Adam told Sam that they cannot change their story or else it will blow up in their faces.


April 05, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Dane, Mark, Anthony and Adam in/around the hot tub chatting about climbing Mt. Everest. Cory comes out to join them. All HGs nursing injuries from the HoH competition. Sam, Damien, Este and Kyra in the kitchen, eating and chatting. Sam heads outside and joins everyone around the hot tub. Cory talking about life with her sisters. Dane in the kitchen by himself, eating potatoes.
10:15 AM BBT Sam and Adam outside chatting with Anthony, Mark and Cory who are in the hot tub. In the kitchen/pantry area Este, Damien and Kyra are getting their morning coffee. Kyra heads out to join the others in the backyard. Damien heads out to have a hot tub as Cory, Anthony and Mark are getting out of the tub, so he decides to wait until later. Most everyone heads inside leaving Kyra, Adam and Sam by the hot tub. Kyra is complaining about being on slop; says they need cinnamon to consume the shake.
10:30 AM BBT Adam, Sam and Kyra outside smoking and chatting. Cory and Damien chatting in the HoH room about who she’s planning to take to Wendy’s; I didn’t catch the name but the reasoning was so they would have to answer questions and couldn’t run away. Cory asked to put her mic on. Cory tells Anthony she’s going to have a shower, but he can come into her HoH room and they’ll talk when she’s done.Mark and Anthony have a quick chat in the WR about how Mark wants to work with Cory and Anthony. Anthony tells him he has him and then heads downstairs. Sam and Kyra talking in the backyard; Kyra says that it’s about damn time that Dane goes on the block. Kyra says they don’t want to be seen as a liar; Sam says Cory is the person who would believe the lies the least. Anthony heads upstairs to the WR to change headwear before heading to the HoH room to wait for Cory. He brought bandaids for Cory’s foot. She tells Anthony she’s going to bring Kyra for Wendy’s because they can’t leave and she can see on their face when they’re lying.
10:45 AM BBT Cory and Anthony talking in the HoH room. Cory says that she feels Kyra will be doing little things to try and gain their trust. Anthony says that it’s not about taking sides; it’s about being loyal to the people you’re working with. Cory says the fact they’re thinking sides concerns her. Anthony says that Kyra thinks that Sam and Adam will protect them in the house. Cory says she doesn’t know how to go about this; Anthony says that he spoke to Dane this morning and Dane said he’s fine going on the block for breaking their trust, but he’s been loyal to them. Anthony tells Cory that Sam has been going hard to get Cory out. Cory says that she thinks Sam sees her value if Adam wins next week; she says even then, she trusts Adam. She says she thinks everything would be different if Sam was gone; she wants to come up with a plan to get Sam exposed. Cory says that Kiki made a pitch yesterday to Sam, the one person who couldn’t vote. Cory explains that she’s been tripping Sam up in lies for days and pointing them out to Adam. Anthony says that Adam is an obsessive person; if it hadn’t been Sam, it would have been Chelsea as he’s just that kind of person. Cory asks who she should put up. Anthony says that they need to figure out what is best for Cory this week and going forward. He says she must bring some things to light this week. Cory says that Este says that Sam and Kyra have been lying; she says Dane and Este’s stories line up whereas Sam and Kyra’s stories don’t. Anthony says that Kyra is close to Cory, but they’re closer to Anthony; he says that he feels he could get more info out of them about Sam than she could. Cory says that she feels like if she could prove to Adam that Sam is lying, he’ll listen to her. She said he’s doubtful when it comes to the guys, but she thinks she can get through to him.
11:00 AM BBT Cory and Anthony talking in the HoH. Cory reaffirming she’s taking Kyra to Wendy’s to try and get more info on Sam. Anthony asks who she’s going to nominate; she says Mark and a choice between Este and Dane. She says she can’t put Adam and Sam up as she told Adam she wouldn’t and she won’t go back on that. Anthony says if Adam had won HoH there would be a lot of talk about putting Cory up. Cory says she is going to put Mark and Este up and tell people she doesn’t want to risk Dane playing in the PoV and a possible backdoor. Anthony pitches telling Sam, Adam and Kyra that she’s not putting up Dane to find out where everyone’s heads are at. Cory should then go to Dane and recruit him to help bring Sam’s misdeeds to light. He says that if they get Sam out, Adam won’t be able to recruit people to retaliate against Cory. Cory says Este knew about all of what was happening in the house and never told Cory. Cory says Este told her that Kyra had played that the first they heard about the backdoor plan was in the WR, but they had told people about it days earlier. Cory says she had suspected the girls and told Dane to be cautious, but then found out it was Kyra. Este said that Sam had talked to the girls about the backdoor plan so Dane wasn’t concerned that his name would come out. Anthony says that Sam is a slithering, slimy genius and they have to get her out. He says that this is why Sam and Adam have been saying how smart Kyra is because Kyra has been carrying out all their moves.

11:15 AM BBT Anthony and Cory still talking in the HoH room. Cory is figuring out that Sam had insinuated to Cory that Kyra was making it all up. Anthony says they need to set shit on fire, so he thinks they need to put someone on the block who can get the votes against Sam with or without the Veto. Anthony says the only vote that Sam would have to stay would be Adam. He says Adam would use the Veto to take Sam off the block so they should use the plan against Sam she tried to use against Cory. They should only trust a select few people with what the true plan is this week. He praises Mark but says not to confide the true plan to him. Cory says she’s worried about Adam and she doesn’t want to hurt him; Anthony points out that he tried to get her out last week. Cory says she needs to put up Mark and Dane; Anthony says that he doesn’t think she should put up Mark. Anthony says she should put up Dane and Este, have Dane come off the block and backdoor Sam. Anthony says he will advise Dane to tell Este this is his fault, explain the backdoor plan to her, and suggest they need to work with Anthony and Cory. Anthony says they don’t want Este aligning with Sam. He says they need to take out the head of the monster this week. He tells Cory to finesse Kyra during the Wendy’s lunch; he tells her what to watch for to tell if Kyra’s lying. Anthony says Kyra’s spending a lot of time together; they’re talking and Sam’s plotting.
11:30 AM BBT Anthony and Cory still chatting in the HoH room. Anthony wants to know why Sam would tell everyone last week that they were trying to backdoor Cory. He says it was a dumb move and he’s glad it blew up. Anthony advises her how to have a tough conversation with Kyra about their lying to her and Anthony when they’ve been loyal to her. Anthony says to play around with words and try and get Kyra a chance to have enough rope to hang themselves without them necessarily figuring out that they know they’re lying. Cory’s going to ask who approached Kyra about the backdoor, whether Sam told her and/or whether or not they approached the girls. Dane enters the HoH room. Cory tells him that they’re piecing things together and it’s very evident what is happening. Cory says that it’s about removing the head of the snake, but he’ll have to hit the block. She says she wants him to win the Veto and take himself down. Dane says that he trusts both Cory and Anthony and has loyalty to them, and if he needs to hit the block to prove his loyalty, that’s fine. He asks who he’s going to be sitting beside; they tell him he’ll be beside Este because no one will vote against Este when Sam is sitting beside her. Cory says that the house is going to explode once they have Sam on the block. Dane confirms that they’re talking about Sam and not Adam. Kyra comes in and asks to use the WR; Cory refuses and Anthony leaves. Mark tries to come in and Cory asks for a minute. She tells Adam about the Wendy’s plan. Dane thanks Cory for sharing and heads out. He tells Mark that Cory’s just going to get dressed and she’ll come grab him. Cory invites him in to listen to music while she puts her hair up. She joins him and he asks how it feels to be HoH; she says it’s nice to get that little piece of home. Mark says that she looks the least stressed of all the HoH’s he’s seen.
11:45 AM BBT Cory and Mark chatting in the HoH room. Cory says she and Anthony are a unit in the house and it would be insane to try and deny it. Mark says that she had told him that she had said she was willing to extend her trust to him because of Anthony. He says the organic chats are the best and most sincere. Mark says that he knows that the reason he’s in this house is because he was supported by Anthony; Cory agrees and tells him that Anthony also speaks well of him. Cory says in this game you need to be able to bounce thoughts and ideas off an equal and Anthony is her equal. Mark says that if Anthony couldn’t win the HoH, he’s glad that Cory did. Cory asked who his list of winners would have included. He explains that he had a rocky relationship with Este but then decided that it was all water under the bridge. He says that Sam had told him he was being used as a pawn last week and believed that Este was throwing his name under the bus. Then he found out that the people he trusted (Sam and Kyra) had betrayed him. Cory says that the past week for her was insane, too because she had been the target of a backdoor plan. Mark says he had no idea about it. Cory says she’s good at this game and people saw her as a threat; she says this is her extending trust to him by telling him things. Mark says he trusts Anthony and when Anthony told him that they see the game similarly and he should approach her, he knew it was true and it made him a lot more comfortable. Mark says that it’s hard to open up to people about his background; but he knew he could trust Anthony with it and was happy to be proven correct. Cory tells Mark it’s not in her best interest to remove him from the game; Mark asks for a talk with Anthony and her to formulate a game plan going forward. Cory says that she feels like she’s been played. Corey tells Mark that Kikki isn’t here anymore and Este needs people. She advises him to continue to build that relationship with Este. She tells him to keep the information close to him and to see if Este tells him more.
12:00 PM BBT Mark says that right before the eviction that Este came up to him and told him that she would not put him on the block if she won. He says that it’s a classic “I don’t trust you” move. Corey tells him if she puts him up that it has nothing to do with their relationship, but that she has bigger fish she is after. She asked him to keep it to himself. He tells her a conversation he had with Anthony. And that they kept him around because he was more mature than Kikki. Corey says that she needs people who will be honest and not feed her BS because she is not used to it from adults. Her goal is to surround herself with people who will not feed her BS even if it’s hard to tell her, she would prefer the truth. Mark says there are mature people in the house and immature people in the house. A mature person will look you in the eyes and tell you the truth and keep an open mind. He says that with Este, she was trying to keep her friend in the house so he is going to give her a pass. Corey says just remember that Este is capable of that. Corey says that she needs to surround herself with people who are at her level. Mark says it’s hard to play this game when all people do is lie to you. She reassures him that he is not on her sights. But she says that things could change. She doesn’t want to give him false hope before she can guarantee it. He says he looks forward opening up more with her. He asks her permission to discuss this with Anthony she says yes. COREY PLEASE GO TO THE DR. She tells Mark anytime he wants to chat to come in anytime as long as no one else is in with her already. Mark goes to the pool table and tells Kyra that she is going to Wendy’s with her so to get ready. On the couch in the living room, Adam and Damien are talking. Adam says he wants Skechers. They talk about the music Corey got. They get up and Damien says he is going to make some bread. ANTHONY PLEASE WAKE UP NAPTIME IS OVER. Adam yells that he told them and he says “Don’t listen to Adam”. Adam is making coffee. Dane comes and joins Mark at the pool table. He tells Mark that he feels safe. Mark tells him that his name didn’t come up. Dane says he feels he can trust her (Corey). Este and Anthony are talking in general conversation. She is telling him that she makes Vegan Banana bread. He says EWWWWW. Feeds go outside where Adam and Dane are talking. Dane tells Adam that he will never vote against him. Adam tells him where his head is. After Dane dropped he thought to himself does he really want to win this. He says that he felt like he could breathe and the target was not on him and that he finally felt good. He says that Dane was upset about Kikki and Dane says he was furious. Adam says that he felt like he didn’t have to worry, and now he is worrying again. He says he went to talk to her. He says that he knows the conversation she had with Anthony and Dane and that he had POV last week and that if they wanted to make it happen it would have happened. He says that he told her that they discussed options. He says he pulled Corey aside when it was happening. Dane says that the reason he brought it to their attention, because that Adam and Dane can go on the block against someone else, but the two of them together can not go on the block. Dane says he has a feeling it is him going up and he says it is fine.
12:15 PM BBT Adam says that if he would have held on longer, that they would not be in this situation. He says that he trusted Corey and that she wanted to see her family. Dane says that she is a person of her word and that he will not go up. Dane says that he was thinking that Adam had it but he says now he went up to Corey and told her that it was not him and Adam but he says that he most likely go up and as long as they are not up against each other, he is fine with it. He says as long as the finger are not pointing at both of them and only one of them, that they will be fine. Dane says that he swears on his dad that anytime someone says his name he agreed with it but that he would have saved him. That they have been good since day one. Dane says he wants to touch the block, that he has done HOH and he has not touched the block. Damien comes out and they talk about what the next comp may be. They talk about a possible battle back and they say that it is too late for a battle back and if it did happen, they think it would be Maki coming back. Dane talks about being in the jury house by himself for his birthday and that would suck. Adam says that will not happen. Dane says he can feel it. Dane says that if he does go up, he will win the POV. They talk about a boy party and Dane says he can not wait to get Damien wasted. Dane says he loves this game and it’s getting more exciting. Kyra comes out and they ask them if they are excited about Wendy’s. They say they are because they are a HN so it’s exciting. They talk about shows and production asks them to stop talking about production. They ask Kyra what they are going to eat at Wendy’s. They say a chicken burger. They tell them to get a salad and they asked if they can get a salad too. The boys tell them yes. They all talk about food. On the upstairs couch, Este and Anthony are talking. Este gets up to go to the washroom and make lunch. She tells him they will chat again after. Anthony goes downstairs and the camera follows him. It makes him laugh and he tells Sam that the cameras crack him up.

12:30 PM BBT He asks Sam if she wants a coffee and she says no, that she has never had one in her life. He goes into the storage room and makes coffee. He says he hates slop. Corey talks to Kyra about their Wendy’s trip and what they are going to eat. Sam is sitting with them and Anthony joins. Kyra tells Corey that they feel that she will be meeting Erica. She says she hopes it is Erica. But Corey says that it could be anyone. Este comes down stairs and Mark asks her if she would like to play pool and she says yes and they head to the pool table. The HG sitting together talk about Sam pants. She says she calls them her curtain pants because they are see through. Corey gets up to go to her room to put makeup on and to get chocolate. She says her shoes are amazing and that she loves the color. Sam yells up to Corey and says do you want to chat before or after Wendy’s. Corey says they can talk now. Kyra says they can talk at Wendy’s cuz they will see Corey there. Sam asks if she can have some chocolate. Corey says yes and to bring her some. Sam says she came into the house disliking Peanut Butter but now she is liking it. She asks Corey if she is liking it so far. Corey says yes and that she has been having a lot of conversations. Sam says how can she help. Corey tells Sam that Dane says that he knew about the back door but that it was not him that brought it up. Sam says that is interesting. Corey says that all last week he was worried about something but as of right now. Sam says that she thought that Adam, Dane and Anthony had a conversation in the file room with her. Corey said it was her own process of elimination. Sam says she thought there was a conversation with them all. Because Adam said he stormed out of the conversation. Corey says that they have already talked about this. Corey says that it was from her own deductive reasoning and based off of convos she had with Este and Kikki. She says once her name is thrown out that she does her own investigative work. Corey said that Dane told him that he was not behind the back door plan. Sam says that Adam came up to talk to her because he was upset and that it was because he was implemented in the back door plan. Corey says that Dane knows that Corey thinks it was him that had the backdoor plan. She says that Sam and her have already talked about it. Sam says that it is weird that Dane is not coming clean about it. Corey asks why she thinks that is weird. Corey says that Dane didn’t realize how much she knew until eviction. She says that she was very hurt by Dane and she wasn’t teasing with him like normal. And that he knew. She says in the conversation that he told her that he didn’t do it. Sam says it would be silly if she really believes it. That they are not surprised that he is lying about it. Sam says that Kyra heard about the back door thing and asked her if she thought it would be ok to tell Corey and Sam told her to tell Corey. Sam says that because she was the HOH that there were a lot of other possibilities people being put up. Corey says then why was she the only one told and Sam said because the back door was more considered than others. Sam says that Dane and Mark came in and threw out names. That she doesn’t want to tell Corey the names they threw out. Sam tells her that Dane was not the only one who threw out Corey’s name to back door her. Corey asks So these were one on one conversations, Sam says no they were all individual conversations that began even before nominations and Corey says she pictured it being a group conversation to back door her.
12:45 PM BBT Sam says she is not keeping information from her but that she doesn’t want to pinpoint anyone. Corey says that if it was a group conversation that there would be a front runner. Sam confirms that it was only in one on one conversations. So that when Kyra asked her if they could tell Corey that her name was out there to be backdoored. Sam told them that if that’s what they wanted to do with their game it was fine because Corey was not going to be backdoored regardless. Sam says that because her name has been thrown out there so much that to her it didn’t mean as much but for Corey to hear that, it would concern her. Corey says that she is going to see if she can get more information weeded out. Sam says that she is not going to be a tattle tale of HOH conversations and Corey says that it will be the same with her. Sam tells her that Kyra is a good choice for Wendy’s. She says that Kyra has good insight on the game. Corey asks Sam about a Sam telling her that Kyra could lie. Sam says that because she was not sure where Kyra got the backdoor information. Sam didn’t know where the source was before that. That it could be a seed planting situation to get someone in trouble. And she was not sure. Corey says she thought that it could be a lie from Kyra and making it up. Corey says that Sam did tell her that Kyra could have made it all up. Sam says for her that it is always a little bit of doubt and that it was weird that Kyra asked permission to talk to Corey when it has to do directly with their game and not hers. She was leary about it. Sam says that Kyra is a good liar and that she will tell that to their face. Corey says that there is no reason for Kyra to lie to her because she has been good to them. Sam says that Kyra is smart and is good with their words that she trusts Kyra but in that moment as HOH and everything being thrown at her that she was watching out for Corey. Sam told her that week 2 she would have been going home and if Adam didn’t win the log competition. That Dane thinking eliminating Sam early on, it would get Dane closer to Adam. Sam tells her that she knows it’s not nice to hear but that she was in the same situation. Corey says that from a game standpoint that she gets it. Sam says that she thinks that people put Corey’s name out there for a back door because that Sam could see Corey as competition. That she thinks about the thought process for why people make those suggestions. She says that people didn’t know how close they are. Corey says that they didn’t really do real game talk. Sam says that she was HOH last week and Corey is this week and they have the power to protect each other. Corey says she doesn’t want to think Kyra lied to her. Sam reminds her about the guys alliance that Chelsea threw out. She tells Corey that Dane told her that if she didn’t get Corey out of the house that she would win the whole thing, but that other people also said the same thing. But that if anyone was pushing it the most, it would have been Dane. Sam says that it was not smart if she went to Corey right away that absorbing information is smarter. She says that the doubt came from not knowing where Kyra got the information but that she couldn’t say 100% that it was true and that she wanted Corey to watch who was saying things.
1:00 PM BBT Sam says that she only have watched only 2 or 3 seasons of this game and that Corey only has seen 1 season but they are not ones in the house who have seen them all. She says that Corey will get more out of Kyra at Wendy’s and will know if there is a lie. Corey says in the end that she shouldn’t worry it. Sam asks who will go up and she says that she will put Dane up but is not sure who the other person would be. Sam says she feels that Corey doesn’t trust her but that she is trying to tell her everything without breaking other people trust. Corey asks about the convo Sam had with Kikki. That Kikki told her Corey is coming after her and if she doesn’t get Corey out that she would go after Sam and Kikki.Sam says there is a lot of information. That Kikki says that if she stayed that she would go after Corey and Anthony. But when she would talk to other people that she would say she was going after her and Adam. Corey confirms that Momma said that if Corey stays in the game she would win the whole thing. Sam says that yes Momma did say that and that could be where Kikki and Dane got it. Corey says that all the little things adding up it looks like Dane. Sam says no, it doesn’t LOOK like Dane, it IS Dane. Corey says that who is gonna go up against Dane because Dane will take himself off with the POV. Sam says just tell her if she will put her up, They laugh. Corey says that Sam’s info is helping. Sam leaves the HOH and Corey puts on her makeup to get ready to go to Wendy’s. Corey talks to the camera’s and says this week will be insane and asks what she is going to do. She needs to figure out how she is going to expose her because she is feeding her a bunch of BS and that she made her squirm a little bit. Este and Damien are playing pool. Anthony, Adam, Krya, Dane and Mark are all sitting around. Este and Damien just ended the game and Damien won on 8 ball.

1:15 PM BBT All HG are in the pool room except for Corey. They are all in general conversations. They talk about the pool tournaments and who has won. It seems as though everyone is getting along.
1:30 PM BBT HG are still all in the pool room. All still in general conversations. Talking about who will be playing who next. Corey comes in and joins them in the room. Este, Anthony Damien and Dane are in the kitchen. Este and Dane are eating. Anthony is just sitting at the bar. Everyone is just either sitting around, eating or playing pool. Mark is sitting on the couch and production says MARK PLEASE GO TO THE DR. He says “Hello BB, Do you want me to arrange a battery change?” Mark comes out with the battery box. He tells everyone to come and get their batteries. Este goes up to the bathroom. Anthony is laying down on the living room couch.
1:45 PM BBT Mark goes into the kitchen and Anthony asks him if he is following the camera that is following him. He says no. Mark opens the oven and says that slop looks good says no one ever. He says that he would not give slop to someone he doesn’t like. Mark does an imitation of a past HG. Kyra and Corey get ready to leave for Wendy’s. Anthony tells them if it is Erica, that he is down for whatever whenever.
2:00 PM BBT 3 Feeds are Down for the Wendy’s trip
3:45 PM BBT Este is in the HOH room looking in the mirror, Cory comes out of the bathroom and sits with her. Este says she keeps replaying the clip of her in a white flowery dress slapping her thighs that was in the video they played the other day and she keeps thinking of her mom seeing it and says she’s so scared she wants to curl up in a ball and die. Cory asks, “You don’t think she’ll say, that’s my girl?” Este says no, her mom isn’t like that at all she’s very classy, “keep that to yourself” and cory says her mom is the same way and is her CT. Cory talks about a scene from the live feeds in a past season where houseguest Erica was having a conversation with someone and had a bathing suit top on under her shirt because it was right after a competition and she took her shirt off and cory’s mom couldn’t believe that was on TV so she’s worried about what her mom will think when she sees her working out in her sports bra or in a bikini wondering what she’s doing. Este says that’s so funny and her mom would be ok with her in a bathing suit, but not shaking her ass in front of all of Canada.
4:00 PM BBT Cory tells Este that whatever she decides to do that she is having frank conversations with her and Dane, and that the main thing she wants to do right now is get the story straight with Sam and Kyra, but either way she’ll tell everyone including Dane and Este what she’s going to do. Este says its hard for her to decipher who started everything with all the groups and how everyone’s campaign and conversations got back between the groups and the middle group was Kyra, Sam, adn Adam. Corey says it’s the little things she’s picking up on and it’s making it more clear. Corey says I will let you know one way or another if you are or are not my target. Este heads out to talk to Anthony, while Corey sits playing with her elephant waiting on the next HG to come talk. Cams go to the backyard nook where Sam, Adam, and Kyra are goofing around with French words. In the pink room Este is with Dane chatting and Dane is telling her it’s not the worst if they are nominated in order to BD Sam. He tells her don’t freak or panic, this is better than getting backdoored. .Dane feels if they do touch the block it will be better they can play in Veto and save themselves. Este asks about Anthony talking to Adam and Dane says he doesn’t say alot because of Sam. Dane heads out to the BY but stops by Anthony in the shower and tells him pretend like you don’t know about it. On his way out he asks Kyra about Coffee as they walk through the BY they joke with Adam about the comp and comment how Adam was shaking really well. He tells Kyra he isn’t too worried but if he touches the block he wanted the BB experience. Dane points out how Kikki used his own line against him in her final speech. Inside BY Damien has joined Sam and Adam where they are making beats with their hand legs, table, feet, & anything they can get to.
4:15 PM BBT Damien shares how he got his Drum set as a kid and when he finally got lessons and how its changed his life. Adam wants to cook the Fish soon, while outside by the HT Dane and Kyra are talking about the double and Eddie. They go over the comp and how they were doing and what tripped them up. They think they are going to have a Physical comp there has been lots of mental and endurance. Then the smell of Farts and Poops on slop. Kyra and Dane bring up Kikki and Kaitlyn both making comments about how they were going before Kyra and it bothers Them. the two of them continue going over past players who weren’t great at comps but good game players. Meanwhile Adam heads up and lets everyone know the pantry is being restocked. Anthony is out of the Shower, dressed, and roaming the house before he heads in to talk to Este in the Pink room. She says I talked to Corey and she wants me to tell you all about it. Este says she had talked earlier in the week and knew Kikki would be going up and she couldn’t mention a good chunk of the HG’s and how she came to the conclusion of Mark to pitch as a target.
4:30 PM BBT Says Sam continued to bring up Anthony and Corey and even mentioned there was a plan for a BD on Corey with the Adam and the girls. She shares how she heard it from multiple people and the blame was on Kyra from Sam. Este says that she thought if she kept her mouth shut and not say anything about what was really going on she was going to have Kyra and Adams vote to keep Kikki, but that didn’t happen. When Sam heard that it got back to Anthony and Corey that she backtracked on the idea. Anthony comes back with if you would have come to me it would have built more trust but I believe you and it helped make friendships and was good for your game, but I still think you should have come to me. Este says it was all shut down before Pov so she didn’t think it was a big deal and defends why she didn’t but he still says no matter what you should have come to me. Este says but you aren’t giving me anything either, he says that’s because no one has said your name to me people have caught on not to mention my friends names or you are out. He tells her she needs to have separate relationships with everyone and how you have to prepare for the week after and then the week after. He says he understands and sees the whole picture but end of the day you should have come to me. They continue going in circles about about how Este put trust in the wrong people and should have talked to him and it would have saved Kikki. Feeds cut to Dane and Corey in the HOH.
4:45 PM BBT Dane is talking about how he was outside smoking and Sam shares how she really wants to play POV but Dane is nervous if she really does win. Corey begins to tell Dane about her conversation with Demetri at Wendy’s. Corey says her gut has been telling her it wasn’t Dane and she believes it. Corey shares how she told Este she was going in blind with 2 different stories and would tell her if she was or wasn’t the target. They Say how it can’t go beyond the 3 what this plan is for the week, no leaking to anyone. They keep going back to how there is trust and loyalty with each other and how she is just ready to be honest. She is trying to figure out who else to put up and how to go about this nom. Sam peeks in and wants to listen to the music and says how the pantry has been restocked. Sam tells about the Chocolate hummus and then fish being cooked. Dane checks the trash and and they talk about the smell of the bathroom. Corey heads out and same begins to listen to the ipod. Cams go to the outside nook where HG are telling about their family home stories. Corey plays a game of pool with Anthony
5:00 PM BBT Anthony tells Corey how he listened to Este and then Blew up on her about not going to him and Corey about the BD plan last week. He continues to point out how Este is close with many people and more close with Damien than they originally thought. Dane walks through they crack a few jokes about pool and his jeans then go back to trying to play a real game of pool. They conversation is on Halt while they wait for Dane to come back through from the HT area. Corey asks about the conversation and when Este made a comment to him about talking. Anthony says he isn’t playing the nice guy when you haven’t been watching out for me. Anthony wins and tells Corey I think having Este and Dane up to start but don’t tell anyone else and when Adam comes freaking out about someone coming off the block Drop Kyra’s name and tell him no one else knows if its leaked then I know where it came from.
5:15 PM BBT Corey asks about Aqua packs, Dane leaves and then Anthony has a different idea about how to keep Adam and Sam calm and make good TV. They ask if Mark and Sam spend any time together, neither of them have noticed it. While that conversation continues Este, Dane, and Mark are outside discussing Jury house and their life lines. Adam comes out and joins them and they ask what kind of smokes he got, Este jokes about how Adam the healthiest guy is now on the smokes. They review this morning how Adam almost got sick on water this morning. They talk about Este’s ex and words in different languages, Dane is complaining about his neck hurting, Adam says its his back. Mark is talking about the beauty of a Lebanese woman. Sam & Kyra are in the WR discussing how and where all this backdoor info came from. Sam tells Kyra that Dane is denying everything and how do they proceed, Kyra tells Sam that they have no idea what Corey will do when it comes to noms but she did say that she would tell both people before they went up and shes told Dane and not said anything to Sam yet. Kyra heads out and runs into Adam who asks where’s Sam and They respond with pooping, actually in the bathroom doing lady like thinks. Adam continues to monitor the food he is cooking, Dane says he wants to head upstairs to listen to music, Adam asks Dane to send Sam down.
5:30 PM BBT Dane heads in to the HOH, and Sam exits the WR and heads down to dinner with her man. Sam asks if he needs help, and jokes about him slaving in the Kitchen all day he is very short answered. Adam seems really worries and Sam shares the info Kyra just told her about the noms knowing they were going up. Sam asks Adams opinion what to say about the BD situation on how to really pin it on Dane. Corey comes in to get water and they offer her some Fish. Sam and Corey talk about the ipod and Dane doing the big clean and Adam shares about what things they got in the SR. Sam says lets see if we can properly go through the food. They discuss ways to make the fruit and other foods last. Damien comes in and they offer him a plate as well. While most of them eat, Adam cleans up Sam and Corey talk about how she keeps busting open a cut, then they talk about a portion of the comp. Corey asks if there is a warning for the Ceremony’s, Sam tries to explain saying not really but BB calls them out for talking about production. Corey said she is going to head up, Sam thinks someone is up there already but Corey says oh well i’m going up. Corey grabs a beer and takes it up and offers to share with Sam.
5:45 PM BBT Corey enters the HOH and begins talking to Dane about the music and Beer. Then they discuss the game of pool and its quickly onto what to say to Este. Kyra, Mark, and Anthony are out in the HT area and Sam and Adam emerge from the Hallway. Mark is discussing what foods he wants, and comes up with an idea of speculation then they discuss Farts and how many times do they fart in a season. Adam says 350 in the morning alone then with all day at least 1000 in a season. Kyra says she is out of smokes again but is headed in to have a bowel movement since she hasn’t. Anthony asks is any amount of people able to sleep in the HOH. Like if they wanted to have a sleepover in the HOH is that accepted. General conversation continues outside while Dane and Corey up in HOH still chatting about how Sam and Kyra and Adam and how they are all scampering to get a story together. They are talking about story discrepancies, and asking both Sam and Kyra and getting mixed answers.

6:00 PM BBT Damien and Este are in the dining room. Este said that she feels like she is going on the block. Damien said that he didn’t hear anything about it. Damien said that if you just keep getting by every week, you can get to the final with no resume. In the HOH room, Dane and Cory chat. Then the feeds go down. Feeds back up at 6:09 PM BBT. Sam and Kyra play a game of pool. Kyra scratched. Sam said good for me and bad for you. In the HOH, Cory tells Este that she feels like putting Este up is best for her game. Este said that sucked because Cory didn’t know the things Este did. Cory said that Este was a part of the plan to get rid of her. Este said that she was part of that conversation but it didn’t come from her. Este said that she got it from Kyra and Sam said that it was the plan. Este said that everything she told Cory was the truth. Corey said that her decision had to be made quick and that her and Dane on the block is how she feels it should be. Cory said that there is a lot of game to play still this week. Cory said that she is putting them up right now but things could change quickly.
6:15 PM BBT Este said that she was advised not to bring Cory into the group because she was a guys girl. Este said that her target was Mark not Cory. Este said that the ones she trusted were the ones that wanted her out. Este thanked her for telling her and left. Dane and Este go to the pantry. Dane told her that things aren’t over. Dane said that if one of them wins veto, there is a plan in the works. Dane said that he wasn’t leaving the house without her. He needed her there for his birthday. Este said that she feels that if Dane wins veto, she has a better chance of staying. Este left and Anthony came in. He said that he was told about Danes name being put out there. He said that he was told that Este needed to talk to him but not until after veto. She said that she was loyal to him. Anthony said she was not loyal to him. Dane asked Cory if it was ok to tell the hgs that he was one of the noms. She said that he could. Dane went to the kitchen to make some food. Este said that the veggies he made were delicious. He said that he just put some cumin on them. Este said that she loved berries. She said that she missed them.
6:30 PM BBT In the kitchen, Anthony and Adam joke about being able to do what they want. Out by the hottub, Sam and Kyra joined the others. Sam said that they had everything set for Este’s talk show. Sam said that Cory missed her talk last night. Dane said that he learned about Freud. Dane said that Putin impression of him was funny. Kyra put on a russian accent and everyone laughed. The feeds go down. Feeds back up at 6:39 PM BBT. Adam mentioned that they got green peanut butter. Cory said something about wanting to see Anthony dunk a basketball. Dane said that he could jump really high. Adam said that Anthony’s thigh was like 4 of his quads. Adam said that he can’t wait to see Anthony’s ad. He said that he was probably shredded. Dane said that he knew a weight loss model with 100k followers. Adam said that Anthony already has a big following.
6:45 PM BBT Cory said that she couldn’t understand what Adam was saying when he spoke french. BB announced that the yard would be locked in 15 minutes. Adam said that he smoked 5 smokes so far today. Kyra said Kyra needed to make something from slop. Sam said that if it is breaded and baked, it comes out crispy. Adam said that every single hgs have had a moment of freak out. Mark came out. He talked about the playlist on Cory’s ipod. Mark said that Este was dancing well and he was just moving side to side. Cory said that she knows how she looks when Adam scares her. Mark said that they had Sam in slow motion. Kyra said that Kyra thought it might have shown Dane hiding shoes for april fools. In the pool room, Adam, Anthony, Dane and Este are standing around the table. Dane and Este play a game together. Este said that she is just hitting the balls. She said that she isn’t good under pressure. Este said that he was so good. Dane asked her if she even sank a ball yet. Dane said that she is on fire after she drops 3 balls. BB gives a 3 minute warning to locking the yard. Dane said that he was going out for a quick smoke. Anthony came in again and cracked Este’s back. Dane is outside with Damien. He said that Kiki hurt his game and Este’s game. Damien said don’t they remember what happened last week?
7:00 PM BBT Anthony and Cory are in the HOH room. Cory tells Anthony about her talk with Este. Anthony said that this week was going to be electrifying. He said worst case is Adam wins. Anthony said that he would have to create a problem between Adam and someone. He said that he could blame Kyra and tell Adam to take Dane off the block and put up Kyra. Cory asked if he thought Canada would like her after that. Anthony said that they will love her. He said that it might be a better plan to talk to Adam and explain the situation and ask what he thinks for a replacement nom if Dane or Este pull themselves off the block. She asked if it would have made a difference if she was in the house from day 1. Anthony said he was leaving and sending Kyra in soKyra didn’t feel left out. Kyra came in and Cory said that she just wanted to let her know who her noms were. Kyra asked if she told Dane and Este. Cory said that they were the first people she told. Kyra asked Cory how she felt and if she had her speech. Cory said it was hard to tell someone they were on the block. Kyra said that Kyra just wanted to check in with her. Kyra left and asked Damien to go to the HOH
7:15 PM BBT BB just told Adam to stop what he was doing. Mark said that they should be someone else for a day. Mark asked if anyone wanted to play tin foil ball. Kyra said yes. Mark said it would be him and Sam against Kyra and Anthony. They start throwing the ball to each other. Sam said do you see how nice we are being to you guys? Adam is in the storeroom going through and sorting boxes. He said man there are so many boxes. Back in the living room, Anthony said that even if they gave a 2 point handicap, they would still win. Kyra asked if they added more boxes in the storeroom. Sam asked Dane to sub in so she could check on Adam. BB asked Kyra to go to the DR. Anthony said looks like it is me against the world. Anthony said that Mark wasn’t even playing because he had his legs crossed. Anthony whipped the ball at Mark. He said Mark you suck bro.
7:30 PM BBT Mark asked him to rock, paper scissors with himself to see who gets the ball. Dane said that he was like a 4.9 on the richter scale. Mark said it was enough to cause a little damage. Mark asked where Adam was. Dane said that he was in the archive room. Mark and Adam both go to find him. Adam, Sam, Mark and Dane start going over the boxes together. Dane said that he wondered if there was going to be more boxes added. Sam said they may fill it so they couldn’t even get in there. Anthony, Kyra and Damien chill in the living room. In the archive room, Adam and Dane look for box 216. Kyra and Este came in. Kyra asked where they were at. Sam said 216. Este asked where Cory was. Kyra said that she went to the DR.
7:45 PM BBT Dane and Este are in the pantry. The are going over BB trivia. They go over the days and the numbers. Damien and Adam are in the secret room. Damien said that veto tomorrow should be interesting. Adam said there were 11 lockups. He said that it probably didn’t mean anything. Sam asked if he was sure. Sam said that it has to be about the boxes and not what is in them. In the pantry, Dane and Este go over the days and comps and evictions to prepare for the veto comp. Este asked if they were thinking of back dooring Sam. Dane said that if they won, they could do it. Este told him that she told Cory that it sucks that she was trusting those that tried to get rid of her last week. In the secret room, Sam looks at the paintings on the wall. She said that there was another guitar in one of them. Damien said that there was a sword in another of them. Adam said he just had to close his eyes for a moment. Adam laughed and said that Dane got so many shoes in there.
10:00 PM BBT Adam & Cory are talking game in HoH. Adam says that the triple will come soon and that’s scary to think about. Adam isn’t sure if some people that he’s working with are actually working with him. Adam recalls a convo with Dane. Adam says that he’s weird about what people talk to him about. Cory says that it’s okay to vent to people. Adam says that he feels good about this week. Cory asks to keep something between them. Adam says yes. Cory wonders about Sam. Cory tells him about her feelings about Sam & Dane. She wonders “if Dane did it.” Adam recalls which HGs wanted which HGs out. Cory says that she feels guilt if she nominates the wrong people. Adam recalls when people were really worried about a conversation he was having with someone back when Kailyn was in the house. Cory tells Adam that he told her the story perfectly, but is worried about feeling guilt. Adam says that if he’s picked for veto, he’s going to “gun for it” and keep her noms the same to make it less stressful for her. Adam says that they’d need to discuss a game move if she felt unsafe. Cory tells Adam that she needs to go wit her gut. Adam says that “the game is fucked” and someone needs to go. Adam recalls a moment during an past episode from last season where Kaela would lie to someone and then they’d show a flashback to prove that she’s lying.
10:15 PM BBT Adam recalls when Este said that she wanted to work with him because they have a lot in common, including both being from Newfoundland, then weeks later turned on him. Cory wonders how this season is turning out. Adam says that as a fan, he thinks it’s a good season, considering Maki’s 5-5 vote, “which never happens on Big Brother.” Damien enters. Cory tells Damien that she wonders how the season is turning out on TV. They chat for a bit. Adam recalls the situation with Kiki. Cory says that she’s worried about evicting the wrong person, and constantly has to remind herself that mistakes are made and it’s part of the game. Adam tells Cory that a lot of people have her back and won’t go after her.
10:30 PM BBT Sam enters HoH. Cory is worried that people will go after her. Sam says that she was worried that people would go after her, including Adam! They chat for a while. Sam says that she was going to workout, but doesn’t feel like it. Adam reminds Sam that she keeps eating pasta. In the kitchen, Dane & Este are talking. Dane tells a story about a kiss he had. Dane went to a party when he was in Grade 6. It turned from a kiss to making out. Cory tells Sam that she’s worried. Sam tells her that she did a good job, and in one take. Cory says that she brought out the teacher in her during the nomination ceremony. Sam recalls when BB would have last week’s noms on the screen, and BB tells her to “please stop talking about production.” Sam apologizes and leaves HoH. Cory asks Damien if she made a good choice with noms. Damien tells her that veto is tomorrow. Cory says that that’s not what she was looking for.

10:45 PM BBT Cory tells Damien that she hopes that she’s not being played by Sam. They chat for a while. Cory tells Damien that she’s glad that he’s with her. They chat for a while. Damien tells Cory that she has some good music on her iPod. She asks him if he really means that, and says that she wonders if people are just saying that ‘cause she’s HoH. Damien says that he really means that. In the BlueBR, Adam talks to Sam about a convo he had. Adam tells Sam that they’re making decisions together. Adam says that he was told that Kikki is against him, but she was nice to him. Adam says that everything gets back to Cory. Kyra enters. Their convo ends. After Kyra leaves, Sam asks Adam to snuggle. Adam tells Sam to trust him. Adam says that they’re working with Cory and have no reason to doubt her.
11:00 PM BBT Adam tells Sam that they’re not on the block. Downstairs, Anthony & Kyra are playing catch. Adam joins. Adam jokes to Anthony that they’re playing on backdooring him. Este joins in on the fun, then Kyra. Kyra goes to the BlueBR to dress in the same clothes as Anthony. Adam goes into HoH to show Cory that Kyra dressed exactly like Anthony. Cory has a laugh and tells Damien to see. He goes out and laughs.
11:15 PM BBT Cory and Damien goes downstairs. Cory thinks of a game to play that has to do with colors.
11:30 PM BBT The HGs are still playing various games. Adam & Mark are playing thumb war. Damien & Cory are next. Dane and Adam are next. Adam defeated Dane, with Adam hurting Dane’s hand. They go to a very quick improv acting game, where they have to ask only questions. Next is Impressions, where they imitate other HGs. With Cory vs. Anthony, Cory wins.


April 04, 2019

8:45 AM BBT Dane is talking to Kikki about the possibility that she does not have the votes to stay. Dane tells her she has 1 person fighting for you out of 8 people. Kikki says I can try and convince Anthony and Cory to vote for me as a last ditch effort. Then I will have You Este Anthony and Cory and I can work on Kyra as well. Dane tells someone upstairs that Kikki had to go to the doctor and they have been up awhile. Kikki has a pair of crutches beside her this morning.
8:58 AM BBT – 10:23 AM BBT  Feeds Down
10:24 AM BBT Feeds Return with Kikki and Este talking on the sofa. Kikki says If I had pushed through and won the first one things would have been so different. Este says If you stayed and won next week Who would you try and get out Sam or Adam. Kikki says Adam. Kikki continues with Cory thinks we started the whole backdoor thing about her and she isn’t going to let it go. Some of the HGs are working out Adam is cooking breakfast Cory and Anthony are in their normal spots in the nook area off the dining room. Adam is teasing Dane about working out since he was 2 years old. In the HOH washroom Sam is asking Kyra to help her with her goodbye message to Kikki. They are practicing a song they made up of the Blood Veto.
10:30 AM BBT In the living room Kikki and Este are whispering.Este says I am going to feel so alone. Dane tells Este to stop crying and to socialize with others. She tells him that she wasn’t crying and they were just talking. Dane says Look I am trying to help you two. Kyra is trying out Kikki’s crutches. Kikki says These are as small as they get but you can see at the bottom they are for someone 5’7” and I am 5’5”. Kyra goes and gets Kikki some ice packs. Adam has made breakfast for who ever wants some. Kikki has her foot up and is waiting for Este to make her a slop shake. Este tells her it taste like slop as there is no maple syrup left. All of the HGs are having breakfast and having general conversations.
10:45 AM BBT Este asks Sam to curl her hair. HGs have been called to the living room. They are adjusting the furniture to put on their proper marks. Feeds go down at
10:50 AM BBT – 8:00 PM BBT Feeds Down
8:00 PM BBT-9:00 PM BBT Feeds Down for the show
9:00 PM BBT-10:00 PM BBT Feeds Down post show. By a vote of 6-1 Kiki was evicted. With the Blood Veto, Kyra was given the opportunity to veto the vote and send Mark home instead, they chose not to use it and the power expired. HOH is an endurance comp called pipe dream which is presumably still going on as we speak. Check back soon for more details and to find out who will be our new HOH. Feeds return at
10:15 PM BBT Sam, Kyra, and Adam head out to the hot tub area to smoke cigarettes after being on lockdown/playing HOH all day and on their way the pass Anthony and Damien who are playing pool in the lounge. Kyra cheers, “cigarette time do do do do” Mark, Adam, Sam and Kyra are all sitting in the hot tub area now smoking their cigarettes. Mark is talking about his tone of voice when he is trying to sound serious and how it is different from his normal voice. Adam says he should have listened more to Mark’s speech and didn’t realize until Mark had 10 seconds left and Adam realized he should start paying attention to what he was saying. All four switch the conversation to Kiki’s speech. Sam says she doesn’t think anyone expected Kiki to say the things she did and she was surprised that the last thing Kiki said was that she was never gunning for Sam. Adam was also shocked that Kiki had said he and Sam were great players and he said his first thought when she said that was, “Oh no here we go.” Feeds cut to the lounge where Anthony and Damien are continuing to play their pool game from earlier while Este watches. In Leon’s lounge Adam is by himself and looks like he’s meditating, his deep breaths can be heard very clearly. Feeds again go to the hot tub area where Mark, Sam, Kyra, and Dane are discussing Kiki’s eviction. Kyra asks Dane if Kiki gave him a hug before she left and Dane says yes and after that he pulled her aside and said, “Hey, it’s just a game, I love you.” and she said, “I love you too Dane.” Kyra says, “so she did? Ok.” Mark says Kiki’s jab at Dane was, “Straight out of left field.” Dane says, “True but she can take jabs on me all she wants, but I was heated.” Mark says, “It’s all in the past, does anyone know if there’s a battle back?” Kyra jokes that there is and it involves walking on a balance beam.

10:30 PM BBT Feeds cut to the HOH room where Cory is having her one on one with Kyra. Kyra says that they haven’t really had too many conversations with Adam and Sam, but Sam told Kyra that she (Sam) and Asam were convinced that Kiki said Cory’s name as a possible back door. Kyra continues saying that Este thought it was weird that Kiki knew all of that but Kyra says they thought that maybe Cory covered it up so that it wouldn’t get out that they told her. Kyra says they were excited because they thought that they had it all figured out, but now they guess Sam made it up and told her. Cory says there definitely was a deal for the backdoor and that Cory basically just told Sam that she knew about it, but not to worry. Kyra asks, “Oh you did tell her?” Cory says yes, she knows about it, but she and Sam didn’t talk about it in lengths, Kyra says ok.
10:45 PM BBT Feeds cut to the storage room where Adam and Sam are having a conversation similar to the one Kyra and Cory just had upstairs. Adam tells Sam that he needs to go and talk to Cory and tell her that he knows conversations about he and Sam wanting to backdoor her have been going on and that his name has been dragged through the mud and he doesn’t like it and he’s had her back and when he and sam both had the perfect chance to backdoor her, they didn’t do that or even put her up. Feeds cut to the living room where Adam has now pulled Kyra aside and basically calls them out. Adam says to Kyra, “Dane just told me that you were the one who told Este about the backdoor plan.” Kyra responds, “Why would I do that ?” to which Adam says, “I don’t know that’s what I’m trying to figure out so I’m going to go to Este now and ask her.” Kyra says that they, (Este, Dane, etc.) were trying to think of ways for Kiki to stay, and brought up Chelsea’s whole theory of the boys alliance, and they were kind of going around thinking of doing a backdoor. Adam tells Kyra the heat is on him (Dane) now because now all of the girls are saying that Este told Dane that Kyra told her it was Adam and Sam and now Adam needs to deal with Cory. Kyra tells Adam Cory feels good with him. Adam says he knows and that he, Cory and Dane were in another room talking for a while. Adam says if he talks to Este right now and asks her will she say that Kyra didn’t say anything about the backdoor, and Kyra says if Este is already saying that Dane told her, she’ll probably stick to that story. Kyra asks Adam, “To be fair, did you see Este and Kiki running around paranoid that someone told Cory that they were gonna backdoor her?” Kyra says they had a conversation that someone might get backdoored to ease Kiki because she was freaking out, but they never said Adam and Dane but if Este is going with that she’s going with that, but Kyra says that wouldn’t affect their game but Adam cane believe either them, Este, or Dane, but Kyra says they know anything they would ever tell Este and Kiki would go to Dane.
11:00 PM BBT Mark and Dane are outside in the hot tub area. Dane is talking about the same backdooring convo the houseguests have been having all night. Dane says he mentioned it to anthony and then Anthony sat down with Adam and talked to him about it and now Adam is flustered. Dane continues saying that because they don’t have the power this week they have to, “act all nicey nice with each other” and try to figure things out. Mark agrees and says he’s going to talk to Adam about everything. Kyra has joined Adam, Mark and Dane outside by the hot tub area. Kyra says they can’t believe it’s already April, and Mark says he had a job opportunity that he had interviewed with months ago, and then just before he was supposed to come on the showed the emailed him and told him he needed to start April 1st which he obviously couldn’t do so he responded saying he had a business opportunity and couldn’t accept the offer, but all game he kept thinking about how much it would suck if he got evicted before April 1st and didn’t take the job.
11:15 PM BBT Adam asks Mark what kind of job it was true guided and it would have been the first season in the US. and he would have been going back and forth from LA to NYC and he’s done the same thing in Europe before. Adam says it sounds like a TV show. Mark says no, but jokes, “Would you watch?” with Adam who says, “of course.” Feeds cut to the HOH room where Cory is having a one on one with Sam. Sam tells Cory that she thinks Dane is the source that is going to spread the guilt about wanting to backdoor Cory. Sam thinks if that really was the case, she thinks Adam would have gone to her privately and mentioned something about it. She also says that she thinks Adam is a little bit more careful what he says to her than she is with what she says to him. Anthony joins Sam and Cory in the HOH room, and Cory tells him that they’re trying to figure out what she can expect coming into this week. Anthony says, “Everything.” Sam repeats, “Everything” and Anthony says anything and everything.

Tonight's Show

April 04, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, a new power emerged in the house, the elusive blood veto. With HoH Sam locked away, the other HGs all had to agree who would claim it, and like a pit bull with a bone, Kyra fended off all challengers. 

Eventually, the house surrendered and Kyra went from underdog to overlord. 

With the house still in shock, it came time for nominations. Sam plucked out two thorns from her side and tossed them on the block. 

Then at a ballsy competition, Mark dropped the ball big time while Kiki held her own. But it was Adam who grabbed the veto by the balls. 

With power in his pocket, Adam was stuck between his girl, a rock, and a hard sell. Ultimately, Adam kept his head down and kept his ally on the block. But just when the dust was about to settle, the blood veto returned to wreak havoc. 

Tonight, the power of Big Brother's deadly veto will finally be revealed. Can Mark or Kiki escape their death sentence? Is anyone ready for the carnage, right now on Big Brother Canada? There will be blood! 

Arisa welcomes us and says can you believe tonight is the final night before the jury begins? The HGs are buzzing about that, but we're buzzing about the blood veto. Kyra says she won't use the blood veto, but that house of lies with never know. 

We pick up after the PoV ceremony on day 31 with Kyra getting called to the DR. Kyra says, "What is happening?!?"

"Congratulations, the house has awarded you with the blood veto. The blood veto holds a power never seen before on Big Brother. It will allow you the option to veto the vote on Thursday. This means if you aren't happy with the house the voted, you can veto the eviction and send the other HGs packing."

Kyra says OMG, I love you! As well, it is only valid for this week's vote. It will be Kyra's to use or not and they cannot reveal the power to any of the HGs until it is time to use it. Este and Adam are speculating Kyra can put someone else up on the block. 

Kyra says this is insane. They essentially get to choose who goes home. Kiki is praying that Kyra will use the blood veto on her. Este tells Dane she's worried if Kyra gets to choose it will be Dane or Adam and Dane hopes it's Adam. Sam is talking to Adam downstairs and saying the same thing and she's worried if Adam goes up, then he'll go home. Este and Sam are both nervous. 

Kyra says even though they told everyone they wouldn't use the power, they did what they had to do to get the power. They said they need to use it to benefit their game and if they have to use it they will. Kyra comes out and Mark says are we all good? Kyra says we're all good. Kyra says they can't talk about it but it's all good. Mark says speculation is running really high in this house and people are freaking out. 

Sam says Kyra having the blood veto is the best case scenario for her because she and Kyra are tight. Sam says she's at a point where Kiki is her target, but if she decides she wants to get a big target out, then they can do that. Adam isn't sure if his PoV win will keep him safe this week. Adam says if he goes home on Sam's HoH, he'll be heartbroken. 

Sam is in the storage room and Kyra comes in and Sam tells Kyra not to give Kiki anything and Kyra says she can't talk about it. Dane and Adam are still worried. Kiki goes to lay in her bed. She doesn't know if her chances to stay are any better or worse. Right now, everything is just speculation. Mark says the probability of staying is about 80-20, everyone likes him. But with the blood veto thrown into the mix, anything can happen. Kiki and Mark are talking and Kiki says she has to be careful how she campaigns because they don't know what the veto does. She says she has no idea what is going to happen. 

Kyra is sitting outside and they say this is crazy. Kyra says the house is super paranoid right now and they can't even talk about the power. They can't decide whether to use the veto until they know where the votes false. Do they risk using it and getting blood on their hands? Or do they not use the biggest power in Big Brother history to keep the peace? 

Arisa says this week the surprises were bigger than ever before. Let's see what the HGs are thinking about tonight's eviction vote. Kyra says they hold the most power in this game. Kyra is in the shower and they forgot to grab a towel. Kyra says right now, they are the most helpless person in the house. Where is everyone! We see everyone outside chatting. Kyra puts on a shirt and goes to grab her towel. 

Cory is sitting on Anthony's back and he says it feels good. It feels like a back massage. She wiggles around and Mark says they are weird. Anthony says he hates Cory and she hates him. She's like a sister. Anthony could see himself going deep in the game with Cory. He says she's very loyal in the game and they are going to see how far they can take it. Cory says he annoys her, but he amuses her at the same time. He's like a big bear, an annoying bear. But a bear that she trusts. 

Kiki is sitting outside and Damien joins her. He asks how her talks are going and Kiki says she feels like they are going OK. 

They are discussing the votes. Kiki knows she has Dane and Este, plus him, and maybe Adam and Cory and Anthony. Kiki says if she stays everyone knows what her game plans are. 

Obviously, when she talks to Sam she says she's not going after them and she rolls her eyes and Damien says she has to say that. Kiki says she can't have both of them here, gotta go. Damien says he will work to try and figure out the votes too. 

Cory, Adam, and Mark are working. Mark says he knows he has three votes this week, Dane, Anthony, and Adam. So his goal for today is to hang out with Cory and do that east coast workout she does and see if he can't secure her vote. Sam is with them too and Mark, Cory, and Sam are working together. Cory says Mark tries and that's what counts. 

Dane talks to Kyra and he says he has a mutual respect with them as an individual. Dane doesn't feel safe because he's nominated Kyra twice and he could find himself on the block, tit for tat. Sam and Adam come out and Dane thinks Kyra can save someone and they also get to replace the nominee or Canada does. Kyra says Dane is worried and they love the fact he's shaking in his boots right now because finally, he doesn't run the house. 

Arisa says the vote is coming up and either Mark or Kiera will be evicted and the blood veto is in play. Arisa says let's head inside where some of the girls are talking about their favorite things. Este and Kiki agree that Damien is the cutest in the house and Anthony is the hottest. A nice smile is Dane. Best butt is also Dane. Best kisser? Kiki has no idea and Este tells her to imagine kissing every guy in the house and they think about it and giggle. 

Mark is talking to Damien and he says he needs Damien's vote. Mark says he feels good with Cory, now he has to get Damien. Mark says he can be loyal and if he wins HoH, he HAS to put two people up and Damien would not be one. Damien thinks Mark is good and that he has the four votes he needs. Mark says Damien is a nice guy so he's appealing to that side and laying it on thick. Damien says if Mark has his back, then he will return the favor. 

Kiki goes for her talk to Cory. Kiki says every single vote is going to count this week. Kiki says it's one thing for someone to say they're loyalty to you but if they can't win anything how can they prove their loyalty? Cory says competitions are the only thing that matters to her. She wants to know what Kiki's game plan is? Cory needs to make sure the people who stay are people she can be 100% confident in. She says if Kiki can show her that she can be trusted, then they have a ball game. Kiki says Cory is really hard to talk to because she's perceptive. She doesn't think she has Cory's vote so she has to look elsewhere. 

Kiki goes to talk to Kyra. Kiki tells us she might have to go to Kyra so they can maybe save her. Kiki says Kyra has never been her target and she doesn't have anyone but Este. Kyra says what about Dane? Kiki says Dane is closer to Mark. Kyra says they do think Kiki is better for their game than Mark. Kyra says Kiki is coming at her hard but she has to see how the votes go first. They say the idea of standing up on eviction night excites her in no other way. The game is exciting, but this is a whole other level. 

Time to check-in with the HG. Arisa asks how they are all doing? They're all good. Kiki had a fall in the backyard yesterday and she has her foot wrapped. Arisa says she knows it was another stressful week and they are all still able to have a little fun. We see the clips of various antics by the different HG. They are laughing. Arisa hopes they enjoyed that moment of levity as much as the audience did. 



It's time to head inside for the vote! Kiera says this has been a dream come true and she couldn't have asked for better HGs to be there with and she loves Este forever and always. Kiki says Sam and Adam are incredible players, Dane stabbed her in the back and she's surprised this is how it played out and she knows she's up there because of him. She says Sam was never her target. 

Mark says he gets no joy from being up next to her. Mark says he knows he wouldn't be much of a physical threat because of his shoulder injuries, but he can compete mentally. He has shown the last few weeks that he can't even do that and all he has is his integrity and character and if they keep him, then he can give them that. 

It's time to vote!

Adam votes to evict...Kiki.
Este votes to evict Mark.
Dane sadly votes to evict Kiki.
Damien votes to evict Kiki.
Cory votes to evict Kiki.
Anthony votes to evict Kiki.

At this point, the house has voted to evict Kiera, but there is still the matter of the blood veto. But the other Kyra can change that and we'll find out if they do after this... 

Just before the break, 6 HGs voted, 5 of them to send Kiera home. Arisa calls Kyra to the DR. Arisa says Kyra has the ultimate authority to veto the entire vote. Arisa instructs Kyra to take the blood veto and head back to the living room. 

Arisa says HG, I have the results. By a vote of 5-1, Kiera the HGs have voted to evict you. But tonight is very different. Tonight, the blood veto is in play.  Big Brother left it up to the HGs to decide who would receive this special veto so they need to remember they ALL agreed to give this power to Kyra. It's called the blood veto because it's the bloodiest power in the history of Big Brother Canada. While the house voted to evict Kiera, the other Kyra now has the power to veto the vote and overturn that decision and they can decide to send Mark home instead. 

Arisa gives each nominee 15 seconds to campaign directly to Kyra. Mark says he and Kyra had a great conversation last night and he thinks the same points he said in his previous speech are the same points he'd present to her. Kiera says this could change the trajectory of the game and she doesn't trust Dane because he has pitted people against each other. Keep her here and she will gun for Dane. Kyra wishes they could believe anything this person has to say, but the only thing they can trust is when Kiki said they were a good liar. Kyra will respect the house's decision and it's time for Kiki to go. 

Kiki says goodbye to Este and she congratulates everyone for making it to the jury. Anthony picks Kiki up and carries her up the stairs to someone waiting to help her out. 

Arisa says the first burning question she had was she knew she was in danger why didn't she fight to the death for that blood veto? Kiki says she was afraid if she would fight Mark wouldn't give it up and she didn't want to put a bigger target on her back. 

Arisa says Kiki lit Dane up in that speech, why? Kiera says from the moment she met Dane, she knew he was more intelligent he gave off. She realized he was running everything and he's super strategic. Arisa says her instincts were on point. 

Este says she loves Kiki so much, she's so happy to have met her. She has so much work to do and she's going to be all alone.

Damien says it sucks she's gone.

Sam says Kiki has been gunning hard for her and Adam and she couldn't keep her in the house.

Kyra says they are really sorry and they just didn't want to keep her because she's been lying since day one.

Dane says it's been an absolute pleasure to meet her and he's happy they became friends. Dane just wants to let her know that Mark, Anthony, Adam, and himself made an alliance five minutes into the game. Kiki says she's so shocked. 

Up next, the HoH competition begins and it's a real "Pipe Dream." 

Just moments ago, Kiera was the latest HGs to be evicted and the next person to go will be the first member of our jury. It's time to find a new HoH. This competition is called "Pipe Dream."

Another delivery of slop is on it's way to the Big Brother house. Their mission is to hand on to their pipe for as long as they can. Fall off, and they will be eliminated and the first three to fall will be Have-Nots for the week. The last HGs hanging on will be the new HoH. 

The HGs all climb up on the pipe and everyone is in place and the competition starts now! That does it for tonight. You can find out who the new HoH is on Sunday and Wednesday is all about the PoV.

🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨

April 04, 2019

The BV is valid for this week only Kyra could veto the evicted HG and pick the HG to get evicted Kyra did not use the BV

Kiki has been evicted 5-1

Kiki dragged Dane she told him in her speech he is the reason she is on the block and he stabbed her on the back

The only person to vote for Kiki to stay was Este


April 03, 2019

9:30 AM BBT Dane and Damien are in the pantry where Dane is saying he told Kikki he heard and seen her dancing in the mirror saying We have to get the showmance out. Dane says If Mark wins he can put up Kyra and Sam and use the excuse that she put him up. Damien says If the Blood Veto is used I think it will be you or me. Dane continues with I don’t think Kyra has the balls to put Adam up and go against Sam. Cory has come down the stairs so the conversation changes. In the pantry Dane is saying If you go up Damien it is not good news for you. Anthony heads into the pantry Dane tells him he woke up in the middle of the night hungry Anthony are cleaning up the kitchen. so he came out and ate pizza. Anthony says Big Day tomorrow Dane says He wants to win. Cory Kyra and Anthony are cleaning the kitchen. Dane comes out of the DR. Sam comes down saying She heard noises during the night. Cory comes out saying there are no bananas left. Sam thanks Anthony for washing the mugs. Cory says The week she was on slop there was no break. Anthony says When he was on they got one but Cory didn’t because they were misbehaving. Este has joined the HGs in the kitchen. Kyra is making another pot of coffee.
9:45 AM BBT Damien is in the Red Bedroom looking for something. Adam and Anthony are in the washroom saying that Dane and him decided that if the comp came down to them two it would be who is the best. Anthony is in the washroom . Kyra and Dane are in the pantry where Dane is telling them that he got up and ate 2 slices of pizzas. Anthony and Dane head outside by the Hot Tub where Kyra has joined them for their morning smoke. Kyra welcomes Anthony to their morning cigarette routine. Kyra says Once they have a coffee they crave their morning cigarette. In the nook area off the dining room table Este, Mark and Cory are having a general conversation. Out by the Hot Tub Kyra is saying they want to check out a store that is in Toronto that isn’t in Montreal. Kyra says Once they get home they will not want to leave for awhile. Dane says He woke up so many times last night. Anthony is complaining that he is skinny and fat now and needs to workout and rebuild his abs. Kyra says they are going to go eat. Dane says He was so thankful for the BB Gods last night for the pizza. Anthony says Este is such a bad liar. Dane says Damien and him were talking this morning that Kikki is probably going home. Anthony says Dane should talk to Easte about going with the house. Dane says If Kyra doesn’t use the Blood Veto tomorrow next week we need to put up Sam and Kyra. Anthony says We need to talk today about what we are going to do tomorrow. He says He talked to Adam in the washroom. Dane asks him what are we going to tell people tomorrow.
10:00 AM BBT Anthony says If you get it just tell everyone to just relax because we have to talk and make up a lie. Anthony says We will make up something about Kyra. Anthony says We have to create a division like we have every other eviction. Dane says What do you think we should do to divide. Anthony says I think I should start talking to Este and you talk to Cory. Anthony says We can’t trust Sam. Anthony says I don’t care about Mark. Anthony says You really have to start getting close to Cory. Anthony says It has been perfect because I do all the talking. Dane says If the Blood Veto is used our plan gets messed up. Anthony asks Who Damien is close to now. Dane says it will be legendary if we get to Final 2 together. Day 1 the boys form an alliance Day 3 we get together. Anthony says Lets say Damien wins and puts up you and Este you win the Veto and we back door you know who. Anthony says If Adam puts up you and Este or you put up Adam and Sam you guys have to put each other up or it will add fuel to the fire. Dane says the only way I would do that is if Adam could for sure win the POV. Anthony says If you put Adam on the block right away I would think you two were working together. Anthony says We can’t give him the chance to take Sam off the block. Anthony says We have to think this thing thru we only have 1 day. Dane says powers like the Blood Veto should only last a few weeks. Anthony says I should have taken it. Dane says You or Adam should have taken it.

10:15 AM BBT Inside in the nook area they are talking about the weeks everyone was on slop and who had a break. They decide that everyone had a break except for the week Cory was on slop. Back out by the Hot Tub Anthony says We are getting rain today or a lot of snow. Dane says He doesn’t think Adam will have the balls to put up Sam especially now that he is getting some. The hail has started in Toronto and Anthony says Welcome to Toronto. Anthony continues with If I put up you and Este who is going to be against me no one. If I put up Adam and Sam are Este and Kyra. Anthony says Este will either turn to you or she will turn to Sam. Anthony is telling him about the conversation he had with Kikki and Este. Dane says He put the blame on Eddie. Anthony says Okay that is good to know. They both decide that they are going to convince Este that Eddie was the one That is the hardest thing about being on slop is not to be able to eat a pear. That looks like the perfect pear. Adam and Mark has joined Dane and Anthony where Adam is saying Can you throw a comp you know how your mind gets. Anthony says Get out of your mind this is strategy. Anthony says Listen Get over here man you have to focus. Anthony is saying once the HOH starts Sam is going to talk to you Este is going to talk to Dane. If Damien wins he has to put up someone loud. Dane says If you win You have to put up Dane and Este and if I win I need to put up you and Sam. Adam says What if everyone turns against me. Sam comes out so the conversation stops and switches to the weather. Adam says Is the plan still the same for tomorrow is it Kikki Sam says Yes. Inside at the kitchen counter Damien is telling them about the First Nations People and How Canada as a Nation treated them. Damien thinks that is why I am on this show to bring awareness to this issue. Big Brother tells them to stop speaking in code.Anthony has joined the kitchen crowd to prepare his breakfast.Sam and Adam are outside with Mark where Adam and Mark are trying to convince her that Kikki and Este are still out after her no matter what they say.
10:45 AM BBT Adam leaves and just Mark and Sam are still talking. Mark thanks her for filling him in as it helps him make a decision. Sam asks him not to say anything. Mark tells her that he never repeats what she tells him in private. Mark says I don’t know her plan. Sam says Keeping her is good for me but I can’t risk her people coming after me. Mark says You do know that her and Este are attached at the hip. Mark says I get it you had to do what you had to do. I am a man of my word. Sam says Actions speak louder than words. I took her off the block and she came gunning for me. Mark says You know I am a shield for you because once you are on the block your name is out there. Mark says It is possible that I will be on the block again next week but I am going to try hard. The sun has come back out. Sam asks if him and Damien are closed. Mark says Yes but he has never shared with me who he would put up. Mark says If I win I will take him to Wendy’s so I can find out where his head is at. Kikki joins them and Mark says We are talking about Wendy’s. Este has joined them asking about the weather. Sam says There was a hail storm. Este goes in and Kyra comes out. The conversation goes onto the weather , Inside in the nook area Cory and Damien are trying to drink coffee by hiding their upper lip. Dane comes by and says he has to put his tooth in today because he hasn’t wore it for a few days and it gets tight. Dane has gone to have a run.
11:00 AM BBT In the washroom Adam is brushing his teeth. Adam says There is still a ton of people and they want to put me on the block. They want me to agree with that No F***ing way. Dane wants to win to keep Este safe. Anthony wants to win to keep Cory safe and they want me to throw it. No I am going to gun for it and go after Este. It will be an interesting jury for sure. Adam says No matter what they tell me is good for our game. Adam says If Dane wins and puts me and Sam up the whole house but Anthony and Mark can go against me. Adam says Just because someone asks me to throw a comp I am not going to throw it just because they ask me. I trust Sam 100% she would never go against me. At the end of the day I am here for myself. I am not going to go on the block and be okay with that Not a chance Not a F****ing chance. In the nook area Damien is talking about his parents. Cory starts telling them a story about her parents. Dane and Kikki are playing a game of pool.The conversation in the nook area is about sports that they played as kids.
11:15 AM BBT In the pantry Mark and Adam are talking Adam sas I am not pissed but they have a plan but there are still 5 people left. Mark says I don’t know what they were smoking but that plan isn’t going to fly. Adam says I am here for the boys not to put the boys on the block if we get exposed we deal with it. Mark says I think what Anthony was trying to say he needs to win. Adam says Dane is thinking Este stays she is a number for Dane so why won’t I want a number for me. Mark says I win this one Anthony wins the next one then both you and I can play in the triple. Mark continues with I may not have won anything but at least I tried. Most of the conversation is on general topics. Dane says It went from sunny to hail storm to sunny to hailstorm to shit storm now. Kyra gets called out for her mic. They are deciding what they are going to do for their workout today. Adam has started his workout already. The majority of the HGs are sitting around the in the nook area where they get called out about talking about production. Sam says When are we going to workout. They decide somewhere between 15 and 40 minutes. Kyra tells Damien he has beautiful toes. Anthony is stretched out on the sofa and Mark says Well Anthony is back in his pre workout area. Dane and Adam are talking about the plan Adam wants to know why he is suppose to go on the block when there is 5 more people that aren’t part of the boys. Dane says I would put up Sam and Damien or Kyra and Sam. Adam says It would be like throw it to me so I can put you and Este on the block. Dane says I could not put Este up same as you could not put Sam up but I would have no problem voting her out. They decide to continue their workout. Adam does tell him that he told Mark the plan and Mark is not for that plan either. Dane says He is going to gun for the HOH. Cory is explaining how to play a game they could play. They decide you have to do a challenge to advance. Cory says Like a board game but using human bodies. They decides the challenges could be a thumb war rock paper scissors a dance off. Cory says this is what she does at home sometimes making up games.
11:30 AM BBT Este says She needs to brush her teeth and workout as she feels she has drank too much coffee. Sam says look at me I am smoking now. Este says I have hated the smell of cigarette smoke now I just want to hold one not smoke it but hold it. Sam and Este agree that a lot of people mix tobacco with weed to smoke it. They break up to change into their workout clothes. Cory and Sam are cleaning the kitchen. In the washroom Este and Kikki are in the washroom. Kikki is saying she is not going to workout today in case the comp tomorrow is endurance as she is thinking she will stay. Kyra and Damien are in the Leon’s Lounge talking about how Kikki’s campaign is starting to go all over the place. Damien says It isn’t a Maki but is kinda like that. Kyra says Her Veto speech confused me. They say that they think that both of theirs is better. Damien says because we have had a lot of practise. Kyra says Like 2 weeks ago you never talked about the veto but here you are talking to me about this Veto.They say they respect him for that. They say Not a lot of people have come to talk to me about this Veto. They do say some people have said things but not talked to me.
11:45 AM BBT Kyra says they don’t like it when people try to threaten her. They feel that they have taken on some big people in this house already that they feel are picking on them because they are little. They tell him that last week was hard because they were on the block with their friend. They continue with Now that my friend is gone I am playing the game a lot different and paying attention more. They say that they can’t believe that people think they are that stupid. Kyra says Your game should not change based on who is in power. Your loyalty should remain the same. Kyra says I am going to ask you about a rumour. They ask if he heard about Kikki dancing around talking to the camera about her saying she wants Sam out. Damien says Up until yesterday I never heard it.Kyra says they are trying to get to the bottom of it. They continue with Rumors can be dangerous. They say They don’t like the lying in the game either. They say they would rather people tell them to their face. They thank you for allowing them to vent. Damien says What you say to me stays with me because I don’t want my words twisted. Damien says With me is what you get. Kyra says It is nice to be yourself once in awhile. The conversation switches to personal issues.In the HOH Room Sam and Mark where Mark is telling her that Kyra speaks highly about her. He thanks her for giving him some information.
12:00 PM BBT Mark says for the first two weeks she was quiet and distant. He said he asked Kikki why he says she told him it was because she was on slop. Mark says she is a duo with Este.Mark says ESte says No matter what I am voting Kikki I had to thoughts Okay that you are staying loyal to her ride or die. Mark says She didn’t even talk to me to hear what I had to say. Sam says she likes the way he thinks of things. Mark says Even Kyra was honest with me. Sam says lets go work out and hugs Mark and she heads to the restroom then out while he listens to music. Downstairs Corey is sitting on Anthony’s back while Kikki waits for the DR to call her back. Cams change to Kyra where They are outside alone talking to the cam. They want to shake things up and have thought about voting different and using the Veto. They want to know who will win the next HOH and say anyone but Dane, then head inside again. Someone asks about the weather outside, they say it’s not sunny and they are going to play pool. Kikki and Anthony are inside talking about past season where all the letters were burned.
12:15 PM BBT Meanwhile in the BY ladies are working out together and they boys are working out, Damien heads over to play pool with Kyra. Corey has Sam doing planks with weights, while you hear the pool game in the background. Dane puts his sweater on and heads back in the house, in the SR he is climbing up on the counter grabbing a banana then puts it in a baggie. He looks through the many drawers and moves stuff around. He tells the Cams DO NOT EAT IT, he needs it for Thursday night. He complains about slop a moment and heads out the kitchen to fill his water bottle. As Dane heads out to the BY Kyra warns him its a bit windy. Dane heads inside a quick moment to grab jackets and the lighter and heads out to sit in the sun and Smoke. After a few quiet moments he looks up to the Sky and says I miss you! Then tries to shake it off and clear his throat, Kyra heads outside Their self. He asks them if the parents watch BB, They say now they do. Kyra tells about the split of their parents and how growing up they fought alot but now its super sweet with each other. Kyra tells what their parents plans are after the school year and then how far they live in comparison to her. Kyra then asks Dane how is he doing? She can’t talk about it but she can listen. Dane mentions how Corey slipped up and mentioned Laura and she should know nothing. They discuss how week 2 was exciting for fans but they think it’s been a boring season. They go over votes. In the washroom Damien is doing laundry, and Este is trying to fix her hair.

12:30 PM BBT Damien mentions he needs a haircut and Este says she is really good at cutting her own, with Kikki is was just getting off all her split ends. Feeds follow Damien downstairs and he sits with Anthony, Anthony has lost all his socks, Damien is missing shirts and a pair of pants. They discuss if they should Hot tub later, Anthony says he wants to go get dressed for the day, and Damien says he showered for the first time in the morning. Damien says with missing clothes it’s another reason to go shopping after this. His girlfriend always gets mad at him but he loves it. Anthony comments on the noise from the roof and says tomorrow is a must win. Full Throttle tomorrow in the comp it’s a big one. They begin talking about hosting comps and feeds go to Kyra and Adam in the BY talking about the triple, and how it would be a miracle but not impossible to get both Adam and Sam through the triple. Kyra feels that everyone has now been talking and looking at everyone and Sadam is in the best place right now. But if anyone is going to Put Sam up both agree Adam would go up as well so he can’t save Sam. Adam points out he feels the only ones who would put him up would be Este, Kikki, and prob Damien. Adam feels Damien is closer to Dane and the other boys than himself.
12:45 PM BBT Kyra brings up how someone was all over them right after the Blood veto, and since Sam won power they have been kissing Kyra’s butt. Adam wants to finish his work out then they can head up to the HOH/ Corey and Sam are in the nook out there and join the conversation about how many live in a town. Mark and Kikki are up in HOH talking, he has some doubts about Este. Kikki says she wants to fight for her own game, in response to him complimenting how he respected her for bowing out the fight for blood veto. He doesn’t believe Este and her are Ride or Die that, the person Kikki is she would convince Este not to use the Veto on her to save her game. They change conversation to how they are always upset, mad, frustrated, with one another and she never laughs at his jokes. It goes back to Mark talking about the target on their back verse who the target is. He starts telling her what kind of person she is and how everyone in the house sees it. Corey has left the BY area so Kyra, Sam, and Adam are quietly talking on the couches. Sam says that Mark was told by the boys Outside he is good and Safe but Kikki has no clue where she stands and that she is the one expected to go home. They say how Este for her game should vote with the house but it probably won’t happen. Kyra admits they would have probably voted to keep Chelsea knowing it was the only vote she would get. Kyra leaves the area, then Sam follows inside to go join Kyra and Este in the bonus room lounge. They are explaining she wasn’t interrupting anything outside it was general conversation.
1:00 PM BBT Mark and Kikki are still up in HOH, Mark wants to sit down with her outside the house to talk nothing about the show but to get to know her. Mark throws out the “ where did we F up” we are both up on the block? She thinks about it a moment and says getting in the tub after he showered. He explains the moment he thinks it made it seem like it was a showmance/target for them. Mark asks about something Anthony said to her about being good energy. She explains that there was a fun game just to destress from game with others and her energy was brought up, feeds go to Adam working out in the BY. Sam says it was a nice vacation but it’s back to fighting for their life. Sam picks up the weights and says how heavy the 8’s feel right now as she works more on her arms. Corey has joined the lounge.. They are discussing this game they have been working on playing all day. They are making the game up and going to be Human game pieces. They try and think of other games they can create to make. Adam and Sam have made their way into the kitchen where Kikki joins them. They are trying to figure out what to eat post workout, Anthony comes down fully dressed.
1:15 PM BBT Kikki asks where everyone is, Sam says storytime room, So kikki heads up to the WR. Sadam in SR as he prepares a shake. Sam says I wish I could play, ugh. Adam wants to call them out for being the *** *** they are. If people would just play and stay loyal, he just needs to rant a moment. Sam opens up a thing of tuna and crackers, Adam wants to know about adding something to the shake, she tells him after. Sam asks how Adam feels about Dane, they are concerned that anyone in the house will put them up and there is no loyalty to its hard to know. In the 4 way with Dane and Este, Este hasn’t won anything but all the others have won 2 times and gotten them further in the game. They head into the Kitchen to blend and eat. Kikki walks in to fill her bottle and Sam asks if its Story time she says yes and games for us to play tonight. Adam looks at the counter and says I can’t look at this and start cleaning up after others. Sam whispers we were bad last night, we need a name for that and he pipes up with “Plan B” . Mark comes by and is handed a few items to put away in the SR. Mark starts to contemplate what he is going to have and comes to the conclusion of PB&J.
1:30 PM BBT Adam continues to clean up after the HGs all over the Kitchen. Sam and Adam head back to the SR to find lunch. They decide to make fish but only make 4 3 for them and 1 for Kyra because they like them. They are not cooking for the whole house and cleaning up after them. As they head out Mark goes in to put his items away. Sam asks Damien if the washer is free, Adam says he can go for a smoke as soon as he is done cleaning up. Adam pulls dishes out of the dishwasher and and comments how the pods work so much better. Mark tells about the song he was listening to on the ipod, Damien comes and joins the kitchen Followed by Corey. Corey asks about Sam doing her make up in a little bit. Este comes looking for her water bottle. Sam says that after the workout Adam fixed all the pillows and how cute it was that they were all set for Stage, Corey Says Dane does the same outside after a HT sesion. The conversation turns to Sam’s dad’s Career. Dane and Kikki are left in the “Storyroom” having general conversation and back to the hunger after getting real food last night. Kikki said she needs to think about her speech but she hasn’t because she feels like she is staying. He tells her she needs to be firm in what she is thinking because she has told 2 different sets of targets. She wants to focus her speech on herself and how grateful she is for being her. Dane thinks she may not need to say a speech if Blood Veto is used. Kikki says if she has to say anything about the game she will comment on the loyalty she has had from Este. Este comes in and Kikki fills her in on what she is thinking for her speech, Este gives some advice on mentioning Jury and how its been a dream of hers to play and then make it to Jury.

1:45 PM BBT Kikki says yea i’ll come up with something eloquent, and then that she thinks she is staying. Weird thought, would Kyra put up someone other than Damien or Dane? Este says she doesn’t see it, they have been putting in the work this week with Corey and Anthony. Kikki just feels like Kyra might have gone left field in using the Blood veto and not what anyone else would have thought about. They play with the idea of it being Corey or Anthony. Este feels if it is used she feels 100% it will take Kikki off , Kikki says if not I have to hope I have the votes, In comes Damien. They tease him about sitting so far away. Meanwhile it’s chilly outside but Adam, Sam, Kyra and Anthony all are out there. Adam says he has a bit of OCD as he fixes all the cushions because tags are sticking out. Kyra asks if anyone has heard about “Circle showdown” and then they explain the rules. Anthony says it sounds cool and asks who came up with it, they say all of them worked on it. They comment how Close the planes are flying to the BY. Adam says he can’t wait for tomorrow… Live eviction, Blood veto maybe used, new HOH. Kyra mentions they should not have come outside with a wet head and covers their head with the jacket. More talk about the planes. Then onto the topic of smokes and HN comps and Adam says he enjoyed it, and says he wants it to get more grimmy or even eating bugs. He asks if they would eat them and everyone out there has mixed reactions. Sam shares her “Blood Veto” song.
2:00 PM BBT The Ladies head in as the boys hangout outside a little longer. In the secret room, Dane and Damien are talking. Dane talks about Kyra thinking she is safe with Anthony. Dane says that Kyra has literally not trusted by anyone. Dane says if the Blood Veto is not used and he is HOH he will put up Kyra and also Sam. Dane says that if Adam stays because he plays in the POV and wins and that if he takes Sam off the block he will be public enemy number 1. And if Kyra used the Blood Veto that he would put up Adam. Dane says they both need Adam in the game because he is target number 1. Dane leaves the secret room and leaves Damien alone.Damien talks out loud saying who does he trust. He says Corey and Anthony obviously have a deal. He puts his head in his hands and leans over. In the bathroom; Sam, Corey and Kyra are singing about Fabio where are you, Fabio I need you. Corey just got out of the shower. Corey doesn’t have her mic turned up so it’s hard to hear her. She is telling Sam about her conversation with Kikki. Sam says they have to think about who Kikki is close to. Corey says all the HN this week. The conversation is very low and hard to hear between Sam and Corey in the bathroom however, you can hear the sounds from the washing machine in the background. Out in the backyard; Adam, Dane and Anthony are talking. Anthony is talking at Adam about who he would put up and Anthony asks him what the plan is. They talk about team votes. Adam says there was no team vote on the Chelsea eviction. Adam says that people go around all day and they say things about backdooring people. Anthony said that if Adam would not have won the veto that Corey would have been on the block and that Adam knows it. Adam says that Sam would not have put Corey on the block. Adam says that the way he sees it only a few people are winning comps. Adam says that if Anthony and Dane go hard on Sam to show her their loyalty that she would not put them up. Anthony says that what Adam is saying that they will go up. Adam says that if Damien wins, that he will be on the block. Dane asks if Sam doesn’t trust him?
2:15 PM BBT Adam says that it people who keep showing loyalty why she would go after them. Anthony says that this conversation could be about anyone, like Damien. He asks who is a better player, Sam or Kikki. Adam says that Kikki was close to winning comps. Adam says to them that if Corey wins they both know are not going up. Adam asks if Anthony would have a say if Corey wins like Adam has a say with Sam’s HOH. Anthony talks about a conversation between Corey, Este and Sam about Mark and that after that Mark ended up on the block. Antony says that he told Damien this morning that if he wins HOH that he will not want to talk game with everyone except a few people. Anthony says that now is the time where people will begin to reveal things. Dane says that if anyone wins that Adam will most likely be on the block. Adam says then why would he want Kikki out if she will help keep him safe.He says why would I evict someone who I know would keep me safe. Dane says she can not keep you safe. And Sam can not win next week anyway. Dane says that they have worked hard to keep Adam safe. Adam asks how many votes for the triple. Then Dane says they don’t vote first to evict, they vote first to save one of the three. Anthony says what they need to do now is focus on one step at a time. Adam says that Este should go up. Anthony says they have to create a divide one way or another. That they have to keep control. Adam says that he is not close to Dane. Dane tells Adam that Corey has told him all the time that she loves Adam. Adam says that she doesn’t have conversations with him. Adam says that Kyra talks to him and Anthony says that Kyra is a liar. That they plants seeds all over so that things are not pointed at them anymore. Adam says he appreciates the conversation but that his bigger picture is not their bigger picture. Anthony says he doesn’t care who goes home as long as their group doesn’t go home. Dane says that every season, there is someone who breaks off but that will not happen this season. Anthony says it’s because they have branched out that everyone has someone outside the circle they are close with. Anthony says that Kyra is smart and knows what they are doing. He says the only ones who have no clue are Mark and Damien. He says this is where the game becomes more difficult but this is where the game starts. That their loyalty is more important now than ever.
2:30 PM BBT Corey is in the bathroom blow drying her hair. Back to the backyard, Anthony says they are all in a good shape in the house. He says he is working his butt off in the house to maintain relationships. Anthony says in any of the HOH that he has not really tried to win any except the first one. But he says he is going full throttle tomorrow regardless of what the comp is. Anthony tells Adam that he needs to continue to push with Sam that who could we save 1,000%. This is the time people should be trying to get close to Mark because he is coming off the block. Damien and Mark come outside. They tell them about the pool game. No more game talk is happening. In the bathroom, Corey, Este and Sam are in the bathroom. They are talking about the guys and the girls underwear. Dane walks in. Sam is folding laundry. Dane talks about G-Strings and he doesn’t know how girls wear them. Este says she is going to use the HOH bathroom and tries to run and beat Dane to it. Sam says that she is going to do Corey’s makeup. Sam is looking for Damien. DANE TURN DOWN THE VOLUME ON THE MUSIC PLAYER. Dane is in the HOH room with the headphones on and says “Dang, how can you hear it? I can barely hear it!” Sam goes out to the backyard and asks Damien about his clothes and then says she is going to fold them. The guys just sit around outside not really talking about anything. In the kitchen, Este, Kyra and Anthony are talking. They talk about Kyra and her bacon and jam. Feeds go to the bathroom where Sam and Corey are talking and folding laundry. Corey says that Anthony is protective of her like Adam is protective of Sam.
2:45 PM BBT Corey asks if people were throwing her name around, what would Adam do. She says that has already happened. Sam’s mic is so low that when she is whispering you can not hear her. But she is talking about Kyra. They ask Kyra if a piece of clothing belong to them. Kyra says the dance party messed up their hair. Sam asks Corey if it is ready for makeup time. Corey puts on chapstick and Sam leaves the bathroom telling Corey she will meet her in the salon. Kyra asks where the salon is. Corey is alone in the bathroom. Outside, Adam and Damien are talking about number of guys vs girls left in the house and if the guys can stay in the house they stand a chance of winning the triple. Adam tells Damien that what he does this week will set him up for next week. That this is not a numbers game anymore.Adam says he truly believes if he doesn’t win tomorrow that he will for sure be going up.He says that people could say that Adam has won too many times and needs to go up. Adam says the worst thing that could happen is that if there are two of them on the block. That is may not be a physical comp but a mental comp. Adam says if he doesn’t go on the block he may not even get picked for POV. He says that he hopes people at least see that he has kept his word. Anthony comes outside and helps them with new batteries. Adam goes inside behind Anthony leaving Damien outside alone. Sam is downstairs putting makeup on Corey. Adam sneaks up behind Sam and screams in her ear. She yells that she is deaf. Damien comes in from outside and goes to the bathroom to get his folded clothes. He takes them to the red bedroom to put away. Feeds are on Sam putting makeup on Corey.
3:00 PM BBT Damien goes to the HOH room to use the bathroom. Feeds go down at 3:01 PM BBT Feeds are down for a minute with feeds returning to Sam doing Corey’s makeup. Sam is explaining all the things she is doing. Kyra and Kikki are watching. Anthony comes over and joins them. All four cameras are on the makeup session. Dane and Anthony go outside and talk. Dane says that Adam is only thinking about himself. Dane says that they have worked to keep the target off Adam and put it on Sam. Dane says it just shows how Adam is playing the game. Dane says if they keep Sam or Kyra that they as a team are not safe. Anthony says they just need to keep drilling it into him. That he has to stop playing the game with his heart and start using his head. Dane says people love Big Brother because there are moves to be made. Anthony says that Adam is too emotional in the game. Dane checks the door because the wind is rattling the door and they think someone could be coming. Dane says that behind the scenes that he and Anthony have been keeping Adam safe.
3:15 PM BBT Damien joins them in the backyard. They take the lid off the hot tub. They completely soak Damien’s pants. Anthony tells him to let his pants air dry.The says his pants are soaked. Sam is still doing Corey’s makeup. Kikki says she wishes she had big eyes. Kyra asks Sam if she would like them to make a tea or a hot cocoa for their smoke outside since they will not be able to go out later. Sam says she would like a tea.Corey says that she will do a hot chocolate so asked Kyra to make sure there is enough hot water. Damien comes in and the girls see his pants and ask him what happened. He tells them about the hot tub. Este is now watching the makeup session. Outside, Anthony and Dane talk about how they are going to handle Adam. Anthony says that he should be out here with them talking game instead of inside watching makeup. Dane says that once all the guys were outside, that he went inside himself to see what the girls were doing. When he saw they weren’t doing anything, he came back outside. Damien comes back out with new pants on. He says his shirt is also wet. Dane says that the next lockdown will be over 24 hours so it must be a big one. Damien says they need to get in power next week.The guys are just silent for a few minutes. Dane says he wants to stay in the game long enough to be there for his birthday. It is very windy right now. Mics are picking up a lot of background noise and wind. The boys are singing silly songs.
3:30 PM BBT PLEASE STOP SINGING Kyra comes out to smoke. They have hot chocolate. Anthony says that smoking is gross and that he is going to work on them in the house to quit. Kyra says that what he says about smoking isn’t going to make them quit. Anthony said I am not going to make you do anything, I am going to help you. Kyra says that they really need to want to do it. They say that they had an ex that didn’t like it either. Anthony says that Kyra is getting defensive. Kyra says that they are not interested in quitting. Dane starts to sing again and production tells him to stop. He says he only said a couple words. Sam, Kikki, Corey and Este also come outside. Now all the HG are outside together. They are in general conversations. One of the girls is humming. I believe it is Este. Sam asks what episode is today and they tell her POV. Adam says he hopes his dad is watching. THIS IS YOUR 15 MINUTE WARNING. ALL HG MUST EXIT THE BACKYARD. HG are all still in general conversations.
3:35 PM BBT – 4:33 PM BBT  Feeds Down

4:33 PM BBT FEEDS COME BACK UP- Corey, Mark, and Kyra are trying out a smoothie that Adam made. They are trying to figure out what is all in the smoothie. Corey tells them she needs to buy a blender when she gets home. They are telling him how great it is. He asks Damien if he wants to try it but Damien declines. Adam tells Kyra that he left everything when he got divorced. He said that he just went and bought all brand new stuff and he says he is now stuck with his new and improved girlfriend referring to Sam. They both tell Kyra that they will be calling Kyra whenever they have problems. Kyra tells Sam that Kyra is not hungry anymore. Sam starts talking about her period should start soon since everyone else has started thiers. Sam says she wants to play a game and does anyone seem to be in the mood. Adam said he will do some ball throw. Kyra said I just want to wear sweatpants today I am tired of wearing clothes. Kyra said well let’s wait until after dinner to see if everyone wants to play. Anthony is laying on the sofa. Mark has moved to the table and is playing with his beard and humming. Mark is talking to Anthony telling him he has been eating healthy the last couple of days.
4:45 PM BBT – 5:17 PM BBT Feeds go down
5:17 PM BBT feeds come back to Corey laying on the sofa. Dane is in the kitchen. MARK STOP THAT!! was said by production then feeds go back down.
5:19 PM BBT – 5:42 PM BBT Feeds down
5:42 PM BBT Feeds are back up Adam is talking to Sam telling her that he hasn’t watched every season just the season with John. Sam asks him if he wants to go to her room he tells her yeah.
5:45 PM BBT Adam yells out Fuck You Dane and then walks into the HOH. Adam tells Sam Dane told him Follow her like a puppy dog. They are laying in the HOH bed and Sam tells him to stop pushing her away. Adam asks her what were we talking about. Adam said if anyone wins HOH we are going to be touching the block. Adam said I am putting this in my head then that way when it comes time for the HOH then i can win so we are safe. Sam said if Corey wins then I know we are going up. Sam said well if Kyra wins then we should be ok. Adam said do you think they all run to Dane and tell him what is being said. Sam said I don’t think Mark will put us up. Adam said that if we are both up and I use the veto on you do you think I would have enough votes to stay. He said well if I did that do you think that the HOH would be pissed since you would be the target and I would be the pawn. Adam asks Sam if she enjoyed the pizza. Sam tells Kyra to come in the HOH room. Kyra tells them that downstairs they are talking about hockey and other stuff. Sam said that Este said something about she would be in so much pain if her nail was like that. Kyra said that I went to her and should her some support for my social game and all. Kyra said I would rather go by you guys instead of hearing her cry about her foot hurting. Kyra said that Anthony was so upset because they woke him up. Adam said that it seems like Anthony and Corey are flirting with each other. Kyra said I didn’t pick up that vibe more of a brother and sister. Kyra said yeah me and Anthony just got into it regarding Kyra smoking. Dane comes in and tells them that Kikki sprain her foot and they think she may not be able to participate on tomorrow’s HOH competition. They are discussing what happened to Kikki. Dane is telling them about the magic eraser. Adam tells Sam her feet stink. Dane puts in the ipod and leaves to go into the HOH bathroom. Adam tells Kyra I am going to go over my days and then he tells Kyra that I am too lazy. Adam goes through the days anyway while Kyra listens.

8:00 PM BBT-8:15 PM BBT Feeds Still down following the show Feeds return around 8:24 PM BBT Kiki is sitting on a chair with her ankle up Corey says they’ll play a game in a few minutes.
8:30 PM BBT Kyra, Anthony, Corey, Sam, Adam, Mark and Kiki are all in the living room. Kiki is sitting with her sprained ankle up on a chair while everyone else is playing different games to entertain themselves. Corey says in about 45 minutes they can all play a human board game she mad euo and Anthony says he’ll be the ref. Sam says she wishes they could all go outside to the hot tub and smoke cigarettes, and everyone continues playing their game of catch. Anthony is laying on the couch and Sam asks Adam if he wants to play, adam says, “Yeah with you. I wanna eat a lot of food and cuddle.” Kyra Corey and Sam are all having a conversation in french. Feeds cut to the blue bedroom where Dane and Este appear to be studying for an upcoming competition, they are going through each day in the house so far and are trying to figure out what events and competitions happened on what day. They are dissecting in a lot of detail exactly who played in each competition, the name of it, and who won in addition to who each HOH nominated and who won the POV, who they used it on, who went up as a replacement if anyone, and who got evicted by how many votes each week.
8:45 PM BBT Dane and Este continue their studying in the blue bedroom they are now trying to memorize how many HOH and POV wins each houseguest has altogether and saying they need to memorize all of that. Dane says Kyra has played in every POV competition except for the last one, “Power of bounce” and “Spaced Out” which he says is a joke. Este wonders who hasn’t hosted a POV competition yet and says her, Dane, Kiki, Sam. Dane says he thinks Damien got “used” for the blood veto. Este asks if Dane thinks he got put up and Dane says he’s not sure but Damien has been getting called to the DR a lot and he doesn’t think that that would just happen for no reason. Este says, “Oh my God” and Damien says he’s (Damien) been getting called in almost 4 times a day and Este says that’s definitely a lot. Dane says that they also need to pay attention to that too, (who gets called to the DR the most) both Este and Dane agree that Sam and Damien get called in a lot, Mark, Kyra, and Kiki. Dane says it’s because they all either have a power, or are on the block. Kiki says in general, she and Dane get called a lot. Dane agrees.
9:00 PM BBT Este and Dane continue their game talk. Dane says he doesn’t like people who say his name and will not keep them safe or vote to keep them. Dane says that Kyra used his name and they’re done and the same with Chelsea. Este says, “Of Course.” Dane says especially Chelsea because she said his name openly in public. Dane then goes on to say that Kyra thinks they can beat him in a competition, however Sam needs to go before them because she can win at competitions and beat Dane which he then says so can Kiki and Este. Dane says they need to get the stronger competitors out before the weak ones and because of that he thinks Kyra will go very far in the game which he says sucks because he says he can’t stand living with them. Este says it sucks because she thinks her, Dane, Kiki, and maybe Damien could plow through the game if Corey, Sam and Adam were gone. Dane says Corey no joke is a strong woman. Este agrees and says that she’s playing the game very well. Dane says Very well indeed and that no one has even mentioned her name since day 6 which he says is funny because she came in late and they were all yelling that they wanted to get her out and planned on getting her out the very next week, but now it is week 6 and she’s still sitting comfy. Este says that Kailyn had said if they didn’t get her (Corey) out the first week, she would make it all the way to the end and Este says that she thinks she is.
9:15 PM BBT Mark and Sam are having a one on one convo in the HOH room. Sam says she thinks almost the whole house has their mind made up as to what they’re going to do. Mark says that’s exactly what it sounds like. Sam asks how many people vote and says she thinks its 8 and Mark says no 7, there’s 10 people left in the house, an HOH and 2 nominees. Mark asks Sam, “So nobody’s come to speak to you today huh?” after a long pause Sam says, “Um Anthony. Yeah everyone but Este…and Damien.” Feeds cut to the bathroom where Mark and Kyra are talking about the upcoming week. Kyra brings up how fast things change in the house and Mark says if someone wins HOH next week who isn’t him or Damien, everything will be completely different all over again.
9:30 PM BBT Adam and Mark are in the bathroom talking about the pretty boys alliance. Adam says how Damien should be on the block as a pawn instead of someone from the pretty boys, he says if he (Damien) suspects anything then they’ll tell him if there was an all guys alliance Damien would be part of it, so why can’t he go up on the block instead of one of the four of them. Adam tells Mark that Damien came to him and said that Sam was gunning for him. Mark says eventually to which Adam says, “Eventually yeah. But right now I know for sure that she’s the only person in this house who wouldn’t even think about putting me on the block other than you.” Mark agrees and tells Adam, “You’re a smart guy and you make good decisions and you can back up your mouth, but Dane pretty much feeds off of whatever Anthony tells him. Anthony I agree is a smart guy and we’ll listen to him especially when it comes to campaigning 100%, but he feeds Dane everything.”
9:45 PM BBT In the Have Not Room, Kiki appears to be campaigning for Corey’s vote. Kiki is saying that in the end she has this long term goal to stay in the house and she hopes that everyone feels comfortable enough to talk game with her and ask her questions saying that she’s pretty much an open book. Kiki says she knows there’s a lot of hearsay in the house, and she doesn’t really know if it means anything, but when she got the bed from Canada it gave her the reassurance that she is doing what she’s supposed to be doing. Corey agrees. Kiki says she thinks a lot of people might not be as willing to be as upfront as she is sometimes, but at the end of the day all she can do is continue to be herself and that’s who she is which she says is both good and bad, but she says she thinks keeping her there would keep a lot of people, “out of the spotlight” Corey says it’s definitely something that everyone should consider and what Kiki is saying are all very valid points and something to consider, she says she has to hear Mark out again, Kiki says “Of Course” and says she needs to see where the house is and that she wants to be completely honest with Kiki that she will be voting with the house. Kiki says ok sounds good. Corey says either way whatever that is, prior to the vote if someone hasn’t let her know then she will let her know. Kiki says thank you and that she really appreciates it, Corey

10:00 PM BBT Up in HOH Sam and Este are talking and trying to be on the same page Kikki and then Este decides it’s time to head out so it doesn’t look funny and is called to the DR. Feeds show the Wr where Adam is smelling his shoes and wanting to wash them then heads in to see Sam in her HOH. They lay and cuddle on the bed. In the HN room Kyra and Kikki are hashing it out and Kyra is being honest and tell her how they can’t trust her and how they feel. Kikki says after this honest conversation she wants to work with them even more. Kyra points out how after every conversation Kikki runs n talks to Dane, Kyra wants to know why. Kikki tries to say its campaigning and her back is against the wall so she has nothing to lose and is telling the truth. Kikki says Dane has had my back, Sam saved me with the POV, and we are growing in our friendship, but Adam is after me even more now. Kyra says They are heading out to do something they have been needing to for hours, but they will send in the next person.
10:15 PM BBT As Kyra goes to exit the feeds cut on those cams so we are back up in HOH with Sam, Adam, and Corey. Corey points out how “her” game play hasn’t been consistent and she jumps to power and no one is buying it. They bring up Kyra and the blood veto and weather it will be used. They all feel if Kyra has a choice it will not be used but if it has to be then they feel it will be to Save Mark. Sam says either way the best person has it and whatever the decision you just gotta go with it. Corey tells them she told Kikki right before the vote if she is still unaware she will tell her that she is going home. They have no idea what this Blood Veto is going to do for tomorrow. They bring up how tomorrow is already a week ago from DE, the week went by fast for them. Kyra and Kikki are still in the HN room, Kyra says that she’s just being upfront she doesn’t butter people up, Kikki apologizes and says no TY I need to know who is going to be real and honest with me. Kyra leaves and says anyone who wants to talk to Kikki, Dane and Este head in Feeds cut for a few min. When they return Kyra is up in HOH laughing about her conversation with Kikki. After a moment we get HN cams back Este is telling Kikki about her conversation with Sam, Dane is trying to get bandages for Kikki, Kikki whispers about her conversation with Kyra. Dane is back with first aid supplies and we lose the cams again.
10:30 PM BBT Meanwhile Kyra and Mark are in the Storyroom, Kyra is telling him that at this point he has Their vote. They wanted to give him a little comfort so he knows for tomorrow, she knows how hard this can be and now that their mind is made up she wanted him to know. Mark says the gist he is getting is that he is staying and that he is already thinking about who he would need to put up if he wins HOH. He is wanting and hoping to get the truth but knows that on the block or not you don’t always get the truth. Anthony has made his way in th HN to talk with Kikki. She asks him if he has any questions or wants to clear up anything he has heard. Kikki tells her position and gives him her Campaign and says I have talked to you, you know where my head is at. Not only has she not completed everything she wants to in the game but she wants to be an asset to others games. She has been loyal to Este and will be solid with others who are that way with her. He tells her about his 2 wake up calls he has had in this house, 1. With Maki, 2. This week with all the telephone and lies that have come out. Mark and Kyra are still in the Story room talking. Their one hiccup is, who are you with, where is your mind at, who are your targets. Mark says its Este and how upset she was getting when he refused to put up Sam and Adam. ‘
10:50 PM BBT- Mark is still Pitching to Kyra why/who he would put up and why. Sam is in the SR with Corey, Sam says Corey is the smart one, they giggle a moment and then say how Kikki really thinks she is staying. Sam asks if she wants some Lemon Lime ice water, No thanks. They move out to the bar in the kitchen and then continue a low conversation. They wonder when she will pitch to Dane, Sam says the pitch is from all 3 of them so he already knows. They end up back in the SR and Sam says since day 7 i have been telling Adam watch out for Dane. Sam says that Adam blabs everything and then Kyra tells Adam everything and then she tries to calm and keep is down. Sam thinks that if Corey wins HOH she can get Adam to throw the Veto.
11:00 PM BBT In walks Adam and they welcome him in saying they are talking about Anthony. Adam takes a big gulp of her water says thanks and then has to go get more water for her. Sam is playing with something in the fridge and he enters again. Corey points out how Sam has some of the sam oddities she does they goof off for a moment and Adam exits them comes back in. Kyra and Anthony are still in the HN room. Anthony says its no longer about him and Corey, its what is best for me, I need to win or I go home because I have ears all over. He says he wants people who work hard, have faith, have confidence, and keep going. He tells her Don’t get discouraged, when I make up my mind i’ll let you know and I know you are going after them and you are a good competitor injured or not. He points out how smart Este and Dane are and the tools are gone but the Lions are left. Kikki wants to be better for his game than Mark is. Kikki says that if she stays it will probably be me going up and if it’s ⅔ of the house. She thinks Mark could slip under the radar and Mark will be great at the comps later. She lays her cards on the table and knows that more than likely she will be up on the block again the next week and if she survives again the week after. He says TY and it’s real and he appreciates it. Kikki tries to say that she knows she could stay if more than Just Este speak up and Say they will vote to keep her but she thinks it will be in crunch time when someone finally speaks up. They Hug and he heads out the door and cams cover. Anthony walks in to the SR and says Damien is headed to talk with her. Sam and Adam ask if she asked for his vote, what was the conversation like. Dane is in the corner of the SR drinking a slop Coffee and they joke about Adam pinching Sams butt. They laugh about it a moment and joke about how close Sam and Adam really are.
11:15 PM BBT Dane leaves the SR and the other 2 stand across the room from each other taking in the moment of being in the BB house in the SR and talking about butts. Adam doesn’t want to have a chat with Kikki and have to hear about it, Adam thinks she should focus on just the 5 for votes and maybe Kyra but Sam says she is talking to everyone going after them because she feels its better. Kikki and Damien are in the HN room Kikki says she told Kyra she was going after Corey and Anthony because she is so close to Sam and Adam but she was upfront with Anthony and he said he was understanding. Damien says he hasn’t heard back from them but will probably hear back tomorrow. She asks him to grab either Sam or Adam, they hug and say how crazy the day has been today. They review if Damien has talked with Anthony and Corey and mentioned her targets. He says yes they review who to go grab and send in to talk to her and he begins to head out. She sits silently as she waits for Sam or Adam to come. The laughter from the living room can be heard it is so silent in the room and all Feeds cut again 11:26 PM BBT
11:30 PM BBT Feeds return to Kyra and Mark still in the storytelling room sharing stories about being on the block and the votes and going home. It doesn’t last long though as feeds cut right back out.
11:40 PM BBT When Feeds return Kikki and Sam are in HN and Sam is saying for life they will know each other and can be friends outside the house. Kikki says she knows Kyra doesn’t trust her, it’s not all about the relationships it’s the second ½ of the game and it’s time to play and think. Make moves that benefit them and if he stays this week he isnt going to be up on the block the next 2 weeks it will be Kiera or Kyra and then he is at triple and slips past and then he has a great chance of being at the F2. She feels everyone knows where Kikki’s head is and that her Cards are on the table. Sam says tell Adam these points too, gives a hug and heads out to grab Adam. Kyra and Anthony are on the chairs by the Fish tank listening, watching, and putting in their thoughts as most of the Hgs are hanging out chatting. Kyra says They were really excited to play Circle Showdown, but Corey says one day they will play. They warn about the tea cups that are on the table next to them so don’t throw the ball at them. Anthony and Kyra are discussing some math about how many packs of smokes were brought or gone through at this point. ( 10 X 4= 40) Anthony starts coming up with situations and asking if she would do them for a smoke. Snakes, jumping off things, eating things, drinking things, etc..

Tonight's Show

April 03, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, on the night of the double eviction, Sam got more proof that Adam was down with the dudes. Still, the pretty boys steamrolled their way to two unanimous votes. 

At the HoH competition, a spytacular test of memory got down to a tiebreaker which put Sam against Dane and his dame. With her back against the wall, Sam reeled in her first HoH win of the season and the great Dane went off his leash. 

Leveraging her new power, Sam put the screws to Adam about his bromance. With her sights, set on a dude, the shifty marksman stepped into Sam's crosshairs, but Sam couldn't drop her baggage with the veto vixen. 

While the tiny tornado was shaking up the house, Big Brother unleashed an earthquake. With everyone on edge, Big Brother left the house to decide who will wield the bloodiest power of all. With a 1-2 punch of logic, Kyra cleared the ring and the blood veto found it's master. At the nominations, Sam lowered the boom on pretty boy Mark and Kiki. 

We pick up at the nomination ceremony on day 28. Sam says her nominations were designed to shake up the house because she wants to test the guy's alliance and put Kiki on notice because she's been coming for her all season. Kiera says she has to do whatever she has to do to save herself. This week, Kyra wants one of the guys to go home. They don't know if this blood veto is good or bad, but they were willing to take the risk.

Mark says if he doesn't win this veto, he could actually go home. Maybe he needs to start winning competitions. 

Kyra says they know Sam can be easily swayed by Adam and they need to get in her ear and make sure a guy goes home this week. Kyra tells Sam when she nominated Mark, Dane, Anthony, and Adam all had the same reaction. Kyra pitches taking Kiki down because they already have a target on their back. Kyra says they are both independent, strong non-males. 

Kyra is talking to Kiki and Este and Kyra says Dane is much closer to Adam and the guys than they might think. 

Dane comes in and Kyra says you look worried. Kyra says Dane is freaking out and they know they promised they wouldn't use the blood veto, but this is Big brother. If it's best for their game, they will absolutely use it. Kyra asks Dane if Kiki comes down, who should Sam put up? Dane doesn't know and he asks if Kyra is being sketchy about that blood veto. Kyra says Dane is acting super sketchy. This guy's alliance is slowly emerging and it's just convincing them that one of the guys has to go this week. 

Dane leaves the room and Kiki says well, she has Kyra's back, Este's back, and Sam's back. Anthony asks Mark if he trusts him. Anthony says he's very smart and he pays attention to a lot of things. Anthony says Mark should have never been on the block in the first place. He says if it were him that he was number one with the HoH, they would have been in their ear to make sure none of the guys goes on the block. Anthony tells Mark to stay calm. His energy is going to speak volumes. 

Adam is in the storage room with Kiki and Este and Adam doesn't know why Sam won't go after someone else. Este says it's been a battle for you and Kiki the whole time. Adam says a lot of people are worried about him and Sam, but there are others that people should be worried about. Este says she needs to do what she can to keep Kiki safe and she needs to show Adam they could be good allies. Kiki says it doesn't make sense to her to let other's roll along to the end without doing anything. Este says everyone here is sheep and she didn't come to work with sheep. Adam says they should all go talk to Sam. Adam leaves and Este and Kiki celebrate. 

Adam says Este and Kiki are bringing up a lot of points that he needs to think about. Adam says Kiki said that everyone is sitting back and watching them go at each other and Adam pitches backdooring someone. Adam says Sam is definitely into the five-person alliance with himself, Este, Kiki, and Dane. Kiki says she's not comfortable playing a game where these people are sliding by.



Adam, Dane, Kiki, Este, and Sam are all talking and they work on making an alliance. Adam says if they win, do they take Kiki off? Dane says Adam is talking about taking Kiki off over Mark. Come on Adam? You have to save the Pretty Boy. Dane says whoever is in Adam's ear last will have the most influence. Adam needs to be thinking with his head and not his heart. 

Mark is talking to Kiki and he says this isn't how he envisioned this week. Mark wants her to know, that regardless of what's happened over the last 24 hours, he still cares about her and he still wants her in the game. Mark understands if she doesn't want to talk to him and Kiki says she doesn't know what he goes on about half the time. Mark says he likes to look down when he talks and Kiki says you don't like to look people in the eyes. 

Adam and Sam are in the HoH room and they have the television in their room and they are watching [adult swim]. Sam says she hasn't watched anything in so long. Adam says it's their first date. Sam says thank you BB. 

Cory and Damien are talking about backdoor potential this week. They are talking about the blood veto and speculating what it might do. Este is in the HoH room listening to music and dancing around. 

Sam comes out and it's time to pick players for the veto competition. Kyra is unable to compete because she has the blood veto. Sam draws Damien's name, Mark draws Este's name, and Kiki draws Adam. Mark says he should be happy that Adam is playing, but it's hard to know where his head is at. He's in the Pretty Boys' alliance, but he's also massively in love with his showmance and he doesn't know what that means for him.

Adam and Dane are in the storage room and they are talking. Adam says he told Kiki he'd use it and if he doesn't it would be weird. Adam says he wishes he didn't get picked. Dane says if it's between you and Mark throw it to him. If it's a log roll keep falling. Adam says he wishes he hadn't gotten drawn. Sam is listening at the door and she comes in and she says she's going to do what's best for her game and Dane says you should. 

Kyra is the host and the competition is called Balance of Power. On go, they'll grab a ball and place it on their pole and go across the beam and turn around and come back. Each round, they'll grab another ball and add it to their pole. If they drop their balls, they can continue, but can only add one ball per round. If they fall, they have to start over. The first HGs to get 25 balls on their pole and make it down and back will win the Power of Veto! Kiki wishes everyone luck. Adam says this might be Kiki's game. 

Mark says the pretty boys should be loyal to the soil, but Adam is acting kind of suspicious. 

All the HGs get off to a solid start. Este says she does yoga so it should be easy-peasy. If she can win, she'll take Kiki off the block because she needs her here. Damien says this veto is important to him. There's a blood veto on the loose, and Sam is in power and he doesn't know how safe he is this week. Damien is crossing and he loses a few balls. Adam loses a couple. Mark loses a couple. Este is losing a ball as well.


Kiki is at 13. She's been in the service industry for a while now. It's all about balance and mental focus. She's so laser focused, nothing can shake her. Adam farts and she loses a ball. 

Kiki is on her 20th ball. She has a ball sliding to the end of her pole, and then another and she's wobbly and she loses 5 balls on that trip and she has 15 balls now. Damien says they might be there awhile.

30 minutes later Adam has a nice amount and he has to slow down because he loses a few. Adam says every time a ball falls he wants to swear and freak out. He snaps at Sam. Adam says you have to be as steady as you possibly can. Adam now has 17 balls. 25 is the magic number.

Adam and Kiki are neck and neck. Mark says until someone gets 25 balls, it's anyone's game. Mark falls off and he has to start all over again. 

Kiki is at 21 and she's starting a lap. Adam is at 24 and adding his 25th ball and he heads out. Kiki loses a few balls in her transition. Adam has one sliding towards the end and we go to commercial. 

Adam is going for his 25th ball and to win the veto. He is at the end of the balance beam and he is turning slowly. He loses one ball in the turn and then four more as he makes it back. Sam says this is so hard, they are doing amazing. Kiki has 21 balls and she loses two on the trip. An hour has elapsed and Damien is making a trip and he loses one.

Mark is making a comeback. Este has had to start over and she is at 4. An hour and 20 minutes has gone by and Kiki is at 22. She makes her turn and loses two balls. Adam is back and Adam is on 25 again and he heads out for his trip. He's moving very slowly. 

Adam makes it to the end and two balls are sliding down a bit. He slows down as he turns step by step and he heads back down the beam. Everyone is quiet and the two balls on the end are moving a little. Adam sets the pole down and he has won the PoV! Adam says this win wasn't a great win for him because his boy Mark is on the block and he also told Kiki she was safe. He didn't really need to win this. 

The HGs head inside and Damien says Mark made a good come back. Kiki heads to the bathroom area and lays on the couch and Este says she did amazing and Kiki says it wasn't good enough. Este says it's OK, you aren't going anywhere. Este says they are so much more trustworthy than mark and Kiki says she's better for Sam's game than Mark. They discuss backdooring Cory to ensure Mark goes home. 

Adam heads to the HoH room with Sam. They are eating some cookies and Adam says he didn't want to win that. He says he was trying hard and he's in a crap situation and he doesn't know why he said he said that. Sam says do you what you want. She's pretty sure Kiki is going to stay and Adam says are you sure? Sam says before the veto she overheard Dane and Adam in the pantry and it's leaving her suspicious. She needs Adam in the game, but these things keep happening and she doesn't know if she can trust him. 

Adam tells Sam everything he's doing is to get them to move forward. Sam says but every time you run to Dane. Adam says he knows Sam doesn't trust her and she follows him around. Sam says he can leave because of the way he's acting, she doesn't feel like she can trust him one bit. 

Kiki is heading to the Have-Not room and there is a bed in there with some pillows. Canada has voted to give her one night's sleep on a bed. Kiki says Canada has no idea how much she loves them and how proud she is to be Canadian. She's so excited to get a great sleep tonight. Kiki is looking at the control and it has a massage feature and it's reclining. Dane and Este come in and jump on the bed and Dane says Canada loves you!

It's Day 30 and Dane is talking to Este. They are talking about the Blood Veto. Dane thinks Canada is voting to keep Mark or Kiki safe. Dane says he's having nightmares about this veto. Big Brother, what is this blood veto?!? Dane says there has to be a twist on this because there's no way they gave the least powerful person the most powerful thing in the game. 

Kiki is talking to Adam and Adam says he and Sam are always going to be number one and Kiki disagrees. Kiki says Adam said he'd use the PoV if he won, so now she needs to check in and see if that's still going to happen. 

Kiki tells Adam she needs him to Sam because everyone else is standing back watching them go at each other. Kiki says she really likes Dane, Este, him, and Sam with her. She thinks it's a strong group and it's a numbers game. She says that's a strong five. Adam says this makes things more complicated. He's trying to stay close to the pretty boys, but maybe saving Kiki and keeping her in the house will keep Sam happy and the heat off of him. 

Anthony and Adam are in the HoH room. Anthony wants to know what Adam is thinking. Adam is trying to figure out how to get Sam to think Mark should be good to stay. Adam says Kiki and Este have convinced Sam they are numbers for her. Anthony says they would 100% go after Adam and Sam no matter what they've said. Adam wants Anthony to talk Sam but he doesn't feel comfortable. Anthony advises him to talk about their future and then get to the game aspect. 

Sam and Adam are in the Have-Not room and they are talking. Adam says he feels like Mark is better for them. Sam so now you want to keep Mark. Adam says no, he's not saying anything yet. Adam says Kiki was running around last week saying their name. Sam says everyone thinks you guys are working together. Adam says even if we are, she's still his number one. Adam doesn't think Este and Kiki staying together are safe. Sam says good chat and they start to leave and Adam hugs her and says he cares about her and he wants her to be part of whatever is going on. 


Adam heads to HQ to consider using the veto on Kiki or Mark. Adam says this week has been tough. He's had Sam in one ear and the pretty boys in the other. If he saves Kiki it could be a number for him down the road, but he'd also be turning his back on the pretty boys. If he saves Mark, then it exposes the pretty boys. He has to consider the blood veto is still out there. 

Time for the veto ceremony! Mark says Adam won the PoV fair and square and he respects that. He says please use the veto on me, I don't think I pose a threat to you. Kiki congratulates Adam and he is a true competitor and whatever he chooses, she respects him. Adam has decided NOT to use the PoV. He has the power the week and he wants to keep Sam's nominations the same. 

Kyra is called to the DR right as the PoV ceremony finishes and everyone looks around. 

Kyra heads to the DR and there is an envelope "The Blood Veto." Kyra says oh my gosh, what is happening?

In the living room, Kiki says, "Holy crap!"

Kyra is reading the card. 

Adam says do you think they get to replace somebody?

Kyra says holy ___! Oh my God! This is insane! 

Summary Tuesday April 2ND

April 02, 2019

Summary Tuesday April 2ND

10:00-11:00 AM: Heading in to the day, the plan remains to target Kiki. Dane asked Adam if they are going to vote out whoever goes on the block next to Mark if Kyra used the Blood Veto on Kiki. Dane specifically mentioned Cory or Damien. Adam said they are not going to vote Mark out. If Adam goes up, Dane said it would break Kyra’s trust with Sam unless the girls are rallying together. Dane mentioned talking to the girls about how Adam would have to stay if he goes up, and they said it might be their only shot. Adam commented that they act to his face like they would keep him. Dane said they would since he has been putting in work for him. Dane encouraged Adam to work on Damien since he is close to Mark. Adam later asked Dane who he should put up if he wins next week. Dane said the only four left are Cory, Damien, Este, Kyra and Sam. Dane suggested that they keep the weaker of the bunch, but Adam said he doesn’t see it like that. Dane said it’s a huge resume builder if he gets Este out or Adam gets Sam out. In the HoH room, Damien spoke to Sam. Sam said she wouldn’t want to have to choose another nominee if the Blood Veto is used, since the two nominees were the only two options for her. She mentioned that she would nominate someone like Dane or Este who would have the votes. Sam said she thinks that Kiki is a liar and it’s hard to believe what she says. As for Mark, Sam said that he is in la la land. Damien said the only thing he likes about Mark is that he has never thrown anyone under the bus. Damien said he needs to talk to the nominees again. Sam said that Kiki’s campaign is apparently terrible.

11:00-12:00 PM: In the HoH room, Kiki told Kyra and Sam that she will be the bigger target and the one more likely to go on the block if she stays. She plans to pitch that to Anthony and Cory who she sees as a clear duo. Sam said that’s probably the angle that she would be using as well. Kiki said she has not talked a lot of game with Anthony and Cory, so it’s hard since she does not know what they would do if they were to win. Este said those two were always around during Dane’s HoH but are not talking to them at all this week. Kiki pitched that she will likely go up if Anthony or Cory win HoH, making it safe for others to keep her. Sam asked what she is going to say if people ask who she would target. Kiki asked if she would be okay with her saying that she is coming after her. Este said they would have to talk to Adam about it too, since he would not be happy to hear that. Sam said she sees where Kiki’s head is at with that.

12:00-1:00 PM: Sam told Kyra that Kiki’s campaign was so bad and it’s not smart to tell the HoH that you are going to campaign against them. Kyra thinks that Kiki is gunning for her and Adam but she is going to pretend that she is only saying that. Sam agreed. Kyra pointed out that Kiki has said the names of three people close to them. Sam asked if Mark will be able to avoid the block if he stays. Kyra thinks that he will be an easy person to nominate. Sam asked how she should play this with Adam so that he is not happy about what Kiki is saying. Kyra suggested letting Adam find out on his own, or else he will confront Kiki. Kyra thinks that they will for sure have the numbers to get her out. In Leon’s Lounge, Kiki campaigned to Anthony. She pitched that she is likely to go up on the block again if she stays and doesn’t win HoH. Kiki argued that it would leave Anthony and Cory in a better position than if she were to go. Kiki said that two of the three people to put her up are still in the house and really want her gone, so her target is on them. On top of that, Kiki said that Anthony would get Este if she stays.

1:00-2:00 PM: Kiki campaigned to Damien. She said Sam seems to be leaving it up to the house since she doesn’t know where her head is at due to the Blood Veto. Kiki said she thinks that they would have the votes to save Dane if Kyra were to put him up in her place. Damien suggested working on Kyra. Kiki said she is. Kiki asked how Damien’s talk with Sam went. He said it was good but Sam seems to be unsure at this point. Kiki said she will have to take a shot if she wins HoH. Kiki told Damien the good news is that she has not heard his name at all. Kiki said she knows she has Dane, Este and Damien, and then her last vote could come from Adam, Anthony, Cory or Kyra. Outside, Mark told Dane that he loves him in this game. Dane said he likes Mark outside of the game as well. Dane mentioned that Mark will have a way better chance of staying over Adam should Adam go on the block. Dane said he has been sewering the girls to Damien by saying that they are working with Sam. Dane added that Anthony is doing the same thing. Dane let Mark know that he plans to take a shot at Sam next week if he wins HoH. Mark asked what Este has been saying. Dane said Este plans to keep Kiki but he has been telling her that he is voting with the house.

2:00-3:00 PM: Adam told Sam he hopes that nothing happens with the Blood Veto. The two discussed that they would love to see Este go next week. Adam thinks that they would need a “good sport” to go up next to Este. He brought up that Mark would stay again if he was the pawn. Sam told Adam that Kiki’s campaign is coming from Este, which Adam agreed with. Once Adam left the room, Kyra joined Sam. Kyra said they feel like they are setting themselves up well this week. Sam said the whole thing with Kiki throwing out her name and Adam’s name is working out perfectly since it has already gotten back to Adam and he is not happy about it. Sam said the damage is already done with Adam. Kyra let Sam know that they are going to get Dane out next week. Kyra said Damien does not trust Dane as much as they thought. Sam said Anthony and Cory don’t either. Sam assured Kyra that she will vote Dane out.

4:00-5:00 PM: Anthony and Dane planned ahead. Dane said everyone is going to want to go after Adam next. Anthony asked who he needs to work on. Dane suggested working on the girl since they are starting to question him. Anthony said he knows for a fact that Este and Kiki threw Dane’s name out there. Dane said he thinks that Sam made that up. Dane said they need to keep the weakest players around. He listed off Kyra, Este, Damien, Sam and Cory in order from weakest to strongest. Anthony said it’s not just about comps. Anthony pushed for Cory to stay, saying that he has put in so much work with her to keep Dane safe. Anthony questioned if Dane is considering keeping Damien over Cory. Dane said they could take Damien out first but Sam is the very first one that needs to go. Afterwards, Anthony spoke to Cory. The two compared notes on Kiki’s campaign. Anthony then brought up that Adam and Dane wanted Cory out for some reason, possibly due to jury votes.

5:00-6:00 PM: Cory told Anthony she is waiting for the right time to tell Sam she knows that Dane and Adam, more so Dane, were the ones trying to get her backdoored. Cory said there is a chance that Dane realized that it was a bad idea and is with them now, but the fact that he so easily went that route is dangerous. Cory let Anthony know that Kyra plans to nominate Dane and Este. They agreed that Kyra is unlikely to win. Cory said she isn’t putting Damien up, she isn’t putting Kyra up and she isn’t putting Sam up. Anthony said the numbers are scarce and this is where Big Brother starts. Anthony said they will really have to test some people to see who will say what to who. Cory said she extended trust to nearly everyone to see what happens. She talked about Chelsea and Kiki cracking and then leaving after it.

7:00-8:00 PM: Este told Dane she wants people to say who they are voting out already. Dane agreed. He asked what they will do if Damien goes on the block. Este said she would still want to vote Mark out, plus that’s likely what Sam would want too. Este believes that Cory would do the same. Later, Kiki campaigned to Kyra. She reassured Kyra that she is not targeting them nor Sam. Kyra brought up hearing that Kiki told the cameras that she wants to take down the showmance, which Kiki denied. Kyra said they don’t care if Kiki threw Adam’s name around but Sam is good for their game since she is the only one that is loyal to them. As for their vote, Kyra said they trust Kiki more than they trust Mark, and they think that the house is still leaning towards keeping Kiki. Kyra said they will do the same if the house is keeping her.

9:00-10:00 PM: Dane told Sam he thinks that the Blood Veto will come into play on Thursday. He asked Sam if she thinks that Kyra would nominate him. Sam said she has tried to get some answers out of Kyra but they haven’t said at all. Dane figures that Kyra isn’t allowed to say anything. In the event that Damien goes up, Dane said it would come down to the fact that he can beat Mark in competitions. In the have-not room, Este and Kiki discussed the rumour that they spoke to the cameras about wanting to get the showmance out. Neither girl remembered doing so. Este thought that they may have done it while alone, but definitely not with someone else in the room. Este thinks that someone may have made it up just to get people to go against them. Kiki said it is messing with her game. Este thinks that Mark might be behind it. Dane joined them. He said he thinks that the girls did do that in front of the cameras but he isn’t sure if Anthony was present at the time as well.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kiki told Este that people are going to believe that they told Canada they wanted to target the showmance if it came from Anthony’s mouth. Este suggested that Kiki talk to Sam. Not long after, Kiki did just that. Sam assured Kiki that she didn’t think anything of it or else she would have came to Kiki to bring it up. Kiki said if it pushes people to lose trust in her, she would like to find out who was the root of it so that she can target that person. Sam said she isn’t sure who said it to her first but plenty of people have brought it up. Sam assured Kiki that it’s fine and that she is doing a good job campaigning so far.


April 02, 2019

9:30 AM BBT In the Blue Bedroom Anthony is going over the days and gets call out for his mic. Kyra is there as well doing the days. In the kitchen Cory and Dane are planning out there days. Sam is heading back upstairs and Dane asks her how she slept. She tells him good as she showered before bed. Cory gets called to the DR. In the HN Room Kikki and Este are still trying to wake up Cory is out of the DR and back at the sink doing dishes. Dane is putting the dishes away from the dishwasher. Sam comes down saying she got called to the DR. Dane says He is so happy they gave the blood veto to Kyra. Anthony has joined them in the kitchen.
9:45 AM BBT In the Blue Bedroom Kyra is getting dressed for the day. Anthony joins Dane and Cory at the kitchen counter and continues to go over the days with them. Adam is there as well. In the washroom Kyra is preparing for her day Cory comes in and says Anthony got the date. Este joins her saying I look like a scary ghost. Este asks Kyra if they have had their smoke yet. They tell her no. They all head out of the washroom. Anthony and Dane are heading upstairs. In the Blue Bedroom Dane and Kyra are asking each other How they are doing? Dane says He woke up 15 times because his shoulder was sore and Este stole the blankets. Dane and Kyra are headed outside for a smoke. Kyra heads into the DR first. Dane goes into the HOH to grab a smoke. Anthony is in the washroom brushing his teeth. Kikki comes out of the stall. In the kitchen Sam is preparing breakfast for everyone. Adam and Dane head outside for a smoke. Adam says I quit for 4 months then pick it up again for 2 months. Adam says I am a summertime smoker. Dane says I brought some here because no one likes to hang around with smokers. Dane says We have to get to Kyra to see who they are putting up. Dane thinks it will be either him or Adam. They start talking about the triple. Dane says If I can’t play in the triple I feel safe with you playing. Adam says the same thing. Dane says If they put you up then they have Sam to themselves. Adam says Sam told him that wasn’t going to happen. Adam says They could get all the girls to vote me out. Dane says Kikki and Este are talking through each case of who goes up. Adam says I tried talking to them but they got mad because they were told they weren’t allowed to talk about it. Adam says another HOH in a few days. Dane says if it is you and me lets gun for it.
10:00 AM BBT Dane thinks it maybe a before or after. Dane is telling him to just go by sevens for the HOHs and the POVs are like 15, 22 and 36. Ceremonies are 17, 25 Dane says We have only had 5 POV one was the double eviction. Adam says I don’t think anybody is going to count the boxes. Dane tells him you maybe right about the decades. Adam asks Dane to be honest did you put one under. Dane says No. Adam said I did. Dane says Who has ben in there the most Eddie and Damien. He thinks it was Eddie that squashed them. Dane says We have to hid some without Este and Sam knowing. Adam says Sam and Kyra are trying to tell him they don’t know their days. Adam says they keep trying to mess me up. He says I told them Kyra you are smart there is no way you don’t know your days. They are now going over the names of the POV Comps. Kyra joins them. Adam leaves saying Sam is watching the sausages. Kyra is complaining about someone who just took their plate away last night and never said Thank you to them for cooking supper for 2 hours. Seems like it is Adam that they are venting about. They tell him they said to Sam that they would like a sausage but Sam informed them Adam gave them all away. The conversation goes to Erica. Dane says He never watched Live Feeds he thinks it is crazy that people do.
10:15 AM BBT Kyra and Dane head inside. In the kitchen most of the HGs are sitting around waiting for Adam and Sam to finish preparing breakfast. Este is smelling Damien’s breakfast. Cory and Anthony have taken up their morning stations in the nook area off of the dining room. Most of the HGs are sitting around eating their breakfast. Dane and Anthony were looking for the sugar. Seems it was put in the sugar. Damien says None of us admit it and there is only 10 of us. The conversation goes to different types of guys. Kikki gets called to the DR. Mark says We can play with moving targets. Someone else can give us each our target but we are not allowed to call that person. Este says She wants to play because she has a really good sock ball. Kyra asks Sam if she got her ipod back yet.Sam says No. In the pantry Sam and Cory are preparing shakes and cereal. Sam says She is going to have a little chat with Damien then the girls want to chat again. Cory says I had a chat with Kikki yesterday and maybe it is the teacher in me I told her that was garbage. I told her she needed to tell you that she is a unit. Sam says I will tell you everything that they tell me. Sam says She needs to talk to Damien to see where his head is. Cory says He really thinks before he talks but means what he says. Sam and Damien head up to the HOH Room.

10:30 AM BBT Sam asks him how he is feeling. Damien says It is all this crazy in here. Is someone coming off the block is it going to be you or Canada. Sam says I don’t want to change the noms. She says Like who would I put up Dane who won’t go anywhere. Damien says Kikki told him yesterday that if he keeps her she will be on the block again next week. They both agree that it is a sh**ty campaign. Sam says She is a liar what I like about you is you are not a liar nor am I. They say Mark has never thrown anyone’s name out there. Sam says I have to think about next week Kikki will throw my name out before Mark where. She says I think you need to sit down and talk to both Adam and me. Damien says When the time comes that we have to go against each other but I will understand that. Sam says If you win HOH I will give you so much. Damien says Yes if I get HOH I would like some intel from you. Damien continues with I have had conversations with you that never came back. Sam says I play close with Adam but I want to separate and I can’t do that with Kikki Este or Mark. She continues with Kyra saying that she is close to them but doesn’t like the game they are playing. She says Because I found Adam here I beat myself up every day about that. Damien says You are doing a good job as HOH Sam says I learned from Chelsea’s mistakes. Sam asks him how he thinks the Blood Veto will work. He says I don’t know if Kyra takes someone down and put someone else up or Canada tells her who to put up. Sam says If she takes someone down and puts up a big target like Adam everyone will take their chance and vote him out. Sam says Adam is worried about it because him and Kyra have had issues.
10:45 AM BBT They agree that what is said between them stays between them. Sam says I think an HOH win is close for you. He says He hopes so as he wants to see his girlfriend. Sam says you are the same across the board. Sam says Este and Kyra are not close but while we waited for Kyra to come out of the DR they were nervous. When Kyra came out off the Dr Este grabbed their arm and wrapped their legs around them. Sam says She thinks Este thinks there is a guys thing going on. Sam says She thinks it is just a bro thing. Damien says I am going to go for a walk and regroup because people are going to ask what we talked about. Sam says Este told her that I am so sick of being a shield. Sam says I can’t figure out how she thinks she is a shield. Sam says they are all coming up here after for an all girls meeting. Sam says I don’t know what she is doing maybe thinking if Kikki and Dane are gone. Sam says I feel good. Damien says I have to talk to the noms some more. They get up to leave and Sam says So we are good next week. The conversation in the nook area Kyra is telling them that they have a lot of friends who are tattoo artists. Sam joins the conversation she tells them that her very first best friends did her tattoo. She says She didn’t pay for it but traded she did her friends bridal parties hair and makeup. Mark gets called out for his mic. Damien is in the washroom and decides it is time to shave. The conversation in the nook goes to the size of the cigarettes. Dane says He thinks they are getting King size cigarettes. Dane is going into the Blue Bedroom to grab Kyra’s cigarettes. Sam has decided to wash her hair today.
11:00 AM BBT Kyra tells them when they started smoking cigarettes. They tell them the first one was at 11 but they got sick. The next one was 16. They tell them that they started smoking a pack a day at 20. Now that they are 25 they smoke a couple of packs a week. Kyra says So instead of a pack every 2 days go to a pack a week. Este says then you vape. Kyra says I don’t want to smoke fake cigarettes. They ask Kyra what she gets from the cigarette. They tell everyone that the addiction comes in different forms. They tell them it goes from holding the cigarette to the fresh air when you go out to smoke to the nicotine. They say Sam’s drug is weed and she smokes that because of the habit of putting it up to her mouth and the feeling she gets from it as the conversation continues the feeds go down. Out in the Hot Tub area Dane and Adam are talking about all the weddings they attended solo. Damien comes out and the conversation goes to how much Adam stinks when he uses the washroom. The conversation goes to being single or in a relationship opposite their friends. Adam says He may not fit into Sam’s life after this. He may not get along with her friends and she has to go back to work. Dane says Him and Este were talking last night about Dane’s ex girlfriend. Este wanted to know if he would go back to her. Dane said he told Este he still had deep feelings for her. He then said Este said she had the same thing. Dane goes on to say Este has a problem with me smoking 10 joints a day.
11:15 AM BBT Back in the nook area Sam is saying she had a nice shower and bath last night; she is going to wash her hair today. They are all planning on doing face masks after Sam and Kyra come in for a smoke. Kyra and Sam are saying they don’t want to listen to Kikki’s campaign. Kyra says I would just tell her that you can’t help her with her campaign. Kyra says She is having trouble campaigning because she has lied to everyone. Sam is in the washroom by the Hot Tub area Kyra is waiting for her. I the HOH Room Este and Kikki are talking. Este says You need to focus on Sam and Kyra. Este says You need to say You are becoming an easy pawn but at the same time you are becoming a bigger target because you are coming closer and closer to winning comps. Kikki says What makes me nervous is both Anthony and Cory are good with their words and I am not. Este says Don’t spend to much time with them, it would be nice if you could switch their votes but they will do what Sam wants. Este says I really hope Sam comes without Kyra but it won’t have been nice to not ask. Este is thinking about making a shake. Kikki says I think I need to say to Anthony is When we have talked before and I feel like we are on the same page. Este says you have to tell Sam because if it gets back to her we are screwed. Este says If I get HOH next week we are going to see how truthful all these people are with you. Kikki says Why did Sam have a one on one with Damien. Este says Yea I was weirded about that but I think she was just covering her base. They wonder if Sam told Damien about the Final 5 deal. Kikki says I need to have a more direct approach with Anthony because I think he can convince Cory more than they other way. Kikki says I don’t want to go this week but if I do go home this week I am happy with what I have done I wish I had have done better. Kikki says She thinks Kyra is going to go far. Kikki says If Adam gets ready to make a move Dane will go and if Dane gets ready to make a move Adam goes. Kikki says My talk with Adam was going really well I think. Este says I wish Dane had listened to us in week 2 Kyra would be gone and Maki would be here. Este leaves to get a shake.
11:30 AM BBT In the nook area Kyra and Cory are talking about general topics. Sam comes in and join them. Sam is on her way upstairs. She is asking for her ipod. She walks into the HOH and Kikki is there. In the kitchen Anthony is bumping into Mark. In the pantry Este is telling Adam that they are all doing face masks. Mark asks if she is going to play ball in like 20 minutes. In the HOH washroom Sam and Kyra are applying their face masks with Kikki. Kikki says When she is talking to Anthony and Cory she is going to say that Sam and Adam are my targets. Sam says Yeah I can see you doing that. Sam says bring Este up to speed. Sam says I think it is important to bring out the fact that they are a duo. Kyra says I won’t say that. Kikki says I want to see if they bring it back to you. Kikki says I don’t talk a lot of game with Anthony and Cory so it is hard for me to talk game with them. Kikki says I need to talk to Damien. Kyra says There are still so many people saying they aren’t talk game. Sam says I am okay with her telling people that she is going after me. Kikki says I know we have had our differences but we have solved that so I feel good about that. Este says When Dane was HOH who was here all the time and who is no longer talking. They imply Anthony. Kikki says I would rather have people who will say to me Yeah Kikki you are a target to me. Kyra says I am not going to talk about anyone else. Dane comes in dressed in his golf outfit.

11:45 AM BBT Damien comes out of the stall Sam tries to scare him. Damien leaves telling them to have fun. Kyra comes in and says Anthony Dane and Damien and points towards the bedrooms. Cory is sitting by herself. Kikki says If Anthony or Cory win and I am here they will put me up. Kyra says I think I will probably go up next week. Kyra says Don’t draw too much attention to the fact that they could use her as a pawn. Kikki says I feel good about being able to bounce ideas off of you guys. Kyra asks what are you points so far. Kikki says I am a big pawn and target. Secondly I have seen how people act towards me as I have been on the block. My third point would be to say You and Adam are my targets. Este says how are we going to talk to Adam without telling him about this. Sam says You want to leave people with a clear idea of what you are going to do going farther. Kyra says People are going to ask questions she uses the example of Mark they asked him about what happened in week 2. Kyra tells her that as long as you have your 3 points bounce off of that. Kyra says You praised Adam in your POV Ceremony speech so it may be hard for people to believe you if you throw out Sam and Adams names. Kyra says Damien doesn’t ask a lot of questions. Sam says Damien is a listener. Sam says Anthony may ask you a lot of questions.
12:00 PM BBT Este says I am hurt right now with Dane I have heard things that I am not sure about. Kyra tells her you can still talk to him but not tell him you are hurt. They tell her that everyone has says things about them but they need to get over it. Kikki tells Kyra that their game has changed that they are now playing a good game. Kikki says You can argue me a threat and as a pawn. Kikki says She is going to say she is as much a pawn as a target. Sam comes back in saying she couldn’t scare anyone. She starts washing her mask off. Este asks Kikki what the other points are. She continues with her being here it won’t be a couple going up. Este says Tell them you are 2 numbers just not one as you have me. She says then I will find out about Sam. Kikki says because I have been used as a pawn so often I am on everyone’s target list and a shield for some. Kikki goes to change her top. Este says I never use a clay mask but I will do anything for fun. The conversation goes to what they get in the jury house. Kyra says I won’t talk to anyone in group now you want one on ones. Kikki thanks them for their help on this.
12:15 PM BBT Cory and Anthony are playing pool. Cory Mark Damien Anthony and Dane are at the pool table. Mark Dane Adam and Damien are figuring out their next game of sock ball. Kikki notices that the light turned blue. Kikki asks Anthony if when they finish their pool game could they chat one on one. Este is doing laps. Kikki is in the HN Room going over what she is going to say to Anthony and Cory. In the HOH Room Sam and Kyra are going over what Kikki had to say. Kyra gets called to the DR. They are now trying to decide where the next target will be for the next round of sock ball. In the HN Room Kikki is still going over what she wants to say to Anthony and Cory. Kikki is sitting in the nook area as the guys have taken over the HN Room for this round of sock ball. Cory and Anthony Lounge where y have finished their pool game. The camera switches to the HN Room Kikki and Anthony are in the Leon’s where she is giving Anthony her pitch. Anthony says Everything you said is right on. He says I agree Este is more loyal to you than Dane. He says I also know that you had a thing with Sam on the first day that left a bad taste in your mouth. Anthony says I seen things in you that you can’t fake and they are things that I wanted to work with you. He says he knows Este has said kind things about him behind his back and had my back.Anthony says Having said all that I have heard my name being thrown around. He says I do have friends in this house that have my back. He says this game changes every week. Anthony says Stepping outside the box I don’t think you have my back because I haven’t proven that I deserve your trust.
12:30 PM BBT Anthony said I want to put you on the trust side but I don’t think you totally have my back. Kikki responds with She talked to Cory yesterday where she said that if you make it to triple I know you won’t put Este Dane or Anthony up . She says I have it out for Sam and Adam because they have put me up two times. Kikki says In my POV Ceremony I praised Adam on his win because I had a chance to win it and dropped the ball. But at the end of the day he didn’t use the veto on me. Kikki says As far as Mark goes I have nothing to say. Anthony agrees with her to leave Mark out of her campaign. He tells her that he doesn’t think of her as a threat but he sees no one in the game as a threat. He says At the end of the day I know you are gunning for Adam and Sam because they have come after you. He explains that him and Cory got close mainly because we were both wild cards at one point but I know that Cory has said nice things about me behind my back. He says but really I am mainly focusing on myself. He says He thinks Mark is a wildcard and really isn’t working with anyone. Anthony says I know for a fact that if I am sitting at final 2 with Este or Dane I do not have your vote. He says He doesn’t feel threatened by her. Anthony says Most people don’t get that you can’t have personal things. Anthony asks her why she said that she didn’t want the blood veto was the best move. She says that Yes I did because at the end of the day I knew that I had to fight for myself I didn’t want to dig a deeper hole for myself. Anthony says I thought there would have been more discussion and more fight. Kikki says With the whole blood factor there I didn’t trust it. She says She could not risk it to her it was gun for the POV I didn’t want to bank on something I didn’t know. Anthony says Okay that clears a lot up for me but I really don’t know what I am going to do.
12:45 PM BBT Anthony says Some people feel safe with certain people that maybe they shouldn’t be. Anthony says We don’t have to talk every day or walk around every day. He says He sees what goes on with other people. He says I want to see what happens in the next few days but I want you to know I am not going to go with the house. He tells her that her campaign is spot on. Kikki tells him that Sam and Adam want her out. Anthony tells her she needs to focus on what the majority wants. He says You need to look at what Chelsea did it bit her in the ass. He says Sam and Adam don’t want to abuse their power because it will come back and bite them in the ass. Kikki says I will make my rounds but I do want the one on ones because it gives you the chance to ask me openly a question. Anthony says You need to go hard with it Don’t be a Chelsea and sit around for 4 days then go all over the place. Anthony tells her it is coming down to what is good for me. Kikki says At the double Adam told me he was putting me up because everyone said her name. She says I don’t know if that was true. The next day Sam put me up. Anthony leaves but they hug it out.
1:00 PM BBT Outside by the Hot Tub area Kyra and Este are talking about now that we are at jury we need to take out players that we can’t beat. Este says it is not only about voting out people you can’t beat but also you want to keep the ones that will keep you safe. She says like Adam will never put you up or Sam and Dane would never put me up. Kyra says I don’t have an in with either one of those guys. Este says but you have me for Dane and Sam for Adam. Kyra says Yeah you guys can convince them to keep your people safe. The conversation switches to Chelsea and Eddie and the mistakes they made in the game. The conversation goes to what they miss in the outside world. Este says Trees she misses outside of her fam. Kyra says Yeah we haven’t seen a tree in over a month. In the backyard area Kikki is talking to Damien she asks him how his conversation went with Sam Damien is giving her little bits of the conversation. Kikki tells him that Sam and Adam see Este and me as a duo but they haven’t put you and Dane in there. Damien says Well hopefully Kyra takes you down and we can get out a strong player. Kikki says She told Anthony that her targets are Sam and Adam. She tells him what she said about giving up on the Blood Veto. Kikki asks him how he is doing. She asks if he is okay. Kikki wonders if Kyra is going to take a shot but she has no idea where their head is at because they keep changing their minds. Kikki says it would make sense for Sam and Adam to see you as a number for them. Damien says It is good that you are talking to Anthony and Cory because they are going to be the sway votes. Kikki tell him that no matter what she is a threat and a better pawn as long as she stays which will keep all the dous safe. It will be me and someone else Kikki tells him she is really 2 votes you keep me you get Este as well. She says everyone is pretty safe if I stay and win HOH my targets are Sam and Adam. Kikki says When I talk to Sam and Adam I tell them that I am not gunning for them. Damien says I will repeat that to people I trust and see where their votes are at. Kikki says I have Dane Este and you so my 4th vote could be Anthony Kyra or Cory and Adam. Kikki says She doesn’t want to bring up Mark during her campaign because she wants to remain friends with him afterwards. Kikki says This morning she felt like a fish out of water. She says I don’t want people to see me hanging out with you a lot incase they think we are working together. Damien says he has been avoiding Mark.
1:15 PM BBT Kikki feels that if Adam doesn’t win HOH this week everyone will be gunning for them. They see Dane who is heading outside. They hug it out and head to the kitchen . In the Hot Tub area Mark Kyra and Dane are talking about how someone did slop for 6 weeks. Dane is trying to feed the birds slop and they don’t want it. Kyra says Are we playing another game of socko. Kyra says I will have a shower then we can play. Dane says I would die if I was on slop all year. Mark starts to repeat what Kyra said Dane says Don’t believe her the bitch has lied all week. Mark tells him that he told them that his target is Adam. Dane says I am scared of it being you and me on the block or Adam. Mark says that scares me too. Dane asks him if it is me and Adam on the block who you voting out. Mark tells him Adam. Dane says Kyra would not save you they have wanted you out since Sam mentioned your name. Dane is saying Anthony doesn’t think Dane is close to the girls. Dane says Sam is very dangerous she told Este that Anthony threw my name and her name out. Dane said he told her it wasn’t true. Dane says Do you think Este wants me to keep Kikki safe.
1:30 PM BBT Dane says Chelsea left Kyra thinking I am the mastermind of the guys alliance. He says Kyra is going to go far in this game. They think most of the comps left will be endurance comps. Dane says I have been feeding Este the wrong days but Sam and Kyra have been feeding Adam the wrong days. They are now reviewing the days HOH comps and POV Comps. Damien Adam and Sam have joined them outside. Damien says We are going to play another game of socko. Sam is offering cigarettes to Dan and Adam. Adam says I am looking at the love of my life. Mark says You are looking at yourself in the mirror. Mark thinks there is a party in the air. Damien is joining them for a cigarette. Anthony is heading outside. In side Kikki is talking to Cory in the REd Bedroom where Cory says before the vote I will let you know where my head is. Kikki says Cory is not convinced and doesn’t want to give me her vote. Kikki is in the room by herself so we go back out to the Hot Tub area where they are talking about comps in BB US 20. Mark says He thinks they have scary comps. Cory has joined them. They are talking about past comps and family members that have entered the house. They are talking about a fight that Dillon and Bruno had where Bruno said I have a black belt. They feel that Dillon would have beaten Bruno because Dillon is a Canadian Champion Boxer.
1:45 PM BBT All Feeds go down. Feeds come back at 1:49 PM BBT With Kyra heading into the shower. Kyra finishes up in the shower and heads into the Blue Bedroom to find something to wear. Kyra joins the group in the hot tub area. She is saying she had a shower and forgot to bring a towel. She explains that she had to put her tee shirt on and go get a towel. Most of the HGs are chilling outside by the hot tub. The conversation is mainly on general topics. They are now talking about tattoos some people have.

6:00 PM BBT Out in the By Dane, Este, Mark, and Kikki are playing pool making jokes with one another. Damien is out there watching them play and joining in with the laughter. Inside Kyra, Corey, Anthony, and Adam are making dinner and having general chatter. Anthony and Kyra are throwing a sock ball trying to reach certain items while Corey and Adam continue preparing dinner. Kyra asks if Anthony Farted because he lifted his leg and body and said oww. He says yes, it hurt. They then ask what the whispers were last week that he heard. He tells her it was about her and Chelsea in the bed next to him. Then goes on to say other groupings he has heard whispering in the bedroom. The pool table crew has moved outside they are discussing drinks and what they are doing to feel full longer. They move on to the plans of going to the DR ( Dominican Republic) and Drinking, they offer Mark to join in the fun. Dane leaves and heads inside, Kikki says she hasn’t been outside all day, Este says that she like seeing that it’s still light means that it’s not too late for them to have a party. She is getting really bored. Mark says he has a great idea how about no HGS go on slop this coming week. They bounce ideas about the blood veto and they feel like part of the rules is that it has to be used. They wonder if BB is bumed at how quickly they decided Kyra could have it. They feel a new name would suggest they didn’t have to use it but “BLOOD” is a whole new meaning. Mark says he feels like its a 50/50 on if it has to be used or if it means she has to nominate and get the blood on her hands.
6:15 PM BBT Mark feels as though Kyra really can not say anything about it and that it will be revealed Thursday, a few of them discuss going in the house as it’s chilly outside. Mark and Kikki stay outside and speculate a little bit. Mark asks her do you feel like you are playing your own game or do you feel like you are playing a duo game with Este. She feels that she is playing her own game says that she votes what she feels is best for her game. Every needs to be playing for themself even if building relationships with others. Kikki wants to know why he is asking. They ask each other why do you want me in the game. She feels he is an asset, he feels like others can influence her game. He says since day 1 he has wanted her here from day one and it was a gut feeling and he can’t go against that. He says it’s done great things and it’s done things to steer him wrong but mostly good. Kikki says that yes a few weeks ago putting both Sam and Adam up sounded good but now its not. She asks if he is saying targets in his Campaign, people want to know, he asks if she is going to share her campaign, she tells him I’m highlighting my strengths. They are going over the blood veto again and point out how that plays a huge part in this week, Sam is in power now and her name has been thrown out like crazy so it will be interesting to see how the week goes. They are trying to be kind and nice to one another and be social since they are in the house together and don’t want a nasty week on the block. Kikki tells Mark that she has a feeling that they both will be staying in the house this week. Kikki says that it’s clear that Adam has been gunning for her and now Sam is gunning for her too. Mark says, if your honest with me, what would you tell me. She says I think we vibe but you are very confusing. They both go back and forth telling each other that they are both confusing.
6:30 PM BBT Mark says after the show they can get together and hash it out. She says in terms of this veto, we all knew about it and the next day it’s gone and causing paranoia in the house. It doesn’t say anything except pro’s to the Blood Veto. Mark gets up and checks to make sure no one is listening at the door. Kikki says that they, referring to Adam and Sam, that they don’t really have anyone in the game that they can trust. Mark says someone is coming. Kikki says that the short of it, that both of them will stay and that either one or both of them will come off the block. Mark says that if there is a situation where they are given no time to talk before the vote, that Mark will be leaving. Kikki says that in terms of Kyra that they have more reason to put up Dane since he put them up twice. Mark says that it would be the last thing that Kyra would do right now. Unless it is a very obvious pawn or target. Kikki says would Kyra really make a move like that. Mark says this is what his gut is saying. Kikki says that she doesn’t know how their relationships are with others in the house and that this is not an idea situation to be on the block with Mark. Kikki says that Dane, Este and Mark all have a great social game. Mark said that he is on the block so he questions that. He says once your name is put out there as a pawn, and you don’t win HOH, your gone. Kikki says that she was not put up as a pawn, that she is the target. She said had she not won the POV that she would have been evicted instead of Eddie. They talk about what she said in her speech. She laughs as Mark repetes it. She said, had it just been the Bingo portion of the comp, she would have won. Mark says that he is very proud of her for how hard she tried. She says thanks. She said she can’t leave yet, that she has not won an HOH yet. They talk about the remaining weeks left and how many people will be left in a few weeks. That the next two weeks will be regular HOH but after that comes the triple. That will be the final 5. Mark says that mainly he is trying to get through Thursday. He asks again why she thinks he is confusing. She says that she doesn’t know where his head is at, who he is with and against. He says that everytime he wants to share something with her, that he gets a weird feeling and then wants to run away. He says he doesn’t want to be a 4th guy and that he wants to make decisions. Kikki says you can not go through this game just being OK with people. She says that she saw him spend so much time with Sam and with Adam. Mark says that it’s true that you can’t be just ok with everyone. Kikki says that she has always fought for Sam because she said she needs Sam. Mark says they both do at this point. She says being silent and not joining conversations was fighting for Sam.
6:45 PM BBT Kikki says that people have speculated things about her. She says that the two of them have expressed how badly they want Sam here. Kyra and Sam come outside to smoke. Kyra and Sam talk about their dance party and that they sweat a lot. In the hallway approaching the back door, Adam sneaks up to try to scare them and opens the door and screams. It doesn’t scare them. He asks if they are gonna go on with the pool tournament and that he just beat Damien. Feeds go to the kitchen where Dane is preparing some slop food to put in the oven. He says he is craving chicken tenders right now so he put the slop on the tray in the shape of chicken tenders. Anthony sees it and laughs. Anthony goes into the pool room and lays down on the circle couch. Kikki and Mark come in from outside and Mark asks if she wants to play pool. Anthony says they are in the middle of a tournament right now. Corey come in wrapped in a towel getting ready to go into the hot tub. She asks Anthony to help her take the top off the hot tub. Kikki tells her that Dane Kyra Adam and Sam are already outside and they can help her take the top off. Corey goes outside. Kikki and Mark start the pool game. Corey comes outside and Adam and Dane take the top off the hot tub. Corey goes back inside. Adam tells Sam that she wants to come in and watch him win the tournament. She follows him into the house. Kyra and Dane talk about Sam and that she is PMSing. Sam comes back out and Dane asks if they are playing and Sam says no, someone else and Dane goes back into the house leaving Sam and Kyra outside. Sam is laughing and says she is sick of Adam’s crap. She says he is a child, and Kyra says that Sam acts like a child too. Sam just laughs. Corey comes back out wrapped in a coat and has her sunglasses on. Sam and Kyra are still talking about Adam and Kyra talks about her tantrum she had. The three of them talk about the pool tournament. The three are in general conversation.
7:00 PM BBT The three outside talk about Kikki and that it is not good for her. COREY PLEASE FIX YOUR MICROPHONE. Kyra says that Kikki is trying to do what Chelsea and Maki did and try to be good with everyone but it doesn’t look good for her and Kyra says that is fine with them. They say that Kikki is going to be better at the comps than Mark. Kyra says that their decision is made. It’s best for their game for Kikki to go. Corey says that it’s the same for her but that she has not really sat down and talked to Mark. That she has time. Kyra says that it’s telling if someone waits until the day before. Corey says that Mark really doesn’t know what to say to her. She says that it’s quality not quantity. Kyra asks Corey how her talk with Sam went and feeds cut to Sam in the HOH room. And she goes outside of the room and hides to scare Adam when he comes out. He says that she should have hid better. They go back into the HOH room and they are teasing each other. Sam is talking about her cotton candy and asking who did it. Adam asks her if she is going to dance and tells her the music player is on the other side of the room. She asks if he wants to see what Dane made for her. He says he doesn’t want to see it. She shows him the little bug type thing Dane made and says that the eyes are made out of toothpaste. Sam dances with the headphones in while Adam watches.
7:15 PM BBT Anthony is talking to Damien. He says that he will tell Damien every time he hears his name. But he says that it is a bad shot at him, Corey and Damien and two bad shots at Adam and Sam. He asks if Damien heard about the triple eviction. Anthony says that they are making proposals. That they told him that if they keep them in the game that he has their vote. Anthony says he is not a coward and a man and when he says he is going to do something he will do it. He says there is a lot of crap going around and he just wants to light it come to light on it’s own. Damien says that he is surprised that Anthony’s name was thrown out there. That he has never heard it. Anthony a bunch of people are scrambling and as soon as Sam won everyone went crazy. He says instead of seeing what would happen, instead they went and talked about doing certain things now that were discussed. He says the last thing he thought that his name would be thrown out. He says if that is how easily they would crumble, why would he vote to keep her here. He says that they said that Mark jumpst to power, and Anthony says no they jump to power. He says he guarantees if Kikki stays and Adam wins HOH next week, what do you think will happen? Damien says Kikki is out. Anthony says he doesn’t think so. That he doesn’t believe people anymore. He can only believe people that have his back behind his back. He says Este used to have his back but not anymore. That Este would throw names out to save herself. He says that Kikki told him that it would be beneficial to Anthony to keep her because she wants Adam and SAm out but he says that behind his back she isn’t saying that. That you can not go and tell people what they want to hear because people want to hear the truth and not garbage. He says there is no reasoning behind what they are doing. Anthony when they are confronted by it, they would say well they just said that. He says that he would never do that. He says that he would fight to stay in the house before he would slaughter someone else’s name. He tells Damien that he is only telling him because if it was him, he would want to know. Damien says that he didn’t know that was being said. Damien tells him that he has not heard Anthony’s name. Anthony says he has heard it from a couple of different sides. Anthony says that he knows everything that is going on. He says everyone that has left so far has done a bunch of BS except Laura which didn’t do anything. He talks about examples of all the HG who have been evicted and what they did. He talks about Eddie who thought he as flying under the radar but talking crap and now he is gone. He says it’s just a bunch of BS. Anthony says this game is luck and loyalty. Be real, be loyal and you gotta get lucky. He says the BS of getting along with everyone is for the beginning of the game. Not anymore. He says that people are hinting that they want to stab their biggest ally in the back just to see what is being said. That they have the game all wrong. He tells Damien that if he ever wants to know the truth that he can come to him and he will tell him the truth. That he has come to Damien every single time he has heard his name. Damien tells him that he appreciates it. He tells Anthony that Eddie told him that Anthony and Dane were flipping but that he didn’t believe it.
7:30 PM BBT Anthony says that if you want to stay in this house, you need to say the same thing to everyone. If you don’t, it will come back to you. He says that he told Kikki that it will go down to the last second with him and he knows that she threw his name under the bus and that he was not going to give her a way out. He told her to go after the majority and stick to your campaign and not flip flop everyday with what you are saying to people. Damien says it’s very exciting huh? Anthony says yes. That he has a lot of retained information and he is ready to erupt. He says what would you think of me if I said I have a plan. Corey really trusts me, let’s get out Corey. What would that look like? Damien says that he is really getting along with Corey and that he trusts her because she is like Anthony and is loyal. Anthony says that they are going to target her because they are snaking and following people around the house and not building relationships and make up lies about people. He says just because they can beat me in a comp? He says let them beat him in a comp. He says he hopes he has come across stern in the game and not to feel comfortable enough to come to him and backstab someone who has been good to him. Damien says he hates the eyeballs that he gets from the house when he talks to Corey. Anthony says that the Big Brother game starts now. That it is time for a blood bath. They say they need it very bad. That he stores information and it doesn’t leave. In the HN room, Kikki is talking to Kyra. She is telling them why Kyra should vote to keep her in the house. She says that her and Este are a package deal. She tells Kyra that they are not nor have ever been her target. She says it’s difficult to be in this position because she knows people have said a lot of things. And the ore people that say it the more true it seems despite the lack of truth or how out of proportion it has become. She tells her that she was going after Adam, but not Sam because it’s not beneficial for her game. Kyra asks Kikki that after Sam saved her, that Este and her were talking to the camera about getting the showmance out. Kikki says that never happened. Kyra says than Kikki can not trust people. Kikki says that she has also heard that. Kikki says that she is trying to figure out where it came from. Kyra says that they are also trying to figure out where it came from. Kyra says it sounded like bs to them also. Kyra says in the game the only one who is loyal to them is Sam. Kyra says that they don’t care about Adam’s name being thrown around because they have also thrown Adams name out. Kyra says that they do believe Kikki but that was suspicious because they can not find where it really came from. That they only believe things that can be backed up by facts. Until they can back it up with fact, they consider it a rumor. Kyra says that people pass around lies to cover their backs and that people have said things about Kyra and Chelsea too. That people are paranoid about a lot of things and that people assume so many things because there’s a lot of time to assume. Kyra tells Kikki to continue her campaign. Kikki says that she can prove that she is loyal. That she can win over Mark and that can be a double edge sword. They both say hi to Chelsea and Kyra says Miss you and Kikki says that she is sure Chelsea misses Kyra too. Kikki says the vote at the end of the day is what is best for Kyra and that she plans on talking to them again. That she wants to build that trust. Kyra says that Kikki is very close to someone who has put them on the block twice and is still using their name. That they will be straight up with her.
7:45 PM BBT Kyra says they are surprised that Dane is using her name again. Kikki says that she thinks Kyra is good. Kyra says it could be someone just planting seeds to be against Kikki but that Kyra thinks Kikki is the better choice for their game going forward and that they are willing to be a number if she can get the number. And Kikki says that she thinks she can get the numbers. She says that if the house goes with the HOH that Sam would say that she would want to keep her over Mark. Kyra says that they don’t know who people are really voting on. Kikki says that the only one she has good relationships with is Este.Kyra says that she can count on Dane. Kikki says that she doesn’t though. That Dane said he would vote with whoever was best for his game but has not yet given his word that he would vote to keep her. Kyra says that most of these things are rumors. That they do not play the broken telephone thing and that they do not go spread rumors and that they will go back to the person and confront them about it. It’s just because there has been so much BS in this house. But Kyra tells Kikki that with her spending so much time with Este that is not smart. Kyra says that is what got Chelsea and them in trouble. Duos scare people in the house. Kyra says they don’t care but that other people would say Mark is alone but Kikki is two with Este. Kikki says what would happen if Kyra is on the block with Adam. Kyra says that Adam would go because he is the bigger threat over them. Big competitive players begin going once jury starts because people start to think of who they can beat over their relationships. Kyra says that what they have talked with Kikki about, they will know that it came from Kikki. That if you have a conversation with someone and tells other about your convos and you talk about it, it will get back to the person. Kyra says she likes Kikki more than Mark but it might be because of how he treated Chelsea. That for Kyra’s game it is better for Kikki to stay but that they are not in a position right now to try to persuade people. Kyra says they are still shaken from last week. Kikki says that Kyra was better for her game and that Chelsea put her up. Kyra says that they wishes that Chelsea was smarter during her HOH week. Kyra is thankful that people kept them in the game. With Chelsea gone that Kyra can build with other people more and that it is better for them. Kikki says that Sanm speaks very highly of Kyra. Kikki says that in the last week that Kikki and Sam have really been building their relationship. With Sam putting her up that it has forced them to talk. Kikki says that Sam is playing smart. She tells Kyra that she can see that Sam has Kyra’s back. Kyra says that is why they know that Sam is the only one that has their back and that Sam has never said anything that they have heard behind their back but that everyone else has said things that they have heard. Kyra says as far as they know, people are still weighing options. Kyra says that Sam and them tried not to talk game too much today and just danced and had fun. Kyra says keep doing what you are doing. Kyra asks the last time Kikki has said their name. Kikki says she can’t even remember except about Blood Veto this week. Kikki says the last time was during Chelsea’s HOH because of them being with Chelsea, Adam and Sam. Kikki says having Kyra in the game is beneficial to her and she thinks that having her in the game is better for Kyra. She tells Kyra that she is a smart player because they do not trust everything they hear. That Kyra can tell the difference between rumor and fact. Kyra says it’s because they have been on the block so many times that it has taught them and forced them to see that a lot of things are not true. Kyra says that the hard thing is that because they are an easy pawn that they will be on the block again. Kyra asks if Kikki has any confirmed votes other than Este. Kikki says that she thinks people are leaning towards keeping her but that it is too early because people change but that she is trying to be transparent with people. Kyra says that transparency and consistency is key in the game otherwise people see through it. They say that they respect her and to keep doing what she is doing. They say that people gave them crap about not fighting too early. That it is pointless to do that before veto. Kikki says that people know that your back is against the wall and can get more info out of you because of that.
8:00 PM BBT Kikki says that she has been selective on who she talks to because of that. But that Kyra is not on her radar. Kikkis says it is not smart to put Kyra up because then she would lose Sam’s trust. And the fact Kyra got off the block two times. Kikki asks if she was the target for the double. Kyra says that they were told the target was Eddie and that Adam didn’t want to piss off Sam so that Kyra didn’t go up. They talk about who the threatening players would be. They talk about Dane and Anthony. Kyra says it is all speculation. Kyra says you can not hold it against someone for putting you up if you are not the one who was meant to go. Kyra says that if they were not on the block with Chelsea that they would have been campaigning for Chelsea. But Dane knew that and that Chelsea was the target. And he knew Kyra would campaign for her. Kyra tells her that you can not hold on to that. Kikki goes back to the showmance rumor and says she wants to get to the bottom of it. Kyra says that Kikki can hold a house meeting after and just ask people. Kikki says as far as her and Kyra’s relationship goes, that they are good. Kyra wants to leave the room and tells Kikki she appreciates the talk. Kyra asks who has Kikki talked to. Kikki says that today she has not talked to Adam or Dane. But it worries her that so many people talk to Adam. Kyra says that they would talk to people two or three times and sometimes the less you say the better and just to do damage control. Kyra tells her if it is only Sam and Adam that she has not yet talked to then just talk to Adam later today. Kyra goes out to get coffee and Kikki asks if it would be weird if she went out too. They run into Dane and they talk about his slop fake chicken fingers. Dane and Kikki go to the blue room where she begins her campaign run down to him. Kikki says that she wants to get to the bottom of the showmance rumor. He tells her that it came from Kyra and that he was there when Kyra told Sam about that. He says that Kyra is the one who plants the seeds. Kikki says she is very frustrated. Dane says that Sam is saying that Kyra heard it and just told Sam. Dane tells Kikki to go straight to Sam and ask her. Kikki says that it would not be smart for her to do this now.Dane says that when Kyra first told that to Sam when he was in the room that it was only Kikki but now the story is that it was both Kikki and Este. Dane tells her to go to Sam and talk about it. Dane says the lies are going around. He tells her to have Kikki tell Sam that the target has shifted to the liar. Dane says that Sam doesn’t care about anyone in the house except herself. That Sam will not care that Kyra would become the target. That Kikki should say that she will do whatever is best for the HOH. Kikki says it is a matter of telephone. Kikki talks about her conversation with Mark by the tub outside earlier. Kikki says that it is interesting to see how things work when you are on the block. Kyra comes into the blue room and says she just wants to fold her laundry. Kikki and Dane stop talking about the telephone issue.

10:00 PM BBT Adam, Mark, and Damien are all in Leon’s lounge talking about plans for the upcoming weeks. Mark says that in six weeks, they’ve had five evictions, and there are 10 weeks in total this is week 5 and week 6 begins on Thursday, and then they’ll have weeks 7 and 8 week 9 will be the triple eviction and then the finale. Mark says that week 9 after the triple eviction they’ll be down to 3 people who will spend a week together and then the finale and that they have 2 more HOH comps to play before the triple. Adam says, “that’s fucked…so crazy man.” Mark says he’s not sure but that’s typically how it works but there is always the chance they could just end up doing another double. Adam says, “there will be a lot of fucking action that day so many people leaving at once.”
10:15 PM BBT The guys, (Mark, Adam, and Damien) continue their conversation in Leon’s lounge about the triple eviction. Adam says it’s crazy to think about going from 8 people all the way down to final five, MArk agrees and says its crazy how half the house will be gone just like that. Damien says it’s nuts and Adam says it’s all about luck and who wins the next couple of weeks. Adam says it sucks because whoever wins the triple eviction wins HOH doesn’t get the HOH room and Damien says no Wendy’s either, Adam says it would be cool to win that HOH and Damien says yes it would be but Adam says if he were to get it, it would kind of suck for him and he would end up laughing at himself because since the last time he won HOH was the double eviction, he never got the room or Wendy’s and it would be the same thing all over again. Adam says it would still be nice to win but he was a wreck his last HOH when he had to send eddie home. Mark says there was a lot going on that night a lot of emotions and Adam says he thinks HOH for the triple will be another questions one. Mark says probably because it’s live TV and they need to do it quick so it will either be days or before or after. Damien says it’s day 32.
10:30 PM BBT The guys are still talking game in Leon’s lounge and have added a game of catch to their conversation. Adam tells Mark and Damien about a conversation with Kiki from earlier in which she told him that if she would have won the double eviction then he and Sam would have been on the block and Adam says that Este gave him a completely different story and now that Kiki is on the block she, (Este) wants to work with Adam and Sam and thinks that the three of them could go far and get the house out. Adam says he doesn’t know what to believe because Este is back and forth every week and now all of a sudden wants to work with him, but then next week will be looking to backdoor him if he and Sam do not have the power and that’s not how he wants to play the game or the kind of people he wants to be aligned with. MArk says, “you shared your game I’ll share mine” then proceeds to tell Adam that he thinks week one went well and then in week 2 when Dane won, he (Mark) looked at Adam and Damien and Dane told him he wouldn’t put him up, then week 3 he thought Chelsea wanted to start something with him because she invited him to Wendy’s and then he found out that she was making deals with the whole house.

10:45 PM BBT In the kitchen, Sam, Este and Corey are talking about eating healthy and how they did a “Corey workout” today which Sam says was hard. Kyra joins them all in the kitchen and takes what looks like a baked potato out of the oven. Este is trying to figure out which of the frying pans work. Sam and Corey head into the storage room and corey tells Sam that MArk is down in the dumps, and asks Sam if Kiki knows that she’ll be leaving on Thursday. Sam says that she and Kiki just chatted and she thinks that she’s staying. Corey says she doesn’t look like it and Sam says she thinks that she can probably feel it but she’s trying to stay positive and tells Corey that the two of them will chat again before leaving the storage room and rejoining Este and Kyra in the kitchen.
11:00 PM BBT Corey, Adam, Sam, Anthony, Kyra, Este and Kiki are all out in the hot tub area, they are talking about the April Fools jokes they played on each other the other day. Conversation switches to who the smokers are in the house and Kyra says mentions that with Kailyn gone, there are 3 of them left. Anthony says he can’t believe adam and Sam got addicted to cigarettes in only two weeks and Adam says he used to be a smoker, but he quit this past summer. Anthony asks if he was an actual smoker or if he only smoked while he was drinking or something similar. Adam says he was an actual smoker and now having a couple drags and seeing everyone else smoke makes him want to smoke again. Kiki and Este change their microphones and Kyra and Sam talk a little bit more about the pranks. Anthony tells a story about a girl he went to high school with who came from a wealthy family and had a hot tub in her house, he says if he ever has the money he wants one and he would need 5 mil. Adam jokes that Anthony is going to be a movie star one day and of course he’ll have a big house like that and cars parked outside. Anthony says he knows he talks a lot about living that lifestyle and says that while he does want it, he wants to be known for something more than cars and a big house.
11:15 PM BBT Este and Dane are playing pool in the lounge, Kyra comes in to say hi and chases Sam around the room scaring her. Sam says the scares are, “getting really intense.” Dane tells Este he sunk one of her pool balls and it was “horse crap” because he had the win before he got distracted. Este tells Dane he stresses her out because she knows he’s, “thinking bad things.” Dane says he’s not thinking bad things, he’s thinking good things because Este is cute when she plays pool. Este says she doesn’t want to be cute she wants to be good. Dane tells Este she’s, “hanging with the wrong guys.”

Summary Monday April 1ST

April 01, 2019

Summary Monday April 1ST

3:00-4:00 PM: Feeds returned at 3:14 following the veto ceremony. Adam decided not to use the Power of Veto. Kiki and Mark remain nominated. While the veto was not used, there was still plenty of paranoia when feeds returned. The specifics surrounding the Blood Veto remain unknown but there were talks about Kyra having to go to the DR at some point after the veto ceremony. The speculation around the house was that Kyra may have had to decide who to use the Blood Veto on and possibly even chose a replacement nominee. In the have-not room, Kiki and Mark discussed that they may both end up surviving the week. They were unsure of who would be tasked with choosing the replacement nominee if the Blood Veto is used. They figured that everyone but Adam, Sam and Kyra could end up on the block. They brought up that Kyra isn’t allowed to talk about anything with regards to the Blood Veto. Este and Kiki later spoke. They think that Kyra may have nominated Dane, or even Adam if he was eligible. Elsewhere, Adam and Sam discussed potential options for the replacement nominee should the Blood Veto be used. If Sam gets to choose the nominee, they discussed that her options are either Damien or Este, though Sam doesn’t think that she will be the one to choose the replacement nominee.


4:00-5:00 PM: Este told Adam she is nervous that Kyra would nominate him or Dane if they had to use the veto. Adam said that’s exactly what he is thinking. Este wondered if Adam’s veto would still offer him protection even after the veto ceremony. Este said she thinks that Adam or Dane would have the votes even if they did end up on the block. Adam believes that a guy would be going up 100%. Kiki joined. She wondered if Kyra has already made their decision.


5:00-6:00 PM: Dane and Kiki discussed the possibility that Adam may end up on the block. Dane said Adam has been steamrolling and this may be the one shot to take him out if Kyra can nominate him. Dane compared Adam and Sam to Derek and Kaela, saying that they are capable of alternating wins each week. If Adam and Mark end up nominated together, Dane said that it will be a tough decision. Kiki said they have got to do what they have got to do. The two discussed that Dane would be more likely than Adam to have the votes due to his stronger social game. Later, Este told Sam that Kyra would likely use the veto on Kiki if they had to use it. Sam agreed. Este brought up that Kyra may got for a big move in Adam or Dane, but they would have the votes to stay. Sam thinks Kyra would know that they would have the votes to stay. Afterwards, Kiki filled Este in on her talk with Dane. She said Dane told her that it will be the only chance they have to take Adam out if he goes on the block. Este said she wants Adam to be scared so that he continues to talk to them. Kiki asked Este if she thinks that Kyra would use the veto on her if they had to use it. Este said yeah.


6:00-7:00 PM: Adam told Sam that this week could turn into the same thing that happened last year with Erica leaving due to a twist. Adam said he doesn’t want to see Dane go right now. Sam questioned why not. Adam pointed out that Dane has already kept them safe twice, so Dane having power is less scary than someone more unknown having power. Sam said she understands if they are looking only at next week. Sam doesn’t think that Dane, Anthony or Cory would nominate them next week. She is worried about Damien or Mark winning HoH. Adam doesn’t feel good with Kyra, but Sam said she can convince them to keep him safe. Out by the hot tub, Dane told Cory he could see Kyra nominating him or Adam since it would be the big move and they are still worried about a guys alliance. Cory doesn’t think that Kyra has the guts to do it. Cory mentioned that Damien might go on the block. Dane said he wouldn’t know what to do if that happened. Cory said Damien and Mark are both great guys. Cory and Dane said they will have to go through the scenarios with Anthony so that they know what they are going to do ahead of time.


