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March 25, 2020


Arisa, once again broadcasting from home, has a message for viewers. "When we started season 8 three weeks ago, they could not have seen the unfortunate events that would be coming up. "

"The provincial government has ordered all non-essential businesses closed because of COVID-19 and that includes Big Brother Canada production. They will be closing the season with two episodes: tonight's episode, which were recorded before the shutdown, and next week's episode for an emotional good-bye. "

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, Sheldon won HoH and Carol said she wants to go home. But she doesn't want to self-evict, she wants to be voted out. Susanne and Angie got frustrated by the lack of gameplay because of everyone being expelled or wanting to quit. Sheldon followed through with Carol's wishes on nomination day and put up Carol with Minh next to her covering his bases.

We pick up after the nomination ceremony on Day 21. Carol is relieved that Sheldon stuck to his word.

After the first PoV competition, she didn't think she'd last one more day. She's glad she lasted a full month and she's glad the house is going to honor her wishes and send her out the door to her family.

Sheldon says this is his second HoH and he can't get anything done because of the nonsense around the house. If Carol wants to leave, then she needs to self-evict. But he really wants Minh to go. Minh says she's been on the block twice now and they keep trying to get rid of her, but she's here to stay.

Carol says she's excited to leave in five days and see and talk to her daughter. She didn't think she'd feel this way because she's the strongest person she knows. Rianne says it's hard to sympathize with someone who takes the opportunity for granted. Rianne says she hijacked Sheldon's HoH and made herself a target. Rianne is going to head upstairs.

Minh goes to talk to Sheldon. Minh says they have a complicated relationship and she thinks he saw that she was a damsel in distress and she feels like Sheldon loves her. She thanks him for putting her on the block and allowing her to play veto. Sheldon says they are going through the process of trying to come together. Sheldon says if he was watching her on TV, he for sure would be cheering for her. Minh says diss me, then compliment me, then diss me. She said she knows he does it because she likes it.

Brooke comes in to get her water bottle and Minh spins as she walks by to leave and Brooke says style points! Brooke asks Sheldon what they are going to do this week? Sheldon is venting about Carol and wants to know why she won't just self-evict. He says people are getting behind her and are OK with honoring her wishes. Sheldon is regretting giving his all to win that HoH and Brooke says she hates to say she told him so. Sheldon says the only thing we can say is we are one person closer to making it to final two.

Minh is talking to Chris and she says he's so diplomatic and she is not. Chris says they aren't in the real world and they are playing a game. Minh says she's used to doing whatever she wants. Chris is going to coach her and keep her calm and under the radar, because you never know when he might need her. Chris says she needs to turn the knob down and she says sometimes it's good to have it turned up. Chris says she's a cool chick, but it's a marathon, not a sprint.

John-Luke is complaining about being on slop. He says this is his first time as a Have-Not and it sucks. Susanne is complaining about slop and Brooke comforts her and says John-Luke is doing much better than Susanne is.

Minh tells Rianne and Maddy that she wants Susanne out of the house because she's so whiny about being on slop and it's only been a day. Minh reminds them the others wanted them out. Maddy says Minh has lied to her before, but she has a point and if they can work together it would be good. Maddy says they could work together and Minh says Susanne needs to go next week.

Minh is talking to Sheldon and Brooke and she tells them she left home when she was 14. She tells us she feels like she has a tough exterior and it's because of things she's been through. She says she's ran away and then got put in foster care and ran away from that too. She's lived in group homes over the years. Brooke and Sheldon thank her for sharing and Sheldon says she's tough because of what she went through.

Rianne says there are two sides emerging in the house and people caught in the middle, like Angie, are becoming more and more important. They are talking in the Expedia room. Rianne asks her who she wouldn't want to win HoH and Angie says Minh. Rianne says Angie wouldn't be a target though if she won because Minh is mad at others. Rianne says she wouldn't want Vanessa to win. Angie says Vanessa could be a wild card.

It's Day 22 and John-Luke has two wooden spoons that he's hitting together and Rianne spells out Big Brother. It's time to draw players for the veto competition! Sheldon has decided not to play in the PoV competition because he doesn't want to make his target bigger. Minh and Carol join Sheldon. Sheldon draws Hira. Carol draws Chris. Minh draws Vanessa. The host will be John-Luke.

Carol and Vanessa are in the color comic room and Minh comes in. Minh says it's funny she chose Vanessa huh? They talk about Chris playing too and they have some strong competitors in this game. Minh says if she wins PoV, maybe she doesn't use it? Minh tells us who wins veto and doesn't use it? Of course, she'll take herself down. Carol and Vanessa both tell Minh she has to use the veto and make Sheldon get more blood on his hands.

Hira says he has to get Minh off the block. Susanne and Chris are there and Susanne says Hira should take Carol off the block and send Minh home. Chris says yeah, Carol. Sorry girl. Hira says he would do that. Get Carol out the right way.

They are dressed up like executioners and Minh says she's hoping there is a guillotine. Carol says this is a perfect costume for her because she's executing herself this week. John-Luke says they'll pick up a cannonball and walk across the draw bridge and rest a cannonball in one of the divots. But if a cannonball falls, they'll have to go back and try again. The first to get them all will win the PoV!

Minh says everyone tells her she's safe, but if she wins she can take herself off the block and force Sheldon to get more blood on his hands. Carol says if she can win, then she can keep nominations the same. She'll be the first person to win it and not use it on themselves.

Minh is working on her second cannonball. Vanessa is working on her first. She says last week she had to throw it. But she doesn't want to play that way and she wants to redeem herself and show she came to win. Hira says this may not be an important win this week for him, but he wants to build a resume and win as much as he can. Hira has four balls.

Carol is working on her second ball. Carol says she doesn't have it in her to just sit down and not participate. She's not a quitter. She will do her part. Chris is catching up with Hira and he says it's important to be seen as a strong, stable player. Hira has to reset and Chris has moved into the lead. Chris is struggling with his cannonballs and he loses one and has to reset also.

Carol is at 4. Vanessa has five but they roll around. She saves them. Minh has taken the lead, but her cannonballs are rolling. Chris has taken the lead again and he's up to 10 cannonballs. He says no one can match this Knight's heart or brain. We then see him lose all of his balls and he has to begin again.

Hira now has the lead again with 10. Minh is just behind with 9. She says she was on the block last week and she knows everyone was willing to vote her out. She needs to win veto because as long as she's on the block, she's never safe. Hira is doing well but is shaky. Minh is in trouble and we go to commercial.

We're back and Hira is in the lead with Minh right behind. Hira only needs three more cannonballs. He says he's so close to winning. He just needs to take his time because if he loses his balance it's over. Hira says everyone assumes the person with the biggest muscles will be a competition beast. You don't need big muscles, you just need a big heart. He is on his last cannonball and he places it and eases off the platform slowly. He makes it back to the start and Hira has won PoV!

Hira says he's king veto and he's the one to beat this season. Minh says she's happy for Hira, but she doesn't know what that does for his game. That was a useless win. Hira goes to the storage room and celebrates. He says it doesn't mean much this week, but something on the resume.

Maddy, Rianne, and John-Luke are in the bathtub together. Vanessa calls the HGs and she thinks it's between John-Luke and Susanne. Vanessa is at the front of the living room and she has the Have-Nots sit on one couch. Attention, for one of them life as they know it is about to change for the better. Canada has been voting to save one of the Have-Nots and they'll get a meal of their choice and they'll also get to skip slop for the rest of the week. The Have-Not Canada has decided to save is... John-Luke.

John-Luke says not on slop baby! It feels amazing to be voted off of the slop! Big love to Canada, his home and native land. Thanks guys! He gets his delivery and it's sitting on a podium. He says he could cry right now knowing he won't have slop anymore.

Sheldon is asking Minh what is going on? She says what do you mean? He says what's with the pretty cockroach look? She says she needed something to do today. He asks her to hand him something honey. She says she likes him better when he insults her. She is grossed out when someone is coming on to her and they are sweet. He says that's why he was sweet so she'd be disgusted by him.

Susanne is talking to Brooke and Sheldon and Susanne pitches voting out Minh. She says that would be savage. Brooke thinks it's a better move to send out Carol because the damage control they would have to do would be difficult. Sheldon says it's savage to hold the house hostage and tell them to vote her out. Sheldon says he has the chop a vote so he only needs four votes. He's with Susanne that they have to get Minh out, but he knows Brooke is right.

HG are all called to the living room. Eric Brock comes on and she has an update for them. As of today, March 21, she names the number of cases and how many deaths there have been around the world and around Canada. She says they have asked all Canadians to come home and they have closed the borders to all non-essential travel. They have continued to speak with their families and they are all family. Vanessa's family is home and self-isolating and Susanne's Italian family is safe and healthy.

Hira asks about sporting events. Erin tells them all major sports leagues are shut down or postponed. They say the world has stopped. They say they're safer in the house and they are fortunate to be in there. Hira says it's hard to hear the world is shutting down for a bit. He says being isolated from the world and not knowing what is going on is weird. Susanne says this all seems pointless now and Chris is comforting her and says she couldn't do anything if she were out in the real world. Chris says his life would be screwed if he were out in the world. Susanne says it's hard to get your head in the game when something like this is going on. Chris says they are in their own little reality there.

It's time for the PoV Ceremony. Hira says he has three options. He can take Carol off the block, take Minh off the block, or keep nominations the same. Carol is having a hard time in the house and he can leave her on the block and respect her wishes or take her off the block and stir some chaos. Taking Minh off the block would be unexpected and he's not afraid to do something unexpected because he's socially strong in the game.

Hira goes to the living room for the ceremony. He asks Minh why he should save her? She congratulates him and says he looks like the PoV king of the house, but she doesn't need him to use the veto on her because she's the roach. Carol says the HGs all know how she feels and she would ask that he not use the power of veto on her and send her packing.

Hira says he knows Minh tried to butter him with that great tofu dish, but it didn't work. He has decided not to use the power of veto. Everyone is hugging. Arisa says Season 8 has come to an early end. There will not be an episode tomorrow night, but there will be one next week. She says all the HGs are now out of the house and home safe with their families. This is NOT how they expected this season to end.

📢Good Wednesday Morning Brother-Lovers <3 📢It's Day 23 🍁 of 2

March 26, 2020

📢Good Wednesday Morning Brother-Lovers <3 📢It's Day 23 🍁 of 2

We are living in very uncertain times, and the current health crisis has impacted television shows all over the globe.I was looking forward to bringing you all the latest Big Brother Canada news, so this is a sad day for all. Hope to see you back next year and thanks for joining me. If the BBCAN8 episodes air on Wednesday March 25 and Wednesday April 1, and I’ll still recap those.

Is there going to be a chance to see a Big Brother Canada season 9 over at Global? We didn’t think that we’d be wondering about that so early. Yet, here we are. The news has come out that season 8 is over, with Global making the decision to end production early under the most unprecedented of circumstances.

Global already confirmed that there are no plans for production to continue down the road and with that in mind, the only thing to think about now is next season. That’s provided, of course, that everything gets resolved in the way in which we currently hope. The health crisis has overtaken much of the globe and, for the time being, there are a lot of things more important than a reality television show.

At the moment, we remain optimistic that there will be a season 9. We think that Global and Insight Productions did everything in their power to try and keep season 8 on the air but, in the end, they’ve made the right decision now. This franchise is just such a valuable form of escapism for people out there, and while it was at one point close to being over, the fans have since rallied and we do think it’s back to being an annual staple once more.

Are there some changes that should happen for season 9? Probably, and we’re thinking here mostly in relation to casting and getting a different group of interesting houseguests into the mix. But there will be a time to break some of that down further; for now, let’s hope that all of the season 8 cast and crew members get home safe. We’re all in this together, whether you are in Canada or some other parts of the world.

Do you want to see a Big Brother Canada season 9?

The End Is Near!

March 25, 2020

The End Is Near!

Big Brother Canada 8 ended early due the shutdown of all non-essential businesses. Despite the early departure, BBCAN8 will show two more episodes. One of them airs tonight and the other next Wednesday, April 1.

When BBCAN8 left off, Sheldon won Head of Household and nominated Carol and Minh-Ly. He wanted to eliminated Minh-Ly, but Carol insisted that the house respect her wishes and vote her out instead. She didn’t want to leave the game through self-eviction, but she felt that she could no longer continue playing Big Brother Canada.

Tonight, we’ll watch the week 4 Power of Veto Competition playout along with the Ceremony (possibly). The feeds went down before the Veto Ceremony when Susanne was trying to orchestrate a vote flip.

BBCAN8 Week 4 Nominations Fall-Out:

Minh-Ly is still Sheldon’s biggest threat, can he do anything to change Carol’s mind?

BBCAN8 Week 4 Power of Veto Competition:

Hira, Chris, and Vanessa were chosen to play along with nominees Carol and Minh-Ly. Sheldon still can’t play as HOH.

BBCAN8 Week 4 Veto Ceremony Results:

Will the Veto Ceremony even happen with the inevitable end near?

Join us next Wednesday for the final recap of BBCAN8.


March 24, 2020


Thanks to all of you for hanging out with us this season. It's always a blast interacting with you all. It's strange times, but we hope you all stay safe and stay home

Global and Insight Productions announced today that, in light of developments in Ontario on the fight against COVID-19, effective today Big Brother Canada Season 8 has ended production.

“Big Brother Canada is a labour of love for so many, and even though it hurts to say goodbye to the season, it’s the right thing to do,” said Big Brother Canada Host Arisa Cox. “On behalf of the incredible people who put this show together, thank you to everyone who started this journey with us. Please take care and be safe!”

At this time, Big Brother Canada has no plans to resume production at a later date. After a truly unprecedented season, the show will take its final bow over two episodes Wednesday, March 25 at 7 p.m. ET/PT and Wednesday, April 1 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

We'll see you back here for the next BB

📢Good Sunday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢It's Day 20 🍁 of 63

January 01, 2020

📢Good Sunday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢It's Day 20 🍁 of 63

Who won the Veto within the Big Brother Canada 8 house yesterday ? While this wasn’t the most dramatic competition to date, we did enter it with a great deal of curiosity.

For those who hadn’t heard the news as of yet, Carol and Minh-Ly were nominated for eviction by Sheldon. The two competed against Hira, Vanessa, and Chris but Hira was the winner! He has the ability to change the nominations … but he’s not going to. The plan is going to be keeping the nominations the same, with Carol walking out of the house on Thursday because she wants it to be that way.

The real mystery that exists in the house at the moment is whether or not Carol is even going to stick around that long. There’s a reasonably good chance that she will walk early. As a matter of fact, Vanessa told Sheldon earlier of a moment where Carol was packing her bag. In her mind, she has a feeling that she’ll leave early and say “screw the conversation with Arisa” or the end to her journey. (We actually wonder what that conversation would even look like at this point.)

If Carol was to just leave the game, we wonder if it’d be viewed any differently from what she is actually doing which is her just riding the fence and not leaving even though it feels abundantly clear to everyone that this is precisely what she is planning to do in the end. It feels like such a stunt for show and for her to have her “moment” on Thursday night as opposed to some other point during the week.

What do you think about the Power of Veto winner in Big Brother Canada?

Be sure to share right now in the comments!

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BBCAN8 Week 4 Power of Veto Competiton Results:

March 21, 2020

BBCAN8 Week 4 Power of Veto Competiton Results: Hira won it.

This Big Brother Canada 8 week could end up being irrelevant. Sheldon won the Head of Household power for the second weekfor the second week in a row after Jama and Kyle’s removals led to a reset week. Sheldon wanted to rectify the situation from last week by getting out Minh-Ly, his intended target . He still views her as a wild card and Sheldon doesn’t like unknown variables.

However, Sheldon’s hopes and dreams for this week immediately got dismissed when Carol decided that it was time for her to leave the game. Instead of making good on her many self-eviction threats, she decided to ask the houseguests to vote her out this week.

Reluctantly, the house has agreed to vote Carol out instead of Minh-Ly, making this week a complete bust. It really doesn’t matter who wins Veto unless Carol happens to win it and then the week gets a hit of excitement.

The players chosen to play in this week’s Veto competition along with nominees Carol and Minh-Ly are Chris, Vanessa, and Hira. As Head of Household, Sheldon is not allowed to play in the Veto competition.


March 21, 2020


JL and Vanessa join the HOH trio, Brooke and Minh finally get out of the bath

Hira has joined Angie and Rianne in the Expedia room. Hira says he loves beating Chris, he is a competitive threat to him. Angie says Vanessa is lonely, will be even worse when Carol leaves, and they can use that to their advantage. They also note that Chris is alone now

Brooke tells Sheldon again once everyone leaves the HOH that she is genuinely concerned about the season being cancelled. Sheldon brushes off her concerns, saying they can run away together and never be seen ever again

Sheldon says he just wants to win the game, Brooke says her too. Sheldon clarifies that when he says him, he means them. They say Sue coming up there "frothing at the mouth for Minh" makes this tough

Brooke continues to insist that Carol's Self-Eviction would mess up the "timeline." Minh claims Carol won't self evict because she wants Production to pay for her plane ticket home.

They continue discussing the why production would cancel the season and why they won't. Minh teases Sheldon that he used to flirt with her but calls her a roach and then put her on the block. Twice.

Minh, Sheldon and Brooke are discussing letting Carol self-evict before Thursday. And that she's talking about doing it before Thursday no matter what. Brooke is concerned that the season will be cancelled.

In the Expedia room, Madeline is telling Rianne, Hira, Vanessa, and Angie that she has gotten a rash (not the first one in the house) and she thinks it is from the hot tub. The girls look at it and try to determine the cause

In the manga room, Chris is telling Sue that he thinks she is into him, but Sue denied it. Chris says he will be lucky if he makes it a few more weeks with her in the house

Chris says he feels bad for who is watching this, this is how not to flirt with a girl, this is how you get friendzoned. Chris says he is happy with his and Sues "bromance" though

The HGs gathered in the Expedia room hope that it is bedtime soon, Angie and Madeline are almost ready. They joke that theyll hear the goodmorning chicken and goodnight messages in their sleep outside the house

Rianne says she and Susanne are swapping spots on the HN floor, Rianne hated sleeping on the side. JL says he bit the bullet and will stick to the side

Vanessa and Minh go outside to smoke, Minh says she thinks prodution doesnt want her to smoke. They have general chatter. Minh says Sheldon has been flirting with her. She says she and Brooke/Sheldon talk a bit of game but not much, they dont want to with her

Minh asks Vanessa if Carol packed her bags today, Vanessa says she didnt. Vanessa says she spends hours a day convincing Carol to stay but it is already hard enough in the house without having Carol dragging her mood now. Vanessa thinks Carol will last til eviction

Vanessa says she gets it, but if Carol cant last four days, come on, she needs to stay in the house til then. She says she needs to win next week. Minh says the comp today didnt feel like a comp

Hira is in the HOH with Brooke and Sheldon, Sheldon is telling him that he doesnt think Carol will last the week. Hira says that would be stupid, all that work and her speech for that. Sheldon laughs, saying all this BS has happened so far it wouldnt be a shock

Angie is telling Madeline and JL the history of her family and the tribal names used in Ghana, where her parents were born

Brooke mentions that they got another virus update. Hira says they should let the HGs do the veto ceremony tomorrow, the vote that night. Let them have four days of peace, theres no audience to plan for anyways. They all laugh, Sheldon says he wont watch the season back

Sheldon says Carol was concerned about leaving seconds after asking him to put her up. That was the first time in the house he talked directly to a camera, asking what the hell is going on. He says he knows they were all evaluated and equates her behavior to being insane

Sheldon and Hira joke about blindsiding Carol and keeping her this week, saying they could force it to be a double. Hira jokes about using the POV on her and watching Carol walk

Brooke is trying to wrap her head around four days of nothing. She says knowing what happens makes it boring. Theyll all sit around wondering if Carol will self evict beforehand, and if she doesnt they know she is leaving the house

Sheldon says if he ends up going home next week he is disappearing and literally wont speak to anyone ever again. He says all of this will have happened for nothing, he hasnt gotten to use his HOH's

HGs are still curious about what Chris does for a living. Hira tells Brooke and Sheldon that Chris is the first person he is googling when he gets out. The first goodnight message finally goes off

Carol is in the bedroom with a group of HGs telling stories about her life and relationships. She says her daughter was the best thing that happened to her. She says life is unpredictable but ends up giving you what you need

JL and Angie have joined Brooke and Sheldon in the HOH. They are laughing over JL throwing an egg at Hira saying "wake up, nap time is over." Theyre glad that production didnt ruin it. Brooke says that HIra had a great reaction to the prank


March 21, 2020


Brooke, Sheldon, and Minh are talking about next weeks HOH, saying that it cant be another crapshoot, they are due for a mental comp. Minh prays she can win HOH. Brooke thinks a Minh HOH would be drunk with power

Minh says that her hands have been dirty since Day 1 and shes never been in power. Sheldon says HOH isnt an easy task, people are always in your room making you question things, lots of visits to the DR

Sheldon says Carol might not make it to Thrusday, she was telling Vanessa and Sue she is struggling. Sheldon says they should all sit down and tell her to self evict. Brooke is worried if she does, the season will be cancelled or drastically affected by it

Brooke says its been a messed up season already and BB fans are a different animal. They are looking for gameplay and there has been none. Each week has been a wash since someone sends themselves home.

Sheldon says he doubts Carol can make it til the eviction Thursday, they gave her everything she wanted and apparently she was packing her bags this morning. Sheldon doesnt think theyll cancel the season though

RIanne comes in the HOH to do mic battery changes, conversation moves to Brookes first kiss

Conversation in the HOH with Minh, Brooke, and Sheldon goes to Jamar and how much he pretended not to care, but genuinely cared about Minh.

Hot tub group has broken up and is at the dining room table. Rianne coming to do a battery change signals that it is close to bedtime

Brooke and Minh plan that theyll start doing yoga together. Minh says she will see if Vanessa and Chris wants to join. Minh says Sheldon was supposed to train her, but he jokes that he wants to keep her weak

Angie and Rianne are talking in the Expedia room joking about Rianne having a crush on Chris, saying Rianne catches herself staring at him sometimes and he is pretty

Sheldon wonders why production is letting Carol stay if she is so depressed. Minh says Carol is probably only staying so production can pay for her ticket home, if she self evicts they wont do it

Brooke continues to believe that production isnt letting Carol self evict because if the timeline is messed up again, they cant have a season and it will be cancelled


March 21, 2020


Brooke and Minh are talking about how hard the alcohol hits them since they don't get it often in the house. Brooke thinks they didn't get alcohol in the beginning because production assessed who was in the house and didn't think it was a good call.

Brooke and Minh are talking about how hard the alcohol hits them since they don't get it often in the house. Brooke thinks they didn't get alcohol in the beginning because production assessed who was in the house and didn't think it was a good call.

Everyone but Brooke, Minh and Sheldon (who's in DR) are in the hot tub. The discussion is about toe licking - which they all agree Ri is the best at.

Chris is telling the story of his first kiss he thought he landed it but the girl laughed afterward.

Sheldon is out of DR the girls tell him everyone is outside.. Sheldon so Minh, final 3? Minh Ok They then come up with a F3 hand gesture. Minh tells Brooke she's always wanted to be with them but they were non committal. Brooke laughs and agrees.

Brooke and Minh have opted out of hot tub time to take a bubble bath in Sheldon's HOH. They're discussing future plans and who they think will join them.

Minh is telling Brooke about her convo with Sheldon - she was never coming for Shel, and yes things were tnse with Brooke, but Minh thinks that was people getting in her head. She wants to have their back, and they have hers.

Brooke says she's at the point now where she trusts Minh. She did right after the house meeting. Brooke's only hesitation is that working with Minh makes the target on Brooke and Sheldon even bigger. Minh is cool with not making it know, as long as they communicate.


March 21, 2020


Sue and Hira check in Hira say this week is over, Sue says she's thinking about that and wants to change it. Hira says it can't happen, start thinking about next week. Sue says their biggest problem is Minh, she cannot win next week.

Hira tells Sue that he's not comfortable with Chris, regardless of the control Sue says she has over him. He says you can't know what Chris will do - look what he did as HOH.

Sue says she gets the mental health aspect. But she can respect that and still play the game. Brooke: this is so greasy guys. Shel: to who though? What's savage is holding the house hostige and not letting us play.

Brooke unless we get the whole house together to do this, we can't do this socially. Shel wonders if he asks ppl what they think, will it hurt him socially? Brooke says it will. Sue: well maybe the game has to be played a little bit. Brooke: that's playing a lot.

Sue reiterates that she's so frustrated - Shel has won two weeks in a row and all their getting is 3 of their numbers out the door. Then next week someone else will win and we'll be out. Shel my heart is with you (Sue), but it will show our cards too much.

Sue is now pitching to Shel about evicting Minh and letting Carol self evict. Shel asks how many votes they would need. Sue says they have Hiras vote. Brooke comes in and Sue is now telling her the vote Minh out plan. Sue says Carol is leaving either way.

Sheldon explains that he's frustrated too but they just can't do it. He tells Sue to stop pushing that narrative. She says she will.

All of the HGs are in the living room playing the "murderer" game. You walk around, and if you're the murderer you wink at someone and they have to die - Chris is dead. Now everyone gets questioned to figure out who it is.

Vanessa was the first murderer.

Minh was the murderer! She made it to round 3, which earlier JL said is hard to do, unless you're good at lying.

The game is over, the BY is open and most are getting ready to go in the hot tub.


March 21, 2020


Minh she didn't understand how showmances could put a target on their back and spend all their time together but know she gets it. Minh says to Maddie maybe it was a blessing.

Chris asks Brooke if she laughed when his balls dropped. Maddie and Sheldon laugh. Chris said he could only get up to 16. POV comp

Carol explains to Hira what a Montessori school is because that is where her daughter goes.

Carol says she can't wait to get home. Angie says it will be some quarantine time. Carol says they can do a family vacation.

Brooke starts to tell Sheldon something that was "bad" but then they realize Maddie is in the HOH room.

Brooke is asking Sheldon how she can communicate with Chris he says he doesn't know, but Brooke points out that Chris and Shel had a good convo earlier that Shel wouldn't tell her about. Shel says the easiest way would be to flirt-Brooke doesn't have that in her arsenal

Vanessa and Angie are both in Expedia saying how dusty it is. They're wondering what production did in there. BB calls them out. Now they're hanging out in silence.

Chris has brought Maddie different kinds of nuts to give her nutrients. Maddie and Carol are selling Chris to Canada.. He's ambitious, a boss man, a nice car, has a cottage, he has no back hair etc.

Angie says they must know how they look to the rest of the house unless they're completely not self aware. Ri brings up Brooke telling her Shel is her #1 Ri assumed those 2 were working with Kyle/Ness but now that he's gone it doesn't seem like it.
Ri says the thing about Minh she wins shit. Angie agrees she thinks they should get her out now while she's alone. Angie says that Minh needs to go next. Ri: we've been doing the same thing for weeks, the audience must be so bored.

Ri and Angie are in Expedia talking about Minh and how they don't see her working with Chris. The subject turns to Brooke and Sheldon and how close they are Ri says she feels better knowing that someone else is noticing.

Sue and Ness are talking about Carol. Ness doesn't understand how Carol made it in, due to her back issues and mental health. Sue thinks Carol had no intention to win, she came for fame and experience. They agree they hate that Carol is so depressed.

Sue and Ness vent about Carol wanting to go this week. Sue wonders if they could just evict Minh, and Carol self evicts. She knows that sounds awful, but she's sick of not playing the game.

JL throws an egg at Hira and says Wake up, Hira Nap time is over


March 21, 2020


Sheldon tells Minh if it came to it he would vote Brooke out if it helped his game.

Minh and Sheldon talking in HOH. Minh asks him lots of questions. Was Brooke and Kyle working together? Would Brooke put her up if Sue wanted her too? Sheldon mentions he and Kyle barely talked game.

Brooke and Sue talking about how smart Chris is. Brooke doesn't want to take him far. They say he's a good target for Sheldon though. In this clip it's confirmed Hira won POV bc they say Chris said Hira is the King. He wins two POVs. I can't get him out.

Angie, Vanessa, Hira and Carol talking about the POV comp. Hira says it was fun to compete in. Angie says it was fun to watch. They say the costumes were hot.

Angie, Vanessa, Hira and Carol talking about the POV comp. Hira says it was fun to compete in. Angie says it was fun to watch. They say the costumes were hot.

Brooke tells Sue she's worried about Hira because he's close with JL, Rianne and Maddie.

Brooke & Sue talk about the order they want to get people out. Minh, Ri, JL then Maddie. Sue says if she wins next week she'd put up JL and Maddie as pawns and backdoor Minh. At the beginning she talks about her DR and mentions Carol wants to go home. BB stops her.

Brooke and Sue talking about if Minh wins. They think she wants both of them out. Sue says she's talking to Shel a lot. Brooke thinks she'll want to get her out so she can have Shel to herself. Sue says in her DR sessions she always says she's going to get Minh out.