7:00-8:00 PM: Adam told Kyra he thinks that everyone is worried about what they are going to do with the Blood Veto. Kyra said they can’t talk about it but they understand that people are worried. Adam said if Kiki came down and some people went up, some people would go home, while others will stay. Sam said she has tried to get it out of Kyra but they cannot talk about it. Kyra said they are voting to evict Kiki and they have the numbers to do so. Adam explained that he is talking about if Kyra has to use the veto, since they would obviously not save Mark. Kyra brought up that they are on board with evicting Kiki. Adam talked about Kyra wanting Mark out early on in the week. When Adam left the room, Kyra told Sam she doesn’t appreciate the speculating that is going on since they cannot even talk about it to defend themselves. Kyra questioned what they are supposed to say when they aren’t allowed to talk. Kyra said they know that Adam doesn’t think he can trust them but they have said they are voting to evict Kiki.


April 01, 2019

9:30 AM BBT Dane is missing his flip flops. He gets called to the DR. Anthony seems to missing his water bottle. Dane comes into the HN Room and tells Este that Anthony is freaking out. She says to him we can’t tell anyone. Dane goes back into the Blue Room with 1 flip flop on. Dane talks to Kyra who gets called out for their mic. He goes into the Red Bedroom where he starts talking to Mark who gets called out for his mic. Dane says I am missing a flip flop. The conversation goes to Kyra using the Blood Veto or Canada voting to save Kikki. Dane says I put the bug in Sam’s ear to put up Cory. Dane says I don’t think she will put Este up because I saved her and Pike last week. Dane leaves saying I’ll see you down there. Everyone seems to be looking for some of their things that are missing. Anthony has gone into the Leon’s Lounge. He is hunting under everything opening drawers and swearing. Anthony goes out and gets Dane saying can I have a word with you. He takes him into the secret room where the door is closed. Anthony opens the door and the drawer in the table. They find all 10 water bottles. They are trying to figure out who hid the water bottles. Dane says We were locked in the HN Room last night. Anthony says We can blame someone and set them up. Este comes in and Dane tells her that they found them. They tell her that they are going to do something. Anthony says We are going to beat someone’s ass, frame someone and beat their ass. Este says But if we beat someone’s ass and they didn’t do it.Cory asks Who took our shit. Dane heads outside and says F**k did he ever find that quickly.
9:45 AM BBT The cameras switch back to the nook off of the dining room table where Kyra says I wonder if Big Brother took it. Cory says They were yelling at us for our mics. Kyra says I hope I have 2 shoes I want to go smoke. Sam and Adam come out of the HOH Room Kyra asks if they are missing shoes. Dane has 1 flip flop and 1 slipper on. In the pantry Anthony asks Adam where is flip flops and water bottle are. Adam says I lost my water bottle yesterday. Dane says How can the weather change from snow to sunny so fast. Anthony says We are still going to have a snow storm. Damien says I am missing shoes. Anthony says Let’s put the puzzle together. He continues with Adam lost his water bottle yesterday morning. They are trying to figure out who hid the shoes and water bottles. They think it was one of the people that were working out. Dane says I think it was Kikki. They think that it was a task Kikki had to complete to get the bed. Este says Let’s not blame the people on the block that is too mean. Anthony says I don’t give a damn about them being on the block.
10:00 AM BBT Dane says I think you took yours to bed Anthony. Anthony says Yea I think I did. Este says maybe an old hgs had to come into the house and had to do things. Mark says Yea maybe Bruno came in and took my stuff. Sam says I think it is BB. Dane says In a few days I will be old as hell. Este says Oh yeah your birthday is in 2 weeks. Dane says maybe we will get booze if I’m still in the house. Sme of the hgs are getting ready to have breakfast. Este says She could not get out of the HN Room this morning.
10:15 AM BBT Some of the hgs are having a general conversation. In the HN Room Kikki and Dane are talking about the fact that Adam can’t get things out of his head. Dane is trying to pin the blame on Kyra over the fact that Kikki might go home. Kikki says Kyra has also said that she is good for their game. Dane says You and Este need to try and tell Sam that it is you 3. Kikki and Dane are still talking Kikki says I want to have a good day today. Dane says If the Veto isn’t used today you still have 2 full days. Anthony is making shakes for himself and Cory. Sam says Maybe I am hosting something because I am HOH. Adam says Sam’s shoes aren’t missing because she puts them in her bag not like the rest of us. Dane snaps and asks Adam How he knows where he keeps his shoes. Dane says Everyone is snapping it is a f**king shoe chill out. Sam has noticed her makeup bag is gone. Sam comes out and says my makeup bag is gone. She says It was there this morning. Este says Well it was Adam because he is the only one who has been in your room. Sam agrees. Looks like Sam is trying to hide somewhere in the washroom to scare Adam when he comes out of the stall. Adam comes out Sam jumps out and says I knew you were there. She asks him if he hid her makeup bag. He tells her No.
10:30 AM BBT Outside by the Hot Tub area Dane and Kyra are talking about the weather. Kyra says It was so weird yesterday it was raining and snowing and today it is like this. Dane says He needs to work out today. Kyra says I feel like we got more sleep today. They are talking about different types of shoes they like to wear. Kyra says I don’t think I am going to change smoke today. Mark comes out and offers Kyra something to eat. Kyra says They are going to get Anthony to stretch their shoulder. In the HOH Room Sam and Anthony are talking Anthony says You have to expect some lies coming. Anthony says Both Este and Kikki said yesterday they wanted to talk to me but never did. Dane has joined them Dane is saying that he is close to both of them. He continues By saying that Este says I am still voting Mark out even if the vote goes against Kikki. Dane says if I am talking game with them it is the 2 of them talking around me. Mark we talk hockey. Sam says The people that were gunning for me last week will go back to gunning for me next week. Dane says A lot of the stories are going around from the one person who is totally safe this week.

10:45 AM BBT The conversation continues with the fact that they think the next comp will be physical because the last 2 were mental. Dane says What I would do is see whose story varies the most. He says that is what I did with Chelsea. Sam says Yeah pick something and stick with that. Dane says Last week I had a lot of people come up to me telling me things Chelsea said. Sam asks When we are going to find out about that Veto. Dane says Either today or next week. Dane says He is going to work out now because it is hot outside. Anthony says Yeah you fixed the cushions yesterday. Sam says Este will put me up in a heartbeat. Anthony says He won’t put you up right away because he will have issues. Anthony says We started talking about things the other day I hope you know that you can talk to me anytime. Sam says I know that I trust you. Anthony said Kikki hasn’t talked to me yet but when she does I think it will be along the lines that you remember what Momma K said We have to stick together. He continues with when you start this game lying you have to stick to that because no one will believe you if you start saying you want to tell the truth. Anthony says When you are around she is very up beat but when you aren’t around she is moody. Sam says it is really just Dane I am not 100% sure off. Anthony says That is awhile away because we have to find out what that Veto is and What Big Brother has in store for us. He says Este hasn’t come to me but she is smart and knows I speak the truth.
11:00 AM BBT Adam comes out of the Leon’s Lounge with a box full of everything that was missing. He says he was in looking for boxes and opened a drawer and there everything was. Adam and Sam are now in the room counting boxes. He tells her that he hid 2 boxes so there is 181 boxes. Adam says They see me come in here they go in that room for a second and then comes right back out. Adam is breaking up a box. Sam says These are important the poly files . They are rearranging the boxes on the shelves. Adam says Don’t tell anybody what I done. In the Red Bedroom Dane finds Este and they head out. Este finds Kikki in the washroom and asks her if she is working out with them. Kikki and Este are talking in the washroom about the fact that Dane told her that Kyra keeps changing their mind. Este says You have to suck up to them. Back in the secret room Dane has joined them . Dane finds a crushed box and asks if this one was found. Adam tells him he was trying to hid it but Kyra came in. They decide to remember how many boxes say decades. They figure it is 2. Dane finds an empty box and says here is one you can crush up and hid. Adam says he isn’t going to hid any. Sam and Dane say if you hid one let us know. They found a box and are now burying it in another box. Sam says I knew there was 182. As they keep moving boxes around we check in with Mark and Kikki are playing pool. She tells him she only has the bed for one night. Back in the secret room Kyra has joined them. They are counting how many boxes have the word file on them.
11:15 AM BBT The conversation at the pool table is what Mark and Kikki are doing after the show. Mark asks her if She thinks Kyra is going to use their Blood Veto. Kikki says Will they have to use it today. Mark says No probably not until Thursday. Mark says I don’t think Adam is using his. Kikki says They promised the house they won’t. In the nook off of the dining room Cory and Anthony are talking Anthony thinks that Kyra just ran and told Sam and Adam what they were talking about. Cory was whispering and Big Brother calls her out for her mic. Anthony says I don’t see a grown ass man doing that. Damien has joined them saying you are lucky. Dane gets called out for doing something.
11:30 AM BBT Sam and Dane are talking about the fact that Anthony told Kyra something and she went and twisted it. Dane says We just talked about that a week ago. If I find myself on the block next to him I know I am safe. Dane is running. In the washroom Kikki is walking around waiting for Cory to get out of the stall. Sam asks Cory if she is going to work out. Cory says Yes but says she is sore Sam says she is sore too. They decide to work out in 30 minutes or maybe 45 minutes. In the nook Anthony is telling Damien that he has started seeing some sneaky shit. He says he started to hear stuff with Momma K then will Chelsea. He says he dug back and found out that some people are doing some sneaky shit. He says I started out my game not trusting anybody then as weeks went on I trusted some now I have to knock off some names. He says He finds it very interesting. Damien says I think I might be backdoored. Anthony says You know I would never allow that right. Anthony says Be very careful who you talked to. Anthony says I never said anything against you and I never lied; at the end of the game people are going to know that; the ones that have lied are going to get f**ked up.
11:45 AM BBT Damien joins them after his run. Anthony says I can never get up and run like that. Dane gets up to put the slop in the fridge. In the Blue Bedroom Mark and Kikki are talking about what trust means. Mark says to him it means if someone f**ks you over if you are okay with it. He continues with if my best friend does something I know it will be in my best interest. Mark says When things don’t go your way that is when you figure out what people are like. He says Some people stomp and yell but I find you very mature I loved what you did with the Blood Veto. Kikki says Really because I thought I was being stupid. Mark says It made me decide to follow you. Mark says I was very proud of you because you said you wanted to fight for you. He says it was very very mature of you and I am proud of you. Mark says Now our lives are in other people’s hand not a fun feeling. Mark says This sucks Kikki I really don’t want to be up against you. In the backyard area Anthony is talking to Dane. He says Are you worried about being but on the block. Dane says No. Anthony says because you are acting weird. Dane says Maybe the slop. Dane says It is just Kyra you can’t tell her anything. Dane says Worse case is if Canada saves someone and Mark and I are on the block together. Anthony says You need to trust me. I can control anything in this house.
12:00 PM BBT Damien walks out and joins them in the BY sits on the couch to watch them work out. Dane talks about his face breaking out and the one on his nose hurts really bad, Anthony pretends to play basketball, and Dane mentions they should have a hoop. Corey walks out and ANthony asks if the sun is on the couches. Kyra and Sam are up in the HOH talking about Dane, Adam joins them and they go over who to target next. They don’t want Dane to know what’s going on in fear that he will tell Este and have time to try and plan something. Este has told Dane and it got back to Sam that no matter what Este is voting to keep Kikki. Dane told her he is doing whatever the house wants. The comment of a 6-2 vote was said and Sam wants to pretend Kikki is safe until Arissa says the vote and blindside her but she is already getting the vibe. Adam begins to try and come up with his POV speech, and they run a few ideas and try to work on the wording. They are wondering when the ceremony will be today and if Adam can stay awake. They point out that neither of the noms even tried to fight over the Blood veto.

12:15 PM BBT “I appreciate that you both wanted to fight the old fashioned way for safety and didn’t go after the secret power. Kyra tells them that it’s beautiful outside, sunny, and warm, and dry cushions. Sam gets mad at Adam for looking at her Armpits because she needs to shave them. As the two of them goof around Kyra jokes about 3rd wheeling it. Kyra says she likes Sadam wheather in power or not. Meanwhile outside Damien, Corey, and Anthony are lounging in the sun on the couches. Corey says that when people come to her to talk she tries to note where were they before, who do they go to after, what were they doing the day before? Corey says she has been nothing but 100% honest with him the entire game as she talks to Damien, She asks for a drink of water from Anthony and they all sit in silence. Upstairs on the landing Mark, Kikki, and Este are chatting about music, then Dane asks about the Slop bread and Kikki mentions the Slop coffee. Her and Mark head down to make some while Este is left to think. In the kitchen Kikki and Mark are preparing to make the clop coffee, Dane says he is blacked out not sure where his coffee is and leaves the kitchen area. The continue to pull out the ingredients needed, then Dane comes back saying he hates the slop, sleeping isn’t horrible, but the slop is. BB gets after them for talking about production.
12:30 PM BBT Kikki has added hot coffee to the blender and asked for more ice, Dane left the kitchen and Mark puts away the filled trays. Outside the clothed Sun bathing continues, Corey says Nah I don’t think the Veto will be used, the vibes in the house is getting weird. Damien points out there is 2 vetos that could be used. Corey heads in to go work out, as soon as she does Anthony is on Damien about watching his back and how sick the game is. Be super careful who you trust, Damien feels like he knows what Anthony is talking about how in the next week or two a certain person will be up on the block. Anthony says the grass is getting high and people think they are under the radar slithering around but he has been landscaping all his life. Anthony says that he lets them all run to him and he holds the info and goes straight to the source. Damien says they have been having alot more conversations Sam Kikki and Este all in HOH and how Kikki is changing up her campaign and they really need to think it through before voting. Damien says he is Bro right but he hasn’t given me much, Anthony says forget all that, there are people who think they are in power and planning to pick people off one by one. Damiene asks if he is thinking a Dane/Adam kinda thing, they are both thinking lots of ideas but not sharing with too many others. Anthony says it used to be a daily thinking for people wanting to get Damien out but he always stood up for him and now there is no one saying it. Anthony says someone cracked and gave a little info so he went to others to dig a little deeper and got lots of info. Corey is back outside and sits down with the boys saying Kikki is pitching Sam. Anthony heads in and tells Damien before he gets inside that girl right there ( points to Corey) has your back. Sam is up in HOH with Adam talking about how Kikki needs to go home. Adam goes over the speech he wants to give later at the ceremony.
12:45 PM BBT Dane and Kyra have made their way outside to smoke, Kyra is worried about the slippery ground, and Dane offers the slop to the birds. They are talking about Obama and how much he aged in the White house and Michelle looked amazing still. Then working out and more general conversation with many topics. Kikki, and Este are in the HN room with Kyra, Kyra is wanting to borrow some clothes, and then they talk about the bed. Este talks to Kikki about how difficult it is to work with Kyra. Kikki says they have wanted to self so many times, just do it. They speculate that maybe Canada has been able to save a nominee and someone needs to go up in that person’s place. Este says she has had a hard week as well wanting to be alone or with Kikki and not even with Dane. She sees him talking to others and she can’t blame him but it’s hard. Este says she will be more comfortable being loud once the Ceremony is over. Kikki wants to trust Dane but he is playing for Dane and she thinks he will save Mark. Because its against what Anthony, Corey, Adam, Sam want. Este says that until eviction night she thinks Dane will vote to keep Kikki unless he hears that the house is voting out Kikki then he will do so for his game.
1:00 PM BBT Kikki wants a 4-3 vote says it will be better for her game and Feeds cut.
1:02 PM BBT – 3:14 PM BBT  Feeds are out

3:14 PM BBT Feeds Return to Kikki and Mark laying in the bed in HN room talking about Dr.Will, este and Damien are in the SR discussing the boxes in the bonus room, Dane lets a few gas bubbles go. She Says BBCan needs to save my girl Kikki, Dane stays in the SR a moment talking to the the cameras. Kyra heads in to make a sandwich. Este hands Dane a drink and says drink this before the ice melts. Dane says now we are all supposed to be paranoid till thursday, F that. Then says who would go up. Damien is at the Bar in the Kitchen just taking in the conversation. Dane wants to know when the slop bucket will be back. In the HN room Mark and Kikki are talking and she feels her Pre campaign is annulled, Mark is worried things will get ugly and she asks what do you mean. He explains about Kyra and Chelsea last week. Now the real campaigning starts, both of them need to campaign to stay in the game. Mark feels the blood Veto is either a great thing for both of them or horrible for the whole house. There is no way it’s that simple with everyone seeing the Veto and knowing about it. They tangent off on people names and nicknames. Mark says life will be so much easier if its used, they think the bigger question is who gets to name the renom, Speculation is Kyra has to since it’s called BLOOD veto, the blood on her hands. Este and Dane both have come in while they discuss, Dane says he doesn’t think the HN can be on the bed if its not there and leaves, Mark heads out as well. The ladies play with the bed and the vibrations. Kikki tells Este about Marks suspicion and Dane walks in and Kiera tells him as well. Mark comes back in and they wonder about Adam being safe or not and it sends then both boys leave.
3:30 PM BBT Now they speculate maybe Adam could go up and the house would vote him out since no one is willing to take the shot but it would be quick. Este thinks that’s Damien would be the nom and Dane would be the best for Kyra’s game but she won’t do that. They run ideas of if Kikki comes down verse Mark coming down. Adam is out in the BY nook talking with Sam. Talking about the possibility of the Blood Veto being used and if she has to name the renom, but she doesn’t think she will. Her only options in her mind are E or D ( Este or Dane). Adam begins to workout and talks from across the way. She feels like she knows when Adam is going to try and scare her and says her voice is gone today because of it. Dane walks out and joins them. The ladies in the HN are discussing hot friends and then Kikki says she thinks it will be Kyra to renom. Kikki tells Este how Mark admitted to starting to campaign before the ceremony. Kikki says Este went up and Mark stayed on the couch they watched Adam and Dane followed by Sam and Corey Anthony & Damien she feels they are all freaking out.. Este says if it were her she would put up Adam or you are just handing him the game. They compare the Showmance to the US Showmances. Kikki tells about how she played Dumb with Mark and it was so hard to listen to. Kikki pops off with I wonder if Sam would take a shot at Dane. Este says we need to campaign like nothing happened. No one is safe now except Kyra and Sam and the house will be in paranoia this week.
3:45 PM BBT In the BY Adam continues to workout while Damien is there now chatting and they speculate if and who it would get used on. Does Canada get a vote what was the purpose of us picking someone then. Adam says only a couple more days, Yea a couple more days of speculation and everyone tripping balls. Then it goes on about the food and how all the stuff is going so quickly and feeds go to the backyard where Corey, Kyra, and Dane are out trying to enjoy the Sun. Corey says her game plan is to eat, suit up, and Tub, Kyra asks about marinating the food for tonight. Corey wanted to do planks but says shes just not mentally there. Dane says he feels the same with the slop and sugar. Kyra heads in and feeds are on the SR. Anthony and Mark are talking about loyalty and Corey talking to someone to get connected. Antony leaves the SR as Kyra walks in saying they are going to start the marinating process. They head back out and Mark is alone eating his cereal looking in mirrors. The ladies are still in HN going over how Blood veto is going to be stressful but they just want Kikki to stay. Kikki is starving and wants to make food. Kikki points out that Kyra knew the hand signal and maybe it was part of the Blood Veto that they got to see video or something. Then head out to the Kitchen to make some Slop!
4:17 PM BBT Adam tells Sam there is a surprise up in HOH, he can’t share the details and its not shareable but when she enters there is no sign he lets her look around and try to find it for a few minutes while she throws a tizzy. He continues to look at the camera and smile when she’s not looking. We realize he is pulling a prank on her. She is looking for any clues she can find to tell about it. Then they both leave and head out as BB has told them there is a lock out. Everyone to the BY by 4:30pm
4:45 PM BBT Dane is out of DR Adam, Sam, and Este are in the BY Sam brings up the Veto and Dane gets a bit defensive about Blood veto, Dane says that Adam overpowered everyone and how Dane is upset that Kyra got it. Dane says if he was on anyone’s hit list he would not have bowed out but he felt safe with Sam as HOH. Adam agrees and then they discuss how if they suspected they were going on the block they would not have hit the button until it was theirs. Este tells adam about how Shitty of a situation it would be if either Him or Sam ends up on the block. Kikki joins them and there is speculation on who they think it will be going up. Weather Kyra has already had to make the decision(s) to do with this Blood Veto. Kikki says its not just Mark and Kikki campaigning it’s the whole house in paranoia. Then it goes over to the prank from this morning. They continue discussing how this morning went and how they think this lock out is a party or task to get a party. Adam admits to the girls the prank he tried this afternoon on Sam was toilet papering the HOH but he got a “stop that” after a bit and when he went back up asking Sam if she saw her room yet it was all cleaned up. Then she threw her tizzy about how it was for her but he got it/saw it.
5:07 PM BBT Adam asks Sam if she has figured it out yet, she says no, everyone wants to know what’s going on. He finally admits it a minute later and explains what he did and how BB cleaned it. They then go on about he did the prank with the shoes and bottles this morning. They give him a hard time about all the pranks.
5:21 PM BBT Lockdown is over Mark walks in and then heads to HT area to let the other HG know, he heads in to look for any changes or clues as to why a lock down. He finds nothing and heads out to the HT area where everyone is at.
5:30 PM BBT Dane and este head into the HN room to talk but feeds cut. Sam and Adam make their way to the SR to find a good snack. They talk about Celery and Peanut butter and settle on it. Sam says she needs to clean this Kitchen in a moment. They stare at each other with Smiles on their faces while Adam eats. Kikki and Dane are still in HN talking about Kyra and the veto and what could happen on Thursday. They feel it would be good for Their game to get Adam out and then Sam would need them more. Kikki says the hard thing about this week is everyone will be campaigning. Kikki feels like Adam is already freaking out. Dane says he told Adam good thing you didn’t fight for the blood veto. They really know nothing till Thursday and this could be a good thing because it forces people to show their cards when talking to others incase its them. Dane is fearful that it will be him and Kikki. Dane points out how last season this is the week Ryan was saved and Erica went home. Then they laugh about how the person who can’t win anything has more power than the HOH and POV winner this week. Kikki says that she has ben building a relationship with Corey and distancing from Anthony and to see how dynamics change this week.
5:46 PM BBT Kikki is saying let’s look at facts, Kyra does not want to work with Mark so it shouldn’t be 2 of them ( Este, Kikki, and Dane) on the block. Kikki says lets go mingle the more we stay in here the more people think we are speculating. She heads out and tells the bed is gone and heads up stairs. Kikki asks if it’s coffee time, Dane says he will make some as soon as he changes. Down in the Kitchen area Damien is wandering and sits down, Adam lost his bottle again. Sam is cleaning up the Kitchen counter, Este is helping to wash dishes, and Damien chooses to head up to the couches upstairs. He says he is super sore. Kikki asks about the coffee and goes to make the pot. Este follows in the SR. Sam comes in and they whisper about the blood veto about how Dane and Adam are not able to go on the block. Este goes through who she thinks Kyra would pick. If Adam or Dane were picked to go up against mark they think the votes are there to save them. Sam says she wants to feel it out and see if she can get an idea of what the plan is. Kikki says she thinks They already had to choose because right after the Ceremony they were called to DR. Kikki heads out and Este keeps talking. Sam leaves and Kikki is back with the water and whispers good chance Kikki comes off and Adam or Dane goes up.
6:00 PM BBT Sam and Adam are in the HOH bedroom cuddling and talking. Kikki is in the storage room with Este. Este left, Dane comes in. Kikki says she can’t wait for Natasha and Eddie to meet up with them. Dane wonders how the two of them ended up together. Kikki thinks they balance each other out. Dane and Kikki leave the pantry. Sam and Adam aren’t talking anymore. They are laying down with their eyes closed. Kikki and Dane sit down at the table. Kikki asks Damien if he would like to sit with them. Dane leaves and says he will make a guest appearance later. Damien sits down Kikki.
6:15 PM BBT Kikki tells him to be honest and answer if any of his friends are hot. Damien says that a couple are but they are taken. Kikki asks what he thinks of the whole thing. Kikk says it’s kind of dumb and she already got her treat from Canada which was the bed. Anthony comes to the kitchen. Kikki tells Damien Mark thinks it has probably already been done. Big Brother tells Anthony to put on his microphone. Kikki tells Damien that she loves how he talks about Emma. She says there’s good guys and good girls. Damien says that he is a good guy now but five years ago he wasn’t as good. Dane and Corey are talking. Dane thinks that they will put up Damien. They think that Canada gets to choose who to save and then Kyra gets to choose who to put up. They say that everything is so uncertain this week.
6:30 PM BBT Dane and Corey think that Anthony has been a little off this week. They think it’s because of the slop. They think that slop for three meals is ridiculous. Corey says that she was on slop for ten days in a row. Dane and Corey are discussing the need to vote with the house to protect their games. Corey said she loved Mama but she had to vote against her. Damien is still sitting in a chair by the table. Este is walking all around the house. Dane and Corey agree that they both don’t like lying. They know that there’s still many people left but they need to build trust with people now. Corey says that putting trust in certain people is a gamble. They know that there is a triple eviction coming at some point. Corey is supposed that she got 4th in the competition. Dane said it was probably their reaction time. Corey is getting out of the hot tub.


6:45 PM BBT Dane and Corey put the cover back on the hot tub and go inside. Mark is outside alone. When Dane goes to the kitchen, Este offers him her frappuccino. Dane declines graciously. Corey went to shower. Damien said after the show, he’s going to a dentist to get his teeth whitened. Este says she’s constantly hungry and bloated. Damien said he did chewing tobacco for two years, Adam said that he’s only done it twice when he was drunk, Dane said he chewed from grade 7-11 and then in grade twelve, his mom found a tin in his backpack and made him eat it. Damien did 10 pull ups. Dane, Damien, Anthony and Este are playing pool. Mark and Adam are in the kitchen. Mark thinks Kyra will put him up before Sam.
7:00 PM BBT Adam is chopping vegetables. Mark is eating cereal. Kyra and Sam are in the HOH bed. Adam is sitting on the couch in the HOH. Kyra said that they understand people are worried but they can’t talk about it. Kyra is voting to evict Kikki this week. Kyra said that Kikki was lying to them. Adam is questioning why Kyra wanted Mark gone. Kyra said that that was before nominations. Kyra is mad that Adam was speculating aggressively. They said it’s hard not to defend their thoughts. Kyra says their eczema is getting bad. Kyra asks Sam if she is going to visit Montreal. Kyra tells Adam that they don’t like when he was speculating. Sam and Adam talk when they leaves. Sam tells Adam to stop assuming things about them.
7:15 PM BBT Sam says she has to go make friends but she doesn’t want to. Dane, Damien, Este and Anthony are still playing pool. Sam goes down to watch. Kyra is watching the pool games now too. Dane and Damien are winning three games to one. Kikki and Corey are talking in the blue bedroom. Kikki says that her and Mark have very different game strategies. Kikki is seeking Corey’s campaigning advice. Corey said that loyalty should be one of her strategies. Corey says that Kikki needs a gameplay. Kikki wants the best people that are loyal in the game. Adam is in the hot tub.
7:30 PM BBT Mark, Adam and Kyra are in the outdoor space. Kyra said that their favourite drink is a basil gimlet. Kyra says that they take shots with customers all the time. Kyra asked Adam if he’s a whiskey man, he nods his head yes. Kyra said that they have had a $3,000 before that they charged. Kyra said that once they worked a four hour shift and made $500 in tips. Dane and Anthony go to the kitchen. Corey said that her and Anthony have connected in a different way. She says she has spent the most time with him. Anthony thinks Corey is loyal to him and Dane.
7:45 PM BBT Sam is eating a salad in the kitchen. Corey goes downstairs. Sam compliments her shirt. Corey is eating a bagel. Anthony is rinsing the coffee maker. Corey stubbed her toe on the door. Damien, Dane and Adam are outside. Dane is speaking very negatively about Sam. They are talking about missing shoes. They don’t think that they will get booze anytime soon. Este and Kikki are talking. Kikki says she had a good idea of how she wanted her campaign to go but it hasn’t been going how she thought.
8:00 PM BBT Anthony, Sam and Corey are in the kitchen. They are speaking French. Sam asks what day it is. Corey says it is day 31. Sam and Corey start going through the days. Kyra comes into the kitchen. Just general chit chat. Dane, Adam, and Damien are still talking. Adam is telling a story. Kyra and Sam are also outside. Dane is reciting facts. They are talking about weather conditions they have had to work in. Mark is playing pool. Kyra is going to make dinner. Kikki, Este and Corey are talking in the kitchen. Dane says that he talks better without his fake teeth. Big Brother tells them to stop talking about production.
8:15 PM BBT Dane said he only had one wisdom tooth. Kyra says they didn’t get any. Dane, Adam, Damien,Kyra, and Sam are all outside in the hot tub area talking about April Fools jokes from today. Dane mentions throwing hot tea on people. Sam says the day isn’t over yet. Damien and Dane are talking about $1200 shoes and Dane wonders how anyone can afford those and says the guy who had them worked in hazmat, but only 8 hours a day so it was probably salary based, he says that’s good money for an 8 hour work day while everyone else was slaving away. Damien says that’s why he went to school so he wouldn’t have to be slaving away for money. Adam says he’s been wanting to make a career change and Dane says he has been been feeling the same way and he wants to do it before it gets to be too late. Adam tells him it’s good to do it now while they’re young instead of being like 35 or 40 and sharing hotel beds all the time and spending no time with their family. Dane says especially if they have kids. Damien says his dad worked at the mines for so long and then ended up quitting because he had no time for his family.
8:30 PM BBT Dan, Damien, and Adam are talking about work outs they’ve had to do for hockey and in general and they all agree that they like using the smith machine, and are describing different workouts they do with it. Feeds cut to the kitchen where Anthony and Kyra are cleaning up and Este is watching them. Corey comes in to help wash the dishes. Anthony says he always washes whatever he uses for plates and even sometimes other little things that people leave around, but he says he still hasn’t vacuumed or swept. Corey asks Kyra what kind of pans they’ll need and they say frying pans because they are going to roast potatoes as well as make some other types of food for everyone. Kyra asks, “Do I really say things like that (potatoes) nasally?” Corey says they say pans nasally and They, Anthony and Corey pronounce pots and pans. Este says she thinks it’s an east coast thing. Corey says it probably is, but when Este says it she says it more like, “paions” feeds cut to the secret room where Corey is looking at a piece of paper she found in one of the cardboard boxes and then she continues to go through each box on that shelf looking at more stacks of paper. No progress appears to be made nor is it clear if she may have a specific power or not.
8:45 PM BBT In the storage room, Mark and Sam discuss the veto and Mark tells Sam that even though he sounds like a broken record, he can promise her that everything will be ok. Sam says she knows and between the two of them, she’s going to convince Kyra that they need to use the veto on him. Sam says to Mark not to tell anyone, but she thinks so far that’s the way she plans on going. Mark says that today is Monday, so they still have two more days before the eviction so things can change, Sam reminds him that things move quickly on Thursdays. Mark says the house is getting vicious and he can feel it, Sam agrees but Mark tells her that it’s her week to enjoy HOH and not to worry too much about it. Sam says she thinks everyone is in an ok mood, but the blood veto kind of has everyone on edge because nobody really knows what could happen and everyone could possibly go up on the block. Mark says even though he is up on the block he’s been very calm about it and has the mindset that if it’s his time to go it’s his time to go and he knows that maybe that isn’t the best mindset to have, he knows he needs to just stay calm and let everything play out.
9:00 PM BBT Downstairs in the lounge Dane is telling Anthony a trip he went on and how the locals told him not to smoke any weed there or if he did, to not get caught. Dane says told the locals that he thought weed was a huge thing there and the locals told him that it was, but if you get caught with it on you or even just smoking it then you can go to jail for 10 years, but he was staying in a hostel and some guy had some and asked Dane if he wanted it aso he took it, and smoked a bag by himself and his girlfriend was furious at him and told him not to bring it with him to a waterfall they were going to visit. Later on, on the way to where they were going Dane was driving on a moped and says his girlfriend was holding on to him, but she kept squirming and he ended up in the middle of nowhere in some desert and then eventually passed some other tourists, came around a hairpin turn and there were 10 cops surrounding him and he didn’t know what to do until the cop stopped him and told him to get off the bike, then grabbed his keys and threw them at the other cop. Dane asked the cops what they wanted and they asked what he had on him, asking if he had a passport and he said no, which was his first strike and then they grabbed his girlfriend Courtney and took her over to the other side of where they were and asked Dane to empty his bag out to which he said, no so they grabbed it off him, dumped it out, grabbed his cigarettes and started breaking them all in half looking for weed and ended up strip searching him looking for it.
9:15 PM BBT In the lounge Adam is telling Kiki about how his dad plays in a couple of bands and works at all these different bars that a lot of Adam’s friends also work at and he’ll go visit and they’ll all drink together. Kiki says that that’s really cool and he (Adam’s Dad) is a legend in his own way. Downstairs in the lounge next to the kitchen, Dane, Anthony, Corey, Este, and damien are all talking about food. Dane says he wants to make poutine on Thursday and yells across the room asking Kyra if they know how to make gravy, which they do. Este says she should have a banana but they’re all green and she’s craving something fresh like celery or something Dane says he’ll save half an avocado. Anthony says the last one they all used had no taste, Este says maybe it was over powered by bacon. Anthony says he didn’t have any bacon but the avocado was very mushy, Dane says probably because they left it out too long
9:30 PM BBT Outside in the hot tub area, Dane is smoking a cigarette going off on a rant to Anthony and Mark about how Kyra was telling him all about the food they were making and says he doesn’t care because he can’t eat any of it anyway , but he wouldn’t mind if it was something they all could eat. Back in the kitchen Kyra is still making dinner for everyone which includes bacon and she whispers to Sam that Adam is, “very possessive of her.” Sam asks, “you think?” Kyra says, “Like actually, yeah it’s a bit much, just fucking chill.” Sam says, “I don’t feel like it, just kidding!” Kyra says, “It’s not healthy, but you’re also playing a game it just doesn’t make sense to me.” Sam changes the subject and asks Kyra when they should put the fish on, Kyra says when they take the bacon out because it has to sit for another 10-15 minutes. Sam says she knows how Kyra must have felt when they and Chelsea, “got into it” because now that she, “lost Adam” she doesn’t know who, “her person” is. Kyra says she didn’t lose adam is just a small mishap, and Sam says her mind still goes to losing him. Kyra tells Sam, “Think of it this way, Chelsea leaving was the best thing for my game.” Sam asks, “was it?” Kyra says, “100%”

9:45 PM BBT Kyra tells Sam that while they’re not saying that Adam is going anywhere, Sam distancing herself from him and frm Adam and kind of playing her own game will be good for her right now. The two of them continue mashing potatoes in the kitchen, and Kyra wonders if they should put dill in them. Corey from across the room also asks about the dill. Kyra says they only ask because there’s dill in the dip. Sam says she thinks it was sour cream and chive. Corey is naming ingredients for the potatoes from across the room and says that she’s so excited. Sam says it’s going to be great.
10:00 PM BBT In the Have Not room, Dane, Este, and Kikki are talking about Kikki saying she had an awkward conversation with Corey but she said she is going to the bathroom first. She goes to the washroom and leaves Este and Dane in the HN room. Este says that the way Sam and Adam see it that if Kikki leaves that she will have Dane but she says that if she gets HOH they are both gone. She says she is annoyed with Anthony and hurt by him. She said she may have a very broad conversation with him without saying anything specific. She says she went to him the day before Chelsea was evicted and she told him what Sam said about Anthony and that she tried to divert it because he was her dude. She says that it shows him trust by telling him what she heard. She said she is thinking of going with him Kyra telling people about them getting the showmance out. She says there are a lot of people trying to seperate them and that there are only things she has heard from Kyra that only Anthony would know. Dane says that Anthony has talked a lot to Kyra lately. Kikki comes back and tells them in the kitchen after she talked to Corey and that there was really tension between them and Anthony. She says that it was very awkward with him.Este said that maybe he said what he said because they are not in power. Kikki says she doesn’t know. She goes back out and takes the salad dressing that she brought in to the HN room and says it shows her lucky number 47. She takes the salad dressing back to the kitchen. Este goes on telling Dane about Anthony and the things that he told her. She said she knows that Dane talks to both Adam and Anthony a lot because she sees them going into rooms and talking. Dane tells her that he is going in and telling Adam he needs to get Sam out. Kikki comes back in to the HN room again. Kikki says that Anthony has always tells them they need to take the head off the snake and that Sam is the snake but now Anthony is hanging out with them. They don’t know if there is a deal with them. Este says that Corey is telling them that she trusts Sam. Este says that it shows that how it shows that Sam wants to pin the whole thing on Kyra and the only one in the house that wants her here and that she is using Kyra. Dane says he doesn’t like that either. Este says lets see if Corey gets HOH and if she trusts her then. Kiki tells them that Adam told her something alarming when they were outside. He asked her that when she came in the house did she think she would be as good as comps as she is. Adam says that he wanted to win the first HOH and that Sam and Adam are now the bottom of the group. He says that all he could think about was winning and that it is so hard for Adam and Sam in the house. But that Dane is winning and has had 2 HOH and no one would go against him. She says that Adam asked about the Blood Veto and if it would be used.
10:15 PM BBT She says it shows how paranoid he is. Este says she doesn’t want to talk bad about Adam right now. She says he is really funny and she thinks that he would be an amazing boyfriend to Sam but for her personally that she would never hang out with him outside of the house.Because you have to always talk up to him all the time. Dane says that Kyra told him that Adam always talks down to them. Kikki says if anything it’s jealousy that Adam feels for Dane. She says when it comes to the game, it’s a whole mixture of things. Este says she is curious of how Adam would talk to people outside the house. She says she doesn’t care how he acts towards her but how he acts towards other people. She says it messes with her head but she looks forward to seeing how he acts outside the house. She says that’s how she feels about Mark because she hates him as a player but she would like him outside of the house. Kikki says that Mark gets on her nerves. Dane tells Kikki that he likes her and Kikki says yes he does and tells her multiple times. The girls hug Dane and rub his butt. Kikki rubs his head. Dane says he is so tired. They tell him that slop is affecting him more than them. Este says she is handling slop much better than the thought. Kikki says it would be better without block pressure. On the circle couches, Corey is sitting there, and Anthony is playing catch with Mark and Adam. In the kitchen, Sam and Kyra are making fish. Kyra tells Sam that everyone needs to sit at the table when they eat a fancy meal. Kyra is placing potatoes on everyone plate. They tell everyone to sit at the table and they will bring it to them.Corey, Damien, Anthony and Mark are already sitting at the table. Sam and Kyra join them and they all begin eating. Anthony tells Kyra that the fish is amazing.
10:30 PM BBT Adam has joined Este, Kikki and Dane in the HN room. They are just in a general conversation. Adam says he doesn’t feel like sitting at the table eating with everyone all smiling. Kikki says that’s exactly why she is in the HN room right now. Este says they need to have eachothers back. Este says she has been bringing up who is HOH or has the power like that then the strong player goes home. Kikki says they have the votes. If Kikki comes down then they would have the votes. Kikki says that Corey would vote with them, Kikki says that Adam has a good relationship with her. Adam says that he doesn’t do much game talk with Corey because there is never names mentioned. Apparently Dane farted. Dane says that Corey is close with Anthony though. Adam asks if Este and Dane cuddled in bed last night and Este says they were not allowed. Kikki says she hates to go out and pretend everything is fine. It’s a hard thing to do. She says that who to watch out for is who is feeling super safe right now. They all say true. Adam says that in 2 weeks there are only 5 people left – then 2 more weeks it’s finals. Adam talks about watching Sam’s eyes as she smiles and her pupils would get big. So Adam smiles and the girls watch his eyes. He says he read an article about that. Then they talk about how Adam loves cats. Adam says when he eats carbs his stomach gets bigger but the rest of him stays skinny. Kikki says it happens to her too. Adam says the potatoes looked great but he isn’t going out to eat them. Adam sneezes 3 times in a row. The rest of the HG are still at the table eating. Sam says that Corey and Kyra are invited to her house after BB is over. The guys say that they are going to clean up after the dinner. Sam says they tried to clean up as they went. Sam says should we go smoke while they go clean. Sam says it was fun to cook for them and she asked if they liked it and they said they did. Corey says she didn’t cook but asks if they need her and Damien says no. Kyra and Sam head outside.
10:45 PM BBT Sam goes to the bathroom and she yells about Adam not wanting to eat with them. Kyra says it’s the most disrespectful thing they have ever seen a grown adult do. Kyra says that he is jealous because they are hanging out. Corey comes out with them. Kyra asks Corey how she feels about Adam not joining them. Sam says that Adam misunderstood something but she thinks it’s ok. Kyra says they are annoyed and that Adam throws his food in a tupperware and says he is not hungry. Sam says that he is stressed over the Blood Veto. Corey says that it’s his loss. They talk about how good the food was. Kyra says next week that they will do another big dinner. Sam says she is going to shave her legs tonight. Corey says she did hers the day before. Sam says she is going all out and wash her hair. Sam says she only washed her hair once so far. Corey says that when she studies the days that she didn’t put in there the days that Sam washed her hair. Sam says she should have done that every HOH. Kyra asks Sam if when she said she was dyslexic if she was kidding and Sam says she was kidding. Kyra said they thought that aw true. They study days. Corey says if you have the anchoring days that it’s easier to organize. Kyra says that before the anchoring days it was too hard but now it works for them. Corey goes through the anchoring days. In the HN room, Adam, Este, Kikki and Dane are still talking. Just in general conversation. The guys are still in the kitchen cleaning. Mark is telling Anthony by the pool table whispering something about the boys alliance but then goes into talking about pool. Damien joins them and says he plays the loser.
11:00 PM BBT Outside, Corey, Sam and Kyra are still studying days.Anthony by the pool table says that Kikki came out of the room with Adam and she was happy. He says that she should not come out of the room that happy. Anthony says that they are just messing around. Anthony says that he thinks Dane is starting to think about himself more than the group. That Dane is looking at it as if he makes it to the end, who would vote for him in Jury – Kikki or Mark. Anthony says that he has heard different stories going around. Anthony says if he gets a hint of whatever, he is going to cause a lot of crap. Mark says that he knows Anthony has the power. Mark says that it seems like Anthony is on good terms with Corey and Anthony says yes. They start to talk about a convo with Kikki and Damien comes in and Mark says they will talk more later.
11:15 PM BBT The Sam comes in from outside and heads to the bathroom and collects her things for a shower. KYRA S PLEASE FIX YOUR MICROPHONE. Corey and Kyra are still outside and are talking about Dane. Kyra says that Dane knows that both Kikki and Mark would vote for him if they were in Jury. Corey says unless he double crosses them. Corey tells Kyra that they are really the only one who realizes how close Corey and Anthony are. Corey says that Adam uses people’s information and their trust in him with the information. Corey says that both her and Anthony have had talks with him. In the HOH room, Adam and Sam are talking. Adam is telling her about the conversation he was having in the HN room with Este, Dane and Kikki. She tells him that he left mad. She says that when he left the conversation, that he was mad and went to talk to the HG in the HN room. Adam says that he doesn’t like to get into weird moods and that when he is alone that he is the best version of himself. She says that she needs other people that she can feed off of. He says that when he gets in those moods that he needs to take a step back. She told him that it was weird that he was not joining them to eat. He says that they cook those big meals and expect everyone to eat it. She says that he does need to justify when he leaves her angry after a conversation. He says that he just wanted to get away and that he went to talk.

Tonight's Show

March 31, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, with Chelsea and Kyra locked to the block, Dane and his pretty boys was posed for greatness, but one of their own was ready to rebel. Blissfully unaware of any descent, the pretty boys flash their sign in front of Kyra. Then Chelsea used Kyra's intel to try and rally Youngblood. But in the end, nobody would break ranks from Dane and a unanimous vote sent Chelsea out the door.

Then Big Brother dropped the deuce, and the next first HoH competition, Adam delivered a four out of five HoH wins for the pretty boys. Adam put up Kiki as his target and Eddie as his pawn. But at the PoV competition, Kiki's balance ballgame got her the win. With a replacement needed, Kyra and Sam hatched a plan to test Adam's loyalty, but when Adam balked at putting up a bro, he raised a red flag. And when Kiki stepped down, Kyra went up. Then in another pretty boy approved unanimous vote, Eddie was deadie.

Tonight, can anyone win and end the pretty boys streak. Will one mysterious veto rupture the house?

We pick up with Eddie getting evicted and Kyra says tonight was double eviction and it was chaos and she managed to escape the block twice. She was hoping to get in Sam's ear to get Adam to put up a guy, but something went wrong and this just shows Adam's loyalties. Mark says he does want to take a shot but he missed his shot in the double eviction and now he has to wait in the caboose of the pretty boys train and wait for another chance. Sam feels like a big bullseye because everyone has mentioned her name. She feels like she's in danger and she has to win this competition.

Adam is outside hosting the HoH competition. BB has added some eye-catching views to the house. When Adam says go, the HGs will have two minutes to inspect the house. They will then come back and stand in their booths for a true/false question competition. Adam gives the go and they all start running around. Time is up and they all head back outside. Este is freaking out because she didn't see half the things she needed to see.

True or False: all of the spa goers had eye masks on? Everyone answers true and they are all correct.

True or False: there were eight jellyfish in the blue bedroom, true or false. Damien and Anthony answer true and they are wrong. Everyone else is correct.

True or False: there were six presents for Kailyn's birthday in the pantry. Everyone is right except for Mark.

True or False: Eddie could be seen on all three gifs playing in the living room . Sam and Anthony answer true and they are correct. Dane says he can't have Sam win this competition and he feels threatened by her. Sam has four correct answers is in the lead.

True or False: [adult swim] can be seen on the TV in the HoH room. Anthony, Dane, and Kiera got it right and everyone else is wrong. Sam knows everyone is gunning for except a few people and she cannot let this win slip through her fingers.

True or False: the writing on the mirror in the pink bedroom spelled "clean up your room." Sam and Damien and Este are correct.

True or False: one of the spa goers had toe dividers. Mark and Kyra are wrong and everyone else is right. Sam is in the lead by one followed by Dane, Anthony, Este, and Kiki.

True or False: there was a note over Laura's photo that read agent. Sam and Anthony answer true and everyone else said false. There is a three way tie between Sam, Dane, and Este. Time for a tie breaker.

Dane can't believe it's coming down to a tiebreaker. Watch out Sam, Este and Dane are coming for you girl!

Tie breaker question-During the competition beast PoV, how many attempted ring tosses were there in total? Sam answers 315, Dane answers 171, and Este answers 120. The answer is... 573. Sam is the new HoH! Sam says she can't believe it. She pulled out a win exactly when she needed it the most.

Dane is feeling pissed. He really didn't want Sam to win. He's cracking his lip balm out because he's got a lot of butt kissing to do this week.

In addition to winning HoH, Sam and a HGs gets to watch a movie from [adult swim]. She immediately chooses Adam. Sam and Adam go to the bathroom area and he says she just turned the house upside down. Adam says he's pretty sure everyone's tripping right now. Sam definitely wants to put a guy up for nomination this week. She's pretty sure there's a guy alliance and she wants to break it down. Sam says she has to be strategic.

Dane goes into the blue bedroom and is very angry and hitting the bed. Kiera comes in and Dane is slamming pillows around. Kiera says so the worst has happened and Dane says the worst has happened. Dane says he could easily get backdoored. Kiera thinks it'll be her and Este and Dane says but if one of them wins, then he'll backdoored. Sam and Adam come in and they say a very awkward hi.

Este is in the red bedroom and she's crying. She says she's crushed. She feels like she let Kiera down and she's afraid Sam is going to target her this week. Kiera comes in and comforts Este and Este says she wrote down the stupidest possible answer. Este says she's scared they will try to get Kiera out again. Keira says we are not going to roll over. This is Sam's HoH and she wants to make a big move. Kiera says Dane is freaking out right now. Kiera says getting Dane out is the biggest move other than Adam. Kiera says if we get Mark on the block, then he can go home.

Sam and Adam are in the storage room and Sam is pondering who to put that will set her up for next week. Sam says she knows there's a guy thing and that's fine for Adam, but she wants to break it up. She says she can't talk to him and he wants to know why? She says because he's trying to sway her in a direction. Adam says he's just thinking who he's good with and he wants Sam to be good with them too. Sam says she doesn't trust Anthony and Mark. Sam wants to work with Adam, but she has to work a fine line of his manipulation of her but her doing what's best for her game.

Arisa calls the HGs to the living room and tells the agents, "You are living in a house of spies and things aren't always as they seem. Within the walls of BBCAN HQ, there IS a secret room. Good luck!"

Damien says he knows exactly where the room is and that's where he's headed. Him and Este both go into the archives and Damien calls Este in. The door shuts just as Dane, Adam, Kyra, and Mark come in and Este and Damien hold the door shut. Este goes over to the veto and tries to lift the glass and the alarm sounds.

Adam and Sam can hear in the archives and Este sends Damien over while she holds the door. Damien says they can't keep themselves locked in the room forever. They have to find a way to get the veto. Este tries to grab it again and the alarm goes off again. Este is crawling around and she says is there a key in here is there something she has to say. Adam can hear the alarm go off again and he's telling everyone to be quiet. They finally open the door and everyone comes in. Dane touches it and the alarm sounds again.

Adam doesn't want to touch the PoV. Sam wants to know if there were any other voices they could hear. Everyone is taking turns touching the veto. Adam has found the TV's. Sam thinks they'll play clips of surveillance. Kiera says the secret room is a game changer. Everyone seems to want the veto, but they don't know how to get it and they don't know what it does. We see Dane make a run back and try to lift the class again and the alarm sounds.

Dane is counting boxes in The Archives. He says 183. He then pushes the door open to the lounge and some boxes fall on his head. Who wants to see Sam's HoH room? Sam has been waiting five weeks for this and the pictures of her family are putting her over the edge.

Sam's video is from her mom and they are so proud of her and they are all hoping she'll go right to the top. Kisses from home, have fun! She thinks her mom is extremely proud of her and having that little piece of home allows her to refocus and get her mind in the right place.

It's Day 28 and Dane is up and he's ready to get this thing. He goes in and the Blood veto is gone.

Dane immediately runs upstairs and into the HoH and says the veto is gone. Sam says no it's not. Are you serious? Dane thinks Adam has it. Sam and Dane look for Adam and Dane tells everyone that the veto is gone and Adam has it. Sam and Dane head downstairs and they head back to the lounge and they can't find Adam and Dane says he has it. Adam comes in from outside and they want to know if he took the veto and he says no. Adam goes to look and confirms it's gone. Cory comes in next, followed by Damien and Kyra.

Sam says she has to nominate knowing someone can veto it. Sam says who has the veto? She's HoH and stressed as it is, she doesn't need someone coming in and flipping her game upside down.

Dane is trying the slop and he says it's so gross. He throws a napkin with an ugh. Sam heads to the HoH with Anthony. Sam thinks she needs to get closer to Anthony so she invites him for Wendy's. Sam heads down to get their order and Rozina delivers her food. Lots of hugs and kisses.

Sam says she needs to build relationships regardless of who is aligned with who. She tosses out Mark's name as someone she doesn't trust and Anthony likes Mark and he thinks he's hilarious and he really, really trusts Mark. Sam is trying to find out where Anthony's head is at and he's not giving her a whole lot. Sam tells Anthony she's trying to keep people safe who will keep her safe.

Dane is very worried about Sam being in power this week and she's a huge threat to his game. He thinks he's on her hit-list. Adam tells Dane he needs to make Sam believe that he trusts her. Adam says he keeps telling her there is no boys alliance. Dane is worried about the boys being broken by her. Mark comes in and then he heads out and Dane says Mark has been acting sketchy. Dane says Mark is playing every side and Adam asks if there are cracks and Dane says if we get past this week with all the boys then it will be good.

Kiera goes in to talk to Sam and Kiera says she needs to get in Sam's ear and get off her radar. She just got put up by her ride or die Adam, and she's praying Sam won't put her and Este up. Kiera says she needs Sam and Este here in the house and she promises that Sam is not her target. Sam says she's trying to believe her and she wants to be honest with her and she doesn't believe her because of conversations with Adam and other people and they haven't talked game. Kiera says Mark is way more dangerous than she is because no one will ever go against Mark and he will ride to the end and that's a great game. Sam says it's hard to find out what's truth and what's not. She's in a hard spot.

Sam is called to the HoH room. The door raises to the outside and the backyard has something covered and there is a series of red buttons. Sam can watch them on the TV screen. They all walk to a button and the cover is lifted and it's the blood veto. Sam says oh my God!

Everyone outside goes to take a close look and they are talking about how beautiful she is. Sam is freaking out. There is a card the veto. Kiera says they must decide unanimously who will receive the power. This person will be safe for the week, cannot be nominated, and will not play in the upcoming veto competition.

Kyra says she's been on the block three times and they probably won't get nominated. Adam says Sam would want that. Dane says you're not going on the block and Kyra says that's why I'm the easiest, safest person to take it. Mark and Dane aren't comfortable with the plan. Adam doesn't want to go against Sam and he's OK with Kyra getting it. Kyra says it's not really an advantage because she's likely not in danger this week. Mark says what if there's another twist and you change your mind.

Adam says who wants it, raise your hand? Este raises her hand and Kiera bows out and says she's OK with not having it. Mark says if it's her and Kiki on the block, they all know what Este would do. Este says why would she go against what Sam would want. Mark says come on Este. Este says she won't use it. Adam, Kiera, Cory, Dane, and Mark vote Kyra. Este says it's fine. Dane says if I get backdoored... Kyra says they swear. Everyone lines up and the lights are red. The glass to the veto is lowered and Kyra gets the blood veto and puts it on.

Kyra says they hope it's a good thing. Sam is still watching and says Dane is pissed. Adam comes in and asks if she seen it and she says yeah. Dane says they just gave someone who has proven they don't deserve a power to have a power. Este says they shouldn't have done that. Mark says he wanted it and Este says she should have fought for it too. Este thought by her stepping up, she thought others would speak up. Cory doesn't think Adam would have agreed.

Adam tells Sam that no one really fought for it. Sam is really starting to think hard about her nominations because the way people are acting has her confused. Adam says if he thought he was going on the block, then he'd have sat there all day. Like what are they doing?

Sam heads to HQ. She says if she hadn't won this HoH, she is 100% positive she would have been going on the block this week. But now she's in power and she calls the shots. Seeing how people react to this veto shows her who feels safe, and who doesn't feel safe. Her instinct is to make big moves, but she's got to be smart and strategic.

Sam says mark is sketchy and she's not sure he's working with the guys. But she doesn't think he'd vote to keep her. Sam thinks Kiera would look her straight in the eye and lie to her face. Sam says Anthony only talks to her when he has to and she think he's sliding by and she doesn't like it. Sam says she thinks Dane is running the house and she doesn't like. She's not sure if she'll go after him now or later, but she is coming after him. She wants to get the target off her back and on someone else's.

Time for nominations! Sam heads to the living room and her first nominee is Mark. Her second nominee is Kiera. Sam says she nominated Mark because she doesn't know where his head is at and that's someone she doesn't want to work with and he's repeated conversations. Sam says she nominated Kiera because she tried to build trust with her but she knows she's thrown her name out for eviction so that's why she's nominated. 

Kiera says surprise, surprise, guess who's on the block again. She's going after that veto. Mark says Sam has sparked a fire and she has messed with the strongest alliance of all time. She is in way over her head. Who will win the PoV?  Will Mark or Kiera fight their way off the block? Find out Wednesday!


March 31, 2019

 8:15 AM BBT Kiki up doing battery exchange. She then heads to the WR. Rooster sounds at 8:25; most HGs don’t move.
8:30 AM BBT Kiki heads to the pantry and starts coffee brewing. Cory up and starting her day in the WR. Kiki heads back to the HN room, settles in, and the alarm clock sounds again. Dane gets up and leaves Kiki and Este cuddling. Up in the HoH room, Adam and Sam are talking about what makes someone attractive. Dane and Kyra head outside for a smoke; they marvel at the snow they received overnight and talk about the lack of sleep they get in the house. Dane tries to find out more information on the blood veto, so he poses a situation where he’s on the block next week; Kyra says they promised everyone they wouldn’t use it but they’ll talk if the situation presents itself.
8:45 AM BBT Kyra and Dane outside smoking and talking about the paranoia in the house. Dane says that there’s no guy’s alliance and they agree that Chelsea’s paranoia started that. Dane says he isn’t campaigning for either Mark or Kiki because they’re both his friends; he just wants to know how the house would prefer gone so he’s not out of the loop. Kyra says they don’t feel like Mark has their back, but they don’t necessarily feel like Kiki has it either. They head inside. Most HGs in/around the kitchen/dining room starting their day with coffee and/or breakfast.
9:00 AM BBT Up in the HoH room, Sam and Adam are talking about how this is a game and eventually everyone has to go. Sam says she had a dream they were on a yacht and there were big waves; Adam asks if it was because of all the sex they were having and the feeds cut back to the kitchen/dining area. Half the HGs are talking wrestling; the other half are talking celebrities. Dane and Este are in the pantry and he’s telling her that Kiki has to try and cut a deal to ensure Kiki’s safety. Dane says Kyra used to be 100% for keeping Kiki but now they’re saying they’ll do whatever Sam wants. Adam and Damien both called to bring their shorts from the comp to the DR. Adam joins the group in/around the kitchen and complains about lack of sleep. Up in the HoH room, Kyra and Sam are talking about how they have 100% proof that the girls run right to Dane with information. Kyra believes that they should get Kiki out; they both think they need to stop talking about a guys alliance because they’re just fueling them on. Sam says that she wishes that she had put Kiki and Este up against each other; she doesn’t care what anyone say she wants Kiki gone this week. Kyra is feeding Sam the story that Kiki and Este have been screaming into cameras that they’re going to get Sam and Adam out. Kyra says they’re done putting trust into them.
9:15 AM BBT Sam and Kyra talking in the HoH WR. They truly believe that Dane would prefer Kiki to stay over Mark; he really has them snowed. Sam says she doesn’t want Kiki to know she’s going home until the last day. Kyra is offended that Kiki is calling herself a block star when they’ve never been sitting on the couch on eviction night. Sam tells them they deserve to be here the most. Kyra heads back down to the kitchen area to join the others, leaving Sam alone. She says she can’t trust anybody in this house, and finally leaves the HoH room. Down in the kitchen area, most HGs are gathered drinking coffee and talking about a whole lot of nothing. They get called out repeatedly for talking about brand names.

9:30 AM BBT Most HGs still in the kitchen area, talking about how your senses are heightened when you’re a HN. They talk about how Damien was in the WR when Arisa called the HGs to the LR to announce the DE. They talk about the challenge. Dane smoking outside by himself says he’s gunning for Kyra for lying to his face.
9:45 AM BBT Dane heads back inside; Sam is running laps. Kiki is by herself in the file room and then the secret room. Kiki saying she needs to figure out how to stay; she needs to be clever about this. Dane joins her and tells her she needs to put the plan into play because Kyra is changing the way she’s talking about things. He tells her that he’ll take Adam to work out later and she should talk to Sam then and tell Sam that it’s Kiki, Este and Sam against Adam and Dane. Kiki says she’s got a pretty good handle on the angles to use once Sam’s done working out. Dane tells Kiki about the conversation with Kyra he had first thing this morning. Dane tells Kiki that if the next HoH comes down to Kiki, Mark and Dane, Dane will drop. He swears he will drop as soon as Adam is out of the comp. Kiki says that Adam will push to keep Mark this week because Kiki is more of a threat to him than Mark is. Dane says that Kiki shouldn’t bring Adam into the conversation room. Kiki says that whoever is in Adam’s ear last usually wins the influence over him. Dane brings the conversation back to Kyra saying they’ll vote however Sam wants and how that’s a change. He advises her to try and talk to Adam alone, as well. Dane leaves and heads to the HoH room with Anthony. He recounts his conversation with Kyra outside this morning; he says that Adam says he’s been putting keeping Mark over Kiki in Sam’s ear. Anthony asks Dane about him saying that he and Dane have a deal to keep Este safe; he says obviously Dane is in a tough spot this week. He says that Mark has proven to be the weakest member of the PBs, but they still need to keep him.
10:00 AM BBT Anthony tells them that before Chelsea left that she told him that Sam started recruited. Damien came in and tells them that Kyra has changed her mind and is saying they need to keep Mark. Dane said that when they were out smoking this morning that they said that they would do whatever Sam wants them to do but he said before that it was always Mark needs to go. Anthony said he had a chat with Kyra and got the ball rolling. He says he feels like they can coach Mark but they can not leave him out and they have not had a chance to really talk to him. He says who cares if they think there is a guys alliance that they will deny to the day they leave. He says it’s ok that people can think what they want. Adam says that they do need to bring Sam in. Anthony says you have to see if from the outside looking in. He tells Adam that at on Multiple times that she told him that she will get Adam out. Adam says where are you getting this from? THey tell him from Sam herself. Anthony tells him to remember a conversations with Sam about being put in a box. He tells him at the end of the day that Sam will get Adam out but she will not talk about it to him but will do it with the girls. Adam says that he talked to her and said it’s week 5 and neither of them have seen the block because Adam is close with people and he wants her to be close with them too. Anthony tells them that Este is more loyal to Kikki than to anyone else. He says that 100% that Corey will not go behind his back because of his relationship he has built with her. He says that Corey says she feels good about Adam and Dane. He tells them that she loves them. He says that in the archive room Este told her that Mark needs to go but he says that if he were to tell Corey that Mark stays that Corey would do it. Adam says if they keep communicating and keep the numbers there that they will be good. He says that Sam sees where the power is and that Sam realizes she needs that power to stay in the house.Anthony says that they can not trust Kikki to keep Adam. He says that it’s all about numbers and percentages. He says as soon as Kikki leave, Dane will be Este’s number one. Corey, Damien, Este, Sam, Kyra. He says they can trust Damien more. Adam says if they don’t trust them, they don’t tell them anything. Kyra comes in and says sorry, I was coming in for a dance party. She says to let her know when they are done. Adam says that he feels that Sam will win another HOH. Dane says that if that happens that two guys will go up. They say that if Damien goes up that Adam will go up. Dane says that out of them, Sam and Corey win comps. Adam says that it’s not all about comps, it’s about numbers. He says because of who they have better relationships with to trust not to put them up.
10:15 AM BBT Adam says if they put up Kyra next week so that they have to use the veto.They say to use their relationships with the girls and wait until someone self destructs and brings the info back to them. Then they know what is happening and they get them out. Anthony says he watched how the girls talk to each other. That they can not let them have the numbers. Sam comes into the HOH room. Adam tells sher they were talking about her and how wonderful she is. Anthony says that he wanted to have a talk because they are all on the same page but they really need to concrete it. THat means everyone needs input to secure next week. We have seen people in power than leave the following week. He says everything needs to be taken care of comp wise.Anthony says that he has not made any enemies or any targets. He tells Sam that she is trustworthy and has not flip flopped. He says it comes down to who is a threat for her. She says that’s a good spot for him to be in. He asks who is the biggest threat for her. She said it’s been challenging because it’s not one or two that are gunning harder than anyone else. She says that she is going to learn from other people. She says that they need to find out if the same people are gunning for all of them because they are all close to different people. She says she needs to know that it is secured no matter what. He says people are going to speculate and make up lies but that they need to see what the people are trying to do. Sam says that action speaks louder than words and that Dane has kept her off the block even though people have told him to put her up. She says that Anthony has a great way to keep people on his side and that is valuable. But that they all need to trust each other. Dane says he trusts everyone in the room. Anthony says that he is not there for all her conversations with people in the house but that who he feels is the bigger threat and that will be who they go for. Sam says it’s not just about her. Sam says she doesn’t want to be stupid this week. She says she has not talked with Mark or Kikki today yet. Dane says just to be ears and hear them out. Sam says that this week is very different and the house is at ease this week but there is still a decision to be made on who goes home. But that she needs their help with that. She says that Kikki shows a strong competitive side. She says Mark, she thought that he would be a better mental game but that he breaks under pressure. Anthony says that Mark is not a mental or a physical player and not a threat. But that he has played a wild card but that eventually he needs to open up. Sam says that if she can work with Mark and at least get to the jury house. She says that he has made mistakes in the game but can learn from that but his chance of winning a comp is low. Anthony says that if Mark gets close to Sam that he will be controlled. Sam says that Kikki has gotten really good at lying to her face. Sam says that Kyra told her that she walked into a room with Kikki yelling at the camera telling them she was going to get the showmance out of the house. Dane says consider who told her that.
10:30 AM BBT They talk about maybe it was said by Kyra to see what got back to her. Sam says they need to regroup on Weds. That Kikki is going to want to confide in Dane. Adam says that last week that they had the same target all week. One of the mistakes in the house is that people make their choice for who to evict too early in the week. She says that keeping them both feeling safe is the better idea. Anthony says that people know they are in the HOH talking and that they will need to tell others what was talked about. He says that to tell them they only were discussing noms in general. Sam asked individually what people thought. That to tell them they want Kikki to stay. But to tell Kikki that she needs to build her campaign. Sam says if you hold on to someone emotionally in the game you go home that it is not smart. Dane says that out of everyone that he will have the biggest backlash. Dane says that he is a team player and will always do what is best for the team. Dane leaves the HOH to go make a shake. Sam says she doesn’t know where Este stands. Anthony says that she really limited herself. That people in the house can see through her. Adam says that if she goes against them, that they will get her out next week. That after Kikki is gone, she will sprint to either Sam or Dane. But that is a good card to have. He says to relax and sit on it and they will regroup on Weds. Anthony leave the HOH room leaving Adam and Sam in the HOH room. She asks Adam if he is happy. He tells her that before she came in that he was telling them that they need Sam. Adam tells her everything that was discussed before she came into the HOH room. Adam says that if they put up Kyra next week if forces them to use the blood diamond. Sam says that every time she feels good about something that someone comes in and messes it up. Adam says the better situation that is who is the best couple. Adam says they need to win as often as they can but for the next two weeks that this plan is smart and they have a higher chance of winning. Adam says that everything they said to him, they also said to Sam. That they are starting to look at Sam ….. Corey comes in and they talk about what workout they are going to do.
10:45 AM BBT Sam asks how Corey feels. She says she is not sure how to feel. Sam tells her that she should feel good. Adam asks Corey on who she is good with. Dane, she says she is good with Dane. Corey says that she talked to Dane about options. That they didn’t want to make a move that would limit Sams options. They tell Corey that they had a convo with the guys and they were going to tell her what was discussed and Kikki comes in. They tell her they were talking about working out.They are in just general conversations. Adam and Mark are playing pool and are arguing about plays. In the blue room, Dane and Este are talking. He tells her that everyone in the house has been coming to him to get her out, he tells her even Sam. He tells her that they need Damien to win the next HOH. Este says that she hopes the next comp is pure endurance. She says if the comp is mental she is going to lose it. Dane says that he left something in the oven. They talk about tomorrow being April Fools and that they need to stay up late and they are going to hide people fave things, honey on the seats and something with Peanut Butter. She says they need to include their own things so people do not suspect them. She says to hide the coffee and toothpaste. Dane says that if they had a lot of salt they can replace the sugar. Or they can replace the salt with sugar. She says they need to be sneaky and watch where everyone’s water bottles are.They talk about TPing the secret room. They talk about putting cellophane on the toilet. Peanut Butter on the door knobs/handles.
11:00 AM BBT Kikki comes in and tells them the convo she had with them in the HOH room. She tells them that Corey told her that her points were very good. Dane asks her what her points were. She says that she is going to have a seperate convo with Sam and Adam later. Dane runs out to get his toast he forgot in the oven. Kikki says that they tried to catch her off guard about putting them up. That they were trying to back her into a corner but she got out of it. She says that Corey told her that she is a strong competitor and that she is not in the same level as Kyra. She says that Adam said that she could have brought this stuff up weeks ago but she said it was hard to talk to them when Chelsea was in the house. She said she could see the light bulbs in the room for Sam and Adam. She says the next comp is endurance who would have the best chance of winning. She says that Adam told her that he could do an endurance comp for days. She says that she told Adam that people will remember that she almost beat him twice keeping the heat off Adam and Sam. Kikki says that Corey being the room that the energy was in the room with her. That Corey would want Kiki in the house over Mark. She says that Mark has been losing it mentally. She says that who has a better chance of winning and keeping them safe, she says I do. Kikki says she has to get on Adam’s and Sam’s good side. Este says that Sam may be thinking things she does not want to say things in front of Adam and Corey. Kikki asks Este if Dane is freaking out. Este says no but that there is a lot of work to do and that Este told him that Sam is not telling him everything. Kikki says that if Mark does eventually get HOH that Sam is the only one who has put him up so that he would go after her. Este says that she is very hurt by Anthony. Dane comes back in with his food. He asks if everyone is good. Kikki says yes but that she had to stay more with facts than plans and Adam was pushing for plans. Kikki says that it will be good if Adam and Corey workout that leaves time for her to talk to Sam. Kikki says that Mark can not keep anyone safe because he has not won and he freaks out in mental comps. She says that she is glad that Adam is thinking but that at the beginning of the convo that he came in hot at her because he knows that he was/is her target. Este says that Sam needs to think about jury votes. They talk about balls in a comp. In the HOH room, they just talked to someone and they walked out of the HOH room and Adam says that everything they just said will go back to Kikki. Adam says that he was talking to Kyra and told her about Kikki talking to the camera in the storage room, then she went to Sam and told her abt Kikki and Este screaming at the camera about getting the showmance out. Corey said that she heard that last week. Corey says she is curious to see who is who in the relationship between Este and Kikki. They talk about their conversation with Kikki and when she was asked about the triple.

11:15 AM BBT Corey says that it is important to have someone who can disect things like Anthony. She says people say they feel go through Anthony to her and not to her directly. Sam says the same thing happens with her and Adam. That their relationships are more friendships. They talk about the different relationships in the house. They talk about Este needing Dane. They talk about Damien and Corey says she likes him. Adam says he trust him 100%. Corey says that there is a time when you need people like Damien. She tells him that they need to tell her about the conversation they had in the HOH earlier that she should have been in. Adam goes over some of what they talked about as far as Adam has Sam, Anthony has Corey and Dane has Este. Corey says that they need to think about the triple and how that will play out. They talk about Kyra flipping her decision on who to evict. Corey asks if Sam can do her makeup today. Este comes past them when they come out of the HOH and she tells them she did 50 laps. Adam and Sam go into the storage room and she tells him not to tell Corey that they made a deal with Damien. She said that she didn’t want Corey to know everything. Adam says that Anthony told him that he is 100% with Corey. Sam says that Corey knows she can control Adam. Sam tells him she is just looking out for him. He says that these are the kinds of conversations with Corey so that she will trust them more.
11:30 AM BBT Adam says that having conversations with Corey like that will make her feel comfortable. He says that he is trying to make Corey feel like he is making the boys feel about Sam. She asks so you have to force them to feel that way or do they feel that way on their own. She says there is a certain level of full of sh*% you have to have to play this game. Adam says that this is the first time Corey has talked to them like this which shows she is getting more comfortable. Este is still doing laps as Sam and Adam come out of the store room. They go into the pool room and they go to workout with Corey and she talks to them about what kind of workout they will do. Dane and Damien are playing pool. Anthony is watching them. Mark is laying on the couch watching the three workout. Adam asks if Mark wants to join and he jumps off the couch and tells them he will go to get changed to workout. Kikki is laying on the couch next to the pool table. The pool game is over and Dane loses. Anthony tells Adam to put his arms around him and crack his back. After 3 times, his back cracks and he says he feels better. He asks Kikki if she wants to play pool and she says yes. Adam, Mark, Corey and Sam are doing a workout involving deadlifts. Damien joins in.
11:45 AM BBT Most of the HGs are deciding what to do for their workout routine. Anthony and Kikki are playing pool. Dane and Anthony are now playing a game of pool. Anthony won the break. Este seems to be doing her own workout routine. Kikki is watching the pool game between Dane and Anthony. Kyra is nowhere to be found. The rest are continuing their workout routine for the day. Kyra is now watching the workout.
12:00 PM BBT The workout routines continue as does the pool game. Este is now doing laps. Dane shots the 8 ball but the white ball goes in as well so he has lost the game. Anthony and Dane decide to head outside. Dane says Este asks what was said when he was talking to Sam Anthony and Adam this morning. Dane says Well if the votes switch to keep Mark Este is still voting to keep Kikki. Dane says I have to vote to keep peace with Este. Anthony says It is good that we all talk but by the same point Adam and Sam have conversations with each other that we know nothing about. Dane says I am fine with getting Este out but Adam always defends Sam. Anthony says I know You have a special bond with Este. Dane says If I win I am putting up Sam and Kyra and if Adam wins the Veto and takes Sam down then screw him. They both agree that they would never put Cory up because she has our backs. Anthony says We still have to have Adam’s back. Dane says We need to bring Kyra to 5 because we can beat her. Dane says I explained the celebration in the pantry by I kept him safe 2 times and he kept me safe 2 times. Dane thinks only Sam will put me up. Anthony says Sam and Este. Anthony says He thinks Este will put up him and Adam or me and Sam and try to backdoor Mark. Dane says Este is starting to catch on to us. Dane says I always agree with her about Mark floating to the end because I need to keep her thinking that our final 2 is real. Anthony advises him to get closer to Cory because Cory likes him.
12:15 PM BBT Anthony says the only conversation I ever had with Kikki was when she was on the block the first time how she handled it. Anthony says If she hadn’t gone against PB then she has to go. Anthony says I told Adam that Mark is the weakest link in our alliance. Kyra joins them so the conversation goes to Mark and Kikki both campaigning but it comes down to what Sam wants. Kyra says At first I was against Mark but I talked to people who have convinced me maybe keep him; there are pros and cons to keeping either one of them. Kyra continues with a lot can happen in 4 day as we all have seen. Dane says I am close to both of them but Sam honoured my HOH last week so I will honour her HOH this week. Kyra says We will wait and see part of this game is the waiting game. Anthony goes in because it is snowing out and his feet are cold. Dane says I walked into this game solo and at the end of it I am walking out solo. Anthony went to rack the balls to play pool with Kyra. Cory asks if it is snowing out. Anthony says Yes big soft flakes with character. Kikki is looking for Este but tells Adam she wants to talk to him because he won the Veto. Adam and Sam are in the pantry Sam says she is doing a good job. Adam says Girl play it or don’t. Adam says What she is saying right now she probably believes but I don’t believe it. Este and Kikki are in the washroom Cory has joined Adam and Sam in the pantry. Adam is saying Este is a bit standoffish but she is probably afraid that Kikki is going. Cory and Sam are in the kitchen Cory is telling her to put more protein and fruit after their workout.
12:30 PM BBT Este and Kikki are in the washroom where Kikki is practising what she should say to Sam. Kikki says She told Kyra if she stayed and won next week it depends how the votes went down. Este says Yea except for Adam. Este says the only person I am not sure about this week is Anthony. Kikki says I have to be careful tho because they may want to work with him. Kikki whispers that Adam has to go. Este agrees with her. Este says talk to Cory. Kikki says if we have a party it will be tonight or tomorrow. Kikki says the HOH comes out today and my mom is going to cry. Dane joins them in the washroom. He tells Este Nice getup. Kikki says there is so much time I don’t want to say to much in case Mark comes out swinging. Dane says When you stay in HOH everyday that means the HOH goes to your head. Kikki tells him that Adam said to her that things changed. She asks Dane what happened. Dane says Oh Kyra who was Mark Mark Mark yesterday today they are saying whatever Sam says. Dane asks Este if she is hungry She tells him she is over it. She will have 3 slop shakes today and that will be it. Dane says He wants to win a POV not another HOH because that insures safety as well.
12:45 PM BBT Mark and Kyra are talking about Who threw his name out. He tells them that whoever threw his name out is his target. Mark says I have never thrown Sam’s names out as going on the block. Mark thinks someone is purposely targeting him. Kyra says the numbers are getting smaller so people are looking for anything. Mark says The one thing I can say about the girls is that if one of them makes it to final 2 they have the others vote. Kyra asks Why were you flipping during week 2. Mark says at first I was voting Maki out I told Momma K right in front of Kikki and Este. Kyra says I was told he had Eddie Damien and Momma for sure but Eddie told me just before he left that I almost went home. Mark says Dane was annoyed by Maki’s statements. Mark says When Maki made his POV speech that became the beginning to the end for Maki. He says some got swayed by Momma K. Mark says You would have had a clean sweep if it wasn’t for Momma K swaying people. Kyra says One more thing They tell him that it seems like you run to power. They tell him that when Chelsea was in power you were friendly with her then when she was on the block you hardly gave her the time of day. Mark says the problem was Chelsea enjoyed her week as HOH but didn’t build trust for the rest of the season. Mark says he got concerned when Dane mentioned all the alliances she had made during her week as HOH. He felt like he was just a name from the backyard. Kyra says Being on the block gets harder; they tell him to keep your campaign the same; they tell him that if he makes good points they will vote to keep him but in their position they need to vote with the house because they are an easy pawn.
1:00 PM BBT Kyra says she never let me know about the alliances either. They go on to explain that they don’t think all those alliances were her fault. Mark tells them that Chelsea was the only person who really talked game with him when it came to crunch time. Kyra says That is hard to believe. Kyra says Chelsea got paranoid about me.Kyra tells him that you make a lot of good points but what is best for my game is to go with the house and what Sam wants. Feeds go down at 1:05 PM BBT Feeds come back at 1:06 PM BBT with most of the HGs in the kitchen talking about food. Mark and Kyra are still talking in the backyard. Kyra told him that the girls never talked to her until Chelsea left. Mark says that is not right. Mark asks them if they will talk to Sam. They say to keep you no but I will talk to her about who she wants to keep. They then ask Mark if he heard the rumour that Kikki and Este were talking to the camera saying they would get Sam and Adam out. Mark says Yes he heard the rumour but did not heard it. They tell him they are denying it. Mark says Well that should tell you something the whole house heard the rumor and they are still denying it. Mark says I want to make it to Final 5 so I can leave here with my head held high and I will vote with my head and not bitter. Kyra says the best advice they can give him is stay calm. They agree to talk to Sam for them.

1:15 PM BBT Kikki and Sam are talking in the Blue Bedroom about a conversation she overheard between Mark and someone. Sam says That is why Adam and I did not have a minute alone together. Kikki tells her that if her and Adam are on the block I am voting Adam. She tells her that is not against Adam but just where her head is. She says She is concerned because Mark seems so comfortable and she is not. Kikki says Keeping me I will always be a target in front of you with Mark will float his way to the end. Sam says Kikki told her that Mark said Well I was good in the first week with Adam but then Sam got in the way. Adam heads to the DR and Sam says Kikki You are going to go home and I’m sorry. Sam heads into the washroom to touch up her makeup. Sam heads into the DR Adam is in the washroom fixing his hair. Most of the HGs are sitting in the kitchen area. Sam and Adam are having a date in the HOH Room. Mark is talking at the kitchen counter with Kyra. Out in the backyard area Damien and Dane are playing pool and saying they have to choose their words more carefully. Feeds go down at 1:29 PM BBT
1:30 PM BBT Feeds come back a minute later showing Dane and Damien still playing pool. In the pantry Este and Kiki are asking Kyra what Mark had to say. They skirt around by saying Mark told them he always voted to keep them. Kyra and Este join Anthony in the nook area Cory is there as well. Anthony asks if they are going into the hot tub. He says he is going in later. He says he had a busy day today. He asked everyone if they wanted him to make some food for them. He made food for himself cleaned up and played pool a very busy exciting day. Este starts telling a story about when she broke her arm. The camera switches to Mark who has gone into the Leon’s Lounge and the secret room he is just walking around. Back at the nook area Kyra is telling a story about someone who fell after they hit her by mistake but the lady was more upset about her bag of milk then them hitting her. Cory is now telling about the first time she broke her arm which is during a basketball practise in grade 5. At the pool table Damien and Kikki are now playing a game of pool. In the washroom POV Ceremony it will be right before eviction. Dane says Right now I think Kikki might be going home because Kikki is good at comps where everyone thinks they can beat Mark.
1:45 PM BBT The conversation between Este and Dane in the washroom He says last year the HOH still named a replacement. Dane says As soon as I seen the Blood Veto I knew it had to do with Canada. Dane says because the POV Ceremony is shown on Wednesday it will happen right before the vote. Dane thinks Kyra will have to use it on the person Canada chose. Este thinks if you trust Anthony about this if you think he won’t bring it back to Sam. He says I don’t want to tell Kikki because I don’t want to get her hopes up. He tells her that the year before Will got the secret Veto and he used it to save Kevin.Feeds go down at 1:52 PM BBT. Feeds come back at 1:55 PM BBT with the conversation continuing about the fact Dane thinks Canada may start voting tonight. He says he doesn’t want to tell Kikki or let it get back to Sam that he thinks that.
2:00 PM BBT We just have to tell Kikki that we are voting for her. Dane says everyone is annoying me now but I think it is the slop. Feeds are down
2:43 PM BBT Feeds return All the hgs are in the pool room. Adam and Cory are playing a game. BB tells Cory to fix her microphone.
2:45 PM BBT Kiki asked if they were all playing winners versus winners? Adam said that they all play 1 game first. Adam wins and Sam and Dane play the next game. Adam said that Dane was going to scratch on the eight. Adam asked who was next. Kiki said her and Kyra, then Este and Damien. Dane scratches on his shot. Dane tells Sam that long shots are hard. BB tells KYra to wake up, naptime is over.
3:00 PM BBT Anthony asked if he was playing Mark. Kyra said that Kyra still hadn’t played. BB tells Kyra to wake up again. Kyra sat up and said oh shit, Sam is winning. The hgs are making small talk. Dane scratched on his shot and Sam just missed her shot. Dane scratches on the eight. Sam wins the game. Adam said hey, Sam has beaten Dane 2 out of 3 times. Kiki racks up the balls and Damien grabs a cue stick. They play rock, paper, scissors for break. Damien wins break. Damien runs the table. Kiki hooked Damien on the eight and he misses.
3:15 PM BBT damien wins the game. Este and Kyra play next. The hgs discuss what the format of the pool tournament will be. They start stomping and clapping a beat. Anthony and Adam argue about making eggs this morning. Kiki said that it is nice to hear music when they are on beat. Este misses her shot and Kyra makes her next 2 shots. In the kitchen, Mark and Dane are talking together. Dane is making some food. Mark leaves to go brush his teeth. Kyra is called to the dr room. Kyra tells Este to pause until Kyra comes back.
3:30 PM BBT Adam tells them a story about his sister catching a shark while cod fishing. Damien said that his grandmother lost the tip of her finger catching a sturgeon. Adam said that catching a sturgeon is like pulling in dead weight. Cory said that caviar comes from sturgeon. Mark came in and started talking like the Joker from Dark Knight. He does a really good impersonation. Adam said that they should squash Este’s game because Kyra is not there. The hgs said to give 5 more minutes. Mark said that there was no way that Heath Ledger could top that role if he was still alive. Mark shouts that he needs more coffee. He said that one thing about the joker is that he doesn’t even get angry. He said that he is a psychopath and doesn’t have any feelings. Kyra returned from the DR room.
3:45 PM BBT In the pantry, Este and Kiki talk about Dane telling her that she may not be safe this week. Este said that Sam has been saying Kiki was safe. Kyra and Dane go outside to have a smoke. Kyra said that Kyra finally won a game. Dane said that he doesn’t think that they will go anywhere next week. Kyra said that they may go up as a pawn. Kyra said that it is going to be interesting if Kyra wins HOH. Dane said that he was curious about what the power of the blood veto is. Dane said that he thinks they won’t find out until it’s time to use it. Kyra said that at first Kiki was staying but ultimately it was Sam’s decision. Kyra said that Sam has loyalty but to Adam first. Dane said that he felt the same about Este and Kiki. Dane goes back to the pool room and sets up a game with Sam. Sam asked Dane to wait a second so she could go to the washroom. She came back and Dane breaks.

6:00 PM BBT All cameras are on Corey, Adam, Mark, Sam and Kyra in the lounge everyone is laying around on the couches listening to Corey tell a crazy story (which seems to be fictional) and it appears to be a game where you change perspectives of the characters it is about people going to a gas station. MArk is very tired and says he can’t control it. Kyra says after the story they will all play a game to wake up. Mark says the story is a Texas chainsaw massacre. Corey continues her horror story, then everyone decides to get up and go check the secret room. In Leon’s lounge Este asks Mark how he’s doing and he responds, “I’m ok how about you?” and she says she’s ok. Mark says he’ll fall asleep if he’s stays in Leon’s lounge any longer and Este says she’s so tired her brain actually hurts. Anthony tells Mark to tell a, “soft, soothing story” which he does.
6:15 PM BBT In the living room Adam and Kiki are talking a little bit of game. Adam tells Kiki that he thinks he and Sam are always going to be number one targets. Adam tells Kiki that he heard she told all of Canada that she was going to get the showmance out of the house this year. Kiki says she doesn’t remember saying that. Adam says her and Este were saying it to the cameras up in HOH .Kiki asks Adam where this is coming from and he tells her he’s heard it from numerous people now, Kiki asks, “That I’ve talked to the cameras?” Adam says that Kiki and Este were looking at the cameras saying, “I’m getting the showmance out this year Canada.” Kiki says she has no idea what Adam is talking about and he says he’s heard it from numerous people not just one, and he’s even brought the situation up to some of the other houseguests and they have all said that they heard about Este and Kiki saying that. Kiki says that people probably heard it and then decided to take it and run with it because it takes the heat off them and asks Adam if he really thinks she and Este would do something like that, and Adam says that’s the thing he doesn’t know he just heard about it from a lot of people and he feels like the last couple of weeks he and Sam have been on the outsides. Kiki says she knows and it might not seem like it but she is trying to work with him and talk to him more, Adam says he knows and he sees that, and doesn’t hold anything against her.
6:30 PM BBT Adam and Kiki continue their conversation. Adam says the decisions he makes this week are going to be to benefit himself, and Sam and says that they are either going to build trust somewhere or lose trust somewhere. Kiki asks Adam if he trusts Dane and Este and Adam says with Kiki and Este it’s the, “same situation” the two of them are together 24/7 and he doesn’t really know, he says he talked game with Este right at the beginning and really hasn’t since besides the other day. Adam says he feels good about Dane and thinks he can trust him, but like he said he’s not really sure where Este’s head is at. Kiki says without saying too much, Adam is giving her a lot of information in terms of the fact that there are a lot of people who are obviously separating them, because Kiki keeps hearing that Adam and Sam are coming after her but she is trying to build relationships with them. Adam says, “A lot of people are saying a lot of shit” and are trying to tell him thing like Sam is trying to build relationships with other people and trying to go after him and that he can’t trust her and Adam says that all of that, “Is not fucking true. Kiki says that the silent killer in the game is truly paranoia.
6:45 PM BBT Corey and Damien are in the lounge talking game. Corey says she can’t see Adam wanting to keep Kiki especially after, “everything that has happened” Corey says even if Kiki tells her she’ll keep her safe she’s not going to believe her. Corey says they’ll go whatever way Adam goes, but he’s just one person and he’ll probably go with the house, which is what Corey says Sam has also said she would do. Damien says if they keep Kiki, she’ll end up back on the block next week, “if we don’t pull a win out like we never do.” Damien and Corey both laugh. Upstairs in the HOH room Mark and Sam are having a one on one conversation discussing the votes for this week, Marks says he would obviously love for it to be a 7-0 vote and him stay, but he knows obviously Este would vote to save Kiki but he still has to talk to some of the other houseguests like Dane and Corey to figure out what they’re going to do.
7:00 PM BBT Sam tells Mark the points that Kiki is making are that she’s a strong competitor which Sam says you can look at either way, and Sam says her campaign is very weak to a certain extent and it started out that way, but it’s getting stronger based on the feedback that people are giving her. Sam says that she (Kiki) sat in Hoh and told her that she wants to work with her, Adam and Corey because they were just in the room at the same time and said that they were coming up on the triple eviction. Sam says that once Kiki said that, Adam called her out and said, “So you’re saying that you’ll keep all of us safe in the triple, but you’ll go against Dane and Este?” and Sam says that Adam saying that caught Kiki off guard so she thinks that Kiki is just talking just to talk. Mark says to Sam, “You know and I know and you’re not a dumb girl that she’s not keeping you safe. She (Kiki) pranced around in front of the camera, and told everyone who they’re gunning for, and it’s not Dane, and Adam who put Kiki up on the block.” Mark continues saying that he came in to the game knowing that he had no physical strength or endurance, but he thought that he did have the mental game, but now realizes he doesn’t even have that, but the one thing that he does still have is his character and tells Sam that he knows that she knows, that he was never coming after her and this week was meant for him to be the pawn and he truly believes that, but if Same realizes that she wants Kiki out, it would need a spark from Sam. Sam says, “A declaration or something.” Mark says he’s not saying a house meeting, but maybe something with the people she (Sam) is closest to right now like Adam and Kyra. Sam says the conversations she’s been having are very one sided and she’s not the one to be leading those conversations. Sam continues saying that in the conversations she does have, she’s not really saying much because as the HOH she wants to at least stay neutral at the beginning of the week so she doesn’t become more of a threat and she’s learning from other people’s HOH reins how to handle it.
7:15 PM BBT Sam is now continuing one on one conversations in the HOH room with Adam and it seems as if she has filled in Adam on her conversation with Mark and Adam is filling sam in on his conversation with Kiki from earlier, When he gets to the part of the conversation where Kiki and Este were dancing around the cameras telling Canada they wanted to get the showmance out which Kiki denied, Sam tells adam she knows it happened and that Mark just told her about it for the second time during their conversation just now, and everyone in the house knows about it too. Adam says it didn’t come from just one person, it came from numerous people and everyone says that they’d at least heard about it or seen it. Sam says she (Kiki) probably feels comfortable right now, Adam agrees and tells Sam he wanted to talk to her before he talks to Mark. Sam says Mark is being very compassionate and speaking from his heart telling her he was never gunning for her. Adam tells Sam that he just wants to talk to MArk and tell him how he sat down with Sam and they were talking about the week prior where he was good with and watching out for them. Sam tells Adam not to give Mark a reason to be angry that he’s on the block and Adam says he won’t.
7:30 PM BBT In the HOH room Adam and Mark are having a one on one conversation. Adam is telling Mark about his conversations from earlier today with both Kiki and Sam and about some plans for the upcoming weeks. Adam mentions how Kiki said he and Sam were not the target if she were to stay and win next week to which Mark responds, “Oh they’re putting you up buddy.” Adam says he knows and Sam knows too. Adam then continues on to say that he called Kiki out and told her he knows she would put up he and Sam because she wouldn’t put up Este or Dane, and then she wouldn’t put up Anthony or Corey because Anthony is close with them, so that just leaves him and Sam, and asked her (Kiki) “So what are you going to do then?” and she told him they could build something with Dane and Este and, “Go after that side of the house.” Adam tells Mark that he doesn’t believe that because Kiki can just say that now and go completely against it, he says he made her feel safe because that’s what Sam wants and told Kiki that she was making good points and that he would go talk with Sam and see what she wanted to do. Adam tells Mark, “At the end of the day the boys have your back.” Mark says, “And that includes you too buddy.”
7:45 PM BBT Sam, Dane, Corey and Kyra are all out in the hot tub area talking about past seasons of the show. Kyra says it’s cold but they are going to chainsmoke one more cigarette. Sam asks Corey about the snow in New Brunswick and when it ends, she asks if they get the month of June without snow at all, Corey says, “A June without snow? Oh yeah.” Sam asks, “What about May?” and Corey says normally. Adam joins everyone outside and Sam asks if he needs a jacket and he says to hand him a red one, Sam says she’ll give him hers to sit on if she can put on the red one. Adam asks if she always smokes 2 cigarettes in a row and she says out there she does, but she normally doesn’t smoke. Sam and Corey are talking about something Sam threw on the floor outside the HOH door on her way upstairs. Dane says Adam, Damien, and Kyrra are the worst with losing their water bottles. Sam tells Corey she’ll go in the hot tub with her for a “hot minute.” Dane says Ryan Lochte’s pool in the CBBUS2 house “was sick” and he “looked so elegant in it.”
8:00 PM BBT Feeds Down for the show

Summary Saturday March 30th

March 30, 2019

Summary Saturday March 30th

9:00-10:00 AM: Dane and Kiki discussed that it’s best to keep Adam and Sam around for the triple eviction. Dane said the two of them and Este will go on the block next to each other if Adam and Sam are gone. Dane suggested that they could take a shot at the duo of Anthony and Cory next week rather than go after Adam and Sam. Dane pointed out that Anthony is a wordsmith who would pull on everyone’s heart strings if he makes it to the Final 2.


10:00-11:00 AM: Kiki told Este she knows that Dane has entertained the idea of sending her home this week. Kiki explained that Dane wants to take Este to the end since he knows that he can beat her. On top of that, Kiki mentioned that Este would have no one but Dane if he were to make that move. Once Este was alone, she said that getting Mark out is best for her individual game, which is what she needs to focus on. Este said that Kiki has got to stop throwing out Dane’s name. Este said Dane is good for Kiki’s game but she does not see it. Elsewhere, Kyra told Sam that she cannot trust her since she trusts Adam too much. Kyra became frustrated by talks of backdooring Cory instead of targeting Mark. Kyra pointed out that it’s concerning that a lot of guys are saying to backdoor Cory. Kyra said the guys will have the numbers if they do that. Sam argued that Kyra is focusing on the guys alliance way too much. Kyra disagreed, saying that it is so clear. Kyra explained that Mark is less disposable to the guys than Cory is since he is more loyal to them. Sam believes that Cory and Mark are equally disposable to the guys. Kyra thinks that Cory could potentially be pulled away from the guys but Mark cannot.


11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:11 for the veto player pick. Feeds returned at 11:47. The veto players are Kiki, Mark, Adam, Damien and Este.


12:00-1:00 PM: Sam spoke to Este and Kiki about chipping away at the guys alliance. She said that she would like to send a guy home this week, so she may nominate Damien instead of Cory. The girls agreed that Cory would be easy to beat in competitions about the days since she does not know them well. Sam brought up that Adam and Dane were pushing to backdoor Mark. She said that Mark must be part of the guys alliance if there is one. Este said it could be that they are afraid of Cory in competitions. Kiki mentioned that they could use that to their advantage. Sam doesn’t think that Cory can be convinced to join the girls since she is so close to Anthony. They talked about potentially nominating Damien instead of Cory in order to start building trust with her.


1:00-2:00 PM: Earlier in the day, Kyra admitted to Sam that she planted a seed with Cory that people are talking about backdooring her. It later became an issue when word got around that Cory thought that Este and Kiki were behind it. Este went to Cory in attempt to clear the air. Cory assured Este that she doesn’t take things to heart when Kyra tells them to her, so there is nothing to worry about. Este clarified that she has been throwing Mark’s name out there, not Cory’s. Adam became frustrated that Kyra was spreading lies. He let Kiki know that he is fuelled up even more to win the veto, and he will use it on her if he does. Later, Adam and Anthony had a quick chat. Adam said that Mark will be going home if he stays on the block, because they will not have the numbers to keep him. Adam said they have got to put someone up that would ensure that Mark stays. Adam then talked to Sam about nominating Cory. Adam told her that Este and Kiki will appreciate if they save him. Sam said she will be screwed if she backdoors Cory and then she stays. Adam said that wont happen as long as the girls vote how Sam wants them to. Sam also worried that Anthony would gun for her if Cory goes. Adam disagreed. Sam said that Damien might be a safer option for her. Sam thought that it would make them look better to Cory if she doesn’t put her up, especially after Cory finds out that people were pushing for that.


4:00-5:00 PM: Sam let Adam know that she doesn’t feel comfortable with backdooring Cory. Adam didn’t understand why the cannot stick to the plan. He said he would like to win the veto, use it on Kiki, and then backdoor Cory. Sam didn’t think that it would be best for her own game to do that. Feeds went down at 4:14 for the veto competition.


8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned at 8:28 following the veto competition. Adam won the Power of Veto.


9:00-10:00 PM: Kyra told Anthony that they see right through Dane’s game. Kyra said that Dane makes everyone feel good. They informed Anthony that Dane tried to plant seeds against Adam, Sam, Chelsea and now him. Anthony said he can feel Dane’s fear and he already knows that he is scared. In the HoH room, Adam and Anthony talked about the need to keep Mark in the game. Adam admitted that he doesn’t know how to get Sam to see that it is good for Mark to stay, particularly when she has brought up a guys alliance numerous times. Anthony believes that Sam is trying to assemble an army in attempt to pick off the guys. He brought up that Este and Kiki will 100% want to target Adam and Sam should they get in power. Anthony wants Sam to know that Mark is confused why he is on the block because he has not been coming after her.


10:00-11:00 PM: Dane asked Damien if he is voting for Kiki to stay. Damien said he gets along with Mark but Kiki came to him before Mark did. Dane said there is no way that Kiki is going home then. Este said she will have their three votes and Kyra’s vote. Anthony then spoke to Dane. He told him that Kiki may be saying that she will go after Adam and Sam but she is clearly saying something different to Sam. Anthony brought up that Cory will do whatever he says. In the HoH room, Adam attempted to convince Kyra that it is best for Mark to stay. He pointed out that Sam felt good with Mark a week or two ago, and Mark has always been good to them. As for Kiki, Adam said that she has been running around saying that she will target him and Sam. When Kyra mentioned that Kiki is more alone, Adam said she has got Dane and Este. Kyra believes that Mark has Dane just as much as Kiki does. Kyra said that they would like to see Mark go since he is only good to you when he needs something. Kyra thinks that he is condescending and runs to power. Afterwards, Kyra let Este know that Adam was trying to convince them to keep Mark. They counted the two of them, Damien and Dane as the four votes that they need to keep Kiki. Este doesn’t think that those four will change their votes. She said that Dane will no longer have her if he votes to evict Kiki.


11:00-12:00 AM: In the have-not room, Adam told Sam he doesn’t think that Mark would go after her. While he backed down from the plan to backdoor Cory, he made it clear that Kiki needs to go over Mark. Adam said that Kyra is only thinking about themselves when they talk to Sam. Sam said she feels disposable to Adam and Dane, plus everyone thinks that the guys are working so strongly together. Adam assured Sam that he will not allow her to go on the block if Mark wins HoH. He also said that she can trust Anthony 100%. Sam asked if Adam wants to keep Mark because he is a number for the guys. Adam said no, adding that it’s bad news if Este and Kiki stay together. Sam told Adam that he is starting to sound like Anthony. However, Sam was willing to go along with the plan to evict Kiki. She let Adam know that she trusts him. Adam warned Sam that Kyra will try to get in her head. Sam said she plans to tell them what they want to hear for now.


12:00-1:00 AM: After Kyra spent some time chatting with Este and Kiki, she went to Sam to ask if it ever crosses her mind that those two girls are telling them what they want to hear. Sam said 100%. Kyra still didn’t believe that Kiki would put them on the block. Sam then revealed that Kiki threw Kyra’s name out to her earlier today. Kyra asked if they should get rid of Kiki then, which Sam said yes to. Kyra wondered if Sam was convinced by Adam. Sam said that she was in the DR the entire time so she hasn’t talked to him. The two agreed to keep telling the girls that Kiki is safe. Kyra later brought up that they successfully created cracks between Anthony and Dane today, making it easier to keep Mark around. Sam wants to keep people in the dark about the true plan until the day of the vote.


March 30, 2019

8:00 AM BBT All HGs sleeping. Lights start to come on slowly.
8:15 AM BBT All HGs still sleeping, though the lights are fully on now. Cory out of bed first and makes her way out of the blue BR. She makes her way around the house doing battery replacement. Cory investigating the alarm sounding in the pantry, but no matter what she tries, it doesn’t stop. She tells BB to fix it when they come to get the batteries. Cory heads upstairs to the WR. Sam and Adam snuggling in the HoH bed.
8:30 AM BBT Alarm sounds. Sam jumps out of bed and heads to the WR. She returns with her music. They talk about how Sam is ‘up’ and bubbly from the minute she wakes up, but that might change once she has children. Adam says he can’t picture her with children as she’s too wild. Sam tells Adam that it may be time to throw heat on other people; Adam says that Anthony is going to ask what her backdoor plan is. She tells him to tell Anthony that she’s hoping there won’t be a backdoor situation. The disagree on whether or not the bed should be made, and Adam ends up making it. He is going to make her a breakfast sandwich this morning.
8:45 AM BBT Anthony brushing his teeth in the WR; immediately called to the DR. He finishes brushing his teeth and heads downstairs. Damien, Kiki and Este are in the HN room. Damien says he’s working to keep Mark calm this week while he’s on the block. Dane and Anthony are talking in the pantry about keeping Kyra close. Adam comes in and they talk about how he’s making an egg sandwich for Sam. Talk turns to Kyra having the blood veto; Adam doesn’t think they would use it against him. Adam leaves and they talk about how he’s a submissive to Sam. Dane says as things stand right now, Mark is going home; Anthony says they’re going to flip that. Adam comes back in and Anthony asks what happened with Este; Adam says that she told him that the target will be back on he and Sam next week and it pissed him off. Anthony leaves and Mark comes in. Adam leaves and Kyra comes in. Kyra says they dreamt Kailyn and Maki came back.
9:00 AM BBT Adam in kitchen making breakfast for Sam; Damien unloading the dishwasher. Mark is sitting by himself in the LR. Kyra goes to visit Sam in the HoH room. They tell Sam about their nightmare and then that they busted the guys huddled together talking. Kyra says they think that Adam is trying to make Sam think that she’s okay with the guys when they’re really plotting against her. Kyra says that Adam is glued to her and not letting other people talk to her; they say it’s no different than when people criticized them for being too close to Chelsea. Adam comes in with Sam’s breakfast sandwich. Kyra leaves and Sam sits down to eat her sandwich.
9:15 AM BBT Dane in the HN room talking about how he’s trying to get Cory on the block and out the door and next week he’ll go back to targeting Sam. He mulls over keeping Sam and Adam for the triple. In the pantry, Adam and Kyra are talking about getting Cory out if Kiki takes herself down. Kyra says they feel good with Mark going; Adam tries to convince them that Mark is not the smart move because he’s easy to beat. Kyra says they’re willing to keep their mind open and leaves to make their breakfast. Adam heads upstairs to talk to Sam. He tells her that Kyra said they want to get Mark out, and that move is only good for Kyra’s game, not for Sam’s game. Adam says Cory has to go because she’s hard to beat; Sam agrees with that. Cory and Kyra in the pantry; Kyra is warning her that her name is being floated around this week.

9:30 AM BBT Dane and Kiki talking in the HN room. Kiki is saying it’s prudent for them not to share with others about the talks they have as it would put a bigger target on the three of them. Dane says that Cory doesn’t deserve to go to jury because she came in late. He goes on to say that Mark is so wishy-washy he doesn’t know how he’d vote at the end. They discuss who they think would vote with their heads over those who would vote with their hearts. Dane tells Kiki that all the competitions from this point in require knowledge of the game, which Sam is strong in. He tells her that today’s veto will be physical. Dane says he just wants to see one of the three of them make it to F2. He says his plan from day 1 has been to keep Adam until the triple and get rid of him then. They head out to the kitchen for breakfast. Este is making ginger tea for Anthony to try and settle his stomach.
9:45 AM BBT Dane joins Sam and Adam up in the HoH room. Adam asks if he’d vote Cory out, if she was on the block. Dane says it was his plan originally, so of course he’d vote her out. Sam agrees that she doesn’t want to see Cory in jury, either. Adam says he told Kyra about the possibility of backdooring Cory and Dane tells him that he made a mistake doing that. Adam says if he wins PoV, he plans on using it on Kiki to try and build trust with her. Dane explains to Sam and Adam how the triple eviction has worked in the past, and why it’s important for someone they trust to win this HoH. Sam says that without a doubt, Cory needs to go this week. Dane says that no one but Sam should talk to Kyra anymore because they need to keep them close in case they need them to use the blood veto. There were three conditions on the blood veto so they’re going to check with Kyra to find out what, specifically, they are. They are intent on flushing it out and having Kyra use it so it’s no longer in play. Dane leaves to have a shower but says they need to keep this from Anthony. Adam leaves and Sam goes back to listening to music.
10:00 AM BBT Kyra Kikki and Este are talking in the Blue Room about when Kyra walked into the pantry Dane Adam and Anthony were talking game but when they walked in the topic changed. Kikki says we need to figure out if they want to save Mark if it was the fact that he was a guy or something deeper. Sam and Mark talking in the HoH room. She tells him that of the people she’s asked no one wants him to go home this week. She gets him to explain to her how this is the last week before people become jurors. She tells Mark that he was a strategic nomination for her because she knew he wouldn’t hold a grudge against her, and that he was an easy pick because he appears to be a lone player in the house. She thanks him for being understanding, and tells him he blows her mind. Sam says that when he walked Kyra across the beam he proved what a good man he is. Mark leaves. Dane and Adam talking in the WR; Adam is saying that they have to get Cory up and out this week or the PB alliance is going to be exposed because they won’t vote for Mark to go. Mark comes in and Adam advises him to make sure he works hard to convince everyone that he’s the one who should stay. Adam says that he may want to start planting the backdoor seeds in HGs minds now; Mark says he’s just going to be everything he can be. In the blue BR, Kiki, Este and Kyra are talking about working with Sam going forward. Kyra tells Kiki that Kiki’s going to win the veto today and tells them they can be trusted. Kyra leaves. Este says that whatever is happening out there, it’s not smart to keep bringing Dane’s name up because he’s working to keep them all safe. Kiki says he’s working to keep Este safe and Este says no, he’s trying to keep them all safe. Kiki says Dane’s much smarter than he lets on; Este says he trusts them more than anyone in the house. Este doesn’t want it getting back to Dane that Kiki is saying his name. Este says that she trusts Kiki and Dane and is unsure of everyone else in the house. She says she’s worried about the triple eviction. Este says that if Dane wins HoH, Kyra is probably going up; Kiki tries to explain that Kyra going is not good for their game. Este says that she thinks it is because if they’re on the block beside Kyra they’re going home.
10:15 AM BBT Kiki tells Este that Dane is holding back information from her, compared to how he used to treat her. She explains why Kiki is a good candidate to leave this week in Dane’s point of view. She explains that Dane can beat Este easily in the end because he can claim that he carried her that far, whereas Kiki has had to win to get there. Feeds go down at 10:19 AM BBT Feeds come back at 10:25 AM BBT In the Blue Room Kyra is saying that they can’t use the Blood Veto on Kikki because they promised in front of everyone that they won’t. Este is sitting in the Red Bedroom going over the days.
10:30 AM BBT In the nook area off the dining room table Cory and Anthony are sitting listening in to the conversation in the kitchen the conversation is on general topics there so we go back to the Red Bedroom where Este is talking to herself about things that seem to be happening in the game. In the pantry Mark is looking for the milk in the fridge. Kyra and Sam are talking in the HN Room Kyra says Adam is trying to block you from talking to anyone. Kyra says They walked into the Pantry and Adam asked them if they were going to back door him. Adam continued to tell them that Cory is a threat. They say that they are trying to convince them to use the Blood Veto to back door Cory. They tell Sam that they told Cory this morning that they have been asked to use the veto to back door her. Kyra tells Sam that they trust no one. Sam tells them that they can trust her. Kyra says No I can’t because Adam is in your ear to much. Kyra tells her that is was very clear this morning that they are going to protect each other. Sam tells them you can trust me I don’t tell Adam anything we say. Sam asks them who they want out. Kyra says a guy. Sam asks is that a heart decision or a head decision. Kyra tells her a head decision.
10:45 AM BBT Kyra says I may have blown my game but I don’t care. Sam tells them to stop. Kyra says I am not voting Cory out. They ask Sam Why do they ( the guys) want Cory out over Mark. Sam says I don’t trust people in this house. She tells them that Adam and Dane are all about comps. They feel that they can beat Mark and not beat Cory. Sam continues with I think we are thinking to much about this guy alliance thing and not the rest. Sam says She doesn’t fully trust Kikki . Kyra says Say the guys alliance is Mark, Anthony, Adam and Dane the only way we can break them up is to get one of them out. They continue with I am trying to find a crack in the alliance. Sam gets called to the DR. Kyra tells her I trust you not Adam. Sam goes to DR and Kyra leaves. The camera switches to the washroom where Este, Cory and Adam are doing their morning routines. Dane is in the HN Room by himself where he is talking to himself. He says First time you are in power Sam you are not in power. He then yells Este hurry up and checks to see if she is coming. Este enters Dane says This is a lot easier than I thought. Este says I have been rethinking. Dane says So you think that you can beat Cory in a comp Good Luck I can’t even do that. Dane says We need to keep them safe until triple. Dane says I was using Cory’s name out because if Kikki is on the block with anybody else Kikki goes home. Este says Why not Anthony. Dane says Everyone is saying they would not vote out Anthony. Even you said that. Este says Not over Kikki. Dane says that would only be us voting to keep her. Este says This makes me question other conversations that I had with other people who said they had Kikki’s back.
11:00 AM BBT Dane says if we keep Adam and Sam safe til triple eviction whoever is on the block next to them is safe. Dane tells her he told Sam to try and get Kyra to use that stupid veto. Este says Why can’t we get out strong people before then. Dane says if Sam and Adam aren’t here then you me and Kikki go on the block and 2 of us go home. Dane says If I win next HOH I am keeping them here. If you or Damien win I will be on board if you want to get them out. Dane says I told Kikki earlier that if they are here after the triple one of them will win. He continues with We can not bring up to Anthony what we know because he will team up with Adam and Sam. Dane says I get Kikki freaking out because she is on the block but if Mark wins and we don’t get Cory up on the block Kikki goes home. Este says I don’t think I can say anything to anyone because I don’t know where it will go. Dane says I can’t believe you doubt my trust. Dane says I don’t know why we all know they have it; we need to flush it out. Dane says They say they will not use it but they will if Sam says to use it. Dane says With this power Sam has not left the HOH Room in 2 days what she doesn’t realize is at the end of the week she has to come back down with the peasants. Maybe she should come down and socialize. Dane says Mark isn’t going to win anything he crumbles under pressure. Este says This week will show a lot. She says What I think about what is good for your game may not be good for my game same with Kikki. Dane says I do trust Cory but her loyalty is not with us it is with Anthony and who knows where Anthony is. Dane says Kikki was sitting here saying I,I,I,I and I was saying We, We, We, We. He says Kikki wants to win this game. Este says she is worried we will team up on her. Dane says I could think the same thing because you guys have been since day 1. Dane says I would cut you as well because I could think that you guys would team up on me. Este says I told her not to worry about that all I am worried about is the triple. Feeds cut at 11:12 AM BBT
11:15 AM BBT – 11:45 AM BBT Feeds still down Feeds come back with 11:48 AM BBT With dane and Damien talking. Damien says If I win it. Adam says my second POV. POV players are KIKKI, MARK,DAMIEN,AND ESTE. Este and Kikki are talking in the HN Room where Este says well you got 3 out of 5 fighting for you in the comp. Kikki says I am annoyed with Dane every time I want to talk to you he comes in I don’t want to talk to him just you at times. Este says Dane is really pushing the Cory thing and I just want to say I can think for myself. Este says Dane is saying Sam 100% wants Cory out but I think if the guy thing is right Sam will want Mark out. Este says at the end of the day if Sam put Cory up she will go after Sam.She tells Kikki that we both need to talk with Sam and get her to think that it is better to get Mark out. She said you I and Cory tried talking to her and now that Dane and Adam know that Cory is the back up plan.
12:00 PM BBT Adam and Mark are in the hoh room. Adam was asking Mark who he thought the back door plan was. Adam said hopefully none of the boys. Adam asked Mark if he would trust that the vote would get the person out. Mark said that he thought that Canada had a vote so there are things that are out of their control. Adam said that the hgs are talking about him and Sam, Kiki and Este but nobody has been talking about Corey or Anthony. Adam said that if he uses veto to save Mark, it would expose them. Mark said that if it exposes, it exposes. Mark said that he thought that Kiki had a chance to pull herself off. Adam said that Sam wanted to make sure that if they attempted a back door, that it would be 100 percent effective. Adam said that they would see if Dane was a man of his word, or if he is talking to Kiki and can’t be trusted.Mark is called to the DR. In the kitchen, Anthony and Corey lounge on the curved couch. They move to the dining room. In the have not room, Sam is telling Este and Kiki that Kyra’s back is against a wall. She told Kiki not to get into it with Kyra. Sam said that Kyra is good with using words. Sam said that Kyra is trying to get Mark to go and Corey to stay. Sam said that she couldn’t see Corey in jury, seeing as she isn’t a huge fan. Kiki said that Corey hasn’t really cultivated any relationships except with Anthony. Este said that between Corey and Mark, she didn’t care who went home because they could beat both of them.
12:15 PM BBT In the blue room, Dane and Adam discuss the plan. Dane said that Mark would definitely go home because Damien likes Kiki more than Mark. Adam left and Dane said to the BB can camera, so Corey is going home, Kiki is staying. His BC connection is safe, his bro alliance is safe and that is awesome. Corey came into the blue room. She told Dane that Kyra mentioned to her that people are asking Kyra to use the veto to backdoor Corey. Corey said that she thought she’d mention it to him. Dane said that it wasn’t Damien. Dane said that he didn’t trust Kyra. Especially since Kyra got the blood veto. Dane said that he didn’t care who went home as long as it wasn’t him, Anthony or Corey. Corey said that Sam is smart and that she wouldn’t trust Kyra to sell a backdoor on Corey. Dane said that he heard that they were talking about pulling something on him. Corey said that she can’t blame them for playing the game hard. They are trying to align their offense so they had to set up the defence. Dane said that he had his emotional week there and he won’t play that way again. It’s just a game.

12:30 PM BBT In the have not room, Este and Kiki and Sam discuss how to handle Dane. She said that she thought it would be better if the info leaked from Kyra rather than them. Dane and Adam came in. Dane said that he couldn’t believe that Kyra told Anthony and Anthony told Corey. Kyra came in and said that Kyra made it seem like the plan came from the guys. Kyra said that Kyra let it out that it specifically did not come from the girls. Kiki said that she gets blamed for everything. In the kitchen, Mark and Adam talk about the veto. Adam said that basically he and Mark are going for it. Adam is frying up some veggies. Kiki came in and asked Adam about his little problem. Adam said he just had a little release. Kiki joked that sometimes that’s all you need. Dane and Este are in the HOH room. Dane told her that he saw Kyra come out of the room with Anthony and Anthony looked disturbed. He said that Kyra is messing everything up. Este said that she should talk to Corey. Dane said that if she does that, she’ll expose everything. He said that she keeps listening to Kyra. He said that Este trusted Corey more than Mark and that was a mistake. Dane said that he took Corey to Wendy’s so he could cover their asses by putting a good word in Corey’s ear about her ad Kiki.
12:45 PM BBT Dane said that Kyra got Corey to trust that Kyra wouldn’t use the veto to back door her. Dane reiterated that Kyra is messing things up. Este said that Kyra is desperate to get people to be on her side. Dane left the HOH room. Este put on the ipod and starts to dance to the music she is listening to. In the kitchen, Mark and Sam and Adam sit down to eat.
1:00 PM BBT Adam got up and said he was going to leave his plate on the counter. He said he had to run upstairs for a minute. Mark told Sam that this was the least stressed he has felt. Sam said that she admired that. Adam went up to the HOH room. Adam told Este that when he is asked about noms and who the target is, he just says that he doesn’t know and Sam isn’t talking about it. Dane and Sam came in with Sam. Dane said that they should play calm and let the others come to them. Adam said that they should just chill until the comp. Este said that she wanted to talk about it because her name has been brought into it. Adam said that he didn’t run to Kyra and tell her the plan. Sam said that Este should stick to the story that the info came from only Kyra. Este went to the red room, and talked to Corey about what Kyra told her about the plan to back door Corey. Este said that now it made sense why Anthony was acting different towards her. Corey said that there is lots of reasons why someone would spread info. She said that she needed time to process and see if it was true.
1:15 PM BBT Este said that when she went to Dane, he said that she should talk to Corey. Este said that it didn’t make sense if Kyra said it wasn’t the girls pushing for the back door. Corey said that Kyra told her that her name is being passed around and that she should be aware. Corey said that more important than the info being passed is who is passing it and why. Corey said that if este didn’t care if Kyra knew about what she had to say, she should just go in and ask Kyra to let her and Anthony talk alone. Este said that she didn’t want to put a target on her knowing how Kyra has been plotting. In the washroom, Adam and Kiki are talking. Kiki said that she is tired of being blamed for things. Adam said he knew and said how do you think Sam felt. Adam left and Kiki continued to put on her makeup. Anthony and Kyra talk together. Anthony said that for a week and a half all he got out of Chelsea as far as conversation was a good morning, nice hat, good night. Anthony said that he didn’t trust Chelsea and why he didn’t trust Kailyn. Anthony said that it came back to him that when he was playing with his beard it meant something. He said he has played with his beard since day one. Kyra said that Kyra wants to vote with the house. Anthony said that he is going to look at it from Kyra’s perspective. Anthony said that if Kiki leaves, does it put a target on Kyra. He said if Mark who has a target already stays, then there is a large target still on him and not on Kyra. Este came in and said that she wanted to talk to Anthony. Kyra asked for 2 more minutes. Kyra said that she is secure in the plan to get rid of Mark. Anthony said all it would take is a day for him to fish around and see where things stand.
1:30 PM BBT Anthony said that Kyra had to talk to people Kyra trusts and see where the loyalties are. He said that he didn’t know why Este wanted to talk to her. Anthony said that their conversation didn’t happen. In the kitchen, Adam is cleaning the counter talking to Damien. Kyra came in and offered Damien some of Kyra’s food. Damien, Dane and Anthony are in the have not room. Dane told him that he heard from Kyra about a plan to back door Corey. Anthony came into the kitchen and asked Adam what was up. Adam said that he didn’t know what was up. Everyone seemed to be in a panic. Anthony asked him about the plan if one of the noms wins veto. Adam said that Sam discussed everyone and wanted to wait until after the comp to make a plan. Anthony said that he wanted to talk to Este, then he was going to talk to Sam. He saw Kiki and told her about Este coming in and asking to talk to him. Kiki said that she heard that she and Este were being blamed for something they have nothing to do with. Kiki said that she was chilling alone because she had to concentrate on veto. In the have not room, Dane said to Damien that when their back is against the wall they could turn on him or Damien. In the pantry, Anthony told Kyra about his conversation with Kiki. Anthony and Corey talk about what he knows about what Kyra said to Sam. Anthony said that Kyra won’t tell him who said that. Kyra came in and asked Anthony if Kyra should talk to someone. Anthony said not to that it ends with him. He said that he was good with his words and that Kyra shouldn’t worry about it. Kiki came in and showed them the rash on her back. She said that the same thing happened to Chelsea from the battery pack. Kiki left. Kyra said that Sam told Adam, Adam told the girls. Corey said that she wasn’t doubting Kyra. Kyra said that there are people in the house that Corey trusts so she felt like she had to come tell them. Corey said that she needed to know who was saying her name before she could process the info.
1:45 PM BBT Corey said that she personally thought that it was Este and Kiki. Kyra said that it wasn’t them. Corey said that Kyra mentioned multiple people saying to evict Corey and if true, then she was being royally screwed. Corey asked her if she could verify that Anthony wasn’t one of those throwing out her name. Kyra said that 100 percent it wasn’t Anthony. Kyra said that she was worried about Corey confronting the hgs with what Kyra told her and that it would put a target on Kyra. Kyra said that Kyra was confident that if Corey won HOH that Kyra wouldn’t be on the block. Corey said that she thinks every move through before she acts on it. Corey said that it is not beneficial to either of their games to confront people and that she felt that their games cold benefit from each other.

2:00 PM – 8:28 PM BBT Feeds down for the PoV competition.
8:15 PM BBT Feeds return at 8:28pm. Anthony says that everyone was dropping balls, and says that it was crucial to take your time. Anthony says that it was anyone’s game up until the last 5 minutes.
8:30 PM BBT Mark & Anthony say that it’ll make good TV. Anthony leaves. Damien & Mark talk. Mark says that Adam will do whatever Sam wants him to do. Mark says “we’re fucked” because of Adam & Sam working together, saying that that’s how the Paq brothers won, 2 heads in 2 different places. Kyra enters the bathroom. Mark & Damien change the discussion to chicken fingers. Mark mouths something to Damien. Mark says that he felt like giving up at one point, and got annoyed that Adam won again. Kyra exits the toilet and joins Mark & Damien, saying that they both did the best they could do and that it was a hard comp. As Damien leaves, Mark says “we’ll talk later.” Damien says “yep.” In the kitchen, HGs talk about the comp and what happened. Dane says that he really wanted to play that comp. They talk about how they would’ve done in previous comps. Adam talks to Sam, telling her to enjoy their time together. Sam tells Adam that he’s having more fun. They all talk about how many episodes there’s been so far.
8:45 PM BBT Adam asks what the comp was called. It was called “Balance of Power.” Adam & Sam go to SR. Dane enters. They talk about Days. In Leon’s Lounge, Kikki & Cory are talking. Kikki says that she was close. Cory goes over who’s voting. Kikki says that she’s confident in having at least 2 votes. Cory says that it would great if things go her way. Cory says that she doesn’t have a relationship with Mark. Cory asks what shit went down. She says that Este came to her in tears. Kikki says that what she knows that someone was throwing her name out for something that never happened. Kikki says that she told Este that that’s the first she’s hearing of it. Kikki says that she said that she needs to keep her head on the PoV comp. Dane enters. He says that he was going to play Basketball with the files. Corey quietly tells her that she needs a nap, and tells Kikki to campaign. Dane sits down with them. Dane says “fuck this.” Kiki says “if you’re not first, you’re last.” Kikki says that she was so close. Kikki says that she did her best. Dane says that he would’ve snapped. Dane says that he noticed that all the paintings were bananas at one point.
9:00 PM BBT He says that there’s 16 pictures in the Lounge. Dane says that BB keeps putting in more boxes to the file room. Kikki says that she’s tired, and that the slop is messing with her bowels. She tells BB that she was only joking around and to help her out in the game. Dane says that Leon’s Lounge would be like a secret room in mansions. Kikki wonders if there’s $5,000 hidden behind the portraits. Kikki says that despite losing, she’s proud of herself for being really close. Cory says that she was neck-in-neck with Adam. Cory says that she would’ve lost her mind. Kikki says that she almost did. Kikki told herself that it was her veto and to go get it.
9:15 PM BBT Kikki says that she finds one painting beautiful. Este enters. She lays down. She says that people approach her, asking if they talked about the person. Feeds go down for a couple minutes. Kikki says that she doesn’t think those people aren’t paranoid, just on a power trip. Cory says that today sucked. Cory says that she needs to think about who’s giving her information.
9:30 PM BBT Cory says to Kikki to not worry about what other people say, and to focus on getting off the block. Dane recalls a moment where he was talking, and Sam was listening behind the door, and ran in when she heard her name. Kikki leaves. Cory asks if she wants them to leave. Kikki says no. Cory tells Dane that Kikki was in the Lounge for alone time, and they ruined that. Anthony asks Cory if she’s down on herself for not winning the comp. Cory says yes, but told Kikki to not worry about other people, just herself. Damien enters. Dane says that he’s going to one day push that wall back in so he can have some alone time. Cory says to do it now. He doesn’t.
9:45 PM BBT Cory recalls one time in college when someone called her a simpleton. She talks about it for a while. Dane recalls a time when a hot “valley girl” was rude to him after he said “God bless you” after she sneezed. In HoH, Anthony is talking to Adam. Anthony says that Sam has an army to protect her. Cory walks by the HoH room, but doesn’t enter.
10:00 PM BBT Anthony says that if Kikki stays, it’s bad news because Kikki & Este are working together. Cory walks into HoH, and Anthony asks for some more time. She agrees, then leaves. Anthony says he knows where everyone’s mind is in the game. Kikki is crying in HN. Anthony says that he’s going to talk to Sam. He says that she was “itching” to tell him something. Anthony asks why Dane was celebrating in the SR. Anthony says that the house knows that he trusts Cory, and he doesn’t care. Anthony says “If Kikki stays, Sam will branch out.” Adam tells how Mark told Sam he had a plan to backdoor adam, Anthony does not like that. Kyra comes up and wants to listen to the Ipod they ask for a few min to finish talking.
10:15 PM BBT Dane, Damien, and Este are up on the red room discussing how Mark wouldn’t be of help to them but Kikki will. They feel that the less he knows the better and they discuss maybe playing ball. Dane heads out and makes a noise says it’s the slop, damien wants to show says it’s been a few days and his Farts are bad recently. He wants to leave the room its getting hot but este says its cooler if you just lay and relax, she bored. They lay in silence for a moment she asks his favorite childhood memory he thinks. In HOH Adam and Anthony finish up and Anthony leaves Adam stays contemplating for a moment while playing with the Bunny. Feeds go to Anthony who is talking to Dane on the couches just outside the HOH telling him they don’t think Adam is going to use it. Anthony says they need to work on getting together more as its been lots of 2 conversations and they are losing track of everything. Anthony goes over how Kikki and Este have each others backs first but will run to Dane, Sam won’t just take it from Adam, Corey will do What Anthony says and wait for him to explain later, but she is solid. They are not sure who mentioned the BD earlier but it doesn’t matter anymore. Anthony said Kikki and Este are saying Adam and same the guys faces but it’s a whole other story when the boys are not around. Kyra walks by wanting the Ipod they say Adam and Sam are in there. She checks it’s Adam alone so she comes in. Adam says a few weeks ago Sam was good with Mark, but now there is Kikki who has said she would have put up Sadam at the Double. He explains how he got the info from Kikki and Este that Sadam was a target. Adam says Mark has always said that Adam and Sam are safe, but Kikki has admitted to wanting to put them up and yet Sam wants to keep her. He wants Kyra’s opinion and in the middle of exclamation Mark comes in for battery change.
10:30 PM BBT Adam says there was 5 of us that voted to keep you, how do you think he is going to go against you now. Kyra says that’s not fair you can’t say I owe a vote because he voted. They say he ignores them unless he needs something. Kyra says after Chelsea’s conversation with him it upset her he was two faced and condescending and runs to power. Adam says that he (Mark) and Sam have always been good. Dane walks in and says the BY is open both jump up and Kyra books it outside to the pouring snowing rain. Mark heads out behind them and they wanted to sit and chain smoke but the cushions are drenched. They talk about the crazy weather they are having. Meanwhile up in red room Damien and Este are laughing and joking around. Damien is making balls out of Socks to go play a game. They head out and ask if Corey is joining them, they ask Adam he says no and breaks the news he outside is open. Outside they are talking about going home and watching BB and social media. Up in WR, Este is brushing her teeth, Corey is playing with her hair before getting into the shower. Este says she is going outside Sam feels like its about to bed soon. Anthony is headed out to the HT in the rain.
10:45 PM BBT Este heads downstairs and says Hello to Kikki who is in the kitchen. Kyra has come in from outside and is whispering about when she campaigns not to mention the boys thing. Kikki heads up to the RR, Kyra is explaining why and how others are trying to get her to keep Mark. Este feels like the votes are already there; Kyra, Este, Dane, Damien, Adam; ( not all of them are on board with Kikki staying at the moment) Kyra feels like the campaign from Mark is going to point out what a great competitor Kikki is, Adam wants to keep Mark and is trying to get Kyra to keep him. Este says that Dane wont change a vote because he would lose Este. Kyra explains how he is a great manipulator and very convincing. Kyra says we need to make sure she has one solid campaign and not say too much. Facts are needed no speculations but facts and people would believe her. She can use that she will go after Adam everyone already knows that. Kyra says know I have your backs and we need to be careful talking about it. Kyra says they are fighting not just this week but the next few weeks, they can not lose another girl. They wonder where Sam is, it’s been awhile since they have seen her. Up in the blue room Kikki and Dane are talking about how people saying they have his back but its hard and everything needs to be Deflected on Kyra. Kikki questions if she can count on Damien, they feel Kyra is messing everything off. They are prepared for Mark to try and put a wedge between Dane,Este, Kiera and Sam and Adam. Dane says he really has no idea what’s going on, Dane planted a seed last night and then it all blew up this morning, and Corey thought it was Este and Kikki based on what she heard

Summary Friday March 29th

March 29, 2019

Summary Friday March 29th

8:00-9:00 AM: Adam, Anthony and Dane spoke in the pantry. Dane told the guys about Mark letting him know that he was really mad at him one day and cursed his name. Dane said Mark then pulled Kiki aside to say the exact same thing. The guys went through the list of potential nominees. Adam said Mark will not be going home even if he goes on the block. Dane said they can mention to Sam that she was the alpha female before Cory entered the house, but now she is nowhere near that. Adam let Anthony and Dane know that Sam said there is a guys alliance. In the HoH room, Mark told Sam that she was never his target. Mark said he has told Adam that all along, and he hopes that she feels the same way too. Mark threw out Kyra’s name as an easy pawn. He also named Cory because he has not spoken much game with her up to this point.


9:00-10:00 AM: Sam spoke to Damien about having his back if he has hers. Damien said that actions speak louder than words and that goes a long way with him. He said he saw actions from Adam yesterday and can now see them from Sam as well. Sam let Damien know that he will not be touching the block. Sam asked Damien to keep that in mind if he wins HoH next week. Dane was the next to speak to Sam. Dane said he heard Chelsea talking about there being a guys alliance but that is ridiculous. Sam said that doesn’t matter to her. Sam added that she is not about to get people together to against something like that. Dane said that Este is on board with working with the two of them and Adam moving forward. Sam said she trusts Dane but she doesn’t want to make the mistake of carrying Este along. Sam said she wants to know that Dane would keep her safe. Dane said he will keep Sam safe. Sam informed Dane that Este will not be touching the block. Sam admitted that she doesn’t fully trust Kiki since she has been throwing out their names. Dane said she did and she is someone that Sam probably has to keep an eye on. Sam let Dane know that people are saying Kiki threw her name out the day after she took her off of the block. Dane said he didn’t hear that but he isn’t going to deny it either.


10:00-11:00 AM: Kyra and Sam agreed that they should leave Damien out of the equation this week since they can build trust with him. Kyra said Anthony is one of the people that will hold it against you if you put him on the block, so it would not make sense to put him up. Kyra mentioned that Anthony and Cory are more likely to be good with them if they show them some trust this week. Kyra said that nominating Kiki and Mark would be the safest bet this week. Kyra told Sam that nobody would be upset about Mark being a pawn. Sam agreed that nominating Kiki and Mark makes the most sense for her. Kyra thinks that Mark will crack and spill so many secrets once his back is against the wall.


11:00-12:00 PM: Kiki told Sam she is not freaking out that she won since she knows that Sam has saved her before and had her back. Kiki mentioned that Chelsea really got her thinking about the guys alliance. Sam said it’s in the back of her mind since she heard that Este and Kiki went straight to Dane to tell him about the girls wanting to work together. Sam said she would not be there if not for Adam winning HoH. Kiki told Sam that she has not been her target. Kiki brought up that certain people are getting to sit back while the others are having to do all of the work and fight to stay there. Kiki said it’s not best for her game to target Sam. Sam said she is trying to believe her but she does not because of conversations that Kiki has had with other people and the fact that she has not talked game with her. Sam implied that Kiki may be going on the block today but there is someone else on her mind to target. It was implied that Mark is that person. Este and Sam talked about the plan for the week. Este suggested that a guy should go or else it will be five of them competing for HoH next week, and they will save Adam over Sam. Este admitted that she doesn’t trust Mark. Sam said that’s the same guy that she doesn’t trust. Este is concerned that Dane seems to be going to Mark with the information that she brings to him. Sam said that she would like to target Mark this week but she does not think that the guys will go for it. Este believes that Cory would be on board with that plan. They compared notes on what Mark says to them. They discovered that Mark likely says the same things to everyone. Sam wondered if the guys would vote Mark out. Este said yeah. Sam asked her to try to get a feel for that.


12:00-1:00 PM: Sam brought up that Kiki lied to her face by saying that she was not her target. Este clarified that Adam was Kiki’s target, which Sam said she believed. Sam talked about how she would love to work against the guys but she thinks it’s too late since she is too close to Adam and Este is too close to Dane. She thinks that it would be smart for the four of them to work together moving forward. Sam said she would feel good if she could get Mark out this week, but the only option to nominate next to him would be Kiki. Sam explained that she feels really good with Damien. Este recommended that Sam speak to Kiki to let her know that she is not the target. It was eventually discussed that Mark would definitely go home over Kyra, so that could be an option if Kiki comes off of the block.


1:00-2:00 PM: Kyra told Adam and Sam that it’s smartest not to name a clear target, seeing as things often change throughout the week. While Adam said he includes Sam in what he has going on, Sam said she knows that the guys would pick Adam off first of the guys. Adam suggested that Sam work on her relationship with Anthony so that they can work together. Adam said he is not worried even though the guys may eventually come after him, since they can deal with it when the time comes. There was debate over who to target this week. Kyra told Adam that Mark runs to power. Adam said that Mark will not even try to win a competition. Sam said that while Mark is a vote for Adam, he is not a vote for her. She said that she doesn’t want to zone in on a particular target. Sam said it will be an issue if she wants Mark out but Adam wants Kiki out. Kyra said it is smarter to get Kiki out but they do not know what will happen throughout the week. Feeds went down at 1:21.


3:00-4:00 PM: Feeds returned at 3:42. Sam let Mark know that he will be going on the block. She assured him that he will have the numbers more so than the other person that will be going on the block. Sam said a little bit of trust has been broken since Mark has been saying the same thing to her as he has to other people. Mark denied that but said he accepts her decision and he does not have any hard feelings.


5:00-6:00 PM: Kiki spoke to Sam to stress how much it bothers her that people are saying she was coming after Sam specifically. Kiki admitted that she sees Adam as a threat but not Sam. Sam said she can understand that. She believes that people will keep Adam around as a shield, meaning that they will get rid of her first. Kiki let Sam know that she would keep her over Adam. She also reiterated that Sam was not her target despite what people are telling her. Sam said that she would like to have Kiki stay and she would like to get a guy out of the house this week. Sam advised Kiki to work on her relationship with Cory. She later said to work on Kyra first since Kyra has her ear.


6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds went down at 6:11.


7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds returned at 7:47. While the feeds were down, Kyra received the Blood Veto. Based on the discussions that took place, it sounds like the houseguests had to unanimously agree on who to give it to. Kyra was one of a small number of people to speak up about wanting the veto. Kyra spoke to Sam about how they can potentially use the veto to change nominations. It remains unclear what exactly the Blood Veto does, though it was discussed that Kyra is safe for this week and cannot be nominated. Kyra mentioned that there was finally a competition that you win by using your words. Kyra brought up that Kiki will probably go home if the nominations stay the same. Kyra hopes that the veto will last a few weeks so that they get a chance to use it.


8:00-9:00 PM: Sam told Adam that Cory and Dane must be working together. She observed that Cory went straight to Dane earlier. They discussed that nobody will vote Dane out. Adam said he is a smart man. Adam mentioned backdooring him. When Sam said that she would, Adam said she cannot since he would not go home. Sam said they are taking away a vote from Dane by sending Mark home. Adam said Kiki is more of a number for Dane than Mark is. Meanwhile, Anthony and Kyra discussed that nobody really fought for the veto. Kyra thinks that Este is disappointed about not getting it. Kyra explained that they had to go for it since they are alone in the game. Anthony said he did not want Kyra to take the veto. He explained that they had no reason to risk potential consequences when they are safe this week. Anthony brought up that Kyra was being pushy or else they could have figured something out that would have been good for the movement. In Leon’s Lounge, Cory, Este and Kiki talked about the alleged guys alliance. They were unsure whether or not it’s a solidified alliance or just a bro thing. Either way, Este said it’s just as dangerous. Kiki said it will be something to watch out for if Mark stays over her. Kiki pointed out that Adam had the chance to take a shot during the double but opted not too. Cory doesn’t think that Mark is in the alliance. They agreed that Damien is not involved. Anthony and Sam then discussed that Kyra may face consequences for taking the Blood Veto. Sam commented that it was odd to see the nominees lay low during the discussions about who to give the veto to. In the have-not room, Dane told a number of houseguests that he plans to flush the Blood Veto out if he wins HoH next week. He said that whoever wins should put Kyra on the block.


9:00-10:00 PM: Este and Kiki spoke to Adam. Este made it clear that she is frustrated by everyone remaining so quiet about the blood veto. She said that they were too afraid to fight for it, just like they are playing afraid. Kiki reassured Adam that she is not going to gun after him or Sam if she stays. Adam pointed out that Kiki told him last night that she was coming after them had she won HoH. Kiki admitted that she was thinking that before but not anymore. Kiki explained that she needs Sam in the game or else she will be targeted. It was also discussed that the duos need each other. Adam brought up that seeds are being planted in a way that allows certain people to coast on by without doing anything. Kiki agreed. Adam explained that someone even told him that Sam is gunning for him. Este said she learned that there are a lot of sheep in the house based on the conversations about who to give the Blood Veto too. They discussed that the three of them, Dane and Sam are having to fight to stay there whereas others are sitting back and watching. Adam agreed. He suggested that they go speak to Sam. When Adam went to look for Sam, Kiki advised Este to start being more of her own player since people view her as Dane’s lap dog. The girls talked about how the two of them, Adam, Sam and Dane would be the five strongest people in the house. Este said she has never been so fired up. Este and Kiki filled Dane in on their conversation while Adam filled Sam in on it as well. He told her that they need to take Kiki down, backdoor someone, and send them home. Sam was on board with the plan. Kyra asked Kiki what she thinks about the potential guys alliance. Kiki said she thinks that it’s possible but she doesn’t have enough evidence. Kyra mentioned that they are screwed if it’s a legitimate thing. Kyra said they do not trust Adam at all since it’s so obvious that he will not give them a minute alone with Sam. Kyra reiterated that the girls have got to stop working against each other. Kiki agreed. Kyra admitted that they were previously a bit worried that Kiki runs back to Dane with information. They agreed that a girl cannot go home this week. Elsewhere, Este told Sam that she is sick of people watching in the background while they take the heat. Sam asked if she should change her nominations. Este said they didn’t know if Sam had already told the DR who she was nominating. It was later discussed that Sam was already in the DR for that. Sam said she thinks that Kiki will get herself off of the block, and it’s better to backdoor someone anyway. Este said that Adam, Dane, Kyra and herself would be the votes that they need to save Kiki. A plan was made to meet up with Adam, Dane and Kiki in Leon’s Lounge. Once in the lounge, Este brought up that the five of them will control the votes as long as they can always get one other person on the block next to them. Este said people don’t have the guts to stand up for what they want, and if they want Adam and Sam out they should do it themselves. Adam brought up that Kyra could potentially use their veto on Kiki even if she doesn’t win the veto herself. Sam asked who should go up if Kiki wins the veto. Este said it can be any one of Anthony, Cory or Damien.


10:00-11:00 PM: Adam asked if they should use the veto on Kiki if they win it. Dane said it’s up to Sam. Sam said yeah, but then backtracked to say that she would need to think about it. Este said she would use the veto on Kiki. The group discussed that they have won all but one of the competitions thus far. Sam said that the best backdoor option for her would be Cory at this point. Up in the HoH room, Anthony told Mark that Este and Kiki are currently blowing up their games. Anthony assured Mark that he will not be going home if it goes to a vote. When Mark asked who the votes are since he will not have Este’s vote, Anthony said that’s the only one that he wouldn’t have. Feeds went down at 10:13 for the nomination ceremony.


11:00-12:00 AM: Feeds returned at 11:43. Sam nominated Kiki and Mark for eviction. Dane spoke to Este about his plan to keep both nominees safe. He said that he would like to get Cory backdoored. Dane thinks that it would make Sam’s HoH a complete waste for her. Dane explained that he got Sam on board with the idea by telling her that she is no longer the alpha female with Cory around. Dane said that he will be taking a shot at Sam right away. He told Este that he will take her out if he wins the next HoH.


12:00-1:00 AM: In the have-not room, Kyra stressed to Este and Kiki that Mark has got to go. Dane joined them. When Kyra asked if they have the numbers to save Kiki, he said yes. Kyra commented that Dane has been looking worried. They reminded him that they promised not to use the Blood Veto. Once Dane left, Kyra said that they would not have put a girl up this week. They said they might use the veto on Kiki if it looks like she is going to go over Mark. Afterwards, Kyra spoke to Sam. They said that Este and Kiki seem to be realizing that Dane is more loyal to the guys than to them. Kyra believes that the conversation was different and that Kiki has woken up. Sam thinks that they can get Cory on board with evicting Mark once she tells her that Mark threw her name out there. Kyra let Sam in on their plan to potentially use the veto on Kiki if needed. They are still unsure how exactly the Blood Veto works. Sam admitted to feeling dumb for nominating Kiki. They discussed that Damien could have went up instead. The two reiterated the importance of breaking up the guys this week and moving forward. Kyra is focused on getting Dane out if they win HoH next week.


March 29, 2019

9:00 AM BBT Sam is talking to Damien about the fact that she is here to play her own game. She agrees that although her and Adam made a connection they are both playing their own games. Damien says that going forward if you don’t put me on the block then that will be trust. Sam tells him she is not putting him on the block. Damien says I have heard my name out there and I haven’t said anything. Sam says I am saying if I don’t put you on the block you won’t put me on the block but that doesn’t translate into Adam, it is me talking for me. I am 30 years old and independant not here to hold someone’s hand.
9:15 AM BBT Damien says Good things take time and we are building a good base slowly. Damien gets up to leave but asks him to send Dane in if he is out there. Dane comes in. Dane says How are you? She says I feel like I am doing interviews. Dane says Just remember this is you not PIKE. She says That’s what I am doing. Dane says Whatever I say here stays here. Dane brings up the fact that Chelsea was trying to say there was a guys alliance. Sam assures him that she isn’t with it. Dane says If I was in an alliance with anybody it would be with Kikki and Este. Dane tells her that Este told him that if I don’t touch the block then I know we are solid with them. Sam tells him that Este isn’t on her radar. Sam says She doesn’t fully trust Kikki for the reason she threw our names out. Sam says When I took her off the block the very next day she was throwing my name out. Sam says I am not putting up You Adam or Este. She tells him she is thinking Cory and Anthony. Dane says That is a good idea. Someone opens the door and Dane says it is Pike ( Adam). Dane tells her that he will vote the way you want me too. I am good with Damien. Dane says Mark was telling him that he thinks someone is going to see things that were done in the secret room in the Leon’s lounge. Sam says Mark told me that people are giving him shit because he isn’t saying my name. Dane says I heard him say Pike’s name but that is not you. He thinks Mark has played a good game. Dane says Let other people make deals with you don’t you make deals with them. Dane says My deal with you is I didn’t put you or Adam up so I don’t want to break that. Sam agrees. Dan says Adam and I will have to go against each other at some point. Dane says If it comes down to Me Este and Kikki I will get cut as they are very loyal to each other.
9:30 AM BBT Dane says I can’t believe that the last comp was another tie breaker between us. Dane says I am glad you won. Dane says I told people last week that I was using you and Adam as a shield so I didn’t have to say we were working together. Sam says Kyra is in here all the time. Dane says You are the new Chelsea. Dane says I like them but they have to go soon. Sam says They have fought hard to stay here. Sam says I know what I want to do but not if they pull themselves off the block. Sam says That Veto tho Dane says I think that will use it in the next couple of weeks. Dane says I watched the last 2 seasons very closely and everything is lining up. Sam says She thinks that the blood veto will be used in the triple. Sam says It will be good if Este pulls out a win this week that way 3 of us can play. Sam says it is tough but not tough I just wish I knew more about Mark. Dane says I have respect for you Adam and Chelsea grew a set of balls with the Maki vote where Mark just blamed me. Sam says I don’t know what he is doing I thought he would have pulled something out by now. They hug and Dane leaves. Sam says she is going to wait to see who comes to her. Adam and Este are in the pantry and Dane joins them. Este says even a pawn our pool is limited. Dane says I told Sam that you (Este) are good with the 4 of us. Over in the nook area Damien Anthony and Cory are just having a general conversation.
9:45 AM BBT Back in the pantry Dane says Kyra told him they are going to vote with their head. Dane refers to Paras winning last year he feels she should not of won. Este says I want to see my dog I hope the next HOH Comp is a hold on one. Adam says I had no business winning that double. Adam says It was good because I proved that I could do it. He says I study but didn’t realize I need to remember. They go on to discuss the fact that the blood veto is missing. Kyra enters. Adam says a secret room in a secret room. Este asks Do you think whoever gets it will get it this week. Damien is talking about the medicine man on the Reserve he is from. He says he has cured his own cancer and can advise women on birth control just from the plants. He thinks it is cool that he is teaching his grandson what he knows. Cory says she finds it amazing that the native culture has a way of teaching their skills that nothing is written. Damien agrees you have to have a calling. In the kitchen Adam is preparing breakfast. Kyra and Dane join Mark outside where Mark asks him How slop was Dane says I haven’t had any yet. Adam and Este have joined Cory and Damien are having a general conversation.
10:00 AM BBT Dane says If I had won the first HOH I was going to put up the first 2 players that fell but then Damien and I were the only guys not out of the cages. The conversation goes to the last HOH Comp. They are talking about the fact that Dane says he is happy he didn’t win as everyone has seen his family already. Kyra leaves Dane says I think the girls are going up; if not 1 of them. Mark says I need you to know I did not drop your name. Dane says Just remember she does not like being included in a package deal. Mark says I never dropped your name. Mark says there is something that I said about a girl that I need to straighten out. Dane says Sam told him she chatted with you every night in the Red Bedroom. Mark says He went to Adam and told him I had to drop your name. Mark says I told her Kyra and Cory. Dane says I think the boys will escape again this week without the 4 boys being found out. 10:10 AM BBT Feeds go down. Feeds come back at 10:12 AM BBT with Anthony in the HOH Room where Anthony is saying that I know a lot of people have been in here. Sam tells him that not so many really. She tells Anthony that you need to stop talking to Adam to get to me.
10:15 AM BBT She says I think both of us can figure out who is bullshitting us. She says I think that for you and I can figure it out. Anthony says this game changes every 5 minutes. Anthony says I stood back at first back at first and would not join an alliance. He tells her at first with Adam it was always me and Sam. Sam says You say us as a package deal. She asks him if she sees anyone else as a package. He tells her yes. He explains that he talks alot to Cory because they talk about education and the fact that she is also from the east coast. She says like Adam knows he isn’t going up same as when he won I knew I wasn’t going up. Adam pops in and says breakfast in 10 minutes. Sam tells him she will be down. She tells him that she doesn’t see Adam leaving to soon. She thinks since her and Adam hooked up in day 2 that it changed the game. She says a tie in week 2 and a back door in week 3 this year this game is moving fast. Sam says she wants to keep people who will keep me safe. She tells him she is taking him to Wendy’s because she wants to get to know him better on a personal level. Anthony says I have talked to people in this game that will turn on their closest ally who will turn on each other. Anthony says the people I trust don’t know I trust them. Sam says I just need to know that you are on my side not mine and Adam’s side just mine. He tells her the problem with that is Adam goes me and Sam all the time. Anthony says all the people who would be disloyal are gone. Sam says she is glad to clarify things because I thought you think of me as a package deal with Adam. She says I want to know that we can have our own conversations. Anthony says What we say will stay between us and you can test that. Anthony says I am super alpha most people think of this game as comps but it is not. Anthony says Our minds have been opened. Sam says I scare the shit out of Adam. Anthony says Yea he never has been in this type of place. Damien leaves the Hot Tub area and leaves Mark there alone. Dane comes out and joins him. Mark says You were saying before about what Sam said. Dane tells him that she just told him you never put me and Adam up she is returning the favour. Dane says he thinks it will be Kikki going up. Kyra joins them so the conversation stops. She tells Mark there is breaky in side. Kikki has made slop shakes for herself Dane and Este. Este asks her if she wants to go outside as they only have a few more minutes.

10:30 AM BBT Most of the HGs are outside eating their breakfast. They cheer each other for being top 10. The conversation is on general conversation. They are discussing that fact that Sam eats very fast. Adam says the more you chew the easier it is for your body to digest the protein. Sam asks if the noms are going to come during the day or at evening. The conversation goes to where they are going to exercise and workout. Sam and Kyra are going inside with Kyra and Sam saying people see that I am close with you and Adam. Sam asks her if she wants to be briefed on the conversations she has had. Kyra tells her that Este is now coming up to her talking game now.
10:45 AM BBT Sam tells her that she planted the seed with Damien that she is here to play for herself. Kyra says I think we need to leave Damien out of it this week. Kyra says If you put Anthony on the block he will hold it against you and he has the numbers to stay. Sam repeats the conversation she had with Anthony. Kyra says showing trust with Anthony and Damien will go far. They tell her that they think her best bet in Kikki and Mark. They tell her that is her best option. You took her of the block and the very next day she threw my name out. They think if they get Kikki out Este and Dane will come closer to us. Kyra says Mark is not good with his back against the wall. Sam says Dane told her Mark came up to him and said she vented in there about him. Sam says We have had a lot of conversations in there I am worried about what I said about Adam. Kikki knocks and Sam says 5 more minutes. Kyra tells her to tell her why would you throw my name out right after I took you of the block. Kyra tells her don’t show your cards let her show her cards. Sam says She wants to tell Mark that he is a pawn because it does the least damage to my game. Kyra tells her that you need to stay in control. They tell her that she is like their little sister and they are proud of her.
11:00 AM BBT Sam asks them if they can say all their speeches. Kyra is giving her ideas of how to approach Kikki. Kyra says You got this You know what you have to do. Este comes in and ask to use the washroom. Kyra gets up to leave and Kikki comes in. Sam says the thought of seeing my mom you start crying about it. Sam asks her how she feeling. Kikki says she feels good because you saved me before. Kikki goes on to say Chelsea has me thinking about the guys alliance. Sam says she doesn’t think there is because when Chelsea told you and you two ran right to Dane. Kikki says You have not been a target to me I have other targets in mind. She says I am worried about the people that aren’t talking to me. Kikki says I have been on the block twice and taken off twice. Kikki says I feel good with you winning. She says We are going to jury now. She tells her that I have issues with someone else. Sam asks her put yourself in my position knowing that everyone wants me on the block. Sam says there are people in my head that I would love to put on the block but it isn’t smart. She tells her that this game has taught me to think before I talk and think before I act. Kikki says I understand that things have an effect I have thought of that because I really wanted this HOH. Kikki says I don’t talk game to a lot of people just my people a lot of what goes on in this house I don’t want to be involved in. Kikki says If Este goes then you and I are next. Sam says I don’t think Este will go after Dane at all. Sam says I don’t want a guy running this house. Sam tells her that Chelsea said that you guys ran right to Dane with what she says. Kikki says I want the best person to win. Sam asks her who do you think is playing the best game so far. Kikki says comp wise Dane and Adam. Kikki says There was only one person who is my target. Sam says I think I know who that is without you saying because he is saying the same thing to me. Sam says it was so hard for me to try and throw that comp to you. Kikki says You taking me off the block I will remember that. Kikki says you are not my target. Sam says I want to believe you but I don’t want to lie to you but we haven’t talked a lot of game and I don’t want to blow smoke up your ass.
11:15 AM BBT Sam continues with by the same token I have a bigger target and I think it is the same. Sam tells her I know everyone has put my name out there because of my relationship with Adam. Sam tells her that if I have to do something that we can work together going forward. Sam tells her and says I need Adam in this game because I have no one else although Adam does. Sam says I still don’t know what I am going to do but feel I can be honest with you. Kikki said I will tell you that if I threw your name out but you are not my target. You know who my target is. They hug it out. Sam tells her we will chat again before hand. In the Leon’s lounge Damien is trying to figure out where the Blood Veto is. He says he thinks he played it cool but maybe he shouldn’t have rushed into the room. He hopes it comes to him and no one else has it. He says he is going to hope for the best but expect the worse. In the washroom Adam and Kikki are talking while Adam gets ready to shower. Kikki needs to use the stall but Adam just came out so she goes to use the HOH washroom. In the pantry Mark is reviewing the weeks by himself. In the Blue Room Kyra and Anthony are talking about the laundry. Kyra asks if it was plain that they had a crush on Chelsea Anthony tells them yes. Kyra goes the washroom and Adam asks her if they talked to Sam. Anthony comes in so the conversation changes. Kikki goes to the HN Room and fills in Este on her conversation with Sam.
11:30 AM BBT Kikki says even if she puts Kyra up I maybe on the block because she won’t want to piss Dane off. Este says Let’s say it’s you and Mark up there and Mark wins Veto it will be us up there. Este says I don’t think the conversation you had with her did not go well. Kikki says I am coming off as a strong player because I have had to fight. Este says I think she is confusing your strong personality with your game play. Kikki says I want to tell her that Anthony is really gunning for her but I can’t say that right now. She says I told her that I will vote with my head not my heart if I get to jury. Este says We both have to make it to jury. Este says Should I bring up the guy thing with her. Este says I think if there is a secret power of veto I think you will get it. Kikki says If I go home a week before jury and I haven’t won an HOH I have to figure it out. Este says we can back door who ever she puts up. Este says I will wonder how Anthony will act if it is us on the block. Kikki says I need to have a conversation with Sam about putting Kyra up. Kikki says if it is me and Mark I have to win that veto or you have to win that veto if you get pulled. Kikki says I did not come to play a game like this. Este says it is only happening because we went against the strong players. Kikki says I can’t campaign against you it would be me throwing my game. Este says That would be me too. Kikki says will you mention my strong personality. Este says I am going to try and break it down for her. Este says Okay I am going to talk to her.
11:45 AM BBT In the washroom Anthony is telling Adam that Mark is not playing both sides. Anthony tells him he knows that as a fact. Adam is saying Why did Mark throw Dane under the bus about the Maki vote when it was Mark that brought it up first. Mark says even if Mark is on the block he will have the votes to stay but I think he will freak out. Adam says we have to break the girls up. Anthony agrees saying he thinks Este is very very smart and so is Kikki. Anthony says We will talk we are good and leaves the washroom.In the HOH Room Este and Sam are talking. Este is saying that Mark is never going to choose a side. Este says Let’s say Cory Kikki or I go home you are still going to be in the house with 5 guys then if someone puts you and Adam up the guys are going to vote you out. Este says Dane and I will be separated same as you and Adam and me and Kikki. She tells her that at the end of the day I want you here over Adam but don’t tell him that. Sam says You just read my mind. They are talking about Mark coming up at the start of every comp he comes up we got each other. Este says I don’t like that Sam agrees saying yea you only have to tell me once. Este is telling her about the conversation she had with Mark. Sam says He told me he was only going to make easy moves. Este says well that tells you where he lies. Este says I think Mark has a crush on Kikki and she doesn’t have one on him. Sam says okay I put Mark up as my target who do I put up next to him. Sam says I don’t want to break up Cory and Anthony up because Cory could be a number for us. Sam says Who would Dane vote for if Kikki was next to Mark. Este says he would vote for Kikki. Sam says I know Kikki lied right to my face this morning when she said I have never been a target of hers but I don’t want to hold it against her. Sam says I hate it when Adam would say to me I have to win I can’t handle it. Sam says I deal better under pressure.
12:00 PM BBT Este says this is the week if any to strike any deals. Sam says that Anthony is on her radar after Este points out who would Anthony put up? Este says if you want to get Mark out I don’t see him winning a comp, they try to find a person to put up next to Mark and Este feels like Kikki or Damien would be the only options. Sam says the hard part is that after Sam took her off the block a few days later Sam’s name was being thrown around again. Este says Kikki doesn’t know about about the 4 and it kills her but Dane and her can control Kikki if she won next week. Adam is down in the bonus room, Mark & Anthony are in the lounge and they are playing around then BB says Good Night HGs, and Stop that and Mark thinks its fun and play. Back up in HOH Sam is going over all the option and mentions she isn’t ready to go after Corey, and Anthony is super strong but doesnt think he can win too often. She wants to know how to get Corey to go with the ladies and not the guys. Sam is worried Anthony would be able to persuade people. Down in HN room Dane and Kikki are talking, Kikki says that Mark would have Sams back before hers. Then tells him about her conversation with Sam and how Sam called Dane and Este a Duo. Kikki’s biggest fear is Sam puts up Kikki and Este and them not winning veto. Damien is heard but not seen in the HN room and says lets just see who goes up there. Kikki says that she feels like she is missing something when Sam says Kikki doesn’t talk much game with her. Kikki shares how Sam doesn’t really believe in the all guys alliance. Kikki takes a moment has a 15 second tantrum then heads out, Damien double checks the door and then the boys chat. Feeds go up to Corey in the WR getting ready, Kikki was washing her hands and then sits down on the couch to talk with Corey. She feels like it’s already been a hectic day.
12:15 PM BBT Kikki says she doesn’t know where Sams head is at there are a few of them on a level playing field of targets and if one goes the others grow up. Corey says I talk to everyone and it’s not all game but perception is everything and especially with me and Anthony talking about home by the fish all the time. Corey says when everyone is whispering with her in power it shows a lot about her and how no one really knows where her head is at. Corey asks about the conversation, and then gives her credit for making it into the finals of a pov and kept your cool on the block. Kikki says she had to she was on the block twice, corey says not really look at Kyra and how they campaigned. Corey says don’t try the “ i’m not a strong player” because you are and we have all seen it. Kikki says she just doesn’t want to go up next to Corey, Anthony, or Este she is only confident if its against this one person. Corey gives the advice just don’t drop the name, that’s why Sam is in the predicament she is in. Up in HOH the conversation is coming to a close, Este wants to let Kikki know the plan is to put her and a guy up and then vote out the guy and Sam says okay. Este leaves and heads to the WR. Kyra and Anthony are down in the Lounge laying on the couches talking about dating types. Up in the WR the ladies are laughing about Damien and his butt issues. They asked if Kikki had a pancake, she said no just the shake. They go on about the different ways to have their slop.

12:30 PM BBT Down in the Bonus room Adam found loose leaf paper so he has been crumbling balls and tossing then and wants to count his percentage. He finishes up begins to count how many are on the floor. They figure it was about a 53% success rate. Then Anthony heads out with Adam and everyone trickles out of the lounge and the bonus room towards the other rooms. Kikki and Este head to the HN room for them to talk. Este says that good news bad news, you will prob be pawned but against Mark and Damien is the backup. Este continues to tell about her conversation up in HOH Sam and Adam are all over each other and Corey wants to talk for a moment and Sam says she will go get her in a little bit. Adam asks about Sam’s music and then Adam says just know this no matter what anyone says I will never put you up, he also promises to take her down with Veto no matter who noms. Sam feels Este is super smart and made some really good points, Adam says yes and continues to talk about how Mark will only give a little info and beats around the bush and runs to who is in power. He is not really on a side he votes with Power. Mark peeks in, and Sam says give me 10 min. Adam tells about his conversation with Este earlier, then they clarify that although they have each others backs people need to come to them as individuals if they are working together. They find a discrepancy in their conversations with Este on who would have gone home if Adam and Sam would have been on the block.
12:45 PM BBT Adam asks if Damien and Sam have talked she says yes and I feel good with him. She tells Adam about that conversation and how she was able to get Damien to round about admit that he and corey are tight. Sam says she knows her noms but not her target and is going to let the house decide. She also says that if someone comes off she knows who she wants to pawn up there, but he says if its Mark still up there he thinks her Pawn would go home but if its Kikki then she will. Sam says she basically told Kikki you are going up and Adam says yea she looked worried. Then says that yes Sam’s name has been thrown around alot. That’s when the Este, Dane, deal came about. They count the votes needed to get someone out. He says just pull my name i’ll win and we keep noms the same. Sam thinks a moment and says she might be changing her noms. He verifies that Dane, Este, him and her are solid. She tells him not to worry, that it was her then she they made the deal and it switched to Chelsea. He keeps trying to get her to talk and she bites back with I’m thinking. She wants to make sure who her target is goes home she can’t fully trust the Bro thing. She feels like she can pull in Kikki, He tells her to talk to the guys and strike up a deal with Anthony. He is telling her that the guys never said anything about her but kikki has. He asks who do you think is coming after her next week she says Kikki and Mark but there is less chance of mark winning. They go over who could win or would want to win this coming HOH and they feel Este would be the best option as her noms would Kyra and Damien or Kyra and Mark. Kyra comes by and in and they all chat a moment and since Sam won’t open up with Adam there he leaves and then comes back in.
1:00 PM BBT Adam confronts and says that he doesn’t like how when she was worried she trusted him 100% but now she is in power she won’t talk in front of him. They spat a moment and Kyra chimes in and tries to help settle it down. She says that it’s not that she doesn’t trust him but the guys he is trusting are targeting him as well. She says that she is trying to keep his paranoia down and he is getting defensive. Sam says she is trying to be good with the guys but it has to happen slowly and genuinely. They continue to go around in circles about who is better, Kyra makes a great point about Kikki, Este, Dane and the boys and so depending how the week goes either there is still the 3 and the boys( minus Mark) or there is Dane and Este and then the boys and the duo can be pulled into Sadam and Kyra. They talk about Wendy’s and then Sam is called to the DR, As she heads out she says you have to build trust back up that’s your goal for the week. Kyra and Adam continue talking. Kyra feels like Corey would colme for Sam and tells him about how to help build some of the trust. Meanwhile outside the HOH on the couches Kiera and Mark are talking, Kiera says that Slop is already affecting her. Anthony walks by towards the WR so she asks if she has more slop will it help her feel better or worse and then she leaves him alone on the couches.
1:15 PM BBT Dane walks by the couches says nothing Damien and Este are laying on couches downstairs talking about things outside the house. Kiera joins them, Dane heads to the bonus room to seal up a box and hid it in the back of the row, closes the lounge door and messes with the boxes to make them think they missed a box. He checks to make sure the boxes are all 2 on a shelf and moves more stuff around. He says “ Make them think they miss counted last night they were Drunk.” he moves a few around and counts again. 2 on every shelf and then it throws him off when he is counting the boxes. All Feeds Cut
1:22 PM BBT – 3:40 PM BBT Feeds are out
3:43 PM BBT Feeds return – Sam and Mark are talking in the HOH room. Feeds came in mid conversation but both were hugging and Sam told Mark he is an amazing person. Mark leaves the HOH room and sits on the chairs right outside the room. Leaving Sam in the HOH room alone. She sighs and says “That Was Hard”. She looks at herself in the mirror behind her.
3:45 PM BBT Dane and Anthony are talking in the Blue Room. Anthony is talking about people in the house that are flip flopping. He is talking about Sam and being loyal to Adam and that he respects that. Anthony says that he told her that he will have her back if she has his. He says that Sam told him that she talked ot Este and Kikki and that they told her to put up a strong guy like him and Dane. He says that he has seen that with his eyes. That Este and Kikki has gotten to Sam. He says that he saw them call Sam up and then he said he was watching them for over 15 min. That when someone went by they stopped talking. He says that Este is being cocky and that her back is against the corner. Anthony said that they are showing their cards. Sam told her that Este and Kikki told him that they would put Sam and Adam up. He says that he also talked to Adam. Adam asked him if he thought there was a weakness in the guys. He told Adam that there is an agreement and that they are sticking to the plan and that others in the house have wanted him out since day one. And that also Mark’s name is coming out as someone to get out. Anthony says he told Adam they are fighting for him. He says that he told Adam that he wants Sam to go before him and that they need to protect the guys. He says if they are smart and communicate they can get the job done. He says when he talked to Sam that she would say little things to him like Alpha Male to build him up but he sees through it. THat she said to him that if they are having a conversation or a relationship it’s not going to include Adam. And he doesn’t want to see what he told her get back to Adam. She told him that there will be a time that he has to go. Anthony says that this whole time he has sat back and watched everything going on but now the biggest problem is Este and Kikki thinking they are running the game. He says he can not believe that they didn’t think Sam would say anything. Anthony says that Adam says that Mark and Kikki should go up. If they don’t use the veto we can keep Mark in the game. Then Este can think she is in the perfect situation because she really doesn’t care about Kikki. He says that Este went to Adam talking about Newfunland. He tells Dane that it will come down to him and Dane talking because he doesn’t trust Adam and Mark is being strange. He says he knows how Mark is. Dane says that Mark wanted to tell people about the PB Alliance. Dane says he told him not to. Now he says he will not. He says if Mark does say something about the PB alliance that that will blow their trust. Anthony says they still need to do whatever they can. Sam comes into the room and wants to grab clothes to change because she was just called to the DR. She grabs a shirt and leaves the room. Dane asks if Anthony thinks that it bothers Sam that they are talking and Anthony says no – people talk. They say they are not telling Adam or Mark much anymore because they get panicky. DANE PLEASE FIX YOUR MICROPHONE. Anthony says that he was in the Archive Room that Mark told him he was worried about Dane. Anthony tells Dane that means that in that convo with Este and Kikki they are talking about that. He says that Sam isn’t going to lie because her back is up against the wall. He says that Sam has seen what happened to Chelsea and that she realizes that she needs power. He says that Sam is trying to separate relationships so that she can surround herself with people that will protect her. THat she tells people that she kept them safe so they will keep her safe. He says which is a good idea but will only work for so long.
4:00 PM BBT Anthony says he is not telling Adam about any of the comments Sam has been saying it would ruin everything. Anthony continues to say how they need to stick together Dane feels that they will have to try to get Adams vote, they feel that they should show respect to HOH and last min plant a seed and then it’s all downhill and they get what they want. Kyra walks in and grabs their sweatshirt and asks to talk with Anthony alone. He tells them that the conversation went well and again he heard nothing but great things and he appreciates it. Kyra says I have your Back and it will come down to who is loyal more. He says he looks for loyalty and he sticks with it. He doesn’t care who votes where he votes where he wants. Kyra says I know you have to be vague to cover your bases and let us figure it out and its nice. They both leave the room and head other places. Kyra goes to HOH puts on the Ipod and begins dancing around the room. Down in HN Este and Dane cuddle while Kikki runs ideas and they are wondering where Anthonys head is at. Then Dane points out a camera right above them and says he found it this morning. Kikki says she asked Este the same question and she’s asking him.. Is there something i have done wrong that i keep going up. He says no you are just good at coming close in comps and Sam thinks there is a guys alliance. Este says that it’s all one side of the house she should only be worried if it was from both sides. Kikki heads out the room to go work some magic as Este and Dane cuddle and talk, they both push out their bellies as far as they can.