Vanessa and Sheldon. They hope if the three (JL, Rianne, Maddie) win they also go after Minh. Then they talk about how great Hira is at comps.

Minh finishes they story and she got the guy to dm her job and say he lied and that she didn't send him unsolicited pictures.

She told him that is called revenge porn and she would press charges. He blocked her. When she got home 3 days later she had a voice mail from a manager. Here's her recap of her talk with the airline.

Minh is telling Rianne about an ex. He was hitting on another girl who sent her proof. So she broke it off. He claims it was photoshopped. She says it was new so she wasn't that gutted so she said they could still see each other but they're not exclusive.

Sheldon asks Hira who they are afraid of next. Hira tells Sheldon he's afraid of Chris because he'll probably put him up again. He doesn't think he'll put up Sheldon. He doesn't think he will but could on a double eviction.

Sheldon asks Hira who Maddie and Ri are after. Hira says they are after Chris and Vanessa. He says JL is still after him too because he thinks Chris will put him up too.


March 21, 2020


JL is hosting the POV. Sounds like Hira might be playing - he has started to study the Expedia information.

Maddie is in the HOH bed w/Angie. They discuss who would be good to put in jury and who might be bitter.

Carol, Sue and Vanessa are hanging out. Sue tells Carol she is going to miss her. Vanessa agrees - says she can't even speak of it. Carol says she will miss them too. Says she is going to try to have something to eat even though she has such anxiety right now

Angie says if Carol wins even $1 in the POV, she will be so mad and then she won't vote to send her out. She says if Carol doesn't want to be in the game, she shouldn't get the shot to win prizes. Says if there is a prize Carol should sit out.

JL has been called to the DR. He is the host for the POV so it could be time!

Sheldon tells Angie and Maddie that he is probably going to have PTSD from having back to back HOH's with nothing to show from them. He says it would be even worse if he went home next week. The girls assure him that they have his back and he won't go home.

Maddie Minh and Vanessa in the B&W BR. Vanessa says that JL was not called into the DR for the veto. Minh says she's been thinking of the relationships in the house.

Minh asks Vanessa who she would put up if she won HOH. Vanessa says Kyle was talking about going after the remains of the four, and that she would probably go that way. Minh says JL is the most dangerous because of the close bonds he is forming. Vanessa agrees.

Minh says she doesn’t think she would have the votes to get JL out. Vanessa says if he was put up against Maddie, Rianne, or Sue, he would probably go. Minh then says that Sue is dangerous, and Angie would also be a target for her.

Minh says the order of the strongest to the least is JL, Rianne, and then Maddie, because Maddie doesn't have the social game like Rianne, but JL has the social game and the strategy.

Vanessa asks if any of the three says her name. Minh tells her she thinks it's just JL who has. Minh says Maddie is the one they want to stay the longest, because she really wants to get Sue out. Vanessa is shocked that Maddie would want Sue out, she thought it was her.

Minh says she talked to Maddie and assured her Vanessa was okay for now. She says that Maddie told her she (Maddie) was concerned about Sue because she is in good with everyone. Minh and Vanessa agree that Sue is always trying to get info but not give it.

Minh tells Vanessa she is confident that they both can win HOH. She tells Vanessa she really needs to get Sue out, and Vanessa really needs to get JL out. Minh says they can deal with Angie.

Vanessa says she needs to after Rianne and Maddie first, after JL. Minh asks if she (Vanessa) would vote Sue out. Vanessa says she would have to vote with the house. Vanessa says that Sue is very close with Brooke and Sheldon. Minh says Chris has her back.

Vanessa tells Minh she is the only one she wants to hang out with. Minh says they shouldn't hang out that much, so it doesn't appear they are working together. Minh says she told Maddie and Rianne that Vanessa was a lone wolf, now that Kyle is gone.

Vanessa assures Minh that she is not attracted to Chris, that she is not interested in a showmance. Minh says she has no choice to trust Vanessa now. Vanessa says Minh can trust her, that she won't repeat what Minh says to her.


March 21, 2020


Brooke jokes with Hira and tells him that he can't be a master pranker and serious at the same time. He needs to pick a lane because it's confusing to people.

Angie says that it's so cold in the house and goes over to the stove to try and warm up. Chris joins Angie in the kitchen and they talk about the waist trainer that she's wearing.

Minh and Vanessa are in the pool room doing yoga. JL tells Ri and Maddie that he tried to get in the DR but they won't let him in.

Correction, Minh and Vanessa are in the LR doing yoga. Minh is helping her with her yoga form. There's still lots of slop talk in the kitchen with Ri and JL as JL makes some slop pancakes. Maddie says that she's the only one that eats slop for fun.

Maddie and Chris in the HN room. He's telling her that he doesn't hold anything prior to now against her. She says she feels the same way. He tells her he feels really good about her. Maddie asks him if he's concerned about anyone in the house right now.

Chris says that he's really good at reading people. He says that all of the lying that Kyle did was stupid, he didn't understand it and he ended up taking the heat for a lot of it. Chris says now that Kyle's gone that things have gotten more predictable.

He says that he's there for her. He knows that she's not at full capacity because she's on slop. He asks her if she could have fought more in the last comp. Maddie says that her hands were really sweaty and she knew she didn't have the strength to win it so she stopped.

Maddie says to Chris that she's a very loyal person. She's going to be herself ad play the most honest game she can until she doesn't have a choice. If you lie you get caught up in your lies eventually.

Maddie tells Chris that you don't usually see that kind of big game play that early in the game but she's over it now and moving on. She asks him if Vanessa and Sue are his 2 people. He says "well yeah". She says that she's close to JL right now.

Chris tells Maddie he wants her to try hard to win the next HOH. She asks him who he really doesn't want to see make it to jury. Feeds cut out as he starts to answer.


March 21, 2020


Sue & Brooke are still talking in the HOH bathroom with Sheldon there. They say that JL really wants to make jury. They talk about how JL was going to prank Hira by cracking an egg on his head (but couldn't due to timing).

Chris entertains Angie with a poem/rap about the days in the house. He talks about Jamar being a star (also because it rhymes).

Chris, Vanessa, Carol, Sue, Maddie, Rianne, & JL chit chat at the dining table. They tease JL who is a have-not but yet is exposed to the good food here.

Hira & Brooke are in the HOH bedroom, while Sheldon sleeps (off camera). They are all silent, & Brooke has earphones on.

Maddie & Rianne are in the kitchen. They had overheard Chris’s poem/rap to Angie and they say how much Chris knows about the days & the events (indicating that he is a mental threat). Rianne is making slop pancakes.

Sheldon, Brooke, & Hira are sharing the HOH bed. Sheldon is freezing. They joke that they are the final 3. They joke that they are so lazy they can’t come up with a final 3 name. Hira says that recently he’s started to believe in the “universe”.

Rianne & JL are talking in the kitchen. JL is eating the slop pancakes that Rianne made. Rianne’s first boozy drink was a Blue Hawaiian. She isn’t a beer girl but enjoyed yesterday’s beers. Rianne says that Vanessa felt hungover yesterday.

Sue joins JL & Rianne to eat the slop pancakes. Sue thanks Rianne for making the pancakes. Sue is later shown pouring some type of seasoning on the slop pancakes.

While Sheldon tries to sleep in the HOH room, Brooke & Hira do some funny dances (which also moves the bed). They start talking about raves.

Shel is in the DR while Brooke and Hira talk in the HOH room. Brooke says that she's glad that she's been able to elevate his "weirdness" in the house. He says that it should make for some good bloopers this season.


March 21, 2020


Sue, Sheldon, Brooke, and JL are talking at the dining room table. Sue says/jokes: “Don’t pick on me when I’m on slop!”

Angie, Sheldon, JL (shower), Chris (not shown), Maddie, & Rianne are all in the bathroom together, not talking about the game. Talking about their families, fun, & light-hearted topics.

Minh & Brooke continue talking about their outdoor adventures & travels outside the house. Minh says that she’s (herself) a very calm person as opposed to the friend she was traveling with. They talk about New Zealand. Minh also wants to go to London England.

Chris & Minh talk about Minh’s breakfast, in the kitchen. Hira is there too. They joke about how long the burners take to heat up. They talk about “big brothers”, & Minh says she called Kyle a “big brother”. Hira is there too.

Chris leaves the kitchen. Hira & Minh briefly start talking game, & about stabbing backs (figuratively). Minh says she’s annoyed when Sheldon says that she (Minh) “is a cat with 9 lives”. Minh says Sheldon thinks this turns her on but it doesn’t.

Hira & Minh continue talking game in the kitchen. Minh says that she & Sheldon have gotten closer since he put her on the block. Minh thinks there’s going to be more mental comps & says she’s getting to know everyone’s strengths & weaknesses & that social games are vital.

JL, Maddie, & Rianne are in the bathroom. Rianne says she finds conversations with Chris so “stiff”. Maddie says that Chris knows a few of her (Maddie) ex-boyfriends. Rianne says that Chris knows them because he’s on the lookout for other good-looking guys (competition).

Maddie & Rianne suddenly start talking game (whispers) while JL is shaving. Rianne mentions that Minh really wants Sue out.

Hira & Minh are still talking at the dining table. Minh says that she took acting in college, but that she’s an “experimental learner”, meaning she learns by doing. Hira agrees, & says that education is the “base” but you learn by doing the job.

Hira & Minh are still talking at the dining table, about Canadian universities. There is a lot of banging in the background, which means a competition is being built. There is a voice in the background that says: “Please stop talking about production.”


March 21, 2020


JL is playing would you rather game. Would you rather wear a plaid housecoat or plaid pj's. Ri said both.

JL going over future days if he won HOH. Day 34 Shelly out the door. Day 44 JL out the door. Shelly laughs.

JL telling the table crew that the morning slop is better than the later day slop. Shelly says he wants slop.

Minh alone is the br as the table crew is chatting about friends, food and their lives

Shell asks Sue if she wants him to stop picking on her about Dave (Sue's bf) Sue yes Shell ok... I haven't said anything bad about him. Sue I think you both would be boys

Angie and Chris preparing breakfast

The boy's are going to have a b-ball tournament when they get out of the house

The boys telling the girls that since they started the she devils the are cursed and they will all be evicted.

The table crew telling Shell he should've selected Minh as a HN. Sue say's it could've weaken her. The crew continues with who hasnt been a hn yet.

Chris and Brooke have joined the table crew. Light hearted bantering going on.

Minh is talking with Maddie in the bathroom, Rianne is hanging around nearby. Minh says she can’t stand that Sue is complaining about being on slop for only a day so far. Minh says: “Stick with me.” And says that Sue has to go.

Minh continues to talk game with Maddie and now Rianne, in the bathroom. Asks Rianne if she (Rianne) has been playing fully at comps, and Rianne says she has been, but just hasn’t been doing great at them.

Minh stops talking game with Maddie and Rianne (who are putting on make-up) whenever anyone else enters the bathroom. This had included Hira and Chris. Minh had earlier hinted how close Sue is to Chris (and doesn't like it).

BBCAN8 Week 4 Nominations

March 20, 2020

BBCAN8 Week 4 Nominations

Week 4 BBCAN 8 Game Stats Update

Sheldon nominated Carol and Minh-Ly for eviction.

Brooke, John Luke, Rianne & Susanne Are Have-Nots


March 20, 2020


JL says to Maddie that he would have been totally fine putting Carol up. They both agree that that would have just been another person out of the game for them.

Maddie is looking to Minh on how to use bleach to get a stain out of her clothing. She then gets bleach on her yellow pants and states "Oh My God! This is the worst day ever!"

Chris, Carol, Angie, Vanessa and Sue in Manga room. Carol says that she will be watching them all from home, She wants to do her makeup before the ceremony.

Carol is rallying up all of the HG's for a house meeting right now. The HG's are slowly coming to the LR.

Carol is at the head of the LR. She states that she has been up and down with her emotions since she entered the house. She immediately becomes very emotional and the feeds cut out.

Brooke talks about the different ways to make slop and says she could probably do this the whole time. Susanne asks if she would care if she was on two weeks in a row. Brooke says she doesn't think so. Then she adds it's only one day so she could be talking a big game.

Sue is yelling about being on slop. She says she was only kidding when she volunteered.

JL is also cracking under the slop pressure - he tells Brooke that if anyone puts him on it again they're going up! But not Shel - unless he does it again, in which case JL is BD him.

JL and Hira are chirping at each other JL tells Hira he's putting him up next week because Hira keeps torturing JL by eating in front of him. Hira says that's not happening JL tells Hira he's caught in his own "fahtah" he quickly realizes that's not a word.

Chris and Minh are chatting about their drive in life - Chris tells Minh that she's living on the edge. Minh says if she's not pushing herself, she feels like she's dying. She will get to her goals someway, somehow.

Sue and Chris are seeing "eye to eye" in the storage room. Chris says it'll be the only time they do.

Vanessa jokes that if Carol doesnt pick her for HG choice she will vote out Minh. Carol says as long as the votes against her are more than for, she will be fine

Everyone is pretty much in agreement that they are voting Carol out this week. Carol says she doesnt care if she has a sympathy vote, as long as she leaves this week. She mentions her meeting and that she cried a lot

Hira is talking about his first date with his now wife, she called him at 2AM that night because she wanted to see him the next day. Angie and Ri say that most guys would have noped out of a situation like that Minh joins Brooke and Sheldon in the HOH, saying she is bored. She went to the DR and said "you guys want to ask me questions?" but they didnt go for it. Minh says Kyle was the entertainment of the house. Brooke says the next energetic people are JL and Sue

Minh joins Brooke and Sheldon in the HOH, saying she is bored. She went to the DR and said "you guys want to ask me questions?" but they didnt go for it. Minh says Kyle was the entertainment of the house. Brooke says the next energetic people are JL and Sue

Carol says that she was bothered that she couldn't control her environment in the house and wasn't aware of what it would be. She also says she learned that Fame isn't everything, That family is and that money isn't everything.

Chris and Minh are talking. Minh wants to write a book. She says she has enough material for a drama show, all of the stuff she has been through, its so crazy she cant make it up. Chris is encouraging her to write more

Brooke and Sheldon are in the anime room talking, saying Brooke incriminated herself somehow and didnt realize it until immediately afterwards. She just incriminated herself to Sue. If she was going to drop the ball it should have been to him, Sheldon says

Brooke says she dropped the ball, just a small drop, and didnt even realize she fumbled it until she was asked. She says she is shocked that they havent been called out for speaking in code

Production finally says to stop speaking in code. Brooke says she is frustrated because she felt all the things she said outside and now she dropped the ball


March 20, 2020


Angie says she has not talked to Carol yet about how her leaving would affect others in the game. She says she doesn't think Carol would come after her.

Angie says everyone should do what Sheldon wants since he fought hard to win the HOH. Rianne says it's stressful to have Carol on her side because she never knows what Carol would do. Angie says she would be perfectly happy to talk to Carol aside from the game.

Angie and Maddie are in the storage room. Angie says there isn't much game to talk about. Maddie says she is worried about Sheldon but that she trust him.

Angie says she thinks Maddie can trust him (Sheldon) and she doesn't think Sheldon will put her (Maddie) up.

JL is now regretting telling Shel to take Ri to Wendy's instead of himself. He wants to take some time to chat with Hira today.

Sue brings her slop concoction out to the pool room and has JL try it. He said that it was like chewing on his own vomit. Sue lists all of the things that she put in it. When Sue goes back inside Maddie says that she tried it and it was really gross.

Angie, Maddie and Ri are talking about the different things that they can do with slop. Angie says that it takes strong things like mustard and ketchup to mask the taste of it enough.

JL says that his targets have changed every day that he's been in the house based on who's pissed him off. Angie jokes that you have to give people slop some slack because their minds aren't thinking right sometimes.

Carol and Minh are in the hot tub and Minh says that she has shown that she's not the tit for tat player that everyone thought she was. Carol starts telling Minh something that she makes her promise not to repeat.

Carol starts telling Minh that all of the talk was about getting her out this week and then the feeds cut out.


March 20, 2020


Brooke and Sheldon discuss their convo with Minh. They say that she mentioned that HOH ball competition and seemed to be saying they should be targeted but when they asked she said others. Also for our Toronto it raining that hard near the studio? It's LOUD.

Mid conversation, Brooke says "Is that a storm siren?" (You can hear a siren outside) Sheldon says he doesn't know he's never heard one in his life. Brooke says they are very scary. Sheldon/Brooke are discussing 2 pawns and BDing Minh or putting her up first.

Brooke and Sheldon are talking about planning for the reactions to nominations and who they can ask to be a pawn. Angie and Madeline are who he is planning to ask. He's worried about sketching people out

Hira joins Sheldon in the now open HOH room to discuss noms.

Chris tells Rianne that Carol offered to go up. He says she should talk to Sheldon to see what he's thinking. Rianne says she doesn't want to be a Block Star Chris says there's a low chance of Minh getting picked for POV.

Susanne and Brooke talking. Brooke wishes Chris had won HOH. She's worried about the social ramifications on Sheldon's game and by proxy hers. Sheldon comes in she's about to tell him what they're saying and Chris walks in. She stops.

Chris explains to Sheldon why he thinks he should put up two pawns. Minh has a good chance of winning veto and then could put them up if she won HOH next week.

Sheldon and Chris talking. Sheldon explains why he wants to put up MInh (the target) and Carol (the pawn). He doesn't want to get another person mad by putting up two pawns.

Sheldon tells Chris he thinks they are the only two who could tell people they wouldn't put them up but then do. He says others play with emotions not strategy. Chris says Minh could do that.

Sheldon tells Brooke that Chris is on board for putting up Carol and Minh. He doesn't want to talk to anyone else. Maybe just to fill them in.

Maddie put whites in with black bed sheets. They got tinged with gray. MaddieThis is the worst day ever. She says she just bought them for this. She says they weren't cheap. Maddie "It's not like some freaking Walmart sh*t". People are telling her to bleach them.

Brooke asks JL if he thinks his family is having watch parties. He thinks his family & ex might be watching together. He says his friends might (15 guys) but they're pretty lazy so they might not. Brooke says her mom will be. But her Dad was hesitant of her being on it.

Brooke tells JL she spent a lot of time convincing her Dad and Grandmother that BB wasn't salacious reality tv. And now their season has been like that.

Minh tells Carol she has to think of all the things she can do in her and not focus on the things she can't do. She has to stay positive.

Vanessa and Susanne talking. They are upset that Minh is going up because if she wins next week one of them is going home.

Chris and Sue meet up in Anime Bedroom. Sue says she is worried what Minh will do next week, if she doesn't go home. She says she is frustrated with Sheldon. Chris says he has urged Sheldon to use the back door on Minh.

Chris says Sheldon is afraid to get blood on his hands, that Sheldon won the HOH to build up his resume. Chris says in passing that Brooke is in Sheldon's head, and tells Sue Carol and Minh are already a done deal.

Sue doesn't understand why Sheldon won't put Rianne and Maddie up. Sue says they are alone and not a threat. She tells Chris that they should get with Vanessa to discuss the situation.

Sue says she thinks Brooke is in good with Minh but terrified of Rianne. They both agree and Sheldon and Brooke are probably more than just friends.

Sue says the Brooke is telling Sheldon that if Rianne wins, she (Rianne) will put her (Brooke) and Sheldon up. Chris says that why he's been talking to Minh, that she owes him. Chris does say, regardless, Minh is still a wild card.

Brooke and Sheldon talking about Carol. Brooke mentions that this doesn't feel like an obstacle they should be navigating.

Angie and Rianne are talking in the B&W room. They briefly discuss Carol, and how Minh is trying to convince Carol to go home, and Angie doesn't approve. Rianne says she hopes Carol can stick it out.


March 20, 2020


John Luke and Hira are working out in near silence, while the girls are getting ready in the bathroom. They are discussing Carol's keto diet.

Chris and Minh are talking about Chinese philosophy and Holistic medicine. Minh says she is into Holistic medicine and Chris tells her that she should do it as a career.

John Luke asks Hira what he thinks about this week. JL says that he feels like they should just give Carol her wish this week and everyone agree to go for Minh next week, because Carol will probably talk about self-evicting again next week. They also talk about Chris.

John Luke says he wants to keep Hira, himself, Madeline, Rianne, Brooke and Sheldon tight because that means that every week-worst case scenario-they have 4 votes. They feel like they are in a good place. They say that after Chris/Vanessa are out, it is how it gets messy

Minh, Vanessa and Carol are in the Anime room. Minh tells Carol about her/Vanessa having a clean slate. They think Kyle was the issue and "it's a whole new game now" Minh says perception is this game. That part of Carol's issue is not having a team.

Minh tells Carol if she wanted to stay that they can go far. She says that she/Vanessa are "comp beasts" and that Carol has eyes and ears everywhere but that they are considered outsiders. They start to talk about Kyle and feeds cut.

Carol says that she now has new strategies to combat the feelings she had about leaving, that she is excited to implement. Carol and Minh think that they will be the nominees. Minh says she does have good personal relationships in the house.

Minh specifically mentions that people with good social connections are the biggest problem. She specifically mentions Angie and Susanne.

They say everyone loves Sue. That she has a very good place in this house. They compare her to Paras.

Minh says if she had won HOH yesterday, she would have nominated Sue and Angie. She told that to Sheldon. Sue comes into the room and the game talk stops. They are discussing what day it actually is. Minh forgot that noms were today.


March 20, 2020


Carol, Susanne and Vanessa are talking about Minh. They say that Carol should still push that she wants to go home and that Sheldon is putting her on the block to go home. They feel like that might make Minh not gun for veto, but they agree Minh is not dumb.

Vanessa says if they "Can't change Shelly's mind about the noms" That worst case scenario they BD Rianne and get Minh next week. Vanessa has lots of injuries and a huge bruise on her back, every time she mentions them, we get feeds cuts.

Carol says her anxiety is tied to the length of time that they are still in the house. She says she now needs to focus on the day to day and that helps. To not focus 21 days down the road. She can show Canada about a real Mental Health crisis.

The girls are talking about their cell phones and different types of events that you have to give up your phone. They are talking about not wanting to have their phones after. Sue leaves and Minh says "did you tell her what we talked about?" She says that she's paranoid

Brooke and Sheldon are having casual chat on the balcony outside of the HOH. Susanne comes by and pinches Sheldon's nipple. Minh then comes by and asks if Sheldon thinks she is still a wild card. He says yes. She asks if he believed her and he says yes, but she's smart.

Minh is saying that all HOH comps are crap shoots, but that POVs are physical. She is now telling Sheldon and Brooke her social players are the real threat theory. Minh says she learned from that meeting that she was aligned with the wrong people.

Minh tells Sheldon she doesn't blame him for putting her on the block last week because it was best for his game with the knowledge he had. Minh says she didn't know that it would start a chain of events and she got lucky.

Brooke tells Minh that yesterday she said she wanted to target people that would have a vendetta against her in jury and are those the same people she's talking about now? After a long pause Minh says yes. Sheldon is locked out of HOH so he's considering where to meet


March 20, 2020


Hira, Rianne, Madeline, and Susanne are getting ready for breakfast. Carol says that the outside is closed. Vanessa is being called to the DR

Brooke now goes to the DR. A majority of the HGs are sitting at the table eating breakfast

HGs are talkng about their favorite things from Wendys. Madeline jokes if only she was able to remember the Expedia room as well as she knew the Wendys menu

Carol mentions to Susanne that she talked to the doctor last night, but feeds cut before we hear any of that conversation

Brooke and Sheldon talk the plan for the nominations in the anime room

Sheldon appears to want to put up Minh and Chris (saying there is something unsettling with Chris). Brooke is concerned about their alliance going for that. Everyone thinks Minh being backdoored is a better call. Brooke says either one is good for their game but its messy

Brooke tells Sheldon that they can get away with messy or shady things as long as they keep their allies pulled in tight

Brooke and Sheldon are still discussing what to do this week, Brooke telling him to go with his gut. Sheldon says his gut told him to let go of the bar but it’s too late for that now

While Sheldon and Brooke are talking noms and targets in the Anime room, Hira and Rianne are talking about their "Cookie Time" and about Chris.

Hira and Rianne are laughing because they are calling Chris the "Lone Ranger" They are talking about Chris' ego not letting him even say he was sore after the HOH comp until Sheldon admitted he was. Hira: Bros are gonna Bro.

Vanessa, Sue and Carol have joined Brooke and Sheldon in the anime room and are talking about a "slight hangover feeling" from last night.

Sue says that she didn't think Sheldon would be excited for the conga line last night (which was her mission to get them all drinks) Sheldon: You don't know me at all. Sue Week by week.

Carol and Madeline are talking about emotions in the BB house. They talk about being more emotional and crying a lot. Carol I legit don't like myself here. Madeline It's like PMS Carol: It's like PMSing 24/7

Minh is telling Hira that she thinks people now see she's not the actual threat. That they see who the deep personal bonds are. She calls herself a mirage. Hira disagrees that while people are social, they can't win comps. Minh thinks that those bonds are a threat.

Minh says it's not necessarily about getting both people of a strong bond out, but getting one out and bringing the other closer to you. Hira says that the combo of social/comp is what he sees as strong. That if you are a comp person and win HOH you can get more social

Minh tells Hira she likes this conversation, that they think alike. She says she has seen that he is competent and capable. Hira agrees. She says he flew under the radar to begin with. She wasn't able to because she won that first comp.

Vanessa and Brooke are talking about the noms (Carol and Minh) Vanessa says that Sue doesn't want that but it isn't her call. She says she understands that based on where Sheldon is socially, this is what he has to do. Brooke says she knows 2 pawns and a BD is easier.

Vanessa says personally that getting Rianne out is OK with her too. And that the others in the alliance just don't see it yet. They start talking about Kyle and how he would've loved that party last night and the comp was "his comp"

📢Good Friday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢 It's Day 18 🍁 of 65

March 19, 2020

📢Good Friday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢

It's Day 18 🍁 of 65

Yesterday's Big Brother Canada 8 episode contained a lot of difficult moments there was a segment about real-world events, and then there was also the expulsion of two different players. Jamar and Kyle are both gone, and now, we have to see how the game moves forward.

Well, here’s the crazy thing: The game moving forward right now is going to look a lot like the game that we just saw. The new Head of Household is Sheldon, which means that there is a chance that we could see something very similar to what we once had. There’s a chance that Minh-Ly will be in danger all over again. We know that Sheldon did bond with Minh recently in the game, but that was prior to recognizing that she would be staying in the game. There’s also been a lot of time we didn’t seen on the feeds.

In the end, there’s a chance that ALL sorts of stuff could happen over the next few days the game seems to be going for a fresh start here. They want to try and move forward from a lot of the controversy but we’ll wait and see where things go from here. Nominations should take place tomorrow, and there could be a lot of strategy conversations that happen over the course of the night.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now

What do you think about the new Big Brother Canada Head of

Kyle Rozendal removed from the game

March 19, 2020

Big Brother Canada 8: Kyle Rozendal removed from the game

Kyle RozendalLeading into tonight’s Big Brother Canada 8 episode, we knew that Jamar Lee was gone … but what about Kyle Rozendal?

Let’s just go ahead and share the shocking news: Kyle is also gone from the game, at least per his social-media channels. You can see below via Instagram a message he posted announcing his departure, also noting how he’s interested to see “how they spin” the situation. More answers are probably coming tonight.

At the time of Jamar’s expulsion from the game, there was a great deal of blowback over how it was handled. Kyle had provoked him into much of the situation that unfolded, and there were complaints about some of Kyle’s prior behavior

At the start of the exit, show host Arisa Cox confirmed that there were two people who were sent home from the game. It was then clear that we were going to be losing Kyle, and we had to wait and see what the circumstances were.

What was surprising was that Big Brother Canada did not show tonight the entirety of the incident leading to Jamar’s exit … and there were things involved in the exit that were not shown on the live feeds. We just think the whole situation is sad, since this will stick with Jamar outside the game. With Kyle, all production said is that there was a “problematic” pattern of behavior and once again, there was some footage that did not air on the live feeds that was involved.

Sheldon is eligible to play for HoH again, and we’re left now in a strange position (without an eviction) where we wonder how the game’s going to move forward. We’re left to trust production on everything without any information, but we said when Jamar was ejected that if he should be gone, Kyle also should be gone. They’ve went in this direction and this is where we are.


What do you think about Kyle Rozendal exiting Big Brother Canada 8?

Be sure to share in the comments


March 19, 2020


Madeline tells Chris that Rianne has been having back issues and he should give her a massage. Madeline says that Rianne needs to take one for the team on this one and gets Hira, who is walking by, to agree with her

The first Goodnight Houseguests message plays overhead

Vanessa makes her rounds to say goodnight. JL, Brooke, and Sheldon are outside still. Rianne and Chris are with Hira upstairs

Hira joins the trio outside, saying he had a good birthday in the BB house

Chris has now put yogurt on his nipples to be licked off.. Angie: is this not a red light?! JL: I dunno this is more of a yellow light. Ness goes for it.. Angie: red light! red light!!