4:15 PM BBT Anthony and Corey are in the lounge talking. He is telling her about the conversation with Sam. Anthony says that think about this i haven’t had a chance to get blood on my hands no wins but I am a loyal person . In the HOH Room Kyra and Kikki are talking about who discovered the all boys alliance. Kyra says she seen them all the guys were in the pantry talking. I know you are going to go straight toDane and tell him. Kikki interrupts them and says I don’t like it when people say I run right to Dane I don’t do that and I really don’t care when people do that. Kyra says to her who would not put you on the block. Kikki says just me. Kyra tells her Este and Dane would not put you up. Kikki says I don’t know that for sure. Kyra says We were told you said you would put Sam up right after she took you down. Kikki says I did not Kyra says Well lots of people said you did. She tells them that No I was part of a conversation where that did come up. Kyra says to her I agree with you that there are people in this house who have an easy ride. They continue with although I trust Sam won’t put me up I have been on the block 3 times so far I really trust no one. Sam comes in and Kyra and Kikki tell her what they were talking about.
4:30 PM BBT Sam says I agree with you both I just told Mark that he was going up. I told him I don’t trust you Sam says she told Mark he was going up and tells how Kikki is the best Pawn, she isn’t going to say pawn or target shes letting the house decide but if mark comes of she has no clue. Kyra says be cautious of the Guys alliance topic it will make them more suspicious. Adam walks in and Sam continues to tell Kikki she should be safe. Corey comes in to the HOH room as well. Corey, Kyra and Kikki leave Adam wants to talk to Sam a moment before noms. They run off to the WR where Adam is letting her know Anthony is going around talking. Sam asks what should she ask Corey to get some info out of her. Este walks in and drops off a beverage for Sam. Sam tells Adam Anthony told her everyone in the house was gunning for Sadam. Sam thinks Corey would be able to take herself off the block, and if Anthony is off the block he would fight to keep Corey and cause a huge divide. Adam says that every week Mark is different, Sam tells Adam what she told Mark when telling him he was going up. Adam feels there is no way Dane didn’t know how hard Este an Kikki were gunning for them, he doesn’t trust anyone but her. They continue to say how they really need Adam to get picked and won. They speculate about Jury and when do we know for sure. Sam says Corey isnt good with the game and doesn’t know how important it is to know days and will not do well in T/F
4:45 PM BBT Adam asks who do you want to go,Kikki, and Sam says I told them both they are Pawns. Sam says she is good with Anthony and Corey outside of Adam she is working on others. Adam says that Kyra is helping by being the eyes for them and reminding them to look at people reactions like when Adam walks away from Corey and all the eye rolls. Sam says she thought about using Kyra as a Legit pawn but didn’t want her to have to pack her bags and go through that but next week bets are off with a new HOH. Sam says I am always an option whether you are or not. They begin talking about who they don’t want in Jury. Adam gives some info that Corey has been walking around “ you scratch my back i’ll Scratch yours” and she thinks about using it to try and see what she can get. Corey was about to walk in to the HOH and then walks away. There is a slight knock and they wonder if its her, Sam contemplates using Corey as the renom and sending her home against the “pawn” that’s left on the block. Adam compliments her butt as he is laying on the WR floor. Adam heads out and invites Corey in.. many of the other HGs are hanging out chilling by the BY doors. Corey and Sam begin their talk, Sam says people have been dropping names all day. Sam tells Corey that she knows who she wants to nominate and has to look ahead a few weeks. She shares how the house knows she doesn’t have a bunch of alliances and then on the flip side the other side of her Duo has more support than she does. So for now she needs to work on her own game because in the end only one person wins. She says she is looking for the balance because it was looking like one of them was out the door but they both ended up winning.
5:00 PM BBT Corey agrees and compliments her on her choices. Sam has people in the position of nominee are not connected too much to the bigger picture but it will be less blood. Sam tells Corey I have been asking everyone where is your head, and if you were in my position without giving names. Corey says absolutely and then explains herself. Sam tells Corey why she chose Anthony for Wendy’s she felt like there was a communication gap between them and wanted to get real conversation going. She tells her we are still good and I feel good with both of you. Sam hints at them being a duo and allows Corey to then talk and explain away. In the SR Mark and Adam are talking Dane comes in and out they share how Sams plan is Mark but they can get the votes to keep Mark, Dane says we have the numbers with Damien and you are safe. Mark says how he is worried about what was shown on the tv. He says how he told Kikki about something last night and she is still mad about it now. Damien comes in and they keep talking about Kikki and how she tried to stay off the block. Adam says Kikki told him straight out she would have put him and Sam up and also after veto was used to save her the next day she was talking and dropping Sam’s name. Mark says he appreciates it and TY, Dane leaves then Adam leaves after blending his shake leaving Damien and Mark. He says well if I have to go up then I guess I need to go, everyone has to take a turn right? He just needs to put his trust in his alliance/ those he is working with. Mark says no sweat you are off the block. Dane and Este in HN cuddling and talking. Up in HOH Corey and Sam are discussing Damien and how chill he is. She says they are not super buddy buddy but she likes him. Sam says at this point not going on the block almost guarantees you Jury, but if i keep you off will you keep me off? Sam says that she isn’t extending this offer to everyone so she has chosen those she feels who could win and she wants to work with.
5:15 PM BBT Sam points out how it would be helpful if she could win and then remember the triple is coming soon. They both agree they have one male with them but feel they also have other things with people. Sam asks about Dane and she says it was a you keep me safe i’ll remember that but it wasn’t anything solid. Sam feels like they need to start looking for more that just their one ride or dies, She tells her only one person said her name today and it was probably a scrounge and they are going on the block. They begin to discuss when the rumor of Sam saying Coreys name but she didn’t freak and said it was risky but she let loyalty show. Damien is in the Kitchen drinking his slop, listening to stories then feeds jump to the HN room Dane, Este, and Mark are all in HN talking about traveling. The ladies up in HOH are discussing Kyra and how there is genuine relationships made and there are smart people to keep around and then there’s not smart people to keep. They joke about how as soon as Corey came in they both needed to be friends. Corey says it was a perfect fit and she was meant to come in late and she has the ability to catch up. She explained how she strategically came in getting to know the other HGS. Corey and Sam are called to the LR feeds cut a moment then back. They both head down and get to hear part of the story Anthony is telling.
5:30 PM BBT Kikki heads into the HN room and explains how she wanted to talk to Sam but she was talking to Corey and said she would when they were done. She just saw her and asked since Corey is done but Sam told her she was called to the LR. They feel that’s odd but maybe she just needs a little time out of the room give it a few and try again. Small speculation that Noms are soon since they are the only ones not in the LR. Mark heads out to use the RR, Este asks why is she being weird, Kikki says that Mark wants to talk but she is upset that Sam’s not talking to her and says its so rude. Este wants to talk to Anthony to see how his talk went, Kikki mentions she talked to Kyra and that she was told everyone has said they are going after Sam. They wonder where this is coming from? Kikki tells how they filled in Sam on the Kyra/Kikki talk and then how Adam came in and they both left and ADam stayed then she grabbed Corey and not her, They feel like they are trusting the wrong people. Kyra takes Sam to the lounge to fill her in on a conversation with Dane. Dane brought up how Mark is running to power and might actually be more loyal to the girls than the guys. Adam comes in and they begin to fill them both in. They noticed that a screen is black and earlier they all went to cartoon bananas. Sam tries to share the conversation she just had with Corey. Kyra mentions how obvious it looks when all 3 of them are away, he leaves, Kyra points out that Adam always shows up as soon as we try to talk. Kikki comes in and she apologizes for interrupting Kyra leaves so they can talk. Kikki wants to clear a few things up, Sam was never her target its always been Adam, and it makes no sense for her game to go after Sam. Kikki feels like the relationships she has been making are not as strong as she thought and its sickening. They reference how it takes 4 votes this week and Sam says she is getting a guy out this week. Kikki says outside perspective and explains why she thinks everyone is saying that kikki said she was a target but she wants to make sure she knows. Sam tells her don’t cry, you are going to win the Veto and pull yourself off.
5:45 PM BBT They wonder if Este will ever go against Dane, because it makes the most sense for them to play together and work together than apart. They go over how important it is for them to work together. Sam says Adam is going to talk and try to influence but it wont. Sam advises Kikki to build a relationship with Corey, be personal. Sam feels Mark is the weak link of the guys and she wants Kikki to take herself off but it’s worse for her as she has to pick up a replacement. Sam knows she needs Adam but has to go after the guys. They keep talking and Kikki says she needs Adam gone but dont let this get out to anyone. Sam wonders if Este is on board to play as trio of girls. Sam encourages her to win this POV and if not Sam will help persuade people to keep her here. Sam says she needs to figure out if Dane will vote to keep Kiki over Mark, Mark freaked out about the room when it opened and said some harsh things and they share how Mark has made some crazy statements. They both feel Mark is more Dangerous and Sam wants to keep this conversation to themselves. Every-time she says she thinks Kikki is good everyone tells her that she is gunning for her and Sam is being fooled. Sam says after this week Mark will be after her if she stays they need this to work. Sam asks how are you with Kyra, work on her before Corey but she is smart. She mentions how she is seen as a trio with Este and Dane. Kikki says with Kyra she wants to go about it organically, and they can build. Sam tells her to put in her work this week with certain people. She says watch Dane and learn from it, he gives truth with a little bit of a lie but you don’t have to lie. They know the guys have each other but they need to put a wedge and get them away from Mark.
6:00 PM BBT Dane and Adam decide to go look for Sam and try to convince her to target Cory. They also want to bring Cory’s name up to Anthony and see how he reacts. Adam tells Sam that him and Dane were talking and Dane thinks they both should talk to her. Dane says How many boxes are in there Sam says 182 Dane says No 181. Dane said All the pictures flashed and that one went black. Dane says that one is a computer. Sam says Mark is really mad at me. Dane says Did you tell him. Sam said yes. Kikki says He came and told me he was sorry for some things he said. Sam says She heard that he had to do that to several people. Kikki leaves to change before noms. Adam looks at Dane and says What were we talking about I totally forgot.
6:12 PM BBT – 7:48 PM BBT Feeds Down

7:48 PM BBT Feeds up again Sam, Adam and Kyra are in the HOH room. Kyra is whispering quietly. In the blue room, Dane, Damien and Mark came in and left again. They are in the hall. Dane is playing with the door to the HOH room. They are playing golf by throwing the balls. Dane said that the other two had tap ins for their next shot. Mark jumped up and said that this game was so fun. They decide where the target is to hit to move the game to the have not room. In the HOH room, Adam is sitting on the floor listening to the ipod. Sam and Kyra are in the bed whispering. Kyra was saying that there was finally a comp that used skill and words. Kyra told Sam that she wasn’t being difficult. Kyra whispered to Sam that she is in a position of power and the hgs are going to tell her what she wants to hear. She needs to get out of the hoh room and plant a divide in the house. Kyra said that Kyra hoped this veto was something big. Kyra said that maybe Canada can vote on it once they know who has it. Kyra left and Adam asked her why she whispers so much.
8:00 PM BBT Sam and Adam are cuddling in her HOH bed, Adam asks Sam to go to a movie with her and says he’ll pick her up at a 8. Sam says she asked him out. Feeds cut to Mark, Damien, and Dane in the hallway facing into the secret room, they are discussing how they are going to go in and search for the blood veto, they are now in Leon’s Lounge playing a game where they throw bean bags. Mark confirms he and Kiki are in the block. Dane also mentions something about a possibility of himself being backdoored. The three guys continue playing bean bag in Leon’s lounge, the bean bags may be a practice item for the POV competition.
8:15 PM BBT In the upstair lounge, Kyra and Anthony are talking about the game and how they are going to proceed moving forward. Anthony wonders what Sam and Adam are thinking. Feeds cut to Leon’s Lounge where Este, Kiki, and Corey are talking game. Este says that all of their names are being thrown out to Sam and Este says, that’s bad because that means they are all taking shots at each other. Este also says whenever she talks to the guys about another guy, they are very quiet, however whenever they try to talk to the guys about another girl, they’re easy to talk to. Kiki says they’re more willing to talk about girls. Este says she doesn’t know if they have an actual formed alliance or a “known thing.” Este says regardless of whether the boys are in an alliance or just simply, “Have each other’s backs” it still goes a long way. Kiki says she doesn’t know for sure there’s anything going on with the boys, but she definitely suspects it and she thinks it comes down to if she doesn’t win veto and Mark stays, there is definitely a boys alliance to watch out for.
8:30 PM BBT Kyra and Anthony are in the lounge talking game. Kyra may or may not have some type of reward or power, it’s not exactly clear, but Anthony is telling them, “You didn’t need it, you should have stayed away from it. We don’t know if anything good or bad will become of it and I don’t want to see you go up on the block.” Kyra says all they can really do right now is let it play out. Anthony says he will go and talk to Sam real quick. Kyra tells him to go ahead which he does. Anthony is now in the HOH room having a one on one conversation with Sam saying he doesn’t really know what types of conversations she’s had, or who she feels threatened by, and Anthony says those are conversations they could have had so they would know what to do with the veto, Sam agrees. Sam says there were some people where she could see absolutely everything and there were some people that were gunning for her and it was hard for her to take it all in. Sam says everyone wants everyone to know where her head is at. Sam ended up taking Anthony on her Wendy’s date which they talk a little bit about. Anthony says he was sure the minute he left that HOH room that all of the other houseguests were going to come to him or Sam and ask what was said in the room, but instead they only asked him, how Wendy’s was and he just said he had some good food and a good chat and it was kind of cut short which was ok.
8:45 PM BBT Corey is now in the HOH room with Sam and Anthony and they are talking about the blood veto. Corey says maybe the blood represents each houseguest having to fall on their swords and Anthony says he’s not sure because that almost sounds too dark, Sam says she has been thinking about how blood ties into the big brother game, and Anthony brings up how every season they always use the term, “blood on my hands” Sam says using that term in regards to the veto, she thinks the only option is that the person using it will get all the blood on their hands and the person who has it will either change the nominations, or replace one. Dane, who has now joined Sam, Anthony and Corey in the HOH room says he thinks that it might end up being for multiple weeks. Sam says she thinks its for more than one week too and that she thinks Kyra feels, “very, very safe right now” and she doesn’t want anyone to feel that safe. Dane says he’s, “very kumbaya about it” Sam says she’s already tired and asks if anyone else is. Dane again says he thinks there is probably a three week window with the blood veto. Sam says, “Let’s talk about what we’re gonna eat for dinner and play the tinfoil game!” as the four of them leave the HOH room. Feeds cut to the Have Not room where Mark and Damien are talking game and Damien is sound asleep. Kiki comes in and asks, “Is this a PC do you guys want me to go?” Dane says, “No it’s ok we’re just talking about next week.” Mark asks Kiki if she wants her bed back she says it’s fine. Dane says whoever wins HOH next week should put up Kyra and Sam because if Kyra has to use the blood veto on them o if they can save two people, remove Sam and Kyra. Mark says the blood veto is good until the end of the season, but every time it’s used, that person can’t play in HOH the next week. Dane says he would take it and Mark says it’s not going to matter because if Kyra uses it then the week after, Kyra and whoever they use it on will get put up.
9:00 PM BBT Kiki, Este, and Adam are talking in the storage room. Kiki says she wants to have a good season and play with good people, “But this is crazy.” Este says if she got anything from a five minute conversation outside earlier it’s that everyone in the house is a sheep and says that at least Kiki said that Kyra should take the blood veto and at least Kyra spoke up for themselves as to why they should take it, and Este also spoke up for herself Este says she’s going to fight for the people who deserve to be there and says that Adam deserves to be there and has fought for his life the entire game and so has Sam and Kiki. Kiki says that Este and Dane have had her back from day 1 and she’s not going to go against them, she says she has been working her ass off trying to stay in the game and it makes her so mad that there are people trying to go and tell Sam that she is, “Saying shit about her”
9:15 PM BBT Feeds cut to the living room where Anthony and Kyra are playing catch with a bean bag, Corey has joined the game with them and the object is to not let the bean bag hit the floor when they throw it, if it does, the person who threw it gets a point, if it doesn’t, whoever catches it gets a point. In the kitchen, Sam is in the storage room gathering ingredients to make dinner, she brings them into the kitchen where Damien, Adam, and Corey are sitting. Adam asks Sam what she’s making for dinner and she says stir fry, rice and chicken, then asks if he’s tired. Adam says he’s not tired and asks Sam if she’s making food now, Sam says she’s not hungry at all, but she’s a little bit bored, Corey says, “That’s when you eat.” sam says she’s beyond full and Adam says he actually has a surprise, Sam asks if it’s ice cream and follows him into the storage room.i
9:30 PM BBT In the storage room, it turns out there was not a surprise and Adam wanted to take Sam in private to ask her why she didn’t tell him what Kiki and the others said about him. Sam says they got in a fight over it so she just stopped talking about it. Adam says he just sat there with Este and Kiki and he wishes she would have told him. Adam tells Sam that they need to talk, they need to go upstairs, sit down and talk about it. Adam fills in Sam about the conversation with Este telling her that Este said she was heated and sick of everyone walking around with their tail between their legs and it’s showing her that people need to grow some balls, and she wants everybody to speak up. Sam tells Adam that Kiki and Este both think that they’re safe because Sam is letting them both think that they are and play for the veto. Adam tells Sam that Anthony and Corey are, “Fucking worried” Sam says they definitely are and they keep coming in her room. Adam says they came in the storage room and he said, “I don’t understand why it’s always me and Sam as the target, next week it’s going to be someone else getting the power and it’s going to go right back on us.” Adam says that he brought up how the two of them, (Anthony and Corey) is a duo and he just didn’t stop talking. Sam again brings up how they kept coming in her HOH room.
9:45 PM BBT Kyra and Kiki are in the Blue Bedroom talking game. Kiki tells Kyra that she won’t take a shot at Kyra’s side of the house because if she does, she’ll be going home next week and she might as well take a shot and pack her bags. Kiki also says that Kyra’s side shouldn’t take a shot at Este because she’s really close with Dane and she’s in a good spot. Kyra says they’re going to go have dinner and Kiki asks if they want her to come with them and Kyra says no it’s ok. Este joins Kiki in the Blue Bedroom. Este tells Kiki to come with her to the secret room because that’s where they’re all going to meet. Kiki asks, “Right now?” and Este says yes, Adam just went in, so she is going to go in soon. Kiki says ok. Once in the secret room, Este says Sam, Adam, Kiki, Dane, and herself are more likely to win then anyone else and she herself has come very close to winning. Times when Sam can’t compete, Este says she could win, and Sam and Dane are going to keep winning, Este says that Kiki has also come close and she thinks that their side will keep winning back to back. Adam says Corey was worried AF about their conversation in the pantry and kept asking if everything was ok. Sam says the same thing happened with her, and that Anthony came up to her room and then Corey came up to her room almost right after, Kiki says that corey also came up to her in the bathroom and , “literally just said what did I miss.” Adam says it’s crazt because they don’t even talk. Este gets all excited and says it’s because they’re hiding behind the five of them.
10:00 PM BBT Este, Sam, and Dane are talking game in Leon’s Lounge. Sam says that Kyra is great at the game. Este tells Sam that she has a great spectrum on the game. They talk game for a while, then talk about slop and chit-chat. In the HN room, Kyra and Kikki talk game, considering who they both have on their side. Feeds cut at 10:14pm.

Summary Thursday March 28th

March 28, 2019

8:00-9:00 PM: During tonight’s double eviction episode, the following events took place:

Chelsea was evicted by a vote of 9-0.
Adam won HoH.
Adam nominated Eddie and Kiera for eviction.
Kiera won the Power of Veto.
Kiera used the Power of Veto on herself. Adam nominated Kyra in her place.
Eddie was evicted 8-0.

10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned at 10:18. Sam is the new HoH. When feeds returned Damien and Este were in Leon’s Lounge. Whenever they touched the case that holds the blood veto, an alarm would go off. Others were hearing noises from the room. When the two went to leave the room, Adam was in the archive room and joined them. After that, all of the houseguests eventually made their way into the lounge. Paranoia began to surface as the houseguests saw the TV screens on the walls in the lounge. They thought that Damien and Este had got to watch clips of the show. Mark pulled Dane aside to let him know that he said a lot of things in the archive room. He said it’s all BS. Mark admitted to having said things about Dane on a day in which Dane was mad at him. Mark apologized. He said he could tell by the look on Este’s face that she will come out there and start spreading what he is saying. Dane thanked Mark for letting him know. Mark then approached Damien question him about what he got to see. Damien swore that they did not see or hear anything. Mark said he believes it but good luck convincing everyone else of that. Mark told Damien that he has spewed a lot of things about Dane in there, so he already went to Dane to tell him straight to his face. In the pantry, Sam spoke to Adam about potential nominations. She mentioned not trusting Cory. She also said that she cannot have a guy alliance in there. When Adam told her not to let Chelsea get in her head, Sam said she is not stupid and she can see it herself. While Sam said she will keep Dane, she said that Este does not deserve to make it to jury. Adam agreed but suggested that it’s best for them to keep Dane and Este on their good side. Sam admitted that she would like to nominate Este next to Mark, but quickly changed her mind from Este to Kiki. Sam asked if she should put Kiki up as the pawn. Adam said he thought that she trusted Mark. Sam said she wants to break up whatever is going on. She told Adam that she doesn’t even feel like she can talk to him right now since he seems to be keeping something on the side separate from what they have. Adam said he is willing to step out if needed. Sam said Damien is someone who she believes is trustworthy. She also said that she will not nominate Kyra. By the end of the conversation, Adam suggested targeting Kiki so that Sam could get closer to Este and in turn Dane. Sam pointed out that Anthony and Cory are going to come after them. Adam then said to target Cory. When Sam brought up to Kyra that she feels like Anthony and Cory are gunning for her, Kyra said that that’s not a smart move. Kyra suggested that making that move would not impact the house dynamic, and Anthony and Cory are two people that they could get on their side.

12:00-1:00 AM: Adam, Kyra and Sam spoke in the HoH room. Kyra said there is potential to build trust with just about anyone except for Kiki. Kyra added that Sam can build trust with Cory. Kyra brought up that Kiki leaving would allow Sam to get closer to Este. Kyra told Sam that nobody will be upset and there will be little backlash if she were to nominate Kiki and Mark. They said that Mark would be a good pawn. When Kyra mentioned not putting Cory up, Adam said she could go up next to Kiki in order to guarantee that one of them leaves. Kyra insisted that she would be a good person to have on their side, and also said that it would ruffle too many feathers if both Cory and Kiki went on the block. Later, Kyra and Sam both told Adam that he will be the first guy to be targeted once they start turning on each other. Sam said she would like to use this HoH to protect him by making the first move. Adam made it clear that he does not see the boys coming after him. Kyra told Sam that going after Anthony would not be a good idea. Kyra said that building trust with Anthony would be good for Sam’s game since Anthony has a lot of influence. Sam said she would love to nominate Dane and Este. Both Adam and Kyra were very against the idea. Sam said she is just telling them what she would like to do, not what she will do. In the have-not room, Kiki told Damien that they have to play on Sam’s paranoia and her belief that there is a guys alliance. Kiki said it’s evident that Sam does not trust Mark. They both agreed that Mark asks for a lot but gives little to nothing in return. It was discussed that sacrificing someone like Mark in order to keep their team is strong is what they need to do.

1:00-2:00 AM: Kiki let Damien know that Mark has brought up to her that he doesn’t trust Sam. Kiki hopes that they can use that to their advantage. In an ideal world, Kiki would like to see Kyra on the block next to Mark. Damien told her that that’s not going to happen. They talked about Mark being really sketchy today, going up to people to tell them what he has said about them.

Tonight's Show

March 28, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, sly Sam overheard a bombshell between the bros and when she shared the intel it sent Chelsea over the edge. So the outgoing HoH counterpunched with a pitch of a girl's alliance.

When word got back to Dane, the hair-trigger hoser was ready to fire back.

At a marathon HoH competition, it was buzz or be gone. With Chelsea watching from the sidelines, her ally Sam fought for their lives. But in the final faceoff, Sam proved no back for dangling Dane's superior wrist shot.

While the power-hungry Pretty Boys sharpened their knives, the dynamic duo found themselves at a crossroads.

Feeling boxed in, Sam turned back to her rocky showmance and found a way forward. Then she angled for safety and tried to cut a deal with Dane.

Meanwhile, with Chelsea's fantasy of a girls alliance she was dead in the water, she looked for mercy. But Dane had none to give. Then Dane, the bane of Chelsea's existence, pulled the plug on her friendship with Kyra.

At the nomination ceremony, Dane dealt the death blow and nominated Chelsea and Kyra.

We pick up after the nomination ceremony on day 21. Sam says Kyra and Chelsea are on the block right now, but she's been on Dane's radar before so she's concerned for a backdoor. Chelsea says Dane is blowing things out of proportion and now because of his speech she doesn't know who she can trust. She just needs to go out and win that PoV.

Kyra says their feelings for Chelsea are growing. It started out a crush and it's just growing stronger. Kyra wants to repair things with Chelsea and they are pretty sure Chelsea has their back. They talk about Dane and Sam says they need to stay calm and think and Kyra says it centers around Dane.

Dane and Anthony are in the archives and they are celebrating. Dane says he nominated two threats and even if one comes off the block, he can still backdoor Sam. Anthony leaves and Dane asks if what he did makes him a mean person or a good Big Brother Canada players. He says when you watch this, you'll learn a little thing called The Pretty Boy alliance.

The HGs are in the kitchen eating and Dane and Chelsea head up to the HoH. Dane apologizes to Chelsea and says they can talk. Chelsea says Dane threw her under the bus with his nomination. Chelsea tells Dane she thinks some things were taken out of context. She didn't want it going around she made all the deals because it's not the case.

Chelsea starts getting emotional and she doesn't want to play a game where she has to lie to people's faces. She gives Dane a hug and leaves. Dane says go cry somewhere else.

Chelsea goes to the bathroom area with Adam and Sam and she says she can't trust anyone and she thinks everything she told Adam has gotten to other people. She says she trusted Adam and she was looking out for him and now it's blown up in her face. Adam says every time he spoke to Dane it was good and he was trying to get them to trust each other. Kyra says Adam is shook. Kyra says if there was fuel to the chatter, why would you add more fuel. Kyra says if you knew Dane was questioning the girls, then why would you go to Dane and tell him anything about the girls? Adam says are you coming at me right now?

Adam heads downstairs and asks to talk to Dane and they head to the Have-Not room and Adam says they are up there tripping out at him. He tells Dane they are pissed at him and Dane says he didn't tell them that. They are screwing with your mind and that's what they're doing to you. Adam says Kyra storms in and says if you're loyal to the two girls why would you run to Dane?

Kyra comes in and says they were testing Adam and he ran straight to Dane. Adam says, of course, he wanted to talk to Dane because that's what who was about. Kyra leaves and Adam says so they just tested me? Dane tells him to chill out.

Kyra goes to the storage room with Chelsea and relays what happened and Sam comes in. Kyra says Adam can't be trusted. Kyra says first Sam hears Adam and Dane throw out their names and now he's been caught again and they are in denial. Sam and Chelsea says this is crazy. Kyra says they aren't going to make it easy to take their friends out, they are going to put a target on their back too. Chelsea says you're going to put a huge target on your back and Kyra says they don't care. They are angry. Chelsea doesn't want to believe that and Sam says there is so much time for them to settle and re-evaluate. Kyra says the fact he went straight to Dane, Sam, hopefully, tells you something.

Adam is running laps and Eddie wants to work out but he's trying to maintain an image. Eddie wants a minority final two. Eddie really likes Damien as a person. He says they have such different backgrounds, but they have so much in common. Eddie tells Damien he's an OG Canadian. Eddie hasn't worked out for two weeks so he's weaker now.

Chelsea and Sam are talking in The Archives. Chelsea says Kyra is trying to pin everything on Adam. Chelsea says she still trusts Adam, she doesn't think he's throwing her name out in a malicious manner. Sam says if she wins she can blow up Kyra's game. Adam comes in and Chelsea tells him she still trusts him and Kyra is blowing up their own game. Kyra comes in and Adam leaves and Chelsea says they were talking about options with the PoV. Kyra asks if Chelsea is lying and Chelsea says they were just discussing options.

Day 22 and Kiera is talking to Mark. Mark says up until this point he's been lurking in the shadows, but you can't be Switzerland in this house and you need to connect with people. Kiera is asking Mark what his vibe on the house is and he says you have to go after the big boys and Kiera says who are the big boys? Mark says who do you think and Kiera says Adam and Sam. Kiera says if they were to work together on a stronger level there has to be trust. Mark says he has to control the information going out, but he has to give something. And with most people it works, but with the people that see through that he has to do more. Mark and Kiera flirt a little more.

Hey everyone! It's time to pick players for the PoV! Dane chooses first and he draws Mark. Chelsea draws Sam, and Kyra draws Cory. Mark is still repping the Pretty Boys and right now he has to be Dane's soldier and he has to go fight and ride this through. Chelsea is glad Sam is up there with her and she's not too worried about Mark, but Cory worries her a little bit.

Chelsea goes to Dane and is wondering who might be a replacement nominee, and Dane tells her he doesn't know but he hopes she wins. Dane says he's pumping Chelsea up. He doesn't want her to win, but if she does he can finally pull off the backdoor on Sam. Dane says if she wins, then we'll talk. If she doesn't win the bye-bye. And if Sam wins the veto, then we're in a pickle.

The PoV is called competition Beast Hall of Fame and there is a podium and a track with some obstacles. Anthony is hosting. They will compete head to head. On go they will put on a medal and go over and under hurdles, go over a balance beam, and then toss and land rings. They have to complete three laps. If they win they advance, and if they lose they are eliminated. Kyra is up first and they can choose who they want to battle. Kyra selects Mark because he's hasn't shown he's been good at competitions and they are sure if Mark is throwing them or just isn't good.

Kyra and Mark begin and they are close going over and under. They both are on the balance beam and Mark says it's not easy because of the weight of the medal. Mark makes it over before Kyra. Mark lands two of his rings and Kyra is still struggling on the beam. Mark hits all his rings and he heads off to complete his first lap. Kyra says they've never been good at balancing, but they have to keep fighting.

Mark laps Kyra and is on to the second ring toss. Anthony encourages Kyra and Mark finishes his rings and heads to finish his second lap. Kyra is frustrated. Mark is now on his third lap and Kyra is apologizing and says this is so pathetic. Mark hits his final rings and Kyra is frustrated they couldn't make it past the balance beam. Mark finishes and is the winner and he goes to Kyra and makes them get on and helps them across the beam. Kyra says it was nice to feel supported.

Chelsea is next and Chelsea selects Mark. Chelsea selects him because he's already gone once and maybe he's tired enough and she can beat him. She's fighting for her life in this game. Chelsea gets to the ring toss first, but Mark catches up and passes her at the ring toss. Mark doesn't want to stand out in the house, but he doesn't want Chelsea to have a chance to come off the block.

Mark hits the ring toss again just as Chelsea finishes her first ring toss. She heads off and Mark finishes and is not far behind. Chelsea struggles with the second set of rings and she says the others are distracting her by cheering for her. Mark is on his final rings and he struggles a bit. Chelsea finishes up and is round again and both on the final round of the ring toss and we go to commercial.

Both Chelsea and Mark are on their last ring and Mark finally hits it and he crosses the finish line. Chelsea says she's trying to be strong, but she knows what she just lost and it's hard. Cory is up next and she selects Sam. Sam starts with a slight lead. Cory is a little slow on the balance beam and Sam hits the rings first. Cory isn't far behind. Sam says there is a good chance she could be backdoored this week so she needs to have that PoV.

Both Sam and Cory need one ring and Cory hits it first with Sam about half a lap behind. Cory is at the ring toss and she yells. Cory says when she does random yells it's her way of reactivating her brain.

Cory has four rings and Sam is struggling across the beam. Sam finally makes it and is on to the rings. Cory finishes and is on her final lap and she says Sam doesn't realize what's about to hit her. It's go time. Sam is struggling and Cory has finished her rings and crosses the finish line. It's the final round with Cory vs. Mark. The winner will win the PoV.

Mark says since Sam and Chelsea are out there's not as much pressure. But when he re-evaluates he realizes he doesn't know where Cory's head is at and he might have to win this. Mark struggles on the balance beam and Cory is on to the ring toss and she hits them all five consecutively.

Cory is on her second lap. She says she's a competitor. Cory makes it around again and hits all five rings again. Cory says THIS is her time and she finishes her last set of rings and Cory has won the PoV.

Cory wants to know if she gets a banner too. Dane says it's great to see Cory win and she hopes she'll keep nominations the same.

The HGs head inside and Sam is happy Kyra and Chelsea can't take themselves off because that's better for her. She's comforting Chelsea and encourages her to stay calm. Kyra comes in and is frustrated too. Sam says there's lots of time and Chelsea and Kyra are both emotional and pacing.

Cory is talking to Damien and she says that was made for her and Damien says she looked like an athlete out there. Cory values Damien's opinion and she has his back and she hopes he has hers. Cory talks to Damien about the options and Cory seems to sense they might go after Sam. Cory says she doesn't know what she'll say to Chelsea. Damien says ultimately, the decision is hers.

Chelsea says it's so different from being HoH to being on the block. It shows how different people act. Chelsea says Dane is puppet mastering the whole house. Chelsea says she underestimated Dane and she's not here to play his game. Chelsea says he's definitely making targets and he's someone who could get taken out in a double or triple.

Kyra and Cory are talking and Kyra says they know it will be better for them if Chelsea does go because they can re-focus. Kyra says they have a crush on Chelsea and it's making them blind. Kyra really wants to stay in the house and they need to separate the emotions from the game. Cory is listening and Kyra says if she decides with Dane to use that they would be grateful and they would love to have it used on them. Cory says she does care for them on a person. Cory says she's open to use the veto, but she's not sure what she's in the middle of, but she's a rational person and she's willing to listen to rational arguments.

Cory goes to talk to Chelsea and Cory says Dane's speech did put a few things into perspective and she's glad they can chat. Chelsea says she wants to clear the air a little bit and she says there is misinformation being spun to make her look bad and she feels like she's being played. She hopes Cory's perception is that she would not scheme that way. Chelsea says Cory using the veto is a long shot and she has to look at all options she has available to her right now. She goes to the storage room and she doesn't want to look like a player who rolled over and died but does she want to play dirty and people really not trust her. Chelsea wants to be the player that plays.

Cory is heading to HQ to consider her options. Cory says if she takes Kyra off the block and develops trust, but she'd be drawing a lot of attention to herself. If she takes Chelsea down, she might throw a vote her way, but she's not sure if she can trust her. She needs to think about what's going to benefit her weeks from now.

It's time for the nomination ceremony! Kyra says they'd be wildly grateful and they've been through it before, but they are sitting next to one of the strongest people they've met, but they came to play. Chelsea says she was nominated because she made a bunch of alliance which doesn't exist. Chelsea says moving forward her loyalty is to the person who is next to her on the block and her target is the person who put her there and if they think she's going to roll over they don't know her. 

Cory has decided NOT to use the PoV. She says Dane gave solid reasons for the nominations and she wants to support that. Kyra doesn't want to campaign about their best friend, but they want to stay in the game. Chelsea says she has to let everyone know Dane is her target and she is here to fight. Dane says you want to talk about targets? You are mine so bye! Join us tomorrow for a double eviction


March 28, 2019


🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨

March 28, 2019

🚨🚨🚨🚨SPOILER🚨🚨🚨🚨Chelsea was evicted unanimously
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨SPOILER🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨The new HOH is Adam
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨SPOILER🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨The 2 HGs nominated Kiki (pawn) & Eddie (target)
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨SPOILER🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨Kiki won the Veto and the replacement was Kyra 

Eddie was evicted unanimously

Skriv en fengende tittel...

March 27, 2019

9:52 AM BBT BB sounds the alarm to get the Hgs up for the day.
10:00 AM BBT The Hgs are waking up and beginning the ADL’s of face washing, brushing teeth, hair, make up, coffee, and some are starting some breakfast. Eddie Folds Laundry from the Dryer upstairs, while Kyra brushes her teeth and Chelsea works on her make-up, no one is talking to one another. In the SR Sam tells Damien and Este about her dream and how she lost Adam and he was with another girl. Damien says its good for you to tell the bad dreams to get it out and get rid of them. He then shares about a dream he had about his sister getting into a bad car accident and so he called her to check on her and in their culture Death means birth and she shared she was pregnant. They are all excited, Chelsea comes in to get her coffee, Kikki says that she had her first BB nightmare about momma K yelling and being on the block with Sam. Up in the WR Sam is curling her hair and telling Anthony of her dream from last night. Chelsea is back up there to finish her make-up. Corey has made her way into the SR for coffee and then the HG leave the SR. Adam and Kyra are trying to clean up dishes and put others in the dishwasher while adam make Slop Breakfast. Damien sits at the table with Kikki and Este watching them eat their breakfast. Sam prepares a tray of Bacon, while Anthony goes around Tickling random people. Corey is working on a slop shake. Up in the blue room Eddie and Dane are talking, Dane is telling him that if Eddie wins HOH he will do what Eddie wants and he will be on board. Dropping hints about going after Kyra next but for now the target is Chelsea. Dane likes Chelsea but gamewise Kyra needs to stay, there is less chance of them winning a comp.
10:15 AM BBT Eddie tells Dane that its a personal game sacrifice, Its better for him to keep Chelsea when Kyra is throwing his name out there but he will do this to help and he trusts Dane. Dane says Deddie forever referencing the partnership between them. Dane leaves and heads to HOH room for a moment and comes back with more clothes. Anthony has found his way up to HOH and Dane comes back to chat. He says he got info last night and tells how he coached Chelsea to talk to Este and Kikki and maybe blow up someones game. He says in a conversation with the ladies they feel like the most likely person to put them up would be Mark, the girls are getting annoyed with Mark and the boys laugh at his lack of Game. Dane shares how he has had to be open to the idea of Adam and Sam but Sam would have to go first so Adam stays a shield for Dane since he has helped keep the girls safe the last few weeks. Between Dane and Anthony they feel Mark and Adam aren’t helping them much and they want to have a conversation to try and get them on board and speak up. Anthony also suggest to talk with Damien and reassure him Sam and Adam and try to steer it more to Sam. Damien has told Dane that Eddie wants Kyra out more than Chelsea and the conversation continues as they laugh about the other HGs, meanwhile downstairs Breakfast is still being made and ate by different HGs.
10:30 AM BBT Up in HoH they are working in Sam needing to go. They are aware that Sam is great at getting all the info from Adam and they need to be cautious what they say to him. Corey and Kyra are talking about where they live off against the fishtank. While the other Hgs are chatting at the table and the boys are still upstairs. Anthony heads down to the fish tank grabs his coffee and they go over what the breakfast options are. Corey continues telling about her town and the floods they get when it rains. Kyra wants to put down roots soon when they get home. Corey explains that she only has a beautiful home and it’s amazing but it’s mostly due to her Husband, he is a little older, more savings, etc. Mark heads out to smoke and finds Adam out there enjoying the sun, They both agree they feel bad for Chelsea she thinks she can actually get the votes. Mark asks if it was an alliance with her and Sadam, he says no it was just working together. They ask each other who they feel is next the general consensus is Eddie/Kyra but also Sam/Adam is also widely talked about. Adam explains his position and how he is doing damage control after Chelsea decided to campaign.
10:45 AM BBT More Hgs have found their way outside to enjoy some sun and fresh air. He reviews with them how Day 1-3 she was ready to go home and just content then night time of Day 4 began to fight then yesterday was upset that her teammates aren’t there helping to fight to keep her. Its brought up that April is almost here and then Kikki asks about the sun. Adam suspects that its a DE tomorrow or someone will come back. Este heads in to the house. Sam and Kyra are at the bar counter talking and eating, Sam talks about how grateful she is to be here. Kyra says they almost didn’t try out. Feeds cut out as they are talking about production but come back quickly. Eddie is sitting with Corey now chatting talking about how they pulled some food aside to cook as soon as they are off slop and thought about Damien and pulled out fish. They speculate about how the HN will be picked tomorrow. Corey and Sam decide to work out and discuss the plans and say in about 30-45 min they will begin.
11:00 AM BBT Eddie says he drank too much water last night and had to pee 5 times once headed to bed. Corey says no one in the house cares, Canada doesn’t mind. He gets up to check that there is no one in the SR before they begin to talk and whisper. Eddie tells her that you have to check everywhere as people are always around listening. He asks her who she is voting out this week, the pitch is that she is a free agent and had to detach from her group. Eddie asks about Kyra, both say yes, Kyra has tried to get good with both of them so that if or when they stay there is some connection. Corey says Kyra insinuated at saying his name and she encouraged them to talk to him and tell him so it didn’t get back around to him from someone else. Eddie says he asked Kyra to look at the cameras and promise she hasn’t lied in the house and they couldn’t so that rubs him wrong. Corey says to just be careful because they have said that Eddie is forgiven but he is still a big target if they win HOH somehow. He tells how the communication language barrier was brought up in the conversation with them. Corey thinks they are forgetting he wrote and undergrad research paper. He says yes there is a language barrier sometimes but I understand most and simple things if I have a question i’ll ask you. She says unfortunately it looks like Kyra is staying, which is bad for his game but on the bright side they don’t have very many people around them supporting them. They have also shown to not be a great competitor. Kyra comes walking through and they ask about the weather outside. Adam comes in and finds the oven was left on with nothing in it. Then workout conversation comes up again and Corey says she wants to Jump, and work on the core. Este has joined Eddie and Corey and they continue discussing work out and how to go about it today.

11:15 AM BBT The plan is jumping and core, reps of 5-10-and sometimes 15. Outside just a few straggling men telling jokes. Corey is helping Este and Eddie come up with a work out plan, Sam is in the bonus room where Adam comes to find her and says he is going to work out right now enjoying the little bit of sun and outside time they have before its closed for the comp. Eddie is cornered in the SR by Chelsea for another pitch conversation. Chelsea says she is wanting to an opportunity to play and be open and without Kyra. She is not trying to throw them under the bus, but they are playing a completely different game. She compares her mistake to a drunk person making a mistake and apologizing ½ heartedly. Eddie tells her that her game is wishy-washy and that’s where the doubt comes. Eddie says he wants to give her a chance but where does the trust and loyalty lie. He wants her to name who is coming after him and she says it’s hard she doesnt think anyone is. No one is seeing him as a target in her opinion, he might be easy to say go on the block but she doesn’t think anyone really would. Dane comes in and grabs more Coffee, Chelsea says they are getting super low on food. Once he leaves they go back to talking. She says yes I have had a closer game relationship with them but its who I was working with, let me prove it to you that I can do that for you and if not vote me out next week. Eddie tells her I need proof, she says in my HOH you were not the target so no one the only time I have heard your name was Dane when he said Kyra and HIm but obviously it wasn’t true.
11:30 AM BBT She tells him I can’t tell you others if It’s not what I was told, She said the other day she thought Dane was running the house and has realized over the last few days that’s not the case. She thinks the house is just working as a unit together. She continues to go back to the no one knows where your head is at. Meanwhile in the bonus room Kyra and Sam are making plans and talking out how They are going to play Dane’s game back at him. Kyra says she found out that the night before Maki left, Dane was Definitive that Kyra was going home. Kyra tells how it all fell into place with Maki’s eviction. Sam heads out of the room, Kyra sits down to read the articles that are on the desk. Out in the backyard Adam is working out with Dane Kikki is laying on the couch across the way and being informed about the dream Sam had. Then Adam begins to tell about Mark’s Dream as he walks in and prepares the pool table. They tease her about sleeping. She heads over towards Mark to play some Pool. Up in the WR Eddie is now talking with Sam. Sam says I know you feel like you keep hearing your name but its everyone wanting to be on the same page. I know what that feels like, look at Kyra They are still in the house because people think they can beat them in comps and your name being said is just others trying to fit in and not be against what others would want. BB calls Eddie out for needing his Mic.
11:45 AM BBT Sam asks him who do you NOT want to win HOH? He says because I have been hearing my name I really don’t know. Sam says he worry is Kikki as she doesnt talk much game with her, Eddie says he doesn’t get much either. ALL feeds cut out for a few min when they return at 11:48 AM BBT Dane is making a shake, Chelsea verifies BB said 15 min. Many of the HGs scramble to grab food and snacks and drinks. Chelsea and Kyra have found themselves in the Storage room, Kyra is apologizing for the Eddie fiasco. Chelsea asks how their campaigning is going? Kyra says im not, not today maybe later. Chelsea comments what a shitty spot to be in and leaves the SR. Este and Kiera are up in HOH whispering and changing talking about how flirting and Adam and Sam. Kiera heads to get dressed. Este tells Dane that he has something on his mouth. He tells her it is shake. Big Brother tells them the house will be off limits in 3 minutes and all HGs must head to the backyard.
12:00 PM BBT Out in the Hot Tub area Kyra says remember the first week and the lockout lasted 5 hours. Big Brother gives them their final warning and Tells them the House is no Off Limits. Chelsea Anthony and Kyra are in the Hot Tub Area. Dane has joined them. Kyra is saying They wish there was windows in the house to get some natural light. In the backyard area of the house Mark is running. Adam is lifting legs. Kikki says Buying these leggings was a good idea she says I thought I would start to work out and I have done that. Cory has realized that she left her mic in the house. Adam says me and Dane are Dadam Sam and Kikki are telling everyone about their dreams they had last night. Outside by the Hot Tub area Anthony Dane Chelsea Kyra and Damien are getting some sun. Chelsea says She forgot her sunglasses Dane lends her his. Kyra gets called to the DR. They ask if that are going to get stuck in there. Dane says We should get some food today. They are trying to figure out what will be on the aired show tonight. Dane gets called out for his mic. Back inside in the backyard area some of the HGs are starting their daily exercise routines. Sam and Cory are jumping up against one of the pillar and get told to Stop That. Mark has joined the exercise group. Out by the Hot Tub area the conversation is about certain kinds of boxers. Damien says he thinks girls steal his boxers. He says he is missing a pair. Dane says he would model a certain type of boxers. Big Brother calls them out for brand names. They are talking about a television show The Simpsons then Family Guy took over. They get called out for the 3rd time. Dane is saying to Anthony that the weather here in Toronto is great. Anthony says We will get snow again. Anthony says He has lived in Richmond Hill for most of his life. Dane says He wants to live in Toronto for a year so he can go to all the sporting events. He asks Anthony to hook him up with a male modeling agent. The conversation there has stopped so we will travel back inside to the backyard area where the exercise group is well into their routine for the day. Kyra is still in the DR.
12:15 PM BBT The Hot Tub area is talking about Dillion ( Season 5) and blacked out tattoos. It seems Damien has a tattoo that he has to keep blacked out but the stuff he is using keeps coming off so he has to re apply it. Damien says coffee and slop are not good for the mouth. Kikki has joined them. As the conversation has stopped we check in with the exercise group who are doing scissors and all agreeing they are going to hurt. Adam says to Mark do this every day and you will be fit. They have finished round 1 and are starting round 2. Adam asks Eddie if he is having fun.
12:30 PM BBT They are now into Round 3 so we leave them and head into the Hot Tub Area to check in on that group. It seems the Hot Tub group are all napping . Back inside with the exercising crew they are starting Round 4 and feeds go down. Feeds come make with the exercise group still exercising and Kyra laughing. Kyra says Adam does them like he is a gazelle. They are now at Round 6.The Hot Tub crew are all still sleeping. Adam says the real test will be will our new recruit come back. That is the real test. Anthony did it with us one day and never came back. Este says She doesn’t know if she can do 10. Sam says her mouth feels like a desert. The Hot Tub crew are still all napping Kyra has joined them. Chelsea maybe awake as her foot is moving. Kyra says They think they have been smoking a little bit too much.
12:45 PM BBT The Exercise Crew ( East Coast Sweats) have finished their 10 rounds. Este says She didn’t think she would finish after the 6th round but she pushed thru. Mark has completed all 10 round and they are telling him good job as it is his first time. They are ending with a cheer East Coast Sweats and an air high five. Mark says He is going to come back. They are now planning to do yoga. Mark is going to join them as well. Dane comes in and they tell him he missed a good workout. Dane says it is a beautiful day in Ontario. As they are now talking about the routines they just finished we once again check in with those out at the Hot Tub area who are still either sleeping or deep in thought. Dane thinks the house is on lockdown so they can have a party. Chelsea says You look so cool right now Dane. Este has come out to join them. Dane asks Why she is putting a hoodie on when it is hot as hell out. Cory is now leading a round of Yoga. The Yoga Routine has officially started. The HGs at the Hot Tub area Dane says everyone out here are like house hippos all we want to chill. Chelsea says I want a pom to dress up and take everywhere with me. He tells them they are at his mom’s because where he is he can’t have them.

1:00 PM BBT The yoga has now finished. Mark says He has to stay on the good train and will be back tomorrow. Most of the exercise group are heading outside. Cory is going to stay inside with Chelsea. Chelsea and Cory are talking about Yoga classes that Chelsea takes on Sunday. Cory says there is a lot of work to do before I go to work. Chelsea says yea same as radio work. Cory says I get the summer comments. Like I can do a bunch of work because you get summers off. Cory says she has to apply for her job every year. Cory says she is classed D which means she is not necessarily hired. She says B listed people get to apply for any jobs listed first. Cory says She feels she is a good teacher. Chelsea says Yea I would say you are. Cory says She loves the act of teaching. Chelsea tells her I can see that just from our conversations here. Outside by the Hot Tub most of the HGs are just having a general conversation. They are talking about the Side Show that BB Canada use to have. Dane says He thought Peter was a prick. Mark says Gary’s intro was funny So I’m not into labels but I am leaning towards Gay. They are trying to figure out who the Wendy’s Server will be Dane thinks Erica the conversation continues about past hgs.
1:15 PM BBT Feeds go down. Feeds come back at 1:21 PM BBT With the HGs in the Hot Tub area are all having their own conversations. Adam says In Newfoundland it is either cloudy or raining so if you get a sunny day you better enjoy it. Dane says you have to come see me we have a lot of sunny days. Some of the HGs are now going inside. Chelsea and Cory are still having their conversation inside. Cory is telling her about her dad wanting to work on cars. The house is now open and Anthony is in the SR looking for something. Looks like groceries have arrived for the week. In the secret room Kikki Damien Dane and Este are talking about Kyra voting with her head. Dane is saying Chelsea this week and Sam is next. Dane says I know Eddie will put up Kyra and Kyra will put up him. Kikki is saying I am not sure about him. Dane says he goes along with them. Dane is saying whoever wins they need to put Sam up. Dane says If Adam wins he won’t put Sam up. Dane says Once you get Sam out of this game Adam will follow us. Kikki said I couldn’t believe it when he said PEI is in New Brunswick. Kikki says Chelsea apparently said that Este and I have no game but all we do is float. The name of this alliance is BC Buds. The girls leave and Dane and Damien are still there Dane is saying that if Eddie wins he will put up Sam and Adam or Sam and Me and I don’t care because I have the votes to stay. He continues with I don’t know where Cory is so we have to make sure Cory doesn’t win. He says You are doing a good job getting close to Cory. Dane says if you win you get me Adam Anthony together and Adam will bow down. Dane says he won’t come after you he will probably appreciate it. Dane says he doesn’t thik this week is a double but is just going along with them thinking it is. Dane says We have 5 or 6 weeks left here. Damien says he is just staying calm no big highs or lows. Dane says I so wanted to celebrate after I won the second HOH but Sam was crying so I had to suck it up and go hug her. He says We have to make sure she doesn’t win do whatever it takes.
1:30 PM BBT Dane says if it is endurance you have a really good shot at winning. Damien says he has to pee Dane hunts for his bottle. In the washroom Este and Kikki are putting on their makeup and whispering really low that they really can not be heard just the odd word. Adam and Sam seem to be their topic. In the kitchen Eddie is making something to eat. Damien is walking around. Damien says to him you eat a lot. Damien says like me Eddie says I try to but you don’t eat a lot. Sam has joined them as well as Adam. Adam says it smells like fish. Eddie tells him it is chicken not fish.
1:45 PM BBT Sam asks Why are people ignoring me. Eddie says I’m not I don’t like it when people ignore me. Adam is happy they got a broom and is testing it out by doing the floors. He says All we need is a mop now. Dane is outside smoking a cigarette and Mark is there. Dane says he doesn’t think there is a double this week. Mark says it will be a double double or a triple. Dane thinks if anyone is walking back in it will be after Chelsea gets evicted. Dane says I wanted to tell Chelsea about the PB alliance on the goodbye message but I didn’t. Mark and Dane are now talking about the girls. Dane says they are wishy washy with you because you aren’t giving them anything. He tells him to throw out Sam Adam Kyra and Eddie because that is what they are doing. Dane says he hopes they go to final 4 with them.Dane says She was really close in the last comp. She figured out the balance in it. Mark says it is balance Dane says Kyra has no balance she could not get up to the second stair. Mark says I wanted to help i the middle but the rules will really clear. Dane says if we get Sam out now but if it isn’t this week then next week during the double. Dane says If Sam wins this week Adam will try and talk her out of putting any of us up. If we put Sam and Adam on the block and Adam wins the POV he will not use it on her. Dane says Este and Kikki are planning a fight. He says I am telling them not to do it but if you want to do it go ahead. He also says he is telling them we need Mark.
2:00 PM BBT Outside, Mark is by himself, whispering under his breath and walking in circles. He is talking too low for the mic to pick up what he is saying. He says to himself he wants to make a very big move but it’s not the move you think I am going to do. You want names? Sure I will give you names. But what it is, is the stupid POV. I prob could throw Eddie’s name because he isn’t at the top of anyone’s list. I don’t think of Eddie as a back door either. Then he giggles to himself. Goes back to talking too soft for the mic to hear it. Feeds go to pool room where Damien is playing pool. Corey and Anthony are laying on the circle couch and Chelsea is sitting in the middle on the top. They are in generic conversation about what they ate. And Chelsea burping. Damien finishes pool and goes to sit on the couch as well. Corey says that she is not sleeping well. Chelsea says if she is sleeping next to a man who is snoring she just pushes him a little bit. Chelsea says her bed mate can only sleep on his back but that he has been good for the last two nights. Corey asks if they want to hot tub because Kikki is putting food in so it’s either before or after. Anthony says why can’t I do both. Chelsea says do you want someone to bring you food in the hot tub? He says yes, she said she will do it if he keeps her in the house. Anthony laughs. Corey is helping Anthony stretch by pushing his legs back. Chelsea tells him not to fart. Anthony is grunting and Corey is laughing.She falls down. Anthony says they should be outside. Corey is throwing a pool ball in the air and catching it on the top of her hand. She challenges Anthony to do it. She throws it higher and higher. Anthony tells her to throw it then clap before catching it. She tries to clap 3 times before catching it and has not been able to catch it. Anthony says if she can’t do it and clap he understands. She does it after clapping 3 times then is trying 5 claps before catching it. She was able to catch it after 4 claps.
2:15 PM BBT Corey is able to catch it after 6 claps. KIKKI PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Dane comes in and Anthony asks if he is tubbing. He says he was getting ready to shower but will wait if they are going to tub. Corey challenges him to throw the orange and clap and catch it. Dane says he can not do it. He says his hands are too small. He sort of catches with 3 claps it but falls over. Dane says they should try it with an egg. Anthony says he needs to beat 6. Dane says he is getting frustrated and he leaves to go change. Chelsea tries and says it’s hard and that she is super impressed now.Anthony says he literally has no calories to do anything in him. Chelsea says AWE and Corey tells her not to feel sorry for him. Corey teaches them some words in French. She says a sentence and Chelsea tries to translate it. They talk about what they have eaten and what the want to eat.Looks like most of the HGs are preparing food. Eddie is cooking for everyone again today it looks like. In the backyard area Sam is doing some weights Eddie is cooking and telling Adam and Anthony the secret of cooking fried rice. He says the only secret is putting it on a high temperature. Eddie is done cooking the rice and Anthony is serving some in a bowl to himself. Adam is eating it and Eddie is filling up his bowl. He says to save some for Sam and Kikki.
2:30 PM BBT Kyra comes in and flips her food. Kyra says they tease her for putting jam with her cream cheese. She said that she added bacon and it works with it. Kyra asks Damien if he can talk. They say because they is hearing how Chelsea is talking that they hope that people can see how Chelsea is changing what she is saying and then going right back to Adam. Kyra tells Adam that when they talked to Dane that they said that they would put Adam up and that they did tell Adam that up front. Kyra says that they hope that people can see that she is switching. Krya says that Adam told Chelsea to go against them this week but then come back to them next week and that Chelsea trusted Kyra enough to tell them that. Kyra says that Chelsea is pulling a Maki. Kyra says that when they confronted Chelsea about things that Chelsea told them that it was all Adam’s idea. Kyra says that the whole house will not be convinced about what is happening but that if it comes down to it that Dane will vote out Chelsea. Krya leaves the convo and Damien says out loud “Sorry Maki” That it was the first thing that came to his mind even though he voted to keep Maki in. That people better not screw up this vote. Then he leaves the couch and goes to the pool table where Kikki and Mark are playing pool. Este and Corey are talking by the circle couch. In the kitchen, Sam is washing dishes, Eddie is eating and Kikki comes in and thanks Eddie for making her the fried rice. He teaches her how to say Thank You in Chinese. Chelsea is on the balcony and throwing something playing catch with Kyra who is on the ground floor. She misses it and it goes under the couch and bends over to get it and Anthony makes cat calls to her and she tells him not to objectify her. Kyra grabs Kikki and sits down with her telling her about Chelsea is switching her story. Kikki says that at this point she doesn’t know what to believe anymore. Kyra tells Kikki about what Adam told Chelsea to do and go against them this week and come back to them next week because no one is here to make friends. Kyra tells her also about the fact that they told Adam that they were planning on back dooring Adam. Kyra says that they are not good at comps. Kikki says that if it is a double, it may just be about luck and that they should think about that. Kikki says honestly she is not going to keep Chelsea. Kyra says that they do not feel comfortable calling Chelsea out on her lies. But that they are going to put up a fight. Kikki says that when she talked to Chelsea that she was not upset that her alliance didn’t have her back.
2:45 PM BBT Kyra says that they know for a fact if they thought they had a chance they would have her back. That Chelsea is a bigger threat and it’s harder to spin by keeping someone who was not as big of a threat. Kyra says that they have never changed her word except when they discovered people have lied to her but that they are a safer bet to keep in the house and going forward who is better for your game to keep in the house. Kyra says at the end of the day they came into the house alone and they have to play the game. But to pay attention to how people words are changing and they said they will leave it at that. Kyra asks if she wants chicken fingers and Kikki says no. Kyra heads back to the kitchen. Mark starts singing and production tells him to stop. Mark takes some french fries off the tray Kyra pulls out of the oven and they tell him that he can take a plate. Adam and Sam are talking in the pool room at the table next to the pool table. Sam says that it’s hard that when the person you were loyal to is using them in her campaign. So she is relying on him. He says he tried to talk to her earlier but she told him that she was ok. She says he needs to be more in tune and he says that he is sorry he doesn’t think like she does. She says she doesn’t expect him to. Adam goes to play pool and Sam leaves the pool room. Sam goes into the kitchen and says she is going to make a ketchup and mayo mix for the fries. Damien is cleaning out the slop bucket. Este comes and puts her bowl and fork in the dishwasher. Anthony joins Adam playing pool. Adam resets the balls and they play rock paper scissors to see who breaks. Adam wins. Anthony says he knew Adam would do that. Adam sinks his first ball but sinks the white ball on the second shot. Adam asks how is the campaigning going? Anthony says Chelsea isn’t doing anything. Adam tells him that Chelsea told him that the next thing is to throw Kyra under the bus. Adam says if she can change the whole house then she will have his vote. Adam says that Chelsea told him that she isn’t throwing him under the bus but that she is telling everyone that he is not loyal. Anthony says that she was not paying attention in the game. They continue to talk trash in pool. In the blue room, Kikki and Este are talking. They talk about Alpha males and the different kind of Alpha men. That Adam is the kind who throws it in your face. Kikki says that Sam is a beta who wants to be an Alpha. She says that Sam has been threatened by people in the house like Laura and now Chelsea. Kikki says that if people in the house see her as wishy washy that it is not good. They go to the bathroom to get Kikki’s chapstick. Adam yells up at them and tells Este that she is up next in pool. She goes into the bathroom to grab the chapstick.
3:00 PM BBT Este says she is going to puke. Kikki says she isn’t. They say they share everything except a shower. They go down to the pool table to play the tournament. Kikki and Este are playing each other. Este keeps burping. In the kitchen talking about counting rice. Kyra says that it is fascinating. Mark says he has never spent time counting rice. Anthony says there is 55K pieces of rice in the container. They say that one handful is 700 pieces of rice. Mark is saying things in German and taching them things to say. Outside, Adam, Anthony, Dane and Damien are talking. Dane talks about some of the treatments he had when he was injured and how he would be cold. That he did the polar plunge. Adam says he did a flip into the snow in his boxers. Dane talks about his conversation with Kyra and that they keep saying who is better for your game. Dane says she is not a threat and that Kyra told him that they would never put him up ever. Dane says that they need to get Chelsea out and because she is very likeable in the house, that it my be the last time they can get her out. Dane says that he needs Adam in the game but that Kyra wants him out. They talk about the pool tournament and who is playing next. Kikki won against Este.Damien goes to put his slop in the oven Anthony says that people can’t win tomorrow Este, Kikki, Kyra, Eddie and Damien.
3:15 PM BBT Adam says that he had a great convo with Damien. Anthony says he doesn’t trust Damien with adam because he will put Adam up. Adam tells them that Damien told him earlier that Eddie is getting under everyone’s skin. Anthony said he will talk to him and if he catches wind of anything that he will tell them. That in the conv he had with him the other day that Damien said that Dane would put him up if he got HOH again. Adam says he is the most worried about Kikki getting HOH. Anthony says they have to go kill it so they do not have to worry about it. Anthony tells them that Este and Kikki told him that they are annoyed with Mark that he is sneaky. Anthony says he will talk with Mark about it. Kyra and Sam come outside. He asks if Dane is still playing pool. They talk about Chelsea telling everyone that they are not loyal. Adam says that Chelsea told him she was accepting she was going home. Kyra says that when your back up against the wall you change your story. That Chelsea is doing exactly what Maki. Dane comes back and says he won the game against Kikki. Adam goes inside. Sam says she is sad right now. Kyra says that Chelsea’s back is up against the wall. Sam says it’s sad because she cares for both of them and she is laying low.Kyra tells Sam they will do her nails but that she can’t complain because she is not perfect. Chelsea comes outside. Kyra says they will do Anthony’s nails. Sam tells Chelsea she likes her hair. They are talking about Anthony’s nails and that he has feminine nails. They say that he needs to trim them before they file them. Chelsea tickles his arm and tells him to look away and to tell her when she gets to a specific part on his arm. He has a big smile on his face. He tells her to stop but it was 2 inches away from where he was supposed to say stop. Anthony says he doesn’t want to get darker and Chelsea tells him to put on sunscreen. Kyra says they can not get darker. Anthony takes off his pants but has a pair of shorts on underneath that look exactly like his pants. Chelsea asks if he has a pair of boxers on that also look the same. Adam comes back out and tells Chelsea that she needs to play Este. Chelsea runs in to play. Adam won his game. Adam goes in the door to get the sunscreen and gives it to Anthony. Anthony rubs it all over his face and arms. Eddie tells him that the could be a geisha because the sun screen makes his face white. He turns around and looks in the mirror at himself.
3:30 PM BBT Adam asks who they think will win the tournament, Sam says it’s between him and Anthony. Este and Chelsea are playing pool and really are not playing but talking about tumeric. And what she makes with it. Chelsea says that Este is so beautiful and that she wishes she could have the same figure. Chelsea says she wonders if the feeds change and if they just sit and watch one thing all day. Este says no that they change. Chelsea says that only when they are interesting. Este says yes. Adam and Eddie come through the pool room. Chelsea tells Adam they are doing really good. Feeds go to the kitchen. Kikki and Damien are sitting at the counter. Dane is standing drinking. Feeds follow Eddie upstairs where he sits on the chairs outside the HOH room drinking. Feeds go back to the pool game between Chelsea and Este. Anthony comes through. Dane comes through and asks if they are still playing. Este says that this is the longest pool game she has ever played. Dane leaves and goes outside. Anthony goes to the blue room and picks his stuff off the ground saying “Ok just flip my stuff on the ground”. He puts his clothes in a pile on the bed, He is going through his suitcase but can’t seem to find what he was looking for. He comes out and asks Corey if she saw where he put his sun shades. He goes into the HOH room where Mark is laying on the bed. Anthony says he will bring him up to speed. That he was talking to Chelsea. Anthony says he asked if she talked to Kikki and Este but that she is just now starting to talk to people individually. Anthony says that Este and Kikki talked to him and they tell him about the talk with Chelsea. Anthony says they know who they don’t want to win – he says somehow Este says that Sam has been trying to get close with her to take out guys. She says if Sam wins that they are stirring them towards Mark. Anthony was like what? Anthony says that Mark is doing his own thing and feeling out the house and they said that he is hard to talk to because he never gives anything. Anthony says that the asked what he wanted to do and Mark kept saying WE. Damien comes in for a battery change so they switch the convo as they were talking about the vote. Mark says he knows who he is voting for Damien says same. Damien leaves and Anthony goes on to tell Mark what to do. He tells Mark if they want to, and stay business with them, that he isn’t going to use his looks. Mark asks how close he is with Este and Kikki and he says pretty close. He says that they have never brought his name up ever which makes him wonder.
3:45 PM BBT Mark says that’s ok because they all have to branch out. Anthony says he is as close with them as he is with Corey and Kyra. He is trying to keep everyone not in the squad at the same level. He says it’s hard to have convos with only 1 person. But it’s better to have with more than 1 person. Anthony says that Este and Kikki are getting cocky and out of control. He says let them do that this week. He tells Mark to have a talk and tell them that Mark’s target are Adam and SAm. Mark says he won’t do that. He says that Kyra and Eddie and then backdoor someone big. Anthony says if Sam wins, that will be a totally different situation. If it’s a luck comp it could be Kyra. Mark asks if anyone has addressed that. Damien has come back in. Anthony says people are starting to talk but slowly they are going to have to put thought into next week and make sure that there is a plan so the guys don’t get messed over. Mark says that there is a point where there will be war. Now it’s a lead up to it but there will be war. Anthony says they need to be ready. He says that he has said the same thing to Dane because there is something going on he can feel it.Damien says that he is playing Anthony in pool next. Anthony leaves the HOH to go look for his sun glasses leaving Mark and Damien in the HOH room. Mark is listening to the headphones and Damien is sitting on the couch drumming on the arms. Neither is saying anything. Mark begins to talk to Damien telling him that he is nowhere near the block. Feeds go to the bathroom where Chelsea is brushing her teeth and Kyra is wetting down her hair. Chelsea says that this is an awkward situation. Kyra says she feels awkward around her. Chelsea says wellm, it’s one of us going home and I am trying to detach. Kyra says that Chelsea is detaching well and that they are impressed. Chelsea is putting on makeup. Kyra says that they have not talked to Chelsea once today because it is not as easy for them to detach. They tell Chelsea they understand. Chelsea leave the bathroom and Kyra brushes their teeth. They try not to cry and puts their head on their hands. Eddie is talking with Corey. He talks about being the only international HG and it is hard when there isn’t anyone else that looks like him in the house. Corey tells him not to think there is something wrong with him. He says he doesn’t think that but that he wishes people were more accepting. Corey says that sometimes people do not associate with others not because they don’t like them but it may put a target on their back. He says that people see him as a natural outsider. He says he already knows that he would be fighting an uphill battle. He tells her about season 3 that there wa sa twist and that week 1 there was no HOH and the HG voted based on first impression. He said the only asian person got put on the block based on first impression. He said he was just expecting more. She asks if he thinks are avoiding him because he is Asian he says no it’s because he looks different. He says it’s not intentional but unconscious bias. He is referring to Sindy. Corey says it is at the point of the game where people are gravitating to people. She says that he is still in the game and focus on the relationships that he does have. She says to talk to her.
4:00 PM BBT In the workout room Damien and Anthony are playing pool. Corey and Eddie are in the same room sitting on a sofa having a conversation about some of the people in the house and trust. Dane and Kikki are also now in the workout room. Corey told Damien she had to throw the last of her slop shake out she said she just could not do it. Corey left and Dane asks Eddie if he is ok and he says he is just tired and bored.
4:15 PM BBT Sam,Corey,Chelsea, Damien, Anthony, and Kyra are outside. Kyra is cutting Anthony’s nails and filing them. They are really not doing any game talking they are just asking each other questions. Anthony says he does not want his nails to grow. Chelsea says that means your healthy. Anthony says he hates it though, he has to get a manicure and pedicure every other week. Corey puts sunscreen all over her face. Chelsea says she thinks she will go in soon, she has had enough sun. Dane comes out, and now he says Kikki and Adam are playing pool, next will be Chelsea and Anthony. Anthony says he could be a hand model now. Dane says it’s getting sicking watching Anothony getting his nails done by Kyra. Dane says he just puked in his mouth a little bit. Adam comes out talking about his pool game with Kikki, and everyone is laughing. Mark comes outside also.
4:30 PM BBT Anthony and Chelsea begin their pool game. Eddie is still in the workout room laying on one of the couches. Kikki and Eddie are out in the kitchen. Eddie asks her how is her day and she says boring and she asks him the same and he gives the same answer. Kikki tells him according to Adam their is going to be a house meeting. Eddie says by who and she says Chelsea. Eddie says he would love a house meeting. Anthony and Chelsea finished their game of pool, now Dane and Damien are playing.. Chelsea tells Eddie and Kikki that all she does snack in the house. Dane lost already to Damien. Dane says it’s time for him to change and get showered up. Anthony and Kikki are now playing each other in pool. Adam is in there also laying on a mat.
4:45 PM BBT Anthony and Kikki are playing their turn at pool. Adam is talking to them but laying on a mat. Chelsea is also sitting in their talking to them. Este is laying on a couch outside the HOH room. Anthony and Dane play their final round together at pool, Kikki lost to Anthony. Mark is now in the workout room. All 4 of the pretty boys alliance just got up in the camera so it could take a pic of them posing. Dane said he stills wants to go get a shower and change. He says he will after this game.
5:00 PM BBT Chelsea and Damien are in HN room talking. Chelsea is pleading her case to Damien to stay. She tells him that he is not a target for her, and she knows she messed up but she wants to have a second chance. She said if she is lying then get her out next week. She says that she would not put Damien up for awhile. Chelsea said she is assuming that Damien wants to vote with the house and he said yes he doesn’t want to have to go against them in till he may have to. Sam and Adam are in the washroom and Sam says to Adam that he is alright and he said you are to and she says no maybe not with a few people. 5:03 PM feeds down 5:07 feeds are back Corey and Kyra are outside talking and Kyra said that she is glad that Chelsea is putting up a fight. Corey says she glad she did to because that’s what they all came here for.
5:15 PM BBT Eddie and Sam are in the washroom talking about the votes. Sam says that she wants Chelsea to stay but they say Kikki and Este are going to vote her out, Sam says that Adam wants Chelsea to stay but he will not vote against the guys. Eddie says it is just very, very sad. Eddie is looking around the washroom and can not find his moisturizer and says he has had 4 of them. Corey is heading in to take a shower. Anthony, Kyra, Adam, Dane, and Damien are outside talking. Kyra leaves and they talk about the votes and Adam says he told Chelsea if she can change the votes he will help her. Dane says it’s better for her to be voted out. Adam is talking about the tumble he took yesterday and he scratched his elbow, and he said his foot was kinda swollen. He also cut one of his fingernails to short and he hit it last night. The boys are all cracking up laughing at Adam. In the RedRM Mark, Este, and Kikki are going over what happened on different days in the house. Sam and Corey are in the washroom. Corey is getting ready to get in the shower and Sam is putting on makeup.
5:30 PM BBT Este and Mark are talking in the RedRM. Eddie and Sam are in the BlueRM talking and she tells Eddie no matter what but Sam says that her and Eddie need to win HOH. Sam says she will push Eddie to his limit and then when he gets over the hump and wins. He can have freedom for a week and do what he wants to anyone he wants. Dane, Damien, Anthony, and Adam are outside talking. Dane says he hopes we get alcohol tonight. But the other guys say no not tonight. Kyra is in the kitchen sweeping up. Chelsea is in the kitchen making herself a snack.
5:45 PM BBT Production just called 15 minute warning that they won’t be able to go outside. Chelsea is eating a snack in the kitchen. Kyra is still sweeping up the kitchen. Mark walks by says he is getting ready to get in the shower. Corey is drying her hair in the washroom. Kyra comes back outside to smoke and Sam comes out also. They are getting a smoke in real quick before they can’t go outside for 24 hours production said. Chelsea is now sitting on a couch outside the HOH room. Production says that the outside is now off limits.

8:00 PM BBT Kyra and Chelsea are in the kitchen discussing the events of the week. Kyra is speaking in a serious tone telling Chelsea that they did everything they could to get Chelsea ro come off the block and to get Corey to use the POV on her. Chelsea says she knows. Kyra says that what they tell Chelsea from here on out isn’t a strategy and is instead them trying to support her as a friend because in the Big Brother house, especially on the block, the one thing you need is a friend. Chelsea says she knows then gets up and leaves the room. Kyra joins Eddie and Mark in preparing for dinner but there is no conversation between the three of them. Chelsea heads upstairs.
8:15 PM BBT Once upstairs Chelsea goes into the HOH room where Adam is laying on the couch and says she wants to talk to him about the votes tomorrow saying she doesn’t want to look like the bad guy and everyone in the house is good at being fake and lying but she is not and says she needs to play the game strategic and honestly, “like chess” Chelsea ends the conversation by telling Adam she just wanted to come talk to him and see where he was at and he tells her he’s not mad and will come and talk to her tomorrow. Chelsea says ok and tells him to enjoy his music then leaves the HOH room.
8:30 PM BBT Corey and Chelsea are in the lounge talking very generally about the game specifically the competitions. Corey is saying how this season with the amount of numbers, HOH can be anybody’s game. Chelsea agrees and says that’s how the game will really end up being shaken up because there are always the people who they don’t know if they’re playing under the radar, or just better at some competitions than others, and the people you least expect could pull out a win at anytime and you never know what they’ll end up doing. Corey agrees and wonders what if she hadn’t got picked to play in the POV what would have happened and how this week would have been different. Chelsea says there’s a competition for everybody, but the win always comes down to the last second. Corey says she thinks it was probably even a fluke that she made it to fourth place in the buzzkilled competition. Chelsea says it’s very anxiety inducing and even your breathing in the moment can make all the difference when playing in a comp and set you off.
8:45 PM BBT Corey is now having a similar conversation regarding the game with Kyra. So far based on this discussion it seems like Chelsea will more than likely be evicted. Kyra is upset about Chelsea leaving and corey is telling them that she knows Kyra and Chelsea will have a “beautiful friendship” outside the house and tells Kyra not to let Chelsea leaving be the end of their friendship because it really is only the beginning. Kyra says they know, but Chelsea really deserves to be there and that getting to jury is a really big deal which Chelsea is upset won’t be happening for her. Corey tells Kyra that they also deserve to be to be there and to keep hoping there’s a battle back.Kyra says that’s what they keep telling Chelsea to hope for a battle back and that there’s a strong chance she could win it if there is one. Corey tells Kyra they should have a chat with Chelsea and tell her that they’ll give her space to campaign, but whenever she (Chelsea) needs a break and just wants to talk and have moments, to come and find Kyra and Corey tells Kyra she’s sure if they say that, Chelsea will come to them.
9:00 PM BBT Damien, Chelsea, Anthony, Mark, Este, Kiki, and Kyra are all in the Have Not room talking about relationships and love. Damien shares how he wasn’t able to start dating until he was in his 20’s due to religious reasons and Mark is telling a story about one of his buddies and his buddy’s girlfriend saying about how he cared a lot for his friend after knowing him for 26 years and he only knew the girl for 3 weeks. Mark says the couple dated for about a year and a half despite having their ups and downs and then things, “came to a crossroads” where Mark’s buddy accepted a job offer in San Francisco and shortly after Mark was in Budapest and got a call from him at 4 AM saying that he (his friend) and the girl (who Mark uses an alias “Jane” for) broke up and says his buddy was really calm about the whole situation and Mark told him he was very sorry to hear that and his buddy explained to him that he had taken the job offer in San Francisco and would be moving out there and he the girl “Jane” would not be coming with him resulting in the break up. Mark again says how the guy was very calm about the breakup, but once Mark asked him what would happen to the couple’s dog, Comet, the guy who
Mark states never showed much emotion broke down crying saying he wanted to keep the dog. Feeds cut to the HOH room where Sam and Adam are chatting. Adam asks Sam where Dane is and she says she saw him quickly go into the Blue bedroom to grab some clothes, Adam asks if he went in the HOH room at all and Sam says no, he was down in the Have Not room with everyone earlier. Adam says his back hurts, Sam sprawls out on the HOH bed and uses a stuffed animal who she calls, “Tucker” to act out a situation where people had been talking about backdooring the two of them.
9:15 PM BBT Dane joins Adam and Sam in the HOH room and Adam tells him that he took a nap and Dane says he did too in the Have Not room. Sam tells Dane they were talking about love and Dane says he knows and that’s why he took a nap because he didn’t want to talk about that. Dane tells Adam he looks sunburned, Adam says, “Probably” Dane says he really doesn’t think the double eviction is this week, he thinks it’s next week, “but who knows it could be this week and if it is, hopefully you two (Adam and Sam) win.” Same says she’s not sure why, but she thinks it’s too soon for the double eviction, Adam tells them he’s positive it’s this week. Dane says it normally probably would’ve been this week, but they have one less houseguest evicted with Corey coming in later, so he thinks the double will be next week. Adam says if it is the double the three of them will definitely go up, Sam and Dane agree and Dane says people will think they’ll get “less blood on their hands that way.”
9:30 PM BBT Sam, Adam, and dane’s conversation in HOH continues with them still talking about the double eviction this week, (they do not yet know for sure that it is this week) Sam says people will figure that the three of them will be easy targets. Dane says he hasn’t really heard but tells Adam he knows Kyra is not happy with him. Adam asks, “with me?” Dane says, “I don’t know what the fuck is going on and I don’t really know if they would put you up” Adam says he thinks he and Sam cleared things up with Kyra outside earlier. Dane says he thinks Kyra would put up Eddie and eddie would put up them, “Kyra” so it would work out perfectly. Adam asks if the show is over in May, sam says yes, Dane asks Adam and Sam if they both deactivated their social media and they both say they did and Dane says he did too, but brings up another houseguest, (not clear who as of right now but it is a “he”) who told him that he didn’t deactivate his but only put it on private. Dane says how big brother told him he had to deactivate his social media and the other houseguest told him that he had 17,000 followers which was why he was able to keep his. Sam seems to think that that might not be true because she tells Adam and Dane that she had 3,000 followers and they still had her deactivate hers.
9:45 PM BBT Feeds cut to the Blue bedroom where Chelsea and Kyra are having a much more light hearted conversation than the one they had earlier. Kyra says that if a miracle happens and they are evicted tomorrow night instead of Chelsea, then she needs to tell all the girls in the house to open their eyes to the all boys alliance in the house and Chelsea says she’ll definitely say that and Kyra knows she will. Kyra tells Chelsea that Dane is going to, “fight them hardcore” and it wouldn’t be smart of them to go after him now even though they know that’s what Chelsea would want them to do and the longer he thinks that they trust hi, the better it is in the end, Chelsea seems to understand. Chelsea says she loves Dane so much, but he’s such a liar and he’s really sneaky. Kyra tells Chelsea not to go tell Dane that they told her and that it’s “just not going to do anyone any good.” Este enters the Blue bedroom
10:00 PM BBT In the HoH Adam and Dane are talking about who would be going in a certain scenario, Adam says everyone has mentioned their names even Anthony from the PB’s. Dane stresses how they have to be careful with how they campaign to keep Sam as to not expose the Pb’s. Dane says he is PBs till the end and would vote out Sam. Adam says its the easy thing to say for the house right now to go after Sadam and even Mark who is in their alliance is saying their names because it’s easy. Kyra comes in and asks if everything is okay. They begin to talk about Coffee and everyone leaves the room. Sam says where is everyone and the answer is in the HN room. Kyra, Dane, and Sam head into the SR to get beverages. They joke about the wedding between Sam and Adam. Sam leaves the others laugh about how Sadam is bickering all day. Kyra asks if the plan is still the plan and he says yes. Kyra tells him that they were just upstairs talking about it and how Chelsea feels it. They leave the SR and head out towards the kitchen then Kyra heads to the couches with Adam so they can work the knots out of his back. In the HN room the hgs are taking turns telling about different points in their life. Eddie is telling about Eczema in high school and how it affected his mental image. Then he brings up the difference of the cultures where in China it was almost forbidden to talk about sex but coming here in Canada its a huge topic. The first year he was here he turned down many people because of his scars and was questioned when he came out to clubs about not hooking up with others.
10:15 PM BBT Eddie says it’s hard to fit in and relate so he just doesn’t tell them. Only if they are watching will his friends know he is still a virgin. He feels like the Eczema has made him who he is and it’s been a blessing helping him get on the show. Anthony pipes up saying that we need to be comfortable in our own skin and they have been talking all night and he thinks there is so much more to Eddie than what meets the eye. Chelsea has found a snack to munch on, while Dane lounges nearby watching the back massage. Adam jokingly asks what do I owe you, Kyra says safety for the next 3 weeks. She is sweating trying to get this knot out Chelsea invites Sam up to see her outfit for tomorrow. They head into the Blue Room and Chelsea mentions that Sam needs to be aware of the guys alliance and she’s bummed she is the victim of it.
10:22 PM BBT -10:41 PM BBT FEEDS Down
10:41 PM BBT ALl the Hgs are gathered in the kitchen and living room area. Anthony and Mark have made their way to the SR. Mark is going to make a Hot chocolate smoothie to make like a frosty. Eddie is at the counter eating a snack. Este and Dane have found their way to the HN room and he says it’s been an emotional day. They discuss how he was over it today so he fell asleep and then work up moved places and went back to sleep elsewhere. He says how Sadam has been fighting alot more and then it moves onto Este saying they had some good conversation in there earlier. Meanwhile in the living room area Kyra sits next to Chelsea and she jokingly tells her to move, then cams go to the kitchen where Frosty is being made, and Adam talks about the knot, Anthony offers to try something and they walk away and cams are back on the living room for a moment before returning to the kitchen. Mark has Chelsea try the creation. Sam tries it and falls in love and wants to know how to make it. Everyone is trying to get the recipe out of him but the yogurt is all gone. Hot cocoa, milk, ice, and Cherry yogurt- he is taking it around having everyone try a little that is not on slop. While the kitchen continues to talk about this homemade Frosty feeds cut out again and then back. Adam shows the slop and says look how delicious this looks compared to your smoothie. Anthony is headed up to the WR Chelsea follows and they find Eddie in the there working on his face. Eddie compliments her hair after she says she needs to wash it and she pretends to blush, cams go to the kitchen and then out briefly and back on. Corey is at the bar watching ADam make slop, Kyra is sitting there with them while Sam tries to find the Blender for the HN. feeds are in and out as Kyra continues to talk about production and gets called out. They discuss how much they have been doing and cleaning in the kitchen because others dont. Adam makes the Slop shake for him and Corey and is talked into adding a little sugar.
11:00 PM BBT Dane and Este are in the HN still talking about who needs to go next week, they are ready that if they have to lose “him” then its time and Kyra needs to go soon to. They reference with Kayla and her showmance from last season. They both want the jury to vote on Game not on emotions. Dane feels like Este will be great at the games towards the end. They go over the days and dane says how he is remembering days and it’s in 7’s. Up in the Wr Chelsea is talking with Anthony, she says if it’s her time to go then okay but if not she’s ready to play. He says yes but you just said it, it’s a game and gives advice to her. He is telling her to use everything she has to stay in this game, she feels she has nothing left. Anthony gives a scenario and she says they are still in the game so she can’t answer but thinks she knows 100% who would be the one to leave. Anthony says you are not campaigning against Kyra you just need to come with facts. It’s not just one week from now its 3-4 weeks down the road and not promising everyone but connecting with the majority.
11:15 PM BBT Chelsea feels she has no options and Anthony is trying to “help” her but she thinks there are bigger things and there are numbers protecting where she would want to target and it would just get her into more trouble. Adam comes in to check the laundry, he says he is going to feel icky tomorrow after sleeping on the floor again. As he leaves the conversation continues, she wants him to be more direct and he is still going around the bush. Anthony says that the entire house has come up to someone and said I like the way you are playing and I wanna work with you. Chelsea is looking for a longer chat when working with someone, Anthony says no it can be quick. In the HN room Adam is trying to remake the bed for himself for the night. Este tries to help and then they all leave as it begins to really stick from the gas. Dane heads up stairs the others to the Kitchen. Damien is up in the HOH listening to music, Dane tells him about how Adam was making Sam mad all day and they have been laughing all day. Damien says that ADam must be feeling the heat a little bit. They realize that Sam, Adam, or Kyra is not a good option to win HOH, they hope and wonder if Eddie would, Dane has been working on him. Dane says that he might have gotten into Adam that he needs to BD Sam if he win HOH. Chelsea and Anthony are still in the WR and he tells her if we are working together we need quick move forward conversations you can’t spend so much time together. He says when you start to freak out go talk to people seek counsel and start racking up votes.
11:30 PM BBT Anthony says people want to hear facts and truths not lies. He tells her Believe in yourself you are Chelsea F’n Bird then exits the WR. Corey, Anthony, Kyra, and Adam are all sitting around the kitchen table. Corey has on crazy sunglasses with bright red lenses which production tells her to take off. Anthony says she’ll know how bright the lights are now. Anthony jokes with Kyra about how they eat bacon with jam and Kyra jokes back saying to Anthony, “Sorry you’re too close minded to discover the wonders of life.” Anthony and Adam both crack up laughing and Corey tells Kyra, “Well said.” Kyra says they never tried it before and then when they finally did it was really good, anthony asks Kyra if they eat relish on toast and they say no, Corey asks, “What about jam on cream cheese?” and they all say no, Corey says she hasn’t either, but she’d be open to it and Kyra asks if anyone has tried cream cheese on bacon, Corey says she’d normally be open to it, but she doesn’t eat meat.
11:45 PM BBT Sam and Eddie are in the Blue BR. Eddie says it’s been a very stressful day, Sam agrees and says she feels like she’s put weight on everywhere. Kyra enters the Blue BR joining Eddie and Sam. Kyra and Sam are whispering inaudible for the most part, but Kyra can be heard telling Sam, “When I do intervene, it’s only because I don’t want you to come off as too explosive.” Sam says she does appreciate that. Kyra says that’s why they do it, but on the grand scheme of things, “you (Sam) don’t want to annoy people.” Sam says 100% Kyra says they don’t like how one of the other female houseguests, (not clear who specifically) was being condescending to them. Sam tells Kyra to “define condescending because she’s heard that word used a lot lately and wants to be sure they are using the term correctly. Kyra says to them it means, “when someone talks down to you like they’re better than you.

Tonight's Show

March 27, 2019

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, sly Sam overheard a bombshell between the bros and when she shared the intel it sent Chelsea over the edge. So the outgoing HoH counterpunched with a pitch of a girl's alliance.

When word got back to Dane, the hair-trigger hoser was ready to fire back.

At a marathon HoH competition, it was buzz or be gone. With Chelsea watching from the sidelines, her ally Sam fought for their lives. But in the final faceoff, Sam proved no back for dangling Dane's superior wrist shot.

While the power-hungry Pretty Boys sharpened their knives, the dynamic duo found themselves at a crossroads.

Feeling boxed in, Sam turned back to her rocky showmance and found a way forward. Then she angled for safety and tried to cut a deal with Dane.

Meanwhile, with Chelsea's fantasy of a girls alliance she was dead in the water, she looked for mercy. But Dane had none to give. Then Dane, the bane of Chelsea's existence, pulled the plug on her friendship with Kyra.

At the nomination ceremony, Dane dealt the death blow and nominated Chelsea and Kyra.

We pick up after the nomination ceremony on day 21. Sam says Kyra and Chelsea are on the block right now, but she's been on Dane's radar before so she's concerned for a backdoor. Chelsea says Dane is blowing things out of proportion and now because of his speech she doesn't know who she can trust. She just needs to go out and win that PoV.

Kyra says their feelings for Chelsea are growing. It started out a crush and it's just growing stronger. Kyra wants to repair things with Chelsea and they are pretty sure Chelsea has their back. They talk about Dane and Sam says they need to stay calm and think and Kyra says it centers around Dane.

Dane and Anthony are in the archives and they are celebrating. Dane says he nominated two threats and even if one comes off the block, he can still backdoor Sam. Anthony leaves and Dane asks if what he did makes him a mean person or a good Big Brother Canada players. He says when you watch this, you'll learn a little thing called The Pretty Boy alliance.

The HGs are in the kitchen eating and Dane and Chelsea head up to the HoH. Dane apologizes to Chelsea and says they can talk. Chelsea says Dane threw her under the bus with his nomination. Chelsea tells Dane she thinks some things were taken out of context. She didn't want it going around she made all the deals because it's not the case.

Chelsea starts getting emotional and she doesn't want to play a game where she has to lie to people's faces. She gives Dane a hug and leaves. Dane says go cry somewhere else.

Chelsea goes to the bathroom area with Adam and Sam and she says she can't trust anyone and she thinks everything she told Adam has gotten to other people. She says she trusted Adam and she was looking out for him and now it's blown up in her face. Adam says every time he spoke to Dane it was good and he was trying to get them to trust each other. Kyra says Adam is shook. Kyra says if there was fuel to the chatter, why would you add more fuel. Kyra says if you knew Dane was questioning the girls, then why would you go to Dane and tell him anything about the girls? Adam says are you coming at me right now?

Adam heads downstairs and asks to talk to Dane and they head to the Have-Not room and Adam says they are up there tripping out at him. He tells Dane they are pissed at him and Dane says he didn't tell them that. They are screwing with your mind and that's what they're doing to you. Adam says Kyra storms in and says if you're loyal to the two girls why would you run to Dane?

Kyra comes in and says they were testing Adam and he ran straight to Dane. Adam says, of course, he wanted to talk to Dane because that's what who was about. Kyra leaves and Adam says so they just tested me? Dane tells him to chill out.

Kyra goes to the storage room with Chelsea and relays what happened and Sam comes in. Kyra says Adam can't be trusted. Kyra says first Sam hears Adam and Dane throw out their names and now he's been caught again and they are in denial. Sam and Chelsea says this is crazy. Kyra says they aren't going to make it easy to take their friends out, they are going to put a target on their back too. Chelsea says you're going to put a huge target on your back and Kyra says they don't care. They are angry. Chelsea doesn't want to believe that and Sam says there is so much time for them to settle and re-evaluate. Kyra says the fact he went straight to Dane, Sam, hopefully, tells you something.

Adam is running laps and Eddie wants to work out but he's trying to maintain an image. Eddie wants a minority final two. Eddie really likes Damien as a person. He says they have such different backgrounds, but they have so much in common. Eddie tells Damien he's an OG Canadian. Eddie hasn't worked out for two weeks so he's weaker now.

Chelsea and Sam are talking in The Archives. Chelsea says Kyra is trying to pin everything on Adam. Chelsea says she still trusts Adam, she doesn't think he's throwing her name out in a malicious manner. Sam says if she wins she can blow up Kyra's game. Adam comes in and Chelsea tells him she still trusts him and Kyra is blowing up their own game. Kyra comes in and Adam leaves and Chelsea says they were talking about options with the PoV. Kyra asks if Chelsea is lying and Chelsea says they were just discussing options.

Day 22 and Kiera is talking to Mark. Mark says up until this point he's been lurking in the shadows, but you can't be Switzerland in this house and you need to connect with people. Kiera is asking Mark what his vibe on the house is and he says you have to go after the big boys and Kiera says who are the big boys? Mark says who do you think and Kiera says Adam and Sam. Kiera says if they were to work together on a stronger level there has to be trust. Mark says he has to control the information going out, but he has to give something. And with most people it works, but with the people that see through that he has to do more. Mark and Kiera flirt a little more.

Hey everyone! It's time to pick players for the PoV! Dane chooses first and he draws Mark. Chelsea draws Sam, and Kyra draws Cory. Mark is still repping the Pretty Boys and right now he has to be Dane's soldier and he has to go fight and ride this through. Chelsea is glad Sam is up there with her and she's not too worried about Mark, but Cory worries her a little bit.

Chelsea goes to Dane and is wondering who might be a replacement nominee, and Dane tells her he doesn't know but he hopes she wins. Dane says he's pumping Chelsea up. He doesn't want her to win, but if she does he can finally pull off the backdoor on Sam. Dane says if she wins, then we'll talk. If she doesn't win the bye-bye. And if Sam wins the veto, then we're in a pickle.

The PoV is called competition Beast Hall of Fame and there is a podium and a track with some obstacles. Anthony is hosting. They will compete head to head. On go they will put on a medal and go over and under hurdles, go over a balance beam, and then toss and land rings. They have to complete three laps. If they win they advance, and if they lose they are eliminated. Kyra is up first and they can choose who they want to battle. Kyra selects Mark because he's hasn't shown he's been good at competitions and they are sure if Mark is throwing them or just isn't good.

Kyra and Mark begin and they are close going over and under. They both are on the balance beam and Mark says it's not easy because of the weight of the medal. Mark makes it over before Kyra. Mark lands two of his rings and Kyra is still struggling on the beam. Mark hits all his rings and he heads off to complete his first lap. Kyra says they've never been good at balancing, but they have to keep fighting.

Mark laps Kyra and is on to the second ring toss. Anthony encourages Kyra and Mark finishes his rings and heads to finish his second lap. Kyra is frustrated. Mark is now on his third lap and Kyra is apologizing and says this is so pathetic. Mark hits his final rings and Kyra is frustrated they couldn't make it past the balance beam. Mark finishes and is the winner and he goes to Kyra and makes them get on and helps them across the beam. Kyra says it was nice to feel supported.

Chelsea is next and Chelsea selects Mark. Chelsea selects him because he's already gone once and maybe he's tired enough and she can beat him. She's fighting for her life in this game. Chelsea gets to the ring toss first, but Mark catches up and passes her at the ring toss. Mark doesn't want to stand out in the house, but he doesn't want Chelsea to have a chance to come off the block.

Mark hits the ring toss again just as Chelsea finishes her first ring toss. She heads off and Mark finishes and is not far behind. Chelsea struggles with the second set of rings and she says the others are distracting her by cheering for her. Mark is on his final rings and he struggles a bit. Chelsea finishes up and is round again and both on the final round of the ring toss and we go to commercial.

Both Chelsea and Mark are on their last ring and Mark finally hits it and he crosses the finish line. Chelsea says she's trying to be strong, but she knows what she just lost and it's hard. Cory is up next and she selects Sam. Sam starts with a slight lead. Cory is a little slow on the balance beam and Sam hits the rings first. Cory isn't far behind. Sam says there is a good chance she could be backdoored this week so she needs to have that PoV.

Both Sam and Cory need one ring and Cory hits it first with Sam about half a lap behind. Cory is at the ring toss and she yells. Cory says when she does random yells it's her way of reactivating her brain.

Cory has four rings and Sam is struggling across the beam. Sam finally makes it and is on to the rings. Cory finishes and is on her final lap and she says Sam doesn't realize what's about to hit her. It's go time. Sam is struggling and Cory has finished her rings and crosses the finish line. It's the final round with Cory vs. Mark. The winner will win the PoV.

Mark says since Sam and Chelsea are out there's not as much pressure. But when he re-evaluates he realizes he doesn't know where Cory's head is at and he might have to win this. Mark struggles on the balance beam and Cory is on to the ring toss and she hits them all five consecutively.

Cory is on her second lap. She says she's a competitor. Cory makes it around again and hits all five rings again. Cory says THIS is her time and she finishes her last set of rings and Cory has won the PoV.

Cory wants to know if she gets a banner too. Dane says it's great to see Cory win and she hopes she'll keep nominations the same.

The HGs head inside and Sam is happy Kyra and Chelsea can't take themselves off because that's better for her. She's comforting Chelsea and encourages her to stay calm. Kyra comes in and is frustrated too. Sam says there's lots of time and Chelsea and Kyra are both emotional and pacing.

Cory is talking to Damien and she says that was made for her and Damien says she looked like an athlete out there. Cory values Damien's opinion and she has his back and she hopes he has hers. Cory talks to Damien about the options and Cory seems to sense they might go after Sam. Cory says she doesn't know what she'll say to Chelsea. Damien says ultimately, the decision is hers.

Chelsea says it's so different from being HoH to being on the block. It shows how different people act. Chelsea says Dane is puppet mastering the whole house. Chelsea says she underestimated Dane and she's not here to play his game. Chelsea says he's definitely making targets and he's someone who could get taken out in a double or triple.

Kyra and Cory are talking and Kyra says they know it will be better for them if Chelsea does go because they can re-focus. Kyra says they have a crush on Chelsea and it's making them blind. Kyra really wants to stay in the house and they need to separate the emotions from the game. Cory is listening and Kyra says if she decides with Dane to use that they would be grateful and they would love to have it used on them. Cory says she does care for them on a person. Cory says she's open to use the veto, but she's not sure what she's in the middle of, but she's a rational person and she's willing to listen to rational arguments.

Cory goes to talk to Chelsea and Cory says Dane's speech did put a few things into perspective and she's glad they can chat. Chelsea says she wants to clear the air a little bit and she says there is misinformation being spun to make her look bad and she feels like she's being played. She hopes Cory's perception is that she would not scheme that way. Chelsea says Cory using the veto is a long shot and she has to look at all options she has available to her right now. She goes to the storage room and she doesn't want to look like a player who rolled over and died but does she want to play dirty and people really not trust her. Chelsea wants to be the player that plays.

Cory is heading to HQ to consider her options. Cory says if she takes Kyra off the block and develops trust, but she'd be drawing a lot of attention to herself. If she takes Chelsea down, she might throw a vote her way, but she's not sure if she can trust her. She needs to think about what's going to benefit her weeks from now.

It's time for the nomination ceremony! Kyra says they'd be wildly grateful and they've been through it before, but they are sitting next to one of the strongest people they've met, but they came to play. Chelsea says she was nominated because she made a bunch of alliance which doesn't exist. Chelsea says moving forward her loyalty is to the person who is next to her on the block and her target is the person who put her there and if they think she's going to roll over they don't know her. 

Cory has decided NOT to use the PoV. She says Dane gave solid reasons for the nominations and she wants to support that. Kyra doesn't want to campaign about their best friend, but they want to stay in the game. Chelsea says she has to let everyone know Dane is her target and she is here to fight. Dane says you want to talk about targets? You are mine so bye! Join us tomorrow for a double eviction

Summary Tuesday March 24th

March 26, 2019

1:00-2:00 PM: Chelsea let Mark know that it was pinned on her that she initiated the seven person alliance talks, even though someone approached her about it. Chelsea said that certain ideas got taken totally out of context. She pointed out that she has been willing to stay loyal until the bitter end even though those people have not been fighting for her. Chelsea said that she will be open moving forward. Chelsea said she wants to keep fighting and playing, and she wants to be able to play the game without a shadow. Chelsea told Mark that the easy choice would be to keep the person who cannot beat them. Chelsea did not want to name any targets, but she asked for the opportunity to show her loyalty to the rest of the house. Mark asked what she thinks it will take to convince enough people to keep her. Chelsea said she needs to be open and honest about the mistakes that she has made in the game.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kyra admitted to Damien that they have made mistakes in the game. They claimed to have learned from their mistakes. Kyra said they do not trust anyone fully. They said they have shown that they can persevere. Kyra pointed out that they have stayed loyal to Chelsea even though they have been betrayed. Kyra argued that the person sitting next to her on the block has not shown that same loyalty. Kyra said it’s scary if someone will flip flop all of the time. Kyra told Damien that they will not gun for him if they stay, and he cannot say the same thing for Chelsea. Damien said he heard that the vote almost got flipped when he was on the block next to Kailyn. Kyra said they don’t know who was trying to flip the vote, but they were paranoid that it may flip. Kyra said that they are the wrong person to ask about who was looking to flip the votes. Later, there were talks between Damien, Este and Kiki about the vote. They discussed that Chelsea is apparently switching her target to Adam or Sam. The three all agreed that they cannot trust Chelsea to stick to that. They agreed that it could all be a ploy to stay in the house. Damien asked who was trying to flip the vote against him last week. Este said it was Chelsea and Sam. Kiki said she is so excited to take the shot at Adam and Sam, and there is no way that anyone will be able to convince her otherwise if she wins HoH. Elsewhere, Kyra told Chelsea that they caught Mark, Dane and Adam discussing the various signs that past alliances have used, and then they did one between the three of them. Kyra said it would be shady if Chelsea were to use that against them. Chelsea said she could have a house meeting to clear everything up.

3:00-4:00 PM: Chelsea and Kyra continued their talk. Chelsea asked Kyra what the smartest thing to do with the information about a guys alliance is if she is going out the door. Kyra said they aren’t telling anyone about it. Chelsea asked if she should call a house meeting. Kyra said that’s a last resort. Chelsea said she was considering bringing up she has been loyal to everyone she was working with but it’s not going to matter if Adam, Anthony and Dane are all working together. Kyra said that’s good. Kyra told Chelsea to think about the timing of the house meeting. Chelsea said she will sit on the guys alliance thing but will have the house meeting that she had planned to have anyway, making it clear that she does not trust Adam. Kyra said it’s Chelsea’s only option. If the house meeting doesn’t seem to have worked, Chelsea said that she will out the guys alliance. Kyra didn’t want Chelsea to do that. She figures that the guys will know that they were present when they created a sign. Afterwards, Chelsea spoke to the cameras. She said she needs to speak the real truth, which is that she doesn’t trust Adam since he hasn’t had her back when she needed him. Chelsea continued to ponder having a house meeting. Chelsea said she may use the fact that there is an alliance between Adam, Anthony and Dane as a last ditch effort.

4:00-5:00 PM: Kiki told Este that if Adam and Sam aren’t going on the block, it has to be Mark and Eddie. Este said Adam and Sam are going up if she wins, but she hopes that Adam and Sam believe that they are being genuine with them so that they go after Mark and Eddie. Kiki wondered what Cory would do if she wins. Up in the HoH room, Chelsea made her pitch to Cory. Chelsea explained that she was trying to deflect and take the target off of the people she was working with when she said her target is Dane. Chelsea said she realized that she cannot go against Dane. Chelsea admitted that she expected the people close to her to have her back once she did that, but she is not seeing that happening. Chelsea brought up that the people around her immediately accepted that she was leaving rather than attempting to help her stay. Chelsea implied knowing that Adam and Sam are not loyal to her. When Cory asked if they know that she feels this way, Chelsea said yeah. Chelsea clarified that she is not saying that those people are her targets, but she is willing to be open and work with people in this game. Cory said she likes it and thinks that it is a great approach. Cory suggesting telling people that she is detaching herself.

5:00-6:00 PM: Chelsea explained to Anthony that she is telling people she made a mistake by going after Dane, and she was too closed off which resulted in people being afraid of her. Anthony pointed out to Chelsea that her allies are not fighting for her. Anthony asked Chelsea if she would be doing absolutely nothing for Sam if she were in the same position. Chelsea said she wouldn’t. Anthony asked Chelsea if she has spoke to Este and Kiki. Chelsea said not yet. She mentioned that she is considering calling a house meeting. Anthony advised against it since it is not personal enough. He suggested campaigning non-stop for the next two days. Anthony brought up that Chelsea is campaigning against a best friend who said “sorry to tell you but you are going home” to her. Anthony said everyone is seeing Kyra follow Chelsea around, not let her breathe, and make her coffees every morning, so she just needs to bring the truth about where she went wrong. Afterwards, Chelsea spoke to Damien. She admitted to having made mistakes in the game. The points she made were the same as during her conversations with Mark and Cory. Damien said he heard rumours around the house that there was a potential flip before Kailyn left. Chelsea said she doesn’t know about that, so it was out of her hands if it’s true. Chelsea reiterated that Kailyn was always her target. After Chelsea left the room, Damien said Chelsea needs to show some fire rather than be too loyal to the wrong people. Damien followed that up by saying he thinks that Chelsea has to go. Meanwhile, Chelsea spoke to Eddie. He questioned if she told Kyra that he threw their name out to her during her HoH. Chelsea said no. She added that it’s surprising since she didn’t think that they were campaigning against each other in that manner. Eddie mentioned Kyra told him specifics similar to what he did say to Chelsea. Chelsea said she feels a bit betrayed since she and Kyra had agreed not to campaign against each other in that way. Chelsea said it’s pretty out in the open that Eddie and Kyra don’t trust each other. Eddie said he is surprised that Kyra knows about him throwing their name out. Chelsea said she is learning that there are people in the house who say they have your back but don’t. Chelsea claimed she is not doing that with Eddie. Eddie said he believes in her.

6:00-7:00 PM: Chelsea campaigned to Este and Kiki. Her pitch remained consistent with what it had been throughout the day. She also clarified that she did not initiate the discussions about the seven person alliance. Chelsea revealed that Adam was the one behind that. Chelsea continued to avoid directly naming a target, opting instead to say that she will be open and adapt. Both Este and Kiki told Chelsea they are happy that she is fighting. Kiki said she is surprised that Adam and Sam are not fighting for Chelsea to stay. Chelsea admitted that she expected more from them as well. Este and Kiki talked things over in the HoH room. Este believes that Chelsea would run right back to Adam and Sam if she stays. Kiki pointed out that Chelsea would not name a target and also would not clarify that she will not target Dane. Este found it interesting that Adam started the group of seven. Kiki thinks that Adam has started many things. She said Adam will continue to be her target. The girls agreed that Chelsea has to go this week. They hope that she will call a house meeting before leaving, as it would help the girls to drive a wedge between Adam and Sam.

7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony spoke to Este and Kiki. Este said she thinks that Chelsea would go back to Adam and Sam. Anthony said he isn’t so sure about that. Kiki brought up Chelsea saying that Adam initiated talks about the group of seven. The three discussed who needs to go first out of Adam and Sam. Este argued that Sam is the smarter of the two. Anthony agreed. He also suggested that it is best to keep Adam for as long as possible since he is a massive shield for them. Anthony said Sam is the same in some ways, but she needs to go as soon as possible.

8:00-9:00 PM: Este checked in with Dane to ask if he is 100% sure that he is not going to change his mind about evicting Chelsea. Dane said he wants her to go. Este worried that he would entertain the idea of keeping her. Este revealed that even Kiki wanted to think it over. Este stressed that Dane cannot be wishy washy when people approach him to ask what he wants to do. Dane said this may be their one and only shot at getting Chelsea out of the game.

10:00-11:00 PM: Adam, Chelsea and Sam discussed the vote. Sam said Chelsea would have to be feeling pretty secure about having others in order for them to get on board, but she will have their votes if that is the case. Chelsea said she will try to get through to Dane. Adam said she is going to have to change Dane’s mind. Once Chelsea left, Adam said he feels bad for Chelsea. Sam said the better game move is to get her out. In particular, she thinks that it is best for Dane since he has so many deals going that another one doesn’t mean anything. Adam said there no chance that Dane will be swayed, so Chelsea will not be able to get the votes. The two discussed that getting Kiki out could be beneficial for them since Sam would then be able to get closer to Este and in turn closer to Dane.

11:00-12:00 AM: Chelsea spoke to Dane to let him know that he can trust her. Dane asked if he is going up if she wins the next HoH. Chelsea said no. She went so far as to say that he can pick her nominations. Chelsea talked about only being able to play the game honestly. She implied that she has been held back by having Kyra as a shadow in the game, seeing as she cannot even play her own game. Dane said he will really think about the conversation and take it into account when he speaks to people about where their heads are at. Dane said he can tell that people are contemplating which way to vote. Chelsea said she hopes so.


March 26, 2019

9:45 AM BBT Anthony is talking about Season 5 Bruno who when he was put on slop and went upstairs and kicked his bag. He sas at the time I thought he was nuts but now that I have been on slop I can kinda understanding but I don’t think I would kick my bag like 10 times. Adam is cooking slop pancakes Cory in sitting in the nook off the dining room. Dane has joined them and says good morning. Adam asks Why Dane went on a veggie diet. Anthony and Sam said Adam we know why. Adam says to Sam if you ever ask me to go on a veggie diet because you want to we will have a problem. Damien has joined them. Adam tells him the slop bucket is being refilled. In the washroom Eddie is showering Chelsea is putting on her makeup still. In the Blue Bedroom Este and Kikki are lying in bed talking. Kikki is saying she has to brush her teeth first thing in the morning because she doesn’t like to talk to anyone until after that. Este says I feel like I have a hangover but we didn’t drink last night we just are lacking sleep. Kikki is telling her about farting in the shower and laughing.Kyra has walked by them all at the kitchen counter. Back in the Blue Bedroom Kikki is telling Este that she isn’t going to think about that thing. Este says We have to get along with him so we can get further. Kikki says that is so true. Este says Anthony does a good job of getting info. Kikki says We will like it better when the people we don’t like are gone. She says she can’t wait for Mark to leave.
10:00 AM BBT Kyra has entered the room so Kikki changes the subject saying We have to get tons of energy. Downstairs in the little nook Cory and Damien are staring off into space. In the SR Anthony and Adam are complaining about Kyra following Chelsea around everywhere she goes. Adam says Well if you think about it that is smart because Chelsea can’t talk anyone. Adam says She told me what she is going to say. Dane has joined them. Adam says She told him that you and Sam are shields but he ( Dane) will go after you. Dane thinks it is funny that she is telling everyone that I am her target but when she was in power she wanted to work with me. Anthony heads upstairs to the washroom where Eddie is still in the shower Chelsea and Sam are doing makeup. Kyra has delivered a coffee to Chelsea and is going to make more. The camera switches to the backyard area where Dane is going out for a smoke. In the Blue Bedroom Anthony and Chelsea have joined Este and Kikki where they are talking about Chelsea pants that are dirty. She says Eddie wore them and they are dirty dirty. Anthony tells them about Kyra doing this lapdog stuff. He says they are a grown person. Anthony says That is why they are on the block. He says yesterday him and Chelsea were talking and Kyra came in 2 times. Este tells him what Kyra told them to Adam and Sam if they won the Veto to use it on Chelsea. Este says They talk about playing their game and not giving up but that isn’t what they are doing. Anthony says They are worried about making friends. Anthony tells them about a conversation that he had with them where they admitted to having a crush on Chelsea. Anthony tells them that the first night they got in Chelsea’s bed and they were cuddling.
10:15 AM BBT The conversation continues with Anthony saying they come downstairs complaining they are tired but run in with 2 cups to make coffee for Chelsea. Anthony says I can not be fake. He says some people can fake for a week or 2 weeks. He is telling them about him walking in on Chelsea Sam and Kyra and they were balding. As the conversation goes to all the mental problems Kyra has like borderline personalities and bipolar the feeds cut.Outside by the Hot Tub Kyra and Dane are talking about them exposing someone in front of the girls. Dane says I respect that. Kyra says it felt good this non-binary person bugging a 6ft4 guy. They thank Dane for talking with them with respect and treating them with respect. Dane is telling them that they are good and he will tell them if they have to campaign. Mark is shooting pool by himself. At the kitchen counter Chelsea is having breakfast and talking to Cory about her dreams feel so real. Dane passes Eddie and says Good Morning all black baby. Dane has joined Este Kikki and Anthony in the Blue Bedroom Eddie is there but leaves right away. Anthony feels that Kyra isn’t doing it on purpose but they are going to Chelsea every day and tells her that the whole house is against her so Chelsea isn’t campaigning. Anthony says Chelsea said to him yesterday that she just wants to have fun for my last few days. Este says Kyra has the biggest mouth in this house. Anthony says he wants to sit outside for a bit. Dane tells Kikki and Este that he told Chelsea that he asked everyone in the house wants her out. Dane says He told her that you wanted me to go in 2 of your alliances. Dane says he told Kyra that your best friend didn’t include you in her alliances. Dane says She told me they were nothing.
Kikki says she thinks Chelsea is paranoid got to her and thought that this was a good idea not realizing that people talk to each other. Dane says Kyra just told him that they feel bad. Dane says I have the 2 girls vote Anthony, Mark and Cory as well as Damien. He thinks she will try and go for Eddie Adam and Sam . Kikki leaves the room. Dane says I don’t want to win this HOH but I didn’t want Sam to win because she would have put you me or Cory up which are all people I trust. He says Cory is Alpha female. Este thinks that Sam is putting Eddie and Mark’s name up to me. Dane says Adam thanked him for not putting me and Sam up Dane says I told him we have a deal you can’t put me up if you win. Este says I will vote out Eddie before Mark. She says We can’t rely on him for doubles. Dane thinks the double will be next week but he isn’t sure. Dane says after this week there is 6 weeks left so a double is coming. He says we also have a triple coming.

10:30 AM BBT The camera switches to the backyard where Mark and Anthony are talking Anthony is telling him what Chelsea said about Kyra telling her everyone is against her. Anthony says I want Chelsea to blow up Sam’s game. Mark says She won’t do that. Anthony says if she doesn’t then they have the fakest alliance around. He feels that if Sam doesn’t vote to keep Chelsea she has no loyalty. Anthony says Sam will look like a total asshole. Anthony says There has to be a way to get Chelsea to blow up Sam’s game. People are afraid to put Sam up because they don’t want to deal with Sam. Anthony is repeating the conversation because Dane has joined them. In the washroom Chelsea is talking to Adam Adam is telling her he tried talking to Dane saying she would be loyal to you if she stays. Chelsea says I just wish people had my back. Adam tells her At first I really wanted you to stay.
10:45 AM BBT In the washroom Chelsea is saying Maybe I should say I made a mistake saying I was going after Dane but now I think I should say I am going after the people who didn’t have my back. Adam asks her if she really believes that; she just looks at him. He tells her that he tried but kept getting shut down. Adam says I won’t be mad but I will say F**k you Chelsea I am done. Adam wishes her good luck. She says She is going to have a shower first. Anthony is telling them about what he heard Sam saying to Adam. He says We have a lot of saving to do. Yesterday she told him Go ask them this or that. She also said Drop that attitude. Mark says the only people that are allowed to talk game in this house is the PBs. Adam joins them telling That Chelsea is going to call another house meeting and tell them that she is going to call me out. Anthony stands up and says she is not listening. He then repeats the conversation he had with Chelsea last night. Adam says Don’t think it would be fun. He says We could sit back and laugh at it. Adam says either way she is going home.
11:00 AM BBT Anthony says He is going to try and spin it so that she calls out the girls. Adam goes back inside as does Dane. Dane heads up to his HOH Room Cory enters and he asks What is up. Dane says that Chelsea may go after you for your vote. He tells her that Chelsea threw Kyra under the bus right away. She also told Eddie I said I was putting him up. Cory says Eddie is trying to find people but he needs to build a backbone. She says That she gets along with Eddie and she enjoys his company that he would not put me up. Dane says I trust you and Anthony and moving forward I want to build on that. Cory says I like Chelsea on a personal level but I don’t trust her on a game level. Dane says I just want to bring it to your attention that she threw your name out. Dane says I told her I don’t expect her to roll over and die. I also said I had to do what I had to do and you need to do what you need to do. Cory says I don’t understand her game play. Dane said that is why I said several deals. In the backyard area Sam and Adam are talking about next week. Sam says I told you at the beginning of this conversation to just plant seeds and not to react quickly. Sam says Kyra and Dane have exchanged a lot of information. She says Whether it is true or not but They are giving me a lot of information. Sam says I don’t want to be stupid but everytime I tell you something you run to Dane. Sam says she isn’t going to tell him anything until he swears on something. Sam says Kyra is helping us a lot she is talking to Dane Kyra says They ask Dane who he was worried about Dane said Kyra told her that he said Adam Sam and Eddie.
11:15 AM BBT Adam says Yes Sam it will stay here. Adam says What he may be worried about us taking out someone else close to Dane. Sam tells him well we will because everyone else is close to Dane. Adam says Most people here want to see us on the block but I haven’t talked to Damien yet. Adam is telling her a conversation he had with Este. He says Este wants the 4 of us to make it to at least jury. Sam says I need to know that what I tell you about stays here whether or not it is true.. She says because you have done it before. Adam tells her that Chelsea is going to call him out at a meeting she wants to call. Adam says I told her I was going to react because I have to say something. Kyra joins them and says We are in for a storm aren’t we. Kyra says Last night she said she wasn’t going to do anything. Kyra says She just told me I had to leave her alone so she could campaign. Adam says That is what I told her I asked her did you come here to make friends or play Big Brother. They think it will be going down soon. Adam says I just want drama. Adam tells Dane what Chelsea just told Kyra. Dane says She is going home anyway but let us let her blow up someone else’s game. Anthony is going up to try and talk to Chelsea before she calls this house meeting. Chelsea Damien and Anthony are sitting in the Hot Tub area. The conversation centres around Anthony not liking veggies. Feeds go down. Chelsea starts talking about her eating disorder. Chelsea says I am thinking about what type of person I am or what type of game I want to play. Anthony starts talking to her he said to her you don’t deal the cards you are dealt. He says you hit a fork a couple of weeks ago and you turned left now you hit another fork and you have to decide to turn right. Chelsea says I wanted to be loyal to others. Anthony says It is time to fight. She says I decided to throw someone else under but now I don’t know. Anthony says Damien comes to my town and we go to a bar and someone hits him and I do nothing Damien are we still friends. Damien answers NO. He adds It is easy to have your back when things are easy it is when you are in the trenches that count. Anthony tells her You need to step outside the box. He tells her you were shooting to protect your whole squad when you were HOH now that you aren’t they don’t have your back. Anthony says I said 3 words to you Raw Real and Uncut. Anthony says You have to think about people who were in the house who aren’t here now. Anthony says We all connected on a friendship level but you have to look at the other aspect people don’t come on Big Brother to make friends. Kyra has joined them. Anthony says This is survival you have to make your own shelter; find your own water. The conversation has stopped . Chelsea says Its hard. Damien and Anthony agree with her. Kyra says I don’t know I think it gets easier. Anthony says You have to get stronger he uses the example of Damien being on the block 2 out of 4 times. He says Damien is getting stronger. Kyra says If this game was easy the prize money would be 10 bucks. Damien says Everyone would do it if it was easy. Kyra leaves. Chelsea says I want to keep fighting. I don’t want to be done yet. Damien says Think of where you were in the past in the present and in the future. He tells her put all three of you together. Chelsea says I was trying to be loyal to who I am in my life. She says What am I to do lie down and die for people who don’t have my back. She says I hope it isn’t too late. Anthony says This is the Chelsea Bird I have been waiting to wake up. Eddie has joined them now.
11:45 AM BBT Chelsea gets up to head inside and say Thank you. The camera switches to Adam and Sam who are having a little tiff. Adam says Let’s not talk game anymore because you don’t trust me. Sam says You really want to do that. Este comes by so the conversation stops. Adam joins outside area where he tells Damien they are doing their butt workouts. He says he isn’t joining them. The camera moves to Sam who is sitting by herself. Two cameras have gone down the other 2 are on Sam who is by herself deep in thought. The camera goes back to outside where Eddie Anthony Damien and Adam are. Eddie says I ate crickets before in Montreal they were very expensives. Eddie says I had roaches before they taste like chips. Damien is telling a story about a friend of his who was so drunk he stole his truck. In the HOH Room Chelsea is talking to Dane and Este is leaving. Chelsea says Honestly I don’t want to campaign against you. She says I am realize the people I was protecting don’t have my back. Dane says You came into the game to win 100 grand not make friends. Dane says You made close friendships with people but where are they now. She says I know I am a f**king fool for it. Chelsea says I wanted to be a loyal person but I left my life for this game too. She says I can’t play this game anything but honestly She says I don’t want to throw anybody under the bus but now I am realizing that is a strategy on their part not allowing me to campaign.
12:00 PM BBT Chelsea says that if it is her time to go then so be it and you got me. She says even she doesn’t believe that she goes against Dane but he says that these people are not trustworthy. She has been trying to be loyal and a great team member but for what? Dane says that there is no way he will not campaign for Chelsea if they are her friends. Dane says he is trying to light a fire under her because he doesn’t want her to go home over Kyra. Chelsea says that she tried to be loyal and Dane says he appreciates that. He said that he kept telling her to come and talk to him but she didn’t until now. She says that now she realizes that the people she aligned with didn’t have her back. He says that since he nominated her, he has not seen her fight for herself. Dane says that he gives her his word but that if she stays and then turns on him…but Chelsea says that she can’t. Dane says that if she walks out the door, Adam and Sam will be laughing that they have a target on their backs but she left. Dane says that people saying he is building an army, he says no – what he did was build relationships from day one. Chelsea says she is sorry but that she was trying to build relationships with the people she was working with but that now they are not supporting her. Chelsea says that Kyra isn’t just wanting to spend time with her but that she is actually trying to keep her from campaigning for herself. Dane tells her that she has to go figure out her words and go talk to people. Pick people off one by one and see what happens. She says that she is sorry and he says don’t be sorry because he knows. She says she hopes it is not too late if she stays. He says that he needed the shield and now the shield is exposed and he sees them for who they are. Chelsea says after the talk she had with them last night, when they told her not to campaign but not to blow up their games. Chelsea says why should she go to battle for someone who won’t for her. Dane says that he wants her to win the POV then go on to win the HOH. Chelsea asks who he sees himself working with between Kyra and her, he says her because Kyra has been wishy washy. He says he doesn’t feel threatened by them but he wants someone to win with and that he can feel safe with and that is Chelsea. She tells Dane that it was Adam’s idea for the alliance. Dane says that Kyra also told him the same thing. Dane says that he wishes he would have known that because things would have been different. Dane says that this is not too late, in this game it is never too late. Dane says that he only trusts the girls to a certain extent but in the long run, Kikki and Este will have each others back over his. Dane says he needs her in the game and to go do what she has to do. Chelsea says that she likes him too much to campaign against him and that she is being 100% honest with him and this is not game. He says the same. Dane says that he needs to show people what is up. He tells her to take a minute to herself and organize her thoughts. That she needs to have the same talk with everyone so that the story doesn’t change when people talk to each other.
12:15 PM BBT Dane says that if the house leans towards evicting Kyra that he will be on board with it. He says that he needs to be in the house with people he likes since the numbers are dwindling. Chelsea says she needs to fight to stay in the game and if that appears to people that she is not loyal then they need to realize that they didn’t have her back. Dane says if she is not blowing smoke, then he has her back. She says that she can not play the game as a liar. He says that he didn’t realize what Adam was doing. He tells her go to after safety and play the game. She says she is re-aligning with who she is going to work with but that she says that it was more important to her to be more loyal than be a good player. But Dane says that she was the only one out of the group being loyal. He tells her not to be emotional because people will see that as weak but to be firm and say the same to everyone. She says he is a smart player and she wants to work with him. They hug each other. Chelsea goes to the washroom. Feeds go to the pool room where HG are working out. They are working on legs. Same, Este, Corey, Kikki. Dane comes in and the girls tell him to go away and he says he is a pervert. They all go on their back to do a different exercise. In the storage room, Chelsea and Anthony are talking. She tells him what is happening and he says that he can now see it. That they are not giving her time to campaign. She goes to make coffee and he tells her that he will talk to her in the HOH room. Damien is making slop in the kitchen. Damien tells Anthony that he can not be in the room with the girls working out, that he is a one woman man but he is still human. Especially being cooped up in the house for so long. Anthony heads up to the HOH. Chelsea follows. She says she likes chatting in the HOH. She tells him maybe house meeting? She says she realizes after the talk last night that she is being weak but Kyra says that no she is loyal. She tells him it’s hard for her to talk to Kyra because she wants to stay in the game too. Se tells Antohly that she talked to Adam in the bathroom but that he really didn’t care. She says she feels that no one is going to believe her word because the stood and made a declaration. He says that everything that happens that she realizes things more, that she took a risk with people. He says that their talk about let’s work together her 4th night HOH and that she has not talked to him since. He says that if she would have had conversations with him that he would guarantee 1,000 percent that she would not be in this situation. He says that Kyra was told they were going to be safe and that she spent all of her time talking to Kyra instead of talking with people in the house.


12:30 PM BBT She tells him that with the talk last night with Sam and Adam that wouldn’t they want the person who is the fighter to stay in the house. He says that she is the strongest one over her and Kyra. He says this is who she is going to battle with? She says that she doesn’t want to look like she is only talking to save herself and that she can’t play that way. He says that they had a nice chat in the backyard where they opened up to each other that he took a risk but that in this house people do not go deeper than surface but that he did with her even before her HOH then she just disappeared and that spoke volumes to him. But if she would have come to him before that this would be different. She says that it was both of them not just her. He says the last time they spoke that they would not be able to talk too often. She says let me rebuild the relationship with her. He says he is not playing with her mind but he wants to see the game she sees. He said that she told him public enemy was Adam because when he played the first POV that people got scared of him but it is dying down. This game is not just about comps and vetos. Other things play a part in how long you stay here. HE says that people have been trying to work with her since day one. They brought those alliances to her because she was strong. So why did she align with weak people. He says that her eyes are opening over the last couple of days because no one is fighting for her inclug her self. He says she keeps hiding behind the loyal word. Loyal to who? She says Sam and Adam and he says but they are not loyal to you. Dane comes into the HOH. He says that she has had an opportunity to see things. But if he puts himself in her position he would be upset because his people are not having his back. She says that this game is about readapting and she was scared to do that. That this is not about showing her values, it’s about playing a game. She wanted to show that she can be that and be loyal that this is not real life but a game and if they are not going to have her back then she will have to do what she has to do. He says let’s look at the Momma K situation, did Momma K want Chelsea out? He points out that she did the backdoor successfully. Then when Momma K had her speech that Chelsea was upset because she was worried how people would see her. She says she doesn’t want to roll over and die. Anthony says that he does believe that she doesn’t want to go home. Up until now he has not seen anything but Chelsea and Kyra nowhere to be seen and why did she not do anything to save herself. He says what do you mean you don’t know? You know everything? She says that she has spent the last few days accepting it that it is too late. He says that everything goes down to the last second in this game. She needs to work smart and fast. Smarter not harder. She asks what he would do and he says he can not answer that. But that all the puzzle pieces are on the table for her and that she should be building the picture she needs to see and he can not finish that puzzle for her but it has to be facts,. He says that no lies or BS – you have to use the facts that you know up until today and go with a solid conclusion to each person individually and what you know and see. Don’t worry about not campaigning – you are here to campaign. She says she knows. He says this is Big Brother the greatest game of all time – he says put your heels back on and play the game. She says she doesn’t want to campaign against Kyra but that people need to know that people can play and win vs people that don’t play at all. He tells her to look inside the box from outside. She says don’t talk to me in riddles. He says he is not but he will not give her the answer because he wants her to make her own conclusions. He says to cut off everything that happened up until 2 weeks ago,m what has been happening all facts, admit to what you did wrong that you can be real. Yes I made alliances, I want to stay in the game and I have peoples back. You have seen me have people’s back, I am almost leaving the game because I have their back but no one has Chelsea’s back. Show people that. If you are really smart, Who told you to go after Dane? He is the prince. She says she doesn’t want to. He says you have to really, really think.
12:45 PM BBT She says she doesn’t want to give up because that is pathetic. She asks who she wants to work with. He says it’s not about who but he has a model and strategy in this game. He will work with people who talks highly behind his back. When you hear people lie, then you know who they are. Lies are how people make it far in the game. Even if people think she is a liar, switch it up and show them differently. Own up to her lies. But what has not changed is the loyalty. He says it is not a house meeting kind of thing, she needs to talk to people individually with facts. People respect truth and honesty. He uses an example of cheating on her, that he was drunk and slept with someone – but if he came to her with the truth that he felt a disconnect and that he wants to work which one are you going to believe. He says if you walk up to a momma bear with cubs in the wild you are in trouble. He says you know the kind of team members you want. She says it’s disappointing but that she is not willing to lay down her game for people who do not have her back, he says that’s what she should start with. She wants people to work with her. She doesn’t want people to think she is moping around the last few days but the people she has been working with are having a funeral for her but she wants to play the game without a shadow. He says when people see her she is an alpha, he says people have been laughing behind her back and no one is fighting for her or saying anything. She says, then I will. He says you just have to be Chelsea. She says she is sorry she has not talked to her.He says it’s fine, she says the look on your face says it’s not fine. He says there are only a couple in the house who he has gone deeper with but not too deep because he wants to see how they play. Everyone in the house has told someone in the house they have their back. Come on, action speaks louder than words. She says ok. She says she appreciates him and they hug. Kyra walks in on their hug. Then they all walk out. Chelsea goes to the bathroom. Feeds go to outside where Dane, Mark and Damien are. Dane is talking about someone he cheated on. In the bathroom, Kyra comes in and asks Chelsea how she is doing. Kyra says that she wants to tell her something so badly but she can’t. Chelsea says why do you think I will use it against me? Kyra says well, you said we are not here to make friends. CHelsea says no matter what we are friends. Kyra says that their suspicions are right. There is a boys alliance. If you use that against me that would be shady but that she can not tell her any more. Chelsea says are you telling me that to use it against me, Chelsea says I don’t trust anyone in the house. SHe says that they are not fighting for her. Kyra says that what she has seen and heard that it’s not going to work and that Chelsea needs to be weary of who she can trust. Kyra says that Chelsea woke up and now there is fight in her. Chelsea says she is not going to lay down and die. They walk out of the washroom, Kyra follows her and says whatever happens we will be friends. And Chelsea says sure. Chelsea goes to the kitchen and rises her mug and heads outside. Feeds go to Eddie crunching food on the couch and Anthony laying down on the couches. Kyra comes down and says the music player is dead. Anthony says that they just charged it. Kyra says she just went to use it but it is dead. He says that he is so bored he wants to sleep. Kyra asks if they can chat. They both go to the secret room. Kyra says that she is proud of chelsea that she has woken up and has fire, he says not fire. Kyra says well then desperation. Kyra syas that as far as she knows the plan is still the plan and this is why the plan is still in place. They say that the people she has been loyal to her have not been. But does he want to work with someone who has flipped flopped or someone who has been loyal. Ask yourself what is safer for your game going forward. Kyra says that they don’t want to lay down and die either, They say that they have learned the game that they have been on the block twice and that they have learned form every mistake and apply moving forward. Anthoy says he likes it and she is giving him chills. Kyra says they are a lying bitch but that is between them and Anthony but that they trust him. He tells them that t shows fire and that they want to be here. People need to see Kyra has the fire and that they need to say that to people. He says that they need to be fired up and show that they want to be here to that no one can deny it, He likes that. Kyra says that they will not offer to everyone she talks to their loyalty. He says that he wanted to hear what she just said. Kyra says that if they know the odds are in their favor and throw things off but now that Chelsea is fighting that they will now show people that they are fighting regardless how safe they are and they don’t care who is sitting next to them but that Chelsea has proven that she needs to go,
1:00 PM BBT If people want their game better than keep Kyra here. Kyra says their eyes have been open but that they have been thinking with their heart and not their gut and that they made those mistakes early on but have learned from them. It’s nice to have people fighting for you but you ultimately play alone, Anthony says everything needs to be facts. Kyra says that they are concerned that Chelsea will twist things to make Kyra look bad and that the twisted truths that Chelsea will bring to the table. Antony tells Kyra to focus on facts. He tells Kyra that Chelsea has not talked to him in over a week. Chelsea told him that she doesn’t want to roll over and die and he says that’s good but that the facts are the only thing keeping someone in the game that he likes Kyra’s energy and that will take them to the next level. He says that he is happy that Kyra is evolving and that he is proud of them. They hug and he tells them to keep it up. They leave the secret room. Girls and the girls are still working out in the pool room. Anthony and Kyra just down on couches in pool room.
1:15 PM BBT Corey is having the girls and Adam who are working out doing stretching on the floor. No other feeds are active other than the one on the cool-down stretches. The exercises and stretching is over. Kikki is the only one still sitting on the floor on her mat. In the blue room, Dane is going through his stuff and Este comes in. He tells her he stinks. He tells her about the convo with Chelsea. He tells her that Chelsea is doing the work for them saying that Adam needs to go and Este says that she is doing the work for them AND going home. He tells her that he told Chelsea that those people are not your friends. He tells Este that he told Chelsea to go talk to people. She asks if Chelsea said anything about them? He tells her that only that they do not have her back and that she has been loyal to them. Corey comes in. They stop talking about Chelsea and talk about the workout. Corey says she does that deep stretch yoga every Sunday. Este does a one leg stretch and says she likes to do that and balance. Kyra comes in. They continue to talk about stretching. Kyra says they should have done yoga with them today. They say yes they should have. Corey says she is going to go outside for a bit, eat then let the slop digest then she will tub. Dane says he wants to also and Este says he already tubbed. Kyra goes into talking to them and saying the exact same thing she went over with Anthony about them proving their loyalty and been on the block twice, Can they say the same thing about the person sitting next to them? They plan on learning from their mistakes and that they will put up a fight because they want to stay in the house. But that regardless of who is sitting next to them that they will fight. But ultimately who is better for their game. They don’t want to ruffle anyone but that they want people to know that they want to be there they have proven their loyalty in the game. That no one has played this game before regardless of how many seasons you have watched you don’t really know until you play the game. Therefore, they have learned a lot and make less mistakes and not to make the same mistakes more than once. THat they appreciate the loyalty from them. They ask if the plan is still in place., Este says as far as hse is concerned that yes it is. That she has talked to Kyra more than Chelsea.
1:30 PM BBT Kyra says that as far as Chelsea is concerned, that she keeps changing her word and that now her back is against the wall that she is peddling. Kikki comes in. Dane says that Kyra knows where he is at. Kyra says they don’t know because they are still confused. Kyra says they do not want to roll over and being on the block twice has taught them valuable lessons. That they trusted people that they should not have but they have learned from it. That they feel good but that they didn’t want people to think they didn’t care. Dane says everyone knows what is good for their game. That he is 100% with her since week 2. Kyra says they have not really talked to people about their game yet and that they plan on doing that today and tomorrow. That they love this game and are very grateful that they are awake enough to learn from it. Dane says if anything changes that he will tell them. Kikki asks what she has missed. Dane says that Chelsea is now campaigning. Kikki asks Kyra who her target is and Kyra says Eddie because they have heard that he has thrown their name out there but it is hard to tell because everything changes. They have learned that they can not just trust someone before they have proven they are trustworthy, And they will not make that mistake again, Kyra told them to be weary and that now she is saying that her target is Adam. Kyra says they have been playing with people who have broken their trust but no more. Dane and Kyra leave the blue room. Kikki and Este talk about Chelsea that she just because she changes her target doesn’t mean she stays. That Chelsea will do the dirty work for them and that is exactly how they need it. Kikki talks about how she feels after working out and how she feels before and after relates to how she feels about Big Brother – that the two of them will make it far in the game. Kyra comes back in and says that they want to say one more thing, that Adam is unpredictable player and does things without thinking that Adam could use Kyra and not loyal to them. Kyra says to look at Adam’s game and be cautious about it and that he does things without thinking and is a beast. Kyra says that Adam connects with the girls using stories and does the same with the boys. Kyra says that Adam is not her target because that is not best for their game but that they should pay attention to it because they have always been up front with them. Kyra says that Adam never included them in convos and would wait until they left the room to talk. Kyra tells them that everything that Chelsea has done was from Adam. Este asks if the plan was originally to get Kikki out. Kyra says later no but it is hard to tell if Kyra was not told to protect them or that they were just not told. But that they wanted someone to win who would use the veto. They wanted someone to come down to backdoor Momma.
1:45 PM BBT Kyra says it’s hard to tell because they have lied to her the whole time but that they were paranoid about Momma. Kyra says that in the conversations about Momma being the target or if it was Kikki. They say based on the conversations that it is clear that they were going behind their back to insure safety. That it hurt them to see how they used them. Kikki says that it’s interesting to see the dynamic of things and that when she was on the block that she felt support but now with Kyra on the block she doesn’t see it. Kyra says it puts a bigger target on their back if Adam and Sam support Chelsea but that Chelsea blames Adam for being on the block. Kikki asks who then is really Chelsea targeting. Kyra says they really don’t know. But that if Chelsea stays that she will continue to work with Adam. Kyra says they are not going to play them and throw out a million names and that they made the mistake by trusting others too much but that those things eventually catch up with you but that they do not trust Adam one bit. But that they need to keep that relationship in case Adam wins HOH which is very likely. Kyra says that they are not sitting back and talking about Chelsea’s game but that they are telling people her game. There is not need to go out guns blazing if they are not the target. That if people will believe Chelsea – they don’t know but that Kyra has never once switched things up but that people have broken their trust with them so going forward they will not give anyone their full trust until they show them they are trustworthy. Dane told Kyra that Este and Kikki are fully behind them and that they appreciates that Kyra says that they were looked at as only a number and not really included but that Adam didn’t really want to work with them and wanted their number over Maki. Kyra says that they have proven they will not roll over before but tells the girls that they shouldn’t trust someone untrustworthy and be very leery of Adam. Let him think they trust them, the second Adam sees they don’t trust him – they will be a target. Let Adam think they are playing his game to keep themselves safe. The girls say that’s great advice., Kyra says that Adam thinks he is the alpha. Because Kyra is not a girl he can flirt with nor a boy he can bro with. So that Kyra has no value to him and can not be manipulated that way. Kyra says that they were never included in the 4. Este says that she always thought they were a 4. Kyra says no. Este says that she has not won anything either but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have value. Kyra asks about Dane and Adam and Este says they are friends. Kyra says the boys are closer than they think they are and that when they wake up, the boys are meeting in the secret room or pantry but that they have seen it. The girls ask who and Kyra doesn’t give names and only says guys. Mark, Damien, Anthony, Dane and Adam are the names Este says and Kyra nods her head. Este says that you never bring that up to Dane because you don’t want him to know that they know, Kyra says that she has told them and if they hear that it comes back then they know they can not be trusted. They talk about when Damien was on the block they pulled him in and promised him that he is not a target but that at the pool table that Damien and Adam talked at the pool table for 2 hours. Kyra tells them again that it is something to pay attention to and that they told them that because they want to build it. Kyra says they will keep their eyes open and will tell them but to keep their eyes open for the morning and who is coming in and out, how long they are there who is joining it is because they are talking game. Kyra says could they be using each other, that is likely to shield one another. Kyra tells the girls that Dane has asked Kyra to have their backs and that Dane truly has their back. Kyra says they know who she is going for and asks who they would go for. They say Eddie as well because he is very paranoid and it’s tring. They talk about Eddie coming up and calling Dane a liar.
2:00 PM BBT In the backyard area Chelsea is still talking to Mark where she says she is realizing the people she was trying to protect do not have her back. Mark says Who were you aligned with. She tells him she isn’t going to name names. Mark says You say you aren’t going after Dane and you want to play as a lone wolf Kyra is a lone wolf also ; so why not keep the weak lone wolf. Chelsea says Kyra may not be good at comps but she is very smart. She tells him you beat me in that comp. He says Yes but I also beat Kyra. Chelsea says I won the HOH by pushing a button but I didn’t win the POV. She also adds that others haven’t had a chance to prove themselves yet. Mark says We haven’t had a lot of comps to compare with but if you have this person gunning for me and this person gunning I am going to keep the weaker person. Mark says throwing people under the bus may backfire on you; so it is entirely up to you to decide what you want to do. Chelsea says I want to play this game and I want to play loyal I will fight for my people. Chelsea says She doesn’t know if she will call a house meeting or not but because we have talked in the past I wanted to talk to you alone. Mark says It is up to you to decide there is no right or wrong way to play Big Brother. Feeds go down 2:10 PM BBT Feeds come back with Dane being called into the DR. He says No I have no shirt. Cory offers him her robe. In the Secret Room Kyra and Damien are. Kyra says I wanted to wait before I started campaigning but she work up with a bit of fire in her gut. She says I have made mistakes but I am learning. She says I have even stayed loyal to someone who has burned me twice. She says Who do you want to have your back who has stayed loyal or someone who has flipped flopped. She says I do not want to campaign against Chelsea but I want to play the game. Damien says What I liked about you is the fact that you told me last week you will not change. Kyra says You know from Dane’s speech they were looking at numbers.
2:15 PM BBT She goes on to say that they don’t think Adam wanted to work with them. They tell her that They don’t think Chelsea or Sam were calling the shots but Adam was. Damien says What I like about you is the fact that you said you were aware of what was going on and still stayed loyal. Kyra tells Damien that if people were flipping last week I don’t know who because I was not involved in the flip. I swear on my nieces and nephews lifes. They tell him not only did they betray me once but they betrayed me more than once. They go on to say that even after I learned about the alliances I still stayed loyal to Chelsea. They tell him they give people second chances but not third chances. They tell him that he is not a target. They throw Eddie out as their target because they can not trust him. They tell him that Eddie lied to her 2 seconds before the vote. They agree with Damien that they will not put each other up. They tell him that if he has anymore questions for them to please ask and they will be as honest as they can be. They tell him they are here to be honest with him and not flip every 2 seconds. They tell him Chelsea woke up this morning with a little fire in her ass and said I am not here to make friends I am going to fight. Kyra says that Chelsea has lied to them to their face before. They tell him that they wanted to give Chelsea some space out of respect for her and to show that I don’t change my campaign 7 times.
2:30 PM BBT Feeds down feeds come up at 2:32 PM BBT everyone is in the kitchen cooking, Este and Kikki are eat and offered the rest of their food to Anthony. Originally they offered it to Damien put remembered he is on slop. Chelsea came by and said she is going to go tan. Anthony, Chelsea, and Eddie are just now eating. They both thank Eddie for cooking. Chelsea is humming in the mirror and tells them she is full.
2:45 PM BBT Outside Adam and Sam are talking about how they are binge drinkers. Corey and Damien are also joining in the conversation. Este and Kikki are also talking about different drinks. They are talking about the wrap party at the end of the session. Corey said she is going to go inside because she knows they are going to call her. Kikki tells Este her lower back to her butt ratio is perfect. Everyone else is quiet and enjoying the sun. Inside the house Kyra tells Chelsea that Dane, Damien, and Anthony are all gunning for her. Chelsea said that she is going to readjust her target so that people will keep her. She said that is what she is going to say in her house meeting. Chelsea said I am going to go pee. Kyra said I will come in after you. Anthony is laying on the sofa in the living room. THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING THAT THE BACKYARD IS NOW OFF LIMITS. ONE HOUSE GUEST MUST INSURE THE SLIDING GLASS IN CLOSED. Kyra walks up to the bathroom.
3:00 PM BBT Este heads into the red bedroom and she yells out bb i don’t want to talk to anyone. Chelsea stands at the balcony and looks at everyone. Chelsea then heads to the blue bedroom where Kyra is laying down. Kyra said that I told one of the guys something and they went and told all the rest of the guys. Chelsea said well that means I am going home anyway. She asks Kyra what are you going to do with this information. Chelsea stated I was going to have a house meeting but it doesn’t make any sense unless I do it to just to mess up their game. Chelsea tells her they all want to see her blew up her game. She said I am going to have a house meeting and try to blew up their game too. Kyra said if you don’t go against me and I go home then I will go home with my head high but if you are campaigning against me then we have issues. Chelsea said I am doing a house meeting today. Chelsea said Adam told me not to trust Kyra because she is on the block with you. Kyra tells her that is good to open with. Chelsea said I am not going to bring up this guy alliance. Kyra said everyone suspects you are going to say Adam but they need the proof.Chelsea said I could always do it without Adam there Kyra said no he has to be there. Kyra said remember this that even though I could go home I am helping you to stay in this house. Kyra said I am fighting for my life but I am not playing dirty.
3:15 PM BBT Mark said if no one calls a house meeting then I will. He starts singing Hot potato..PLEASE STOP SINGING. Este says she doesn’t want to play any more. Este and Kikki go into the Have not room. Kikki is making Corey a new bed.Este said that Damien bed is so cozy Kikki said well you know he has a girlfriend. Este asks who is the cutest guy in the house. Kikki said Dane of course. Este said at first glance is Damien and Kikki is like yeah until you get to know Dane’s personality. Kikki said I think Damien is very kind and he is very genuine. Kyra leaves out the blue bedroom. Downstair Sam is giving Kyra some kind of drink and she says it tastes wonderful. Mark leaves out the bathroom. He starts walking downstairs and he stops and see Chelsea and then continues to walk down stairs. Dane tells him he is trying to get with Corey so they can figure out what game to play today. Chelsea is just watching everyone upstairs.Kyra leaves by Anthony and comes by Chelsea. She asks her what are you looking at. Chelsea is called to the DR. Chelsea tells her that i want to make sure you are not lying to me. Dane comes into the secret room where Mark and Eddie are in there cleaning up, dane becomes upset about the mess and helps them clean up. They are trying to figure out who is making the mess and at the same time what these papers are about. Dane is still upset and talking about how that people are being disrespectful to the house.
3:30 PM BBT Feeds go to Damien and Sam in the storage room. Damien asks her about her not using the veto on him. Sam said I was told that you were numbering us by who was going home. Sam and Damien hug it out. Dane and Eddie are still the secret room they have almost finished cleaning up the mess. Dane said that we need to keep this clean so we know how many boxes there is. Dane asks him who is he voting for he said that I am still sticking with the plan. Eddie thanks Dane for helping him clean up the mess. They are now going to count the boxes. They both counted 141 boxes. Eddie said that it is weird because the other day we counted twice and it was 142, Dane said maybe we just miss counted. Eddie said he is going to walk out and walk back in and recount. Dane said there is actually 143 boxes in here but that he hide two boxes. Dane said he didn’t even count and he doesn’t really care about the mess, but he did think that their would be more boxes in here.
3:45 PM BBT Dane recounts each day the secret room was open and how many boxes were in each day. Dane leaves out and heads to the kitchen and Mark starts telling them about a girl who came over and wanted him to fix her breakfast. Everyone is just walking around. Mark tells them that the reason cereal is popular in the US is because parents can trick their kids into drinking milk. Damien said that he developed an allergy to milk due to drinking milk a lot. Chelsea is in the storage room and says this game is messing with my head so bad. She said that loyalty is everything. She is talking to the mirror. She said that she tired of being loyal to Sam and Adam because they have not had her back this entire time. She says if she goes she is going to go out swinging.Chelsea said she did not think he personally betrayed ,me but know i see that he did. Sam says she was chocolate. Damien is waiting on his pizza. Mark heads to the sofa. Eddie and Corey are sitting at the bar. Este and Kikki are still in the have not room talking about random things. Este says she hopes she doesn’t touch the block for a while. Este said that she doesn’t really care who is going home.

6:00 PM BBT Chelsea is alone in the blue bedroom. Sam and Kyra are talking about jury in the secret room. Kyra says that Chelsea is paranoid that Kyra is talking game to others but Kyra just wants to further their own game after Chelsea leaves. Kyra said that even though they talk to Anthony, doesn’t mean they are flipping and turning on Chelsea. Este and Kikki join Chelsea in the blue bedroom. Este says she’s happy that Chelsea’s actually campaigning. She said she wouldn’t want to have regrets about going out knowing there was more she could have done to save herself. Chelsea says someone told her about a seven person alliance. She thinks that since she was told during her HOH, it has been twisted to her idea. Now, it has come back to be the reason she’s on the block. There’s no seven. She thinks that people may have thought she was making a girls alliance. She made a joke to Eddie in the bathroom about a final wo but it was spun and twisted. Kikki said she has a weird feeling because it seemed Chelsea has a lot of people’s backs but they didn’t have hers. Chelsea said she doesn’t understand either. Big Brother tells someone to fix their microphone. Chelsea thinks people are scared to declare who they are working with. She said she has learned that some people are just really good at lying and planting seeds.
6:15 PM BBT Chelsea said all she wants is to be honest. Her back’s against the wall and she knows she has made mistakes. Este said she think that people were just afraid of a group so solid but seeing that, she would rather see them being loyal. Chelsea thinks people should fight for those who they are working with, even if it means that they have to declare who they are working with. Chelsea said she will even tell the whole house if need be. She just wants the chance to adapt and re-align. Kikki tells her about when she as on the block and how people treated her. Chelsea said she expected people to have her back. She said she loved Kyra but wants the chance to play without a shadow. Sam and Kyra were talking in the secret room. Sam thinks she can win HOH next week. They agree not to tell anyone that they are working with each other and that they have each other’s games in their head. When Sam leaves, Kyra begins to count stuff in the room. Sam, Kikki and Este walk past each other and Kikki says that Sam looks like Nikki. Dane, Adam and Mark are playing a game in the living room.
6:30 PM BBT Kikki and Este are talking in the HOH room. They were trying to get Chelsea to say who her target going forward is. They were waiting for her to say Dane. They want Adam gone. They think it’s interesting that Adam tried to form a seven person alliance without them in it. Kikki wants Chelsea to hold a house meeting to make a wedge between them and Sam. Este thinks Chelsea’s biggest mistake was playing hard too fast. The mistake was putting Kikki up last week. They wonder why Chelsea would put someone up that she was working with so early in the game. Kikki and Este think that Chelsea and Sam’s alliance was based on looks but there’s nothing more to the alliance. Dane enters the HOH room and Este and Kikki fill him in on what their conversation with Chelsea entailed. Chelsea is doing her hair in the blue BR now. Este and Dane think that Thursday is the double eviction.
6:45 PM BBT Este guesses that the competition for the double eviction will be chance and not memory. Este thinks Adam is just a player and not here for the money. Dane says he is so in debt that if he doesn’t place first or second he is screwed. Este wants to talk more game with Corey. Dane warns her not to say too much. Este said people are salty if you have a good relationship and get them out or if they don’t like you and you get them out. Este asks Dane if he has any more fuzzy peaches. Este suggests for them to make a pizza. Dane says they are really low on food right now. Dane left the HOH. Este and Kikki agree that Chelsea has to go. They said that they feel bad for Chelsea though. They both leave the HOH. Kyra says that they are making salmon and someone else is making chicken. Anthony and Damien are in the bathroom. Chelsea and Corey are talking. Chelsea says that when you are up against someone that you care about it isn’t fun. Corey and Chelsea agree that they both need to study. When Damien comes out of the bathroom, Corey says he looks like a new man.
7:00 PM BBT Corey thinks Mark is scare of her. She said that he doesn’t look her in the eyes. Corey said that when she was on a slop shake diet, she was very hungry. Chelsea tells Corey her slop body look great. Eddie is laying on the couch. Chelsea wanders to the kitchen and then leaves to the HOH room. Big Brother tells Dane to turn the volume down on his music player. Chelsea goes down the stairs and sits with Anthony. Chelsea asks him to tell her about his life as a famous football player. Kyra, Sam, Kikki and Adam are in the kitchen. Just general conversation between them. Mark goes into the red BR and starts to recite important dates, numbers, etc. Anthony, Chelsea and Corey are sitting around the table.
7:15 PM BBT Chelsea said she wishes she got a pedicure before going into the house. Anthony thinks all men should take care of their feet and get pedicures. Chelsea thought that she was going to wear jeans and stuff like that more often. Corey thinks that it is funny that she puts on makeup and looks good whenever she goes to work, goes out but when she’s on national television with millions to see, she doesn’t try too hard. Chelsea thinks people will respond to that because Corey’s being her true self. Their conversation shifts to an original reality television show. Big Brother tells her to stop naming brand names. Corey says it was way before Survivor and Big Brother. She said they played in teams of four. She said the contestants didn’t ever get alot of sleep. She said it would be both physically and mentally challenging. One of Corey’s friends was a player. Damien and Mark are laying down in the HN room and talking. Mark asks if Damien’s parents are going to travel more.
7:30 PM BBT Damien and Mark are talking about Damien’s hockey card. Mark wants the hockey card to be included in Damien’s HOH basket but they think the logos wouldn’t be allowed. They said Canada loves hockey though. Mark and Damien said they have both been to Stoney Creek which is near Calgary. Anthony, Chelsea and Corey are all still sitting at the table talking. Just general chatting. Sam, Kyra, Eddie and Adam are in the kitchen. Chelsea left her chair and is now walking upstairs. Kikki leaves the bathroom and starts singing “Anaconda,” until Big Brother tells her to stop. Anthony goes to the HN room. Mark and Damien are still in there talking. Este, Kikki and Anthony are in the HOH room now. Kikki said all she wants to do is play pool. Mark is telling Kikki and Este that Chelsea told him she hasn’t been campaigning because Kyra (who’s she’s on the block with) said the whole house is against her anyway. Anthony said that Dane would be a bad person to go after right now because he’s like by many people in the house.
7:45 PM BBT Anthony keeps telling Kikki and Este about his conversation with Chelsea. He told Chelsea that he doesn’t know who he’s going to vote for. Anthony told Chelsea that she should be talking to Kikki and Este rather than people like Sam. Mark asks Damien if he misses his girlfriend. Damien says yes. He said it’s been very hard for him. Mark is talking about his ex girlfriend. Chelsea and Dane are going to the backyard space. They start talking about fraternal vs identical twins. Sam and Kyra joined them in the backyard. They want to binge watch the season so they know what people have seen from them. Big Brother tells them to stop talking about production. Kyra thinks Chelsea is a very still sleeper. Kyra says they clean while they cook. The houseguests are talking about the Russian language. Dane is talking about his ex girlfriend and his living situation. The houseguests are talking about their living situations.

10:00 PM BBT Adam and Dane are in the HOH talking about the game. Adam said he needed the alone time from everyone in the house that’s why he wasn’t outside with everyone. Adam says Sam has been making little mean comments to him all day and it’s bothering him. Dane tells him that he needs to not worry so much about Sam but to put his head in the game. Adam is asking who Dane thinks who different people would put up on the block.. Dane says as long as the stick to the guys alliance then they should be fine. Dane says he truly believes this week is going to be a double eviction. Right when Dane was telling Adam that after they get Chelsea out this week she came through the door almost immediately and asked if she could use his bathroom. Dane is no alone laughing about it to himself.
10:15 PM BBT Adam and Sam are in the washroom talking. He was asking Sam why she has been so argumental towards him. She said that she wasn’t expecting to come in the house and like someone as much as she likes him, and it is making her crazy. Chelsea comes into shower and Adam says are you ready to talk to us, and Kyra happens to walk in and then they are quiet and Kyra leaves Chelsea says she can never get a moment alone to talk to them. Adam says well this morning you said you were going to call Sam and I out. Adam said that he threw many ideas Chelsea’s way when she went on the block and she was ready to be voted out. Now Chelsea says she doesn’t want to lay down and just be voted out and she wants to fight to say. Adam says that if she can get the votes then Sam and him will vote for her to stay. Sam says that if they just change the way they vote without others also changing theirs that it could be damaging for her and Adam. Chelsea says she wants to talk to everyone and if that doesn’t work that she is going to call Kyra out. Chelsea said she is fighting for her life in the game and she is trying to do as little damage to everyone as possible. She tells Adam it’s his fault she is in this position Adam says I did not put you on the block, but Chelsea says you did tell Dane about the alliance. Adam says that it comes down to Dane whether she stays or not. Sam ask if Chelsea is getting any good feedback, she says she is really not sure. Chelsea would talk to everyone but Kyra is outside and she can’t say what she once. She said she just wants one more week without someone following her around all week.
10:30 PM BBT Chelsea, Adam, and Sam are in the washroom talking. Chelsea says she is going to talk to Dane. She says that Kyra will probably hate her afterwards but she needs to. Adam says there is no way Chelsea is going to stay after she leaves the washroom. Sam says Dane has so many deals out their that this is not going to matter for his game. Sam says to Adam why would we campaign for Chelsea when we are big targets are selves in the house. Sam just tells Adam that she is proud of the way he talked to Chelsea and that he is amazing. Adam says so I go from talking too much to amazing and Sam says yes. Most of the HGs are in the hot tub talking. They are having some general talking, Corey leaves the hot tub
10:45 PM BBT Adam and Chelsea are on their way out to get in the hot tub. They first stop in the kitchen. Adam says let’s see how many people are out there, I’d rather stay in and take advantage of the quiet. In the RedBR Eddie and Kikki are talking about spooky tattoos. Eddie asks her if she would be interested in Kyra if not in the house and Kikki says no not romantically. Kikki asks Eddie what type he is interested in and he said tall, dark hair ,and usually asian. She asks him does he thinks Dane is hot and he says no Dane is my daddy and they laugh. Now Kikki is just throwing random names that she thanks that are hot. Now Eddie asks Kikki who she thinks that could pair up as a showmance.
11:00 PM BBT Este is laying in the chair in the HOH. Dane justed left from that room. Dane and Kyra have a quick conversation in the SR. Kyra says I’m sorry for being so paranoid, but the more confident Chelsea acts make them worry. Dane says no you have nothing to worry about. Chelsea, Eddie, Kyra, and Dane, and Kikki are in the washroom. Kikki just finished going to the bathroom, Chelsea is changing back into her clothes and Kyra is having a shower. Chelsea is in the mirror putting on makeup. Everyone leaves the washroom and Chelsea is talking Dane to campaign for herself to stay. Chelsea says that she wants to stay in the house. She says she can’t even play her own game with Kyra following her around all the time. Dane says the first HOH he had to walk around his room naked just so that Kyra would leave him alone awhile.
11:15 PM BBT Dane and Chelsea continue talking in the washroom. She tells him that she would not put him up if she should stay and win HOH. Chelsea tells Dane that she could not enjoy her HOH because she said Kyra had to have conversations about how they should properly show their feelings. Dane says tomorrow he will talk to everyone and see how they are feeling about keeping Chelsea. Corey comes in to check her laundry and restarts the dryer. Kikki and Eddie are playing pool. Chelsea said she talked to Damien today, she says that even though she put him on the block it was only as a pawn and she said he knows that.
11:30 PM BBT Chelsea and Dane are still talking in the washroom. He tells her to continue talking to everyone. He tells her to try and talk to Anthony because he could probably change a lot people’s mind in the house to keep her. Dane says he hopes that the conversation that they have right now will stay between them. They hug and Dane tells her good luck with everything. Kyra is in the room listening to music and looks as if Kyra is crying Dane goes in his HOH bathroom and says to the camera in the whisper leave me alone, referencing to Kyra. In the workout room Kikki and Eddie are playing pool, Chelsea and Este are also in there. Kyra and Dane are now talking in the HOH, Kyra asks how Chelsea’s campaign and said it’s ok and that she isn’t throwing anyone under the bus. Kyra says not even Adam, Dane says no, Kyra is surprised that Chelsea isn’t. Dane says that Kyra should talk to everyone again and she should possibly through some names out there that she would put on the block. Kyra says they thought Chelsea really wasn’t going to campaign to stay according to their conversation last night. Dane tells Kyra don’t worry now, but just campaign and talk to everyone again about the game. Dane says he hopes that Kyra still wants to keep their deal with him.
11:45 PM BBT Chelsea and Kikki are in the workout room and she is talking to Kikki about wanting to stay in the house. She tells her she only wants to stay in the game and play an honest game with everyone. Kikki says well you said that you were going after Dane, and he has sort of protected me. Chelsea says well she is not, she know she said she was but she isn’t. Chelsea says she told Dane she wasn’t and it was a moment of weakness deflecting the target on Dane. Kikki asks Chelsea why did you say that you were going to accept the fact you were going to go home, Chelsea says Kyra told her that it was already decided Chelsea would go home. Kikki says you know things change all the time in this game. Kikki then says where were your people, she says take the game out of it Chelsea on a personal level where were your people they should have told you not to give up when you were nominated. Dane leaves the HOH room and Kyra says to the camera that Dane needs to think that they is wrapped around his finger. Kyra says that they are waiting for Dane to make a mistake but he is doing really good so far. Dane is in kitchen to camera he needs the money that he is poor and very bad with his own money. Mark and Estel are in RedRm talking. Dane heads outside and Anthony is heading in. Damien, Corey and Adam are in the hot tub and Dane and Sam are smoking a cigarette Kyra is now in the RedRM talking to Mark.

12:00 AM As Chelsea continues to talk with Kiera, most of the other Hgs are out at the hot tub relaxing waiting for the bed time call. Kyra is giving their pitch to Mark up in the Red room


March 25, 2019

9:45 AM BBT The rooster has crowed twice already this morning.Sam and Adam are questioning Mark over something that Mark said about the whole house about putting Sam and Adam. Mark is para-phasing the conversation that he had with Chelsea. Big Brother calls out Este for talking in code. In the backyard area Dane is talking to Damien about staying true to himself like he did both times on the block Damien tells him he is loyal Dane says he is loyal too. In the kitchen Cory is telling Damien that she cleaned out the slop bucket and this is all the slop they have for now. Sam comes down and says good morning. Back in the Red Bedroom Adam and Mark are talking about the fact that Chelsea is saying that Dane is very smart and is playing a good game. Adam says Anthony and Dane are loved by everyone in the house. They are discussing the fact that Dane wants to keep Kyra around as long as possible. Adam says Kikki and Este think they can control whatever happens this week. Adam says They are f**king smart those two girls. They are trying to decide what Cory would do if she won HOH.
10:00 AM BBT Adam says It is what it is I really like Chelsea and enjoy spending time with her but she is going home. I am going to try and make her last days fun. She thinks she has my vote but she doesn’t. She also thinks she can get your vote and possible Eddie’s. Feeds switch to the Blue Bedroom for a second where Este is saying Dane sounds kinda sick then they go down. In the nook off the dining room Cory and Damien are talking about their morning routines. Cory says in the mornings at home she does her dishes before anything else. She says here she will always rinse out her glasses. Adam comes down and Cory says I split the slop shake in 3 there is one in the fridge for you. Adam says How are your hamstrings today Damien Damien tells him okay . Adam says his are f**ked. Cory says she saw Este and Kikki doing butt workouts yesterday which she said are good. Adam is making Sam a fruit smoothie. Kyra joins them in the SR. Adam leaves and Kyra asks Sam if she has a plan. Sam says No it is plain. Kyra says Chelsea is campaigning against Dane not me so I thought you had a plan. Sam tells them No. Kyra says Dane is going to do a workout and is upstairs at the moment. Sam is washing a glass out for her smoothie. Kyra is doing the frying pan to prepare her breakfast.
10:15 AM BBT Adam takes 2 glasses of the smoothies upstairs to give to someone. In the HOH Room Dane is talking to Adam about a conversation he had with Chelsea before his noms where she threw Adam’s name out first then he did,Dane says she told him yesterday that Dane is going to win the game. Adam says She went to Mark and said Last week you were up my ass and this week you are up Dane’s ass whose ass you going to be up next week. Mark told her in a couple of months I will explain this to you. Adam says Chelsea said she told Mark f**k you. Dane says How do you think I will feel when Este and Kikki are on the block. Dane says you just need to explain to them in your DR to them that although you think my loyalty sucks I made a deal on day 1 with 3 other guys who I am 100% loyal too and only 90% loyal to you. If I had met you guys on day 1 things might have been different. Adam leaves the HOH Dane listens to his music and is bouncing around the washroom pretending to dance but it is mainly stomping and swinging his arms. In the washroom Chelsea has started her 2 hour makeup routine and talking to Eddie. Chelsea says I need coffee over tea, Eddie says it is too easy to overdose on coffee which is why I prefer tea. Chelsea says to him I want to talk more game with you today but not until I am ready and have my makeup on. Eddie tells her to take her time. He says I see your real emotions. Anthony and Mark are in the SR talking Mark is saying in here I have to be a loser in the real world I am no f**king loser. Mark leaves and Sam enters and asks how he slept. He says fine she says she did too but it seem to be over fast. Anthony is looking for bagels. Kyra says here they are Anthony says I just looked in there. Dane is now talking to Anthony where Kikki and Este told him that Mark will do whatever they say. Anthony says I told Mark he did really good getting in with them but now he needs to come back. Dane tells him that Adam said Chelsea’s campaign will be that I am Canada’s Favorite House Favorite and will win this game. Dane tells him I don’t need that target on my back yet. Anthony checks in with how he is doing getting close to Cory.
10:30 AM BBT Anthony s in the SR by himself so we move to the washroom where Chelsea is still doing her morning makeup routine and Eddie is still there doing his. Eddie asks Should I brush my teeth then get breakfast or have breakfast then brush my teeth. Chelsea says Brush teeth first. Eddie decides eat breakfast then brush teeth. Este comes down saying the gremlins are in their corner today. She asks if they had nightmares about her. In the nook Damien says I am not a morning person Cory says normally I am. Cory says Dane is just an animal I wonder how he would do on slop. Cory says I can go go go but Dane just keeps going. Mark is at the pool table by himself. Chelsea is in the washroom still applying makeup. In the nook Cory and Damien are still just having a general conversation about cracking bones that have been broken while playing volleyball. Apparently it wasn’t totally broke. Damien says I did my ankle but my Mom put something on it and my toes were blue the next day. They say they tore everything and the doctors said that they should have broken them. Adam got more slop and is making slop pancakes for him and Damien as Cory doesn’t want any. Eddie is making a jam berry water drink and turns the blender on without the lid. Adam says to him You are suppose to put the lid on first Eddie. Eddie explains that he did it by mistake.

10:45 AM BBT In the SR Este is preparing her breakfast. Eddie is mixing cereal into his jam berry water puree. Chelsea has finally joined the group in the kitchen. Chelsea is in the SR with Este and Kikki but there is no conversation. Chelsea leaves and Kikki whispered awkward. They start talking about the fact that Adam and Sam were in the shower together. They say for someone so smart that was so stupid. They go back to making their breakfast. Este says we need berries but we are all out of berries. They have finished preparing their breakfast and head out. Most of the HGs are now having their breakfast. Anthony was sitting next to Eddie but had to move with Eddie’s smacking. Adam looks at him and says to Anthony making smacking motions with his mouth that is the worse Anthony. Este and Kikki are sitting at the dining room table eating their breakfast. Este says she isn’t going to talk to Kikki until after she has had her first cup of coffee. In the SR Chelsea is there with Eddie who is looking for more to eat. Chelsea is waiting for her bagel to toast. Eddie is putting cream cheese on his pretzels. Damien and Cory are still having a general conversation Cory is trying to find someone who will lift weights with her. She is asking Este who asks her if she is going to do yoga today. Cory says after I lift weights. Eddie says Damien has good morning hair where his is always messy. Eddie says to Sam your hair is curly. She tells him because I slept on it.
11:00 AM BBT Most of the HGs are sitting at the dining room table Kikki is telling them about the ferry from mainland BC to the island. She says it is one hour but you can’t smoke on the ferry anymore. Kikki says In New Zealand cigarettes are $60.00 a package. She says New Zealand is trying to be the first smoke free country. Eddie is in the SR making loose leaf tea; he gets told to stop singing. Cory is having problems untangling her necklace from her mic. Kyra is helping her. Kikki is going outside for a minute. Cory is trying to motivate Anthony to start the workout. Outside Dane and Kikki are by the Hot Tub Area. Dane is telling her what Chelsea’s campaign is about attacking him. Kikki says Have fun trying to get Dane out. Kikki says I want to win. Dane thinks he might get back doored if he doesn’t play in the POV and win it. Kikki says I don’t think there are enough votes to get you out even if you get on the block. Kikki says Mark got really mad at me for not taking a bath with him but this game is stressful enough. Kikki says I don’t know why he crawled into the bathtub with me that was pretty rude. She asks if Mark is a virgin.
11:15 AM BBT They are trying to figure out what time it is they think 8:30. Kikki yells out happy birthday to a couple of people. Cory comes out and says she is going to go get her sunglasses. Anthony says Gees Cory. She tells Dane what Anthony said about not being able to workout yet. He got a bad sleep and needs to digest his breakfast. Damien has joined them. They say it is going to be a beautiful day. Kikki says Welcome to Spring everybody we survived the winter in the Big Brother House. Damien says his father likes machines as much as some like video games. Inside the house Chelsea and Kyra are talking in the SR. Chelsea says If the plan is to get me out on Thursday then it is what it is. Kyra says If you can get the numbers then it is okay to throw me under the bus. Kyra says I will be okay with that. They tell her that Right now I know you don’t have the numbers but if by Wednesday you do then go for it. Chelsea says it is not that he is in power and running the show. He is running the show. Kyra says it is like when he told me about the alliance he mixed in a little lie with the big truth. They tell her that is what I am going to do going forward. They tell her it is a hard sell but if you can pull it off and everyone wants him out. Chelsea says it will be hard because even Adam wants to work with Dane. Kyra tells her You are good at this game he just got to you first. Kyra says Dane is playing chess. Kyra says If she won HOH she would put up Mark and Eddie and try to back door Dane. They both agree that Dane is playing a smart game and they can respect that.
11:30 AM BBT Chelsea says if there is a way I can come back through a battle back I don’t know if I can play this game dishonestly. Kyra says The problem is that we tie our values to this. They say part of this game is how far will you go to break your own rules in this flight or fight contest because that is what this game is about. Chelsea says My back is against the wall. Kyra says he put me up against you so I can’t even fight for you. Chelsea says If this game is a test about going against your morals then I fail at this test. Kyra says She thinks Mark is easily played by Dane. Chelsea says Everyone is played by Dane. Kyra says Just don’t look at yourself and say I didn’t do everything I could. Chelsea say I’m not. Kyra states if you think you can get the votes you do what you have. I am not going to stay here and tell you not too. Kyra says I think you can get Adam and Sam’s vote and maybe Cory’s. Kyra say I didn’t want it to be this way. Chelsea says Going back to my real life I learned more about myself in this short period of time. Chelsea says You moving forward work with Cory. Kyra says Yeah I think Cory wants to work with me. Kyra says When she asked me about forming a final 2 I told her I couldn’t commit because I didn’t know where her head was at. They continue with I think she thinks that I am easy and it is always good to have someone in front of you. Kyra says it is like Dane saying He isn’t working with Este and Kikki that Canada or anyone to think that I would do that to someone I really care about. Chelsea says Stop telling me how to campaign against you. Kyra say I really respect you. I know you think I am annoying at times. Kyra says Do what you gotta do in the next couple of days and if you can get the numbers use the tipping point. Kyra says I have no one in this game you have people. Chelsea says I thought I had Eddie but I think he will go with the house. Chelsea says I like being in power over being on the block. Kyra says that they like being on the block but the problem this week is I on it with you. Chelsea decides to go fix her hair then go outside. Looks like everyone is outside so Eddie and Kyra go to find out. Everyone is outside. Cory has misplaced her sunglasses. Sounds like Kyra and Damien got their jean jackets mixed up. Eddie is swinging his battery and they all tell him not to do that.

11:45 AM BBT Sam and Adam are sitting on the weight bench talking about going into the next comp planning to win then watch everybody suck up to their asses. Sam is whispering in Adam’s ear so we can’t hear. Adam says Everyone is just going with the house. Adam says they are all just a bunch of pussies. Mark comes by and just walks around them. Sam says that is a good idea. Adam says You have to pick the right time. Sam says When do we do that. Adam says the minute you do you are on the block. She thinks they should use the fact that we are targets. Adam says Yea most are saying we are their shields. Adam thinks People are afraid for both of us to go to jury. Sam says Well we have to tell them that we can tell people that we are here to play a game even tho we found something special we both are here for our own game first. Sam says She will go to Kyra and she will go directly to Dane. Adam says I think we are good with Dane. Sam says after I talked to Mark I don’t feel as good with Dane. Adam says You go talk to Dane next week saying You are not my target. He also suggests they talk to Cory and Eddie. Adam says He is a little unsure what to do at this point. Adam says I have to talk to Kikki Este and Kyra. Sam says I don’t think Cory will put us up. Unless she decides to go with the house. Adam said We could put up Kikki and Eddie. Adam says When I called that house meeting about the vote everybody threw Eddie’s name out. Adam says We will still be together that hasn’t changed we will just talk to everyone separately. Adam says If Mark or Anthony win and mention your name I will try and talk them out of it. Sam says You need to tell me so I can do what I need to do. They separate Sam goes to washroom Adam works out a bit longer saying I am going outside after this. He runs over to Sam and says This is just between me and you.
12:00 PM BBT In the HOH Room Sam and Este are listening to music and hugging each other. Este is crying she says she doesn’t know why she is crying. Sam says it is the music. Outside by the Hot Tub area Mark and Dane are in the tub. Mark is talking about some place in France he was when the World Cup was on. The camera switches to the backyard area where Kyra and Adam are talking about the fact that everyone is throwing out their name but just because people are saying it doesn’t mean anything. As Kyra walks away Adam whispers Pretty Boys No one is ever going to know. Kyra heads outside and asks Anthony if she can sit next to him and smoke. Mark and Dane in the Hot tub are discussing different types of religion and to learn how the world came to where they are today. Sam and Este listening to music are discussing targets and who would people put up. They get ready to go work out while Eddie and Corey are in the SR whispering and talking about looking out for each other. Eddie tells her even though people mentioned her name week 1 they haven’t again. He says he is attracted to work with her because of her kind nurturing nature. Chelsea and Sam are up in washroom hanging out and Corey walks in then Eddie, Sam heads to the HOH room to use the WR in a hurry after saying the sausages are in the oven downstairs.
12:15 PM BBT Chelsea asks what Eddie is up to he says wandering around. After corey comes out of the RR Eddie tells her that others are saying she is older that she puts off. He still wants to work with her and says he will not tell anyone he stresses how trustworthy he is. Outside este is telling them about the music and how a few of them were getting to her. Chelsea walks through the BY and you see Adam on the floor ona rest between workout sets. Mark is still in the HT, several other Hgs are lounging around enjoying the sun. Corey and Eddie continue to talk in the WR, about how Eddie is trying to play the game and where he is. Corey says Step one she is putting on workout gear, he heads in to the RR. Corey heads to the blue room where she digs through clothes to find what she wants to wear. She heads back to the WR to change and feeds show us Adam working out. Sam is in the HOH WR listening to the Ipod in a corner looking defeated,Feeds come right back to Adam.
12:30 PM BBT Meanwhile Dane is laying out sun tanning, Chelsea is soaking up some sun, Este and Kiera are laying on couches along with Anthony all bundled up, Kyra is laying out enjoying the sun while fully dressed. Mark is out there talking to Dane but more so just to hear his own voice and not have silence. UP in WR Damien tells Corey he is getting a little sun and points it out on his nose. Shes is still trying to get dressed and ready for the day. Damien and Eddie’s teeth brushing schedules have synced up and they joke about it. Dane and Adam have found themselves in the SR together. Adam tells Dane about his conversation with Kyra and then they move out to the Kitchen. They go over how everyone gets mad when your name comes out of someones mouth but its a game it’s going to happen. Corey comes down and talks to them about the slop and where she’s at with working out. Adam helps to make another Slop shake for them. Damien sits patiently at the counter with Corey.
12:45 PM BBT Adam has finished the shakes and is cleaning up the mess while they debate if her sunglasses are red or orange or gold lenses. Anthony moses around in the kitchen and we see Eddie find his “cup of tea” that is really in a bowl. They begin to think about what their first meal will be when they can eat. Outside Kikki and others are talking about medical things. Kikki heads in because she doesn’t want to be asked to put on sunscreen. Dane gets comfy with his head on Este’s lap. Kyra and Chelsea on oposite couches just soaking up the sun. Kikki heads up to the Blue room where she finds Sam spending time alone. Kikki said she would be out in a moment Sam says no worries i was actually going to get ready to work out. They joke about how Sam has been eating so much she feels like she needs to work out. They start talking about a Zach and feeds cut and go to the BY again. Adam has joined them again and is sunbathing shirtless with the other HGS. Damien and Corey are left at the bar alone and they begin to talk about birthdays. Corey is shocked at how fast Damien drinks his shake and says she’s afraid to drink it so fast. Eddie is there with them and they talk about how things get left out and what is okay to leave out and not. Damien thinks about going back out to get more Sun.
1:00 PM BBT general conversation out at the hot tub, while Corey and Damien have general conversation about home and then a brief mention of washing or atleast rinsing your dishes when done in the house. Damien heads out, Corey hangs out at the bar, Mark walks in saying he needs to shower he smells like HT. He notices the Sausage is still in the oven pulls it out and offers some to Corey forgetting she’s a HN. Corey says she is not eating enough and losing too much weight. Mark chokes on his food, and then gathers himself. They discuss how easily you can die by food down the wrong pipe. Kikki and Este come in and start to nibble off the tray of food. Up in HOH Damien and Anthony are laying around, the girls walk into the blue room singing and Feeds cut quickly. Corey is telling Mark about her position and how to be a kids teachers and how the assessments go. Eddie walks through and back out.
1:15 PM BBT Corey says she wants to get her Masters so she can teach special ed. She has the undergrad she just needs the Masters in education now. She wants to do it since the inclusion policy. Mark asks about the special high advanced kids and she says it’s more so in High school. She breaks down the idea of a lesson with all the different learners and how the groups could be broken down. They move on to tattoos where they all came from. Mark asks if she has to cover her tats when she teaches she says NO. I wear my stilettos and sleeveless when we have back to school night, It helps to show strength but also professionalism. She jokes about day one when they come in for homeroom, “hope you like me, cuz you got me 2 times a day 3 days a week.” she shares how she has all the Hockey kids and how she helps with the kids who need to be able to move. She tells about one specific kid and how its second nature for him to just ask questions and she used to be that kid. She’s teaching grade 6 but feels her kids are giants by grade 8.
1:30 PM BBT She begins to tell about a child she taught a few years ago and how tall he is now in grade 11 who plays basketball. She says she’s an open teacher where they can as a class make decisions and help them feel like they are part of the bigger picture. Mark says he wants to clean up and so they go separate ways. Corey heads out towards the work out area. Eddie is out there laying on a couch. Kiera is up in the WR getting ready for the day. Working on her hair, makes a shoutout to her mom. Este comes out of the RR from changing and they beginning to goof around. Corey walks in and they say they can not find him, she asks about a butt workout and says I will do it with you since I can’t find him. Volleyball becomes the large topic in the WR. In the HOH Damien is listening to the Ipod, Anthony is laying across the bed, feeds to to the outside HGS. Adam, and Kyra make shoutouts to mom and say HI. Dane is making his way inside up to the HOH. Anthony says what’s up and he says nothing just taking a break from outside. Corey finds her way into the HOH where Anthony is. She is concerned about sitting on the bed as she is a HN and thinks she is not allowed on the bed they tell he she can sit but not fully lay down. Dane is back from his RR break and they talk about Corey’s type of guy in HS.
1:45 PM BBT In the WR, Mark is showering, Kikki is doing her make-up and Este is getting ready herself. Mark and Kikki throw out random words in another language while talking about movies they are called out again about brand names. BB tells them STOP SPEAKING IN CODE. They are already thinking about lunch. Kikki says how her make up is from yesterday and shes touching it up for today. Mark is told to put on his Mic, then Kikki talks about her Snake tattoo and Este wants to see it. Feeds cut and come back to her saying joke I have commitment issues. The ladies head down to the kitchen to see what to make for lunch. They say NO hazelnut spread. Chelsea comes in and is looking for nibbles too. Up in HOH they discuss how much the ipod has been used and it’s already at 25% , then they go to Hot tub talk and Corey says yes but not till I work out. Feeds go to the outside, Adam and Sam cuddling in the sun, Kyra is changing layers they discuss about campaigning or not. When in conversations people are spinning words and making it seem like some are lying. Corey is headed outside to soak in the sun, Kyra finds Sunscreen for Sam then heads in. Corey says she feels really off today even after having another slop shake. Sam says she just feels sad in general.
2:00 PM BBT Damien is watching Este, Kiera, Kyra Chelsea, and Anthony eat. They are planning to go outside again in a little bit since it’s so nice not to. Lots of small talk side conversations makes for a chaotic kitchen but everyone is enjoying themselves. Outside Sam is talking with Corey and Corey admits the slop is getting to her. She isn’t as intune with herself and can’t use outside sources that she normally would. Sam says she thought of Corey during her workout and kept setting new goals. Adam points out to Corey how Sadam is a Shield for everyone right now. Once they are out who is the next target. Chelsea comes out again and they are discussing what that options might be for the next comp. They suspect a DE next week.( The Double is this week). They talk about the button comp and how it just aired yesterday. The birds come out and make some noise, Chelsea says hello and lays down. Sam tells about her business partner who is getting married soon.