Chris is in the HN room with Sue, saying she is his favorite personality in the house.

Rianne joins Chris and Susanne. Chris says: "Rianne, you better watch tonight, because I might slither in on your side of the bed tonight."

Sheldon and Brooke were outside play fighting and accidentally break Brooke's mic

Chris joins Sheldon in the HOH, they discuss who to put up as pawns and see if someone is okay with it. They say backdooring someone is most efficient

Chris leaves the HOH and Brooke goes in to look for her water bottle, she keeps losing it. She tells him her mic is still broken and he hurt her nose a little the time before when they wrestled. They hug it out

Susanne, JL, and Rianne are in the HN room talking about Carol wanting to self evict. She could go far in this game, no one would target her

Susanne calls Minh the dumbest player in BB history. JL agrees with her, saying Minh makes some dumb moves. Susanne says that Mini is incredibly selfish. She says that Minh would make you do three weeks straight on slop if it meant she didnt have to

Sheldon and Brooke talk strategy for the week. Sheldon seems undecided on using a pawn and would much rather Minh go up from the beginning

Rianne jokes to Susanne that if theres no evictions happening, Cookie Time must be getting aired. They think production is having a hard time filling space, nothing interesting is going on

he lights are dimming in the HOH room on Sheldon and Brooke. They are talking about Brooke's two cats


March 19, 2020


Brooke and Sheldon are checking in - he says all he cares about is doing well in this game, and Brooke doing well (a little bit). He's so grateful to be there. Brooke tells him he's self assured.. He tells Brooke he's got nothing for her other than she cries a lot.

Carol told Sheldon today that she wants to be here.. Sheldon hopes it continues, she is always a little stronger after they have a session. Brooke says whatever works for her (staying or leaving)- Sheldon says why not, this season is already a shit show.

Sheldon tells Brooke that his brother told him to watch BBCAN in S2.. He watched 3 episodes and has been hooked ever since. He's watched every season multiple times.

Minh tells Vanessa that it is obvious who is together, and it is clear that she and Vanessa are alone. Sheldon apparently called Minh a cockroach, that people keep trying to get rid of her and she never leaves

Vanessa says that Minh is self aware, recognizing what her mistakes are and learning from them. Minh says she may have messed stuff up but it worked in her favor

Minh says she was so proud to see that Vanessa was the last girl standing and that she lasted longer than JL. Vanessa said she could have never lasted as long as the other guys. They say Sheldon is underestimated

Vanessa asks Minh if she thinks Jamar had anything to do with Kyle leaving, Minh thinks yes. Vanessa asks for more details on Kyle and Jamar leaving and Minh says that what she is sharing isnt facts, but feeds cut before we get details

Madeline and Rianne are talking about Sheldon. Allegedly he invited Madeline to his bed, but she said no. Madeline says her heart is with Micheal

and it sucks there isnt a battleback because there is no one to battle

Madeline sees Chris roaming the house. Madeline: "Chris, don't you own a shirt??"

Chris and JL have joined Brooke and Sheldon. Chris is shocked JL volunteered for slop since his sleep is already so bad.

HIra says that if the girls have an 8-person alliance, he doesnt think that they would last more than a week. Madeline agrees, she couldnt handle that

JL thought this week was a throw away week so he wasnt planning to try for the HOH. He assumed people were going to put out Carol for her comments of self evicting and that was it. He tells Brooke and Sheldon that he was fine with who was left when he dropped

Madeline and Rianne ask cams if there is a way they can tell them thatMichea

is watching. Madeline and Rianne talk future if Madeline and Micheal pursue each other outside of the house, but Madeline says he planned on going back in the military
JL says he tried to make a rhyme to remember the days. "Day 5, Nico self evicts and leaves the game, so he will not receive any internet fame."

JL says it kind of gets to him that Madeline keeps saying that she won the POV competition, as if he didnt help her a ton and do a lot of the legwork

JL says when he wins HOH, he has a speech for whoever was his pawn. "We're playing chess, not checkers, and you're a sacrificial piece."


March 19, 2020


Arisa is broadcasting from her home and she says she is fine, but is trying to protect her family. She continues that it was a very difficult week and production decided to remove two people from the house because emotions have been running high. This is no ordinary Thursday!

Previously, on Big Brother Canada, at an HoH free for all Sheldon was the bell of the balls. His KVBS earned the keys to the kingdom and lasered in on their top targets. After weighing his options, the wrestler put up Maddy next to his target Rianne. Not everyone was stoked with the methodical move, and while Sheldon protected KVBS, Vanessa started to stray. But once her three allies learned she was leaking intel to the enemy, they reeled the east coaster back into the fold.

At a pivotal PoV competition, it was all up in the air until The Evictors Maddy and John-Luke lip locked down victory. Faced with naming a replacement nominee, Sheldon had to put up a dangerous option. And even though Minh-Ly's main man Jamar didn't approve, Sheldon didn't flinch when showing Minh-Ly the backdoor. Tonight, how will the mischief-maker manage being on the block? With tensions rising, who's heading out the door next? Find out now on Big Brother Canada.

We pick up after the veto ceremony on day 17. Jamar says so weak, super weak. Minh-Ly says to Sheldon this is turning him on sitting her butt on the bench. Sheldon says Minh-Ly has no allies, so he has no blood on his hands. Minh-Ly is strategizing and she's thinking. The wheels are turning. Jamar is disappointed in Sheldon. Everyone is playing weak and no one wants to go after the big dogs. The only person that sees eye to eye with him is Minh-Ly. It's a weak move. Jamar tells Minh-Ly he had two big dudes on the couch and didn't take a shot at either. Minh-Ly tells Jamar how he needs to campaign for her about keeping the balance in the house. Minh-Ly asks Jamar to go to the Expedia room, or outside, or the swamp room because she needs a kiss.

Sheldon goes into where Brooke is showering, and Brooke is concerned Minh-Ly might throw some stuff her way. Sheldon says Minh-Ly thinks she has the votes, she doesn't know they are targeting her. Brooke feels pretty good about Minh-Ly being a replacement nominee. She keeps hearing rumors about herself and she doesn't mind Minh-Ly being out.

Kyle and Maddy our outside and Maddy thinks Rianne could have been beneficial for her. Kyle says he has to schmooze Maddy over so if she wins HoH next week she won't put him on the block. Kyle promises her that he isn't coming after her. He says she's so far from his hit list and he's not asking for reciprocation, he just wants her to know that. He says he's in a vulnerable position.

Jamar is in the color comic room and says he wants to turn up on everyone right now. He says everyone is playing scared to saying it's too early. Everyone is playing Kyle's game and just to get airtime. Minh-Ly comes in and says if she leaves this house, then he's next because he's rogue, and doesn't have a lot of allies. Minh-Ly says she needs to stay for his game as well. She says he's definitely going to touch the block, he can see what will happen if she goes. She thinks Kyle was behind this and Jamar says he was. He's been behind every HoH so far. Minh-Ly says it's not always good to be volatile. Jamar says when she's ready, he's there. She wants to do her investigation. They kiss.

The HGs are called to the living room on March 15, 2020. They have some news from the outside world. They are informed about COVID-19 and that it is now a pandemic and all of their caretakers are fine and healthy. As they know, the virus started in China, but it has now spread to the world. Most cases are China, Italy, and Iran. Susanne is concerned about her family in Italy, and Maddy is informed her parents canceled their trip. They want to send their love to their families and if their families need them, they will be there in a heartbeat.

Angie asks if BB will be impacted and the answer is they just don't know. They will get updates as they get them and if things escalate, then they will let them know. They want to give them an opportunity to decide if they need to stay or not. Have-Nots are canceled and they all get letters from their families so they can see confirmation from themselves. They all hug and pray. Rianne says it's a shock to hear, and it's overwhelming being cut off from the outside world. But the letters are a huge comfort for all of them.

Jamar is reading his letter first and he is getting emotional and they tell him no one has been infected and he can play in peace. Chris reads his, then Maddy, then Angie. Kyle reads his next followed by Carol, Hira, John-Luke gets emotional during his and Maddy and Brooke comfort him. Minh-Ly goes to give John-Luke a hug after he finishes. Everyone is emotional.

Hira and Brooke are in the HoH room and they are listening to music. Brooke says she has so much empathy for stars because they can't leave the house without getting pictures snapped, plus the tabloids. Brooke says she can't imagine what it would be like to be under a microscope like that all the time. She says just kidding.

Susanne is talking to Rianne and Susanne wants to know who she feels comfortable within the game? Rianne says she doesn't trust Kyle and Vanessa. She wants to be happy Rianne, but she also wants to plant seeds because she wants to take shots. Rianne tells Susanne that Kyle was in Chris's ear all week during his HoH. Rianne says if Kyle, Chris, and Vanessa stay a long time, then they will steamroll the house.

Susanne then goes to Chris and she tells him a lot of people have Kyle in their head and Chris says they need him in the house. Chris says read his voice when he tells the truth and when he lies. Susanne says he's a good liar. Chris says he's been watching him and he thinks he's close to figuring Kyle out. Susanne says she hasn't lied to Chris yet. Is that a lie? Susanne says she wants to build trust with him. She doesn't think Chris lies to her, but she thinks he doesn't tell her the whole truth. Chris says she's the only female he tells the truth to.

Day 18 and Jamar is talking to Angie. Angie says a few days Carol made a joke about the police would target Jamar if he were in PEI. Angie thinks it was harsh and Jamar says it was a bad joke and ignorant, but he doesn't think she's a racist. He says they don't really talk much at all. Jamar says it won't happen again. Angie thinks Jamar should talk to her and let her know that it wasn't OK so she won't do it again. Angie says Carol needs to understand the ramifications of what she said. She says it's never OK to just say it off the cuff and it's never funny.

Jamar and Carol talk and she says she thought they had a relationship where they could joke around a bit, but maybe she was wrong. Jamar says he's never been in trouble with the police in his life. He says the joke just wasn't that funny to him. Carol says fair enough. She doesn't feel that way about him and she doesn't want to present herself that way to anyone. She says she made a joke she shouldn't have made and she apologizes sincerely and he says he accepts it and they hug.

Sheldon is talking to Brooke, Maddy, and Rianne and he says people have been lying to him and he's not sure who. Sheldon tells us he put them both on the block and he needs to make sure if they are here next week they are good. Sheldon wants to make sure he and Brooke are good with them and maybe work with them. Rianne and Maddy go to discuss it in the restroom and they want to know if Sheldon and Brooke are working with anyone else so they ask and Sheldon says no. Rianne appreciates them wanting to work together. She says it's nice not to feel like public enemy #1.

Minh-Ly asks Vanessa in front of Susanne and a couple of others why Vanessa told her not to tell anyone that she was asked to throw the competition. Vanessa says she didn't do that, she said maybe they shouldn't win. Minh-Ly says Vanessa is snaking her right now. Vanessa tells Minh-Ly that Rianne is being nice to everyone and she doesn't think Minh-Ly will get the votes to stay. Vanessa says people are lying to her face. Minh-Ly decides to call a house meeting.

Minh-Ly is in the middle of the living room and everyone is there. Minh-Ly says she wants to get to the bottom of who's spreading rumors and who's creating lies and who's making her a scapegoat. She says she has heard that she said Sheldon was in a five-person alliance that he was in and that's not true. Minh-Ly thought she had a good relationship with Vanessa. Minh-Ly says Kyle was talking crap to him. Jamar says Vanessa are you playing me? Vanessa says yes, I'm playing the game. Jamar says you don't want to go against Kyle? Vanessa says we're together, she thinks that's pretty obvious.

Minh-Ly says if you want (the house), then she will go against Kyle and Vanessa and help them the house take them down. She says she's not afraid of whether she can win competitions or not and if they vote to keep her she'll go after the predators in the house. She says they need a balance in the house or Kyle and Vanessa are going to take them out one by one by one. She would bet on it.

Arisa is back and she says this has been an extraordinarily difficult week. She says it's important to know they didn't show the entire house meeting. Jamar was removed from the house for things that were and were not shown on live feeds. Arisa says here's the moment the house found out. Minh-Ly is crying and Susanne says it was not his fault. Rianne says Jamar is a really good kid. Brooke and Rianne are comforting Minh-Ly and says she needs to keep in mind he had her back.

Additionally, Arisa says production witnessed a pattern of problematic behavior from Kyle and he has also been removed from the game. Some of these issues were shown on live feeds, and some were not. They've decided to hit a reset button and Minh-Ly and Rianne are safe and since Sheldon's HoH was disrupted, he will be eligible to compete.

Production tells the HGs about Kyle being removed and they are shocked. Production says they didn't make this decision lightly and it was made with a very heavy heart, but they stand firm behind this game. They will NOT tolerate any behavior that they deem contrary to the spirit of the game. One of the great things about the game is it takes people from all walks of life and different places and gives them a chance to get to one another. This is a gift to be there and they can prove to everyone they can do better.

Vanessa says her heart hurts. Maddy says they all have to do better. Angie says we have to work together. Vanessa says let's reset right now and start over. The HGs are giving hugs and Brooke and Sheldon head up to the HoH room. Sheldon says it's very unsettling. She was aligned with Kyle and he had a lot of trust there and this is not how he thought his game was going to go and he didn't think this was how the season would start off.

The rest of the HGs are all downstairs hugging and Brooke says Sheldon just needs some time. They all say this takes work and they have to do their very best and hold their heads high. They are with Micheal, Jamar, Kyle, and Nico in spirit. They say they can start this season over again and make it an amazing season.

Rianne is just so happy she survived the week. Minh-Ly says she agrees. Rianne says it's like a whole new ballgame. Minh-Ly says if none of them touch the block, then they can do what they want. Minh-Ly says they are going to watch the show and talk about how much of a witch she is.

It's time for a new HoH! The competition is called snooze you lose. They will start out in sleeping bags. They will slide down and hold onto a bar and that's when the competition starts. If they let go, then they will slide down into the pillows. The last one holding on will be the new HoH!

Sheldon says all three people he put on the block last week are still here so he needs to win this competition. Rianne wants to win this so bad because she wants to make a big move not a weak move and she doesn't want to be on the chopping block again. Hira wants to win this he wants a letter from his wife and news about his daughter. Chris says this is HoH to lose. He wants to be a competition beast and win this. Carol slides down and she is the first one out.

Brooke is squirming around and she's super lanky. Her hands are slippery and she's not doing well. Angie is struggling and adjusting too. Angie is out. Chris says this is tough for someone big like him but he's hanging in there and it's going to take a lot for him to let go. Brooke is out. Maddy is struggling. Rianne is out. Minh-Ly says she's a cat and she has nine lives. She was almost out last week and she feels like this is her chance to take control of the game. Which HGs will hang on to win this pivotal HoH? Find out Sunday!


March 19, 2020


Looks like Rianne is making some slop pancakes.

The HOH comp starts. Carol, Angie, Brooke and Rianne all drop first. Next episode we will know who won HOH.

It looks like Sheldon is HOH. Vanessa said to Carol we'll have a talk with Sheldon this week. He is currently lying in the HOH room.

Vanessa and Chris are giving a Carol a pep talk that she will do better than she thinks she will. Vanessa mentions talking to Sheldon this week (he may be HOH).

Conga line for Hira's birthday. That ends with Beer and party food. All HG's can enjoy including have nots.

Everyone enjoying Hira's party.

This part of Cookie Time investigates Hira's habit of having 4 cookies with tea in the morning and 4 cookies with milk at night. Outside of the house.

Sheldon asks Hira what his biggest fear was coming in to the house?

They tried to get Hira to find his birthday shot in a bowl of whipped cream. Ri had to take one for the team.

The girls are giving the guys a hard time about their alliance name is since there's only 3 of them left they ask the girls what their name is it's the She Devils. Vanessa then jumps on Chris and everyone screams showmance! She then runs between Chris' legs.

BB has given them more booze. Everyone is pumped

Everyone's hanging out in the living room some of the girls were doing dance routines but they got shut down for singing. Ness smushed birthday cake in Hira's face. She is lit and having a blast.

JL has been asking people to tell their story of their first kiss Ness says hers was with Chris' dad. Now they're asking Ness to explain who her ideal man is at first she starts describing Chris but then says for real, a handy man... Who has crazy eyes.

Hira is trying to convince Brooke that she'll perform better tomorrow if she gets more drunk. She's not having it.


March 18, 2020


Previously, on Big Brother Canada, at an HoH Battle Royale, Kyle and Vanessa drop kicked two of the evictors sending Maddy and Rianne to the sidelines and Sheldon became the new HoH. Shrewd Sheldon went to work.

With his KVBS crew in his corner, the ring leader laid out his strategy. With their game on the ropes, the Evictors launched solo missions. Meanwhile, Jamar tried to sink Kyle's game not knowing Brooke was part of Sheldon and Kyle's alliance. Then Minh-Ly-ly tried saving her own skin, but when it was time to make his nominations, the champ went for the easy knock-out and put Maddy and Rianne on the block.

We pick up after nominations on day 14. Rianne says she's on the block beside her number one girl Maddy, which is basically the worst cased scenario. Maddy says wow Sheldon, what a move by putting up such big threats. Big move buddy. Sheldon says he's thinking about the long game and he believes Rianne is dangerous. He thinks she's strong socially, very smart, and he just can't read her.

Jamar is talking to himself and says "weak." He tells us everyone is playing weak right now. He wanted to see Kyle sitting on the block. Jamar and Sheldon are talking and Jamar tells him he thinks Kyle is lying to him and he thinks Kyle is lying to Sheldon too. Sheldon says he thinks if Jamar and he met before the show, then they'd be friends. They come from similar backgrounds, but for the game, he's been stringing him along because he's loyal to the KVBS alliance. Sheldon says Kyle is overrated. He's not smarter or faster and he's a perfect screen in front of them. Jamar says alright, I guess I'm tripping then.

Maddy wants to talk to Sheldon and Sheldon says he didn't want them up, but he had to do something. He says he's telling people whatever they want to hear to keep the focus off of him. Maddy says she never had him as a target in mind. Maddy says she thinks there are bigger fish to fry other than herself who is a little girl.

Brooke and Rianne are going to talk. Rianne says she wants to talk to Brooke because she knows she's close to Sheldon and she wants her on her side to stay safe. Rianne says she knew that Sheldon was going to do what was best for his game and hers. Brooke says she wants to be as fair and honest as possible and she thinks Rianne has a good shot at the veto, and even if not she has good bonds with people in the house. Brooke says this is a significant amount of lying. She sees her as a capable physical competitor and she's smart and she hopes if she doesn't win veto she goes home.

Minh-Ly-ly is talking to Vanessa and Minh-Ly-ly is surprised hasn't been on slop yet. Vanessa tells her to not volunteer for it. Minh-Ly-ly is hoping Rianne doesn't win PoV and she thinks Rianne would go home. Vanessa says she's loyal to KVBS, but she's also gotten close to Minh-Ly-ly. Minh-Ly-ly says Sheldon didn't count her as a backdoor option and Vanessa wonders if he'd put up John-Luke. Jamar comes in and wants to know why Minh-Ly-ly is in his bed.

Rianne is talking Angie and Maddy and she wants to know why John-Luke got off scot-free. Angie says this doesn't sound like the best move for Sheldon. Maddy says she's just as frustrated as Rianne, but she still wants to trust John-Luke. Maddy says hopefully one of us will win and Sheldon will put up a bigger target. Maddy says we have to win it.

John-Luke is laying on the couch talking to himself and says he's playing Big Brother and he hasn't seen his mother and all these people are making him feel smothered. That's what happens when you play Big Brother.

Time to pick players for the PoV! Today's veto competition will be different because they are competing with a partner. Both players will be safe. Maddy chooses John-Luke to play with her. Rianne picks Hira as her partner. She picked him because he won PoV last week and she knows he can compete and he's a trustworthy guy. Brooke is drawn by Sheldon. Maddy draws Minh-Ly-ly. Rianne draws Chris. Brooke selects Susanne. Brooke doesn't want to pick Kyle or Vanessa because she doesn't want to expose the alliance. Minh-Ly-ly chooses Vanessa. Minh-Ly-ly chose Vanessa over Jamar because they've grown close and she's a competition beast. Chris wants to know who wants to compete and Kyle does so he chooses Kyle. Carol will be the host!

Brooke says there are ten people playing in this veto and that makes it super messy. She thinks the teams are evenly matched. Sheldon meets with KVBS and says he doesn't want to ask them to throw a competition, but if Minh-Ly-ly wins the veto she'll do whatever will cause the most destruction. Vanessa goes and tells Minh-Ly-ly they want her to throw the competition and she pins it on Brooke because she knows there is tension between Brooke and Minh-Ly-ly and she doesn't want to out the entire alliance. She tells Minh-Ly-ly not to tell anyone and hopefully, she can trust her not to tell anyone. Hira comes in to look for some cookies. Vanessa leaves and Minh-Ly-ly tells Hira, and Carol who has come into the storage room that Brooke asked Vanessa to throw the competition.

Minh-Ly-ly then tells Kyle and he wants to know who told her that and she tells him that Vanessa told her that. Kyle then goes and talks to Sheldon and Brooke and Kyle says Vanessa is frustrated and Sheldon says Vanessa could blow them up. Kyle tells us, Vanessa, what are you thinking? Sheldon says we can't trust her. Sheldon says maybe we should confront her because she hasn't blown us up yet. Kyle says with Minh-Ly-ly, it will happen. She can't be trusted.

Sheldon goes downstairs to get Vanessa and Kyle tells Vanessa what Minh-Ly-ly said. Vanessa says she didn't tell her anything like that. She says Brooke never asked her to throw the competition. Vanessa says she's feeling like she's getting grilled and very intimidated. Vanessa hopes they don't trust Minh-Ly-ly over herself. Minh-Ly-ly is the most untrustworthy person in the house. She thought she could go far with Minh-Ly-ly but now she's getting her in hot water with KVBS. Vanessa tells them it hurts that she would do that.

It's prom night at the BB Canada house! Welcome to Big Brother's Spring Fling! Young love is in the air for this PoV competition. Together, they will have to move 50 balls across the dancefloor their glass on the bleachers. But they can only use their faces. Plus, they will also have to catch the ball while it's floating. Are you ready to get close to your partners...but not too close!

Maddy says she voted against the house last week and she wants to show she's a competitor. Rianne says she wants to win and be safe because she doesn't want to go home in week three. Chris says he expected to roll over the competition with Kyle, not locking lips with him.

Rianne says this is so difficult and they haven't figured the secret out. Minh-Ly-ly and Vanessa are struggling. Minh-Ly-ly and Vanessa finally get their ball, they walk through the obstacles, up the bleachers, and then to their glass but they dropped it. Maddy says she was never prom queen in high school so this might be her chance. They get their first ball. Brooke says she and Susanne should have a chance because neither of them have any shame. They get their first ball.

Rianne and Hira have two balls. Hira says he loves his wife, but it's prom night. All the teams seem to have gotten a hang of the competition, but Chris and Kyle are still struggling. Chris says it would be nice to win this, but he thinks he's safe with Sheldon and he's feeling comfortable. Kyle and Chris got their first ball. Minh-Ly-ly and Vanessa are in the lead. Minh-Ly-ly says if she wins she's going to take Maddy or Ri off the block and force Sheldon to get blood on his hands. Sheldon says this doesn't look like throwing a competition to him. Vanessa better get her act together.

Brooke says it's important for her to try to win so she and Sheldon can have all the power. Maddy has seen her and John-Luke are behind so they change strategies and they are catching up. Carol says all the teams are crushing it except one team is more interested in the cookies. Kyle and Chris are eating cookies. Kyle says the Have-Nots can eat cookies so he's going to take advantage of it since he's safe this week.

Maddy and John-Luke are neck and neck with Minh-Ly-ly and Vanessa. Rianne and Hira are close too. Rianne says it's so close she can't really tell who's in the lead but she needs to make sure she wins to ensure her safety.

There are three teams in this race right now! John-Luke and Madeline, Vanessa and Minh-Ly-ly, and Hira and Rianne. They are all staying focused. Vanessa and Minh-Ly-ly are still in the lead. Vanessa is thinking about her position in the game and she doesn't trust Minh-Ly-ly and she wants to show she's completely loyal to KVBS. Rianne and Hira aren't far behind and John-Luke and Maddy are now in the lead. Maddy and John-Luke are on their last ball and they get it and they have won the PoV!

Rianne is super frustrated, but she'd rather be sitting by anyone else. And since John-Luke is safe too, then they could all three be there next week. Vanessa says she was a Have-Not for the second week in a row and now she won PoV. Maddy says it's karma. She goes and celebrates and says she feels so nice. She would win a kissing contest.

Sheldon and Brooke are talking and he says well that happened. Brooke says they have to be super careful about how they play this. Sheldon says Minh-Ly-ly has to go up, but if she goes up, then she has to go home. Brooke is afraid of Rianne and if she stays and wins HoH she could target them since they put her up. Brooke says the only person they could put up is Susanne to ensure Rianne goes home.

Minh-Ly-ly talks to Sheldon and she says he's contemplating what the best move for his game is. Sheldon says yeah. Minh-Ly-ly asks if he wants to avoid repercussions or would he rather have respect. Sheldon says Minh-Ly-ly is very good at getting into other people's heads. Minh-Ly-ly tells Sheldon that he said the other day if she left the house no one would be upset. Minh-Ly-ly says that was offensive and Sheldon says yeah, he doesn't think it would upset anyone. Minh-Ly-ly says that's because you aren't aware of what's going on. Sheldon says or you aren't.

Jamar goes to talk to Sheldon in the HoH. Sheldon says he thinks he's getting rid of Minh-Ly-ly. He wanted to tell Jamar because he wants to maintain trust him and he wants to make sure they are good. Jamar says Minh-Ly-ly will come for him too because she'll want to know. Sheldon asks if Jamar is OK with that and he says he thinks there are bigger targets, but Sheldon should do him.

Jamar goes into the color comic room and Minh-Ly-ly is in there and she wants to know if he wants to talk. She asks who his favorite person is and he says her. She says she doesn't think he would backdoor her. She says she doesn't think it would be fun if she left first for him or vice versa. Jamar tells her that Sheldon doesn't like her. He tells her to ask him.

Maddy and Rianne are gathering clothes for laundry and Rianne says they might survive the week. Rianne says she's not going to get too excited. She says Sheldon is so sweet, but she just stroked his ego. Maddy says yeah you have to do that. Rianne says she knows Sheldon wanted her out this week and Maddy hates people lying to her face. Rianne says it's the game.

Minh-Ly-ly wants to talk to Sheldon and she wants him to keep it between them. Minh-Ly-ly doesn't want to go on the block so she's going to talk to him. Sheldon says he's made it clear to her on countless occasions that he doesn't trust her. He says he knows he told her he wouldn't put her up but he's thinking about it and letting the house vote. Minh-Ly-ly says she's upset. She worked so hard to be in this house and she didn't think he would do that to her, put her up. She's crying.

Minh-Ly-ly then says she's really upset and she's not crying and she says people want to see a big move and he's HoH. Putting her up is not smart. Sheldon says he respects her opinion, but he thinks it is smart for him because of his position in the game and he sees her as expendable compared to other HG. Minh-Ly-ly asks if people she's close with are people she can't trust? Sheldon says he doesn't think anyone trusts her. Minh-Ly-ly says no one trusts me? He says I don't think so. Minh-Ly-ly says she's going to go and Sheldon says he's sorry.

PoV Ceremony is today! Maddy is front and center. She has decided to use the power of veto on herself. She believes she was nominated this week because she was an easy target. Her life motto is get knocked down seven times, get up eight. That's what she'll be doing going forward. Sheldon must now name a new nominee. Sheldon says he has to make the best decision possible with the information he has and the replacement nominee is...Minh-Ly-ly.

Minh-Ly-ly says she's been put on the block because her name has been run through the mud. Someone has stirred the pot on her behalf and she will wreak havoc. Rianne thinks she has a good chance against Minh-Ly-ly, but she's also going to do what it takes to stay.


March 18, 2020


Maddy and susanne are chatting in the backyard. Susanne says she doesn't want to touch her or RiRi.

Susanne asks Maddy for her headband and say she only brought 1 and BB took it, Maddy says she brought a lot. Susanne says she thinks the next comp is going to be endurance and her legs her so much from her squat workout yesterday

Minh and Sheldon are chatting in the HOH, Minh is telling a story about how her older brother would wrap her in a blanket and swing her around.

Angie and Maddy are talking about the "time before" and how much more involved in the show they felt

Sheldon and Minh are talking about having kids and MInh says she wishes she could have 26 kids from 26 different nations. Minh asks Sheldon if he would have kids with her and he says no, he think their kids would be ugly.