2:15 PM BBT Kyra comes out to have a smoke and Sam is telling about how the partnership grew with the business. Mark and Anthony play pool not really talking much. Anthony says he wants Eddie out the house badly too, but no one more than Sam. He feels she is fake and then goes back to why he wants Eddie out, as Eddie walks through the BY. Then Dane comes by and stops to talk about the pool table. They boys talk about fights and how they don’t lose fights. Dane heads back outside where Sam is still telling about her Space with her partner. They joke about how when they leave BB Adam is going to go live at Sams and not have to work. Kyra tells how good Sam is set up and the strong foundation that she had built. They all want to go on a trip after this for a small vacation. They begin to talk about rent and mortgages. Inside the boys are trying to regroup and how they need to remember it’s not all about you feeling safe it needs to be how the group feels. They start to run Scenarios about who would put up who when they win HOH.
2:30 PM BBT Dane comes by and joins the boys at the pool table. Eddie is called to do a Battery change for everyone. Damien has now joined Mark and Anthony at the pool table all game talk has stopped. Outside by the Hot Tub there is not much conversation going on. Chelsea is telling them her best travel story. Damien and Anthony are now going to play a game of pool. Outside Chelsea is still telling them about her travel trip. She said it made her want to push herself in school. She says there is a part of it that where you are up on stage with all these women and trying to fit into this cookie cutter idea of beauty. Sam asked her if there was a talent area. She tells them no but I did take drama at school. She says For some women it is really really great but for others not so much.
2:45 PM BBT Chelsea says she likes traveling alone so when you meet people there is freedom to explore and not be tied down to plans. Inside Dane, Kyra, and Este are at the counter talking. They go to check on Mark and who he is talk to in the SR, its himself. The ladies want to go outside and get some sun. Dane and Mark in the SR talk about a fun sassy versus annoying Sassy girls. Dane leaves the room and Mark says OOOH when life gives you lemons don’t cut them open they sting when they go in cuts. Mark heads into the kitchen to blend the creation he is making. Este is teaching Eddie how to eat something. Damien and Anthony finish the pool game and head outside to get some rays. Este is making her way out there as well. Chelsea heads inside again lots of small conversations.
3:00 PM BBT Este is playing with Kyra’s arm but didn’t realize it at first, they are both just enjoying the sun. Dane is inside having something to eat talking to Mark, Eddie is walking around. They begin to talk about what happens when you are with a GF and see and Ex. Eddie is making a pan of veggies, Dane compliments how healthy it looks. Eddie offers the pizza to anyone who wants it. They begin to talk about Golf and old time rules. Outside Corey is joining them again, Sam and Adam head in to get a break from the sun, feeds follow them as they talk about maybe showering together again later. They use the Restroom, and so feeds go back outside. Kyra is talking with Este about Chelsea’s campaign, Kyra thinks that Chelsea blames them a little bit for her downfall of the game. Up in the WR Adam and Chelsea talk about sunscreen. Feeds are back n forth between the inside and outside no game talk happening. Outside they are discussing the slop shakes and recipes and how BB owns them.
3:15 PM BBT Adam is in the Kitchen making Slop Sam is hanging out with him she is having some of Marks creation, Eddie still cooking. BB calls out Chelsea for her Mic, she didn’t realize she didn’t have it on. Dane brings his bowl back to the kitchen and rinses it out and into the dishwasher. Sam tells them there is the same amount of Boxes in there she did a quadruple count her and Eddie. He offers some food to Sam she says she is going to try it. Its grilled Salmon and stir fry, He offers some to Chelsea as well, she also takes a chicken finger Outside the HG are just in general conversations. Anthony, Corey, Dane, Kyra, Damien, Este and Kikki look to be enjoying the sunshine. The guys are quoting movie lines. Anthony sings and production tells him to stop. Dane says they can not wait to get the eye tattoo. They discuss where they will be putting it. Dane says that Mark doesn’t want a tattoo so he plans to get a necklace. Dane teases Este and says that Mark maybe will buy her a ring. Kyra says she has been outside all day in the sun except for when she went in to eat lunch. They talk about what the time in the house is and Mark says that it is amazing that some people can tell what time it is is really cool in the house. Kyra talks about being menstruating that no one wants to be around her and she should get a pass because she is gay. Kikki says “WHAT? Your Gay?” She goes inside and Eddie comes out to join the group. The HG see birds and all say BIRDS.
3:30 PM BBT Kyra goes into the kitchen where Sam, Adam and Chelsea are. Kyra tells them that she thinks Eddie is getting paranoid. Sam says that Dane is trying to cover his basis. Sam says that Adam confronted him and asked if he was throwing Adam’s name under the bus and that Eddie said he never did. Sam tells them that Mark told her that she was the reason Maki went home because she rallied people. Sam says that Mark told her that people have been saying things to him that Sam was saying. When she asked what it was he wouldn’t tell her. She talked about Mark talking about Dane sleeping in her bed. Kyra says that it sounds like high school. Dane comes in and tells them he didn’t go to high school. He says that the one school he went to was really into hockey and when it was game day they would tell him to go get ready for game day. Where he would get passing games on tests to play hockey. Sam is cleaning the kitchen.Kyra asks Dane if he lost out on learning because of that and Dane says it is whatever, he is not going to turn into Billy Madison. He quotes movie lines from “Billy Madison” talking about shampoo and conditioner. Kyra leaves the kitchen. Sam tells Adam she wants chocolate. Adam just keeps staring at Sam and she looks back at him. She gives him kissy lips. Then Sam goes back to talking about Mark. Chelsea and Sam go back and forth in different situations where Mark made them mad. Chelsea goes into the storage room and Sam whispers to Adam that she is sorry he is in this situation. Chelsea comes back in from the store room and Sam says she is so burnt and Chelsea says she wants to be outside so bad but she is burnt. Then she goes back into the storage room. Sam asks if Adam will make her a protein shake later. With just a little bit of peanut butter. Chelsea comes back. Sam asks Chelsea what would be the meal she would want if she was on slop for 3 weeks straight. She says pizza. Adam is struggling eating his plate of slop. Sam says that her meal would be lobster. Chelsea says she is afraid of lobster because of the poop string. Kyra comes back and sits down at the counter. Adam asks what a poop string is so Sam explains what a poop string in a lobster is. Sam talks about cracking open a lobster and slathering butter all over it. Adam says he will lick it off her face and she says she will slather it all over his body. Kikki comes into the kitchen and talks about the protein slop shakes. Sam says she would drink them all day because she has never felt better. Chelsea says she will have one for dinner.
3:45 PM BBT Chelsea asks if everyone else is outside and Kikki says yes. Kikki asks them questions like they asked outside about if they would rather be a werewolf vs a vampire. They all said vampires because they are sexy forever and Kikki said that everyone outside said werewolf but she would be a vampire too. Sam says then we are your people. Kyra says that werewolves can not control when they transform and it looks painful and that she bites people anyway. Chelsea gets some coffee. Adam is still working on his plate. Sam goes back to cleaning and Kyra looks at herself in the mirror and says her face is burnt. Sam and Adam go back and forth saying the other is the best. Adam then says Chelsea is the best. She says thanks guys for telling me what i want to hear. Sam asks Chelsea what her pitch will be. She says she will be talking to Eddie, Corey and Anthony. She is going to ask them if they want to play a team game or their own game and ensuring their safety this week will not guarantee it next week. Chelsea asks if they think it is totally hopeless. Sam says no. Adam says she has not even talked to really anyone yet. Adam and Sam talk about their dance moves that they practice. Sam tells Kyra that Mark is playing the game and it is just her being paranoid Corey and Anthony come in. He says he is going to make a chicken finger bagel. Corey says she is starving and she is going to go burn some slop. Anthony is looking for something to eat. Adam asks Anthony what his first meal will be after slop, Anthony says “you” Adam says woah! Adam tells Corey she needs to use a lot of oil in the slop to make it crispy.He says when I mean oil, it’s a lot of oil. Corey says she will cook a bunch because Damien is always hungry. Corey uses the cap of the oil and pours 3 caps on top of the slop then stirs it around. Anthony is making a protein shake.Sam and Adam go into the storage room for a few seconds. Adam tells Sam they should buy a house together because he likes her laugh. She says she will sell hers so they can buy a new one. They go back into the storage room.
4:00 PM BBT Mark is laying on the couch in the pool room and whispering to himself. Kyra is playing pool alone. Este heads to the bathroom and Kikki is laying on the couch on the second level balcony. In the kitchen Sam and Corey are talking about what they put on the slop. Sam says she can only do a pancake or a shake because it’s sweet. Corey says she will be putting ketchup on it because she wants it savory. Corey uses the cap of the oil again and Adam says he just pours it all over it. He tells her it’s a long process to make the slop crisp. Mark joins them at the counter. Mark takes the last piece of pizza on the counter. Sam says she doesn’t know where her water bottle is. Everyone in the house is just trying to pass the time. No one is really talking game or anything. Kyra comes out of the pool room and sits next to Chelsea on the chairs next to the fish tank. She tells Kyra that she feels drained. She says she hates to talk to Adam and Sam when she is around that it sucks. She wishes they were not in this situation. Chelsea asks Kyra who she has talked to. Kyra tells her that they have only talked to Dane and that he said that nothing has really changed. They say that Dane tells her that she doesn’t have to campaign against Chelsea. Chelsea says that she is going to talk to people today. Kyra asks if it feels weird to talk to people, and if it is weird with them. Chelsea says yes. Kyra says even though I am sitting next to you I am not against you. Chelsea says she knows. She says she has not given up hope but she feels that it is weird because if she pulls it off then it means Kyra goes home. Kyra says that they would be excited for her and that as a fan it would be awesome. Chelsea says she can’t bounce ideas off Kyra. Kyra says that they were giving Chelsea ideas. Chelsea says that they can’t really do that. Chelsea says that no one is really gaming right now. That it’s not the right time because everyone is outside enjoying themselves. Kyra says that they don’t really care that because it’s a game and that they would be impressed if Chelsea stays. Chelsea says that if she is going home that she plans on saying something about Mark. Kyra says that they encourage it.
4:15 PM BBT They say they don’t like the way Mark talks and that it is condescending. Chelsea says that if that would happen in the real world that she would brush him off but because they are in the house she really can’t. Chelsea says she wants to call Mark out on his plan on running to power. But that she can’t say that yet until she knows she is going home. Kyra says that if she is the one going home, they will call him out, that they will make a pack. Chelsea says she doesn’t like it when things don’t go her way. Chelsea says she wants to talk game with Kyra and her campaign because that means she goes home. Kyra says that they would rather Chelsea put up a big fight and that they would be proud. Chelsea says that she is going to fight and campaign but she can’t tell them the plan. Kyra says she still can but Chelsea says no they can’t. Kyra offers to help Chelsea with her campaign. She makes suggestions on what she should say and the timing she should use. Kyra says that they would watch and root for her. Kyra says that if they stay and Chelsea goes home that they will fight for her. They talk again about Dane and Kyra says he is used to being the alpha. Chelsea says she would rather move the target off the people she has been working with. Kyra says that means a lot and that they are proud of her. Chelsea says that she thinks there are conversations they think they can have. Kyra says they want Chelsea to celebrate because there is real life and then the game and that they feel if Chelsea leaves that they will be alone. That they don’t know if Sam will trust her and that Dane really doesn’t trust her so that they need to figure it out because they will be alone too. Kyra says obviously if they go they go. They tell Chelsea that she is who they like to talk game with the most. Chelsea says she wants a nap to recharge before the conversations. Kyra tells her to plan out who she will talk to first. It has to be strategic. Because some people will end up talking to each other.Kyra tells her again that they want her to fight. Chelsea says don’t think because she isn’t telling Kyra things that she isn’t doing anything. THat they are playing a game and it’s not that she doesn’t trust them but they are both fighting to be there. DANE REMEMBER THAT CANADA IS WATCHING – WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE. Kyra says she took a 15 to 20 min nap outside.
4:30 PM BBT Kikki and Este are both laying on the couch on the balcony. Adam joins them but lays on the floor. Kikki tells him that they were talking about Kissing being essential. But that some people think it’s not. She says she had a relationship where they didn’t kiss but it felt like something was missing. Adam says sex has to be good too. Este says that kissing is a simple way of showing love. Adam says he is loving in a relationship and maybe it’s to much. The girls say that it is never too much. Feeds go to the kitchen where Damien and Corey are eating the slop she made for them. Corey says that no one has come to her to campaign for a vote or anything. Damien says there is still two more days to campaign. He says if anything will be done it may be a last minute thing. She says true. In the secret room, Sam and Dane are looking at things. Dane finds a newspaper and gets excited and steps aside to read what he found. Sam is reading a newspaper at the table. There is paper all over the floor and the room is a mess. Sam says it would be amazing to know what is going on in the world. Sam asks if Dane feels good. Sam tells Dane that she is not campaigning for either Kyra or Chelsea. Dane tells Sam that Chelsea came to him and told him that he should put up Kyra and Eddie. That he told Eddie that. Sam tells him that she feels really good with Dane and Este. Dane says he doesn’t know who will be next. Sam says that in the house you want to build relationships in the house but that if you are HOH you have to put up two people. She says that the only deals she has in the house is with him and Este. Dane also tells her the only deal he has is with her, then he says with Kyra but that it will be void soon anyway. Sam says that she feels that her and Adam are the easy target but that keeping them in the house to keep focus off others in the house. Sam says that Adam is not as smart as people thinks he is. Dane says he is shielding them. Sam says that’s why they are working together. Dane says that Chelsea is going to ask people if they are playing Danes game. Dane said that the vote is a house decision. Sam tells him if she hears anything she will let him know. Dane says that you should not include your target in your alliance. Sam says HOH for her next week. Dane leaves and Sam is alone in the secret room. Mark comes in. Sam says it’s like an office because of all her visits. Mark says he has wanted to talk to her and starts to flirt with her – she says you can not do this in this house because everyone is in heat. She tells him that he looks good today. She tells him that she doesn’t know who is cheesier him or Adam. She tells him there is still 144 boxes. Mark says he has never counted anything – and he is going off of what everyone else tells him. Sam says she hopes the get alcohol tonight. She asks him what he drinks – he says Long Island Ice Tea. He goes up behind her and tries to kiss her arms she laughs and he moves away. Then she tells him what is in the paper she has been reading. She says she wishes they had a real newspaper. She says she feels bad saying Eddies name last night. Mark says he has not said anything about what she said to anyone. He says that his favorite day in the week is when people get alcohol because wine goes in and secrets come out. She says that he is sweet on Kikki and he says he is sweet on her she tells him she is playing the game. He said he never trusted Maki and asks if her goodbye message was nice. She says yes it was. They talk about how Maki played the game.
4:45 PM BBT Outside Chelsea is still talking to Kyra by the fishtank. She says that it’s hard to feel comfortable and that she made a mistake last week. Kyra says that they shouldn’t trust Adam because he isn’t always smart. Chelsea says that you can tell when people are real. Kyra says well you can tell with me. Chelsea never answers that question. Kyra says that Adam doesn’t think that Dane is smart either. And that when you are in an alliance that you need to run things by people and that Adam never does – that he goes and acts and that is dangerous. Kyra says that’s why they are willing to help her because it was not her mistakes that put her on the block. Kyra says that they had a big talk with Canada making them see. Chelsea says if she were to throw Adam under the bus that it would not work because it would show she is not loyal. Kyra says if Chelsea turns against them it will also make her not look loyal. Kyra says honestly under the circumstances and because Chelsea wants to have integrity leaving the house, that if were them that they would go after Adam. Kyra says that Chelsea is doing the best she knows how right now and that she should be proud of that. She covers her face and says if she goes home, she wants Kyra to go forward even though she wanted to be here longer than that. Kyra says that the last few days have not feel real or right on many levels. Kyra says that they wishes they would have won that veto. Chelsea says she has had dreams about that last ring. But as much as she would like to expose Adam she knows he feels guilty. Krya says instead of approaching it in a non aggressive way that she needs to tell him so that he learns from it and how important it is to run things by people before he does things. Chelsea says because it was during her HOH it made it worse.Chelsea says putting your trust in other people and hoping they don’t screw you and the ability to dig your way up is all part of the game. Kyra says that they will see Chelsea after the battle back. Chelsea says that would be sick. Chelsea says that when she cries that Canada thinks she is crying that she is not getting her way. Krya says no it makes her relatable. She says she bawled her eyes out after the veto in the bathroom. Kyra said she was too but on the other side of the door. Chelsea says she has a campaign but that she doesn’t want to ruin other people game. Kyra says that throwing Adam under the bus makes more sense because he is a bigger target over Kyra because they are not.
5:00 PM BBT Outside Corey, Adam, Dane and Mark are talking about what day it is and what time it is. Feeds go to the secret room where Adam and Sam are talking about what everyone is doing in the house. Back to Chelsea and Kyra by the fishtank are still talking in whispering voices. Chelsea says Dane is playing the game. Kyra says that she was shocked the first week that he made a final two with Kyra. Chelsea said yes he did say that. Chelsea says he is good at taking information and use it against people. Kyra says that Kikki is someone she could never be fake with because they say that they can be surface with people if it is a possibility it may go deeper but that will never happen with Kikki. They talk about the battle back and that Maki may not want to come back into the game. Kyra asks if they need to hide the fact she would be happy if Chelsea came back in a battle back. Chelsea says she can not hope for that but if it does happen she will fight tooth and nail. Krya says that if there is one, they will not probably be back. Kyra says she would have a chance in a Canada vote but in a competition they would never make it. Chelsea says that she got out someone who was clearly a target for her. But that is not what got her in trouble. She says that’s the thing, it changes so fast in the house. Kyra asks if they can visit Chelsea after this. She says yes. In the secret room, Adam and Sam talk about them being targets and that they need to ride it out and that there may be a time where they have to make it seem they are going against each other. Adam talks about past relationships and how they ended up and that he hopes it doesn’t happen with her. Sam says that after the honeymoon stage you have to work harder. She says it’s the same for her. But she says that they have been able to build a relationship without cell phones. That he can make her laugh. She said the shower should have been awkward and that it was the hottest thing she has ever done. She said it was more natural than it should have been. He kisses her and she says more, he kisses her again. He goes to leave and tells her to have fun. He says he is going outside. And leaves Sam alone in the secret room. In the storage room, Kikki and Este are talking and eating while sitting on the counter. Este says she has not talked to anyone except for Dane, Adam and her. She says that she doesn’t want to talk too much. Kikki says she is keeping an eye on Anthony. Este says she can not wait for the day when his game comes out so she knows what he is doing. Kikki says until he is on the block or HOH, he will stay quiet. Este says her biggest fear coming into the house that she would be a floater. She says that Kyra and Eddie are floaters. Kikki says that there is a social aspect to the game but that you have to put in work 24/7 to not be a floater and both Kyra and Eddie do not work on personal connections. Because if you are not working on it, other people are working and scheming and talking game.

5:15 PM BBT Kikki says that Kyra and Eddie do not have anyone they can work with. Kikki says she has a big advantage working with Este. Este says she can not imagine maneuvering through this game all alone. Kikki goes through the different seasons where people had someone else in the game to help them through it. She says that Mark is putting in a lot of work building relationships with people. Este says she watched the video before coming into the game that the new word for floater is coaster. Kikki says she would rather be a target than a floater or a coaster. But it is also not good going to hard too fast. They talk about Laura and how different the game would be if she was still in the house. Este says she doesn’t want Adam, Eddie, Sam or Corey to win. She says she doesn’t know what Corey would do. Kikki says this game is all about playing your cards right. She talks about examples from past seasons who really played the game well. Outside, Mark is talking about his friends who do not care about Big Brother and don’t even know he is there. Mark, Damien, Dane, Anthony and Corey are outside. Mark says that he wakes up and thinks wow I’m in Big Brother. They start talking about past seasons. Kyra and Chelsea are still by the fishtank talking. Kyra is talking about gender roles. Sam tells them she will be coming to join them soon. Kyra says that over the last 20 yrs that tans is under an umbrella. That gender is fluid, sometimes you feel male or female. But that they feel that they are always a blend of both male and female which is non-binary. They said that people can relate to the term fluid vs non-binary. That she is binary which means both and non-binary which means neither.
5:30 PM BBT Kyra says that sex and gender are two different things. That their gender is female. But their sex is in the middle and that they hated themself for a long time. They say there are a lot of in-between but that sometimes a person would want to change their sex to match what they feel who they are. Kyra says that gender is an understanding and when you don’t feel like you fit into that role you make you own. That it took them a long time to figure out who they were. Kyra says that a therapist said that her brain thinks both like a man and a women. But that the more a person sees them that they can see who they really are. They said they do not get offended if someone classifies her as a woman because it’s all about who they feel who they are. Kyra says that it is just a word. Chelsea asks if Kyra gets offended if she says she sees Kyra as a woman. Kyra says not but it does when she calls her a little boy. They laugh. Chelsea says that it is a struggle to come to terms with their gender identity vs Kyra’s sexual identity. But that they do coincide in some way. She asks because of her being non-binary does it affect their preference at all. Kyra says that they from being little that they were attracted to women. That they came out when they were 15. Kyra said that for them it was very confusing because of gender dysphoria. It was very hard until they started to have friends to see other gay people and that they felt very alone but that they learned there were other people like them. They say that it took her awhile to use the word lesbian because it’s not actually what they are but it took them a lot of work to get there. Kyra says that the word queer is an umbrella term because they do not specify or identify themselves. Kyra says they are attracted to fairly feminine women, not other non-binary people. Sam comes over and looks at Kyra and says you are so sunburned. Sam says that she can do their makeup to tone it down. They go back to the conversation about the gender and non-binary. They bring Sam up to speed on where they are in the conversation. Kyra says being non-binary really isn’t related to how they are attracted to people but that they look past gender and be attracted to people with the connection they have with them. They say they have never looked at a guy and was attracted to them. They say that it’s how the other person sees and treats her that is attractive. Kyra says that they have never been attracted to the male anatomy Chelsea says she has questions for her but they may not be appropriate for television. Kyra says I am asking you to ask me those questions. Chelsea says does her non-binary play a role in the role she plays in her relationships. Kyra says every non-binary person is different. Kyra says that she is ok with live feeders watching and learning but that some of this will not make it to television. When they start talking about sexual relationships, all 4 of the the feeds go down at
5:45 PM BBT In the storage room Este and Kikki say they feel like they are in a mean girl movie. Kikki says she has accepted that the camel toe is who she is in the game. Este says that apparently people like it and she didn’t know that before. In the pool room, Damien and Corey are lifting weights. Anthony and Mark are talking about lifting and they pick up weights and begin to work out. Damien is stretching out.Este and Kikki are now in the pool room sitting on the couch. They look at each other and clap saying my best friends hate you. Kikki says that Corey looks fine. That she would look like that if she worked out. Kikki keeps talking to the guys working out. They are talking about how good they feel when they have been working a specific group of muscles and it starts to show. Eddie joins Corey.
6:00 PM BBT Damien and Corey are watching Eddie to make sure he’s doing the exercises correctly. Damien demonstrates an exercise and asks Eddie if he’s ever done that one before. Eddie said he’s literally never done this before. Eddie switches to do more of a modification of the exercise. Damien and Corey resume their own routines. Este asks how much one of the bars weighs on its own. Damien thinks it weighs around 47 pounds but Corey thinks it’s only 30 something. Anthony is now working out. Kikki and Mark are playing pool together. Mark asks what kind of person Kikki is when she’s drunk. She describe her drunk self as fun and then super quiet. Mark says he knows a person exactly like that. Mark loses the game. Mark starts to do an impression of Kikki
6:15 PM BBT Corey goes by the pool table and Kikki asks her why she’d (Kikki) ever let Este cut her hair. Corey laughs and tells her to bobby pin it. Mark and Kikki are playing a game of 9 ball now. Mark wins the game. Kikki says she doesn’t like this version of pool and she’s played better versions before. Kikki left to get a sweater. When Keira returns, Mark asks if she has ever watched the movie “Mean Girls,” Kikki says she’s never had cable before. Mark asks if she’d ever live in downtown Vancouver. Kikki said maybe, but only for a little while. Live feeds turn off. When feeds return, Sam, Adam and Kyra are talking. Kyra says that when women are curious about their sexualities, they aren’t immediately labelled as lesbians but when it’s a man questioning their sexuality, they are labelled very quickly as gay. Kyra says that if they would ever marry a man they would never be straight because they would always be attracted to women as well.
6:30 PM BBT Kyra said Sam is more straight than sexually fluid. Kyra talks about a scientist who puts sexuality on a five point scale. They are saying that after six months, the relationship changes. The excitement and newness goes away. Couples have to find new things to make the relationship exciting. Kyra wants Sam and Adam to give them an invitation to their wedding. Kyra says they should do a fake wedding tonight. Adam says after they are off of slop, he’s going to have dinner with her. Kyra says they have to do something this week because either them or Chelsea is going home. Dane is told to wake up. Sam and Adam are laying on the hot tub. Mark is just sitting on the couch talking with them. Anthony and Eddie are talking in the house. Sam leaves and gives Mark her jacket.
6:45 PM BBT Dane, Mark and Adam are talking about how happy they are not to be leaving this week. They said it’s crazy that one of the hgs are going to win and become $100,000 richer. Mark jokes that Adam is going to be so popular for two months after and then nobody will know who he is. Mark said he might apply for Big Brother US. Adam tells Mark about Big Brother sex tapes. Adam said his friend told him not to be stupid. Adam wishes Big Brother would give them alcohol tonight. Mark agrees and said that would be nice but more than two pitchers would be good. Adam is telling Mark that Chelsea came to talk to her. Adam said that if she flipped the votes and she had six to stay, then he would vote to keep her. He adds that he would only do that if Mark and Anthony were onboard. Chelsea and Damien are talking. They said that they felt kind of dreary. Damien said that when he forced himself to workout, he felt a bit better. Chelsea says that maybe she should workout for real.
7:00 PM BBT Mark and Dane are in the pantry. Mark and Dane want Sam out. They said Anthony would be on board but Adam is definitely not there. They said that they don’t want Sam to make it to jury. Mark said that the house makes him go crazy. Dane agreed. Dane is telling Mark that Chelsea told Sam that she doesn’t like Mark. They think Sam is picking up on something. Dane thinks everything has been handed to Chelsea. Eddie, Chelsea and Adam are in the living room. Sam and Kyra are in the bathroom. Sam was styling her hair. Kyra is telling Sam about Chelsea. Kyra expresses that Chelsea is interested in Kyra but it would never work. Kyra thinks Chelsea is straight.
7:15 PM BBT There is a pillow fight happening in the living room. Kyra wonders why they are attracted to straight girls. Kyra says that they are happy to be spreading their message. They are happy when someone asks to talk about it. Kyra wonders why Chelsea is so different at night than during the day. They think it’s because Chelsea may forget they are still being filmed at night. They don’t have to wear their microphones at night. Kyra says Anthony should be glad that there was no live feeds during the first couple days because of one of the conversations that they had. Kyra said they never thought they’d become so close to people in the house. Kyra leaves the bathroom.

7:30 PM BBT Sam wants Kyra to give her a smile or a sign in the morning if Kyra and Chelsea do something. Kyra wants Adam and Chelsea to do an improv scene. Adam tells a “dirty” joke (a white horse in mud”. Chelsea makes a joke about dinosaurs. Chelsea and Adam are playing a hand clapping game. Este, Eddie, Corey, Kikki, Anthony, Chelsea and Kyra are telling stories. They call it Storytime With Corey. They are now saying that they got burned by the sun today. Kikki jokes that Adam is actually from Manitoba and she has a secret POV.
7:45 PM BBT Sam, Eddie and Damien are in the bathroom. Sam is doing Kyra’s makeup. Kyra says everytime they walk past Chelsea, they get sad she’s leaving. Sam told her to just take in that emotion. Mark and Kikki are singing while playing pool. Kyra, Sam, Adam, Corey and Este are talking and playing a game one of them used to play at parties in junior high. Kyra wants to do a modified version of a beer pong tournament. The others agree. They are going to make the ball out of tinfoil. The HGs want Anthony to squeeze his cheeks.
8:00 PM BBT Kikki and Mark are in the workout room playing pool. Kyra and Anthony are talking to each other in the lounge. Kyra asks Anthony can he be Kyra’s flirt buddy when Chelsea leaves. She said she will need someone to flirt with. Most of the other HGs are on the couches upstairs talking about what they are going to do later. They talk about playing beer pong. In the HOH Dane and Este are talking. Este says everyone is just being weird. Dane is telling Este that Corey hates both Chelsea and Sam and they do not have to worry about Corey’s vote. Este says she wonders about Mark if he is playing both sides of the house.
8:15 PM BBT Dane is in the HOH telling Este that he thinks that playing beer pong is a task for Corey. Kikki and Damien comes in and he tells them the same. Kikki says Adam is working really hard today playing pool with her today and trying to do different things with her. Este asks Damien what he is going to have for dinner tonight. Kikki says that she thinks that Chelsea is going home and now Sam is feeling more secure in the house. Kikki also says she thinks Mark is trying to confess his feelings for her, and she left and then he tried to get her to come outside with him and she said no. She also says she doesn’t know if she wants to have a showmance. Sam, Corey, Adam are in the washroom. Adam is showering.
8:30 PM BBT Damien, Este, and Kikki are in the HOH room talking. They say they just want to tell Chelsea that the vote is not going to change that she is still the one going home. They say they want to ask her about her and Sam trying to flip the vote. Mark is in the HOH bathroom so now they are whispering about the votes. Sam, Dane, Kyra, and Chelsea are eating in the kitchen. Corey also sits down and joins them. Chelsea says she needs to start trying to forget the cameras aren’t there anymore because they won’t be when she goes home. Eddie and Kikki are talking in the HOH, Kikki tells Eddie she hasn’t heard anything new that they are still voting Chelsea out of the house. Eddie said it is pretty sad one week HOH and now you go to being the HG evicted from the house. Kikki says that goes to show Chelsea really didn’t trust the people she was working with.
8:45 PM BBT Dane and Kyra are outside smoking and talking. Sam now come out to smoke also. Kyra says they thinks they will have fun tonight. Kyra says it feels like less tension in the house. Adam and Chelsea are also now joining them. Kikki and Eddie are still in HOH and are just having a general conversation about where they grew up. They are discussing the languages they can speak fluently.
9:00 PM BBT Chelsea, Kyra, Sam, Adam, Mark, Damien are outside. Corey is getting her mike prepared to he into the hottub. They are all just having general conversation and really no game talk. Eddie is alone laying on couch in the HOH. Kikki just came back in with toilet paper. Este is in the kitchen cooking, she is waiting for Dane to come out of the SR she says she has something to tell him. Este says that Adam came up to her and said they need to talk. He said they need to talk about the whole final four between Adam, Dane, Sam, and Este. She said Adam said we do not need to talk about this all the time but he said he is really agreeable to it now.
9:15 PM BBT Eddie, Este, and Dane are in the kitchen. Este is cooking and she tells them she burnt her tongue. Outside Mark and Damien are talking. In the background you can hear Chelsea,Anthony, Corey, Adam,Damien, Kyra, and Sam talking. Corey and Anthony are in hot tub. Adam says can you imagine all of us in a club. Eddie has now came out and joined them. Kyra says that Anthony and Corey look like 2 little kids in a bathtub together. Chelsea asks Kyra if Kyra is going to chain smoke all night long. Eddie, Chelsea, and Kyra head inside.
9:30 PM BBT Anthony and Corey are in the hot tub, Adam and Sam are also outside. Sam and Adam are cuddled up on the couch. Anthony and Corey are playing I Spy. Kikki, Damien, and Este are in the kitchen. Este is cooking, and Kikki tried to get Damien to sing again. Dane is now back in the kitchen with them. Chelsea goes into the washroom to look at her face and then leaves, she is now in the BlueBR moving something’s out of her bed so she can lay down. Eddie comes in and Chelsea wants to work with Eddied to stay Chelsea doesn’t want campaign against Kyral
9:45 PM BBT Chelsea tells Eddie that it would be easy for him to keep her in the game then Kyra. But Chelsea doesn’t want to campaign against Kyra. Eddie says he really doesn’t like Kyra Most of the HGs are in the kitchen cooking food, Sam is putting some of the dishes away,
10:00 PM BBT Eddie tells Chelsea that he is going to base his vote on who is the most genuine and not based on what the house wants. Eddie tells her he hopes she can trust him. He tells her that Kyra has been really rude to him lately. Chelsea said she wants to have conversations with some other people and then try to have another conversation with him. Chelsea tells him that he is not in danger because of him saying anyone’s name but because he does not fit in the loop. Chelsea tells him if he keeps her then she would bring him into the loop. Eddie tells her he needs some kind of proof that she is willing to work with him if he saves her this week. Chelsea tells him the only name that I can say is Dane and that he is very good at this game. She tells him that is who you need to worry about. She tells him that she needs to have some conversations to sway a few votes her way. Eddie said I can play safe this week and vote you out or I can jeopardize my game by trying to keep you. She tells him well I am telling you need to watch out for such as Dane and the people who surrounds him. Eddie said oh so those three people. She said well yeah he said I need more than that she tells him to watch out for Mark without officially telling him to watch out for him. Eddie tells her we are close but I wanted to let you know that I was close to Kailyn because she was like a mother figure to me. Chelsea told him yeah I know and I told you that I would not hold that against you. Meanwhile, in the Hot tub Anthony is talking about how Eddie is annoying him such as eating with his mouth open, the toilet thing and how he acted towards Kailyn. Anthony tells Corey to distance yourself from Adam and Sam he tells her there may be a battleback and the houseguest who comes back may see it as a way to get rid of you to get at Sam and Adam. Anthony said if Maki came back he would be chill and would have our back. Corey said that I have been distancing myself with them but sometimes they come and seek me out. Corey said Sam has came to her and said that she has been distant between them. Anthony said I wonder who Adam would put up. He said he thinks Adam would be too scared to put him up. He said I think it would be the girls but I know he would not put up Dane, he said he might put up Mark. Anthony said Kyra came to him and ask him when Chelsea leaves can we bunk up. Anthony said I am not going to allow Kyra to follow me around and bring me coffee everyday. Anthony said we need to be supportive because Kyra is an emotional person. Anthony said I told Kyra when everyone was down on her before that you need to find a support system.
10:15 PM BBT Anthony said yeah no one tried to be Kyra support yeah they gave Kyra a hug but that was to shut Kyra up. Corey said yeah I have been trying to connecting with everyone and I am not thinking about the game instead I am actually making a connection. Corey said if one of the girls win then I am going up. Anthony said it would probably between you and Sam with the option to backdoor. Anthony said that the girls are being really cocky since Dane won. He said I can’t believe that they don’t realize that this is a week by week game and that next week they are not in control. Corey said maybe we can get the girls if they are in charge to put up Sam and Adam. Anthony said they are too scared of Adam to make him a target. Corey said that she feels if she talks game to Este and Kikki then they would have to bring it up for it to feel natural. Corey said Kikki told her that last week they told her they were so glad that she came in the house and that she was not a target for them. She says that was last week things change. Anthony says we are going to be careful when we are talking to other people because people are trying to figure who are working together. Corey said that the have not room has been really good for her and Damien to have several conversations about things going in the house. Anthony tells her that Damien has been walking with his tail between his legs. Anthony said that he is a big target. Corey said yeah he needs a week in power that would be really good for him. Kyra comes out Corey asks Kyra if the houseguests are done with dinner because she does not want to watch people eat. Anthony and Corey get out of the hot tub. Anthony said that he is going to eat and then he is coming back out. Kyra said I am going to smoke then come inside. Kyra asks how was your day Corey. Kyra tells her that I am sorry about the salmon.
10:30 PM BBT At the dinner table, Kikki says that she does her best thinking when she is eating pears. Este said that they are really hard. She said the first time she has had a pear was when i was here. Anthony sits down to eat. Este asks him how was your tub. He tells them that was the best experience. I go to the hot tub at least 6 times a week. Corey comes in and sings she is going to go take a shower. She tells them the food smells so good and that she can’t wait until she can eat. Dane and Este said they wish they could have a couple of beers or some wine. Dane said it has been a week since we had some. Este said well I don’t think we should be required to have a drink every week. Damien comes by and sniffs Anthony’s food. THE BACKYARD IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED. Dane says what they did not give any warning I was going to go outside. 10:35 PM FEEDS GO DOWN.. Anthony said that his mom will cook all this food and then will sent there and watch him eat. He said it is very aggravating. Kikki tells him that she is going to cook for him everyday because she likes to watch him eat. Este asks if anyone is going to go get ready. Kikki said why. They said well something is about to happen in 10 minutes. They are all talking but you can not hear due to someone pounding on something in the background. Kyra is whispering to Anthony. Chelsea is trying to Mark. Kyra asks Sam to massage Kyra shoulders. Mark sits down with food. Chelsea walks upstairs. Adam is banging on something in the kitchen area. Kyra tells Sam that Kyra feels so much better. Dane comes downstairs looking for a bandana. Kyra asks if everyone is getting ready. Anthony says he is going to shower and get sexified. Adam says I am going to wear what I am wearing. Mark comes by and says hello Sam Hello Adam. Damien heads out the kitchen area.


10:45 PM BBT In the bathroom Este and Chelsea are putting on their makeup and Corey is taking a shower. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Este said sorry. Este asks Kikki if she is going to redo her makeup. Kikki said no because I am going to be really aggressive. Sam and Adam are still in the kitchen. Mark asks Sam for a hug. He tells her he just needed a hug he said now that is going to put a target on our backs. Sam said that she wants something sweet to eat. Mark starts singing feeds go into the storage room where Sam and Adam are looking through the freezer and through the drawers for something. Sam ask Adam what do you want to eat once you are able to go off slop. He tells her you. Sam yells out I don’t know Mom, he says I don’t know mom? She said yeah I am talking to my mom she is watching the feeds. Adam then tells her that I need a hug. Sam says only if Adam is around. They are making fun of Mark. Dane is telling Adam that they must be going to do something nice because they don’t close the backyard down without a warning. They start quoting movie quotes. Feeds go down again at 10:53 PM BBT they come back up at 10:56 PM BBT. Chelsea is in the blue bedroom telling Sam that we need to get Corey and Anthony on our sides because Dane side is growing bigger and bigger and that if Kyra stays Kyra is a soldier for Dane. Sam said well feel him out first before you tell them that we are on your side. Sam said well I have not really talked game. Chelsea said that he knows Anthony and Corey are working together. Chelsea said I don’t see people taking sides but we will all have to eventually.
11:00 PM BBT Feeds go down. They come right back up with Sam tells her to have a conversation with Corey and Anthony. Chelsea said I know that there are a lot of people working with each other. Outside Mark and Dane are talking about the triple eviction. Dane is explaining to him how it works. Dane says it is a massive accomplishment to make it past there. Mark said if I do that then Canada would go wild. Mark said that he did not think Paris should have won nothing sh did not do anything. Este comes outside she tells them she wanted to see the night sky. Mark and Dane stop talking and look awkwardly at each other. Feeds cut to Damien and Eddie in the secret room. Eddie tells him I don’t know what we should do. Damien said well the house is wanting to evict Chelsea Eddie said but is that what we want to do. Damien said well Chelsea has won an HOH where Kyra has not won anything. Eddie said well Kyra is so unstable. Damien said I pissed off the house once already and I was put on the block. Eddie said so you are keeping Kyra. He said I have not made my decisions. Eddie said I don’t know what to do because I want to keep Chelsea but I don’t want to go against the house. Damien said that Dane made it clear that Chelsea is the target right. He said yeah. Eddie said that Kyra has not campaigned to me. Damien said that neither one has came to me and that I will talk to them and then make a decision. Eddie tells him so we will talk about it later. Eddie asks him does he trust the twins. He said because Kailyn did not trust them. Eddie said that they run to the power. Damien said that he has not made his decision because he wants to know what information she gives him. Eddie said well now you know we are disposable. Eddie said that because we are not choosing a side that we are not playing the game. Damien said we need to lay low. Eddie asks him if he is really ok because he seems really stressed. Damien said what happened here and Eddie said I don’t know he asks him does he even come in here anymore and he says no. Damien sits down in the chair reading a piece of paper. Dane comes in and tells them they are getting ready for water pong. Damien and Eddie are going through the papers to see what exactly is all this information is here.
11:15 PM BBT Eddie tells him that he swears that he did not do it. Eddie says that can I trust you. Eddie says it was Dane and Anthony. Corey is eating slop something and they are saying that it does not taste bad. Dane said maybe we act like we are drunk then they may actually give us alcohol. Adam tells Dane their is a very serious talk going on up their. He says I don’t like it. Eddie comes out the secret room. Damien is in the secret room by himself. Anthony and Dane tried to flip the vote and now Eddie wants to keep Chelsea. Damien says he thinks Eddie is lying to him. Damien says Eddie is full of shit. Dane comes in the secret room. Damien tells Dane that Eddie asks him who are you getting rid of. Damien tells him to watch what he is saying to him. Dane said well last night he was telling me that he trust me and that he wants to work with me. Dane said so Chelsea told him that I put him up as a Nominee. Dane said that she said Kyra and he was like whoa that is like your best friend. Damien said he asked about the girls. He said that I have been withholding a lot of information from him.
11:30 PM BBT Kyra comes into the secret room and Damien asks Kyra what’s going on. Kyra said well I a not campaigning because the plan is still the plan. Kyra said I am going to have fun tonight and i feel very safe even though i am on the block. Kyra said I am not going to campaign I just know that I am safe. Este and Kikki are still putting on makeup. Kikki asks Este will she bring her a sock she asks her where are her socks located. Anthony comes into the bathroom and Kikki tells him that her stomach hurts. Anthony starts putting moisturizer on his face. Eddie comes out the bathroom. Eddie tells Kikki that he likes her shirt. EDDIE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Kikki is singing while getting ready. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Chelsea is telling Kyra that she spoke to Sam and Adam about getting Anthony and Corey on her side and they kept telling her don’t use their name. Kyra said no you did not tell them that she said yeah I did. Chelsea said she feels like it is impossible. Kyra says its a solid plan. Chelsea said that I know it is stupid that I am telling you my campaign plans but I have no one elses to talk to . Kyra said I can’t give up my game to save you but I really want to help you. Chelsea said well I blew up my game. Kyra said How? By your speech. Chelsea said yeah. Kyra tells her no that is not what blew up your game. Chelsea said she talked to Eddie and he said that I think you are genuine even though other people don’t. Kyra tells her that is because you are guarded. Chelsea said that I am ready to go home so I can sleep in my own bed and get up when I want. Kyra says no because there is a battleback and you are going to come back.
11:45 PM BBT Adam, Kikki, Este, Dane, Corey, and Anthony are already at the table getting ready to play water pong. Corey asks where is everyone. Dane says that Eddie is in the DR. everyone is drawing straws to see who is going in what order. They are trying to see who is with who. Este, Adam, are the beast. Corey and Kikki are discussing what they are wanting their names to be. Dane tells Kyra we need to come up with a team name. Este tells Eddie we are playing water pong and you are team members with Anthony. They are trying to decide the rules. Everyone is talking at once. Corey is the first to play. Corey says her team name is team fire then its Anthony and his name is literlit. Then it’s Adam team tomato sauce vs Sam which is team unicorn. Afterwards it will be Dane team vs Damien team

Summary Sunday March 24th

March 24, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Dane and Kyra discussed the votes. Dane said he has Anthony, Cory, Damien, Kiki and Este voting with him, and they only need five to keep Kyra, so they should have the votes. On top of that, Dane said he expects that Adam and Sam will get on board once they see which way the house is voting. Kyra said it sucks to be on the block but they will not hold it against Dane for putting them up or for getting Chelsea out. Kyra added that they will be able to focus with Chelsea gone. Later, Kyra sat down with Cory. They said they don’t expect Cory to use the veto nor do they believe that it would be best for her game to do so. Should Dane decide that he wants it to be used, Kyra said they would be forever grateful if Cory used it on them. Cory acknowledged that it would be stupid for her game to use the veto. Kyra said they will be able to better focus with Chelsea out of the house, since they have a crush on her and it has distracted her.

11:00-12:00 PM: Kyra told Chelsea that they have Adam and Sam’s backs more than they have Dane’s back. Kyra explained that they would love to see Dane go since he nominated them twice and is the one who got Chelsea out. Later, Kyra confronted Chelsea because they felt as though Chelsea is putting a wall up and looking at them weird. Chelsea said she is thinking about the things that people do to stay in the game. Kyra asked if she thinks that they are doing something to stay. Chelsea said maybe. Kyra said that hurts them. They clarified that they are playing how they need to in order to move forward. Chelsea said she is doing the same thing. Chelsea then left the room. Kyra told Cory that Chelsea is going to try to blow up their game today even though they have been friends. Kyra said they are so annoyed. In the pantry, Chelsea spoke out loud by herself. She said there is a chance that Kyra is playing her emotionally in order to make her not want to campaign. Chelsea said that would be really dirty and she would have to fight back against it. Chelsea debated what to do. She said she doesn’t want to look like she rolled over and died. On the other hand, she doesn’t want to play dirty and go home anyway.

12:00-1:00 PM: Out in the yard, Chelsea let Adam, Sam and Mark know that she is starting to feel as though Kyra could be playing with her emotions so that she doesn’t campaign. Chelsea brought up Kyra saying that they care about her and think she is so special in order to get her to lay down in the game. Sam said she thinks there is something real there since Kyra has been saying that for a while. Sam mentioned Kyra saying a while back that they have feelings for Chelsea, and she told Kyra that she is delusional. Kyra pleaded with Chelsea to talk to her. Chelsea said she wants to talk to Cory since she hasn’t yet. Kyra told Chelsea that they have never played her in this house. Kyra started crying and said they couldn’t even sit in the DR cause they couldn’t handle that Chelsea thought they played her. Chelsea clarified that she hasn’t even said anything, so Kyra is the one creating this. Chelsea said she is just trying to make sense of what is going on. When Kyra told Chelsea to ask her what’s going on, Chelsea said she doesn’t really want to right now. She walked away. Kyra talked to Sam about being hurt that Chelsea sees them as a traitor. Sam said she will have a talk with Chelsea. Kyra pointed out that they asked Sam to use the veto on Chelsea, not them, if they were to win it. Meanwhile, Chelsea told Cory she thinks that some things were taken out of context, specifically about the alliances that she is being accused of creating. Chelsea wants to clear the air on that during the veto ceremony. Chelsea admitted that it would be silly for Cory to use the veto, so she doesn’t expect it to be used. Cory agreed, as she believes that the target on her would only grow should she use the veto.

1:00-2:00 PM: Chelsea told Sam she feels as though she is being played. Sam said she isn’t, since Kyra has been coming to her for two weeks to say they have feelings for Chelsea and they are basically falling in love. Sam added that Kyra came to her multiple times to say to use the veto on Chelsea. Despite that, Chelsea said she would like to call a house meeting to call Kyra out. Sam said she might look even more stupid if she does that, since she believes that Kyra is being genuine about her feelings. Chelsea argued that it’s convenient for this to be happening when they are on the block together. Chelsea figures that Kyra was being genuine initially until they felt betrayed once they heard about all of these alliances that she was allegedly making. Sam said she thinks that Chelsea is just looking for a reason to campaign against Kyra. Kyra then approached Chelsea to talk again. Chelsea said it’s so dirty if Kyra is playing her emotionally. Kyra insisted that that’s not the case. Kyra said they thought Chelsea knew the entire time that they had a crush on her, but they aren’t the type to go overboard if it’s not reciprocated. Chelsea continued to express doubt. Kyra said Chelsea will look back and feel bad for questioning them like this. Chelsea brought up that Kyra turned the tears on instantly yesterday, which is not real and is emotional manipulation. Kyra said they were willing to blow up their own game to save Chelsea, and they would not have done that if they were manipulating her. Kyra said they wanted to spend the last few days being friends and they don’t care if Chelsea sends them home. Chelsea said she doesn’t know if they can enjoy their last few days together, seeing as she believes that she is being played.

3:00-4:00 PM: Chelsea once again sat down with Kyra. She asked Kyra to please not be emotional playing her. When Kyra said that they have never done that, Chelsea said she believes it. Kyra asked what caused the shift. Chelsea explained she realized that Kyra would have to be some type of manipulative mastermind in order to be playing her like that. Kyra eventually said they are now worried that Chelsea is playing them to keep them from thinking that Chelsea doesn’t trust them. Chelsea denied that. They eventually ended the conversation with a hug.

4:00-5:00 PM: In the bedroom, Sam let Adam know that Kiera was trying to talk game with her but she doesn’t want to get in a position where she has to guarantee Kiera safety, since she would like to nominate Eddie and Kiera if she wins HoH. Adam said that would be a smart move. Sam asked if Adam still feels good with Cory. Adam said he doesn’t think that they have to worry about her right now. Sam believes that people are getting into Cory’s head. She has noticed that Cory has been acting differently towards them of late.

5:00-6:00 PM: Chelsea campaigned to Mark. She made it clear that she will go after Dane if she happens to stay in the house. Chelsea said they need someone there to make people realize that they are playing Dane’s game. If not, Chelsea suggested that Dane will make it to the end and win.

6:00-7:00 PM: Chelsea went over her planned speech with Sam. She wants to ask if people want to keep someone around who is going to play Dane’s game and be a soldier for him. As for her campaign, Chelsea said she will make it very clear that she is targeting Dane and that she is not working with Kiki or Este either. Kyra entered the room. Chelsea asked if they can have a minute. Kyra came back not long after. They claimed that they will blow up their own game so that Chelsea can stay. Chelsea said that’s silly. When Kyra continued to repeat that they will blow up their own game, Chelsea asked where this is coming from. Kyra said it feels like everyone is avoiding them, and she doesn’t want Chelsea and Sam against them. Sam told Kyra that if they want to blow up their own game, they need to wait until Wednesday to do so. Kyra later told Chelsea that they will follow through with the plan on Wednesday. Chelsea told them not to.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:01 following the veto ceremony. Cory decided not to use the Power of Veto. Chelsea and Kyra remain nominated

10:00-11:00 PM: Chelsea told Kyra there always has to be a villain but she didn’t think that it was going to be her. Chelsea said she has done such stupid things in the game and she just wants to go home. Chelsea admitted that she really wants to just roll over. She said she has to fake it for the TV show but she wants to go home since she wishes that she never did this. Chelsea said she really regrets it. Chelsea sat down with Dane to discuss her speech. Dane said it did not hurt him. Chelsea explained that she had to put a target where it would make sense. She added that going after Adam and Sam would only make her look disloyal. Chelsea told Dane that he is such a likeable person, he is playing such a good game, and he will win if he gets to the end. Dane said he doesn’t know about that but he does respect her speech. Chelsea let Dane know that campaigning against him doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like him. Dane understood and said he doesn’t want her to just roll over and die.

11:00-12:00 AM: Chelsea spoke to Adam about how she needs to fight. Chelsea said she knows how Mark feels. Mark said he is going to have to stick with Dane on this one. Chelsea told Mark that she will not go against people that she has been with since the beginning, referring to the fact that she is not going to say that she will target Adam and Sam. Chelsea pointed out that she is a disposable player to Dane, given that he is ending her game, so she has to call that out. Mark said he knows which way Chelsea would be voting if their roles were reversed. Chelsea acknowledged that Mark is correct since she just said that she would not go against those who she is working with. In the bedroom, Eddie asked Chelsea if it’s true that she threw his name out to Dane, because that’s what he heard. Chelsea explained that Dane brought his name up to her, and it was either going be him or her on the block next to Kyra. Eddie said he was hurt by hearing that Chelsea mentioned his name. Chelsea told Eddie that she would have expected him to fight for himself if he were in that position too, and it doesn’t mean that he is disposable to her.

Tonight's Show

March 24, 2019

 Previously, on Big Brother Canada, after Chelsea scored the HoH, the bros were sitting pretty. Solid in their secret alliance. Feeling safe they spread their tentacles through the house. 

While Dane made inroads with Young Blood, Alpha Adam tightened his grip on his sweetie Sam and her friend Chelsea. Then the duo doubled down on their backdoor plan. With the girls taking the lead, the boys sat back to watch the fireworks. 

Then the psychic called a meeting to bring her game back from the dead and then tried to save her game by saying Adam or Chelsea or Sam would win the game. 

When Adam heard and got upset, Dane worked to calm him down and while the dudes doubled down, they had no ideas the walls had ears. Feeling the sting of betrayal, Sam took the information to Chelsea. 

On eviction night, the house was shook. Despite her theatrics, a unanimous still knocked mama out and the countdown was on for a super deluxe double agent showdown. 

Tonight, who will get their buzz on and win the HoH. Will things get ugly for the Pretty Boys or will the showmance hit the skids? It's all up in the air on Big Brother Canada! 

We pick up after the eviction of Kailyn and Sam thinks she should be worried because she heard a conversation between Adam and Dane. She didn't hear specifics, but she heard her name and her game could be in trouble. Chelsea says she got her target out, but she is preoccupied with the idea that the guys are closer than she and Sam thought. She extended an olive branch to Kiera in hopes of maybe working together with the girls. We see her pitching a girls alliance.

Kiera says Chelsea pitched a girl's alliance, but keep the tags on Chelsea because she isn't buying it. Chelsea gambled with her life last week and that wasn't OK. She's closest with Dane and Este in the house so she lets them know. We then see Dane tell Mark and Anthony about Chelsea's girl alliance and Dane says he's winning HoH and Chelsea is gone.

Anthony tells Adam the whole vibe just changed because the girls caught onto Adam and Anthony says Sam and Chelsea are going to plot against the guys and Adam says he won't let that happen. Adam has been trying to get closer to Sam and bring everyone together on the same page. The only way he can do that is to go out and win this HoH.

We pick up at the HoH competition with Arisa explaining the rules. When they hear an alarm they have to hit their button. The last one to hit their button is eliminated. There will be temptations along the way. In the last round, the first person to hit the button wins HoH. We see the start and the 1-minute countdown over their heads. Dane says he's seen this competition before on another season and he thinks his hand-eye coordination is better than anyone else's in the house.

Chelsea needs one of her allies to win this because she's pretty sure the boys are coming after her. The alarm sounds and Kyra is the first out. Cory says this competition seems very easy, but the feeling of anticipation is excruciating. Mark asks if Anthony and the guys want to do a wave. Sam says focusing is something she's always struggled with but she's never been so focused on anything in her entire life.

Eddie doesn't have trouble staying focused, but so many things are distracting him. Adam has gas and Eddie says he's gross and to think he's pretending to have a crush on him? Ewww. Anthony is singing and he says he's starving right now. The alarm goes off for the second time and Eddie is eliminated.

An hour and a half has elapsed and the gate behind them opens and there is beer and pizza. It's time for the first temptation. The rule is they can only eat them at the table. They cannot bring anything back to their buzzer. Anthony says pizza is here and he's in a lot of trouble. He wants to stay in the competition and play for the pretty boys. The timer is back on and the alarm goes off and Anthony is eliminated. He immediately heads inside and says it sucks he's gone, but he thinks the pizza needed him as much as he needed it.

Kiera tells Dane to go ahead and get a bite and run back. Dane runs in and grabs a slice and runs back. The alarm goes off again and Dane hits his button and runs for another piece. Este is eliminated. The pizza temptation is over and two hours and 45 minutes have elapsed.

HG, Big Brother has hidden 9 have cards for the week. You can run in and find them and the three without the cards will be the Have-Nots. Sam is encouraged to go in because she's been a Have-Not for two weeks, but HoH outweighs being a have not. The alarm sounds again and Kiera is eliminated. She says once again she's a bench warmer for her team.

The alarm goes off again and Mark is the last one to hit his button and he is eliminated. Sam is pretty sure Adam and Dane are working together and she wants to win this competition. It's a do or die.

Sam, Dane, Damien, Cory, and Adam are still standing. Who will be the next HoH? The HGs are dancing and the alarm goes off and Adam has been eliminated. Adam is disappointed in himself and he's worried about Sam. Right now, he's rooting for Sam to win because he doesn't want Dane to backdoor her. Damien says this HoH win is so important to him. He wants to win this and make some moves.

Four hours and five minutes have passed and Adam is watching Sam intently The countdown is on and Cory is the last to hit her button and is eliminated. The timer is on one more time and it's down to the final three. Dane says he just cannot let Sam win because he really doesn't trust her and he thinks he would potentially go up. Damien hits his button last and Damien is out.

It's down to Dane and Sam and Sam says she has him and Dane promises the same. Sam says they are promising each other they are good, but she doesn't trust him fully. four hours and 35 minutes have elapsed and Dane and Sam are both intent on their buttons. The timer is back on. Dane is looking at Sam. The alarm sounds and Dane hits his button first and has won HoH. Dane goes to hug Sam and says she's OK.

Sam says losing it down to a second is a hard pill to swallow. She's devasted. Dane can save one person from being a Have-Not and he saves Sam. The HGs head back inside and Sam goes to the washroom and cries and Kyra comforts her. Anthony is in the blue room with Dane and he makes sure no one is around and they celebrate. Anthony tells Dane that Adam said Sam has this competition and Dane says he's so in love with her it's disgusting. Anthony says Chelsea, Kyra, and backdoor Sam.

Damien and Cory are in the Have-Not room and Dane comes out. Who wants to see his HoH room? He has pictures of his mother and grandmother. He's the first double HoH and he gets his Skechers. His video is from mom and grandma and they congratulate him and they are proud of him. They like watching the show. He makes them laugh, cry, and sometimes say what? Dane loved seeing them and he misses them so much. He asks Cory for his Wendy's date.

Adam and Dane are in the HoH room and they celebrate. Dane says their dreams are coming true. This is the opportunity of a lifetime and they are making the most of it. Adam says he wanted Sam to get it to see her dad but Dane says he was worried about Sam. Dane says Sam and Chelsea are working together and they are very dangerous. Adam thinks he can persuade who Sam would want out and he doesn't have to worry about her.

Chelsea and Sam are in the kitchen and they are cleaning up. Chelsea just wants to have a fun week. Sam says Kyra is going to play the other side hard and Chelsea says she has a feeling she has to be worried this week. She thought she trusted Adam, but she thinks he's working more closely with the boys than she originally thought. Sam thinks she'll be backdoored and Chelsea doesn't think so. Sam thinks Chelsea is overthinking things.

Adam and Sam are in The Archives and Sam says she likes Adam but she's heard her name out of his mouth without context. She's questioning their trust so she's trying to adapt. Adam tells Sam to stick close to her. Adam asks Sam if when they talk about things she tells people and she says never. Adam mentions she would have been the backdoor option a couple of weeks ago. Adam says she has to stick close to him because it wouldn't look good. Sam asks if there is a guy alliance and Adam says no. Adam tells Sam not to tell Chelsea and he makes her pinky swear.

Sam says should she pitch to Dane that if he doesn't backdoor her that she'll keep Este safe. Adam tells her yeah because he really doesn't want her to go home. Kiera and Este are in the storage room talk and they are talking about who has their back. They are solid and they have Anthony and Mark and Dane, and they like Cory. All that's left is Chelsea, Sam, and Adam and one of them will go home this week.

Este and Kiera talk about if there's a guy alliance. They discuss that if there is it's Adam, Mark, Dane, and Anthony. Este thinks Dane is more loyal to them than any guy alliance and they just have to focus and pay attention. We then see Sam go to make her pitch to Dane. She proposes a deal where she promises to keep Dane and Este safe and if he doesn't backdoor her then she'll keep him safe. Dane says yeah, you're not going home. Dane says if you swear to me that you won't go home and she does.

Sam and Dane hug it out and again promise to keep each other safe. Dane says he's telling Sam the deal is legit, but he's not fully on board with it. Sam is still a threat to his game and The Pretty Boy alliance and he has to keep her as a backdoor option.

Dane says Cory could be a number for his alliance so he chose her for the Wendy's date. Kaela from Season 6 is making the Wendy's delivery this week. Dane hopes to see her again sometime and he says she looks lovely. Dane talks about Cory may be someone he can trust and maybe work with and she says you have me in your corner.

Anthony, Dane, and Adam are outside and they are discussing options. Anthony says if Chelsea has to go or Sam and Adam says he doesn't want Sam to go this week. Anthony says do you think she'd sacrifice her game for you? Adam thinks they can take Sam as far as they can. Anthony says Sam doesn't care about you. He says she's doing the same thing they are doing, but worse.

Chelsea knows Dane is close with Kiera and she nominated her last week and she feels like she needs to talk to Dane and tell him it was strategic. Chelsea tells Dane last week Kailyn was always her target and she made the best strategic decisions she could to make that happen. Dane says he's holding his cards close to his chest and she says as you should. After Chelsea leaves and Dane says he's not the smartest man alive, but he's not the dumbest tool in the shed. Dane knows Chelsea is trying to get a girl alliance going and he can see right through her.

Kyra is talking to Dane and he tells Kyra there was a final seven deal with Adam, Sam, Chelsea, Anthony, Mark, Cory, and himself, and he doesn't want Kyra to say anything. He says he wants Kyra to trust him. Kyra says if Dane keeps them safe this week, then they'll be his ears. Kyra asks if they're going on the block and Dane says he can't answer that. Kyra says how can they trust him if he puts them up. Dane says trust has to be built. 

Kyra goes to talk to Chelsea in the storage room and asks if there was a 7-person alliance and Chelsea says there was talk about it, but nothing ever came of it. Kyra says they're going to let Dane think he shattered their trust. Kyra says they think it's Chelsea and Kyra. Chelsea is quiet and Kyra tries to comfort Chelsea and Chelsea says then she's going home next.

Chelsea is talking to Adam in the storage room and she feels like Adam went to Dane and told him that. Adam says he was just talking with the boys and he's been told by many people there was a girl alliance. Adam says he didn't want to believe it. Chelsea says she 100% trusted him since day two and she still wanted to go with that. She leaves.

Dane heads to HQ to discuss who options. It's his second time as HoH and he's not pulling any punches. Alliances are being formed in the house and he has to stamp out any possible threats to The Pretty Boys. He's considering nominating Chelsea because she got power hungry and tried to form a girl alliance. Not on his watch. He's considering Sam because she's been on his radar for a long time and she's too close to Adam. He could nominate Kyra because he doesn't know what they would do with the veto if they won. He could nominate Eddie because he's been alone. He wants to stir things up with his nominations.

Dane heads to the livingroom for nominations! His first nominee is Chelsea and his second nominee is Kyra. Dane nominated Chelsea because it's been brought to his attention when she was HoH she made numerous deals with everyone in the house and that's not good for anyone's game. He nominated Kyra because they are very close to Chelsea.

Kyra says even though they are on the block, they are fired up to win the veto and keep them both safe. Chelsea thinks everything is being blamed on her because she was in power last week. Who will win the PoV? Will Kyra or Chelsea fight their way off the block? Find out Wednesday!


March 24, 2019

8:00 AM BBT Lights coming on slowly, but no wakeup call for the HGs yet.
8:15 AM BBT Dane up to the WR and then crawls back into the HoH bed. No audio on his feed. Downstairs, the TV says “PoV Ceremony Today.” Adam up and doing a battery exchange. He stops for a snuggle with Sam. She says the rooster has already sounded. The alarm clock sounds. She asks if there’s anything on the tv and he says yes. They discuss that it’s just Sunday and Adam wonders what they’re going to do all week. Adam talks about struggling all night to ensure he wasn’t snoring; he says Cory said he did really well, he only snored once. He said he was awake most of the night because he was so conscious of it.
8:30 AM BBT Cory retrieves Damien’s water bottle from the back yard and brings it to him in the HN room. Dane asks how she slept and she said she slept so much better than the night before, but still horribly. Anthony comes out of the DR and joins Dane in the kitchen; he sets about making coffee. Dane is preparing breakfasts. Dane tells Anthony he had a nightmare that someone came back into the game and exposed his game, turning Este against him. Mark called to the DR, Kyra joins the others in the kitchen area. Kyra says their knee is very sore and asks what they should do for it; Dane says RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. He says that Chelsea went up to him and said she wants peace for her last few days in the house. He and Cory are surprised she’s going without a fight. Kyra rejoins them and Cory is called to the DR. Kyra thanks Dane for making breakfast sandwiches for everyone. He asks how Chelsea is doing and Kyra says she is okay, and just wants peace for her final days. Cory rejoins them and they discuss the ceremony being a day early today. Dane called to the DR. Kyra asks Cory if she should ask to see a doctor about her knee; Cory says just to ask for an ice pack. Kyra heads to the DR. Dane says he’s starting to watch what he says to Adam because it always finds its way back to Sam.
8:45 AM BBT Up in the blue BR, Este and Kiki are talking about clothing while Eddie gets dressed slowly. The girls are very giggly this morning. Eddie leaves and Kyra comes in and talks about her knee. They head downstairs in search of coffee. In the WR, Chelsea is starting her grooming process and complaining about lack of sleep. Kiki and Kyra and Eddie talking about why/when the nipple became such a taboo thing to show on women, but it’s no problem for men.
9:00 AM BBT Down in the kitchen, Dane is still cooking for most of the HGs and Adam is cooking for the HNs. Kyra comes down and offers to help Dane; he says he’s fine. Sam and Chelsea are grooming in the WR and chatting about visiting each other this summer. Sam leaves because Dane is cooking her an egg and Chelsea tells her to put sugar on it. Sam heads to the kitchen and greets everyone with hugs. Chelsea and Kiki chatting in the WR with their English accents. Kiki heads down and chats with Cory about thrift store finds.
9:15 AM BBT Most HGs, and all feeds, in the kitchen area for breakfast. Random chit-chat. Talk turns to masturbation and Adam encourages others to experience it in the house.
9:30 AM BBT Dane still cooking breakfast sandwiches. Adam still making a meal for HNs. Cory, Este and Anthony talking about clothing over coffee. The girls are talking about the clothing that was taken from them by BB. Talk turns to music and playing music. Cory talks about how her parents stood up for her hubby’s parents at their wedding.
9:45 AM BBT Chelsea and Kyra talking in the WR. Chelsea celebrating the fact she doesn’t need to be artificially nice to people anymore. Kyra says they can’t stand to listen to Kiki speak. They tell Chelsea that Kiki is always checking her out; Chelsea says she loves to hear that. Kyra says they knew that; compliments to Chelsea are like tiaras to princesses. Kyra says they feel like a puppy, wanting to hang out with Chelsea because one of them is leaving. Chelsea says that they’ve been like that all game. Kyra says she’s going to go out for a smoke, but she didn’t want to leave Chelsea alone. Chelsea spends a long time explaining she likes this time to herself in the morning, and if she’s depressed she’ll come find Kyra later. Kyra heads back downstairs, and joins Sam in the file room to count boxes. Kyra tells Sam they don’t know how to be around Chelsea right now because she wants everything to be peaceful.
10:00 AM BBT In the secret room, Kyra and Sam are looking through boxes. Sam says that Dane sees Kyra as an opportunity. Kyra says that Dane is playing a very good game. Sam says it would not be smart for Corey to use the veto because it will show where she is working. Kyra says she will not use it. Kyra says she saw Dane talking to Corey and it looked like game talk because it was serious. Kyra says that Corey will lay low. And that Corey has a bigger target because of the veto. That Corey got all the rings but one in the comp. That Corey learned from her mistakes and fixes it. Kyra says they wishes that they were able to get to the ring toss because they are good at it and that they would have appeared capable of doing something. Kyra says that with her doubts, had they won the veto that they would not have used it. Kyra tells Sam not to trust a word that Kikki says because she has told people she has their back and then goes and throws their names under the bus. Kyra says they need to get closer to Corey and Anthony. And Adam if they can bridge a gap. Sam says that Kikki is are people radar. Krya says that people can see that Kikki is fake. Kyra talks about Chelsea and said that showing people your weakness that it can show you can be trusted. Kyra talks about Adam and buzzer when Eddie went to the DR to complain that Adam cheated. That Eddie acts this way but then gets upset when no one will talk game with him because he appears weak. Sam leaves the secret room and leaves Kyra in by themselves. Kyra begins to look in boxes. In the bathroom, Eddie teaches Adam a new way to tie his shoes. Chelsea is watching them and asks Eddie to show her again. Chelsea tells Eddie that he just does things his own way but that it is harder. Adam says that Eddie is going to learn how to drive and Chelsea can’t believe it. Eddie says that he is afraid to hit someone but that he lives downtown and really hasn’t needed to drive. Adam says that Eddie would crap his pants if he drove with him because he weaves in and out of traffic. Adam says he has gotten a lot of speeding tickets. Eddie says he has only driven a car at an amusement park. That he also has never even driven a bike. He said as a child he hit someone riding a bike so he never did it again. Chelsea said that riding a bike is the first piece of freedom as a child. Eddie asks what is so special about riding a bike and that it is too risky. Eddie says he has always lived in a big city and very tall condos and there really was never a place for him to ride a bike.
10:15 AM BBT Adam asks Eddie what was fun for him as a child. Eddie says hide and seek and that he would go into places that people were not allowed to go. Eddie says that in China it’s very competitive for studying and that he was in a school with uniforms and he studied hard. Chelsea said that they grew up very differently. Eddie says when he sees movies about school that he can not believe that. Chelsea asked if they partied as a teenager and Eddie says no. Chelsea said that is why China is ruling the world. Eddie says if they were caught they would have been punished. Eddie says that he is a rebel but his friends were not. Eddie says that breaking rules have consequences but that he wouldn’t do it. Adam asks if he ever rode a scooter that you push with your foot. Eddie says yes maybe. Chelsea asks if anyone lives in a house in China and Eddie says not in his town but in other cities yes. But that he grew up very differently. Eddie says his first party was when he came to Canada. That he parties but doesn’t drink but that he is a fun person. Adam asks if he likes clubs and Eddie says yes. Corey comes in and tells them that she is sore in her hips so tells them what workout she will do. Chelsea says that if they do yoga she will join. Sam comes into the washroom and shows Sam how Eddie ties his shoes. They tell Sam all about what they talked about with Eddie about never riding a bike and not partying. OUtside Kyra and Dane aer smoking they are talking about when and if there will be a double eviction. Kyra says to Dane that they appreciate Dane being straightforward with them and that it is a smart game move to get Chelsea out. Dane says that he established his relationships before this HOH and that he has not made deals with anyone except Kyra if she still agrees with it and Kyra says they do. Dane says that if he did end up on the block that he would have the votes. Kyra says that Sam has said that if she got HOH that Dane would be going up. Dane says that Kyra needs to keep those relationships even if she is fake and Kyra says it is hard to keep being fake. Dane says after the POV ceremony that more than likely they will stay on the block against Chelsea and that they can take it from there. Kyra asks what to say and Dane says to do like Momma and not trash the other person but to ask who the HG would prefer to have in the house. Not to campaign against Chelsea but to campaign for themselves. Dane says that he knows for him that time will eventually come and that he will have to do that for himself. He says that every person in the jury house is worth 14K and that you have to think about who is going to jury. Kyra says that she has relationships with people in the house for the most part but with some people it is natural.

10:30 AM BBT They talk about the comp for slop and Dane says that he felt bad when Sam went back on slop even though he knew he would be safe but that is why he removed her from slop. Kyra gets up to go back in and Dane says he is proud of them and that he respects that they didn’t give up. Kyra says that Dane is right that they came into the game alone and with Chelsea gone she will be able to concentrate more on their game and not let emotions dictate how they play. She goes in leaving Dane outside who smokes another cigarette. Dane talks to himself and says that he didn’t realize how good he is with his mouth and that his mouth can get hm far in this game and that he has west coast charm. In the game room, Mark and Damien are playing pool, Anthony sits at the table watching. Anthony tells Mark to remember angles and what he as taught Mark, then Mark looks at him and says “you haven’t taught me sh*&”. In the bathroom, Sam tells Adam and Chelsea about the conversation she had with Kyra in the secret room. That Chelsea is the target and that Corey will not use the veto because it is not smart. Adam says that he has seen the conversations but that Kyra runs to Sam to tell her. That Dane is telling Kyra to get close to the girls. And that Este is getting closer to Corey because Dane told her to. Chelsea says that she sees things so much differently from being HOH.. That Dane is the puppet master. Chelsea says that Dane is running the game now but that it is a risk for him. Sam says that she thinks Dane is waiting to make a really big move right now but Chelsea says that it is an easy move to get her out. Mark comes in and says he is about to disrespect the toilet. Sam says “I have faith in you”. Adam says Dane is telling Kyra what they want to hear, that Kyra will run to Sam and tell her and that Sam will tell them. Sam says that there has been things told to her that she has not told them yet. As Chelsea says maybe there will be a battle back, feeds move to the pool table with Anthony and Damien. Feeds flip back to the washroom with Chelsea curling her hair. Sam says she is laying low right now because she doesn’t want to say anything stupid. Chelsea asks if she should say something and blast Dane for running the house. She says that everyone is underestimating Dane and that he had that plan from the beginning. Sam says that Dane has made people think he is not smart. Chelsea says that he is playing smart and seeing people as game pieces and moves them around. Sam says that Kyra told her about Eddie being upset about the buzzer and going to the DR to get him disqualified. Chelsea confirms that she was there when Eddie talked to them about it. Outside Kikki and Este are talking that Este is needing to play the part of Mark’s girl. That she has to work with what you got. They say they need to come up with a name since Mark has flopped and is back on their team again. Este says she spent more time with Corey this morning. That they don’t know if Corey would go after Sam. Este says that maybe if Anthony tells Corey to go for Sam because Anthony wants Sam out. Kikki says she needs to study with Damien. Kikki says that she can see through Mark and that he is a dork. That she is into dorks but that Mark is next level dork.
10:45 AM BBT That they both need to get closer to Damien today. Este says that she will try to talk to Sam today but that she is afraid to say the wrong thing. But that she doesn’t have a name to bring up to her. Kikki says they need a wedge between Adam and Sam, Este says that will never happen. Este says that Adam is way protective over Sam. That there is a very specific dynamic between them but that they both must go. Kikki says getting Adam out would be better than Sam at this point. Este says she doesn’t think so. AFter thinking about it she says that it would be better to get Sam out first because she has a relationship with Kyra and Adam really doesn’t have anyone else. They say that Anthony is playing a great social game and they don’t know what he is hiding. They say that Kyra is dangerous too because they have a vendetta against Kikki. Kikki asks where Corey’s head is at. That Corey says that Kikki is not on her radar. Else says that Corey told her that she doesn’t trust Sam and Chelsea but she likes Adam. Este says they need to break everyone up eventually. Este says her main task for this week is to prepare for Adam and or Sam to win HOH this week. She says if anyone else wins that she would be ok but she doesn’t know how to go about it. Kikki says they need to fix it where they would go after someone else like Kyra. Kikki says they need to spin it to their advantage. Este says that it’s not about telling them WHO to put up but WHO NOT to put up. Kikki says that Damien should not have to go up again as a pawn. But that when he gets HOH he will blow it up. They talk about the button comp but that if it was a physical comp that Damen would have gotten it but if Kyra would have gotten it that Kikki would be on the block. Este says that people in the house are afraid of Chelsea because of last week and that she needs to prepare in case she stays. They say that everyone loves Corey around and that she doesn’t have any blood on her hands. They say you have to be so careful how you say things. They said they are getting cold so they head inside saying they need to get close to Damien – as they go through the hallway into the game room they say it smells like poop. In the blue room, Chelsea is making the bed and Dane is talking to her about a dream that he had that someone came back into the house that was evicted and made everyone hate him and that everyone in Canada hated him Then he woke up, went back to bed and had the same dream again. Sam comes in and Damien leaves. She tells Chelsea what Dane says about his dream and then Adam and Kyra come in, they stop talking about the dream and talk about working out with Corey.Sam says “oh my butt is out, Sorry Canada” Chelsea says oh please, Canada loves it. They talk about what they are going to wear during her speech but that she will get nervous and sweat so she has to wear something that will not show it. They talk about what she will say and Sam says that she needs to say something that will mess with people in a funny way. Adam says on Thursday morning that everyone should grab pots and pans and bang them together. Chelsea says she will do something funny that won’t hurt people. Kyra says that Chelsea should wear a piece of everyone’s clothing like in Joey in “Friends”. Kyra and Chelsea are left alone in the bedroom. Kyra tells Chelsea that they are going to make it appear that they are taking Danes sides but that in reality she has Sam and Adam’s back. Kyra tells Chelsea to stop saying they are in love with her or people are going to start to believe it. Chelsea is trying to figure out what to wear. Kyra asks if Chelsea wants a massage and she says no thank you and goes to the washroom leaving Kyra laying on the bed in the blue room. Outside, alone Mark, lying down is saying “please don’t get backdoored this week” Mark says to play this game you need to lie and smile to play the game well. NOt a lot of people can do that. He says he has been playing hard with Kikki this week puting in dumb effort and that in the real world this would never happen but that this is the house we live in and that he needs her to trust. That they are similar to when when he was 23 and that she needs to mature. Mark says he will pull off the move of the century if he gets HOH and if there is a double. He said it could work without a double but probably won’t. He says that if he gets what he wants, the house will quickly scramble and that his plan is to be stuck in the middle. He keeps saying please don’t get backdoored this week. That Chelsea seems oddly content. Something doesn’t seem right. He says the likes to be outside alone with peace and fresh air that it gives him time to think. The feeds flip back to the blue room where Chelsea has come back and is picking clothes to wear. She doesn’t want to show her midriff. Kyra asks what she would say during her speech. Chelsea was going to start to make suggestions then production says CHELSEA PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE She goes back to the bathroom. Kikki is in the bathroom and Dane comes in. The says Oh, Chelsea is in here too. She comes out of the stall and Dane tells her that she looks good today. DANE PLEASE GO TO THE DR. CHELSEA PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. She says sorry and goes back into the washroom stall. Dane heads to the DR and Kikki is brushing her teeth.
11:15 AM BBT In the HOH room, Damien is sitting on the couch alone and Dane comes in to grab something and goes back out. Damien has his head down on his hands breathing heavy into the microphone appearing to be deep in thought. Feeds go back to the washroom where Kikki is putting lotion on her face, Chelsea is looking at herself in the mirror. Chelsea leaves leaving Kikki alone in the washroom. Chelsea goes back to the blue room where Kyra is still laying on the bed. Chelsea says that her outfit is still too much and is upset that she can not figure out what to wear. Kyra again asks what she should say in her speech. When she begins to make suggestions productions says CHELSEA PLEASE GO TO THE DR. They laugh and Chelsea leaves to go to the DR. Feeds go to the washroom where Kikki is alone In the HOH room, Dane and Damien are talking about days in the house and what happens. They are studying who wins and plays in comps, who is nominates, who goes up, names of comps, who is on slop, who plays in POV, when the secret room opens with the number of boxes, who goes home and by what number of votes. Dane asks what Damien wanted to tell him earlier and Damien says that he was just going to warn him who to be leary of. Damien says that Kyra is not a threat. Dane says he would rather go to the final with someone who has done things in the game. They say that people are getting on their nerves. Dane says that Chelsea has a speech planned to blow up something. To go out with a bang. Anthony comes in and Dane continues to say he heard them in the bathroom saying that Chelsea should go out like that. Dane tells them that Kyra asks if they should campaign and Dane tells them the numbers he has that Chelsea will be going home. Dane is talking about possibly going in the Hot Tub. Anthony asked if he charged his music Dane tells him yes but it is away right now. Dane also hopes this week goes fast. Dane doesn’t think that the Double isn’t until next week. He tells them that one of us has to win this week. Anthony says a bumpy couple of weeks ahead. Dane says when it gets down to final 4 this house will be huge. Anthony says there will be no reason to whisper. Dane says We can play hide n seek. Dane is telling them what the past winners.
11:30 AM BBT Cory Sam and Adam are talking about showing emotions. Cory hugs Sam and says it is okay to cry. Chelsea has come out of the DR . Kikki and Kyra have joined the boys in the HOH Room. Dane thinks he put his teeth in the wash but he finds them. They are trying to figure out when the POV Ceremony is Kikki say later tonight Anthony thinks earlier today. Damien and Anthony are saying they both are tired today. The camera switches to Adam and Sam who are cuddling in the workout area. She tells him that today in the Secret Room she was talking to Eddie and he told her he sees her and Adam as a package. She is telling him he has to do what he needs to do. He says Well I am pretty sure you still want to work with Kyra. She says People don’t want to work with me because they know that they have to work with you. Sam says If it is a double this week Dane can’t play we could get him out. Adam asks her is that what you want to do. She tells him that she doesn’t like how he is using them right now. The cameras move to Chelsea who is in the SR trying to figure out what to do. She says She doesn’t know if Kyra is playing her because she played them. Chelsea says being HOH is one thing people come to you but being on the block you have to be smart. I have to dig myself out of this hole. She keeps going over the thought that Kyra maybe playing her. She says are they playing all nicey nicey to play me. She says If I throw Kyra under the bus that makes people question my loyalty. She says if I play dirty and it doesn’t work and I go home then I really will look like a bitch but this is a game. She says This is a shi**y position to be in the only way I can stay is to throw the people I truly trust under the bus but I don’t want to roll over and die. What the f**k am I going to do.
12:00 PM BBT She leaves the room and heads upstairs. Cameras switch to the storage area Mark Sam and Adam are having a general conversation about how many times they cried. Dane is headed outside Sam asks him if it is sunny out ; he tells her noo. Sam asks Mark What his thoughts are this week. Mark says He is waiting until the ceremony goes down. Sam thinks Dane just takes bits and pieces and creates a reason. Sam says it is too early to use a veto. Mark says this season is different tho. We had a tie in week 2 and a back door in week 3. Mark says the HOH not playing in the Veto is interesting because it creates an interesting twist. Adam says I think Chelsea thinks she is going to go home. Mark is telling them that it is good to vote on the side of the HOH on a week that the HOH can break a tie. Chelsea has joined them Chelsea says she is thinking. Adam says of pulling out the pots and pans She tells him no just how people play this game. Chelsea says I figure I am being played. She tells them that Kyra did not give her this information she is coming on her own. She says People leave their lives to come and play so how dirty can they be. She says She doesn’t think Cory is going to use the Veto. She says I want to play but I don’t want to play with someone’s feelings. Chelsea says When you play with someone’s emotions they won’t campaign against them. Chelsea says At first I just wanted to be classy and enjoy my last week. Adam says You haven’t talked to anyone. She says No I haven’t I am just believing them. Sam tells her I think that there are some real feelings there because they told me awhile ago. Sam tells her I put work in to keep you but it isn’t working. She tells Chelsea that Dane can trust her but he doesn’t even tho I would never put him up. Chelsea says I feel I am being played dirty. Adam says Well you are on Big Brother. Chelsea says Yea but this is Big Brother Canada aren’t we are suppose to be nicer. Sam and Adam tell her if we were on the block together we would throw each other under the bus no problem. Mark gets up and gives her a hug. Chelsea says I feel so stupid. Adam says I won’t mind seeing some action this week. Sam is telling Chelsea to try and figure out what is true. Sam says They told her that they had to play both side. Chelsea says Some people in this house really suck. Mark tells her that You have to think about those that aren’t sucking. Mark says Is that why you never talked to me. She tells him Yes. Mark says This has nothing to do with you getting Momma out of the house because the vote was 10-0 not 9-1. You are mixing apples and oranges.
12:15 PM BBT Chelsea goes into the washroom where Cory is saying outside the house you can remove yourself from an emotional thing but in here you can’t. Cory says the best thing to do is cry then pick yourself up emotionally. Chelsea says Let’s chat when you are done. Mark calls Chelsea into the SR where Chelsea is saying There was a 7 person alliance was said and I am getting blamed for it. Chelsea says I said Let’s have a girls night and that got changed to an all girls alliance. Eddie comes in looking for something. Mark is mumbling and very hard to make out. Chelsea is telling him that she told Kikki she was a pawn as this was the only way I could get Kailyn out but I guess she took it wrong. Mark says I feel bad for what happened. Mark asks her why you haven’t talked to me She tells him I haven’t talked to anyone. Chelsea says It isn’t that I was avoiding you I wanted to prove that I can show loyalty and now I feel like I am being played. Chelsea says it is not that I feel towards them it is the fact that I am being told they like me a lot so I won’t campaign against them. Mark says I think you are highly mature and very smart girl. He tells her that she is something she has to figure out. Kyra comes in and Chelsea walks by her saying I just need a minute please please. Kyra says Chelsea just talk to me. Chelsea says I haven’t talked to Cory yet.
12:30 PM BBT Kyra follows her and says Can I just telling you one thing. Kyra tells her I have not played you. They tell her that they are not built for this game that they are okay if they go home. They tell her they can’t even talk in the DR. They say you thinking I played you really hurts. Chelsea says I haven’t said anything right now. Kyra asks her to tell them. Chelsea walked away from her. Kyra goes outside to get Sam. They tell her that Chelsea told them that she is going to campaign to stay. Sam tells them that Chelsea feels like she has been played. She tells them that she thinks emotions got involved and now she wants to campaign to stay in the game. Kyra tells her she is not using her. Kyra says Chelsea can play dirty against her she can because Kyra has never kept anything from her. Kyra says I told her if I win the Veto I am taking her down. Chelsea is upstairs talking to Kikki saying I am just waking up to how dirty people are in this game. Kikki tells her you have to be tough and get thru it. Chelsea is now waiting to talk to Cory. The cameras switched back to Sam and Kyra where they are telling Sam that they always went to her bed every night because I truly like her. I have real feelings for her. Kyra says the way she looked at me I can’t stand it. Kyra gets called out for talking about production. Kyra says I won’t be sad about going home it will be because she thinks I was using her. Kyra says Does she not see that I am always looking for her?
12:45 PM BBT Sam says I am going to remind Chelsea that you try to get me to use the Veto on her if I won. Sam says This is good it is happening now and not before the vote. Kyra says I can’t separate my emotions from this game when it comes to Chelsea. Kyra thinks that now I think she was playing me because she thought we were playing her. Kyra goes for a smoke. Outside by the Hot Tub Kyra comes out where Dane says What is going on I heard something was going on. Kyra starts to tell Dane what Chelsea thinks. Mark and Kikki are out there and Mark is talking loud so we move inside where Chelsea is now talking to Cory. Chelsea tells her that everything I talked to you about was legit. Chelsea says You were the person about this supposed 7 person alliance. She tells her a conversation she had with Eddie that was totally a joke but Dane thinks it was serious. Chelsea says My back is against the wall. Chelsea says at first I was waiting for the POV was played. I haven’t talked game to anyone. Cory says I think a couple of good conversations is better than a lot of nothing. Chelsea tells her that she is going to address the whole house with this at the ceremony today; that some people are playing emotionally dirty. Chelsea says I don’t expect you to use the veto today. Chelsea says I think I am being played in an emotional way. Cory says if you feel that way then you need to address it. Chelsea says Even if I do stay I don’t think I can play that type of game. Cory explains that this game is 2 layered You build emotional ties with people then there is strategy. She tells Chelsea you have to think of it as 2 different levels. Cory says I would say talk to the people you feel dubbed by. Cory says I believe in the power of conversation. Cory says Have that conversation it will make you feel better. Chelsea says I find it hard to grasp how people can play that emotional card. She tells her I am going to address the house. She tells Cory I know you aren’t going to use it so I am not going to pitch to you. Cory says So you made your decision you are going to address the house. Cory says Process the emotion then release it; don’t keep it. Chelsea says You truly are a good person. Cory says If there is anything I can do.
1:00 PM BBT Cory is rehashing what was said so we go into the Blue Bedroom where Dane and Este are talking about What Cory said at the Wendy’s lunch with Dane about Este being smart. Este says Can we open your ottoman . They start going over the days. Chelsea and Cory have finished their conversation. Back in the Blue Room where Dane and Este are still going over their days.They stop because Este has been asked to do a house wide battery change. Dane asks Adam What is going on Adam says I honestly don’t know.
1:15 PM BBT Adam is making Slop Shakes for himself Damien and Cory. Cory tells Damien the POV Ceremony is going to be interesting. Cory says We will have to watch their faces when they come back in.In the backyard Sam is talking to Chelsea about what is going on between Kyra and Chelsea. Chelsea says That she thinks that Kyra overheard a conversation where she feels betrayed so now has decided that they are going to play really dirty. Sam says I really think Kyra has feelings for you so if you want to use it to stay here then realize that Kyra will have their heart broken. Chelsea says I think that the feelings are real but are now being manipulated. Chelsea says I think I just want to call a house meeting and call them out. Sam says They told her that they went to the DR and could not say anything. Chelsea says So if it is real and I call it out I am going to look like a really huge c**t but if I don’t do anything I am going to look stupid. Chelsea says earlier they were crying before I said anything then they were dry again. Chelsea says I think they are using it because they said they have no problem playing their emotion. Chelsea says Kyra is very smart and can be using this because they think they are very good with Dane. Chelsea says I know some of it is real but I am really leary. Sam says I would hate for you to call a house meeting and call them out and go home and find out it was real you will come off as a real B and you were worried about being one. Chelsea says Is the double this week. Sam says People are saying it but I don’t know. Sam gets called to the DR. She says Oh Oh I’m in trouble I’m going to need a shirt.

1:30 PM BBT Some of the HGs are having a general conversation about things. Este says Adam and Dane are like the cleaners of the house. They thank him for cleaning up the kitchen. Adam says Him and Eddie are talking about how they grew up so different. Meanwhile Chelsea and Kyra are finally talking. Kyra says I told you if I had won the Veto I would use it on you. Kyra says I forgave you for turning on me because I knew you needed numbers. Kyra says I thought you knew We had a crush on you. Chelsea says Well if you think about it that you have been getting nicer to me so I would roll over . Chelsea says I really think that you thought you were using my emotions with me. Kyra says You can think that but why do you think I got so emotional when you said we needed to separate. Chelsea says Yes than you could decide to use me and use me. Kyra says that why do you think that I got so hurt that I would turn on you. Chelsea says You told me from the very beginning that you could turn on the emotions. She goes on to say look at yesterday you brought on the tears with Dane then at the snap of a finger you turned it off. Kyra says I can’t believe you think that. Kyra says if you think that I am using you I understand but I honestly wanted our last days in this house be good. I have told you to campaign against me. Chelsea say yes but that could be just you using me. Kyra says I was willing to do anything for you to stay. They tell her I forgave you because you were scrambling to survive so I was willing to look past it. They tell her I have real feeling for you but you told me that it isn’t real. They tell her they spent a half hour in that secret room on my hands and knees looking for a secret veto to save you. I truly want our last days in here to be friendly. They tell her Do what you have to do. They tell her I am smart but I was looking out for us. Chelsea says People are such good liars in this game. Kyra says You are going to feel so stupid. Chelsea says Everyone has to be disposal to you. Kyra says You are not disposable to me I actually really like you I enjoy when we are lying together I enjoy the most. Chelsea says I don’t need you to sit here and yell at me until I believe you. Kyra says if you have to turn against me can we still be real these last few days/ Chelsea says I don’t know because I think you are playing me. Kyra says I admitted it to you last week.
1:45 PM BBT Kyra says I can’t believe you never figured out I had a crush on you. They tell her I don’t tickle you for an hour because I like to tickle people. Chelsea again says I don’t know if you are just using me. Kyra tells her that even if you do campaign against me I don’t think I will be going home based on closed door conversation I have had Kyra continues with I am looking like an idiot. Chelsea says or very smart for being able to play this good. Chelsea tells her you are really smart at this game. Chelsea says if you are emotionally playing me that is a very dirty tactic. Kyra tells her that I have let all my walls down with you. Adam comes in and ask if they can work out. Chelsea says No I am done here anyone. Chelsea walks away saying Everyone is shady as shit. Chelsea heads into the SR Where Dane has come in looking for something in the freezer; seems he spilt all the water in the freezer. Dane is now pretending to talk to Chelsea saying when you go back and watch this you will see that Anthony and I were going to take you to final 3 but you got tied up with the wrong people. If you hadn’t of gotten tied up with Sam and Adam you would have been final 3. Eddie says I will drink a slop shake if I am not forced to. Adam and Damien are talking about the tension between the girls now which means it is good for us. Damien says Yea it will work to the boys advantage. Adam is now telling Dane and Damien what Kyra said to him after they talked to Chelsea.
2:00 PM BBT Adam is asking if Sam is out of the room yet. Dane comes out to the Hot Tub area where Chelsea and Anthony are sitting. The conversation is just on general topics so we will travel to the blue bedroom where Este and Kyra are talking about the conversation Kyra had with Chelsea. Este tells her the people I trust could be playing me but I choose to trust them. The conversation ends with Este saying I am going to work out. Out in the Hot Tub area Chelsea is saying she hope she isn’t being played emotionally. She says Who knows maybe there is a battle back. Dane says Who knows I have adored you since day 1. He tells her You came into the house as a single person so play your game. Chelsea says I just hope the people I am close to aren’t playing me. Dane says I know nothing about that. Inside the house Eddie and Cory are talking about Eddie not being able to eat slop when he has too. He gets called out for his mic. Eddie says he thinks there is a difference between interest and habit. Eddie says Momma K and I had a very tight bond but she is gone. He is telling her that Momma K always told him to protect her. Cory says I have talked game with people but mainly me giving advice and strategy but any time you want to talk game with me feel free. She tells him right now I have a bit of power right now because I have this POV up until I got this I had nothing to give. Sam invites them outside but Eddie says he likes the view here right now half naked men. Cory chuckles and says I don’t understand why people want to check in all the time because checking in all the time makes me put up a guard. Cory says whenever I heard something I hold onto it and process it. Cory tells him anytime you are unsure you can come talk to me. She says You always got me. Eddie says and You always got me.
2:15 PM BBT Cory says On your last lap I want you guys to double the stairs. She is cheering Este and Kikki on their run around the house. In the backyard area Chelsea is watching Adam; Damien workout. She says her conversation with Kyra was tough. She says just wait til the ceremony but she doesn’t want to be made to look stupid. She says She doesn’t want to campaign against Kyra but doesn’t know if she is being played by Kyra. She says I just don’t know. Kyra is shooting pool with themselves. Este and Kikki have finished their run Cory is giving them high fives. Back in the backyard area Sam is talking to Kyra where Kyra is telling her what Chelsea said to her. They say She thinks I am playing her. Sam says Chelsea saying she is just going to sit around enjoying her last couple of days. Sam says that is crazy both Adam and I know if we end up on the block together we are gunning for each other. Kyra goes back to shooting pool by herself.
2:30 PM BBT Cory says I was ask if I would be the mom of the house. She said I don’t know why. Kikki says maybe because you are a teacher. Este says I was asked if I could get along with older people. They think Sam could be mom. Adam can be dad Dane can be the husband Eddie can be the annoying brother. Chelsea is standing at the top of the stairs looking down into the house. Outside by the Hot tub Anthony Mark and Dane are talking about the last comp and how Cory beat Mark. Mark says it is good because now people can’t say Mark can’t do anything. Mark says Chelsea was damn close. Dane says Cory told me she was going to call Cory first. Anthony says Cory takes care of her body whereas Sam doesn’t. Anthony is saying that it is good that Cory won because if you had won it would be Mark the wild card . We have to worry about Adam if the girls start asking him questions he doesn’t have the mindset to deflect them. Anthony says This is coming from a very humble place but we have controlled every single eviction. Mark says Yea we decide who stays in this house and for how long. Mark goes inside Anthony has turned the hot tub back on looks like he wants to enjoy it by himself. Inside the house in the Blue Bedroom Kyra is lying down deep in her own thoughts. In the washroom Chelsea and Cory are talking about the off chance that Kyra not even realizing what she is doing. Cory says I don’t think that they think through things, look at what she did with Sam giving her that last ball. Cory says to be honest with you I told Kyra the same thing They have to think about their game. Chelsea says she is going to talk to Kyra again. Chelsea says I want to believe them but I know they are good at playing their emotions.
2:45 PM BBT Cory says I don’t think she is capable of planning that. Cory says but if for some reason she is she would have to be a genius and there are elements of her game that aren’t genius. Cory says it is easier to say that when you know you are not the target when they were the target they talked different. Chelsea says I am not sure what I thought this game was but it is really hard to separate the real from the game. Cory says Don’t look at single moments look at the whole thing. She continues with for them to be able to do that they would need a lot of experience. Kyra knows we were talking because they started to walk in so they may want to talk to me as well but what you told me here will stay between us. Chelsea says I just needed to bounce off a logical person. Chelsea tells I need to go talk to Kyra before the ceremony. Cory says When did this start When you both went on the block. Chelsea agrees with her. Chelsea says she is going to talk to Kyra she adds I don’t think anyone can be this cold in this game. Cory says I am not sure about others but Kyra I don’t think so. Chelsea heads downstairs looking for Kyra. Mark runs into her in the SR. Chelsea joins Sam in the BY. Sam asks “what’s the latest?” Chelsea says that she talked to Cory. Sam says that Kyra thinks Sam is a mastermind. In the hot tub area, Anthony and Kyra are talking. Kyra says that it’s humiliating hearing that there’s many alliances that she’s not a part of.
3:00 PM BBT Anthony asks Kyra if Adam or Sam has Kyra’s bad. Kyra says Sam. Anthony tells Kyra that Kyra needs to think about stuff. Kyra says that Kyra needs to trust Kyra’s gut. Kyra tells Anthony that Kyra trusts Anthony. Anthony tells Kyra “I hope you realize your true power.” Kyra gets up to hug Anthony, then leaves the hot tub area to talk to Chelsea. Chelsea tells Kyra to not emotionally play her. Kyra says that they’re not. Kyra says that Kyra has told her everything. Chelsea says that there’s a possibility that she’s being manipulated by a really smart person. Kyra says that paranoia is really strong in this house. They move to the backyard for more privacy.

3:15 PM BBT Kyra tells Chelsea that Kyra wanted a F2 with her, but then Dane ruined it. Chelsea says that people have left their lives to be on Big Brother. Kyra says “if other people can see that I’m loyal to you, why can’t you?” Kyra says “campaign against me.” Chelsea says no. Kyra says that she has no choice.” Kyra asks if they’re friends again. Chelsea says yes. Kyra says “I’m not that manipulative.” Kyra says to campaign. Chelsea says that it won’t work. Kyra says “I’m sorry that we’re on the block together.”
3:30 PM BBT Chelsea says “I’m sorry for doubting you.” Kyra says “honestly, I thought that I was going home.” Chelsea tells Kyra “if you are being socially manipulating, you’re going to win the game.” Kyra reassures her that she’s not. Chelsea says “alright. I believe you.” Chelsea says that this game is emotionally exhausting. Kyra says “it’s all a blip. This game is fake, but I’m not fake.” Chelsea is called to the DR. They both hug. Chelsea says “thank you for talking to me.” Kyra says “thank you for not walking away from me.” Kyra, Cory, and Dane go to the hot tub area. Kyra and Cory chat. They say that the game is exhausting. Kyra says that it’s going to be weird when they have to do the speeches.
3:45 PM BBT Anthony is talking to Adam in the bathroom about what Kyra said in the hot tub area. In the backyard, Sam & Este are talking. Sam says that guys can’t see the bigger picture. Sam says that she’s not good with lying and manipulating. Sam says that she has her suspicions about a certain HG. Sam says that Chelsea begged her to use the veto on Kyra if she won it. Este says that she’s suspicious of Kyra.
4:00 PM BBT In the hot tub area, Este & Kikki are talking about Kyra.
4:15 PM BBT In the kitchen, Cory tells Chelsea that she’s really tidy back at home. Chelsea says that she’s the same way. Cory says that she’s looked into rental housing. They chat for a bit. In the hot tub area, Kikki brings up an artist named Tash who is also non-binary.
4:30 PM BBT Este joins them outside. Este says that she’d have to wait 4 years to watch their season, unless she watches with other HGs.
4:45 PM BBT They talk about what they told Big Brother what they hate in people. After a while, Dane and Damien cover up the hot tub. BB says that the Power of Veto ceremony is in 1 hour. The HGs continue chit-chatting. Mark & Dane go to the backyard to play Pool.
5:00 PM BBT Mark & Dane are playing pool in the backyard, and Adam & Chelsea are hanging out in the blue bedroom. Chelsea says that in her speech, she’s going to say that she’s not in a bunch of alliances. Adam asks her how she feels about Anthony. Chelsea says that Anthony doesn’t talk game with her. Kyra & Sam enter. Kyra tells Chelsea to fight for her game. Chelsea jokingly tells Kyra “if you could blow up your game for me, that would be great.” Kyra says that they actually might do that unintentionally. After a while, Chelsea joins Mark at Pool. Chelsea says that it’s weird going from in power to on the block.
5:15 PM BBT Chelsea & Mark talk game. Chelsea says that she wanted to wait until after the veto ceremony to campaign. Mark goes to the bathroom.
5:30 PM BBT Mark returns and they talk game. After a while, Chelsea, Kyra, & Anthony talk outside. Chelsea jokingly says that she’s going to stir things up.
5:45 PM BBT They talk about the comp. Kyra is called to the DR. Anthony says that that was perfect, and suggests that BB didn’t even need her in the DR. Chelsea says that she feels like it’s going to be a clear decision. Anthony encourages her to stir things up.
6:00 PM BBT Sam and Corey relax together. Corey said that she doesn’t let her conversation with people mix game and personal. She said that when she talks game, it’s game. When she shares personal moments with people, game has nothing to do with it. Sam told her that it was a great way to do things. Corey said that when you don’t do it that way, you mix both and people end up getting hurt. In the have not room, Mark and Damien talk together. Damien is telling Mark about playing hockey is Australia. He said that the four canadians there got drunk the night before. He said that they played with a hangover and still won. Damien said that his team mates were all good dudes. Mark asked him if he got paid well. Damien said that he did, but he worked as a greens keeper for extra money. Damien told him it wa a good league but that the ice was bad in a lot of places because of the heat. Mark asked him about the league in New Zealand. Mark asked him when he was in Australia. Damien said in 2017. Mark said that it was hard to wait for an hour until comps. He said he wondered if next week was the double eviction.
6:15 PM BBT Dane and Este and Kiki chill in the HOH room. Dane started to sing and BB told him to stop. Kiki asked if Adam and Sam had made out yet. Dane said that they had at least kissed. Kiki and Dane tell Este about a beach that she would love. Feeds go down at
6:30 PM BBT 9:00 PM BBT- Feeds Out for Veto Ceremony VETO not used.


10:00 PM BBT Outside in the hot tub area Chelsea, Kyra, Sam, Adam, Corey, Anthony, and Dane are all talking about random things. Dane said he never understood why they would be so excited to see the board games and such and he did not realize just how much downtime they have. Corey and Anthony are having a private conversation while the others are all talking over each other. Kyra said I am going in my toes are frozen. Sam and Chelsea leave out and you can hear them in the background. Adam and Dane start talking and Adam leaves out to change. Kikki, Eddie, and Este are talking in the HOH room about meeting past Houseguest. In the bathroom Chelsea is talking with Kyra and Sam about she is going to try and talk to the other side of the house about staying. Kyra tells Chelsea do you know what he told me. Kyra says why don’t you get out a bigger threat. Sam joins Adam in the shower. Kyra tells Chelsea thank you for being loyal to me. They ask Adam if he is naked in the shower with Sam. In the blue bedroom Kikki comes in and Chelsea and Kyra are in their and they ask her how was dinner. She says a little salty. Chelsea and Kyra are talking about going to the DR for medicine
10:15 PM BBT Kyra comes lays in the bed with Chelsea and tells her she does not why Kyra to comfort her. SHe tells Kyra her head is pounding. She tells Kyra I have done stupid things in this game and now I want to go home. Kyra tells Chelsea what do you want me to do. She tells Kyra I don’t want you to do anything I am just going to leave it alone. Chelsea is talking but it is hard to hear over her microphone being struck and she is whispering. Chelsea heads back into the bathroom and she tells Adam and Sam I am next to yall so don’t do anything. Sam tells Chelsea that Kikki came in and about lost her mind. Este and Eddie are in the HOH room and talking about how they can’t believe that they are in Big Brother. Kikki comes out from the bathroom and ask Este if she is going to dry her. Eddie and Este are talking about their parents. Este and Eddie are talking about psychology. Mark goes into the HOH bathroom and tells Kikki that he is about to join her in the tub.
10:30 PM BBT Mark walks out the HOH room and Dane and Kyra are in the corner talking. She tells him that she hopes they can go to bed soon. Este and Eddie are now talking about religion. Dane heads into the bathroom and say this is going to be awkward Dane tells Kikki that he thought it would be her and este ad not Mark and Kikki. Chelsea is talking with Adam in the bathroom and is saying she thinks everyone is going to vote with what whoever is in charge. Adam asks her what was the conversation with Mark. She said he asks what did Adam and Sam say. She said I told him well this is my game not theirs. Adam said I don’t mind being a shield because that means that the person is going to carry me further in the game. Chelsea said I did not think it would be this soon. Chelsea said I am going to ask everyone are you going to play follow the leader. Chelsea said she is not going to campaign to Este and Kikki because they are just going to follow everyone else. Kyra walks into the bathroom and Chelsea walks out saying she is looking for her water bottle. Kyra said that it may seems stupid that I am trying to help her but she is leaving and I want it known that I tried everything. Kyra tells Sam that I am trying to help Chelsea with her campaign and it might not be the best thing to do but I will go out with my head held high. Dane comes into the bathroom and goes to put clothes in the wash. Sam tells Dane that she ate too much food. Dane tells her there is so much hair everywhere. Chelsea asks Dane if they can talk he says yes. She tells him lets go into the pink bedroom. Chelsea said I know this is a game. Chelsea said I can always go and throw Adam or Kyra under the bus but I don’t want to do that.
10:45 PM BBT Chelsea tells Dane that he will win this because everyone is in his corner. Chelsea said I have to do what I have to do to stay. Dane said that I don’t want you to roll over and die. Dane tells her that he has to do what is best for his game. They are both trying to console each other. Dane said he did not want to put her and Kyra up together and that he really wanted one of them to win the veto. Dane tells her that he hopes that after the show he hopes that they will be close and spend time with each other. She tells him thank you for talking to me. She heads into the blue bedroom and is looking in the mirror. She then heads downstairs to the kitchen area. She heads out to the back area to talk to Mark. He asks her how is it going. Chelsea sais well we did have a very mature conversation and he is a lovable guy. Kyra walks past. Mark tells her that he comes out here to think often. Mark asks her did Dane tell you that if you campaign against Adam then you can stay. She said no, no, no. Chelsea said well are people going to play their own game or are they going to be soldiers Mark tells her that it is too early in the game. Mark tells her that she need to play her game. She tells him now if I stay then I would of course have to get rid of Dane. Mark tells Chelsea only you can play your own game. Mark says that anyone who says that they mastermind this whole thing are not telling the truth because a lot of this game is luck.
11:00 PM BBT Mark tells her that he is more likely to do what is best for his game. He tells her that you need to decide who you are going to tell people you are going after Adam than Dane you are more likely have a chance to stay. She tells him I am not going to change my integrity. Elsewhere in the house, Adam, Dane, and Sam are in the bathroom and Dane is telling them about Coco. Dane is telling them how much she will like them. Sam asks Adam does he like tall girls he said no why do you asks that she said well the first question you asks is if she is tall. Dane starts laughing and says Mom and Dad are fighting. Dane leaves out. Sam tells Adam you will find your dream girl when you leave out of her. He tells her she is right in front of me. Dane is talking to Kyra outside the HOH room. Kyra tells Dane I told her that she need to campaign. Dane says he need to go fold his clothes. Kyra is whispering to Kyra. Kyra is saying that Kyra has to figure out how to do this so she can stay safe. In the HOH bathroom Kikki is telling Dane lets just she what she has to offer. Kikki said that Chelsea said that Kyra was using her however it was her that was using Kyra. Dane said that if Sam was really her friend she would be trying to campaigning for her to stay. Dane says that Corey really likes Adam and he was trying to get Corey to get Sam out of here.
11:15 PM BBT Chelsea is headed upstairs. In the kitchen Eddie says I feel so bad for her. Feeds cut there but Damien is out in the backyard talking to himself on the couches, sounds more like a prayer. When feeds return upstairs, Kyra and Chelsea are upstairs in the blueroom Corey is looking for clothes, and Sam is wanting to go get more food. She apologized for interrupting they tell her she’s not but she feels it’s nice to have one on one sometimes. Sam and Corey are gone, Kyra is telling Chelsea that they respects her and they both talk about how rude Mark is and how he made her feel. He was condescending, Eddie walks in and Chelsea gets up to give him a hug. Corey enters again to grab clothes as she is headed to DR. Kyra and Eddie are trying to help Chelsea decide what to eat and if she is hungry. BB tells them they are locked in HOH in 5 min.
11:30 PM BBT Chelsea is trying to change clothes really fast as Eddie is still trying to hold a conversation with her. Eddie comes to her asking if she threw out his name, she said it wasn’t in a way of throwing it out and it wasn’t defending him it was in a conversation when Dane suggested Eddie and Kyra or Chelsea and Kyra on the block she agreed to Eddie to save herself. He asks why did she think or agree it would be him and her response is that he feels like he has been left out of the loop and that’s why but if they are getting locked in HOH there isn’t enough time to have this whole conversation. As they head over to HOH she whispers that Dane mentioned the names she just agreed and tells him why she is targeting Dane. She doesn’t want him to feel hurt but wants to continue the conversation either after this lockdown or tomorrow. They enter the HOH where Mark is playing around with mini stick hockey. All Hgs into the HOH laughing joking about Kyra having a secret power and not playing it. They start talking about movies and talking about scenes from them. Mark asks where’s Corey? Sam responds DR. Most of the Hgs have snacks that they are nibbling on. Damien is off in a corner trying to sleep, Adam and Sam are cuddling on a couch while Mark is the only one up moving around.
11:45 PM BBT They try to make up a game of movies and descriptions. Lots of mixed cross conversations it’s a chaos of noise. 11:50 PM BBT Corey enters the room and it appears the room is unlocked so everyone begins to leave the room. A few of them look in the pantry, the spare room, and kitchen area for any clues as to why they were locked in HOH. No one finds anything right away. Damien is making slop in the kitchen, Anthony is called out for singing, Eddie is watching Damien. Sam, Adam, Mark and Dane stayed in HOH. Kyra and Chelsea are roaming around the house, until Chelsea grabs Eddie to go keep talking. Chelsea asks where Eddie is at, he says he really doesn’t know. Chelsea is trying to explain where she sees lines drawn and how the house has been after Sam and Adam in a way to not declare sides so Dane is attacking those close to Adam and Sam. She apologizes for not backing up Eddie when Dane mentioned his name but it was only to save her game, but she doesn’t want him to think he was disposable to her. She never saw Eddie going home it would have been Kyra,which sucks but instead its Kyra and Her so now its Worse. She says why she can’t throw Kyra under the bus. Sam and Adam walk over and hug her and she breaks down in tears, Kiera and Damien head to play pool.
12:00 AM BBT As the night has ended and early morning has started, Chelsea is explaining her position to Eddie; Kyra, Sam, and Adam are all there to show her support. Damien and Kiera play a game of pool and others are spread around the house. 

Summary Saturday March 23th

March 23, 2019

Summary Saturday  March 23th

11:00-12:00 PM: Este and Kiera discussed that Mark is not loyal to anybody. Este figures that the other side is doing the same thing that they are in terms of trying to make Mark feel comfortable. Should Mark be against voting out Adam or Sam, Este said they can bring up that Sam told them she thinks that Mark is purposely giving her incorrect information when they study. Kiera said something in her believes that the guys have something going on. She doesn’t think that the guys will turn on each other. Kiera pointed out that they always bring up the names of the girls but not the guys. Kiera explained that it would be so smart if the plan was for Anthony to get close to Cory, Dane to get close to Este, Adam to get close to Sam, and Mark to get close to her, only to then have the girls go against each other.

12:00-1:00 PM: Kyra brought up to Chelsea and Sam that they could call out a guys alliance, and then it shows the alliance if Dane refuses to nominate a guy if one of them win the veto and save themselves. Sam said she wants to stay out of that for now. Kyra said they would be the one to do it. Kyra mentioned that Este even thinks that the guys have something going on. Sam suggested planting that idea in Este’s head to let it grow. Minutes after, Sam went to Adam to warn him that Kyra is talking about calling out a guys alliance. Sam said she could push for it a bit more to make it happen. Adam told Sam to go let Anthony know that. Sam wanted to wait until the veto comp took place. Sam said she can bring Adam lots of information, and she doesn’t want to hold things back, but she doesn’t want Adam to make her feel like she should be. Sam asked that the info stay with him until the right time. Not long after, Adam brought up to Chelsea that he heard Kyra thinks the guys are definitely working together. Adam said that if Kyra were to call a house meeting and say that, people may want Kyra to go. Chelsea let Adam know that Kyra was thinking about doing that. Chelsea said she will encourage the house meeting to take place if the nominations stay the same. When Chelsea asked Adam what he thinks Dane would do if he needs a replacement nominee, Adam said he doesn’t think that Dane would nominate Sam. Chelsea said she will try to win the Power of Veto then.

1:00-2:00 PM: Adam spoke to Mark about the idea of keeping Chelsea over Kyra. Mark said he is starting to have his doubts about Chelsea. Mark also advised Adam to stop giving so much information to Sam, because Sam runs around and talks a lot. Mark promised Adam that he will make a move that is good for the PB alliance and for Adam if he wins HoH next week. Sam once again spoke to Adam, telling him that Este believes there is a guys alliance. Adam said Sam should use that information since she has two people telling her that. Up in the HoH room, Adam told Damien and Kiera he thinks that Kyra is going to blow up this week, potentially calling a house meeting or something. Adam said it will help Chelsea if she does that. Feeds went down at 1:20 for the veto player pick.

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned at 2:05. The veto players are Chelsea, Kyra, Cory, Mark and Sam. Dane spoke to Sam to let her know that she has to win the veto if it comes down to her and either Chelsea or Kyra. Sam said she would like to keep the nominations the same. Dane said people will want him to nominate Adam or Sam if the veto is used. Up in the HoH room, Dane vented to the cameras about how he really doesn’t want Chelsea or Kyra to win. Dane told the viewers to grab their popcorn if Chelsea wins the veto, since Sam will be going on the block. Elsewhere, Este also vented to the viewers. She said she is so annoyed since people think she slept in Dane’s room, which she didn’t, they think she made out with him, which didn’t happen, and then Kiera tried to make a couples name for them in front of everyone. Este said she is very upset that Kiki would do that since she knows that she wouldn’t like it. Este broke down her game. She said Kiera is her #1, Dane is her #2, and then it’s probably Anthony or Damien after that. In the HoH room, Adam spoke to Anthony and Dane about Kyra’s plan to blow up a guys alliance. Adam said he and Dane will go up if Kyra wins HoH. Anthony disagreed. Dane told Adam that Chelsea is still going home. Adam worried about Kyra exposing the alliance, but Anthony said they can just deny it. Dane said he has heard his name come out of Chelsea’s mouth multiple times. Anthony added that Chelsea has been plotting against Adam as well. Anthony explained to Adam that the Pretty Boys will never plot against him or let him go home. Adam admitted that he was thinking about how he is like the Hayden of the Brigade in that he got close with a girl and had to be told to wake up.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down at 4:50 for the veto competition.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned at 8:45 following the veto competition. Cory won the Power of Veto.

9:00-10:00 PM: Adam spoke to the cameras. He couldn’t make sense of the plan his allies have to send Chelsea home. Adam believes that Kyra should be leaving. Chelsea joined Adam. He asked if she thinks that Kyra will blow up. Chelsea said maybe but she doesn’t think it would be enough to save her anyway. Sam came by as well. They discussed that it’s unlikely that Cory will use the veto. Chelsea said she doesn’t want to roll over and die, but she can’t throw Kyra under the bus or campaign against Adam and Sam, which is what she would need to do in order to stay. Meanwhile, Cory spoke to Anthony about what she can say to Chelsea and Kyra when they campaign for her to use the veto. Anthony said Cory has a couple of options, since she could choose to save Chelsea, and Sam will likely go up, but people will really dislike her for doing so. Cory gave the impression that she plans to leave nominations the same. In the bathroom, Sam asked Kyra if they mentioned the guys alliance to Dane. While feeds were down, Kyra spoke to Dane. They said Dane explained his plan to use Adam as a shield. Kyra also said Dane told them that they do not trust Adam. Kyra continued to spill on their conversation with Dane, adding that Dane thinks he could get the boys to turn against each other instead of him. Sam questioned why Dane would tell Kyra all of that. Kyra said Dane wants to gain their trust. Chelsea pointed out that she could get Kyra out if she were to use everything Kyra just said against them. Kyra began to cry. Chelsea told Kyra to stop since she was just kidding about using the information against her.

10:00-11:00 PM: In the have-not room, Cory and Dane chatted about keeping the nominations the same. Dane explained that he doesn’t want to go against Adam at the moment. Dane mentioned that Adam is going to go if Sam is out of the house, and then they will become bigger targets once that happens. If Sam stays, Dane thinks that she will always leave before Adam, which enables them to keep their shield.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kyra pointed out that Chelsea is acting calmer than they are. Chelsea said she feels like she has forgotten to be grateful and enjoy the experience. She said she is going to go but she is happy that she had the opportunity to be there. Kyra said they need to not blow up their own game to try to protect Chelsea. Chelsea agreed. Chelsea said she cannot throw people under the bus and be disloyal, and having Kyra talk to her about it only solidified that. Chelsea told Kyra she hopes that they can go far and deal with being fake to people. Chelsea expressed regret about acting like winning is so much harder than she thought it would be, and focusing on that rather than on having fun with the game. Kyra told her not to diminish the good that happened. Kyra said it’s a compliment that Chelsea is seen as a big target. Chelsea thinks she would have made it further if not for winning HoH last week. When Kyra brought up that they might flip it to get them out, Chelsea said maybe but she wont be campaigning for that. Chelsea figures that she would still go anyway, and then all she would accomplish is further damaging Kyra’s game. Kyra said they appreciate that. Chelsea thinks that Dane will go far if he doesn’t leave during the double eviction.

12:00-1:00 AM: Cory told Damien that Adam and Sam are both letting Chelsea drown. She explained that she told them both that she doesn’t plan to use the veto, and they both said that they would do the same thing. Damien said that’s some alliance. He figures that they know Sam would go up if Cory were to use the veto. Cory said she let Dane know that she will be respecting his nominations. The two discussed that they like Eddie but he is easily swayed if he is offered safety. Cory said not to give him any information, because he will share it.


March 23, 2019

8:00 AM BBT All HGs sleeping
8:15 AM BBT Lights on in rooms, no HG moving. Kyra performs the battery exchange. Dane apologizes to them again for nominating them. He assures them that they are safe this week. Kyra says there’s no hard feelings. Kyra goes into the red and then the blue BR changing batteries, then to the HN room. Most HGs are still sleeping.
8:30 AM BBT Kyra puts the battery box back in the pantry and proceeds to make coffee. They tell Anthony that he was sleeping talking last night; he doesn’t believe them. Upstairs in the blue BR Anthony is hearing more about his sleep talking last night. Kyra come to lounge in the bed with Chelsea; Dane joins Kiki and Este in bed. Adam called out for something off-camera; Chelsea called to the DR. Kyra heads down to get coffee for them. All is quiet elsewhere as the HGs are having a slow start to their morning. BB sets off an exceptionally long alarm clock.
8:45 AM BBT Most HGs lounging in bed; BB announces the hottub is open. Dane calls them out for lying immediately and Anthony tells them they’re sick. Kiki says she’s never been so tired in her life; Anthony says he feels like they never even went to sleep. Dane tells them they’re weak. Adam comes in and says it’s freezing in the house. Dane agrees and gets out of bed to join him. Adam is going to workout. Anthony, Kiki and Este called out for sleeping and told to get up or face the consequences. Kiki and Este jump out of their slumber. Kiki asks to be allowed to go to bed earlier this evening. Up in the HoH room, Dane and Adam discuss Chelsea being the target this week. Adam says that they need to communicate more the next time they’re in power, because he’s not an effective liar especially when he’s unsure what Dane’s already said/done. Adam goes to use the WR and Dane puts his music on. Down in the pantry, Kyra and Sam are talking about Adam not being used to being challenged the way Kyra did yesterday. Talk turns to the veto comp today; Kyra tells Sam if she wins it to use it on Chelsea. Dane comes in and he and Sam discuss Kyra’s creepy elf face.
9:00 AM BBT Dane talks about how he’s gone 33 days without pleasuring himself; he’s pretty sure it’s the longest he’s ever gone. In the pantry, Adam and Dane are talking about how Adam and Damien are becoming closer; Dane says he’s good to have on their side. They talk about the ‘guy alliance’ talk that has been rampant in the house the last couple of days; Adam is saying Kyra will talk about it incessantly now. Este enters and the boys leave. Up in the HoH room, Dane is telling Anthony that Adam was making a pitch to save Chelsea this week and Dane told him no. Anthony leaves more confused than anything. In the blue BR, Mark goes in to give Kiki a hug; she says mornings are not her thing. They discuss the lack of sleep they got last night. Kiki says she wants to have a coffee, brush her teeth and then maybe they can study. He leaves and she says she literally can not stand him. She camtalks wondering if she’s been named as one of the four possible nominees by anyone yet. Down in the pantry, Mark and Este are eating and talking.
9:15 AM BBT Kiki and Chelsea chatting in the WR about the amount of sleep they got last night while they groom and prepare for the day. Kyra comes in to brush her teeth Down in the kitchen, Adam is making breakfast, but his eggs are sticking to the pan he chose. Chelsea and Anthony join the others in the pantry to grab coffee. Sam is making toast, Este is still eating. Chelsea heads back to the WR to continue preparing for the day. Out in the kitchen, Este is watching Anthony eat his egg; he asks the last time she had an egg and she says a long time, but she really used to enjoy them. Up in the HoH room, Dane is listening to music, dancing and singing Dr. Hook.

9:30 AM BBT Down in the kitchen, Sam, Adam, Este and Anthony are eating their breakfast and Kyra is preparing avocado for her and Chelsea. Eddie is in the file room, going through files; Dane is in the pantry. As she finishes her meal, Chelsea remembers that she was going to have slop for breakfast. In the pantry, Dane tells Damien that Adam told him that Chelsea said if she wins the veto, she probably won’t even use it. They interpret it as she is arrogant, when I believe the talk last night was she wasn’t going to use it because she wanted to go home. Dane says that if Chelsea wins the veto and pulls herself off, they’ll get Sam out. Este comes in and tells Damien he and Cory look horrible this morning. Dane tells Este the same story about Chelsea not using the veto because she is confident she’s staying. Este compliments Dane on how well he’s doing with the vegetarian diet; he says it has been a week.
9:45 AM BBT Chelsea and Kiki doing their makeup and discussing how emotional they are in the house. Chelsea says that she thinks it’s good for them to cry to release those emotions. In the pantry, Mark, Anthony and Adam are talking about the boxes and the days; Adam confesses to crumpling a box and hiding it in there, so everyone’s counts are off. Mark leaves and Anthony talks about needing to talk to Adam about him trying to keep Chelsea. Adam says if Sam wins and uses the veto, their alliance is in danger because everyone will expect him to up Adam, and he won’t be able to. Dane says he’s going to tell Adam that if she uses it, the replacement nominee will be him, and vice versa if Adam wins and thinks about using it. Eddie comes in and they discuss how he slept in his shirt because he was too tired/lazy to take it off. He leaves and Anthony says he has some skincare routine that keeps him up at night. He says Kyra and Chelsea were talking all night, but when Kiki and Este were whispering, Kyra freaked out on them because they was trying to sleep.
10:00 AM BBT Kiki comes in and Anthony tells her that it bothered him when Kyra did that last night. Dane says it has to go bang bang bang. Dane says Kyra asks a question for each comp. Dane says Like the push the button one we just had They ask a ton of questions then bam they are the first ones out and say I pushed the button. Anthony says Yea but everyone else’s reaction time was a fraction faster. Kikki says It was bad last night and I find myself always pissed off. Anthony says Yea we will work on that. She tells him she needs to learn to chill or else she is doomed. Most of the HGS are in the kitchen eating their breakfast. Adam is making a slop pancake for Cory. Eddie has made his first fried egg. They all tell him they are enjoying his journey with him. In the washroom Chelsea has started her morning makeup routine. The conversation in the kitchen is on general topics. They are starting a BB Singing band. Kikki says she will be a backup dancer. Dane agrees to be a groupie. Adam asks Cory how she is going into day 3. She tells him she needs her sleep. Adam says I get the best sleep in there. Adam and Dane go in the pantry for a minute Dane says another under the boys belt and leaves. Eddie is eating again. Adam says to him you are a eating machine. Chelsea has finished her makeup and is in the kitchen looking for her water bottle. Chelsea and Cory are thinking about working on a duet. Damien says he misses the blender as he thinks the slop shakes go down better.
10:15 AM BBT Mark is in the HOH Room by himself listening to music. The conversation goes to diets and what works the best. Cory is saying that she has never tried butter in coffee. Damien tells her you should try it it is good. Take a little bit of milk and melted butter froth it up and use it. He says you have to use real butter tho. The conversation continues over diet and the energy you have if you are eating right. Adam says He actually enjoys the slop pancake and he isn’t just saying that. Este says Yea I think you are the least fussy eater. Mark is still in the HOH room listening to music and dancing. Most of the HGs are just hanging around the kitchen area and dining room table having general conversation.
10:30 AM BBT The conversations are still just general chit chat Adam is cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast. Kikki says she doesn’t take the vitamins her doctor wants her to take because they made her feel sick. Adam and Mark are in the washroom saying that if one of them win the Veto we still have a lot of votes to keep someone. Adam says Chelsea told him last night that it would be better for her if she stayed on the block next to Kyra as she would stay over them. Adam says Well I will do whatever the boys wants. We Boys have to make a choice. Mark gets in the shower. Most of the HGs are just sitting around having general conversations. Kyra starts talking about her brother Alex who is 2 years older than her who told their mother to leave her outside when they were first brought home. They tell the group that their brother has hated them their whole live and the camera goes down. Back in the kitchen the conversation goes to the fact that once you retire in Canada (65) you can go to college or university for free. They think that is cool that as a senior you can go to class with a young person and learn something.
10:45 AM BBT The conversation continues around university courses they have taken. In the Red Bedroom Mark and Kikki are talking about the fact that Kikki says Everything I say to you pisses you off. Mark asks her Why do you say that. She tells him because I am annoying. She starts to tell him about the time Eddie blew up with Kyra. She goes over everything ending with Eddie saying I switched my vote because I am not Dane’s Bitch. She says Kyra kept firing back at him and Eddie just kept repeating I am not Dane’s Bitch. She says that is why I like bickering not arguing. Mark is trying to think of a name for them that hasn’t been used before. Mark says He feels he feels he needs to be weird to someone. Kikki says She hopes it works out for them Mark says Who Dusty. They go back to going over the days. The conversation in the kitchen goes to a book Cory read about poverty and abortion. Back in the Red Room Mark and Kikki are trying to come up with a name for themselves. Mark tells her that he is a great liar. She says She is not a good liar. The camera switches to Dane and Damien for a minute but the feeds go down. Kikki and Mark talking. Mark says When I told you I would use the POV on you it was not only game it was also personal.
11:00 AM BBT Mark says you can walk out this door in 10 minutes and say I am lying but I am telling the truth. The conversation goes back to days. Mark asks her if you were a guy do you think you would be good at getting girls. Kikki tells him I’m a girl and I can get girls. Damien and Adam are sitting outside the HOH Room Adam is doing sit ups. Este comes up and asks Damien if that was his shirt he says yes it is drying. Este is asking where Kikki is. Damien gets up and heads into the Red Room where Este has found Kikki and Mark. The cameras switches to the kitchen where Cory is telling Eddie about a site that she reads every day for an hour everyday. Eddie says he will check it out. Este is in the HOH Room Dane is saying that Adam wants to campaign to keep Chelsea. He tells her he told him no because everyone else wants to get rid of Chelsea. Dane starts to clean the HOH Room so the cameras switch to the Red Room where Mark and Damien where Mark is saying you have had the most game conversation with everyone in the house.
11:15 AM BBT Damien says people on the block who are in a free zone and they blow up in their own game. Mark says I had a kinda of hockey connection with you. Mark tells him that Momma K tried to start a fight between him and Dane. Damien says How vocal Momma was he learned that by just doing what he does listening. They don’t think Momma was too happy with Chelsea when she left. Damien says I miss ya Momma. Damien says He wants to get his sister Sam in the band but may just get her to record a song. Feeds cut as Damien starts talking about his sisters. Back in the kitchen Cory and Eddie are now talking about health insurance. Cory says she likes the security of Canada’s health care compared to the US. The camera switches back to Mark and Damien are talking about whether or not Damien has had a week without being on the block or being a HN. He said Yea the second week but I didn’t have a bed to myself because Momma and Kyra had their blow up and Momma moved over to sleep with me. Damien says I am glad Big Brother made us tell a truth about ourselves. He said I wasn’t going to say I played Pro hockey. Damien said I would have made Team BC because I was second in the province but was beaten by a guy who now plays for the NHL. Kikki joins them and says isn’t lacrosse our national sport. Mark says it is our summer sport. Kikki says so in other words it is 10 months of hockey. Mark says we have summer in Alberta it is called the last week of July. Mark hits Kikki and she says Do you know how many times I have been hit in the vigina since I entered the house. Mark says Sorry. Mark says Kikki and I won’t talk for the next week. In the washroom Sam and Cory are starting to prepare for the day. Cory gets called out for singing. Este says she wants to go to the DR and ask if I can have a 10 minute nap. Este gets called out of talking about production. Sam says they sound a little cross to day at all of us which I don’t blame me. Chelsea comes in and says I want to come to Newfoundland and you just tell me where to go. Adam has rigged something up to clean the washroom floor. It is a pillow and shoelaces. Dane walks by and Adam tells him that it actually works pretty decent. In the nook by the dining room table Kyra and Anthony are talking about Anthony talking in his sleep. Kyra says You sat up and were like looking at me and your eyes were closed and asking me am I awake or sleep. They tell him it went on for 30 minutes. They ask him if he walks in his sleep. He tells her no because I don’t like to move around when I am awake. They are now talking about the fact that Anthony had his first bowel movement yesterday since he moved in. Kyra says she hopes the outfits are cute for the comp. Kyra tells him sorry as she farted and it smells really bad. Kyra leaves to go to the washroom. In the HOH Room Este and Kikki are whispering about there being a better option. Este says she is waiting for them to come up with some twisted plan so we think they aren’t working together. They are talking about Chelsea and Kyra. Kikki asks her if she and Dane made out. Este tells her no why. Kikki tells her that Mark is trying to put it in her head. They decide to tell Dane what Mark is saying. Kikki also tells her that Mark told her He thinks that she is one of the smartest people in the house besides him. Kikki says she talks to him because she is trying to get out of him. She tells her he gets really shady around Damien.
11:45 AM BBT Este and Kikki are still talking about Mark and how shady he is. Este calls Dane to come join them. Kikki says We don’t have a name like the 4 of us. She says he came out with Singleton but then said oh wait there are 2 of us who aren’t single. Kikki says She counted 0,41,81. They think it will be a comp around How well do you know your fellow houseguests. They are trying to figure out what the comp will be for a double. Kikki says We have to keep him because he is so smart. Este says I f**king hate him. Kikki says I am trying very hard to be social with him. Este says I wish we could really talk to them meaning Adam and Sam. Kikki says There is something in me that says there is something with the guys. Este agrees with her. Kikki says If you listen to the way they talk they always bring up the girls. Kikki says How smart would that be Anthony getting close with Cory Dane getting close to you Mark getting close to me and Adam getting close to them. They would be able to know everything. Kikki says Dane is very good at this game socially mentally and physically. She continues with if I was watching at home I would be rooting for Dane Hell I’m in the house and rooting for him. Este says I don’t think Dane will go against us too soon. They switch to talking about Eddie and the fact that he never leaves the kitchen because he wants to eat all day along. Este says And wash the pan when you are done. Kikki says the same thing about Kyra wanting to wear her shirt. Kiera has been called to the DR. Dane is cleaning the HOH doors and Kikki says Dane has a cute ass. Kikki tells her marry him for me please. Este is talking about what Kikki said about Mark thinking about them sleeping together.
12:00 PM BBT Dane heads down to talk to Adam in the SR and then as the leave Mark comes in he begins talking to himself about Sam needing to go. Anthony is in the kitchen refreshing his water bottle. They go into the SR and begin talking about the stats of who to go after and who should win and what if its a DE this week or next we need to be prepared. Mark is concerned that Sam up against Kyra that the house will vote out Kyra not Sam and Anthony tries to say that they can get the 5 votes. Feeds go to the Blue room, Kyra, Sam, and Chelsea are talking about where Chelsea feels she was wrong and messed up her game. Eddie comes in and looks for something as Kyra compliments both ladies make up. Kyra mentions it’s not over till it’s over, Sam whispers how she feels like she is going up. They are all pissed with Kikki and how fast she ran to Dane. Sam says Hi Adam, he ignores her and she thinks he’s mad at her Kyra says no he’s sketched out by me. Kyra tries to remind them it’s not over think about Kayla from a past season and she miraculously saved herself. They feel Dane isn’t a dumb player and should want to take out Sam. Kyra says she wants to call out the guys alliance and then after POV if Sam goes up it shows the Danes cards. Chelsea wants to die on the sword but the others dont want her to.
12:15 PM BBT Sam leaves the room and they keep talking and Kyra tries to reassure her it prob wasn’t the conversation with Kikki it was prob last week’s HOH confusion of targets. Kyra says they are doing everything they can to keep Chelsea, then tells her she needs to admit the wrong of the Kailyn target but BD. Kyra says own up to it and worst case you can go out with Pride. She is told not to be an ice queen, and encouraged to do it with the girls before Veto.
12:22 PM BBT– Feeds down

12:25 PM BBT Eddie is in the room getting his shoes on, Chelsea is trying to change clothes without a camera watching. Kyra decides they will put on Jeans too since everyone else is actually getting dressed. Chelsea asks if Eddie is in Damien’s shirt its a good color and look for him. He exits the room as BB calls him out for his Mic. Chelsea joke about playing another POV with Kyra fighting for their lives, Chelsea isn’t too worried if she goes home she can sleep in her bed, have some alcohol, and smoke some weed. Corey comes in the room briefly and Chelsea follows out the door. Veto picks are about to happen. Kyra asks if they need to wear shoes and they are answered with a yes.
12:30 PM BBT Mark is in the Kitchen cleaning up, Kyra and Chelsea are in the WR laughing at someone who has night terrors and sleep, walking and talking since they were little who keeps calling them Laura. They begin to whisper and it’s hard to hear and put together what’s being said. Chelsea is curling her hair while Kyra is getting her shoes on and situated. Eddie walks through the WR and right back out. Kyra mentions They hate that they are on the block next to each other, but he is right if i won Veto I would take you off and probably still might. Someone comes in and begins to run water, Kyra asks about getting their bags covered up, Chelsea says she prefers Sam to do it she isn’t confident in others make up. Chelsea hands them a towel and says how she couldn’t get take a cold shower. She confirms it was a move the couches announcement not a player pick announcement. Sam and Kyra enter the WR again. They work out a cute plan for Chelsea to borrow of Sams. They are all discussing how quickly player picks will happen.
12:45 PM BBT Kyra shouts out to their family and says wish them luck, Chelsea leaves the Wr and the others whisper about Chelsea leaving. Chelsea heads to the bonus room with Adam to talk and try and see where she stands. Adam tries to give her advice and says she will need to say a few lies to get the target off her back she is the bigger threat since she won HOH. Chelsea says she thinks its best for her not to win the POV and then Kyra to go so she can still work with him and Sam. She asks if he know what Danes plan is if Veto is used but Adam says not really but to make a deal of not putting up Este. She is encouraged to talk to Dane and best case is Sam wins and takes down Chelsea then Kyra will go home. They are going to encourage Kyra to call the House meeting and put a target on their back. Chelsea says her fear is that Sam goes up and goes home she knows they all need to go home but not yet. They end the conversation and begin to leave the room and say that its a smart idea for Chelsea or Sam to go to Dane and the boys and tell them what Kyras plan is about blowing up the house etc. Adam leaves, Chelsea looks over some of the stuff in the room.
1:00 PM BBT Adam runs to the HN room with Mark and runs ideas of POV winners and who to pull off or who would Sam pull off. They run stats if certain players stay and win who would they put up. How do they go about making a deal with her to keep her (Chelsea) and keep them safe next week. Mark is concerned that the house is expecting and relying on him to win. Mark wonders about Kyra and who do they hate more Adam or Dane. They go over how Kyra will never win an HOH anyways. Mark is started to not like Chelsea and Adam tries to balance out and stand up for her then Mark goes on about Sam and how Adam needs to start giving a lot less info to Sam she’s going around talking to much. They need to make promises to each other. Adam says no matter what I promise i’ll make a move that’s good for your game. Adam leaves and Mark hangs out a little longer talking to himself. Kyra is in the Kitchen putting Dishes away, Chelsea is looking for food with Sam to make a lunch. Adam is making a coffee in the SR. Eddie is eating pretzels and Hazelnut spread as Kyra talks to him asking him to help clean up after himself. Adam and Sam are in the SR, talking about how Sam knows she’s safe but Dane is probably going to lie to Chelsea about the possibility of backdooring Sam.
1:15 PM BBT She shares how Este thinks there is an all guys alliance and Adam is the ring leader. The ladies are back in the kitchen cutting up veggies and cooking. Damien, Kiera, Este and Adam are in the HOH talking. Adam is telling about about a lie that he heard that upset him, supposedly he told a lie about Sam, and Chelsea. He confronted Dane about Kyra going to him, the girls said that Dane told them about Adam throwing them under the bus but it was later revealed it was a lie. Feeds go out
1:20 PM BBT-  2:00 PM BBT    Feeds down
2:05 PM BBT Feeds return With most of the HGs are at the kitchen counter preparing food. In the SR Sam Adam and Dane are talking about Sam making sure she guns for the POV if Chelsea and Kyra are the only ones left. Dane is going to talk to Mark. Sounds like the players are Chelsea Kyra Sam Cory Mark but only sure of 2 noms and Sam tight now. Dane says I don’t want them to win but if they do I can put up Sam and strike a deal. He says if Chelsea wins Sam goes home if Sam wins Chelsea goes home. Dane asks Mark if he is going to gun for the Veto. Sam tells Dane she doesn’t think Cory will win it. POV Players are CHELSEA; KYRA; MARK; CORY AND SAM. Anthony will be hosting the POV comp 
3:00 PM BBT-8:30 PM BBT Feeds down for POV competition
8:45 PM BBT Feeds return at 8:45 PM BBT Dane is in the HOH room talking to Anthony, about Kyra, saying that he said to them that it’s unfortunate that they have to be up on the block against their friend, but do they want to stay and win a hundred grand or do they want their friend to stay and win a hundred grand and they told him that he shouldn’t trust Sam and Adam and Adam goes and repeats everything people tell him. Dane says he told them Adam is working with him and the only reason he didn’t take a shot at Adam and Sam is because if he put up Adam he would’ve had to have put up Sam also and if he got Adam out, he (Dane) would have become the biggest target in the house. Feeds cut to downstairs where all of the houseguests except for Corey, Adam, and Sam have set up a table and chairs in the living room and are having family dinner which looks like some kind of burritos. Sam joins everyone at the table and Kyra gets up to go somewhere. All of the houseguests are eating in silence. Mark and Dane break the silence by talking briefly about the POV competition. Kyra says they almost won. Corey bring out some slop shakes for the have nots. Este confirms that dinner was provided by summer fresh.
9:00 PM BBT Este says that she doesn’t eat beef and she, “doesn’t have no beef” and her and Sam discuss the lyrics of the song “Don’t Trust me” by 3OH3 about beef and they sing it. Kiki says she feels like they’re at Chipotle but she calls it, “Yipotle” Mark talks about pre workout drinks. Sam says taco night is fun and all the houseguests thank Este and Kiki for making dinner. Este says she likes how the tacos are very filling and healthy. Dane is serving Anthony and Sam their tacos, Sam says she’s good with just meat and cheese on hers.Corey won POV Dane goes upstairs where Adam has been sitting alone since feeds returned and Dane finds Adam and tells him that Corey isn’t going to use the POV. Adam asks why they’re so worried about her and says she’s going to call a house meeting Dane says fine let her do it.
9:15 PM BBT Dane and Adam’s conversation gets a little bit tense, dane tells adam they don’t need to talk every minute of everyday and Adam says they’re not. Dane says especially not after a veto competition because everyone else already, “has their antennas up” about the 2 of them working together. Dane says he’ll say to the others that Adam came to him and asked if Corey would ever use the POV and says he’ll leave it at that. Adam says he doesn’t know why everyone is “so trippy” about it, Dane says no worries and tells Adam he loves him, will let him meditate, and that he’s off to the DR. They high five as Dane heads out. Feeds cut to the bathroom where Chelsea, Adam, Sam and Kiki are standing around talking about food. Sam says eddie is making some pizza and it will probably be done soon, but the edges are getting burnt. Chelsea says she ate so much that all she wants to do is lay down and watch a movie, Sam agrees and says she wants to, “put on her fat pants and cuddle” Conversation switches to the POV competition which seems to have been some type of memory comp with combinations and they each played one on one against each other eliminating people as they went along. Sam says she thought she would have beat Corey in her second round and Chelsea says she almost had her beat the first time she went up against her and says she could have won if she did, but she’s not going to worry about it now that she can’t do anything about it and what’s done is done.
9:30 PM BBT Kyra, Sam, and Chelsea are in the bathroom, Sam is painting her nails and Kyra is talking about how things could go with the POV. Kyra says If they come down Dane might put Eddie up in their place, even though they say their only chance is if Corey takes them down out of pity because she wants to work with them. Chelsea says even if she did, Corey wouldn’t declare that in front of the house because corey’s smarter than that. Kyra says, “Yeah Corey’s not gonna use it.” Sam says, “Just because it’s too early.” Kyra says, “Yeah I thought so.” Sam says she hasn’t talked to Corey and she’s just guessing, but if she was Corey, she wouldn’t use it and Chelsea says neither would she, then continues to say that Corey has been playing really low key and Chelsea doesn’t think she’s going to want to start anything now. Kyra says, “she played so hard why couldn’t she just let us fucking win?” Sam says that’s why she was hoping her or Chelsea would win because either way she would be in the same situation not winning it.
9:45 PM BBT Upstairs on the couches Dane and Eddie are discussing the game overall. Dane says it’s a crazy game, Eddie says one thing he’s worried about is that he’s “too boring” Dane asks, “Too worried? You’re worried?” and Eddie says no boring. Dane tells Eddie he’s not boring and people love him and think he’s funny, he’s not boring. Eddie says, “Aww thank you.” Eddie says that being too boring is his biggest fear and Dane says he knows how he feels, but nobody thinks Eddie’s biring, they think he’s, “funny as hell” Eddie says, “Thank you I think I’m funny too.” Feeds cut to the Have Not room where Dane and Corey are discussing the POV ceremony. Corey says that she doesn’t think she’ll use it and plans on telling Chelsea that she’s thinks she’s a wonderful person and would love to continue their relationship on a personal level, but the two of them had a really good conversation about the game and Corey found out that Chelsea had the same one with a lot of other people. Dane says that’s what he heard too and why he made the speech he did when he nominated her.
10:00 PM BBT Dane and Corey are in the HN room talking. Dane is telling Corey that Chelsea and Sam have been gunning for her. Corey says Sam does not realize that Corey knows as much about what is going in the house as she does. Dane and Corey are talking about how bad they feel about voting out Momma K. Corey says she hopes she forgives her. They are both talking how bad Adam is playing because he is so in love with Sam. Corey says she can not wait to fill him in on how Sam is using him. Both of them say that Sam was an idiot and they gave her plenty of times to work with the both of them Corey said she feels like Sam just basically spit in her face.
10:15 PM BBT Corey and Dane are still continuing their conversation in the HN room. Dane says he does trust Adam some but he watches what he exactly tells him so that it does not get back to Sam. Corey and Dane leave the HN room. Mark and Kikki are talking in the HOH room and Mark says he used to be a radio host for about 4 years. He says it was in Vancouver. Kikki does not believe him, and says you are f****** with me. Mark says he is dead serious and to plz not share that with anyone else in the else. Mark says that this is important to him and Kikki says ok if it’s important to you it is important to me and I will not tell anyone. Eddie, Damien, Dane and Este are sitting on the couches outside the washroom. They are telling ghost stories. Most of the other HGs are getting showered and cleaned up.

10:30 PM BBT Kikki and Mark are in the HOH rm talking. Kikki says she thinks that working with Mark is a good thing. Kikki says she thinks if Adam or Sam were to win HOH that they would put her or Mark up. Mark says he would never allow that. Este, Eddie, Damien, and Dane ares still sitting outside on the couches by the washroom. They are telling each other some crazy stories that have happened. Most of the other HGs are in that washroom showering and cleaning up. Mark asks Kikki if someone on the outside asked her about her relationship with Mark in the house, she said she would say exhausting. She tried to think of other words but she said she would get back to him on it. Chelsea is coming around so that they can swap out batteries.
10:45 PM BBT Adam, Dane, Anthony, Este, Kyra, and Eddie are outside. They are not really talking game and are having general conversation. In the HOH rm Kikki and Mark are still alone talking about how they are each playing the game and how they feel about each other. Mark continues to ask Kikki how she feels. Mark says he really hopes he wins next week so he can show them all that he really wants to play the game and prove that to them. Kikki asks Mark if she generally confused him. She says well then let’s build trust right now. She asks him what is his career. Mark is breaking a timeline down because Kikki is not buying anything that he is saying to her.
11:00 PM BBT Dane and Kyra are in the workout room talking. Kyra says her feelings for Chelsea are blocking her perception of her a bit. Dane says that he knows it’s hard. Kyra says Chelsea knows that she is going home, and that she just wants to enjoy her last few days in the house. Dane says that right after the veto Kyra came up to talk to Dane and was crying, he said later on Adam says why did Kyra come out laughing when she went in crying. Dane says that he told him she was still upset. Anthony says he is going to ask BB if he can go to bed and asleep. Chelsea and Kyra are in the kitchen talking. Chelsea says that she is glad that she got to pull off a back door , and she feels like she really didn’t think that she was in a bad place in the game that she would end up this week on the block and going home. Chelsea tells Kyra to just keep fighting.
11:15 PM BBT Dane, Kikki, and Mark are in the HOH rm. Dane tells them Sam says before POV comp she asks if she won and used it who would he put up. Dane says if I didn’t put up you or Adam then everyone would think he was working with them. Kikki asks Dane what should the 4 of their names would be Este, Dane, Kikki, and Mark. Dane and Mark did not answer. Kikki says do you want me to go get Este and Dane says he will go get her. Then jokingly says that Este does not really like him and she is hiding from him. Este just enter the HOH room. Chelsea and Kyra are still continuing their talk in the kitchen about different peoples game play in the house. Kyra thinks that she can make it to the jury house and Chelsea says yes. Chelsea tells Kyra remember Este and Kikki are still in the house. Kyra tells Chelsea thank you for being my friend. Chelsea apologizes to Kyra for kinda not talking to her as much when she thought she was safe in this game. Chelsea says when she came into power that everyone acted like they weren’t on a side but they were actually were, but she thought they really wanted to work with her to make a big move.
11:30 PM BBT Kikki, Este, Dane, and Mark are in HOH rm, they are talking about what they can call their 4 person alliance. They keep laughing and Kikki says we have to come up with something. Chelsea and Kyra are in the workout rm playing pool. They are both still talking about how Chelsea feels about them and how she really feels about the game because she knows what her fate is this week. Damien, Este, and Mark are in the HOH rm. Mark told Damien that he definitely knows he got his stripes by coming in third today in the veto comp. Mark says he wants to show everyone he is here to play also, and that he hopes in future comps that he can show everyone. Kikki is now back in the room with them.
11:45 PM BBT Damien left the HOH rm and Mark is getting ready to, he is waiting for Kikki to use bathroom so he can tell her he is leaving. Este is laying on the floor in the HOH. Corey and Damien are in the HN rm getting ready for bed. Damien tells her he will shower in the morning and hasn’t showered for 2 days. They both got comfortable and say they still have to get back up, Damien says he needs to use the bathroom. They are talking about what maybe coming up the following week. Adam comes in now is fixing his sleeping area and leaves saying he needs to shower.

Summary Friday March 22th

March 22, 2019

Summary Friday March 22th

11:00-12:00 PM: Anthony told Dane that if Adam will not show his loyalty to the Pretty Boys if they want to get Sam out, then they will have to find another way to get her out. Anthony said he has put it in Cory’s mind that Sam for sure would have put her on the block had she won. Anthony mentioned that Kyra is someone that they could use since they will be saving Kyra this week. Later, Dane let Este know that he plans to tell Cory all about what Chelsea and Sam have been doing. Dane said he will try to get Kyra on their side by bringing up that Chelsea and Sam disappeared when she was on the block. Dane said he plans to tell Chelsea that Eddie and Kyra are going up. As for Kyra, Dane said he wont tell them about Chelsea going up. Este asked Dane who he is going to tell about the actual plan. Dane said no one. Dane then spoke to Eddie. Dane let Eddie know that he wasn’t hurt by Eddie going against him in the Maki vote, but it hurt to hear what he was saying afterwards. Dane told Eddie that Chelsea is trying to get him to turn against Eddie. Dane said the two of them, Damien, Este and Kiki need to stay strong. Eddie agreed. Dane told Eddie that he is thinking about nominating Kyra and someone else.


12:00-1:00 PM: Kyra headed to the HoH room to talk to Dane. Dane brought up that Kyra’s friends weren’t their friends when they were on the block the last time. Kyra said they know. Dane revealed there was a group of six between Este, Kiki, Adam, Chelsea, Sam and himself. He said he was then approached about making a Final 7 deal with Adam, Anthony, Mark, Chelsea, Cory, Sam and himself. Dane pointed out that Kyra was not involved in either deal. Kyra said they are shocked. Kyra told Dane that they will be his ears if kept safe this week. Dane said Kyra is 99.9% safe, but he couldn’t say whether or not she would be going up. Dane added that no one would vote Kyra out over who he would nominate next to them if he does put them up. Kyra said that putting them up is not a sign of wanting to build trust, but Dane argued that he just told them big secrets. Afterwards, it was Chelsea’s turn to speak to Dane. She found out that Kyra is likely going on the block. Dane said he doesn’t know who else is going up. He asked Chelsea who she doesn’t feel comfortable with. Chelsea didn’t name any names, but she said that she would like to go far with people who are playing the game. Dane began talking about Eddie bashing his name and following the power. Chelsea said Eddie is such a wildcard in that sense. Dane said he doesn’t think it’s a waste of an HoH to put two people up like that. Chelsea gave her word that she will protect Dane during the double. Sam then spoke to Dane. They kept it quick. Dane reassured Sam that he will stay true to his word, so she will not touch the block now or after the veto competition. Sam said she will stick to her word as well. She threw Kyra’s name out there as someone who is wishy washy. Sam promised Dane that she will keep him safe during the double.


1:00-2:00 PM: Kyra told Chelsea that Dane is trying to plant seeds, and they are playing it off as though they were played, but part of them wonders if they really did get played. Chelsea said she is not that smart at this game to do that. Chelsea explained that there was talk of a seven person group but nothing ever came of it. Kyra questioned why Chelsea didn’t ever tell them about it. Chelsea said she didn’t want them to feel like she was plotting behind their back. Kyra said that’s what it feels like. Kyra let Chelsea know that Adam told Dane that Chelsea and Sam were throwing his name out there as a potential nominee. Kyra told Chelsea that they trusted her 120% but now they are questioning things after being excluded from a six person group and a seven person group, and not told about either of them. Kyra asked if Chelsea was playing them this entire time. Chelsea said no. Kyra said they will follow their gut that their friendship is real. Chelsea said it wont matter since she will go home next. Chelsea expects to be on the block next to Kyra. The two spoke once again not long after their initial conversation. Chelsea said they can put her up and vote her out, because she no longer wants to do this. Chelsea said she doesn’t want to campaign against Kyra. Chelsea went so far as to say that she will throw the veto and gladly leave. Chelsea added that she doesn’t like it when she is not in control. Meanwhile, Dane told Anthony that he plans to list the alliances that Chelsea has during his speech. Dane said Chelsea has to go if the nominations stay the same. He clarified that Kyra winning the veto is even better, since he can then put Sam on the block. Feeds went down at 1:45 for the Wendy’s segment.


3:00-4:00 PM: Feeds returned at 3:08. Adam told Mark that Anthony and Dane were telling him this morning that Sam has got to go. Adam questioned why that is necessary. He finds that Anthony continually changes the plan, since he just finished telling him that Sam is someone who Adam could use to their advantage. Adam said it could blow up in their faces if Sam goes up right now and stays. Mark let Adam know that he doesn’t disagree with him, and he thinks it could be a good thing to bring Sam in, but he doesn’t think that they are in a position to do anything about it. Mark warned Adam that he will deny it if someone asks if he ever said that. Mark asked Adam who he would nominate if he wins the double next week. Adam said he would nominate Eddie and Kiki, and Kiki would be his target. Mark said he doesn’t disagree with that since their two votes are the most powerful thing in the game.


5:00-6:00 PM: Dane checked in with Kyra. He let them know that he has go them and that they are still going to be there. Kyra brought up that Adam will campaign for Chelsea to stay. Dane said he has Adam, and he also has something else cooking in the event that Chelsea wins the veto. Afterwards, Anthony and Dane discussed that they cannot put the Pretty Boys or themselves at risk for Sam. Anthony talked about Sam being a snake for distancing herself from Kyra since Kyra is going on the block.


6:00-7:00 PM: Dane told Este that he plans to call Chelsea out in front of everyone. He said that Sam will be the replacement nominee in the event that Chelsea takes herself down. In the bedroom, Kyra asked Chelsea if she is mad at them. Chelsea said no but she wishes that she weren’t there anymore. Kyra mentioned that they will look like an idiot since they said so many times that Chelsea is their best friend but she didn’t even have Chelsea on her side. The two eventually got back to discussing that it may not be over for them just yet, but Chelsea was less optimistic. While Kyra believes that Dane may nominate Adam as the replacement nominee, Chelsea disagreed and said that the guys are working together. In the storage room, Kiera asked Este if she thinks that there is a guys alliance. Este said she thinks that there might be. Kiera proceeded to say she cannot shake the feeling that Anthony, Dane, Mark and Adam are aligned. She pointed out that Dane has Adam and Mark’s backs 100%, and Anthony is playing a low key game and was the one to suggest that the girls may have a girls alliance. That being said, the two agreed that Dane is more loyal to them and to Damien than to the guys alliance.


10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned at 10:03 following the nomination ceremony. Dane nominated Chelsea and Kyra for eviction. Chelsea vented to Adam and Sam about being blamed for things that she did not do, such as creating certain alliances and deals. Chelsea said she doesn’t feel like she can trust anybody, and she doesn’t want to do this anymore. Adam said he was trying to get Dane to feel good with the girls. Chelsea pointed out that it feels as though everything she had told him has been taken to other people. When Adam said there was always chatter that Chelsea and Sam needed to go, Kyra called him out for adding fuel to the fire by telling Dane that the girls were questioning him. Adam said he was trying to suggest that they don’t go after each other. Kyra followed that up by saying that you don’t gain trust in someone by hearing that they are questioning you. They again asked why Adam would go to Dane. Adam said he is close with Dane. When asked if he is closer with Dane than with Chelsea and Sam, Adam said no. When Kyra continued to press Adam, he asked if they are coming at him. Adam insisted that there is more to these nominations than what he said. Adam then went to the have-not room to confront Dane. Dane denied having said that Adam told him about the girls coming after him. Adam continued to ask where they would have got that information from. Dane said he did not talk to them about it. Kyra eventually came by to apologize to Adam. They said that they tasted him to see how he would react. Kyra said they now saw that Adam reacted by running straight to Dane. Once Kyra left the room, Adam brought up the Kyra thinking that there is a guys alliance going on. Dane said Kyra is not a threat, so Chelsea has got to go. Adam agreed. Elsewhere, Kyra told Chelsea that they are more pissed at Adam than Dane, since they expected this from Dane. Sam joined them. She noticed that Adam, Anthony, Damien and Dane had all gone to the have-not room. Chelsea said they are having their boy alliance meeting. Sam told Chelsea that Adam messed up which is why he is scrambling right now. Chelsea then talked to Adam. She let him know that it seems as though he is playing both sides. Chelsea added that the whole idea of the seven person alliance was not his. Adam said he knows. Chelsea denied being involved in a girls alliance or having a Final 2 with Eddie. Adam told Chelsea that he was trying to get people to work together, and he was not going against her. Chelsea said she really wants to believe him. When Chelsea said she was going to go see where Dane’s head is at, Adam let her know that Dane had just finished telling Kyra that she is good. Chelsea said it’s fine if it’s her time to go.


11:00-12:00 AM: Sam warned Adam to be careful since bringing up the fact that they wanted to go after Dane is not something that will bring them together. Adam said he knows. He mentioned that they cannot fix this, so Chelsea will be going home unless she wins the veto. Both figure that Dane will nominate Eddie if a replacement nominee is needed, since Dane gave his word that he would not backdoor Sam. Adam assured Sam that he is good with the boys and he will do whatever he can to keep her safe with them. Elsewhere, Kyra told Chelsea that they will ruin Adam’s game to save hers if that’s what it takes. Chelsea said not to. Kyra said Adam is controlling the house. Chelsea didn’t want to believe it, as she still wants to trust him. Kyra didn’t understand how Chelsea could still feel that way after Adam ran straight to Dane. Chelsea asked for time to process it.


12:00-1:00 AM: Anthony told Dane that they will eventually have to worry about Kiki and Este. Dane agreed. He said they are not dumb. Anthony said he made a mistake by telling Cory to get close to them, so they might now have to plant something so that Cory thinks those two girls are after her. Anthony brought up that Kiki and Este have a very deep relationship with Damien as well. Anthony knows that Damien will be going after Adam if he wins. Dane said Damien told him that he is going after Adam and Sam. They wondered how they could get Damien to focus on someone other than Adam. In particular, they wondered how they could get him to target Kyra instead.


March 22, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Kiki and Mark in the secret room. She’s discussing getting together to study after breakfast. They quickly run down the stats of the boxes in this room, the days it was open, etc. Kiki leaves to continue making breakfast, and he continues to peruse the boxes. Damien, Adam working out. Cory and Este talking about hatred and how it affects you more than those you hate. Este says that she tries to always remember the family and loved ones of those she isn’t happy with hearing what she says about them. Cory says she can imagine her father being upset with things people say about her.
10:15 AM BBT Damien, Adam and Dane working out. Este and Cory having a fluff conversation over coffee. The discuss centering exercises. Cory talks about previous students. Up in the WR Kyra and Chelsea are discussing what may happen this week. Chelsea says she has no clue what Dane may do this week. Kyra says that they think that Dane is taking Cory to Wendy’s because he’s planning to put her up. Sam comes in and they discuss how much they miss home.
10:25 AM BBT Adam, Dane and Anthony talking outside. Anthony says that he told Kyra what to say. Anthony says he’s convinced that if Sam had won last night, one of the pretty boys would be on the block; Adam says that she’ll do what he wants. Anthony says that, given a choice, Chelsea needs to go this week; Adam says that Kyra has been reporting back to them. Dane says that he’s going to put up Kyra and Chelsea; he’s going to tell Kyra it’s them and Eddie and he’s going to tell Chelsea it’s her and Eddie. Adam starts trying to defend Sam again. Dane says he had persuaded Kiki to put up Sam and Chelsea if she had won, and not to target Adam. Anthony tells Adam that Sam approached him yesterday to help her convince Adam to flip the vote; Adam says Sam already told him the story. Dane tells the story about Kiki telling him that Chelsea was trying to make a girl’s alliance. They discuss the fact that Anthony has been selling Cory on the idea of getting closer to Adam. Dane says he’s going to try and plant some seeds with Cory during the Wendy’s segment. Adam tells Anthony that Chelsea thought he was trying to run her game when he was making suggestions to her last week. They laugh about Anthony’s ability to sooth people with his words. Adam says once they’re down to nine players, only three votes are needed and they’ll be solid. The boys head inside. Dane and Adam talking and Dane tells Adam he’s putting up Chelsea and Kyra, and if one of them comes down, he’ll put Eddie up as the replacement. He wants to see Chelsea gone.Sam is working out with weights; Adam tells her she’s safe this week, but she needs to work on getting closer to Anthony and Dane this week. He tells her Kiki and Este were mentioning their names, so she better be careful with how she interacts with them.
10:45 AM BBT Adam and Sam working out with weights. In the kitchen Chelsea, Kiki, Este, Mark, Eddie are cooking and singing. Mark and Chelsea talk about the best places to stay in Italy. Dane and Este talk in the pantry; Dane is talking about possibly backdooring Adam or Sam. Eddie comes in. Dane tells Eddie they’ll talk later and then play some mini sticks. They discuss missing Mama K.
11:00 AM BBT Adam, Damien, Cory and Sam working out. Mark and Chelsea talking in the kitchen about citizenships. Mark says that he’s in the process of applying for his German citizenship that is being offered as reparations for the holocaust. Chelsea says that she can’t imagine having that as part of her personal history. Mark says that her family must have stories that are equally as amazing; she says she doesn’t enough about it. Anthony and Dane talking in the HoH room. Anthony says that Adam is going to be a baby about Sam leaving, so they’re going to have to have someone else do that dirty work for them. Anthony says that he told Cory that Sam was going to put Cory up had she won; he tells Dane to reaffirm this story with her. They agree that they’re not going to take Damien to F5. Chelsea comes in to use the WR. Anthony tries to talk about Kyra being safe and Dane says not to talk while she’s in the HoH room. Dane calls out to Chelsea asking about when she did noms; they agree they did noms the day after HoH in the past. Chelsea apologizes for busting in and leaves. Anthony tells Dane to go out for a smoke with Kyra and tell them that he’s close to Este and Kiki but he doesn’t have an alliance with anyone. He tells Dane to play up the loyalty factor with Kyra to get them to be closer. Kiki comes in and tells Dane his meal is ready. Anthony says they need to get Mark closer to people in the house, because he’s just kind of the borders of everyone’s vision. They agree that Sam would have put one or both of them up if she had one.
11:15 AM BBT Anthony tells Dane about how he’s been getting into Cory’s head by telling her the girl’s are not her friends. He says that he told Cory before the comp yesterday that one of them needed to win because Sam wanted her on the block. He says Cory is close with Damien and Adam, but is leery of Este and Kiki. Anthony leaves and Dane sets about to shower. He says that’s a lot of information for him to remember, but….he leaves to go gather clothing from the blue BR. Down in the dining room, Este, Anthony, Mark, Kiki and Eddie are eating and talking. Out in the yard, Sam, Cory, Damien and Adam are working out and Kyra is laying on the couch. Kyra goes inside to use the WR and runs into Chelsea. Chelsea is saying she wishes the noms were today so she could just know. Kyra says unfortunately they can’t go back and change things. Chelsea says it’s so annoying sitting in limbo when others feel so safe. She says she doesn’t feel safe with Anthony’s vote because she thinks that Adam poisoned his mind. Kyra says that if someone doesn’t backdoor Dane in the DE, they’ll be shocked.
11:30 AM BBT Chelsea and Kyra talking in the WR. Kyra says it’s hard to deflect the target from them when they don’t know who he’s close with. Chelsea tells Kyra not to mention her name in her talk with Dane; Kyra is offended but says they won’t. They talk about how short the nights have been since they entered the house. Kyra brings up Mama K’s speech last night; they both agree they expected it to be meaner. Kyra says she’s putting Eddie and Cory’s names out to the universe and hopes Cory stays. Chelsea whines some more saying she just wants to know now. She says she feels like she’s had to play every single week while there are others out there just skipping along. She says it’s just a game and not real life, and she hopes real life hasn’t fallen apart at home. Kyra asks why she feels that way and Chelsea says because she’s not there controlling things. Kyra tells her she’s a control freak. Kyra says they can’t believe Mark made Sam sleep in his smelly bed last night. They’re sick of lazy people in the house; Mark has never cooked or cleaned for himself. Kyra goes out to talk to Dane about laundry and comes back says the screen now says noms are today and Dane wants to go for a smoke with them. Kyra collects the laundry and leaves the WR. Chelsea is straightening her hair and saying, “If you go on the block, you’re going to win the veto” to her reflection. She heads downstairs. Down in the kitchen, Anthony, Kiki, Este and Eddie are still hanging around chatting and cleaning. Chelsea joins Kiki who suggests they go sit outside. Kiki tells everyone that she’s going outside and they’re welcome to join.

11:45 AM BBT Chelsea and Kiki sitting outside by the hottub. Chelsea says she feels like every single scene of her in the show will be her eating or her doing her makeup. Eddie joins them outside. He says the weather is nice because when it’s overcast like this the sun isn’t directly in your eyes. Chelsea says it’s a little cold for her but she misses nature. Chelsea says she can’t believe Kiki isn’t in musical theater; Kiki says she just doesn’t have time. They talk about going to plays and visiting New York. Chelsea says Mark has been giving her tip on travelling. Chelsea says she wishes they had a joint right now; Kiki agrees that would be awesome. Kiki says she really wanted to win that comp; she feels like every competition she’s getting worse. Chelsea says that comp was decided by fractions of seconds. Chelsea tells Kiki she did so well in the crossword competition; Kiki says she feels she let herself down so much by not winning it. Kiki says she knows everyone is hungry for a win, but it would be nice to know why she’s here. Chelsea says she knows Kiki will get hers, that she won just by pushing a button. Chelsea wonders if there will be a battle back. Kiki reassures Chelsea that she would not have nominated her if she had won. Chelsea says she did know that. Kyra joins them outside. They talk about working out and how being active outside is far more appealing than lifting heavy things and putting them down. Chelsea asks Kiki what her plans are for the summer and Kiki says she’ll go back to her life as a starving artist, just hopefully a little less starving. She says it’s her dream to go live in a van; Chelsea tells her to just do it. Este joins them outside.
12:00 PM BBT Dane and Eddie just had a talk in the HOH bathroom. Dane told him that Chelsea didn’t know that Eddie was close to him when she called him up to HOH last week. Dane tells Eddie to stay strong. Mark and Este are in the RedBR going over what happen the different days in the house. Adam and Sam are in the SR. Adam is making them a protein shake. Kyra is in HOH listening to music.
12:15 PM BBT Dane and Kyra are in the HOH talking. Dane is telling her that he is being 100% with her right now. Dane tells her that Kikki and Este have talked so much behind Kyra’s back is because Chelsea and Sam were worrying about saving Kikki the whole time. Dane tells Kyra that Chelsea is just using her as a number for the game, he is not saying they are not friends but this is game. Kyra says that she will be in all the girl’s ear if Dane keeps her safe, then Kyra asks well are you going to put me up. Dane says that’s a good possibility and Kyra says how can I trust you then. Dane says I just told you everything the biggest secret in here. Kyra says well if you trust me then you wouldn’t want to put me up on the block. Kyra says that they will do anything but she doesn’t like being a pawn on the block. Kyra says they would rather much else do anything else. Dane told Kyra Eddie really pissed him off. Kyra says Eddie isn’t even playing this game.
12:30 PM BBT Dane and Kyra head outside to smoke a cigarette. Dane keeps telling Kyra get close to Kikki and Este. Kyra says they don’t want to be the one going up to them, Dane says he will tell the girls he talked to Kyra but do not obviously tell them what they were talking about. Dane says that Kyra and Eddie are probably going to be the 2 that get put up on the block. Kyra starts to get upset and Dane says don’t. He said he has the numbers. Dane says to Kyra, I love you and you know I will always be upfront with her. Dane and Chelsea head to HOH to talk about who is going up on the block. Dane asks who Chelsea feels like may need to go up on the block, and she says there is nobody she thinks is a threat for her game. They both agree Kyra follows who ever is in power.
12:45 PM BBT In the HOH Chelsea and Dane are talking. Chelsea tells Dane she would potentially like to be able to open up and work with other people. While they are in HOH talking the other guests are sitting on the couches outside of the HOH room talking. Chelsea says making a decision the whole house likes is better. She also tells Dane that she has his back no matter what he decides to do. Chelsea heads out and Sam heads in to talk to him. Sam told Dane she feels like she is not his target. But she feels like everybody is going to through her name out there. Dane does tell Sam some people do say that he should put Sam and Adam up. Dane says that he wants her to have his back and to not put Este up or put her name out there.
1:00 PM BBT Adam and Dane are in the washroom. Adam justs gets out of the shower and asks if Dane and Sam have talked, Dane says yes they just finished and he told her not to put Este’s name out there either. He tells Adam, that Sam did agree to it. Dane has just been called to the DR. Chelsea and Kyra are in the SR talking, Kyra is telling her everything that Dane just told her in the HOH room. Chelsea tells Kyra do what they want and Kyra asks has Chelsea been playing her this whole time. Chelsea says no and to believe what you want. Kyra tells Chelsea says that there was a final 6 that Dane says Chelsea was a part of. Kyra is doing most of the talking and says that they want to believe that they were really friends and that was not a lie. Chelsea says she will probably go home next so it doesn’t matter and leaves out of the SR. Este is running laps. Kyra tells Dane Chelsea told Kyra about them and Eddie and tells Dane, Chelsea seems paranoid.
1:15 PM BBT Anthony and Adam are in the SR. Anthony says Damien already told him that Sam and Chelsea were going up on the block. Chelsea comes downstairs she has been in the bathroom. She is now sitting in a chair in the workout room. It seems she is trying to avoid Kyra. Mark comes in and starts doing arm lifts. Chelsea leaves.and is sitting on the chair near the fishes. Eddie and Damien are in the secret room. Sam, Kyra, Mark are in the washroom fixing up their self. Kyra left and goes into the BlueBR. Anthony and Adam are in the kitchen. Anthony is eating and Adam is cooking. Anthony says they should test people and asks how they feel about the both of them to see where people’s heads are at.
1:30 PM BBT Kyra begs Chelsea to come in the HN room to talk to her. Chelsea says she is just going to let Dane put her up. She says she doesn’t want to do this this anymore, she doesn’t want to campaign against Kyra. Chelsea says she doesn’t care if this place is making her a good person. She says there was something talked about the 7 but it was never anything that was solidified. Chelsea continues to say over and over she doesn’t care anymore. She rather get out and not be good at the game then to continuously lie and be fake to win. Dane and Anthony are outside talking, Dane is telling Anthony about what he told Kyra. Anthony is laughing. Dane says that when he talked to Sam that she said she would have his back and Este but he better not back door her because Adam has her back. Anthony says he wonders just how much does Adam tell Sam about what they talk about. Kyra is talking to Chelsea like Kyra already knows Chelsea will be voted out. Chelsea is still continuing to cry.
1:45 PM BBT – 3:07 PM BBT Live feeds are down.
3:08 PM BBT – Feeds return. In the kitchen, Sam and Chelsea are talking with Damien and they are talking with him about his hockey experience. The girls are asking him questions about coaching and what he does with players. Outside, Dane, Adam, Mark and Kyra are smoking and talking about clothes and what the show gives them for comps and such. They talk about different brands of shoes and skates.
3:15 PM BBT Dane, Mark and Adam are still outside and Adam tells Dane that he thinks Chelsea is pissed at him. Dane tells him that Chelsea is paranoid. Adam says that he tried to talk to her and she told him that she can not trust anyone in the game and that everyone is a liar. Dane says that she is the biggest liar in the house and that she has made alliances with everyone in the house. Adam says he blames himself because he told Dane that people were throwing his name around. Dane says that it killed him to vote out momma but he said he had to vote to save his own game. Adam says that Chelesa, Kyra and Sam walked into a room with him and Chelsea kept saying she was sorry and was crying. He said that he had no idea why. Then after that, she came downstairs and told him everyone was a liar. Dane says that he told Chelsea, Eddie and Kyra they are not going home. Dane tells Adam he needs to pull a win next week. Dane tells Adam that he didn’t do anything wrong and that Chelsea has a chance to win POV. Chelsea is on the block. Adam says that if it is down to him and Chelsea, he is going to gun after her like he is on the block. Dane goes inside to get ready leaving Adam and Mark outside. Adam says that he is confused about some things Dane is saying. Adam said remember that the girls said to get Dane out, now they are thinking that he was saying it but that doesn’t look good for him because it looks like he is relaying messages back to the boys. Mark suggests that over the net few days that he should have fewer conversations with Dane and that Adam should just talk to Mark instead. Because DAne will use whatever Adam says as HOH conversations. Adam says that at first, Dane wanted Sam out. Adam says why? She is good at comps and we should want that on our side. He says that they were outside this morning with Anthony and Dane saying Sam needs to go. But that Anthony said that Adam needs to use Sam to keep Adam in the game to protect him so that if he and Sam go on the block, and 2 boys are voting – Sam goes home and Adam stays. Mark says he is not disagreeing with him but if it ever comes back that Mark agrees, he will deny it. He says that neither of them are in a position to stand up and say anything. Mark says that there may be someone saying that Mark agrees he will deny it. Adam says that the talk this morning that Chelsea and Kyra on the block, going after Chelsea. Mark says that they want to pick off girls one by one starting with the strongest which is Chelsea. Adam says he doesn’t understand why all the guys want Sam out since they just told him that Sam will protect him. Mark asks if Adam wins the double who would he put up – he says Eddie and Kikki. And he would want Kikki go to home so the girls would be split up. Mark says that he doesn’t disagree but the way he sees it that Adam and Sam brings heat on them but to find a way to get the heat off of them. If they take out Kikki, she has no one left but Dane. Take out Chelsea, that leaves Adam the only one for Sam once they are split up but that no one sees that. Mark says they will see if when Adam wins HOH next week. Adam says if Sam wins that he is pretty positive that no boys will go up – Mark says that the boys need reassurance from Sam herself not from Adam. Adam says that he has already talked to her about that. Adam told her that someone close to her will go up on the block and not to focus on that. Adam told Sam he trusts the boys and they will not go after her and that Sam told him she is good with Dane. And that Dane made a deal with Sam that she would not go after Dane or Este. Adam says that really it’s only Anthony. And Sam said that she has had a good conversation with him. But if Kikki wins, he will be going up.
3:30 PM BBT Adam says that he wonders if the boys think he is not loyal to them. Adam says if Kikki is on the block he will vote for her to go so he can keep his trust with Dane. Adam says eh feels that Anthony thinks he has Kikki and Este. Mark is the wild card. Mark says he is not the wild card but that he agrees more with Adam’s opinion more than Danes. Because right now, the HOH doesn’t decide who goes home, the votes do. Mark says between Chelsea and Kikki that Kikki should go home but that Kyra should go closer to the end. But that Chelsea made an agreement with him and that it was her chance as HOH to act with power but she didn’t. Mark says you want to keep people that you can rely on for sure. If it boiled down to it, he would vote out Chelsea. However, if it was Sam, he needs a conversation. But he says it’s too early to make suggestions. But that they need to fight and that now Adam needs to tell them that they have his word but that he suggests who to vote for based on numbers. He says that Corey is still a wild card but that if he truly wants to break up the girls, that he needs to make that suggestion. Adam says he hears him. Adam says he feels better talking to Mark than anyone else. Mark says it’s because it’s the voice of reason. That Anthony is in a good position in the house because everyone likes him but the second his name is out there, he freaks out. Adam says that Dane is telling him that Sam is gunning for him. Mark checks the door to make sure no one is coming out. Adam continues telling Mark about Sam wanting to keep Momma and Anthony told him that was because Sam wanted to get him out. Mark says his advice should be that Sam needs to put in some work with DAne and Anthony separately as a proper sit down during the week. Mark says that Anthony can be manipulated but he is doing nothing in the game and it will backfire on him. Adam says he feels a lot better and they hug it out. Mark says the only reason they are backing up is because of the votes but going forward, when they let the PV play out they can make suggestions. Mark talks about Maki and that he didn’t play smart and that’s why he got voted out. But that Dane felt threatened by him. Adam goes in and Mark stays outside and lays down on the couch. In the blue room, Sam, Chelsea and Kyra are talking about the vote and that people are going to go back and forth all week long. Kyra says 2 weeks ago when they were almost out the door they learned resilience but that it taught them that the house is BS and that everyone wanted them out. Feeds go down 3:43 PM BBT
3:47 PM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 return to Anthony, Dane and Corey in the washroom. Corey is saying it is too hot. Dane is getting ready and says they only have 30 minutes left to go outside. In the blue room, Kyra, Sam and Chelsea are still talking. Sam says she will not throw Kyra’s name out there but maybe Adam because he is too paranoid. Sam leaves the room leaving Chelsea and Kyra. Chelsea says that her being on the block hurt her but that everyone was telling her that Kyra was the next to go. Chelsea says she is a coward. Kyra says it’s fine, and just because Chelsea broke Kyra’s trust doesn’t mean that they are going to lie to her. Corey comes in the room saying she is hot and is going to change her shirt. They ask how her Wendy’s was and she says it was great but that she now will have nothing to eat for 6 days. She puts on a Tshirt and Jeans and says “this is what I am going to wear on TV”. Anthony comes in. Corey leaves. Kyra says that they need to go have a cigarette before they block out the outside. Chelsea says she may curl her hair a bit. Kyra asks boots or sneakers. Anthony says sneakers. Chelsea says that coffee is giving her a headache. She leaves to go curl her hair leaving Kyra and Anthony in the room. Kyra says it’s amazing how when you can finally see the light – you can see the light – but that they still feel stupid and blind for a lot of reasons. Kyra says that they are going on the block but that they aren’t going home. Anthony says then you are not stupid. Anthony said the first time they talked about game that he told them specific things. That he said that there were people that loved him for a long time to his face, but behind his back, he gets bit. But that he said that to let Kyra know that it is only a matter of time to see that. They say that Kyra can see that now and that they are thankful that they can see it now. She leaves to go smoke before they close it down. In the bathroom Chelsea and Corey are getting ready. Chelsea says that there are people she can not trust at all. Corey says that it’s all about power and that she needs to work with that. Corey says that it could backfire and Chelsea says she knows something is happening and that she has a feeling about things going on. Corey asks anything she needs to know – Chelsea says lets see what will happen then definitely. Chelsea says we didn’t have this conversation but she has a feeling. Corey says yes. But that she feels if she repeats convos that it will be detrimental to her game but that you need to have those convos with people you trust. Chelsea says it’s hard when you THINK you are having those convos with people you can trust. She says she is just going to wait and see and resist the urge to have a MOmma moment and stand up. Corey says if a piece of her really wants to do it – Chelsea says she needs to think about other people’s games. Corey says it depends on the info you have already been told right? Then Mark comes in. Chelsea says that she feels lied to but why should she expect anything else. Chelsea says she wants to go into the pantry and eat her feelings and stuff herself.