Kyle and Van are in the Expedia room talking about someone not really being her , he says "she doesn't cook, she doesn't clean..." then Van asks about JL and Kyle says that it goes back to the Maddy thing that Van wouldn't be the target but might see the block

Kyle and van are talking about not getting pinned down by "the 4" and who Kyle wants to put up Hira and a few others were mentioned. Kyle says that why he needs to keep control of these people and why he want Hira out

Brooke comes into the HOH and Minh tell her that she asked who Sheldon who he could be with in the house and he said Brooke... Brooke leaves

Hira and Brooke are chatting about Religion and how people can be bullied because of religion. And that he was and that what he never wanted to change himself or lose his religious symbols

JL is thanking for Hira for talking to him and that he was afraid to ask Hira about his religion bc he wasn't sure if it was rude or not. Hira say it is def not rude and her really appreciates JL asking him about it.

Sheldon, Minh, Van, Brooke and Kyle are in the Expedia room talking about what animal they would be

everyone leave the expedia room except Sheldon and Kyle and they are talking about how RiRi is scared and that Hira is clueless that he is a target. They are laughing how the entire house is going to forgive them for putting them on the block

JL tells Hira he was nervous that he could be the first voted out due to his personality. He was relieved when Arissa said ony 4 house guests are up for leaving.

They said put up the bull and Hira, not Chris and Hira

Kyle, Sheldon, Vanessa and Brooke still talking. Vanessa and Brooke say they are good with Hira. Sheldon says he needs to go sooner rather than later.

Kyle, Sheldon, Vanessa and Brooke talking about next week. They think they're okay except Maddie may put up Vanessa. But they tell her she has the votes.

Carol asks Vanessa how her day is going. Vanessa says she's accepted it as funny now. Brooke says what? the sh*t? and asks if she's heard more. Vanessa says no. They tell her they know it's all sh*t.

Sheldon tells Brooke and Kyle about a one night stand that wouldn't leave his apartment the next day


March 18, 2020


Sue/Kyle/Hira talking about situations w/exes. Kyle and Hira are explaining that they don't believe you should remain friends with your exes. They both agree that there is too much history with someone you were so close with and it's better to cut all ties with them.

Brooke and Ri are chatting in the HOH room. Ri asks if Brooke talks game w/Kyle. Brooke says she feels safe w/him but she isn't sure what he would do if he won - says she knows he would put up Hira, but doesn't know if Sheldon is safe. Ri agrees.

Ri says it would be scary for herself or Brooke to take a shot at Kyle because they are close w/him and he would blow up their game if they took the first shot at him.

Brooke says she is cautious when talking game w/Kyle because she knows when a shot is taken at him, he will blow up whoever's game he has ammunition on

Brooke says Kyle was in a bad position before the house meeting and now he is in a worse position.

Minh joins Ri and Brooke in the HOH. She says she is lonely and has been talking the cameras alone for a long time. Says she is prepared for the eviction to be cancelled and also to walk out of the house.

Minh starts talking about Jamar and the house meeting. The feeds on the HOH room cut. Downstairs, Maddie and Sue are chatting about Micheal and how things stand in the house.

Minh, Ri and Brooke are talking about Carol's struggles that she has been having lately. Minh says Carol was talking about how good her life is outside the house and that she was thinking about self-evicting. Brooke says she (Carol) has been saying the same things today.

Minh, Ri and Brooke are talking about Carol's struggles that she has been having lately. Minh says Carol was talking about how good her life is outside the house and that she was thinking about self-evicting. Brooke says she (Carol) has been saying the same things today.

Minh wonders out loud if there will be an eviction or not. She says she thinks they production want both herself and Ri to stay. Brooke and Ri say they would be fine if Minh stays both agree that she is great TV.

Ri is getting a head start on packing while Kyle keeps her company. They discuss what he wants to do with his hair tomorrow. Ri is planning on straightening it for the eviction. They both agree that there will be an eviction

Maddie asks Sue where she's at game-wise. Sue tells her that she feels like she can trust Ri and Maddie. Says she trusts Sheldon and thinks he is straight forward and real. Maddie agrees, says she feels good w/Shel.

Maddie says she likes Brooke, but feels like she and Sheldon are too tight. Sue says she doesn't think Shel/Brooke are as tight as they seem, says she feels like she can trust them. Maddie agrees, thinks they straight shooters and wants to trust them.

Sue asks Maddie if she has talked game w/Shel and Brooke. Maddie says they have talked a lot about personal things, but hopes they can start talking game soon. Sue says she thinks they (Brooke/Shel) would be willing to work w/Maddie going forward.

Sue tells Maddie that she won't repeat anything that Maddie tells her because that would break their trust. Maddie says she wants to start talking more game and building trust w/Sue.

Brooke and Hira think they find a hidden room in the kitchen between the wall pannals. After Brooke tries to squeeze thru she gets a "stop that" from production and called to the DR


March 18, 2020


Sue & Ri are in the Expedia RM. They are venting to each other over Minh talking about Kyle and Vanessa, and all the things she is doing. Sue doesn't think that Vanessa would lie. Sue told Minh she cant even own up to her telling people to watch out for her.

They are talking about how Minh disrespected Sue by talking about family. Sue- she will say and lie about anything in this game.

Sue & Ri in Expedia RM. Sue & Ri are talking about how Minh was always Jealous when it comes to Jamar. Ri says that she didn't know that they had been making out.

The girls in Expedia . Sue tells Ri that she trusts her, and Ri says the same. They like that they can tell each other things and they don't get repeated.

Rianne & Sue are talking about Carol in the Expedia RM Sue whispering saying-Not really agreeing to the process we signed up for that she knows shes 44 and has a bad back

While Ri & Sue are in Expedia we check in on cams 3&4 with some of the HG eating some lunch. Carol shooting out to her daughter Carol

Maddie & JL talking about who they would put up if they where HOH and Minh enters. So JL starts naming of the city's on the board. Minh compliments JL after he names them all off and then wants to go over the ones she knows with them. Ri is in the RM as well

Keep me in the game, make it exciting, cancel Thursday’s eviction! Minh says to cameras while in the Expedia room with Maddie and JL. Maddie jokingly asks for a Battle Back.
Minh says to JL that she really doesn’t trust Kyle “not one bit”. He makes her laugh but people have told her (Minh) to not associate with Kyle b/c Kyle will try to reel her back in. Rianne is in the room, looks like she is lying down and is being silent.

Carol, Hira, Vanessa, & Angie are on the HOH couch while Sheldon, Brooke, & Kyle are in the HOH bed. They joke about their “new” alliance called "Solid". They debate whether it should be called Solid” or “Spread.

Minh admits to JL & Maddie that she’s made mistakes in this game. From now on, she will keep her mouth shut, & be more picky about who she trusts. Rianne is still lying down. Minh says that Vanessa has lied to her about Kyle, & about not knowing about the Minh backdoor.

Minh says to JL & Maddie that “if I get out Kyle, it will be for Jamar”. Minh tells them to not fall for it when she acts to be buddy-buddy with Kyle. Rianne is still lying down.


March 18, 2020


Downstairs, Hira, Kyle, Vanessa, Carol and Maddy are joking around about who they would nominate and take to Wendy's if they won HOH. Upstairs Sheldon and John Luke are chatting Men's league basketball and how cold they are in the house in the AM.

HGs are talking how well they slept last night and dreams. Kyle says Brooke is a good bed neighbor because she's fun. He says Vanessa isn't. She says "I hear your voice all day." Maddy asks why it is called Prince Edward Island. Vanessa isn't sure.

Rianne and Sue are also discussing how well they slept and dreams. Sue says she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

They say the backyard is "shut off."

Sue is putting on her makeup and Minh is also nearby.

Apparently the other day Hira was "stuck" in the HOH washroom the other day for an hour. The HGs assume he was locked in. Kyle had heard him "moaning" But apparently he was out of toilet paper so he kept yelling. No one answered.

There was a loud thud in the backyard (they are constructing the next HOH). And the HGs have fun with it.

Chris tells Minh she needs to decide if she's with Kyle or against him. He says it could be confusing to other HGs when she spends hours hanging out with him. She says Kyle makes her laugh but that doesn't change her target.

Minh and Chris are in the storage room and she is asking him about his opinions on the dynamics of the house and what he thought of points of her meeting.

The HGs are discussing the NBA/NHL. They realize that they don't have an audience so the "Raps" probably don't have fans in attendance. They have no idea that all sports have been postponed or canceled.

Carol and Minh are talking about Kyle and Vanessa in the HOH room. Saying Kyle was telling each of them, specifically Carol was told Minh was talking badly about her. They say that they haven't about each other or Vanessa because they are supposed to be a F3.

Brooke, Carol, Susanne and Vanessa are chatting about Minh's latest conversations with the HGs while getting ready in the Anime room. About new convos with Minh... Carol You might want to take a notebook, they are getting convoluted.

Minh tells Susanne Vanessa made her feel that Sue and Jamar had something going on and you was on the outskirts. Sue says you can still have personal relationships. Minh says the people in your alliance shouldn't snake you.

Carol says she doesn't want to be here. She knows she can't do the final challenges. She'll have at least doubled her followers and she has thriving businesses outside of the house.

Sue tells Minh she does believe she got played. Minh says she's sorry she didn't trust her. She says she glad she figured out before she left instead of after she left.

Sheldon tells Brooke Minh was talking so much last night. He told her she can sleep there so she didn't sleep in the have not room by herself.

Sheldon tells Brooke he's burnt out and may follow her around all day and talk about friend stuff. He says they can talk game, it's inevitable.

Brooke tells Sheldon Carol wanted to self-evict. Sheldon says if that happens the season is over. Brooke says she hates production.

Minh tells Sue, Kyle told her she's good at taking pieces of information and mixing them and that's what he does. She says Vanessa didn't want her to have the house meeting bc no one was voting for her to stay. Sue says that's true. They talk about the eviction

Sue and Minh continue their conversation about lying. Sue says she's cut off Minh because she can't trust her. Minh says she can't trust others. Sue says if that happens she'll cut them off too.

Sue tells Minh she won't tell her stuff because she doesn't trust her. Minh says it's hypocritical because other people lie. It gets heated.

Susanne tells Vanessa that Minh was throwing her under the bus. Vanessa asks if there is something she should be doing. Susanne and Brooke says she's fine.

Chris and Vanessa say Carol needs to stay for at least 4 weeks because they need her as a number. Vanessa says she hopes she's handling it well. Chris says let Kyle take the heat.

Vanessa says Chris is the only she can talk to about Kyle because he knows what's going on.

Brooke tells Susanne and Sheldon that if Carol threatens to self evict every day they should just evict her

Carol and Chris are in the bathroom a moment and Carol tells Chris that she is all good now that she had an epiphany in the shower. you hear Sue say I don't know if she is packing she just took her toothpaste and stuff in the rm referring to Carol

Hira & Minh are in the manga RM discussing Kyle. Hira is telling Minh that Kyle has a friendship with the others and that's why they wont put him up. Hira says to Minh hope the veto is canceled and play for the hoh. Keep your plans quite.

Jamar Lee Removed From ‘Big Brother Canada’

March 17, 2020

Jamar Lee Removed From ‘Big Brother Canada’

It’s the end of the road for Jamar Lee on “Big Brother Canada”.

The 24-year-old Ajax, Ont. native has been removed from season 8 of the Global TV series, the network confirms to ET Canada. The move comes after his fellow houseguest, Kyle Rozendal, claimed to feel threatened by a hand gesture Lee directed at him during a tense house meeting. Another houseguest, Vanessa Clements, also claimed Lee’s expressive conversational approach made her feel “uncomfortable” during the meeting.

In a joint statement, Global and Insight Productions tell ET Canada exclusively, “Insight Productions has made the difficult decision to remove a houseguest as a result of behaviour which occurred that was a breach of the ‘Big Brother’ house rules.”

“We at Global and Insight Productions take the rules of this competition seriously and with respect to all houseguests past and present, the confines of the Big Brother house can be trying, sometimes leading to a clash of opinions and emotions in an isolated environment,” the statement continues. “We handle these situations with care and caution, protecting the well-being of our houseguests and ensuring the integrity of this long-standing production.”


March 17, 2020


Ri and Kyle are talking about how Kyle is super self aware. He says it's what helped him over come addictions. He had to see things from everyone's perspective.

Hira he (Kyle) could probably get it out of Minh but that's a tactic he deploys to cause awkwardness and drama. He knows where I'm at.. I'm after him and he's after me. Sheldon: I think if he doesn't win, anyone will go after him. Hira I don't think Carol and Sue will.

Hira is in HOH telling Sheldon that everyone has Kyle's name in their mouth. Hira he tries to get a reaction out of people. Ri says he does it to different people trying to get a reaction out of them. He did it to Jamar and it worked. It won't work on me, ever.

Sheldon is being the guest on Cookie Time with Hira and Rianne answering how he will respond to fans dming him. Sheldon says he is a pro at dodging DMs but will answer all of the genuine ones

Sheldon says that there is part of him that if he is approach by a girl, he is less into it if they are into him first

Sheldon talks about the competitive nature between him and his brother

Houseguests give a shoutout to Jamar, Rianne and Madeline say they miss him

Sheldon says if he could call anyone dead or alive it would be Kobe. He was his only role model and it was very hard on him when he passed. Sheldon says he takes his mentality and his lessons in everything he does

Sheldon calls his mom the best mom in the world. He says everything he has become has been because of her, shes been a single mom for as long as he can remember and he loves her

Kyle asks Madeline if she feels like she has to win this game. Madeline says it would be nice to, but she isnt riding her life on it. Kyle says that winning BB is something he has to do

Minh is crying to Sheldon, saying she just called the meeting to get to the bottom of who was playing her. The one person that was with her is now gone. She says that Kyle told her she is perceived as a liar no matter what she does and it hurts. Sheldon hugs Minh

Sheldon says that if Minh feels alone, she has him. Minh says she is in a fragile position in here because she wants to work for her spot in the house and there are people in here that have done nothing and it is frustrating

Sheldon says it is okay to cry, but Minh should never give up. There are people historically that have been in worse positions. Her game is not over. Sheldon says that he doesnt specifically want her to leave.

Sheldon says gamewise, if Minh stays he will be there for her because he knows she wont have a vendetta for him and she trusts her. Minh agrees. Sheldon says not to think that far ahead, focus on the next few days

Minh is still venting and crying to Sheldon over the situation in the HOH room. She says she goes out, feels better, but then has conversations and goes back to feeling alone. Minh tells Sheldon that she is scared of Kyle

Minh doesnt think Kyle will physically threaten her, but he is good with his words and is a threatening player. Kyle gives backhanded compliments and it frustrates her because she is weak to that. She cant figure out how to respond to those comments

Minh tells Sheldon that Kyle makes himself look good in front of others and is good at making everyone else look bad in comparison

Minh says the way Kyle behaves is like a sociopath. He says the nicest things but can be so cold. Its like he is too good to be true. Minh says she feels things deeply and its hard to be made out to be this bad person while shallower people get away with it

Minh mentions that production still hasnt told them if a vote is happening this week

Sheldon says it took them six months to get on this show, they couldnt see it but they still kept fighting that dream. Sheldon says Minhs job isnt to take down Kyle, but focus on her strengths and why she is here in the first place


March 17, 2020


John Luke asks Brooke what the people are talking about at the table. She says they are trying to guess the other HGs "kill" count and she's not engaging in the game. He agrees. Now they have marshmellows out and are trying to throw them in each others mouth.

They are still teasing Rianne about her "number" And she says "I'm setting some boundaries in this house, I don't want to talk about that!" She says that there are multiple conversations she's had in this house that she regrets.

Carol and Vanessa are chatting on the backyard couches. They are saying that they are so glad the other one is there. They joke they're the old married couple that when one dies the other one will want to go too. They both agree that they like the others.

Carol says she can't figure out why she doesn't like Brooke, that being from the pan-sexual comunity she feels she should. They say Brooke is manipulative behind the scenes and is the "political correctness police" And that she won't leave the HOH room.

Sheldon and Minh are laying alone in the HOH bed. They are talking music. Sheldon is a big Justin Beiber fan. Sheldon is a "super fan" He even knew that his birthday was March 1st.

Brooke and Kyle have joined the Vanessa/Carol convo so the talk about Brooke has ended. They are eating the Rice Crispy type treats that Maddy and Rianne made. Talk turns sexual again and feeds cut.

Minh says that when she gets out of the house she's going to go "Buck Wild" and party a lot because she's "never been this restricted" Sheldon says that "it's a long time to be locked up"

Minh says to Sheldon "Come on I need another showmance!" He says No way! and that they are killing the showmances in the house, that they are one huge alliance and as soon as a showmance starts they get voted out. He says Jamar was next anyway. Minh says she knows.

Rianne has arrived and and lays down in the HOH bed. Sheldon teases her again about his 'virginity story' and Rianne says she'll tell him in 3 months. Rianne says that there are just some things she wished she hadn't said so she's stopping now. Sheldon says he's joking.

Minh is starting to get a little emotional and is saying she doesn't want to leave this week and doesn't have anywhere to go. They are teasing her about going to live at Jamar's grandma's house.

Sheldon and John Luke are talking about the "their" Marshmellows getting hijacked. JL says that they are taking and eating all of the Rice Crispy treats tonight and they will have to hide their bags next week. JL says he has no idea what he would do as HOH.

They talk about how they feel more "in danger" gamewise now that Jamar is gone, that they moved up one spot on the target list. Sheldon says he feels more in danger 2 weeks from now. They say it's stupid to say that people are openly saying who they would target

Sheldon and John Luke are talking their favorite Heroes and Villains from comic book universes (specifically the movies) They can't say the names but they are describing them. The others are cooking dinner. Sheldon and JL had said it sounded awful.

Angie and Hira say they could be each other's number ones. Angie then shows him what she's been counting in the beach room.

Angie and Hira talking. Angie tells Hira she knows he wants to work solo. He says there's no way you can work solo in this game that's why he has her.

Hira tells Angie he hopes Minh stays so she can target the other side of the house. Angie says it's not worth the risk. Hira thinks he's Chris and Kyle's target.

Hira tells Angie he's not worried about physical threats. He and Ri would have won the veto if "JL and them" hadn't cheated.

Sheldon Brooke & Kyle talking in the kitchen while all the other HGs are still at the dining table. They can't wait to watch their season back on TV

Brooke and Sheldon are playing pool having a discussion about Godfrey. Sheldon says he really liked Neda and Kevin & the boys last year. Brooke says ewww no (about the boys). Shel thinks Anthony was fun, aggressive & intelligent

Minh and Vanessa are talking about their games in the living room. Minh: what hurt me was you not saying you would vote for me to others even if you were to change your mind at the end, at least you would be supporting me. Vanessa ok I get that.

Minh there's only going to be one Jamar too. Sheldon he is also setting a president. Brooke Did you just say president? (precedent)

Minh is asking Kyle to do his Jamar impression.. He says no, he won't be doing it ever again.. It's disrespectful.

Somewhat talking in code Brooke is saying what they're doing is good for Kyle. Sheldon says they'll feel it when something is off it's like them with Ri, it's different when talking to her. Brooke says she has no doubt Kyle could pull the wool over their eyes.

Brooke feels like she can trust Kyle for now but she knows he won't hesitate to put them up. This seems to concern Sheldon he wants to know if there's anything else re: Kyle she's worried about. She says not now. Brooke is saying she can't bring anything up.


March 17, 2020


Maddi comes into the Maui room and says that is not the power of veto, that is the power of sunscreen! We see the symbol the made.

JL went upstairs to get the rest of the HGs to the Expedia room to look at the fake veto mark in the sand... Minh and Chris and believing it while Brooke just observes quietly.

Chris is using one of the flippers to dig around the VETO symbol, and they say the sand isn't that deep... then they go to the HNroom to search for a veto

Minh asks how they did that, salad dressing, and he tells her it was sunscreen and says he thought the house needed a laugh. Angie says we appreciate you and Ming says that was a prank that was actually funny

Brook and Susanne are up stairs w Sheldon in his HOH room. Brooke is playfully hitting him with a pillow to wake him up

Minh and Kyle are talking. Minh says she doesn't hate Kyle , She just knew there was something going on behind her back. Kyle asks Minh if she thinks he has the biggest target on his back?

Maddi joins Brook and Sheldon in the HOH and says she is just coming up to say hi

Chris and JL are playing pool while Kyle and Minh chat in the BAck yard. Minh is tell a story about getting told by BB to STOP THAT

Kyle is asking Minh is she would go out on a date with him if he was single and she asks why he is asking her that

Brooke, Sheldon, and Maddy are in the HOH talking about different physical and mental comps. Angie comes in to do a house battery change

The HOH crew is talking about Kyle and his reactions and paranoia after yesterdays house meeting

Sheldon says that Minh is very inconsistent in what she says... like one min she says she wants to BD Kyle, but they are getting Very close personally

Sheldon says that Minh is a straight up lair. Maddy says she feels bad and is going to say that in Minh's good bye message

Sheldon and Brook going over scenarios of who will go up next week depending on who wins HOH.

Maddie and Ri talking about Kyle always watching them. Maddie Like, are you obsessed with us?

Sue, Brooke, Sheldon in HOH Sue asks who he wants out next week. Sheldon says he wanted Jams gone but he's already gone. Now he's about protection because he can't play.

Sue, Brooke, Sheldon in HOH. Sue asks who they think they can trust more going forward Hira or JL? Sheldon says both won't turn but the can control JL more.

Angie and Hira say they will be each other's number ones and shake on it. Angie shows him what she's been noticing about the Expedia room and beach.

Hira and Angie continue counting things in the Expedia and Beach rooms...birds....planes....pillows...

Angie and Hira talking still. Angie says she knows he wants to work solo. He says he's got her. He says this week is messed up bc Jamar left. He almost hopes Minh stays so she can target the other side.

Hira tells Angie he and Ri would have won the veto if JL and Maddie didn't cheat.

Minh tells Chris, Sheldon, Brooke that Jamar told her they should date after but he was kidding. Chris asks her what kind of relationship she sees with Jamar. She says a sexual one and feeds cut.

JL, Kyle, Maddie and Sue talk about Maddie and Micheal getting married. Sue tells them Robyn Kassting married Cody and Jess. They end up toasting Robyn for casting them. BB - stop talking about production.

Sheldon, Brooke, and Minh talking about groups they were in as the entered the house. Minh says she thought they would enter one by one. Sheldon-Have you watched the show?

Angie says being a have not was hard. She knows it was only 3 days but she doesn't want to do it again. Brooke-Angie has put in her time. Brooke says she may volunteer. Angie says no because she can't afford to lose any weight.

Sheldon and Chris are in the back yard playing pool and chatting. A group of HGs are gathered at the dining room table. You can hear them from outside.


March 17, 2020


Kyle Vanessa Jl, and Angie are at the table eating and Kyle thinks its early for any special powers. But Vanessa says you never know. Kyle says all you can do is pray. Kyle says that someone is getting a scolding right now and that thats in the rules.

Feeds come back and Kyle says he wants his old Minh back. Minh says she is only human and Kyle tells her I only care about you. Minh- I appreciate that. Kyle - "Kyle cares he says. prod keeps warning the HG to stop

Kyle tells Minh he thought she had called the HM to announce that she had a secret video. Kyle keeps asking Minh if she has the secret power joking around with her. He tells them not only is he in control of the house that he also has the secret power.

Kyle asks JL how he thinks he is doing in the game and JL doesn't think he is doing well in the game.

In the HoH room we have Sue, Brooke, Sheldon, Hira, Feeds Jump to the Colorful BR with Chris, Carol, and Angie talking game

Chris is saying how no one will suspect Carol. Sue is in the room as well lots of cross talk going on. Sue says she is fired up.

Vanessa says -Kyle complained to me last night these people are f****g discussing and how today he is hugging everyone

heldon discussing what comps they may have going forward. They are wanting games that they can control more.

Minh and Kyle return and Minh is telling Kyle that his game is top notch. She said the people I trusted where working with you. Kyle cant believe she believed Vanessa . Minh says that Jamar did not fully trust her

Minh is telling Kyle how she wanted to keep what they had but the paranoia got to her.

Minh was talking to Kyle and JL at the kitchen table and was talking about after there season ends she discusses the HG getting together for events and mentions Nico. The feeds cut again and return to Chris meditating in the manga RM

Feeds switch from Chris's mediation/study season to Sue sleeping on the couch in the Expedia RM. Sheldon comes in for a brief moment and then leaves. Sue says this is the 1st time she has been alone.

Carol & Vanessa are napping in the colorful BR & Chris comes in. Chris says that Kyle Minh and JL are still going at it. and the girls say they are making up. Vanessa is hoping for a St. Patty's party.

Chris leaves the colorful BR Vanessa is up and says she is going to go do the same thing in a different room. Feeds follow and now we are in the BR where Ri & Maddie are doing the hair.

Maddie tells Ri in the bathroom she feels like everyone is lying to her. The girls start whispering in the bathroom and its hard to make out what they are saying. They are discussing hoh next week and who the winner may be. Ri says she is tired of the Kyle show.

Angie joins the girls in the bathroom and they ask her what she would do if she wins HOH

JL and Van put stuff on the sand in the Maui room and try to trick Hira to believe that BB did it, HIra immediately knows Van and JL did it. next target is RiRi who believes and now they are getting Kyle to see what he thinks. RiRi says there has to be a veto in here!

Feeds have been down for like 10 hours !

March 16, 2020

Feeds have been down for like 10 hours !

Live feeds from the house have been cut, after Jamar makes gun sign to another housemate!


March 16, 2020

Minh-Ly Calls An Explosive House Meeting

Big Brother Canada 8 is the season that keeps on giving. We knew that the minute Minh-Ly became an option to go on the block that the house would take a major turn, at least in terms of entertainment and game play. She did not disappoint.

Minh-Ly decided to call a house meeting to expose lies told about her. Her main goal was to expose Vanessa for saying that Minh-Ly was the one who told about a five-person alliance involving Sheldon. The plan was to get some major lies out in the open and put a spotlight on players like Kyle and Vanessa. It didn’t help Minh as much as it caused people to become upset.

Here are some of the main points from the first BBCAN8 house meeting (it starts around 4:05pm EST):

Jamar gets really upset and emotional about people lying to him and pretending to be on his side. He specifically calls out Vanessa and Chris.

Vanessa says the way that Jamar spoke to her makes her feel threatened.

Big Brother calls Jamar into the Diary Room after Kyle says some of the things Jamar said implied he wanted to shoot him after the season ends.

Minh-Ly calls everyone out individually to confirm that she never told them to throw the HOH competition. When she gets to Angie, Angie says that she never speaks to her.

Kyle is the main topic of the meeting and Minh-Ly compares him to BBCAN7 winner Dane. She says if they don’t get him out soon, he’ll win the season.

Vanessa exposes something Minh-Ly allegedly said about Susanne’s boyfriend needing to breakup with her because of all the flirting.

Madeline sticks up for Jamar when everyone says his emotional reaction is too much.

Minh-Ly says that she wants to go after shady people and that’s why they should keep her in the house. She’s not scared to call people out or make big moves.

Sheldon refuses to engage in Minh-Ly’s questioning or the meeting.

This was a very good house meeting for drama. We can’t wait to see what else happens this week with Minh-Ly doing whatever it takes to stay in the game. We have to respect a player with this much fire.


March 16, 2020

House Meeting !

Minh admits to Maddie that she lied. Jamar asks Ness if she has been lying to him. Ness tells him he is outing himself with his own actions. Vanessa admits that she is playing him. they are wanting to know who the 5 are.

Minh is calling Kyle a Lier and Jamar starts to get very angry.

Minh is trying to re-tell a story about her and Kyle and Jamar cant keep himself still

Chris asks Minh was that when you decided you want to work with Kyle. And Jamar asks Chris are you lying to me to.

Minh says she doesn't have a final 3. and that she was closest to Vanessa but does not trust her anyone. Jamar starts to yell at Vanessa

Minh calls Kyle out and says that she is going to go after the shady people in the house. Kyle tells Minh No one is afraid of me in this house. Sue asks who started the rumor of the 5

Minh I am not a p**** I am showing my cards right now, and Im not afraid to go after you Kyle because you are my #1 target.

Jamar apologizes to everyone and for now one to feel in danger of him and Vanessa says that she is.

minh Jamar and Kyle going back and forth and calls Kyle a goofy a**.

Jamar tells everyone Vanessa is playing everyone . and then says its Big Brother Its all a game. What are we having for diner and several people get up from the meeting and start to scurry.

the feeds go to the HOH and Sheldon speaking with Brooke. Talking about something Jams said that could get him kicked out of the house and the feeds cut, But dont worry our amazing team has got all the tea on the way!


March 16, 2020


Minh is now retelling to Jams and Carol.. They agree the only reason Ness would have snaked her is because of Kyle. Both Jams and Carol promise Minh their votes. Minh also thinks Sue is with Kyle and Ness. They both agree to talk to Shel on Minh's behalf.

Sheldon is now prepping Ness for the upcoming house meeting.He assures her that none of them will believe what Minh is saying, and that it will probably get crazy and Ness won't even have to talk. Shel sees Maddie on his way back up to HOH. He wants to talk to her and Ri

Jamar, Minh and Carol are trying to figure out who told the house that Minh was talking about the 5 person alliance. That will be the core of the house meeting, who told Shel this information. Minh then tells them Brooke ran right to Shel about the HM - none are surprised

Sheldon has now warned Kyle about the house meeting. They laugh about Minh's prey analogy.

Brooke and Ness are in Maui discussing what has been happening - Brooke wants to apologize for everything that has been happening. Ness assures her that they're good, but wants to know who told Brooke about the rumor. B names off Hira, Maddie and Sue.

Jams and Minh are now talking to Sue about the vote, rumors and upcoming meeting. Sue says she doesn't want to say anything until she has all the information. Minh tells Sue that keeping her is good for Sue's game - Sue will stay over Minh, not Ri.

Sue asks Minh straight up - did you say watch out for Sue to Hira? Minh denies it completely, and says anything she has said in a negative light has been to Sue's face.
Minh confronts Vanessa about "snaking" her. Ness tells her this isn't helping Minh's game at all, everyone is voting her out and if they're telling her they have their vote they're lying to Minh's face.

Minh gives her reasoning as to why she should stay over Ri. She wants to know why people won't vote for her? Ness tells her it's because she's doing right now. Jams says she has every right because Minh needs to find out who's lying on her.

Minh is asking why Brooke would be lying about it? Carol brings up that Brooke was a diabolical liar growing up - people like that can lie to your face. They all agree that the house meeting should start... Carol goes to get a tea ready.

Everyone leaves - Minh and Jamar talk - Minh tells Jamar that Ness is the one who's lying, not Brooke. Ness is Kyles puppet.


March 16, 2020


Minh says she was close with Sue before. Maddie tells Minh that she does think she would be good for her game, but they would have to talk later, to keep her head up. Jamar and Hira lurk in the background.

Minh says Rianne has a good social game, but she doesn't think Rianne has the guts to do what she would do, and at this point, they don't need anymore besties in the house.

Maddie says she thinks Angie would go with the house. Minh walks off and tells Jamar he should talk to Maddie. She coaches him on what to say.

Minh attempts to talk to Hira, but he makes an excuse and walks away. Minh finds Angie in the hot tub area. Minh tells Angie she is not her target, and that she put all the balls in her tube because she needed to hide her real target.

Angie appears unreceptive. Minh apologies for using her as a shield. Angie says she was on slop because of the her. Angie says the point is that she (Minh) put her on slop.

Carol and Hira look on while Minh and Angie talk about slop. Minh tells Angie it's okay for Angie to put her on slop. Hira says he thinks Minh should talk to Chris and Kyle. Minh says right now that she is talking to them.

Minh repeats how strong she is, especially beside Rianne. Hira and Angie says they haven't made up their minds. Minh asks them what she thinks about her arguments. They all agree they're good.

Angie agrees they need strong people in the house. Angie tells Carol she is a strong person in the house when Carol intimates she is not. Minh says she won't heap fake praise on them. Minh thanks them and leaves.

Angie tells Hira and Carol she feels insulted and doesn't like being told she's not strong. They all agree and hope they don't have to talk with Minh the rest of the day.

Maddie tells Jamar in the kitchen she understands. Jamar says he is voting to keep Minh. Both Jamar and Maddie say they both feel like no one has their backs.

Maddie tells Jamar she is loyal and will be voiting for Rianne to say. Jamar says he understands. As Angie comes in, Jamar says it's solo form here on out, that he's not going to play with anyone.

Jamar says if he wins HOH, both Chris and Kyle are going on the block. Angie overhears. Maddie emphasizes that she doesn't care where the house lies, she is loyal.

Maddie goes in the storage room and talks with Maddie. Brooke says she has defended her so much, and Maddie says Minh has been rude to her since day 3, and that it was personal stuff and not game related.

Maddie tells Brooke she knows about the claim that Brooke told Vanessa to throw the comp. Brooke says she didn't care who won the veto, except for Minh, and denies ever having said that.

Brooke is telling Maddie that she already told Minh she didn't trust her. Both agree once Minh finds out she's leaving, she'll start a lot of sh*t. Maddie tells Brooke that she didn't promise Minh her vote.

Brooke says that Minh doesn't like Sue because Sue is friendly with Jamar, and that it's super weird. Maddie wonders there are so many people who dislike her.

Maddie says Sheldon is really hurting, that she could tell when she went up to the HOH room. Maddie assures Brooke she would have done the same thing in his position.

Minh continues her campaign with a large group in the hot tub.

JohnLuke's face during Minh's current campaign. Minh says in the background that they should look at everyone's body language when you think people are lying.

Vanessa says it is hard to read body language when there are so many good liars in the house.

Rianne looks on why Minh continues to repeat her pitches from earlier.

Minh tells JohnLuke that she was trying to help Micheal last week, but it eventually became too late for her to do that.

Vanessa offers Minh advice.Vanessa I think at this point, Minh, no matter how much you try try to put in on to someone else, you two are on the block, so it's not like we can change anything.

After Minh leaves, Vanessa says Minh lied about her telling her Brooke said to throw the veto. Vanessa says Brooke never said anything to her like that.

Minh tells Hira and Brooke in the bathroom that she needs to think she (Mihn) needs to call a house meeting. She confirms she thought Brooke was sketchy, but now believes from her body language that Brooke is telling the truth.

Brooke is retelling her convo with Minh to Sheldon in the HOH. Brooke confirms that Minh's targets are Shel, Kyle and Chris. Brooke believes Minh re: Ness telling Minh things. Brooke: for Minh-Ly to say that I'm sketchy? I think Minh is going to go run to Ness right now

Chris and Maddie are chatting in the SR. She tells him that she really has no one right now and is looking for people to be loyal to. Chris brings up JL and Ri - Maddie says they're close but it was Mike who was keeping the 4 together.


March 16, 2020


Jamar and Vanessa are in the color bedroom. Angie walks in and discusses the hot tub with Vanessa. Jamar is on the bed, silent.

Vanessa leaves the bedroom and Jamar is talking to the camera. Jamar I want to turn off on everybody right now. I'm a savage. Jamar What kind of weak ass move is that? I protected your girl last week, I could have voted her ass out. You know how powerful my voice is?

Jamar continues to talk to Sheldon who isn't in the room. He says Minh is not a threat, that she's only won one competition. He says the only move is to win HOH, that everyone is playing scared. He wonders if Sheldon is playing Kyle's game.

Minh comes in the room, and tells it's not good for Jamar to be in a room alone, that he could be out next. She tells him he is like a rogue, that he doesn't have many allies in the house. Jamar: We'll see. Minh says she needs to stays for his game.

Minh says she's going outside to talk to Carol and Hira. Minh tells him that he'll touch the block if someone else gets power. Both agree Kyle is behind it. Jamar tells Minh to call Kyle out, and Minh tells Jamar it's not good to be always volatile, to let her work.

Sheldon goes to the bathroom to talk to Brooke. They discuss Jamar and although he is hellbent on getting rid of Kyle and Chris, he thinks Jamar will not come after them.

Sheldon tells Brooke Minh thinks she has the votes but it's fine if either one could go. He doesn't think Minh is angry at him, from the way she's acting. Sheldon thinks the person they have the most is Hira. He could be referring to Minh or to Rianne.

Minh is talking with Maddie in BY. Minh is pressuring her for her vote, telling her Chris is in with Sheldon and could be an issue. Maddie wants to know who she has. Minh says she has Carol and Jamar.

Minh mentions Jamar not voting for Micheal, that he made an alliance with Micheal and then voted against him. Minh says Jamar did that because he was close with her and Sue. Maddie You're close with Brooke? Minh Me? Maddie mentions she just said she was close with Sue.


March 16, 2020

The Week 3 Power of Veto Ceremony Plans!

I expected this to be a very predictable and (slightly) boring but strategic week from Sheldon. He found out that he was one of the most popular players in the BBCAN8 house by receiving the least balls in his tube. Then he had quite a few options on who to nominate without making big waves. He could easily pick two of three options and call it a day. Big Brother Canada said no way in hell will I let that happen, and they threw in a twist with the Power of Veto competition.

The Power of Veto twist made whichever team won the Veto competition safe. John Luke and Madeline were on the same team, and then they won the Veto. This meant that Sheldon lost two of his easy options. Rianne was always his intended target, but now things became more complicated, because he needed to put someone on the block who wouldn’t go home over her.

After the POV competition, Brooke and Sheldon spent a lot of time going over scenarios on who to nominate to get Rianne out. They concluded that no option would work to get her out. They had to cut their losses and pick someone else to get rid of this week. They even discussed possibly nominating and evicting one of their alliance members with Kyle, but they thought that would be a terrible idea for them.

Vanessa has been giving Minh-Ly information and it got back to Brooke, Sheldon, and Kyle. They started to question if they could really trust Vanessa, but Sheldon believed that Vanessa was still trustworthy. It was Minh-Ly that was causing the issues. They decided that Minh would be the safest option this week. Many people already wanted her out, so they wouldn’t really make any new enemies, and they would get someone out that they couldn’t completely trust. They only worried about how Jamar would take their decision to get rid of someone close to him.

Sheldon has already informed Jamar about his decision, and Sheldon told Minh last night. She definitely wasn’t happy about the news but handled it better than Sheldon expected and now he is more open to his original evict Rianne plan. If Minh puts in the work, she could save herself this week

Sheldon originally decided to try to pull Rianne, John Luke, and Maddy into a new alliance with him now that they could all possibly be safe. We’re not sure how this may all play out for Sheldon. It would have been better to nominate Carol, who is very likely to float until the end, as a safe bet against Rianne. Carol would have likely stayed against Rianne, and another Evictor would be out, further weakening that potentially powerful threesome.

Minh is not a bad choice because she has definitely rubbed many houseguests the wrong way, but she is just such a ticking time bomb that she will go out swinging. This could easily lead to a flip vote and a major target on Sheldon and Brooke’s back going forward. This is an exciting development either way, and we can’t wait to see how it plays out on Thursday.

What do you think of Sheldon potentially nominating Minh-Ly this week?


March 16, 2020

📢Good Monday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢

It's Day 16 🍁 of 67

Yesterday in the Big Brother Canada 8 house, there was a chance to see something that is certainly atypical in the game letters than all of the different houseguests got from loved ones at home.

Is this situation a little bit unprecedented? Sure, but it’s also appropriate given the recent headlines. Most of the house has been unaware of the spread of COVID-19 on the outside it’s something that production didn’t tell them prior to Michael’s exit, as he was still learning of the situation when we interviewed him.

Yet, everyone seems to have been given letters so that they are aware of the situation and that all of their loved ones are okay. There are a lot of emotional people in the game right now we’ve seen tears from Kyle and Susanne especially, and that could consider. We wouldn’t be shocked if some debated going home to be with loved ones. Given the state of the pandemic, this felt like one of those occasions where production would be more lenient on how much information from the outside world they would give the houseguests, and that has certainly been proven true now. We’re not sure how many more updates the houseguests will receive, but we imagine that there will be good news passed along if things start to take a positive turn on the outside world.

With things spelled out, the game will move forward, with Sheldon planning to nominate Minh Ly as his replacement nominee after Madeline takes herself off the block with the Power of Veto. Remember that she won the power last week along with John Luke, as a twist allowed for people to perform as duos in the competition.


March 16, 2020


Minh is filling in Carol on her knowledge that she is going on the block. Carol is not telling her that Carol already knew that. Carol says that she is voting for Minh to stay. Minh is ranting about Brooke. Carol says "This is basically her HOH"

Carol gives Minh permission to use her name as a definite vote when campaigning.

Minh is now filling Jamar in on the "Fact" that she is going to be the re-nom and her conversation with Sheldon.

Carol comes inside after talking to Minh. She hugs Rianne and tells her that she has her vote. She also tells her that Minh thinks she has Kyle and Vanessa too. Carol says that she talked to Kyle/Vanessa and that's not true. Sheldon tells her to try not to be paranoid

Minh asks Vanessa if she is voting for her. Vanessa says that if Minh has the votes, she'll vote. If not, then she won't. Minh continues to rant about being able to win comps and who is behind the "renomination"

Minh and Jamar are discussing Jamar talking to Sheldon on her behalf. She doesn't want him to mention Chris/Kyle. He starts to rant about Kyle being a liar. Vanessa is in the room.

Vanessa and Carol check-in quickly. Vanessa tells Carol what she told Minh. Carol lists the votes Minh thinks she has "And I know she doesn't have Kyle, Chris, Vanessa, Carol, Sue or Jammers"

Sheldon arrives and tries to calm Jamar. Sheldon keeps trying to tell Jamar about the conversation with Minh. That she is lying. Jamar is saying that Chris/Kyle are bigger liars and bigger targets.

Jamar confronts Susanne (with Hira present) about who told Minh about the 5 person alliance. Sue tries to tell him that Minh told Chris, not the other way around. He won't listen and says that he is going to tell Minh that it was Chris that told Sue.

Sheldon tells Jamar he's made his decision and asks that Jamar respects that. He tells Jamar if Jamar puts up someone Sheldon doesn't agree with, he'd still respect it. Jamar leaves the convo, still angry, saying if Chris/Kyle aren't noms next week, he's going solo.

Sheldon begins going around the house, checking in with people telling them that Minh knows she is going to be the renom and to be prepared. He speaks with Chris first.

After checking all 3 bedrooms, Sheldon finally tracks down Brooke doing Yoga in the Expedia Room. He tells her that Jamar was "heated" in their conversation outside about Minh. Brooke mis-understands and thinks it was Jamar heated at Minh. Sheldon says no all of us

Sheldon and Brooke agree it's going to get worse. Sheldon says "we have 3 more days of this." Sheldon says yes, I should put up Chris/Kyle for other people, and he doesn't have Jamar's best interest at heart, but for Sheldon this is the right choice.

Meanwhile, John Luke and Susanne check in. They decide that they like each other and trust each other. They tell each other where their heads are at. They say they both have the same people. JL re Brooke I don't want to hurt her game, so yours either Sue agrees.

Susanne tells Hira she would have to backdoor, which would be the best for HER game. He says that it is too hard to do that and to not put pressure on herself.

Minh starts to campaign to Madeline. She asks Madeline if she told Sheldon that Minh said that 5 person alliance. Minh tells her she's a strong woman that can win comps. Madeline says if Minh gets the votes, she'll vote for her.

​📢Good Monday Morning Brother-Lovers 📢

March 16, 2020

📢Good Monday Morning Brother-Lovers 📢

It's Day 16 🍁 of 67

Yesterday in the Big Brother Canada 8 house, there was a chance to see something that is certainly atypical in the game letters than all of the different houseguests got from loved ones at home.

Is this situation a little bit unprecedented? Sure, but it’s also appropriate given the recent headlines. Most of the house has been unaware of the spread of COVID-19 on the outside it’s something that production didn’t tell them prior to Michael’s exit, as he was still learning of the situation when we interviewed him.

Yet, everyone seems to have been given letters so that they are aware of the situation and that all of their loved ones are okay. There are a lot of emotional people in the game right now we’ve seen tears from Kyle and Susanne especially, and that could consider. We wouldn’t be shocked if some debated going home to be with loved ones. Given the state of the pandemic, this felt like one of those occasions where production would be more lenient on how much information from the outside world they would give the houseguests, and that has certainly been proven true now. We’re not sure how many more updates the houseguests will receive, but we imagine that there will be good news passed along if things start to take a positive turn on the outside world.

With things spelled out, the game will move forward, with Sheldon planning to nominate Minh Ly as his replacement nominee after Madeline takes herself off the block with the Power of Veto. Remember that she won the power last week along with John Luke, as a twist allowed for people to perform as duos in the competition.


March 15, 2020


Previously, on Big Brother Canada, after Hira won the veto and saved himself from the block, the mindbender blew open the backdoor and the battle lines were drawn. The Evictors lashed out and when the trail led back to Kyle, the muscle-bound manipulator blamed Chris, which kept his secret alliance off everyone's radar. But mischievous Minh-Ly-ly saw the chance to blow up Kyle's game.

After Micheal took the bait, Kyle took him to school and on eviction night, the backdoor was successful and the soldier boy kissed his girl and his game goodbye. Tonight, who will slip past the pack and become the next HoH? Will the showboats of the house survive? It's do or slide on Big Brother Canada!

We pick up with Micheal's eviction on day 13. Chris says the plan was executed to perfection. Even his military training couldn't prepare him for this. And better yet, Kyle took the heat for everything. Kyle says he took a lot of heat and if the wrong person wins, he could be in trouble. Madeline says they were blindsided last week and they need to win this HoH!

Arisa begins the HoH. They will slide down and find a yellow ball in the ball pit and put them one at a time in any other HGs tube. When they get 10 balls, they are eliminated. The first four HGs eliminated will be the Have-Nots. The last one standing wins HoH!

John-Luke says this competition is absolutely ridiculous. They are slipping and sliding and everyone is falling. Minh-Ly says this competition reveals who you are working with and who you're against based on whose tube you put your balls in. John-Luke says it is imperative that he, Rianne, or Madeline win this since the house knows they are working together. Vanessa says she and Kyle had already decided to target Rianne since Micheal called them out.

Madeline wants to target Kyle and Vanessa. Madeline is the first HGs out of the competition. She says that means she's the least popular in the house and she's a Have-Not another week. Rianne says Maddy is out, but she and John-Luke need to get Kyle and Vanessa out. Rianne gets Kyle out and she is thrilled she put the last ball in. Kyle is out and Vanessa is out right behind.

Minh-Ly spends all of her time putting all of her balls in Angie's tube so she can hide her real intentions and everyone knows she doesn't like Angie. Jamar put a ball in Minh-Ly's tube and she was yelling at him. Angie and Minh-Ly are both eliminated and they argue. Minh-Ly says Angie isn't her target and Angie says you literally got me out.

Sheldon notices no one is putting balls in his tube. He says he's played a great social game in the last few weeks. Brooke and Jamar are out. John-Luke and Rianne are out and everyone but Sheldon is eliminated. Sheldon is the new HoH! He says that was a very awkward competition. Kyle is not happy about being a Have-Not again.

Minh-Ly hugs Sheldon and he says he's going to make her feel terrible. Madeline is crying and she feels like everyone is ganging up on her. She feels targeted and Jamar says Kyle and Vanessa ganged up on her. Sheldon says this is the perfect week to be in power because there are obvious targets that won't make anyone upset. He says he's been stringing some HGs along like Hira, Susanne, and Carol, but there are bigger targets ahead of them.

John-Luke says if two of them get put up, then it will be him and Madeline with the other as the replacement. John-Luke says Micheal is gone and clearly he, Madeline, and Rianne are targets. John-Luke says they need to make some new connections and build a new path. Madeline says she should go mingle even if she doesn't want to.

Minh-Ly wants to talk to Angie and Angie says you didn't have to target me in a competition and Minh-Ly says Angie wasn't her target and it wasn't about making her a target. She says Angie doesn't intimidate her on a game level. Angie says she refuses to let Minh-Ly beat her. She doesn't know why Minh-Ly hasn't liked her from the beginning and the second her name came out of Minh-Ly's mouth, she felt like a target. Minh-Ly says Angie doesn't have to understand her gameplay.

Brooke is talking to Susanne. Brooke says in her real life she has found it difficult to trust people and in the game, she feels like she trusts Sheldon. He's the only one who she can feel like herself with. Susanne wants to know if Brooke likes him. Brooke says she doesn't want to have a showmance and she promised Canada she wouldn't do that. That's a Brooke guarantee.

Who wants to see Sheldon's HoH room? Sheldon has a picture with his brother. He has his Skechers and his Wendy's menu. His letter is from his brother and he congratulates Sheldon and says he's proud of him and Sheldon is built for this game and he knows that because Sheldon has taken on so many challenges in life. His brother writes love you, you're a true big brother. Sheldon says that letter hit home for him and it's the motivation he didn't know he needed.

Kyle heads out and Sheldon is talking about his photos and how old he is. Kyle is in the Have-Not room and he's crying. Hira comes to check on him and Kyle says there's no chance he's going to get to see his wife and kids. Hira says it's hard being so close and not getting it. Kyle says he did some bad things last week and it really sucked. Hira says this game is so much harder than we expect. We're going to make moves where people get hurt even if you don't want to. Hira and Kyle hug.

It's Day 14 and Sheldon and Brooke head upstairs and Kyle and Vanessa are there. Sheldon wants to make it look like they're chilling in case anyone comes in. They discuss that no one knows they are an alliance. Sheldon says socially, they all have to be on point this week. Sheldon says he's slacked on Carol. Kyle wants to talk about Susanne and Brooke says she's manageable if you do it in the correct way. They discuss that Rianne is dangerous and back-up is John-Luke. Minh-Ly is still a wild card. Brooke says Minh-Ly knows they're a big threat. Jamar comes in and says he left his water ball in here. Jamar heads out and they say KVBS and hit hands.

Rianne goes to talk to Jamar and Susanne and Sue leaves. Rianne says it's hard to stay positive in this game when you don't know who has your back and who doesn't. She's crying and Jamar is comforting her. Rianne says she feels guilty by association and she feels like everyone is avoiding her. Jamar says everyone is paranoid and they feel like talking to certain people will get them in trouble. Jamar tells her to fight and put pressure on these people. Rianne says she didn't come here to give up and she's going to work her butt off.

John-Luke goes to talk to Sheldon. John-Luke says he's nervous about the future of his game and right before the eviction he had a really good talk with Sheldon. Sheldon told John-Luke he doesn't see a reason he'd target him. John-Luke says The Evictors are still his friends, but he's looking out for himself. He tells Sheldon he's kind of looking for a ride or die and he would like to work with him. John-Luke says Minh-Ly causes a little drama. John-Luke says he feels like he has a connection with Sheldon and Sheldon would be safe with him. John-Luke thinks the talk went well and he could be safe for the rest of the week.

Jamar is talking to Brooke and he says Kyle and Chris are joined together and they could take out Kyle. Jamar says he knows Brooke is close with Sheldon and he pitches getting Kyle out in hopes she'll take it back to Sheldon. Brooke says Jamar is being obvious about wanting Kyle out and she tells Jamar that Kyle is a bigger shield for Sheldon. Jamar says keep him for how long? Jamar says Minh-ly, Vanessa, and Chris are also targets. Jamar says Kyle is also pulling on people's heartstrings because of his wife and kids and that's dangerous too.

Brooke goes to talk to Sheldon and she recaps the conversation she had with Jamar. Sheldon says so you told Jamar why Kyle being here might also be good for his game too then. Brooke says she's slightly concerned that Kyle's fuse is short and Sheldon says Kyle needs to do as well socially as best as he can because they are not going to fight his battles for him.

In the airport room, the screens come on with Departure times. Broke was in there laying down and she runs out and says something is up with Expedia. The screens say Departures with cities, times, gates, etc. They find a secret room that says Aloha and is beach themed. The room says Aloha Guests and the only flight that's boarding is Maui.

Vanessa says she doesn't know what this means, but she's trying to study as much as she can and be a sponge. Rianne is stumped by it. Carol says people didn't really look around the room so she starts moving sand around and moving stuff looking for something because Big Brother doesn't do anything without a purpose.

Brooke says Minh-Ly and Jamar are something else. Brooke says it's like a car wreck where you're watching and you know it will be horrible but you can't look away. Kyle says Jamar tries to play this slick guy that doesn't give a crap about Minh-Ly and she tries to play a tough chick who doesn't care about him. We see them bickering. Kyle says they are his favorite showmance ever and Minh-Ly says it's not a showmance. Kyle says just get in the bedroom and get it done already. We see them kissing in the storage room and Jamar holds the door open for her and wipes his mouth off.

Brooke and Sheldon are talking and Rianne comes in and Brooke leaves. She asks what's up and he wants to know what she's thinking. She says she's just in survival mode. Sheldon says the narrative is those three were in an alliance and Kyle is an asshole. Sheldon says he knows that Chris was talking about him. Rianne says she doesn't have any secrets at this point and she says she's close with Madeline and she doesn't want to be connected to some of the choices she made this past week. Rianne says she knows they are going to have to follow their own paths.

Sheldon is bringing Madeline to Wendy's this week because she's a Have-Not two weeks in a row and her closest ally just went out the door. Sheldon picks her up and carries her into the HoH room. He heads downstairs to get their order and it is delivered and he gets a tablet with a message from home. He goes upstairs and his message is from his mom. She's excited to see him in the Big Brother house and she's so happy and proud of him. They are all cheering him on and she sends her love and hugs. He says he misses her so much.

Madeline says the food is so good and it's better than slop. She's hoping if he thinks on a full stomach, then maybe he'll be in a good mood and they can talk game. Madeline thinks a lot of people are putting a lot of crap in other people's heads and she thinks Kyle does that a lot. Madeline says whoever gets Kyle out has a good chance of winning. She wants to know if he's ready to make a big move. Sheldon says he's going to hear that from all three of them. He says they just don't talk game and it's easy to put them up because everyone hates them right now. He says they isolated themselves with the vote. Madeline cries and she says it hurts because she doesn't know what she did wrong and it really sucks. Sheldon says he doesn't know what he wants to do.

Sheldon says most of his dates end that badly. Madeline says she thinks Sheldon took her to Wendy's because she's going on the block. She goes to the Have-Not room and whines why does everyone hate her? She doesn't get it. She's not even like smart or physical or anything.

Minh-Ly asks Sheldon if she needs to worry and Sheldon says she needs to worry big time. Minh-Ly says she can't tell if he's being serious and he says he's dead serious. Sheldon laughs. Sheldon says Minh-Ly is an easy person to put up and she's always suggested to be backdoored. Minh-Ly wants to know if he's going to make a big move that will be a shocker. Sheldon says he could tell her, but wouldn't it be better as a surprise? She says OK.

Sheldon says in his real-life he's a chill guy. But the moment he steps into the wrestling ring he's in game mode. Right now the Big Brother house is his wrestling ring and he's going to kick his game into high gear. He heads in to lock in his nominations. Kyle says his ultimate goal is to be one of the best Big Brother players of all time and that starts now with this first HoH.

Sheldon says Madeline has had a rough couple of weeks but they haven't talked much game and that is not his fault. Sheldon says John-Luke has been able to connect and he hopes it's not too late. He believes everything he's saying but he might end up collateral damage. Rianne is a badass and he can't read her and that's a red flag for him. Minh-Ly is a firecracker. He thinks she's capable of anything in this game, which means she can come after his alliance and him and that is not OK. His philosophy of these nominations is to control what he can and that's what he's going to do.

Nomination time! Sheldon heads to the living room. His first nominee is... Madeline. His second nominee is... Rianne. Sheldon says he's chosen to nominate Madeline because they don't have a game relationship and he wants to give her a chance to show everyone what she's made of. Sheldon says Rianne and he have a strong social relationship, but no game relationship and he knows she can get herself out of this. Please don't take these nominations personally.

Madeline says Sheldon, this is your big move? There are way bigger fish to fry in this house. Rianne says she's on the block on week 3! How did this happen? She's ready to win this PoV and take matters into her own hands

The Houseguests Learn About The Coronavirus!

March 15, 2020

The Houseguests Learn About The Coronavirus!

The Big Brother Canada 8 Live Feeds were down for nearly two hours today. This isn’t out of the ordinary, because feeds go down quite a lot for various reasons, like competitions, special powers, to keep things PG, etc.,. However, the feeds returned to big news: the BBCAN8 houseguests finally learned about the coronavirus. The coronavirus has been around before the houseguests were sequestered, but it reached its peak while they were in the house.

Big Brother Canada chose to go without an audience on Thursday’s eviction, and that caused the houseguests to wonder what was going on. Big Brother tries not to let the houseguests know too much about what’s going on outside of the game, but something as impactful and critical as the coronavirus definitely is something that needs sharing with the houseguests.

Big Brother informed the houseguests about the severity of the situation, and let them all have letters from their families. More details and this segment of Big Brother will probably air on Wednesday or Thursday’s episode. We’re glad that Big Brother Canada let them know what’s going on and allowed them to have letters as a sense of reassurance and comfort that they’re family is okay during this pandemic.


March 15, 2020



March 15, 2020


Sheldon and John Luke are playing pool with Brooke laying on the couches nearby. No game talk so far. The other HGs are still sitting in the Hot Tub and are currently discussing sunglasses.

Jamar is telling the other HGs still in the hot tub about Minh biting him in the neck (he showed them the mark) and that Vanessa was laying on top of them and "Forced them to kiss" Vanessa agreed that she was right there. Kyle asked if she was going to "jump in"

Minh tells Chris that he's a good guy, that she believes that BB put all of these "Great guys, different types" into the house to "rehabilitate her, her thinking pattern" Chris jokes that he's getting paid for that therapy session.