4:00 PM BBT Chelsea asks if Corey hot tubed and she said no THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING THE BACK YARD IS NOW CLOSED A HOUSEGUEST MUST CHECK THAT THE BACKYARD IS CLOSED. They said that veto will not be today but tomorrow. Anthony comes in and says he got to go in the back yard for like 35 seconds. He says it is beautiful outside. Corey said she went out earlier and it was snowing. The girls talk about jewelry they brought. Chelsea says she can borrow some of hers because Corey said she didn’t bring any.Eddie comes in and says they restocked
the pantry. Eddie says he is so bored. He gets up and leaves the washroom Dane is in the Have not room talking to Anthony about nominations.Dane tells Anthony when he talks to Chelsea he plans on telling her that the reason for her nomination is because during her HOH reign she may have made some enemies and that’s why he nominated her and then Kyra was because of her close relationship with Chelsea and you miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take so he’s taking his shot and he loves them both and will wish them both the best of luck in the POV competition. Dane and Anthony both say that Chelsea must know she was going up because she hasn’t spoken to either of them at all today and threw out Kyra and eddie’s names as two possible nominees last night because, “They’re two floaters”
4:15 PM BBT Anthony leaves the Have Not Room and Dane is practicing his speech saying once again that he nominated Chelsea because during her HOH reign she made a lot of deals and alliances with everyone in the house and that’s not good for his game and he loves her and is sorry and this is nothing personal, and he wishes her the best of luck in the POV. Kyra is nominated because of their strong relationship with Chelsea and he doesn’t know what they would do. In the storage room, Sam and Mark are eating cookies and Sam says to Anthony and Mark that they get to witness her first cookie in the house as she is no longer a Have Not. Mark yells “Cookie Monsters!!!!” and asks if she had one the first day, Sam says no, she was too anxious and says thank you to summer fresh.
4:30 PM BBT Kyra and Este are talking about Kyra’s tattoo, they are telling Este the meaning behind it. Kyra’s tattoo is a straight line, a greater than sign, then an up and down symbol. They are telling Este that the meaning behind the tattoo is highs and lows and that their sister has the same tattoo, both Kyra and their sister got them together to symbolize the highs and lows in their lives. Kyra having PPD and her sister type 2 diabetes. Este loves it and says that she loves how meaningful it is. Someone yells from downstairs that they got a restock on food and Este and Kyra get excited and run to check it out. Chelsea is talking about her regrets from last week and is saying that she did what she could to be able to survive in the house and said now she just, “looks like a bitch and feels like a bitch and ruined a real friendship.” Chelsea continues saying that in the house it’s hard because, “You have to be so fake.” she says she doesn’t want to go home before jury.
4:45 PM BBT Kyra is in the living room joking around with Corey faking a Russian accent saying they “Grew up in a family that worked for a cheese factory and then realized that they were lactose intolerant and tried out for big brother but they were Russian so they couldn’t go on the show and ended up being Canadian.” Corey laughs. Feeds cut to Mark and Kiki laying in bed in the HOH room. Mark whispers to Kiki and asks why she didn’t tell him something (unknown what) she says that it’s a game and she didn’t really feel like she needed to and if she did stay on the block and ended up going home it would have been irrelevant anyway and that’s the best answer she can come up with right now. “Mark please fix your microphone.” Mark says it is a game and sometimes it can be hard to keep came out of it and a lot of people have come up and asked him who he can trust in the house and he wonders how he’s supposed to know.
5:00 PM BBT Sam, Eddie, Adam, and Dane are all in the kitchen, Sam is talking about one of her friends back home who she thinks is “swooning” over her and Adam. Dane says he’s “too wild” for anyone in the house.” Sam says, “I love it, you know I appreciate that, you’re the male version of me.” Chelsea says to Sam, “Maybe you and Dane were meant to be.” Everyone yells, “Woooooaaaaahhhh” Dane says, “Adam don’t hit me.” Sam says she thinks it would just be too crazy. Adam agrees, Sam says, “when we’d go out we’d both be getting kicked out of bars.” Dane says, “We’d be black out together.” Feeds cut to Chelsea and Sam talking about nominations. Chelsea seems almost positive that she will be going up on the block and she and Sam are wondering who the second nominee will be. Sam wonders if she’ll go up and says everyone might say, to obviously get rid of her because she’s in a showmance. Chelsea says she’s worried about going up with Kyra and says they’re still playing really well, but then goes on to say, “Well I guess it’s ok to go back to real life, I’m fine with it.” Sam says, “Yeah I hear you.” Chelsea says she didn’t want to go home this early, but she feels like she’s been really involved with everything since the beginning of the game. Sam says she doesn’t think Kyra or any of the other possible nominees will take themselves down and it will just be a straight week based on some things she’s heard from Dane. Chelsea says she thinks Dane just has a good social game.
5:15 PM BBT Adam and Dane are in the secret room talking game. Dane tells Adam if he wins POV not to pull Chelsea off and Adam says he won’t. Dane assures Adam he’s trying to keep Sam safe this week. Adam says he knows, but he doesn’t know why Anthony is so against her and says it’s a big deal. Dane says he (Anthony) just wants the boys to be strongly aligned even though they trust everyone 100% Dane says he gets it because he’s with Este. Adam again says he doesn’t understand Anthony’s opinion of Sam and says she’s a good competitor and she can win. Adam says if Kyra wins HOH they all have no idea who they’re putting up, if Kiki wins, he, (Adam) is going up, if Sam wins, none of the pretty boys are going up. Adam says if Chelsea ends up going this week they can make that happen, (Sam winning) Dane says he already reassured Sam she isn’t going up and he won’t backdoor her. Adam says he already told her himself she has to trust him and establish relationships with Anthony and Dane because he feels really good with them.
5:30 PM BBT Feeds cut to Dane and este in the HOH room looking at Dane’s pictures and he is telling her all about his family, he somewhat confides in her that one of his brothers has a drug and/or drinking problem because in one of the pictures from the brother in questions wedding, Dane tells her, “That’s when he was sober and healthy” and shows her a comparison from another picture and says, “Look at how skinny he is here compared to the other one.” Este says, “You totally look alike. Dane says, “I know! Everyone says that.” Este says, “That’s crazy!” Dane says, “Yeah and the schnauze is as big as it is. Este notices that Dane’s brother has straight hair though, and his is really curly. Dane says his mom’s hair is, “super super curly” Feeds cut to Sam, Este, and Kiki in the kitchen cooking dinner and talking about some rap songs. Kiki takes off her hat and says it makes her head look funny, Eddie joins them all in the kitchen. Este says Eddie walked in on her meditating earlier and he freaked out. Sam asks why and Este says she doesn’t know. Eddie says because it looked weird, Sam says Eddie meditates all the time, eddie says, “I do not meditate you guys should see her meditating.”
5:45 PM BBT Mark, Dane, Este, Kiki, and Sam are all in the kitchen. Kiki and Dane hug, Sam is making dinner and Mark and Eddie are having some snacks that are out on the counter. Kiki says they should make strawberry hazelnut milkshakes later, Este and Eddie like that idea. Sam and Adam have migrated to the couch and are talking flirty. Dane is eating a snack as well. Some of the houseguests are talking in the pantry. They can’t believe that they have been in the house for a week already. Dane tried iced earl grey tea. Eddie is lingering in the pantry. He adds very little to the conversation. After Kiki and Eddie leave, Dane and Mark start to laugh and eat a snack they were hiding. Anthony and Dane talking about how Adam wants Sam to stay in the house. Anthony doesn’t really understand why Adam wants her in the house. If Adam wants to win, he needs to side with them and not Sam.
6:00 PM BBT Sam and Adam are on the couch downstairs. Dane is rummaging through the fridge in the pantry. Big Brother makes an announcement about the nomination ceremony. Dane and Mark leave the pantry. Eddie, Dane and Estephania are in the kitchen. Dane says he’s been to Ontario twice. Chelsea and Keira are doing laundry. They leave the bathroom. Eddie is sitting on a chair alone in the bathroom. Kyra and Chelsea are talking the blue bedroom about the nominations. Chelsea says she wishes she wasn’t on Big Brother. She says all she’s done is act like a bi***. She feels guilty about Kyra. She doesn’t want to campaign against her. Kyra says it’s easier when you don’t make friends.
6:15 PM BBT Kyra is crying. Kyra says they played this game with emotions. Kyra feels alone. Kyra is encouraging Chelsea to campaign. Kyra said “ I feel like an idiot. I don’t even care if I go home. 8 have no one here, I don’t even have you.” Mark is making movies on Kiki. Este and Kiki are coming up with a plan so they are safe for the double eviction. Estephania is telling Kiki that she’d be down to throw Dane’s name out there. Este says that they have to throw someone under the bus. But she knows they’d rather take out an actual person rather than Eddie. She wants it to be Mark. She said she’s just coming up with a plan to be safe. Kiki and Este are suspicious of a guy’s alliance including Anthony, Mark, Dane and Adam. Chelsea says she was just trying to survive. She doesn’t want to win the veto and just doesn’t want to do this anymore. Este and Kiki said that their social game is strong but they need to start winning competitions. Este wants to win veto and pretend to work with Sam.


6:30 PM BBT Mark,Dane and Adam are just having general conversation. Dane said he’s not going to give a sassy speech. He’ll save his sass for later. Dane goes into the Hoh room. Kyra tells Dane that they are just talking about the heaviness of each week. Chelsea is imaging how happy Kailyn’s going to be when she’s evicted. She just wants to watch as a fan. Estephania is told to fix her mic. Kyra and Chelsea are continuing their conversation.
6:45 PM BBT Chelsea wants to tell the whole house about the men’s alliance. Kyra tells her to wait until after the Veto. Chelsea agrees to that. Chelsea is crying. Este, Kiki and Anthony are sitting on the upstairs couches. They are making general conversation. Kyra and Chelsea are still talking in the blue bedroom.
7:00 PM BBT Just very general conversations going on. Kyra and Chelsea are crying and telling each other what’s wrong. Anthony asks how Kiki prevents split ends. Dane is lying down on the couch. Chelsea and Kyra seem to be getting closer as friends. Mark & Sam are cuddling. Mark says it’s crazy that they have been there for 3 weeks already.
7:15 PM BBT Dane and Kyra are talking. Mark and Sam are getting much closer. The feeds are down. The feeds come back after a minute or two. Dane proceeds to fix his hair in the HOH bathroom. Dane and Mark are talking in the HOH. They are strategizing. Chelsea is Dane’s target this week. Mark agrees.
7:30 PM BBT Dane and Mark are studying the game. Memorizing dates and competitions. Dane leaves the HOH room and goes to the kitchen to talk with Este. Este is cutting some vegetables and tells him she thinks she’s missing vitamins. Este thinks it’s amazing how the Earth makes vegetables to nourish people’s bodies. Este, Adam and Dane all express their love for the Earth. Este wants to listen to a song on Dane’s iPod again. Dane thinks it’s called Corona Lime. Kyra enters the kitchen. Este says she’s making stir fry. Chelsea and Sam are doing their makeup in the bathroom. Sam thinks that no matter what, they will be friends outside the house. Sam said she’ll never say anything bad about Chelsea. Chelsea says she just wants to go home. Sam said she went hard early on. Chelsea feels guilty about things that she said.
7:45 PM BBT Chelsea is curling her hair in the bathroom. Sam is touching up her makeup. Sam is trying to comfort Chelsea. Sam and Chelsea say they trust each other 100% They are anxious for the ceremony. Damien come into the bathroom. Chelsea asks Damien not to tell Eddie that she used his hairspray. The feeds are down. After a short time, the feeds return.

10:00 PM BBT – 10:00 PM BBT Feeds down
10:00 PM BBT Feeds return at 10:02pm. Chelsea is frustrated and talks to Sam & Kyra. Adam enters. The room clears. Adam wants to talk. In the SR, Dane hugs a HG. In the bathroom, Chelsea returns. She says that she’s getting the blame for everything. Sam tells her that she’d be in her place if she wasn’t. Chelsea says that she can’t trust anyone in the house. Anthony & Cory go into hug Chelsea. Mark goes to hug Chelsea. Chelsea tells Adam that she thought that she could trust him. Adam says that he can, and said that they mentioned her name for later in the game. Chelsea says that it’s silly that she has a final 2.
Dane nominated Chelsea and Kyra for eviction’
Chelsea, “I don’t feel like I can trust anybody. This is stupid. I don’t want to do this.’
Adam, “I felt really good with him (Dane), and I was trying to get him to feel good with you guys. ‘
Chelsea, “It feels everything I’ve told you has been taken to other people ‘
Adam, ” There was always chatter about how you guys need to go. ‘
Kyra, “If there was always chatter, why would you put fuel to that chatter by telling Dane when they questioned him? ‘
Adam, “Trying to be like I trust these girls, I trust you, we shouldn’t go against each other’
Kyra, “If you know Dane was questioning them (Chelsea/Sam), people don’t gain trust when they hear someone is questioning them. Why would you go to Dane? , ”
Adam, “Cause I’m close with Dane. ‘
Kyra, “Closer to Dane than to these two? ‘
Adam, “No’
Adam, “I talk to him (Dane) about shit. ‘
Kyra, “About shit that can screw up their (Chelsea/Sam’s) game? ‘
Adam, “Are you coming at me right now? ‘
Sam, “I feel like it did come from a good place.’
Adam , ” There is more to this than me saying that ‘
10:15 PM BBT In the living room, Dane tells Cory that one of his nominees “has, like, 5 alliances.” Adam and Dane chat in HN room. Adam says that the girls are mad and think that he (Dane) used his words against him. Dane says to him that they’re trying to get inside his head. Kyra enters. Adam questions Kyra, then Kyra leaves a while later. In the SR, Kyra tells Chelsea about the interaction with Dane in HN, then Sam leaves. Kyra says that Adam’s untrustworthy because he went straight to Dane. Kyra leaves to talk to Dane. After Kyra leaves, Chelsea says that it’s better to not. In the file room, Kyra talks to Dane. Kyra says that Chelsea brought up the alliances that she (Chelsea) is in. Kyra tells Dane that Kyra wants to be honest with him.
10:30 PM BBT Kyra says that Adam keeps checking in on Chelsea and is playing all sides. Dane tells Kyra to just breathe. Kyra tells Dane to come to Kyra if he has any questions. After Kyra leaves, Dane mimics his mind being blown, then says that in 2 months, they’ll all learn about the Pretty Boy alliance. In the SR, Chelsea & Adam talk. Chelsea says that she feels like he told Dane about when she was talking about game moves later on. Chelsea says that when she was HoH, the house was divided. Adam says that he fears that Sam is going up next to her (Chelsea). Chelsea says that this game is so crazy because everybody lies. She says to Adam that if it’s her time to go, then so be it. She says that everyone goes eventually. Chelsea hugs Adam and tells him to not feel bad. In HN, Anthony says to Dane that he didn’t come here to just be on TV. Dane leaves and talks to Chelsea in HoH. Chelsea says that some things may be taken out of context. Chelsea says that it was a joke that she’d be in a F2 with Eddie.
10:45 PM BBT She says that she didn’t make all those alliances. Dane says that because she was HoH, that she was the ringleader. Chelsea says that that’s not the case. Chelsea tells him that if it’s her time to go, then so be it. She says that she doesn’t like all the lying. Chellsea says that it’s a game move, so she understands. Dane encourages her to go for the veto. Chelsea says that she doesn’t want to get to the F2 by lying and being shady. After she leaves, when Dane is alone, Dane says that he’s pretty sure that they all signed up to play BB, and if you want to be evicted, that’s okay with him. HGs are in the dining room & kitchen. Kyra reveals that Kyra sexts.
11:00 PM BBT Damien says that he doesn’t like tofu but wants some. Most HGs are sitting at the dining room table eating. Kyra puts uneaten food back on the serving plate. Sam & Adam talk game. Adam says that he’ll make sure she doesn’t go home. Sam asks Adam if she can trust him. He says yes.
11:15 PM BBT Adam says that he’ll do whatever he can to keep her safe. Sam thanks him and says “same.” Sam says that at some point, the guys will go after him, and she says that she’ll tell him. Adam says that if something else gets back out, then the guys won’t trust him. Sam says that she wants to get close to Este, but doesn’t want to put the work in with Kiki.

11:30 PM BBT Sam says that she can’t get backdoored if she wins veto, and asks if she should go for it. They talk about it for a while. Adam says that he “wishes they could fuck right now.” The feed cuts for a while. In SR, Chelsea & Kyra briefly talk game. Sam & Adam go over days. Sam asks Adam if he will “grill her” when she has a baby. They chat for a while. Dane enters. Sam tells Dane that she’s with him in all this. Sam says that she doesn’t want the noms to change, and hopes that he doesn’t pick her name. Dane says that Kyra won’t win the veto comp.
11:45 PM BBT Dane enters. Sam says that she’s not in a girls alliance, and jokingly says that she’s offended. Sam suggests that they may have been wanting to ask her, but haven’t yet. Dane agrees, then leaves. In the SR, Anthony is talking to Mark & Dane. Anthony says “we always ride for PB.” Anthony says that Adam is riding a target on his back, and doesn’t care. Anthony says that Adam says that he thinks he’s #1 in the game. Anthony says that Sam is controlling him. Anthony says that Adam said that he’s playing dumb, but Anthony says that he’s playing himself. Anthony says to Mark that people don’t know where his head’s at and aren’t considering putting him up. Anthony says that everyone’s scared of Dane.
We leave the night with 3 of the Pretty Boys (Dane, Anthony, and Mark) talking game in the storage room, and Chelsea, Eddie, Cory, and Este are playing catch.

Summary Thursday March 21th

March 21, 2019

Summary Thursday March 21th

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:00 following the eviction. Kailyn was evicted by a unanimous vote of 10-0. The “Buzzkilled” HoH competition began to air on the feeds. Kyra was eliminated before the live feeds came on. Eddie was the second to be eliminated.


7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony and Este were the third and fourth houseguests to be eliminated from the HoH competition.


8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds were down while the eviction episode aired.


9:00-10:00 PM: When feeds returned following the episode, we found out that Adam, Kiera and Mark had been eliminated from the HoH competition. Cory was the next to go, followed by Damien, leaving only Dane and Sam remaining in the battle for HoH. Sam told Dane that she has got him. She mentioned knowing that he will want to play in the double eviction next week. When Adam asked Dane if he is going to make any deals, he said no since his deal went south the last time that he was HoH. At 9:41, Dane won HoH. He hugged Sam and told her that she is okay. Adam spoke to Chelsea and Sam, telling them that they will be okay this week. Chelsea wasn’t so sure that she will be safe. Adam thinks that Dane will nominate Cory and Kyra. Sam threw Eddie’s name out there as another possible nominee. She followed it up by saying that Dane will probably backdoor her. Adam said that wont happen since Dane gave Sam his word. Elsewhere, Dane let Damien and Mark know that they are safe. Este and Kiera then spoke to Dane. They apologize for not pulling through in the competition. Dane said it’s okay but he needs them to win in the double eviction.


10:00-11:00 PM: Dane let Cory know that they can talk either tonight or tomorrow. Cory said she is good with whatever is best for Dane. Dane said he thinks that they are on the same page, so there is not much for her to worry about, but it will be nice to talk. Cory assured Dane that she remembers everything, so she will have his back if he does her a solid. Anthony and Dane then celebrated Dane’s victory. Anthony brought up Adam having said that Sam was going to win the competition. Dane said Adam came to him to say that he should have struck a deal with Sam. Anthony suggested nominating Chelsea and Kyra, backdooring Sam. Dane said he was thinking that right away. They discussed that they cant let anyone, including Adam, in on the plan. Dane told Anthony that Kiera came to him right before the vote to let him know that Chelsea was trying to create a girls alliance. Adam asked Dane if he is going to backdoor Sam. Dane said no. He told Adam that the four of them have to come to an agreement. Adam pleaded with Dane not to backdoor Sam. Dane said he wont and he will not nominate her either. Dane told Adam that Sam will have to save him and possibly Este if he keeps her safe. Adam agreed. Adam asked Dane who he is thinking of putting up. Dane said he doesn’t know. He asked Adam not to say anything, but there are a lot of whispers that Chelsea was trying to start a girls alliance prior to the eviction. Adam said he figured that. Meanwhile, Este and Kiera talked about their plan to fake it with the girls alliance. They discussed telling Damien and Dane about it beforehand. Adam went to Sam to tell her that he pleaded with Dane not to backdoor her. They agreed that they would keep Dane and Este safe if Dane keeps them safe. Adam then questioned Sam about the rumoured girls alliance. She denied knowing anything about it. Chelsea then gave Dane her word that she will not put him up. Dane said he appreciates that, and they can talk and make a deal. Chelsea advised Dane to pay attention to the people that are playing both sides.


12:00-1:00 AM: Adam and Sam went over Dane’s potential nominees. Sam figures that he will be nominating Chelsea and Kyra. She mentioned that it may be best for her to throw the veto in that case. Adam suggested winning it and leaving nominations the same. He pointed out that she could easily go up if one of the nominees wins the veto. Sam eventually agreed. Adam said that he wouldn’t use the veto in that scenario either. They discussed cutting a deal with Dane in order to keep both him and Este safe next week. Sam hopes that Este would be willing to offer her safety as well. Up in the HoH room, Dane told Kyra that he cannot for sure say that they will not be going up. He clarified that he doesn’t want to put them up. Kyra questioned why Dane would put them up over someone who betrayed him. Dane assured Kyra that they will not be going home. Kyra continue to ask not to be put up. Kyra promised to vote whichever way Dane wanted. Dane brought up hearing about a girls alliance. Kyra said they don’t think that it’s true. Dane said he believes his source 100%. Kyra let Dane know that they have been getting closer to Este and Kiki lately. Dane said they should continue to try to do that, since no one would expect it. Dane claimed that he flirts with those two girls but he doesn’t talk game with them


March 21, 2019

9:30 AM BBT Eddie comes out of the HN Room Momma K tells him to go look in the kitchen. Eddie and Sam go into the SR and discover that the Fridge is again padlocked. They go back out to the lounge area and say to Momma K that they are going to not say anything but let their housemates find out the fridge is locked. Kyra comes in and stops dead in her tracks at the padlocked fridge. They ask What did we do? Sam tells them I don’t know but don’t say anything. Dane walks in saying Stop talking about me. Sam tells him turn around. Dane goes up to the fridge and says NOOOOO I wanted an egg so bad. They are starving us for the comp. Dane also says I think We have cold showers because Cory is in the shower and is screaming. Dane is in the SR saying Slop pancakes for breakfast what a joke I am going to cry. He asks Big Brother What did we do? What did we do wrong?
9:45 AM BBT Kikki has been called to the DR. Most of the HGs are in the washroom showering for the Live Show today.Dane thinks Big Brother put them all on slop to make them weak for the comp. Kyra asks if it is going to last more than today. Anthony comes down Heads into the SR. Dane follows Anthony says Damien is going after Adam and Sam. Dane says We are saving his f**king ass again. Anthony says I will talk to him alone. He tells Dane to meet him in the HN Room. Dane is on the hunt for Adam. Dane has gone into the HOH Room where Chelsea has started her morning makeup routine. Adam is in the HOH Shower. Dane and Damien are heading downstairs. Anthony and Dane are in the Secret Room Dane tells him that Adam is in the HOH shower. Anthony said the girls maybe plotting. Anthony says We can’t give away too much information to the girls I know you like Este but we need to not let them know we are on the same page. Damien and Adam come in so the conversation switches to the mess in the room. Adam Dane and Anthony and Mark are in the H Room Anthony is telling them that Momma K was talking last night She said Damien isn’t going to work together. She told them that she is going to target Sam and Chelsea.
10:00 AM BBT Adam says I had two conversations with Damien and I feel good. Anthony says I can convince Momma to not go after Adam by telling her that if she goes after Adam I will turn my back on her. He tells them that he can even get Momma to like Mark. Adam says Everything you said she told you Damien said is a lie. I don’t believe a word out of her mouth. Anthony says Everything to the squad it isn’t about individual conversations. Sam enters and the conversation changes to Who they want have on the block if one of them win. She leaves and the conversation goes back to saving Momma K. Anthony tells Adam that he needs to talk to Damien by himself. Anthony says That is why I called this meeting because Adam isn’t 100% safe. Anthony says I will put everything on the line that I can convince Momma K to not target you. Momma will go after Kyra first, Chelsea next then Sam. Adam says The way I look at it there is more than Damien and Momma K want me out. Sam has entered the room so the conversation changes. Anthony says I am realizing that I have no enemies and am not a target. Sam tells him that she will help Anthony what she has figured out in the Secret Room. Anthony Mark and Dane leave. Sam asks Adam if Anthony is tripping. Adam tells Sam what Anthony said. He said I am going to talk to Damien again. Sam tells him not too. Sam says We can’t flip the vote; she said she thinks Momma K likes her. Adam says No she is gunning for you and Chelsea. Adam thinks Kikki repeated something that was said days ago. Adam asks her What do you think? Sam says I am fine with sending Damien home. I think I can work with Momma.
10:15 AM BBT She says Either way no matter who we keep we are both under fire. She tells Adam you need to listen to me; no one listens to me. Adam says Should I talk to him She says I think he is just going to lie to your face. In the kitchen Chelsea and Adam go into the SR. Chelsea says There is no way this is flipping. Chelsea says All week long people have been telling me they want her out. Chelsea says We can’t keep people in the house that can rally people to go against us. Chelsea says If it does change then we know there are a lot of people in this house that their word means S**t. Chelsea says to herself There is no way Kailyn isn’t going home. Good Game and Bye. Dane is making slop pancakes. Adam and Momma are talking about Why the house is on punishment again. Adam gets called out for talking about production. Kailyn tells him I am sure We will find out today. Adam says I am confused about what to do today. Adam says I think if you stay you will come after me. Kailyn tells him whenever I talk to someone you stare them down. She tells him I don’t do that. She tells him that we are not good. Adam says I thought we were too but then I heard you were coming after me. She tells him you guys put my ass on the block. She says If you were part of it then damn right I was going to come after you. He tells her that to me it seemed like you were trying to keep Maki in the house to go after me. She says No up until I was put on the block my target was always Kyra. She tells him she never said target was Cory as Cory told me that you two were working together. She accuses him of playing dirty. She says You are planting seeds instead of checking it out first. Adam says I am just repeating what I was told. Adam gets up and leaves.
10:30 AM BBT Adam is now talking to Damien. He tells him he just talked to Momma K to find where her head was at. He tells him he just wants to check in with him. Damien says It is proven that you and Sam are a strong team. Damien tells him that if he wins he will not go after them as he sees it if he wins it will prove loyalty to you and the boys and get me off of this wheel I am on. Adam says this game is f**ked I don’t know who to trust. Damien says I have heard conversations bit I’m not giving names but I take it with a grain of salt. Adam says if I do win I am not putting you up. Adam says Maybe we should talk to all the boys giving our word not to put each other up. Mark comes in and Damien and Adam tell him that they want to have an all boys meeting to promise not to put each other up. Adam says I don’t know where Eddie’s head is because he broke his word last week; I want to work with people that keep their word. Adam says I talked to Ma and it did not go well. Adam says I will not go back on my word. Damien says I won’t make you swear on anything because this game changes so fast. Damien says If I win I want to see who the guys want to put up. In the SR room Dane and Anthony are talking Anthony repeats what he told Momma K. Cameras go back to the Red Bedroom where Adam is now telling Mark and Damien about his conversation with Ma. He is telling them that she denied saying it. He says You know how she talks she twists things to make you doubt yourself. The hgs have all been called to the living room. Adam ends the conversation with I will keep my word. The hgs are making their way to the living room. Mark is talking to Damien saying I hope the direction is you are staying. Feeds go down at 10:49 AM BBT
11:00 AM BBT- 11:30 AM BBT Feeds are still down.
11:41 AM BBT Feeds come back with Adam telling Mark that Momma K has a way of making people feel bad about themselves and switch up her words. Meanwhile in the HN Room Momma K and Sam are talking She is telling Sam that if she thinks she is cool with Chelsea that Chelsea will cut her in a minute. Sam tells her if you get the numbers I will do it. Momma tells her I have to know before my speech tonight. Momma tells her if I leave tonight I will be eating steak while you guys eat slop. Sam tells Adam her gut is telling her stuff. Feeds go back down as Kailyn asks Anthony for a minute. Adam is talking to Kailyn. She is telling him your girl told me who masterminded this move. She is telling him she is going after Kyra and Chelsea. Adam says I know people are talking about stuff to my face and it is all lies. Adam says All I hear is Sam and Adam. He tells her that I also heard that Sam and Chelsea are using me. She tells him you broke trust first. She tells him I wanted Maki to stay because I can’t handle Kyra. Adam says Maki and I had a good talk then Maki started throwing out name name name. So I thought Why keep that person around. She tells him I gave my word to Maki. I like the twins but we are not working together. She tells him that she feels in her gut I will be back in a week. Adam says You were not nice to me before you talked to Sam after you talked to Sam you are being nice to me. She tells him all her conversations last week were about keeping Maki because I don’t trust Kyra. Adam says after you get them out you will come after me. Kailyn tells him Sam just told her that Chelsea was the leader. Adam asks Sam if she threw Chelsea under the bus. Sam goes in to clarify what she said to Momma. Adam asks Sam Do we not get along with Chelsea and Kyra so why do we want to keep someone who is going with someone I worked along. Sam says When it comes down to these 2 people I know where her head is more than Damien. Sam says Anthony asked her to talk to you. I told him I can’t talk to you. Momma says You are a smart man you can figure out who is telling the truth.
12:00 PM BBT Sam defends what she said to Kailyn. She said I never threw Chelsea under the bus. Momma leaves and Sam says She just took the whole conversation around. Adam says She makes me question myself. Sam says I can’t believe you went after me like that. He tells her we are working with Kyra and Chelsea why would we keep someone who is going after someone we work with. Adam says I went and talked to Damien and I felt better. Sam says If you had sworn on your necklace for both of us I would feel better. Sam brings it back to him not trying to keep her. Adam says I am just trying to talk to everyone before the eviction. He tells her that she wants to go after all our people. Sam says there is nothing in this game that I am not protecting you and I don’t feel you are doing the same. Adam leaves to go find Damien to bring him back to talk to Sam. Kailyn joins Sam and says When people tell him that they are gunning for you how does he react. Damien enters the room. Sam says Momma is campaigning and she told me that you are gunning for me. Adam says I feel good Sam says I don’t. She tells him that I am about to vote to keep you but I don’t want to do that if you are going to put me on the block. Damien tells her the people I was working with were Maki and Momma if they are both gone I get to reset in the game for me. Damien says I am not going to lie I have heard your names out of people’s mouth because you are big people in this house.
12:15 PM BBT Sam says Momma is making a very good case but you can’t throw our names out. Damien says I haven’t throw your names out. He says you guys are very powerful players. Sam says So I have your word you will not put me on the block. They shake hands. Sam says she will campaign to keep you. Damien leaves and Adam asks her if she feels better about this now. Sam asks him not to tell Chelsea about all this. Adam says I get so mixed up when I talk to Momma. Meanwhile in the Red Bedroom Mark is telling Damien to give assurances to the right people. Damien says He believes he has enough people to keep him safe. Damien says some people are flip flopping so I just have to keep up with Momma. Mark tells him to bring up the hockey boys loyalty to Dane. Mark is saying You have to keep assurances and we lose audio. Back in the HN Room Adam and Sam are rehashing the conversations they had with Kailyn. Adam says Mark is smart; he is thinking like we are. Sam says Should we go talk to Chelsea. Sam says You are attacking me on a regular bases. Adam says No I am not I just needed to ask you quick.
12:15 PM BBT In the SR Anthony and Mark are talking about all the campaigning going on in the house. Mark tells him Damien knows what is going on and is following. Adam enters the SR and is telling Anthony and Mark about the first conversation he had with Kailyn. Big Brother tells them 3 hours until live eviction he also tells them that the noms must have their big bags packed in the SR in an hour and their small bags by the bottom of the stairs. Anthony and Adam continue to rehash all their conversations. Dane and Kyra are in the kitchen cleaning up. Kyra has gone to find Chelsea and Sam and see what is up. Dane asks Who to tell him.
12:45 PM BBT In the HN Room Eddie and Mark are discussing the upcoming vote. Eddie asks him who is he keeping. Mark tells him he wants to go with the house. Eddie says I know that. Sam is filling in Chelsea about the conversations she had with Kailyn and Damien with Adam. Sam says I feel better with Damien now after the talk. Chelsea says I talked to Kikki this morning I said Is everyone still onboard . She said Kikki told her Eddie may throw her a pity boat. Chelsea says to Dane her campaigning is driving me nuts. I don’t want one pity vote. Dane says I told her I was going with the house so if she got the numbers to let me know. Anthony and Mark are in the HN Room Anthony is telling Mark he is the brains of the operation. He also says I need to talk to Adam about panic every time there is a conversation. Anthony says We need to keep everyone calm for the next 2 weeks then we attack again. Anthony says Who feels insecure fast Mark ays the big guy. Anthony Who do we need Mark The big guy. Anthony says Exactly We just have to keep stroking his ego. Damien doesn’t want to go on the block anymore even tho he gets stronger and stronger. Anthony has gone to try and get his razor from DR. Dane is making slop pancakes Adam is making slop shakes and says the motor on the blender is smoking. Sam says maybe from overuse. Most of the hgs are now preparing for the Live show that starts in 2 hours.

 1:00 PM BBT- 6:20 PM BBT- Feeds down for Eviction Eps.


6:20 PM BBT- Kailyn evicted. HOH Comp. is live on the feeds.  Kyra is out. Chelsea Says, “ Four players who are currently in the competition must get in the shower at the same time or else the whole house will have no hot water for 48 hours.” Dane says, “Cold showers it is “ Eddie has been eliminated from the competition. We can see the countdown timer , however they can’t. The houseguests are all joking around while they hold down their buzzers. Anthony states He is actually getting tired. Kiera tells Anthony she thinks he will have many wives and many children.  Adam says they are 10 min in and good job while Dane asks if he can count he has been doing the mississippi’s. Dane and Mark joke about a quick game of pool. Kyra and Eddie are whispering while in the couch. They all start spitting off little bits of history about Canada. Anthony asks Why is Canada the best country in the world. Mark points out that they only share one boarder and get along with them.
6:30 PM BBT Everyone is partaking in an endurance HOH competition called BUZZKILLED. It appears that the object is to hold one hand on a buzzer and keep at least one hand on it at all times and the last houseguest standing will be the new HOH. Kyra was out first and is sitting off to the side with Chelsea watching. Mark suggests they do a wave with one hand. Kiki says, “If there’s one thing I know it’s that Ryan started the fire.Corey says all she wants to run and jump but the buttons are getting in the way. Eddie is out and sitting with Chelsea and Kyra. Este is trying to figure out if it’s day 20 or day 19. Dane says it’s officially spring and they made it, Este asks when the first day of summer.

6:45 PM BBT Adam starts a conversation about chinese food and everyone says what kind they like before falling silent again. Chelsea is walking around and Dane wonders if another part of the competition is coming. Este is talking about Tim McGraw and Nelly dis a song together. Dane says his favorite song will always be Kid rock and Sheryl Crow, Este asks, “I put your picture away?” Dane says yes. Everyone goes silent. Mark says Anthony is always a winner in his heart. Kiki is singing and laughing Chelsea asks is anyone’s feet hurt, Anthony says his knees hurt. Dane says he, “has to shit” Dane is talking about people going in and out of the house and is wondering if it’s food or if someone took all of their pillow cases. Adam says something smells delicious and asks who’s hungry, he says they probably put them all on slop so their senses would be heightened. Este says, “I think I can help with the Pam Pam situation.”
7:00 PM BBT Dane says he feels like a dog because he can smell his own poop. Anthony asks if anyone needs to pee yet. Everyone goes quiet. Sam says she’s trying to get a chia seed out of her teeth. Este whispers, “Sorry Dane.” Someone farts incredibly loud. Adam tells Anthony not to fall asleep. Adam says something about birds and Kevin Martin. Everyone is quiet for a little bit. There is a loud noise and Damien says he almost smashed his button. Sam asks if they’re allowed to turn around. Este says, “Look at the pizza!” Dane says, “Oh my god there’s beer and pizza!” Chelsea walks by, Anthony and Dane continue talking about the food. Chelsea goes to get some. Dane says there’s no wine or beer just cola, sprite and iced tea. Anthony says theres red wine and he wants to grab a whole glass and get drunk. Chelsea says whatever I’m about to tell you you can’t, Anthony says i’m not Hungry you are hungry. The counter is clicking down fast but HGS don’t know,
7:14 PM BBT Buzzer goes off and Anthony is OUT he heads into join them eating. Este mentions being in the worst spot for Hgs with Farts. Dane is asked if there was beer would he go chug it, absolutely. They joke about how fast Damien can chug. Este is happy for Anthony as he has been on slop all week, they begin talking in code about favorite cereals. Mark tells about a cereal that’s crispy and rice like that has melting things that set the mouth on fire. Conversation moves onto Steaks and the best places to get them and how to eat them. It gets quiet for a moment and they ask Dane favorite slice? He responds pizza and runs shoves the entire thing in his mouth and back to the buzzer. Kiera is impressed. Feeds go in and out a moment and Dane has finished his slice, they compliment each other on a great job.
7:30 PM BBT All Hgs left in competition ( Adam, Estefania, Dane, Kiera, Corey, Damien, Samantha, & Mark) are at their buzzers just waiting for the next alarm to go off. They begin to talk about the slice of pizza Dane ate again, Kiera asks about a noodle through the nose and throat and Dane says he will show them later. They encourage Dane to do it again, he says he has a plan don’t worry. Chelsea asks from inside if Dane wants them to separate a slice and put it out, he says yes. There is a timer up again !
7:37PM BBT Este is eliminated, Dane clicks his button and then grabs another slice and back to his post. Este sits and enjoys some pizza before Chelsea is told to close it up. Adam, Dane, Kiera, Corey, Damien, Sam, and Mark are still at their buzzers waiting for the next round. Chelsea apologizes says they were told to make it sound tempting.
7:45 PM BBT Over on the couch they are laughing about how Anthony was able to eat 8 slices of pizza, they are all lounging around full and stuffed on the couches. ( Anthony, Este, Chelsea, Kyra and Eddie) a few of the hgs lean on the podiums, others stand dancing back n forth. ANthony appears to be trying to nap, you can hear a female singing to herself.
8:00 PM BBT Adam, Dane, Kikki, Cory, Sam and Mark are keeping their eyes on the prize the HOH. Feeds go down for the show.
9:00 PM BBT Feeds return to the HOH competition still going on. As previously reported Kailyn was evicted by a unanimous vote. Currently we are left with Sam, Damien, Dane and Corey in the HOH competition, all houseguests are completely silent.
9:00 PM BBT Feeds return to the HOH competition still going on. As previously reported Kailyn was evicted by a unanimous vote. Currently we are left with Sam, Damien, Dane and Corey in the HOH competition, all houseguests are completely silent. Everyone watching cheers on the remaining houseguests. The alarm sounds and Corey is eliminated Mark and Este tell Corey she did a good job and she is welcome to take some type of have/have not card which must be one of the temptations. Chelsea says, “We’re down to our final 3, Dane, Damien, and Sam. Who’s gonna be the next HOH?” Sam and Dane look like they’re getting tired, damien is still standing tall…literally and in the comp.
9:15 PM BBT Aside from sme very faint whispering in the background, all of the houseguests remain silent. Este whispers that she thinks they’ll be able to eat after the competition. Dane, Sam, and Damien are still in the comp. Este says she could go for a slop pizza right now. Everyone is once again silent. Mark says there are two more have cards he has one and Adam says that the HOH will also have one the buzzer goes off and Damien is eliminated Sam immediately starts trying to make a deal with Dane telling him, “You know you wanna play in that double.” over and over.Mark gets up and hugs Damien and tells him, “good job” Kyra, Eddie, and Chelsea are feeling hoe cold Damien’s hand is and cheering on Dane and Sam. Chelsea reminds everyone that there are two have cards still in the house and Adam goes to grab one.
9:30 PM BBT Only Sam and Dane remain in the competition, Chelsea is locking the Doors and Dane says something about everyone being locked outside for 24 hours. Dane hits his button on accident and the feeds go down but return almost right away. The eliminated houseguests are watching in silence. Chelsea announces that the house is now off limits so the last 2 have cards are out of play. Dane says there will be 4 have nots now and Este asks how, Mark says Corey Adam and Dane and Sam, Este says either Dane or Sam will be HOH and won’t be but Damien didn’t grab a card and will be a have not. Buzzer sounds and Dane is the new HOH Sam is crying and Dane tells her she is safe. Everyone hugs Sam and Dane and congratulates them and the feeds go down at 9:41 PM BBT
9:45 PM BBT Feeds down HOH competition has just ended. Dane is the new HOH. Feeds return at 9:47 PM BBT Sam is very upset and goes in the bathroom crying. Chelsea and Kyra are trying to calm her down and are telling her she did so good. Adam comes in the bathroom and so does Dane. Sam and Dane hug and she congratulates him, he also tells her she did so good. Sam says it takes a lot for someone like her to focus. Sam and Adam are in the washroom, they are whispering and Sam said she tried to get Dane to give it to here, so he could play next week but he would not do it. Dane told Adam and Sam they are targets but they need to talk in the morning. Chelsea came in to hug Sam, Dane turned around and winked at Adam. That was to let Adam know he was just playing along with saying he would make sure Sam was safe. Sam told Chelsea, Dane was the worse person to win. Chelsea asked Adam if she is safe. Adam said that Dane would not put her up. Sam says she really wants Kiki and Este to go. Dane is in the SR and Este just hugged him. Kiki just walked in and hugged him also.

10:00 PM BBT Dane just waved bye to Chelsea behind her back when she entered the SR. Kyra just passed Dane and told him Congrats. He is now in the washroom celebrating alone and dancing around. Chelsea in the SR saying to Kiki Wow Dane again, Mostly all of the HGs are in the kitchen/Lounge area fixing something to eat. Dane, Anthony, and Corey in the BlueBedroom talking about how fast Dane ate the pizza during the HOH Comp and got his back on the buzzer. Corey asked to Dane to let her know when will be good for them to talk.
10:15 PM BBT Eddie and Kiki are sitting at the table whispering. Chelsea, Sam,Adam, Damien and Kyra are in the kitchen. Dane and Anthony are in the BlueBR Dane says that Adam is so in love with Sam it’s disgusting. Anthony says Kyra and Chelsea on the block and back door is Sam. Dane says that’s what I was thinking Anthony says that will be the most Iconic move in BB history. Dane says he is going to tell everyone that he has to think about what he is going to do for awhile. Anthony says that will strike fear in everyone. Kiki just walked in Anthony and Dane stopped talking. Kiki says to Dane you are so good at those endurance Comps. Anthony and Dane are laughing about how Sam was just standing like a statue. Damien and Este are in the washroom and they just hugged. Este tells Damien that one of them will go home this week referring to Chelsea, Sam, or Adam.
10:30 PM BBT Kiki, Eddie, Damien, and Este are in the washroom. Damien gives Eddie and Kikki hug. Eddie leaves, and the three hug each other and whisper. In the SR Adam just hugged and swung Dane around. Dane says the pretty boy alliances have to come together to a mutual agreement. Adam says plz don’t put Sam up. Dane tells him well if he keeps her safe then if she wins she can’t put him or Este up. Dane says that Chelsea was trying to make a all girl alliance. Adam says he knew it. Adam tried to get Dane to say who he was thinking about putting up but he avoided answering. Most of the HGs are in the kitchen talking. They are wondering if Dane will get his HOH room tonight. Kyra and Chelsea are in the washroom.
10:45 PM BBT Adam and Sam are in the washroom talking. Adam just tells Sam he talked to Dane about not putting Sam up. He says that he won’t as long as him and Este stay safe. Sam says she can make that deal with Dane. They kiss a few times also. Chelsea pulls Dane aside to talk and ask if he has any idea what he is going to do. He says he has no idea right now, and they can either talk tonight or tomorrow morning. 10:51 PM BBT Live feeds go out.
11:00 PM BBT-11:30 PM BBT Live Feeds are down 11;37- Live feeds are back on. Dane’s HOH room is unlocked now. Damien and Dane are in the HOH looking at Dane’s pics, Damien tells him that there is someone that looks oddly familiar to him. Sam, Chelsea and Anthony are in the kitchen. The girls are cleaning up and Anthony is making some tea.

Tonight's Show

March 21, 2019

 Previously, on Big Brother Canada, after a split vote rocked the house, it was an all-out war for power. In the end, the radio host took over the HoH airwaves and booked her first guests on the block, Kiera and Damien. But she was saving a spot for a backdoor star, Kailyn. 

In a ball bursting PoV competition the nominees were a bust and Sam tried to be a loser, but she just couldn't do it and won. 

With the gal pals in control, operation backdoor was a go. At Chelsea's shows, the plan went through and Chelsea smashed the psychic's crystal ball. Plus, one agent will risk it all for a top secret mission. Plus, can Mama K stick around or will she burn the house to the ground? It's do or spy! 

Arisa greets us and it's a big night for the house of spies. We'll find out what agent landed some top-secret intel and then we'll get to the vote. Let's see exactly what happened after the shocking PoV ceremony.

We pick up after the PoV ceremony on day 17. Kiera can't believe it and she feels freaking amazing right now! Canada isn't done with her yet. Chelsea says this is all going perfectly according to plan and this is playing Big Brother. If it doesn't work and Mama K stays, she's in big trouble. 

Kailyn is surprised Chelsea had the balls to do it and she has an extremely uphill battle. She needs to take time and figure out what's next. She's outside talking to Dane and he says it's a game eh? Anthony is there too. Kailyn says it was smart. Dane says you have a few days to talk to people. Anthony says here comes the storm. 

Adam and Sam are in the storage room and he asks how that was and Sam says it was fun. He kisses her neck and Sam says he kissed her too long and he says are you afraid to get caught. Chelsea comes in and they are calm but happy it worked. Este and Kiera are celebrating that they did it, they're safe. Kiera says they are going to get so far in the game because people think they are dumb. Kiera says do Sam and Chelsea think I'm on their side? Thanks, but she's coming after them. 

Dane is in the bedroom with Este and they are talking about Mama K. Este says she didn't like Mama K at first, but she's a good person. Dane says she's definitely not 29 though. He says there's no way a 29-year-old can cook like her. He's not old, but he wasn't born yesterday.

Adam is in the HoH with Sam and asks where the first place they are going to go when they get home and she says her bed. Adam says he promised himself no showmances and they start kissing. Adam says she's the first person he thinks about when he wakes up and the last person he thinks about when he goes to bed and she brightens his day. They are making out and he is holding her and Chelsea comes in and he drops her. Chelsea says she doesn't know who Sam and Adam think they're fooling, but there is definitely a showmance in the house. Sam asks Chelsea not to say anything. 

Kailyn says the shock of being on the block is gone and now she needs to get to work. She talks to Cory first and says she needs to remind her she was there for her when she first came in. She needs 6 votes to stay so she has to get going. Kailyn makes her pitch and Cory says she knows she's at the bottom. Kailyn says if she stays she'll always have a target in front of her. Cory says Kailyn is making great points, she's good. But if she sticks her neck out for her, then she's throwing her game away. 

Cory goes to Sam, Chelsea, and Adam and tells them Kailyn's pitch because information is power. Chelsea asks if it was convincing and Cory says everything she said makes sense. Cory explains Kailyn's pitch and Chelsea says she thought it would be an easy week, but Kailyn is super manipulative. 

This week Canada voted to give one HGs to get some massive info and they voted for Damien. This time, Damien is going to have to go into super stealth mode to make it into the lounge. He is outside and finds a message telling him he can't get caught and he has to look for a clue in a room no one wants to sleep in and there was a bucket and lighter for him to destroy the note outside behind the couch. 

Damien heads to the Have-Not room and he's looking for a clue. He says it could be in a million places and at any moment someone could walk in and catch him. Damien finds the clue and hides it in his pants and heads upstairs to the RBR and the next package is in the BB master suite. He heads to the HoH room while Kiera is laying on the couch outside. 

Damien begins looking around the HoH room. He looks in the bathroom and under couch cushions and finds it above the HoH door. The next package is where he'll sit on eviction night. He goes to lay down on the couches in the livingroom and begins stretching. He reaches under the couch and gets the message and hides it in his pants again. He waits a minute and heads upstairs again. The information he seeks is hidden in a secret room inside the Big Brother Canada house. Damien says he has to stay patient and wait for the coast to be clear. He's waiting and Kyra just won't leave the room. They tell Damien they would never put him up and Damien agrees. Kyra leaves and Damien makes his move and he's in the secret lounge. 

He reads welcome back and he can look at two HGs files for information. Does he want information on his enemies or does he want to make sure his allies are who they say they are. 

All the HGs pop up on some screens and Damien starts considering his options. He selects Mark and Sam. He sees a pre-show interview and Mark has seen all of the seasons of Big Brother Canada and he's there for the money and he considers himself a great liar. Sam has watched three full seasons and she's there for the title of winning and she considers herself a mediocre liar. 

Damien keeps looking at the blood veto and he wants to break through the glass, but he can't. He thanks Canada and says he's going to use the information to the best of his ability and he hopes he doesn't let them down. 

Mark and Este are in the storage room and Kailyn summons them for a house meeting. Kailyn says she's been lying about who she was since day one and she can't leave the house without speaking her truth. She tells them she has four children and a step-son and she's 42-years old. She had her first child at 18 and she says she's a survivor and she's strong. She says she could be leaving tomorrow, but there are four of them and one of her. 

Kailyn tells them Adam let Kailyn know he had a final two with Sam and they are going to use Damien as a pawn to knock all of them off. She says they are all playing Sam and Adam's game and they are going to get all of them out. Adam comes in from outside with Chelsea and they note it's quiet. Adam says it sounds like a house meeting without them. Kailyn says Chelsea has said she's said different things behind closed doors than she has to everyone. Chelsea finally finds them in the meeting in the bedroom. Adam says everyone is in there and Chelsea says yeah. Adam says, everybody? Dane comes out with Mark behind and they say nothing's going on. Dane tells Adam to calm down. 

Adam goes to talk to Dane and he says that was so obvious. Dane is trying to get him to calm down. Dane says it wasn't bad about him, it was about Chelsea and Sam and she just helped him out. Dane says Kailyn put a target on Chelsea and Sam. Dane recaps some of what Kailyn says. Dane tells him to calm down and tells him not to bring it up to Chelsea or Sam because he's a PB right? Adam says the girls are running the game and he's letting it happen. Sam was standing by the door and may have heard some of the conversation. 

Sam goes to the HoH room with Chelsea and she tells Chelsea what she heard between Dane and Adam. Sam tells Chelsea that Adam and Dane are working together. Kyra comes into the HoH and Sam recaps for Kyra. Sam says she's playing us. Chelsea says this house is crazy. Kyra says they need Adam to think he's still playing them. Chelsea is so frustrated right now. Adam comes in and Chelsea doesn't look happy. 

Arisa greets the HGs and says she knows it was another stressful week. Damien says what you see is what you get and I'm a man of my word. If his time has come he loves them all. Damien says he has so much love and respect for Kailyn. He tells them to grab their popcorn. 

Kailyn asks everyone putting out their left hand and she went through and says she took money from all of them and giving it to Sam, Chelsea, and Adam because they are all playing their game. Kailyn says Chelsea called her out in front of her children and Chelsea wants the truth, but she can't handle the truth. Kailyn says they didn't sign on for a beauty pageant, and each of them is choosing the easy thing to do. 

Time to vote!

Eddie sadly votes to evict Kailyn.
Estefania votes to evict Kailyn.
Mark votes to evict the master manipulator, Kailyn.
Dane votes to evict Mama K.
Kyra votes to evict Kailyn.
Sam votes to evict Kailyn.
Kiera sadly votes to evict Kailyn.
Anthony votes to evict Kailyn.
Adam votes to evict Kailyn... Pretty Boys.
Cory votes to evict Kailyn.

By a unanimous vote, Kailyn has been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. Kailyn hugs Damien and whispers something to him. She says her hope and prayer for them all is they will one day have what she is going home to. Kailyn exits the house. 

Arisa asks how did you not see this backdoor coming? Kailyn says she had a dream nomination night that she was giving a speech and she tried to push it back. Arisa says she played, she was a fighter. 

Arisa asks if she regrets lying on her way in and Kailyn wanted to make a statement not to give up on their dreams. Arisa asks if it's harder to connect with them and Kailyn says yes, it was very hard to connect with them. 

Arisa says it seemed she was rallying the troops for war and she asks if Kailyn knows there's a four-guy alliance called "The Pretty Boys" and she says she figured. She thought there might be another four strong besides Sam, Chelsea, and Adam. 

Anthony says she's such an inspiration and he's glad to meet her. Kyra says they're sorry, it's not personal but game. Dane says since day 1, she couldn't fool him and he can't wait to meet her family. Eddie says she's not offending people and he likes that and he can't wait to see her outside the house. Sam says they are on the same level of reading people, but her lies and manipulation came around. Chelsea says she played too hard too fast, she's a smart woman, and she couldn't trust her. 

HG, time to find a new HoH. Chelsea cannot compete. This competition is called Buzzkilled 2.0. When they hear the alarm go off, hit their button. The last HGs to buzz in will be eliminated. This may simple, but rounds can last anywhere from one minute to an hour. They will also be offered temptations that could lure them away from their button. This competition begins now. We see a one-minute timer over their heads and everyone is at their buzzers. We hear some whistling and chatter while the timer is still running down. 

The timer is at 5 seconds and the alarm sounds at zero and everyone hits their buzzers. Kyra is the first eliminated. Kyra says they pressed it, but Arisa says tough break. 

Arisa says we'll find out who will be the next HoH on Sunday. And, one week from tonight, two agents will be sent packing, it's a double eviction!

🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨

March 21, 2019

Kailyn was evicted by a vote of 10-0

Next week double eviction

HOH is Buzz Kill: Damien won the vote and he selected intel on Mark and Sam. Kyra was the first HG out of the HOH

Summary Wednesday March 20th

March 20, 2019

Summary Wednesday , March 20th

1:00-2:00 PM: Dane told Adam that Kailyn’s focus during her talk was to put a target on Sam and Chelsea. Dane insisted that it helped Adam. Adam asked what was said. Dane said it was all about how Sam and Chelsea are controlling the house. Dane pleaded with Adam to believe him that it was focused on Sam and Chelsea, not him. Adam said he trusts Dane. Adam asked Dane if he would put the two of them up if he wins. Dane said probably not, but he admitted that he might backdoor one of them. Dane reiterated that this helped get Adam’s name out of their mouths. Anthony joined the guys. He said that what just happened was huge. Dane advised Adam not to go to Chelsea and Sam with the information, instead letting them hear it from someone else. Anthony told Adam that everyone will now be talking about going after Sam and Chelsea. Adam worried that he would be backdoored. Anthony and Dane disagreed. Elsewhere, Sam went to Chelsea to say “you don’t want to know what I just heard”. Sam said she was in the bathroom, and Adam didn’t think she was there, and he and Dane were throwing their names out multiple times. Sam said Adam and Dane are working together, and the two of them are planning to get them out 100%.


2:00-3:00 PM: Sam let Kyra know about Adam throwing her name and Chelsea’s name around. Kyra suggested that Adam could be playing Dane, not them. Sam disagreed. She insisted that Adam is playing them. Chelsea added that Adam could be telling Dane what he wants to hear. They discussed making sure that Adam feels as though they still believe him and don’t know that he is playing them. Kyra brought up that Adam and Dane might be together but pretending like they are with the girls on each side of the house. Kyra asked Chelsea and Sam if they think that Adam and Dane are with Anthony as well. Both girls said yeah. Sam said Adam told her today that he approached Damien about keeping the guys together. Sam wondered if they should talk to Este and Kiera. Kyra said they have to find out who is in power first. Chelsea questioned if the guys are actually that smart. Sam said Adam is. Anthony joined the girls. They asked what happened in the bedroom with Kailyn. Anthony said Kailyn told them her life story, and it was really tough to hear. He said she wanted to let them know who she is before she leaves, and told them her real age and how many kids she has. Anthony clarified that there was no campaigning. Chelsea worried that she will be hated for going after Kailyn. She began to cry. After Anthony left, Chelsea said she really doesn’t believe that Adam is against them. Sam said it very much sounded like the guys were okay with them going home. Kyra pointed out that Adam is always defensive when Dane’s name comes up. Kyra said they will have to try to backdoor Dane if they win next week. In the storage room, Adam told Anthony that he cannot be the one to take Sam out at this point. While he said he would be willing to do it if they were down to 6 or 7 people, he said he cannot do it right now. Adam thinks that people would be out with pitchforks when he gets home should he do that. Dane joined the guys. They talked about making a guys alliance with Damien. They plan to pretend that it’s a brand new alliance. Adam said they can call themselves “The Starting Five”.


3:00-4:00 PM: Anthony and Damien discussed Kailyn’s story. Anthony brought up that Adam was trippin’ once he noticed that they were all in a room with Kailyn. Anthony said Chelsea was also concerned about it. Damien said Kailyn just had to tell her story. They discussed that the real conversations wont happen until a new HoH is in power. While Anthony said that he does not want to win HoH, Damien said he has to or else he will be back on the block. The two assured each other that they will not nominate each other. In the archive room, Kailyn told Eddie that Sam came to her to say she would really like for her to stay. Kailyn said Sam told her she knows she is going to destroy her in her speech, but she really hopes that she wont. Eddie commented on how Cory immediately went to the other side to relay what happened during the meaning. Kailyn said she knew that was going to happen. While everyone is saying that Sam needs to go, Kailyn said Adam is the one that has go to go. Eddie said it’s smartest to put Adam and Sam on the block together. Kailyn said she would have nominated Chelsea next to Adam, and then put Sam up if Adam were to win the veto. Kailyn told Eddie that her speech is going to be epic. She added that she will be going out with a bang if she leaves. Kailyn said Sam is scared but what she has to say is going to be even more explosive on Chelsea. Eddie suggested directing the speech more towards Adam and Sam. Kailyn said she will destroy those two and Chelsea.


4:00-5:00 PM: Chelsea told Kyra she would rather know now that the guys are playing them than to find out later, cause they can get out in front of it and screw the guys over. Kyra said they had a feeling that it was happening. Kyra added that they are in a good spot since they can let the guys think that they are playing them. Chelsea said that if the girls win HoH, they need to rally all of them together to let them know what is going on. Chelsea mentioned that it’s not the end of the world if they have to align with Este and Kiera. Chelsea then spoke to Dane, asking him if everything is going to stay the same. Dane said it’s all good. He told her that people will start to catch on if she gets paranoid. Chelsea said she just feels bad now that Kailyn’s humanity has been brought to life by revealing her story. Dane reassured Chelsea that everyone wants Damien to stay.


5:00-6:00 PM: Adam asked Damien if he would like to meet up with the boys. Damien said yeah. Adam asked if he was the target during the conversation with Kailyn. Damien confirmed that Adam, Chelsea and Sam were discussed as the targets, and then Kailyn told them about her backstory. Adam brought up that the five guys are probably the strongest in the house.


6:00-7:00 PM: Chelsea told Kyra that part of this makes sense since some things that she has told to Adam have trickled back, but she cannot believe that the guys are that smart. She did acknowledge that Adam, Anthony and Dane appear to be working together and covering all sides. Kyra pointed out that Dane was close to Adam during Adam’s HoH. Chelsea and Kyra then joined Sam in the bedroom. Sam suggested planting some seeds with the girls so it doesn’t appear that they are only bringing up the information about a guys alliance if the girls get in power. Chelsea believes that it’s too risky, so they should wait until the girls win HoH.


7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds were down during the episode.


8:00-9:00 PM: Eddie spoke to Kiera about his perception that she was courageous last week but not so much this week. Kiera said it’s a little different for her now that she was on the block, because it will be easy for her to be put right back up now. While Eddie looked to talk strategy to plan ahead for next week, Kiera explained that it’s not smart for her to do so until she is in power. Este joined them. Eddie said they are being picked off one by one, and that wont change unless they do something. Este said she agrees that they need to plan ahead but they cannot do anything when they do not know how tomorrow will go. Eddie told the girls that the underdogs have got to stick together, or else they deserve to be underdogs. Kiera asked who is on their side. Eddie said they have Damien and the three of them. Eddie mentioned that Canada probably thinks that they are cowards right now for not doing anything, so they should stand up to the other side. Este said they will do that but she doesn’t feel comfortable with creating plans when she doesn’t know what is going to happen. Eddie became frustrated that the girls were not willing to talk game with him. He said he expected them to have the same courage that they had last week. Kiera said it doesn’t make sense for her to put herself on the line when she is the one in the worst position out of the three of them.


9:00-10:00 PM: Damien, Eddie and Kailyn discussed the best plan of action for next week. When Damien brought up the idea of nominating Adam and Sam, Kailyn said she wouldn’t do that. She suggested nominating Adam next to Chelsea so that Sam could go up in the event that Adam wins the veto. Damien was concerned that Sam would win the veto in that scenario, but Kailyn was not. Kailyn also reminded the guys that not every competition is going to be one that is catered to Adam’s strengths, so people need to stop looking at him like a God. Once Eddie and Kailyn were alone, Eddie told Kailyn that Este and Kiera were getting angry at him for trying to plan with them. They agreed that it showed that those girls do not want to work with Eddie. Kailyn let Eddie know that he should throw Este on the block if he doesn’t feel comfortable with going after Adam and Sam just yet, seeing as it would take a number away from Dane.


10:00-11:00 PM: Eddie sat down with Kiera for another talk. He pointed out that the girls were getting very angry at him for attempting to talk game. Eddie opened up about being disappointed by it since he decided to vote against the house, along with Este and Kiera, last week. Eddie thinks that doing that should have built enough trust for them to be able to talk game with him. Eddie said the girls got him hyped up last week yet they seem to be backing off this week. Kiera said she is confused by Eddie saying that she is not being courageous this week, seeing as she took the bullet by being the one on the block. Eddie brought up that she didn’t volunteer to go up. When Kiera questioned how they can plan ahead, Eddie suggested throwing someone under the bus just like Kiera wanted to do with Kyra when she was put on the block on Friday night. Eddie reassured Kiera that he meant no harm and that he is not against Este or Kiera. The two agreed that they will make a big move if they are in a position to do so. Kiera apologized to Eddie for disappointing him. Elsewhere, Kailyn talked to Anthony about wanting to stay in the game. She talked about Adam needing to go. Anthony said Sam is the one who Kailyn should be worried about. Kailyn insisted that Adam has to go first since Sam would be lost without him. If Sam goes, Kailyn thinks that Adam will get closer to Chelsea and still be in good with the guys.

Tonight's Show

March 20, 2019

 We pick up after the nomination ceremony. Chelsea says neither Damien or Kiera are her target. She doesn't want to give Kailyn a chance to campaign for longer. If she pulls off the backdoor, she can eliminate a huge threat to her game. Damien says his life is on the line, he needs to win that power of veto.

Kiera says she's been waiting to be nominated the whole time. The best case scenario is to win PoV and see where people's heads are at. She tells Kailyn and Kyra in the storage room that it's exhilarating to be nominated and she feels like part of the show now. Mama K says that's a beautiful way to look at it and Kiera says she knows Mama K is able to rally votes and that's the kind of person she wants in her corner.

Sam and Adam come into the storage room with Kiera and make small talk to comfort her for being nominated. Kiera tells us Adam and Sam think they are running the house. Sam and Adam leave and she whispers that she hates them and she's going after them.

Kyra tells Chelsea what Kiera says about it being exhilarating to be nominated and Mama K's response. They talk about how sneaky Kailyn is and how dangerous she is. Chelsea says she has to get her out. Chelsea says the plan is on lockdown and only Sam, Mark, Kyra, and Adam are the only ones who know about the plan. Chelsea says it could be really dangerous if Mama K finds out she's the true target.

Damien says he can't get backdoored this week. He's talking to himself and says he likes the underdog story. He just needs to pull this off because he doesn't want to be a sheep. Hopefully, he just needs to win the veto or he has to campaign and do all that fake stuff. Mark comes in and Damien says he doesn't know who to trust and he has to watch what he says to who in the game. Damien says he has to play it smart and not have the slightest slip-up or it could be the end of him.

Adam and Sam are talking about having been there for two weeks. Sam says they'll be married soon and Adam says on the show? Sam laughs and Adam says whoever goes against them is not invited to the wedding. Canada is invited to the wedding. Mama K asks if they've had their first kiss yet and they say no. Mama K says they spend half the game planning their wedding. It's very obvious. Adam says if they kiss, he's in trouble and it's not happening.

Kiera is in the storage room and she is saying she is going to win the PoV. They think they are so smart and she's going to think she's not the target and if she wins and pulls herself off, then they'll say they had a backdoor target all along. Kiera says they don't have the right to mess with her game. She struck first and she needs to strike back. She says Kiera, if you want to do this you have to do this for yourself. She's not a damsel in distress, no one needs to come and save you, you need to save yourself.

They're going to do things a little differently today for picking players for the PoV. They will scratch one square on the veto ticket and if they reveal a veto symbol they get to play in the veto competition. Eddie scratches first and no veto symbol. Mark and Dane follow and no symbol. Kyra is next and they have a symbol and they will be playing. Este, Adam, and Kailyn scratch next and no symbols. Sam is up next and she finds a symbol and she will be playing. Cory scratches and she also finds a symbol. Playing in PoV will be Kiera, Damien, Kyra, Sam, and Cory.

Next, they will spin a wheel and the highest spin will win an advantage in the upcoming competition. Sam has the highest spin and she will receive the advantage. The backyard is set up as a lottery style competition. There is a huge machine blowing balls and Mark is the host. First up is Big Brother instant bingo. They each have a giant bingo card and they'll scratch off the numbers they need to find. Then balls will shoot out of the ball machine and they will have to find the balls they need. The first two to finish their card will advance to the final round. And Samantha's advantage gives her two balls to start with.

Sam feels good and she's confident everyone playing will make this backdoor happen. Sam does not want Cory to make it to the next round. Sam finishes first and the balls are shot out. Cory is running around and says this is driving her insane. Damien says this is the second time on the block and he doesn't want to go through a vote.

Kiera says she doesn't have time to memorize her numbers so she runs out picks up a ball and see if it's a match. Everyone else is memorizing her numbers. Kyra wants to be the one to make the backdoor plan to come to fruition and they'd be honored to seal Kailyn's fate. No one has completed a bingo yet. Kiera is one number away and she says if Damien finds N34 to tell her. Kiera thinks she has her card full, but Kiera has one number wrong and she has to figure it out.

Sam and Kyra and Cory all need one more number. Damien has several balls left and he needs to fill this card ASAP. Damien now has only one number left. All HGs only need their last ball. It's anyone's game!

Mark reminds the HGs that only two people will move on to the final round. Kiera thinks she has found her last ball and she calls bingo and she has finished her card and will advance to the final round. Kyra finds Sam's ball and tells Sam where B3 is and Sam grabs it and runs it back and calls bingo and she will advance to the final round.

It's time for the final round where Kiera and Samantha will go head-to-head in an Instant Crossword. They'll start by scratching off their squares that will reveal letters to help them out. They'll then use all 43 blocks to complete the words that are all Big Brother related. The first to finish will win the PoV!

Kiera says she doesn't trust Chelsea and she needs to gun for and win this veto. Sam says she wants to throw it to Kiera because she doesn't want to expose the plan or the alliance. Kiera has gotten the veto and now she's trying to get some of the bigger words.

Sam is working hard and she is moving kind of slow. Kiera starts struggling and Sam ends up finishing first. Sam says it didn't go as planned, but the plan to backdoor Kailyn is still in place and it's nice to have some power in the house. Kiera is devastated and she is so disappointed in herself. She's crying and Chelsea hugs her to comfort her. Kiera can't believe she lost and she comes in with Este and Sam and Kyra are in there and they leave. Kiera says she's trying not to take away from Sam's moment and Sam gives her a hug and tells her everything is going to be OK.

Sam and Kiera sit down to talk alone and Sam tells her to let her work some magic. Sam says maybe she can use this PoV to her advantage. She tells Kiera if she saves her then she would owe her own. Sam says she has to think about her game and she doesn't want Kiera to worry. Sam says she has to talk to Chelsea and Kiera says Sam won it fair and square. Sam leaves Kiera alone and sends Este in.

Kiera tells Este she couldn't believe she couldn't do that. Este asks if Sam mentioned she would use it and Kiera says she said she has to work some magic. Kiera says she doesn't trust that. Este says they can convince them to use it on Kiera. Kiera says she doesn't deserve it. She says if Sam does use it on her then it's like she's selling her soul to the devil and she would be indebted to her. Este says it's a game and Kiera says she's so scared.

Este and Dane are talking and flirting. Dane is rubbing her leg. Kiera comes in and interrupts and Kiera says it's clear Dane has a thing for Este and they are so cute together. We see clips of Dane giving Este a kiss on the head and him saying she has a nice body. Kiera says Este will not admit she has a thing for Dane. Kiera wants Este and game to get together and Este says she can build a bridge and get over that dream. Kiera says they are perfect for each other.

Este, Dane, Damien, and Kiera are talking about the reserve. Damien says they made a thing called a reserve and they created Indian agents and if they wanted to leave they had to get permission to leave. He discusses the history and he's saying they have their land and they are grateful for where they are, but there were some rights that were given away.

Damien says he's proud to tell them what happened and how they can move forward and bridge the gap of misconception and ignorance. Damien begins talking about his teammates and how they didn't know the history either. Damien says he's very proud to represent where he's from and discuss Canada's past.

Chelsea and Sam are talking and Chelsea says she's trying not to give Kiera too much reassurance, but she feels good. Sam says she wants Kiera to be super grateful. Chelsea says Sam having PoV could be great for their game but she wishes she had more to hold of Kiera's head because she does not trust her at all.

Kiera goes to talk to Chelsea and Sam and Kiera says she holds no ill feelings, she knows being nominated is part of the game and she really wants to stay. Sam wants to trust her and if Kiera will keep to her word, she'd love to work with her. Chelsea thanks Kiera for the conversation and agrees they could work together. Sam look at Chelsea and Chelsea heaves a sigh.

Kyra is in Chelsea's HoH room listening to music and Chelsea is nervous that Mark told Kiera about the plan to backdoor Kailyn. Chelsea just doesn't want Kailyn to know and Chelsea says that Damien already knows and Kyra says you told Dame? Chelsea says Adam told Damien. Kyra says they have a lot of things they are no longer saying to anyone. Chelsea says her plan is leaking out more than she wants it to and it's BS. Chelsea says it's time to start thinking about being strategic with who knows what.

We're on Day 17 and Kailyn goes to talk to Chelsea. Kailyn says Chelsea is more interested in having a perfect image rather than shake things up. Kailyn says Kyra asks if she was open to voting out Kiera. Kailyn says if she's in power next week, what's the next move. Kailyn says Kyra is an option if they are trying to get out floaters. Kailyn says if she had veto, then she would honor Chelsea's wishes. Kailyn says if Sam were to use it veto it, it would force Chelsea to get more blood on her hands. Kailyn says Chelsea's HoH will be the most forgettable of the season, she guarantees it. Chelsea says she thought Kailyn was a psychic, she should see this coming.

Sam and Chelsea are talking and Chelsea says she thinks everyone knows what's happening except Eddie and Kailyn. Chelsea will tell Kiera she was always a pawn because she doesn't want Kiera to feel like she was disposable to her. Chelsea says her and Sam are close and Kiera are Este are close. Chelsea says Sam using veto will make it clear they are working together. Chelsea says she's asked herself if this plan is messy or stupid.

Sam heads to HQ to decide if she's going to use the veto or not. Sam says their plan this week is to backdoor Kailyn. Sam says it's not about if she's going to use the veto or not, it's who she will take off the block. Sam says she thinks Damien is easily manipulated. Sam says Kiera made a deal with her but she doesn't know if she can trust her. She says she has to make a smart decision because this move is pivotal for her game.

It's time for the PoV ceremony. Damien congratulates Sam and says he's been up there two out of three times and it's been stressful. He'd appreciate it if she'd use it but he respects her decision. Kiera says she'd be eternally grateful but she respects whatever Sam decides.

Sam has decided to use the power of veto on Kiera. She says they connected early on in the house and they may not always be on the same page but how she fought in that competition shows she wants to stay. Sam hugs her and Kiera says thank you. Since Sam has vetoed one of Chelsea's choices she needs to replacement nominee.

Chelsea says her replacement nominee is Kailyn. Chelsea says her ability to lie and manipulate people is a danger to the whole house. The veto ceremony is complete. Kailyn says they are something and it's time for her to drop a bomb on this house and let these people know who they're dealing with. Chelsea says she's made her move and she knows Kailyn is going to campaign and campaign hard. She just hopes she has the votes to get her out of the house.

Kopi av - Tonight's Show

March 20, 2019

 We pick up after the nomination ceremony. Chelsea says neither Damien or Kiera are her target. She doesn't want to give Kailyn a chance to campaign for longer. If she pulls off the backdoor, she can eliminate a huge threat to her game. Damien says his life is on the line, he needs to win that power of veto.

Kiera says she's been waiting to be nominated the whole time. The best case scenario is to win PoV and see where people's heads are at. She tells Kailyn and Kyra in the storage room that it's exhilarating to be nominated and she feels like part of the show now. Mama K says that's a beautiful way to look at it and Kiera says she knows Mama K is able to rally votes and that's the kind of person she wants in her corner.

Sam and Adam come into the storage room with Kiera and make small talk to comfort her for being nominated. Kiera tells us Adam and Sam think they are running the house. Sam and Adam leave and she whispers that she hates them and she's going after them.

Kyra tells Chelsea what Kiera says about it being exhilarating to be nominated and Mama K's response. They talk about how sneaky Kailyn is and how dangerous she is. Chelsea says she has to get her out. Chelsea says the plan is on lockdown and only Sam, Mark, Kyra, and Adam are the only ones who know about the plan. Chelsea says it could be really dangerous if Mama K finds out she's the true target.

Damien says he can't get backdoored this week. He's talking to himself and says he likes the underdog story. He just needs to pull this off because he doesn't want to be a sheep. Hopefully, he just needs to win the veto or he has to campaign and do all that fake stuff. Mark comes in and Damien says he doesn't know who to trust and he has to watch what he says to who in the game. Damien says he has to play it smart and not have the slightest slip-up or it could be the end of him.

Adam and Sam are talking about having been there for two weeks. Sam says they'll be married soon and Adam says on the show? Sam laughs and Adam says whoever goes against them is not invited to the wedding. Canada is invited to the wedding. Mama K asks if they've had their first kiss yet and they say no. Mama K says they spend half the game planning their wedding. It's very obvious. Adam says if they kiss, he's in trouble and it's not happening.

Kiera is in the storage room and she is saying she is going to win the PoV. They think they are so smart and she's going to think she's not the target and if she wins and pulls herself off, then they'll say they had a backdoor target all along. Kiera says they don't have the right to mess with her game. She struck first and she needs to strike back. She says Kiera, if you want to do this you have to do this for yourself. She's not a damsel in distress, no one needs to come and save you, you need to save yourself.

They're going to do things a little differently today for picking players for the PoV. They will scratch one square on the veto ticket and if they reveal a veto symbol they get to play in the veto competition. Eddie scratches first and no veto symbol. Mark and Dane follow and no symbol. Kyra is next and they have a symbol and they will be playing. Este, Adam, and Kailyn scratch next and no symbols. Sam is up next and she finds a symbol and she will be playing. Cory scratches and she also finds a symbol. Playing in PoV will be Kiera, Damien, Kyra, Sam, and Cory.

Next, they will spin a wheel and the highest spin will win an advantage in the upcoming competition. Sam has the highest spin and she will receive the advantage. The backyard is set up as a lottery style competition. There is a huge machine blowing balls and Mark is the host. First up is Big Brother instant bingo. They each have a giant bingo card and they'll scratch off the numbers they need to find. Then balls will shoot out of the ball machine and they will have to find the balls they need. The first two to finish their card will advance to the final round. And Samantha's advantage gives her two balls to start with.

Sam feels good and she's confident everyone playing will make this backdoor happen. Sam does not want Cory to make it to the next round. Sam finishes first and the balls are shot out. Cory is running around and says this is driving her insane. Damien says this is the second time on the block and he doesn't want to go through a vote.

Kiera says she doesn't have time to memorize her numbers so she runs out picks up a ball and see if it's a match. Everyone else is memorizing her numbers. Kyra wants to be the one to make the backdoor plan to come to fruition and they'd be honored to seal Kailyn's fate. No one has completed a bingo yet. Kiera is one number away and she says if Damien finds N34 to tell her. Kiera thinks she has her card full, but Kiera has one number wrong and she has to figure it out.

Sam and Kyra and Cory all need one more number. Damien has several balls left and he needs to fill this card ASAP. Damien now has only one number left. All HGs only need their last ball. It's anyone's game!

Mark reminds the HGs that only two people will move on to the final round. Kiera thinks she has found her last ball and she calls bingo and she has finished her card and will advance to the final round. Kyra finds Sam's ball and tells Sam where B3 is and Sam grabs it and runs it back and calls bingo and she will advance to the final round.

It's time for the final round where Kiera and Samantha will go head-to-head in an Instant Crossword. They'll start by scratching off their squares that will reveal letters to help them out. They'll then use all 43 blocks to complete the words that are all Big Brother related. The first to finish will win the PoV!

Kiera says she doesn't trust Chelsea and she needs to gun for and win this veto. Sam says she wants to throw it to Kiera because she doesn't want to expose the plan or the alliance. Kiera has gotten the veto and now she's trying to get some of the bigger words.

Sam is working hard and she is moving kind of slow. Kiera starts struggling and Sam ends up finishing first. Sam says it didn't go as planned, but the plan to backdoor Kailyn is still in place and it's nice to have some power in the house. Kiera is devastated and she is so disappointed in herself. She's crying and Chelsea hugs her to comfort her. Kiera can't believe she lost and she comes in with Este and Sam and Kyra are in there and they leave. Kiera says she's trying not to take away from Sam's moment and Sam gives her a hug and tells her everything is going to be OK.

Sam and Kiera sit down to talk alone and Sam tells her to let her work some magic. Sam says maybe she can use this PoV to her advantage. She tells Kiera if she saves her then she would owe her own. Sam says she has to think about her game and she doesn't want Kiera to worry. Sam says she has to talk to Chelsea and Kiera says Sam won it fair and square. Sam leaves Kiera alone and sends Este in.

Kiera tells Este she couldn't believe she couldn't do that. Este asks if Sam mentioned she would use it and Kiera says she said she has to work some magic. Kiera says she doesn't trust that. Este says they can convince them to use it on Kiera. Kiera says she doesn't deserve it. She says if Sam does use it on her then it's like she's selling her soul to the devil and she would be indebted to her. Este says it's a game and Kiera says she's so scared.

Este and Dane are talking and flirting. Dane is rubbing her leg. Kiera comes in and interrupts and Kiera says it's clear Dane has a thing for Este and they are so cute together. We see clips of Dane giving Este a kiss on the head and him saying she has a nice body. Kiera says Este will not admit she has a thing for Dane. Kiera wants Este and game to get together and Este says she can build a bridge and get over that dream. Kiera says they are perfect for each other.

Este, Dane, Damien, and Kiera are talking about the reserve. Damien says they made a thing called a reserve and they created Indian agents and if they wanted to leave they had to get permission to leave. He discusses the history and he's saying they have their land and they are grateful for where they are, but there were some rights that were given away.

Damien says he's proud to tell them what happened and how they can move forward and bridge the gap of misconception and ignorance. Damien begins talking about his teammates and how they didn't know the history either. Damien says he's very proud to represent where he's from and discuss Canada's past.

Chelsea and Sam are talking and Chelsea says she's trying not to give Kiera too much reassurance, but she feels good. Sam says she wants Kiera to be super grateful. Chelsea says Sam having PoV could be great for their game but she wishes she had more to hold of Kiera's head because she does not trust her at all.

Kiera goes to talk to Chelsea and Sam and Kiera says she holds no ill feelings, she knows being nominated is part of the game and she really wants to stay. Sam wants to trust her and if Kiera will keep to her word, she'd love to work with her. Chelsea thanks Kiera for the conversation and agrees they could work together. Sam look at Chelsea and Chelsea heaves a sigh.

Kyra is in Chelsea's HoH room listening to music and Chelsea is nervous that Mark told Kiera about the plan to backdoor Kailyn. Chelsea just doesn't want Kailyn to know and Chelsea says that Damien already knows and Kyra says you told Dame? Chelsea says Adam told Damien. Kyra says they have a lot of things they are no longer saying to anyone. Chelsea says her plan is leaking out more than she wants it to and it's BS. Chelsea says it's time to start thinking about being strategic with who knows what.

We're on Day 17 and Kailyn goes to talk to Chelsea. Kailyn says Chelsea is more interested in having a perfect image rather than shake things up. Kailyn says Kyra asks if she was open to voting out Kiera. Kailyn says if she's in power next week, what's the next move. Kailyn says Kyra is an option if they are trying to get out floaters. Kailyn says if she had veto, then she would honor Chelsea's wishes. Kailyn says if Sam were to use it veto it, it would force Chelsea to get more blood on her hands. Kailyn says Chelsea's HoH will be the most forgettable of the season, she guarantees it. Chelsea says she thought Kailyn was a psychic, she should see this coming.

Sam and Chelsea are talking and Chelsea says she thinks everyone knows what's happening except Eddie and Kailyn. Chelsea will tell Kiera she was always a pawn because she doesn't want Kiera to feel like she was disposable to her. Chelsea says her and Sam are close and Kiera are Este are close. Chelsea says Sam using veto will make it clear they are working together. Chelsea says she's asked herself if this plan is messy or stupid.

Sam heads to HQ to decide if she's going to use the veto or not. Sam says their plan this week is to backdoor Kailyn. Sam says it's not about if she's going to use the veto or not, it's who she will take off the block. Sam says she thinks Damien is easily manipulated. Sam says Kiera made a deal with her but she doesn't know if she can trust her. She says she has to make a smart decision because this move is pivotal for her game.

It's time for the PoV ceremony. Damien congratulates Sam and says he's been up there two out of three times and it's been stressful. He'd appreciate it if she'd use it but he respects her decision. Kiera says she'd be eternally grateful but she respects whatever Sam decides.

Sam has decided to use the power of veto on Kiera. She says they connected early on in the house and they may not always be on the same page but how she fought in that competition shows she wants to stay. Sam hugs her and Kiera says thank you. Since Sam has vetoed one of Chelsea's choices she needs to replacement nominee.

Chelsea says her replacement nominee is Kailyn. Chelsea says her ability to lie and manipulate people is a danger to the whole house. The veto ceremony is complete. Kailyn says they are something and it's time for her to drop a bomb on this house and let these people know who they're dealing with. Chelsea says she's made her move and she knows Kailyn is going to campaign and campaign hard. She just hopes she has the votes to get her out of the house.

Kopi av - Tonight's Show

March 20, 2019

 We pick up after the nomination ceremony. Chelsea says neither Damien or Kiera are her target. She doesn't want to give Kailyn a chance to campaign for longer. If she pulls off the backdoor, she can eliminate a huge threat to her game. Damien says his life is on the line, he needs to win that power of veto.

Kiera says she's been waiting to be nominated the whole time. The best case scenario is to win PoV and see where people's heads are at. She tells Kailyn and Kyra in the storage room that it's exhilarating to be nominated and she feels like part of the show now. Mama K says that's a beautiful way to look at it and Kiera says she knows Mama K is able to rally votes and that's the kind of person she wants in her corner.

Sam and Adam come into the storage room with Kiera and make small talk to comfort her for being nominated. Kiera tells us Adam and Sam think they are running the house. Sam and Adam leave and she whispers that she hates them and she's going after them.

Kyra tells Chelsea what Kiera says about it being exhilarating to be nominated and Mama K's response. They talk about how sneaky Kailyn is and how dangerous she is. Chelsea says she has to get her out. Chelsea says the plan is on lockdown and only Sam, Mark, Kyra, and Adam are the only ones who know about the plan. Chelsea says it could be really dangerous if Mama K finds out she's the true target.

Damien says he can't get backdoored this week. He's talking to himself and says he likes the underdog story. He just needs to pull this off because he doesn't want to be a sheep. Hopefully, he just needs to win the veto or he has to campaign and do all that fake stuff. Mark comes in and Damien says he doesn't know who to trust and he has to watch what he says to who in the game. Damien says he has to play it smart and not have the slightest slip-up or it could be the end of him.

Adam and Sam are talking about having been there for two weeks. Sam says they'll be married soon and Adam says on the show? Sam laughs and Adam says whoever goes against them is not invited to the wedding. Canada is invited to the wedding. Mama K asks if they've had their first kiss yet and they say no. Mama K says they spend half the game planning their wedding. It's very obvious. Adam says if they kiss, he's in trouble and it's not happening.

Kiera is in the storage room and she is saying she is going to win the PoV. They think they are so smart and she's going to think she's not the target and if she wins and pulls herself off, then they'll say they had a backdoor target all along. Kiera says they don't have the right to mess with her game. She struck first and she needs to strike back. She says Kiera, if you want to do this you have to do this for yourself. She's not a damsel in distress, no one needs to come and save you, you need to save yourself.

They're going to do things a little differently today for picking players for the PoV. They will scratch one square on the veto ticket and if they reveal a veto symbol they get to play in the veto competition. Eddie scratches first and no veto symbol. Mark and Dane follow and no symbol. Kyra is next and they have a symbol and they will be playing. Este, Adam, and Kailyn scratch next and no symbols. Sam is up next and she finds a symbol and she will be playing. Cory scratches and she also finds a symbol. Playing in PoV will be Kiera, Damien, Kyra, Sam, and Cory.

Next, they will spin a wheel and the highest spin will win an advantage in the upcoming competition. Sam has the highest spin and she will receive the advantage. The backyard is set up as a lottery style competition. There is a huge machine blowing balls and Mark is the host. First up is Big Brother instant bingo. They each have a giant bingo card and they'll scratch off the numbers they need to find. Then balls will shoot out of the ball machine and they will have to find the balls they need. The first two to finish their card will advance to the final round. And Samantha's advantage gives her two balls to start with.

Sam feels good and she's confident everyone playing will make this backdoor happen. Sam does not want Cory to make it to the next round. Sam finishes first and the balls are shot out. Cory is running around and says this is driving her insane. Damien says this is the second time on the block and he doesn't want to go through a vote.

Kiera says she doesn't have time to memorize her numbers so she runs out picks up a ball and see if it's a match. Everyone else is memorizing her numbers. Kyra wants to be the one to make the backdoor plan to come to fruition and they'd be honored to seal Kailyn's fate. No one has completed a bingo yet. Kiera is one number away and she says if Damien finds N34 to tell her. Kiera thinks she has her card full, but Kiera has one number wrong and she has to figure it out.

Sam and Kyra and Cory all need one more number. Damien has several balls left and he needs to fill this card ASAP. Damien now has only one number left. All HGs only need their last ball. It's anyone's game!

Mark reminds the HGs that only two people will move on to the final round. Kiera thinks she has found her last ball and she calls bingo and she has finished her card and will advance to the final round. Kyra finds Sam's ball and tells Sam where B3 is and Sam grabs it and runs it back and calls bingo and she will advance to the final round.

It's time for the final round where Kiera and Samantha will go head-to-head in an Instant Crossword. They'll start by scratching off their squares that will reveal letters to help them out. They'll then use all 43 blocks to complete the words that are all Big Brother related. The first to finish will win the PoV!

Kiera says she doesn't trust Chelsea and she needs to gun for and win this veto. Sam says she wants to throw it to Kiera because she doesn't want to expose the plan or the alliance. Kiera has gotten the veto and now she's trying to get some of the bigger words.

Sam is working hard and she is moving kind of slow. Kiera starts struggling and Sam ends up finishing first. Sam says it didn't go as planned, but the plan to backdoor Kailyn is still in place and it's nice to have some power in the house. Kiera is devastated and she is so disappointed in herself. She's crying and Chelsea hugs her to comfort her. Kiera can't believe she lost and she comes in with Este and Sam and Kyra are in there and they leave. Kiera says she's trying not to take away from Sam's moment and Sam gives her a hug and tells her everything is going to be OK.

Sam and Kiera sit down to talk alone and Sam tells her to let her work some magic. Sam says maybe she can use this PoV to her advantage. She tells Kiera if she saves her then she would owe her own. Sam says she has to think about her game and she doesn't want Kiera to worry. Sam says she has to talk to Chelsea and Kiera says Sam won it fair and square. Sam leaves Kiera alone and sends Este in.

Kiera tells Este she couldn't believe she couldn't do that. Este asks if Sam mentioned she would use it and Kiera says she said she has to work some magic. Kiera says she doesn't trust that. Este says they can convince them to use it on Kiera. Kiera says she doesn't deserve it. She says if Sam does use it on her then it's like she's selling her soul to the devil and she would be indebted to her. Este says it's a game and Kiera says she's so scared.

Este and Dane are talking and flirting. Dane is rubbing her leg. Kiera comes in and interrupts and Kiera says it's clear Dane has a thing for Este and they are so cute together. We see clips of Dane giving Este a kiss on the head and him saying she has a nice body. Kiera says Este will not admit she has a thing for Dane. Kiera wants Este and game to get together and Este says she can build a bridge and get over that dream. Kiera says they are perfect for each other.

Este, Dane, Damien, and Kiera are talking about the reserve. Damien says they made a thing called a reserve and they created Indian agents and if they wanted to leave they had to get permission to leave. He discusses the history and he's saying they have their land and they are grateful for where they are, but there were some rights that were given away.

Damien says he's proud to tell them what happened and how they can move forward and bridge the gap of misconception and ignorance. Damien begins talking about his teammates and how they didn't know the history either. Damien says he's very proud to represent where he's from and discuss Canada's past.

Chelsea and Sam are talking and Chelsea says she's trying not to give Kiera too much reassurance, but she feels good. Sam says she wants Kiera to be super grateful. Chelsea says Sam having PoV could be great for their game but she wishes she had more to hold of Kiera's head because she does not trust her at all.

Kiera goes to talk to Chelsea and Sam and Kiera says she holds no ill feelings, she knows being nominated is part of the game and she really wants to stay. Sam wants to trust her and if Kiera will keep to her word, she'd love to work with her. Chelsea thanks Kiera for the conversation and agrees they could work together. Sam look at Chelsea and Chelsea heaves a sigh.

Kyra is in Chelsea's HoH room listening to music and Chelsea is nervous that Mark told Kiera about the plan to backdoor Kailyn. Chelsea just doesn't want Kailyn to know and Chelsea says that Damien already knows and Kyra says you told Dame? Chelsea says Adam told Damien. Kyra says they have a lot of things they are no longer saying to anyone. Chelsea says her plan is leaking out more than she wants it to and it's BS. Chelsea says it's time to start thinking about being strategic with who knows what.

We're on Day 17 and Kailyn goes to talk to Chelsea. Kailyn says Chelsea is more interested in having a perfect image rather than shake things up. Kailyn says Kyra asks if she was open to voting out Kiera. Kailyn says if she's in power next week, what's the next move. Kailyn says Kyra is an option if they are trying to get out floaters. Kailyn says if she had veto, then she would honor Chelsea's wishes. Kailyn says if Sam were to use it veto it, it would force Chelsea to get more blood on her hands. Kailyn says Chelsea's HoH will be the most forgettable of the season, she guarantees it. Chelsea says she thought Kailyn was a psychic, she should see this coming.

Sam and Chelsea are talking and Chelsea says she thinks everyone knows what's happening except Eddie and Kailyn. Chelsea will tell Kiera she was always a pawn because she doesn't want Kiera to feel like she was disposable to her. Chelsea says her and Sam are close and Kiera are Este are close. Chelsea says Sam using veto will make it clear they are working together. Chelsea says she's asked herself if this plan is messy or stupid.

Sam heads to HQ to decide if she's going to use the veto or not. Sam says their plan this week is to backdoor Kailyn. Sam says it's not about if she's going to use the veto or not, it's who she will take off the block. Sam says she thinks Damien is easily manipulated. Sam says Kiera made a deal with her but she doesn't know if she can trust her. She says she has to make a smart decision because this move is pivotal for her game.

It's time for the PoV ceremony. Damien congratulates Sam and says he's been up there two out of three times and it's been stressful. He'd appreciate it if she'd use it but he respects her decision. Kiera says she'd be eternally grateful but she respects whatever Sam decides.

Sam has decided to use the power of veto on Kiera. She says they connected early on in the house and they may not always be on the same page but how she fought in that competition shows she wants to stay. Sam hugs her and Kiera says thank you. Since Sam has vetoed one of Chelsea's choices she needs to replacement nominee.

Chelsea says her replacement nominee is Kailyn. Chelsea says her ability to lie and manipulate people is a danger to the whole house. The veto ceremony is complete. Kailyn says they are something and it's time for her to drop a bomb on this house and let these people know who they're dealing with. Chelsea says she's made her move and she knows Kailyn is going to campaign and campaign hard. She just hopes she has the votes to get her out of the house.


March 20, 2019

10:00 AM BBT All Hgs are up and have started their day. Adam is making breakfast for some of the hgs. Out by the Hot Tub they are discussing we are not allowed to hear so feeds went down Mark is trying to figure out a game they can play where the winner gets to sleep in the HOH Room; it has to do with how much pool they all play. Feeds go down at 10:02 AM BBT Feeds return to the hot tub with Dane and Momma smoking and talking about a potential battle back and that it is usually done when there are 4. Momma says when Dane needs to take his bandage off his leg that it will hurt. They both finish smoking and go back into the house. Dane heads to the washroom. Momma goes and sits with Corey with general conversation. She asks Corey if she slept well. Momma gets up to go make some tea. Dane returns from the washroom and goes to the kitchen. The guys in the kitchen are talking about their pool games. They talk about a possible Big Brother Experience where they do a bed and breakfast with fans and evict someone every hour all night long. They talk about a previous season of BB while they continue to eat breakfast.
10:15 AM BBT Mark asks Adam to finish his breakfast because he is full. Adam finishes it in one bite. Anthony gets up and goes to the sink, stretches and fills his water bottle. Adam continues to cook omlettes for the HG. Sam comes into the kitchen and looks at what Adam is cooking and says it looks like a pizza omelette. She says her stomach still hurts and asks Anthony if his still does and he says yes. She says her back is also messed up. Everyone else leaves the kitchen leaving Sam, Kyra and Adam who talks about what he puts in his omelette. Damien comes back and Kikki comes in and says it looks amazing. Sam says it looks good and that he has to make it for her sometime. He says he will next week. Kikki leaves the kitchen. In the blue bedroom Dane is going through his clothes. Back in the kitchen Kyra is loading the dishwasher, Damien is still eating and Adam continues to cook. Adam goes to ask if anyone else wants breakfast. Sam washes her mug and Adam again tells Damien what he puts in his omelette. Kikki sits at the bar eating. Adam talks about having breakfast with his grandfather and that he would walk to his house to eat. Chelsea comes down and asks if anyone has seen Mark. Sam makes tea and they ask her how many cups she drinks now. She says maybe 3 or 4. Dane says it is very sunny outside. He tells Adam how to make his slop with lots of sugar and lots of cinnamon, Damien comments about Dane’s beard growing in think they laugh. Dane says he will use the electric shaver tomorrow. Dane leaves the kitchen. Kikki asks if they will work out today. Sam says she can not imagine not working out. The boys talk about a pool tournament.
10:30 AM BBT At the pool table, Anthony and Mark are playing and Anthony says “let me tell you about angles” and he sinks the ball. Dane comes in and starts to run. Mark and Anthony talk about if they will also run. Dane stops running and the three start to talk about game. Anthony says they need Dane for the double eviction. And just when they start getting into game talk, someone sees them so they stop talking right away and Dane returns to running and Anthony starts to do pull ups.In the bathroom Kyra is talking about how they feel gender dysphoria. Talks about how they didn’t feel like a women but that they didn’t want to be a man either. Then they talk about how a friend helped to figure it out. They say that gender and secxuality is very fluid. And that labels are not meant to be restrictive or to put you in a box but that labels can grow with you. Kikki puts on her makeup and also talks about how she needed to decide. Kyra says that just because they look like a woman that doesn’t mean that’s what they identify with. Because that’s how someone looks doesn’t mean that’s what they identify with. Kyra leaves the bathroom. Kikki is alone putting on makeup. At the pool table Anthony and Mark are talking game. Anthony is talking about revealing stuff to specific HG for them to trust him. Mark says that the girls are going to wipe them out. They talk about Chelsea winning again and how she took Anthony’s advice. Mark says that the next few weeks are crucial. Anthony says that he will keep telling people the Maki story. They talk about days and when Laura left. Este comes in and they just talk pool and ask her about being in the pool tournament.She leaves and Mark tells Anthony that they are twisted individuals. Anthony says that he is really working hard on Damien to get the girls out and to do all the dirty work.
10:45 AM BBT Damien asks Anthony who is fave player is and he says Ryan. Then his least fave is Kyra. In the HOH room, Chelsea and Damien are talking and she says that the plan is the plan. She says that no one is saying who they are working with and she doesn’t know who is who and that the dynamic changes. She tells him that he is the pawn and he is not going home. She says that Kailyn is campaigning to stay in the house. She says that her plan was clear from the beginning and what the house needed. She says that Momma is trying to create a target that doesn’t exist. She says that the house doesn’t want him out and that they can go from there. Damien says he will just go about the house stating what the plan is. Chelsea says she is doing what is best for her game and for the house. She tells him to keep doing what he is doing and that the house sees that he is real. She tells him to ride it out and that she is really for someone else to be HOH. She says it’s nice to know that she is safe but that it is really early in the game and doesn’t want to make anyone mad. She says that the pace of the game can get crazy but that there needs to be time to reflect. And to be ok with the moments that are chill and let it be. She says the game is designed that way.And she still wants it to be enjoyable. She says that she assumes that Momma knows what is going to happen. She thinks it is clear what is going to happen.

11:00 AM BBT She says that every conversation will be of her curling her hair. Damien leaves the HOH telling her that he will work his way outside to get some sun. Back at the pool table, Dane, Mark and Anthony talk about back dooring Chelsea. Anthony says that Chelsea has things with everyone in the house. Production has Anthony fix his mic. Damien comes in and sits at the table with Dane. Este comes back in. In the kitchen, Adam Sam and Eddie are talking about restaurants and what they cook that is exotic. Adam is eating slop pancakes. Chelsea comes down and tastes. Adam has her taste them and she says they are so good. They talk about talking during their eviction votes and San says she wants to say hi to her family but doesn’t want to be that person. Chelsea says that during the vote you know that people are seeing it. She says her fear is voting for the wrong person so that she focuses so hard. They talk about previous seasons where wrong votes were given. Chelsea says that a battle back can not happen this year – she would really appreciate that. Sam asks Adam if he his enjoying the bed all to himself. He says that he wishes she was there. Sam says she cannot imagine the luxury of having a bed to herself. Eddie says he can not imagine. They pick on Chelsea for eating two apples. They say that Momma went into the DR. They ask if there will be a comp tomorrow for sure. Damien and Anthony are playing pool now. Sam is walking around the dining room rubbing her lower back. Adam asks Chelsea how her 25 apples are doing and she says how is his half a block of cheese and let her know when he poops in a week. They talk about the magic counter where dishes disappear then Corey talks about the video about a magic coffee table where the boyfriend puts things on the table and the girlfriend cleans it but the boyfriend thinks it’s magic when things disappear. Sam talks to Corey about Mark coming into the HN room and that he was talking in a sexually demeaning way and that she told him if he wants everyone in Canada to hate him to keep going. He later apologized to her but she says it was bad. Corey says that maybe Mark doesn’t know – Sam says he doesn’t have that awareness and that he was around the guys being macho.
11:15 AM BBT In the storage room Dane and Kikki are talking Kikki says the best idea would be to put Sam and Adam up then backdoor Chelsea. Dane says that Sam and Adam are a strong duo and that they need to win HOH. Kikki says that it would be better to get rid of Sam before Adam and that they possibly be able to work with Chelsea. Kikki says her patients are very thin. She talks about a situation with Eddie. Feeds at the pool table show Adam and Damien playing pool and Anthony sitting at the table. In the washroom, Mark and Este are talking about how they are close to half way.Este says that this house makes her do things she would normally never do. She says she is thankful for meeting a bestie. In the blue BR, Kikki and Kyra are talking. Kikki tells her about the situation with Eddie and how it made her mad. She says she had not had her 17 cups of coffee yet and that she will get over it in 10 minutes and feel bad for even saying anything. Kyra says that they are living in the house with 14 other people and that will happen. That Eddie was trying to make conversation. Kikki walks into the bathroom and then walks out. Este says that Kikki woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and that maybe today isn’t a good day to talk to her. That she is afraid to talk to her until she has had a lot of coffee. Mark talks to Este about the next comp and what they think it will be. They ask each other possible comp questions. Este gives Mark and estimate of how many balls she thinks was in the yard. She says 750. Mark says that he was thinking 775. They say that most people are not good at estimating. She explains how she came to 750.
11:30 AM BBT At the pool table Adam and Damien are talking about the vote. Adam says that people are voting to keep him. Damien says that if the girls all vote for momma then they know the girls are together. Adam says that if he gets HOH that he will not put him up again. That Damien has been on the block twice already and that it can not feel good. Damien says that he is the likeable guy in the house and that he would not be voted out. Adam says that he feels like he knows who needs to go next week and that it can not be a guy. That Chelsea, Sam and Kikki are getting too close. Damien says they need to be careful in case anyone hears them. Adam says if they keep letting this happen then a girl will win this season. Damien asks how Adam feels about Kyra? Adam says that Kyra is good with Sam and that Kyra was almost out the door and no one was really upset with it. Adam says that if Kyra goes up that there would be no blood and that would be an easy week. Adam says that he knows the girls are close with Kyra. Adam says that he knows that Sam and him would be the easiest because Momma keeps putting that in people’s head. Anthony comes in and Momma comes in. General conversation happens. Momma leaves the room. Adam says to Damien that people have told him that they will work with him to his face but then the finds out that they are telling him what he wants to hear but then he finds out that they are really wanting to get him and Sam out. He doesn’t trust them. Damien says that after this he is pretty much open because he has been up on the block 2 out of 3 times. He says that he kept his word with Maki and that should say something. Adam says the girls in the house are smart Kyra comes in. On the couches Eddie, Chelsea and Sam did some sort of workout. Outside, Kyra and Momma are smoking. They talk about how their clothes fit. Momma says she loves to hear the outside. Kyra says the world is continuing on. Momma says that she is going to go get ready for another long day. Kyra says when there are things to do that it goes faster but with nothing to do – it’s the longest day in the world. Momma says in everyday life that you do a million things and that people still say they are bored. Kyra says that it doesn’t compare to life in the house. Dane comes out.
11:45 AM BBT In the Secret Room, Sam and Chelsea are talking about Kikki not cleaning up the counter and how that bothers Sam. Chelsea tells Sam that they should let the Kikki, Dane and Este thing keep going to make them a bigger target. Chelsea tells her not to say anything to Adam because he will get paranoid. Chelsea says that if they cover their basis, not making deals and keeping calm that they will survive longer in the house. Sam says that Adam is all worried because he heard from Anthony that Damien is coming for him. Chelsea says that Adam is worried about the girls going after the guys. Sam agrees. Chelsea says that is how people become bigger targets because they talk, get paranoid, seek reassurance, become bigger targets. She says that the Dane, Kikki and Este thing will become a bigger target. Sam says that Dane is thinking into jury and that it is way too early to think that way. They say that Este is the brains of them. Kyra comes in. They ask about Este and Adam. Chelsea says that the game will change and people will become more obvious on who they are working with and that they just need to let the game play. Kyra says that they have been chill in the game. Chelsea says that Adam is paranoid because his name has been thrown out there. Sam says that Adam isn’t good at adapting. They look at the documents on the table.
12:00 PM BBT In the Secret Room Sam Kyra and Chelsea are trying to figure out clues in the secret room. Kyra says What she thinks will happen is that they will be given their security codes during a comp but not be told. Chelsea repeats all the things they think are clues she also says she thinks this twist is going to go on for a long time. Sam says She feels that the people who are saying they are over this room but maybe doing the same thing that they are doing. They are now trying to decide how they can talk to Adam without him getting upset. Kyra thinks that them and Chelsea will talk to him. Chelsea says All this downtime makes people want to make deals. Chelsea asks Why is Kikki being so weird? Kyra says I think it has to do with Mark. Chelsea says Well just let it happen. Out in the Red Bedroom Kailyn is telling Mark that she found a newspaper in the Secret Room and it was so nice to read it. Mark tells her that Him and Kikki found a POT Magazine with Justin in it. Mark leaves and Kailyn goes over her speech for tomorrow. Out by the Hot Tub area some of the hgs are grabbing some sun because they feel the backyard will be locked down soon. The camera goes back to the Secret Room Where Kyra Sam and Chelsea are still discussing how they will be able to ring in Adam again. Kyra says If Kikki or Este win HOH I am worried. Sam says to Them that we have to win. WE HAVE TO WIN!!! Sam says Dane is going to go for the HOH hard. Chelsea thinks if Dane wins he will put you two up. Sam thinks Dane will try to back door her or Chelsea Kyra tells them Well I won’t campaign against you guys. Chelsea says Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. Kyra says if I win HOH I will put up Mark and Dane. Chelsea thinks the comp maybe a long physical one. As we take a minute to check in with Kailyn we still see her going over her speech for tomorrow night.

12:15 PM BBT Kyra says We need to get the target off of you and Adam and me and put it on Dane Kikki and Este. Chelsea says Calm down and let the game happen around you, and know that you are safe. Sam thinks that they won’t put her on the block they will try to backdoor her. Kyra says if We win HOH you two have to reenact the Notebook and make out. Chelsea has left the room Sam says she has to go to the washroom really bad. Out in the Hot Tub area the conversation is on phone pranks to play on people. Mark is saying he is going to try out for BB US next. He has dual citizenship so he can. Dane says He doesn’t think people in the states are not as into BB Canada as we are BB US so you may not have to worry Mark if you try out. Chelsea and Kyra are in the SR getting things to prepare for lunch. Kyra tells Chelsea she knows she teases them because she loves them. Kyra says They wish that people would clean up after themselves. Kyra says Dane told them that he was awake for awhile last night I think he was telling me that he was awake when I came in. Kyra says I think you would cry if I left. Chelsea says Yea just so you would feel good. Back out by the Hot Tub area the conversation is still on general topics. Mark says I like to take days off that end in y. Este says She wants to go horseback riding.
12:30 PM BBT The conversation now goes to movies that they all liked. Looks like Anthony and Eddie are grabbing 40 winks. Big Brother has called them out for talking about brand names. Dane says We are getting called out a lot today. Mark says his favorite line was Be prepared to get f**Ked by the law. Dane says yea that was funny. He asked Este if she ever watched ON Drugs. They are trying to discuss movies without giving the names. The conversation now goes to travelling to different cities in the States. In the kitchen Kyra is cleaning and Chelsea is talking to her about how people want to be seen on television. Kyra tells her that they think she is one of the most liked people here. Chelsea says I want to have fun. Chelsea goes on to say Yes floating is a strategy but I want people who have played the game to win. She tells Kyra she wants her to win HOH next week so she can go around the house pretending to be a summer camp. Kyra tells her that she can come into her room anytime to look at her pictures of her nieces and nephews. Kyra says that they hope them come out of the house without a tarnished rep. They tell her that they like to surround themselves with positive people. Este Eddie Kikki Sam have all come into the kitchen. Kyra says Look how shiny the counter is.
12:45 PM BBT Este is telling Chelsea her plans for the summer. The plans are to travel to Hawaii for 2 months then maybe Bali. She says She wants to do farm to stay. Chelsea says I have to go back to work maybe because I left the show I worked for. She says I have to wait and see. Este says Maybe take a month off and go somewhere. Sam says to Adam Let people do what they are going to do and they will make themselves bigger targets. The conversation goes to who they would like to see from BB US 20. Sam says She would like to see Faysal Este says Tyler and they both say Kaycee. They are all thinking of going back outside as it is so nice out. Anthony and Eddie have come inside and are sitting in the little nook off of the living room. Eddie asks Anthony what his middle name is Anthony says Tyrrel but says it doesn’t mean anything. Eddie says My chinese name is Liangyu Lyn which means Brightens the universe. If I go back to China my last name would go first so I would be called Lyn Liangyu. Eddie tells him that when he picked his English name he needed to know the meaning. Anthony asks him if he wants children. Eddie says not for the next 5 years because I am still a child myself. Cory stops by saying she worked out and now wants to run.
1:00 PM BBT Anthony says He is ready for kids marriage and a house and dog. The conversation stops as Cory and Kyra stopped by. Out by the Hot Tub most of the hgs are enjoying the sun. In the Secret Room Kikki is reading a document and feeds cut. Cory is trying to convince Anthony and Eddie to work out with her. Anthony says If you get the ball in I will do 50 push ups if you miss you do 5 more. Feeds go down at 1:01 PM BBT the feeds come back at 1:02 PM BBT apparently Cory missed. Cory is going to try and get the ball in the cup one more time. Cory finally sinks the paper ball in the cup. Outside by the hot tub most of the hgs are enjoying the sun. Chelsea starts telling a story to amuse them all. The story all rhymes The conversation now goes to chores they had when feeds were down. Making up poems about the words they don’t like and drawing pictures. Big Brother tells them to stop talking about production.
1:15 PM BBT Adam says he would like to see how people see us. He says they may hate us. There is not much conversation so we will travel inside where Eddie has disappeared and Kailyn has joined them. Cory says She needs to run but doesn’t really feel like it. Anthony says Well wait and we will do it together. She says No because I want to have a shower than I will be done. Cory has finally started her run. Cory has finished her run and is now relaxing. Mark just broke the wooden chopping board. Mark gets called out for having is sunglasses on. Kikki and Este are trying to figure out what they should eat. Mark and Kailyn are preparing some type of drink with oranges and ice and carrots.
1:30 PM BBT Back out by the hot tub the conversation is still on general topics. The conversation now goes to Adam’s farts at night. Chelsea says Did the 3 of them sleep together all night. Cory says Well Dane liked it because you know he has a penis and 2 women. They are talking about Este and Kikki. Sam asks if Cory could sleep while they were talking. She tells her yes because she was super tired . In the washroom Dane and Damien are talking about someone who is pulling in people to her side Dane gets called out for cutting his own hair. Eddie comes out of the stall and Dane asks him if he is going outside. Eddie says he thinks Momma wants us in the Red Room. In the Red Bedroom Dane, Eddie, Damien, Cory Kikki and Este, Mark and Anthony. Kailyn is telling them that she did not make a final deal with Adam. She tells Cory she warned her she was a target. She tells Kikki I told you what to say to get yourself off the block even tho I knew I may grow up. She is telling them about her life and names she had been called. She is campaigning but in a way that is using her age and her color as a strategy. She says she is a strong person. She is now talking about her youngest child. She talks about him wanting to kill himself every day and she feels she is needed there with him and feeds go down.
1:45 PM BBT Feeds come back after Kailyn has finished her speech All the hgs give her hugs and thank her for sharing. Kailyn leaves the room with Este saying she is a tough tough woman. Kailyn has gone into the washroom to compose herself. Cory says to her That was deep man. They hug each other while both are shedding tears. Outside Dane and Adam are talking about the fact that the girls are running the game. Dane says The target has shifted off of you and onto Sam and Chelsea. Adam asks Dane if he won if he would put one of them up. Dane says No but I might backdoor them. Adam tells him that Anthony told him that you have to use Sam. Dane said When Chelsea and Sam went in to find out what was going on. Anthony says Every single person from that room is now thinking Sam and Chelsea. Anthony says We have the house. They are telling him not to blow up to go workout let them blow up. Dane says She talked about her life and told us she knows she going home. She campaigned to all of us. Adam asks What she said about me. Anthony says She told everyone in that room that Sam and Chelsea are running this house.
2:00 PM BBT Anthony says that Sam and Chelsea is running around the house shaking. He tells Adam we can still use them. Anthony said it depends on the competition we can’t talk but we can do eye contact. He said it is all perfect because now we can use them to our advantage. Adam asks are we still getting rid of Kailyn. He said yeah because now we can have Damien on our side. They leave out the hot tub area. Adam asks Este if she is ok looks as though she was crying. Damien and Kailyn are playing pool. Kailyn leaves out then Adam comes over to the pool table to play. Adam tells him that he has an idea what the whole conversation was about. Adam asks Damien if he wants to meet up with the boys he tells him yeah. Kailyn comes back to the pool table. Adam asks Damien if he was the target in the conversations. Damien says pretty much what you are thinking. He said the targets of Sam and Chelsea. He says same thing as before she just gave us the same back story. Adam tells him we should have listened the first week. He says but I didn’t expect to meet a girl that I like. They are still playing pool.
2:15 PM BBT Sam, Chelsea, and Kyra are in the HOH room. Sam tells them we watch and monitor what we say to Adam. Sam said she just should have left the noms the same. Chelsea said that she is sorry. Sam tells her that I am probably going to go home because of it. Sam said that it seems like they are working together and we are going to be the ones going home. Sam says things happen fast wan who knows what is going to happen. Sam says that Adam has had me and you since Day 1. Kyra said that must be why Dane was willing to keep me. Chelsea said we need to play dumb and let them think they are still playing us. Chelsea said we are going to get rid of the guys. They said and Kikki, Kailyn, and Este are probably in on it to. They think someone is going to throw the comp because they don’t want to win. Sam said yeah Adam defends Dane all the time. Kyra said he says he is a big fan of the show and i was wondering why he was being so stupid. Chelsea said yeah I think their goal is to get all the girls out the house. Kyra said I think she was trying to get sympathy. Adam says I think we gotta win or they are all going after us. Kyra asks was she naming our names. Adam said well she was more sharing about her life. Chelsea said that now I look like a big asshole because I backdoored someone who has a story. Kyra asks Adam did you talk to Dane. He said Dane said we need to chill out. Adam said it’s not nothing we did not already knew. He said she was just trying to tell people her story not trying to campaign. Chelsea said I would like to know what was said so that I can defend myself. Adam said it is not nothing new. Sam said yeah I am just going to act the same as I did before. Adam said that is the best thing to do. Adam said we have to win. Sam said yeah we have to win so that none of us go home. Adam said if I win the Este and Kikki are going on the block and I am going to call them two faced and don’t care who goes home. Chelsea asks who do you think Dane would put up he said the same two. Sam says I love this game. Adam says that Damien stated that everything that was said in the room everyone already knows. Sam said yeah that they us what they want to hear. Adam said just watch what you say and don’t ask to many questions. Adam said I want to blow up and freak out right now but I know I can’t.

2:30 PM BBT Downstairs Damien and Mark are talking. Mark says that the feeling you get when you know something is wrong that is how I felt when she was telling me the story about her son. Mark said it was a very serious conversation. Damien said that I show my affections on the outside. I will cry but I know a lot of people who do not. He tells about his cousin. Mark begins to tell a story and the feeds go down at 2:35 PM BBT they come back up at 2:39 PM BBT. Dane tells him thank you for sharing your story with me. Damien tells him I know you are genuine and that you think so much. Mark says it does not make good TV unless you raise your voice. Eddie and Kailyn are outside in the hot tub area and he tells her that Chelsea was trying to listen to the conversation that Kailyn was having with the rest of the houseguest. Dane said that now all of a sudden Sam is wanting to talk with Corey. Eddie asks if any of her kids at home she says yeah and my husband is taking care of them by himself.
1:45 PM BBT Kailyn said yeah my daughter just got her driver’s license before she left and she now has a boyfriend and my husband has to tell with.Dane said that it seems like race is not a big factor at your home. Kailyn said that my main thing is that you can’t tell me one thing in private and another in public. Corey and Kyra are in the bathroom getting ready for tonight. Corey said I am not an emotional persons however I feel others emotions. Corey said that being a teacher i have to be emotional. Corey is now by herself. In the kitchen Este, Kikki, Eddie, Kailyn, and Mark are sitting around talking about food. Kailyn asks Mark if he wants to play pool. Kailyn goes out to set up the pool balls. Kailyn tells Mark thank you for jumping up and hugging me first.. He tells her thank you for sharing your story. Kikki and Chelsea are talking. Kikki said she was just telling her story so that Canada would know, but she is still going home. Chelsea said I can’t defend myself because I don’t know what she said about me. Dane comes by and tells her calm down. Chelsea said she is worried now that Canada thinks that I am a horrible person. Kikki said no I think they are going to think that you are playing your game. Chelsea says it is hard being HOH because you have to end someone’s game.
3:00 PM BBT Kikki said well we empathize with her but we are still voting her out. Mark, Dane, and Kailyn are setting up a new game of pool. Dane gets two solids in. Dane tells Kailyn that she is getting cocky. Kailyn said that is was so funny when he came and crawled in bed with her. Kyra comes out by them and then heads back inside. Anthony and Damien head out to the couches. Anthony tells Damien that Kyra asks him  about his sexuality and started explaining the whole nonbinary thing. 3:06 PM BBT feeds go down. They come back up 3;10 PM BBT Chelsea and Mark are in the storage room and he is explaining to her that it was a sad story and it did not have anything to do with her. Chelsea said that it is hard to deal with not knowing what was said. Mark said that it is not going to change the votes tomorrow. Chelsea tells Adam thank you for saving me some coffee. Feeds run to Kailyn and Eddie playing pool while you can hear Damien and Anthony talking about you can’t start a man hating group. Kailyn said that Chelsea and Sam are going crazy because they were not part of the group. Mark walks out to the hot tub area. Este, Dane, and Kikki are talking. Este says this is where all the towels are going. Dane says this is all Sam towels. 
3:15 PM BBT Dane and Kikki are saying that they need to get Sam out next week. She is not doing anything are having anything to do with anyone but Adam. Dane, Este, and Kikki said they need to start studying. Dane said I never study. They are talking about the Have Not room and how creepy it is. They ask if Canada gets the Zingbot he says no that is only in America. Kikki said I thought it was funny that Kyra came to me today and wanted to borrow my shirt and was trying to get information regarding about what Kailyn was talking about. She said I didn’t have any idea that we were going to backdoor Kailyn. Dane said I told her that your name was never mentioned. Kikki said we need to win this. Dane said if I win Sam is going home. She said that you don’t like Sam very much he said well I think she is a very nice girl but not for this game. Kikki said I was wondering if Adam was throwing this game and I said if he was I was going to cuddle up to him and Sam had fire coming from her. Dane said that Anthony said if Eddie comes up to him one more time i am going to tell it all. Dane said Eddie goes to whoever has the power. 
3:30 PM BBT In the kitchen area Adam, Sam, and Kailyn are talking. They are talking about something being confiscated when they were all on slop. Anthony and Damien come into the kitchen and they are trying to decide what they are going to cook. They said they are going to puree the slop and try to make it into slop. Mark and Corey are sitting in the hot tub area. Corey is saying that by being in the house it is relationship building.Corey said being in the house is like dating someone for 2 months in 2 days. Feeds cut to Kailyn in the secret room. She is telling Eddie that Sam is wanting her to stay and that her speech is really going to embarrass me, ,she said she told her well all I know is how to give powerful speeches. Kailyn said that is why I didn’t invite them in when we had our meeting so that it raises anxiety. Eddie said I don’t think I can get Este and Kikki. Kailyn said I talked to Dane and he asked me who are my numbers. Eddie said did  you see how Anthony walked out she said yeah because he wanted to speak to me privately. Kailyn said that not everyone had a built in relationship with Maki. Eddie said Kikki asks me yesterday Eddie where have you been. He said I told her I have been here. Eddie said that Kikki has been ignoring me until she needed me. He said she is very hypocritical. Eddie says I know we are playing a game but still you only comes to me when they are on the block. Kailyn said well they think they have Dane but he is on the bottom and he will be the first to go. Kailyn said that Dane wants Sam to go. Kailyn said that Adam needs to go because Sam looks up to Adam and if Sam goes Adam will just go find another girl to go after. 
3:45 PM BBT Eddie says he can’t beat Adam and Sam if he is out of the house. Eddie opens the door to see if anyone was listening.  Dane and Este start talking about how close everyone is to them. They are talking about taking a road trip. In the storage room Adam and Sam are looking for things to cook. Kyra is in the HOH room with Chelsea. Chelsea said lets go where we can see. Kyra tells Chelsea about the conversation between Kyra and Dane. Kyra tells Chelsea that Kailyn did not say her name however that Chelsea, Sam, and Adam were mentioned and that Kyra is now a free agent and can turn away from them. Kyra then tells her that they are going to try and backdoor, Sam, Chelsea, and Adam. So don’t get comfortable if they don’t call your name. Kyra tells her do not act paranoid Chelsea says I am not acting paranoid I am acting sad that I put her on the block. Chelsea said I felt so confident going into next week but now I am a target. Chelsea says so they are a target because Sam and Adam are a showmance and me because I am smart? Chelsea is trying to figure out who is playing everyone she said it must be Anthony, Adam, and Mark. Chelsea said I should not have said anything because I have talked to Adam about everything regarding Dane. Kyra said I have to win HOH this next week. Chelsea said knowing this we can use it towards our favor. Chelsea says I am playing it up a little bit so that I can look human. Kyra said it is good because now we know who we can and can’t trust. Chelsea said so if Dane wins who is he going to put up. Me and you. Chelsea said that this season is amazing. Kyra said Dane told me that I have his back and he has mine. Chelsea says I am going to just play dumb. Chelsea said I am now trying to figure out how to talk with Kailyn knowing she is going home. .Chelsea said I am tired of getting played. Chelsea said if the girls win we need to say hey this is what is going on and how can we change it. Kyra said well this something that we are going to have to figure out. Chelsea said well everyone is lying. Chelsea said it is easier to be Eddie and oblivious and float to the end. Chelsea said well we need 3 more people gone after Kailyn then it is jury. Kyra asks Chelsea if Mark knew that Kyra knew about the backdoor.

6:00 PM BBT Dane and Kailyn are having a smoke outside. Corey is in the hottub. Same is telling her about the airport in kelowna buying up property to expand. Dane asked her if she would like to visit. She said that she would. Dane asked them if they wanted anything. Kailyn and Corey said no. Dane went back inside. Corey asked Kailyn what she thinks Dane would do if he won HOH again. Kailyn said he would do what was easy. She said that he wants the title, but not the responsibility. Corey said that it wasn’t in him to throw a comp. Corey then said that it will be an interesting week. Kailyn agreed that it would be. She told Corey that she liked her headband. Corey said that she brought them for sweat because it was so warm in the house. Kailyn said that she was told that she was going to say things on thursday. Kailyn said that nobody knows what she is planning to say on thursday. Anthony came in. Corey asked him if he won the game of pool. Anthony said no that they cheated him off the table. Corey said that when she gets out, she wants a coffee. Mark and Kiki are sitting in front of the fishtank. Mark was telling her about getting tested to see if he was a sociopath. BB told him to stop talking in code. Mark told Kiki that he had feelings but he doesn’t cry. He said that he was never much of a crier. Chelsea is sitting on the sofa watching Adam and Sam run laps in the house. Chelsea goes to the washroom with Eddie and starts to style his hair.
6:15 PM BBT Chelsea uses a crimper on Eddie’s hair. He told her not to burn his hair. He said he has seen videos of girls burning their hair with crimpers. In the blue room, Dane is sorting through his clothes. Kyra came in looking for a pair of sunglasses. Dane said that they were downstairs. Adam and Sam are in the pantry making a shake. Sam said that none of the girls were working out as hard as her. Then she said maybe Corey. Adam said that Sam works it way harder than Corey. Back in the washroom, Eddie said that he would like to wear pj’s somewhere that everyone else is dressed in formal. Chelsea said that she hopes that Eddie’s plans for tonight turn out.
6:30 PM BBT Adam and Sam go to the washroom to see what Chelsea did to Eddie’s hair. They both said that they loved it. Eddie and Chelsea leave the washroom. Adam gets ready to take a shower. Este and Kiki get called to the DR room. Adam gets in the shower and motions Sam to follow him. Feeds for that camer go down. Out in the yard, Corey, Mark, Damien, Anthony and Kailyn are hanging out. Mark is sitting on the side of the hottub. Mark asked them how much they think he weighs. Anthony said about 180lbs. Mark said 185. Mark joked about putting a graveyard into his gps so he could hear the voice say you have arrived at your final destination. Corey asked him how many people were watching them on the live feeds..Mark said 3 or 4 hundred thousand. Corey said that it wasn’t that many. She said that she had to keep reminding herself about people watching. They start to talk about favorite rappers and BB told them to stop talking about brand names. Anthony got up tp make coffee. Corey asked him if he was bringing some out there. She then said that she would come in a few minutes. Kailyn asked if it would be hard on her skin to get in the hottub again. Damien said that he wished he was at a rink. Mark asked Corey if she won HOH, what music would be on her ipod.
6:45 PM BBT Corey said that she couldn’t say but old and new and all genres except country. BB said to please wake up, naptime is over. Corey said that she was going to go in to warm up and to have coffee. She said that she would be back when everyone comes out to soak. Damien lies on the couch beside Kailyn. Kailyn asked Mark if he could sing. Mark said that he does karaoke but that he couldn’t hold a tune. Mark said that the temp of the water was 98 when yesterday it was 105. Mark said that he would love a hot tub. He said that he would put it in his living room because he didn’t have a backyard. Corey came in and handed a coffee to Kailyn. Damien asked her to pass him a jacket and Mark gets into the hot tub. In the living room, Dane, Chelsea, Sam and Anthony are hanging out. Kyra asked if any of them wanted to act out a movie. Sam said that she just worked out and Chelsea said that they didn’t have to perform for Kyra. Corey came in and so did Dane, Este and Kiki. Este had a camera and started to take photos of the HGS. Kyra said that they should wear other people’s outfits and impersonate them. Kiki asked Este to take a picture of her on the landing from downstairs. Este said that she would take it upstairs to get a view of the eye. Kiki asked Dane to come up and get prom photos. Este has them do different poses. She asked them if they wanted to see the photos. Kiki joked that they were her wedding photos.
7:00 PM BBT – 8:00 PM BBT feeds are down for the show.
8:00 PM BBT Eddie, Damien, Kailyn, Adam and Dane are all sitting in the hot tub area Kailyn is talking about hr two boys and how they are easier then girls and says that girls are more work and have to go through things growing up that boys don’t, she continues saying that when she left to come on the show, she told the that she was going away for “training” for a little while but she says it’s cool because she watches the show with them all the time. Dane says that’s cool because they’ll get to watch her on TV. Chelsea come outside and asks how everyone is, Dane says, “Good but it’s been a fucking long day.” Chelsea says it definitely feels like it, and asks what’s going on outside, Kailyn says, chillin and everyone says they’ve been outside for what feels like forever. Chelsea tells Kailyn when she comes inside to come and find her sand Kailyn says she will. Chelsea goes back inside.
8:15 PM BBT Dane is in the kitchen with Este, Kyra, and Chelsea. Este and Chelsea are making dinner and Kyra and Dane are discussing Dane’s eye color. Kyra says they can’t tell if they’re blue or green and este says she thinks green, but Chelsea says hers adapt from blue to green back and forth and she thinks Dane’s are probably the same way. Feeds cut to the Blue bedroom where Anthony and Dane are discussing Kailyn’s probable eviction tomorrow. Anthony says Chelsea was worried about her decision to backdoor Kailyn. Anthony says just yesterday Chelsea was screaming that she, (Kailyn) needed to go and now she’s questioning her move. Dane says he doesn’t think he can trust Chelsea and the conversations he’s had with her this week didn’t change anything, but instead confirmed what he has to do.
8:30 PM BBT Feeds cut to the hot tub are outside where Kiki and Eddie are talking game. Kiki is very worried about her future in the house, and Eddie reminds her that last week she was saying “Canada let’s do something with this house.” Kiki tells him that now that she has been on the block things are different, and it will be so much easier for people like her and Damien to just go back up on the block because they have already been up, they’re both quiet for a brief moment before Kiki breaks the silence saying, “I want to be in power.” Eddie says he knows and he wants to be in power too. Kiki says it’s not smart for her personally to do or say anything because it’s another thing the other side of the house can use against her and say that they took her off the block and now she’s running around saying things. Upstairs Este tells Chelsea that she never thought she had any kind of food sensitivity until now and she thinks she’s sensitive to mushrooms. Chelsea tells her to ease off them for a few days and Este jokes that Chelsea will eat them all in one day if she does. Este goes back downstairs and Kyra comes and sits on the couch next to Chelsea.
8:45 PM BBT Chelsea and Kailyn are in the HOH room. Kailyn says that Chelsea said when she out her on the block that it was just a game move and nothing personal, but Chelsea made it personal and “attacked her integrity and that makes it personal” Kailyn continues by saying that to look at someone and say, “You’re a liar, you’re a manipulator” is a personal attack” and says that by saying those things, Chelsea made it personal so she’s trying to give her her space because she doesn’t respect that. Chelsea says ok. Kailyn says that she does respect the fact that they can have this conversation they’re having but what she can’t respect is that in front of the group she says one thing, but one on one it’s another thing, and that’s not being honest and truthful. Kailyn continues the conversation saying that going forward she suggests that that’s something Chelsea should, “Take a look at because people are going to start waking up to that.” Chelsea says ok and she can definitely see that. Kailyn says she does appreciate chelsea sitting her down and having this conversation with her. Chelsea says, “and that’s a fair response and she accepts it and she gets it.” Kailyn says, “Cool cool” and leaves the HOH room. After Kailyn leaves Chelsea alone in HOH says, “Ok well I guess this game never stops.”
9:00 PM BBT Anthony and Adam are upstair in the HOH room playing catch with Chelsea’s stuffed cat. Anthony says Kailyn’s speech tomorrow night will probably be something deep. Adam says he likes Momma Kailyn and she’s nice but…Anthony says, “can’t risk you man” and Adam says, “I don’t know why she hates me, she doesn’t hate me as a person because on night number 2 we were standing at the pool table and we had the Grand Prairie thing and we always talked about Grand Prairie and we had snacks from the pantry and chat every night about the game and how wanted to work together but I never, but I never really agreed to it. I would just throw stuff out there about getting past the next few weeks and said we could work together, but then all of a sudden me and Sam started clicking and everything changed. Adam then says he even started praying with her and Dane and did that for 3 nights and then Kailyn would come in a room where Adam and Dane were and ask Dane to go pray and never said Adam so he took it as she didn’t want to pray with him anymore. Chelsea and Sam join Adam and Anthony in the HOH room. Anthony says, “Good morning” and Chelsea and Sam yell, “Good Morning houseguests time to wake up.” Anthony says that announcement is the most annoying thing ever. Sam asks Adam if he wants tea, and they end up sharing hers. Adam asks Chelsea, “You just talked to her (Kailyn) here?” Chelsea says yes Adam asks her how it went and Chelsea says not good at all. Anthony asks if chelsea thinks Kailyn will have a big speech tomorrow, Chelsea says, “Ooooooohhhhh Yeah!”
9:15 PM BBT Dane, Este, and Kiki are talking in the bathroom Kiki is filling the others in on her conversation with Eddie from earlier. All three seem to agree they need to keep him for numbers, but Kiki mentions something about her attacking her character. Dane says that while they have Eddie, Damien, and Momma Kailyn on their side, they really have no idea what’s really going on in Eddie’s head. Este says eddie doesn’t really know much of anything about the game and he pointed that out to her earlier after Kiki came back inside earlier. Este tells Dane that Eddie told her he thinks she and Kiki are being too, “careful with him as in not telling him anything.” Dane says of course they’re not telling him anything. Este says yeah but she feels really bad because if she were Eddie she would also be freaking out. Dane says “oh yeah of course” Este says she gets frustrated when Kiki gets annoyed with him and gets up and leaves. Dane says it’s wrong of Eddie to say Kiki did nothing all week when she was on the block all week. Este says she feels bad.
9:30 PM BBT In the red Bedroom, Kailyn is talking to Eddie and Damien about her conversation with Chelsea from earlier. Kailyn says they’ve all seen how Chelsea is when she’s at the top and how she conducts herself, and now it’s time to see how she is when she’s at the bottom. In the kitchen, Dane, Este, and Kiki are making dinner for tonight and Mark is sitting at the counter watching them. Este is using a variety of spices in her cooking. Kyra says no one is outside right now and she was out there earlier. Dane and Corey join everyone in the kitchen and they are talking about what they don’t like to clean around the house. Kyra joins everyone in the kitchen and asks if they can help with anything. Este says she’s all set. Dinner is just about done and Este is starting to put food in a bowl for everyone to serve themselves and tells Kiki she’ll avoid the mushrooms at the top. Kyra asks Kiki if she doesn’t like mushrooms and Kiki says they’re gross. Este says she’s trying to see if it’s mushrooms or dairy making her gassy but says she doesn’t know.
9:45 PM BBT Corey, Anthony, Sam, Adam, and Chelsea are outside in the hot tub area playing a guessing game. They are each going around and choosing something either in the room or outside of the room, giving a letter count and a one word clue, more clues if it’s something outside of the room and everyone else has to guess what they’re thinking of. Corey takes her turn and picks something in the room, more than one, 6 letters long everyone is guessing wrong so far. Chelsea ask for a letter in the word and Corey says it starts with S, and normally when people name it it’s two words and the word she’s looking for is the second word and it has to do with footwear Chelsea says shoelaces before and Corey says not laces but…and Chelsea guesses correctly with shoe strings. Chelsea is up next and says 7 letter word, hint is sleep, it’s in the room and there are 2 E’s in it and the word starts with E and there’s also a Y Sam guesses correctly with eye mask.

Summary Tuesday, March 19th

March 19, 2019

Summary Tuesday, March 19th

9:00-10:00 AM: Anthony let Adam know that Damien plans to put him on the block. Adam said he figured that. Anthony said it’s confirmed. Anthony suggested that everyone but Adam could pull Damien in in order to convince him that Adam is not a target. If he isn’t on board, Anthony said that Damien will have to go next. Dane then spoke to Anthony, telling him that Sam told Chelsea and Kiera she knows that she will have to get Adam out at some point. Adam then spoke to Anthony again, saying that he and Chelsea knew that Damien would come after them for putting him up. Adam asked if they should vote Damien out. Anthony said they will have to catch a vibe after the next couple of days. Adam pointed out that Kailyn could come after them too. Anthony said it’s not set in stone. Adam let Anthony know that Chelsea would like to make an alliance with the two of them, Dane, Mark, Cory and Sam. Adam headed up to the HoH room to talk to Chelsea and Sam about what Anthony had said. Chelsea and Sam agreed that Damien would be easier to sway than Kailyn would be. Adam said he still wants to get Kailyn out.


10:00-11:00 AM: Out by the hot tub, Anthony told Dane that they cannot be telling Adam anything right away. Dane pointed out that Adam went straight to Chelsea. Dane said everyone he has talked to is gunning for Adam and Sam. Dane thinks that they will have the numbers to save Adam even if that happens. Later, Dane told Adam they have to realize that they have the numbers to stay if they go on the block. Adam questioned if he would really have the numbers over someone like Chelsea. Dane brought up that they would have three votes from the Pretty Boys alone. Adam clarified that he went to Chelsea with the information that Damien is coming after them only because he and Anthony had agreed that it would be best to do so, but Anthony then questioned him about it afterwards. Adam figured that Anthony was worried because Kyra was in the room. Dane said they could play it safe next week by nominating Cory next to Kyra. Adam talked about putting Damien up since he has said his name. Adam suggested that they could meet with the seven later.


1:00-2:00 PM: Kiera told Dane about Kyra grabbing her face and trying to make out with her last night. Kiera said she dodged it. Kiera said Kyra came up to her today to say that they did it cause she said she wanted to make out with everyone. Kiera denied having said that. She mentioned that Kyra lives in their own little world sometimes.


2:00-3:00 PM: Sam told Chelsea she really thinks that Kailyn is going to go this week. Chelsea said she feels confident that Kailyn will go. She mentioned that people have to entertain her campaign though. They discussed that people will outwardly lie rather than tell someone to their face that they are going home. Dane joined the girls. He said he heard whispers of a group of seven getting together later today. He said he doesn’t know who the seven are but it is a solid numbers. Chelsea added that there is safety in numbers. Feeds went down at 2:48.


5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:49. Eddie let Chelsea know that his target is currently Kyra. However, he said he would be open to not targeting them if he heard a reason strong enough not to. Chelsea said she doesn’t feel that Kyra is a threat to his game, so it might be best to target someone bigger. Eddie said he thought that Kyra was coming after him, but he will apologize if that’s not the case. Chelsea said Kyra would be smart to target someone other than Eddie.


6:00-7:00 PM: Sam told Damien that Kailyn’s campaign is basically that she is gunning for her and Adam if she stays. Sam figured that Kailyn is putting that in Damien’s head as well. Damien explained that he wouldn’t want to be associated with that since it would put a target on his back. Sam said people don’t see her a Damien communicating, so it would be cool if he were to come to her if he wants to. Sam let Damien know that he is not on her radar. She clarified that while she is being associated with Adam, there is a difference between game and what might happen on the outside between them. Anthony spoke to the Pretty Boys about meeting up tonight. Once he left, Adam and Mark discussed that it is likely about keeping Kailyn around because that would be good for his personal game. Adam said he is not going to go against Chelsea. Mark agreed. In the storage room, Este spoke to Mark about being too quiet. Mark said he will do his best to be better. Este said she still has his back since she believes him about wanting to be together as a four with Dane and Kiera, but she questions if she is being stupid when he is so quiet. Mark understood. He said he thinks that he needs to talk to Kiera as well.


7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony told Mark that Kiera walked in on Chelsea, Kyra and Sam plotting about getting Adam out. Kailyn broke up the conversation. She mentioned that she planned to take it easy today, then she will speak to everyone that she needs to tomorrow before making her speech and dropping the mic on Thursday. Meanwhile, Dane asked Kiera if she swears she heard Sam talking about cutting Adam last night. Kiera said yeah but she doesn’t know if Sam was being serious. Dane said he is waiting for the right time to tell Adam. Este said they can bring it up to him if they get HoH, so that Adam is not pissed off if they go after Sam.


8:00-9:00 PM: Dane and Mark discussed that they are in big time trouble if Sam doesn’t leave next week. Mark said Adam came to him to say that they have to get Kailyn out, so there trump card could be that they got Maki out for him last week and Kailyn out for him this week, so Sam has to go next week. Up in the HoH room, Kyra told Chelsea they would rather that she doesn’t put negative things about them out there to other people even if it is to cover up that they are close. Chelsea said she hasn’t been putting negative things out there. Chelsea clarified that they just need to make it seem like it’s not a close game relationship. Once Kyra was called to the diary room, Chelsea spoke to Sam. Chelsea said she picked Cory’s brain about making an alliance of seven, and Cory is on board. Chelsea commented that she will be screwed if Kyra finds out about the alliance. Chelsea brought up that she cannot work with Kyra since they drive the house crazy and everyone wants to get rid of them. In the archive room, Anthony told Adam that Sam is already plotting against him. Anthony said Chelsea and Sam sat down with Este and Kiera to talk about sticking together, so they must have talked about taking the guys out. When Adam asked how Anthony knows about that, Anthony explained that Kiera went to Dane with the information.


9:00-10:00 PM: In the have-not room, Anthony told Mark that Sam is playing recklessly since she feels as though she is in power. Anthony said Sam will feel that she has to stick with Adam if they take away one of her main chess pieces. For that reason, Anthony said Chelsea has got to go next. Mark agreed and said he had thought it but didn’t want to bring it up. Adam and Sam discussed the distance between them today. Sam reassured Adam that she cares for him no matter what. Adam said he cares about her to. He questioned Sam about whether or not people have approached her about him. Sam said nobody is that stupid. When Adam kept pushing, Sam swore on her father. Sam told Adam that he is getting paranoid since his name was brought up for the first time today, referring to Anthony saying that Damien would nominate Adam.

Live Feed Updates Tuesday, March 19th

March 19, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Anthony and Adam are talking in the SR about the fact that Damien is telling the others if they keep him in the house he will go after Adam. Anthony says It isn’t set in stone that we are putting Momma K out because if Damien is throwing your name out he has to go. Anthony says He is going to talk to both Momma K and Damien today. Adam says if he stays and is going after me then my plan will be to backdoor him. I am not going to put him on the block so he could possible take himself off. Adam leaves and him and Kyra are making breakfast for everyone as the house punishment is over. Anthony and Adam are continuing the conversation about possibile sending Damien home and then getting rid of Kailyn next week. Anthony says If you do get on the block we will get you down but the best thing is that you don’t hit the block. Momma K asks Anthony how it slept. He says good. Adam asks her how she slept. She says good. Most of the hgs are enjoying their breakfast after being on slop for 2 days. Dane tells them last night Kikki just started eating slop pizza because she thought it was good. Anthony said she was programmed. In the HOH Room Chelsea has started her morning makeup routine. In the SR Adam and Sam are talking about who to evict. Adam tells her if Momma wins it is you and me on the block. If Damien wins it is me and Chelsea on the block so we have to think who has a better chance of winning. Este enters so the conversation stops. Out by the pool table Momma and Mark are talking She tells him it is very early in the morning to take your manhood away. She is talking about beating him in a game of pool. Adam and Sam have joined Chelsea in the HOH Room Chelsea thinks that Momma K is telling them that she thinks Momma K is telling Damien to say that. SAm thinks Damien can be swayed easier where Momma K is not. Chelsea says It is a case of getting someone out who has no game play; over someone who does.
10:15 AM BBT Chelsea says Damien sat here yesterday saying he is real and you can take my word. Adam says He is the only person I haven’t built a relationship with. Chelsea says I find it hard to have a conversation with me, Adam agrees with her. She asks him Do you think Anthony is just saying he got information to make himself look like he isn’t part of it. Adam says if he did put me up the boys would keep me. Adam says it will really suck if we are on the block together. Chelsea agrees with him. Adam leaves Chelsea continues with her makeup routine. Out in the backyard Dane and Momma K are having a cigarette. The conversation with Momma K Dane and Mark talking about how long they have gone without sex. Momma K is telling the ladies to be very aware. Anthony is now in the HOH Washroom talking to Chelsea while she continues her makeup routine. He is telling her what he learned last night. In the SR DAmien Kyra Kikki are looking at how much food they got. Damien leaves to go get the mayo. Eddie and Damien are now in the SR. Cory has joined them Kikki comes back with more food supplies to prepare what her and Damien will be eating. Eddie is making a slop shake. We go back to the HOH Washroom where Chelsea is saying everyone is trying to play nice with everyone. Chelsea says I just don’t know what we can say to change his mind. Anthony says I can give both of them 6 reasons why you should not be put on the block.
10:30 AM BBT At the end of it if you still want her gone then she is gone but if you hear something from your little birdies let me know because then we need to start plotting. He tells her that Momma Maki and Damien were a threesome. Anthony says we need to listen to what other people are saying what Damien tells them. He says Don’t talk to Damien that won’t help. Chelsea says she doesn’t think that Damien can sway anyone where Momma can. Anthony says if we take a poll about who knows the least about the game everyone would say Damien. Anthony says He doesn’t think Kailyn’s campaign is that good. Chelsea says it is a case of if if if …. We just have to sit back and wait until she leaves. The conversation switches to Cory Chelsea says It is good. Anthony agrees with her. Chelsea says She is very good at understanding people and that would be good moving forward. She is not sure how much she knows about the game based on watching 1 season but you really don’t need to know the game if you are smart. The conversation moves to Kyra. Chelsea says she really really likes them but sometimes they drive her crazy. They both agree that Eddie does not like Kyra and other then if he wins putting them up they both decide that they really don’t know. Chelsea says she feels really good with Eddie but unless he is really good at lying I feel safe with Eddie. Chelsea says She believes most of what comes out of Eddie’s mouth is Momma talking. Chelsea finally finishes with her makeup. She picks up the breakfast Kyra made her leaves the HOH Room and tells Kyra she would pay for this breakfast. Dane says if I woke up to you every morning looking like that I would cook you breakfast every morning Chelsea asks if anyone got to drunk last night. They all tell her No just enough to help them sleep well. By the pool table Adam and Mark are talking about Damien Mark says We can tell him he isn’t going anywhere and that we need him. They are discussing what Sam told each other. Momma K has joined them by the pool table.
10:45 AM BBT Adam says another long day. Momma says People go squirrelly on long days. Sam joins them Kailyn tells her nice hair. Sam says I washed it. Adam says about time it was stinky last night. In the washroom Anthony and Este are talking about Kailyn yelling at Anthony after he voted to Maki out. Este say I know you have my back but that doesn’t mean you have Kikki’s back. Anthony says I haven’t really gotten deep with anyone but people are now coming up and asking me where I am. He tells he somedays I can sit and talk to like Cory all day long that doesn’t mean I am working with them.He tells her he has her back all day long. She tells him that she has never heard his name on anyone’s lips. Back in the kitchen most of the hgs are sitting around enjoying their breakfast. Sam jumps up on the counter in the SR to pull down the loose tea maker. She gets called out for climbing. Sam says to Eddie we should sit and chat sometime so we can see if we are still good with each other. Out by the pool tableDane has joined Mark and Adam. Adam asks Mark if it is something you are good at are you going to try and win. He tells him yes. They agree to not make deals in front of everyone. Dane thinks they will have a wall comp pretty soon. Mark leaves to go to the washroom. They don’t think Anthony wants to win but just pretend to play the middle. Dane says the 4 of us needs to talk. Adam says Chelsea is starting to see through Anthony’s game. Dane says He is going for a smoke then work out.
11:00 AM BBT Este has joined Dane outside. Este says Damien’s name has been tossed around. Este thinks it all depends on the comp. She thinks that we need to save ourselves for a comp that fits us. Dane thinks it is going to be hot. Este says it is so weird that people think that Damien is a floater when actually he is a thinker. Este says We can’t keep losing numbers each week. Damien comes out and says it smells in there. He tells them it was not him. Damien asks Dane if he is going in the hot tub today. Dane says he can’t because of the cut he got the other night it is still leaking blood. Dane says I need to work out in case we get a surprise. He said I got my run in but then we got pizza and beer. Este decides she will work out today so she doesn’t get sore before the comp on Thursday. In the Blue Bedroom Anthony and Cory are talking. Anthony says I watched people and some of the people in this house are really really stupid. Anthony tells her he is really committed to working with her as he sees her as loyal.Some of the HGS are cleaning up their breakfast dishes. Sam has made Anthony a slop shake. Anthony has gone to the pool table to talk to Adam about what Chelsea said about not fully trusting Anthony.
11:15 AM BBT Anthony says we have to be selective with who we decide to give information too. Anthony tells Adam not to listen to Eddie because he is a liar. He thinks Eddie is a very dangerous player. Outside by the Hot Tub Dane Damien and Este are talking. Eddie is saying that the lady from First Nation on the first season does talks now. He says that is something that I would like to do on a bigger scale then now. Momma and Cory are talking about even after they told them to do their faces yesterday Cory says I worked out first but I don’t wear makeup every day. Cory says Damien is saving her for last. Momma says I will tell him to come talk to you. Cory says I don’t want to stress him out. Momma is telling her about a super long hair out of her grandmother’s face. Dane comes in and asks Cory if she is going to work out. She tells him yes as Dane starts talking about something he is not suppose to feeds go down.Feeds come back with Dane saying he is going for his run then he will work out. Cory says This morning when Sam jumped in with us I feel she doesn’t believe me when I say I am a teacher. Chelsea says Eddie is trying to make a tea latte. Kyra comes in and says she did the milk for Eddie. Chelsea says Kyra you have had some weird jobs. Kyra says she likes working as a bartender or sales.
11:30 AM BBT The conversation goes to Mental Health awareness. Cory says she taught Sex Ed one year and she had parents pull their children from it. Kyra says As far as Sex Ed goes they should also teach awareness of choices. Cory says I taught it in grade 8 and mainly it was me standing at the front of the class and just carried on a conversation. The conversation continues around teaching sexual awareness to young teens so we move to the HOH Room where Chelsea and Mark are discussing trust issues. Mark says that is why I liked you right away because you stayed the same. Chelsea says I know That Momma is saying the same thing to everyone. She says She is telling everyone keep me in the house and I will gun for them. Chelsea says Eddie told her he wanted to go with the house because of last week. Mark asks her if there is anyone in the house that she doesn’t feel good with. She tells him no. She does say she knows that people will lie right to your face.

11:45 AM BBT Chelsea says People are looking for a target so it is easy for Momma K to say Adam and Sam and not look at other groupings. She tells him this week she has kept him in the loop. She asks Mark who he would target if he won. Mark says Probably someone I haven’t talked a lot of game with. He mentions Cory Chelsea says she hasn’t talked a lot of game with her but thinks she is very smart. Chelsea says I just need to see how people vote this week and then go from there. Mark says if it is a sweep and we both feel comfortable in the house maybe this isn’t the week for us to win HOH. Chelsea reminds him that she can’t play but does think it would be good for him to win. Chelsea says You winning this week that means that Adam and I can play next week and keep us all safe. In the SR Sam and Adam are talking about the fact that Sam is putting thoughts in my head that weren’t there. Cory enters the room so the conversation goes to working out. They are discussing what work out they are going to do this morning. Sam says I can do anything. Cory tells them that Anthony is on board with them. In the bedroom Damien was talking to Este but leaves the room. Momma K comes in and Este says I got my clothes on to work out but needed a rest. She says the hardest part of working out for me is putting my clothes. Momma K is trying to figure out what she is going to wear on Thursday. Este tells her she would do the black pants with the red shirt or the dark flowers. Eddie says The African one or yellow one. Dane comes in and picks out the African one put says The yellow one isn’t you for what you want to say. Eddie switches from yellow to a flowered one. She tells Eddie she doesn’t want to say anything today because it will go throughout the house but she wants to drop a bomb on Wednesday. Eddie is thinking of going to the DR and getting something of mine to wear. Eddie says he doesn’t want to work out with Este because it is mostly yoga that she does
12:00 PM BBT Kailyn is looking at all her outfits for possibly wearing on show day. She has decided to wear her African outfit tomorrow when she drops her bomb.Mark and Kyra are playing pool. Adam Cory and Sam are working out. Anthony is there with them as well. Damien has done some stretching and it now looks like they are all going to be working out together. Dane and Kikki are outside but the feeds cut when we went to check on them. The pool game is over. The cameras switches to the washroom where Este is giving Kailyn a home recipes for upsets stomach. Kailyn is telling her about a trip she and her husband made where his mother gave her a home recipes for her stomach that worked for her. Feeds go down at 12:12 PM BBT. Feeds come back at 12:14 PM BBT with Este finally going to work out.
12:15 PM BBT In the HOH Room Chelsea is telling Kyra that Damien said that he would put her and Adam up. She is telling them that Anthony brought all of this up to her asking her if she would change her target. Chelsea says Anthony says I am really good she says to them that I was thinking No you are really cocky. Kyra says He is just trying to keep Momma. She is telling them that he said Yea I got you whatever you want.Feeds cut. Feeds come back with Chelsea and Kyra still talking about what Anthony said. They are now talking about Cory. Kyra says I think she is lying about not knowing the game. Chelsea says I am trying to be nice with him but I can see through his bulls**t. Sam has entered the room. Chelsea says to Sam That you look so pretty today like a barbie doll I just can’t handle you. Chelsea goes into the stall to change. Sam says I don’t want to talk game until Thursday though. Sam says Anthony told Adam that she wants her and Adam up. Kyra thinks Dane may put her up again. Sam says she has slop brain today. Chelsea says We just got too let her campaign we can’t get in front of it. She doesn’t think that they aren’t already thinking. Chelsea says We just got to hope Damien doesn’t win next week. Kyra says They don’t think that Damien will go for a big target next week. Kyra says she thinks me and Cory if Damien wins. Chelsea says With this twist of the HOH not being able to play you lose control of your noms. Chelsea says there will be more back doors this season. They all think that if Adam goes up the guys will vote him out because he does win.
12:30 PM BBT Kyra says Just tell him not to trust everyone 100%. They say it is a case of balancing things so there will always be a bit of honesty. They tell her you have to be selective to who you share everything is. They say we have been a trio since day 2 and I totally trust us. Sam so with Anthony less is more. Chelsea says We have to make everyone think we are cool with each other. Kyra says if they tell you something big give them something little. They are telling Chelsea and Sam that every time they went into the SR this morning Adam and Anthony would shut up. Kyra says I became Kailyn’s target because I called her out. Kyra says this game is about adapting to things. You are making your mistakes early in the game so you can learn from them. Chelsea says I trust Adam but he is too trusting. Chelsea says Every conversation we having I am putting on makeup or curling my hair. Sam says I am going to leave but decides to listen to 2 songs. In the kitchen Anthony and Adam are talking about this week. Anthony is telling him that basically what Chelsea did but put herself down the target pole and moved you up. She has made herself good with Damien. Anthony says You have to play with people’s minds. You have to put up Kikki and Chelsea . Anthony thinks if you put both Sam and Chelsea up they will rat each other out. Anthony says or put Este and Kikki up and backdoor Chelsea or Sam. Adam says this is not now. Anthony still Eddie is scared and stands for nothing and will fall for anything. Look at what he has done to Dane. Dane other than Momma K has been the nicest to him and look at what he said about him. Damien joins them and Adam asks if he feels safe. Adam then tells him that Momma told him if I stay I am putting you and Sam up. Chelsea has joined them. Adam is trying to figure out if he should go into the Hot Tub or shower first.
12:45 PM BBT Adam says Back home everything involves drinking. He mentions Darts horseshoes bowling everything involves getting drunk back home. He continues with Monday night is dart night and drinking Thursday night is Poker and Drinking Yup everything is drinking back home. Damien has joined Adam’s conversation about drinking games that they play on the west coast. As the conversation continues around drinking games we check in on Dane and Mark who are outside by the hot tub but the cameras have decided we need to stay in the kitchen. Chelsea is telling them about something she went to for her job. Damien says he played a full 12 months of hockey while he was in Australia. The cameras finally go to the backyard where Kikki and Dane are discussing the fact that Kikki feels different when she talks to Mark she says it is even different with Damien. Dane says He will win the double and he is targeting Chelsea and Sam. Kikki is telling him that Kyra is asking for the lighter. Dane is trying on Kikki’s sunglasses. Dane says he really likes dark mirrored glasses so people can’t see my eyes. As the conversation is on general topics we will travel to the kitchen area where Eddie, Damien and Eddie. Chelsea says she bought her house last May. Damien said Did you need 20% down because you had a house before with your ex. She said no. Big Brother has given them all a 15 minute warning that they will be locked out of the house and they all have to make it to the backyard.
1:00 PM BBT The house guests are all scrambling to get their stuff before the lockout happens. Anthony is hunting for his hat Kyra decided to help him. They leave the room. In the washroom Damien Adam Kyra Kailyn Cory and Sam are getting ready to go out to the backyard. Eddie has come in to grab his bag and his sunglasses. The hgs are slowly clearing out of the house. In the Hot Tub Area Dane Kikki and Este are relaxing. Kyra has made her way out. In the house Big Brother has now given a 3 minute warning. Telling them all HGS must be in the backyard ( Hot Tub Area) as they are being locked out. Sam has been called to the DR. Damien says to her No Backyard for you. Adam and Cory are still getting ready in the bedroom.
1:15 PM BBT All HGS have now made there way out to the Hot Tub area Chelsea and Eddie are hanging out in the backyard area of the house. Anthony went back into the house and Big Brother says Anthony this is your last warning. The steel door went down. Chelsea asks Eddie what was the highlight off your game. Eddie says making tea. Anthony says he weighs 270 lbs Chelsea says really. Cory Eddie Chelsea and Anthony are inside. Anthony said I use to weigh 310 lbs. Cory says I weighed 147 when I came in here now I think I weigh 140. In the Hot Tub Area Anthony is the only one in the hot tub. The conversation out there is on general topics as well. Chelsea and Eddie have joined the group outside. Kikki and Este have gotten in the tub. Mark and Damien are also getting into the tub. Inside Cory and Adam are playing pool Adam is asking Cory who she would put up. Cory says I can tell you who I won’t put up. You Sam and Chelsea I would not put up. Adam tells her that Chelsea wants to get some people up in the room to talk about a plan to get thru the double. Cory says this game is all about talking and trusting people who have your back when you aren’t there.
1:30 PM BBT Cory says You can guess who will win but you just can’t just assume that someone is going to win. Adam says He feels that Sam and Mark will be good at mental stuff. Cory says that is good. Cory asks him how he feels about Mark. Adam says I feel good with him, Dane, Anthony Sam and Chelsea. He says the rest are just telling me what I want to hear. And you but you are here asking me about who else. Cory says I don’t like big groups. Adam says I don’t want to get everyone in a room and say lets make an alliance I just want to get people together to get past the double eviction. Cory asks him If Sam trusts her. Adam says she is paranoid about some people but not you. She is mainly paranoid about some of the guys. Cory says there are moments I get paranoid but I just go off by myself and think about something nice to escape. Adam says That is why I like Sam here we can talk about home. Cory says That makes sense. She tells him if Sam ever questions me tell her to come and talk to me. Adam says I feel like I am an easy to person to toss out. Sam comes in and says I we were just talking about you. Adam is once again repeating the conversation he had with Damien this morning. Sam is going to play a game of pool. She says she is not very good. Sam says She is losing her voice and so she isn’t talking that much. Cory is heading outside. Adam asks Her what she figures. Adam says it seems like you are not trusting to me.
1:45 PM BBT Sam is saying that Kyra spent most of the night with Chelsea last night. Adam said she came into the room super late. He said most people were asleep. Sam tells him she was just telling them not to be so paranoid. She tells him that she really trust him. Adam tells her that Cory really likes both of them because they made her feel welcome when she first came into the house. Adam says She told me she would never put us up. Sam says She trust whatever you need to do. Adam says To me it seems like you are wanting me to go against the boy. Sam says I am just trying to look out for you I would not use you like that. Sam says the way you are being with me today is like you don’t trust me and it is hurtful I am the one person you can trust the most.
2:00 PM BBT Adam says the 3 of you yesterday were all over me but we are trying to work with them. Sam says I am thinking to far ahead and I didn’t mean to put thoughts in your head. Adam says I feel like you are putting thoughts in my head. Eddie comes and joins Sam and Adam
By the pool table. Feeds go down. Feeds come back up with Sam and Adam talking. Sam said that she feels stupid because she has put all her trust in Adam. He says aren’t you close with Chelsea and Kyra. Eddie, Anthony, Kailyn, Mark, Kikki, and Dane are out in the hot tub area. They are all having conversations amongst each other. Mark is telling Damien it is interesting learning the history of Canada. He tells him when he was little he did not learn anything. Eddie tells Kikki that he wants to travel around the world. Anthony and Kailyn look like they are sleeping. Adam goes in and joins everyone in the hot tub area. Kyra is having a conversation with Dane. Mark tells them he wanted to frost his tips and call himself Ryan. they are talking about their facial hair. Eddie tells him that his grows really slow. Damien gets out the hot tub. Kyra tells Este that here she does not have a big personality but at home she does. Kikki comes and joins them by the sofas. Mark and Eddie are still in the hottub.
2:15 PM BBT everyone is sitting out trying to soak up the sin. Sam is the only one not out there.she is laying on the sofa counting something. Sam gets up and heads outside with the rest of the houseguests.She goes out and tells everyone the house is open. Feeds go down. Everyone comes inside. Adam and Kyra are in the blue bedroom. He is telling her how expensive it is to travel and how he took her on an expensive trip for her birthday and then they broke up. Kyra asks when did you break up he said January 2nd. Kyra said yeah me and my ex broke up too. Adam said I am glad that we broke up before I came here because I would only be concerned about her instead of being concerned about the game. Kyra said so when you love someone you give them your whole heart. He said yeah. In the HOH room Chelsea and Sam and recounting the days. Chelsea said yeah we compete and have a free day then compete then a free day. She said and today is day 16 right? Chelsea is wait let’s go back over this. Day 13 is the day Maki went home and I become HOH and then she was trying to figure it out. Dane comes in the room and they tell him that we are trying to figure out the days


2:30 PM BBT Dane tells them today is Day 18 so she says day 20 is the day Kailyn goes home and she says Bye Bye Kailyn, Dane says you can’t remember the days in order because one day will get you off. Chelsea said I was going to tan but now we can’t. Chelsea asks has she been campaigning with you.they start talking about what the next HOH comp will be… Dane says it should be endurance. Chelsea said yeah its about time for an 8 hr endurance one. Dane tells them we should be good. Chelsea said well what if people are trying to make side groups. Sam said it is too early for that. Sam said I know that Kailyn are throwing her and Adam names out. Chelsea said that is why we have to keep our group together. Dane said we need to just wait and see after the double.Chelsea said she just wants to get to the double. So they are still talking about not making any final twos until closer to the end because we never know who is going to go and who is going to stay. Dane and Mark are talking about golf. In the storage room Eddie and Este are making smoothies.
2:45 PM BBT Corey and Kailyn are watching Dane and Mark playing pool. The cameras go to the blue bedroom where Kyra and Adam are talking. Kyra tells Adam that the relationship with him and Sam are real and that Kyra is jealous because Kyra is lonely. Kyra tells him we need to have a fake wedding and a proposal. He says we can do that and then says once Sam goes off slop he is going to take her in the backyard for a nice dinner. Feeds go down.
2:50 PM BBT – 5:49 PM BBT Feeds Down
5:50 PM BBT Chelsea is checking in with eddie where his head is at down by the fish tank while,Kiera, Este, and Damien up in the Red bedroom talking about how to proceed this week, they want to save Damien from going home. Most other HG are in or near the kitchen getting food.
6:00 PM BBT Chelsea is talking with Eddie, She is trying to persuade him to join “her side” and how he is not a target for any of them. They wonder what the comp coming up is going to be. In the Red bedroom, Este is telling Mark, Kiera and Damien about a biopsy she had done in her Breast and feeds cut out. Chelsea is ready to just have a certain person out and not campaigning and bringing the house down. They go over when Jury begins and how quickly that might be. She wants to run but backyard is closed. They both say how they want to nap just to kill time. Chelsea says she is going to go up and put her ear buds in and not not nap for a little bit. They separate and you can see other Hgs laying around. Chelsea heads over to Anthony and begins to ask how he is doing? Kiera has moved out to the landing with Kailyn, talking about fair vendors. They both agree it’s too hot in the bedroom to just hang out. Cams show Momma K but you can hear Sam talking to Damien in the WR about how Momma is dropping seeds before she leaves but she wants others to reach out to her and talk with her and know it stays with her. Sam warns him there is someone you are trusting in the house who has made it clear that they are after Sam and Adam. He doesn’t want to be associated with that.
6:15 PM BBT Sam shares how Dangerous she thinks it is to keep Momma K and others see it too. Sam wants to meet next week after he is here to talk and work something out. Sam says she needed a little confidence and got that in the POV comp and now she’s gunning for HOH. Damien says he doesn’t want to freak out as he keeps getting put up on the block but he is as a pawn and he just needs to trust the process. They embrace in a hug for a moment she tells him the plan was to never go for you. Dane, Adam, and Mark are all in the HN room checking in with one another. Dane leaves and Anthony comes in briefly. Adam and Mark think there is a cane onf of the Pretty boys is trying to keep Momma. The problem is 3 out of 4 of them don’t get along with her. Adam and Mark say they are not going against Chelsea. They feel is momma stays then next week she is coming after Sam and Adam for sure and replacement nom would be Mark or Dane. Feeds go to the HOH. Chelsea is up in the HOH and says she came up and was kinda lonely but then Kyra and Sam and now Adam came in. Sam tells them about her convo with Damien where if he had a power because he didn’t even go to her about using the Veto on him. They don’t think he will win and HOH comp but feel if he does he can be swayed. They also feel like his thoughts n opinions are those of Kailyn’s not his own. Adam leaves the room. The ladies whisper a few things and then Mark walks in.
6:30 PM BBT Jokingly Chelsea says she wants to punch him straight in the face. Chelsea asks about the house and how everyone is scattered, then says all she can think about is the dramatic exit on thursday from Kailyn. Mark leaves and Kyra mentions how They aren’t sure about him and how he is planting seeds with everyone. Then they all begin to whisper about Este and how she does things. Kyra begins to talk to Chelsea about Eddie and her conversation about how he can mend bridges with Kyra. They run ideas of who would be the smarter choice for Kyra to go after if she won HOH, They think the Girls. Corey is down by the fish talking with Anthony, they both feel like A-holes but reality is they are realists. Antony mentions how the girls are upstairs talking and keeps bringing up Sam’s name, Corey asks if he heard any of the conversation Corey had with someone earlier, he says NO. She tries to tell him a cliff note version. Up in HOH, Sam is up walking around and modeling her pants. She jokes about getting her boobs done when she wins the game. She had hips and no boobs. They run days, Sam answers what has happened, feeds go to the SR where Mark and Este are talking. Este says she believes him that he wants to go dep with the 4 but she has reservations and begins to share them as Dane walks in. He says he counted the boxes and it went from 41 to 82 to 101 boxes says he hid one box. It’s too hot for him in the SR so he is headed to a cooler room.
6:45 PM BBT Mark is upset because he has poured his heart out ot her telling her personal things and was/is kinda falling for her. Este tells him to share that with her. They embrace in a deep hug with lots of muffles. Este says she has been emotional almost getting HOH and needing to see her dog and her mom. She was close against Chelsea and it was taken away. After Mark heads out she talks to the Camera and says she is having a hard time trusting and talking because he back tracks. Mark has headed to the bonus room, where Dane and Adam are hanging out. Este comes in and comments how cool it is and then grumbles a moment Mark asked if she was okay she says no she thinks its the dairy the cheese she’s used to being vegan at home. They play with a paper plane. Damien has entered the bonus room too to join the fun. Anthony and Corey are still out by the fish tank, talking about the slop and how its making him hurt he gets up heads to the washroom. Feeds go the HOH but Audio is out for a moment. When it comes back they are discussing how catty people are who can not win HOH. Chelsea asks is something fun happening?


7:00 PM BBT Kiera walks in and joins the room says she hasn’t studied at all because its too hot. They go over if its Monday/ or Tuesday and how long they think the BY will be closed. Feeds go to Anthony and Mark in the SR. Some of the Hgs got packages, They mention how Sam isn’t even talking to Adam, Momma walks in and Mark leaves, Anthony asks how she’s doing, she says she is fine. Everyone is freaking out and afraid of Adam. Momma says there is 1 of me and 4 of the them the writing is on the wall. She feels like it was easier to rally for someone else than herself. Anthony says he is going to go do some talking and exits, she says Thank You, when he leaves she talks to herself in the mirror. She isn’t sure she believes him, it’s easier to do what is safe says Damien is safe but he won’t make the moves. As she heads out, Sam walks in and begins to grab bags of the girls stuff. Says she gets to be like Santa, up in HOH Mark is trying to balance on one foot. Everyone is now trying to do it and laying down in the HOH all over the place. Adam, Este, Eddie, and Dane are still in the bonus room but they all begin to leave. Same walks in as they walk out asking whats up. Dane goes over the boxes with her saying it was 42 to 82 now 102 then leaves. Eddis is going through files one by one as sam looks at an item closely.
7:15 PM BBT In the SR Dane and Este are figuring out dinner. They plan to make Veggie tacos tomorrow. Dane gives a good laugh asking about Cumin. Adam and Kiera walk in, as Adam leaves they all whisper about Sam/Adam situation. Sam comes in and Dane moves looking for spices, as the girls chat about it when she leaves. They all gather items take them out to the kitchen to begin cooking. Este asks if Dane is going to help, it was supposed to be Chelsea but no idea where she is at. Kiera asks for something to cut so she can help. Sam sits watching Adam make some food, Dane cuts mushrooms, Kiera cuts the onions, este is preparing the broccoli and potatoes. More Hg gather in the area to watch, Up in HOH Chelsea is still there with Anthony, where Corey comes up and says there is coffee. Corey helps him up to go get his Coffee while Corey hangs out behind and they check in with each other. Corey says Momma is making good pitches but everyone knows it’s a done deal so just be prepared to answer the questions.
7:30 PM BBT The ladies discuss Damien and how he just doesn’t talk game. They feel like maybe he isn’t really aligned with anyone. Chelsea says being over in HOH you feel alone wants to get back to her bedroom mates and the Wr. Corey says she knows who she doesnt want up but not sure who she wants to put up. Chelsea says she is looking at strength in numbers, Corey says she would love to be with smart and strong players. Kyra comes in grabs a cup and they leave. Corey asks about Kyra, and Chelsea says i’m good with her but i’m not blind to the house and how they feel and everyone needs to go home at some point. They are both wanting to put feelers out and maybe create a group. They want to have friendships and get far and then not be bitter when it’s time to leave. They are both feeling good about each other and that they are on the same wavelength. There was a group that was in the room together the other night and the ladies agree that it would be a good solid group. Chelsea says she doesn’t think there is anyone going after Corey. Corey says that she has heard so many stories about who she is olympian, Secrete power of Veto, or military she wants to squash it so it doesn’t put a huge target on her. Chelsea says she thinks most of that came from Kailyn. They laugh about Kailyn came in after DR loving Canada and smiling. Down in SR, Kiera and Mark are working on making a smoothie of fruits and veggies.
7:45 PM BBT Kiera leaves and Mark gives Canada a juggling lesson. HOH ladies are still chatting but closing up and head out of the room. Chelsea is saying about how sweaty she is and how she hates sweating and its gross. SR is full with Dane and Mark who is blending items. Chelsea has made her way to the KT, and then feeds go to the HN room where Damien is chillin talking with Sam about the room and its structure. Adam comes in and offers some of what he made to Damien, Damien leaves and they speculate should we strike a deal with him? They go over the options for a moment. Momma, Eddie, and Chelsea in the bonus room. Chelsea was going to leave but they tell her it’s fine to stay. She counts boxes, as Kailyn is going through and reading items, Eddie comments how messy it was and still is as he reviews papers and folders. Chelsea says she is over it and ready for it to be done and exits. After a few moments momma K begins to go after Eddie about his actions this week.

10:00 PM BBT Adam and Sam are cozying up to each other in the secret room. After sharing a kiss Sam says she thinks that they both want different things (game wise) because the way that she is playing the game and the way that Adam is playing the game are two completely different things and she says she thinks it’s hard for him to see how she could want something so much for herself, but also want it just as much for someone else when she cares for them. Adam asks if she ever talks to the other houseguest and says that she will have to cut him at some point just to stay in conversation. Sam says no, but she says in general terms that everyone has to go at some point and there can only be one person left at the end. Eddie opens the door, see Adam and Sam and starts to leave, but Sam tells him he can come in. Eddie asks, “Are you sure?” Sam says yeah and Eddie joins Adam and Sam in the secret room. Sam asks Eddie if there are, “Any new discoveries” and he says no but he did find a golden power of veto, Sam is excited Eddie was kidding and shows her his mic and says, “Yeah see here’s the Golden Power of Veto described as a mic” and they all laugh and talk about how there are still now boxes in the room.
10:15 PM BBT Corey, Sam, Este, and Chelsea are all in the kitchen and Eddie is passing through. Este is cooking and Chelsea is talking to the girls about how she tried to become vegetarian/vegan at one point and was fascinated learning about how her body worked that way, but couldn’t handle the overall mentality of it and it ended up becoming too much for her so she stopped. Sam says she was smart to listen to her body and do what was best for her personally and Chelsea says she hopes to eventually move towards being fully vegan health wise but she needs to take it slower and continue doing what’s best for her personally. Sam says it’s amazing that Chelsea has that type of awareness about herself and truly incredible, Chelsea says thanks.
10:30 PM BBT Este says that she was telling Chelsea earlier how she follows a lot of vegan people on social media and a lot of them use veganism to control their eating disorder. Corey and Sam ask if that’s a common thing for people who have eating disorders to go into veganism. Chelsea says a vegan diet is very healthy and there are a lot of people do it because of all the restrictions. Este says, “Yeah it’s wild.” Chelsea says she’s lucky that she knows what makes her feel good in terms of eating and says she’s able to keep it under control by not having any restrictions and finding that balance. Feeds cut to the hot tub area. Adam and Sam are adjusting their mics and getting ready to go in, while Momma Kailyn is sitting on a couch watching them. Sam gets in the hot tub holding out her mic in a plastic bag while Adam continues to struggle with his and getting it off. Momma Kailyn jokes that she’s never seen this much of a struggle to get in the hot tub and Sam answers “Patience.” They finally get in the hot tub and Adam says they should go on a trip after the show. Kailyn asks, “What to regain sanity?” Adam says Dane would and they all three agree. Sam says, “Dane’s up for anything.” Kailyn says she thinks a lot of people would go if they could plan it before everyone got home to watch the show. Sam says, “Yeah exactly actually book the ticket before they get home and watch the show.” Adam asks Sam if she would watch it right away and she hesitates but says yes. Adam says, “Yeah? See what shit I’ve been talking about you?”
10:45 PM BBT In the lounge Anthony and Corey are playing pool and talking about their pool game. Anthony is singing to Corey as she makes her moves. Corey says she thinks she’s going to wear a dress for eviction night and Anthony asks if she wants to match .Corey asks what colors he has and Anthony says every color, then laughs and says, “You know I’m just joking when I talk like that.” Corey asks again what colors he has and says that her colors are limited. Anthony asks what colors she has and asks if she has red, but then says he can’t wear red because he has something special he wants to wear and she’ll know when that is. Corey dies laughing and says while laughing, “You’re such a loser, anyway I got a black one i think I’ll wear.” Anthony asks, “All black, tight, frilly, what?” Corey says, “fitted, tight, no sleeves, and goes up a little bit.” Anthony asks if it’s backless and Corey says no, Anthony says usually the ones that go up a little bit are. Corey says no it’s just very fitted. Anthony asks, “Dark black or matte black?” Corey says just black and Anthony says when the day comes that they need to match he has something for her. Corey says ok
11:00 PM BBT Damien and Dane are fooling around in the storage room, Chelsea is wandering around looking for 2 white bowls, and the trays that their pizza came on from last night with no luck. Feeds switch back to Corey and Anthony’s pool game upstairs Kailyn has joined them as well as Dane. Kailyn asks Dane how his soup was he says good. Este and Kiki come in and ask Kailyn if she wants to come chill outside with them because they’re heading out and she says thanks, but she just came in and they leave to go outside. Eddie comes in and he and Kailyn watch Anthony and corey play their pool game. Corey says she wants to play baseball. Anthony asks, “baseball?” Corey says she never played it on any teams or anything she just wants to hit something. Anthony says he’s been awake for 21 hour and he can’t do it anymore then says, “you know Corey? You’re very beautiful, you really got hot this game.”