Still playing pool, John Luke asks Sheldon if he thought this show would be this much "waiting around" Sheldon says he knew about the waiting around but he didn't realize it would be "this hard" John Luke asks if Sheldon thinks his life will change.

Kyle is crying, while Sheldon is trying to build him up by telling him how much he appreciates him & enjoys playing the game with him. Kyle "That's one of the nicest things anyone ever said to me. People usually tell me I'm too much of this, too much of that.

KyleI do not get a whole lot of compliments in life Sheldon I mean every word of it. Kyle I wish I could be more like you. You're intelligent, level headed, outspoken. You're the man I want my son to look up to be.


March 15, 2020


Minh gives Sheldon an oath to be loyal to him. She doesn't think many other people will give him that.She hopes he'll have a good think about it. Minh If you needed to put up Chris *checks door and sees Brooke walking by* I will do anything. Sheldon Minh I just don't trust you

Sheldon assures Minh that this was not a BD plan - he was cheering for her in the comp but this is the only way to get the least blood on his hands.

Sheldon tells Minh he loves her,she's well spoken,strong, and mentally prepared.He does not want to do this but it's the best case scenario for him.He doesn't want her to waste her time with him, he has no vote. He says he's not afraid of anyone but has to be strategic.

Minh asks Sheldon how many votes she's going to need.. 6. She's disappointed and he respects that. Minh felt like something was up today which is why she wanted to talk alone.

Sheldon on why he thinks BB is such a crazy place, where people think they're owed something but they're not. They don't deserve anything. Shel tells her he's taking this better than she thought Minh is going to go to bed Sheldon gives her a hug while she cries.

Brooke has found Sheldon he has to go to DR he tells her to wait and sleep if she wants to, they'll talk when he's back.

Sheldon is back from the DR, talking to Brooke in the HOH room. Sheldon tells Brooke about his chat with Minh, how she responded in her “survival mode”, not angry but still going at him. Sheldon tells Brooke he told Minh he doesn’t trust her (Minh)

Sheldon talks to Brooke about his chat with Minh. “She didn’t pop off as bad as I thought she would”, says Sheldon. Sheldon says Minh is convinced someone is in his ear. Brooke thinks Minh thinks it’s her (in Sheldon's ear).

Sheldon continues to fill in Brooke on his convo with Minh. Sheldon says about Minh: “I really felt sorry for her, and this isn’t a joke”. Brooke says that Minh is a good player, but that Minh got too many eyes on her too early in the game.

Sheldon tells Brooke that he genuinely didn’t know how badly Minh wanted to be in this game. He made sure to tell everyone else about his backdoor plan, before telling Minh, knowing that Minh would start talking aggressively to everyone.

Sheldon tells Brooke that he’s “not married” to Minh leaving, even though he doesn’t mind her leaving the game. Brooke says Minh is intense & manipulative, but also smart, and says that she (Brooke) thinks Minh does respect Sheldon.

Lights start to go dark in the HOH room as Sheldon continues talking with Brooke. Brooke says that if Minh believes she can’t save herself (Minh) and will be sent home, then Minh will go & talk to everyone in the house & spread as much trouble as she can. They laugh.

Brooke & Sheldon talk about how JL is an easy person to get to talk. Brooke says: “You just have to look at him & then he’ll start saying stuff.” Brooke and Sheldon hug goodnight, and Sheldon goes to sleep alone in the HOH room.


March 15, 2020


JL and Sheldon are in the HOH room discussing the POV competition. Sheldon notes that Madeline is so lucky she picked JL, and that the competition was so funny to watch. Sheldon says JL and Rianne as a pair would have crushed it

Brooke comes into the HOH room to get a marshmallow from JL and Sheldon, telling them they better be in her audience for Cookie Time

Madeline and Chris are talking outside, saying that someone (I assune Minh) doesnt try hard to be friendly with girls and has childhood memories that make her overcompensate as an adult and dominate men

Sheldon and JL are saying that last season seemed like a cakewalk, the boys walked backwards through the whole season and dominated. JL says he has no idea what is going on in the house any day of the week, it constantly changes

Sheldon and JL discuss Jamars reaction to knowing Minh is the replacement. Sheldon says he doesnt think Jamar cares but something was definitely off

JL and Sheldon leave the HOH and find out they missed cookie time. Brooke runs up there and chases them back in, saying she yelled out four times.

Sheldon, Brooke, and JL are in the HOH room chatting while Minh and Rianne are still at the kitchen table discussing snow boarding

Chris walks into the HOH to say goodnight, talk shifts to sleeping arrangements

HoH conversation is on Chris and how off beat he is. He doesnt get any of Sheldons jokes and when Brooke is kidding about something, Chris will go on seriously about wolf aliens. They have no clue how to take him

JL talking about the COVID-19 outbreak, he said the delivery of the message being shocking and that they made it sound worse. JL cried while they read the messages from home

JL says his parents are in Mexico and had to watch through FaceTime with his uncle because it wasnt on TV down there. He says its cool everyone in his family is watching

JL is telling Brooke about a dream he had where the HGs are in Thailand shooting the show, drinking smoothies and the smoothies were laced with drugs. Feeds cut

JL is telling Brooke about a dream he had where the HGs are in Thailand shooting the show, drinking smoothies and the smoothies were laced with drugs.

Sheldon tells the people in the HOH that Minh probably wont speak to him again once he puts her up

JL leaves the HOH room to brush his teeth. Hira says he thinks there are still going to be DR calls so there hasnt been a goodnight message

Brooke has anxiety next week, but Sheldon assures her they're just pissing off Jams this week, and that was bound to happen. They just have to disappear next week.

Brooke has anxiety next week, but Sheldon assures her they're just pissing off Jams this week, and that was bound to happen. They just have to disappear next week.

Minh swears she never said Sheldon was in a 5 person alliance.

Sheldon tells Minh it doesn't matter what she says he thinks she's lying. Minh goes on to defend herself

Sheldon uses the opportunity of what they're talking about to tell Minh he is thinking of putting her up tomorrow.

Sheldon tells Minh this is just game, and he won't be campaigning against her he's indifferent on who goes this week.

Minh found Shel alone and has brought him to HOH to talk. She makes him swear that he won't repeat what she has to say Minh Why did Brooke tell Ness to throw the comp. S I don't think that happened.

Sheldon is grilling Minh on when she's been honest he doesn't believe that the only rumor she's repeated is the one about Chris being a potential nom.

Sheldon tells Minh that he thinks she should work on getting votes then changing his mind. Minh asks if he's told anyone she's going up. Sheldon yes Minh who? Kyle?Kyle? Sheldon ok, just so you know this is all my decision.


March 15, 2020

Hva handler elementet


Ri is telling Maddie about Jams and Chris making fun of her speech impediment. Jams apologized, he didn't think it would hurt her, but she said Chris took it way too far and she can't stand him.

Sheldon is telling Brooke that Hira said she's in a bad position next week if she wins HOH - Shel says it's even worse because Kyle/Chris will expect her to put up Hira/Jams and vice versa.

Brooke and Sheldon agree the Jams & Hira have to go one after the other. In an ideal situation it would be a double. Shel says if she were to get out Jams, all she would loose is Hira. Brooke thinks she has Maddie and Ri temporarily. They agree they can't win the next HOH

Brooke wants Sue to win next week so that she'll get out Ri who Brooke wants out more than Jams and Hira. They say in that case next week will be like a pause and then the dirty work starts.

Jams has joined Brooke and Shel-he asks Brooke point blank what she would do next week. Brooke says she doesn't know, Jams asks if it will be Ri? Brooke says they would have to talk as a team. Shel asks Jams if he's ok - Jam says he's worried about next week. (Chris&Kyle)

Sheldon and Brooke say its insane that there isnt no live audience shows, they hope they get them halfway through the season but Sheldon doesnt think it matters

Kyle and Hira are playing pool, saying they need to call their shots since they are both decent players. Meanwhile, Sheldon and Brooke are talking about past seasons of BBCAN and BBUS and constestants that won so much they rarely could be put up, like Jackson of BB21

Brooke says that she and Sheldon are lying to everyone except for Kyle and Vanessa, and she trusts Vanessa but not as much as Kyle

Brooke says Minh likes stirring things but is also smart. She thinks if Minh were HoH she would make a smart move rather than a bold one

Sheldon doesnt like the idea that he put two people up this week and they are both staying.

Madeline is outside saying she misses Wendys. Sheldon says when they get out, he will take her on another date and wont do anything bad like he did last time

Brooke says it will be weird seeing people that arent the humans in the house. Sheldon agrees saying he doesnt want to see other people. They both have gotten used to the house and who is in it

Madeline, Susanne, JL, Kyle, and Vanessa are lounging on the couches outside

Minh asks how Jamar would describe her to someone Jamar says funny, witty, smart, sly, self absorbed, beautiful, and feisty among others

Minh says she would describe Jamar as narcissistic, cocky, good looking, uncontrollable, stubborn, impolite, rude, a savage, manipulative, cunning, a sociopath, and entertaining among other words

Angie has joined Sheldon and Brooke, talking about how this is crazy people are watching this. Sheldon says he will watch intros and the Ika interviews but nothing else, Brooke agrees she wouldnt be able to watch the show

Angie thinks its like 9pm and wishes BB would let them go to sleep despite it being so early

Sheldon gets up mid sentence to tell Brooke he is getting a snack since she mentions Cookie Time. Brooke responds by throwing a pillow at him

om? Hva gjør det interessant? Skriv en fengende beskrivelse for å fange besøkendes oppmerksomhet..


March 15, 2020


Brooke, Sue, and Angie (off camera) are talking with (what sounds like) Sheldon in the HOH room. They were talking about one of the girls (doesn’t say who) who seems to be able to recover quickly from stress.

Brooke and Angie have left the HOH room, leaving Sue and Sheldon alone. They talk about people being floaters. Sheldon says: “Everything that happens in here is sad” (referring to gameplay & its outcomes). Sheldon says: "One of us in our group needs to win HOH".

Sue and Sheldon continue talking in the HOH room. Sheldon says that Chris is “sketched out” by him. Sue says Chris is a rational & not hot-headed player, & she would rather work with Chris. Sheldon is still pacing around. They say that Hira & Jamar are threats to them.

Sue & Sheldon continue talking in the HOH room. They say that Minh is also a threat. They say that JL has started to get closer to everyone. Sue says: “Damn, a lot of people are coming after Kyle”. Sheldon can't wait for the next HOH comp so he can "go into the shadows".

Sheldon leaves the HOH room & joins Vanessa, Chris, & Angie in the kitchen. They are talking about food. Chris asks Angie if she’s getting her own bed in the manga room. Angie doesn’t know & doesn’t care, as long as she gets a bed.

Jamar, Brooke, & JL are in the Expedia beach room. Jamar speaks about his family & their accents. Does not seem like a “game talk” discussion. Jamar says he applied only this year & that he thinks his brother applied in season 2.

Jamar, Brooke, & JL are in the Expedia beach room. Brooke talks about “Swaggy C” from BB US & says she thinks the character "Swaggy" was fake & more of a made-up character, whereas she thinks Jamar ("Jam Jams") is real. They talk about the nickname “Swaggy”.

JL joins Chris, Sue, & Angie in the kitchen. Chris is frying burgers, & says he will give them “the most juiciest melt-in-your-mouth burgers”. Hira is also in the room

Vanessa & Rianne are talking game in the bathroom. Vanessa says “She thinks it’s Chris that is going to go up”. They don’t mention who “she” is but they laugh at her, indicating that “she” doesn’t know that’s not the plan. "She" may be Minh, who was/is a backdoor plan.

Rianne says to Vanessa “I know you’re close to Carol”. They both agree that Vanessa is the one to control Carol if needed. Vanessa also says that though she’s close to Kyle, she is ultimately here for her own game. Rianne says that she (Rianne) is also close to Kyle.

Rianne & Vanessa hug, as they both agree that whatever they say to each other, stays with them.

Hira & Rianne are talking game in the big pool room. Hira tells Rianne that she’s okay with him. Rianne thanks Hira. Hira says Sheldon didn’t make a big move with his HOH, & says that Sue would be the same as the HOH

Hira & Rianne are still talking in the big pool room. Rianne says that Chris was imitating her, which offended her. Rianne is upset that Chris has asked her 6 different times whether she works out, even though he’s seen her work out each time

Rianne leaves as Jamar enters the big pool room. Hira says that Brooke & Sue won’t make a big move as HOH. Hira says that him, Jamar, Maddie, or JL need to win HOH. Jamar says he's questioning Sheldon these days. Rianne re joins Hira & Jamar.

Rianne, Hira, & Jamar continue talking in the big pool room. Rianne says she can’t stand Chris & wants him to win HOH the least. Jamar also doesn’t want Chris to win. Rianne says that “Vanessa might be a bad case scenario”.


March 15, 2020


Hira crying with the letter from her Mother. Kyle goes to the Maui room and has his head in a towel crying. The other hg are in the hot tub talking about pandemics.

Sheldon says that he didn't win HOH by "holding onto a rope" and that everyone gave him HOH by basically just being OK with him winning it and he feels the "Fairest thing to do is what is best for the whole house" He says Micheal (or Rianne) shouldn't leave early.

Madeline says that if she was in Sheldon's position she would do the same thing. Madeline says she understood why he put them on the block, they know it's not personal, that it was the way to not shake up the house. Madeline says she took a look at is as a viewer.

Madeline says she didn't realize before Micheal left she was "on a side" so she said she was forced to work with them. She says they "Broke up" and that it's a game. Madeline says she is still looking for someone to be her person, that she can work with and be loyal to

A large group of HGs are all in the Hot Tub. They are discussing the announcement they got and that the HGs are done (Not clear from how they are talking for how long). JL says they will have to stock the pantry more now. They are discussing meals they can have.


March 15, 2020


Chris is telling Maddie and the other HG by the Hot tub what kind of wife he wants and asks Maddie what she wants in a husband Caro-l" I don't need someone to pump my tires all day But I want to feel in there luck and there touch they want me" Maddie- "I agree."

Sheldon is asking Brooke who she would put up if she was to win HOH next week. Brook says she is scared of putting up Jams and that and that she is afraid of Ri Sheldon agrees they have more faith in her then she does in her self .

Minh leaves the Hot tub area after telling the group the meaning of her tattoos and heads to the anime room and joins Jams and the feed cuts.

Minh and Jam snuggled up in bed together. Jams asks her " I thought you were going to cook?" Minh I am, Just give me 5 minutes.

Sheldon is asking Brooke how does someone go from being her friend to her boyfriend.

Brooke and Shel in Expedia room Brooke they will start complimenting me more and then touching me more and then next thing they put there mouths on each other. Sheldon I can see that , I believe. Brooke do you buy it.

Sheldon asks Brooke how many relationships has she been in. Brooke tells him she hasn't been in 1 in 3 years but before that she was a a serial monogamous dater. that she would date someone for years. Sheldon wants a number of boyfriends and girlfriends she has had


March 15, 2020


Jamar motions for Minh to go into the colorful BR. Minh asks who his favorite person is in the house. Jamar says it's her. Minh is saying they could work together. Minh: I don't think it would be good if I left early for you or Vice Versa. I can't hear Jamar's response.

Jamar and Minh. Vanessa is also in the room. It appears Jamar has not told her (Minh) about the plan. Minh thinks Sheldon is putting up Chris. Vanessa says she thinks so, but wouldn't be surprised if it was someone else.

Minh Do you think Kyle would vote out Chris? Jamar No Minh Or would he vote about Ri Ri?

Jamar says Kyle would vote out Rianne, and Vanessa says he (Kyle) woud vote with the majority. She seems to believe it's possible Kyle would vote out Chris.

Vanessa leaves and Sue walks in the bedroom. Minh asks Sue what she thinks. Minh says she's heard Chris' name. Sue says she heard that too, but she wasn't sure. Minh thinks Chris is very calm.

Minh says getting rid of Chris would not make too many waves. Sue: You never know what will unfold. Minh agrees it is an interesting game. Discussion switches to the veto competition. Sue leaves.

Kyle and Sheldon are talking in the HOH room. Kyle is telling him about his conversation with JL. He says he feels good about JL and Sheldon agrees.

Sheldon tells Kyle he is going to tell Hira and that Hira wants him, Vanessa, Chris, and Minh to go, and that Brooke wants Rianne. Sheldon says that Brooke understands Minh has to go and is okay with it.

Sheldon says a good middle option is Minh. Sheldon says Rianne said she is good with Kyle. Kyle tells Sheldon JL says he would put up Vanessa and Sue. Kyle says he thinks Maddie would back-door him.

Sheldon says that even if they believed JL, that it would not be good for him to win. Sheldon says he is not comfortable with the idea of Sue leaving because she helps them so much.

Sheldon tells Angie in the HOH room about Minh. Angie says it is a big move, that Minh is good in competitions. Sheldon says she is toxic. Sheldon tells Angie is telling everyone and then telling Minh. Angie thanks Sheldon and leaves the HOH room.

Rianne is assuring Brooke in the B&W bedroom, that she wants to work with her, not against. She tells Brooke she would not see the block next week if she won.

Rianne says her issues with Brooke were totally game related. Brooke says she believes her, and that trust is the most important thing in the game to her. Brooke assures her she has no interest in targeting her going forward. The conversation switches to Minh.

Brooke says that she will campaign for Rianne. Rianne says she trusts her, and moving forward, she thinks they could help each other out, and that's a talk they can have sometimes in the future.

Sheldon tells Hira about Minh. He tells Hira he was thinking about Chris, but he had given him his word, and wants to keep it. Sheldon says he's content with Minh going, and Hira says he's okay with it, and it is a good middle ground decision.

Brooke joins Hira and Sheldon, and Sheldon pretends to tell Brooke about Minh. Sue comes over and Sheldon tells her.

Sheldon and Brooke are comparing notes in the HOH room. Brooke tells him about her conversation with Rianne and that she is good with her now. She still thinks Rianne is a threat, but not shortterm.
Sheldon tells Brooke he thinks she should not win the HOH. Brooke agrees, that she thinks she is in a good spot. Sheldon thinks they are at the top of the alliance that they are the most level headed.

Brooke says they are the most insulated. Brooke suggests taking out Chris first, but after that, she doesn't know. Sheldon says they could be the next biggest targets after Chris and Kyle.

Brooke That's definitely true, but then when I break down the perception of the game per player... Sheldon responds that Hira and and Jamar would never come after them. Brooke agrees and says she feels the same way about JL.

Brooke says that Carol would never come after them, and so they have come full circle, back to Ri. Sheldon says it's about maintaining their perception.

Kyle, Brooke and Kyle are discussing the conversations Sheldon has been having about Minh. Kyle says Angie is the perfect pawn.

Carol tells Rianne in the bathroom that she knows JL would put her up, and JL is close to Sheldon, and Sheldon is close to Kyle and she doesn't want that.

Kyle is telling everyone how he would shred Jams to bits if he was able to nominate him. And proceeds to calls the house his and calls himself King Kyle . Sheldon loves the idea

Kyle is telling Brooke and Sheldon what he would like say to to Hira when he puts him OTB. Kyle Hira Hira Hira you played yourself out.

Brooke tells Hira and Sheldon that she had a pet tarantula named Rosie and they agree that she looks like someone


March 15, 2020


Sheldon is talking to Rianne in the HOH room. Rianne is telling Sheldon if she stays, she would not be working against him. (Sheldon). Sheldon says he's glad to hear that, and is trying to explain why he nominated her.

Rianne knows that Sheldon is putting up Minh. Rianne asks Sheldon if he is going to tell her. Sheldon says he is, that he will not blindside her.

Sheldon says he promised her (Minh) that he wouldn't put her up, and felt bad. He says that she (Minh) has been spreading lies about him.

Talk switches to Brooke. Rianne says she feels good with her, that she's nowhere near her radar. Sheldon says he thinks he reassured her, and Rianne says she will talk with her today.

Sheldon says he has not told Brooke about Minh, and that Rianne can tell her (Brooke) when she talks with her. Rianne assures Sheldon she wants to work with her, and leaves the HOH.

Kyle tells JL in the hot tub area that he wants to build trust with him. He tells JL that he is close with Brooke and Sheldon, and to keep it to himself. JL agrees.

Kyle says he is close with Vanessa. JL says his problem with Sue is that she already has a lot of allegiances and if he went with her, he would be on the bottom of the totem pole. JL says if he wins HOH, he would consider putting Sue up because it would be a safe move.

Chris joins JL and Kyle in the Hot tub area. Feeds go down momentarily, and when we come back, talk shifts to comps.

Sheldon is telling Jamar in the HOH room he is getting rid of Minh. He says Minh is telling people he is going to back-door them, and he never said so, that Minh is telling people about their 5 person alliance.

Sheldon tells Jamar he already told Carol she wasn't going up. Sheldon says he will probably tell Minh today. Jamar says Minh will come for him, and Sheldon says he can tell her tomorrow if it would be better for Jamar. Jamar tells Sheldon it's up to him.

Sheldon asks Jamar who he thinks he should tell about Minh. Jamar tells him he shouldn't tell Chris, Kyle, or Vanessa, because he things they are working together. Sheldon says he doesn't think Minh is in any alliance but he hears him about Vanessa.

Sheldon ask Jamar if he is okay with Minh leaving. Jamar says it is up to him, that he's fine with anyone, but he thinks there are bigger targets. Sheldon tells him he already talked to Rianne, and Minh is easily disposable. Sheldon gets called to the HOH room.


March 15, 2020


Carol tells Vanessa she would put up JL and Hira because she's talked the least amount of game with them. Jamar says he could have won comps. Susanne tells Jamar she knows he put four balls in her tube during the HOH comp. Carol says she applied again because her Aunt posted something on her facebook. Vanessa says she got pretty far with Survivor too. Vanessa asks Carol if she applied before. She applied in 2015. She says she bombed the walk in. She starts talking about the process and feeds cut. Jamar, Maddie and Rianne talk about telling Sheldon to put up Chris or Minh continued. Jamar, Maddie and Rianne talk about telling Sheldon to put up Chris or Minh. Maddie and Rianne talking about working with Carol and Vanessa. Jamar interrupts. Jamar asks Maddie and Rianne if they knew that he, Sheldon, Mike and JL made a 4 guy alliance on day 2 called the young guys. They say they didn't know. Minh and Angie talking about things they'll appreciate when they leave. Going outside. Sleeping in. Sheldon and JL talking about Sheldon's day ahead. JL says it must feel good to have won the HOH. He has the title of the coolest dude in the house. Minh tells Brooke a that when she was at the gym her & an older woman were eyeing the same treadmill. Minh got it. The woman said I wanted that treadmill. Minh said I got here first. The woman said you're a b*tch. Minh said she was very calm but normally wouldn't be. Minh and Brooke are making small talk about astrological signs. Brooke says she read there is a new astrological sign in the past two years. JL tells Sheldon he'll understand if he wants Ri out but they have the votes to get out whoever he wants. Sheldon says he doesn't think Ri is someone that deserves to go home early. JL and Kyle conversation. Last clip. JL and he mention they probably don't want to see each other in the final 4. Kyle says he doesn't think many people want to see him in the end. JL and Kyle talking about getting Chris out. JL compares Chris to Adam from last season. Brooke and Sheldon joking about Carol's master plan to get out Minh when Carol leaves.


March 15, 2020


Jammer rapping to the girls. Telling them to have a good day. King Jammer out

Jammers showing his Bball skills Minh tells Jammers she wishes she had something to sedate him

JL and Chris playing pool in the BY.

Kyle and Susanne are talking about MInh. Sue it's time to get this poison out of her. She's literal poison

Sheldon tells Jamar he doesn't want to go to his room because everyone will want to go talk to him. He says people should talk to him so it doesn't look sketch but it won't influence his decision.

Jamar tells Sheldon he knows three people are scared. Jamar says he knows of two. He says Chris keeps asking about him. He tells Sheldon he knows he'll do what's best for his (Sheldon's) game.

Carol tells Kyle that Chris told her last night that Sheldon is putting up Minh. Kyle says he and Sheldon told him last night. Kyle wonders if they should tell Sheldon he's going around telling people.

Minh, Maddie and Rianne talk about the POV comp. Sounds like it involved moving a ball without using your hands. Placing it in a vase.

Kyle, Vanesas, Sheldon, Minh and Carol talking about the fact that HOH can't play in POV again this season. They say it's good as a viewer because if HOH wins the week is a wash. They says at least they saw it coming unlike last season.

Kyle talks about how Chris and he did in the comp. Apparently not very well. Carol mentions a comment she made that they may not use. Here it is in case they don't use it.

Minh and Jamar talking to Sue about who would go up as a replacement. Minh leaves and kisses Jamar's cheek. He wipes it off when she leaves and says to make her feel included. He suggests he goes up as a pawn to Sheldon.

Sue, Vanessa and Carol saying Minh will say a lot of stuff but it has to go in one ear and out the other. They say she can't find out. It has to be a surprise.

While Rianne and Hira are doing laps, Hira tells her she needs to do whatever she needs to do to get through this week and then she'll be good


March 15, 2020


Angie, Nessie and Maddie are up. Maddie is doing the battery swap.

Kyle and Maddie talking about who they would put on slop. JL comes into the Expedia room. They ask him- Chris Ri joins Kyle says Jammers is going on slop if he wins HOH Kyle's 4 Hira, Chris, Sue, Jammers Kyle said Shelly said he could put him on it.

Kyle, JL, Ri and Maddie laughing at how funny Chris would be on slop. RI leaves the Expedia room to make coffee.

Maddie does a shout out to Micheal. She say's she misses him and loves him so much.

Ri and JL chatting about the veto. JL tells her it's better for her Ri is whispering really low and JL says that some don't want Chris out right now. JL tells her if Minh gets put on the block, he counts all the hg's that would vote Minh out.

Hira joins JL and Ri in the by. JL tells Ri that she needs to tell Shelly that she won't go after him if she wins HOH next week. JL tells her that if Shelly asks her who she would put up he says he doesnt think saying Chris' name would hurt her.

JL tells Ri that she really needs to patch things up with Brooke. Let Shelly and Brooke know that she wants to work with them in the future. JL say's that there are so many people that will be campaigning to keep Ri this week.

Sue gets into bed with Jammers and says she doesn't want to go downstairs. She just wants to fall asleep again.

Downstairs we have Hira, Minh, Maddie, JL and Kyle eating breakfast at the table. They are talking about cooking

Sue is looking for a ring. She goes to the BR to look for it. She tells Ri what she's looking for. Ri tells her she hasn't seen it

Shelly and Hira in the BY working out


March 14, 2020


JL and Angie have begun the bath party. JL and Angie says they forgot about Nico a little already. JL says the viewers at home probably did too

JL and Angie talk movies while Jamar joins them in the bathtub area

Jamar, Angie, and JL have finally all gotten into the HOH bathtub

Hira, Susanne, and Rianne are in the colorful bedroom talking about the POV competition

Sheldon is telling Minh that he is torn. She asks him if it is his best choice and gives him game respect. Sheldon is not really telling Minh his plan despite her prying

Kyle, Vanessa, and Chris are in the HN swamp saying it is imperative to win the next two weeks to get out Jamar and Hira. This week, Minh needs to go and Sheldon knows that

A group of HGs including Carol, Rianne. Hira, Brooke, and Susanne are discussing the POV competition

Sheldon, Chris, and Kyle are now talking about the backdoor plan in the HN room. Sheldon says he isnt the type to lie to their faces about what is going to happen this week

Chris, Kyle, and Sheldon say that they are a unit, a trio, and they all trust each other. Sheldon says that he will prove that he is as good as his word on Monday. The first "Goodnight, HGs goes off"

Rianne and Hira are having their ritual of eating cookies, they have Susanne and JL with them talking about the POV. JL is genuinely happy he could help Madeline win, she has had a rough few days and needed the win

Brooke and Sheldon are in the HOH room comparing notes from throughout the day and deciding the next move of action. Kyle enters and sits with them

Chris, Carol, and Vanessa are chatting before bed. Jamar is up in the HOH with Brooke and Sheldon, saying how aggressive and strong Minh is

All the HGs are milling around getting ready for bed and heading into the HOH to say goodnight to people in there

JL stays in the HOH room, saying he has been looking for a gang and Sheldon and Brooke are very chill and he likes that

JL says he was in a bad spot last week and wants do start the game over. Hanging with Sheldon and Brooke is the first time since Micheal was backdoored that he trusts people

Another goodnight call to the HGs. Lights in the bedrooms are dimming to motivate the HGs to go to bed soon


March 14, 2020


Brooke plays devils advocate that if they don't cut Ri, Hira will join her, JL and Maddie and form another 4. Kyle tells them that Ri came crying to him about having no one, and that she thinks she may not have JL anymore because JL is getting close with Brooke.

Sheldon says Minh will be upset, but he doesn't care. He'll just light her up and tell her he knows all the sh*t she's been talking. No one will care if she goes up. Kyle comes in and Shel tells him that Minh needs to go up.

Jams, Carol, Minh and Ness are talking about who Shel would put up Carol doesn't think it will be a big guy because then Shel is the next big target. Jams says getting out Ri wouldn't look good on a resume. They all agree that if they all say Chris, Shel might do it.

Sheldon tells KVSB about his plan to put up Minh. He's really going to give it to her -and he will tell her he's talking like that because he knows no one gives a sh*t.

Kyle confirms to Ness that if Ri wins HOH they're not going up Sheldon and Brooke will be. He says it was good he fed her information the other day because now Ri trusts him more.

Kyle fills Ness in on his convo with Ri. He tells her he already told Ri that she's not going home and Minh is going up. Ness says she thought her and Minh were close but she sees that's not the case now.

Madeline tells Jamar that winning while on the block is better than sex sometimes. She is so excited to have won

Kyle telling Vanessa in the HOH room that he warned her not to trust Minh

Sheldon walks into the HOH and Kyle tells him that "backdoor Minh" will be crazy and has to go. Sheldon says he is happy he is the one to get to do this to her

Hira and Sheldon are talking up on the balcony about the replacement nom situation. Sheldon goes into the HOH and talks to Susanne about what options he should and shouldnt do. Susanne names Minh immediately

Susanne and Sheldon talking in the HOH while Brooke listens. They say Chris is a shield for Kyle right now, it wouldnt be smart to put him up.

Sheldon Chris is a praying mantis. An insect that eats other insects Brooke: So do a lot of other insects, just to clarify

Sheldon says Hira keeps asking about an alliance with him. Brooke is called to the DR and the conversation breaks up

Sheldon says working with Jamar is a lost cause, he has had to put Jamar in his place like three times this week and he keeps overstepping

Sheldon and Susanne say that Kyle going home next week would make their lives a lot easier, he starts unnecessary drama all the time

Hira, Angie, and JL are talking about the POV competition and if they have ever had a team competition like that. Feeds cut to Carol and Kyle, Kyle telling her the plan to backdoor Minh

Kyle doesnt know if Sheldon will share his plan to warn others about the storm of Minh coming. He says everything Minh has created, she will destroy trying to save herself. Carol says if they dont warn Minh beforehand, it would be good TV

Vanessa and Chris are talking about the replacement nom, saying he will put up an Angie-type or a big target. Chris thinks it will be the first. They called this a floater comp, all the big guys went out first. Chris says they have a lot of votes and it scares him

Apparently Jamar and JL had plans to hop in the HOH tub together, but Angie swooped in and poached it while the guys went to get something for bubbles


March 14, 2020


Hira is in the JL and Maddie he's telling that they need to push that they're going after Kyle or Ness. That way Shel would be more comfortable keeping Ri. None of them will mention Kyle to Shel, they're going to push for Chris.

Sheldon telling Brooke that Kyle and Ness need to go before them - they need to spend the next two weeks making sure that happens. Ri is the only person who scares Shel - she's smarter than him and he can't read her. He doesn't want to give in and put Minh up.

Brooke tells Sheldon she's scared enough of Ri to keep her close. They keep debating on if they should flip from Kyle and Ness to JL and Maddie. Brooke says Ness was a sketch ball in their convo earlier. Shel says Ness just sat their and lied the whole time.

JL and Jams are talking about veto replacements - they want Shel to put up Chris or Kyle. If it has to be a girl is should be someone like Ness or Minh because they've shown they're beasts. JL says they're playing this game now.

Maddie and Ri are talking about how annoying it is that everyone acts so happy around them. Maddie says that it's because they don't know what it's like to have a friend OTB. She notes Minh and Ness were ahead of her and JL at one point in the comp.

Carol comes in because she's paranoid because she told Maddie she would suggest Minh up. Maddie assures her that she brushed it off because Ness was there, and she thought Minh and Ness are close - Carol says Ness is faking it with Minh.

Sheldon and Brooke are still debating what to do this week. Sheldon still wants Ri out. He says look at Chris - he's disappeared this week. They need to disappear next week.

Angie and Ri are chatting.. Angie tells her that this is the first step in both Maddie and Ri potentially staying. That Ri has done a good job with her social game and she's making connections outside of her 4(3). Angie has been trying to fish with Shel but so far no luck

Maddie and Minh have a quick check in - Minh doesn't want to hound Shel because he said she wasn't in his field of vision. Feeds cut to Brooke and Shel in HOH saying they want to ride with Kyle until the end, not Ness. But Kyle will probably leave in the next few weeks.

Shel will tell Jamar that he gave his word to Chris last week, and he trusts Kyle so because of that he's putting up Minh and Jams can't say sh*t. He said Ri could still go over Minh because this game is f*cked and people get bored.

Shel stresses that there's no one he can put up this week that will result in Ri leaving. Sheldon plans to tell Ri they're putting up Minh as a favour to her in hopes she'll owe them. Brooke tells them if Ri wins next week, her and Shel are going up.


March 14, 2020


Vanessa and Minh are studying in the storage room. Vanessa says she is hoping they aren't separated, that they are able to work together in the competition.

Vanessa telling Minh that's she's not doing well on slop. Talk switches to Sue. Vanessa says Sue doesn't even talk about anything, she just keeps asking what is going on and telling her (Vanessa) not to repeat a non-conversation.

Vanessa says she just brushes her off. (Sue) Vanessa says anything she could tell her would get around the house.

There's more conversation, although I think they have switched to Brooke. It was hard to hear a name because Minh is crunching potato chips. Hira enters the storage room.

There is general conversation until Vanessa leaves the room. Hira and Minh talk about the Kyle/Jamar argument. Hira asks Minh if she understands what he (Hira) was trying to do. Minh makes some noises.

Hira asks about the Veto. Minh becomes agitated and says she doesn't want to discuss it right now, that she doesn't care about the veto when there is an HOH next week.

Kyle states that he is the "Personality" in the house and that he is expected to be in a good mood all the time, but that he is exhausted, hungry and breaking mentally due to slop. He says that's why Jamar's comments and possible anger about ever being on slop got to him

Kyle and Brooke hug it out but continue to discuss their differences in how they feel that discussions like the one with Jamar effect their alliance of 4 with Sheldon and Vanessa.

Hira seems non-plussed but asks if Minh is okay. Minh says she is agitated at people right now. Hira says he's feeling the same and wants to be alone a lot of the time.

Minh whispers and asks Hira who he has told that he would like to back-door Kyle. Hira says that he told Jamar and it has gotten around to other people that way. Hira says he thinks Sue knows because she's close with Jamar.

Minh says "he" knows. Hira asks, Kyle? I know he knows, that's why he came to talk to us. Minh: Because he said that to me. She is referring to Kyle telling her he knows there are two guys coming after him.

Hira says he thinks a lot of people think Kyle is a threat. He doesn't know why people assume it's just Jamar and him. He points to Minh and says: "You, yourself thinks Kyle is a threat." Minh tells Hira to not drag her name into this. Hira says he's not.

Hira says he's telling her that's he's sure her name has come up already. Carol enters the storage room. Hira makes a comment about paranoia, and then the three start discussing food.

Minh asks Hira if she can tell Carol about their conversation. Hira tells them he has heard that her name (Minh) from numerous people that she wanted to backdoor Kyle.

Minh changes the subject and tells Hira and Carol that Brooke came up to Vanessa and told her to throw the comp. Carol acts shocked and guessed that Vanessa told her. (Minh)

Carol leaves the room and joins Maddie in the Expedia room. Carol tells Maddie that they are going after bigger targets. Maddie asks about a possible back-door. Carol says yes, but she is unsure how many people know.

Maddie says she thinks Kyle and Sheldon are close. Carol says she has asked Sheldon about his plan, and Sheldon told her the less she knows the better. Maddie says he told her the same thing.

Just before Carol talked to Maddie, Sheldon did tell her in the HOH room that the less she knew the better. Meanwhile, in the HOH room, Sheldon is talking about (I think Minh). Sheldon and Brooke both agree that if she goes up, she has to go.

Sheldon says she was telling everyone that he was going to back-door Chris. Sheldon wants both Minh and Jamar to go pre-jury. Sheldon asks Brooke if she thinks Jamar would come after him if he puts Hira up.

Vanessa enters the HOH room, and lays down on the couch. Sheldon and Brooke discuss Jamar and Hira in a general terms.

Minh and Rianne are talking on the couch. Minh says she knows her name is being talked about. Rianne says Sheldon is showing his cards.


March 14, 2020


Brooke tells Kyle she will no longer interject. Brooke asks Kyle why his anger is only directed at her (Brooke), not Sheldon, when Sheldon speaks up too. Kyle says he understands Brooke's frustrations more. Kyle says he now feels bad.

Kyle tries to answer Brooke’s questions. Kyle says he feels that Brooke is attacking her even if she doesn’t mean to. With Sheldon, Kyle feels that Sheldon sides with him in their side conversations. But Kyle feels Brooke isn’t as connected to him, even if unintentional.

Kyle’s explanations to Brooke (for his anger), seems to calm down Brooke. Brooke again says she will never interject again, but that she was just hurt. Kyle seems to understand.

Kyle and Brooke continue their heart-to-heart in the swamp. Brooke says that it’s hard for her not to react to Minh when Minh comes for her. Both Kyle and Brooke feel better about each other. They hug. They wonder if Rianne takes herself down, would Sheldon put up Jamar?

Kyle and Brooke continue talking in the swamp. They both agree that they want Jamar out. They say they don’t know where Hira’s head is fully at. Kyle says he (Kyle) knows that most people want him (Kyle) out.

Kyle and Brooke continue talking in the swamp. They agree it would be an amazing move to blindside Jamar. Kyle blames Jamar for making people think he (Kyle) is running the house.

Vanessa and Kyle are in the kitchen. Kyle says that Vanessa can come to him any time. Kyle says to Vanessa: “We’ve got this game. We need Jamar out.” Rianne says that she needs JL out. They both agree about needing Jamar and JL out.

Jamar, JL, and Maddie are upstairs in public. Jamar states intently at them in complete silence.

Vanessa and Kyle continue talking in the kitchen. Vanessa really wants Hira out in addition to JL and Jamar. Kyle doesn’t like Minh, but Vanessa says Minh is alone and likes her (Minh).

Vanessa and Kyle are in the kitchen. Kyle says that Vanessa can come to him any time. Kyle says to Vanessa: “We’ve got this game. We need Jamar out.” Rianne says that she needs JL out. They both agree about needing Jamar and JL out.

Sheldon and Rianne talk in the HOH room. It is mostly talk about how things are in the house, as opposed to serious game talk.


March 14, 2020


Jamar, Kyle, and it sounds like Sheldon possibly Brooke in the HOH room.

Jamar and Kyle are attempting to clear the air. Jamar says he can't believe that Kyle isn't coming after him.

Hira is also in the room. Sorry, everyone, I'm not getting a widespread camera angle.

Okay, Carol, Minh, Kyle, Jamar, Brooke, Vanessa, Sheldon Brooke. Jamar walks out of the HOH, still angry. The others are trying to diffuse the situation, but not having much luck.

Jamar goes down to talk to JL. Jamar is still upset, and JL follows him into the Comic Bedroom. JL was sitting on a bench with Rianne. Jamar tells JL that he doesn't believe anything Kyle says because he swore on his wife and kids.

After Jamar leaves the HOH, Hira tries to reason with Kyle. Kyle says he is joking and people are still offended. Hira tries to explain that people don't know because he has his serious face on. Hey everyone, we're trying to get clips for you.Jamar continues to rage as Minh walks in the room and gives him a hug.

Hira tells Kyle he understands but is trying to explain how Jamar feels. Kyle tells Hira he disagrees, that he does not pop off, that he is joking.

JL joins Hira and Kyle. Kyle tells both he has a big personality. JL is listening to Kyle, and Hira is trying to play the peacemaker.

Brooke tells Kyle he things that if Jamar and Kyle are going to have that kind of argument, they should do it privately. If they intend to do it in a room of people, Brooke says she has a right to interject into the conversation. Kyle disagrees.

Kyle tells Brooke he feels like she and possibly Sheldon feel he (Kyle) is also acting inappropriately.

Brooke is talking with Maddie in the bathroom. Brooke is upset that people say she is inappropriately injecting into arguments. Brooke says she has the right to because the conversations were public to begin with.

Kyle is angry, and telling Sheldon in the HOH room. Kyle says Minh is a psychopath. Kyle is angry at Brooke that Brooke is saying she has every right to interject in public conversations. Kyle is also mad that Brooke is always talking to Sheldon in the HOH room.

Sheldon responds to Kyle’s anger. Sheldon says he tells others that they should take it easier on Kyle, who’s been on slop for 2 weeks. Sheldon is trying to calm Kyle down and diffuse his anger. Sheldon says that “Kyle is killing it” in the game.

Carol comes in to the HOH room to talk with Sheldon (with Kyle there). She is checking in on Sheldon who says he’s ok. Carol leaves. Kyle and Sheldon then express frustration at people checking to see if Sheldon is okay.

Carol leaves the HOH room leaving Sheldon and Kyle alone again. Kyle continues venting to Sheldon, about Brooke. Kyle says he doesn’t believe Brooke values where he (Kyle) is coming from. Sheldon listens and says “yep”.

Sheldon and Kyle continue to talk in HOH room. Sheldon says that the 4 of them (Sheldon, Kyle, Brooke, Vanessa) need to have a sit-down and sort things out. Sheldon says that they are 4 different personalities. Sheldon says he hopes people aren't so scared of Kyle.

Minh, Kyle, and Vanessa were chatting in the swamp. Sheldon comes in and Minh asks to speak to him one-on-one. Kyle and Vanessa leave. Minh asks if Sheldon will keep Madeline & Rianne on the block. Sheldon says he can’t answer her.
Sheldon and Minh continue their one-on-one in the swamp. Sheldon says that people are saying Minh is talking too much. Sheldon says to Minh: “Be careful who you talk to”, but says this with an abrupt shrug. Minh is now alone and sighs.

Brooke & Hira are in the anime room. They are talking about how frustrating the situation that happened with Kyle and Jamar happened but that they think it will blow over.

JL, Rianne, and Hira are in the Expedia Room. JL says that everyone loves Hira. They wonder if an “Expedia comp” is coming up soon.

Angie joins JL, Rianne, and Hira in the Expedia Room. They suddenly talk about world time zones, which may be related to the Expedia comp they think is coming up. Seems like it will be a memory comp.


March 14, 2020


Shelly, Brooke and Kyle talking about Minh. That they need to make a move on her eventually. Kyle says Minh wants to get closer to him. Shelly said that someone they want to leave this week will

Shelly and Brooke discussing Minh about how erratic Minh is. Shelly said he really wants Ri to go this week. He said that if Ri wins POV he will put up Minh. Brooke says she thinks that there are ways to shut Minh up. Make her paranoid.

Vanessa and Minh talking about Shelly wanting Ri out. They don't want Chris to win the next HOH

Chris and Sue chatting Sue if I hear anyone saying anything about you I will tell you I got you Chris- I will tell you if I hear anything about you Sue- something made you doubt and your not telling me what it is Chris- I just want 100% have eachothers back

Sue was it Minh that is stirrng things up Chris he heard a rumor that her, Jammers, Shelly, Brooke and Hira Sue Brooke and Shell are close Sue and Hira have been close since day 2 Chris I dont give a crap. I just want to make sure we have eachothers backs

Sue who is telling you this? Chris everyone. I was very disappointed when I heard this Sue we need each other in this game to survive Chris I saw you scurring all over yesterday Sue Minh told you this... she told me the same thing

JL, Jamar, Brooke, & Rianne talk about old boyfriends & girlfriends, first crushes people have had on them, and old Internet platforms.

Chris and Susanne are still talking in the anime room. Susanne talks about hating (what seems like) Minh so much, and how Minh is a control freak. Chris tells Susanne that she (Susanne) can tell him anything. They hug, she cries.

Susanne continues with Chris, about Minh “She makes sh*t up to spit out.” Susanne emphasizes in tears how much she hates Minh. Chris comforts Susanne. Chris says this week has increased his confidence in Sheldon, and decreased his confidence in Kyle.

Vanessa joins Susanne and Chris in the anime room. They talk about how Jamal dislikes Kyle. Vanessa says that she (Vanessa) has low energy today. Vanessa says she doesn’t know what Sheldon will do if Madeline or Rianne take themselves off the block.

Vanessa, Susanne, and Chris continue talking in the anime room. They believe that Rianne will be voted out next. They count the # of players left in the game (14). Vanessa says Sheldon thinks Rianne is too good at this game.

Vanessa, Susanne, and Chris continue talking in the anime room. They are worried about JL and how he’s close with many people. They say they genuinely like JL as a person.

Jamar joins Vanessa, Susanne, and Chris in the anime room. Jamar says that Sheldon may put him up if Madeline or Rianne get off the block. The other 3 say to Jamar that this is totally not happening and that Sheldon is close to Jamar.

Sheldon and Brooke are talking in the HOH bed. Hira comes in and Sheldon asks him if he (Hira) wants to get picked to play veto. Hira says “sure”. They talk about Minh and how she makes “guesses” with people to fish for information.

Sheldon, Brooke, and Hira continue talking in the HOH room. They talk about their 5-person alliance and how they want the luck of the veto draw. They talk about how Jamar can be mopey.

Minh suddenly comes into the HOH room where Sheldon, Brooke, and Hira were just talking about her. They pretend to be “cool” and nonchalant with her coming into the HOH room and welcome her in.

Susanne and Jamar talk in the anime room. Susanne tells Jamar that she doesn’t think Chris is coming after them. Susanne asks Jamar if he’s heard rumors that she’s “sketchy” because she talks to everybody. Jamar answers “no”.

Hira joins Susanne and Jamar in the anime room. Susanne and Jamar hug as Susanne says she has been too emotional today. Susanne leaves. Carol enters the room. Jamar then leaves.

Kyle and Minh talk while laying on the HOH bed. Kyle talks about really not trusting one of the other guys doesn’t mention which one when the feeds start


March 14, 2020


Angie in the B&W room getting clothes Brooke just got called to the dr BB does the morning announcement again.

Carol and Vanessa getting ready for the day

Minh saying she didn't sleep well and needs more sleep

Hira and Ri speculating that they should be picking names for the POV comp in about an hour

JL and Maddy discussing the Expedia boards and that the room is locked Maddy says she just wants to eat real food and sleep in a bed.

Shelly telling Carol that he can't go to Minh and ask her if she has another alliance.

Maddy telling Angie that she feels like she's being kicked when she's down and it's not a good feeling

Jamar and Chris discussing who they would like backdoored. Jamar said everyone thinks that Kyle is running the house. He said Shelly doesn't want to bd him.

JL and Minh discussing who would Shelly put up if the veto is used. Jl-I think it would be Chris Minh why not Kyle JL- Shelly and Kyle are close Then they talk about the Expedia board

Minh do you think Kyle is still after you JL- he acts like my friend but I think he still wants to go after me. Then we get this

Chris and Shelly chatting Shelly- you are not an option Chris we have to get to final four Shelly- it would be an embarrassment if we didn't talk turns to basketball

Shelly asks Sue if she's heard any rumors. Sue replies no Shelly- good. Everything is going accordingly

Ri and telling Maddy to go sit and think about the Expedia board. Told her to go to the Expedia room to study.

Shelly telling Chris and Minh that he had a video from his mom when he got his Wendy's.

Shelly telling Chris if he hears anything to please tell him and Chris says that the same thing goes for Shelly. Shelly you think the plan is working. Has anybody said anything to you about you or Kyle going up If you hear anything from other people you know its not true

Shelly and Chris talking about the blow up last week with Micheal. Chris telling Shelly he kept to the plan

Carol telling Brooke and Sue that she doesn't have a ride or die/ final 2 with anyone.

Carol and Sue discussing Jams.. they say he has a good social game with everyone. That is scaring them all. They say it's good that Sue got close to Chris last week because he is a bigger target then they are.

Carol says that some people think that Jammers is stupid and he's not. He has one on one with all the girls and the guys. Carol tells Sue to start distancing herself from Jammers. That when people go after him she's not involved.


March 14, 2020


Brooke, Maddie, and Sheldon discuss the upcoming comps in the pantry, to see if they will be ready for the different competition types.

Brooke, Maddie, and Sheldon discuss the upcoming comps in the pantry, to see if they will be ready for the different competition types.

Brooke and Sheldon are now alone in the pantry. Brooke says she understands that it may not be good to say things. Sheldon is asking Brooke to calm down and not interject into arguments. Brooke is frustrated that she’s taking heat. Brooke starts to tear up a bit.

Sheldon tells Brooke that she and Kyle think the exact same thing (frustrations) about each other (Kyle / Brooke). Brooke is very upset that she is put down when she talks, but when others speak up, people consider it “game talk”.

In the Expedia room: Rianne, Angie, and Hira continue to study for the memory comp related to traveling and gates.

Jamar, Maddie, and Minh (background, not shown) are discussing the upcoming memory comp. Maddie says she’s bad at memorizing. They whisper that Chris is good at memory and knows a lot for the upcoming comp.

Brooke and Kyle have a heart-to-heart in the swamp (they had argued lots earlier). Kyle says that their 4-person alliance (Kyle, Brooke, Sheldon, Vanessa) are a strong secret alliance. Kyle apologizes for coming off as a hot-head.

The conversation comes to a not so peaceful conclusion. Jamar leaves the HOH room.

Brooke tells Kyle she will no longer interject. Brooke asks Kyle why his anger is only directed at her (Brooke), not Sheldon, when Sheldon speaks up too. Kyle says he understands Brooke's frustrations more. Kyle says he now feels bad.

Kyle tries to answer Brooke’s questions. Kyle says he feels that Brooke is attacking her even if she doesn’t mean to. With Sheldon, Kyle feels that Sheldon sides with him in their side conversations. But Kyle feels Brooke isn’t as connected to him, even if unintentional.

Kyle’s explanations to Brooke (for his anger), seems to calm down Brooke. Brooke again says she will never interject again, but that she was just hurt. Kyle seems to understand.

Kyle and Brooke continue their heart-to-heart in the swamp. Brooke says that it’s hard for her not to react to Minh when Minh comes for her. Both Kyle and Brooke feel better about each other. They hug. They wonder if Rianne takes herself down, would Sheldon put up Jamar?

Kyle and Brooke continue talking in the swamp. They both agree that they want Jamar out. They say they don’t know where Hira’s head is fully at. Kyle says he (Kyle) knows that most people want him (Kyle) out.

Kyle and Brooke continue talking in the swamp. They agree it would be an amazing move to blindside Jamar. Kyle blames Jamar for making people think he (Kyle) is running the house.

Vanessa and Kyle are in the kitchen. Kyle says that Vanessa can come to him any time. Kyle says to Vanessa: “We’ve got this game. We need Jamar out.” Rianne says that she needs JL out. They both agree about needing Jamar and JL out.

Jamar, JL, and Maddie are upstairs in public. Jamar states intently at them in complete silence.

Vanessa and Kyle continue talking in the kitchen. Vanessa really wants Hira out in addition to JL and Jamar. Kyle doesn’t like Minh, but Vanessa says Minh is alone and likes her (Minh).

Vanessa and Kyle are in the kitchen. Kyle says that Vanessa can come to him any time. Kyle says to Vanessa: “We’ve got this game. We need Jamar out.” Rianne says that she needs JL out. They both agree about needing Jamar and JL out.

Sheldon and Rianne talk in the HOH room. It is mostly talk about how things are in the house, as opposed to serious game talk.


March 13, 2020


Sheldon and Jamar talk outside the bedrooms. Jamar is worried that he will be backdoor'd, and they talk about how Kyle is a threat. Sheldon tells Jamar that he (Sheldon) will never turn his back on him.

Sheldon and Madeline talk. Sheldon apologizes to Madeline (probably for putting her on the block). Sheldon says he doesn’t think he’d use the veto if he won it. Sheldon explains to Madeline that they never speak game.

Ri and Sheldon have a quick check in - he feels awful for doing it but he doesn't have the heart to BD her so the best he could do was give her and Maddie the chance at Veto. He tells Ri she can put him up, but Ri says she has bigger fish to fry.

Brooke, Sue and Hira are chatting in HN. Hira is hoping that Shel will make a big move by BD someone, but Brooke and Sue don't think that will happen. Hira doesn't understand why with 5 they can't make big moves. Sue says they have to do what's best for all 5 not just one

Kyle and JL are talking about how Jamar is reacting to the noms. He's all worked up because he wants Kyle or Chris out. Maddie comes in and asks them both.. "so me or Ri?". They all joke about it a bit, Maddie hates being next to Ri. Kyle thinks it's a hard decision.

Hira and Brooke are talking about Jamar - Brooke thinks this environment is hard for Jams because when he's dealing with emotions he has no where to go to get them out. The convo goes to the noms - Brooke is fine with the Ri nom because Ri has said her name.

Brooke and Shel are in HOH. They think they're in a very good spot. They discuss that Sue has come up to both of them about getting Jamar out - they don't think that's the move right now.

There's a crew at the dining table joking about Vanessa wanting Chris and what is considered romance. Feeds quickly cut to JL and Ri - JL says to pick him for veto because Chris' name is also circling around. It would be best if Chris is beside one of them.

When Jamar leaves, Brooke and Sheldon agree that Minh is feeding Jamar lies. They're not going to worry about it for now. Kyle and Minh already hate each other so there's no point in telling Kyle this is being said.

Jamar comes in to retell a convo he and Minh have had (off feeds). Jamar is pushing that if Sheldon is telling the truth about Kyle not going after Jamar then he's good. Jamar doesn't want to talk this week - he'll do what he needs to do when he's HOH next week.

Vanessa goes down to the girls and Kyle whispering about how someone like her wouldn't be with someone like him - he's chiseled. They all tell her she's crazy. Ri you're a f*cking dime! Maddie what are you doing down here?! He's waiting for you. Ri: he's f*cking into it

Chris carried Ness up to the bedroom. They're hanging out and talking about how sketchy everyone is and they don't like the vibe. They leave the room to joke with the HGs about them hooking up.


March 13, 2020


Ness and Carol are in HN.They're discussing Jamar being mad about veto even though it hasn't happened.Minh told Ness that they need to make sure Jamar and Kyle are going after each other. Chris comes in a gives them both a kiss. Carol: that was my 1st man kiss in 20 yrs!

Chris and Ness are in HN alone now cracking up about Kyle's face when they came out of the bedroom. They talk a little game about Carol wanting Jamar out before Kyle.

Sheldon is sharing his orange pop with Brooke and JL (he got that instead of alcohol he doesn't drink, and they don't get pop in the house). Sheldon tells JL he reminds him of a character on the Simpsons.

Chris circles back to Sheldon. Shel it's just wanting my body and mind to be at its best. He reads all the time, always learning and constantly pushing his body. JL so is that why you guys are close(Brooke)? Cause you both read?

Brooke her passion is learning, the best way to learn is through other people. JL he is his happiest when making others laugh. He enjoys seeing people smile. It's the hardest part of being in the house and seeing people down.

JL is asking the HOH cre what their passions are.. Sue- writing, and she hopes it impacts a person a day. (She blogs) Chris helping kids on the spectrum, and people with anxiety. Shel he can't explain it, it's an internal desire to be the best he can.

They're talking about Kobe now. Sheldon says he was the biggest male figure in his life growing up. His room is covered in posters. He's trying to keep that Mamba mentality. Sheldon says he's not even ready to talk about it yet.

JL asks Sheldon why he's such a huge Justin Beiber fan Sheldon found him on YouTube when he was a kid and has loved him ever since. Ness comes in looking for a bucket - Angie isn't doing well.

Brooke and Ri are having a check in.. Ri says no hard feelings and she appreciates the chance to play veto. Brooke thinks she has a really good shot at it. Ri feels like her time in the BB house isn't done and she trusts Brooke.

Ri appreciates that answer and she hopes that if she's still here after this week they could start trying to work together. BB Goodnight houseguests.

Brooke asks Ri why she put a ball in her tube during HOH.Ri was panicked, but she also felt like some of the people Brooke is working with don't have the best in mind for Ri. Brooke says her loyalty lies in Shels, he's the only one she knows has her best interest at heart

JL and Maddie are in Maui studying the Arrival/Departure board. JL seems to know them well.

Kyle and Sue are checking in - he tells Sue he respects her social game. He says everyone else there is dumb and aren't playing, like Jams who lays in bed and then gets paranoid. They think a double is in 2 weeks, and agree either Jam or Minh have to go then.

Kyle is in HOH now.. He's retelling to Brooke and Shel about Jams being pissed off after noms. Jams is mad that Sheldon won't pick him for veto - Kyle told Jams that Shel would want someone who's studied. If someone comes down, Sheldon will most likely put Minh up.