Summary Monday, March 18th

March 18, 2019

Summary Monday, March 18th

10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds went down at 10:40 for the veto ceremony.


12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds returned at 12:59 following the veto ceremony. Sam used the Power of Veto on Kiera. Chelsea nominated Kailyn as the replacement nominee.


1:00-1:30 PM: Kailyn told Dane she knew that this would happen last week when she decided to stick by what she said and rallied the troops. Kailyn said she will not rally against Damien since she likes Damien’s game. Dane said it’s hard for him to have Damien and Kailyn on the block together. Kailyn advised Dane to go with the house. Meanwhile, up in the HoH room, Chelsea explained to Kiera she had a good feeling that this is exactly what was going to happen. Chelsea assured Kiera that she doesn’t see her as disposable. She brought up that they can work together moving forward, but she did not want Kailyn on the block right away since there was a good chance that she could have came down. Chelsea added that a backdoor seemed to be the best way to get out the biggest target. Afterwards, Damien spoke to Chelsea. He pointed out that being on the block against Kailyn will give him a better chance to stay. Chelsea reassured Damien that Kailyn will be going home. She thanked him for trusting her this week. Damien said that Chelsea did what she had to do. Damien said Kailyn is a good person but she played a little too hard considering that it is so early in the game. Chelsea said she just couldn’t trust her. Damien then headed outside to speak to Kailyn. Kailyn mentioned that this is an extremely smart move considering it is showing that you cannot go against the flow or else you are screwed. Kailyn let Damien know that he is sitting pretty this week. She said it wouldn’t have been a hard campaign had she been on the block against Kiera instead of him.


1:30-2:00 PM: Eddie asked Kailyn if she had any idea that this was coming. Kailyn said yeah. She mentioned being surprised that she wasn’t on the block originally. Kailyn added that Damien is safer to keep in the house. Kailyn said she will walk out the same way that she walked in. Cory and Eddie told her that she has three days. Eddie said he is so surprised and sad that the people he can talk to are leaving the house one by one. Cory said she was thinking that it could have been her going up, but she is not surprised that it was Kailyn when it wasn’t her. Eddie told Kailyn that he is so sorry. Kailyn told him not to be since the way that she chose to play the game last week has resulted in her going on the block. When Eddie asked Kailyn if she feels that she has a chance to flip the vote, Kailyn said she is currently on a sinking ship but her mind is always working. However, she said that she cannot say anything bad about Damien. Kailyn thinks it’s less of a threat to keep Damien since he is not someone who will get inside of people’s heads.


2:00-3:00 PM: While playing pool, Anthony, Dane and Mark spoke game. Anthony brought up that Este and Kiera may start thinking that they have to rally the girls just like they have the guys together. Mark brought up that Este and Kiera betrayed them during the last vote. Dane said he is with the Pretty Boys but he knows that Este and Kiera are numbers to get Sam out. Dane said those two are thinking about nominating Adam and Sam since they don’t want Adam to be off of the block and then save Sam. Anthony said their best possible scenario would be Adam on the block but they have to guarantee that they can get the votes. Dane said they can do it. Anthony said they cannot let Adam win HoH. Anthony and Dane said they will be taking Sam out if they win HoH. In the bedroom, Este and Kiera discussed that they are going to get so far in the game. Kiera joked that it’s because they are dumb. Este joked that it’s because they are so loyal to them. She followed that up by saying that saving Kiera means that they love her. Kiera sarcastically said that she could never turn her back on them now. Este said they will continue to make that side believe that they are with them, only talking about them to each other and to Dane. Kiera wondered how she went from being the target to being taken off of the block by the people that she is coming after. Este said they have to be really smart next week. Este pointed out that Adam, Chelsea and Sam are right that they will get to jury if they stick together, so the next best thing would be to get Mark out. Este thinks that they can justify it by saying that Mark is bringing info to both sides of the house. Kiera brought up that Dane really likes Mark for some reason, but she doesn’t know why. They agreed that they cannot lose Dane.


3:00-4:00 PM: Kailyn campaigned to Este, telling her to look at the big picture. Kailyn said she is a prime example of someone who is on the block because she went against the other side. Kailyn thinks that Damien is easy to keep since he will not cause waves. As for herself, Kailyn said she will always remain a target in front of people. Kailyn told Este that they will be doing the work for the other side if they evict her. Kailyn believes that Adam, Sam and Kyra will vote her out, but she thinks that the other votes are up for grabs. Outside, Dane explained to Kiera that Chelsea had said he was going to pick him if she got houseguest’s choice. Dane said they trust him and think that he is just hanging out with her and Este. Kiera said she didn’t think she would feel so safe with two people, but Dane and Este are her safe havens. Kiera brought up that both Adam and Chelsea believe in Sam, so Sam is positioned really well. In the living room, Kailyn told Eddie that going with the house would be handing the game to Adam and Sam. Eddie said he will vote for Kailyn to stay if she has the numbers. Kailyn remained confident that she will get the numbers on her side.


4:00-5:00 PM: Kailyn made her pitch Cory. Afterwards, Cory told Adam, Chelsea and Sam about her conversation with Kailyn. Cory said Kailyn is good with her words but she is not wavering when it comes to the decision this week. Cory said Kailyn is pitching that she will go after Adam, Sam and Chelsea, which makes sense since she has been on the opposite side as them. Sam said she would go with that angle if she were Kailyn too. Adam pointed out that they will still have the numbers no matter who goes home this week, but they have the numbers to send Kailyn home. Cory said she is dangerous to keep around since she will throw names out the second that she is in danger.


5:00-6:00 PM: Adam spoke to Este and Kiera. He said Kailyn is probably trying to convince them that they are down low on the totem pole, and she can stay to come after him and Sam. When Este brought up Kailyn saying that she is a target, Adam disagreed that she is a target since she hasn’t won anything. Adam brought up that Kailyn uses prayer to manipulate people into doing what she wants. When Este brought up Kailyn having a motherly feel to her, Kiera said she is only 29. Adam then questioned if she really is. Kiera said she doesn’t think so. Este said she doesn’t believe it. Adam said there is no reason why she would lie about that, but Este pointed out that being the oldest person in the house can be a detriment to your game.


6:00-7:00 PM: Este told Kiera she wishes that there were a way to get Sam out without looking like they were behind it, because they could then get Adam. Kiera said the thing that will ruin Adam’s game is how much he intimidates people, seeing as he comes across as arrogant and unapproachable. Este said that Adam tries harder than Sam, since Sam wont even give her the time of day when it comes to talking game. Este figures that the best way to get Sam out while still keeping Adam on their side would be to have Damien nominate Sam next to someone who Adam gets along with. Feeds went down at 6:28 for a pizza party.


10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned at 10:19. Adam and Sam discussed that Chelsea walked in on them kissing. Chelsea knocked on her own HoH room door for a battery change. Adam and Sam asked why she is knocking. Chelsea said they know why, and their faced are burned into her memory. Chelsea said it’s hilarious. She told them that she saw nothing. Elsewhere, Anthony told Cory he thinks that Sam suggested getting Kailyn out in order to use Este and Kiera as votes. Anthony said he thinks that Este and Kiera are a little too smart for that, so some serious shots may be fired next week depending on who wins HoH. Anthony said people don’t give Sam enough credit, because she is basically a Kailyn that hasn’t be exposed yet. Cory said that she is starting to see hints of it more now that she is around Sam more often. Anthony said he has a feeling that Sam will be the next to go. Cory said she would like to see Damien win the next HoH.


11:00-12:00 AM: Chelsea told Adam it’s nice to see something that is real in a house full of fake stuff. Chelsea told Adam not to worry since she doesn’t think that she is stupid for aligning with a showmance. Adam said he wont be going around making out in front of everyone. Chelsea said it’s not like he can backpedal from it now, so they might as well flirt. Chelsea mentioned that Adam is most of the way to falling in love. Adam said probably. Chelsea said it’s really real. Adam reassured Chelsea that he wants to go far with her just like he wants to with Sam. He said he had that connection with her even before he had it with Sam. Chelsea said she feels that too. Chelsea let Adam know that she is starting to see through Anthony’s game a little bit. She explained that she sees the way that he plays the role of a mentor during conversations, making you feel as though you need him. Chelsea added that he makes you feel as though you are the only one that he is working with, and he is making sure that he is good with everybody. Chelsea wondered if he is also planting things in order to break things up. Chelsea thinks that Anthony is trying to deflect his dirty work on to other people. Adam said he could see that, but he trusts Anthony. Adam clarified that he doesn’t trust Anthony as much as he trusts Chelsea. Chelsea said she doesn’t think Anthony is a problem just yet.

Live Feed Updates Monday March 18th

March 18, 2019

 10:00 AM BBT Most of the HGs are up and in the kitchen and sitting at the table drinking their morning coffee. This is day 2 of slop to eat for the house. They are just having conversation about general topics and no game talk at the moment. In the BlueBR Dane, Este, and Kiera are talking about college. Dane is telling them about what he did in college.
10:15 AM BBT In the Lounge area most of the HGs are waking up and drinking slop or coffee. Momma is called to diary room. Now they are talking about what they really like to be eating right now. Dane, Kiera, and Este are in the BlueBr and Kikki says how Sam has been on such a power trip since she won the POV.
Dane says he knows. He says he has been watching BB for 20 years.
10:30 AM BBT Most of the hgs are in the lounge area. The conversation is about how much slop they all ate yesterday. Chelsea is telling Este that she needs to have more slop shakes and coffee to help with her bowel movements. Outside by the hot tub area Dane Momma K eddie Damien and Kyra are all discussing how long hgs are on slop for. Dane says 7 days. Eddie is getting Momma K cigarette smoke blown in his face by the wind and decides to go inside. The feeds go down at 10:41 AM BBT.
10:45 AM BBT-1:59 PM BBT Feeds are still down
1:00 PM BBT Feeds come back with Anthony, Momma K and Dane are in the Hot Tub area Kailyn is saying It would make great television if I lost my cool but sorry. Dane tells her That this week will be tough. Kailyn tells him I knew if I rallied the house to keep Maki my game would be f**ked. Dane goes to get coffee. Kailyn says Kikki actually did what I told her; she actually used my own words. Dane comes inside and says I am giving her some time to herself. He tells them that she said she had a feeling. Este says You guys make really dark coffee in this house. Kyra tells her it is good for shi**ing. Up in the HOH Room Kikki and Chelsea are hugging out the fact that she got pulled off. Kikki gets called to the DR. Chelsea is in the kitchen saying I think I made the right decision for the house. In the washroom Eddie was shaving and Dane comes in and gives him a hug saying you look funny right now. Back in the kitchen Adam is making slop. Damien has joined Chelsea in the HOH Room. Chelsea says to him I know you are close to Kailyn and I am sorry for that. She tells him she thinks her campaigning will be hard core. She goes on to tell him that she thinks this move will help the house. She tells him that I know you won’t go home. She says she feels Kailyn is danger. Damien said He is close to her as she was the only one that came to me on Day 2. She tells him that she thinks that there are a lot of people who want to work with you. She says again that she really thinks that this is a good move for the majority of the house. Damien tells her he does feel safe even though it sucks being up on the block. Chelsea thanks him for trusting her. Chelsea says I respect her but I just don’t trust her. Damien says I am a man of my word and it put me where I am. She tells him just to stay calm. She tells him that what he said was really really good. She says Moving forward I hope we can work together. Chelsea says Let’s just reset. Damien says I look at you and know that you have been honest and are true to your words. Damien says How do you judge trust? Good Times or Bad Times? He tells her you do it through bad times. Chelsea agrees with him. She tells him we will keep in touch over the week. Chelsea says She is a sweet woman but I just don’t trust her. Damien says I am not going to campaign to hard out of respect for Momma. I am what I am what you see is me. Chelsea says That was so intense but I knew what I needed to do. She goes on to say the Waiting for cues it just went on to long.
1:15 PM BBT Mark and Dane are at the pool table. They are saying next is Sam then we will work on calming Adam down. In the kitchen Adam is eating his slop pancakes. Kikki is making a sheet of slop to put in the oven. The conversation is about energy that leaves your body when you die. Cameras switch back to the HOH Room where Damien and Chelsea are still talking about the game. Damien says Thank you Chel. I trust you and believe your word. They hug it out and both exit the HOH. Anthony is now talking to Chelsea. He tells her that Sam was staring at you a lot and everyone was looking. Chelsea says People are scared to say who there are working with. Anthony says Okay so Ma is leaving and she decides that she was wants to stir the pot. What does she have on you that she could use. Chelsea is telling him about the statements she has made about other hgs. Chelsea says she has had a conversation with her about floaters and she threw the girls names out and I said Yea. Anthony says I am just worried about next week. Anthony says We need to make sure if someone wins who we don’t want to win so we can start control what they may start now. Anthony said she told him last week that if Maki goes this week I am next. Chelsea says Este doesn’t trust her because Kailyn has been throwing her name out for awhile even before this week. Dane and I went outside with her. y and flip it. She tells him she doesn’t want to go against Damien because she really likes him.
1:45 PM BBT Cory says She needs to go work out. Kailyn says No she had trouble walking up the stairs maybe tomorrow. Cory says maybe some stretching itHe says she told us I knew it. He says he did that because he doesn’t like the celebrating going on downstairs. Anthony says She has 2 options she can campaign for herself or she can campaign against Damien. Anthony says I just want to be aware so I can keep an ear open and cool the fire. He asks her who is close to the girls. She tells him she thinks Dane. He agrees that he will try and talk to Dane.
1:30 PM BBT Anthony leaves the room telling her if she needs him to talk to someone let him know. Just outside the HOH Room Eddie and Cory are talking about how shy Eddie is outside this house. Cory tells him that she has conversations easy and I have a hard time in this house. Eddie says We have hockey players here and I know nothing about sports. Kikki is still in pain from her workout yesterday. Back to Cory and Eddie Eddie is saying he feels very sad in this house afterwards. Cory says You have me and either Damien or Momma depending who stays. She tells him you can talk to the same people that I do like Anthony is really good to talk to. Chelsea is in the kitchen Kailyn comes in and tells them it is snowing. Chelsea asks Kailyn let me know if you want to talk. Kailyn tells her I am fine Hellva speech. Kailyn says I hope we get hot water before Thursday or I will be one stinky bitch. Kailyn joins Eddie and Cory outside the HOH Room. Kailyn says I was just surprised that I wasn’t part of the noms. Cory says it is what it is but you do have 3 days. Eddie says I was surprised. Cory says You are very composed. Kailyn tells her if I was against anybody else it would be different. Cory says It could have been me. Kailyn says Your mouth hasn’t gotten you in trouble. Cory says I don’t know who I would vote out.I know who I haven’t talked game with and that is just facts. Cory tells her When it wasn’t me I wasn’t surprised it was you because you and her had the most tension after last week. Eddie says I am so sorry. Eddie hopes for a twist. Kailyn says We need hot water before Thursday. Kailyn is telling Edie to vote with the house because if you don’t you will be f**Ked. Eddie asks her if you are going to tr will help you clear your mind. Kailyn tells her her mind is clear. Cory leaves. Kikki joins them saying it is a bittersweet feeling because I don’t want you to be there.She tells Kikki to go with the house because that is what Chelsea wants. Kikki says It’s not over until it is over. Kailyn says Oh Baby the fat lady is singing. That Bitch saying I lie I say nothing but the truth. Eddie says Whoever stays needs to win HOH. Anthony walks by and things get quiet. Kailyn says Certain people acting like they didn’t know. Eddie says I am kept out of the loop 100%. Eddie say This game sucks if you talk game too early you are voted out and the floaters get to the top. He tells her I hate to say I told you so but I did tell you so. She says You told me that after I had my foot in my mouth. She is telling him he can trust Damien but not Cory.
2:00 PM BBT Anthony, Dane and Mark are all in the lounge playing pool. Anthony says that now all the girls will be so scared for their game that it might be a smart move for the three of them to align with the girls, “just to be safe.” Dane says they’ll see what happens and the three of them continue their pool game chatting about their respective scores. Anthony then says, “No but do you hear what I’m saying? Everything so far sounds good with our side and I know you all think everything’s cool with Este, but because we’re like, The Boys, now they’ll be like The Girls” Anthony continues to say that Este and Kiki might be thinking that they have Dane who is a strong player on their side, but they should start taking out the guys, Mark tells them he wants to throw out the fact the Este and Kiki both had considered putting them up in the first week and what will happen now if they decided to work with them and they turn on them. Dane says that’s worth thinking about. Anthony says Chelsea told him she had a conversation with Eddie right after Eddie made what Anthony says was a “horrible decision” to work with the three of them and vote against them, he went to Chelsea and said he wants to be safe and work with her because that’s where the power is, and Chelsea told him that he (Eddie) went against what he was supposed to do with the guys and asked him why and Anthony tells them that quoted from Chelsea, Eddie says, “I’m not Dane’s bitch, I don’t do what Dane tells me to do.” Dane, genuinely seems shocked and says,”WOW” Anthony says, “Yeah exactly, the fact that she told me that means that she has no idea.” Dane says. “That’s fucked.”
2:15 PM BBT Anthony says to Mark and Dane, “Bro this is why we have to be very selective on where we put our energy this next week, this has nothing to do with MA (Kailyn) anymore this has to do with Damien.” Mark says they have to bring Damien in. Anthony says he feels like Damien is so scared of them and and he has the mindset of, “I think the boys have me but they don’t” Anthony says they need to think of who has been plotting Damien this whole time, and says MA (Kailyn) has been faking liking Adam and Sam and she, “said a whole bunch of shit” to Dane. and Anthony says that Damien and Eddie have been under her wing the whole time and he says there’s no way she’s not going back to her “minions” saying everything she hears from everyone else she pretends to get along with. Feeds cut to Sam, Adam, Damien, and Corey in the lounge doing a workout. Corey is leading the workout and says they’ll do a couple reps of “mountain climbers” and end on a side plank with some type of crunch added in.
2:30 PM BBT In the kitchen, Eddie, Kyra, Anthony, Dane, Kiki, and Momma Kailyn are all sitting at the counter. Damien is making a slop treat and there are a few pans full on the counter as well. Anthony looks for his coffee and Dane also wonders where his is. Kyra has one next to them and asks Anthony if it’s his, Anthony asks where Kyra got it from and they say they grabbed it thinking it was theirs and Anthony says then it probably is his because they were both next to each other and asks Kyra if they drank any. Kyra says they had a sip to see if it was theirs and they thought it was and Anthony says they can just have it. Kyra says it’s ok he can have it back and Anthony says, “I thought you said it tasted like yours.” Kyra says it tasted like milk and sugar and they both take milk and sugar so he can have it. Dane yells up to Chelsea to grab him a battery. Kiki asks Kyra to grab her a cup of coffee and Kyra gets up to grab her one and asks Anthony if he wants another one too, he says he’s all set for now and Kiki says if there’s ice she’ll take an iced coffee, and says she thought she saw some in the pantry beside the coffee because she made a pot but she’s not sure if there’s any left. Chelsea joins everyone in the kitchen and Dane says he can’t believe how long it’s taking him to make his slop. Chelsea asks if it’s pizza and he says kind of, it’s slop pizza and he’s putting some barbeque sauce on it.
2:45 PM BBT Feeds cut to the HOH room where Eddie and Chelsea are having a one on one conversation. Eddie is telling Chelsea that about an hour and a half before the eviction, Dane told Kiki and Este a plan and eddie says he didn’t fill them in about his vote before hand. Eddie continues saying he went in the bathroom where Damien, Este, and Kiki were getting ready and he told them straight up that he was probably voting with the house and they told him that he couldn’t do that because he had already given Maki his word and and he couldn’t go and flip that. Chelsea asks Eddie if it was Kailyn who was “spearheading” that and says that she heard it was. Eddie says it was all of them Kiki, Este, and Kailyn but Kailyn wasn’t the only one who was “pressuring him.” Eddie says that Damien even though he was in the room at the time wasn’t part of the conversation in question. Chelsea says, ok and eddie says that at that moment he didn’t think that Maki had the votes and it wouldn’t make a difference and says he told them it didn’t make a difference how he voted because either way Maki didn’t have the votes so he was going to vote with the house. Eddie again says that the three girls, (Este, Kiki, and Kailyn) were literally pressuring him and he says that he told them flipping his vote would make him look very bad and right now they are voting to prove that they are loyal people and he felt very pressured by them to do what they wanted. Chelsea says that’s manipulation and Eddie agrees and says now that he thinks about it that’s probably exactly what they were doing.
3:00 PM BBT Kiki and Kailyn are sitting in front of the fish tank. Kailin tells Kiki if she, (Kailyn) keeps “raising hell” then Kiki is, “probably good for a few” and says that not all comps will be physical. Kiki asks Kailyn if there’s any type that she feels really confident about and asks what her strong suits are. Kailyn says when she’s inspired she can win and it’s just that simple. Kiki says she likes that. Kailyn says she didn’t think she was going to have to play so hard so quick, but she was playing other peoples games. Feeds cut the the lounge where Kailyn, Kyra, and Damien are drinking coffee and playing a game of pool. Kyra and damien are playing pool against each other and Kyra tells Damien to just shoot their balls in so he does.
3:15 PM BBT Mark and Kiki are in the living room in front of the fish tank. Kiki says she’s so happy to be in the house. Mark says he knows she is and he is happy they are both there as well, he says the two of them haven’t talked a whole lot the last few days and he knows it’s been stressful for her, but his offer still stands that if she ever needs to talk, he’s still there for her and he knows he’s screwed up and made bad decisions and when he walks around the house deep in thought, people come up to him and ask what he’s thinking and who he’s working with and he can’t come flat out and say it.
3:30 PM BBT Anthony, Eddie, Corey, Dane, Sam, and Chelsea are all in the kitchen eating Dane’s slop pizza and everyone says it’s really good. Everyone tries a piece and Dane says he made the crust out of slop and then put garlic and barbecue sauce on it. Chelsea says, “Wow this is actually good! Good job Dane!” and Anthony, Sam, sam, Eddie, and Corey fistbump him. Anthony says it’s way better than the one they had the other day and Same says they had to go through that one first to be able to get to what they have now. Sam says by the end of the season they’ll be so used to their slop creations they won’t even want real food. Anthony says they’ll be saying to just give them slop every week instead. Sam says the pizza doesn’t even taste like slop and Chelsea says it’s legit really good. Dane is happy everyone likes it and Sam says he needs to make it for them everyday. In the Hoh room, Chelsea and Sam are talking about the POV ceremony and Kailyn going up on the block. Chelsea says she braced herself because she was expecting absolute chaos, but says she thinks Kailyn’s classier than that.
3:45 PM BBT Chelsea and Sam continue discussing the backdoor plan in HOH and Chelsea says that she thinks Kailyn is admitting defeat and knows what’s happening and that it is what it is. Sam says that Kailyn told her she isn’t going to go against Damien or campaign against him in any way. Chelsea says that Eddie told her he heard the same thing. Sam says she saw her talking to Kiki also and then Este came over and eagerly told Sam Kailyn wanted to talk to her and that she, (Este) didn’t know about what was going on. Chelsea says she doesn’t think that there’s anything Kailyn can say that will be able to save her this week because everyone already doesn’t trust her, Sam agrees. Chelsea says the only people who she (Kailyn) could say something to that might be able to have an impact would be Kiki and Este but Chelsea says at this point it’s not really a big concern of hers because she comes to Chelsea and Adam and says whatever and she obviously knew and expected something was going on and said to Kyra outside that backdooring her was a smart move. Chelsea says that Kailyn obviously knew and she understands the game and respects their decision and everything is going to be what it’s going to be. Chelsea brings up how Eddie told her earlier that he felt out of the loop and says that she told him it wasn’t that he was out of the loop, it was more that Chelsea could see that he was getting close with Kailyn and didn’t want her to find out she was being backdoored, and says after that Eddie was kind of venting to her about how he feels and says he told her he feels like he’s not really playing the game because everyone he was close with is going home which Chelsea says makes sense.
4:00 PM BBT Docs closed until 6:00 PM BBT

6:00 PM BBT Damien, Eddie, Chelsea, Anthony and Kyra are hanging out ii the pool room. Damien was telling them about how he came to appreciate wine. In the red room, Dane and Este, Kiki and Adam chill together. Adam asked where everyone else was. Dane told him. They discuss how many weeks are left and how long before the jury. Adam said that if the comp is an endurance one, he’s got it. Dane said him too. Dane said that the double eviction is usually true or false. Adam and Dane said that it was hot in there. Adam said he was hot on the inside. He said he could be out in minus 40 and he is still warm inside. Adam said he needed a shower. He said he put a bag on the floor of the shower and wrote veto on it in mustard. Back in the pool room, Chelsea said that she found it rude when she is talking to people and they just stare at their phone. In the blue room, Adam said that Corey was going to vote how he wanted. He said that Kailyn said that if she stays, she is going after Sam and Chelsea. Adam said that none of the other alliance trusted him. Dane said that Damien tried to make him feel sorry for being on the block. Adam said that he told the girls that they needed to trust the boys. Sam told him that eventually, Dane was going after him. Adam said that they needed to get together and decide who they wanted to go home. Dane said that they would leave that up to Chelsea. Adam leaves and goes to the washroom. Sam and Corey are there. Adam said that he was going to work out. He asks Corey about her routine when she is at home. Corey explained her exercise routine to him. Adam said he was probably going to do some squats.
6:15 PM BBT In the red room, Kyra is in bed with Este and Kiki. Kiki said that Kyra was like a puppy dog, climbing in bed and nestling. Kyra said that Este stepped up her game. Kiki said that she had razor burn so she wasn’t going to shave her armpits. Back in the washroom, Adam and Sam are talking about what hgs have been saying to him about game. He said that Kailyn was probably going to make it seem like Adam, Sam and Dane are really tight. Adam said that after talking to este and Kiki, he was pretty sure that nobody would vote against them. He was asked who he was worried about winning. Adam said that he wa worried about Damien because he had no idea what he would do. In the red room, Este and Kiki and Kyra are still hanging out together. Este said that she wondered how she would look like with higher eyebrows. Kiki told her that she was beautiful. Kyra asked her if she would get work done. Este said her breasts. She said she wanted a child but didn’t want to breastfeed. Kyra said that Kyra felt bad about Kailyn. Kyra said that Kyra understood why people avoided Kyra last week. Feeds go down at 6:29 pm
6:30 PM BBT -10:15 PM BBT Feeds are down
10:19 PM BBT- Feeds come back up in the HOH room Sam, Adam, and Chelsea are in the HOH room. Sam asks him what is the difference between a showmance and a kiss.. Adam and Sam kiss. Adam tells her that one of us needs to win HOH next week so we can have some private time. In the hottub area Kailyn tells them she can’t wait until they tell her Kailyn you have been evicted she tells them she is going to tell it all.

Tonight's Show

March 17, 2019

 Previously, on Big Brother Canada, when Dane teed off in the HoH competition and took over the house, he played it safe and put up Maki and Kyra to help keep his pretty boy alliance top secret. 

While Maki took it in stride, Kyra's emotional game worried her allies. With the veto in the hands of another pretty boy, the nominations stayed the same. And when the poet slammed Adam, undercover Anthony read between the lines.

Meanwhile, Kyra found their groove and put Maki and his handlers square in Adam's crosshairs. And then Maki took a blowtorch to his game. 

On eviction night, the house was split in half. For only the second time in BBCAN history a tie vote put all the power in the hands of the HoH. 

And when Dane dropped the hammer, the poets ran out of ink. Before the dust could settle the two sides took shots at each. 

In the end Chelsea took down Estefania for HoH. 

Tonight, who will Chelsea put up on the block. How will the house recover from the polarizing tie vote? It's all coming up on Big Brother Canada! 

We pick up after the HoH competition and Chelsea says she's stoked to this win HoH because everything was chaos after the last eviction. We look back on Dane casting his final vote. 

We see it's Day 13 and Maki putting a plague on the house. Kyra says they managed to survive eviction by a tie breaker and the house is tense. Dane says Maki threated him and his alliance and he had to go.

Kyra says the game just started, let's play! Kailyn says the games been being played for two weeks. Kailyn says she rallied the votes to force Dane to make a decision and cast the deciding vote. 

We see Kailyn telling Este, Eddie, and Kiera that Dane swore he would vote Kyra out including swearing on his father. Kyra thanks everyone for voting against them. Adam says why would keep a number for your guys? Damien says he gave his word to Maki at the beginning of the week. 

In the storage room Dane is upset and Anthony and Adam are consoling him. Adam says it was a big move, we had to take him out because he was coming after us. Kyra is confronting Kailyn about campaigning for Maki. Dane tells everyone that Maki threatened him and Kailyn so you left those who were loyal and honored their word with targets on their back.

Chelsea says there is one person that's responsible for the divide in the house and that's Kailyn, and she's on her radar on who to target. Chelsea goes upstairs with Adam, Anthony, Kyra, and Sam and they scream and celebrate and Eddie comes in and the celebrations calms for a minute. 

Eddie is talking to Kailyn and he says this is his dream and he has to play smart. He's telling Kailyn that he was going to vote with the house last week and Kailyn says she knew the vote would be split. Eddie asks Kailyn who Chelsea would put up? Kailyn says Cory and she tells him she doesn't believe they are in danger this week. 

Who wants to see Chelsea's HoH room? She gets her basket and Skechers. She's so excited for her HoH room. She gets her video and it's her friend Jordan. She says she's so excited for Chelsea and she's never watched the live feeds before, but she is now. They are so happy for her and proud of her and they'll be waiting with a glass of wine when she gets out of the house. Chelsea says this just focuses her to keep going. 

Chelsea is talking to Sam and Adam and Chelsea is saying Kyra needs to calm down. Chelsea says they needs to remember that they are playing all the time and arrogant statements can put a huge target back on them. Chelsea says Kyra needs to understand they need to keep their distance. Chelsea tells Kyra that perception in this game is reality. Chelsea tells Kyra to be careful. Chelsea tells Kyra they can't be glued together and Kyra leaves. Chelsea says she just needs her space and privacy in her HoH. 

We see some hot dogs and a backyard BBQ and there's a slide, and Chelsea greets them by the grill. The competition is called Slop and Slide. They randomly drew teams and one at a time each member will slide into the slop and hunt for a recipe. Once they finish their plate, the next teammate can go. The first team to finish will get food for the week. The last two teams will compete in a final round and the loser will be Have-Nots for the week. 

Dane and Kiera are up first. Kiera got slop sushi and Dane got Slopballs and Spaghetti. They are both stuffing their mouths and gagging. Dane is finished first and Estefania is next. Kiera has finished and Kyra is next. Estefania has sushi and she can't finish her plate so she tags in Kailyn has Sloppy Joes. Kailyn says she should probably finish the sushi, but there's no way she's doing that so she's searching for sloppy Joe's. 

Kailyn finds sloppy joes and she finishes and Dane is back in. Dane got the sushi and Adam has sloppy joes. Dane is done. Este is next and she is gagging into a bucket. Dane tells Este to tag her in and she does and yellow team of Dane, Estefania, and Kailyn are done first and they get to eat the BBQ food. 

On the menu for round two they have Slop Salad, Slop Dogs, and Slopsicles. Damien and Sam are both up first. Sam has a slop dog and Damien has the slopsicle. Damien is done and Cory is up. Sam is gagging. Cory found the slop salad. Sam says she was just a Have-Not, she's not going there again. Cory says she's channeling her inner-slopzilla. Sam is still on her slop dog and Cory is shoving the salad in her mouth gagging. Sam is done and Anthony is up and he has the slop salad. Cory has finished and Mark is up and he gets the slop dog. Anthony is almost done with slop salad but he taps out and Damien heads back up. Mark says Damien is so high on adrenaline right now he's a beast. Damien finished but he gagged right as he finished.

For the final round, we have Kiera, Adam, and Kyra vs Sam, Anthony, and Eddie. On the menu, they have Cricket Crumble, Slop Cookies and Milk, and Peanut butter and slop sandwich. Anthony is first with the Cricket Crumble and Cory has the peanut butter and slop. They both finish. Sam is done with her sandwich. Kiera taps Adam back in. Adam has told his team to take a bit and tag him in and he'll finish it. Eddie is struggling with the slop cookie. Adam finishes the sandwich.

Kyra heads up takes a bite, tags Adam in, and Adam finishes his. Eddie finishes his plate and Anthony is back in. Adam has finished the Cricket Crumble. Kiera goes back up and she taps Adam back in. Anthony can't find the last plate. Adam finishes and blue team wins. Which means Sam, Eddie, and Anthony are the Have-Nots for the week. Sam says another seven days sleeping in a scary room eating slop all day.

The Pretty Boys are meeting in the storage room. Mark says eviction night was very revealing and with the house divided he has to regroup with his alliance. Adam says he feels like he's pretty close with Chelsea. Adam says Mama is dangerous and got people to change their minds and she could do that again. Anthony says Ma is very manipulative and that's dangerous for their alliance. Anthony says they are safe, but they have to keep their ears open. They have to listen to who's taking shots at them and start planting seeds now.

Kiera and Este are talking and they are talking about people wasting an HoH. They hope Chelsea does something for her own game. They say they like her and if she shows them loyalty, then they will be loyal back. Kiera says she thinks "they" (The Pretty Boy Alliance) will pressure her to nominate one of them. 

Chelsea has selected Mark for Wendy's. Chelsea says Mark is sort of a wildcard and she thinks there's an opportunity to build some more trust. They start looking over the menu and Chelsea places their order and goes to get it from Hamza from BB Canada 6. Chelsea loves Hamza and wants to hug him through the window and she says it's nice to meet him. Chelsea tells Mark Hamza delivered their food and they eat and start talking. 

Chelsea says her thought process is to put up people she doesn't have a great game relationship with and who won't hurt her. Mark says he will take out whoever she wants. Chelsea says she feels like she trusts Mark and he says he trusts her too. 

Kyra is talking to Chelsea and Adam and Sam. Kyra throws out Kiera, Este, Kailyn, Eddie, or Damien. Chelsea mentions Kailyn as a mastermind. Kyra says as soon as Kailyn gets HoH they will go up. Kyra says Mama K is manipulative and that's terrifying. Adam says maybe put up two pawns and backdoor someone. Chelsea agrees. Chelsea says it's early in her HoH and she knows who her target is and it's Kailyn. 

It's Day 14 and Sam and Cory are looking at the fishtank. Sam says they are bored but they love the fish and they named one Steve and Sam thinks he's full of personality. Sam finally looks and says she thinks Steve is dead because he's not moving. Cory asks if they should say a few words for him and Sam prayed and Cory says amen. Then Sam notices he's moving and Sam tells us Steve is alive and well! 

Damien wants to talk to Chelsea. He wants to stay true to his people, but he also wants to stay safe. Damien says he's going to tell Chelsea what she wants to hear to keep himself off the block. Chelsea tells Damien she just doesn't know where his head is. Damien says Maki and Mama K approached him when he was on the block and that's why he voted to keep Maki. Chelsea says she sees that he has integrity. Damien says if Chelsea doesn't put him on the block then she won't be a target for him. Chelsea says she really needs a pawn to pull off a backdoor. That perfect pawn is Damien because he's already been on the block and they don't have a game relationship.

Kiera and Dane are in the kitchen and Dane says nominations are today and he hasn't talked to Chelsea yet. Kiera says she thinks he's fine. Kiera thinks she'll be OK too. Kiera says even though Chelsea and her haven't talked game a lot, but she thinks she's a great person and she'd love to work with her. Kiera heads up to talk to Chelsea. 

Chelsea says she hasn't talked much game with Kiera. Kiera says she wants to work with Chelsea and she's done the best she could in each of her scenarios. Chelsea says she has to think about her game moving forward and she has to surround herself with people who have her back. Kiera says she would not gun for Chelsea next year. Chelsea says Keira can gush all she wants but she's the perfect pawn for her backdoor plan. 

Arisa greets us and says ONE HGs will get unprecedented access to Leon's Lounge and valuable video intel on the other HG. Who get's this opportunity? It's up to you Canada! 

Dane is in The Archives and he says there's 82 boxes. He says the first week there were 41 and now there's 82. He says he has no idea what's going on! This mystery is exhausting. He climbs on a shelf with a pillow and Kiera heads in and Dane scares her. 

Kailyn asks Chelsea how the HoH room is and Chelsea says it's great. She says the best part is she's alone and has clean sheets. Chelsea says she's playing a balancing act with Kailyn and she wants her to feel nice and safe so she doesn't start trying to build an army around herself. Kailyn says her and Chelsea have some common goals on who they want out and she feels she has some safety. 

Chelsea says she needs Kailyn gone for her game. Chelsea goes to talk to the camera and she says there are definitely side in the house. Kailyn, she feels is super manipulative and she's trying to rally soldiers for her side which could be Kiera, Este, Damien, and Eddie. Chelsea wants to make big moves but she has to be careful because it could make her a target. She wants to pull off this backdoor, it's a huge game move. She loves this game! 

Chelsea heads to HQ with the briefcase. She says after the chaos of last week's eviction it's important she plays strategic to keep the numbers on her side. As a competitor, she's hungry to make a big move. She has a backdoor target and it's Kailyn. She can't risk putting her on the block and letting her put numbers around her. To do this she has to put up two pawns. The only way her plan goes off without a hitch is if Kailyn has no idea what's happening. 

Chelsea's nominations are locked. She heads to the living room and her first nominee is Kiera. Her second nominee is Damien. Chelsea says she's chosen Kiera because they haven't talked much game and she's been wishy-washy with her loyalty and she's shown she can be good in competitions. Damien and Chelsea have talked game the least and unfortunately, he's been on the block before making him an easy pawn. 

Kiera says she knew it was going to come eventually. People see her as a threat and she's going to play her heart out for the veto. Damien says at least he's not the target, but he needs to find a way out of this. Chelsea hopes everyone is believing her nominations so she can get out her real target... Kailyn.

Summary Sunday, March 17th

March 18, 2019

Summary Sunday, March 17th

10:00-10:30 AM: In the HoH room, Chelsea and Sam discussed that things could have worked out better during the veto comp but this scenario is still okay. Chelsea said she is reassuring Damien that he is the pawn. As for Kiera, Chelsea said she doesn’t want to give her too much reassurance but she feels bad. Sam said isn’t sure how to play it so that Kiera is super grateful for being saved. They talked about cutting a deal with Dane, Este and Kiera in order to keep themselves and Adam safe through the double eviction in exchange for using the veto on Kiera. As for Kyra, Chelsea said she can see it from a mile away that they are going to become detrimental to her game. Chelsea brought up Kyra being impulsive and getting her in trouble.


10:30-11:00 AM: Kyra joined Chelsea and Sam in the HoH room. They discussed that the numbers will be there to get Kailyn out this week. Chelsea said she knew that she was going to get Kailyn out but she needed to keep her off of the block for as long as possible. Sam said she will talk to Kiera about wanting to keep the house united. Meanwhile, Dane told Este and Kiera he doesn’t believe that they are the plan. He said it’s naive of the others to believe that they will return the favour if they are kept safe this week. Dane encouraged the girls to be nice to Chelsea. Dane said he is pretty sure that they are going to nominate Kailyn. Dane said Kiera would have him, Anthony, Damien, Este and Mark voting for her even if she stays on the block.


11:00-12:00 PM: Adam spoke to Sam about having a chat with Kiera in hope of securing safety for them through the double eviction. He said today will be a day to talk a lot of game. Later, Dane let Este and Kiera know that the others are looking for safety through the double. Dane suggested that Kiera tell that side that she wont nominate any of them next week if they save her. He added that they are scared of Damien and Eddie. Dane said he doesn’t know why but they seem to want to get Kailyn out this week. Dane told the girls that they can say they don’t trust Damien or Eddie, but then they have to win and take a shot. He mentioned getting Sam out next week followed by Kyra during the double eviction.


12:00-1:00 PM: In the bathroom, Adam brought up that they are wondering if Kiera would try to strike back at Chelsea should she say. Este said she doesn’t think that Kiera is one to hold grudges. Adam said he wants to get past the double eviction. Este added that it would be amazing to have all of them in jury together. Adam agreed. He said he doesn’t know if Sam will use the veto but he thinks that she should. Adam said he will not be nominating Este or Kiera if he wins HoH next week. Adam and Dane then spoke in the HoH room. Adam brought up Chelsea saying that he needs to see the bigger picture in terms of Dane coming after him. Dane asked if they were thinking about backdooring him this week. Adam said no. Adam let Dane know that the girls are worried that he, Este or Kiera would come after them should they win HoH. Dane told Adam that Este and Kiera would probably nominate Damien and Eddie, or possibly Kyra. Adam said the Final 9 in a perfect world would be The Pretty Boys, Chelsea, Sam, Este, Kiera and Damien. The reason that Adam included Damien is that he thinks Damien wants to go after the girls. Dane mentioned having a connection with Damien due to the both of them being hockey players.


1:00-2:00 PM: Dane spoke to Adam, Chelsea and Sam about the need to position themselves heading into next week. Dane said he had a 7-3 vote to evict Maki until Damien and Eddie voted the other way. Dane said Este and Kiera don’t trust those two because of that. Once Dane left, Adam said he really believes that they can trust him. Chelsea said they can for now since there are others that need to be picked off first. Adam brought up Este saying to imagine them in jury together. Adam doesn’t think that Este cares what happens once they make jury. He said she will love Sam for saving her best friend. When Chelsea brought up not trusting Mark, Adam said he can be trusted. Chelsea sees him playing a character and being two different people.


2:00-3:00 PM: Damien let Chelsea know that he appreciates her sensitivity towards him while he is in this situation. Damien added that it has calmed him. Damien told Chelsea that he will vote her way in the event that he gets off of the block. If not, he said he will hold on and still wont target her moving forward. Chelsea explained that there is a good opportunity for the entire house now that the veto is in Sam’s hands. Chelsea said it will keep Damien feeling very safe in the event that it happens.


3:00-4:00 PM: Adam and Sam spoke with Kiera. The idea of using the veto was floated around. Kiera said she would owe them her life if something like that were to happen. Sam said she would only be able to make the move if Kiera were to give her word in the same way that she did to Maki. Kiera agreed to that. Kiera confirmed that she would vote with them as well. Up in the HoH room, Chelsea and Kyra discussed that they do not trust Mark. Kyra said she will nominate Eddie and Mark if she wins HoH next week. Kyra hopes to prove to Dane that she is loyal to him. Chelsea thinks that is a smart idea. Chelsea said she doesn’t know why Adam trusts Mark. Kiera then sat down with Chelsea and Sam to discuss the situation that they are faced with. Kiera insisted that she will have both of their backs if she stays this week. Chelsea said the goal is to move forward, and she thinks that they can work together. Kiera said she really wants that. She pointed out that they will also have Este on their side if they have her. Chelsea brought up that there is an option for a bigger target. When Sam asked who would be on Kiera’s radar, the only name that she was willing to throw out was Kailyn’s. Aside from her, Kiera said that she would really have to think about it. Once the talk wrapped up, Chelsea told Sam that she could see Dane, Este and Kiera going after Kyra if they win HoH.


4:00-5:00 PM: Este told Kiera that the other side can’t be pissed at her if she puts Mark up in the even that she sticks to whatever deal they have to make. Damien joined them. Este said the perfect scenario would be that both of them stay this week, Kailyn leaves, and then Damien wins HoH to take someone like Sam out. Kiera said she is agreeing to do anything that the other side wants right now, but she will take the shot if she wins.


5:00-6:00 PM: Anthony and Cory discussed the plan moving forward. While Cory’s name was frequently brought up when she first entered the house, Anthony let her know that the target on her has definitely gotten smaller. Anthony said Sam is likely the only one who would nominate her. Anthony talked about the need to target Sam. Cory said one way to motivate people to do it would be to explain that Adam will be up for grabs with Sam out of the picture. Anthony said they have a lot of ammo to get people to go after Sam, including the fact that she has influence the first three votes. Anthony assured Cory that there is no one who Sam could convince to come after her. When Cory said that next week might be a good week for her to win since she doesn’t have a relationship with Este or Mark, Anthony reiterated that she is no longer a target. Anthony said he wouldn’t want to win HoH. He explained that he is good with everyone but he doesn’t have any really strong connections.


6:00-7:00 PM: Kyra told Sam that it will be a good thing to have Kiera feeling like she owes her. Sam worried that the other side would rally to come against them. She said she has a weird feeling about that, and she wishes that they had waited until the last minute to let Kiera in on the plan. Sam said she has a hard time trusting Kiera. Kyra said she thinks that Kiera will stick to her word if she makes a promise. Kyra suggested asking Kiera who she would target. Sam said she did but Kiera wouldn’t name anyone aside from Kailyn. They discussed that it would be best to have another conversation about it. In the have-not room, Anthony told Adam that if the majority of the house is thinking that Mark needs to go next, they have to redirect the target. Anthony said Damien, Eddie and Kyra are people who they can put targets on ahead of Mark. Anthony then discussed that painting a target on Sam is necessary in case Adam ends up on the block next to her. Anthony said that Sam has got to go very soon.


7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony pitched to Adam that Cory would be a good person to take down Sam. He explained that it would allow the Pretty Boys to avoid getting the blood on their hands by doing it themselves. Anthony said he has a hunch that Cory will try to take down a big player. In the HoH room, Chelsea let Kyra know that Adam told Dane about the plan to put Kailyn on the block. Both Chelsea and Kyra agreed that Adam should have let Chelsea tell Dane. They discussed that it’s best to let Kiera know tonight that she will be coming off of the block. Chelsea and Kyra agreed that Mark cannot be trusted. Chelsea said she thinks that Kyra should get him out next week if she wins HoH. Kyra agreed. Kyra mentioned not knowing who is playing her. They brought up Anthony giving them a big talk. Kyra said Anthony basically told them not to trust Adam, but then they walked in on Adam and Anthony talking. Kyra felt that Anthony was manipulating them a little bit. Chelsea said she gets what Kyra was picking up on. They agreed that Anthony likes to mentor people and may be doing that with everyone in the house. Chelsea observed that Anthony makes everyone feel like they are the only one that he has in the game. Chelsea then brought up having told people that Mark is like two different people, only to have Mark come to her to say that he is a different Mark this week. Chelsea said Adam then came to her to say he told Mark that he is a different Mark this week, almost as if he was trying to get in front of it. Both Chelsea and Kyra agreed that they have to be careful with what they say to Adam and Sam moving forward.

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, March 17th

March 17, 2019

Summary Saturday, March 16th

March 17, 2019

Summary Saturday, March 16th


9:00-10:00 AM: Kiera attempted to pump herself up in anticipation of today’s veto competition. She said it’s time to show them why she is there and show them that they cannot mess with her. If she wins the veto, Kiera expects them to come to her to say that the plan all along was to put someone else up. Kiera said she cannot wait to strike back. Alongside of Dane and Este, Kiera said that they are going to turn this around.


12:00-1:00 PM: Chelsea looked to get Anthony’s opinion on Kailyn. Anthony said she is a very good player and she is very manipulative. Anthony mentioned that Kailyn talked game with him on the very first day, which seemed unusual to him for that early in the game. Anthony said Kailyn is someone who uses people as meat shields, and she will do anything to put people in front of her if she feels that she is in danger. For that reason, Anthony said that he would not work with her. Chelsea then let Anthony know that her nominations were strategic in that it is very likely that one of the two will come down, and then she can make another move. Chelsea added that she respects Kailyn but she does not trust her.


1:00-2:00 PM: Adam and Anthony discussed that Mark’s name is coming up a lot in conversations. Anthony said Mark asked him and Dane if they are still good. Anthony was bothered by the question. He told Adam that he pulled Mark aside afterwards to make it clear that it’s The Pretty Boys until the Final 4, so he should not be needing reassurance. As for Sam, Anthony warned Adam that she is a lot smarter than he thinks she is. Anthony suggested that Sam’s relationship with Adam is no different than the relationship that she has with others. Anthony said that Adam should keep doing everything the same but be careful with his words when it comes to Sam. Anthony brought up Sam being the one to take out Laura and to plant the seeds to get Maki out. He believes that they can spin that against Sam if Adam and Sam ever end up on the block together.


2:00-3:00 PM: Chelsea and Sam worried about who the next target would be should they follow through with this week’s plan. Sam believes that Dane would come after her and either Adam or Kyra if he were to win. Adam said that’s not true. He explained that the boys have an understanding. Adam told the girls that Damien, Eddie and Kailyn should be the next three to go. Chelsea asked what would happen if Dane wins HoH. Adam said he might go after Kyra. Both Chelsea and Sam said that they would rather have Adam there than Kyra. Chelsea followed it up by saying that they can get Dane out next week if they are in power. While Sam said that it would be a smart move, Adam disagreed. Adam said it’s pissing him off that they are going against Dane. He questioned how they cannot see which way the votes went last week. Adam said he knows for a fact that Dane is not going after him. When Kyra asked if they can tell Adam what Dane said about him, Adam said he already knows that Dane probably called him a threat. Adam said they have talked about it and they are saying these things in order to avoid looking like they are tight. Kyra said they know Adam trusts Dane but they are saying not to trust him fully. Chelsea reiterated that they can get him out next, which Adam once again disagreed with. Adam ended the conversation by telling Chelsea, Kyra and Sam that they can get Dane out if they want but he doesn’t think that the timing is right. Adam then reported back to Anthony about his conversation. Anthony said it’s good that the girls are thinking that way, seeing as they don’t realize that the guys are so close. Anthony said they need Dane to paint a believable picture of who he will go after, and it has to align with who Chelsea and Sam would want to target. Anthony warned Adam not to push too hard for Dane, otherwise the girls may put things together.


4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down at 4:37 for the veto competition.

5:00 PM BBT-12:00 PM BBT Feeds Down for POV

12:00 PM BBT-2:18 AM BBT Feeds Down for POV

2:19 AM BBT Sam won the Power of Veto

Live Feed Updates Saturday, March 16th

March 16, 2019

8:00 AM BBT Dane is the only HG up and moving. He’s been up for the last half hour, cleaning, and is now sitting and enjoying a coffee. Sam comes out of the HN room, complaining that her back hurts. Anthony is up next; he and Dane talk while Sam uses the facilities. Anthony tells Dane that as soon as he laid down last night, Sam was after him to speak. They agree that Sam has to go. Eddie comes out of the HN room, looking like a zombie and saying it was terrible. Dane tells Anthony that every person he talks to in the house wants Sam out. Anthony called to do the battery exchange. Dane runs the days/comps. Anthony tells BB that the red room is locked, and they unlock the door?! Dane goes in to greet Este for the day.
8:15 AM BBT Eddie downstairs in the kitchen, filling the kettle. He tries to go in the pantry, but it’s locked. We get a shot of production taking the battery box. Dane and Eddie talk about what it’s like for Eddie to be a HN. Eddie says he can’t complain because this would be a luxury compared to being on Survivor. Dane goes to see if the pantry is open, and it is. Eddie mentions that Dane is up early; Dane says he gets up to clean and that he’s a good house husband. Eddie asks if he gets up early at home, too, and Dane says yes, some workdays start at 5. Eddy leaves, and Dane collects ingredients to make breakfast. He heads out to the kitchen and starts preparing it. Up in the blue BR, Sam and Adam are snuggled in his bed. She asks if he missed her; Anthony comes in and Sam says she’ll make them a shake soon. Sam gets called out for being in the bed with Adam; she gets told a second time to wake up, or be prepared to face the consequences. Sam moves to sitting on the edge of the bed and says that Anthony is a good guy. She says that they had a brief conversation before Eddie came in. Rooster crows and Adam says he guesses he’ll get up. Sam heads down to make slop shakes before the ice is gone.
8:30 AM BBT Anthony, Mark, Corey, Sam, Dane in the kitchen preparing for their day. Adam comes down and joins them. Kyra comes down and fixes herself a coffee. Kyra and Dane talking in the pantry about Sam being a HN for the second week in a row. Anthony, Eddie and Corey enjoying a morning beverage and talking about music. Corey tells him that after BB having the chat with them yesterday about how they need to be in bed on time, etc. when the lights started to dim last night, she was the only one in her room. She gets called about about talking about production.
8:45 AM BBT Up in the red BR, Este, Kiki and Kailyn are still lounging in bed. Kiki says she’s going to win the veto today and they’re going to raise hell. Este says the blue BR is so much more calming than the brightness in the red BR. Kailyn called out to put on her mic. Kailyn called to the DR. Kailyn asks who they think Corey would have voted for last week, if she’d had the chance; they all agree that she would have voted to keep Maki. Kailyn heads to the DR and Kiki says she’s going to win the PoV. Dane comes in and tells Kiki that Adam agreed to use the veto on Kiki if he wins. They discuss who they should vote out if it comes down to Kailyn vs Damien. Dane tells Este that Anthony told him that Sam said if she wins HoH next week, she’ll put up Dane and Este. Dane leaves the BR. Este and Kiki talk about who should go next week. Este says she doesn’t care who goes first; Adam or Sam. Mark comes in and they talk about how tattoos need to be covered every day. Kiki says that she’d really like to work with Chelsea. She says that it will be interesting to see what Mark does this week. They discuss how Damien is a loyal guy.
9:00 AM BBT Anthony, Mark and Dane are talking about Kailyn is controlling so many people. Mark leaves and Dane says he’s sick of hearing Mark ask if they’re still good. Anthony says he’s going to talk to him and tell him to stop asking. Anthony reiterates that Sam wants Este gone. Anthony leaves and joins Mark in the WR; he tells Mark to stop questioning them, that they’re good 1000%, all the time. Mark agrees to stop asking. Anthony heads downstairs. Dane joins Mark in the WR; he’s waiting for Este to be finished so he can use the WR. Down in the dining room, Adam, Sam, Chelsea, Anthony, Corey, Kailyn, Kyra and Eddie are congregating and making small talk while they have coffee and wake up. They talk about the HN comp yesterday.
9:15 AM BBT Damien upstairs in the red BR running days/comps. Most other HGs congregated downstairs having coffee and chatting. Much talk about yesterday’s comp and what they had to consume: spaghetti & slopballs and crickets were among the things mentioned. Dane confirms that he couldn’t keep his ‘meal’ down. Adam talks about how he used to gag when changing diapers at first. Talk turns to bears; Anthony says he’d fight a bear to protect his family.
9:30 AM BBT Most HGs still in the kitchen/dining room area, chatting and waking up; Damien still alone up in the red BR. They talk about the Hide and Veto comp from BBUS, and then about BBUS HGs. Sam and JC are two of their favs to comment on. They talk about sleep problems; Kailyn asks Sam is she’s tried melatonin. Sam says she hasn’t, but she’s smoked a lot of weed.
9:45 AM BBT Up in the HoH room, Chelsea and Kyra are talking about the upcoming veto comp. The only person that could mess up their plan would be Kailyn. Kyra asks if Chelsea will tell Anthony before the veto is used; Chelsea says she hopes to talk to him before the comp. Chelsea says that Adam said that Anthony will work with them, and that’s good enough for her. They’re unsure what Eddie would do if he won PoV, but Chelsea will talk to whoever wins and let them know her plan. They talk about what will happen once they have Kailyn on the block; Chelsea points out that if they could come back from last week, they can overcome any sort of defence she may mount. Kyra asks who they’ll save, if they’re given the choice, and Chelsea says Kiki immediately. She explains she can’t even see herself talking game with Damien. Kyra asks if they’re going to get Kiki next week, if they get Kailyn out this week and Chelsea says yes. Kyra says that she should leave because she’s conscientious about what Kailyn may say about their friendship once she’s on the block. Kyra says she’s been laying low, and trying to build bridges with the other HGs. She says Eddie doesn’t trust her and Chelsea agrees that he sure doesn’t.
10:00 AM BBT In the bathroom, Chelsea is getting ready for the day by applying her makeup and a minute later, she is asked by production to go into the DR. Kyra is in the HOH room and is talking a bit to herself saying that at least she is not going out this week and then walks out of the HOH room. Kyra is checking up on the towels that are in the dryer and Dane is saying that it doesn’t bother him having clean but still damp towels. Corey is walking out of the bathroom as Dane continues to get ready for his day. Este and Mark are upstairs just chatting up in one of the corner of the house. They are talking about the different countries and which ones to go and visit.Meanwhile, downstairs, Momma is drinking coffee and sitting with Damien just talking about life in general as he is munching on a breakfast sandwich. Adam is walking around the kitchen but then leaves the area.KIera is in the Blue BR and is getting her Zen on and is starting to meditate by herself where she can find peace and quiet.
10:15 AM BBT Mark and Este are still in their conversation about religion and their life experience but no game talk at this time. He is saying that he would love to hear all of her stories but she is saying that there are too many of them and it will be for another time. They both agree that this game feels like high school, like the different clicks and back stabbing.. She is originally from Colombia and she is telling Mark that going back to her country is not really safe so she is happy to be living where she is now and is thankful. Some of the other HG are downstairs in the Living Room and some are in the kitchen. Momma with Corey and Damien are wishing that the BB house would let them sing or do a bit more than what they are allowed to. Back in the Living Room, where Adam with Samantha with Anthony and Kyra are just talking about Botox and how Samantha is using it in order to reduce the speeding ages of the muscles in her face. Production is telling some of the HG that nap time is over
10:30 AM BBT Anthony is napping on the sofa of the living room and Kyra is taking advantages to lay on him as Kyra continues to talk to the other HG such as Sam and Adam. They are talking about fillers and botox as well as different kinds of methods to stay as youthful as possible. In the meantime, its looking like Adam and Sam are getting pretty close with each other. They are laughing by saying where their honeymoon will be as what kind of music they will have. Damien with Corey are joining the group downstairs. In the bathroom, Kiera with Eddie and Mark are getting either dressed, makeup or laundry. Kiera and Este leaves the bathroom and both goes into the Red BR where Momma is. Momma is trying to talk to the girls to see where they stand in the game and to make sure they are on the right path.
10:45 AM BBT Production is asking Este not to talk about brand names in the house. Kiera wants to shake things around in the house and wants to start making some big moves. Kiera and Momma thinks that Kyra doesn’t talk much game with them. Half of the cams are not live so the only one left is the one showing Momma and Kiera talking. Kiera is saying that it is not her time to go yet and will fight for the veto and the votes to make sure her stay is secure. Momma is telling Kiera to watch what she says and to whom like to be careful with Eddie and Anthony. Kiera is very high ho in winning the veto.KIera is hoping also for a special veto or a twist that would guarantee her safety so she can stay in the house.
11:00 AM BBT Kiera and Momma are still in the Blue BR chatting up and talking about each other hg and their strength. Mark is walking in and they are asking each other on how much oatmeal they had all over their body and it was everywhere. Momma is preparing on getting up and out of the room so she can go pee. Mark went inside his bed. Este and Anthony are in the upstairs lounge chatting up and he is saying that people sometime do not appear to be who they are and can be very phony. Este is saying that Mark is such a fake person and that Damien is a person she is not sure about et. Anthony is saying that here, with these HG, it is not about loyalty but about who they can first in front of them in order to be protected and it is only superficial and there isn’t any good and strong bond. He is telling her to be very cautious who she talks to. In the HOH room, Chelsea is saying that she is happy that she will not have to play in the veto comp. To Dane. Dane as the HOH is hoping to win the veto so he may have all of the power in his hands. Dane leaves the HOH room.

11:15 AM BBT Anthony is in the Blue BR with Kiera as Dane walks in. Anthony is so ready to take his shower but Dane is telling him that all of the showers are already taken. KIera with Este and Dane are in the Blue BR. Este is talking to the universe so that the players for the comp will be properly picked so they can be a bigger chance for the right player to win the veto comp. Kyra has walked into the room now. In the upstairs lounge, Corey with Chelsea are talking about trying to know each other HG is almost impossible and would not be genuine. They both agree that they would like to have a moment alone if they get HOH. Sometimes, some of the hg wants to have their own alone time.
11:30 AM BBT Corey is saying that she doesn’t like to have friends that are needy and constantly wants to check in and that is something she doesn’t like especially while in the house because then you are not sure if they have something else in mind if they don’t trust you, then what is the point.11:39 AM Feeds go out.
11:39 AM BBT-12:00 PM BBT Feeds are down at this time
12:05 PM BBT Kyra, Chelsea, Adam, and Sam in or around the kitchen having a few good laughs. Dane walks through with his coffee. Este, Anthony, and Corey sitting together talking about what they were wearing. Anthony says he is hungry, Corey says i’m sending you good vibes, he is on slop for 6 more days. Kiera takes some of the shake and says whoever made this thank you. Sam is admiring a bagel, then Kyra asks if they can eat it. Sam walks away saying she tortures herself watching others eat or looking at their food. Adam is in the living room area and you can hear the chatter of them planning a new game. A few of the Hgs are going over who picks and how POV picks go. Eddie sits at the bar alone while a few others are at the kitchen table and many others are in the living room.
12:15 PM BBT AS Damien walks out they tell him they are playing the Nap game, it’s a game not a real nap BB- multiple HGS Sam and Kyra begin to whisper about how Damien isn’t really a target and how it could be beneficial to keep him. Mark is up in HOH room listening to music and playing with the kitty, Kyra walks into the Blue room to talk to the cam and vent about Mark. Este walks in so she begins to tell her about the conversation. According to Kiera he tries to play her emotions and how he wants to save her and bring up a conversation from yesterday with Chelsea and acts like she doesn’t know or remember that conversation from yesterday. The ladies go over how Mark is dumb and they have talked to others about not trusting him. They have realized about momma K that she keeps her friends close and enemies closer. They need to be super careful about what they say gamewise and cool it with the other hgs. Este whispers a name about a gentleman and then Kiera says how she was confronted by him yesterday about how smart and genuine she is and how when they hugged it was the most genuine she has seen anyone. They keep going on about how to get Kyra up on the block. Do we plant seeds and how and will that blow up my game. Kiera mentions how she got advice from someone about being patient and how Maki blew up his own game freaking out. Kiera feels the speech given by Chelsea wasn’t true that she isn’t wishy washy. Este says that she is trying to get in good and close with Sam because she has realized how Sam is playing her own game and Adam will do anything for Sam.
12:30 PM BBT Kiera says she feels for Dane because he picked a side and he could have been in with the other side but chose them and he is in a sticky situation. They go over how boring the game will be if Kiera leaves right after Maki, they feel that that they have the strongest game bond, know what they want they just need to get in power. They go over Corey and how it could be beneficial for her to play and win. It would save Corey, and someone on the block if she chose to use it. Este wants to keep her Distance from Dane in the public area to keep speculations off. Dane walks in they begin talking about Dane peeing in the shower and adam “Plucking Feathers”
Feeds from that room cut, Kyra and Sam are on the couch whispering about having conversations with multiple people but also individuals. Dane comes waking out of the room and everyone makes a comment about him in Eddies pants. Feeds up in the blue room again and they are talking about Mark and they spill all the Tea to Dane about what they have been doing with Mark. Dane continues to just try on all of Eddie’s clothes. They want Damien to get HG choice and pick Dane for POV. Dane heads out to use the RR and says he will be back. All feeds go out for a moment and then back up. Kyra says they wanted to celebrate but felt they couldn’t for too long. Dane and Mark are in the WR whispering about how the girls are playing him but telling Dane.
12:45 PM BBT Anthony and Chelsea are in the HOH listening to music. He says Kikki is super confident, where Damien is just like I don’t want to go home. So Anthony thinks he will use the help of someone to help him speak to campaign. They don’t feel like Kikki would have the balls to go after Chelsea. Chelsea says she feels there is an elephant in the room about who they don’t talk about but should. They begin to talk about momma K. Anthony says he will tell her what’s going on from the start how she came to him day one, they have a friendship not a game relationship. She uses people as meat shields to stay protected and safe. Chelsea says that she understands 100% and explains how others perceived it as a very strong game relationship and she is trying to be 100% with him. Chelsea wants to work with her but doesn’t trust her. Anthony says he has figured out some things through others lies. He compares Momma K to Chuckie, and how she freaked out on both Anthony and Dane. Anthony says he is cool with everyone but there are others he trusts and will be loyal to. Anthony shares how he feels about the “prayers” she has been having with others, and how Maki left and it was classless. Chelsea wanted to make sure Anthony knows about everyone and how she’s feeling and he says I have already committed to you. Adam tries to walk in and they ask him for a couple minutes. They all just need to play their best game and smart.

1:00 PM BBT Adam heads into the blue room where Dane, Este, and Kikki are talking about retainers. Adam gets help from Este to make the bed. Kyra walks in and then feeds go to eddie and Momma k down stairs hanging out with Corey listening to some crazy noises from Comp set up. They speculate what it could be as the players are not picked yet either. The whispers become so quiet and the sounds of the comp over shadow it. Anthony and Chelsea continue discussing many of the HGs. They bring up Kyra and how they are reacting now that they stayed in the house. Chelsea feels like her game is dragged down by Kyra’s actions and it won’t last too long. Anthony compliments her speech at the nom ceremony. Kyra, Sam and Adam have moved up to the couches and Kyra wants to run a few things by Sam and Adam. They think next week will be DE and Kailyn has no chance to win, why not get Kikki out this week then Kailyn next week. Adam isn’t liking the idea but he is talking it out. Este joins them and the conversation is on Hair.
1:15 PM BBT Anthony and Chelsea are still in the room going over the Hgs and where they stand and how they feel about them. Chelsea shares how she hasn’t made an alliance with anyone and it’s getting to the point that she might be ready to, but they needed to see who players were before solidifying anything. As each person leaves the energy shifts and she feels no one would go after her or Anthony after this week. Anthony thinks Damien isn’t very smart or know the game very well. They reflect on a speech from Maki. Meanwhile in the WR Sam and Kyra are trying to talk but Mark walks in talks about his scarf and then out. When he Leaves Kyra asks where Marks head is game wise, Sam says all over the place, he wants to be like Kevin. Dane walks in to use the RR and is asked about his eyebrows. Corey walks in and then asks who is in the RR they say Eddie and wonder if she should wait or try and use Chelsea’s. He walks out and says it wasn’t bad. Everyone slowly walks out of the WR until it’s Kyra and Corey left. Kyra wants to win a comp but doesn’t have confidence in this comp. Corey wants to play and feel like last week was chill but this week she really gets to play and be part of it this week.
1:30 PM BBT Everyone has to lie in the game and it’s going to happen it’s part of the game. Kyra reminds her that Maki did throw out Corey’s name and if They won she would not be up on the block. Kyra points out how ½ the house voted her out, but yet everyone is being kind this week and a lot of it is phoney. Corey tries to tell her to just remember who was there for you and how people treat you and be careful who you share information with. Kyra says that because the votes have not been unanimous it is making it better for Corey and the target is moving off of her. In the HOH Anthony and Adam are now talking. They feel that Kyra is talking and putting a huge target on her self and others. Anthony tells him to be careful what he says Sam as she is able to put it together for later to get Adam out. They feel they need Sam and that way when they target Adam the boys can flip it on Sam. Anthony feels like they need to talk daily and have a plan before the comps start to know who should win. They need people on their side not in their alliance though.
1:45 PM BBT Adam says Sam is trying to bring crazy ideas to him but he shuts them down. Anthony drives home the idea that Sam is the one that will go first as everyone wants her out. Mark comes in and they compliment his look. Mark doesn’t want to play but they feel if Kikki is winning they need to let her win. Kyra walks in and out briefly after grabbing a water jug. They begin giving over the 10% chance certain players would win, Anthony warns Mark that there are eyes on him. They need someone who is actually on the boys side to appear to be only on the other side. They prefer Este as they feel she is the most open. Anthony tells him what he should say and how to get Este on his side. It needs to appear to be business not flirtatious. Kailyn comes in to look for Chelsea but she is still in Dr. Anthony says you need to plant seeds of wanting to look out for the ladies. Kikki and Damien are at the table hanging out just waiting for Veto picks and comp. Kailyn and Eddie are up in the red room discussing how they don’t want really want to play this veto. Kailyn begins to tell Eddie who the alliances are.

8:00 PM BBT-12:00 PM BBT Feeds Down for POV

Summary Friday , March 15th

March 15, 2019

Summary Friday , March 15th

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:50 after being down for nearly 6 hours. The houseguests took part in a have-not competition.


5:00-6:00 PM: Chelsea let Damien know that she is going to be putting him on the block as a pawn. She vowed to make it clear to the entire house that Damien is a pawn. Chelsea said Damien is not threatening to her game but nominating him doesn’t ruffle any feathers since he has already been on the block. Damien thanked Chelsea for being honest. Chelsea talked about wanting a vote to unify the house in terms of eliminating people who do not deserve to go far in the game. Next up, Chelsea spoke to Anthony about her plan to nominate Damien and Kiera. Chelsea mentioned that it would be fun to do a big move but she would prefer to go after the people who don’t deserve to be there.


6:00-7:00 PM: Chelsea spoke to Adam and Sam about her plan to target Kailyn. They discussed that they could easily get the five votes need to get Kailyn out of the house as long as one of them win the veto and use it. Adam asked who would go on the block if Kailyn happens to compete for and win the veto. Chelsea said she would nominate Stef. Kiera and Stef then headed to the HoH room to talk to Chelsea. It was then that Chelsea informed Kiera that she will be going on the block. She explained that they haven’t had a chance to talk a lot of game up to this point. Chelsea let Kiera know that there could be the potential for alternate options. She encouraged Kiera to fight for the veto. Chelsea apologized for having to put her on the block. Kiera told Chelsea not to be sorry. She said it’s part of the game and she appreciates the fact that Chelsea told her and is giving her the chance to play for the veto. Kiera said Chelsea still wont be on her radar even after making this move. Stef spoke up to ask if Damien is also going on the block. She mentioned that he is looking really upset. Chelsea confirmed that Damien will be her second nominee. Afterwards, Chelsea told Kyra that Kiera handled things really well. Chelsea believes that she can repair her relationship with Kiera if she stays, which is what she said she wants to have happen.


7:00-8:00 PM: Chelsea let Mark know that she is hoping both Damien and Kiera are able to stay this week. Both agreed that they would prefer to get Kailyn out of the house. Chelsea said the plan will blow up if Kailyn finds out about it at all. Mark said Kiera is going to ask him if he will use the veto on her, which he would, and also if he would vote for her should she stay on the block. He talked about needing to get creative with his answer to that one. Chelsea brought up that only a select few people wouldn’t use the veto, meaning that Kiera is likely to stay. Elsewhere, Kiera spoke to Damien and Eddie about finding a way to put a target on Kyra. Kiera said they cannot lose Damien, Eddie, Kailyn, Stef or herself this week. She said they could tell Chelsea that Kyra said something to Maki about her, but they would all have to be on the same page or else it would blow up in their faces and it would be game over for them. Kiera talked about needing to do that prior to the veto competition. Feeds went down at 7:28 for the nomination ceremony.


9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:51 following the nomination ceremony. Chelsea nominated Damien and Kiera for eviction.


10:00-11:00 PM: Anthony told Chelsea he has an idea of what Kiera will do but no idea what Damien will do. Chelsea said she doesn’t think that Damien will do anything since he doesn’t seem to know where he is half of the time. Chelsea added that she doesn’t even care if Damien leaves should nominations stay the same. In the bedroom, Eddie let Kailyn know that Anthony doesn’t seem to want to work with her. He explained that Anthony wanted to leave her out of the loop when it came to the vote last week. Kailyn said she cannot take that personally since it was more so against Maki than her. Eddie sees Anthony as a number for the other side. However, Eddie believes that Anthony will be honest with him since he said that he would never betray him. Both agreed that they would prefer to see Este go over Kiera. Eddie said their goal this week has to be to infiltrate Adam, Sam and Chelsea’s alliance. Eddie talked about attempting to gain their trust by bringing them some information. While alone in the HoH room, Chelsea spoke to the cameras. She confirmed that her goal is to target Kailyn this week. Kyra joined Chelsea who commented on Kiera being oddly calm. Kyra said they believe it’s because Kiera has anxiety and she doesn’t want people to see her as weak. Kyra said Kiera opened up to them about it on Day 3. They discussed the plan to target Kailyn this week. Chelsea believes that they will have the numbers as long as they can get her on the block.


11:00-12:00 AM: Dane told Kiera she needs to win the veto tomorrow. He said the best case scenario would be Stef winning and taking Kiera off of the block. Kiera said she feels as though she has a really good shot at staying even if she doesn’t win the veto. Later, Kyra told Damien that they want him to stay and think that he deserves to be there. Kyra mentioned that Damien was only trying to keep his word to Maki by keeping him. Kyra advised Damien to act sad. Meanwhile, Kailyn told Kiera that the best case scenario would be to have Stef win the veto and use it on her so that they are both safe for the week. In the have-not room, Adam told Sam that he would love to win the veto and use it on Kiera so that Kailyn gets backdoored.


12:00-1:00 AM: Dane, Mark, Kiera and Stef talked over the plan for the week. Kiera asked Mark if he would use the veto on her if he were to win it. Mark said of course. Dane mentioned that they would need to know who the replacement nominee would be. Damien entered the room. Once all but Kiera cleared out, Damien asked if Kiera was okay. He sensed that something happened between her and Mark. Kiera said she is good but let Damien know that she trusts him way more than she trusts Mark. Damien said they need to get the showmance out since they are controlling everything. Kiera pointed out that one of them has got to win the veto. She worried that Stef would go up if Damien were to win. Kiera once again brought up her plan to get Kyra on the block. She said she wants to hold off until the veto comp takes place, otherwise it could backfire.

Live Feed Updates: Friday, March 15th

March 15, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Chelsea called to the DR. Prior to being called, she had been telling Kailyn that she’s putting up Kiki and Damien this week, and that Kiki is her target. Kailyn collecting duvet covers in the pink BR to wash; Kiki and Eddie sitting silently on the couch. Eddie says he wishes Maki could have been smarter; Kiki agrees it’s weird without Maki there. Kiki goes to use the WR; Kailyn comes by and tells Eddie to make sure to talk to Chelsea, but not to mention names because ‘we’re good.’ Down in the kitchen, Corey is doing Este’s hair, Kailyn is cooking. Upstairs, Eddie is in the HoH room with Chelsea She tells him they can talk while she finishes her face. Eddie says that when he comes to her and strikes a deal when he says “I promise” it means that he agrees. She says that she still has his back and she hopes that he still has hers. Eddie tries to clarify that when he uses “I promise” in everyday talk, it means he agrees; when he says “I promise” in specific terms, it means he promises. Chelsea clarifies that she understands what he means.Chelsea says that he is not a target of hers; and she expects when he has power she won’t be a target of his. He agrees.
10:00 AM BBT Chelsea called to the DR. Prior to being called, she had been telling Kailyn that she’s putting up Kiki and Damien this week, and that Kiki is her target. Kailyn collecting duvet covers in the pink BR to wash; Kiki and Eddie sitting silently on the couch. Eddie says he wishes Maki could have been smarter; Kiki agrees it’s weird without Maki there. Kiki goes to use the WR; Kailyn comes by and tells Eddie to make sure to talk to Chelsea, but not to mention names because ‘we’re good.’ Down in the kitchen, Corey is doing Este’s hair, Kailyn is cooking. Upstairs, Eddie is in the HoH room with Chelsea She tells him they can talk while she finishes her face. Eddie says that when he comes to her and strikes a deal when he says “I promise” it means that he agrees. She says that she still has his back and she hopes that he still has hers. Eddie tries to clarify that when he uses “I promise” in everyday talk, it means he agrees; when he says “I promise” in specific terms, it means he promises. Chelsea clarifies that she understands what he means.Chelsea says that he is not a target of hers; and she expects when he has power she won’t be a target of his. He agrees.
10:15 AM BBT Chelsea called to the DR. She tells Eddie they’ll talk a little more later. Downstairs, Adam and Sam are talking about Adam’s family. Sam says that she’ll pamper his relatives at her salon. Corey finishes Este’s braid and everyone compliments her on it. Kailyn still cooking sausages in the kitchen. Kailyn asks Adam and Sam to watch the sausages while she goes to see if Chelsea is out of the DR yet. She tells Chelsea that if she puts up Kiki and Kiki goes, that gives Este more power as everyone is going to gravitate to her. She says Kiki doesn’t play the damsel in distress so people wouldn’t feel like they need to protect her like they would Este. Chelsea says she hadn’t thought about it like that; she feels like getting either one right now is easy. Kailyn says that Kiki would gravitate to Chelsea if Este was gone, whereas Este would go to the guys. Chelsea says that either way, as long as it’s one followed by the other, they’ll be fine. Chelsea says that the guys are smarter than to fall for Este’s victim role. Chelsea says she appreciates another perspective.
10:30 AM BBT Chelsea called to the DR. Kailyn heads back to the kitchen where Sam had taken over her cooking duties. Kailyn tells Adam and Sam she was just going over different scenarios with Chelsea. Adam says he hopes he wins HoH next week because he has a plan. Adam tells Kailyn that if everyone agrees, he has a plan that will get them all through the DE. Kailyn tells him to come up with a plan. Mark called to the DR. Adam realizes that Chelsea just went in there; so they all talk about double DR sessions. Sam says that is where Adam can pop the question. They talk about the ‘ring’ he gave her and he says that she’ll probably want a $10K ring. She says she’d rather have a tattoo. Kailyn says they’re lucky to have something to feel other than this game. Kailyn asks if they’ve had their first kiss yet. They both say eww and no and giggle. Chelsea and Mark come out of the DR and it is immediately noticed by Adam and Sam. Sam says that she’s jealous. Adam says maybe Mark and Chelsea are brother and sister because they’re both from Edmonton. Corey suggests using spit to clean eyeglasses. Adam says he and Sam should try and go into the DR together; Sam says they’re fun. Adam brings up Jon and Allison being allowed to get drunk. Corey and Chelsea talk about how they want to be able to use the backyard today. Corey says she can’t believe she’s an adult at times. Chelsea makes fun of Corey’s accent and says she needs to explore the east coast.
10:45 AM BBT Upstairs in the WR, Mark joins Kiki and Este talking about who has ‘big dick energy’ in the house. Este says he has it. Este asks him to tell them about his career choices. Mark says that he worked with his father who is a rabbi. He explains how his family came to move from New York to Edmonton. He says he applied for BBUS. They talk about Kiki being Japanese, and her grandparents time in the camps here in Canada. They talk about how there’s such a great amount of shame in such a short period of history. Feeds cut 10:53 AM.
10:53 AM BBT – 4:45 PM BBT  Feeds Down
4:50 PM BBT Feeds return to Mark and Este talking in the storage room about Kiki.Mark says he said to her face he wonders what it would have been like if he had met her outside the house. Este says she wonders about that too and says that Kiki is one of the most amazing people she’s ever met. Mark says that she says the most random things and it’s so funny, Edste says that it’s strange now to think about the first week and how the were all just figuring each other out and now her and Kiki are “besties” and her and Mark and Dane all get along so well with each other.Mark says that Dane is a “boy’s boy” but since he met him there was something about him he likes. Este says before coming in the house she wasn’t a fan of hockey guys because she had such bad experiences with them but he has such a big heart and always makes her laugh even at nothing and says that she loves all of her housemates and is so glad that they’re all together.
5:00 PM BBT Chelsea and Adam are in the HOH room discussing nominations. Damien is a possible nominee because Chelsea is telling Adam that she wants to put Damien up and “make him think that he’s the pawn.” but he really is her target. Chelsea also mentions a female houseguest (name has not yet been heard) who she also plans on putting up as her true pawn, but says she won’t reveal that at the nomination ceremony and will instead tell her when she talks to her one on one. Chelsea says when she does talk to her one on one she plans on telling her that it’s nothing personal, and to play for the veto. Adam says Chelsea can also say that she thought this houseguest was working with them, but then went and voted against them last night. Chelsea says that’s what she’ll say and that in a conversation yesterday the houseguest told her that she wanted to go back to the way things were in the beginning and that by voting against their side, she deviated from that, so if she wants to go back to how things were and truly wants to work with them then win the veto and prove that. Adam and Chelsea high five as they leave the room and Chelsea say, “and she’s like a little girl so she’ll get scared.” Adam tells Chelsea, “Good Job” leaves the room and Chelsea finishes doing her make-up and gets on her bed. Anthony, Sam and Eddie are Have Nots Kyera is also a possible have not. Chelsea is no continuing one on ones with Eddie. Chelsea tells Eddie that there are some benefits to being HOH one being, the chance to get out someone who she thinks is a target, and the other is “getting to pick people’s brains” and asks Eddie to tell her knowing that they have each other’s backs if there’s anyone who he feels nervous about and says that since it is still very early in the game, a big move doesn’t really exist yet and because of that they should start just getting out some bodies. After all that is said Chelsea asks Eddie again if he thinks there is anyone who might target himor who he might be worried about in general.
5:15 PM BBT Eddie says, “You know I’m not here to just tell you what you want to hear right?” and Chelsea says yes she understands and if she’s watching his back she wants to know the truth about how he really feels about things. Eddie says he knows Chelsea is very close with Kyera and he’s willing to keep them safe. Chelsea says he doesn’t have to tell her what she wants to hear and she doesn’t hold it against him that he voted with the other side last week. Chelsea says she feels like a lot of the other houseguest have just been isolating whoever is on the block that week and that she has spent a lot of time with Kyra partly because she wants to be a friend and partly because she knows they needed somebody.

5:30 PM BBT Chelsea tells Eddie that she doesn’t want to hang anybody out to dry, but not to assume that because she and Kyra are very close that they’re working together and that a friendship and a game relationship are two different things. Chelsea adds that she is so grateful for what Eddie has told her so far and that game wise she feels super close to him and knows she can trust him , but at the same time, they’re not glued at the hip. Eddie agrees and Chelsea says he will be safe this week but she’s trying to keep friendships and game relationships out of it because at the end of the day, she’s playing her own game. Chelsea tells Eddie she would rather Eddie tell her the truth even if he feels like he’s going against her and says that just because she’s close with Kyra, they’re not her ride or die and she has no final 2 deals yet. Chelsea continues one on ones now with Anthony and informs him of her plan to make Damien think he’s her pawn this week when he really is her target. They also discuss Kiki who Anthony explains to Chelsea that in the two weeks they’ve been in the house has barely said two words to him, but told him he’s a nice person that she would want to work with. Chelsea tells Anthony that during her one on one with Chelsea, her pitch to not be nominated was that Chelsea is a “cool person” they both laugh.
5:45 PM BBT Chelsea says that even though she is very hungry to make a big move this week that there is still a lot of game left to be played and a lot of people left in the house so she thinks the best way to go right now is to start getting rid of bodies like she also told Eddie and unify and get out people that aren’t there to play and then start making big moves and explains that last week was kind of a strange week where they did end up with more of a big move. Anthony is on board with how Chelsea wants to proceed this week and tells her he just wants to add one small thing which is that Momma Kailyn might start to think that she is a target if Kiki goes up because she had Maki and was close with him and then lost him, and now will lose Kiki so she might start to wonder if she is the next target. Chelsea says she thought about that too and she talked to Eddie about that and how he assured her he would vote how she wants him too. Chelsea also tells Anthony that
6:00 PM BBT In the HOH room, Chelsea and Sam and Adam talk about getting the votes to get Kailyn out. Chelsea said that worst case scenario is if kailyn gets veto and takes Kiki off. Dane exits the secret room and flops on the couch in the living room. Adam said that Kiki and Este made it seem like ha is good with them. Chelsea said that Kiki said that she just wanted to go back to how it was between them. Chelsea said that she went back on the one conversation they did have. Kyra entered the HOH room. The feeds go down. Feed back up at 6:12 pm. Chelsea said that Mark having that information keeps him close and if he leaks it, then an enemy. Sam asked her is she talked to her. Chelsea said that it isn’t in her interest to get him out or in the house’s to get him out. Chelsea said that telling him he is a pawn, doesn’t affect her.
6:15 PM BBT Dane came into the HOH room. Chelsea said it was so sweet for him to offer to be have not. Dane noticed that she didn’t have any of her wine. Chelsea said that she needed to be clear headed. She said that she will figure out who she wants to invite to drink it. Dane is called to the DR. Sam said that she should make a shake for Anthony. She said that she should make a batch and tell them it’s there. Este and Kiki came in. Sam and Adam left to go make some slop pizza. Chelsea asked how the felt about the comp. Este said that she felt bad. Kiki said that she didn’t want Adam to be on slop again and Kyra had a rough week. Este said that she already decided to volunteer because she felt bad. Chelsea said to Kiki that she would be putting her up. She said that it sucks but that she didn’t really talk game together and the talk of alliance in the beginning veered away and can’t be rebuilt. She said that Kiki showed that she is good in comps and that she can take herself off if she wins veto. She said no hard feelings. Kiki said that she respected the heads up and giving her a fight for the veto instead of a back door. Chelsea said that it isn’t a personal attack and she believes that she can win the veto. Kiki said that Chelsea isn’t going to be her target if she wins HoH. She said that she feels like it is going to be ok. Chelsea said that she appreciates Kiki being mature about things. She said that she would have told her had she not just come in. She said that it has been a revolving door the last while.
6:30 PM BBT Damien is in the secret room, reading through a folder. In the HOH room, Chelsea is still telling Kiki that putting her down as a nom is not a personal attack. Kiki left and Kyra came in. Chelsea said that Kiki is either very smart or she is cunning. Kyra told her that Mark told her. Chelsea said that she did not expect that talk to go that way. Este and Kiki are in the washroom talking together. Kiki said that during the comp, Sam heard her say she thought that Adam was throwing it. Este said that she is trying to count votes. She said her, Dane Kailyn and maybe Corey. Este said that she didn’t believe Chelsea’s speech. Este said that she doesn’t give a crap anymore. She has to start protecting her game. She said that she wants to just call everybody out.
Este said that she was sick of this game already. Kiki said that Kyra came out of the ashes last week.

6:45 PM BBT In the pantry, Kailyn and Eddie talk together. Dane came in. Kailyn said she liked his socks and he left. Eddie said that he really didn’t care if Este or Kiki leave the house. Kailyn said that Kiki is a stronger player than Este. Eddie leaves and goes to the washroom and dunks his head under water. In the HoH room, Dane and Chelsea are together. Chelsea said that her and Dane have always been good. She said that she has the numbers on their side and she feels good. She said that she was sleeping and was proud of herself for winning. She said that she can see who is good and strong and want to go far in this game. Dane said that he is good at the physical game but that he was surprised at how few were good at the mental game. She said that he was a comp beast. She said that it was so nice that they were willing to throw the comp for Kailyn. Chelsea said that it was cool when Anthony stood up and said “it’s a game”. Chelsea said that he had a way of making speeches and coming out so level headed. She told him that he is loved. She said that 100 percent she has his back. He said that it is a game and he will respect her wishes if he wins veto.
7:00 PM BBT Chelsea tells Mark that she wants to work with him but that things in the house change quickly. She said that it would be good for her game and for everybody’s game to get her out. He told her that he liked that she made a split decision to like Dane when she met him. She told Mark that if Kailyn finds out, it could ruin their plan. She said that it puts him in a bad position with Kailyn. Chelsea then told him about her talk with Kiki. Mark said that Kiki will come to him and ask if he’d use the veto on her or if he would vote her out. Mark said that he could avoid by asking a question back. Chelsea said that Kailyn is trying to get close to Kiki. Mark said that Kailyn was trying to get close to him as well. Chelsea said that she was going to make it clear that Damien is a pawn. Mark said that he didn’t trust Maki from day one. He said that he would talk to Kiki and say he didn’t know who her target is. Chelsea said that Kailyn is smart but that she needs to feel in control. Chelsea said that she needed her to believe that she was going after floaters. She said that there is only a few hgs that won’t use the veto. Feeds go down.
7:15 PM BBT Feeds are down. Feeds back on at 7:21 PM BBT. Outside, Mark and Adam and Dane talk about using snuff. Kyra is out there as well. In the washroom, Kiki and Eddie and Damien discuss making Kyra blow up so Chelsea realises that she can’t work with Kyra. Kiki said that she is getting fired up. She said to picture winning HoH next week. She said that Kyra is the most expendable guest in the house. She said that she could work with Anthony or with Corey. Corey came in to the washroom. Damien asked if they were locked out of the yard yet. Feeds go down again.
7:30 PM BBT – 10:00 PM BBT Feeds down
10:00 PM BBT Anthony & Sam are chatting in the HoH room. Sam is curious about Kiki, thinking that a fire released in her. She says that it leaves a question mark that HoH can’t compete in PoV, so she’s not going to ruffle any feathers. Anthony says that he doesn’t know what Damien’s going to do. Sam says that he probably doesn‘t even know where he is. Anthony leaves HoH after a while. In the HN, Mark suggests to Damien to rap on TV. Mark says that if it’s successful, he’ll take credit for it. Mark says that the whole house knows that Damien’s a pawn, since she told the entire house. Damien says that he’s not going to campaign for votes “‘cause we all know how that goes.” In the SR, Chelsea & Dane are talking game. Sam says that you notice that there are people who you can talk game to. Chelsea says that if you know you’re fine (referring to other HGs), just sit back.
10:15 PM BBT Dane says that it would be hard for him for Este to go up, if she did. Chelsea says that she understands. In the red BR, Eddie tells Kailyn that he fears that she’d betray him. Eddie says that Maki threw out Anthony’s name a few days before the eviction. Eddie says that Anthony told him that he’s safe with him. Kailyn says that he also said that to her and Chelsea. Eddie says that that’s good that he’s on the other side and would never betray them. Kailyn says that we might see another side of Anthony this week. Eddie says that this is so complicated. Kailyn says in the pantry, after Anthony gave her a hug and kiss, after he left she turned to the camera and said that Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss as well. Eddie leaves a while later. In HoH, Sam talks to the camera alone. She says that there’s definitely sides in the house now. Sam says that she wants to get Kailyn out this week. She wants to make big moves, but needs to be careful. She says that she loves this game and can’t wait to watch it on TV. She says that she hasn’t seen the live feeds before. Kyra enters. Sam says that there’s definitely conniving and Kiki seems too calm. Kyra says that Kiki’s calm because she has anxiety and opened-up to Kyra.
10:30 PM BBT Kyra says that she wants to seem fine. Kyra thinks that Kiki is bad at this game. Kyra says that they need to watch for Kailyn manipulating Kiki. Chelsea says to Kyra that people think they’re working together. Chelsea says that Kailyn will work on some HGs, try to create numbers for herself. Chelsea tells Kyra that people still see Kyra as a wildcard. Chelsea says that she doesn’t want to not be seen with her, just says “we have to be humble” and not constantly be seen together. Chelsea says that she doesn’t mean to be rude. After a while, they talk about the Archive Room, thinking that the numbers may be a clue.
10:45 PM BBT In the lounge area, Kailyn and Cory are talking game. Kailyn says that she wishes it was Este up instead of Kiki. Cory says that Dane’s a wildcard. Kailyn says that Dane told her that he talked to Chelsea and says she’s good. Kailyn says that Adam & Sam are more into each other than the game, so she just encourages it. Kailyn says that Adam has a plan, and she suggests getting rid of him during the DE. Kailyn says to Cory that when she gets the opportunity to make her move, do it.
11:00 PM BBT Mark enters HoH and thanks Chelsea for not putting him up. Chelsea says that she knows that he’s close with Kiki, so that’s why she didn’t. Mark says that he knows that Kailyn is using him, but wants to not act like he knows. He says that Kailyn and Cory are talking outside, then says that Kailyn isn’t stupid. Chelsea says that Kailyn is a dangerous player. Chelsea tells Mark that she doesn’t see sides. They talk veto scenarios. Chelsea says that she doesn’t know what Dane would do if he won the veto. Chelsea tells Mark “I know that I trust you.”
11:15 PM BBT In the SR, Kiki talks game to Dane, then Kyra enters and the convo turns to smoking. A while later, Kyra & Damien chat in the SR. Kyra forgives Damien for going after Kyra. Kyra tells Damien that he deserves to be here. They hug. Damien says that he’s going to figure it out. Kyra tells Damien to “win the fucking veto.”
11:30 PM BBT In HoH, Mark & Chelsea are still talking game. In the lounge, Kiki joins Cory & Kailyn. Kiki talks game, and Cory offers to come to her if she needs some perspective. Kiki thanks her. Chelsea wonders why the crowd booed. In HN room, Anthony & Este lay down on the floor to see how it feels. They leave a while later.
11:45 PM BBT Dane and Este are talking game in the bathroom. Este goes over possible votes. In HN room, Adam wonders when the veto ceremony is. Sam says to find out ‘cause they need to arrange the timing. Sam leaves and Anthony enters. Adam says that everyone is whispering to each other. Adam says that Kailyn is making deals, but doesn’t talk to him much. In HoH, Chelsea tells Damien that she has no reason to get him out, and tells him that he’s the sweetest person and to not take it personal and to lay low. She says that it’s unfortunate circumstances.

Summary Thursday , March 14th

March 14, 2019

8:00-9:00 PM: During tonight’s eviction episode, Dane was forced to break a tie after the vote came out 5-5. Dane voted to evict Maki. Chelsea went on to win the HoH competition.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:54. Chelsea received her HoH room.

10:00-11:00 PM: Once people started to clear out of the HoH room, Chelsea started talking over the plan for nominations. Kyra guessed that Chelsea has four names in mind. She assumed that Kailyn and Kiera are on the radar. She also thought that Eddie might be. Chelsea said no to Eddie but threw Damien and Stef’s names out as well. Chelsea talked about Kailyn being on an island. She debated whether it would be best to target her or to use her for a bit. Kyra said she will be on the block the second that Kailyn gets HoH. They discussed that Kailyn is very manipulative. Chelsea said she would be the one to mastermind groups against groups. Adam suggested that Damien and Kiera could go up, and then one would likely come down to give the opportunity to backdoor someone. Chelsea said the backdoor would probably be the best way to get Kailyn out. Chelsea circled back to talking about nominating Damien since nobody would be surprised by that. Chelsea said she doesn’t want to nominate Eddie or Stef. Kiera’s name continued to be thrown around as the second nominee.

11:00-12:00 AM: Anthony and Chelsea spoke to each other. Each said they will not go after the other. Anthony said he can’t see Adam putting Chelsea up. He mentioned that Adam has a crush on her but is scared to show it because of Sam. Anthony let Chelsea know that Kailyn is shaking in her boots. Chelsea said she seems to be on an island now. Chelsea talked about wanting to go after those who will float their way to the end. She believes that Kailyn is playing the game. Kiera was the next one to speak to Chelsea. Kiera explained that she voted to keep Maki even though she knew that he didn’t have a chance to stay. Kiera said she wanted to keep her word. Chelsea said she doesn’t fault Kiera for doing that. They discussed that there has not been a lot of game talk between the two of them. Kiera said she would like to work with Chelsea but she sees that Chelsea is close to Adam who doesn’t like her. Kiera insisted that Chelsea is not on her radar.

12:00-1:00 AM: Damien went to Chelsea. He assumed that he is on her radar. Chelsea said she respects Damien for standing up for his decision in a chaotic moment in which everyone was yelling at each other. Damien said he was on board to vote with the house until a prayer with Kailyn took place in which he was made to feel that he could not go against his word to Maki. Damien said Kailyn and Maki were the two people to come to him while he was on the block, so he wanted to show his loyalty. Damien let Chelsea know that she will never be a target for him. Chelsea said she has not yet made up her mind but that is good to know.

Live Feed Updates: Thursday, March 14th

March 14, 2019

 9:00 AM BBT The only 2 hgs up are Mark and Dane. Dane is making a smoothie while he searches for eggs. Mark has joined him in the kitchen. They are talking about maybe there being a secret ceremony of some sort during the game. Dane says He doesn’t want to be a host today. He says When he use to watch the show that was the one part he feared if he got on the show. Mark thinks it might be an easy comp based on and he points. Dane thinks it will be a mental comp. Dane says it goes physical than mental than physical. Dane said he watch every season again and took notes and colour coded them. Mark says He doesn’t think Gary will come back. He said He didn’t like the idea that Gary got to come back at 6 players and took second place. Dane said he didn’t like Sindy and thinks she is too busy to come back. Mark gets told that He needs to Remember that Canada is watching. He gets called out again and is also told to watch his language. Dane says Adam needs to learn to shut up. Yesterday when we were practicing Adam yelled out OH This is for Tomorrow’s comp. Dane is talking about how he broke the chair in the first comp into really small pieces. Mark says I was watching Sam put her legs together she used 4 legs I used 3 legs. Maki was so close to winning the whole thing 2 more good digs and he was there. Corey gets up Dane asks her if she was using the washroom in the HOH as he was just going to use it. Mark heads upstairs to the washroom and checks out his face in the mirrors. Corey comes out of the stall and washes her hands. In the HN Room Dane is exchanging batteries. Dane says to Adam and Sam it is a good day to not be Maki. Dane says I am going to try and work on Damien and the girls today. He tells them that Eddie says He will do what he wants. He tells them right now the vote is 5-5. He says he is going to tell Kikki that Maki told him to put her up next to Kyra. Sam and Adam are cuddling in the HN Room Big Brother has given the first wake up call no rooster yet.
9:15 AM BBT The rooster has gone off. Sam asks Adam how he has slept. Sam has gotten up to check her eyes in the mirror. Kikki and Eddie are still sleeping. Anthony is in the washroom starting his morning routine. Chelsea is up and moving around. In the kitchen Sam, Corey and Dane are talking how much sleep they got last night. Sam says Mark said he can’t sleep on the ground so he was up super early. Sam says her hips will never be the same. Dane says Wake up everyone Wake up. Sam asks Mark how long has he been up. He tells her a couple of hours. Kyra has joined them. They say Good Morning to Sam and Corey. Corey tells them there is coffee. Sam and Corey start talking about their workout. Sam says she brought in the weights before the backyard closed. Sam goes to check the fish. Corey joins her.
9:30 AM BBT As we check into the Red Bedroom we see most of the hgs are still asleep but Maki who is up and getting dressed. Sam says Watch when I can sleep in my bed I won’t be able to sleep. Sam tells Kyra that one of the fish is dead. Sam tells Adam Steve the fish is dead. The conversation goes to having a funeral for Steve the fish. Adam says the best part of his day is waking up next to Sam then having slop for breakfast. Adam says He normally doesn’t use sugar but all this syrup in the slop has me putting sugar in my coffee.Maki has joined them with his morning coffee. Adam goes to make slop smoothies. Adam tells Corey his body is sore today. Corey is telling Sam that she feels good about the chat she had with Adam yesterday. Chelsea has joined them.
9:45 AM BBT The conversation in the kitchen is on general topics so we will check in with the Red Bedroom where Damien and Momma K are just waking up.Momma gets called out for her mic. She says to Damien worse case would be what. She thinks that if Adam wins HOH he would not put you up. She says if Sam wins she can’t put you up. Momma says worse case for her would be the twins ( Kikki & Este) ; she continues with if that is the case I would just remind them that the house said Corey. Damien says How do you feel about Maki? She says He is staying. She hopes that Maki cleared up whatever was going on with Anthony. She continues with because if Anthony thought Maki would put him on the block he would get rid of him. She thinks she should maybe talk to him. Damien says You never heard it from me tho. Damien says he thinks Maki was trying to tiptoe around answering who he would put up but it wasn’t working. Kikki has been told to wake up or face the music. Back in the living room kitchen area the conversation is still on general subjects. Dane and Eddie are talking in the Blue Room Dane is telling Eddie if he votes their way he will be safe next week. Dane tells him he will keep him in the loop. Kyra asks Chelsea to help with her speech. Kyra has been called to the DR. Chelsea goes to check on Steve the fish who is dead.
10:00 AM BBT Kyra comes out of the DR and they head over to the fish. In the HOH Room Maki is talking to Adam about him throwing Anthony’s name out. He said he was just throwing names out it was not a target thing he was just throwing out an example. Adam says We have to regroup before the show. Maki says I am going to have a good day today. I am staying it will be 11-0 today. Maki says I am here to have a good time. Maki says If I stay I am here for a good time. Adam says Well when you threw Dane and Anthony’s name out people like worried. Maki asks him if his feelings are the Sam about Sam. Adam asks what do you mean. Adam says Yea if Sam gets put up and evicted it is what it is. Adam says I haven’t told her that. He says she will stress and she isn’t fun when she is stressed. Maki says I learned this game by putting out Anthony and Dane but my target is Corey. Maki says You have to keep me around for our good health man. Maki says last night before I went to sleep I said 11-0 Everyone is stupid if they don’t do it. They leave the HOH Room Maki heads into the bedroom where Mark is looking for something. In the HOH Room Mark Adam and Dane are talking Adam tells them Maki says it is going to be 11-0. Mark leaves Dane asks When do we tell him. Adam says he told me if there is 5 votes against me Maki says he will turn this house up. Dane tells him Eddie and Damien are on board. Adam leaves telling Dane to enjoy his pictures before he loses them. In the washroom Corey Adam and Sam are sitting. Sam says she is going to hide in the bathroom all day. Chelsea is there as well. Adam say I’m on board I wasn’t on board but that was my inner bitch talking. Corey says You put her aside. Adam says to Sam one of us has to win. Chelsea asks Can I win Adam tells her no. Chelsea gets called to the DR. She says she doesn’t want to go without makeup. Big Brother doesn’t let up on her calls her again and tells her to stop that. Adam tells Sam that she would not have the problem that Chelsea has about no makeup as she doesn’t need it. Mark follows Chelsea back up stairs taking of his shirt saying showing off some boyish chest that all of Canada wants to see. Mark has found a TTC token.
10:15 AM BBT Chelsea and Sam are talking about who they should worry about winning. She tells her Momma Kikki Este Damien and possible Mark anyone else we will be safe. Chelsea says if Maki stays the house will divide. Chelsea says if it flips back Dane and Anthony will look like they can’t be trusted. Sam is worried about why Adam told her she has to win. Kikki has been called to to the DR. All of the hgs are now up. Momma, Maki, Este and Eddie are sitting at the table having a general discussion. All the hgs have been called to the living room. Feeds go down at 10:26 AM BBT
10:30 AM BBT- 11:45 AM BBT Feeds are still down.
11:52 AM BBT Feeds come back with Adam preparing some food Anthony is eating Maki is getting a glass of water.In the Red Bedroom Damien is telling Kyra that he thinks they will still be here but 4 hours. Kyra says 4 hours is a long time but I did everything I could. Kyra tells him that it is never too smart to feel safe in this house. Kyra is packing their clothes. They say to Damien after you knew you were safe that must have been the first time you felt happy all week. He agrees with her. He tells them they are going to get breakfast. Corey is teaching Mark and Maki the proper way to say Did you go in french. Adam says it would be so hard to learn a second language. Corey tells him if you have kids get them involved in a second language early. Corey asks Maki How he is feeling? He says preparing to stay. Corey says She wants to go into the DR to pretend to vote even tho she knows she isn’t allowed to vote. Adam and Corey are talking about different workout routines. Mark says to both Kyra and Maki that he thinks they are both super human beings but it is strange. Maki says We know it is just a game. Kyra repeats the same thing. Kyra has misplaced one of their shoes.

12:00 PM BBT-1:00 PM BBT Most of the hgs are now in the washroom preparing for the live show.
1:00- 9:45 PM BBT Feeds Down for live show
9:54 PM BBT Feeds return
10:00 PM BBT The HGs are sitting in the HOH room talking. Kyra is still in the house, Corey, Este, Kikki, Mark, Damien, Dane, and Eddie are in the secret room. Chelsea won the HOH, Adam, Kyra, and Chelsea are in HOH talking about how good that she won. She said she is glad she won, but she don’t think she needed to win this week for her personal gain. Kyra is asking Chelsea who are 4 people that she may pick to go up, Chelsea said she doesn’t want to keep people who floaters say they can stay till the end. Kyra seems to be really pushing for Eddie to be put up. Adam says Damien is really scared he will be put up, but Chelsea says that he doesn’t really talk to her. Chelsea says if she wants to get Kailyn out she would have to back door her. Kyra says the way Kailyn is playing the game is terrifying to her. Chelsea asks Kyra to check for ice so Adam can tell her what Corey said to him, Corey says that Kailyn used her because she thought she was weak.

10:15 PM BBT Chelsea, Adam, and Sam are talking in the HOH room. Adam says they think next week is a double eviction. Chelsea asks what the best order of HGs to put on the block. They say Kailyn is really weak and don’t think she can win anything. She said putting up Damien probably would not be a surprise to him. Kyra is now back in the HOH. They are now thinking definitely Damien and Kailyn to be putting up on block. Kyra says that Kailyn says Kyra did not deserve to be here, that they showed their true colors the first week. Adam says Kikki and Este said they told him they were going to work with him, and then they knew they were working with Maki the whole time. Eddie and Damien are in the secret room looking around. Eddie says Kikki feels very comfortable this week, and Damian says I know they have to just keep searching through the files. Damien says he is going to take a walk, and be back but he and Eddie should go up and talk to Chelsea.
10:30 PM BBT Chelsea, Kyra, Adam, and Sam are in the HOH room talking about who should be put on the block. Chelsea is the new HOH. Chelsea says she is definitely not going to put up Eddie. Chelsea says a good plan may be to put up Damien and Kikki and make momma safe. That way she won’t mess up Chelsea’s game. She says if Damien or Kikki take their self off the block then she can back door her. If neither win POV she says then momma can feel like Chelsea went along with her plan and that could be good for Chelsea in the future. Chelsea said she is not putting Este up so Dane will be happy. Sam says Damien just seems like he wakes up everyday trying to figure out what side he is on. Eddie is still in secret room looking at files and Dane is in there laying on a shelf. Anthony and Mark are laying on the couch in the living room, Mark asks Anthony is he thinks momma is freaking out right now, Anthony says she won’t even talk to him. They are whispering very low so no one can hear them.
10:45 PM BBT In the HOH room new HOH Chelsea, Kyra, Adam, and Sam are talking about who Chelsea will put on the block and what the best will be for her game. Adam and Sam leave the HOH room. Kyra asks if she can stay up there with her a few minutes. Mark and Anthony are still laying down on the couch whispering about the game. Damien just walks up to them. Eddie and Dane are in the secret room. Eddie is searching through the files, Dane ask is he found something and Eddie says he is not sure. Eddie is searching a box that wasn’t there before. Mark and Adam come in. Adam asks Eddie if he is finding anything and he says know and he says how long have you been in here and Eddie says about 30 minutes. Este, Sam, and Adam are in the kitchen. Sam says she is going to work out so many times tomorrow. Dane and Adam are in the SR. Adam says they need to eventually break up Anthony and Mark, Adam says nobody has the slightest clue that there is alliances between the pretty boy alliance and Chelsea.
11:00 PM BBT Sam, Kyra, and Adam are in the living room. Sam and Adam are playing around pretending they are doing karate. Chelsea and Anthony are in the HOH room. Anthony tells Chelsea that Kyra needs to stop being so cocky about being safe and that she needs to stop telling everyone how loyal she is to Chelsea. Anthony says he has his ear super open,, and he is going to see who may be talking about Chelsea. Anthony says he thinks the girls think they are safe because she won and that is not the case. Anthony says things are going to soon explode tomorrow or the next day not sure. He says to let people come to her. Chelsea says that she is going to talk to Corey. She said that she can see that she is level headed and she knows she worked with people last week, but she think that she feels alone right now. Chelsea says she hopes she is not wrong. Anthony says that he is going to continue to tell people that he and Chelsea are going to continue to say they talk but he is not going to say that he feels safe. Anthony says Maki got to cocky in the game, and he said Maki told him that people asked who would he put up if he won HOH who he would put up and he told Anthony he would put him up and Anthony says and you wanted are votes and you had them until them. She says Este came up to him and asked about what was going on and Anthony says he told her nothing just same old thing.
11:15 PM BBT In the HOH, Anthony and Chelsea are talking. Chelsea ask Anthony who are some people in this game he thinks that he may be a target. Anthony says he doesn’t really think there is anyone walking around thinking he is a target. Anthony says he respects Dane for the way he played his HOH. Anthony says that he has Chelsea’s back and he thinks he has already proved that to her. He said if she sees if there is something said or a situation that is bothering her let him know and he will go around talk and see what he could find out. Chelsea say she can not build trust with Kailyn because she likes to throw seeds and see her reaction. Chelsea says if she trusts her then she should not have to do that, and that makes her not believe anything Kailyn is saying or has been telling her all along. Mark and Kailyn are in the SR, he is letting her know that it is not a personal attack against her changing his vote against Maki. He said he wanted to go with what Dane wanted to do. Kailyn says she was only saying she stayed true to what she was going to do. Mark gives her hug and says he will talk to Dane and she said she would like to talk to him also to see what happen there about what she said. Kailyn is in the lounge talking to Sam and Adam, and she says why is everyone coming to her apologizing for the way they voted. She says there is no need to.

Tonight's Show

March 14, 2019

We pick-up at when Maki was talking to Kiera and Estefania in the storage room and he's saying they will suck if they vote him out. Estefania says Maki is a really good friend, but so is Kyra. Both girls are reassuring Maki he is safe. Estefania says she really hopes Maki safe. Maki says girls have magic powers so they can use them to keep him safe.

Kyra is sitting alone upstairs and Kailyn joins and says no game talk. Kyra says they know Kailyn will want to keep Maki. Kailyn says her and Kyra didn't click from day one and she says Kyra has been dragging her name through the mud.

Kailyn confronts Kyra and Kyra says Kailyn you like to plant seeds and they aren't buying. Kyra says they are chill and calm and Kailyn says your chill and calm got you on the block. Kyra says Kailyn is playing a great social game. Kailyn leaves Kyra to get in their good space.

Anthony and Adam are talking and Anthony says Maki has no idea he is super close with Adam. We see Maki talking about trying to get rid of Adam and Anthony says that's not good for Adam or for him. Adam says if Maki wins next week he will put Adam on the block. Anthony says they have to get him out because he's getting close to Estefania and Kiera and Kailyn. Anthony says they aren't smart, they're scared and he can control Kailyn. Adam thinks they can easily send home Maki.

Arisa welcomes us back and she says Maki and Kyra are on the block this week, but first BB set up a delicious task for the HG. Kevin and Karen make an appearance and set up a delicious task for the HG.

Samantha says Wendy's is on the screen and she's a Have-Not and she hasn't eaten food in three days. Adam is paying close attention to the video. Kevin and Karen are in the video and they are ordering from Wendy's and Karen wants to know how her $100,000 is. Karen asks Kevin who he likes and she says the blond, the nerdy person, and the old person and Karen realizes she's not watching. Kevin says this has been fun and Karen says not really.

Dane is now going to ask the Have-Nots questions about what they just watched and if they get three correct they win Wendy's for themselves and the entire house. Everyone has to leave except the Have-Nots.

Question #1-How many times did Karen blink? Dane tells them to talk amongst themselves and everyone in the HoH is cracking up. Mark looks stumped and Mark says he never saw her block and they answer zero. The answer was 19.

Question #2-Who did Kevin says his favorite HGs was? They say the nerdy super fan and the old person and they are correct.

Question #3-What did Kevin order and they get that correct too.

Question #4-What did Karen order and they didn't get it correct.

Question #5 Who was waiting in the car for Karen? They answer Bruce and they are correct and they all celebrate. They all eat and say thank you to Wendy's!

Kailyn says she's tapped into the energy of the house and Maki isn't half as safe as he thinks he is and she doesn't trust Kyra. Maki says he has confidence and Kailyn says she needs to wake Maki up and light a fire under him. Maki says he hasn't been doing much and Kailyn says but they have. Maki says definitely. Kailyn asks if Dane talks game with him and Maki says no. Kailyn leaves him to his thought.

Maki says he's not the type to campaign, but Kailyn is making some good points. He needs to go talk to Dane because he's the king of the castle. Maki heads to the HoH. Dane says he's scared and worried that Maki could put him up. Maki says it's a possibility because Dane put him up. Maki wants to play a truthful game. Dane says Kyra has one foot out the door? What is Maki thinking?

Let's head back inside one more time before the vote. We're on Day 12 and Kyra is making breakfast with Damien. Eddie is talking to Adam and Samantha and says he's not sure about Kyra. He's trying to do anything he can to get them to evict Kyra because he doesn't want to work with Adam. Eddie says Kyra is a superfan. Eddie says if they get out a competition beast, that's not good for Adam. Adam says Eddie is making good points.

Eddie says he's trying to be sincere with Sam and Adam, but he's not really watching their back. Eddie says he's not a manipulator, he's just laying out his reasoning for getting rid of Kyra over Maki. Kyra says they know this game and things can change fast and if they can get Adam on their side, they could be safe. Kyra plants the seed that Maki is going after Adam and he tells Kyra that Maki is gone and lists Dane, Chelsea, Mark, and others are on board. Kyra says how did I actually pull this off?

Estefania is talking to Maki in The Archives and she wants to know who Maki's target would be? Maki tells her about his conversation with Dane and she says that wasn't smart.

Dane comes in and Estefania says Maki just told her he told Dane he'd put him up. Estefania says these guys have a brain but they are acting like they are 5-years old. Estefania says Dane still has a lot of sway and she needs to get the guys on the same page. She says if she wants to get Adam out, then she needs Maki here.

Estefania asks Maki why wouldn't he want to put Sam up? Maki says yeah, that would be smart. Estefania says you just can't tell Sam and Chelsea that. Dane says he's on board with that and if Maki will take Sam out of the game, then he's worth keeping there.

It's time to check-in with the HG. The next mission is the second eviction vote of the season. Kyra says they're humbled and grateful to be there and this has been a dream of theirs. Kyra thinks they have proven they aren't weak and if they are loyal to them, then they'll be loyal back.

Maki believes he's the music in a house of whispers. He's new and he makes mistakes and he's hurt the people closest to him. He loves them and nothing is more important than loyalty in this house and for those not sure who they are voting for, choose your soldiers wisely.

It's time to vote!
The first agent to get six votes is heading home, let's get back to the vote.

Chelsea votes to evict Maki.
Anthony votes to evict Maki.
Kiera votes to evict Kyra.
Kailyn votes to evict Kyra.
Adam votes to evict Maki.
So far, Maki has three votes for eviction and Kyra has two.
Mark votes to evict Maki.
Samantha votes to evict Maki.
Eddie votes to evict Kyra.
Estefania votes to evict Kyra.
Damien votes to evict Kyra.

We have a tie!

We have a tie which means Dane will be casting the deciding vote on who to evict! Dane hates this but he earned this opportunity and he earned this power. He made a terrible mistake this week but he's sorry he has to vote to evict Maki! Maki heads upstairs and goes back to hug Kailyn. He puts a plague on the whole house, they are all fake.

Arisa asks Maki how he feels and he says he feels free. Arisa asks who he feels most betrayed by and Maki says he doesn't know. Arisa asks does he think he started playing too late and Maki says yes, he's new to this.

Dane says he tried all week to keep him safe but things he said and did spook everyone else. Adam tells Maki about The Pretty Boy alliance. Kailyn says Maki, you should have kept your mouth shut and he dug himself into a corner. She tells him he's a mother of four. Estefania says she tried so hard to keep him here. Eddie says he loves Maki and he campaigned for him.

Yesterday, BB Canada put all the agents through rigorous training and it's all leading up to a serious mission. They are all told to drop and give them 20. Agents are to jump rope allowing 5 HGs to jump in tandem. Agents are supposed to hide in anticipation of an intruder. The Agent are told to dance. Agents, rest is important, take a nap. Agents form a Conga line and maneuver through the house. Agents, to prepare for a water landing, all HGs must get in the hot-tub.

Arisa says tonight's HoH competition is completely based on that mission, so let's see who was paying attention. This competition is called Truth and Spies and now it's time to see how prepared they are. They will face off at a podium and they have to determine if a statement is a truth or a lie. If they answer correctly, their opponent is out and they pick the next pair to battle. If no one buzzes in they will both be eliminated.

Question #1-They were asked to nap before they were asked to dance. Adam vs Damien and Adam hits lie and he is correct. He picks Kailyn and Kiera.

Question #2-Only three HGs were wearing goggles. Kiera hits true and she is correct and she selects Mark and Adam.

Question #3-Adam asks Mark if he wants it. They were asked to do 40 push-ups and Mark hits lie and he is correct. He picks Eddie and Kiera.

Question #4-You were trained for an emergency evacuation and Kiera hits lie and she is correct. Kiera selects Sam and Kyra.

Question #5-The Conga line went through the main bathroom. Samantha hits lie and that's correct. Sam picks Anthony and Cory.

Question #6-They were asked to have six HGs jump rope in tandem and Anthony hits lie and he's correct. He selects Sam and Estefania.

Question #7-They were asked to hide before nap. Estefania answers true and she's correct. She selects Chelsea and Mark.

Question #8-They were asked to dance to practice their agility. Chelsea hits lie and she's correct. Chelsea selects Estefania and Kiera.

Question #9-They were trained for a water landing. Estefania hits true and she's correct. All that's left is Anthony and Chelsea.

Question #10-At one point they were asked to do jumping jacks. Anthony hits true and he's incorrect.

It's now Chelsea vs. Estefania for the win. Question #11-They were asked to jump rope before they were asked to get in the hot-tub. Chelsea hits true and she's correct and the new HoH.

🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨

March 14, 2019

Maki has been evicted by a vote of 6-5.... it was a tie .... and things blew up afterwards

New HOH is Chelsea ... it was a knock out truth or lie ... the last 2 standing was Este and Chelsea

Summary Wednesday, March 13th

March 13, 2019

Summary Tuesday ,March 12th

8:00-9:00 AM: Heading into the day, the plan was for Maki to stay. Dane told Mark that Adam and Sam pulled him aside last night to ask if he is scared that Maki would put him on the block. Dane said he told them that it would be okay since he would have the numbers over Cory anyway, and then they brought up that Cory could win the PoV. Dane explained that he then told them that he will talk to Maki to see if he could get him to agree to put Cory and Damien up. Dane reiterated that he wants Maki around only to take a shot at Sam for them. Dane plans to tell Maki to go to lie to Adam and Sam, saying that he will nominate Cory and Damien even though he is going to nominate Sam. Mark said that’s awesome.


9:00-10:00 AM: Dane pulled Maki aside to fill him in on the current plan. Dane said he is being straight up with Maki because he wants him to stay and he wants him to take a shot at Sam if he stays. Dane let Maki know that Adam and Sam came to him concerned that Cory might win PoV if Maki is HoH, and then two of them will be on the block together. Dane said he told them he would be able to convince Maki to cut him a deal where he is safe. Dane said the only way this will work is if Maki says he will nominate Cory and Damien, because Sam is really trying to get Maki out. Maki thought it would be best to continue to say that he will nominate Dane. While Dane said it wont work, Maki figured it would be best to start with that before leading into saying that he will nominate Damien instead. Maki said they have the numbers anyway and Sam wont be able to convince the whole house. Dane said Maki has no idea. Maki asked if he should tell Damien. When Dane said that he will, Maki said they both should. Afterwards, Adam and Maki spoke in the HoH room. Maki said his plan is still to target Cory. Maki told Adam that no one would suspect that they would ever work together, so they can use that to their advantage. The two promised each other that they will not nominate the other if they win HoH next week. Maki assured Adam that he doesn’t want Sam to go home either. Adam said he will not be pissed up if she does go up, and he will not fight in her honour if it happens. Maki said people are probably frightened of that. Maki brought up that he has at least six votes. Adam said he has the whole house. Maki asked what words he could use to make Sam feel chill. Adam said Sam is focused on making it to jury, and she would be worried that Maki may put her up next to Cory. Adam said he thinks that Sam would stay over Cory even if that were to happen. Maki agreed. Adam assured Maki that he has his vote. Adam said he already had it but he thought that things had changed so he wanted to make his rounds to look into it.


10:00-11:00 AM: Adam filled Dane in on his conversation with Maki. Adam brought up that every season the best people take out the best people. Dane said there is no need to do that this time. Dane told Adam it’s good that Maki talked to him. Adam said he let Maki know that he is on board with keeping him. When Adam left the room, Dane said Adam is finally getting some sense in his head. He added that he knew Adam was a smart guy.


11:00-12:00 PM: Adam let Sam know he had a conversation with Maki this morning in which he said he is not coming after him and they should not be butting heads. Adam said Maki brought up how it seems like he will be pissed if Sam goes, but he said he wont be. Adam figures it’s good that they are thinking that way since they will expect him to come after them if they take her out. Sam said none of this is good for her. She called herself an idiot. Adam suggested that they could branch out if she wants to.


12:00-1:00 PM: Sam said she will be going up if she doesn’t win HoH. Adam said Maki would like to talk to her today since she seems worried. Sam commented they should not work together any more since it’s not working for either of them. Sam said when she goes home next week, it will be because she put her trust in him. Adam told Sam not to put that on him when he is trying to get people on their side. Adam pointed out that they have the eight, and only Kiera and Stef would side with Maki should they win HoH. Up in the HoH room, Kyra promised Dane that they would not put him up and they would use the Power of Veto on him should they win it. Dane said he appreciates these deals. Kyra mentioned that their dream is in Dane’s hands, so they are willing to put his dreams in their hands and take him off of the block because this game means so much to them. Dane said he trusts Kyra 100%.


1:00-2:00 PM: Sam told Kyra she thinks that the men see Maki staying as another person in front of them. Chelsea said they need to be aware of the fact that there are big strong guys in the house. While Chelsea said she loves Adam, she pointed out that he is making strong relationships with everybody. Kyra questioned why the guys wouldn’t want to get rid of a guy competitor. Chelsea and Sam explained that it’s smart for the guys to keep other guys in front of them and build a guys alliance. Kyra pitched to Eddie while Chelsea and Sam were also in the room. Kyra said they are loyal to people who prove loyalty to them. Kyra mentioned that Maki is such a big wildcard since he is a big competitor and he can be controlled.


2:00-3:00 PM: Out by the hot tub, Dane told Maki he hopes that he can see his loyalty to him. Dane said people were thinking about buying into Sam’s plan but he continued to point out that he gave his word to Maki that he would keep him. Maki said a lot of times all that they have in this game is just their word. Maki said people finally seem to be realizing what Sam is up to. Dane said this is an opportunity for the two of them to further strengthen their trust and their relationship in the game.


3:00-4:00 PM: Outside, Kyra told Damien she is loyal to one person in the game. Kyra said that person is Chelsea. After that, Kyra said they are close to some others but they have not given their loyalty to anyone else. Kyra feels that they have been lumped into a certain group just because those people see Maki as a bigger threat than them. Kyra said they are less likely than Maki to be controlled since they know the game better. Kyra assumed that people are currently in favour of keeping Maki. Kyra questioned who the more predictable player is when they have revealed the one person that they are loyal to and have not lied except for one incident involving Kailyn. Feeds went down at 3:30.


5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:00. The houseguests were studying something that they had been shown while feeds were off, in preparation for tomorrow’s HoH competition.


6:00-7:00 PM: Anthony told Dane that Maki asked him if he still has his vote, and he said for sure. Anthony said Maki thanked him and then came to him three hours later to let him know that he threw his name out when a couple of people asked him who he would nominate. Anthony said Stef was basically saying that she can control Maki. When Dane said it’s true, Anthony said they cannot play with a puppet. Dane argued that keeping Kyra would only strengthen Sam. Both guys said they don’t care either way but Anthony found it funny that Maki would throw his name out after asking him to campaign for him. Dane said Maki wants Cory out but he is saying what he has to in order to stay. Dane let Anthony know that Kailyn, Kiera and Stef want Kyra to go but Chelsea wants them to stay. Dane worried that Adam would get convinced by Sam to keep Maki. Anthony disagreed. He believes that he got through to Adam last night. Dane asked Anthony how he is feeling right now. Anthony said he doesn’t care either way but he knows that they can control Kyra over Maki. He once again said that Maki is a puppet for Stef. The two then had the talk broken up.


8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned after the episode aired. Kyra told Dane they feel that things are very on the fence right now. They wondered why Maki is throwing so many names around. Kyra said Maki is more of a wildcard than they are but people are voting based on personal reasons. If they stay, Kyra said they can get Chelsea to keep Dane safe as well. In the storage room, Adam told Sam that nobody is going to go against them if he, Anthony and Mark vote with Dane. Sam believes that it would be ridiculous for everyone to keep Maki. She figures that it would be done with a bigger picture in mind, such as a move against the two of them. Adam doesn’t think that Anthony, Dane or Mark would go against them. In the HoH room, Adam and Anthony talked to Dane about wanting to evict Maki. They discussed that Maki has been throwing all of their names out. Adam said they have to stick to the plan this time.


9:00-10:00 PM: Adam, Anthony and Mark pulled Damien in. Adam told Damien that Maki said he may put Damien on the block. The guys discussed that Maki has mentioned Adam, Anthony and Dane’s names as well. Adam said they cannot afford to take the chance that one of them go on the block. Adam said they were all keeping Maki at one point today, but then he threw their names out there. Damien said he might go talk to Maki since he already gave him his word. Adam said he doesn’t want the conversations they had to get out. Meanwhile, Dane spoke to Kyra. He listed off Adam, Anthony, Chelsea, Mark and Sam as the votes to evict Maki. He said he can get Damien and Eddie as well. Kyra said they will not forget that. Dane headed back upstairs to talk to Damien. Dane said he was trying so hard to keep Maki but he did not play a good game. Dane let Damien know that Adam and Anthony want to bring them in with Chelsea, Mark and Sam. The guys discussed that they know who Maki’s real target is but that cannot be brought up. They worried that Maki would start spilling the plan to target Sam. Dane said they will have to talk to Kiera and Stef about the plan tomorrow. He didn’t want Stef to have much time to run back to Maki. Damien thinks that they need Maki on their side. Dane said he knows that but they would only have the three of them against everyone else. In the yard, Maki attempted to clear the air with Anthony. Anthony explained that it hurt finding out that Maki had used his name after he had been campaigning for him. Maki explained that he used it in the same context that Dane used his name, as he knows that Anthony is well liked and a good competitor. Maki reiterated that he is new to the game. While Anthony understood where Maki was coming from, he let Maki know that it wasn’t a good thing to say.


10:00-11:00 PM: Maki talked to Dane about his chat with Anthony. Dane said Maki has spooked people but it’s not over yet. Dane said Maki still has Kiera, Stef and Kailyn on his side, plus Damien may be as well. Maki talked to Damien, Dane and Stef about the issue. Maki insisted that his plan is to nominate Cory and Sam, so everything else needs to be taken in context. Elsewhere, Anthony told Eddie that Maki said a whole bunch of bad things that he cannot save him after hearing. Anthony said that Maki is going to have to go. Eddie asked if they should clue Kailyn in on it. Anthony said no. Moving forward, Eddie wanted Anthony to know that he is still wanting to play with people of colour just like he told him early on in the game. Anthony said he believes it.


9:00-10:00 AM: Maki let Adam know that he would like to talk to him today. Adam told Dane he thinks that Maki is now backtracking. Dane said he truly believes that Maki wants Cory out but there will be a time soon that the Pretty Boys are in trouble with him. Adam said they cannot take that chance. Dane agreed. Adam told Dane he had a conversation with Cory in attempt to cover his bases, and then everything Kailyn was saying last night is what he had been telling Cory. Adam called Cory a liar. Dane said they should get Maki out this week, pull Kailyn in, and then get Cory out. Adam said he is okay with that. Afterwards, Kailyn reassured Adam that she was on board with sticking to the original plan of targeting Cory next. However, she brought up that Chelsea is playing both sides of the house. When Adam suggested that she may have just been going along with what she was hearing, Kailyn said that is not true. Adam told Kailyn he has seen stuff the past few days that irks him, and he would not put her up if he wins HoH. He specifically mentioned someone telling him that they don’t vibe with him. When the talk circled back to Chelsea, Adam said he believes that she can be trusted. Kailyn said she is going to go with her gut which is telling her that Chelsea cannot be trusted.


10:00-11:00 AM: Stef told Kiera she isn’t sure what she is missing when she is being told that the house is trying to flip, because no one is trying to flip. Adam joined them. He commented on last night being crazy. He said there was no need to talk game while everyone was having fun, but Kailyn came to him and Sam to say she knows that they are gunning for her. Adam said he then told Kailyn that they have been hearing for days that she is after them. Adam brought up Kailyn saying that Chelsea is playing both sides. Kiera said Kailyn is stirring the pot. Adam said Cory cannot be trusted either since she is the source of Kailyn’s information. Kiera asked Maki if he knows who is voting for him. He listed off Kailyn, Anthony, Kiera, Stef, Damien and Eddie. He said it would be a bonus if Mark does as well. Maki hopes that Cory would be on his side if she were to vote. Maki said the only people he hasn’t really connected with are Adam, Sam and Chelsea. Maki added that people haven given their word to him so he should be okay unless they are lying to his face.


11:00-12:00 PM: Mark wished Maki good luck with talking to Adam today. Maki said he will talk to him and speak his heart. Mark said the key will be seeing how real the conversations are. Mark talked about having trouble figuring out how rock solid people are, but he will go with what Dane wants. Maki said the ones who are solid cannot waver to those who are doubting things. Elsewhere, Chelsea told Sam she still feels that Adam and Sam have her back, and she has theirs. Sam said of course. Chelsea figures that Kailyn is just desperate. They discussed that she is trying to cover herself on all angles. Chelsea asked where people stand when it comes to the vote. Sam said they are still voting to evict Maki. Outside, Mark told Dane that he is fine with keeping Kyra for a long time. While Dane said he cannot stand Kyra sometimes, he said they can beat them in any competition. He pointed out that they are keeping someone who they can easily beat.


12:00-1:00 PM: Dane swore to Kyra that they have the numbers. Kyra said it seems that everyone is in agreement it is smartest to get rid of Maki. Dane said he will let people know last minute that he is on board. Kyra improved the deal they had offered to Dane previously, saying he will not go on the block if they win HoH but it wont happen for the rest of the season. Kyra said Kailyn will go up if they win HoH, but Dane can veto their second nomination if he isn’t on board with it. Dane said he appreciates that. In the storage room, Eddie asked Kailyn about what happened last night. Kailyn said Adam and Sam told her that they heard she is after them, so she said the only people that she told that to is those who said they are after her.


1:00-2:00 PM: In the have-not room, Anthony told Dane and Mark that he is going to finesse Chelsea to take her away from Sam, and then they can take Sam out. They discussed that Damien, Eddie, Stef, Anthony and Mark would be all the votes that they need to keep Maki should they choose to go that route.


2:00-3:00 PM: Adam and Maki chatted while cooking lunch. Adam said he and Sam were obviously worried when they heard that Maki is coming after them. Maki assured Adam that what they talked about in the have-not room the other day still stands. Maki said the only truth is what comes out of his mouth, not what he hears from someone else. They discussed that people are likely coming to each of them and saying that they need to get the other out. Maki asked Adam to do him one favour, giving him some time to talk today. Adam agreed to do so.


4:00-5:00 PM: Dane, Kiera and Stef spoke in the HoH room. Kiera said she wants to know what’s happening. Dane said people are wavering but he is sticking to the plan. Kiera let Dane know that she is willing to do whatever he wants. Kiera suggested that they come up with a plan to cover themselves in the event that the plan changes. Dane revealed that more people than they think are on board with evicting Maki. Stef argued that it would make more sense to keep a target around. Dane said he could beat Adam or Maki but he cannot beat both of them. Stef pointed out that Maki can take a shot at Sam. Dane said Maki told him to his face that he may go up if he wins HoH next week. Dane encouraged the girls to remain open to the possibility of making leaving. Dane also advised Kiera to do damage control with Adam. Damien and Mark joined them. Dane said he would be getting so much blood on his hands if he is forced to break a tie. Stef said they can get seven votes since Eddie doesn’t want to keep Kyra. Dane mentioned leaving Kyra in the game to continue to be nominated week after week. The talk was broken up shortly after. When the conversation broke up, Dane headed over to the bedroom to speak to Anthony. Dane said he may need to stay away from Kiera and Stef since they keep asking what the plan is. They discussed leaking that Sam was grilling Adam for flirting with Chelsea. Anthony said Maki would go around telling everybody.


5:00-6:00 PM: Stef asked Maki what he would do next week. He talked about targeting Cory. Stef asked who would go up next to her. Maki told Dane that it would be him since he already told him that. Stef let Maki know that they heard some other people were trying to switch up the votes, so so she questioned why he wouldn’t nominate someone like Sam. Maki said he would probably put Sam up then. Dane said Maki needs to tell Anthony that because it would help his chances of staying. Dane pointed out that Sam is the one controlling votes since she was the reason that things continued to go back and forth last week. When Dane left the room, Stef advised Maki to be careful what he says since he is too honest. After checking with Damien and Eddie, Maki then spoke to Anthony. Maki asked if he still has Anthony’s vote. Anthony said he does but he doesn’t want to be the only one voting that way. Maki said the only three who haven’t assured him that he has their vote are Adam, Chelsea and Sam. Maki mentioned having told Dane to his face to put him up, but he said that he is now realizing that it makes perfect sense to put Sam up. Anthony said Sam is going around to everyone in order to try to get Final 2 deals.


6:00-7:00 PM: Out by the hot tub, Dane told Maki that saying he will put Sam up next to Cory will make it easier for him to help campaign for him. Dane said Maki has got to tell people that now that he is back is up against the wall. In the archive room, Maki spoke to Sam. She said that she is going to do what the house is doing. Maki said everyone but Chelsea, Adam and Sam have said they are with him. Sam wanted some reassurance that she would not be nominated. Maki said the plan would still be to send Cory home even if she is on the block with her. Sam said that freaks her out since it makes her feel like it has been talked about already. Maki denied it. He said he straight up told Dane that he would put him up next to Cory. They discussed having a connection dating back to the casting process. While Maki was recruited, Sam mentioned that some people have auditioned for the show five times. Sam reminded Maki that she could use the fact that he was recruited as ammunition against him since people would not like that after they worked so hard to get there. Sam said she wants Maki to tell her that he will not put her up. Maki said he cannot do that but he doesn’t want to put her on the block.


7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony told Mark it’s perfect that Sam got pissed at Adam for flirting with Chelsea. Mark agreed. He brought up that they have to consider that they would really be relying on the double eviction in order to get Maki out, seeing as he is likely to win a veto competition unless he is competing against Adam. Mark said he is for the boys and he will go with whatever Dane decides. Mark wants to know what Adam is thinking. Anthony figures that Adam is thinking he is good with the boys and he is also good with Chelsea and Sam. In the have-not room, Sam filled Adam in on her talk with Maki. Sam said Maki told her that Cory would go home over her if they were nominated next to each other. Sam said she let Maki know that him saying that freaks her out. Sam said Maki then went on to say that he would nominate Dane. Adam wanted Sam to let Dane know that. Adam became frustrated with Sam when he found out that Sam said to Maki that some people have tried out five times to get there, because it was referring to him. Adam said he has not let people know about that. Dane came by the hot tub to let Anthony and Mark know that Adam has tried out for the show five times, he only told Sam that, and then Sam told Maki. Dane said they can keep Maki to get Sam out next week, then get Maki out the following week. Dane headed in. Adam then came outside. He said it would be stupid for them to keep Maki. Mark said they have to speak to Dane since it’s his HoH and his decision. Adam brought up Maki telling Sam that he will nominate Dane. Anthony cautioned Adam not to tell everything to Sam since she has the girls and has been making Final 2 deals. Mark added that loose lips sink ships. In the HoH room, Anthony and Dane agreed that it is huge for their game if Maki stays and nominates Sam. Dane said all they need is for someone to put Sam on the block. Anthony mentioned that they could tell Maki that Sam has been plotting to get him out the entire time, telling him to keep it to himself even though they know that he will spread it like wildfire. Dane said he is on board because they have got to get Sam out. They agreed that Sam is controlling Adam.


8:00-9:00 PM: Dane told Kiera that Maki is finally starting to play the game. Kiera said she liked what he said about Sam. Dane said Maki asked if he would want him to put Adam up, and he said that Adam isn’t the problem, so Maki then turned to putting up Sam. Dane said that’s exactly what he needed to say, so he told him to tell people that he is nominating Cory and Sam if he stays. Dane reiterated that Sam has got to go since she is so far up Adam’s ass. Eddie and Maki quickly talked things over in the storage room. Eddie said he wishes that they would talk game more. Eddie assured Maki that he is not on his radar. Eddie advised Maki to make sure that everyone is 100% on board with keeping him. Eddie said he will campaign for Maki. Eddie let Maki know that Kailyn, Kiera, Stef and himself are not swing votes that he needs to work on. In the have-not room, Anthony told Adam that Maki is realizing that he needs to put his tail between his legs, so they can use him to their advantage. While Adam said it would be easier to win HoH without him there, Anthony suggested that they could get him to be loyal to them without fully letting him in on what is going on. Adam continued to push for Kyra to stay, though he eventually opened up to the idea of getting together with the alliance to at least talk things over. Anthony reminded Adam that he cannot fully trust Sam. He said she continues to give him reasons not to trust her, so he hopes that Adam is taking note of that. Adam said he is.


9:00-10:00 PM: Out in the hot tub, Adam told Same he tells her things that he is trusting her to keep to herself. Adam said Sam is too trusting in people and she cannot be throwing names out like she does. Adam informed Sam that Maki is probably going to stay now. Sam said she is prepared for that. Sam insisted that everything she is doing in this game involves her putting Adam ahead of herself. Adam questioned Sam about how many Final 2 deals she has. Sam said zero. She swore on her father and other family members.

Live Feed Updates: Wednesday, March 13th

January 01, 2020

​10:00 AM BBT Feeds go down for a few minutes for a wake up call.They come back with most of the hgs in the washroom preparing for the day.Chelsea has started her morning routine of applying her makeup for the day. Eddie is in there talking to her. She tells him she thinks he is very honest. She says people become targets based on rumors. They decide that if they make it to jury it is like a vacation. Eddie says if you are in jury you are still playing the game and can get back in. Big Brother has given them a 15 minute warning that the house is going on lockdown and they need to make their way to the backyard. Chelsea says she likes that they can be honest with each other.
10:15 AM BBT Sam and Mark are playing pool. Mark says tomorrow is live eviction. The cameras switch to Kyra talking to Kikki. They talk about the eviction and that Kyra isn’t a lost cause yet. Kyra says she needs to put on better clothes to go outside but tells Kikki that they can talk again in 15 minutes. They both leave to go get dressed. In the HOH room Dane and Adam are talking about the eviction and that Maki has talked to them. Adam says that he told Maki that there are going to be 6 votes to keep Kyra. Dane says he is glad that Maki is talking to them. Adam gets up to leave and says that next week this room will be his and goes to leave. Dane says YES and I will be in it with you. After Adam leaves, Dane says to the cameras that Adam is a smart guy. Feeds go to the Washroom where Adam is brushing his teeth and Eddie is washing his hair in the sink.Anthonyi comes in looking for aqua packs. KYRA PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Este is getting dressed and says that she only brought a few black things to wear but she is wearing those most of the time.
10:30 AM BBT In the SR, Kaitlyn and Kikki are preparing food. THIS IS NOW YOUR FINAL WARNING. THE HOUSE IS OFF LIMITS. Everyone is scrambling to grab food to go “outside”. All HG are doing their own thing getting ready for the outside lockdown. Eddie is the last one in the house and grabs a huge pitcher or water. It appears as though everyone has left the house and are in groups at the tables just in general conversations. Most are eating. Maki is asking if they can go in the jacuzzi.
10:45 AM BBT Adam, Este and Kaitlyn are talking about who their celebrity crushes are. Chelsea and Eddie are laying on the deck around the jacuzzi and are teasing each other. Samantha and Corey are helping each other with the weights. Kikki and Este are dancing next to the pool table. Maki copy them from behind. Damien, Mark, Maki and Kikki are now all playing pool. Maki takes his cue stick and waves it around like a ninja. CHELSEA PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. She finds it is all tangled behind her and everyone ohhhhhs her. Eddie helps her fix it. Mark comes over and asks Eddie if he is hitting on his girl. Chelsea asks him how it was sleeping in the HN room. He says it would make others jealous. She asks him what it means to be Kosher. Samantha comes over and joins the convo.

11:00 AM BBT All HG are all in general conversations. Feeds go down at 11:04 AM BBT – Feeds return 11:13 AM BBT – All HG still appear to be in their groups and in various conversations. Chelsea talks to Damien and says it’s weird to think about all the people watching, not just fans but her co-workers and everything.
11:15 AM BBT She says that this show that they are not being manipulated or coached on what to say. She says she doesn’t feel that they are edited to come across very different. She says that they are cast as certain people in the house. From various backgrounds but as the show progresses that people see that they real people. Corey is talking to the HG about doing squats and to get ready to exercise. Only Adam, Este, Sam and Corey are doing the workout. They are jumping up on the round bench 15 times, doing 15 squats then running to a wall, only to run back to the bench and do it all over again.. They went for 10 rounds Eddie is just laying on the bench appearing to sleep and ignoring them.
11:30 AM BBT All of them are really breathing heavy and are all done. Adam says his legs are burning. Corey says “but you feel good right?” They say “what if they are doing that stupid thing where they take all their favorite things?” Corey says “that would suck”. They talk about the different things they can do to continue their workout. Stretching, push ups etc. On the couch Maki, Kyra, Damien and Kikki are all talking about previous seasons of BB when they started watching the show. Kikki says “Mom if your watching, I am obsessed with you and I love you and miss you everyday”. Lockdown time is over and the HG can go back into the house. They say that was not too bad of a lock down they were only out for one hour. HG in the house talk about today being the last day on slop. Adam is in the kitchen talking to the camera about people not putting their dishes in the dishwasher. He says that they do not magically get into the dishwasher.
11:45 AM BBT – Adam is cleaning the kitchen counters and Sam is washing up some more dishes. Kyra comes in and asks if they will let them know if things have shifted. They want to know where they need to work. Kyra asks if people have flipped back to evicting them again. They say they don’t know. Chelsea comes in and comments about the “magical sink” that Adam calls it when the dishes appear in the dishwasher. Sam says “are you saying you put them in the dishwasher Adam”? Anthony, Kaitlyn, Kikki, Maki and Eddie come into the kitchen. HG are just talking about food in general. Chelsea apologizes about making food in front of Sam, Sam tells her don’t worry its okay. Anthony asks if HOH can be on Slop, they say prob not unless there is a comp. Adam and Sam run off to the HN room Sam tells him about a conversation she had and how it was pointed out She is the target of the 2 of them because you take out the brains to get to the brawn. Adam says he has had conversations with HIM and that he reassured them he wouldn’t be coming after them if they went after Sam. She says None of this is good for me and he says well if you want to branch out we can. She has been telling him this for days.
12:00 PM BBT Adam tells Sam Maki wants to talk to Sam again today. Maki’s impression is that Sam is worried and its not good, we need to focus on getting out Corey then we can worry. As Sam goes to leave the room she tells him let’s just stop working together and find other people. She puts the blame on him if she goes home next week. He says don’t blame it all on me. He tells about his conversation with Maki and how he was trying to convince him there are bigger threats than Sam, keep her till at least Jury. She is frustrated that this is just coming up and he hadn’t brought it to her yet. Sam heads out and towards the kitchen then gets tea from the SR. while alone she says “Its on, like donkey Kong” BB yells Stop that, Sam thinks it might be to her for using honey in her tea but isn’t sure she asks and they call out her name. She makes a new tea. Sam joins Anthony, and Kikki at the table where they have a breakfast date. They ask what she misses the most she says textures, salt, and snacking. Kikki says she thinks it would be harder if it was just slop no additives. She asks Sam what she misses most from home she says Family. Anthony says his mom. Kikki says her close friends and family. Sam says it takes a moment to realize she should check in and misses family when she is away even on vacations.
12:15 PM BBT Sam notices that the globe is spinning on the table. They speculate that the coordinates up on the wall might be changing too. Kyra walks over and they point out that the globe is spinning. As adam walks down stairs they point it out that “ the world is spinning” Kyra takes Sam to the HN room and tells Kyra that she thinks the vibe of the house is that Maki is staying and she is next. Adam comes in and says it’s that Kyra Campaigned day 1 and then Maki campaigned and now she needs to go back in. There is a day and a half left and Adam suggest that she start with Dane. Kyra asks what’s my best shot, how do i rebuttal what Maki has done. Sam says start thinking about your speech and what things you can say to put those who had your back in a better place. Sam tells her she knows she will be in this spot next week and her biggest mistake was coupling up with Adam day 1. Kyra feels like she is weighed down someone is on her chest. Sam says I think it’s the bigger Picture they want me out and your just in the way. Sam tells Them, you can cry in here with me it’s okay and embraces Them in a giant hug. Sam feels she will be against Adam next week. Kyra says she doesn’t know how to campaign because it’s not about her it’s about numbers against Adam. Kyra feels its Damien, Eddie and Mark that are in the middle, They feel Anthony is solid and wants her but it’s up to those other few votes. Sam tells Kyra Eddie is not underestimating you, he thinks you are a super fan and smart. Sam says there is nothing she could have done to fight her attraction to Adam so her time is up when its up.
12:30 PM BBT Kyra asks where Marks head is Sam says with the house, Dane was real with Kyra yesterday and They feel today he is being weird. Kyra says new alliances have to form all season and Sam feels that Chelsea will keep Adam over Sam. Kyra wants to make sure she knows to keep her loyalties strong. They run through the Hgs and figure out who Sam needs to build a tighter relationship with for next week. Sam suggests focusing on Dane today and that will help those middle people. The conversation breaks up and Kyra leaves. Headed towards Dane but has to find him first. Kyra heads up to the HOH and finds Dane and asks to talk. Kyra adds a promise to their deal, says not only will I not nominate you, you can veto one of my noms, and if you are on the block and and I win Veto I will take you off.
12:45 PM BBT They end the conversation quickly as he is about to go potty, instead he goes back to his joint. Kyra heads out and talks to Este immediately about how They don’t think the speech will change her vote , but They don’t want to make them think they are not talking to them. Kyra was trying to lay low and not really game until the end because the house can be so flip floppy. Kyra puts in the work telling Este how she is a great person and how its hard to campaign against Maki when They know how close she is with Maki. Human to Human she is a great person. Kyra points out that the duo makes them a target and you have to be okay. Kyra says that most want to go with Majority but the Majority is worried about upsetting the HOH. Kyra says I trust you and you are smart gives the example of Paras from last season. Kyra says and you can trust it because i’m not just randomly bringing it up I have told you this before, Este agrees says it makes her feel good and trusting of the info. Kyra tells how Kailyn is trying to get into her head and it hasn’t been working tells a little more about her sneaky game. Kyra wipes some tears away as she talks and says I wasn’t ignoring you or avoiding you I just wanted to wait till the day before. Kyra reminds Este how smart she is, Este feels like she’s being given too much credit but she will take it. Kyra tries to wrap up the conversation and says all I ask is that you think about it and there is no hard feelings and I will return loyalty. Kyra says Maki’s Campaign speech is the same as the conversation Momma had with Them the night before and They don’t know why momma is coming after them so hard. Este says because she’s scared, Kyra rebuttals but i’m not backing down or afraid of her.
1:00 PM BBT The two of them begin to talk about Laura and how she had such a hard wall up and it ended up being her demise. Kyra thanks Este for talking, they hug and Kyra heads down saying They need to make some food. Este heads straight into the HOH as Anthony leaves the HOH. Feeds move to Damien and Eddie in the bonus room, but Damien is headed out to take a break. We continue to see Eddie going through files alone. Kyra is with Anthony on the couches out by the weights and says that up till yesterday Maki was not Campaigning, and now it sounds alot like the person who was fighting for him originally. He doesn’t really know the game and it’s not fair. She compliments how great of a game Anthony is playing and how the vote is going to come down to the middle of the line and that will be influenced greatly by Dane. everyone wants to vote unanimous but They want it to be individual vote what’s best for your game. Kyra wants to play the game but wants to stay more for her purpose in the house. Anthony says it is a lot more than the emotional game, and is super loyal. Anthony explains how it looks like Kyra is loyal to more than just Chelsea and the actions show it. He explains how he playing and wanting to vote and she says it’s tough because personal level she is close to one other person but game wise its only one person but it can be to more if she is kept. Feeds head to the kitchen where Dane is making food, Eddie, Damien, and Adam are all sitting around.
1:15 PM BBT Sam is with Chelsea and Kailyn on the couches whispering about votes and how there are people who can get here, but then can’t move forward and how they try.. Kailyn thinks they need to get some of these guys to focus on the task at hand and not the girls in bikinis. Chelsea wants it to be next week already, Kailyn says worst case is Corey wins HOH but these ladies should be safe. Sam points out how huge it is that HOH can not play in the POV , it gives the nominees a better chance to fight for their life. Sam says if a floater gets HOH then its manipulated by who they are close with. They all feel like they have 4-5 people who have their back that they can influence and at this point the chips needs to fall how they may. Chelsea looks over and says how good Danes food looks and tells Sam to look. Adam is making another “PIZZA” and it has to bake a little longer. They joke about all of Newfoundland being related to one another. Kailyn begins telling about how she has to treat a gentleman like a little brother in situations and they are all laughing about it. They begin to go on about people nails and feet including Eddie.
1:30 PM BBT They are talking about how people act like babies and they cant wait till they are on slop. Kyra comes by and was going to eat off of Chelsea’s plate but it was discouraged because it was turning colors. Momma tries to tell her it’s fine and then Dane asks about dating shorter men to Chelsea. Kyra comes back over and asks if Chelsea can talk, and more apple is offered but she says no Thank you. Chelsea cleans up her mess before heading upstairs to talk with Kyra. Damien and Adam are sharing a meal at the table together, Sam stayed at the nook in the kitchen. Kailyn finishes the apple and walks through and conversation goes to smokes. Kailyn leaves and the smoke conversation continues Dane interrupts it with with the Rock’s famous saying. “ Can you smell!! what the rock is cooking” Both Dane and Anthony sit down and talk goes back to smokes. They share their smoke stories and how they started, stopped, and pick it back up. Dane says he needs Adam around he smokes so much but can’t roll a joint. Feeds cams switch and we find Chelsea and Kyra in the blue bedroom, both look defeated and upset. Kyra says They were told not to tell anyone about the conversation even Chelsea. Kyra tells how the conversation with Sam went and how Sam needs to lean on and trust Chelsea. Kyra tells how momma is going around asking how do you weaken a man you take a shot at his lady first. Then Adam is going around telling everyone he is not going after them if they put up Sam. Sam joins the room and they all begin to chat.
1:45 PM BBT Kyra tells the ladies she was told not to use the emotional anymore in the campaign but why is Maki a bigger threat because it’s not just emotions that got Them on the block. Chelsea brings up the idea of guys alliance and Girls alliance why are they not taking out a guy competitor. Chelsea says she hasn’t talked game with Adam in days, Sam tells Chelsea about Mommas comment and then they bring up floaters and needing to get them out. Damien peeks in and then they go back to the momma, Chelsea, Sam conversation from the couch and who is the other floater. Kyra tells them about the convo with Este and the points They gave her. Kyra then tells them about the added promise They gave to Dane about POV. Eddie comes in and Kyra adds him into the conversation. The conversation turns light hearted about eyebrows and gel and make-up.
2:00 PM BBT Kyra starts to brush Chelsea’s eyebrows for her. Chelsea tells them they can curl her hair today if they want to instead of gaming. Sam returns and Kyra tells them that they are not going to talk game until later today as they want to enjoy their day. Sam says if Kyra goes this week I am on the block next week. Chelsea and Sam agree that Kyra needs to stay in the house. Chelsea says Eddie thinks you are good and smart. Kyra says Maybe Canada does a vote back. Chelsea says she is going to talk to Dane about building his game resume. The games switch to Maki and Damien in the SR Maki is telling him that he told Adam that he would put him on the block and Adam says Yea then take me off and put Damien up. Maki said I was just yea yea yea but don’t believe it It is crazy that we are building a cake of lies that we may not have to eat. Momma Eddie Maki and Este are having a bowl of soup. Maki thanked the vegetables for getting out of the ground and make it to his bowl. He thanks Este for helping to make it and Eddie and Momma for joining them to eat it. Este explains why she doesn’t eat meat. She says because when the animal is going to be killed it feels scared so that bad energy is getting in your food. Momma says she does a Daniel Fast. She says she does it at home. The conversation continues on food. Over by the pool table Dane and Damien are talking about Adam and Sam. Dane says Adam told him at the end of the day he is here for himself and I can see her after I get home. Damien says Do you want to get screwed in the Big Brother House or wait til you go home with maybe a hundred grand in your pocket. Dane says Exactly you can’t get a good screw in here anyway. Adam is working out. Maki has joined them over by the pool table. Maki, Dane and Damien all head outside. Maki says Let them know what you are thinking. Dane tells Damien that we will put Corey up with Sam Corey will probably win the POV then we are thinking putting you up. Sam will go home . Dane says we just have to tell her you are going home. Dane says Laura went home because Sam worked everyone. Maki and Dane are going out for fresh air.
2:15 PM BBT Outside Maki and Dane are talking about next week. Maki says I keep little check marks or exes in my head. Maki says we had a conversation a real conversation. Maki says it is not easy to be HOH I really feel ya man. Maki says We have to find like minded people. They start to leave but Kikki comes out so they stay out. In the Blue Room Kyra and Chelsea are heading into the washroom. Kyra is telling her how great this cigarette will be. How it will put them as one with the universe.

2:30 PM BBT Chelsea asks if it is true that they have coffee now. Sam tells her yes it is true. Sam is eating slop. Chelsea says my friends are going to think it is funny that we aligned . Chelsea says she doesn’t care if she is seen on television crying but she doesn’t want to be seen without makeup. Kyra is making Sam a tea as well. Momma is doing the dishes. Sam is doing her makeup in the living room. Big Brother has sounded the rooster as some of the hgs are sneaking naps. Chelsea is telling Kyra that she doesn’t want them to go home as she is close to her. Kyra says I think it is just a case of people are scared. Chelsea says I find it weird this game that we are in and wanted to be in we worry about where we fit in. Kyra tells her You need to be true to yourself in this game. Chelsea says she made a mocha. Kyra says I want a mocha I just made hot chocolate.
2:45 PM BBT Chelsea says I have known you for 12 days which we know is a magic number in friendship. The conversation now goes to when Laura called a house meeting before the feeds came on. She is telling them that Momma was there when she was talking to Chelsea; after Laura left Chelsea says she is going home because she called the house meeting and called people out. Sam is telling Chelsea that everyone in the house thinks she has the best ass. Chelsea is laughing and saying can I win the game on that. Chelsea is making her and Kyra another Mocha. Momma is starting to prepare supper for everyone. Chelsea says I just want you to know that I don’t waste any food when you cook something as a matter of fact I have 2 plates. Big Brother tells them nap time is over. Chelsea is saying she thought that she was going to fly down the logs in the POV Comp because she thought it was all about balance. Chelsea has gone to the washroom so Kyra goes into the backyard are with her mocha and snack. Sam is still working out. Damien is also doing weights.
3:00 PM BBT In the HOH Room Dane Maki Kikki and Este are there having a general conversation about a book Maki read. Dane has left the room. Maki continues with his story. Kikki is complaining about her period bringing her down. Este and Kikki are saying that Sam has lost weight on slop. They think it is because she has mostly ice in hers. They think Adam is creative with how he cooks it. They think that Anthony will have the hardest time being a HN. Kikki says the sleeping part will be very hard for her. Kikki says Momma will have a hard time with it. Maki says the smokers are running out of cigarettes I wonder what will happen. Maki says he stopped smoking pot a month before he came in here. Este says a hammock would be nice. The conversation goes to BB 20 in the US. Maki asks them if they want to play a game. Maki says We have to get all these crazy people out. Kikki is telling Maki what Kyra said to them this morning. Kikki says it is a hard choice but at the end of the day my word is my word. Maki says Adam should be shaking in his boots because he is a big guy. HE can’t win everything. Kikki asks Este how they are so similar. Este is going to make a grilled cheese for her and Kikki to share then she will make one for Maki. In the kitchen Eddie is with Momma who is preparing dinner. She says I will be friendly with them but at the end of the day I will have to attack them.
3:15 PM BBT The conversation switches to how some people waste food in this house. Momma is complaining about Chelsea wasting food. Adam is preparing more slop. Momma asks him if he had a good workout. Adam says he wants to compete in a comp that will last hours long. He asks Big Brother for a 5 hour endurance comp. Este goes into the SR. ADam is right behind her and says Thanks for holding the door for me. Este says Sorry I didn’t know you were coming in. Kikki and Este are making grilled cheese for themselves Anthony and Maki. Adam is telling Kikki that he was nervous after the POV but is okay now with getting Corey out next week. Este has joined the conversation saying Do you trust Momma K; now. Adam says No not really even tho we had that conversation. Adam says We need to get 5 people out. Good conversation. Kikki says I think we would have fun have a beer together Adam Adam leaves the room Este and Kikki start whispering Este says My mom will never see me kiss a boy. Este is dancing around saying I want to dance all day. Este is telling Kikki that Mark said something about Eddie being a Chinese spy. Este said it sounded kind of racist but then figured that Mark did not mean it that way as once Mark realized he got very sad. The cameras switch to Anthony who is in the tub.
3:30 PM BBT- 4:00 PM BBT Feeds are down.
6:00 PM BBT Kailyn tells Corey that she tried to go see them to get the deal. And was like no. They are sitting on a couch in the pool room. In the bathroom, Adam is in the shower. Chelsea and Kyra and Sam are talking. Sam was just naming the hgs that have a vote for Kyra. Kyra and Chelsea leave. Este and Kiki are in the HOH room whispering to each other. Maki and Damien are out by the hottub. They enter the bb house together. Feed switches to Dane and Chelsea in the pantry. Chelsea is talking about Maki almost winning 3 comps. She said that he is easily manipulated. Dane said that he really wanted Adam around. He then said that he is sure he has 4 votes. He said he wasn’t sure about a couple and asked Chelsea to talk to Este and Kiki. Chelsea said that Kiki’s offer meant that she would be safe for a long time. Chelsea said that she didn’t want to campaign for anybody. She said that they don’t know what’s going to happen and they just needed to work on friendships with the other guests. They exit to the kitchen
6:15 PM BBT Kailyn is cooking in the kitchen. She goes into the pantry and Dane is there. He said something quietly and they both said yep. Kailyn said eyes open, and returned to the kitchen. In the bathroom, Sam and Kyra are talking. Kyra told her what Kyra heard about Sam from some hgs. Kyra said that Kyra had to come tell her because she was a friend. Kyra said that Maki was flip flopping on who he would put up if he gets HOH. In the HOH room, Este and Kiki are quizzing each other about bb trivia. Kiki said that it would to be good if they could wait for an offer and decide last minute. BB told Este to fix her mic. Este said that they could explain that if they got Sam out, it would be better for his game. Kiki tells Este about a reading that told her that she has something going on involving Toronto. They both go back to trivia questions.
6:30 PM BBT Este and Kiki talk about their talks with Maki. Este said that Eddie hasn’t talked to them. Kiki asked Este more trivia questions. Este said really?. Kiki said that they had to get this right. Maki came in. Kiki asked Maki a question. Maki went over it with them until he got it. Este asked him what the order of the hgs was. Anthony came in and left right away. Kiki asked him another question. They name off the comps in order. In the bathroom, Dane is telling Anthony that he didn’t know what to do. Dane is whispering quietly to Anthony.
6:45 PM BBT Dane guesses about the votes. He said Kyra didn’t even tell him who Kyra would put up. He said that Adam will just follow Sam. Anthony said no, that he worked on him alot last night. Dane said to tell him that Sam is messing him up. Anthony said Maki and Este, Kiki and Damien would be new alliance. Feeds change to the kitchen. Dane and Este talk together. Mark came upstairs. They punch each other and Dane asked him what the game was that had the fighting robots. Mark said battle bots. Chelsea and Damien play a game of pool. Feeds go down at 6:55 PM BBT
7:00 PM BBT – 8:00: PM BBT Feeds are down.
8:00 PM BBT Maki is striking poses in front of the door and Este is taking pictures of him while Sam and Adam watch until Adam decides to strike a few poses of his own. Este tells Sam to show her some also and says she’s having fun and wonders where everyone else is. Chelsea is next up to pose for pictures and her and Este gush over how cute they came out. Momma Kailyn asks if she can take some herself and Este shows her how to work the camera Eddie, Damien, Maki, and Anthony are all sleeping on the couch while the girls continue to take pics in the middle of the living room until Momma Kailyn leaves with the camera.
8:15 PM BBT Sam, Adam, and chelsea remain in the living room and are all sitting off to the side together talking about Have/Have Not and when that ends for the week. Chelsea says if she has the chance she, “might volunteer to go on the slop diet” if she gets the chance to because she says she’s trying to stay lean while in the house because she has “some tight dresses and skirts” she needs to wear. The houseguests are now all in the upstairs lounge and Momma Kailyn is taking pictures of all of them Damien and Kyra are drumming on the table. Feeds Down at 8:22 PM BBT for a second and return to eddie taking an action shot picture of Maki, Chelsea, Kyra, and Sam. Feds down again at 8:25 PM BBT
8:30 PM BBT feeds return at 8:30 PM BBT to everyone still hanging out in the upstairs lounge. Chelsea is dancing and Sam says the two of them should go to a club together when they get out and they say they’ll have so much fun. Conversation switches to everyone talking about how comfortable they’ve all become around each other and then Eddie and the girls trying to guess the name of a store Este is thinking of that she says she buys all of her clothes at. Chelsea is asking her actual questions trying to guess and Eddie and Corey are guessing letters in the name of it. Chelsea eventually figures out it’s Brandy Melville. Adam and Sam are upstairs in HOH and appear to be hashing out the events of the week between them and the pretty boys. Sam heads to the bathroom and Adam leaves the room and runs into Kyra who says, “This game is a shitshow” in the upstairs hallway Adam says he knows.
8:45 PM BBT Kyra and Adam’s conversation continues. Kyera says it’s kind of hard to tell who Dane is actually gunning for because he’s thrown almost everyone’s name out there. Adam agrees and Kyra says they think he (Dane) is going to talk to everyone at some point. Kyra says they know Anthony definitely wants to get Maki out so that would give their side four votes and then 3 on the other and Adam says that Kyra has 5 votes to stay, Kyra says if they have 5, then they only need one more to stay. Adam tells them that Eddie is going to vote however Dane wants. Kyra asks, “So don’t give up yet?” Adam says no, don’t give up. Kyra says they know they’ll still have to do some campaigning tomorrow morning but if it ends up being definite that they’ll be evicted tomorrow they want to know ahead of time and they want Chelsea to tell them alone so they can cry and process it away from everyone else. Adam tells Kyra not to count their self out yet and they say they’re not, they just don’t want everyone on live TV to see them cry
9:00 PM BBT Kyra heads down to the storage room and is discussing the voted with Este. Kyra says that they know Este has already made her decision and so Kyra knows there’s no point in campaigning to her. Este explains how it’s because she pretty much thought that the target at the beginning of the week (Kyra) was set, but she forgot how things change basically everyday in the house, but it seemed like a safe decision to make at the time. Kyra agrees and says things sometimes change every hour even, but they say Este’s decision is understandable and they know that there is a solid chance they are going home tomorrow night, but there’s still the possibility that they could stay. Este says of course there is and she really appreciates that Kyra understands where her head is at. Kyra says that they appreciate that Este is being up front and honest with them and proceeds to tell her that phony people are a big turn off to them and if they were to stay in the house, then the people who have been fake and phony to them are the ones that they would be scared of but the ones that have been upfront and honest, which they say Este has been, are the ones that they would be willing to work with. Kyra tells Este that they have nothing against her and Este says she feels the same way about them whether they get her vote or not and says they’ll see what happens, but she did make a promise to Maki and if she sticks to it, it’s nothing against Kyra and it’s a very complicated situation because she says that she does see both sides and that no matter who stays, Kyra or Maki, they could help her in the game but she says she can imagine it’s probably even harder to be on the block.Kyra sarcastically jokes that it’s harder for the people voting saying, “It must be so hard to go to sleep at night knowing you’ll be here next week.” they laugh and then say, in all seriousness, they know it’s probably very hard to decide who to vote out also.
9:15 PM BBT Chelsea and Eddie are in the storage room and seem to be discussing a competition, discussing everywhere that they went through the house and they are wondering if tomorrow’s HOH competition will be about the order of the rooms they went in and out of or any specific details. Chelsea says it could be the amount of seconds it took them to go through the house and Eddie says that would probably be a tiebreaker question. Chelsea and Eddie’s conversation switches to Corey and how she came in after everyone else and Chelsea brings up how the theme this season is all secret agents and wonders if maybe Corey has some sort of secret power that they all don’t know about yet and says maybe if they, (her and Eddie) align with her it could benefit them.
9:30 PM BBT Chelsea and Eddie’s conversation continues with Chelsea saying there has to be something more than big brother just bringing Corey in a week into the game because, “that’s not exciting to watch.” Eddie talks about how last season was “Angels and Demons” themed and wonders if maybe there is also some type of “Good vs. Evil” theme going on this year and says how last year Canada only voted in two angels and he thinks Canada would be more likely to vote for something good because, “people like good people.” Chelsea says she thinks so too, but she doesn’t think they would do the same thing they did last year again and says maybe the twist has something to do with how they were talking about a “breach of security” and maybe Corey saw something and was able to watch some of the conversations before she came in the house. Eddie agrees. Chelsea says if Corey does know anything she keeps it very well hidden. Eddie says she probably isn’t allowed to talk about it. Chelsea says she knows, but she’s wondering if tomorrow night after the eviction they’ll find out more about the twist.
9:45 PM BBT Maki and Anthony are in the upstairs lounge talking game. Anthony is explaining to Maki about how things change every minute in the house and how he went around and helped campaign for Maki to stay and this morning Maki asked him if they were good, but then Anthony has heard from other people that Maki has said he would put him on the block and says that that’s “different.” Maki says he knows and that’s why he had to come and talk to Anthony about it, he says he thinks it’s so stupid that people feed him those type of things. Anthony asks if he went to Momma Kailyn and told her that he talked to everyone else and they told him if he got HOH he would have to put her on the block how she would feel. Maki says she would trip out. Anthony says exactly and it’s the same way with him, and it would be like Maki being in the position he is on the block and having everyone say that they’re going to keep Maki and take out Kyra, and then all of a sudden, “poof” Maki is evicted.


10:00 PM BBT Kyra is in the hot tub area talking to the cameras. They are saying that they’re still on the block, but thing are looking better for the than they have all week and they’re feeling good about that and maybe they do actually get to play the game after all. Feeds swap to Adam, Damien, and Dane in the HOH WR, Adam says that it sucks because as of this morning everyone was Voting to keep Maki now the house has flipped and keeping Kyra. Adam leaves the HOH room and the others start talking about hockey team references. Maki is talking with Anthony outside on the couches, Anthony starts to say how he didnt expect to see this from him , this is a game not real life. Anthony understand why Maki is nervous but you have to control your emotions, can you lie to people, can you laugh at unfunny jokes, it’s the point of the game. He says he knows everyone can go just like that *snaps fingers* his advice is don’t get too close to anyone. Anthony says he was Politicking for him, up through this afternoon and then Anthony heard his name was thrown out by Maki. Kyra is up in the Washroom talking with Chelsea. Both have huge grins Kyra tells Chelsea that when talking They told Dane and Anthony how the only person They really trust is Chelsea but it’s nothing new. Kyra is solid in believing that tomorrow is a T/F comp. That feed goes down, in the Backyard Maki and Anthony are still talking. Anthony is trying to explain game and how the conversations need to change with Maki.
10:15 PM BBT Kyra and Chelsea are back in the washroom. They are hoping for a new game started from this point forward. They begin going over what happened in the comp studying for the HOH. Este, Kikki, and Eddie are in the blue room talking about how quickly Danes HOH got busy and what days, what happened. Damien and Anthony are in the red room talking and Anthony explains his conversation with Maki. Cams switch to Maki getting into the HT with Dane. Maki says he is learning the game the Hard way. Dane says when he needs a voice of reasoning he goes to Momma and Anthony. Maki asks if Dane know why he said Anthony’s name, he tries to explain and says its all for the day 5 plan. Dane says he tried to fight for him and say this but who ever wins HOH should be concerned with Corey. They go over who talked to Adam and when was the last time. Dane plays dumb as to why peoples votes flipped. Maki says it bothers him because you hurt the people you trust the most. Maki says you know the game what do people do when they try to flip the vote and are close to going home. Dane says make deals, with others in the house and the HOH. Unfortunately you went around telling people they could go up on the block before talking to me. Dane points out his POV speech and how it wasn’t smart.
10:30 PM BBT Kyra and Adam are in SR, Kyra says Este might know shes like on the couch crying. Adam says Maki already threw out the names of Adam, Dane, Damien, and Anthony as potentials to be on the block. Kyra says They are still playing sad but smiled to let Adam know They knew about the flip. Corey and Anthony are tossing a pillow back n forth in the living room, then Kyra walks by and gets smacked on the butt. Jokingly Kyra says ooo it’s been awhile I kinda like it. Eddie is also on the couch, Feeds cut out briefly and back on. They ask about shoe size for Anthony he says 13. Adam is up with Chelsea in the Blue room filling her in on the last few conversations and how the flip happened. Adam said he had a 1 hour convo with Corey and thinks that he can get his group including Chelsea in her good. Chelsea says she is hesitant to start a connection but if he and Sam trust her she will put forth the effort. Adam points out some of Kailyn’s lies and how they are being exposed with Maki’s safety on the line. Adam reminds Chelsea she needs to act sad still and leaves the room. Anthony is working on Eddie in the Backyard about how Maki broke his trust. Anthony says majority is on the other side Maki is going to have to go home. Eddie says okay he understands that it is what it is.
10:45 PM BBT Dane and Maki are still in the the HT and Maki is explaining his emotions on the block. Says he isn’t having a great tim, Dane says he knows that. Even he went and laid down with just his dad for a bit alone. Dane says you have to watch everything you say, the words, tone, place, and to who. Maki says he is going to head in but Damien comes out and they all begin to figure out how Maki can try to talk and get his targets cleared out to the house. Inside momma and Chelsea are talking in the SR. Momma is trying to get Chelsea to say her direct targets and where lines are drawn but she won’t. Momma brings up Mark and how he is a mastermind and on no ones radar. His name is out of everyone’s mouth, and that’s scary. Chelsea tries to downplay Mark and momma says yes it’s 12 days, but in this house and that’s 12 days on steroids. They need to get in good with him but not trust to much in him. Momma points out not to put too much into relationships/connections where the person doesn’t put effort back. They need to be slowly naturally built and those are more genuine. Chelsea says you need to create peace of mind for yourself and the TV will happen around you. “This is a marathon not a sprint” -Chelsea. Momma and Chelsea say they are begining ot recognizes who’s footsteps are whos. Momma says you have to remember how the schedule goes its HOH and emotional and then noms and POV and Ceremony the next 4 days then you get 3 to visit.

Tonight's Show

March 13, 2019

Tonight, Big Brother changes the game like never before. The HGs vie for the sweet taste of veto victory and trouble hits the rock right in the heels. It all happens now on Big Brother Canada!

We pick up after the nomination ceremony on Day 7. Dane says even though he nominated Kyra and Maki, there is still a backdoor plan for Samantha. He wants to keep the Pretty Boys safe. Samantha doesn't feel safe and she has an uneasy feeling she'll go up.

Maki says being nominated isn't the greatest feeling in the morning, but sometimes you have to be near death to appreciate life. Kyra says they're in serious danger of leaving the house this week and they need to make it clear to the house they aren't playing with emotion.

Kyra tells Dane because of his speech it looks like they're the target and not Maki. Dane says his words just got twisted. Kyra says they're emotional state was just adjusting to the house and they needed for this to happen and it's a wake-up call. Dane says if Kyra stays calm, then the gears can be turned. Dane apologizes and Kyra says no hard feelings.

Maki is talking to Anthony about nominations and Anthony tells us the house is starting to divide and he needs to be on both sides of the fence. Anthony says he loves Maki, but at the end of the day he's riding with The Pretty Boys and that's where his loyalties lie.

Maki says the thing about this game is it's easy to lose yourself and he needs to take himself from the hecticness of the house and collect his thoughts. He's going to be dancing right through this, he's a happy guy. He goes to the HoH room and puts on the headphones and dances around. He says music is therapy for him.

Adam asks Samantha if her parents would like him and she thinks her dad would like him a lot. Samantha says parents love her and Adam thinks Canada loves her. Samantha says Canada loves him too and he says maybe they love us Sadam. Estefania interrupts to put something away in the fridge. Estefania leaves and Samantha and Adam agree on Sadam as their name.

Estefania says everyone is getting on her nerves, but she has an alliance with Kiera and they are called Young Bloods. They go to the archives and they are talking about taking Adam out. Estefania says they are laying low, but they are just waiting to run the house.

Adam asks Dane if he wins PoV who would go up. Dane says there is the potential for a backdoor and Adam asks who. Dane says who do you think and the discussion turns to Samantha and her connection with Adam. Dane asks if Adam wants to be here for a showmance or for a legacy. Dane doesn't care if he wins, or Adam, or Mark, or Anthony, as long as it's them and they leave a legacy and a mark on the game.

Kyra is in The Archives and they're praying for another chance to play the game. Kyra says it's not over and they have a strong alliance member they can go to the end with and they love her. We see a clip of Kyra asking Chelsea if they can pick her for the veto. Kyra says there is no way they are going this week.

Kyra goes into the storage room and Dane is in there. Kyra says they are going to go hard for this veto and Dane says he's going to play for it for control of the whole house. Kyra says they hope Dane is true to his word because loyalty goes both ways.

It's Day 8 and it's time to pick players for the PoV competition! The HGs all dance their way to the living room . Attention agents, the PoV competition as you know it is about to change for the entire season. The HoH will not compete in the veto competition! The veto will be played by the two nominees and three players at random. If the veto is used, the HoH will still name the replacement nominee.

Dane says he really wanted to play and he's so angry because he wanted to control all the power in the house this week. Dane picks Adam. Maki picks Anthony. Kyra picks houseguests choice and they select Chelsea to play. Dane is also going to choose a host and he chooses...Eddie!

Chelsea is in the blue bedroom and she is saying she cannot win this veto, she just can't. Kyra comes in and Chelsea says she's freaking out and Kyra says she told them they could pick her. Chelsea doesn't think these people will go with her if she wants to shake things up. Chelsea wants to keep Kyra because she's a friend and ally, but if she uses it then everyone would be mad because she tried to make a move. Kyra says they just thought they'd have a better shot of beating Chelsea than the guys. Adam comes in while Kyra and Chelsea are talking and Kyra leaves. Chelsea says Adam will you please win this veto and he says of course.

Adam and Samantha are in the HoH room and Adam wants to know what's on Sam's mind. She doesn't want him to think she's paranoid. She finally says she's worried about going on the block. Samantha says she feels like if Adam doesn't win this PoV she'll go on the block. Adam says he doesn't think she would and he tells her Dane told him to win veto and things would stay the same. Adam tells Samantha not to stress. Adam tells us he's trying to keep Sam calm and he thinks she knows he was lying to her.

It's time for the PoV competition! Eddie is dressed as a beaver and the HGs are lumberjacks. It's called On a Row. On go, they'll grab buckets and collect sap from a tree and they have to carry the bucket across logs and pour their sap in the container. If they fall, then they have to return to the beginning. The first to fill their container enough to remove the ball will win the PoV.

All the HGs are struggling to get across the logs. Anthony says the logs spin randomly. You don't know which ones will spin and win. Anthony says he needs to win the veto so they can get Samantha out of there because she's making Adam gaga and distracting him from the game.

Kyra says they are definitely the underdog in the veto. Kyra says no one really thinks they can beat the guys. Chelsea doesn't want to win the veto, but she's walked down pageant walks for a long time. Adam says he looks over at the HGs and he says Sam looks super nervous. Adam says he knows he has to win this so she can feel safe for another week.

Maki is making decent progress. Maki says this is a bit of sticky situation for him and he just needs to keep his ninja focus and bring the veto home. Adam is making good progress too. Kyra is struggling and they're getting exhausted. They keep telling themselves they'll win the PoV and they believe it will happen.

Maki is in the lead but Adam is right behind. Kyra is still moving back and forth and takes a hard fall. Adam is picking up the pace. Maki says Adam is right on his tail. He's not only big and strong and fast. Maki knows he's ahead. Adam is still catching up. Maki says he needs to get himself off the block and this is 100% beast mode Maki, something that even he's afraid of.

Eddie says Adam and Maki are now neck and neck and Adam makes a trip across with Maki right behind. Dane says they are both so close, they are neck and neck. Maki pours and tries to get the ball, but he can't get it. Adam pours and he can't get it either. Samantha tells Adam to make sure all his sap is in the container. Dane is hoping Maki will win so he can pull himself off so he can backdoor Sam.

Maki pours and works at the ball, but still can't quite get it. Maki is moving quickly and almost falls. Adam makes another trip and he tries for the ball and he manages to pull it out. Maki wants to know how Adam put his finger through there. Adam goes to Sam and she jumps on him and he tells her to chill and the HGs are looking at them. Eddie congratulates Adam. Adam says the first PoV is his. Adam says he knew he had to win that for Sam because there was a backdoor in the works.

Samantha gives Kyra a hug who is upset. The HGs head inside and Adam and Dane go into the storage room. Samantha comes in and Dane wants to know who told her she was a target because he hasn't told anyone that. Dane and Adam leave and Kailyn comes in and Samantha gives Kailyn a look.

Dane and Adam go to the Have-Not room and Dane says her hips were up to here. Dane says you put a huge target on your back, because if anyone puts her up, you go up with her. Dane says you better win next week or she better win. Dane leaves and Samantha comes in and Adam kisses her and he loved the celebration, but it didn't look good to the rest of the house. Samantha says we've always been a threat, and she says she's was about to go home. They kiss some more.

Samantha says no one would even sit by her. Adam says he trusts Dane and Samantha says she doesn't. Samantha says if she can't play the game with Adam, then she'll play it by herself. She says they need to separate and take the heat off themselves because she needs to play for herself and this is getting her nowhere.

Adam is in the bathroom area and Chelsea wins they celebrate. Chelsea says Adam wins the PoV and she is ecstatic and it's good for her game. Adam says Sam was tripping and he knew he had to win it. Chelsea says he's a beast. Chelsea says Adam is an alpha male and she needs to play into that so he thinks he's the big man of the show.

Day 9 and Kailyn and Eddie are talking in the Have-Not room and Cory comes in. Cory says she had to make three final two deals and she thinks Kailyn is the best person to work with. Cory says she's wise and the mom of the house. Kailyn says Dane is watching Cory like a hawk.

Eddie is in The Archives with Damien and Estefania and there are files all over the floor. Eddie says he sees people trying to memorize all the documents, but that's so dumb. Estefania and Damien are tearing file boxes up and Eddie is complaining he's bored.

Adam and Maki are in the storage room. Maki says he wants to talk to Adam and even if it's a longshot, he has to plant a seed. Maki says he'd love for all the guys to push forward. Adam can't remember the last time a group of guys went to the end. Maki says girls tear them apart. Adam says with Sam, it's just the Newfoundland bond. Maki says they have chemistry, he can see that. Maki says he and Adam are different people, but if he wants to stay he needs to be a bro with him. Adam says when is a good time to start getting rid of the girls? Maki says he'd like a house full of girls too, but they tear them apart.

Anthony is talking to Mark and Dane in the storage room and they are talking about Adam. Anthony says Samantha is a really big problem. She's in Adam's head and they need to get her out of there. Anthony tells Mark that Adam gets jealous when he's around Sam. Anthony says they need Mark to flirt more to make Adam jealous so they can control him that way. They fist bump on their way out and say they are too pretty for this.

Adam and Samantha are in the kitchen and Mark comes in and he says this will be easy because he loves flirting with everyone. He gives Sam a nice long hug and then Adam points out the long hug. Samantha says she's like that with everyone and Adam says that's not right. Adam says Samantha thinks she's his ride or die, but if he has to cut the cord on her he will. He came in with a plan with the boys and he's sticking to it.

Today is the PoV ceremony. Adam heads into HQ. Adam says he has three options, he can take Maki off the block, Kyra off the block, or keep nominations the same. If he takes Maki off the block, it might create another ally. Adam says Kyra is not a threat to him at all and he can get them out of the house whenever they want. Adam says The Pretty Boys think Samantha can be trouble for their game and maybe they see something he doesn't. Adam says he has a big decision to make because he trusts them.

Adam heads to the living room and he asks Kyra why he should use the veto to save them. Kyra says they don't expect Adam to use veto and they hope they prove they are not as emotional and their weaknesses will not get in the way of their game. Maki says no hard feelings, but he hopes Adam will use it so he can be competition for him.

Adam has decided... NOT to use the PoV strictly because he wants to respect Dane's HoH and keep nominations the same. Kyra says they are not surprised Adam didn't use the veto but Maki just put a target on his back with his speech. Maki says he has to put his faith in the universe. Dane says they missed their chance to backdoor Samantha, but they'll just have to keep an eye on her in the future.

Live Feed Updates Wednesday, March 13th

March 13, 2019

10:00 AM BBT Feeds go down for a few minutes for a wake up call.They come back with most of the hgs in the washroom preparing for the day.Chelsea has started her morning routine of applying her makeup for the day. Eddie is in there talking to her. She tells him she thinks he is very honest. She says people become targets based on rumors. They decide that if they make it to jury it is like a vacation. Eddie says if you are in jury you are still playing the game and can get back in. Big Brother has given them a 15 minute warning that the house is going on lockdown and they need to make their way to the backyard. Chelsea says she likes that they can be honest with each other.
10:15 AM BBT Sam and Mark are playing pool. Mark says tomorrow is live eviction. The cameras switch to Kyra talking to Kikki. They talk about the eviction and that Kyra isn’t a lost cause yet. Kyra says she needs to put on better clothes to go outside but tells Kikki that they can talk again in 15 minutes. They both leave to go get dressed. In the HOH room Dane and Adam are talking about the eviction and that Maki has talked to them. Adam says that he told Maki that there are going to be 6 votes to keep Kyra. Dane says he is glad that Maki is talking to them. Adam gets up to leave and says that next week this room will be his and goes to leave. Dane says YES and I will be in it with you. After Adam leaves, Dane says to the cameras that Adam is a smart guy. Feeds go to the Washroom where Adam is brushing his teeth and Eddie is washing his hair in the sink.Anthonyi comes in looking for aqua packs. KYRA PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Este is getting dressed and says that she only brought a few black things to wear but she is wearing those most of the time.
10:30 AM BBT In the SR, Kaitlyn and Kikki are preparing food. THIS IS NOW YOUR FINAL WARNING. THE HOUSE IS OFF LIMITS. Everyone is scrambling to grab food to go “outside”. All HG are doing their own thing getting ready for the outside lockdown. Eddie is the last one in the house and grabs a huge pitcher or water. It appears as though everyone has left the house and are in groups at the tables just in general conversations. Most are eating. Maki is asking if they can go in the jacuzzi.
10:45 AM BBT Adam, Este and Kaitlyn are talking about who their celebrity crushes are. Chelsea and Eddie are laying on the deck around the jacuzzi and are teasing each other. Samantha and Corey are helping each other with the weights. Kikki and Este are dancing next to the pool table. Maki copy them from behind. Damien, Mark, Maki and Kikki are now all playing pool. Maki takes his cue stick and waves it around like a ninja. CHELSEA PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. She finds it is all tangled behind her and everyone ohhhhhs her. Eddie helps her fix it. Mark comes over and asks Eddie if he is hitting on his girl. Chelsea asks him how it was sleeping in the HN room. He says it would make others jealous. She asks him what it means to be Kosher. Samantha comes over and joins the convo.

11:00 AM BBT All HG are all in general conversations. Feeds go down at 11:04 AM BBT – Feeds return 11:13 AM BBT – All HG still appear to be in their groups and in various conversations. Chelsea talks to Damien and says it’s weird to think about all the people watching, not just fans but her co-workers and everything.
11:15 AM BBT She says that this show that they are not being manipulated or coached on what to say. She says she doesn’t feel that they are edited to come across very different. She says that they are cast as certain people in the house. From various backgrounds but as the show progresses that people see that they real people. Corey is talking to the HG about doing squats and to get ready to exercise. Only Adam, Este, Sam and Corey are doing the workout. They are jumping up on the round bench 15 times, doing 15 squats then running to a wall, only to run back to the bench and do it all over again.. They went for 10 rounds Eddie is just laying on the bench appearing to sleep and ignoring them.
11:30 AM BBT All of them are really breathing heavy and are all done. Adam says his legs are burning. Corey says “but you feel good right?” They say “what if they are doing that stupid thing where they take all their favorite things?” Corey says “that would suck”. They talk about the different things they can do to continue their workout. Stretching, push ups etc. On the couch Maki, Kyra, Damien and Kikki are all talking about previous seasons of BB when they started watching the show. Kikki says “Mom if your watching, I am obsessed with you and I love you and miss you everyday”. Lockdown time is over and the HG can go back into the house. They say that was not too bad of a lock down they were only out for one hour. HG in the house talk about today being the last day on slop. Adam is in the kitchen talking to the camera about people not putting their dishes in the dishwasher. He says that they do not magically get into the dishwasher.
11:45 AM BBT – Adam is cleaning the kitchen counters and Sam is washing up some more dishes. Kyra comes in and asks if they will let them know if things have shifted. They want to know where they need to work. Kyra asks if people have flipped back to evicting them again. They say they don’t know. Chelsea comes in and comments about the “magical sink” that Adam calls it when the dishes appear in the dishwasher. Sam says “are you saying you put them in the dishwasher Adam”? Anthony, Kaitlyn, Kikki, Maki and Eddie come into the kitchen. HG are just talking about food in general. Chelsea apologizes about making food in front of Sam, Sam tells her don’t worry its okay. Anthony asks if HOH can be on Slop, they say prob not unless there is a comp. Adam and Sam run off to the HN room Sam tells him about a conversation she had and how it was pointed out She is the target of the 2 of them because you take out the brains to get to the brawn. Adam says he has had conversations with HIM and that he reassured them he wouldn’t be coming after them if they went after Sam. She says None of this is good for me and he says well if you want to branch out we can. She has been telling him this for days.
12:00 PM BBT Adam tells Sam Maki wants to talk to Sam again today. Maki’s impression is that Sam is worried and its not good, we need to focus on getting out Corey then we can worry. As Sam goes to leave the room she tells him let’s just stop working together and find other people. She puts the blame on him if she goes home next week. He says don’t blame it all on me. He tells about his conversation with Maki and how he was trying to convince him there are bigger threats than Sam, keep her till at least Jury. She is frustrated that this is just coming up and he hadn’t brought it to her yet. Sam heads out and towards the kitchen then gets tea from the SR. while alone she says “Its on, like donkey Kong” BB yells Stop that, Sam thinks it might be to her for using honey in her tea but isn’t sure she asks and they call out her name. She makes a new tea. Sam joins Anthony, and Kikki at the table where they have a breakfast date. They ask what she misses the most she says textures, salt, and snacking. Kikki says she thinks it would be harder if it was just slop no additives. She asks Sam what she misses most from home she says Family. Anthony says his mom. Kikki says her close friends and family. Sam says it takes a moment to realize she should check in and misses family when she is away even on vacations.
12:15 PM BBT Sam notices that the globe is spinning on the table. They speculate that the coordinates up on the wall might be changing too. Kyra walks over and they point out that the globe is spinning. As adam walks down stairs they point it out that “ the world is spinning” Kyra takes Sam to the HN room and tells Kyra that she thinks the vibe of the house is that Maki is staying and she is next. Adam comes in and says it’s that Kyra Campaigned day 1 and then Maki campaigned and now she needs to go back in. There is a day and a half left and Adam suggest that she start with Dane. Kyra asks what’s my best shot, how do i rebuttal what Maki has done. Sam says start thinking about your speech and what things you can say to put those who had your back in a better place. Sam tells her she knows she will be in this spot next week and her biggest mistake was coupling up with Adam day 1. Kyra feels like she is weighed down someone is on her chest. Sam says I think it’s the bigger Picture they want me out and your just in the way. Sam tells Them, you can cry in here with me it’s okay and embraces Them in a giant hug. Sam feels she will be against Adam next week. Kyra says she doesn’t know how to campaign because it’s not about her it’s about numbers against Adam. Kyra feels its Damien, Eddie and Mark that are in the middle, They feel Anthony is solid and wants her but it’s up to those other few votes. Sam tells Kyra Eddie is not underestimating you, he thinks you are a super fan and smart. Sam says there is nothing she could have done to fight her attraction to Adam so her time is up when its up.
12:30 PM BBT Kyra asks where Marks head is Sam says with the house, Dane was real with Kyra yesterday and They feel today he is being weird. Kyra says new alliances have to form all season and Sam feels that Chelsea will keep Adam over Sam. Kyra wants to make sure she knows to keep her loyalties strong. They run through the Hgs and figure out who Sam needs to build a tighter relationship with for next week. Sam suggests focusing on Dane today and that will help those middle people. The conversation breaks up and Kyra leaves. Headed towards Dane but has to find him first. Kyra heads up to the HOH and finds Dane and asks to talk. Kyra adds a promise to their deal, says not only will I not nominate you, you can veto one of my noms, and if you are on the block and and I win Veto I will take you off.
12:45 PM BBT They end the conversation quickly as he is about to go potty, instead he goes back to his joint. Kyra heads out and talks to Este immediately about how They don’t think the speech will change her vote , but They don’t want to make them think they are not talking to them. Kyra was trying to lay low and not really game until the end because the house can be so flip floppy. Kyra puts in the work telling Este how she is a great person and how its hard to campaign against Maki when They know how close she is with Maki. Human to Human she is a great person. Kyra points out that the duo makes them a target and you have to be okay. Kyra says that most want to go with Majority but the Majority is worried about upsetting the HOH. Kyra says I trust you and you are smart gives the example of Paras from last season. Kyra says and you can trust it because i’m not just randomly bringing it up I have told you this before, Este agrees says it makes her feel good and trusting of the info. Kyra tells how Kailyn is trying to get into her head and it hasn’t been working tells a little more about her sneaky game. Kyra wipes some tears away as she talks and says I wasn’t ignoring you or avoiding you I just wanted to wait till the day before. Kyra reminds Este how smart she is, Este feels like she’s being given too much credit but she will take it. Kyra tries to wrap up the conversation and says all I ask is that you think about it and there is no hard feelings and I will return loyalty. Kyra says Maki’s Campaign speech is the same as the conversation Momma had with Them the night before and They don’t know why momma is coming after them so hard. Este says because she’s scared, Kyra rebuttals but i’m not backing down or afraid of her.
1:00 PM BBT The two of them begin to talk about Laura and how she had such a hard wall up and it ended up being her demise. Kyra thanks Este for talking, they hug and Kyra heads down saying They need to make some food. Este heads straight into the HOH as Anthony leaves the HOH. Feeds move to Damien and Eddie in the bonus room, but Damien is headed out to take a break. We continue to see Eddie going through files alone. Kyra is with Anthony on the couches out by the weights and says that up till yesterday Maki was not Campaigning, and now it sounds alot like the person who was fighting for him originally. He doesn’t really know the game and it’s not fair. She compliments how great of a game Anthony is playing and how the vote is going to come down to the middle of the line and that will be influenced greatly by Dane. everyone wants to vote unanimous but They want it to be individual vote what’s best for your game. Kyra wants to play the game but wants to stay more for her purpose in the house. Anthony says it is a lot more than the emotional game, and is super loyal. Anthony explains how it looks like Kyra is loyal to more than just Chelsea and the actions show it. He explains how he playing and wanting to vote and she says it’s tough because personal level she is close to one other person but game wise its only one person but it can be to more if she is kept. Feeds head to the kitchen where Dane is making food, Eddie, Damien, and Adam are all sitting around.
1:15 PM BBT Sam is with Chelsea and Kailyn on the couches whispering about votes and how there are people who can get here, but then can’t move forward and how they try.. Kailyn thinks they need to get some of these guys to focus on the task at hand and not the girls in bikinis. Chelsea wants it to be next week already, Kailyn says worst case is Corey wins HOH but these ladies should be safe. Sam points out how huge it is that HOH can not play in the POV , it gives the nominees a better chance to fight for their life. Sam says if a floater gets HOH then its manipulated by who they are close with. They all feel like they have 4-5 people who have their back that they can influence and at this point the chips needs to fall how they may. Chelsea looks over and says how good Danes food looks and tells Sam to look. Adam is making another “PIZZA” and it has to bake a little longer. They joke about all of Newfoundland being related to one another. Kailyn begins telling about how she has to treat a gentleman like a little brother in situations and they are all laughing about it. They begin to go on about people nails and feet including Eddie.
1:30 PM BBT They are talking about how people act like babies and they cant wait till they are on slop. Kyra comes by and was going to eat off of Chelsea’s plate but it was discouraged because it was turning colors. Momma tries to tell her it’s fine and then Dane asks about dating shorter men to Chelsea. Kyra comes back over and asks if Chelsea can talk, and more apple is offered but she says no Thank you. Chelsea cleans up her mess before heading upstairs to talk with Kyra. Damien and Adam are sharing a meal at the table together, Sam stayed at the nook in the kitchen. Kailyn finishes the apple and walks through and conversation goes to smokes. Kailyn leaves and the smoke conversation continues Dane interrupts it with with the Rock’s famous saying. “ Can you smell!! what the rock is cooking” Both Dane and Anthony sit down and talk goes back to smokes. They share their smoke stories and how they started, stopped, and pick it back up. Dane says he needs Adam around he smokes so much but can’t roll a joint. Feeds cams switch and we find Chelsea and Kyra in the blue bedroom, both look defeated and upset. Kyra says They were told not to tell anyone about the conversation even Chelsea. Kyra tells how the conversation with Sam went and how Sam needs to lean on and trust Chelsea. Kyra tells how momma is going around asking how do you weaken a man you take a shot at his lady first. Then Adam is going around telling everyone he is not going after them if they put up Sam. Sam joins the room and they all begin to chat.
1:45 PM BBT Kyra tells the ladies she was told not to use the emotional anymore in the campaign but why is Maki a bigger threat because it’s not just emotions that got Them on the block. Chelsea brings up the idea of guys alliance and Girls alliance why are they not taking out a guy competitor. Chelsea says she hasn’t talked game with Adam in days, Sam tells Chelsea about Mommas comment and then they bring up floaters and needing to get them out. Damien peeks in and then they go back to the momma, Chelsea, Sam conversation from the couch and who is the other floater. Kyra tells them about the convo with Este and the points They gave her. Kyra then tells them about the added promise They gave to Dane about POV. Eddie comes in and Kyra adds him into the conversation. The conversation turns light hearted about eyebrows and gel and make-up.
2:00 PM BBT Kyra starts to brush Chelsea’s eyebrows for her. Chelsea tells them they can curl her hair today if they want to instead of gaming. Sam returns and Kyra tells them that they are not going to talk game until later today as they want to enjoy their day. Sam says if Kyra goes this week I am on the block next week. Chelsea and Sam agree that Kyra needs to stay in the house. Chelsea says Eddie thinks you are good and smart. Kyra says Maybe Canada does a vote back. Chelsea says she is going to talk to Dane about building his game resume. The games switch to Maki and Damien in the SR Maki is telling him that he told Adam that he would put him on the block and Adam says Yea then take me off and put Damien up. Maki said I was just yea yea yea but don’t believe it It is crazy that we are building a cake of lies that we may not have to eat. Momma Eddie Maki and Este are having a bowl of soup. Maki thanked the vegetables for getting out of the ground and make it to his bowl. He thanks Este for helping to make it and Eddie and Momma for joining them to eat it. Este explains why she doesn’t eat meat. She says because when the animal is going to be killed it feels scared so that bad energy is getting in your food. Momma says she does a Daniel Fast. She says she does it at home. The conversation continues on food. Over by the pool table Dane and Damien are talking about Adam and Sam. Dane says Adam told him at the end of the day he is here for himself and I can see her after I get home. Damien says Do you want to get screwed in the Big Brother House or wait til you go home with maybe a hundred grand in your pocket. Dane says Exactly you can’t get a good screw in here anyway. Adam is working out. Maki has joined them over by the pool table. Maki, Dane and Damien all head outside. Maki says Let them know what you are thinking. Dane tells Damien that we will put Corey up with Sam Corey will probably win the POV then we are thinking putting you up. Sam will go home . Dane says we just have to tell her you are going home. Dane says Laura went home because Sam worked everyone. Maki and Dane are going out for fresh air.
2:15 PM BBT Outside Maki and Dane are talking about next week. Maki says I keep little check marks or exes in my head. Maki says we had a conversation a real conversation. Maki says it is not easy to be HOH I really feel ya man. Maki says We have to find like minded people. They start to leave but Kikki comes out so they stay out. In the Blue Room Kyra and Chelsea are heading into the washroom. Kyra is telling her how great this cigarette will be. How it will put them as one with the universe.

2:30 PM BBT Chelsea asks if it is true that they have coffee now. Sam tells her yes it is true. Sam is eating slop. Chelsea says my friends are going to think it is funny that we aligned . Chelsea says she doesn’t care if she is seen on television crying but she doesn’t want to be seen without makeup. Kyra is making Sam a tea as well. Momma is doing the dishes. Sam is doing her makeup in the living room. Big Brother has sounded the rooster as some of the hgs are sneaking naps. Chelsea is telling Kyra that she doesn’t want them to go home as she is close to her. Kyra says I think it is just a case of people are scared. Chelsea says I find it weird this game that we are in and wanted to be in we worry about where we fit in. Kyra tells her You need to be true to yourself in this game. Chelsea says she made a mocha. Kyra says I want a mocha I just made hot chocolate.
2:45 PM BBT Chelsea says I have known you for 12 days which we know is a magic number in friendship. The conversation now goes to when Laura called a house meeting before the feeds came on. She is telling them that Momma was there when she was talking to Chelsea; after Laura left Chelsea says she is going home because she called the house meeting and called people out. Sam is telling Chelsea that everyone in the house thinks she has the best ass. Chelsea is laughing and saying can I win the game on that. Chelsea is making her and Kyra another Mocha. Momma is starting to prepare supper for everyone. Chelsea says I just want you to know that I don’t waste any food when you cook something as a matter of fact I have 2 plates. Big Brother tells them nap time is over. Chelsea is saying she thought that she was going to fly down the logs in the POV Comp because she thought it was all about balance. Chelsea has gone to the washroom so Kyra goes into the backyard are with her mocha and snack. Sam is still working out. Damien is also doing weights.
3:00 PM BBT In the HOH Room Dane Maki Kikki and Este are there having a general conversation about a book Maki read. Dane has left the room. Maki continues with his story. Kikki is complaining about her period bringing her down. Este and Kikki are saying that Sam has lost weight on slop. They think it is because she has mostly ice in hers. They think Adam is creative with how he cooks it. They think that Anthony will have the hardest time being a HN. Kikki says the sleeping part will be very hard for her. Kikki says Momma will have a hard time with it. Maki says the smokers are running out of cigarettes I wonder what will happen. Maki says he stopped smoking pot a month before he came in here. Este says a hammock would be nice. The conversation goes to BB 20 in the US. Maki asks them if they want to play a game. Maki says We have to get all these crazy people out. Kikki is telling Maki what Kyra said to them this morning. Kikki says it is a hard choice but at the end of the day my word is my word. Maki says Adam should be shaking in his boots because he is a big guy. HE can’t win everything. Kikki asks Este how they are so similar. Este is going to make a grilled cheese for her and Kikki to share then she will make one for Maki. In the kitchen Eddie is with Momma who is preparing dinner. She says I will be friendly with them but at the end of the day I will have to attack them.
3:15 PM BBT The conversation switches to how some people waste food in this house. Momma is complaining about Chelsea wasting food. Adam is preparing more slop. Momma asks him if he had a good workout. Adam says he wants to compete in a comp that will last hours long. He asks Big Brother for a 5 hour endurance comp. Este goes into the SR. ADam is right behind her and says Thanks for holding the door for me. Este says Sorry I didn’t know you were coming in. Kikki and Este are making grilled cheese for themselves Anthony and Maki. Adam is telling Kikki that he was nervous after the POV but is okay now with getting Corey out next week. Este has joined the conversation saying Do you trust Momma K; now. Adam says No not really even tho we had that conversation. Adam says We need to get 5 people out. Good conversation. Kikki says I think we would have fun have a beer together Adam Adam leaves the room Este and Kikki start whispering Este says My mom will never see me kiss a boy. Este is dancing around saying I want to dance all day. Este is telling Kikki that Mark said something about Eddie being a Chinese spy. Este said it sounded kind of racist but then figured that Mark did not mean it that way as once Mark realized he got very sad. The cameras switch to Anthony who is in the tub.
3:30 PM BBT- 4:00 PM BBT Feeds are down.
6:00 PM BBT Kailyn tells Corey that she tried to go see them to get the deal. And was like no. They are sitting on a couch in the pool room. In the bathroom, Adam is in the shower. Chelsea and Kyra and Sam are talking. Sam was just naming the hgs that have a vote for Kyra. Kyra and Chelsea leave. Este and Kiki are in the HOH room whispering to each other. Maki and Damien are out by the hottub. They enter the bb house together. Feed switches to Dane and Chelsea in the pantry. Chelsea is talking about Maki almost winning 3 comps. She said that he is easily manipulated. Dane said that he really wanted Adam around. He then said that he is sure he has 4 votes. He said he wasn’t sure about a couple and asked Chelsea to talk to Este and Kiki. Chelsea said that Kiki’s offer meant that she would be safe for a long time. Chelsea said that she didn’t want to campaign for anybody. She said that they don’t know what’s going to happen and they just needed to work on friendships with the other guests. They exit to the kitchen
6:15 PM BBT Kailyn is cooking in the kitchen. She goes into the pantry and Dane is there. He said something quietly and they both said yep. Kailyn said eyes open, and returned to the kitchen. In the bathroom, Sam and Kyra are talking. Kyra told her what Kyra heard about Sam from some hgs. Kyra said that Kyra had to come tell her because she was a friend. Kyra said that Maki was flip flopping on who he would put up if he gets HOH. In the HOH room, Este and Kiki are quizzing each other about bb trivia. Kiki said that it would to be good if they could wait for an offer and decide last minute. BB told Este to fix her mic. Este said that they could explain that if they got Sam out, it would be better for his game. Kiki tells Este about a reading that told her that she has something going on involving Toronto. They both go back to trivia questions.
6:30 PM BBT Este and Kiki talk about their talks with Maki. Este said that Eddie hasn’t talked to them. Kiki asked Este more trivia questions. Este said really?. Kiki said that they had to get this right. Maki came in. Kiki asked Maki a question. Maki went over it with them until he got it. Este asked him what the order of the hgs was. Anthony came in and left right away. Kiki asked him another question. They name off the comps in order. In the bathroom, Dane is telling Anthony that he didn’t know what to do. Dane is whispering quietly to Anthony.
6:45 PM BBT Dane guesses about the votes. He said Kyra didn’t even tell him who Kyra would put up. He said that Adam will just follow Sam. Anthony said no, that he worked on him alot last night. Dane said to tell him that Sam is messing him up. Anthony said Maki and Este, Kiki and Damien would be new alliance. Feeds change to the kitchen. Dane and Este talk together. Mark came upstairs. They punch each other and Dane asked him what the game was that had the fighting robots. Mark said battle bots. Chelsea and Damien play a game of pool. Feeds go down at 6:55 PM BBT
7:00 PM BBT – 8:00: PM BBT Feeds are down.
8:00 PM BBT Maki is striking poses in front of the door and Este is taking pictures of him while Sam and Adam watch until Adam decides to strike a few poses of his own. Este tells Sam to show her some also and says she’s having fun and wonders where everyone else is. Chelsea is next up to pose for pictures and her and Este gush over how cute they came out. Momma Kailyn asks if she can take some herself and Este shows her how to work the camera Eddie, Damien, Maki, and Anthony are all sleeping on the couch while the girls continue to take pics in the middle of the living room until Momma Kailyn leaves with the camera.
8:15 PM BBT Sam, Adam, and chelsea remain in the living room and are all sitting off to the side together talking about Have/Have Not and when that ends for the week. Chelsea says if she has the chance she, “might volunteer to go on the slop diet” if she gets the chance to because she says she’s trying to stay lean while in the house because she has “some tight dresses and skirts” she needs to wear. The houseguests are now all in the upstairs lounge and Momma Kailyn is taking pictures of all of them Damien and Kyra are drumming on the table. Feeds Down at 8:22 PM BBT for a second and return to eddie taking an action shot picture of Maki, Chelsea, Kyra, and Sam. Feds down again at 8:25 PM BBT
8:30 PM BBT feeds return at 8:30 PM BBT to everyone still hanging out in the upstairs lounge. Chelsea is dancing and Sam says the two of them should go to a club together when they get out and they say they’ll have so much fun. Conversation switches to everyone talking about how comfortable they’ve all become around each other and then Eddie and the girls trying to guess the name of a store Este is thinking of that she says she buys all of her clothes at. Chelsea is asking her actual questions trying to guess and Eddie and Corey are guessing letters in the name of it. Chelsea eventually figures out it’s Brandy Melville. Adam and Sam are upstairs in HOH and appear to be hashing out the events of the week between them and the pretty boys. Sam heads to the bathroom and Adam leaves the room and runs into Kyra who says, “This game is a shitshow” in the upstairs hallway Adam says he knows.
8:45 PM BBT Kyra and Adam’s conversation continues. Kyera says it’s kind of hard to tell who Dane is actually gunning for because he’s thrown almost everyone’s name out there. Adam agrees and Kyra says they think he (Dane) is going to talk to everyone at some point. Kyra says they know Anthony definitely wants to get Maki out so that would give their side four votes and then 3 on the other and Adam says that Kyra has 5 votes to stay, Kyra says if they have 5, then they only need one more to stay. Adam tells them that Eddie is going to vote however Dane wants. Kyra asks, “So don’t give up yet?” Adam says no, don’t give up. Kyra says they know they’ll still have to do some campaigning tomorrow morning but if it ends up being definite that they’ll be evicted tomorrow they want to know ahead of time and they want Chelsea to tell them alone so they can cry and process it away from everyone else. Adam tells Kyra not to count their self out yet and they say they’re not, they just don’t want everyone on live TV to see them cry
9:00 PM BBT Kyra heads down to the storage room and is discussing the voted with Este. Kyra says that they know Este has already made her decision and so Kyra knows there’s no point in campaigning to her. Este explains how it’s because she pretty much thought that the target at the beginning of the week (Kyra) was set, but she forgot how things change basically everyday in the house, but it seemed like a safe decision to make at the time. Kyra agrees and says things sometimes change every hour even, but they say Este’s decision is understandable and they know that there is a solid chance they are going home tomorrow night, but there’s still the possibility that they could stay. Este says of course there is and she really appreciates that Kyra understands where her head is at. Kyra says that they appreciate that Este is being up front and honest with them and proceeds to tell her that phony people are a big turn off to them and if they were to stay in the house, then the people who have been fake and phony to them are the ones that they would be scared of but the ones that have been upfront and honest, which they say Este has been, are the ones that they would be willing to work with. Kyra tells Este that they have nothing against her and Este says she feels the same way about them whether they get her vote or not and says they’ll see what happens, but she did make a promise to Maki and if she sticks to it, it’s nothing against Kyra and it’s a very complicated situation because she says that she does see both sides and that no matter who stays, Kyra or Maki, they could help her in the game but she says she can imagine it’s probably even harder to be on the block.Kyra sarcastically jokes that it’s harder for the people voting saying, “It must be so hard to go to sleep at night knowing you’ll be here next week.” they laugh and then say, in all seriousness, they know it’s probably very hard to decide who to vote out also.
9:15 PM BBT Chelsea and Eddie are in the storage room and seem to be discussing a competition, discussing everywhere that they went through the house and they are wondering if tomorrow’s HOH competition will be about the order of the rooms they went in and out of or any specific details. Chelsea says it could be the amount of seconds it took them to go through the house and Eddie says that would probably be a tiebreaker question. Chelsea and Eddie’s conversation switches to Corey and how she came in after everyone else and Chelsea brings up how the theme this season is all secret agents and wonders if maybe Corey has some sort of secret power that they all don’t know about yet and says maybe if they, (her and Eddie) align with her it could benefit them.
9:30 PM BBT Chelsea and Eddie’s conversation continues with Chelsea saying there has to be something more than big brother just bringing Corey in a week into the game because, “that’s not exciting to watch.” Eddie talks about how last season was “Angels and Demons” themed and wonders if maybe there is also some type of “Good vs. Evil” theme going on this year and says how last year Canada only voted in two angels and he thinks Canada would be more likely to vote for something good because, “people like good people.” Chelsea says she thinks so too, but she doesn’t think they would do the same thing they did last year again and says maybe the twist has something to do with how they were talking about a “breach of security” and maybe Corey saw something and was able to watch some of the conversations before she came in the house. Eddie agrees. Chelsea says if Corey does know anything she keeps it very well hidden. Eddie says she probably isn’t allowed to talk about it. Chelsea says she knows, but she’s wondering if tomorrow night after the eviction they’ll find out more about the twist.
9:45 PM BBT Maki and Anthony are in the upstairs lounge talking game. Anthony is explaining to Maki about how things change every minute in the house and how he went around and helped campaign for Maki to stay and this morning Maki asked him if they were good, but then Anthony has heard from other people that Maki has said he would put him on the block and says that that’s “different.” Maki says he knows and that’s why he had to come and talk to Anthony about it, he says he thinks it’s so stupid that people feed him those type of things. Anthony asks if he went to Momma Kailyn and told her that he talked to everyone else and they told him if he got HOH he would have to put her on the block how she would feel. Maki says she would trip out. Anthony says exactly and it’s the same way with him, and it would be like Maki being in the position he is on the block and having everyone say that they’re going to keep Maki and take out Kyra, and then all of a sudden, “poof” Maki is evicted.


10:00 PM BBT Kyra is in the hot tub area talking to the cameras. They are saying that they’re still on the block, but thing are looking better for the than they have all week and they’re feeling good about that and maybe they do actually get to play the game after all. Feeds swap to Adam, Damien, and Dane in the HOH WR, Adam says that it sucks because as of this morning everyone was Voting to keep Maki now the house has flipped and keeping Kyra. Adam leaves the HOH room and the others start talking about hockey team references. Maki is talking with Anthony outside on the couches, Anthony starts to say how he didnt expect to see this from him , this is a game not real life. Anthony understand why Maki is nervous but you have to control your emotions, can you lie to people, can you laugh at unfunny jokes, it’s the point of the game. He says he knows everyone can go just like that *snaps fingers* his advice is don’t get too close to anyone. Anthony says he was Politicking for him, up through this afternoon and then Anthony heard his name was thrown out by Maki. Kyra is up in the Washroom talking with Chelsea. Both have huge grins Kyra tells Chelsea that when talking They told Dane and Anthony how the only person They really trust is Chelsea but it’s nothing new. Kyra is solid in believing that tomorrow is a T/F comp. That feed goes down, in the Backyard Maki and Anthony are still talking. Anthony is trying to explain game and how the conversations need to change with Maki.
10:15 PM BBT Kyra and Chelsea are back in the washroom. They are hoping for a new game started from this point forward. They begin going over what happened in the comp studying for the HOH. Este, Kikki, and Eddie are in the blue room talking about how quickly Danes HOH got busy and what days, what happened. Damien and Anthony are in the red room talking and Anthony explains his conversation with Maki. Cams switch to Maki getting into the HT with Dane. Maki says he is learning the game the Hard way. Dane says when he needs a voice of reasoning he goes to Momma and Anthony. Maki asks if Dane know why he said Anthony’s name, he tries to explain and says its all for the day 5 plan. Dane says he tried to fight for him and say this but who ever wins HOH should be concerned with Corey. They go over who talked to Adam and when was the last time. Dane plays dumb as to why peoples votes flipped. Maki says it bothers him because you hurt the people you trust the most. Maki says you know the game what do people do when they try to flip the vote and are close to going home. Dane says make deals, with others in the house and the HOH. Unfortunately you went around telling people they could go up on the block before talking to me. Dane points out his POV speech and how it wasn’t smart.
10:30 PM BBT Kyra and Adam are in SR, Kyra says Este might know shes like on the couch crying. Adam says Maki already threw out the names of Adam, Dane, Damien, and Anthony as potentials to be on the block. Kyra says They are still playing sad but smiled to let Adam know They knew about the flip. Corey and Anthony are tossing a pillow back n forth in the living room, then Kyra walks by and gets smacked on the butt. Jokingly Kyra says ooo it’s been awhile I kinda like it. Eddie is also on the couch, Feeds cut out briefly and back on. They ask about shoe size for Anthony he says 13. Adam is up with Chelsea in the Blue room filling her in on the last few conversations and how the flip happened. Adam said he had a 1 hour convo with Corey and thinks that he can get his group including Chelsea in her good. Chelsea says she is hesitant to start a connection but if he and Sam trust her she will put forth the effort. Adam points out some of Kailyn’s lies and how they are being exposed with Maki’s safety on the line. Adam reminds Chelsea she needs to act sad still and leaves the room. Anthony is working on Eddie in the Backyard about how Maki broke his trust. Anthony says majority is on the other side Maki is going to have to go home. Eddie says okay he understands that it is what it is.
10:45 PM BBT Dane and Maki are still in the the HT and Maki is explaining his emotions on the block. Says he isn’t having a great tim, Dane says he knows that. Even he went and laid down with just his dad for a bit alone. Dane says you have to watch everything you say, the words, tone, place, and to who. Maki says he is going to head in but Damien comes out and they all begin to figure out how Maki can try to talk and get his targets cleared out to the house. Inside momma and Chelsea are talking in the SR. Momma is trying to get Chelsea to say her direct targets and where lines are drawn but she won’t. Momma brings up Mark and how he is a mastermind and on no ones radar. His name is out of everyone’s mouth, and that’s scary. Chelsea tries to downplay Mark and momma says yes it’s 12 days, but in this house and that’s 12 days on steroids. They need to get in good with him but not trust to much in him. Momma points out not to put too much into relationships/connections where the person doesn’t put effort back. They need to be slowly naturally built and those are more genuine. Chelsea says you need to create peace of mind for yourself and the TV will happen around you. “This is a marathon not a sprint” -Chelsea. Momma and Chelsea say they are begining ot recognizes who’s footsteps are whos. Momma says you have to remember how the schedule goes its HOH and emotional and then noms and POV and Ceremony the next 4 days then you get 3 to visit.

11:00 PM BBT Chelsea is concerned that one of those girls win HOH. (Este or Kikki) but they hope they would stick to the “plan” and it should be easy. They have reached the point everyone is going to play and not throw HOH’s, they go over how would they walk out kindly or with fists in the air. Momma jokes that she would grab all the silverware and drop it up the floor and stairs. This is the last chance to be memorable. They are ready for a change up and say its a long time from noms to eviction. Kailyn tells Chelsea that she has the wool pulled over her eyes by Kyra, she says she gets it and sees it. Without saying too much Chelsea says there is more to it and with Mental illness playing a factor sometimes it has opened her eyes a bit. They agree to disagree on the topic. Chelsea says you don’t have to love me to be kind with me. Adam kicks the SR door open and they say it was a Lolo move. He leaves and they both agree to play the game and not hold knives against each other. Outside at the HT Anthony and Mark have their feet in, Damien, Corey, and Este share a couch wanting to see the stars and having fun conversation about Mark reminding her his eyes are up. Feeds go to Kyra talking with Eddie but audio stays outside a moment. Eddie says he feels Kyra only comes to him when she needs to. She said she wasn’t Campaigning before veto, He thinks that maybe They are only coming because They needs votes or if They really feel sorry. Eddie says he wants to give Them a chance, but it’s hard to give so much trust. Kyra wipes tears from her eyes in appreciation for his honesty he puts Their head on his shoulder and holds them for a min. Kyra wants a chance to prove their loyalty to him.
11:15 PM BBT Kyra thanks him for being open about his concerns and thought that has won him points in their book and more respect. Kailyn and Maki are now in the SR alone, She tells him you will be here tomorrow walk in your strength quit freaking out. She asks him to stop saying he doesn’t know this game its putting him lower than others. Maki asks how do I sit back and not bother people but also finish Campaigning. She says a simple handshake. Maki says tonight he is chilling she says he needs to and he needs to shower again and do it the right way. They leave the SR where Momma says BB is really keeping them up late and then she goes looking for Eddie, As Kikki walks down she asks if eddie was up there she heads out to find him talking with Kyra. Says she just wants time to hang with her friend. Kyra heads in to go potty, Sam and Adam are in the kitchen, Maki and Kikki hang on the couches on the inside backyard. Kyra and Chelsea up into the blue room where they freak out and jump around. They both share who they have talked with who gave confirmation about it and they are getting huge smiles. Kikki and Maki are having general chatter asking questions back n forth.
11:30 PM BBT Eddie and Kailyn are off in a corner talking saying Eddie tells her that Kyra didn’t even campaign today and he overthinks things. She mumbles about something from the Dr. He says the game stresses him out. Kyra and Chelsea are still up in Blueroom talking with one another. Anthony comes up and lays in the bed near them to join the conversation. Kyra says They have been hearing things about people having Their back and then They jump all over him. They Thank him and say how much They appreciate him. They both jump in on that and say they know he is a huge reason Kyra is staying.( at this moment) They all joke about being a thripple. Kyra says They are still sulking around he says rule #1 you are never safe, #2 stay humble. Kyra gives a giant hug and heads out. Chelsea and Him whisper a moment and shes thanking him for all the help, he exits and she waits a moment before walking out herself. Kyra and Chelsea find themselves together again in the WR but not for long Kyra is asked to go to the DR.
11:45 PM BBT Dane and Sam are in the Kitchen talking, Dane isn’t planning to say anything till right before the vote so it’s the last thing people hear, he’s planning on saying how much he wanted to keep Maki but because of these reasons this is who he wants. The conversation is very hard to hear, but bits and pieces can be heard about everyone and who to talk to and when. How to approach the situation. Adam and Anthony are up in HOH talking about the benefits to keeping Kyra and how to use her to target the other side. Anthony points out how competitive Corey is and how she’s trying to outshine the boys in workouts. Adam says that he knows its all Maki’s plan to get rid of Corey because he has had conversations with both of them. Anthony says that the 4 need to plant seeds about each other to the outside HG’s to see where they really are and it will guide them on who to go after. Anthony says no matter what we need to stay humble. They want Mark to win this next HOH. Anthony says he has Damien and they think they have Eddie, Adam says if I win who do I put up? Anthony suggest Kikki and Kailyn it hurts his heart to say it but she is dangerous in the game.
11:59 PM BBT As the Hgs continue to finalize plans for the eviction

Summary Tuesday ,March 12th

March 12, 2019

Summary Tuesday ,March 12th

8:00-9:00 AM: Mark told Dane that he plans to spend a lot of time with Sam today. Dane said he and Anthony were talking about potentially backdooring Sam at some point. Mark said he spoke to Kiera and Stef last night in which they told him they think that he is the swing vote. Mark pointed out that it’s good that people don’t see him being aligned with the guys. On the other hand, he said it’s a bad thing since he will have a lot of heat coming his way over the next couple of days. They discussed that the votes to evict Maki are Sam, Adam, Chelsea, Anthony, Mark and Damien. Dane said he can get Eddie on board as well. Afterwards, Stef told Damien she is so annoyed but Maki is not helping himself. They discussed that Maki is too honest and he should not have told Dane that he might put him up.


9:00-10:00 AM: Maki let Adam know that he would like to talk to him today. Adam told Dane he thinks that Maki is now backtracking. Dane said he truly believes that Maki wants Cory out but there will be a time soon that the Pretty Boys are in trouble with him. Adam said they cannot take that chance. Dane agreed. Adam told Dane he had a conversation with Cory in attempt to cover his bases, and then everything Kailyn was saying last night is what he had been telling Cory. Adam called Cory a liar. Dane said they should get Maki out this week, pull Kailyn in, and then get Cory out. Adam said he is okay with that. Afterwards, Kailyn reassured Adam that she was on board with sticking to the original plan of targeting Cory next. However, she brought up that Chelsea is playing both sides of the house. When Adam suggested that she may have just been going along with what she was hearing, Kailyn said that is not true. Adam told Kailyn he has seen stuff the past few days that irks him, and he would not put her up if he wins HoH. He specifically mentioned someone telling him that they don’t vibe with him. When the talk circled back to Chelsea, Adam said he believes that she can be trusted. Kailyn said she is going to go with her gut which is telling her that Chelsea cannot be trusted.


10:00-11:00 AM: Stef told Kiera she isn’t sure what she is missing when she is being told that the house is trying to flip, because no one is trying to flip. Adam joined them. He commented on last night being crazy. He said there was no need to talk game while everyone was having fun, but Kailyn came to him and Sam to say she knows that they are gunning for her. Adam said he then told Kailyn that they have been hearing for days that she is after them. Adam brought up Kailyn saying that Chelsea is playing both sides. Kiera said Kailyn is stirring the pot. Adam said Cory cannot be trusted either since she is the source of Kailyn’s information. Kiera asked Maki if he knows who is voting for him. He listed off Kailyn, Anthony, Kiera, Stef, Damien and Eddie. He said it would be a bonus if Mark does as well. Maki hopes that Cory would be on his side if she were to vote. Maki said the only people he hasn’t really connected with are Adam, Sam and Chelsea. Maki added that people haven given their word to him so he should be okay unless they are lying to his face.


11:00-12:00 PM: Mark wished Maki good luck with talking to Adam today. Maki said he will talk to him and speak his heart. Mark said the key will be seeing how real the conversations are. Mark talked about having trouble figuring out how rock solid people are, but he will go with what Dane wants. Maki said the ones who are solid cannot waver to those who are doubting things. Elsewhere, Chelsea told Sam she still feels that Adam and Sam have her back, and she has theirs. Sam said of course. Chelsea figures that Kailyn is just desperate. They discussed that she is trying to cover herself on all angles. Chelsea asked where people stand when it comes to the vote. Sam said they are still voting to evict Maki. Outside, Mark told Dane that he is fine with keeping Kyra for a long time. While Dane said he cannot stand Kyra sometimes, he said they can beat them in any competition. He pointed out that they are keeping someone who they can easily beat.


12:00-1:00 PM: Dane swore to Kyra that they have the numbers. Kyra said it seems that everyone is in agreement it is smartest to get rid of Maki. Dane said he will let people know last minute that he is on board. Kyra improved the deal they had offered to Dane previously, saying he will not go on the block if they win HoH but it wont happen for the rest of the season. Kyra said Kailyn will go up if they win HoH, but Dane can veto their second nomination if he isn’t on board with it. Dane said he appreciates that. In the storage room, Eddie asked Kailyn about what happened last night. Kailyn said Adam and Sam told her that they heard she is after them, so she said the only people that she told that to is those who said they are after her.


1:00-2:00 PM: In the have-not room, Anthony told Dane and Mark that he is going to finesse Chelsea to take her away from Sam, and then they can take Sam out. They discussed that Damien, Eddie, Stef, Anthony and Mark would be all the votes that they need to keep Maki should they choose to go that route.


2:00-3:00 PM: Adam and Maki chatted while cooking lunch. Adam said he and Sam were obviously worried when they heard that Maki is coming after them. Maki assured Adam that what they talked about in the have-not room the other day still stands. Maki said the only truth is what comes out of his mouth, not what he hears from someone else. They discussed that people are likely coming to each of them and saying that they need to get the other out. Maki asked Adam to do him one favour, giving him some time to talk today. Adam agreed to do so.


4:00-5:00 PM: Dane, Kiera and Stef spoke in the HoH room. Kiera said she wants to know what’s happening. Dane said people are wavering but he is sticking to the plan. Kiera let Dane know that she is willing to do whatever he wants. Kiera suggested that they come up with a plan to cover themselves in the event that the plan changes. Dane revealed that more people than they think are on board with evicting Maki. Stef argued that it would make more sense to keep a target around. Dane said he could beat Adam or Maki but he cannot beat both of them. Stef pointed out that Maki can take a shot at Sam. Dane said Maki told him to his face that he may go up if he wins HoH next week. Dane encouraged the girls to remain open to the possibility of making leaving. Dane also advised Kiera to do damage control with Adam. Damien and Mark joined them. Dane said he would be getting so much blood on his hands if he is forced to break a tie. Stef said they can get seven votes since Eddie doesn’t want to keep Kyra. Dane mentioned leaving Kyra in the game to continue to be nominated week after week. The talk was broken up shortly after. When the conversation broke up, Dane headed over to the bedroom to speak to Anthony. Dane said he may need to stay away from Kiera and Stef since they keep asking what the plan is. They discussed leaking that Sam was grilling Adam for flirting with Chelsea. Anthony said Maki would go around telling everybody.


5:00-6:00 PM: Stef asked Maki what he would do next week. He talked about targeting Cory. Stef asked who would go up next to her. Maki told Dane that it would be him since he already told him that. Stef let Maki know that they heard some other people were trying to switch up the votes, so so she questioned why he wouldn’t nominate someone like Sam. Maki said he would probably put Sam up then. Dane said Maki needs to tell Anthony that because it would help his chances of staying. Dane pointed out that Sam is the one controlling votes since she was the reason that things continued to go back and forth last week. When Dane left the room, Stef advised Maki to be careful what he says since he is too honest. After checking with Damien and Eddie, Maki then spoke to Anthony. Maki asked if he still has Anthony’s vote. Anthony said he does but he doesn’t want to be the only one voting that way. Maki said the only three who haven’t assured him that he has their vote are Adam, Chelsea and Sam. Maki mentioned having told Dane to his face to put him up, but he said that he is now realizing that it makes perfect sense to put Sam up. Anthony said Sam is going around to everyone in order to try to get Final 2 deals.


6:00-7:00 PM: Out by the hot tub, Dane told Maki that saying he will put Sam up next to Cory will make it easier for him to help campaign for him. Dane said Maki has got to tell people that now that he is back is up against the wall. In the archive room, Maki spoke to Sam. She said that she is going to do what the house is doing. Maki said everyone but Chelsea, Adam and Sam have said they are with him. Sam wanted some reassurance that she would not be nominated. Maki said the plan would still be to send Cory home even if she is on the block with her. Sam said that freaks her out since it makes her feel like it has been talked about already. Maki denied it. He said he straight up told Dane that he would put him up next to Cory. They discussed having a connection dating back to the casting process. While Maki was recruited, Sam mentioned that some people have auditioned for the show five times. Sam reminded Maki that she could use the fact that he was recruited as ammunition against him since people would not like that after they worked so hard to get there. Sam said she wants Maki to tell her that he will not put her up. Maki said he cannot do that but he doesn’t want to put her on the block.


7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony told Mark it’s perfect that Sam got pissed at Adam for flirting with Chelsea. Mark agreed. He brought up that they have to consider that they would really be relying on the double eviction in order to get Maki out, seeing as he is likely to win a veto competition unless he is competing against Adam. Mark said he is for the boys and he will go with whatever Dane decides. Mark wants to know what Adam is thinking. Anthony figures that Adam is thinking he is good with the boys and he is also good with Chelsea and Sam. In the have-not room, Sam filled Adam in on her talk with Maki. Sam said Maki told her that Cory would go home over her if they were nominated next to each other. Sam said she let Maki know that him saying that freaks her out. Sam said Maki then went on to say that he would nominate Dane. Adam wanted Sam to let Dane know that. Adam became frustrated with Sam when he found out that Sam said to Maki that some people have tried out five times to get there, because it was referring to him. Adam said he has not let people know about that. Dane came by the hot tub to let Anthony and Mark know that Adam has tried out for the show five times, he only told Sam that, and then Sam told Maki. Dane said they can keep Maki to get Sam out next week, then get Maki out the following week. Dane headed in. Adam then came outside. He said it would be stupid for them to keep Maki. Mark said they have to speak to Dane since it’s his HoH and his decision. Adam brought up Maki telling Sam that he will nominate Dane. Anthony cautioned Adam not to tell everything to Sam since she has the girls and has been making Final 2 deals. Mark added that loose lips sink ships. In the HoH room, Anthony and Dane agreed that it is huge for their game if Maki stays and nominates Sam. Dane said all they need is for someone to put Sam on the block. Anthony mentioned that they could tell Maki that Sam has been plotting to get him out the entire time, telling him to keep it to himself even though they know that he will spread it like wildfire. Dane said he is on board because they have got to get Sam out. They agreed that Sam is controlling Adam.


8:00-9:00 PM: Dane told Kiera that Maki is finally starting to play the game. Kiera said she liked what he said about Sam. Dane said Maki asked if he would want him to put Adam up, and he said that Adam isn’t the problem, so Maki then turned to putting up Sam. Dane said that’s exactly what he needed to say, so he told him to tell people that he is nominating Cory and Sam if he stays. Dane reiterated that Sam has got to go since she is so far up Adam’s ass. Eddie and Maki quickly talked things over in the storage room. Eddie said he wishes that they would talk game more. Eddie assured Maki that he is not on his radar. Eddie advised Maki to make sure that everyone is 100% on board with keeping him. Eddie said he will campaign for Maki. Eddie let Maki know that Kailyn, Kiera, Stef and himself are not swing votes that he needs to work on. In the have-not room, Anthony told Adam that Maki is realizing that he needs to put his tail between his legs, so they can use him to their advantage. While Adam said it would be easier to win HoH without him there, Anthony suggested that they could get him to be loyal to them without fully letting him in on what is going on. Adam continued to push for Kyra to stay, though he eventually opened up to the idea of getting together with the alliance to at least talk things over. Anthony reminded Adam that he cannot fully trust Sam. He said she continues to give him reasons not to trust her, so he hopes that Adam is taking note of that. Adam said he is.


9:00-10:00 PM: Out in the hot tub, Adam told Same he tells her things that he is trusting her to keep to herself. Adam said Sam is too trusting in people and she cannot be throwing names out like she does. Adam informed Sam that Maki is probably going to stay now. Sam said she is prepared for that. Sam insisted that everything she is doing in this game involves her putting Adam ahead of herself. Adam questioned Sam about how many Final 2 deals she has. Sam said zero. She swore on her father and other family members.


10:00-11:00 PM: Dane told Adam that he thinks he is back on board with getting Kyra out. They discussed needing to meet up with the Pretty Boys ASAP. Adam didn’t want to have a conversation with Maki until he knows whether or not they are keeping him. Dane then went to Eddie to tell him that Adam is on board with keeping Maki now. Anthony then spoke to Adam, telling him he feels as though it’s best to keep Maki in order to use him to their advantage. Adam was still hesitant. Anthony suggested going to Maki to cut a deal, agreeing to nominate the same two people should they win HoH next week. Adam wasn’t sure who to name outside of Cory. Anthony told him that he could say Kailyn’s name.

Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, March 12th

March 12, 2019

9:45 AM BBT In the HOH Room Dane Adam and Maki are talking about what went on last night. Maki says Peace isn’t going to happen when egos collide. Maki leaves to get a coffee. Adam and Dane are talking about the fact that Maki is worried that he may go home so he has to back track. Dane says there will come a time when we will be in trouble. Adam says There will be a time in this game when people will say shit but it is because their back is against the wall. Adam continues with Anthony saying we will never beat him. He says he talked to Momma last night just in case she wins. He told her that if he wins he won’t put her up, he says if what I say comes back I know she is a liar. Adam says We heard that you were targeting us from 5 different people. Dane says 1 of us has to win next week to keep the boys safe. Adam says it was night 2 when she said I want to work with you. Adam says I told her that we can have 5 chill weeks. Momma said You never said that. He says I told her I know what I f**king said. Adam then tells Dane that Corey said she was told that Adam and Sam were coming after her. Dane leaves the HOH and gives Kikki a morning hug. In the washroom Este and Chelsea are applying their makeup for the day. Dane is doing laundry. Sam is curling her hair. Adam is there saying that today is a game day. Kyra has come out of the stall and proceed to wash their hands. Sam says she wants to hide in the washroom all day and not talk game. Este and Sam are the only 2 left in the washroom and are just having a general conversation. Este says her skin looks good today so she should start drinking more.
10:00 AM BBT In the Red Bedroom Kyra is looking for something Momma and Adam are talking about how nice it was to relax last night. Momma says she thinks Corey is still trying to find her way around. She tells him that she talks game mainly with Anthony although she has talked to Eddie but finds it harder. Adam says maybe Corey was just going along with what you were saying. Adam says it is a numbers game right now. Momma says I don’t know why we are coming after each other right now I thought we had a plan to chill for a few weeks first. Adam says I thought we were solid and then I heard that. Momma says right now we just need to get to jury. Adam agrees with her. Adam says Chelsea doesn’t trust you. Adam says Sh*t is crazy it happens too fast. Meanwhile in the Blue Room Sam is talking to Chelsea whois still applying her makeup for the day. Chelsea says Momma is targeting me because I am close to Kyra. The conversation stays on Momma. Chelsea says she told her that Chelsea is at the bottom of the triangle. Chelsea says like last night when I said Momma is having fun when she gets a few drinks in her until you told me she was still gaming. Chelsea says she feels like her and Momma have a tension between them. She feels that she is trying to make a triangle with you me and Adam so people will target us. She also knows I am close to Kyra and wants to use that. Sam says I want one full day of no game talk. Corey and Eddie come in and Corey says she is going in the hot tub then come in and work out. As the conversation goes to the Wendy’s they all ate yesterday the feeds cut. In the SR Kikki Este and Kyra are eating and having a general conversation. In the Blue Room they are talking about how whinny Anthony got last night. Sam says she needs a slop shake. Corey asks Eddie how he is feeling. He tells her he still wants to nap but Big Brother won’t let me but I will sneak one. They are still complaining about how much of a baby Anthony acted like last night. Corey leaves to go play pool before the hot tub. Chelsea says She is hungry and may eat Anthony’s muffin from last night.
10:15 AM BBT Chelsea says she wants to go get a coffee but has not moved from putting her makeup on. Adam Kikki Este and Kyra are all in the SR. Kyra is looking for something to eat. Adam says they told him to put the slop in the fridge Sam has joined them in the SR to make a slop shake. Este asked her if she has a hoodie she can borrow for today. Chelsea has finally come down to get her coffee. Chelsea says she thinks the next HN will be a comp but if it isn’t she will volunteer. Chelsea says she doesn’t sleep here anyway so sleeping on the floor will not make a difference. Kyra says Do you ever feel like not cooking and wish that it can be cooked by your imagination. In the washroom Eddie has started his morning routine. Damien says he is a little sore from his workout. Chelsea agrees with him. Maki Este and Kikki are sitting in the nook off the dining area. They are watching the fish. Corey and Mark are playing pool. The conversation continues with Mark saying what he wants to get his degree in. Maki and Kikki are still watching the fish. Corey says her decision if she wins HOH will be based off of her relationships this week. Mark asks her if she has ever gotten the black ball in on the first shot. Apparently if you do you win. He tells her he read it on the internet. The conversation goes to Air Guitar Comps. Dane and Sam has joined them but Sam just wants Mark to help her with her slop shake. Feeds go down
10:30 AM BBT Feeds are down. Feeds come back at 10:32 AM BBT with Dane watching Mark and Corey playing pool. Maki and Kikki are still sitting over by the fish tank they are just having a general conversation about vibing with people. Maki says if he doesn’t vibe with someone he tries to avoid them. Kikki agrees with him. Maki says I will still love you as another human but I don’t want to be around them. I don’t like being is places I am not happy. Kikki asks him If he knows who is voting to keep him. He says he is unsure of Adam and Sam but feels he has her Este Damien and Eddie. He says if Corey can vote he thinks he has her vote to stay. Kikki says Kyra has talked to everybody but me and Este. Maki says someone said They are staying or so they think. Eddie is trying to sneak a nap. Maki says he thinks They are just saying they have the votes to stay. Maki says I don’t blame them. They are desperate. Maki says I only know of 3 votes for them Chelsea Adam and Sam. Maki says I trust Eddie Momma Damien and you two. Maki says Mark gave him his word to vote to keep him. He says he hopes Corey will vote to keep him. He also said he thinks Chelsea will go with the house. Maki says Dane can’t vote but has a plan. He said Dane put me up because I am a likable person as a pawn. Maki says the house needs to stay together this early in the game. He tells her he doesn’t like when someone lies to trick someone and you take that lie as truth. He goes on to say he understands tho. He also says this is the weirdest game he has ever played. It is like a video game but you are the character. Momma and Anthony are now playing pool. Corey and Dane are sitting down talking about Corey’s family. In the SR Eddie is making a shake.
10:45 AM BBT In the washroom Mark and Kikki are talking about being on a pretend date. In the Blue Bedroom Chelsea is still putting on makeup while Adam is there talking to her about what Momma is saying. Chelsea tells him that Momma told her that she is the words LIAR across her forehead. Adam says she told us the same thing about you. Adam says with the booze Momma and Sam just kept saying the same thing over and over again. Adam says You can’t trust Corey because I told her something and it got back to me so I can’t trust her. Adam says Momma now wants to work with us. Chelsea says Of course because her back is against the wall. Adam is telling her that Este and Kikki are right up Maki’s ass so are they close to Momma too. Chelsea says I feel so far out of the loop. Kikki pops in to see when they are going to work out. Adam says Este pulled him in the room last night and said we need to get Momma out before Corey. Adam says the only way we will get Momma out is to backdoor her. Maki approached him and said is the plan still Corey next week. Kyra pops in Chelsea says I’ll be down in a minute. Chelsea asks Who is Momma close too. Adam says Anthony but I don’t know how close he is to her but he for sure has her back. Adam continues with They think Maki will be a number for us. Adam says Momma asked me if I was going to use the Veto to save Kyra. Adam said I asked her if she was crazy. Chelsea says You have to watch what you say around her.

11:00 AM BBT Adam tells Chelsea she doesn’t trust you. Chelsea says I don’t trust her. Chelsea feels that Momma is trying to get everyone or a lot of people against me. Chelsea says she is going to tell her that I don’t trust her if she comes up to me today. Adam says I won’t say that what if she wins. Chelsea says if she wins I am f**ked. Adam says I won’t tell her today that you don’t trust her until after the HOH maybe if she doesn’t win. Chelsea says I just don’t want you to start doubting me if she gets to you. Adam tells her that won’t happen. Chelsea says she doesn’t like a player like that. She tells him that she felt like they were both lying to each other every time we talk to each other. Adam says I told her I feel like you are testing me or just to get information so you have to be careful with your words to her. In the HOH Room Kikki and Este are talking about Corey and the fact that they don’t think she is fake. Kikki says she thinks Adam and Momma are having a clash of egos because they both want to run things. She tells her OMG this is so good because that means that Este and I are in the shadows.Este says I don’t know if people will keep Sam over Adam or the other way. Kikki says she asked Chelsea if she wanted to workout together today. She asks Este to join them but she says no. In the Red bedroom Maki and Mark are talking Maki is saying the girls always win Mark says Even if you win they win. Mark tells him about a date he went on where he crushed the girl in a game of mini golf. He says I never had a second date with her so even tho I won I didn’t win. Maki says Girls Girls Girls Gotta Love Them. Maki says I am going to go outside and get some sun. Maki says There is no luck I am going to talk to him and see where it gets me. Damien enters the room. Maki says the ones that are solid we can’t show doubt to the ones that are doubting because they will hang off of it. Maki says I am going to go talk to Adam. Damien agrees with them that is a good idea.
11:15 AM BBT Maki says there are a few people I am not sure off and Adam is one of them. Maki and Mark leave Damien alone in the room. Corey and Momma are playing pool Maki heads outside. Momma says he looks like a mountain man. In the SR Kyra and Chelsea are talking. Chelsea is telling her about the conversation she had with Momma. Chelsea says Sam and Adam still trust each other. Chelsea says Right now because of that conversation I feel like they have each others back over mine. She tells them that she can’t really tell her she doesn’t trust her. They tell her Who does she have on her side. They tell Chelsea that Dane pulled them outside and said that it is solid. Chelsea says if Momma wins I am a target. Chelsea says I can’t tell her that I trust her because that would be a lie. They tell Chelsea What did I do that I have to leave. Chelsea tells them nothing that is what she is saying so she keeps Maki who is a number for her. They tell her that is not for the house that is for her game alone. Chelsea says I am a target. Kyra says I am on the block. They tell her they will call a house meeting and call her out by saying Look do you want to do what Momma wants to vote as a house and keep Maki who is a bigger threat than me or play your own game. Chelsea says the house is going to divide because someone has to go home. She tells them that there are sides. They ask for a hug. They whisper to Chelsea that she is so good. Chelsea says only if everyone believes her. Kyra goes to change her laundry. Mark grabs a hug from Chelsea.
11:30 AM BBT In the HOH Room Kikki is going to workout as she says if I don’t do it now I won’t. Chelsea is now talking to Sam about not being able to talk to Momma without throwing you and Adam under the bus. Chelsea says the only way she can try and talk to her is by saying Kailyn I wanted to trust you but in the conversation we had I felt that you were still testing me. Chelsea says I can still play up the fact that I am low man on the pole. They agree that Momma needs a target. Sam says keep doing what you are doing. Chelsea says What not talk to her. Chelsea then asks about Corey Sam says she is keeping her distance because what I said to her got back to Momma. Chelsea says I can’t lie to her. Sam says Don’t lie just don’t say it to her. Sam says I trust you Chelsea says I trust you too. Chelsea continues with Just know I have your back and I hope you have mine. Sam says We do. Kyra has joined them. Dane is outside by the hot tub area sunning and looks like sneaking a nap. Mark joins him saying he feels Kyra is throwing his game under the bus. Mark says He feels like he is walking on eggshells around them. Dane says I am going to try and get them to tell me who their target would be. Mark feels that he is starting to get close to Damien as he is laughing at all his jokes. Dane feels that Kyra would not be a threat because they smoke a lot. The conversation goes to Karen and winning the first comp. Mark asks How is Anthony feeling right now Mark says he told him he really doesn’t know what is going on. Dane says No one knows about the Pretty Boy thing.
11:45 AM BBT Dane says We know if it gets out it will be because Adam told Sam. They feel Chelsea is solid. Mark says Sam has the ability to control Adam. Mark says I am not a fan of blonde girls. Dane agrees with him. They can hear noises out there and wonders what is going on. They start talking about Este and the fact that she is a physical threat. Mark says but she doesn’t work out. Dane says she came really close that first comp. Eddie and Maki are in the secret room talking about something that happened in the house last night. They are trying to figure out who was there. Maki says I brought your name up by accident. Maki says that is why I don’t want to say peoples name. Eddie asks him if I tell you will you tell me the truth. Maki tells him yes. Maki says I can’t say a name because I honestly don’t know. Adam may have a secret veto I don’t know. Damien enters and tells them he had a 2 minute nap. Maki asks Damien to give them a couple more minutes. Damien leaves the room. Eddie tells him he is looking for honesty. Maki says I suck at this game one day here is like 3 days. How can you take someone’s word. Eddie tries to explain how he didn’t just jump into game talk but building connections and then trusting into game talk with only a few. Maki says I honestly dont know what ansewr you are looking for but I don’t have it, Maki then tells Eddie about his “game plan” to Dane when he went up to HOH to stay off the block before noms and threw out the Kikki//Kyra but told Dane to use it as his own idea. Maki explains how that’s the only time Kikki’s name came out of his mouth and it was supposed to be light hearted.
12:00 PM BBT Eddie asks if Kikki’s name came out of his mouth week 1, and Maki says No I am telling you everything and the truth I want you to be able to trust me. Maki is not happy that Kikki is telling Eddie her name was thrown out week 1 and so was Eddie’s and how could he throw out two asians names week 1. Maki reiterates that he went to Dane with the Kyra/Kierra (Kikki) and after telling him about the idea Dane said well I need you on the block. Maki says he can’t anymore and he knows his truth and she has hers and they are different stories right now and he vibes with Eddie on E stations. Meanwhile outside Mark and Kyra are talking on the outside couches. They feel like there is 2 full days, no reason to push , things can change in an instant. The wild card here is someone who knows the game and can play or not. Kyra says They made a deal with Dane if They stay then when They win HOH he can know the noms and veto one of them if he doesn’t like who was picked. Mark says he knows what he is leaning towards, what ever Dane wants since he kept me safe. Kyra says They have been told that if They get the numbers Dane is on board to keep them. Mark says he will go talk to Dane alone and get that confirmation. Mark points out a few jokes Kyra has said and how it comes across. Kailyn comes outside and conversation quickly turns to smokes and mini golf. Dane comes back out and they keep talking about the golf comp and the sweet spots they were able to find.
12:15 PM BBT Maki and Eddie are still in the Secret room talking. They are concerned about Kikki and how to proceed forward. Maki does not want to paint a bad picture of her but maybe she is playing mad game and super smart. It bugs him that this has happened but they need to find a way to move forward. Eddie says he doesn’t think it was a malicious way that Kikki put out Maki’s name, Maki says it is so hard to get through the BS, because anyone can say anything to your face and then behind your back i’m out the door, Imagine that!! Maki says look who I sleep with and I don’t talk game with them. He tries to not put trust in others or play game but just be himself. Eddie is Called to Dr ending that conversation. Mark and Kyra have made their way into the HN room. Mark says I appreciate you and trust you but I am voting for the person Dane asks me to vote for. Kyra points out that Mark looks so good with everyone and so it’s hard to approach him and try to make something when you aren’t sure if they already have something with one of your enemies. Kyra brings up the house still wanting a unanimous vote. Kyra is in a spot where They feel that if Dane gives the go ahead then they can vote to keep her but everyone is afraid to go against Dane and vote out Maki. Mark explains how both Adam and Dane came up to him and said hey you are safe so he feels like he needs to return the respect and follow what they want.
12:30 PM BBT Kyra brings up the speculations of everyone and the room and files. They say that as soon as anyone says something with someones name it’s immediately twisted. They try to understand where they lie with each other. Mark tells Kyra that Maki is giving the same pitch about Dane and it throws them for a huge loop. Kyra thought she had it in the bag and was safe but now they are both so confused. They both want and feel they need to go talk to Dane but need to figure out who first. Conversation ends as Kyra needs to potty. Dane is outside shirtless where some others have joined the sunshine party. They are discussing clouds in the sky, then onto the party from last night and Eddie. Sam, Eddie, Chelsea, are working out, ailyn is laying on the couch watching them. Chelsea finishes up a last set and says good Job Anthony. Adam directs Sam in a leg / ab workout , Chelsea puts the mats back. BB hollers out about Nap time being over. Chelsea jumps on the elliptical and they all have a moment and joke about the BB experience being spent ⅔ in a nap. Outside the Hgs are still enjoying the sun, Kyra heads in and asks if anyone wants to play pool.
12:45 PM BBT Kyra has headed into the pool table and begins to set up a game. It was quiet for a moment then Kailyn asks Eddie if he washed his face, he says yes and no make-up today. Up in the WR Anthony and Chelsea are chatting. Chelsea says she feels good with him and hope he feels the same way. Chelsea is afraid to say things because when she does talk it gets out, he tells her that she is safe with him. He says for him she isn’t a target, but others it’s possible because of who she hangs out and chats with. Anthony says he has stood up for her already in front of others. He asks her thoughts, and she says like she is completely out of the loop momma and Sam had a conversation and she was left out. Chelsea feels like Momma is trying to test her and its makes her feel like she isn’t trusted. Chelsea says she feels like sides are happening and it’s hard. Kyra walks in to check her clothes, he asks them if they got in a nap and they say No. He points out his Coffee and how large it is, as a joke Chelsea says she thinks it’s decaf. After Kyra leaves the conversation is back and Chelsea feels like she is next target. Feed switches to HOH where Dane and Kyra are talking. Kyra ups the deal They gave him. He wants to wait before saying anything to anyone because he doesn’t want it to backfire. Kyra doesn’t want to look too comfortable,
1:00 PM BBT Dane says if he does it right now it gives people a chance to think and flip flop, if he waits and just says hey this is what’s going down you don’t want to be on the wrong side. Kyra is trying to find out how to proceed since Dane doesn’t want to say anything yet but everyone wants to do what the HOH wants. Somehow that needs to get out They give him ideas of how to slowly get the idea out. Kyra tells him how she avoided telling Mark flat out that they have had a conversation and that Dane has changed his mind and wants Maki out. Kyra points out how Este and Maki were whispering all night about Kyra going home so it kept her awake. Kyra says she is going to trust him and it will be a great comeback story. Meanwhile Adam and Sam are in the SR making slop smoothies. Kyra has made their way to the Wr but feeds go to Este and Eddie in the Secret room. Este says that when she talked to Maki he told her he has 7 votes given that Corey can vote. They want to sway Dane 100% to vote out Maki, Este doesn’t want to talk much game today so her head doesn’t explode. She tells him he is good there are way bigger targets in the house. He tells her there is no one coming after her either. Dane has entered the SR and getting vitamins they ask about the HT and outside they are planning to go out. They clean up the slop mess and head to the kitchen.


12:45 PM BBT Kyra has headed into the pool table and begins to set up a game. It was quiet for a moment then Kailyn asks Eddie if he washed his face, he says yes and no make-up today. Up in the WR Anthony and Chelsea are chatting. Chelsea says she feels good with him and hope he feels the same way. Chelsea is afraid to say things because when she does talk it gets out, he tells her that she is safe with him. He says for him she isn’t a target, but others it’s possible because of who she hangs out and chats with. Anthony says he has stood up for her already in front of others. He asks her thoughts, and she says like she is completely out of the loop momma and Sam had a conversation and she was left out. Chelsea feels like Momma is trying to test her and its makes her feel like she isn’t trusted. Chelsea says she feels like sides are happening and it’s hard. Kyra walks in to check her clothes, he asks them if they got in a nap and they say No. He points out his Coffee and how large it is, as a joke Chelsea says she thinks it’s decaf. After Kyra leaves the conversation is back and Chelsea feels like she is next target. Feed switches to HOH where Dane and Kyra are talking. Kyra ups the deal They gave him. He wants to wait before saying anything to anyone because he doesn’t want it to backfire. Kyra doesn’t want to look too comfortable,
1:00 PM BBT Dane says if he does it right now it gives people a chance to think and flip flop, if he waits and just says hey this is what’s going down you don’t want to be on the wrong side. Kyra is trying to find out how to proceed since Dane doesn’t want to say anything yet but everyone wants to do what the HOH wants. Somehow that needs to get out They give him ideas of how to slowly get the idea out. Kyra tells him how she avoided telling Mark flat out that they have had a conversation and that Dane has changed his mind and wants Maki out. Kyra points out how Este and Maki were whispering all night about Kyra going home so it kept her awake. Kyra says she is going to trust him and it will be a great comeback story. Meanwhile Adam and Sam are in the SR making slop smoothies. Kyra has made their way to the Wr but feeds go to Este and Eddie in the Secret room. Este says that when she talked to Maki he told her he has 7 votes given that Corey can vote. They want to sway Dane 100% to vote out Maki, Este doesn’t want to talk much game today so her head doesn’t explode. She tells him he is good there are way bigger targets in the house. He tells her there is no one coming after her either. Dane has entered the SR and getting vitamins they ask about the HT and outside they are planning to go out. They clean up the slop mess and head to the kitchen.
1:15 PM BBT Feeds cut briefly but come back to Dane, and Adam in the Kitchen, Kyra taking cookies out to the BY. BB just told them there is a lockdown coming for about 30 min. They are all preparing for it. Damien is hanging upside down on the couch, Maki is laying around, while Mark and Kailyn are getting into the HT. Kyra is grabbing laundry while Este and Chelsea freshen up a little before being locked outside. Mark, Dane, and Anthony in the HN room, talking about who to work on Damien and Eddie are solid they feel they need Este and Kikki separate, they are working on Chelsea so they can get Sam out. In the Blue room Corey is grabbing clothes and towels, Eddie and Chelsea are also in the room, Chelsea is trying to change quick. Adam has made his way outside and is loving the sun and the heat. Anthony has his feet in the Hot tub, Corey is preparing to get into the HT. BB gives a 3 min warning. Mark and Kikki are in the BY chatting getting to know each other further, Este is preparing the pool table to play.
1:30 PM BBT “This is your final warning the house is now off limits” Dane asks Anthony if he played the iceberg in Titanic because he is a boulder. Adam is called to the DR. They joke about Adam having the Secret power of veto. Inside in the BY Maki is watching the pool game and then decides to head out towards the HT. Mark is trying to teach her how to make some cool moves when shooting pool. Este shares how she woke up and things were still spinning but her headache is now gone. She has said several times she is a light weight but likes it. She has a lot of things that she likes to do but she isn’t great at any of them. Dancing, Knitting, yoga, pool, etc.. They begin to discuss What’s app and how much they use it and love it BB asks them to stop talking about Brand names, Este asks where everyone is and he says out at the HT. Mark shares how he never told his family where he was going so they probably don’t even know he is in the house right now at some point i’m sure they will find out. Pool game ended and so the HG who are not out at the HT are gathered nibbling snacks. Chelsea, Este, Kiki, Eddie, and Mark are all gathered near the center of the couch. Talking about things from home and ages and how young Kikki was when others were older and adults.
1:45 PM BBT The HT crew are enjoying the sun or hot water with jets, inside they are discussing different points in their life, music, of interests when they became adults. Out in the HT, Corey is telling about her daily life being so filled and action packed and this is so mellow. Kyra gets out for a smoke, Anthony makes a comment about the bubbles on his legs. The tease and joke and make impressions of each other, Damien, Dane, and Maki all look like they are napping. Corey, Kailyn, and Anthony all still in the HT. Sam is next to Kyra on the couch soaking up the sun.Inside BY Mark has laid down, Este and Chelsea say everytime BB calls a lock down they are about to make food. Kikki says she never feel like she is quite clean in the house. They talk about people snoring and others being so quiet. They joke about Adam being in DR and coming out to say they are getting a pizza party but then say they hope its not family related and something bad. They go over what “Baba ganoush” means and what it means to be kosher. Mark explains what this means for/to him.
2:00 PM BBT In the hottub Kailyn is sitting relaxing with Cory while Maki, Dane, and Anthony are looking at the clouds. Dane tells Kailyn she might need to pull an ingrown hair out for him because he is the best with the tweezers. Sam asks them if they can go anywhere by themselves as soon as they leave her Dane tells them Italy, they start talking about different countries they have been to. In the living room Kyra, Kikki, Mark,and Chelsea are talking about religion and tradition. Maki has joined them in the living room. Kyra tells them about how Kyra’s dad was so cool to Kyra about giving Kyra a cheeseburger a family BBQ. Kikki tells them about her family is Kosher and a neighbor borrowed a pot and cooked something that was not kosher and he was told to bury the pot. Mark told them he was on his way to becoming a Rabbi but he got kicked out for breaking the sabbath commandment. Mark said they sent him to Israel to study and they thought it would help him become better at being a rabbi. Mark tells them he was one semester from graduating.
2:15 PM BBT Mark said I don’t think he will come to the BB after party but he is very supportive. Kailyn and Corey are still in the hottub. Kailyn tells them about her going to the gym. Anthony and Damienn are laying on the furniture enjoying the sun. Corey tells them Christmas time is when she gains the most weight. Dane is looking for his cigarettes. Este comes and lays next to Damien. Kailyn tells them about her weight loss journey. Anthony asks Corey if she is being super negative towards him. Anthony says yeah well she asks me for a hug in the morning and at night. Corey tells them she misses her mom and her dad. Dane is flexing his chest and Kailyn tells him to stop playing music. Maki and Mark are playing pool.
2:30 PM BBT Feeds go down. They come right back up while Maki and Mark are still playing pool. Eddie and Kikki are watching them. Mark wins he tells Kikki that she can have some ice cream since he won 4 scoops of ice cream. Mark tells her about his buddy who has a dog. Kyra and Sam are in the bathroom then feeds go back down. They come back up and Sam tells Kyra it is to early for the house to flip. Sam tells Kyra it makes more since if Maki leaves she then asks if there are anymore clean towels. Mark tells them about how bad he is about telling a girl that he likes them. Mark starts talking about facebook. He calls it the book of faces while Kyra is folding towels. Sam says she is going to hop in the shower really quick. Kyra tells Sam that there are clean towels I just did all the laundry. Sam tells Kyra to spend some time with Kikki and Este today. Kyra tells Sam at least I know I did everything I can. Sam says well you are not gone yet. Sam starts talking but is hard to hear. Kyra asks Sam does she think she can change Adam.
2:45 PM BBT In the kitchen Adam and Maki are in the kitchen. Adam said he doesn’t know what went wrong where everyone is going after each other. Adam said I don’t know what happened Sam and I was close. Adam said each day it changes and each time I speak to everyone i get a different story. Maki said that with me what I tell you i know it is what I mean. Maki tells him I really don’t want to talk about this right now because I don’t want others to hear what we are talking about. Maki tells Adam you are not a dumb guy. Adam is at the camera. THIS IS YOUR 15 MINUTE WARNING THE BACKYARD WILL BE CLOSED ALL HOUSEGUEST MUST MAKE THEIR WAY INTO THE HOUSE. Maki asks Adam to give him some time today where they can just talk without doing other things. Kyra walks through the kitchen. Anthony heads into the storage room. In the living room Eddie, Chelsea, and Kyra are sitting on the sofa and Chelsea is trying to guess what Eddie is thinking about to.Kyra asks if Kyra can play to. Dane is trying to go into the DR. In the blue bedroom Corey is folding laundry while Mark and Kikki are laying on the bed.Kikki tells them she can fall asleep with a lot of noise. THE BACKYARD WILL BE OFF LIMITS IN THREE MINUTES. Mark tells them he studies Kavmagraw. Kikki asks Mark if her foot smells. Kikki tells him to get his foot away from her. She tells him that she washes her foot but she doesn’t know when was the last time he washed his feet. Kikki tells Mark he looks like an Anthony and Anthony looks like a Mark.
3:00 PM BBT Anthony walks into the Blue bedroom. Sam walks into the bedroom and Mark asks her how are you going to get dressed. FINAL WARNING BACKYARD IS COMPLETELY CLOSED. Corey is making her bed. In the kitchen Anthony is eating, Maki is getting his food together and Adam is cleaning up the kitchen. In the Bathroom Kailyn and Corey are whispering to each other then they both start dancing. Kailyn tells Corey to watch yourself. Kailyn and Corey are still whispering to each other. Corey starts telling Kailyn she hopes the next challenge is going to be a puzzle. Kailyn tells her that if we work together and then they start whispering again. Corey tells her she has to poop and is waiting for her to get in the shower. Dane and Adam are in the kitchen. Dane tells him well we will see if they catch on. Dane goes into the storage room while Adam is wiping down the counters. Dane asks Adam is he making slop he says yeah a slop pizza. Dane says it smells really good. Maki is sitting at the table eating. Adam heads into the storage room. Eddie is sitting around watching everyone. Adam tells them there is so much dirt on the floor as he walks out the storage room.

3:15 PM BBT Chelsea goes to see what Maki is eating and then heads upstairs. Kyra walks into the kitchen. Dane is vacuuming the floor in the storage room. Damien heads into the storage room and grabs something to eat while Dane is still vacuuming the floor. Damien leaves out. Eddie ask Damien if he watches TV he said I spend most of my time recording. Mark asks Kikki if she had think bushy eyebrows. Mark asks her has she ever had peppermint oil on her hand and then put her contacts in. In the HOH room Este and Kyra are talking about shaving their legs. Este said her arms are not really hairy. Kyra shows Este the hair on kyra’s arm. Este showing the hair on her legs. Feeds go down.
3:53 PM BBT Feeds come back up. Kailyn, Este, Eddie, and Chelsea are sitting around in the living room. Adam is cooking in the kitchen he gives Sam some of the food he cooked. Dane comes into the kitchen asking something. Mark heads into the kitchen. Adam asks Mark and Sam what do you think about the room. Mark says a super power of veto. He said I thought that at first but now I don’t. Mark tells Dane he is really pretty. Adam asks Sam if she wants the crumbs she says no so he gives them to Mark. Kikki comes in with slopicles. Sam asks Adam to put some water in the glass. Mark is in the secret room looking around. He is talking to himself in the mirror. Mark goes into the bathroom where Corey is straightening her hair.
4:10 PM BBT In the HOH room Este, Kikki and Dane are talking about the vote and Dane says he is considering the idea of letting Maki go home. The girls try to put their opinions in and help but it doesn’t change their opinions. Damien and Mark come up into the HOH and the conversation goes quiet, Dane, Kikki and Mark leave and Este fills in Damien about the plan to maybe let Maki go. Maki has told Dane he may put him up next week if he won HOH and so Dane has to protect himself. Este feels bad for Maki that he will be blindside. Damien runs to the WR to fill in Corey on what has just transpired.
4:30 PM BBT In the bonus room Maki tells Adam that the only 3 votes he isn’t sure of are Adam, Sam, and Chelsea he knows where the votes are at. Adam says what he has heard has only been Este and Kikki who have said that they are keeping Maki but everyone else has not made a decision. Adam says it doesn’t look good from a momma perspective who was building an army against us. So they try to squash it, Este walks in and they don’t stop talking. Adam is going to go talk to others and Maki says he just wants to check in again at the end of the night. Adam leaves and Este tries to help him play better because he admits to telling Dane to his face he would put him up. Dane enters and they continue.
6 :00 PM BBT All the HGS are together hanging out in the HOH room. They are all talking about random things. Feeds go down. Feeds out for 5 minutes. Maki goes outside. Kailyn tells him she’ll be right there. Kailyn goes outside to have a smoke. Dane is there as well. Dane and Maki agree that they need to try for HOH. Maki said that he needs to get off the block first. Maki said that he needs to talk to Sam and Chelsea to see what is really going on. Dane is talking very low. Sam is sitting on the couch. Kiki, Chelsea, Eddie and Este are together in the pool room.
6:15 PM BBT Kyra is trying to explain the bar she knows. Chelsea said that all she knew is it had 4 walls and a floor. She said that she couldn’t follow along with her description. Chelsea asked Eddie what Montreal was like. Back in the yard, Maki and Kailyn and Dame are still talking together. Kailyn said that she needed to cover her but. Dane said that they all needed to. Maki said that he felt more secure in the plan. Dane tells Maki that in other BB seasons, the HOH doesn’t hang out with the guy he’s evicting. In the pool room, Sam and Mark play a game. Kyra joined Maki and Dane and Kailyn outside. Kyra said that she didn’t know what she was going to wear with her red suit. Anthony, Maki, Chelsea and Damien are off to the side on the sofas.
6:30 PM BBT Este and Kiki are in the pantry. Maki came in. Kiki asked him what he was going to say. He said that he was going to ask what Kyra was saying about him. He said that he needed to talk to Chelsea as well. He said that he just talked to Dane and it boosted his confidence. He said he needed them to help keep up his confidence. Adam came in and poured himself a coffee and left. They whisper very quietly together, in the pool room, Sam is laying on top of Mark. She got up and left. Adam and Este talk together. Adam is telling her about downtown in his town. Este asked what he thought the province with the most viewers. In the secret room, Maki and Sam discuss how her name was put out there and that guest went home. She said that it seemed that whoever does that is out. Maki said that he has been letting people know that they need to chill. It’s still early in the game. She said that she totally changed Eddie’s mind about Maki. Sam said that Maki was a stronger competitor than she was. He said that he can’t believe that he is still viewed as a threat. He asked her what he needed to do or say.
6:45 PM BBT Kiki asked Eddie and Chelsea what they should do? Chelsea asked her if she wanted Eddie to read her palm. Eddie said that according to her palm, she was bisexual. Chelsea explains to them about what the different lines on you palm mean in relation to their life. Chelsea asked Eddie to read hers. He said you have one hand, you have another hand. That means you are healthy. The topic switches to physical activity. Chelsea said she liked to hike or cycle. She could just go and go and not feel like she was exercising. Back in the secret room, Sam and Maki are still talking. Sam said that he was not floating. He was competing. Sam said that Este and Kiki were playing a part in spreading that he was a threat. He asked her if they asked any trivia in the comps and sam said no it was all big brother stuff. Sam said that she is going to vote with the house. Sam said that it was such a crazy trip. Maki said that it was. He said that they had big personalities. Sam said that she came in with a good social game and that her name was put out there. Maki said that he thinks people should hear things from the speaker’s mouth not through the vine.
7:00 PM BBT out in the yard, Anthony and Mark discuss how they really need Adam in the house. Mark asked what the best course of action. Anthony said that Sam’s number 1 is Chelsea. He said that if Adam goes, Sam is next. Mark said that with the HOH not playing POV’s they had less people to rely on. Mark said that he needed to know what Adam thinks. Anthony said that Adam had then and Sam and Chelsea so he’s good over here and over there. Mark asked him who he would name. Anthony said that it was a hard thing to do because he likes everyone. Mark said that if Adam wins POV, Maki is up against Kiki. Kiki is gone. He asked if Maki wins, can they trust him. He said if he is safe or wins, does the agreement count for the next week. Mark said the question was, were they going to get rid of Maki. He said that he didn’t know if Maki was playing stupid or is he just learning the game. Anthony said that he told Maki that if he really wanted it, he should say it to his spirit. In the havenot room, Sam and Adam talk. She told Adam that she was told that if she went up against Kyra, she wouldn’t go home. Adam told her to talk to Dane. BB told them to please stop talking about that. 

7:15 PM BBT In the hot tub, Anthony told Mark that he wanted someone to tell Maki that Sam is Trying to get him out. They said that they are going to try to get Chelsea flirt with Adam. Anthony said that they needed to save Adam’s heart. Anthony said that they should have thought about it earlier. They could have had Maki win POV. Mark asked what the harm of having Sam in the house. Anthony said that Sam went to Kailyn and said that she could see them going to final 2. He said that if she did that to Kailyn, then she did that to everyone. He said that she can’t be trusted. Mark joked that he should start a howmance with all the girls to make Sam jealous. Mark hears a noise out the door, and sees a shadow and asked Anthony to check it out. It was the hot tub cover. Anthony said that he should just tell everyone that Sam wants them out. He asked where Corey’s head was at. He heard that she said if she wins, she will make big moves. Mark said that Kailyn said the same thing. Anthony said that he was going to go to Corey and say that he wants her in his game, but that she should watch who she talks to. Dane came in and Said that Sam told Maki the whole plan. Anthony said that Adam probably told her. Adam told Sam that he tried out for the show 5 times. She told Maki and Adam is upset. Adam came in and told them that she told him that someone was recruited on the show, and bb told them to stop. BB then tells them to stop talking about production. They ask Adam who he puts up if he wins. He said that he would put up someone that could win veto so they could back door someone. Adam said that Sam told him that Maki said he’d put up Adam or Dane. Anthony told him that Sam was doing whatever she could to be safe. Anthony told him to be careful what he says to her. Anthony and Mark tell him to go talk to Dane.
7:30 PM BBT In the pool room, Corey is talking to Damien. She told him she was so drunk last night, she went out and wasn’t even cold. Este and Maki go outside. Este said the twilight in the yard was ice. They go back into the pool room. Mark joined them . Mark and Maki and Este go into the kitchen,Chelsea is there.Kailyn is at the counter. In the HOH room, Anthony told Dane that they should take time to talk to everyone. Dane starts whispering very quietly. Chelsea and Maki are in the secret room. Maki said that he didn’t have it out for her. That people just naturally vibe with different people. Chelsea said that she didn’t want to be associated with the things others do.
7:45 PM BBT Maki said that he thought that she was playing a conservative game. She said she didn’t want to rock the boat this early in the game. She said that she was going to vote with the house whatever that vote is. She said she wasn’t campaigning for anyone else. She said that she had a friendship with Kyra. She said that she couldn’t know how he felt or how the last evictee felt on the block right away.Maki said that he may have scared the hgs by telling them that if they wanted to have fun time for the season, they needed to keep him around. He said that he doesn’t want to be the one to name names, but he would put Dane up because he put me up. Sam said that the 2 goals were to win and to get to jury. Maki said that he was there for the experience and to test himself. She said that it was hard because you have to be careful who you talk to. You could become a target by talking to the wrong person. She said that she doesn’t want him to think that there were any lines drawn in the sand. Maki said that he understood why she would vote with the house. Chelsea said that she has been avoiding game talk at the moment. She said that it isn’t her decision. Sam said that everyone just wants to secure safety for themselves. She thanks Maki for talking with her. She said that she respects his campaign. He said he didn’t want to say he said this, she said that. He said that he just wanted to have a real conversation. She said that the feel in the house is that nobody wants to rock the boat. Maki said that knowing that, he felt better. Chelsea left and entered the kitchen. Eddie and Kailyn are there. Este and Kiki ask Chelsea if she can see the reflection of the eye from where she was.
10:00 PM BBT-Eddie, Adam, and Sam are talking in the Workout Rm Eddie says he wants to work with her and Adam, but he doesn’t know about keeping Kyra. Eddie is scared that she may win something that the fans may vote for Kyra for. He said she may win some kind of power then putting Kyra in the game further. Kyra and Momma are outside smoking together. Kyra was telling when she was younger she was in a house that she played a harmonica to scare ghosts away. Momma tells Kyra that this game brings out all your insecurities and brings you out of your comfort zone. Kyra says that it is fun and terrifying, and Kyra says thats they are glad to be on the show and never expected that they would let someone non-gender on the show. Momma says yes it is groundbreaking and educational for Kyra to be on the show. Adam Eddie and Sam are still discussing the game and Eddie says the next HOH will be a real game changer. Momma now joins them and says it made Kyra whole night to hang out with her that few minutes outside. Momma leaves the conversation. Mark, Dane, Kikki, Maki, Este, Anthony are all in the hot tub talking. Mark is saying somethings in Italian slang.
10:15 PM BBT- Anthony, Mark, Damien, Maki are in the hot tub. Chelsea came out to put their batteries in protection. Momma and Eddie are in the Red Rm talking game. Momma says that she told Adam she knows that he is a Comp beast but he doesn’t know what she has up her sleeve. Momma says she knows why Adam is being nice to everyone because if he becomes HOH then he may have to put someone up. Eddie asks Momma please do not read into his facial expression because he really isn’t thinking about anything important. He says Adams face is emotionless. Eddie says they should start making alliances and they make a final 2 deal with each other. Momma says she thinks they are good, but you never know how things could change. Eddie says someone just said someone shut the door and he says he thinks someone is being sketchy. Momma tells Kyra, Chelsea came in and took Kyra’s hoodie.
10:30 PM BBT- Dane and Mark are talking. Adam told Dane that he had a talk with Eddie. Dane and Mark are outside, Mark said how come all of sudden how come all of sudden Adam wants to keep Maki. Anthony and Adam are in bathroom talking Anthony said they should keep Maki and use him to their advantage. Anthony says everyone is so scared that they are talking to people in the house that they never really talk to before. Adam says that he told Este that if she don’t put him up and then he won’t put her up, but she went back and told Momma and now Adam says no he is not sticking to it. Anthony thinks scaring some of the people in the house by intimidating will make them have the votes go their way. Dane comes in and passes gas and Adam and Anthony act like it really smells. Mark comes in and asks Adam and Anthony are they keeping Maki. Adam tells him yes. Anthony, Adam, and Mark say who are 2 people that they will all 3 put up if they win HOH next week. They could not come up with 2 players yet. Mark leaves the bathroom.
10:45 PM BBT- Adam says is going to talk to Corey to see if she is really feeding information to Momma. Kikki and Este are in the HOH taking a bath they are going over the days in the house and the competitions. Maki, Damien, Eddie, and Momma are in the Red Rm. Eddie tells Maki it’s not good to get to emotional. It is 1 day left before eviction. Momma tells Maki that he has plenty of people around him and he does not have to worry. Maki says today it took him outside his comfort zone. Maki says it feels strange being on the block, he said it’s crazy because you have to go through the motions, pack your bags. Eddie tells Maki not to do anything to get himself in trouble over night, just sit in the corner and be quiet. Momma says she knew Laura was going to go but she said she didn’t want to stay away from her because she was on the block. Maki says if she is doing the same thing with Kyra she says that they know that Momma is voting her out and the are just being civil and respectful to each other. Maki says he wants to stay and he doesn’t like heavy situations like being on the block.
11:00 PM BBT- Anthony and Corey are in the Workout Rm talking about the game. Dane comes in and they are talking game. Dane says Maki feels like nobody wants to hang out with him. Dane said he told him that it’s only in his head cuz he is on the block not because people are really talking about him. Adam now comes in and join them. They are suppose to all get together and discuss exactly what they are planning on voting out.
11:15 PM BBT- Kikki and Este are in HOH still taking a bath eating fruit. Maki is also in there with them and Mark comes in, he says he has been in diary room. He made a drink with slop, he said it has ice, slop and a little sugar in it. Kikki just said that Sam hasn’t showered for days and her hair looks way better than hers. Maki says it’s probably fake. Mark leaves HOH room. Chelsea, Kyra, Mark and Adam are in living room talking. In the HOH bathroom talking to Este and Kikki said he thinks Adam is one of those guys who is tough on outside but not in the inside. He said well maybe he is wrong, he said he really doesn’t like talking about people. Maki asks them to please come to him if they here that he said something and they feel it is questionable please come to him and ask. He says how am I a threat. The girls are helping him with some of the things he could say when he is talking to the other houseguests about staying in the house.

Summary Monday,March 11th

March 11, 2019

Summary Monday,March 11th

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds went down at 12:55 for the veto ceremony.


2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned at 2:13 following the veto ceremony. Adam decided not to use the Power of Veto. Kyra and Maki remain nominated. Sam let Dane know that it got back to her that her name was thrown out there. Dane said he told her that Damien would have been the replacement nominee, and he told Damien the same thing. Sam said she appreciates that he is straight up. In the yard, Kailyn told Mark that he will be able to slide right on through if he keeps playing the way that he is. Kailyn pointed out that he is not trying to bro out with the guys. Mark said it’s difficult to. She then added that she doesn’t get why people don’t see him as the mastermind that he is. Mark said the way to see whether or not he is a mastermind is if he can win mental comps. Kailyn called Cory the female version of Adam, saying that she will go all the way to the end if she is able to survive next week. Out by the hot tub, Kyra told Cory it’s odd that Kailyn is the one campaigning for Maki. Kyra thinks it may be because they called Kailyn out. Kyra filled Cory in on the current status of the vote. Kyra said they 6 or 7 votes but it is continuously talking so they don’t plan to talk game today. Kyra guaranteed Cory that the people who see Maki as a threat will not go after her next week if they stay. Cory said she likes that but she finds it a bit hard to believe since the people she thinks Kyra is talking about don’t talk to her. Kyra suggested that someone like Kailyn is talking game to her but she mentioned getting the new person out right away. Kyra told Cory that they could further discuss the deal that Cory wanted to make during her second day in the house. Kyra said they have Cory’s back if she has hers. Back inside, Adam asked Damien what he is thinking. Damien mentioned Kyra claiming to have the numbers. He said he doesn’t know if they are just making that up, but Dane’s initial plan to target Kyra may get in the way of that. Adam said Kyra had a similar talk with him. Adam said he will let Damien know which way they are voting the day before the eviction if he finds anything out.


3:00-4:00 PM: Adam let Kyra know that Damien still believes the plan is for them to go. Kyra figures it’s because he is talking to Kiera and Stef about it. Adam said he will talk to Damien the day before the vote. Kyra mentioned overhearing Maki and Stef whispering last night, and they assume that Maki and Stef were whispering about “Adam and Sam” because those are their targets for next week. Kyra talked about a plan to stroke Dane’s ego by telling him that Canada will love it if he makes a big move to take Maki out this soon. Adam told Kyra that Eddie, Dane, Sam, Chelsea, Anthony and Mark are all on board. In the blue room, Sam told Eddie that she plans to win HoH. Sam said Eddie will be safe with her. Eddie assured Sam that both she and Adam are safe with him. Eddie said there are bigger fish to fry and floaters are more dangerous. Sam let Eddie know that he is safe with her even if they aren’t always around each other. As for this week, Eddie said he wants to trust Kyra but they gave him the cold shoulder until campaigning got underway. As for Maki, Sam brought up him telling Dane that he cannot promise that he will not go after him. Sam said Adam is likely going to get Maki out since Maki is coming after him. Sam added that you have to get rid of the person who you cannot beat, which is Maki. When Eddie implied that Adam could be targeted next if Maki goes, Sam agreed and said that she could go either way. Sam said they can’t really afford to go against what everyone else is doing this week. Eddie said he gets what she is saying but keeping Maki may be best for his personal game. Adam joined them. Eddie asked if they don’t think that Kyra is going after them. Adam said Kyra would be loyal. Adam told Eddie that Kyra would go after Kailyn. Adam said there is lots of time but he thinks that keeping Kyra is the best move. Eddie said he is still weighing his options. They agreed to meet again before Thursday. Afterwards, Adam told Sam he is thinking that he won’t nominate Kailyn initially if he wins HoH. He said he will put two people up who could potentially win the veto so that he could backdoor Kailyn. He revealed that his plan is to nominate Damien and Kiera. Sam said that she will do the same. Elsewhere, Kyra spoke to Damien to let him know that they likely have seven votes. Kyra said there are only three people whose votes they are definitely not getting. Kyra promised to keep Damien in the loop as the week progresses. Kyra asked if Damien is down to join the majority if they have the votes. Damien said yeah. Upstairs, Stef told Dane that if Kyra stays, nobody will beat Adam in the HoH competition. Dane suggested that they could easily make it to the Final 8 if they continue to work with Adam.


4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down at 4:25.


5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:37. The houseguests completed some sort of task that resulted in them winning dinner from Wendy’s for tonight. Anthony and Mark discussed that the last think they need to do is to create a rift with Adam. Mark said they have to protect Adam because he will take them far and his loyalty is to their alliance. Anthony said they know how to control Adam since he is emotional and passionate, and needs his horn to be tooted every so often. Mark brought up that Maki is trying hard to stay, but he has to go. They discussed that Maki’s speech was terrible.


6:00-7:00 PM: Out in the yard, Adam, Anthony and Mark discussed that Maki has got to go this week. They talked about meeting up later to discuss who next week’s target should be. Adam said he would like to get rid of Kailyn. Anthony said she is weak. Later, Adam brought up to Anthony that Kyra is claiming to be loyal, and Damien wants in, whereas Kiera and Stef are unwilling to budge when it comes to the vote. Adam said those girls are not part of the team even though they were in the original eight. Adam then told Chelsea how he feels about the girls. Chelsea said she agrees. Adam let Chelsea in on his plan to backdoor Kailyn if he wins HoH next week. They talked about keeping their votes from Kiera and Stef in order to have them end up on the wrong end of the vote, showing that they don’t have loyalty. Adam said he will nominate one of the two next to Damien. Adam believes that they currently have eight votes to evict Maki. In the HoH room, Anthony told Eddie that he always tries to deflect when Eddie’s name is brought up. Anthony said he can see in his eyes that he is a loyal person, and those are the kinds of people that he wants in the game. Anthony let Eddie know that a lot of people feel good about him. He claimed that Maki is the only person who has brought up his name. Eddie asked Anthony to keep him in the loop cause he hopes that they can vote together. Anthony agreed. Anthony and Dane then spoke. They discussed that Kiera was dumb to tell Adam that they don’t vibe. Anthony said they cannot allow an HoH to be wasted on Kiera. Dane agreed. Anthony noted that Adam mentions Sam in every conversation. Anthony wants to blow up Sam’s game. Anthony thinks that Kailyn would be a good person to do that since Sam approached her about a Final 2 deal. Anthony figures that Kailyn will get on board if they offer her safety. Feeds went down at 6:53.


8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned at 8:27 after the houseguests had their Wendy’s meal. Eddie, Kiera and Stef discussed the vote. Stef mentioned that Anthony, Damien and Kailyn have all said that they are on board with keeping Maki. Eddie said he isn’t so sure about that, since one of those three would not give him a clear answer. While Eddie said he would like to get Kyra out, he told the girls that he doesn’t know if they have the votes to make it happen. Stef pointed out that losing Maki would be losing a vote on their side. Eddie let the girls know that Kyra isn’t approach them since they know that they are tight with Maki. Eddie told Kiera that he wants to trust her but she doesn’t share any information with him. Kiera admitted that she held back because she saw how close Eddie is to Kailyn. Kiera said they can talk more game moving forward. Meanwhile, Stef checked in with Mark about his vote. Mark said he is going to do whatever the house is doing. He talked about people going back and forth. Stef said she isn’t sure what he means by that since six people have told her that they are keeping Maki. Mark said that would mean that he is staying then. Mark talked about wanting to do what Dane wants, so he suggested that they talk to him along with Kiera. Stef said that’s fine.


9:00-10:00 PM: Kiera continued to assume that Kailyn is the one who Eddie was talking about potentially not keeping Maki. Eddie questioned why Kiera trusts the other two, Anthony and Damien, so much. Kiera said they gave their word but Kailyn did not. Eddie advised Kiera against assuming that it is Kailyn, but said that’s all that he can say on the matter. The two reiterated that they want to keep Maki around. Kiera said she plans to stick to her word even if the votes are not going Maki’s way. Kiera believes that it would show her loyalty. Outside, Maki quickly checked in with Mark and Stef. Mark talked about wanting to do what Dane wants. Maki commented that nobody is going to send him home. Mark said the plan as of now remains to send Kyra home. Mark said Maki will have his vote as long as that is what Dane wants. Mark then went to Dane to fill him in on his talks with Stef and Maki. They remain set on evicting Maki. When Adam checked in with Dane, Dane talked about Kiera and Stef being part of the eight. Adam didn’t like that they were not willing to consider keeping Kyra. He said he wouldn’t even tell them which way they are voting. Dane said he will let the know on the day of the eviction. Adam preferred to wait until the final hour because he expects them to run back to Maki.

Live Feed Updates: Monday, March 11th

March 11, 2019

7:30 AM BBT As we check in for the day we find Dane is the only hg up. He has decided to clean the house. Dane has finished cleaning the whole house and is now making himself a smoothie.Mark is trying to make his way upstairs; Dane asks him to go get his mic so they can talk.
7:45 AM BBT Dane is waiting for Mark to come down from the washroom to talk. Mark has finally finished in the washroom. He joins Dane in the nook of the dining Room.
8:00 AM BBT Mark is telling Dane that he is flirting big time with Sam to get Adam back into the game. Dane is saying that Adam may touch the block if he doesn’t win HOH this week. Dane says We are spending most of our time covering for Adam because of Sam. Mark says we have to be gentle with Adam and explain that Sam is ruining his game. If Sam wins we are screwed. Mark says Whoever puts up Sam Sam will go home. Dane says We have to backdoor her. Dane says He is helping us get farther but putting a bigger target on himself which is making it is harder for us to protect him. Mark says if We put Kikki and Este up but tell them there is another plan that may work. Dane says He thinks Damien Maki and Momma are all working together; he says he is pretty sure. Dane says If Sam wins she will want to go after one of the girls. Dane says We have to tell her we have a final 8 with them. Dane says Corey has to go home too as she is strong and that is scary. Dane says Adam is a beast. He also says him and Momma also pray each night. Mark says Anthony told him that Momma wants him to win so she will be safe.
8:15 AM BBT Mark and Dane are now going over the days and everything that happened so far. Dane tells him I made a board also and I will show you mine. Dane says he got his idea from Maddy last year and I do it every night so I don’t forget. He says I use cheerios and noodles. Dane says it is easy right now but what happens when we get to Day 15. Mark says as soon as Arisa says Who is this we need to hit the buzzer like bam bam bam!. Dane agrees with him. Dane says We have to keep doing what we are doing Adam is not doing that even though Adam is a comp beast. Dane says it is usually 4 or 5 for the double and triple eviction. Dane says I didn’t have a glue stick to do something before I came in here so I used toothpaste which I thought I could use in here. Mark says I read the rules that say you can not use a pen or paper or anything like that. So Dane says We can use noodles and syrup. Dane says When the yard opens up everyone wants to go outside and chill that’s when I go up to study so when the doors open up today follow me up.
8:30 AM BBT Dane says as everyone goes outside we will break off and I will show you my game board. Dane tells him that he thought his day boards were to big but then Day 6 happened and it proved a lot can happen in a day. The conversation switched to Kyra and what they think they are. Mark says He told her he will try and call them they and them but at the end of the day they are biologically a girl. Dane asks if they have their period. Mark says Yes. Dane then agrees with Mark that they are a girl but says he understands where they are coming from and will try his best to honor what they want. Dane goes to the kitchen to rinse out his coffee mug and smoothie glass. Mark goes in the SR to get more paper towel. Mark has set the clock on the microwave back to 6:49 pm. Dane is unloading the dishwasher. Mark has decided to make some slop. Mark says he hopes when he makes his slop shake it wakes up the whole house. He checks his face in the Wendy’s window.
8:45 AM BBT Dane is switching his laundry from the washer to the dryer. Mark is preparing his slop shake. Mark is making his way up to the HOH Room with Dane. Dane is unwrapping his shoes and folding his clothes. They get called out for talking about production. Dane says We are pretty well set up. Mark says he is glad that they started their alliance before the first HOH Comp. The conversation goes to the fact that the HOH can’t play in the POV Comp this year. Dane says He doesn’t think that was a comp for Adam to win. Cameras all switch to sleeping hgs. Cameras 1 and 2 finally come back with Mark sitting in the HOH Room Dane is now back in the HOH Room. He is telling Mark that he told Adam that Sam is controlling him and it isn’t good for the guys. Mark says Well that is perfect maybe he won’t mind us evicting Sam. Mark says Well the saying is Absence makes the heart grow fonder; so it can grow really fonder if she goes home. Mark says a good plan is Put Corey and Kikki up good chance Corey pulls herself off then put Sam up. Mark says if Kikki wins she will put up Corey and Momma. Mark says He walked into the room and Maki asked me if I was voting to keep him in front of everyone so I told him yea but that isn’t the place to ask me in front of everyone. Big Brother tells the rest of the hgs that it is time to get up. Mark and Dane run out of the HOH Room.
9:00 AM BBT Mark says He can’t wait for Big Brother to say the HN Room is closed for the season. Big Brother asks Dane to do a house wide battery change. Dane goes into the HN Room first. He then heads up to the bedrooms. Big Brother calls out Sam for her mic. In the HN Room Adam and Sam talking about sleeping on the floor. Sam says her hips are black and blue. Sam tells Adam that Mark is so smart that when he talks you need to listen to him and not talk over him. She tells him that he can figure out who will win a comp just by looking at it. She thinks that Mark should work on the stock exchange; she thinks he will make lots of money and be so rich. Adam asks her if she is going to work out today. She tells him best part of the day. She says she is going to talk to Kyra and make sure she/ they don’t over do it. Sam and Adam give each other a good morning hug and he tells her she is pretty in the morning. Meanwhile in other parts of the house Corey is in the SR having a general conversation. Sam and Adam join them in the SR Mark says I made Slop shakes for you guys. Sam tells Corey that her hips are sore today as well as her knees. Adam says they need a name for their workout. Adams says East Coast Work out Crew. Adam is making slop pancakes. Mark tells Adam we can’t use Maple syrup. Adam says he has a couple of times. Mark is asking him not to play with the rules because he will get the whole house in trouble. Adam asks if they can talk about something else. Cameras switch to the hgs still in bed.
9:15 AM BBT Momma says she doesn’t wanna get up. Dane is telling Adam that if you get everyone in trouble then everyone is going to get mad at you and come after you. Big Brother tells them to stop talking about production. Dane is running Mark has decided his workout for today is to play pool. Adam is making slop pancakes. Sam is telling Corey about the pretend television show they do. Sam and Corey are talking about how many pair of socks they brought. Corey is telling Sam that her family is very tight and they love to be around each other. Sam agrees with her saying her family is her best friends. Sam says she isn’t close to her brother who lives in Brampton but wishes she was. Corey says she has yelled at her younger sister they are still close.
9:30 AM BBT Sam is telling Kyra that she is finally figuring out how to sleep in the HN Room. She says it is all about shifting. Sam is telling Kyra to chill out a bit. Someone tried to go into the SR and have discovered that is it locked. Maki is now telling them a story about what he was told about his history; he says because they had to protect the tribe there was one group that slept all day because they protected the tribe at night. Kyra says she feels that her hand is starting to heal as she could shower this morning. Sam is talking to Mark about the fact that he could make lots of money if he did stocks. He says that isn’t his cup of tea. Mark leaves Sam and goes up to cuddle with Este. They are cuddling on the floor with each other. Mark says They are going to tell Canada 2 truths and a li. Mark starts the game. Mark says the game is called #estestruth. Meanwhile in the kitchen Adam Corey Sam and Kyra are talking about Adam’s work out. Adam asks Eddie if he dreamed about him. Eddie answers maybe later.
9:45 AM BBT Corey is talking about the group of boys she hung out with in high school. She said she was the only girl and they were called The Good Time Boys. Adam yells upstairs to Anthony Good Morning Sexy. Corey tells him not to feed the ego. Sam says POV Ceremony today. Adam tells Mark his pancakes are ready. Dane asks to try his slop pancakes. Sam says she doesn’t like it that way. Adam says it is good that way. Anthony comes down and Sam gives him a hug. Adam offers to make slop pancakes for him. Sam says I am waiting to tell you stuff because you get strung out. Sam says it is going to flip flop again today. Adam tells her he isn’t worried about that that it will all work out. Este gets called out for doing something Big Brother says Please. Este and Mark are now sitting on the floor by the HOH doors. Mark says he thinks Big Brother likes her because they said please. Este says she doesn’t know what she did wrong. She is asking Mark what he thought slop would taste like. Este gets called out for her mic. She gets told to turn it on. Mark gets told to stop that. Dane says Mark go sit in the corner. Adam has been called to the DR. Mark is teaching Este Spanish. She is telling him Columbian. Outside by the hot tub Dane is talking to Kyra. Dane is saying that he could possibly get backdoored next week but he doesn’t think so.
10:00 AM BBT – Dane and Kyra come back in the house are talking about the game. Kyra said if she does go home or not go home she wants to know she tried her very best. Mark and Estel are talking about the game and what could happen if certain people would win HOH. Mark tells Este it depends what time HOH game is if it is endurance then they will have to work extra hard because there are certain people that will be hard to beat. Anthony and Dane are in the lounge discussing the game, Anthony says he has asked Mark on 2 different occasions if he is safe and he has not answered him. Dane is doing arm curls and Adam has now came in.
10:15 AM BBT– Kyra and Chelsea are in the SR. Kyra says they were talking to Dane about putting out Maki. Kyra tells Chelsea thank you for being with her from the beginning. Chelsea says that she votes for the way she wants not the way the house is. Maki and Corey are in the kitchen. In the lounge Mark and Anthony are playing pool. In the bathroom Samantha, Chelsea and Adam are in there. Kikki was called to the diary room. Adam is brushing his teeth. Chelsea is putting on her makeup and Sam is complaining she is getting skinnier and she doesn’t like it. Back in the lounge Corey has now joined Anthony and Mark, they are laughing at each other hitting the pool ball when it’s their turn. Corey is now going to play with Anthony and Mark said he is going to head to the bedroom.

10:30 AM BBT– Sam, Kikki, Chelsea are in the Tiffany Rm.. Kikki and Chelsea are putting on their makeup. Sam just shows them a bruise on her butt. She says she bruises easily and so do the other 2 girls. Sam and Chelsea are talking, laughing about acting out movies the night before. Adam is doing laps around the Workout Rm, Mark is talking to Dane in the background. Corey and Anthony are still playing pool. In the Tiffany Rm Kikki tells Chelsea that once her head hits the pillow at night she goes to sleep, she says she shuts her brain off. In the Kitchen Kyra and Este are talking. Kyra says they are going to do some stretches today even though there body is sore. She says it will give your body more energy. Este gets up to get more coffee. Kyra says she is going to go fix their hair. Corey and Eddie are in the SR getting coffee and Eddie is blending something.Maki and Anthony come in and Maki asks Eddie if they can talk.
10:45 AM BBT– Dane, Mark, Samantha, Adam and Corey are in the workout room. Dane and Mark are talking. In the Kitchen are Eddie, Maki, and Anthony are talking restaurants. Anthony says some restaurant are not good.10:49 AM BBT Live feeds go out. 10:50 AM BBT Live feeds come back on. Este and Maki are in kitchen. Este says she loves breakfast so much. Maki asks Este if she rather dance really good or sing. She says dance. She in returns asks him if he could only eat fruit the rest of his life would he choose that, he says that there is to much variety of everything else. In the Workout Rm, Dane and Mark are playing pool. Adam, Samantha, Corey are working out. Anthony is in their laying down. Adam is telling stories about problems they have gotten on their penises. Dane and Adam have both had ingrown hairs. Dane said he also experienced using body wash in another country and he started burning. It was something from the water their.
11:00 AM BBT – Live feeds go out. 11:02 AM BBT the feeds are back on. Dane is looking for the blender. Kikki is in the SR making a smoothie. In the Red Bedroom Kailyn, Maki, and Damien are getting clothes together that need to be washed. Dane and Adam are in HOH talking about game. Adam says if they find out anyone is coming after them then they will be the one going home. They both leave the HOH room. Kailyn comes down to kitchen and ask how is everyone doing, Samantha says just tired today.
11:15 AM BBT– Samantha, Adam, Kailyn, Damien, and Kyra are in the kitchen. Samantha says she likes to watch people eat. Kailyn and Dane are outside smoking a cigarette, and they are talking about how they slept. Kailyn said she did not say anything bad to Kikki. Dane said everything is ok, that he talked to her. Kailyn asks Dane what he takes in his coffee. Kailyn said POV ceremony today, and she said what’s wrong you think Adam is going to use it and he says no I asked him and he said he wasn’t. He said he told him if you do you will have a shit load of people mad at me. Eddie and Kikki are in the Workout Rm and Kikki tells him Kyra and Maki have not campaigned to them. Eddie says how can you say for certain that Maki is not going to be the one voted out. Kikki says well Anthony told me he is not but I guess you can never be a 100% certain.
11:30 AM BBT– Most of the HGs are in the workout room. Eddie, Kailyn, and Kikki are only in there watching. Kikki tells Samantha that she has really nice abs. Dane now joins them he is laying down. Chelsea has just joined everyone in the Workout Rm. Chelsea is working out also. They are not doing much game talk but instead cheering on the HG’s that are working out.
11:45 AM BBT– All of the HGs are in the Workout Rm. Dane and Mark are in there talking about when Dane was playing hockey and how much it is to go to school to play. Mark asks Dane if he was drafted Dane says no, that they called and asked him to play. Dane says he would love to be a baseball player. Kikki is cheering Este on, so she will finish her workout. Now Kikki,Eddie and Kailyn are all 3 cheering on Damien and Este. Kikki says that this is better than watching tv, she says she has the best seat in the house. Eddie asks Kikki if she wants to be punished by Big Brother. Kikki is doing some arm curls and Eddie tells Kailyn that he is going to go workout now. Kailyn is now working out with Kikki doing arm exercises. Eddie tells Damien he is doing abs.
12:00 PM BBT Eddie uses a pillow to protects his knees but it doesn’t go to well so he quickly replaces the bar. Kikki changed up what she was doing and asked if it was a real exercise, Kailyn tells her anything with weights is. Ests begins to lead a Yoga session with Chelsea, Corey, Sam, Damien, Eddie briefly, Kailyn joins in from the back for a round and back to her chair. Eddie heads back to the weight bar and pulls it back off and onto to the floor. Kikki is still working on her arms. Mark is laying with ? talking and laughing but conversation is not heard. As BB continues to show the yoga we hear Kikki say she is done she gave it a shot and cameras caught it thats all that matters. BB calls out someone to fix their mic, then Kyra says sometimes it’s the way your laying on it. We can see Kyra sporadically playing a game of pool, Eddie and Kailyn are off on a couch whispering about how ‘“she” took it the wrong way and as too much. Kailyn wonders what BB is doing since they are all shut out on the patio area. Dane is the only one missing and that is because he was called to DR. The two start talking about how certain players are playing, Eddie points out Sam and how she is always sitting around just listening.
12:15 PM BBT They keep going over how they cant wait to get “ Her” out. Eddie says he is uncomfortable with her and needs her out. Kailyn asks about if eddie works out at home , he says yes like 4 times a week. The Yoga session has ended the ladies are putting sweaters back on, Kailyn and Eddie continue to go over what kind of workouts and when they like to go. Eddie tells her I don’t know if Anthony is with us but I don’t think he will put me up. Then he explains how Kailyn exposed the 2 of them by mentioning a “goof” of calling Sam Laura earlier and he explains how he confuses her all the time and she knows. Kailyn begins to admire the body of everyone else, and say what their bodies are say about them. Dane is back from DR and has joined the pool table. Kailyn comes back to the conversation about Sam saying she is going to win HOH. Kailyn thinks its a laughing matter there is too many people against her. Este says she wants to use the restroom but everything is locked they were told it was a short time but who knows. The pool table begins a new game and Chelsea whispers a # into Dane, Damien, and Marks ears and they start a new round of this game. Mark is out before he can even take a chance to shoot. A few of the HGs are laying around “napping” the boys keep playing pool.
12:30 PM BBT Kyra, Sam, and Corey on one couch hanging out talking about the color band that’s on the water bottle. Conversation moves on to workouts and Kyra says they need to modify them and Corey helps to explain how to modify. Sam leaves the area and lets them talk. Kyra mentions when they woke up They were even more sore today than yesterday even Chelsea was and she is in shape. BB calls Maki out for napping, Kyra tells Corey about the first few days learning Maki and how he got them all with not knowing how to Juggle. Kyra and Corey begin making up a song about being in the backyard. They get up and move to help keep themselves awake. Damien has joined the couch with Eddie and Kailyn. They begin to talk about who goes to the Barber and how Eddie talks so uppity. Corey joins the couch eating her orange and looking for more water, Kailyn offers up her jug. Kailyn feels it will be pretty obvious and non climatic today at the ceremony. Chelsea has come by and wants to hold a cat.. Then picks up a shoe pretends its a cat. Feeds cut
12:45 PM BBT Feeds return and kitty conversation continues. Damien just lost his childhood dog ( Rot/Dingo mix) after 13 year so he isn’t ready to replace the animal but likes cats too. He tells his stories about -Von- the Dog. They all share stories about animals and how they got their animals and their lives with the animals. While a few ladies continue talking about animals the others talk about the Hot tub when they can and the guys start a conversation that is hard to dissect. Kailyn and Corey begin to go over more workouts and how some of them are ran by Corey. Kailyn then jumps in with a show she used to watch. Damien begins to say something that only a certain person can get away with because of their nationality and not for Canada to say it, feeds cut.
12:55 PM BBT – 2:00 PM BBT Feeds are down fro POV Ceremony
2:13 PM BBT Feeds return  POV NOT USED Feed 2 comes back to Mark and Kailyn playing pool. He asks her if she is surprised or if she thought it was taken. They go to Kyra in the SR talking to Adam and Chelsea talking about the POV Ceremony that just happened. The new Girl wants to make big moves and be on the right side but what is the right side. Feeds cut briefly and come right back. Dane is going to make an egg sammie, Sam is making some food as well while the others and they talk about going out to the Hot tub, Chelsea and Kyra and Dane are in SR and its still not clear if it was used. Sam and Dane talk about how he is a stand up guy and told Damien if POV was used then it would be him going up. They are going to talk and Hash it out later because she did hear her name was thrown around. Feeds go to the Kitchen where Hgs are making food and starving. They comment how good Adam is at memorizing lines, the scary part is when everyone is just staring at you. Damien and Kikki are upstairs in HOH as the cam clicks over Este walks out and her and Kikki leave and he heads to the WR. The ladies feel it smells amazing downstairs. Mark and Kailyn are still playing pool staying out of the chaos of the HGs in the kitchen grabbing food. Mark says BB is going to be his biggest challenge and the mental comps can he win them and help others or will he be playing for 2nd. Mark asks about Dane praying with Kailyn and how that’s going. In the SR Este, Kikki, and Chelsea are talking about food rations, everyone clears out and Kikki is left alone eating party mix.
2:30 PM BBT The Kitchen and table are full of Hgs enjoying a meal. Chelsea is telling about a seahorse and a sea-dragon where the males carry the baby but all others it’s females. Maki and Chelsea continue talking about reincarnation, Maki wants to be a caterpillar so he can transform into a butterfly. Anthony wants to be a Tiger or Ladybug. Outside Kyra and Corey are chatting Kyra feels like they has a solid handful of votes and is trying to solidify her vote. Kyra explains Their position and that Maki needs to go and says Corey’s name is not being thrown out for eviction its for a good reason. Kyra continues to work on how Maki is a threat and needs to go. Kyra helps Corey get into the HT. Kyra feels like Maki doesn’t have strong game connections and it will be a big move and crazy if They can turn this all around and stay. Kyra says they are hearing Kailyns point is get rid of the floaters but its really that she wants others to get her to the end and playing their social game. Kyra says even when it wasn’t what she wanted to hear she told Corey what she felt and how she needed. Kyra means it when she says I have you back. Corey asks how many days did you get in and it take before you felt comfortable to talk game with some people. Corey commends Kyra on her composure of being on the block. Plan is for Kyra to lay low today, while the others put in work and freak out. Corey asks about those who are flip flopping and why, Kyra says its because they don’t want to upset the house since it was an initial big house decision.

2:45 PM BBT Dane and Mark are in the Blue room, talking about not getting comfortable Mark is playing around trying to just grab info from anyone willing to talk. Adam and Sam sit in the Kitchen at the bar watching everyone else scramble and cover their bases incase the other side wins. Kikki comes in looking for her water bottle says she keeps losing it. Damien is in the Kitchen making some food he had snacks this AM and not a real breakfast. Kikki is in the kitchen cleaning up some dishes, Adam is cooking a slop creation. Dane comes down and wants to know who can do the biggest rockstar Yeah!! Everyone says Maki since he can reach a high C. A few people ask about the HT and Dane says he will wait a little bit since others just ate and want to wait a moment. Feeds cut briefly and come right back, Maki is up in the red room looking around for something. Adam and Damien are in the KT discussing if “she“ has the numbers referring to Kyra. Adam says if They can change others minds then he’s on board he will let Damien know if he hears of any changes this week like he did this week. The initial plan was to get Kyra out but whatever happens happens. Conversation jumps to alcohol and what do they want right now. Dane and Kyra are out back smoking, Kailyn, Corey and Chelsea are all in the HT now. They begin to discuss missing loved ones from home. Dane got a video from his sister for HOH and said he expected it. They try and figure out who their 1st video would be from, friends, nieces, nephews, moms, grandmas.
3:00 PM BBT Dane tells Kyra about his burns on his feet from just before the POV. Mark joins the HT, as Kyra heads in. Inside Maki, Damien,Kyra and Anthony at the table are planning a party tonight to entertain themselves. Adam cooking his slop a bit more. They are not sure on a theme but sounds like maybe Prom will be the hit!. Dane walks in and they immediately invite him to this party tonight. Adam says his brain feels drained from all the game talk but today has been nice. Maki hollers out and invites Kikki to party. Eddie tells Sam that his dad teaches English in China. She tells him that her parents are retired. Maki and Damien are beating out a tune. Maki invited the crew out in the HT to the formal party.
3:15 PM BBT Adam and Kyra are talking in the kitchen about votes for them to stay. They are telling Adam about Momma K prays last night where the prayer was over who should go home this week.
3:30 PM BBT Kyra is telling Damien that she has 3 solid votes to stay. Kyra is now playing pool with Mark. Adam and Sam talking in washroom Adam is saying that if Kyra does go home he is going to gun for HOH and shake things up. Este and Dane are talking in the living room about general things.
3:45 PM BBT Eddie and Kyra are talking about Season 1 of BB CAN.
4:00 PM BBT In the storeroom, Damien tells Kiki about buying a house and living with his gf. He hints about getting married. Kiki said he should invite her. In the kitchen, maki and Sam and Dane talk together while Adam mops the living room door. Sam offers to make Dane a rose out of paper towel. Dane and Maki enter the store room and ask Kiki what the flower you give your prom date is called. She tells them it’s a corsage. Dane leaves. Maki is called to the dr room. Feeds go down for a minute. Dane came back in the store room. He tells Kiki to guess who he is taking to the party tonight. She asked who and he said Eddie. Dane notices he has a pimple and takes a closer look in the mirror. Kiki tells him not to pop it in the pantry. Damien said that he heard through the grapevine that someone found a pc of paper in the secret room. Este came in and told Kiki that she is going to party with Maki when asked by Kiki. Kiki said that she is going with Damien. Anthony said he felt like everyone already had dates. They all leave the pantry. Kiki and Damien go to the blue room and she shows him what she plans on wearing to prom. They go to the red room and Damien said that he heard that the pc of paper found in the secret room was supposed to be important. She asked him if it was reliable. He said it was fairly but was probably just guessing. Damien showed Kiki what he could wear and she goes back to her room to get another outfit.
4:15 PM BBT Feeds show Kailyn in the hot tub then switch back to the red room. Kiki showed damien what she will wear to match his attire. He put on his white shirt and black vest. She asked him if he had a black shirt. He said he did and left to go get it. Feeds switch to the kitchen. Maki said that he will have some games for them to play. Sam said dodgeball with a sock. He said they could do a fashion show and have prom king and queen. Este said that the girls should vote on prom king and the guys vote on prom queen. Kyra asked who would she be. Dane said whatever Kyra wanted. Maki and Sam start banging a beat with their fists on the counter. The rest of the hgs follow suit. Kiki came down and told them that her and Damien just put their outfits together and they should watch out. Maki and Este jump up and go to do the same. And not surprisingly, feeds go down again.
4:30 PM BBT – 5:39 PM BBT Feeds are down. In the kitchen, Chelsea makes sliced apples and peanut butter. Maki is called to the DR. Sam and adam and Kyra are in the kitchen. Damien came down and looks for his cup. They are all talking about getting Wendy’s. Chelsea said she is so happy that Anthony asked for Frosty’s. In the pool room, Anthony and Mark play a game. Dane came in and told Anthony he did an awesome job asking for a Frosty.
5:45 PM BBT Mark asked Anthony if he was going to try to win the next competition. Anthony said that he was. Kailyn came in and asked who won the match. Mark said that he did. Kailyn said that she was having the best soak of her life in the hot tub until she was called to the DR. Mark explains to Anthony how to play 9 ball and they start to play. Dane came in and Kailyn asked him if he found the lighter. He said that it was outside.Damien came into the room. Mark told him they were playing 9 ball and he just had a sick shot on the one ball. Dane and Damien get into the hot tub and Kailyn has a smoke on the loveseat. Kailyn told him that Dane had a perfect plan by saying nothing. Dane asked Damien to turn on the jets. Este and Kiki came in and got in the hot tub. Maki joins them. Dane said they should get all dressed up to eat Wendy’s. Kiki said that it was so sweet when Dane gave Eddie the rose. Maki said for sure he was going to get his pinto sucked.
6:00pm BBT Anthony says, “We can control Adam. We know his behavior. We know he gets emotional and we know he gets very passionate. We need to just toot his horn a little bit. Mark says, ” We do have to protect him. He will take us far”
Mark asks, “You see what Maki is doing, calling a party and everything. He is trying hard. Anthony says, ” That was the worst speech. In his speech, I was like “that’s your speech, bro? Are you fucking dumb?”
6:20 PM BBT
Adam says to Anthony in the HOH , “If we keep Kyra, Kyra is like “I am going to be loyal”. Damien wants in. We don’t even need the two of those girls (Kiera/Stef) now”
6:30 PM BBT- The girls are taking in the BR.
Kyra says, ” We are going to talk with everyone the day before and the day of, so that everyone feels safe, but I think we even have seven. ”
Chelsea says, ” Okay. I haven’t had any of those conversation so I don’t know anything ”
Chelsea says, ” I just don’t want to talk game. I don’t even care right now. ”
Kyra says, ” Thank you for being so nice.”
Chelsea says, ” Oh my God, stop. Kyra.”
Kyra says, ” It’s fine.”
Chelsea says, ” don’t be like that.”
Kyra says, ” You are being… ”
Chelsea says, ” Cause you are driving me fucking crazy today”
Kyra says, ” I’m not coming to you to ask you anything. I was keeping you in the loop. Why am I driving you crazy today?”
Chelsea says, ” It’s nothing. That’s good. I’m happy that it’s looking that way. ”
Kyra says, ” Yeah”
Adam says, ” Kiki and Stef, I do not consider them part of… ”
Chelsea says, “I don’t.”
Adam says, ” Maki reeled them in. You are supposed to be working with us”
Adam told Chelsea that he will be nominating Kiera or Stef.
Chelsea said you could put Kiera up next to Kailyn. Adam said Kailyn would have to be backdoored since he would not be able to play for veto if he wins HoH. He mentioned nominating Damien
Adam says, ” I don’t want to tell Kiki and Stef. If it’s fucking 8 says, “2, that’s a perfect reason to be like “you showed where your loyalty lies”.
Chelsea says, ” Absolutely”
Chelsea says, ” So right now at this point…”
Adam says, ” We have got eight ”(votes to evict Maki)
Chelsea says, ” You said we had eight votes. ”
Adam says, ” Me, you, Sam, Anthony, Mark, Eddie, Damien, and if Mama is smart, she’s going to vote with us”
Kailyn says, ” Chelsea is in thick with Adam and Sam. ”
Eddie says, ” Obviously. So? Kailyn says, ” It’s funny that she comes back and says “I want to work with you”.
Eddie says, ” They are all going to say that”
6:45 PM BBT
Kyra says, ” You cant tell me I’m being fucking annoying today. I’m just trying to hold it together. ”
Chelsea says, ” I’m sorry. ”
Kyra says, ” I’m trying to stay positive. To hear my best friend in the house thinks I’m fucking annoying… ”
Chelsea says, ” That’s not what I said ”
Chelsea says, ” I’m telling you I’m sorry and that I was wrong. Kyra says, ” I appreciate that ”
Kailyn to Eddie says, ” I’m kind of surprised Adam didn’t use the Power of Veto. People are scared of you in the house. Make big moves ”
Anthony says, ” Maki really screwed himself with that speech. He could not have said anything worse.
Dane says, ” He tells me that I might be going up, and then he tells Adam don’t use it but keep me because I’m a competitor”
7:00 PM BBT
Dane to Anthony says, ” It looks good for us cause that’s a resume builder (to take Maki out)”
7:05 PM BBT Feeds go Down
8:25 PM BBT Feeds finally return.
Eddie, Stef, and Kiki talking in the Bedroom. One of the girls is asking Eddie how the vote is going. She’s saying it’s to keep Maki. Eddie says he’s not sure that’s the way it is anymore. Stef says the vote is to still keep Maki according to Anthony, Kailyn and Damien. Eddie says he’s not so sure. Stef and Kiki immediately ask what’s going on. Eddie doesn’t wanna rat someone out but Stef presses him for the info. Eddie says Maki is getting voted out, the girls ask him who is telling him this. Eddie won’t tell, ssys he’s sworn to secrecy. Eddie tells the girls he’s not sure what the vote is that he doesn’t feel people are being 100% with him. One of the girls says Anthony & Damien are 100% Eddie is hesitant. Stef and Kiki are running with the ‘Kailyn is flipping’ narrative. They’re realizing Kyra is staying. Stef says she can’t go around and change things if she doesn’t know who to go to. Eddie says he wants to respect Dane’s wishes this week.
Eddie: I’m just giving you guys a heads up.
Kiera: If it was her (Mama Kay) that’s worrying me, because she started a lot of drama with Kyra. If she’s changing to keep Kyra, it’s worse for us. That’s not a team player.
Eddie: I know.
Stef: In my heart’s it’s Mama Kay.
Eddie: I’m not saying anything. I take promises seriously.
Kiera: I really respect you for that. Eddie: I really wanted to give you guys a heads up.
Kiki says this is very very sneaky. Eddie asks Stef and Kiki honestly if Kiki and Stef were working with Adam last week. Stef says no. The girls again say it’s Momma Kay who is flipping and Eddie won’t give them any indication who it is.
On other feed Kyra is telling Dane what to say to people about the vote and them staying. Eddie tells Stef to ask around again and be direct about their vote. Prompt people to promise. Kiki and Stef don’t understand why Kailyn would flip. Eddie says to not run with any narrative on who it is. Kiki says whoever this is will be public enemy number 1. Stef gets up to ask Mark about the votes
8:45 PM BBT 
Stef says, ” If we get rid of Maki, we get rid of a vote for us.”
Kiera says, ” I really need Kyra to go.”
Eddie says, ” I really need Kyra to go too ”
Kiera to Eddie/Stef says, ” Us three, Damien, Anthony. We need one more. The one more can be Mark or Mama K. ”
Stef says, ” I’m going to go talk to Mark”
Eddie to Kiera/Stef says, ” The reason Kyra isn’t even coming to you is they know you are very tight with Maki. That’s what they said to me”
Eddie says, ” I want to make sure if I keep Maki that Im keeping the right person. I know that week one a lot of people threw my name out there. ”
Stef says, ” Next week you are going to be fine. If our side wins, we have clear targets. If their side wins, I think they also have a target”
Eddie to Kiera says, ” I really think that I trust you. I want you to know that you can trust me too. Alliances need to share information with each other. I don’t know if you share anything with me. I’m really down to keep Maki”
Eddie says, ” You never share your target with me. I really want this alliance to work. I don’t know if you trust me at this point. ”
Kiera says, ” I trust you. I was a little hesitant cause I say you hanging out with Mama K a lot ”
9:00 BBT
Eddie says, ” I don’t know if I can work with you if you don’t want to work with me. I will still vote with you. ”
Kiera says, ” I’m sorry. That’s really shitty. I’m sorry that I haven’t been better about it. We can talk more game for sure”
Kiera to Eddie says, ” I know for a fact it’s us three (Eddie/Kiera/Stef), Damien and Anthony keeping Maki. If she (Kailyn) is not, that worries me cause that would show a clear dividev
9:15 PM
Stef says, ” I’ve heard from six people who are for sure voting to evict Kyra. ”
Mark says, ” Whatever the house is doing, I’m going to vote”
Mark says, ” Every 5 minutes, things change. I’ll let you know the day of eviction. ”
Stef says, ” That doesn’t work. Every person says the same thing. Dane wants Kyra out. ”
Mark says, ” Then we have to sit down as a group and talk about it ”
Mark to Stef says, ” I don’t understand what’s going on. That’s why I want to sit down together. Me, you, Kiki and Dane”
Mark says to Stef , ” Dane is in trouble right now because he is the HoH. We need to speak to Dane and find out exactly what he wants. Kyra is campaigning. I don’t know if she campaigned to you. I’m trying to find out if she is telling the truth (about having the votes)”
9:30 BBT
Mark says, ” If Dane wants Kyra to go home, then I’m voting Kyra. If he tells me otherwise, I’m voting with what Dane wants. ”
Stef says, ” Yeah, that’s fine”
Kiera is assuming that Kailyn is the one who is potentially flipping to keep Kyra. Eddie asked why she trusts Anthony and Damien so much. Kiera said they gave their word but Kailyn didn’t”
Kiera says, ” I feel if she (Kailyn) flips this vote, it’s the best for her game. Well, it’s not even the best for her game. In Maki’s eyes, that’s the closest person to him.”
Eddie says, ” I really don’t feel like you should just assume it’s Mama K. That’s all I can tell you”
Kiera says, ” Now I’m thinking the person you are talking to is obviously not working with us if they are planning on kicking Maki to the curb. ”
Eddie says, ” They are not.”
Kiera says, ” Oh boy”
Eddie says, ” If Maki threw me and you, the only two Asian people in this house out of 14 people, then this is a great concern. ”
Kiera says, ” I don’t think it has anything to do with race. ”
Eddie says, ” He throw the only two. It cant be a coincidence.”
Kiera says, ” I really don’t think so”
Kiera says, ” I trust him (Maki) a hell of a lot more than I trust Kyra. ”
Eddie says, ” I don’t trust Kyra at all. I told you week one they are my target”
9:45 PM BBT
Kiera told Eddie that she isn’t going to go back on her word to Maki. Eddie asked if it doesn’t matter if it’s a 9 says, “2 vote. Kiera said no since it will show that she is loyal
Kiera says, ” What would be the benefit to keeping Kyra here?”
Eddie says, ” Cause Kyra is a number for Adam’s side and they are on Adam’s side. That’s why I asked you do you know who is on Adam’s side. I really don’t know”
Kiera says, ” How about this. We will get the group of us together. Mama K, Damien, Anthony, Maki, you, me, Este. ”
Eddie says, ” With Maki there, they will say whatever he wants to hear. ”
Kiera says, ” Let’s put them on the spot”
Maki says, ” No one is going to send me…I don’t want to sound sure but who the hell wants to send me home? ”
Mark says, ” As we speak right now, the plan is to get Kyra out. I’m a vote as long as that’s what Dane wants”
Stef says, ” Have you talked to Cory? ”
Maki says, ” Yes. She is not sure (if she gets to vote). If she does, she is going to vote for me.”
Stef says, ” Is that what she said?”
Maki says, ” Yeah ”
On the other camera
Adam says, ” I wouldn’t even tell them (Kiera/Stef) how we are fucking voting. ”
Dane says, ” I’m going to tell them the day of. ”
Adam says, ” When we get that hour, cause they will go right back to Maki


10:00 PM BBT In the bathroom the girls(Chelsea, Kyra, Este, Kailyn) are getting ready. Eddie comes in and he asks them if they can curl his hair. Samantha tells him that it is to short and may not curl correctly. Kailyn keeps walking around. Kyra starts doing Eddie’s hair. Mark and Dane are in the kitchen area talking. Dane tells Mark that some people are here and saying they never watch BB. Kailyn comes into the kitchen he tells her that she looks good and the feeds go down. Feeds come back up with the girls still getting ready while Kyra is still working on Eddie’s hair. They tell Kyra that Eddie’s hair looks great. Mark comes into the bathroom. Mark starts passing his bottle of gin to Kyra and Chelsea. Kyra tells Mark to sit down so he can get his hair done.He tells Kyra it is done. Kyra tells him I can make it look better. In the hottub Dane and Kailyn are talking about how he can’t talk game with everyone. Kailyn says that it was stacked into her favor. She tells Dane today was good it was a non stress day. Dane said yeah no decision have to be made for three days. He tells her Sunday is the HOH, then Wednesday is the Veto, and then Thursday is the next competition. Dane tells her he never watched Live Feeds except one time and they were just lounging around.
10:15 PM BBT Outside Maki and Adam are playing pool. Eddie is outside watching the guys play pool. Feeds go to girl in the bathroom still getting ready. Damien comes into the bathroom to work on his hair. In the kitchen all the houseguests are drinking and thanking Big Brother for the alcohol. Kierra is walking around. Kyra asks what is the Ginger Ale for they said someone asked for it. Feeds go down. Samantha hugs Dane. Kyra tells them cheers here’s to season 7. Mark asks Este if she got any beer. Kyra asks do you want to play a drinking game. Kyra tells everyone to go sit on the sofas.
10:30 PM BBT They all are talking at once. Kyra tells them let’s play never I have I ever. They say no. Kyra then says lets play hello governor. Dane tells them I think we drunk all the beer. They are all slowly making their way to the sofa. Cameras focus on Adam and Chelsea. They are trying to decide about taking pictures. They are trying to get everyone situated.Kierra is telling them where to sit so she can take their pictures. Dane goes and hugs Kyra. They said they want to take their group picture on the stairs. Adam is having a conversation with Samantha. All the girls are on the stairs to have their picture taken. Everyone leaves the living room to go on the steps to take a group picture. They all go to the eye to take a picture. Samantha, Anthony, and Kyra walk up the stairs. They all decide to take couples pictures and group pictures. PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT PRODUCTION. They all yell out BB CAN 7. They tell Dane that called him to the DR.
10:45 PM BBT Kailyn tells them she is allergic to beer and can only drink white wine. Eddie asks them if they want Ginger Ale. Mark tells them to make the last of the wine last. Damien puts ice in a cup and then goes and sits down. Chelsea and Kailyn are sitting together talking. Kailyn yells out lets totally do it. They all yelling Eddie’s name. They are now playing spin the bottle. Mark ask them how to play spin the bottle. Kailyn says lets play truth or dare since no one wants to play spin the bottle.

11:00 PM BBT Damien brings two bowls into the living room. They say oh we got a drum now. The girls starts dancing. Eddie joins them. Kyra tells them that I am not drunk enough yet. Kiki starts dancing. Chelsea then starts dancing in the middle.Este is next. Kailyn starts then Kyra. Kailyn sits down. Someone spilled their cup. Damien starts dancing. Mark tells them last bottle… last bottle. They say wait for Dane. Kailyn asks are we going to play truth or dare. Maki tells them to go ahead and pour. Someone says today is day 10 we made it to the double digits. The girls tell the guys get up and dance. Everyone is talking all at once. Mark and Dane start giving Eddie a lapdance. The feeds go down. Dane asks Eddie to be his first showmance and his prom date. They tell Eddie to go back to his chair and Damien is going to dance for him. They start yelling more wine. They start singing and feeds go down.
11:15 PM BBT Feeds come back up and Maki and Este are dancing. Maki says tomorrow we are going to do what. They tell Dane to sit. Kailyn says I have the first questions. She asks him does he have aspirations of being a stripper. He tells them there was once a time….. He says he has had experience serving topless. Someone asks Dane does he ever want to get married. He tells them he has his eyes on some of the ladies. Damien asks him what would he name his first kids. He says Diana. Someone asks him if you can date any more in the house who would it be? Dane says besides Eddie I would date Anthony.. Feeds go down. Someone lost their microphone. They ask Dane when was the last time he felt truly embarrassed. Eddie asks him how would he picture himself after the show. Someone asks him what would he do if he wins. He tells them that he would do this again with way more alcohol. Chelsea asks him why are Canadian girls are hotter. He tells them because they wake up beautiful. They ask Dane his first impressions of everyone. They said we need to find another game. The guys tell them it is time for a girl to go in the hot seat. Kailyn say I have a question for Adam. she is ask Adam who does he think is his biggest competitions. They said no game talk tonight.

Live Feed Updates Sunday, March 10th

March 10, 2019

8:00 AM BBT Mark is the only HG who remains awake. The other HNs went to sleep around 7:30. Mark is silently pacing laps of the kitchen/living room areas. Wakeup call happens. Dane comes downstairs and summons Mark into the pantry. He tells Mark that after the comp, both Adam and Sam attacked him about not putting Sam up as a replacement if Adam uses the Veto. Sam and Adam enter, Mark leaves to go shower and Sam and Adam pitch getting Maki out this week. Dane says that they’ll be the first ones out if they get Maki out this week. Dane says they just woke up, and let him wake up and they’ll reconvene in his room later. Dane leaves and Sam and Adam talk about how they’ll get the votes to get Maki out. Feed on Anthony and Eddie sleeping in the blue BR and then on Damien looking through the secret room.
8:15 AM BBT Corey conducting the house-wide battery swap on one feed, Damien and Sam talking about what this room means and how it’s going to play into the bigger picture of the game on the other. Dane and Adam back in the pantry; Damien joins them. Adam says he wonders what stories are going to be told today. Something is wrong with Dane’s feet; he makes a comment about having rope burn. Dane and Damien leave and Corey brings the battery box back into the pantry. Adam asks her what today will bring. She lists off a lot of things. Dane and Kyra come back in, though Kyra leaves quickly. Dane asks Corey if people have spoken game to her yet, and she confirms some have. He says he’s happy to hear she’s being included. Dane talks about his hockey days, and says he was lucky enough to play in the finals 3 times, and win it once. They talk about how BBUS offers After Dark; Corey has never heard of it, and Adam thinks it’s broadcast live.
8:30 AM BBT Damien and Sam leave the secret room and head out in search of coffee. Adam and Corey talking in the pantry. He asks her if she’s thought about next week and she says she has, she’s even thought about the week after. He says that it would be nice to have someone from the east coast win. Damien and Este come in to get coffee; Este says she can’t believe how tired she is. Kyra comes in and asks Este to rebandage her fingers; she got a rope-burn in the PoV comp. Este isn’t able to do it the way she wants so she asks Corey to try. Corey convinces her to leave it open to the air for a while. Damien and Este leave and Kyra asks to see the injury on Adam’s hand. Kyra leaves and Adam says that he feels like there’s a lot of stuff going around with people trying to turn people against others. Corey says that she’s new so she doesn’t know. Anthony comes in and asks Adam if he heard anything in the middle of the night. He tells a story about sleepwalking/talking last night and Chelsea waking him. He is embarrassed that BB has it all on tape. Anthony leaves, Maki comes in. Adam keeps wanting to talk to Corey, and they never have more than 30 seconds alone in the pantry. Corey tells a story about teaching and says she misses the kids so much. Adam asks if they’re going to have kids of their own and she says no and talks about her hubby’s job and the feeds cut away from them.
8:45 AM BBT Damien and Kailyn talking in the red BR. They’re talking about what’s happened so far. Kyra and Sam talking in the secret room. Sam is telling Kyra to make connections with Eddie about getting Maki out. Sam tells them that they’re not a physical threat in the game, and they need to stress that to Eddie. Sam says that Kailyn is playing on everyone’s faults. Kyra thanks Sam for her help in telling her who to work on. Sam sends Kyra out first. She does a song and dance about how she feels so good because Adam won PoV; she’s convinced that she would have gone home if he hadn’t. She cam talks about how she needs to win. Sam says that the things that are happening now, she pointed out on day 2. She told Adam they shouldn’t get close, and she told Adam they couldn’t trust Kailyn and they’re both coming true. She says that the cams feel like her friends. She starts showing the pictures in the room to the cameras, so they cut away to the pantry. Adam, Corey, Maki and Eddie are in there talking. They get caught up on the differences in speech between east coasters and the rest of Canada.
9:00 AM BBT Este and Anthony are talking about hairstyles in the LR. Back in the pantry, Corey is bandaging Kyra’s fingers while Maki, Dane and Adam are talking. Corey asks if they have any medical people on the cast who’d be able to wrap Kyra’s fingers better than she can. Kyra takes over trying to bandage her fingers. Everyone slowly empties out of the pantry. Upstairs in the red BR, Kailyn and Damien are talking about life on the reservation. Feeds cut to Sam and Kiki in the WR. Sam is saying she doesn’t know where ‘her’ head is at and Kiki agrees that she doesn’t know where ‘her’ head is at, either. She says she should probably talk to her. Oh, it’s Corey they’re talking about! Kiki asks how Kyra’s doing today; Sam says that they’re hands are torn up and ‘pus-y.’ Kiki says they tried really hard yesterday and Sam agrees. Sam asks Kiki if she thinks people are watching her sleep in the HN room. Kiki says she’s never watched live feeds, so she doesn’t know. Sam starts talking about how long it’s been since she washed her hair; her plan now is to make it to Thursday without washing her hair. She figures out that will only be two weeks and decides to push it to 20 days.
9:15 AM BBT Kyra and Chelsea are talking in the blue BR; Kyra says they probably look ‘nuts.’ Chelsea says that no, because so much happens in the first week, they’ll barely be shown at all. They start talking about the secret room and the secret information they have about it. Kyra tells Chelsea she can tell Adam about it. Chelsea says that’s good because she trusts Adam and Sam. Sam comes in, followed by Kiki. Kiki immediately asks about Kyra’s fingers. They say when they took off the bandage this morning, they tore the skin off because it was stuck. Kiki leave; Sam says she’s going to do Kiki’s makeup and will do anyone else’s, if they want. Kyra says that she can do theirs. Kyra, Chelsea and Sam talk about the plans to get people over to Kyra’s side. They advise them to concentrate on Eddie and Adam today. Kyra says it’s very awkward to try and go to sleep in the red room while Kailyn is campaigning and plotting ways to keep Maki. Sam tells them about Dane telling them to try and get the votes to save Kyra. She advises Kyra to play up how cute Dane and Este look as a couple. Sam tells them that if Adam hadn’t won, it would have been Sam and Kyra together on the block. Sam says she’s going to marry Adam for saving her life in the game. They talk about how fake people can be at the end of a comp when power has shifted.
9:30 AM BBT Eddie and Kailyn are talking in the red BR. Eddie tells her that they have to hide that they’re gunning for Adam. Kailyn says they should let Adam win the HoH this week, because the consensus is to get Corey out next week, and Adam will do what the house wants. Eddie is reluctant because there’s no guarantee things will go as they want. Kailyn says everyone agreed that whoever came in would be the next one out. Eddie says he doesn’t trust Corey; she talks to too many people. They compare the stories Corey told them to get a F2 deal; Kailyn says that she didn’t say yes and Eddie says he didn’t either. They’re convinced that Corey made all the F2 deals so that no one would vote against her. Eddie says he’s being polite to her but he won’t talk game with her. Feed cuts to Anthony and Adam in the kitchen. Anthony has made his breakfast, Adam is putting dishes away. They both go into the pantry, where Mark is making a slop smoothie. Anthony says they need to sit down and come up with a plan because people are going to start plotting against Adam. Kiki comes in, so Mark goes back to using the blender. Kiki leaves and Adam says that he’s worried about Maki being in the comp next week. Adam asks Anthony and Mark if it’s a smart idea to target Maki instead. Anthony says right now it will just scare everyone; Maki is giving Anthony information. Adam is working hard to get Anthony to agree to vote Maki out. Anthony says Este asked him what he thought about Adam; he told her that as long as Adam’s in the game, he’s the big target. Anthony says that they have Corey on their side; Adam says that Dane wants to get Corey out and he doesn’t think it’s a good idea.
9:45 AM BBT Adam, Anthony and Mark talking in the pantry. Adam is trying to convince Anthony to vote Maki out. Adam says they’re big men; they don’t need to worry about Kyra but they do need to worry about Maki. Anthony says that Maki is scared of Adam and they should use it to their advantage. They are both worried about Kailyn’s influence over people. Chelsea comes in to get coffee and Anthony leaves. Chelsea says that they need to get Maki out; Adam tells her to talk to Anthony. Chelsea says that Kailyn is fake as hell; Mark comes in to add some more liquid to his smoothie. Mark tells them that he’s going to finish his smoothie before chiming in, but they need 6 votes. Mark leaves and then bursts back in to say loudly that his alliance is with Dane, and he’s voting out Kyra this week. He winks at the camera and leaves. Sam comes in and tells Adam that Maki is looking for him, then leaves. Maki comes in and asks Adam if they can talk. They go into the HN room. Maki congratulates Adam on the win; Adam asks how it makes Maki feel. Maki says that he’s not worried because he thinks he still has the numbers on his side. Maki asks if Adam finds him threatening and Adam says yes. Maki asks why and Adam says they’ve never talked game and he has no clue what would happen if Maki won. Maki says that he’s down for being ‘boys’ if Adam wants. He points out that Adam can beat him physically and probably mentally, so he should have nothing to worry about. Adam says that there’s lots of people he wants to see go before Maki. Adam says the house is starting to divide. He also says Kailyn is not stupid and I think if I don’t win next week Sam and me are on the block. Maki tells him the way I see it last week you did not put me on the block; you aren’t going to use the POV so everyone is going to be happy. Maki tells him that you push me. He says I don’t want to send you home but we don’t sit down and plan like the girls do. Adam says He wants to go to the end with competitors not floaters and I think I proved it.
10:00 AM BBT The conversation continues in the HN Room with Maki and Adam. Maki says I don’t play sports but you push me and I love it. He says When there is no comp I am the one that keeps the house calms. Adam says every season there are girls and guys that just sit until the end because people like you and me go against each other. Adam says I just get upset when people throw me and Sam together as a couple when she is flirting with Mark all day long. Maki tells him you have that Newfie bond like me and Anthony we are both have Toronto in common and that bond. Maki tells him How can I know that I trust you that you are not going to put me up. Adam swears he will not put him up if he wins next week he kisses his cross. Meanwhile in the washroom Sam is applying Kikki’s makeup for the day. So we go back to the HN Room where Adam and Maki are still talking. Maki says I came here to test my brain and to see if I can do comps. Adam says if you do win this week and don’t put me on the block but if I win the following week I won’t put you up. Maki says Behind your back I tell everyone I respect you. Maki says No one will think we are together because we are always against each other in the comps. Maki says it is dangerous to name drop here. Maki says What bothers me is when someone says something that I said that I didn’t. Maki also tells him that I find it amazing that you you think of me as a threat. Maki says it takes me 2 years to trust someone I really don’t trust easy. Adam tells him that the girls are not going to beat us unless it is a mental comp but not in a f**king physical comp I just don’t see it. Maki says I think there will be at least 4 more people will be out before one of us. Sam is planning her day of whose makeup she is going to do in what order. Sam and Chelsea head into the SR where Chelsea says Maki is campaigning to stay this week hard. Chelsea says Adam sees the bigger picture and will listen but then think. Chelsea is now talking to Corey and telling her that she is starting to like her.
10:15 AM BBT Chelsea says Adam knows that if they keep Maki they are giving numbers to the other side. Mamma K comes in and the conversation changes to who ever wins that Corey gets put up and voted out. Chelsea says Even if Corey watched last week from somewhere she doesn’t know what was said. Dane walks in and they all tell him he looks stylish. Chelsea says if we send someone home this week and someone else walks in I will lose my mind. Momma K says that can’t happen we need a week where the house is calm. Momma K says if this is what the house decided it is simple. You keep your enemies closer. They think it will be a mental comp for HOH this week. Back in the HN Room Maki and Adam are still talking. Maki says Whether or not someone respects me even if they don’t like me. Adam says if I go home next week there will be some sour people in the house. Adam tells him I see you talking to Momma K a lot. Maki says I talk to her because she keeps me grounded but what I am learning is she talks more than I do I just listen. Maki says I only watched one season and Momma K knows this game and I want to learn from her. Maki says I can learn from you and Kikki. Maki tells them that he wants to think that this house will be quiet if I leave. Adam says Derek last season never watched the game and made it to final 3 Jon Pardy won and never knew this game. Adam says Krya has spread some lies or at least added to what I said. Maki tells them he wants to play an open game.

10:30 AM BBT They are now talking about when they first walked in the house and people are asking me if I am okay even if I am I question myself Maki is telling them. Kikki says there is no ying without yang. Adam says if I get out next week then it all falls on you. Maki says either way life goes on. Maki says I don’t want to be the person who sends someone home. Adam says Okay then don’t win next week and I will send someone home. Maki says I am not going to make this easy for you. Maki tells them I want to have fun as long as I can. If you want to stir shit go to the other side. Adam says I seem to be going around calming people down. Meanwhile out in the Hot Tub area Dane and Momma K are talking about Dane’s family Momma K is sharing her cigarettes with him. Dane tells her that Maki and Adam are talking one on one and I am not saying anything. He tells her Adam is very smart in this game but is very emotional as well. Momma K tells him that she thinks Dane and Damien are close because they have that hockey thing. Momma J is telling him that Corey said this week is so different then last week. Momma K questions how she would know that if she wasn’t watching. Dane says We are all in this for ourselves. Momma J says We all can just be ourselves. She tells him you are going to ride this train out as long as you can. They finish their shared smoke and head back in. Damien comes outside to get some fresh air. Sam is now doing Dane’s makeup she is starting with plucking his eyebrows.
10:45 AM BBT Mark and Maki are now in the Hot Tub area where they are discussing if they know how to get home from where the BB House is. Feeds go down while they discuss it. Mark is telling him that people are talking and yelling at me. He tells him he went to sleep as soon as Big Brother told them too. Maki tells him he finds it amazing that the house thinks he is a threat. Maki asks him if the plan is the same if he stays on the block. Mark says he is going to go with what Dane wants and right now that is Kyra is the target. Maki tells him that he isn’t saying what he would do if he would win because when you are not in power people will talk about what you say. Maki tells him it is in his best interest to keep the house happy for now. Maki tells him he likes having him around. They both decide to head indoors. He asks him how people assume that I will win HOH next week. Mark asks him if he is high up on his list. In the washroom Corey and Chelsea are talking about Corey coming in later than the rest. Corey says It will depend on the comp whether or not I am a comp beast. The conversation then goes to who came in last year and if they got a vote to evict someone. Momma J is there brushing her teeth.
11:00 AM BBT Corey asks if the backyard is open Momma J tells her it is. Chelsea and Momma J are still talking in the washroom about what if there is another twist that we don’t see coming. Corey is talking to Adam about their workouts. Corey says by the end of her workout she does 100. Sam says she is going to work out with Adam and Corey but may not do as much. Corey says for every round she throws a noodle in a cup until she gets to 10. Adam tells Sam that there is so much tense that sex would be a release for at least 10 seconds. Sam tells him she likes it quick. Maki joins them so the conversation changes to eyebrow plucking. Sam tells Maki to sit down she is doing his. She says Mark Dane and Adam are done and you can’t tell. Sam calls Adam Mark and Adam tells her Call me Mark one more time and it is over I am f**king Adam. Feeds cut. Maki has joined Chelsea and Momma J is the washroom where Chelsea says she gets a headache everyday. Maki says that is because she drinks a lot of coffee. She tells him she only drinks 3 cups a day which is normal for her. Adam comes in says he was going to poo but didn’t want to make noise with them in there so he heads to the HOH. Chelsea continues to put her makeup on. Sam says I would have done yours Chelsea says I am sorry but I like to do my own. Big Brother calls Eddie out for napping. Kikki comes into the washroom uses the stall washes her hands and leaves Chelsea comments she is playing a great social game I really like her she is funny.
11:15 AM BBT Adam has now joined the girls in the washroom. Adam tells them that he told Maki that people want to take out people who wins comps so you get floaters to the end. Chelsea says how do you do that with everyone having side conversations. Adam says if he get out all the floaters then all the good players battle it out. Momma J pipes in with last year the jury was bitter don’t you think so. Chelsea says some people will always be bitter. Momma tells Adam you just want competitors. Adam says I don’t want to send those people home. Momma J tells him you have to think what is good for your game. Adam says watching it is so different than actually doing it. Momma J says it is to early to say who is a good player yet because we are not far enough in. Adam says Every year floaters get to the end. Adam has been called out for his mic. Momma J gets called out for her mic. In other parts of the house Kyra is headed outside for a smoke. She is alone out there so we will head back inside.Still i the washroom Chelsea and Adam are still talking Adam is telling them about the conversation he had with Maki. Chelsea says it is hard as we don’t know who is strong and there is no trust built. Adam says we can have an easy 5 weeks if we don’t go after each other we can all make jury and that’s the goal right now. Momma J says look at Hamza last year he was good but played to hard at the beginning. Adam says he wants to go outside and get some fresh air. Meanwhile in the backyard area Corey Mark are working out. Dane and Anthony are pretending to shot pool and talk. They decide to take a picture with a pretend camera.They all say Camo Shoot. Corey pretends to take the picture.

11:30 AM BBT In the washroom Anthony and Momma J are talking about what Dane apparently said to Kyra about being safe for at least another week. Anthony is getting ready to go in the hot tub. Este has taken Kyra’s aqua pack for her mic. Chelsea is still in the washroom getting ready for the day. She has finally moved from putting on makeup to doing her hair. She tells Momma J that there is 5 evictions before they are all in jury. Momma J can not answer her as she is in the shower. The camera switches to outside where Anthony is getting ready to get in the hot tub. In the blue bedroom Dane and Kikki are talking Dane gets called out for his mic. Dane is telling her to remember what is what in the chart he has made. Mark is talking to Damien about hoping that Maki has their back and the fact that they have to trust the process. Mark is telling him that he thinks 100% Kyra will never win and he is 100% sure Maki will win so do we trust Maki will keep his word. Damien says Well we haven’t won anything. Mark thinks next week either Maki or Adam will win if it is physical.
11:45 AM BBT Damien and Mark are preparing to go in the hot tub. Kyra and Eddie are talking. They are telling him that he is starting to come out of his shell. They tell him that they thought Maki was going to win that HOH or Veto. They tell him that if they win HOH they will not put him up. They tell him that they knew at first they were the target but now they see the tables turning. They tell him that you need to know who to trust. They say Maki is a bigger threat than they are. They are telling him that they never thought they would be on this show because they are non-binary. They thought they were too different to be on the show. They tell him that everyday they are on the show gives other non-binary people the courage to come out. They tell him once they figured out they were in danger of leaving they decided to put their mental issues aside and fight to be here. They continue to talk to Eddie they tell him they don’t want to pressure him but really want him to think about keeping them. They tell him that they had a really hard time adjusting at first. They would say something to someone then go into the washroom and cry. Eddie tells them that even though it takes more energy to talk to some people that they really need to spend the energy to talk to everyone. He tells them that he felt hurt because they were not talking to him. They tell him that they are sorry but them not talking to him was not against him but was her mental struggles. They tell him they struggle with that everyday in their real lives and found it extra hard inside the house but they feel they have a handle on their mental issues now. They are showing him how they shake hands. They wiggle their fingers then they touch fingertips. They tell him to be careful as they feel that he is a very trusting person so he needs to be careful.
12:00 PM BBT Outside by the Hot Tub area Anthony, Damien, Este, Mark, Dane and Maki are all in the hot tub. They are playing a game of what element you would want to control. Chelsea has finally finished with her makeup and hair and has decided to put her feet in the hot tub. As the conversation goes to a video on the internet the cameras switch to Adam, Corey and Sam talking in the backyard area. Adam says he wants competitors to be in the end. Corey say How do you know who is a competitor. Adam tells her I know you are like me just from your workout. Sam says I am the brain he is the brawn. Corey say Everyone is hashtagging you now #brainbrawn. Corey says I am good at puzzles. Adam says he thinks there are a lot of big fans here because at the beginning they were pretending to be past house guests from other seasons and some where quoting them word for word. Corey asks Who Ika is she says I know I seen her before but don’t know what she did. Corey tells her the seasons Ika played in and that she was in last season for a comp. Momma J comes over and they all tell her that she looks very pretty today. Big Brother calls out the hgs for talking brand names. Momma J says maybe it is outside.
12:15 PM BBT Meanwhile outside the conversation goes to telling riddles. Chelsea is now going into the pool. Kikki has now joined them in the hot tub. Este has figured the riddle out. Mark is now telling a riddle. Kikki has been called to the DR. Maki is now telling a joke.As the conversation is just general we will travel into the house. We leave with Chelsea saying she feels she smoked too much weed and her memory is shitty. Momma J and Eddie have joined Corey, Adam and Sam in the backyard. Sam asks what we are going to do for the next 4 days. Corey comes up with some ideas and Big Brother calls her out for talking about production. They are now trying to remember the names of the comps that they have played. Eddie gets called out for playing with his mic.There really isn’t any game talk going on outside or inside. Sam says there will be clips of Adam playing with his junk and swearing. Sam tells Corey that you are a little squirrely like me. The conversation now goes to kids being put on medication to calm down instead of burning off energy. Corey says she does brain breaks to get the kids in her class up and moving. She says she puts numbers on popsicle sticks with physical routines on them. She says she can just say a number and they get up and do it. She says I do that 4 times a class that gives me 45 minutes of total concentration on the lesson. Adam says he wishes he had paid attention in high school instead of being a bad assed. Corey is coming up with a game where everyone stands up and covers their eyes. She taps someone on the shoulder they leave the room she tells everyone else to open their eyes and the first person to guess then taps the next person. They decide it is time to eat something.
12:30 PM BBT The feeds have gone down on the hgs out at the hot tub so we go back inside where the conversation goes to people have a fetish for feet. Momma J says body function has to do with sex. Corey tells Momma J and Maki that Adam and Sam do not feel safe. Kyra joins them in the kitchen and they tell them that they think they got the numbers to stay. Sam tells them that they need to plant a seed with Este. Adam says Oh we can make a slop star. Momma J tells them we just can’t crack. She says she is keeping their conversation the same. Aki says the once they see a crack they will jump. Corey Momma J and Maki are now trying to come up with different hashtags. Momma J says to Maki yours is #safeme.
12:45 PM BBT Corey says Adam can talk for 10 minutes and I don’t think he really says anything. Maki says you have to have a general reason to talk to someone as it will get harder and harder to get names out of people. Maki says the people I am least connected to are the people I would not cry over leaving. The other cameras are still down so the only conversations we can listen to are Corey Maki and Momma J Damien is running laps around them. Corey says I am down on energy and we still have so much day left. Chelsea has come in from the hot tub area. Anthony has come in as well. Maki is telling them about a book he read where a bird helps a bunch of rabbits find a new home. Corey says she would be an eagle. Maki says he would be a caterpillar so he gets to evolve.
1:00 PM BBT Corey said that Maki couldn’t wait to tell that joke. Maki said he saw similar reactions watching Michael Jackson’s movie. Feeds go down for a moment. Corey said that she was super impressed by Lady Gaga. Kailyn started to talk about the allegations against MJ and feeds go down again. In the kitchen, Adam was chopping food. Este and Samantha joke about the brussel sprouts smelling like farts. Eddie came in. Este and Sam talk about not being able to watch people if they don’t have pretty mouths. Este asked if the amount of veggies she pulled out for her salad was excessive. Maki came in and started singing he wanted music. The others chanted back “no music” over and over. Sam said that whenever Eddie eats she likes to watch him. Sam tells Corey that she made extra protein drink in case Corey wanted some after her high intensity workout. Corey said that she really likes to do squats. Sam said that she tends to lean forward when she does squats. Corey said that it was about flexibility more than power. Sam said that she’s been doing squats for about 6 months and still can’t get it.
1:15 PM BBT adam said that shakes were way better in the morning. He said that he added spices to the soup to give it a kick. Sam asked Eddie to say “i love it” He replied “i looove it”. Sam asked Adam if she got some salsa if Adam could rip a piece of his dish off so she could dip it. In the washroom, Chelsea and Kyra are talking together. Chelsea said that they were in the house with all competitors. Kyra said that Eddie and Mark were votes in Kyra’s favor. Kyra said that only one vote was needed in Kyra’s direction. In the blue room, Anthony and Kailyn discuss what will happen in the next 4 days. Anthony said that a lot can happen in 4 days. Kailyn said that she didn’t want to be used to do anyones dirty work. Anthony said that he was told that things were going in one direction, but that they could go the other way. He said that he hopes that everything stays solid. In the hottub, Kiki and Damien chill together. Damien asked about her brother. She said that he lived with her and her mom’s house. Kiki said that she was getting pruney. Damien asked her who her favorite comedian was. She said she had a huge thing for the blonde from snl. She said that she was also gay so she jokes that she could have a chance with her. Damien asked her what her favorite cartoon character was. BB tells them to stop talking about brand names.
1:30 PM BBT Kiki says the girls name was Kate Mckinnon. She said that they should probably get out and find another place to sit. Kiki asked if Damien ever had the thought that he was the biggest idiot. He said that he was trying not to be the idiot. They leave and return with the lid to the hottub. In the kitchen, Chelsea and Sam and Kyra play the blinking game. Sam explained that the eye that you look at when talking to people can say what type of personality you have. Adam cleans up after himself and Anthony makes a salad in the store room. Dane came in. Anthony told Dane that Kailyn told him that Sam wanted to get rid of Maki because she was scared of losing her backup. He said that she was relieved when Adam won veto because she was worried that she was going to be put up. Dane said that they need to get rid of her to get Adam back in the game. Anthony said that Sam went to Kailyn and Chelsea to get them to work with her. Dane said that they really need to get rid of Sam. Anthony said that he could see that Adam was jealous about Sam flirting with Mark. Anthony said that he told Mark to go after Sam publicly to taint Adam against her.
1:45 PM BBT Anthony said that este had Maki’s back so they needed to be careful around her. Dane said that Adam was ruining their game over Sam. He said that they have a solid final four if everyone stays to the plan and acts smart, not emotional. Este washes her dishes. Chelsea is cooking chicken. In the storeroom, Adam and Maki play drums on a couple of containers. Sam and Dane dance and sing to the beat. Maki said that they should do that in everyone’s room. Sam said that she used the r work and was told not to. Adam asked what the r word was. Dane said it was like the n work. Sam told Adam that the r word was retard then feeds to that room go down. In the red room, Corey and Kailyn talk about their game. Kailyn said that if she plays with the house votes, she is more likely to stay than if she stays with her own opinion and is viewed as difficult. Corey said that she wondered if Adam was sincere about working with her or if he is playing her. She said that her loyalty was to Kailyn. Kailyn said that he may want to work with her, but in any case she should try to win.
2:00 PM BBT Kailyn said that she thinks that Adam views Corey like the female version of him. Kailyn said that half the hgs need Ritalin. She said BB should just put out a bowl of it to bring some of the hgs down a bit. Kailyn said that Adam thinks that Sam is in danger and may lose his game over it. Kailyn said she asked Anthony why he wanted to get rid of Sam before Adam. She said that it was a good plan to stack the jury with the girls. She said that maybe getting rid of Sam would take the wind out of Adam. Corey said that she didn’t trust Chelsea. She said that Chelsea just opened the door to talk to her today. Kailyn said that it was because Chelsea realised that Corey could win. Kailyn said that they needed to keep all their bases covered. Kailyn said that this early on, they didn’t want to go against the house but she could see them going far together. Corey said that they are strong in different areas. Corey said that she wished she had a good relationship with Anthony or Maki because she really liked them. Corey asked if there was any talk about her in the house. Kailyn said that Chelsea and Sam were talking about how Corey could win and Chelsea said that they had to get rid of her. Corey asked her how she felt about Damien. Kailyn said that she loved him. Corey said that she liked him. Kailyn said that she trusted him 100 percent.
2:15 PM BBT Kailyn said she feels like they have a similar vibe. She said that she likes that Damien doesn’t peacock around the house. Kailyn said that the house was going to go hard this week. She said that it may be a good week for her to step up. Then next week Corey should step it up. Corey said that she was curious to see what Chelsea was going to do tonight. Kailyn said probably her makeup. Corey talks about Mark and how he is smart. Kailyn said he was smart enough to go where the power was. Kailyn said that she wanted BB to bring something out. Corey said that she could probably do something with Sam and Adam but if one of the other girls wins, then she is fucked. Kailyn said that Anthony told Maki he had his back but really he had his back until it doesn’t serve his purpose anymore. Kailyn said that Sam and Adam can’t be put on the block together. She said that Adam needed to be backdoored. Eddie came in and Corey asked him that if she didn’t win, who would be best person to win and keep them safe. Corey said that she hasn’t talked with Chelsea and the twins. Eddie said that he judged the hgs by the ones that didn’t talk to him first week. He said that he felt they may target him because they didn’t talk to him.
2:30 PM BBT Corey said that when Adam won HOH, he said he wanted the hgs to come to him and give him 2 names so he would know where their head was at. Kailyn said that Eddies name was thrown out there because it was easy. Corey said that he was the first guest to welcome her into the house and Kailyn was the last. In the lounge, Damien and Adam talk about Kyra trying to get the votes to remain in the house. Adam said that if Kyra stays, then Kyra may be loyal to Kiki and Este and maybe Sam. Adam said that if Maki wins, he may be able to go after them but the chances of Kyra winning HOH are slim. Adam said that in this situation she could probably get 6 votes and it would be 6 to 5. He said he wasn’t getting involved in it though. He asked Damien if he was going to vote with the house. He said that he would. Chelsea came in while they were talking about masturbation and quickly left. Adam said the she was so hot. Damien said that she flaunts it. In the kitchen, Este and Anthony talk about the next HOH. She said that if they win, she knows the outcome. If the other side wins, its unsure. She said that if the talk involves Anthony she would tell him.
2:45 PM BBT In the red room, Damien and Kailyn talk together. Kailyn said that Dane told her that she seemed to be good with everyone so she should be good for another week. Kailyn said that He may feel that Anthony is solid but she feels like Corey and Damien are the only solid people in the house. Kailyn said that Chelsea told her that it would be better for her game to align with the boys. Kailyn said that it would be better for the boys game. Kailyn goes to the kitchen to make some food then goes to the storeroom with Mark. She changes the batteries in his mic. In the red room, Maki and Este talk. Maki said that he could come up with good reasons to stay in the house. Este said that he should be in the house for a little while longer. Maki said that he hasn’t heard Kyra campaign yet. He said that Kyra could tell people he was a strong competitor and it makes more sense to get rid of him. Este told Maki that Adam saw him as a threat. Maki thought it was funny. Maki said that Adam was strong and fast. Este said that he was smart and that he didn’t let people get close to him. Maki said that the only way to play it was slowly. He said he didn’t want to feel like he was safe. Maki said that the girls were sucky. He said that they were slick. Este said that it was part of the game.

3:00 PM BBT Dane and Kailyn have a smoke outside. Dane said that if Maki stayed then they would be safe. He said that Sam complained that if Kyra went home, then she would lose an ally. Dane said that it wasn’t good to just look out for herself. He said it was bb Canada but they catch on quickly and can change the numbers. Dane said that they knew who had speed and endurance. He said he controlled who went on the block not who gets evicted. Dane said that Corey was smart and athletic. He said that if they could get her vote….. Kailyn said that if she makes it past next week, she could go far. Dane said that he told the hgs that he had a plan for a replacement nominee even though he didn’t have a plan. He said he put it out there to see the hgs scurry. Dane said that he was worried about Corey and Maki putting him up. Kailyn said that Maki seemed to be a man of his work and that Kyra would say what they needed to say in order to remain.
3:15 PM BBT Dane said that he could take a shot at Kiki and Este which would be fine even though he has a decent relationship with them. Kialyn said that she would probably try to go bigger. She said that in the veto comp. She just tried to do better than the girls. Dane said that he couldn’t believe how quick it goes from HOH to Noms to POV. Kailyn suggested that he put some time in with Corey. He said he tried but felt that she was resistant. Eddie and Kailyn talk together. Eddie told her that if Kyra found out that Eddie was acting, Kyra would throw him under the bus. He said that he didn’t trust her. Kailyn said that Kyra was going around the house saying that the numbers were there to keep Kyra in the house. Eddie said that Kyra did not have the numbers.
3:30 PM BBT Out in the yard, Kyra talks to camera. Kyra said that it was time to blow up the house. Kyra said that it wasn’t going to be a unanimous. Back in the pool room, Eddie asked about Maki. Kailyn said that if they could count on Anthony, they had six votes. Dane and Kyra talk. Kyra told him to stop being a puppet. Kyra asked him if it was his idea to put Kyra up or was it Kailyn’s idea. Dane stopped Kyra and said that Kyra said Kyra’s target is Kailyn so it was understandable for Kailyn to name Kyra. Dane told Kyra that her name was mentioned more often than the others so that’s why Kyra is on the block. Kyra told him that it was too late to get on maki’s side. Kyra told him to not let anyone play his game for him. Kyra said that the house was afraid of Maki and that Kyra probably has more than 6 votes. Dane said that he needed to trust Kyra’s word about being safe if he votes for Maki to go home.
3:45 PM BBT Out in the yard, Maki and Kailyn have a smoke and talk together. Kailyn asked him if Dane talked game with him. Maki said not since putting him on the block and explaining why. Maki said that he wasn’t sure if Adam and Sam had real chemistry or if it was just because they were both from Nfld. Maki said that he hasn’t been doing much campaigning lately. Kailyn told him that he may need to step it up a little. Maki asked if he was not approachable. Kailyn said that it was easier for them. Kailyn said to talk to Chelsea and let her know that she isn’t a target and maybe it would put her at ease. Maki said that he had Anthony, Damien, Kailyn the twins and Corey if she votes. Kailyn said that she was leaving him with his thoughts and goes back inside.
4:00 PM BBT Sam and Kyra are talking about the comp. Sam tells Kyra “you crushed it!” Maki is talking to Kiki and Kiera, thinking that specific numbers have to do with something with the game. In HoH, Dane and Maki are talking game in HoH. Dane says that he feels bad because he has to send someone home. Maki asks who’s staying. They discuss votes. Maki wonders if Cory will be able to vote. Dane says that she might, considering that she’ll been in the house for 7 days. Maki says that he’d rather earn stuff rather that just getting it. Maki says that he only approached him because he heard that he was on his (Dane’s) mind. Dane says that he’s only been on his mind in a good way. They both leave.

4:15 PM BBT After Sam, Kyra, Eddie, and Damien chat for a while in the kitchen, BB tells them “please stop speaking in code.” They all laugh. Sam asks Eddie what his dream date would be and asks if he currently has a boyfriend. Eddie says no and reveals that he’s a virgin. Sam is surprised and hugs him. Sam tells Eddie that she’s so proud of him. Sam describes her dream date and says “less is more,” saying that she has low expectations. In the HN room, Kiki Dane and Este are trying to figure out the number code. In the storage room, Kyra tells HGs that they got their clothes. Feeds cut at 4:28pm.
4:30 PM BBT Feeds down, then return for a few seconds at 4:36pm. They return at 4:37pm. Someone asks if they want any coffee, then they go down a minute later, then come back. Kiki goes over days and comps. As Maki walks by, Kiki thanks him for making the fort. He says that he made it as a safe space. In the archive room. Dane is looking through a binder. Eddie enters. He says that he once found a comic book in there once. Dane leaves while Eddie goes through papers. Maki enters. He tells Eddie that that is the evidence room and everything he says and does is recorded. They both leave. Eddie tells Maki that he has his back. After some game talk, they chit-chat. Maki asks Eddie when he decided to be gay. Eddie says that he was born that way. Maki then asks when he decided to come out. Eddie says 19. Maki asks how it’s that way. Eddie says that it’s in our genes. Maki says that it’s a mindset. Eddie asks who his first love was? Maki says that his mom is. In the hot tub area, Kyra recalls a conversation to Adam. Kyra says “we have a solid 6.” Adam corrects Kyra and says “7.” Kyra agrees. Kyra tells Adam that if they hear that his name is heard, they’ll tell him. Kyra tells Adam that they’re grateful that he won the veto.
5:00 PM BBT In the fileroom, Chelsea, Sam, and Kyra chat game in the archive room. Chelsea says that Maki stops talking when she enters a room. Chelsea says that she doesn’t trust Kailyn and needs to go. Chelsea goes over what votes they might have, but is wondering about Mark. Kyra says that they’ll talk to Mark. Sam says that she’ll talk to Anthony. Chelsea says that they have to make sure it’s not a tie because Damien will make the wrong call.
5:15 PM BBT Anthony, Adam, and Cory are talking about HNs in the kitchen. Back in the archive room, Chelsea Kyra & Sam are still talking game.
5:30 PM BBT Sam says Maki sees Kailyn as a mentor. Sam says that she’ll self-evict if Adam goes home because she feels like he deserves to be here. Kyra leaves and Adam enters. Chelsea tells Adam to get that idea out of his head to get floaters out. Dane enters. Sam goes over the votes She says those 3, Damien, Eddie, and Mark will solidify the 6 votes needed. Dane says that they only need 6, so it’s unnecessary to try for more votes. Chelsea and Sam leave.
5:45 PM BBT Dane and Adam talk game for a while, then Adam leaves. Dane goes back to looking at the binder. Feeds go down for a moment, then return to Cory and Adam chatting in living room. Cory says that they have 4 days until the next eviction! Cory asks Adam about game. Adam says that it changes all the time. Adam says that everyone’s deciding what to do to get closer.
6:00 PM BBT Cory says that she looks at people at how she can use them to her advantage, but says that she feels selfish about that, then realizes that it’s a game. Cory asks Adam if he’s had that conversation with other people about using them. Adam says to move to the HN room to talk. He says yes. Adam says that there’s a lot of tension in the house. Adam gives a scenario if Kyra stays. He says that he doesn’t know how people will vote. Adam says that there’s pros and cons to both nominees. Corey says that she doesn’t know how Kailyn will vote. Adam says that she’ll vote with the house. Corey says that she doesn’t know if she has a vote, but will find out on Eviction Day. Corey says that she doesn’t know how she’ll do in competitions yet. Adam says that the girls don’t like Kailyn. Corey says that she has a proposition for him. She says that she knows that he and Sam have a final 2. Cory proposes that if he hears her name, to divert it. Adam asks what she heard, and Cory says that she knew that as soon as she entered the house. Adam says he’s good with certain people, but don’t see him and Sam as a unit. Adam says that there’s been no final 2 deals. Adam says that when it gets down to 8 people, then they’ll align with people.
6:15 PM BBT Adam says that he’s not throwing anything, and is here to win. Adam says that to Corey he’s not going to consider putting her up if he wins HoH. Corey says that she’ll do the same, not put him up if she wins HoH. Adam says that because people wonder, and asks Corey i8f she has a power. Corey says that she’s going to be 100% honest with him and says that she has no power, except for a week of safety. Corey jokingly says that she should act like she does and threaten people. Adam says that there’s no need to stress since HoH is days away. They both go to the kitchen. Adam says that he’s going to get some slop. Corey says that she feels so bad for him. Sam and Kyra are talking game upstairs.
6:30 PM BBT Adam and Mark are talking in the SR. Adam suggests taking out Maki because Maki said to Adam, after he asked, that he’d take him out. Mark says that he’s going to do what the Pretty Boys decide to do. They try to work out what to do when voting. Mark suggests their motto should be “we’re too pretty for this.” Sam enters, so Mark stops talking and leaves. Adam tells Sam that Mark said that he doesn’t want Maki to come after them. Sam says to Adam that she’ll self-evict if he goes. After they chat for a while, Adam leaves. Alone in the room, Sam says “Adam deserves to win. I know that we’re only 9 days in. Maybe I’m being crazy.” Then she enters the kitchen.
6:45 PM BBT HGs are eating and chatting.
7:00 PM BBT Kyra and Dane head to the hot tub area to talk game. Kailyn walks towards the HT area, but Kyra asks for time alone. Kailyn says yeah, then makes a face. Dane tells Kyra that they’re not his biggest threat. Krya says that they’ve heard otherwise. Kyra continues to talk game with Dane.
7:15 PM BBT In the kitchen, Mark imitates talking on the phone with a banana. He then says that he talked to Boogie before entering the house. The feed cut. In the backyard, HGs are playing pool. Kyra and Corey chit-chat on the couch while watching the pool game. Mark is talking with Chelsea, Adam, and Sam in the kitchen. Mark says that seeing the food is torture.
7:30 PM BBT Chelsea talks about when she and her boyfriend were on a break. After a while in the backyard, Sam hosts a fake radio/TV show, where Adam is jokingly enthusiastic about slop. They take a break from the show. Sam talks about her past relationships.
7:45 PM BBT Kyra and Chelsea chit-chat in the kitchen. Kyra compliments Chelsea on her looks. Chelsea thanks her. Kyra says that she’s serious. They say that sometimes people are genuine. They talk about self-confidence. After a while, Chelsea and Eddie go into the file room. Chelsea wonders if BB changed things in the file room. Chelsea goes over potential votes. Eddie says that he doesn’t want to be on a sinking ship. Chelsea agrees. Eddie says that they need to “make damn sure we have the votes or else it looks bad on us
8:00 PM BBT-9:00 PM BBT Feeds Down Feeds return at 9:04 PM BBT to Momma and Corey in the red bedroom discussing the upcoming week and their plans moving forward. Momma says that she doesn’t see Adam using the POV at all unless he wants to make a big move and pull Kyra down, then whispers that she’s not even speaking that into existence and again says out loud that that would be a very big move, but she doesn’t think he has that in him, Corey agrees. Mama says since he probably won’t use the POV this week is settled and then going into next week he (Adam) will gun hard for HOH but all of them can play and it’s anybody’s game.
9:15 PM BBT Mama and Corey continue their game talk about the upcoming week. Momma says if Corey, Maki, Anthony, Damien or Eddie win then she’ll be good she starts to think out loud about who she would not want to see win and says if Adam wins “I might be fucked” same with Sam and she says she, “doesn’t think Chelsea would have the balls to put her up.” Corey says she would put her (Corey) up instead. Momma says she might put the two of them together. Corey brings up Mark and asks, “What about him? He’s still here.” Momma says, “Do you see how he’s just gonna slide through?” Corey says that’s why she has to keep reminding herself of him and says if she were to go up he would be one of the first people she would think of and worry about because she hasn’t talked game with him at all yet. Momma asks Corey who she would be scared to see win HOH that she thinks would put her up. Corey says honestly right now more people then not, because she’s “easy” she says honestly she thinks the younger girls would and Mark would and right now she feels like Adam and Sam definitely would and that right now they’re just trying to make nice with her. Corey says she had a good chat with Adam, but she’s not sure she says she told him that she likes that he’s a competitor and how he plays the game and confides to Momma that she said that to see if they could work together. Corey continues by asking if Momma feels that Adam is coming for her and Momma says if Adam and Sam don’t approach her then definitely.
9:30 PM BBT Kyra, Chelsea, and Adam are at the kitchen table talking game. Kyra casually pleads their case to Adam about taking them off the block with the POV. Adam says he’ll talk to Damien about the vote and then says he already did and he said he plans on voting however they, (Chelsea, Adam, etc.) vote. Kyra says they want to talk to everyone alone later on tonight or tomorrow. They say every night until eviction they plan on going to everyone and talking for a little bit… a quick check in such as how are you feeling and then the night before they’re going to go to each houseguest individually and as where their vote is at that point. Kyra wonders about Eddie’s vote and Adam says he just talked to Eddie and he said he’s voting however Dane wants to vote. Chelsea says that’s what he told her also. Kyra says, “So it’s all up to Dane at this point. Why is everyone following the HOH?” Chelsea says it’s because no one wants to rock anything and everyone wants to be safe.

9:45 PM BBT Kyra goes to the HOH room and is now campaigning with Dane and Damien. Dane is smoking a joint and explains to Kyra how someone told him his nominations were the fair way to go. Kyra says that them being in the house and every episode they get is awareness to the gender neutral community and that they don’t want their first week to be their downfall in the game because they think they’ve shown that they’re not that person anymore and it doesn’t make sense to get them out because of that. Kyra says that Maki is a threat and they’re not. Dane says he knows that. Kyra says there’s still three more days and they’re walking on a tightrope Dane says at least they’re making deals.
10:00 PM BBT Chelsea, Eddie, Este, and Keira are all in the kitchen and appear to be making some type of appetizer dip. Dane joins everyone in the kitchen and pours himself a smoothie. Este is talking about a game of “Fuck, kill, Marry” they all played earlier and tells Dane that she chose him for “Marry” Dane laughs and Este jokes that they have a good time together and she wants to spend the rest of her life with him Dane laughs even harder. Feeds cut to Momma, Eddie, Damien, and Maki out on the patio. Keira comes in and hands Maki a bucket of grapes. Maki says, “look at my wifey bringing me grapes.” Damien also takes some. Feeds cut to Chelsea, Anthony and Dane in the storage room and continue talking about the game from earlier. Chelsea asks Dane who he said he would marry and he asks her the same thing. Chelsea says she would marry Anthony in a heartbeat.
10:15 PM BBT Sam and Adam are in the hot tub together and Corey is on the couch facing them discussing future game moves. Adam brings up a female houseguest (unclear who) who feels everyone is against them which he says makes him feel against her. Adam also says that he’s heard from so many people, “get Adam out” Corey may or may not be allowed to vote this week because Sam is heard telling her, “I wish you could vote.” Corey says that she asked about that and was told, “Big Brother will get back to you.” Sam is trying to pump Corey up for the HOH competition and tells her, “Your mind will break before your body does.” Corey asks if she think sit will be a mental competition and Sam says no but her mind will want to give up when her body is physically able to keep going and to block those thoughts out of her mind. Adam says Sam makes a great life coach and Sam says she wants to be one but she doesn’t have the qualifications.
10:30 PM BBT Corey asks Sam if she knows what the best feeling in the world is, Sam says winning HOH and corey says she has no way to reference that yet so she doesn’t know. Feeds cut to the patio where Momma is talking to Keira, Eddie, and Este about relationships and tells about a time where she was in a relationship which she didn’t know was an open relationship and eventually told the man he couldn’t keep going back and forth in terms of where he lived and he said, “Then Canada is is.” and ended up coming out to Canada to be with her.” Screams can be heard downstairs and Momma says, “Someone is getting excited it sounds like Anthony just won something.” Este asks Momma if she’s going to find love and Momma says absolutely and that she sees her in a dessert holding a child’s hand but she doesn’t see a man so she says that adoption is an option for her, but she thinks she’s going to have the whole fairytale. Este says she’s so excited. Feeds cut to the downstairs living room where Kyra and Chelsea are talking game. Chelsea says she knows she can’t win the game alone but she almost wants to try to do so. Kyra says she’s not alone and that she has Sam and Adam. Chelsea says she knows and she also feels like she’s close with Anthony, but she thinks he’s closer to Kailyn.
10:45 PM BBT Kyra asks Chelsea if Anthony told her he’s voting them out, Chelsea says no, they’ve just been bonding as friends and her and Eddie have been bonding as friends, but Chelsea thinks, “He’s too weird to talk game with.” Kyra says that Eddie told Adam he was going to do whatever Dane wants. Chelsea says she wants people to stop seeing friendships and start seeing moves and says that she thinks Dane knows the game well enough to have on his HOH getting out a player like Maki is really good for him.
11:00 PM BBT Kyra is now in the red bedroom talking to Damien. Kyra is very upset and starts crying. Damien tries to cheer them up and asks if they want to go down to the hot tub and Kyra asks why would they want to go hang out with a bunch of people who are going to evict them away from their dreams in a few days. They are sobbing saying Maki didn’t even care about the show and they’ve wanted to be there for so long and have held it together and tried showing people that they’re not emotional and they know Kailyn is pushing for them to go home and they don’t know why. They say they know that Damien doesn’t want to go against the grain and they understand that, but he is on a side that’s loyal to people. Kyra says they can’t trust the other side because they turn on people. Damien tells them to come and hang out and try to forget about everything. Keira comes in to grab something and notices Kyra crying, she asks them, “Are you good?” Kyra says yes and Keira asks if they want to talk. Kyra says they’ll talk tomorrow so Keira says ok and leaves the room. In the Blue bedroom Eddie and Chelsea are talking game. Eddie talks about how he loves Laura as a person, but he feels like she played a messy game and that’s why he voted her out. Chelsea says she knows social game is a big part of winning, but there are some people in the house that she thinks are very shady and she would never want to work with them, she says she’s not going to force anything. Eddie agrees and says if something doesn’t work it doesn’t work.
11:15 PM BBT the houseguests are all sitting in the hot tub joking around and chatting casually about the POV competition from earlier. Everyone prays for a pizza party this week, Sam says she wants cheese pizza, Dane says he wants a pretty hawaiian pizza with all the franks and ranch sauce on it. Keira talks about a song that has been stuck in her head all day. Dane is talking about a concert and says he forgot how good the band he saw was saying he likes all their songs but didn’t realize just how much and says seeing them live was very cool. Dane asks Este her favorite band and she says band, she likes guns and roses and singer Rihanna she says she also likes the backstreet boys and she saw Bon Jovi this summer and really likes him. Dane says he saw Ryan Adams this summer and Este says she likes him and she saw Guns and Roses this summer, Dane says, “That’s sick.” Este says it was in Ottawa they did their last tour. Dane says it’s sad because, “all these good bands are playing their farewell tour.” he says he’d be upset if he missed out on seeing red hot and that twice he’s had tickets to see them but couldn’t go because of hockey. Este says she really wants to see Aerosmith before they stop touring.
11:30 PM BBT The houseguests continue to enjoy casual conversation out in the hot tub, topics include music, and creative ways to eat slop. Kyra comes out and hands something to Maki before joining the other houseguests. Maki says he’s hungry and Sam asks him if he’s really going to try and eat anything before they go to bed. Maki and Keira go back inside. Keira comes back out and hand Kyra their cigarettes. Kailyn, Eddie, and Este go back inside. Maki has changed into a bathing suit and hops in the pool with the other houseguests and everyone. Feeds cut to Eddie and Kailyn in the storage room. Eddie is eating muffins Kailyn leaves to grab a bowl. Kailyn returns seconds later and exclaims, “How the tides have turned, Maki is staying there’s nothing she can do.” Eddie asks Kailyn how she’s sure of that, Kailyn says because Damien is in the room and if he says he’s going to do something, he’s going to do it. Eddie again asks if she’s sure and she says her spirit is telling her that she can trust both Damien and Anthony because they are not going to go against “Kiki and the other one.” Eddie and Kailyn have moved from the storage room to the kitchen and Kailyn whispers to Eddie, “Listen, as long as Corey thinks we’re on her side, and she wins HOH we’re good.” Eddie agrees.
11:45 PM BBT Keira and Este are playing pool and talking about being curious about what the viewers think about them. Kailyn and Eddie are discussing power in numbers. Kailyn is pointing out each of the duos in the house and how nobody really thinks anything of any of them being together all the time. She tells Eddie not to be skittish if the other houseguests see the two of them talking all the time and tells him to really go for HOH next week. Eddie says he’s, “Going for the gold” in HOH next week and tells Kailyn to go for it too she says she’s going to fight for it with everything she has. Mark, Damien, and Maki are all in the hot tub and Mark and Damien are explaining to Maki that Kyra thinks he’s more of a threat which he says is valid in a physical sense.

Tonight's Show

March 10, 2019

Tonight, can Cory complete her mission or will she be right back out of the house? Who's up for a little FORE play at the next HoH competition? The intelligence is still being verified on Big Brother Canada!

We pick up from where Arisa tells them about Cory moving in and that it was Canada who voted them in. It's Day 6, and the HGs are speculating Cory was in a room watching them the entire time. Cory enters and she gets a lukewarm reception from the HG. We see some of the introductions and hugs as Cory is welcomed to the group.

Cory tells us she's in the house and it's insane and these people have no idea she has a secret mission. Dane takes Cory up to look at the bedrooms. Chelsea says they just got rid of someone and they get someone new, it's like last week didn't even matter.

Cory wastes no time and she says she has to focus on the mission because she only has 24 hours. She can't go too hard too fast. She has to gain trust first.

Cory and Adam are talking in the bathroom and he's filling her in on the eviction and that it was unanimous. Adam tells her they all think she has immunity and she has been watching them and Cory says no she's been locked away.

Dane and Anthony are talking about Cory. Dane says he's freaking out about the new HG. He doesn't know what she's seen or heard so he has to win HoH so he can keep himself and his alliance safe this week.

Time for the HoH competition! It's golf-themed and Dane says he's a huge golfer and he loves his chances with this competition. Adam tells the HGs Cory can't play in any competitions this week. The competition is simple: They have to balance a ball on a golf club. If it falls, they are out. But if they are balancing their ball and they hear the word "Fore!" they get ONE shot to sink a ball. When they hear the word, the first person to hit their button can take the shot. If they hit it they win HoH, but if they don't get it they are out.

The competition is on and Estefania says she doesn't want to appear like she's a competition beast. Estefania immediately is out right after the start. Damien is out right after. Sam and Chelsea both drop and they are out. "Fore!" and Mark immediately hits his button. Kailyn drops her ball. Mark takes his shot and he doesn't want to win and he misses and is out.

"Fore!" Anthony hits his button and Kyra drops her ball and is out. Anthony decides to take the shot so maybe he can win and keep the "Pretty Boys" safe. He takes his shot and we go to commercial!

We're back and Anthony is taking his shot for HoH. Anthony takes the shot and it goes right by the hole. Anthony says he was so close to being HoH this week. Dane, Eddie, and Maki are the last three standing.

Dane really needs to win so he can see a picture of his father who passed away last year. Dane says he wants to see his dad and they are good. Maki says this is a friendly competition, let's do this.

An hour has gone by and Dane, Eddie, and Maki are still balancing. Maki is shaking his hand because his wrist hurts. "Fore!" Maki hits his button and he steps up to take his shot. He just has to bring his meditative mind and knock it in the hole. He misses and he is out.

Dane is trying to make a deal with Eddie and he tells Eddie he is safe because he wants to see his dad. They agree to play it out but they both agree each other is safe. Dane says Eddie isn't backing down so they are duking it out man to man.

One hour and twenty minutes have now passed and Eddie says he feels like sneezing. Dane says if you do that your ball will fall. Dane almost loses his ball but he recovers.

Eddie and Dane are still in it and Adam says they look pretty solid. The ball is moving on both of their clubs but Eddie needs to adjust his glasses. He makes the move and he drops his ball and Dane has won HoH! Eddie immediately runs over and gives Dane a hug. Dane says he knows there's a guy up there that's really proud of him.

Adam says Dane has one more bit of business. He has to pick the first three Have-Nots of the season. Dane picks Mark, Adam, and Samantha. Dane picked Mark and Adam to hide their alliance and Sam volunteered so she could hang out with Adam.

The HGs head inside and Kyra is talking to Chelsea and Kyra is saying they messed up and they need to keep their mouth shut. Chelsea says she is close with Kyra, but Kyra has had huge emotional breakdowns. Chelsea says the house sees Kyra as a loose cannon and that seems like a weakness and she needs to distance herself from that.

Cory goes into the blue bedroom and begins talking to Eddie. She wants to know Eddie's story and he says he came to Canada by himself and he's very shy. Cory is surprised and Eddie says Cory is very easy to talk to and he really loves her. Cory loves his aura too. Cory reminds of us her mission and she needs to build a bond with Eddie. Cory pitches working together with Eddie and he agrees.

Cory says she goes with her gut and her gut tells her she can trust Eddie. Eddie says yes, let's do it. Cory says me and you to the end and Eddie agrees and they shake hands and Eddie heads out of the room. Cory says, "One down!"

The HGs are in the livingroom playing would you rather? and Dane comes and asks who wants to see his HoH room!

Dane immediately starts crying when he sees the pictures and he picks them up and hugs them. Dane tells them if they want to sit down and he'll explain. He tells them that's his dad and that he passed away last May and his dad was his best friend, his hero, his role model. His dad committed suicide. They comfort him. He gets a video from Brittney, his sister, and she says everyone is so overjoyed for them and Skylar thinks it's awesome her uncle is on TV and famous.

As a reward for winning HoH, our friends from Skechers will be giving the HoH shoes to wear for the week. Dane goes through his basket and he sees the Wendy's menu and he can't wait to have a frosty. Everyone gives hugs!

We see all the HGs sleeping and Damien tells us he hasn't been able to keep his mind off that secret room, and it's even harder when you know there's a secret veto. He gets up and goes into the room and there are files and boxes in the room.

Samantha, Dane, and Kailyn are up and Damien tells them there's stuff in there. Samantha and Dane head in and they are trying to figure things out. Dane tells them not to touch anything as Damien comes in. Samantha says Big Brother, what is this room? Damien says you can never sleep in Big Brother.

Mark, Adam, and Samantha are informed the Have-Not room is now open and everyone runs for the room and it is a torture chamber inspired room.

Chelsea says the Have-Not room is literally from her nightmares. She doesn't like it, it's scary. The lights are flickering and Samantha says the room is mortifying. It looks like they are sleeping in electric chairs and she's not looking forward to sleeping in there. Chelsea says nope, nope, nopity, nope.

Kyra is in The Archives and Cory goes in and she says she's trying to find someone who is on the bottom and that way if they go that deal won't come back and bite her. Cory and Kyra start talking and Kyra says being emotional puts you as a target and Cory says she's open to the idea of working together.

Kyra says she's not open to that because they don't know if they're going to be there next week. Kyra says let's get past this week and if I'm still here, then we'll talk about working together. Cory agrees and leaves the room and says, "damn it!"

The HGs are milling around and Dane says during the HoH competition he promised to share Wendy's with Eddie. They are looking over the menu and Dane places the order and heads down to get it. Dane goes to the Wendy's window and Ika is the delivery person. Dane can't believe it and says she's gorgeous and he's so thrilled to meet her. Dane says good job, Demetri! 

Dane and Eddie begin to eat and they talk about nominations and Eddie says he supports whatever his decision is. Dane says Eddie did amazing during the HoH competition, he has a lot of respect for him and he kind of feels like they are building something.

Cory is working on her next final two and she has her sights set on Kailyn. She's waiting for a firm answer. We see clips of Cory talking to Kailyn and pledging loyalty and Cory says she was close, but she has to try again. Kailyn is showering and Cory is talking to her and they are discussing a deal. Cory says she'd like it to be them at the end and Kailyn laughs and agrees and says OK deal. Cory says Kailyn was tough, but she got her. We see Cory in the blue room and says, "There's two! One more!"

Maki goes to the HoH room with Dane. Dane wants to see how Maki would feel going on the block as a pawn. Maki wants to meditate for a minute. Maki says he's got an idea and he'd like Dane to tell people it's his idea. Maki says if he puts both Kyra and Kiera up, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Maki says that gives it a playful way to go with it. Dane needs Maki to compete in the PoV and Maki says you want to put me up? Dane says he knows it's scary, but does he think people would vote him out? Maki says he doesn't like the idea and Dane says he controls a lot of votes.

Samantha is talking about her and Adam and how they are feeling each other, but they don't want people to know. Adam and Samantha are talking about how hot it is and Samantha thinks it's better for their game if they resist the emotions. Samantha tries to go for a kiss but Adam pulls away and leaves the room and Samantha is gathering her clothes and she smiles into her clothes.

Adam and Samantha are in the storage room and Adam says there are no targets on them. Dane has seen them go into the storage room and he listens by the door and Samantha tells Adam she'll get him to the end because he's hers after anyway. Dane says this isn't good for the "Pretty Boy" alliance. Samantha heads and Dane says he feels very threatened by Sam and he might have to take a shot at her sooner than later.

Cory and Damien are talking about working out. Cory wants to talk to Damien about a deal because he was on the block last week and maybe he's looking for allies. Cory says she'll work out with him. Cory says she feels like she could be an asset. Cory tells us she feels if she doesn't get Damien she's a goner.

Cory pitches a deal and Damien says it might be too early and Cory says she'll give him time to think about it. Cory says if she doesn't get Damien on board, this might be it.

Dane is in the HoH washroom and he's practicing his nomination speeches. Anthony comes in and Dane tells Anthony they need to keep an eye on Adam and Samantha and that's not good for them. Anthony says Adam does extra like Samantha says she doesn't like mowing her lawn and Adam says if she'll cook for him, then he'll mow her lawn. Dane says they might need to get rid of Sam to make sure Adam is on their side.

Cory, Kyra, and Damien are in The Archives. Cory says they are in the 11th hour and she needs this deal. Kyra heads out and Cory asks Damien if they want to do it. Damien says they'd have to keep a distance and keep it low key and Cory says she can be discreet. She shakes hands with Damien and her thanks him as he's leaving.

Cory says she worked her butt off to get the mission done and she's here to play. The HGs definitely need to watch out for Cory.

Dane leaves the HoH with the briefcase to lock in his nominations. He says the decisions he's making could have a major impact on his game. Dane says he's got two options and go the safe route and put up who the house wants out or put up a big target that will make waves.

Dane is worried that Sam may have too much influence over Adam and she's a distraction. Dane doesn't want Maki to go home but he could be a tough competitor. Dane has considered Chelsea because she's close to Adam also. Dane is considering nominating Kyra because they are an emotional player and emotional players can turn into wild cards.

Dane heads out to make his nominations. He nominates Kyra and Maki. Dane says he's chosen Kyra because he believes they came a very emotional player and they can be wild cards and that's not good for anyone. Dane nominated Maki because he tried to make a deal in the HoH and he rejected it. Dane says it's nothing personal, only game.

Kyra feels incredibly disappointed in themselves and they need to keep it together so people Maki is more of a threat. Maki says he's worth it and this is his chance to prove it. Who will win the Power of Veto? Will Maki or Kyra fight their way off the block? Find out Wednesday @ 7:00PM ET/PT

Summary Saturday,March 8th

March 10, 2019

​Summary Saturday,March 8th

9:00-10:00 AM: Anthony headed to the HoH room to speak to Adam and Dane. Anthony let Adam know that Kailyn is gunning for him. Anthony said he loves her but he is with the Pretty Boys at the end of the day. Adam told the guys that Kailyn brought up last night that it may be best to get Maki out. Adam thinks that Kailyn approached he and Sam about it in order to see what information they would give up. Dane said Kailyn was hinting that Adam or Sam should go on the block instead of Maki. Dane told Adam that Sam will need to go relatively soon. Adam explained that Kailyn is going after them but Sam isn’t. Anthony said their alliance is stronger and smarter than everyone else.


10:00-11:00 AM: Adam asked Anthony and Dane if they are sticking with targeting Kyra. Anthony and Dane confirmed that they are. Adam said he will check in with Maki to reassure him that everyone is on board with keeping him, making it look like he is fighting for him. Adam worried about Kailyn coming after him. Dane talked about the need to target Cory before Kailyn. In the bathroom, Adam asked Kiera and Stef if they still feel good with the eight. The girls confirmed that they do. Adam warned the girls to watch what they say around Kailyn. He mentioned her asking if it would be best to evict Maki, seemingly testing him. Adam said they need to evict Kyra. Adam then checked in with Maki. He looked to reassure Maki that he is safe this week. Kailyn was present for the conversation. After Adam left the room, Kailyn and Maki discussed that Adam only came here because he is getting nervous. Later, in the storage room, Adam let Maki know that Kailyn came to him last night to bring up the idea of targeting Maki. Adam questioned why she would say that when she is tight with Maki. Adam thinks Kailyn did it in order to test him, but he is smarter than that.


11:00-12:00 PM: Eddie and Kailyn discussed that Cory is someone who they would like to keep around. That being said, Kailyn thinks that they will have to nominate her if they win HoH next week. Eddie wasn’t so sure that it would be a good move to risk losing Cory on their HoH. Kyra spoke to Kiera about there being someone in the house who is pulling a lot of strings. Kyra was referring to Kailyn. Kyra suggested that they became a target due to this person after they realized that their manipulation was not working. Kyra said that more details will come out after the veto competition if the nominations are still the same.


12:00-1:00 PM: Kyra talked to Chelsea about Kailyn. Kyra thinks that Kailyn planted seeds about them to get Dane to put them up. They agreed that Kailyn is a very smart player, and she sees people as a threat as soon as they don’t buy into her manipulation. Once Kyra was alone, they talked to the cameras about a plan to take Kailyn down. Feeds went down at 12:41 for the veto player pick.


1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds returned at 1:14 after players were picked for the veto competition. Kyra, Maki, Adam, Anthony and Chelsea will be competing. Dane, the HoH, cannot compete. Dane and Kiera discussed that they cannot believe he isn’t able to compete. Dane observed Cory coming out of the diary room, and then putting on a black shirt before putting a red shirt over it. Dane suggested that she is some kind of agent or spy. Dane said they have to get her out next week. He proceeded to tell numerous other houseguests about what he saw as well. In the living room, Maki asked Anthony if he would be willing to use the veto on him. Anthony explained that it would create chaos since the house agreed to do what the HoH wants. Anthony said that Maki will be safe either way but they can have a talk about it if it gets to that point.


2:00-3:00 PM: Adam, Chelsea and Sam talked about Kailyn. Sam doesn’t think that Dane is on the same page as them when it comes to her. Adam assured Sam that the boys have voiced similar concerns about Kailyn. Chelsea wishes that they could get her out this week. She doesn’t think that Dane would be willing to make the move. Chelsea told Sam she doesn’t think that she can win the veto, seeing as it would put her in a bad position. Chelsea and Sam went to Dane to ask about what would happen in the event that Kyra wins the veto. Dane said they will deal with that when it happens. He did not want to give any names, and he encouraged the girls to focus on the three week plan of getting Laura, Kyra and Cory out. Elsewhere, Kailyn and Kyra looked to clear the air. Kailyn said she isn’t sure if Kyra was trying to use her words against her. Kyra said all that was brought up was her saying that Sam will get in a showmance and then they will pick each other over Kyra. When Kailyn claimed that Kyra was twisting her words, Kyra claimed that Kailyn is the one twisting words. Kyra suggested that Kailyn has been planting seeds. Kyra guessed that Kailyn is the one who planted seeds about them.


3:00-4:00 PM: Kyra let Chelsea know about the conversation with Kailyn. Kyra plans to expose things that Kailyn said if someone else wins the veto. In particular, Kyra mentioned telling Dane that Kailyn called Stef the Paras of the season. Chelsea said it’s best for her, Adam and Sam if Kyra stays in the house, but people are afraid to make a move. Kyra revealed a plan to go after Kailyn and Mark in the event that they stay in the house and win HoH. Chelsea and Sam spoke in the bedroom. The girls began to get paranoid that they may be going on the block if Dane has to choose a replacement nominee. They worried that Kailyn would be able to persuade people to send them home. Chelsea talked about Kyra being a wildcard but someone who is with them at the same time.


4:00-5:00 PM: Adam asked what he should do if he wins the veto. Dane said to keep it the same, cause people are going to want him to nominate Sam. Adam asked what Dane wants. Dane said Sam is going to have to go at some point. Adam asked if Dane thinks that Sam could take away from his game. While Dane said he knows that Adam is 100% loyal to the boys, he worries that Sam could trigger something in him. Adam expressed his concern that Kailyn would come after him or Mark if Sam is gone. Dane said they can keep nominations the same then. Dane pointed out that Sam will need to go soon since she is very paranoid. Afterwards, Adam spoke to Chelsea to say he is concerned that Sam is in her head and getting her paranoid. Chelsea said she is thinking about it logically, and her connection to Kyra would mean it makes sense for Dane to put her up if Kyra wins the veto. Adam assured Chelsea that there is no way she is going on the block. The two discussed that they want Kailyn out of the house. Chelsea said she would like to use the veto on Kyra in order to make a big move, but the house is not ready for it. Adam said he doesn’t think that Chelsea would like who would go up if that were to happen. He mentioned that Dane would not nominate one of the boys.


5:00-6:00 PM: Cory asked Adam and Sam who the target is this week. Adam and Sam said it’s Kyra as of now. Cory said she at least got that part right. Adam let Cory know that there were talks last night about potentially sending Maki home, though it was coming from someone who is close to Maki. Cory acknowledged that she is a target. She said she doesn’t take it personally but she isn’t sure why people wouldn’t want to use her as a tool. Adam said he has been thinking about talking game with her all day. Cory said no one has done it yet. Sam said she really doesn’t believe that. Adam said he was scared to talk to Cory in case she had already been talking to people. Adam told Cory that he wants a couple of people out and it’s not her. Cory said that makes her feel better.


6:00-7:00 PM: Kiera told Damien her theory that Cory gets called to the diary room more often than all of them because she is a secret agent and she gets information on everything they say and do in the archive room. Kiera finds it odd that she doesn’t talk game with anyone.


7:00-8:00 PM: In the HoH room, Stef told Kiera that Kyra plans to blow up Kailyn’s game if she doesn’t win the veto. She added that Adam and Sam want to target Kailyn next week too, so they will get her out for her. Kiera wondered if Dane and Mark are pushing so hard for one of them to win HoH to target Cory only to turn around and nominate her or Stef the following week. Kiera thinks Adam sees her as the biggest threat. Stef said it could be cause she is not all over him like Chelsea and Sam are. The girls commented on how Adam and Sam are always staring at the two of them. Stef told Kiera that she doesn’t trust Mark but she can’t tell Dane that since Dane does trust him. Damien joined them. He too talked about Adam and Sam staring. After Stef left the room, Damien said the best case scenario would be getting Sam out this week and Kyra out next week. Kiera said it would be better to get Sam out and keep Kyra even longer.


8:00-9:00 PM: Kailyn once again told Eddie that it’s smart to put Cory up to give her a shot to play in the veto competition and save herself. Eddie worried that Cory would expose them if they put her up. Kailyn said she is a decent person and would not do that. Cory joined them. Cory mentioned that she had a good conversation with Adam and Sam. Cory said she thinks you can get so much out of Adam if you make him feel uncomfortable, and she thinks he is kind of scared of her. Kailyn agreed. Kailyn told Cory she believes that Adam would take Mark out if he can. Kailyn thinks that Adam will want Mark to himself. Cory said she could bring up to Adam that Mark and Sam are lovebirds if she sees them together. Kailyn liked the idea. Feeds went down at 8:32 for the veto competition.


11:00-12:00 AM: Feeds returned at 11:16 following the veto competition. Adam won the Power of Veto. Dane and Sam had a lengthy chat in the have-not room. Sam’s paranoia earlier in the day was discussed. While she believed that no one was looking her in the eye and that she may have been the replacement nominee, Dane insisted that she would not have gone up. Dane claimed that Damien would have went up since he is liked by everyone. Afterwards, Dane let Damien know that he had to tell Sam he would have nominated him in order to calm her down. Dane said he really would have nominated Sam. Anthony informed Adam that Maki was saying they need to win next week because Adam is going to kill them in everything. Anthony said Maki will need to go next week. Adam wondered if they should target him this week since he has a better shot at winning HoH than Kyra does. Anthony suggested that they should stick to the plan rather than create chaos. Anthony did agree that they could talk it over with their alliance to decide on the best plan.


12:00-1:00 AM: Kyra thanked Adam for trying so hard to win the veto. Maki finished in a close second, and Kyra thinks the target would have been 100% on them had Maki won the veto. Adam said they would have backdoored someone. When Kyra asked who it would have been, Adam mentioned that Sam had a weird feeling. In the HoH room, Stef told Dane she would like to make the competitions fair. She doesn’t think that it will be fair as long as Adam is around. Dane said the only way to get him out will be during the double eviction. Stef said they don’t even need to wait that long if they don’t have to. She pointed out that a few people wouldn’t mind nominating Adam and Sam if they win HoH. In the worst case scenario that Adam wins HoH next week, they agreed that they could try to get him to target Cory.

Live Feed Updates Saturday, March 9th

March 09, 2019

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, March 9th

8:00 AM BBT Kiera is the only one up in the house. She’s commenting on how beautiful the house is. She segues into how beautiful and diverse Canada is. She then starts geeking out about actually being in the Big Brother house. She says in her real life she never has a backup plan, but in the house, she’s constantly figuring out what the next move will be. She says that she doesn’t understand when people say they’ll be content to get to jury; she doesn’t want to be content, she wants to be proud. Corey comes out of the BR and heads downstairs to get coffee.
8:05 AM BBT Wakeup call. Most HGs up and out of the BR quickly. Kiera called to do a battery exchange. Dane, Corey, Adam and Sam in the pantry fixing their breakfasts. Corey says the temperature didn’t go down at all in the BR last night. Most of the early risers are commenting on how amazed they are that they slept until the wakeup call.
8:15 AM BBT Dane and Sam talking in the pantry. Dane confirms that the target is still Kyra. Sam says yes, but they need to focus on winning the PoV. Sam and Adam are talking in the kitchen and mention that Chelsea said she wants to talk to Sam and they don’t know why. Sam goes off to find Mark in the HN room. They talk about breaking rules in the house and how they need to follow the rules because it’s all in the binder. Mark apologizes to her for yesterday and they hug it out. Sam says she’s going to go make them a smoothie, but first she sings his praises and says how much she appreciates meeting him. They talk about social media and smartphones and how disconnecting his a good thing.
8:30 AM BBT Mark and Sam are talking in the HN room. Mark says that because he’s not into social media he’ll handle fan questions by making an email they can send him questions to. Feed cuts to Damien, Kailyn, Maki and Este in the bedroom trying to figure out if Corey will get to vote this week. Dane comes busting in and tells Maki he doesn’t know what he heard, but Maki is safe. He says that he heard Maki’s name being talked about last night and they have the numbers. Maki says he’ll talk to him later and Dane leaves. They talk about what a good guy Dane is, and how he’ll be more forthcoming with the name of who was saying when it’s just the two of them talking. Kailyn says that if someone wins the PoV, they should definitely use it. She says big moves are made in the beginning to allow you to get to the end. Maki says that he’s down for having fun despite the craziness happening. Talk turns to what the PoV may be. They decide it’s time to get the day started. Kailyn tries to get Maki to talk about what he thinks, but he says thinking is dangerous. He says he’s going to keep doing him, and shining his light, and if people see it and respond to it, great. Maki says that he knows he’s safe because of conversations he’s had.
8:45 AM BBT Kailyn and Maki talking in the BR. Kailyn says that Dane is playing a very safe game and trying to keep peace with everyone and not get blood on his hands. Maki says they should take the day calmly as it comes. Kailyn says she did her talking yesterday, she’s not going to do it today. Corey comes in and apologizes for interrupting; Kailyn advises her to not give people an easy out. Kailyn convinces Corey to come and sit and talk; Maki leaves to shower. Corey says the house is going insane. Kailyn says that while Corey is safe this week, she wants to see her stay beyond that. Corey says that people are keeping her are arms length. Kailyn says no one is looking beyond this week. Kailyn pitches how getting Adam out would be the smart move as she believes that Adam is in Dane’s ear. She tells Corey how Mark pitched getting Maki out over Kyra as an agent for Adam and Sam. She says she loves Mark because he’s so smart and they have great conversations, but he’s got to go. She says that she went and spoke to Adam and Sam and told them that she gave Maki her word, and she would not go back on it.
9:00 AM BBT Kailyn and Corey talking in the BR. Kailyn tells Corey that Adam and Sam see her as a beast; she says that if they were smart they’d see how she could benefit their game. Kailyn says that she doesn’t want to win any comps for the first few weeks, to keep a low profile. She says that Corey should try and get in with those who are likely to win HoH. Corey says it depends on what the comp is as to who’s likely to win. Corey says she wholeheartedly trusts Kailyn; Kailyn says she trusts Corey too and that’s why they have to make sure she stays beyond next week. Kailyn says that Eddie is willing to work and try and plant seeds to keep her safe, if need be. Corey asks if the HoH comes down to Damien, Anthony and her left, if she should throw it to them; Kailyn says that is not a good idea. She says she should always win if she can; and the danger of Corey being backdoored next week is high. Corey says she needs to talk to people more and create bonds with them. Kailyn advises Corey to tell Maki that she hopes she can vote this week, because she wants to vote to keep Maki. Corey mentions that she can use her east coast connection with Sam and Adam to try and create an in.
9:15 AM BBT Mark joins Kailyn and Corey in the BR. Kailyn asks how his night was in the HN room. He says that it was surprisingly good. Mark asks Corey if she’s a FT or PT teacher; she says FT. He asks what she does in the summers and she says “Relax.” He asks what she thinks her students think about her being on the show. She figures they’re probably losing their minds. Downstairs, Kyra and Dane are talking in the pantry. Dane tells Kyra she’s doing amazing, and to lay low until after the PoV. Upstairs in the HoH, Kiera and Maki are talking about how Kyra can pull herself off the block by winning PoV. Maki says Sam is being disrespectful to Dane by pitching getting Maki out instead of Kyra. Kiera says they shouldn’t talk about it because no matter what, Maki’s safe. Down in the secret room, Dane and Anthony are talking about how Sam is trying to go behind Dane’s back and flip the script. They’re also concerned about Mark and his brilliance and influence.
9:30 AM BBT Upstairs in the HoH, Maki and Kiera are still talking. Maki says the benefits of being HoH are beautiful, but the responsibilities are out of this world. In the blue BR, Chelsea and Kailyn are talking while Kailyn puts on her makeup. Sam comes in and says she had a great night’s sleep in the HN room. Chelsea says BB was messing with them and the heat last night. Dane comes in briefly. Kailyn says that Kyra kept sighing last night. Sam says that she’s just trying to ignore them because they’re a ticking time-bomb ready to explode. Chelsea says as far as she’s concerned, that’s their target, and that’s the plan and she knows of no other. Sam keeps piping in with “I agree.” Chelsea says that they better not get another HG; Kailyn says they can’t. They talk about playing the PoV; Sam says that she would like to play just to have something to do today. Chelsea asks when the vote happens. Sam says they play today and vote tomorrow. Then they disagree, and say that live shows aren’t live? They’re suggesting that the eviction is going to happen tomorrow. Chelsea starts to voice suspicions about Corey; Sam jumps in and Corey enters the BR. Sam says that she was named after the witch on Bewitched. Corey says Golden Girls was well ahead of its time. BB calls them out for mentioning brand names.

10:15 AM BBT Kiera and Sam are in the Bathroom whispering and is hard to understand. They are wondering if some of the other HG have changed their minds on the votes as they get influenced by some of the HG.Este is saying that they are sitting pretty good in the house and not to make any wave and be friendly with everyone in the house. Adam is joining them at this time and them that he knows who he is going to want to keep in the house in order to make him stay the longest. Anthony is now in the bathroom and is about to take a shower. The cam changes and goes into the HOH bathroom where Mark and Dane are talking as now Adam is walking into their conversation and seeing which person will be best to keep. Adam is saying that Sam is very aware of everything that is going on around without saying much. And voting Kyra out seems to be the person who will be voted out. Adam is saying that he feels the girls are going to bond together in order to run the house
10:30 AM BBT Dane and Damien are left alone in the HOH bathroom and are whispering and they both agree to stay the course. In the Blue BR, both Chelsea and Kyra are talking and Kyra is telling her not to ever feel guilty about whatever will happen in the game as she walks out of the room and Anthony is coming in there to get ready for the day. Kiera is saying that she loves Blue Jazz. Now, the cam is the Evidence room with both Kiera and Este trying to see what they could find and one of them is trying to see of any of those shelves could pull out as a false bottom. As they are getting closer they both stop and continue to talk but then decide to continue. Anthony and Damien are the guys they both would like to get together. They are starting to pull shelves away to see what could be a release shift. They feel bd to make a mess of this room but they want to see what is really going on in this room.
10:45 AM BBT Cam is switching to another part of the house. It is in the SR with Maki and Adam and they both agree that things can change so easily in the house as people get influenced and it can become quality vs quantity. In the Red Bedroom, its Momma and Eddie talking about a girls illiance and who could help them in the long run as the game goes further. In the Sr, Dane with Adam a Maki are seeing which person to keep or not to keep and to continue to talk and speculate is a bit too much because it all depends on how the veto comes out and who wins it. In the HOH room. Its Damien with Mark and Maki chatting up as Maki wants to make sure he is alright and good to go for having enough votes to stay. Mark is saying that he likes the person he is vs to who he use to be when he was younger. Back in the bathroom, Adam with Chelsea and Sam are talking about what he hears from the other HG and that soon or later, alliances will be more define as the game continues and will see true colors of who people are.
11:00 AM BBT Kiera and Mark are in the SR are chatting a bit before someone comes in. THey are talking about how the HN room is so epic and it seems to be Kiera fav room and how he likes how her hair looks in a beanie. THey both leave the SR and go into the Kitchen. Downstairs, Damien and Anthony are talking about what will happen on who could win the veto and how will it be used. They are also trying to figure time wise, what is going to happen next. And that having to win the veto could be also a burden as a relief depending on the person. They are chilling in the main room of the house downstairs. Back in the bathroom, Adam is hoping to be the next hoh and to be first hoh to him is not a very good move. Chelsea ripped her pants and needs to see if production can repair it as she goes into the SR. Maki and Kiera are in the kitchen chatting up and learning about each other. She is explaining on how annoying she was a little gift and she is telling a story about stolen magnet from another child who did that in her elementary school.
11:15 AM BBT Momma and Eddie are in the Red Bedroom figuring out the votes and where they will go and from whom. They are talking about F2 and how many people they will have to get out of the house before getting to that point. They are discussing the different scenarios and who will be the best to put against that person in order to get the right HG out of the house with the less blood on their hands. At this time, Corey is in the kitchen taking to some of the hg. Dane came and help her adjust her mic. In the SR. Maki and Mark are talking about to see if hey are no hard feeling and Maki says that he is fine. Maki is asking Corey what kind of exercises she does to stay in shape. They are now saying quotes from different show and the other person has to figure out which one it is. Maki and Damien with Chelsea and Kyra are in the Living Room are agreeing that they are missing the sun by being stuck in the house.
11:30 AM BBT Now, KIera with Anthony and Chelsea are in the SR talking in English with an Australian accent as Kyra walks in and Kiera walks out with Anthony. Kyra is saying that the veto is the one that is the most important as it could be a game changer. In the HOH room, Kiera with Este and Maki are talking about their life as Kiera walks out and now Maki and Este are sharing the music from the HOH. At this time, Kiera and Kyra are talking up and see what will happen after the veto and how the votes will go and Kyra feels that the words that comes out from Kyra are sometimes twisted and not taken seriously and it is a bother. Kyra keeps saying that the position Kyra is is not a threat for the house and Hope that Kiera understand.

1:45 AM BBT Corey with Adams and Momma and Eddie are in the bathroom are talking about the story being each of their tattoos. Momma is doing Eddie’s hands and nails.
Both Kiera and Kyra are still talking and Kyra is trying to see if Kyra can secure the votes to stay. Kyra is telling Kiera that each time a conversation was taking place talking about her, then Kyra made sure KIera was aware of what was going on. Back in the bathroom, Adams has many tattoos and is explaining all of them and Corey likes that as it gives her an idea what it means to that person. They are talking also about the next HOH. Feeds go down
11:56 AM BBT Feeds go out.
12:03 PM BBT Feeds return to Adam in the Kitchen giving everyone a play by play making his Slop meal as if its a TV show. Momma is in the bathroom helping Eddie with his toes. Dane wants more coffee but the storage room is locked so he settles for water. Many of the other Hgs are hanging around near the living room anticipating the POV player pic. Chelsea makes a comment to Adam in the kitchen everyone has fitness goals in the house hers are to get Diabetes and Adam says yea he’s on that path too with syrup and sugar and slop, then he chokes on the swallow of coffee. She laughs then heads out and up the stairs. Samantha heads over and they begin talking about 1st date expectations. Eddie is wiping of the seat where his feet were getting his Pedi. Maki and Cory are showering as Momma is saying she wants to make one small braid to watch the hair grow while he is in the house. Eddie compliments the outfit Chelsea has chosen. Chelsea continues to freshen up her face. Down in the kitchen Sam and Adam continue to discuss dating and who would get along with who’s parents. Este comes in and they begin to find a place for Sam’s “Balls” .
12:15 PM BBT Then Adam throws out the “Sadam” and Sam picks up and likes it. They go over a few other ideas as they wait. Chelsea comes by and wanders around says she doesn’t know what to do with herself. Mark has made his way to the Secret room and chelsea comes in and they find it atrocious. They joke about i they could take the paper plane that was made out of the room but probably not. The give a little shout out to someone back at home and then discuss briefly if they want to play in POV. Kyra heads towards them and asks how bad of a tornado is it. They all enter and see how crazy it looks. Kyra tells Chelsea about her conversation with Kikki. They share how annoying a certain person is and how they feel that he is an attention hog and then back to the room. Kyra says she thinks BB would have told someone to “ Stop that” so it was probably BB who messed up the room, they think many people aren’t taking the room for what it is and they are letting it get the best of them. Chelsea wants to get a group together not an alliance but something they can trust where info won’t be spread between anyone else. Kailyn and Cory are Cory are in the WR talking and how a certain person is trying to get info and thinks there are some lies about her. Dane joins them and they discuss their sleep and how its the first time he slept till BB woke them up. Back in the Secret room, Chelsea is still giving her pep talk to Kyra, Kyra says Chelsea is their Die Hard and they want her to make it all the way to the end. Kyra explains that she knows and understands why Chelsea has to play a little distant. Both of them believe there is more time needed in this house for Kyra for her purpose. Chelsea says what’s annoying her is that others are wanting to make connections but are saying an Honesty card, They bring up Kailyn and how she wants to play and honest game and use her word as proof but it’s because she opened up to the wrong person and it backfired.
12:30 PM BBT As Chelsea exits, Eddie and Kiera come in and are shocked at how the room is a disaster. Kyra says they feel like BB messed it up and there is something new to find. Kyra keeps looking around as the others just stand around and then leave quickly. Kyra says please please please Big Brother, Canada, God give me another chance to play this game. They tell us they are going after Kailyn and not going home this week then exits the room. Adam and Chelsea are in the SR getting coffee and breakfast. Dane comes over and helps to make the coffee while Chelsea goes to look for the toaster. Dane thinks they blew the fuse to that plug as well. Upstairs Kailyn is still in her jammies, Corey is blow drying her hair and trying to get ready for the POV player pick coming up soon. Adam is washing dishes while Sam stands by watching, they discuss what her first impression was of him, Jock and rough around the edges but really he is so caring and helpful. Chelsea is trying to make toast and gets pulled into the convo about liking older men. Sam likes who Adam is as a person, he checks his Slop creation. Chelsea heads into the SR to make a sandwich. Maki is behind her making one as well and shares his tomato that he sliced up with her.
12:42 PM BBT-1:14 PM BBT Feeds go out
11:15 PM BBT Dane is in the SR with Damien and heads out to the Kitchen, where there are several Hg stuffing their faces. Adam offers to cook slop for someone when he is not a HN and says he will even eat it as dinner with them. Adam says 5 hours until we play, Chelsea asks if they will tell them to put on athletic wear. There are a few HG who don’t have running shoes. Dane tells Kyra Good Luck in the SR while he refreshes his coffee. Adam, Anthony, Chelsea are the players who were picked for POV along with Kyra, and Maki, new rule HOH can not play HOH. Dane Clarifies to Kailyn that he never used the word Target he uses specific words. He told them both they were Threats not Targets. The Kitchen is clearing out, Adam doing more dishes, Damien hanging out at the bar, Kiera and Chelsea in the SR just trying to breathe and saying it’s a hard place to be in. they move out to the table where Sam, Anthony, Este are talking about food from different places they have been. Up in the WR Maki, Eddie, Damien and Cory are wandering around looking for towels and getting ready for the day. The boys exit leaving Corey alone Eddie is pretending to host the pov and feeds cut. The kitchen table is talking about Fish and an experience Anthony went on through a wedding party. He wasn’t too into it but didn’t want to be the one who chickened out, but after a few drinks he was a little more okay about it. Then they pointed out a scary area near the boat/reef they were hanging out with. Este tells about her trip snorkeling in Cuba, Chelsea asks about Jellyfish stings. Chelsea says she can’t do spiders Sam agrees and they both share how scared they are and then Este tells a story about a spider and a coffee farm her dad had.
1:30 PM BBT Este continues telling the story of the tarantula that got loose in her house. Kyra has joined the table just nibbling a snack in the background. Maki & Adam have joined the table as well sharing about Dog spiders. They are going over how spiders shed their skin. Kiera asks but was the spider Defanged, there is nothing to worry about then. Kiera then tells about a snake story of a 12 ft snake episode she saw. Chelsea jokes about how everyone is talking about Snakes and Spiders and how BB will use this in a comp. Anthony drops the info that Sharks can hear your heartbeat underwater as they share other fears of deep ocean. Kiera cracks up about Couple Retreat and a scene from the movie. Leeches are brought up and how gross they are and how certain HG won’t get in the pond if they think there might be. Others are afraid of Clowns. The men have left the table minus eddie, Kyra is walking behind the tabel pacing and sits back down. Conversation has moved to other fears, movies, and shows they love.
1:45 PM BBT Kiera is called away from the table, so its este, Sam, and Kyra they briefly discuss the secret room and then decide to go study alone. Dane and Kiera are up in the blue room shes is trying to find out what to wear, Dane is heading out and then there is some conversation about a twist for POV. Dane is tripping on Corey and a situation he just witnessed. She was in DR came out went upstairs grabbed a black shirt shoved it under her shirt went into Wr and put the black shirt on under the red shirt. He wants her out next week no matter who is HOH. Feeds cut here but the other cams have returned and now we see Sam, Este, and Eddie in the Secret room going over more files. They discuss if the pic is a real dead person or make up used. They agree its make up. Sam leaves and then eddie follows her out a moment later after giving Este a hard time about studying the pictures. She compares the pictures she found and studies them, feeds go to Kitchen where Dane is and then cut for a moment and back then we get the others back. Anthony, Maki, and Kailyn are in the living room laying around the couches. It was brought up that both Mark and Adam have checked in with Maki to know if he was okay because he wasn’t himself. Maki asks Anthony if he will use the Veto on Maki, and Anthony says they could talk about it. Anthony feels like the house changes weekly and each week the roles change a little, he is vague about it but basically says Maki is safe if he stays on the block or not, but there might be a reason to get him of so that a new person has to be put up on the block. Kailyn says if it weren’t for others getting in to Danes ear and influencing him Maki would not but on the schedule. If POV is used Dane is forced to show his cards and put someone else up. They feel 100% Adam and Chelsea will not use it, Anthony or one of the noms are the only ones who would use it. Anthony says don’t show the Panic because it shows lack of trust.
2:00 PM BBT Anthony says he went to Chelsea yesterday and confirmed she would not use it and who she wanted to vote out. There was a grown man who made a promise on national television and it would make it look bad if he went back on it. Anthony has left the couch and then Maki breaking up the pow wow. Dane tells Kailyn about Corey and her stern face and fast paced walk towards the room they zoom in on Kyra and Sam sitting at the counter talking about when the comp will be then how Curly the hair gets when it grows out and back to the picks for POV. Sam asks who Kyra thinks would be the replacement , They are not sure but say either someone really well liked or a BD. Kyra feels if Maki wins then she is going home but needs to try their best so they can stay. Kyra tells Sam Kailyn scares her and then she wants to dive in to find something and she looks good wet. Sam heads up to go potty and then Kyra mentions she hears lots of water and speculates what type of comp. Up in blue room Adam and Chelsea are talking. He likes the group of 3 that they have, Sam joins them and how Kailyn is working hard Adam says the boys have voiced how they know Kailyn is and it’s not fooling anyone. They go over how they want her out now but need to wait till a little later because Dane wont put her up.
2:15 PM BBT Sam is worried that Kailyn is getting into people heads and Adam says no, Kyra pops in and says just so you know there is water running out there. Adam jumps around and then exits the room. Kyra and the ladies are going over how they don’t need to worry right now just go out try to win and then make a decision. Chelsea says she’s just annoyed at the house in general, they are all having issues looking and talking to Kailyn. Kyra says if they are headed out the door they are going to blow up her game. Kyra’s worry is that if they win POV the nom would be Chelsea or Sam. The ladies don’t think it would be them but don’t know who it would be. Kiera and Mark are hiding behind the couch in the living room talking. Mark says he knows she has something to tell him but she won’t spit it out. Mark explains how he is making decisions on who to work with and who he will work with. He says he has a hard time knowing who to trust and you can only do your best. He wants to know that if he is looking out for someone that the person is looking out for him too. He wants to know why she asked that question, he feels like she isn’t coming out with it. She says he is interesting and he doesn’t buy it, then runs through how there is not 100% anyone will win a comp but there are better odds. He uses Will from last season as an example when he dropped to get the call from his son. He tells her whatever is happening in that beautiful head of yours is good. Mark tells her about leaving religion and she is so fascinated to know more. He has a really good friend he would leave the game for because this friend has his back 100%. He says what about you, I just poured out my heart, as this conversation continues Dane and heads in for more coffee leaving Corey at the Kitchen Table. Dane says Sam and Chelsea are up in the HOH and want to talk. Anthony tells about how Kailyn is working too hard and trying to get him to use the POV and having Maki ask as well. Its upsetting him as Dane leaves and he grabs a beverage from the fridge the feeds cut.
2:30 PM BBT ALL Feeds cut for a few min. When they return 2:34 PM BBT Mark and Kiera are up in the red room continuing their conversation. Dane, Sam, and Chelsea are up in HOH. Dane is going over how there was a plan and why is everyone trying to swap it all around. He goes over about how Kyra came up to him and called him out for calling her a Threat and he clarifies it was never said. Dane wants Chelsea to play and as long as Kyra is out says she can drop. The ladies are concerned that if Kyra were to get off the block its not them going up. Dane tells them Adam or Anthony will be up. Everyone’s names have been tossed by a certain person and everyone else knows who that is. They want to take a chill pill and slowly begin to leave the room. Meanwhile Maki and Este are in the SR pumping up to play. Este points out that this is the 2nd time they see Adam play and was he good at the comp or was lucky. They go over how no matter what Kyra can’t win. Chelsea is in a bad situation and they don’t think she will use it. They begin to talk about produce and meditation. Kyra is up on the landing watching the HG and preparing in their mind for this comp.

2:45 PM BBT We can hear pages turning but see Kyra alone on the couches till Kailyn joins her. Audio to Kyra comes back and Kailyn is now sitting with her talking about the sleeping schedule. She says she has nothing against Kyra and just wants to help her and gave the advice of be impeccable with your words. Kyra explains their position of why they went to Sam and how they are not really trying to talk game till after Veto but they wants to be here. They feel it was necessary to be put on the block to help snap out of it. Kailyn confronts Kyra about twisting her words to make it sound like it was something else, Kyra then says no your twisting my words. They try to work it out and neither one believes the other one and Kailyn gets heated a little faster and Kyra tries explain how their words are constantly getting twisted and she thinks it Kailyn. Kyra tells her she is playing a good social game and closes her eyes leading to Kaily leaving and letter her have time and space to get into game mode. After she leaves Kyra looks beyond upset and mad, fighting back tears. Feeds go to the Secret room where Dane is pretending to read a newspaper and tell about the article. Adam, Este and Kailyn are in the SR room, Kailyn tells them about her conversation with Kyra they begin to discuss the comp coming up. Este leaves the SR and Kailyn asks if he is carbed up yet, he says yep and explains what he made with slop. She thinks about prepping stuff for dinner so it’s easier for after the comp she can just come in and cook. Kailyn finds Corn meal and is excited to make a breakfast cake, Adam asks about spaghetti when he is off Slop.
3:00 PM BBT Kyra and Chelsea are on the upstairs couches, Kyra is telling her about the conversation with Kailyn. They both feel that she is great at spinning words and planting seeds. It’s hard because she is playing everyone but Kyra just feels like Dane needs to know everything. Chelsea wants to make a move but no one wants to support it, Kyra tells her it is a move to take a friend off the block but it’s the game and you don’t have to. Chelsea says that if she wins and uses is then does the house have her back and who goes up, if I don’t use it then I lose a friend and go back on my word. She wants to win and play but it’s hard not knowing the future. Chelsea says its already 2 alfas going at each other with Kailyn. Kyra asks do others e its better to keep me than Maki and chelsea says yes but they are afraid to go against the HOH. Kyra states the targets are Kailyn and Mark if they win HOH. Chelsea heads to lay down leaving Kyra alone on the couch. Feeds go to Chelsea who is laying in the blue room, Sam joins her and they both now feel like it’s them going up if someone comes off. They want to run scenarios but it’s hard Adam keeps telling them they have the numbers. They feel Best case is Adam wins.
3:15 PM BBT Anthony win then Kailyn could get into his head to get Maki off the block, they feel it would be Chelsea on the block because it’s easy she is close to Kyra. They feel Kailyn is to manipulative and in people heads. They play hypothetical with each other for scenarios. The girls come to the conclusion of best case is Adam wins, next is Chelsea wins and doesn’t use it, then Maki wins and one of them goes up on the block. Corey walks in and they begin to talk about outfits how cold it was last time for the HOH, they feel like everything in the house is for a reason, and fashion becomes a topic and how to wear these mics. Corey asks if she is going to play and she says yes she has to. Down in the SR Kiera, Kailyn and Eddie are prepping dinner. Kailyn asks about Kiera’s ethnicity and how she feels having another Asian in the house. Kailyn makes a jab looking in to the mirror “ I see Kailyn looking into my soul, I don’t look into the soulless.” They all can’t wait for the competition. Kailyn continues to prep food for dinner and Eddies snacks and supervises.
3:30 PM BBT In the HOH Kiera, Mark, Anthony, and Este are talking about singers. BB calls them out for Brand names so Kiera and Mark leave the room. Sam and Chelsea are still running Scenarios in the blue room. Adam joins them and they say they want to talk for a moment. They tell him that if anyone comes down its Chelsea going up. He thinks they have a lack of trust in the 8 but they give him facts and so he says he will handle it and leaves. In the Kitchen Corey, Damien, and Kailyn are talking quietly. Kailyn tells Corey dont give up, she feels she is the target and needs to find a way around it. Damien says he is just existing today, he is tired today. Kailyn tells him briefly about her conversation with Kyra and then has him Preheat the oven for the potatoes. He heads into the SR and leave her alone in the Kitchen. Kyra has entered the Blue room and is telling Sam about the conversation in detail with Kailyn. Sam wants Kyra to tell Chelsea, and Kyra says I already did. Kyra says they need to take dominance back she isn’t a little puppy to be pushed around. Sam tells Kyra that she is proud of them and they deserve to be here. Kyra says They have info but Sam can’t say anything to Adam. Kyra tells Sam Kailyn says Este being the Paras of the season and how she is so close to Dane. Briefly they discuss if Kyra can get numbers to stay they can talk but Sam leaves and then feeds go to a screeching Sam by Eddie.
3:45 PM BBT Eddie is having fun playing with people’s fingers and a plant. Corey, and Maki are downstairs trying to do headstands. Mark, Adam and Sam are in the SR talking about 20% chance of Kyra winning veto, They are all nibbling on slop snacks, Adam leaves as the other two pick up bananas and pretend to be on the phone. They thought for a moment POV was soon but its Dane in DR not Eddie who is hosting. Damien and Corey are upstairs in the WR she is saying she’s trying to get in good with a few people to have some security to keep in the game but not making deals. She tells how many of the HG come in to talk to her and give like 2-3 sentences and then when she talks they leave. It’s not as bad anymore but still quite frequent. Most f the other Hg are gathered on the sofas upstairs talking about haircuts and color. Feeds jump to the SR where Mark is teaching Sam how to play Checkers with Cereal and noodles. Adam is trying to make more coffee, Kailyn has come in wanders around. Adam has to go to the HN room to use the plug it’s the only one that works anymore downstairs. Up in the WR Anthony has joined them and Corey has put her hair up. Dane is in HN with Adam and they are discussing possibly using the veto if Adam wins and Sam goes up and she would go out.
4:00 PM BBT Dane says that Mark has a lot of talk. Dane suggests to keep votes the same and get Kyra out. Dane says that Eddie will remain loyal to him. Dane says that Sam is very paranoid and needs to go. Dane says that he told her that if something happens, they’ll discuss what to do as a group. Dane tells Adam that no one knows about them. Dane suggests that if he wins, to keep noms the same. Dane says that Chelsea’s worried, and Dane says that he told her that she doesn’t need to. Adam says that Mark said something to a HG, and Dane says that they need to keep it in the group. Dane says that he told Mark to shut up. Adam says that Sam keeps talking to him, being paranoid. Dane says that it’s mentally exhausting. Dane says that the Pretty Boys need to make it to the final 4 and become a legacy, like Chilltown from BBUS season 2. Dane says that he said that this is a dream for him! Adam says that he’d choose being on Big Brother over a career. Adam says that he needs to talk to Chelsea. Dane says that he has a plan, but won’t tell people because that’ll cause paranoia. They both head out. Dane says “this is our fucking dream, man! Let’s not ruin it!” In the storage room, Mark is showing off a chess board that he made.
4:15 PM BBT Adam and Chelsea go into the HN to chat. Adam says that he feels that Sam is getting in her head. Chelsea says that she thinks that Damien will put her up. Adam says no. Chelsea asks if he has a bigger plan. Chelsea’s worried that she’ll go up. Adam tells her that she won’t. Adam says that Sam is paranoid all the time and needs to keep reassuring her. Adam tells Chelsea that she (Chelsea) is level-headed. Adam tells Chelsea that if she wins it, she doesn’t need to use it. She says that if someone gets a chance for safety, it makes sense to take advantage of that. Chelsea tells Adam that he trusts him. She fears that the noms will change if a few HGs win. Adam says no. In the HoH, Kiera asks Eddie if Cory can watch their DRs. Eddie says that it could be a possibility.
4:30 PM BBT Eddie says that it’s most likely that Cory can listen to their conversations, considering she came in late and may be a twist. Dane tells Kiera and Eddie that they’re safe. They chat game a little while, then leave Eddie alone in HoH. Back in HN, Adam and Chelsea are still chatting. Chelsea says that this game is “fucked” because of it being exhausting. Chelsea tells Adam that he trusts her. Chelsea says that she screwed up, when she accidently revealed to “the new girl” (Cory) that she doubts her age. Chelsea says that she wishes she’d know what kind of comp it’ll be, but thinks it’ll be mental. Adam is called to the DR and leaves.
4:45 PM BBT In HoH, Adam asks Sam if she’s paranoid. Sam says no. Cory enters. They chat for a while. She recalls what she knows about the first evicted HG, and says that she heard that “she’s spicy.”
5:00 PM BBT Cory asks Adam and Sam who the target is. They say Kyra. Adam says that some HGs may target Maki. Adam says that it’s already Day 8 and people are stirring things up. Cory says that she knows that she could be a target, but wonders why she couldn’t be used as a tool, and says that no one’s come up to talk to her. She says that she’s approached people, but people don’t approach her. She says that she understands why because they don’t want to associate themselves with a target. She says that because people haven’t approached her, she’ll approach them. Cory says that she’s her own person and has her own thoughts. Sam suggests to Cory talking to her after Veto. Sam tells Cory that it’s not smart for others to assume her (Cory) as a target. Adam says that it’s not smart to get her out because of her situation in the house. Kyra enters. Kyra asks when the comp will start! Adam complains about not getting a frying pan, and had to cook eggs in the microwave. Adam recalls a time when he got weirded out with the pillows, thinking that it had to do with the game. The discussion briefly goes to farting.
5:15 PM BBT HGs in the bathroom are playing a clapping game, so Adam Sam and Kyra get excited and rush outside, thinking it’s for the veto comp. HGs in the bathroom play Word Association for a while, where they each say a word that they associate with the previous word. When they all separate except for Sam and Adam. Adam tells her that if Chelsea wins the veto, she won’t use it.
5:30 PM BBT HGs are eating. Sam and Adam are anxiously waiting for the comp. Adam suggests that maybe BB is making them wait it out to test them. BB says “please stop talking about production.” They talk about Dan from BBUS season 10. Mark talks about a video he watched where Dan talks about what to bring inside the house. Mark & Adam leave. Sam says that she’s stressing out. Kyra & Mark do the dishes.

5:45 PM BBT Mark quizzes the HGs on the capitals of countries while they eat. After a while, the conversation moves to chit-chat. The houseguests are talking about different movies. Eddie leaves the table. Kailyn is telling Kiera about her business which is an at home spa.
6:00 PM BBT Chelsea and Eddie we’re making small talk. Dane, Chelsea, Eddie, Samantha, Adam and Maki are in the living room chatting. Dane seems to be shadow boxing. Eddie and Chelsea are joking about being twins. Chelsea and Adam compare hand sizes. Adam says Chelsea has piano hands. They start singing. Keira and Kailyn are talking at the table. Most of the houseguests are in the living room. They join in on the singing. Keira is in the bathroom by herself. Eddie comes back to the living room. Dane dances while the other houseguests make music.
6:15 BBT Maki ask the houseguests if they could ask God any question, what would they ask (if there is a god). Responses include when the veto comp is, what came first egg or chicken, where He came from. Dane introduces a game to the houseguests. The houseguests get in trouble for singing about profanity. Feeds are down. Feeds return after a short time. The houseguests seem to be in good spirits and chatting. They are trying to see who can do the best animal noise (cat, horse, etc) They are about to play word association again. After a few minutes, Eddie suggests another game to play.
6:30 BBT The houseguests are still playing games in the living room. Maki suggests for them to play “Heads up 7 Up”. Big Brother called Kiera S. to the diary room. Anthony is just watching from the side. Damien leaves the living room.
6:45 BBT The houseguests are still playing “Heads up 7 Up”. Many of the houseguests are just watching the game now. Chelsea goes to the bathroom. They are impatiently waiting for the Power of Veto to commence. The houseguests are just talking amongst themselves now. Dane is talking about getting “shredded.” Estefania is sitting beside Dane. Big Brother tells the houseguests to wake up, nap time is over. Keira tells Anthony a dinosaur joke. Maki, Eddie and Kailyn are in the secret room. There are files thrown all over the room. Maki makes a paper airplane. Kailyn reads out what one of the papers/ files says. Keira and Damien are talking in the bathroom. Damien says he isn’t going to do much until the veto. Damien also says he’s tired. He was worried about being the first one voted out.
7:00 BBT Keira and Damien continue to talk. Eddie and Mark are raking in the storage room. Estephania goes into the storage room and leaves quickly. Adam and Samantha are taking in the kitchen. Keira tells Damien she thinks next week is going to be a mental competition. She’s excited about it. Keira wants Anthony or Maki to win a competition. Damien tells Keira to go listen to the iPod in the HOH room. Kailyn and Eddie are back in the secret/filing room. Mark makes himself and Samantha a blended beverage. Maki is also in the secret room. Kailyn asks Maki if he trusts Dane. He thinks he can. Damien and Estephania are in the red and purple bedroom. They are studying. Estephania tells Damien to keep track of the duration of the competitions.
7:15 BBT Dane and Anthony are in the blue bedroom. Dane says his aunt is a super fan of the show. Samantha is lifting weights in the living room. Mark and Adam are talking about how after they are done in the house, they will be celebrities. Mark thinks it’s crazy that in the house things just happen and work. They don’t have to do much. The houseguests are still waiting for the power of veto competition. They think it is going to happen tonight. Stephanie performs a prayer in the living room. She says she used to go to church. Adam doesn’t want to get married in a church. They are talking about how big the wedding would be if Stephanie and Adam got married. Dane, Keira and Estephania are studying the days in the blue bedroom. Chelsea, Adam, Mark and Samantha are in the living room. Kyra is doing the dishes. Eddie is sitting at the table quietly and alone. Chelsea is pretending she’s on a catwalk.
7:30 BBT Mark and Chelsea are trying to imagine each other’s face upside down. Samantha and Adam are laying on the floor in the living room. Dane, Anthony, Estephania and Keira are chatting about their lives before Big Brother. They are now talking about movies that have made them cry and hot celebrities. Dane is called to the Diary Room. Mark and Chelsea are having staring contests. Mark is going to try to braid Chelsea’s hair. Chelsea warns him to be careful of her weave. Mark declares he’s good at braiding. Chelsea is enjoying it. Chelsea is surprised by his abilities. Kyra and Anthony are sitting on the couches in the living room. Estephania and Keira begin to talk game. Estephania trusts the boys except Mark and Adam. She says she still trusts them but not as much. Keira thinks that the boys are scared to make big moves. Keira and Adam are doing after each other. She said they see each other as big threats.
7:45 BBT Keira says her and Estephania are a package deal. Big Brother tells the houseguests to stop talking about production. Damien joins Keira and Estephania. Estephania thinks that at this point, it’s about who takes the first real shot. She thinks if Keira wins HOH she’ll have support to make a move. Estephania said Adam talked to her today. He talked about last night. He may already have someone in mind for nominations next week if he wins HOH. Estephania thinks the HOH should be able to play in the Veto, earning full control. Keira and Damien agree. Estephania said she’s going to make some tea in the have not room because all the plugs in the kitchen aren’t working. Kailyn is in the pantry with Maki. They are talking about character. Kailyn wipes off the counter in the pantry. She thinks people show who they are right off the bat. Maki said it took the two of them a few days to warm up and show who they really were. Maki says they have to protect themselves. Only one person can win.
8:00 BBT Kiki and Damien are talking in the HOH room about the upcoming POV competition. Kiki says she was upset when Adam got picked to play in the POV competition but says she wasn’t trying to make it obvious. Damien whispers something to her and Mark comes in. Damien asks Mark if he and Kiki scared him, Mark says no he’s just going to go to the bathroom. Dane and Este are also now in the HOH room. Este says she is going to go change. Mark is now out of the bathroom and goes to listen to Dane’s music on the HOH bed. Dane tells Kiki and Damien that he wants a breakfast sandwich and says there’s nothing better than wake and bake and then breakfast. Kiki says it’s not really a big thing for her. Kiki says the first thing she needs to do when she wakes up is brush her teeth, she says she doesn’t want to talk to anyone or drink anything she needs to brush her teeth and she’s weird about that. Dane says in a normal world and not in the BB house he does the triple S, “shit, shower, shave” and says he’s never had a one night stand. Damien asks if he’s a relationship guy right off the bat and Dane says yes but all of his relationships have been, “relationshits” Kiki changes the subject and asks Dane when his birthday is and he says April 16th so he could be in the house. Kiki asks if he’s an Aries and Dane says yes. Kiki says, “You’re a fire sign so am I.” Damien asks when her birthday is and she says July 30th. Dane asks what zodiac sign that is and Kiki says Leo. The three of them continue to discuss their birthdays and respective zodiac signs.
8:15 BBT Corey, Sam, and Maki, are at the kitchen table, Kyra is laying down on the couch facing them, and chelsea and Adam are in the kitchen. Sam has just asked Adam to grab her a cup of coffee which he does. Chelsea is making tea and asks Adam if he can put protein powder in his slop and he says know. Chelsea says she actually thinks the slop, “smells really good and tastes not bad.” Adam heads back into the main kitchen and tells Sam they got chocolate protein delivered and he wishes he could make a chocolate protein shake but he can’t because he is a have not. Adam says he wants to boil the slope in a pan and make some, “slop soup” he says he’s never raising his hand again to be a have not and that the slop doesn’t really even taste that bad, but he would rather be eating other things. Sam says she can’t tell if she’s just tired or if she’s grossed out from the slop but she doesn’t want slop soup right now. Kyra asks Adam if he added water to the slop soup and he says no, Kyra says he should and he says maybe he’ll add some hot sauce and that he forgot to make sushi. Kyra says they can’t believe it’s week 2 and they’re in this predicament (being nominated) Feeds cut to the living room where Sam and Mark are tangled up on the couch together, Adam enters the room and exclaims to them, “Sloppers, Would you like to try my slop soup?” Mark laughs and says he’ll “try a little sip” Sam says, “No it looks disgusting” Sam asks Adam if he’s tried it yet he says yes and gives Mark a sip. Mark sarcastically says, “mmmm” and then says it’s so gross. Sam says it smells so bad. Mark says it tastes like something you would give the birds, but not if you want them to live.
8:30 BBT Momma and Corey are in the Have Not room talking game. Corey tells Momma she is hoping to talk to Maki one on one and tell him that she likes him and wants to keep him and, “have him keep team Corey.” Feeds Down at
8:34 PM BBT-11:15 PM BBT POV Competition Live Feeds Down
11:15 PM BBT- Feeds are back on.ADAM won POV! Dane and Sam are in HN room are talking about the game. Sam is telling Dane who she wants to work with. Dane says he tries not to say to much. It looks like most of the houseguests are in the kitchen cooking and talking about the POV comp. Dane and Sam are talking about the 5 day final deal they made and for them to stick to it.

11:30 PM BBT- In the kitchen most of the HG’s are cooking or talking around the table. Este and Anthony say one of them need to win POV next week. Kyra is talking to Chelsea and Sam about the POV comp. Kailyn and Eddie are talking about how happy they didn’t have to play in the comp. Kailyn says she would have been falling all over the place. Eddie and Kailyn are talking about Chelsea they say she doesn’t care who’s team she is on as long as she knows she is safe. Kiera and Dane are talking in the HOH room and she whispers that Damien would be a good guy to work with. Dane and Damien are now in the SR talking about the votes. Dane says they are going to stay the same. Dane says that’s why he put Maki up because he knew the votes would stay the same and he would be safe. Adam is in kitchen with the other HG’s they are talking about the POV comp. Adam asks Eddie if he drinks.
11:45 PM BBT- Most of the HG’s are sitting around kitchen table talking. Adam and Anthony are in the bathroom are talking. Anthony is telling Adam that Maki told him that Adam needs to go. He says that Maki is close to Este and she is close to Kikki who will go back and tell Dane. Anthony says that they went with HOH the first 2 weeks and now they need to go with what the house says. Anthony left the bathroom now Chelsea is in there hugging Adam and saying she is so glad he won. She says he is a beast. Adam is telling Chelsea how he won. In the living room Corey, Anthony, and Kyra are talking about a game where everyone dies and then they have to guess who the assassin is. Dane and Adam are in the HOH room talking about each person and how they are playing the game.Dane told Adam anybody but Momma winning HOH next week because he is sure she is not scared to make a big game move.

The Big Brother Canada 7 game is just getting started but players are already giving it their all.

March 09, 2019

The Big Brother Canada 7 game is just getting started but players are already giving it their all. During last night’s Big Brother Canada Head of Household competition deals were made and alliances were questioned. It was a tough battle but Dane came out on top. The majority of the day has been spent with one on one conversations.

Kyra made thyself a target by apparently going to Sam and telling her that Dane was targeting Sam and Adam. Now Kyra is convinced that her game is hopeless. Dane plans to nominate Kyra and make Kyra his target for the week, but he discussed with Kailyn possible other options. Dane and Kailyn seem to be in a pretty close secret alliance, and he might even be more loyal to her than his original Pretty Boys alliance.

Sam has been getting close to both Mark and Adam. Adam seems to think that Mark really likes Sam, while he just sees her as a mate. He doesn’t want Mark and him to feel like they’re in competition with one another. Sam might become Dane’s backup target because he worries how she might influence and hurt his alliance. However, during his one on one talk with Sam, Dane promised her that she wouldn’t go up on the block. He also promised this to Eddie during the Head of Household competition. Dane wants to remain a man of his word, but we’re not completely convinced that Sam wouldn’t look like a good option if one of his two nominees come off the block.

Dane also decided to nominate Maki because he is well liked by everyone, so he’s not in real danger of going home. He also refused to make a deal with Dane during the Head of Household competition, which makes him an easy option for himreal.

BBCAN7 Nominations Week 2:
Dane nominated: Kyra & Maki
These seem like fairly safe nominations but there is still potential for some excitement. We find it hard to believe Dane will really make such a bold move of going after Sam this soon, but he might set his target elsewhere if the opportunity presents itself. Who do you want to see win the Power of Veto? How do you feel about Dane’s nominations. Will he make a big move and go after Sam this soon?

Summary Friday,March 8th

March 08, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Dane spoke to Adam about the plan for nominations. While Dane was set on nominating Kyra, he began to question his plan to nominate Maki as the pawn. Dane’s concern was that Maki may take it personally and then come after him. Adam said he would be willing to speak to Maki about it as well, since they can offer him reassurance that he will be safe just like Damien was. Dane then spoke to Kailyn about the plan. Kailyn mentioned that it could break trust with Maki, but it could also hide that they are working together. Dane made it clear that he doesn’t want to target Adam even though Kailyn wants him out. Kailyn clarified that all she was saying is that Adam needs to be backdoored and the move needs to happen sooner than later. Dane threw Sam’s name out there as the potential replacement nominee. Dane brought up a plan to give Maki that information. Should it then get back to Sam, he said Maki would become the target this week. Kailyn advised Dane to make sure that nobody else knows about the plan if he is going to test Maki like that.

10:00-11:00 AM: After a long chat about life, Dane let Kyra know that there are bigger threats to him. He suggested remaining composed no matter what happens. Kyra took that to mean that a trip to the block may be in order. Dane said there is a chance. He continually reiterated that Kyra is not his biggest threat.

11:00-12:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Dane spoke to Maki about the plan for nominations. Maki suggested nominating Kiera next to Kyra. He said it would create a playful aspect since it’s Kiera vs Kyra. Dane stressed that someone who everyone likes has to go on the block. While Dane said it would have been Eddie going up originally, he needs to keep his word to him. Dane eventually let Maki know that he is considering using him as a pawn. Dane asked Maki to trust him. Maki said he does but it’s not a good position to be on the block. Dane insisted that the plan will not get messed up unless Maki starts getting paranoid and throws him under the bus. Maki asked Dane to talk to Kailyn about the idea of nominating Kiera, as well as the idea of nominating him. Dane said he would. He pointed out that nobody will suspect their five person alliance if he puts him on the block. Dane told Maki that he has a replacement nominee in mind who will go on the block if either of the nominees win the veto. Dane reiterated that Maki is not going home. Maki said he will not say okay to going on the block but he feels that. Dane said he is on board with the three week plan of evicting Laura, Kyra and Cory.

12:00-1:00 PM: When Sam asked Dane who he wants to backdoor, Dane said no one. Dane expressed his desire to get Kyra out. Dane asked if Sam would vote with him, which she confirmed that she would. Dane listed off Mark, Sam, Adam, Damien, Eddie and Anthony as votes on his side this week. Sam asked Dane to promise that he wouldn’t put her up as the replacement nominee. Dane asked if he is going up if Sam wins HoH. Sam said 100% no. She told Dane to trust her. Cory and Kyra then came back. Cory wanted to know the plan. Kyra said it’s okay for Dane to tell her. Dane revealed that he plans to nominate Kyra. Kyra said it’s okay since he has a legitimate reason to put her up after she was falling apart last week. Once Dane was alone, he said he is pretty sure he guaranteed Sam safety on his dad, which is not something that he is willing to go back on. Elsewhere, Eddie asked Kailyn what she thinks of Cory. Kailyn said it would be smart for their games to have her stick around. Eddie said he really likes her but it’s bad for their game if they go against the house. Eddie thinks that Cory has a secret power.

1:00-2:00 PM: Kailyn talked to Dane about the plan for nominations. She worried that people are throwing Maki’s name out because they plan to evict him. Dane remained confident that he has the votes. Kailyn then suggested nominating Mark instead. Dane said he doesn’t have a reason to make that move. Kailyn told Dane that they will support him if his mind is made up.

2:00-3:00 PM: Cory spoke to Damien about how the two of them could be an unlikely duo. Damien said they could be, and they will have to see what happens. Cory mentioned that people do Final 2 deals. She said she would for sure do it if Damien is interested. Damien pointed out that he is the only one who has given her the time of day. Cory said to think about it and then come find her if he is interested.

3:00-4:00 PM: Cory once again spoke to Damien, asking him if he wants to make a Final 2. Damien suggested waiting to talk to others in order to see if they can work something out. Cory said she feels like she needs just one person. Damien said it would have to be something that no one sees. Cory said she can do that. Damien stressed that they would have to keep distance between them. They then shook on it. Once Damien left the room, Cory said she now just needs to get a handshake from Kailyn. A short while later, Cory spoke to Kailyn. Cory told Kailyn that if she can guide her and tell her how this works, they can do this. Kailyn thinks that Cory will be good if she can make it past next week. Kailyn said that Cory can trust her 100%. Cory told Kailyn that she is loyal to her. They shook on a deal.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:03 after being down for nearly 45 minutes. Nominations had still not taken place. Mark spoke to Stef about the plan for the vote should nominations stay the same. While Adam, Mark and Sam had some discussions about saving Kyra over Maki, Stef said she would do what Dane wants at this point. Mark later went upstairs to pitch to Dane that they should get Maki out. Dane said it’s only Day 7 and there is plenty of time left to make big moves. Dane worried that he would be in danger should he make that move. After Big Brother made an announcement that nominations are only an hour away, Kyra once again told Dane that she understands what he has to do and she does not want him to feel bad. Kyra insisted that there are no hard feelings. Dane then let Kyra know that his other nominee is going to be Maki.

7:00-8:00 PM: Dane and Anthony discussed that they are loyal to the Pretty Boys alliance but they are concerned about Adam being close with Chelsea and Sam. Both agreed that Sam needs to go. Dane said they need to be tight lipped around Adam since he is someone who speaks his mind to everyone. Anthony agreed. Meanwhile, Kiera spoke to Stef. She is concerned that Dane is being weird towards her. She also thinks that Mark is playing both sides, trying to be in the middle between the two of them and Adam and Sam. Kiera mentioned wanting to take a shot at Adam and Dane next week should she win HoH. Stef didn’t think it would be beneficial to put Dane up in case he is with them. Kiera believes that Dane is playing both sides. When Stef brought up not being able to trust hockey players, Kiera said she disagrees when it comes to Damien. Kiera thinks that she has talked more game with Damien than anyone has. Kiera threw Cory’s name out there as someone who she would like to get on their side. Both agreed that Adam needs to go before Sam, seeing as he has more connections to the guys. While Kiera likes Chelsea, she doesn’t think that Chelsea will be willing to join them until Adam is gone. The girls discussed nominating Adam and Sam if they win HoH next week.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds went down at 8:01 for the nomination ceremony.

10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned at 10:00 following the nomination ceremony. Dane nominated Kyra and Maki for eviction.

Big Brother BBCAN7 Live Feed Updates, Friday March, 8th

March 08, 2019

Big Brother BBCAN7 Live Feed Updates, Friday March, 8th

8:00 AM BBT Corey and Dane making small talk about workout routines and then how long they’ve been in the house. They decide to play pool. Dane is a fountain of knowledge as to what’s already happened in the game. Dane is getting frustrated that the pool table isn’t level, all the while trying to explain the intricacies of the game to Corey. Dane says that when he first tried to leave his room this morning, his door was locked; then the light came on so he checked the door again, and was able to leave. Dane says he doesn’t sleep much; Corey says she’s more productive in the mornings.
8:15 AM BBT Dane and Corey playing pool in the backyard. Adam and Samantha meeting in the secret room. Adam is saying how there’s a female they need to get out before it’s too late, but he doesn’t think it’s this week. Boxes of papers have been added to the room; Samantha is going through the papers carefully while Adam thinks she’s overthinking it and they can’t possibly know what they’re looking for/at and it can’t possible be for PoV or the next HoH because there’s just too much information. Samantha tells Adam to go do something else as she doesn’t want people to think they’re obsessed with each other. Samantha says people in the house are stupid and they’re ignoring huge warning signs.
8:30 AM BBT Samantha reading the information in the boxes in the secret room. Corey, Adam and Dane are in the backyard. Corey asks Adam what his workout routine is and if he can teach her things. Dane says he needs to workout, so he has to go into the bedroom and possibly wake others. Corey leaves to go look at the files with Samantha and Dane and Adam talking about how Corey is trying to downplay her strengths and abilities. Adam asks Dane to let him know if anyone suggests him and Sam as noms to him. Dane goes into the WR. Dane comes out and complains about how cold it is. He and Adam go down to the kitchen; Dane says he’s starving and they have no food. He goes into the pantry. Adam starts working out in the living room.
8:45 AM BBT Samantha and Corey in the secret room going through the info contained in the boxes. Corey leaves to use the WR; Sam stays behind reading a script. Sam reads silently until Corey returns. They talk about typewriters and how Corey learned typing on them in school. Sam doesn’t believe that Corey can be only 29. Sam complains about a laugh she keeps hearing. They discuss ghosts/spirits. They then discuss how life is better on the east coast, especially Newfoundland. Sam tells Corey she thinks the info will be used for the PoV so Corey doesn’t really need to study because she’s not going on the block. Sam says it’s weird how there will be papers, obituaries and a script all in the same box. Sam says that she’s going to leave the room so others don’t think she’s studying hard.
9:00 AM BBT Wakeup call happens. Adam and Dane talking in the storage room about Dane’s upcoming nominations. It sounds like they’re going to put Kiera and Maki up. They decide they won’t tell anyone about the new information in the secret room; they’ll let them find out on their own. Dane is asked to do a battery exchange. He goes into the red room and immediately tells them there’s a surprise downstairs. Feeds cut to the other room. Downstairs Sam and Adam are talking while he works out.

9:15 AM BBT HGs busy getting up/grooming/getting ready for the day. Eddie is helping Corey get into her mic properly. Downstairs, Adam is telling Sam about his ex. Feeds cut.
9:20 AM BBT Feeds return. Dane is talking to Anthony in the HoH room about what he’ll tell Maki when he puts him up. Anthony leaves, and Dane grabs his pictures and starts crying. He kisses his medallion and makes a sign towards the heavens. He laughs that the stuffed animal he got actually looks like his dog, Tucker. Kailyn comes out of the WR and talks to Dane about his dad’s passing. Dane thanks her and segues into explaining his selections for noms to her. He is nominating Kyra (not Keira) and Maki.
9:30 AM BBT Dane tells Kailyn to lay off on Adam because he needs Adam in the game as he’s a much bigger target than Dane. Dane tells her that Sam will be the replacement nom should someone come off the block. Dane has taken one too many hits to the head and repeats himself incessantly. Kailyn tells Dane he’s obviously been thinking and he’s done good. Dane says he’s going to go for a smoke. Feeds cut briefly for an announcement; when they return Corey and Chelsea are trying to figure out what it meant. Random chit chat while Chelsea is putting on her makeup.
9:45 AM BBT Kyra, Estefania and Anthony are reading information in the secret room. Kyra leaves and Anthony tells her about his conversation with Dane this morning. Anthony tells Este that he was sincere when he said he likes her, and wants to work with her. He says she’s a beautiful person inside and out. He leaves, leaving Este alone in the secret room. In the living room, Adam and Sam are working out. Corey is outside setting up weights and then doing squats. Upstairs in the HoH room, Dane is telling Mark about his plan to nominate Kyra and Maki.
10:00 AM BBT Outside the HOH Room Dane is talking to Maki on his way out for a smoke.
Maki tells him when you are ready come get me. Maki is going to check out the secret room. Dane tells him there is lots of s**t in it. Kailyn offers Dane a smoke. Kyra is out them out with them. Dane says Noms are today. He wants to talk to them together. They think the secret room has to do with Veto or HOH . They think it is going to be a nice day for the hot tub. Meanwhile Adam and Samantha are working out in the living room Mark is making some slop to eat. Back out in the hot tub area Kyra and Dane are talking. Dane is telling them that he doesn’t know where his head is. They are telling him people are avoiding them. Dane is telling them about when his Dad left.Back in the house Anthony and Corey are working out but Anthony keeps losing his mic. Corey tells him You need a bra. They are still trying to find a place for his mic, as they continue to exercise we go back outside where Dane is still talking to Kyra about his personal life. They tell him that life gets better and there is also really bad lows. Dae tells them the game is picking up quickly here. Dane says he is going to do a quick run then shower then talk to everyone. Kyra asks him to come get her when he really wants to talk to him. Kyra is worried as no one is talking to them. Dane says You are not my biggest threat in this house. He tells them that this is not the real world.
10:15 AM BBT Dane tells them that there is a chance they maybe going up but they are not the biggest threat. He tells them they need to stay composed. In the living room Adam and Samantha are still working out. Adam is telling Kyra that Mark farted in Samantha’s face. Dane is now talking to Eddie and Damien about his plan. He is making the rounds to every housemate saying the same thing. He says the same thing to Chelsea. In the SR Kyra and Samantha are talking. Samantha tells them that people will plant things. Samantha tells them that she knows what it feels like to be a target. Samantha says this game is hard for us because our heart is on our sleeve. Anthony joins them in the SR. Samantha says I want something to eat but can’t. Adam comes in and tells them he is making a slop smoothie. Samantha asks him to make enough for her. Adam and Samantha are giving each other kisses.
10:30 AM BBT Meanwhile Maki and Corey are in the secret room reading some of the clues. Maki has a copy of the New York Times that comes in the Hamilton Spectator on Saturdays. The one in the secret Room is from Feb. 2 Corey has left Maki alone. Corey joins Anthony and Kyra in the kitchen. Kyra tells her that she heard that Corey’s workouts are great and asks to workout with her tomorrow. Samantha and Adam have made their slop smoothies. Corey Kyra Kiera and Anthony try the slop smoothie and says it isn’t that bad. Anthony says he sleeps with Adam but doesn’t feel him at all. Kiera thinks she will ask Big Brother for mats for yoga and working out. She is asking for a mop and garbage bags for the washroom as well. Corey and Adam are in the Sr talking about someone who is a really good cook. She then asks him if he watched Game of Thrones. Big Brother calls them out. Adam says the first few days that he was in the house was hard. Adam says he is glad to be without his cell phone. Corey says she misses her cell phone but is getting use to the break.In the bedroom Chelsea is still applying her makeup. Dane and Anthony are in the HOH Room talking about noms. Dane says he feels he need Samantha out or he will be the target next week. Adam has joined them in the HOH Room Anthony has left Adam is waiting for Dane to return with shampoo. Adam is designing a Newfie workout. Dane stops in the washroom and tells Kyra she is not his biggest threat.
10:45 AM BBT The camera switches to Chelsea and Estefania, Chelsea is still applying her makeup. They are talking about when they get to jury they are still playing the game. Back in the HOH Washroom Adam is saying I want you to be comfortable. Adam says if we tell Maki that we can keep him safe. Adam and Dane say that if they can convince him that they can keep him safe. Adam thinks Kyra is a threat as she has come close to winning the first comp. They don’t think Corey can compete. Dane says he is scared to do the speeches. Adam says go over them in your head and keep them short. Adam asks if him and Mama had talked outside. Adam says it is only Week 2 and the Pretty Boys are good. Kiera has entered the HOH she says Kyra came in and asked if they could talk. She tells them that they asked her if they could sleep with them. Kiera says They asked her if they wanted to cuddle just as she was just about to sleep. She tells them she told them no. She says she was taken back by it. Adam says people are getting annoyed by them.
11:00 AM BBT Adam says who ever is up next to them we need to make sure they are safe. Dane gets called out about his mic. Kiera says she doesn’t want to come across as a dick but they made her feel weird. Meanwhile in the SR Corey and Eddie are talking about the secret room. Kiera joins them and they all decide to go check out the secret room. Kyra is in the kitchen area Corey is staying there in the kitchen with them. Eddie and Kiera went to the room to check it out Corey says she wants to chat with Dane even though she knows she is safe this week. Kyra tells her that she is a good person to come in late as she is very friendly and easy to get along with. Kyra says they have watched the shows but they still feel they have a lot to learn about it. They tell her last week everyone thought that it was a good chilled group. Their conversation goes to their personal lives and dealing with Mental Health Issues. Kyra says they were really glad that Dane opened up so much last night. In the HOH Room Dane is talking to Maki about Maki refusing to drop and give him the HOH. He says that he earned the HOH. Maki tells him that he wants him to do what he wants. Maki tells him that to put both Kiera and Kyra up. Maki tells him there is already a Kiera vs Kyra vibe in the house. He says We already know who we are going to vote for. He says Kyra is already stressed out. Maki says He is down to keeping Kikki.

11:15 AM BBT Maki asks him if he has someone to put up against Kyra. Dane tells him no he wants to talk to Mama. Dane says You only watched 1 season I watched 2,3,4,5 and 6 then rewatched 4,5, and 6. Dane says He thinks that he will tell Kyra that they are going up but that they are not the biggest target. Dane says He can’t put Eddie up because he needs to keep his word to him. Dane says the magic number this week is 6. Dane tells him that there is only 6 people to compete in the POV. Me and the 2 Noms.Meanwhile Chelsea and Kyra are talking outside the HOH Room. Chelsea is telling them that she doesn’t want to play with her emotions. She tells them she is not against them but needs something. Kyra tells her they need to prove that they learned from their mistake. Back in the HOH Room Dane is telling Maki that if he puts him on the block he will not go home. Dane says If he wins POV he will take him off. Dane tells him that he controls a lot of votes. He names off 8 people in the house. Dane tells him that he respects him and knows he is a competitor. He says I need competitors to play the POV. Maki says I trust you Dane says I need to talk to Mama first then the 3 of us. Maki says Okay I know this is just a plan. Dane asks him not to say anything and to trust him. Maki says I want to play a good game. Dane says I need my soldiers to have my back.
11:30 AM BBT Meanwhile in the Red Bedroom the conversation is about the comp which had something to do with balancing balls. Kiera says mine only lasted a couple of seconds after they said go. Kailyn tells them she only has a half load does anyone have any more. Feeds go down at 11:33 AM BBT Feeds come back with Dane telling Kyra that he is putting her on the block and to not feel bad. She knows she was really emotional last week. Kyra heads out to the hot tub area Adam Corey and Kiera are in the secret room. Adam says there are 41 boxes in total 19 have no names on them. They are counting the boxes again. Kiera says should we just think Canadian places. Big Brother has warned them that the backyard will be off limits in 15 minutes. Damien has joined them in the secret room. Corey and Damien left to get fresh air.
11:45 AM BBT Most of the house guests are in the backyard. Dane Chelsea Anthony are in the hot tub. Kyra is asking if Corey can vote because she is safe. They get called out for talking about production. The conversation is on general stuff. Meanwhile Adam and Kiera are still in the secret room hunting .Samantha has joined them. Samantha says she is hungry. Big Brother has informed them that the backyard will be off limits in 3 minutes. All house guests are to make their way inside.
12:00 PM BBT Cory and Chelsea head into the WR practicing French where Kyra and Anthony join them. In the Secret room they are discussing options of a possible way this room could be used for a competition. They reference Hide and seek veto for BB US. They are still trying to decipher what is important to study and remember and what’s not, a report card from when Sam was born on green paper they feel is important. They joke about some of the other papers and how its the most important thing, it’s what we have been looking for a beer menu!! Sam and Adam leave the room and whisper something and a small peck and move on to the kitchen. They meet up with Mark who is making Breakfast and Adam asks him about what he thinks of the room. Feeds change to Dane and Damien talking in HOH WR it ends in a hand shake and they both exit.
Kailyn, Kyra, Cory, Chelsea, and Anthony are still in the WR. Kyra is telling them about some areas of Canada like Quebec where its a law it has to be French then English and French has so be larger than English. Kyra tells about the language police and how crazy it has gotten and changing signs. In the HOH Sam and Dane are discussing the plan how Maki will be on the block but the idea is Kyra is next out and then Cory next week. Dane continues jumping around the room, Mark enters and says he told them They (Kyra) were going up. He explains how They were receptive and understood. Dane shares how Maki doesn’t really know the game and he has had to explain it. Kailyn peeks her head in the room and heads to the WR where they are all chatting. They ask her to let Eddie know his laundry is folded and in the WR.
12:15 PM BBT Damien, Eddie, Anthony, Sam, and Mark are the solid 5 votes he is counting on but he thinks he can get Kikki( Kiera) and Este (Estefania) to vote with them as well for keeping them safe, they think that Cory might not be able to vote but if she can she would be on their side. Sam promises she is going to try and win HOH and that Dane is safe. Cory comes in and asks if she can join. They all begin to talk and share how Dane wasn’t having to talk game to anyone and now he won HOH he has too. They want a warning for the nom ceremony. Back in the secret room Eddie, Kikki, and Damien are going over days and studying together. She feels like this room is being used to distract them and it’s not important yet. They break apart as Kikki heads upstairs. Eddie says I dont think its fair to have to know where things were in the boxes because anyone can move and modify the order or where files or pages were. But focus on names on the boxes and how many etc. Damien brings the conversation back to days and off of what the room is all about. Eddie thinks about the idea of the light on the desk being used to maybe see a secret message. He then checks to see if anyone else is around. Damien asks when he gets back if eddie drinks much he says not really it’s just a social drinker he isn’t a big drinker it makes him sick. Feeds switch to Cory and Kailyn in the WR where they are trying to talk over the shower door. In the HOH WR Dane is still talking with Kikki about his plan and how he talked with both of them and told them they were going up. Dane says if They take themself off the block then he will have to figure something out but highly unlikely.
12:30 PM BBT Dane is still going over his plan with her and how “Momma” will help if They come off the black. Dane has promised Eddie to go to Wendy’s and Eddie has been over the moon excited. Dane goes back over the day 5 plan of getting out Laura, then Them( Kyra), and then Whoever came into the house. Dane jumps back in on the secret room he thinks this room is going to be the HOH comp and it will be T/F and lots of numbers names and information. Cory and Kyra make their way to the Secret room, with Eddie and try to clear off the desk to what it was to start with originally. Cory is trying to get it back to how she found it and had them what she fees is important. Maki & Anthony makes his way into the room Maki heads straight for the Drawer where they was a document he wants Anthony to read. Cory feels its what was on the desk that they need to study not the boxes because it’s just too much information. Cory is called to the DR. Kyra tells Anthony that Cory said it was only a few files and people threw a bunch on the desk and when she is done she will hand it over to him to look over.
12:45 PM BBT Dane is upstairs with Maki again going over why Maki will be the one going up but its only as a pawn. Maki is concerned about worst case scenario They win, Dane says I have someone in mind to replace them but im not saying names. He goes over the plan again with him. Eddie and Kailyn are in the red room talking about figure out what the power is that Cory has to keep her in the game. Eddie feels she has to have some kind of power, Cory finishes in DR and heads to the Secret room where she meets with Kyra and Kyra goes over where she is at in her studying. Cory helps them remember that it’s 22:32 not 10:32p, they say Thank you and how they are not ready to go home yet. There is still so much more to do for their purpose here. Cory says people are avoiding her in this she feels but Kyra has been so kind. Kyra says its not anything against anyone but she is so paranoid she wants to keep some distance between them so it’s not any other reason to target either of them. Cory is trying to bring up working together but Kyra shoots it down till after the vote to see if they are still here. Kyra tells Cory don’t get too much game talk with others but do play the games and be friendly. In the Kitchen Sam, Mark, and Adam are finishing up Breakfast. Dane and Kailyn are in the HOH she is trying to help Maki off the block and Mark be the pawn it’s an additional idea. She says she is trying to help keep the alliance safe, Dane says not everyone is talking and there is confusion because everyone is spitting out different names. He is getting frustrated with everyone trying to change the noms.

1:00 PM BBT Dane says that the group isn’t meeting and Kailyn is trying to explain but he cuts her off many times and is headstrong it’s not changing. She finally says that if that is the plan then lets go forward we all support you but why didn’t you wait to talk to him with me. He says opportunities came up and I had to take. He tells about how he has a girl back home but still rubbing Este’s back putting in the work. They finally settle and make a plan for her to talk to Maki but before that they pray together. Meanwhile in the KT, Mark, Cory, and Adam are in the Kitchen laughing and having a good time talking. Mark is telling how the numbers look so different in Arabic. Sam comes into Camera shot as Kyra walks through behind them and upstairs. Damien heads into the red room where Anthony, Eddie, Kikki, Este and Maki are laying around and he re enforces the plan. Kyra walks in and conversation changes to how proud Kikki is of everyone in that comp. When she leaves Dane goes right back to it. Dane asks Maki to join him and Kailyn in the HOH. Damien tries to prove he is safe and how its 6 votes and if its a tie then he is the tie breaker. Dane sends Maki in to talk with Momma (Kailyn) saying he will be in, in a moment.
1:15 PM BBT Feeds swap to HOH where Kailyn begins to talk to Maki, while Damien and Kyra end up in blue room talking, Kyra says if the house decides to evict Them please just tell me before the eviction, I’ll have a panic attack and I don’t want that. Dane tries to comfort Them and says the other person is freaking out too. Kyra says all I ask is if I am going home please just tell me. They don’t understand how being emotional made them a target. He tells them earn it, I earned it and I want you to earn it. They feel most the house just doesn’t like them, Kyra askes is there any way to get off your radar and he says NO honestly NO. They feel as if they bonded and don’t understand why they are on the radar. Dane keeps trying to give “her” a pep talk and tells her gun for it, don’t give up. Kyra even says that if they win POV out of respect that they would keep it solid and not use it he tells them NO if you win use it take yourself off. He is getting so hyped and bouncing around and has to leave the room. They go separate ways Kyra heads to the WR and talks to Adam and Chelsea in the WR. Kyra tells them the same thing they just want to know if its them going home so they can mentally prepare. Chelsea is Curling her hair, Adam is fresh out of the shower and they are whispering to Chelsea about how they are going to win POV and erase the bad emotional taste out of the others mouths. Adam says he was impressed with the comp yesterday and then it goes on to Adam and his shoes smelling and not getting his Sketchers or Wendy’s as a HOH.
1:30 PM BBT Kyra says too bad we can’t order take out, they miss thai food, pizza, steak, and they go over more foods. Then they discuss how it’s probably the hardest on slop because there is no other option, anything for a week solid would be hard. He says with the Salsa it wasn’t great he liked Mustard and Ketchup better. They all try and come up with some other ideas and recipes to try. One of the ideas was a “sushi roll” , conversation goes to what they might be missing from home but they have been so busy it’s hard to miss anything yet. Chelsea says she can see into the Hallway from the mirror and it looks fishy. Kailyn, Maki, and Damien are in the hallway whispering, as Adam comes out and asks about the socks. Once he heads into the room Kailyn says she can’t wait till POV to place the POV over his neck they they can watch “her” Kyra unravel. Maki heads down stairs and the others walk to the side and whisper about how Dane was left with Adam and then things are crazy this morning. She thinks she will have to BD Dane sooner rather than later. She heads down to eat, Damien heads into the red room and asks if they know what’s going on they say yes. In the HOH we have Adam, Dane, and Mark going over what has transpired the last few hours. In the Kitchen Anthony, Cory, Este, Kyra, and Maki are making food enjoying food or listening to others having conversation about what time they think it is. Feeds cut briefly at 1:43 pm bbt and come back and everyone heads to see the new HN room.
1:45 PM BBT It is being described as Cold, uncomfortable, a torture chamber, flickering lights, Scary, a nightmare, disgusting. Dane shows how the chairs move as most Hg leave Kyra and Dane think there is something to be done with the back of the room. Dane asks to be left alone in the room to himself. Lots of F bombs flow out of his mouth and he vents. Adam and Mark are up in HOH again discussing votes when Anthony comes in and they pull him in quickly they feel it needs to be Maki to go home if they are left of the black. They say don’t say anything right now let it calm down he is heated but then we need to come back to him to talk to him. They feel is it better for short term game move or long term game move. Who can we control better is being tossed around. They feel that they need to talk but it needs to be after the POV, Damien comes in and they try to talk to him briefly. They are trying to point out how it needs to me Maki and keep his hands clean. Anthony says end of the day we will do what you want but you need to listen and hear us out too. Damien and Cory in the red room talking about home life, social gaming hard and finding common interests. They guys dismantle and break up, Adam stays behind to talk to Dane and hopefully reason with him. Adam feels at the end of the day the whole house will vote together, and it could be either way but he is trying to explain Kyra is falling apart and Maki should go home. Adam feels that guys can keep beating the girls, Dane says Momma wouldn’t be on board with sending Maki home.
2:00 PM BBT– Cory and Damien talk about final 2 deal and say they will do it. IN HOH Dane is going to lay down. Adam tells Dane he understand how he feels how stressful it is being the HOH. Adam tells him he is putting his heart into it but needs to think about the bigger picture. Kyra is talking to Damien asking him if she is Danes target.
Kyra says just hope for the best In the living room Adam, Damien, and Chelsea are talking. Chelsea says she just wants an activity. Kyra is now joining them. .In the kitchen Anthony, Samantha, and Eddie.
2:15 PM BBT Kyra and Cory are in the bathroom. Cory tells Kyra to not get too emotional. Kyra says doesn’t want to show the others how emotional she is feeling because it’s only the first week. In the living room Adam tells Chelsea that Dane is tired of everyone coming up to him and asking what he is going to do. Adam says Dane has a big heart. Anthony and Kiera are in the SR talking about who are you picking to vibe with, who is telling the truth and who they have a genuine connection with. Anthony tells her, her name has come up with and tells Kiera that her name has never been brought up. Anthony says he has mentioned that he thinks that she is genuine person. Dane and Kyra are in the HOH. Kyra is telling Dane that they are the perfect pawn and asks can they listen to music while Dane is in shower. Dane says after his shower he is going to join everyone else.
2:30 PM BBT Adam goes in HOH and brings Kyra out. He tells her that Dane is really stressed and needs to be alone. Eddie and Kiera are talking in the SR. He said he is trying to make a connection with everyone. Eddie says he doesn’t know why he can not make a connection with Kyra. He said he feels sorry for Kyra. Eddie said he feels like Kyra talks to everyone but him. Kiera tells Eddie he is not doing anything wrong. He was worried he was. Kailyn came into the SR and Kiera is telling her about Kyra ask if they could lay down and talk with her last night. Kiera says Kyra wanted to cuddle last night when it was bedtime but Kiera said no. Kiera said she is thrown off a little bit. Kailyn said you have to set your personal boundaries. Kailyn says something can be talking so small and made so big. Mark comes in and says where he usually stands when people are having a conversation. Kyra is in secret room going through the files. Damien is trying to sleep in HN room. Maki came in HN room and asked Damien if he would use POV on him if need be. Maki is now in secret room looking around but he nor Kyra are talking to each other. Maki holds paper up to camera that has game 1 written on it. In the SR Kailyn is still talking to Kiera about setting up boundaries. Kiera says she doesn’t want Kyra to feel alienated. Kailyn is trying to tell Kiera some ideas to say to Kyra.
2:45 PM BBT Chelsea, Adam, Dane and Mark are talking outside the HOH room. Samantha and Maki are talking in the kitchen. She says she is mentally thinking about herself being HOH and she says the person wants to know if they are the target she will tell them. She says everyone is not meant to play this game. Maki says there is a house vibe, a connection vibe and personal vibe. Anthony, Dane and Damien are also out in the kitchen. 3:00 PM BBT Cory and Kyra are talking in secret room. Kyra is crying and saying she doesn’t understand why they want them out, Kyra says they are not a threat. Cory asked if Kyra wanted to go to final 2 but Kyra says it is to soon.Damien came in and says everyone is chilling in the kitchen. Kyra is left the room. Cory says that everyone is being so mean to her. Cory is trying to convince Damien to be final 2 with her. She finally got him to shake hands on it. Eddie and Kailyn are talking in the living room. Kailyn tells Eddie that depending on how Dane handles this HOH will determine how far he will go in this game. Cory now joins them and says there was a script in the secret room but now it is not there. Cory says she feels bad about Kyra. Kailyn says that Kyra already broke bridges with Kiera. Kailyn is telling Cory about how she told Kiera to set boundaries with Kiera. Cory asks Kailyn if she wants to go somewhere and meditate. Anthony, Kyra, and Chelsea are in secret room. Kiera and Maki are talking about Kyra trying to take advantage last night when she was almost asleep asking her to cuddle.

3:15 PM BBT Kiera, Estefania, and Maki are talking about Kyra telling people that they cuddles last night. Estefania says she should talk to Mama K (Kailyn) about exactly what she should tell Kyra.. Kailyn and Cory are talking in living room. Adam is in background working out. Cory is telling Kailyn about her husband’s job said he was gone for 4 months and then they took him back 5 days later. Cory is talking about her cat and how she purrs she said sounds like a pigeon. Cory says it is the most soothing sound for her. She said her mom is taking care of her cat. Kailyn is trying to stay awake. Anthony is now also laying down in the living room.Cory is attempting to do a cartwheel.
3:30 PM BBT Kiera Maki and Estefania are still outside of HOH talking. They are going over the days they been in the house and what happened. Production asks Anthony to go to the pantry. Anthony is back in the living room and is still watching Cory do cartwheels and scoring her on them.Samantha is doing some arm curls. Damien is now in living room telling Cory that she wants to see some sass when doing the cartwheel. Samantha is watching Adam work out. Chelsea and Kyra are in the archive room Kyra apologizes that she didn’t try harder. Kyra said if she finds out if she is leaving for sure she will try to get info from Cory and tell her. Kyra is telling Chelsea how Cory was trying to do a final 2 with her.
3:45 PM BBT Chelsea and Kyra are still in the archive room talking about where everyone’s head is at and who they are working with. Kyra says she should have a talk with Adam and tell him how Kailyn is saying things and making it look like Kyra is saying things. Kailyn and Cory are talking in the Blue BR. Kailyn is explaining the situation between Kiera and Kyra. Cory asks Kailyn if she should be talking game or let people come to her. Cory tells Kailyn she will destroy competitions Cory asks Kailyn if she can trust her, she says yes. Kailyn says she does not have any interest in winning right away. Kailyn says Eddie is probably comfortable for first time in life. Kailyn and Cory just shook hands on final 2.. Samantha and Adam are in SR.
4:00 PM BBT Cory and Kailyn are doing some breathing exercise. Cory is giving her mom lots of credit for raising her and her siblings and getting her master at the same time and finds her incredible as a woman. Maki is walking around the top floor of the house to find himself in the kitchen there after. Kyra is in the Archive Room with Chelsea trying to figure out clues as Adam is listening to hem and see what else he could find among those thousands of papers that is surrounding them. Damien is joining them too and is just walking around the room with Eddie and Kiera. But not much longer after that, everyone is leaving the room except Kiera and Eddie. Chelsea and Adams are now in the hallway, outside the Archive room saying that they both would like to go back into that room with no one else so they decided to go into the HN room.
4:15 PM BBT – 5:00 PM BBT Feeds are down
5:00 PM BBT Feeds return soon thereafter with Kyra and Kiera in the Evidence room. Kyra says she will do the best in order to win the veto and if not that having enough votes to at least stay in the house. Kyra doesn’t want to have a panic attack and would like to know in advance if the house would votes Kyra out.
5:22 PM BBT – 6:00 PM BBT Feeds are down again at this time.
6:03 PM BBT Feeds come back with Maki Listening to music in the HOH Room bopping around. Dane Damien are in the washroom. Corey is telling him that she is hungry. Damien is asking her what type of fish you can get in New Brunswick. She is tell him about hiking along the Bay of Fundy where she stops to eat the best fish. Damien says that is so cool I have only been as far as the B.C. and ALTA.. He says this is the farthest east he has been Toronto to the Big Brother House. In the kitchen Momma is preparing dinner for some of them. Samantha is making slop smoothies for her and Mark. Kyra is sitting down with Chelsea and Momma. In the Have Not Room Adam and Samantha are talking about being happy eating slop burgers in their wonderful chairs. They start talking about someone crying and feeds cut for a minute. Adam asks Samantha if someone is going to be cuddling with her while they are sleeping in the HN Room.
6:15 PM BBT Samantha says No she is going to tell him no. She says she would not disrespect him that way. Adam says Can you imagine a Newfie backdooring a Newfie. He tells her she was so mad in the washroom when he said something. Feeds go back down . Feeds come back with Adam saying You cuddled him once now he is walking around looking for you. Maki asked if they were just going to lie on the floor. Adam said that he snores. Samantha asked if they noticed the fobs. Maki asked Adam if he talked to Dane. He said that he did but wasn’t sure if anything changed since then. Maki said that if everything goes accordingly and it is him and Kyra…. Adam said the plan was to vote out Kyra. Dane came in and said that the have not room last year was way worse. Adam said that the flickering lights would drive him loopy. Dane said that he loved Wendy’s but he hasn’t had fast food for a few years. Feeds go down again.
6:24 PM BBT feeds are down. In the upper lounge, Anthony and Corey were talking together. Anthony asked her if she has ever been in trouble for bullying. She said that she is only in her 5th year so not really. He asked her if a kid that is being bullied comes in with his parents, are they angry or do they come to talk about what to do.
6:30 PM BBT In the have not room, Dane, Maki, Adam and Samantha were talking about how Corey only came with sports attire. Samantha said that her arms were bigger than some of the guys. Dane left and Samantha said that she was going to get her clothes. Maki said that food was probably ready and leaves as well. Adam and Samantha discuss what they should do next. Adam told her that they will talk later. 6:36 PM BBT feeds are down. 6:40 PM BBT feeds back up. Dane and Anthony talk about playing pov and seeing how it goes. Dane said that he didn’t want to make any enemies. Kyra came in and told Dane that he shouldn’t feel bad. Kyra said that is Kyra goes home, then Kyra goes home and there are no hard feelings. Dane said that he was rooting for Kyra to win the pov. Dane told Kyra to concentrate on the comp coming up. Kyra said that Kyra was less mad and more confused. Dane said that it wasn’t personal.
6:45 PM BBT Dane paces in his room and talks to the camera. He said that if you wanted more hours in a day then come to the BB house. He said he would almost prefer to be back in highschool. He said that someone else would probably be entering his room any time now. He said he was exhausted and it hasn’t been over a week yet. He puts on his ipod and listens to music. In the have not room, Maki, Adam and Samantha chill out together. Maki said he was going to cut her hair during the night. Samantha said that she thought that Maki was right and Corey may be an Olympic athlete. Sam asked them to promise not to repeat what she was about to tell them. She said that she knows that someone was recruited in a bar. BB tells her to stop talking about production. Sam keeps saying she is sorry over and over again to the camera. Maki asked her if in the last five minutes she was being honest. She immediately said yes. Adan asked if they should all go sit in the kitchen just because. Maki said yes and they all exit to the kitchen. The hgs are all talking indiscriminately around the table. Anthony yelled at Dane to ask him if he was singing. Dane said that he was. Anthony said that they could hear him.
7:00 PM BBT The hgs start cleaning up after their meal. Chelsea asked Kailyn and Corey if they wanted her to take their plates. Kailyn asked her to put hers in the microwave. She said that she will eat it later. In the washroom, Dane and Anthony talk about what they should do. Dane said he was concerned with Adam and Samantha and Corey and Chelsea. Dane said that if they get a chance to pull a big move, then they should go for it. Anthony said that he feels like Chelsea and Samantha are the biggest threats. Dane said that he feels like Adam is solid to final 4 but Samantha has to go. In the dining room, Eddie and Corey talk about the nom ceremony. Eddie asked her how she liked it there so far. She said she enjoyed it and everyone was so friendly. Este and Kiki were talking about not throwing another comp. Kiki said that if she wins HOH then she is going to put up Dane and Adam. Este asked about what if Dane is with them. Kiki said that he was playing the house.
7:15 PM BBT Kiki said that she heard Dane and Samantha talking about her. She said she overheard that Adam felt most threatened by her and Este. Kiki said that Mark will flip to whomever is in power. In the washroom, Kailyn and Chelsea talk together. Eddie is in there looking in the mirror rubbing his cheek. Kailyn told Chelsea that as soon as she stands up to them, they’ll leave her alone. In the secret room, Este and Kiki talk about what is good about them and how Canada loves them. Este said that she didn’t trust hockey guys. Kiki said that Damien was cool. Kiki said that she felt like Kailyn sees right through her act. She said that she feels like Kailyn is like her and recognizes bullshit. She said that Mark has a good social game. She said that he is valuable. Este said that they should pretend to Mark that they love Sam and Adam. Kiki said it was smarter to get Adam out before Sam. She said that she likes Chelsea.
7:30 PM BBT Dane and Adam are discussing what Dane should say at the nom ceremony. Dane said that Kailyn would be willing to take out the girls for them. Dane said that Kiera and Sam need to go out sooner than later. Adam said that if they keep Maki and he gets upset at them, Kiera will be in his ear. Dane said that they are 2 of the 4 biggest targets in the house. Adam asked if Momma k would keep the boys over the girls. Dane said that he could probably bring her in the room and ask her. Adam said that he wanted to keep Maki because he liked him so much. Dane said they needed to bring in Mark and keep him around as a shield. Dane said to play the pov and go from there. In the red bedroom, damien and Kyra talk together. In the kitchen Adam and Maki talk about when they should start sending home the girls. Adam said that he couldn’t send Kailyn home. Adam said that Dane was getting close with Eddie. Maki said that everyone was getting like velcro to each other. Until you have to rip them apart. Adam said that his bond with Sam was only because they were both from NFLD. Maki said that it was the girls that will tear them apart. Adam said that he didn’t want to be known for a showmance. Maki said that he wouldn’t say they were in a showmance, but they had chemistry together. Maki said it would probably come down to Kiera and Este. He said maybe that was how Paris won. If you are a cute girl and are nice to everyone then get to the end. Maki said that in a house full of girls, they would rip the boys apart.
7:45 PM BBT Eddie is telling Mark that BB Canada is popular in china because of a large online culture. Maki came in and said that he farted. Eddie asked him if he was serious. Maki said that he wouldn’t lie about that. In the kitchen, Sam and Adam talk together. Kyra came in and asked Adam how he was doing. He said that he was alright. Kyra said that Kyra wanted to have a tea but then Kyra would have to pee. BB told Kyra to remember that Canada was watching. In the red bedroom, Anthony and Mark lay in bed and talk. Anthony said that Eddie was a very smart person but that he didn’t get it. He said that as soon as Eddie feels like he doesn’t have a voice he may turn. He said that If Maki stays, then he will be loyal because Dane promised he wouldn’t go home. Dane is called to the DR. Mark said he was going to see if there was any slop left over. Damien said that there was still coffee
8:00 PM BBT – 10:00 PM BBT feeds are down for nomination ceremony. Kyra and Dane are talking in the HOH room. Kyra says things 100% get twisted in the house Dane says he knows and he knows it’s an uncomfortable position to be in. Kyra and Maki are nominated. It seems that someone (most likely Dane based on he and Kyra’s conversation) told Kyra that they are not the target this week as they are currently telling Dane that based on his speech, it seems like they are the target this week and they continue to say that if they are then that’s fine, but that’s not what they were originally told. Dane says everyone has to realize there is a POV this week and a lot of gears being turned and he says that right now it looks like there will probably be a split vote. Kyra says they know they’ll have a chance to play for POV this week, but also as far as they know, the houseguests are going to do whatever Dane wants and that that’s often how it is. Dane says that he wants to win POV because he needs money and he thinks that it will involve money somehow, and because he also wants to “build resume” for later on in the game. Kyra says that they also want to win POV in order to stay safe and to prove that their emotional state was only adjusting to being in the house and they think they’ve proven in the last few days that they’re not always emotional. Dane tells them that if they can stay calm then it’s possible that gears can be turned. Kyra says that they are going to stay calm and they hope they everyone realizes that adjusting to the house was just a lot for them, but that there is no excuse and if they could go and turn back time then they would.
10:15 PM BBT Kyra continues saying that they probably needed the breakdown to happen because if it didn’t happen right away, then it probably would have later and they say that they needed it to happen in order to have that wake up call to realize that it’s just a game and to get in control of their emotions and that they are there to play and they will prove that. Kyra continues saying that they want to prove that they aren’t a wildcard and Dane says he never said they were, he said that they became an emotional player in week one and he’s not sure if they still are, so he was careful with his wording on that, but he also said that emotional players can turn into wildcards and that that’s how words get twisted. Kyra brings up a previous conversation where they told Dane in the jacuzzi that they wanted to play the game with him in addition to 9 other people and they really thought that they could trust him and now they are shocked that he nominated they because of something that they allegedly said about Dane and Este involving some type of power. Kyra explains in more detail to Dane what they meant in that conversation (involving some type of power and the secret room.) Kyra says that they are going to stay calm and fight for their life. Dane tells them that there is still a POV tomorrow. Kyra says that they think they deserve to be there and think that they are definitely not a threat. Dane says that that is key, they are not…they are but they’re not.

10:30 PM BBT Kyra tells Dane that it just hurts that out of everyone it’s Dane (that nominated them) Dane says he knows and it “really fucking sucks” and that it was his mistake that he is going to own up to and he is sorry. Kyra says they respect that and Dane says he has no other reason to put anyone else up. Kyra says they know and they gave a reason, (the breakdown) Dane tells them that people are starting to realize that there are other much bigger threats than Kyra in the house and even though everyone is a threat in the house, there are bigger ones. Kyra says that they think that compared to Maki that they are not a threat at all and anything anyone asks them they will be true to their word and straight up, uncomfortable or not. Kyra says they think they showed Dane and a few other people during the first week that they truly do have their back.
10:45 PM BBT Downstairs in the living room, Kyra and Anthony are on one couch talking, while Sam, Chelsea, Este, Eddie, Keira, and Maki are on the other talking about concerts and Maki’s DJ gigs. Sam asks if he can get everyone into the clubs and he says he’s not really a club guy, he usually just does smaller bars and things like that. Sam says she’ll go out for drinks. Maki says chill no dress code type bars where no one is judging you on what you wear.Chelsea asks Sam what her day is. Sam says a day where no matter what you did do far in your life if you had something that you thought you wanted to do you could actually go and see if it really was something that you wanted to do. Chelsea asks, “So like career day?” Sam says yes but not. Maki says, “So it’s a holiday so no one works, work is off.” Sam says, “yeah exactly you go and do that thing.” Maki says “research it or something.” Eddie says July 7th should be number 7 awareness day because he feels like no one cares about number 7. Sam says number 7 is her favorite number.
11:00 PM BBT Kyra, Damien, Chelsea, and Sam are in the storeroom going through some newspaper things. Kyra says they will wait until after POV is over before talking to people and campaigning and asks Chelsea if that is a good idea because Maki has already started. Sam says she hasn’t heard him start talking to anyone yet. Chelsea says she doesn’t know.
11:15 PM BBT Kyra says that they want to say to everyone in the room, (Chelsea, Sam, and Damien) that yes they were 110% emotional in the first week, but in the last couple of days when they knew that they were at risk they have been calm and composed and they would like the chance to be able to stay calm and composed and it was no excuse that they were “menstruating and adjusting” with their preexisting mental health issues added on top. Kyra continues that they would like a chance to play this game and says that they are also less of a threat than Maki at the end of the day, they say don’t want to go around talking about Maki before the POV because he could win and they could be on the block against someone else, but they still think that there are other people in the house who are more of a threat than they are. Kyra continues and asks everyone, “At this point what’s more important? Having fun or winning the game.” they say that Maki has a very strong social game and is clearly a great player but they don’t know. Anthony joins Sam, Chelsea, Damien, and Kyra in the storage room and they continue going through newspapers and wanted posters. Kyra says that they want everyone to know one more thing which is that Maki has only ever watched one season in preparation to being in the house and Kyra has been watching for 15 years. Kyra says that they only reason why they only applied to be a houseguest now is because they never thought that a non-binary person could ever be on TV and that this a dream for them.
11:30 PM BBT Sam tells Kyra that no matter what happens in the game that they made their mark in that way. (non-binary houseguest) Chelsea agrees. Kyra and Eddie are now alone in the storage room and are continuing to go through the paperwork. Kyera says they are tapping out for a little bit. Eddie says good night to Kyra and continues working. Kyra leaves and enters the living room to hang out with Corey and Chelsea. Corey who is a teacher is telling Chelsea and Kyera about a video presentation that she shows her students all about the first day of school and how it talks about how if you don’t know your way around or can’t open a combination lock that it’s ok and nothing to worry about. Corey says how she has a lot of students who shake and cry because they are so nervous on the first day of school. Chelsea asks if bullying is a problem in the age group that Corey works with and she says yes, but it’s like that at any age and not just elementary school. Sam, Mark and Dane are in the Have Not room talking about the POV competition. Dane says he thinks if it’s a mental competition Corey might have an advantage because he thinks that before she came in the house that she was in a separate room studying and that she has already seen all the information. Sam says that Corey told her they could quiz each other later. Kyra enters the room, hands Sam some laundry and they try to make a comfortable sleeping space for Sam. Dane continues to wonder what the competition will be like tomorrow.
11:45 PM BBT-12:00 PM BBT Feeds Down

Summary Wednesday,March 7th

March 07, 2019

Summary Wednesday,March 7th

8:00-9:00 PM: During the first eviction episode of the season, Adam nominated Damien and Laura for eviction. Laura was evicted by a unanimous vote of 11-0. Afterwards, Arisa informed the houseguests that either Cory or Holly were about to move in. She said Canada chose who to send in. They were then told that Cory won the vote. Arisa let Cory know that she has to complete a mission, making three Final 2 deals within 24 hours, in order to avoid being immediately evicted. If she successfully completes the mission, Cory will have immunity for the week.


10:00-11:00 PM: When the live feeds launched, we found out that Dane is the new HoH. He chose Adam, Mark and Sam to be the have-nots for the week. In the bathroom, Dane told Damien that he doesn’t want to put him back on the block. He then mentioned that he cannot put Eddie on the block. Dane thinks that Canada would hate him. He talked about Eddie doing very well during the HoH competition. Elsewhere, Cory chatted with Sam who mentioned that she knows Holly but hasn’t talked to her in a long time. Sam said it would have been interesting had she entered the house. In the living room, Kyra told Chelsea that she doesn’t want her to fight for her. Kyra talked about having tarnished her name and not wanting Chelsea to be dragged down with her. Chelsea reassured Kyra that she still has love for her. Chelsea said Kyra just repeated some information to the wrong person. Later, Kyra told Chelsea and Sam that it has been a blast, and she would like to thank them should she be the one to go. Kyra expects that she will leave over whoever she is nominated next to. Chelsea told her that she cannot think that way. In the bedroom, Adam told Anthony and Chelsea that Dane mentioned that he wants to target Kyra. There were talks about Kyra having went to Sam to say that Dane is targeting Adam and Sam. Chelsea figures that Dane will nominate Maki next to Kyra. Once Adam and Chelsea were alone, Chelsea said she doesn’t trust anything that Kyra says anymore. She brought up Kyra being too emotional. They then talked about Mark seeming to like Sam. Adam didn’t want it to be awkward in the have-not room with the two of them. Before the talk wrapped up, they discussed that Kailyn is dangerous and manipulative.


11:00-12:00 AM: Cory spoke to Eddie, getting to work on making her first of three Final 2 deals. Eddie commented that Cory is very easy to talk to. Eddie said he was rooting for Cory to enter the house. Cory let Eddie know that her gut is telling her to trust him. Eddie said he can be trusted. He asked if Cory has any special powers, or if she has been watching them. Cory said no. The two then agreed to work together. Cory said “me and you to the end”, and they shook on it. After Eddie left the room, Cory looked to the camera and said “one down”. In the bathroom, Adam told Sam he feels like she doesn’t want to be around him, and he doesn’t want it to be weird in the have-not room. Adam said he thinks Mark is really starting to like Sam. When Sam asked Adam if he likes her, Adam said he has been thinking about kissing her all day. Adam let Sam know that he will not be competing for her. Sam clarified that she does not like Mark. Once Dane joined them, he reiterated that he will not be nominating Eddie after he swore that he would not. In the storage room, Dane and Stef discussed Laura’s speech about an alliance. They agreed that they cannot take the shot right now, but it raises some flags. It was implied that Kyra will be the target during the conversation. Dane said he cannot nominate Eddie, and he can’t really nominate Kailyn. Dane mentioned that he will see what’s up when everyone talks to him and throws out names.


12:00-1:00 AM: While many of the houseguests played a game in the living room, Dane and Kailyn spoke in the storage room. Dane let Kailyn know that she is safe. He said he has a plan but will need her help getting in someone’s ear. Dane mentioned Kiera coming to him to say that someone is already paranoid. He said they shouldn’t have used his name twice in six days, referring to Kyra. Kailyn asked if Dane has noticed that Adam has been brought down a notch. Dane acknowledged that he saw it as soon as Adam lost power. However, he said it would be too big of a move to go after Adam and Sam right now. Kailyn understood and said she would only suggest it if a backdoor opportunity presented itself.

Big Brother BBCAN6 Live Feed Updates: Thursday March 6th (1)

March 07, 2019

 9:00 PM-9:45 PM BBT Feeds are not yet live, by a unanimous vote, Laura was evicted. Canada has voted Corey in and she must make a final 2 with three different houseguests or she will be evicted, however if she is successful, she will receive immunity for the week.
10:00 PM BBT Feeds on at 10:06 PM BBT to most of the houseguests in the kitchen. Kyra, Dane, Anthony, Eddie, Maki, and Mark seem to be Have Nots this week as they are all in white and purple golf costumes and Kyra says that they can’t wait to see what the bed will look like. Sam and Kailyn are also in golf costumes but theirs are solid colors instead of the purple and white argyle the others are wearing. Adam wonders if the have nots can have coffee and Maki says they probably can and that it can’t be only water and slop available for them. Sam says she doesn’t think so because coffee is a luxury.

10:15 PM BBT Dane and Damien are in the bathroom discussing their alliance and what seems to have been the Have/Have not competition. In the kitchen, Sam, Eddie, Chelsea, Estefania and Kyra are discussing life in the house so far and are looking at a globe thing on the table discussing how far the different canadian provinces are from each other. Estefania tells Eddie how where she is from is a bilingual province and most if not all school systems teach both French and English. Eddie says that Montreal is french by default. Eddie says he will come visit Estefania when the season ends because he is very interested in the dual french/english culture. Estefania tells him he should definitely come visit and tells him how whenever you enter any government building in Quebec, the have to greet you in both French and English and whichever language you answer in is the language they serve you in.
10:30 PM BBT Adam, Dane, Sam, and Corey are in the living room discussing the upcoming week and the numbers. All of them agree that they think there are less houseguests than normal. Sam says she thinks there are usually 16 and Adam says maybe they’ll evict somebody next week and another new person will come in. Sam says maybe it will be a guy this time and Dane agrees and says then they’ll have 14 people again and Adam says it will be like starting all over again. Sam says yes they keep starting all over again. Adam and Dane say that Kailyn makes the best dinner every night and Dane goes over and thanks her for cooking everyone dinner tonight. Kailyn, Dane, Eddie, Keira, Estefania, Corey, and Maki are all in the kitchen around the kitchen table serving themselves dinner and casually chatting all at once. “Please collect all challenge wardrobe and bring it to the pantry” everyone yells ok and Estefania says, “Let’s eat!” Kiera and Estefania are cooking more food together and are planing who will change first. Dane is telling Corey about how the food deliveries in the house have been so far and tells her that he thinks tonight will be their last food delivery until some time tomorrow and tells her. “Welcome to the Big Brother Canada House where you starve.”
10:45 PM BBT Chelsea and Adam are in the blue bedroom and appear to be talking game. Possibly about Corey as Adam can be heard saying “The new girl” Anthony and Sam have joined the conversation and Sam says she doesn’t know anything anymore and she is always blindsided. Adam wonders if Corey heard everything that was going on in the house before she entered and says that if she did, that could really blow everyone else’s game up. Sam agrees and says she’s trying to find out if Corey was watching from a secret room everything that went on but she says she “doesn’t know anymore.” Sam tells Chelsea that she knew the other girl Holly was was another choice to enter the game tonight and Chelsea says that that’s crazy that Sam knew her and wonders if Corey secretly knows anyone else already in the house.
11:00 PM BBT Conversation continues in the Blue bedroom and Anthony says about the other girl, “well all we know is her name is Holly.” Sam says “I don’t even want to give her a shout out her name is Holly but I’m only going to say her first name.” Chelsea says she doesn’t know what Corey knows, but she thinks she definitely knows more than she’s letting on Sam agrees but says, “she seems relatively fine at this point. Anthony and Adam hop in bed together. Sam asks if Anthony is ok and he says he’s tired and low on energy. Chelsea says it’s probably because last week was so intense with everyone moving in and getting to know each other along with getting their game established and now it’s time for them to all just take a mental break. Sam folds up her costume from the competition and leaves the room. Anthony and Chelsea are talking about how they are both are mentally exhausted and Chelsea says it probably relief that the vote is over and one person is already gone. She says it’s a lot to take in and has been emotionally draining. Adam says he wondered if during the live vote if anyone would flip.
11:15 PM BBT Adam, Sam, and Kailyn are all in the living room discussing the numbers. Kailyn says she’s wondering why there are less people this season and Adam says there’s four less because they usually have 16 people but they started with 12. Sam says there’s one less have not because of that. Kailyn says Sam’s hair looks good. Kailyn says whenever someone is on the block she’ll hang out with them. Adam, Dane, and Sam are all talking in the bathroom about plans for next week. Sam says she’ll win HOH next week and that it’s her turn. Conversation switches to practice for a past competition which had something to do with rolling balls.
11:30 PM BBT Conversation continues in the bathroom between Adam, Sam and Dane. Dane has officially joined Adam and Sam’s alliance and when leaving the bathroom mentions something about putting a target on his back before exclaiming, “It doesn’t matter anyway ‘cause I’m HOH” Dane is our new HOH! Eddie, Damien, and Dane are now in the kitchen talking and Dane says something about wanting weed and Eddie says, “How about chocolate weed you should ask in the diary room?” Damien is cleaning the counter. Dane Estefania and Kiera are dancing in the kitchen. Dane tells Estefania that before coming in the house he rewatched seasons 4,5, and 6 of the show and took notes to prepare.Estefania asks if now after three weeks of being in the house if he thinks it helped and he says yes.
11:45 PM BBT Eddie, Kailyn and Corey are at the kitchen table talking. Eddie says he feels very blessed today and Corey says she truly believes that everything happens for a reason. Eddie says that’s true, anything that’s meant to be is meant to be. Eddie asks Dane what song he has on his HOH playlist and he says “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus. Eddie yells “OHHHHHH” and Dane says the only reason why he has that is because after all his hockey games, they used to play it in the locker room and he says he also had “Ke$ha Tik Tok” then asks, “Wait am I allowed to say that?” Eddie says, “You can say that obviously” Dane says he has Ke$ha Tik Tok because it reminds him of his last year of professional hockey with a bunch of grown men singing it. Corey says that sounds wonderful. Eddie says it’s such a throwback. Eddie and Dane leave the room and Corey and Kailyn are alone at the kitchen table.
Friday, March 8th
12:00 AM BBT Kailyn and Corey are now alone at the kitchen table discussing religion. Kailyn says if she didn’t have prayer she doesn’t know how she would make it through the game. Corey says it sounds like everyone was having a heated, but well educated discussion. Corey continues saying that she was in the kitchen and heard religion being brought up and fher first thought was, “This could either go very good or very bad” but she says it sounded like it was good to the very end. Kailyn brings up the fact the Corey is a vegetarian and asks her how long she’s been doing that and corey says since second year university because she went for a while not eating meat because she didn’t have enough money to buy both meat and vegetables so she would just buy vegetables. Kailyn says she would have done the exact opposite and bought just meat.

Tonight's Show

March 07, 2019

 Welcome to Big Brother Canada! In just moments, one of our agents will be forced into very early retirement. And tonight, one asset will get voted in and we'll let the HGs know. Let's find out what happened after the HoH competition.

We pick up with Adam becoming the first HoH of Season 7. He's feeling amazing right now. He knew if he didn't win he was going on the block. Before entering the house, he knew he had to make a four-person guy alliance. He has his guy Mark, Dane, and the last piece of the puzzle is Anthony and their alliance is called "The Pretty Boys".

Dane is excited Adam won because there's no way he's getting put up. Damien says it sucked because he didn't get past the first sequence. But Canada gave him the power to get secret intel. Adam and Kiera are showering and talking. Adam says he can't see her, just her hair. Kiera doesn't know where Adam's head is at and he's going to be the most popular guy around. Kiera wants to know if Adam is marine.

Samantha is over the moon that Adam is HoH because they are both from Newfoundland and she feels like he will have her back in this game. She goes to the storage room and jumps on him. Samantha says they are going through this together whether he knows it or not.

Eddie says he was a huge mess in that challenge, and he needs to make sure he talks to Adam because he feels like he's an easy target week one. Eddie says he's very intelligent and he's aware of everything, but he wants to appear basic and na�ve. Eddie is alone with Adam in the storage room and Adam says everything just worked out in his favor. Eddie says Adam is the eye candy of the season. Eddie can see Adam is a very arrogant person and he said that so he can appeal to his ego. Eddie tells Adam he's very shy and he wants Adam to know if he's off-putting, it's because of the cultural barrier.

Damien says no one knows he was in the house first and he saw Dane and Adam create an alliance and he knew he wanted to work with them. Damien wants to let it happen organically. Damien is talking to Adam while he's playing pool. Adam says there's no PoV and he feels a little guilty. Adam says it was nice to win the first one. Damien feels like he's in a house of super fans and he's just a rookie.

Adam, Dane, and Damien are talking and Damien says his girlfriend signed him up for the show and Adam doesn't believe it. Adam touches base with Mark and they are tossing out ideas and Mark says Eddie could be a mental threat. Damien walks in while Dane, Adam, and Mark are in the storage room talking and the subject changes.

Tonight is our first live eviction. Adam is our first HoH, and with no PoV to save the nominees, this is a huge decision. Who wants to see Adam's HoH room? Adam says this is the sexiest HoH by far hands down. He knows this will open opportunities to talk to people and he's going to use it for snuggling.

Adam is in the HoH room with Samantha and they are discussing potential nominations. Samantha mentions Damien as someone who could be a threat. Adam says he feels like this is just something to do for Damien. Samantha says she's vibing with him and he's super hot. She says they have to have fun in there too. Samantha says she's already decided Adam is her ride or die and they pinky-swear.

Eddie is talking to Laura and Eddie is saying he's a virgin and he has a lot of insecurities. He has a lot of scars on his body and he hides them. Laura is flabbergasted and she has so much stuff to tell Eddie. Eddie can't believe he told Laura he's a virgin and Laura says it's not a big deal.

Dane is stacking the fruit in the kitchen and Laura goes to talk to HoH. She says Adam is the worst HoH for her game. Laura tells Adam says there's a lot that can be said about people are phony and being nice to him because he's HoH. Laura says she prides herself on being honest and she feels like Sam could be a problem later on. Adam says Sam isn't even close to being his target. He doesn't know what her strategy is, but it's not good for her to tell him. Laura reiterates Sam is who she'd pick to target.

All the lights go out in the house and Adam heads downstairs with a briefcase and all the HGs are in the living room. Adam says it's still week one and he's trying to figure out who's a threat to his game. There's no veto this week, so these nominations are huge.

Adam says Eddie is on his radar because he thinks Eddie is smarter than he's letting on. He's considering Kiera because she did well in the first competition and she could be a threat later on. Adam is considering Laura because she told him Sam was her target. Adam's last potential nominee is Damien because this doesn't seem like his dream and he could be a threat later in the game.

Adam heads out to the living room to reveal his nominees. His first nominee is Damien. His second nominee is Laura. Adam says he nominated Damien because he feels like this isn't Damien's dream. Adam says he nominated Laura because the conversations they had she told him who her targets were and he can't keep her in the house knowing she's going after that person.

Laura says Adam nominated her first week! She's pissed. Laura tells Damien she was shocked it was him. Damien says that's a reality check. He says Canada voted him in first, and he can't let them down. He knows there's a veto in the hidden room, now he needs to get back in there when no one is watching.

Damien goes back to The Archives and he finds a piece of paper that says Top secret, but he can't get through the door to Leon's Lounge. He's desperate and he needs that veto! Laura says this is brutal and she needs to damage control with Sam and Adam. Laura tells Adam he threw her for a loop and she apologizes to Sam. Laura says she misjudged Samantha and Samantha appreciates the apology. Laura says she needs to get her head in the game. She's not going home. She's here to stay.

Adam is walking around the house looking around and he finds the door to The Archive room. Adam says he's freaking out, this is so cool! Adam looks around the room, on the shelves, and says it doesn't make sense. He doesn't find anything so he's thinking maybe someone else got there before him. Samantha is walking by and Adam shows her The Archive. Samantha says the room has her spun sideways. Adam then calls in Dane.

Dane says there is definitely something going on, but he just can't make sense of it. Kailyn and Mark are in there too. We see various HGs making guesses what's going to happen with the room. Chelsea says the secret room has been discovered and no one knows what it is. Chelsea says there is a lot of speculation and a lot of paranoia.

The HGs are all in the HoH room. Damien asks for a beat and he does a rap for everyone. Adam tells Laura she's next but she declines to participate. Laura says to see Damien rapping when he barely says two words a day, maybe that's a way of campaigning. She's not going to do that for a vote.

Kyra, Kiera, Samantha, Anthony, and Estefania are in the HoH room talking about Laura and they feel a fake vibe. Laura comes in and talks switches to The Archives room. 

We then have an awkward silence and Laura decides to leave. They say Laura is fighting for her chance to stay and she's trying to get on everyone's good side. Chelsea with Laura, you have a loose cannon, a wild card. But look at Damien, you have a big strong bro. Do we need another one of them in the house?

Samantha points out they don't really know Damien's capabilities yet. It's a balance, do they keep a potential competition beast or someone who lies? Chelsea says they might be flip-flopping all the way up until the vote.

Arisa goes to the HGs and greets them and it's time for the first eviction of the season. They have 30 seconds to plead their case. Damien says he's really a rookie trying to play with the big leaguers. He's grown to love them and he hopes they give him the opportunity to keep playing the game. Laura says her time in this game and she hopes they honor the alliance they made on the first day. Put some respect on her name and keep her here because they will be taking each other to the final two. Arisa reminds them the magic number to be evicted is six.

It's time to vote!

Samantha votes to evict Laura.
Dane sadly votes to evict Laura.
Eddie sadly votes to evict Laura.
Kiera sadly votes to evict Laura.
Chelsea votes to evict Laura.

Right now Laura has 5 votes for eviction and Damien has none. We'll find out the rest of the votes soon...

Time to continue voting!
Kyra votes to evict Laura.
Anthony votes to evict Laura.
Maki votes to evict Laura.
Kailyn sadly votes to evict her friend, Laura.
Estefania votes to evict Laura.
Mark votes to evict Laura.

Arisa says it's unanimous. By a vote of 11-0, Laura you have been evicted. Laura gives quick hugs and heads upstairs.
Arisa asks what Laura would have done differently. Laura says she doesn't regret anything. Maybe in the moment, she should have done something different, but that's who she is and that's how she felt at that moment and she doesn't regret that.

Arisa says Laura called out one of Adam's allies as a target. Why? Laura says she felt Samantha was someone to be careful of and people might think that was her mistake, but she doesn't regret it. If she's going down, then she's taking them with her.

Last night, we gave fans the chance to vote for an asset to enter the house. They will have one day to complete a secret mission or they will be evicted immediately. Arisa brings out Holly and Cory. Arisa goes to the HGs inside the house and she tells them they have an opportunity to see a blindside go down. Arisa introduces them to Holly and Cory and says one of them will be moving in with them tonight. Arisa tells them Canada voted them in. Arisa is going to reveal who is going in... the agent moving into BBCAN HQ tonight is...Cory.

Arisa says now that the HGs are no longer watching, Cory gets her secret mission. She must make three separate final two deals. She has 24 hours to accomplish her mission and if she doesn't then she'll be immediately evicted. Cory says what?!? I just got here! Arisa says she'll head into the house in just a moment!

Arisa recaps Cory's mission. She also tells Cory if she's successful, then she'll have immunity for the week! Cory heads inside to meet the HG. Introductions and hugs begin. Arisa can't wait to see how Cory fits in and if she can complete her mission. Sunday night we'll find out how she does and who is the next HoH. Live feeds are open a little later tonight!

🚨🚨🚨🚨Spoiler 🚨🚨🚨🚨

March 07, 2019

 Adam nominated Laura and Damien - Laura was evicted unanimously - Cory was voted in - she has 24 hours to make three F2 deals or she'll be evicted

Tonight's Show

March 06, 2019

The time has come once again to assemble all operatives. The mission: find the ultimate agent. The protocol: by any means necessary. We will always be one step ahead. We will always be watching. All operatives will be tested and they will face pervasive threats completely out of their control. How long will they survive? What will they sacrifice? These answers are yet unknown. But one thing is for certain, they should never truly trust us. Let the spy games begin... Big Brother Canada Season 7starts now.

Please welcome the host of Big Brother Canada, secret agent boss Arisa Cox! This year is all about top secrets, espionage, and undercover missions. We're in for another explosive season of Big Brother Canada. Tonight, we begin our search for the ultimate agent, the one who can outwit and outlast anything Big Brother can throw at them.

Access is granted for our first look at the inside of the Big Brother house! The HG will be trapped 24/7 for 70 days. In a house of spies, there's nowhere to hide and nothing is at it seems. The life of a spy is never easy. The have-nots will be tested and tortured. This season's biggest secret is hidden behind agencies walls: Leon's Lounge and there is a mysterious weapon never seen before... the blood veto. Tonight, the first agent to enter chosen by Canada, will get to enter early.

We're ready to drop our first blindside and this was left up to Canada. We got to choose which HG got top-level clearance and they will be sent into the house alone and will have a chance to get some top secret intel and none of the HG will ever know. The HG chosen for this opportunity is... Damien.

Let's get to know secret agent Damien a little better. Damien is 28 and he's an all Canadian stereotypical guy. He plays hockey and played pro in Australia and is now retired. He thinks it's important to be a role model for kids. Whether he's on the ice or in the house, he's ready to do what it takes to get the job done.

Damien is welcomed to the stage by Arisa and she explains the first twist. Arisa says there are a couple of ground rules. He can't tell any HG, Canada chose them for a reason and there is something for him to find. He can now enter and he heads into the house.

Damien steps into the house and notes it's pretty empty. He begins to look around and heads downstairs and wants to know if this is even real. He begins looking through cabinets and he goes to the storage room and sees the Wendy's window and looks in the fridge. He heads back upstairs and he's in the bathroom and looks in the washer and dryer. He says he has to find something. He looks under the couch and then heads back downstairs.

Damien is trying various doors and he finally finds The Archives with a desk and empty shelves. He looks under the table and looks at each of the shelves. He finds a shelf that moves and he heads into Leon's Lounge and he sees the blood veto. He tries to grab it but an alarm goes out. A television screen comes on and he sits down to watch.

Time to meet the next group of agents. First, we have Laura and she's 26 and she's from Alberta. She's a judicial court and people don't expect what she does because of how she looks.

Dane is next and he's 27 from British Colombia and he was a hockey player. He has a few missing teeth and he's the life of the party. He's single and ready to mingle.

Chelsea is from Alberta and she's a perfectionist. She does a morning radio show and she comes from the pageant world. She doesn't keep her opinions to herself and she's here to win.

Adam is from Newfoundland and he's been working in the oil fields. He's a super fan of Big Brother. He's been waiting for this moment!

Eddie was born in Chine, but he lives in Montreal now and he learned English from watching Big Brother. In the future, he'll be very rich and he feels most people are stupid.

Dane wants to find a solid alliance with people who are smarter, Adam wants to find a guys alliance and duke it out the end. Chelsea is not here to fall in love. Eddie is playing the game for no one but himself. Arisa welcomes the first group of HG to the stage.

Arisa welcomes them and congratulates them. She lets them know Big Brother has never taken surveillance so seriously before. They've been warned. They then head inside to the house.

Damien gets to see them enter the house. The HG are introducing themselves to each other while Damien watches. The HG go to check out the house. Adam and Dane are in the storage room already chatting strategy. They are feeling each other out and Adam pitches a four-person guys alliance. Damien says someone is always watching and he'd get along with those guys.

Five HGs are officially in and one is in full spy mode. Time to send in some more. Mark is from Edmonton and he's a travel guide. He comes from an ultra-religious family, but he's not religious.

Samantha is from Newfoundland and she's a local eyebrow celebrity. If someone is a threat, she will fire them.

Anthony is from Ontario and he's going to be a comp beast, but he's a big teddy bear.

Kiera is from British Colombia and she's an alpha female. There's more to her than meets the eye.

Kailyn is from Alberta and she's a psychic and her gift is reading people. If someone's spirit doesn't speak to her, then bye!

Arisa welcomes the next five HG to the stage. Arisa gives them a minute to soak it in because this will be the biggest mission of their life. They head inside and introductions begin. Damien is still watching them from Leon's Lounge. Chelsea and Laura are talking about being able to spy on people. Damien says this is nuts. Arisa informs Damien his mission is now over and he needs to come out.

Time to meet the final three HG. Kyra is 25 and she identifies as gender non-binary. She can understand and manipulate both males and females and she's going to be a strategic force.

Estefania and she's from Quebec and she loves to do yoga and meditate. She says it's easy to connect to people and she will use that to her advantage.

We meet Maki and he's here for the social experiment of Big Brother Canada.

Kyra's weakness is women and Estefania is single. Maki's strategy is to find out what people like and become that. He's chill.

We welcome the last three HG along with Damien to the stage. Arisa says before they move in a word of warning: they are taking secrets and spying to a whole new level. They enter the house and introductions begin with the last group.

The HG all head to sit down and they do a round robin of introductions. During introductions, Dane takes out his teeth and Chelsea does not seem excited. Arisa tells us we have a lot to get to, the first HOH of the season and another blindside.

For the next ten weeks, our HG will act as secret agents, but spying has never been this much fun. Time to check in with the special agents now. Arisa calls all the HG to the livingroom.

Arisa says they might want to wipe those smiles away. There's about to be a Big Brother breach, they might not be happy about. Before they entered, they all were asked one thing they didn't want the HG to know about them. They're about to learn each other's weak spots.

Anthony didn't want the HG to know he hasn't watched that many seasons. Dane has a soft side. Chelsea is from the pageant world. Maki has watched one full season of Big Brother Canada. Kyra is going to be a comp beast later on. Adam didn't want people to know he works in oil fields because they make good money. Estefania is an undergrad in psyche. Laura is a sensitive person. Kiera thinks she's a great liar. Kailyn doesn't want people to know she does readings. Damien didn't want people to know he played hockey professionally. Arisa lets their secrets sink in.

14 HG are about to compete in the first HoH comp of the year. Let's get to it. They are all in individual booths and they are in chairs and they are tied up. This mission is called Operation Escape. 

They have to be the first to escape their cells. The first seven to escape their cells will move on to attempt to dig their way out of the yard. The first to escape and hit their buzzer will be the first HoH. Oh, and one more thing. There will be no veto the first week which means one of the two nominees WILL be evicted. The challenge starts now!

The HG start working to escape. Damien says he's already seen alliances form and he wants to ensure his safety and win HoH. Water is pouring on them from the ceiling. They are all untied and a few are breaking their chairs to reach for the keys. Adam is the first to grab his keys and all he has to do is figure out which one opens the lock. He wants to win because he doesn't want to go home week one.

Laura gets her keys and she wants to win. She's never going to be a floater so it's imperative that she win this HoH. Adam is the first out with Kiera right behind. Estefania is out in the third spot. Dane hasn't gotten his keys yet and he wants to win because he's a huge target. Kailyn is out and Anthony is out. Mark immediately gets out and there is one spot left.

One spot remains as the HGs work to free themselves. Maki is the last out and takes the final spot. Laura is very upset and she has to watch from her cell and there's nothing she can do about it. For the second portion, they have a spoon and the first person to dig out and hit their buzzer becomes the first HoH. Adam is working hard and scooping huge amounts of dirt. He says there is no way in hell he's letting the others get to the other side before him.

Estefania is concerned she's so much tinier than Anthony and Adam she doesn't have a chance, but she keeps digging to get through it. Mark is making progress and Maki is too and he's moving faster because he sees Adam is making good leeway too. Maki can't fit through. Adam is sliding through and he's halfway through and working to get unstuck on the other side. Everyone else is still working to catch up. Adam is finally free and he hits his button and has become the first HoH.

After the commercial, Arisa will give further intel on the next blindside. It will give Canada a chance to change things inside the house.

14 agents have already entered the house. But guess what? We're not done. It wouldn't be Big Brother Canada without giving the fans input. Tomorrow night, one agent will be voted in and they will be given 1 day to complete a mission.

Holly is from Newfoundland. She doesn't have a strategy. Cory is from New Brunswick and she will be strategizing all the time. Holly is an armored guard and she's trained to shoot to kill. Cory is a math teacher and she's a smart cookie. Cory doesn't care what her mission is, it will be complete. Holly will not fail and she'll accept the mission. It's all up to Canada. They can vote as often as they want and they have one day to do so. Spy season has officially begun and the 14 HG inside have no idea about this blindside but they'll get to see it all go down tomorrow night!


March 02, 2019

Canada will vote in one additional HG - NO VETS coming back
between a teacher and a security guard
The agent that is voted in will have to complete 1 mission and if they fail they immediately leave the house

Canada will have 1 day to vote in the agent .... both are females from the East Coast 

During the bios all the HGs said something they don’t want the other HGs to know ... but alas Big Brother exposed it all

No HOH was played but it is going to be long one 

In the Leons Lounge is a Blood Veto ... no word on what the power is  
Damien won the viewer vote and got to go in first, he spent a long time hunting for secret room, finally found it & was able to watch first 2 groups move in, then left to join & move in with last group
It took Damien over 30 minutes to find the secret room .... he was challenged   

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

February 27, 2019

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

The BBCAN7“agents” are on a mission to be the last one standing, but they will have to endure and overcome a season of manipulation, adaptation, and deception. In a house filled with secrets and lies, houseguests may very well be burned by double-agents, or manage to sneak their way through their mission and claim the grand prize.

Fighting for a chance to win the coveted grand prize, the 14 agents assigned to this season of Big Brother Canada include a former radio host who’s been named one of Edmonton’s Top 20 under 30; a former professional hockey player turned musician and goalie coach from British Colombia; a quirky and big- hearted, non-binary bartender from Montreal; a tattooed and edgy judicial clerk from Calgary; and a free- spirited and handsome poet/DJ from Toronto.

Now Canada can choose to accept their own Big Brother Canada mission by giving one lucky spy access to classified information. Starting today, fans can go to to vote for one of the 14 agents to be granted top level clearance to Leon’s hidden secret lounge, where they will gain covert access to valuable intel that could help their mission. Viewers can watch Global on Wednesday, March 6 at 7 p.m. ET/PT to find out which agent will be collecting this valuable information.

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

February 27, 2019

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

The BBCAN7“agents” are on a mission to be the last one standing, but they will have to endure and overcome a season of manipulation, adaptation, and deception. In a house filled with secrets and lies, houseguests may very well be burned by double-agents, or manage to sneak their way through their mission and claim the grand prize.

Fighting for a chance to win the coveted grand prize, the 14 agents assigned to this season of Big Brother Canada include a former radio host who’s been named one of Edmonton’s Top 20 under 30; a former professional hockey player turned musician and goalie coach from British Colombia; a quirky and big- hearted, non-binary bartender from Montreal; a tattooed and edgy judicial clerk from Calgary; and a free- spirited and handsome poet/DJ from Toronto.

Now Canada can choose to accept their own Big Brother Canada mission by giving one lucky spy access to classified information. Starting today, fans can go to to vote for one of the 14 agents to be granted top level clearance to Leon’s hidden secret lounge, where they will gain covert access to valuable intel that could help their mission. Viewers can watch Global on Wednesday, March 6 at 7 p.m. ET/PT to find out which agent will be collecting this valuable information.

Samantha Picco

February 27, 2019

  Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 30
Hometown: Conception Bay South, N.L.
Occupation: Beauty Salon Owner

A pint-sized powerhouse with a larger-than-life personality, Samantha is ready to bring some east coast charisma to the Big Brother Canada house.

The Big Brother Canada houseguests will compete for a grand prize of $100,000, a$25,000 home furnishing makeover from Leon’s, $10,000 worth of groceries courtesy of Summer Fresh, and an unforgettable trip for two anywhere in the world with Contiki Holidays.

Mark Drelich

February 27, 2019

 Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 29
Hometown: Edmonton, Alta.
Occupation: Travel Guide

This charming and rebellious world traveller has more than meets the eye. With a specific strategy in place, Mark has no problem breaking off alliances and ending friendships to become the winner.


February 27, 2019

  Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 31
Hometown: Toronto, Ont.
Occupation: Poet/DJ

A philosopher at heart, this poet and DJ is ready to shake up the BBCAN house and adapt to every situation he faces to win the ultimate prize.

Laura Roberts

February 27, 2019

 Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 26
Hometown: Calgary, Alta.
Occupation: Judicial Clerk

An unapologetic Italian-Canadian with a larger-than-life personality and a no-nonsense attitude. This tattooed law clerk will do what it takes to find justice in the BBCAN house.

Kyra Shenker

February 27, 2019

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 25
Hometown: Montreal, Que.
Occupation: Bartender

This big-hearted non-binary bartender is ready to become the #BBCAN7 mastermind. Though very caring, Kyra is also analytical and hopes the houseguests will see them as emotional support rather than a threat.

Kiera Wallace

February 27, 2019

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 23
Hometown: Port Moody, B.C.
Occupation: Bartender

This vivacious West Coaster is going to lean in on her ability to connect with the other houseguests to keep her safe in thegame…but will have no problem sending them out the door.

Kailyn Archer

February 27, 2019

 Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 42
Hometown: Grand Prairie, Alta.
Occupation: Psychic

This free-spirited mother of four lives for her family and has anintuition like no other. She’s confident the house will enjoy her cooking and even more confident that she won’t enjoy slop.

Estefania Hoyos

February 27, 2019

 Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 23
Hometown: Gatineau, Que.
Occupation: Student

Estefania was bit by the travel bug early. Born in Columbia before moving to Canada, she has travelled the world and like a chameleon, can adapt to any situation.

Eddie Lin

February 27, 2019

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 25
Hometown: Montreal, Que
Occupation: Cryptocurrency Developer

This cryptocurrency enthusiast learned how to speak English by watching the show. Now as a houseguest, Eddie is ready to test his knowledge of the series and manipulate the other players.

Dane Rupert

February 27, 2019

 Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 27
Hometown: Kelowna, B.C.
Occupation: Civil Technician

Known as a local Kelowna celebrity, this goofy hockey jock believes you must play hard to win big.

Damien Ketlo

February 27, 2019

 Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 28
Hometown: Nadleg Whut’en, B.C.
Occupation: Goalie Coach

This former pro hockey player is a force to be reckoned with, bringing both brain and brawn into the Big Brother Canada house. Damien has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Native American studies and is incredibly passionate about his Indigenous heritage.

Chelsea Bird

February 27, 2019

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 30
Hometown: Edmonton, Alta.
Occupation: Radio Host

At first glance, this cat-loving, bubbly radio host is sweet on the surface, but she is willing to lie, scheme, and manipulate the other houseguests to claim the BBCAN winner status.

Anthony Douglas

February 27, 2019

Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 31
Hometown: Richmond Hill, Ont.
Occupation: Gas Inspector

Don’t be fooled by his 6’4” stature, Anthony is a charming,smooth-talking Momma’s boy and teddy bear at heart.

Adam Pike

February 27, 2019

 Global has today revealed 14 brand new ‘agents’ who will be competing in the seventh season of Big Brother Canada.

Age: 27
Hometown: Spaniard’s Bay, N.L.
Occupation: Oil Field Worker

Adam is a double-threat with a physique strong enough to crush the competitions and a social game savvy enough to win over the house.

Hey everyone! 8 days to go.

February 26, 2019

 Hey everyone! 8 days to go. The BBCAN7 house pics are here now  Looks great as always! HGs coming soon.

Do you want to join Big Brother Canada live show?

February 25, 2019

Do you want to join Big Brother Canada live show? Here’s how!

1) Get Tickets:
Each week tickets will become available for the upcoming Thursday eviction and will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. To request tickets, email with the requested Thursday date in the subject line starting Thursday, March 7th through to early spring with the following information in the body of the email: Full name, Number of tickets, Full names of guests. To validate your request, you will be sent a confirmation email with your ticket details. Please note you will not be permitted entry if you have not been sent a confirmation email.

Please note:
Tickets are only available in groups of 4 or less. You are required to provide the name of your guests at the time of registration. Absolutely no group tickets larger than 4 can be accommodated. Disclaimer: Audience members may attend up to 3 studio tapings per season and production reserves the right to deny your request.

2) Rush Line:
If you weren’t able to get confirmed tickets, join the Rush Line! Any unused tickets on Eviction Day will be given to members of the Rush Line. The rush line begins at 3PM at 550 Evans Avenue in Etobicoke. Do not arrive before 3PM – there is no waiting area at this studio.

Audience members must be 16+ to book tickets and anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a legal parent or guardian. No audience members under the age of 11 are permitted. All audience members must strictly adhere to the terms outlined in the distributed confidentiality agreement (no cell phone use, videos, recording or spoilers of any kind).

BBCAN7 prize

February 25, 2019

 The BBCAN7 houseguests will be competing for a $100,000 cash prize, a $25,000 home furnishing makeover from Leon’s, $10,000 worth of groceries courtesy of Summer Fresh, and an unforgettable trip for two anywhere in the world with Contiki Holidays

Big Brother Canada is back!

February 25, 2019

Big Brother Canada is back! Season 7 is gearing up to be a season full of intrigue, drama, and unprecedented twists, caught on camera 24/7. You can catch it all on Global TV March 6th at 7 PM ET/PT.

Only a few more sleeps until an all-new set of houseguests walk into the BBCAN7 house and meet each other for the first time. We’ve searched the entire country to find a special group of houseguests who will turn this season on its head. They can’t get too comfortable because the shocking twists will surely turn up the drama.
New episodes will air on Global Wednesdays at 7ET/PT, Thursdays at 8ET/PT, and Sundays at 8ET/PT.

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements, including who the houseguests are! Coming soon!

Get ready to meet a new batch of house guests when the seventh season of Big Brother Canada starts?

February 25, 2019

Get ready to meet a new batch of house guests when the seventh season of Big Brother Canada starts?
“We have planned the most epic and exciting season of Big Brother Canada and cannot wait to share it with our amazing fans,” said executive producer and senior vice-president Erin Brock. “What we have in store for our batch of house guests in Season 7 will be a widely exciting ride that viewers will be talking about all season long!”

Premieres on Global on Wednesday, March 6 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

The hit reality series returns to Global’s schedule three nights a week on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. ET/PT, Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT and Sundays at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

Additional details about Season 7 of Big Brother Canada, including this season’s theme, house guests and grand prize, will be announced in the coming weeks.

Big Brother Canada WILL return for season 7 in 2019

September 01, 2018

Global have confirmed that Big Brother Canada WILL return for season 7 in 2019

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