Minh tells Jamar that Chris, Carol and Ness are voting Ri out if she stays OTB. Sue then updates him on a convo she had, and tells him as a friend - when you get mad you need to go off and be by yourself until you cool off.

KVSB check in - they go over how their jobs went today (getting in with people) and they stress to Ness that she has to stay on top of Minh. Brooke says she understands how Minh gets her info - she just hammers people until they give it up.

KVSB agree that they want out Ri more than Minh.. They say Ri is a badass girl. Sheldon says his convo with her today was the most intense one he's had in there. They want to bring Maddie as far as they can in the game.


March 13, 2020


Madeline says that she told Sheldon that in a F2 situation he would get far more votes for getting out a bigger player like Chris, who did say is name vs. a "mediocre" player like Madeline. Brooke says that's right but a player like Chris would need to be a BD.

Madeline and Brooke's convo seems to be wrapping up. Brooke says she wants to talk to Sheldon. Madeline says she doesn't understand how someone like Chris could seem OK after putting up Brooke/Hira. Brooke says she understands, that she knows she'll always be Chris' Pawn

The HGs (besides the HNs) are sitting down to eat dinner together while Angie (who is a HN) is listening to Sheldon's music in his HOH room.

Jamar just said he doesn't know any songs by the Beatles. Vanessa Yes you do! Yes you do! I'm not living in this house with you if you don't. She announces it to the rest of the HGs. Jamar Do you know the Migos? The rest of the HGs: That's not the same thing dude.

Madeline and John Luke check in. She says she thinks that she is going on the block. John Luke says he felt good with his convo with "Shelly" Madeline says it's a good thing because he can play in veto. He says "yes HGs choice"

They agree that it is better to make it seem like they have distance between them and were only connected through Micheal. They do agree they still have each other's backs.

Brooke and Sheldon were comparing notes about their convos with Madeline. They say they believe that each of them are not in danger from Madeline. Sheldon says Rianne said the same thing, but they still feel in danger from her. Jamar interrupts to listen to music

Sheldon says that he believes that Rianne believes she wouldn't target him. He thinks she wouldn't lie to his face, that her lies are more witholding truth. Sheldon: I know girl, that's why I'm terrified of her. Brooke: She'll never get there with me.

Jamar tells Sheldon that he should chose him for HG choice for veto. Sheldon says no way, just because it could be expedia. Jamar is not pleased. BB calls Sheldon to the DR. Sheldon tells Madeline and Rianne they are being nominated.

Jamar is complaining to Hira about not being picked for a veto HGs choice. Brooke and Sue walk in and Brooke says that they just took the boards down and it was all pointing towards a Maui trip, which is normally a veto.

Sheldon tells Rianne that he doesn't want to do this nomination and it's just a "now" thing. That "I wouldn't be mad if you guys ended up staying" She asks if it's because Chris is more likely to win a comp. Jamar is pacing in the Expedia room and ranting about Sheldon

Rianne says she doesn't like that JL gets off "scot free" But says if Brooke is Sheldon's wingman, that's why. Angie says That someone told her that Sheldon, JL and Jamar were together a lot today. Angie feels that this is a backdoor Madeline: My lipstick matches my shirt

Rianne says that they (her and Madeline) are going to have a plague this week. Angie says no, because she will still talk to them "what are they going to do to me?" Angie hugs both girls. And leaves. Rianne: Mom, Dad, Family all the tips you gave me aren't working.

Rianne and Madeline are saying that they are sorry that they found a friend and none of the other players did so they are so jealous Madeline says "They are so jelly. Sorry"

Madeline and Rianne say that they have to win veto and that no one would use the veto on them. They name Carol and Angie but then agree they wouldn't because they would want to respect the HOH. They agree Hira would. They do not mention John Luke.

Madeline and Rianne finally realize that John Luke would use the veto on them. Madeline rehearses her speech for if she is against Chris for the votes on Thursday. Rianne: I will continue to be a pushover like the rest of you


March 13, 2020


Sheldon & Brooke were napping in the HOH room—S was snoring. Jamar & Sue were in there chatting. BB told S several times to wake up. Jamar & Sue left. BB sounded a loud alarm. S & B jump. B-How long have we been napping?

Sheldon told Big Brother okay we're awake now and we'll talk game. He went over his plan with Brooke. He still plans to nominate Maddie and Rianne

Sheldon tells the gang that his nomination speech is going to short and sweet with no shots fired

Kyle is in the kitchen making slop. He tells Minh & Maddie if he has to do this one more week he will not be happy & neither will the rest of the house. M- I know me either. (Editor's note: This is M & K's 2nd week in a row as HNs)

John Luke is quizzing Sheldon on the flight board that was on the wall in the Expedia room. Sheldon is pretty much nailing it. Sheldon is using time of day (aka 5:18PM) rather than the military time on the board (aka 1845)

Madeline and Brooke are talking in the Anime room. They are discussing last week. Madeline tells Brooke that she is glad that Brooke didn't lie to her about knowing about the "plan" last week. Madeline says "I'm not the brightest color in the crayon box"

Madeline says that she can offer loyalty and trust and will go to war for those she trusts. She says she trusts Brooke. She wants to align with people who are "straight up" with her. Brooke says that she likes that quality about Madeline (and JL).

Brooke says she didn't put any balls in the cylinders of Madeline or JL in the HOH comp. Madeline says she wanted to have this convo with Brooke prior to Micheal leaving. She says that she hated it was against Brooke. Brooke says she trusts Micheal's opinion.

Brooke tells Madeline that "Shel is my number one" She says she isn't sure the conversations Madeline had with Sheldon, but the last time that he talked he hadn't decided. Madeline says she respects Sheldon's decision, but doesn't understand it. His name has never come up

Brooke says to Madeline that she has to talk to Shel but she does trust Brooke. Madeline tells Brooke that she is the most trustworthy person because she's never heard Brooke "shit talking" behind her back or anyone else in her alliance.


March 13, 2020


Sheldon tells Hira he's going to put up with Rianne and Maddie then he'll have 3 days to decide about a replacement if needed. He asks Hira to keep his ears open. Hira says he'll tell him whatever he hears just like the told him about his conversation with Kyle.

Sheldon and Rianne's conversation comes to an end. She thanks him again for being so much "Better" of an HOH than what happened last week. Saying it's already better.

Carol goes in to talk to Maddie. She tells her she doesn't think she's the target. She tells her if she talks to Sheldon she will tell him she doesn't want to kick someone when they're down

Minh tells Vanessa about when Sheldon told her he doesn't think anyone would miss her if she left. Vanessa says that's how little he knows. Minh says He thinks I'm a lone wolf.

Rianne is wearing a "new outfit". Minh teaches her how to do a cat walk. Trivia time: Which house guest wore this outfit on their way in to the BB house?

Sue and Vanessa talk in the Expedia room. Vanessa says she wants Rianne out. They talk about Kyle and Jamar made up today because the three told Jamar that Kyle was after him.

Carol and Maddie are still talking. Carol tells her she heard things about herself in the house that she has to move on from. Maddie asks her what. Carol says she told an off color joke to Jamar.

Angie talking to Susanne, Vanessa, and Rianne how hard it was to sleep in the HN room and how tired she is today. They talk about next week's comp might be teams of 4 with the first team out being have nots.

Angie tells Susanne and Vanessa she's not sure what Sheldon is thinking so she doesn't know how to feel.

Rianne and Maddie are comparing their conversations with Sheldon. They both say he said he had his first serious game talk with Kyle.

Hira tells Maddie he thinks the rest of the HOH's will use the house as scapegoats to put up the three of them (JL, Rianne, Maddie).

Maddie tells him she's not a threat.

Hira & Maddie talking in the Anime room. She thinks it's going to be her & Ri going OTB. She said her Ri, Mike & JL never formed an official alliance.

Minh & Ri are in he kitchen making dinner. The HGs are having hamburgers tonight. Most of the rest of the HGs are hanging out in the HOH room.

Carol Vanessa & Angie are in the Rec Room, just general chit chat. They realize today is Friday the 13th

Not a lot happening right now. Everyone is just chilling while waiting for the Nomination Ceremony later tonight


March 13, 2020


Brooke and Sheldon are checking in after he took Maddy to the Wendy's meal. She asked Sheldon if Maddy knew she was going up. He says no. He says after he talks to Rianne he can tell them both. He says he did a lot of explaining without telling her.

Sheldon lays out what he gave Maddy as reasons for a possible nomination. He says that she started to cry. He says she said if he was putting her up would he tell her and he told her yes. He says the talk went as well as can be expected.

Sheldon says that he told John Luke that he wasn't going up and he is adamant that he won't put him up. Brooke says JL is so good with them. She says she felt really good after her convo with Chris today too, she feels he has a crush on her.

Rianne has arrived in the HOH to talk to Sheldon. He asks if she spoke to Maddy. She says no. She says she didn't want to hear what their convo was. He agrees, that he sees them as separate "entities"

Minh, JL, and Ri talking about who could have put the toilet paper roll in Jamar's pillow. They joked they should put cheese in his pants.

Minh asks Ri if she talked with Sheldon. Ri says yes and he told her she is going up. Maddie comes in MInh asks her if Sheldon said she would put her up. She said yes. JL says he told him he was safe so he hopes he isn't a backdoor.

Minh tells Maddie, JL and Rianne that Sheldon told her that she would be a good backdoor option because he doesn't think people would be upset if she left.

Sheldon and Carol talk about getting to know each other better. He asks her who she thinks he should put up. She says now isn't the time to make a big move.

Kyle tells Rianne that he knows Chris threw his name out last week, that anything he does as HOH this week could be seen as reactionary and he doesn't want that. He says his first "real" gametalk with Kyle was earlier. He says that before it was all "surface level"

Sheldon explains to Rianne that he didn't really want to win HOH this week because he feels personally good with everyone, not even on a game level but a personal level. He says Kyle and Maddy could never have won that comp. Also that there are 2 "camps" in the house.

Sheldon and Rianne in HOH. Sheldon tells her when he and Kyle talked it was the first time they talked game.

Brooke, Sheldon and Vanessa are saying they want Rianne out.

Brooke tells Sheldon and Vanessa that Chris still sees her as the ideal pawn. Sheldon says she has seven days to be tighter with him than Angie and Carol. She says she's tight with him now, he's been following her around all day.

Sheldon tells Brooke and Vanessa if Chris put Carol up as a pawn if the six needed to they could vote her out. He thinks she'll cry but not out the six.

Minh tells Hira about a dream she had. Sheldon told her to get a broom and come talk. Jamar and Sue kissed and she was jealous. Ika came to talk to her and looked like Blac Chyna's mom. Hira you have weird dreams.

Sheldon tells Rianne that no matter what he's not putting anyone up without telling them first. That they were lulled into a false sense the 1st week and then last week was "so bloody" She asks him if he knows where Vanessa's head is at, because he does know where hers is


March 13, 2020

Nomination Plans For Week 3

Big Brother ended Thursday’s eviction episode with the start of the Big Brother Canada 8 week 3 Head of Household competition.

Micheal had just left the game, and the three remaining Evictors really needed the HOH win, or they could watch another of them leave this week. John Luke has done a better job than Madeline and Rianne of trying to find a place to land with Micheal’s looming eviction. Maddy did the worst job of the three by continuing to further isolate herself.

Kyle has also made himself a target for many of the players. He may have needed a HOH win even more than the Evictors. Before the BBCAN8 episode ended, it was clear that Maddy would be the first player evicted from the competition.

The feeds returned about an hour after the BBCAN8 episode concluded to reveal Sheldon as the winner. This makes perfect sense with the nature of the HOH comp being to target your enemy and get them out. Sheldon doesn’t have many enemies at the moment. He wants to keep it that way. Sheldon and Brooke are a tight duo, so he shared with her his plans for the week.

Many players tried to have Sheldon target Kyle this week. This doesn’t work for Sheldon and Brooke’s game because they’re in an alliance with him, and they know that he’ll be a target before them. They worked on convincing their other allies that Kyle needs to stay right now.

Then they discussed keeping things simple by nominating Maddy and Rianne. They would prefer Rianne to go because she’s a much better player than Maddy,. They also discussed who the pawn would be if one of them came down. Brooke mentioned Minh-Ly but Sheldon said that wasn’t a good idea because she would definitely be the one voted out. They’re still working on the possible replacement nominee options if Maddy or Rianne comes off the block after the Veto comp.

Last night, Sheldon seemed set on nominating Maddy and Rianne, but the nomination ceremony doesn’t usually happen until late afternoon/early evening, so he has plenty of time to change his mind. We’ll keep you updated on who Sheldon actually nominates this week.


Do you think Sheldon is making the right decision by targeting the Evictors?


March 13, 2020


Angie is upset that Minh targeted her in the Hoh comp and put balls in her target. Minh tells her she is not her target. Minh tells her she just didnt want her to be HOH .

after a heated argument Angie asks Minh if she can pray with her and they wind up hugging it out.

Sheldon is telling Kyle in the HOH room, that Jamar is his priority. He tells Kyle he needs to try and calm his fears about him. Kyle suggests putting Minh up if Rianne comes down. They both agree leaving Rianne with Maddie could be too risky.

Brooke is dancing in the HoH. before we join Kyle & Chris in the kitchen. Lets see what they are whispering about!

Kyle is reassuring Chris that its them 2 to the end. And how he knows everything that is going on in the house. Kyle is talking about having Sheldon in his pocket is so great! And that Sheldon needs them. Thats why he needs to get rid of Rianne.

Minh tells Sheldon she thinks of him as a wild card. Sheldon then explains how whoever she is working with thinks she is a wild card. Sheldon tells Minh to get along with people.

Chris is asking Sue about her life outside of the house general chat between them and feeds cut on us again.

Sue calls Chris her brother and he calls her little sister. then asks her "what would I be doing if I was more alpha male with you"


March 13, 2020


Sheldon is talking about Hira. He says Hira thinks he's his number one, and that he feels bad about it. He says that Hira is smart and paranoid, and Brooke says she's concern about him getting sketched out.

Brooke says Hira may expect information because he is in an alliance with Sheldon. Sheldon says it's possible to work with Hira, but he sees the two of them disagreeing on decisions.

Brooke says JL is funny. Sheldon says JL is naturally funny, and he really enjoys talking to him. They both say he is self-aware, and just needs a little guidance strategically. Brooke says JL told her she's his number one, even though he's pretty sure it's not mutual.

Brooke and Sheldon agree that it would be better to take JL and Jamar further in the game with them, rather than Hira. Sheldon says he is unsure what to do if one of the girls gets pulled down.

Sheldon says they have to be aware that Kyle could be taken out in the next few weeks. Sheldon says putting Minh up would result in her going home, and he really wants Rianne gone. Back-dooring Hira might be an option, but would not be smart right now.

Brooke tells Sheldon Jamar told her he thinks Kyle is a big threat, but if Brooke and Sheldon trusts Kyle, he can trust Kyle too.

Brooke says she did see Jamar in the bathroom after Sheldon talked to him in a group of people telling them how bad he wants Kyle out.

Sheldon brings Sue up to date regarding Hira, Jamar, and the plan. He tells her he is trying to diffuse the Kyle situation. Sheldon tells Sue not to tell anyone else about their discussion.

Hira walks in the HOH, and tells the group Kyle told him (Hira) that he never had his name in his mouth. Sheldon says he needs to talk to Kyle, and he'll try and determine where he (Hira) and Jamar stand with him. (Kyle)

Hira says he thinks Kyle is trying to mend relationships. JL walks in and Sheldon asks him to give him some time. JL says to let him know when he can talk to him. (Sheldon).

Hira tells Sheldon he thinks they have Rianne with them, and possibly JL. Sue, Brooke, and Sheldon are laying out the reasons they might not be able to trust Rianne.

JL is talking with Jamar. He says he feels comfortable with him, Hira, Sheldon and Brooke. JL tells him he feels he's not even a replacement at this point.

JL enters the HOH room and Sheldon asks what he is thinking. JL says he feels safe with Sheldon, that he is a straight-up guy. JL says he would never back-door him. (Sheldon) JL says he is not a good enough BB player to pull it off.

Sheldon and Jl are clearing up any misunderstanding from last week, especially concerning Micheal. Sheldon says Micheal told him talk was going around that Sheldon was on the side with Kyle.

Sheldon is explaining to JL why he is not going after Kyle. Sheldon says he is not working with Kyle, but Kyle is not a threat to him. (Sheldon) Sheldon says he sees Kyle as a pretty big shield. Sheldon tells JL not to be uncomfortable. JL says he will not screw Sheldon.


March 13, 2020


Chris has just left the HOH room. Sheldon tells him what he is telling people hat he knows Kyle and Chris are big targets, and that they are on his radar, but they he doesn't talk a lot of game with them.

Brooke is telling Angie about her talk with Minh. Angie says she might talk with her, that she (Angie) is feeling paranoid about her (Minh) right now.

Sheldon is still seeing people in HOH. Angie is awaiting her turn. JL, Kyle, and Chris in the LR, discussing the comp, and slop.

Angie has finally gotten in to see Sheldon in the HOH. Sheldon tells Angie that he doesn't care if someone doesn't come to talk to him in the HOH, that it wouldn't influence his decision.

Sheldon says he doesn't want anyone to feel they have to come and see him. He tells Angie he's not totally sure where he is, but he hopes she feels safe. He says he doesn't hear her name in the house, with the exception of Minh. He says he thinks she is in a good spot.

Sheldon tells Angie it doesn't make any sense to put her up. Worst case scenario, he would talk to her. Angie bristles a little bit. Sheldon reassures her that he doesn't see that happening.

Sheldon tells Angie to keep her eyes and ears open, notice when people seem nervous. He tells her he's not on any side. Angie says people are saying he's on the side with Kyle. Sheldon says he finds it odd that people didn't just come and talk to him.

Angie tells Sheldon she wants to address an issue that happened. Sheldon says he knows what's going on, and asks her if she wants a house meeting. Angie says she doesn't want the focus to fall on Sheldon so a house meeting is not what she wants.

Angie But I just want you to know, there should be no focus on me. Sheldon says he doesn't really think about it, but when he does, what he takes away is that Carol heard that she's a racist and got scared, and came up and apologized to the "three" of us.

Sheldon says it came from Minh opening her mouth about something that had nothing to do with game. He says that even if she's (Minh) is super close with Carol, and she thinks it's something she should know, it's not her information to tell.

Sheldon says Minh is now playing the victim. Sheldon: This is a non-story. I don't know why we are talking about it. Angie says she needs to make sure he knows and that it doesn't want it to reflect bad on her.

Sheldon says he'll talk to Minh if has to, but would prefer to let it die down. Angie tells Sheldon she appreciates him and leaves the HOH room. Brooke enters.

Sheldon tells Brooke about his conversation with Chris, that he might lie about going after him and Kyle. Brooke asks him if he is going to talk to Rianne and Maddie together. He says he thinks he does because it would appear he's less intimidating.


March 13, 2020


JL in the shower talking with Maddie. Maddie says that if he's thinking of me (Sheldon) then I want him to put me up. She says that Vanessa told her that he already know who he wants to put up.

JL wants to talk to Shel. Brooke tells him that he's eating right now, maybe in an hr would be good. JL says he doesn't want to be a nuisance. Brooke tells him not to feel that way, he's expecting it from everyone. JL agrees.

Carol and Vanessa in the color BR. Carol says that she got too comfortable too fast. Says that her wife if really PC and she thought she had covered all of her bases on what to say before she came in the house. Nessa says she needs to school herself sometimes too.

Shel and Jamar in the HOH room. Shel wants to talk to everyone individually. He says that he and Hira have talked about Kyle. He knows for Hira's game it makes sense. Shel says that he know Kyle is coming for either of them so it doesn't really make sense.

Shel says that he's never heard from anyone that Kyle is coming for either of them. He thinks that Kyle is afraid of coming after them. He says that on his way out Mike told him that Kyle was coming after him. He doesn't believe that's true.

Shel says that Kyle has been chill with him. He thinks that the 3 shouldn't have voted against the house for Mike. It showed their loyalty instead of finding a new way to go. Shel thinks that Kyle should go early jury at the latest.

Shel is going to talk to everyone but he's probably going to put the 2 girls up (Ri and Maddie). Says that he would choose Jamar to play veto if he can. Says that he doesn't want the veto to be used. He's not married to the idea of the girls. He will talk to everyone.

Shel wants Jamar to tell Chris to come up. He asks Jamar what the craziness is with Minh this morning. J tells him that Minh is just trying to stir things up and that she's easily disposable in this game. She's going to be fiery if she goes up and doesn't go home.

Maddie in the BR getting ready for her "date" with Shel to talk game. She's worried, she thinks he's going to put her up.

Jamar leaves the HOH room. Shel says he's ready to start talking to people. Jamar goes down to the workout room and tells Chris that he wants to talk to him first. He asks to give him just a few minutes.

Chris makes it up to the HOH room to talk with Shel. Chris tells him that he's really calm and that he feels confident in him. Shel tells him that he thinks everyone is going to want him to go after him and Kyle. He says that no one know that they are working together.

Shel says that Ri sketched him out. Angie pokes her head in the room and Shel tells her that she missed her shot. She leaves. Shel says that the girls never talk game with him and he would be nervous if they won HOH.

Shel insists to Chris that they are a team. He tell Chris that if he hears anything about him coming after him that it's untrue.


March 13, 2020


Jamar and Angie in the SR. Angie tells Jamar that Minh told Carol that Angie was trying to rile Jamar up about the comment saying that it was a racist comment. Jamar asks why Carol is upset. Angie explains that Carol feels like she's being portrayed as racist.

Angie and Jamar agree that what Minh has been telling Carol is not the truth. That isn't how he feels. He has never thought of putting her on the block over what happened. Angie doesn't know why Minh is even bringing her name up.

Angie you have already talked about this and squashed it. Why is still being talked about? Minh went to Carol and told her that you were going to put her on the block. Jamar She needs to just chill. That's not what I'm thinking.

Sue, Jamar,, Chris, Maddie and Ri all in the work out room. Jamar is the only one not working out. He says that he needs food. He can't do it on an empty stomach.

Carol and Brooke outside. Carol is crying about the situation. She thanks Brooke for caring enough to talk with her. Carol says she would never do anything to tarnish her community. Says she should be careful about talking off color.

Carol respects Brooks opinion of the situation. Brooke tells her that this is a social experiment to try people out. See how they react and interact. Brooke tells her that she hasn't offended anyone.

Brooke asks Carol if she watches Survivor and brings up the "racist" issue that they has on the show. She says that they were able to work through it without conflict. They dealt with it really well.

Brooke to Carol. I know that your family is very proud of you. Carol says that her daughter is only 4 and she's already had to talk to her about these issues. Brooke says that the world is messed up. Carol thanks her again for talking to her.

Brooke and Carol go inside because it's too cold outside. Carol says that she can't let the house see her crying again. She's just going to sit in the house and pull herself together.


March 13, 2020


Chris, JL and Brooke in the kitchen. Talking about how little food they have right now. Chris says that there are no eggs to cook up.

Angie telling Sue that she wants to talk to her later because she know that Sue is the only one will keep it real with her. Angie asks if noms are today and Sue says yes, it's up on the TV.

Angie telling Carol that she shouldn't be portrayed as a racist. Carol says that that is how Jammers felt at the time. Angie now says that it was never a thing to be discussed.

Carol tells Angie that she heard that she took the comment the worst. Angie denies that. Carol says that maybe she needs to stick to herself more in this house. Angie continues to tell her that she's not being portrayed that way. Carol says ok thanks for that.

Jamar said that instead of slandering Carol's name that she should have gone and talk to her about it. Angie telling Carol not to be upset about it and don't pull back from everyone. Don't give them what they want.

Angie telling Carol that Minh is talking bad about everyone, even her friends in the house. She's making all of this about herself. Carol says that she's not dumb, she see's whats going on and that's why she's in the kitchen right now.

Carol I keep my friends close and my enemies closer. Angie It's difficult for me to see everyone else entertain this. It's rough to see. You can tell when people are coming to you with your best interest. Do you think she was doing that? Carol No

Brooke telling Jamar that it's come up twice and he's handled it really well twice. She also doesn't think that Carol is racist and that she won't be portrayed that way. Jamar doesn't want anyone to think that Carol is a bigot or racist.

Jamar asks Minh if she's going to talk to Carol about how she feels. She doesn't think that she can do it once she's looking at her face. She says that Angie keeps jumping in her convos and making things worse. Talks about a specific convo with Kyle where she did this.

Sue is telling Brooke and Jamar that Minh has been biting her tongue a lot when it comes to Angie. Sue says that maybe she can talk to Angie calmly and tell her about the things that have been bothering her.

Sue asks Minh if they are going to work out now or is she going to talk to Angie now. If she's going to talk to Angie now Sue is sticking around. Brooke saying that things will never be solved if they don't talk about it.

Angie says that it was exhausting to wake up to this conversation today. Carol agrees. Angie just wants Minh to stop all of it. She says that Minh goes around to all other people and tries to stir it all up. Angie says that she feels comfortable with her relationships.


March 13, 2020


Maddie is tellng Chris, Minh and Ri how they can't have honey or syrup while a HN.

Everyone is really tired from staying up so late and that they are so cold this morning.

Minh in the Expedia room studying the flight board. Carol in the HN room talking to Sheldon about how she didn't mean her comment last night to be racist. She's also going to speak with Jamar. Says that she's not racist and has lots of ethnicity in her life.

Carol now speaking with Jamar in the HOH room. She's apologizing if he took her comment as a "black" joke. She didn't mean it that way. Jamar says that he doesn't talk about himself as a thug.

Jamar tells Carol that he feels that she got comfortable with him too quick with her comment. He accepts her apology. She says that she made an off-hand joke and is sorry.

Jamar talking with Chris, Hira and Sheldon about the talk he just had with Carol. He says that Angie took offense to it but he's cool about it. Hira says that it was Minh is the one that went and talked to Carol about it. Sheldon says that Minh has a big mouth.

Hira says that Minh is trying to start trouble. Jamar says that he may talk like he's from the hood but never portrays himself that way. He says that because he drives a Beemer that people always make assumptions about him selling drugs and doing bad things.

Ri and Maddie in the B&W BR. M- I think he's going to put us both up because it's easy. R- Sheldon said that until Kyle does something personal to me I'm not going after him. They say that Kyle is sitting pretty this week. R- I think he may put Chris up over someone else.

Ri Minh said that she would get out a strong player, then a weak player, then a strong player then a weak player so that your not left with all strong people in the end. Ri thinks that's a smart move.

Hira and Sheldon saying how they would never have brought up what Minh did to Carol. They wouldn't use anything personal just to get somewhere in the game.

Jamar telling Ri and Maddie that Kyle said he's going to go for the 3 when he can (JL, Maddie and Ri). Jamar tells them not to worry about throwing Kyle's name around because he's throwing their name around. J- Kyle said he's going to Sheldon about getting the 3 out.

Jamar Kyle will say whatever he needs to win. He will swear on his kids. Kyle went up to Sheldon and told him that Jamar is coming for him just before the comp yesterday. Jamar tells them that Minh came to him and told him she wants to BD Kyle.

Jamar says he just wants to go off on Kyle right now. He tells Ri and Maddie to tell Sheldon that they aren't a threat this week. That they aren't winning anything and are on slop this week. They will be weak.

Jamar says that Sheldon told him that he wants to go for a girl because they will still have 8 girls in the house if he doesn't. He says that Sheldon is good with Brooke and Carol. They might be in danger of going up.

Minh telling Sue that Angie was starting trouble with the comments she was making about Carols comment to Jamar days ago. M- Angie is toxic and brown nosing. She needs to stop stirring the pot. Sue tells Minh that she's raging right now.

Jamar told Minh that she shouldn't have gone to Carol and told her to talk to him. She says that to call someone a racist is disgusting. She's mad that Angie brought something up from days ago and put salt on the wound to cause troule.


March 13, 2020


Kyle is waling through the house whispering to himself. Difficult to hear what he's saying. Mumbled something about not caring if he's a target for this week.

BB sets of an alarm clock overhead to get the remaining HD's up. Kyle is in the kitchen making a slop shake.

Kyle tells Maddie and Carol that he's in a really bad mood.

Rianne and Hira in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Hira tell Ri that he has a sore throat. She suggests he gargle with tea. Kyle sitting by himself in the Expedia room.

Carol hugs Maddie to console her because Mike is gone from the house. JL and Kyle now in Expedia room talking. Everyone is saying how cold the house is this morning.

Ri asks JL if the board in the Expedia room is still up. He says yes and says that he will still study it. It will come up in a comp at some point. He's frustrated it wasn't in yesterdays comp.

Ri and Carol in the kitchen. Carol and Ri agree that they haven't talked any game with him (Sheldon?). They say how their conversations just haven't ended up there. They both agree that their conversations (Ri and Carol) are easy and always end up in talking game.

Minh talking with Carol in the HV room about a previous conversation from last night with Angie that frustrated her. She feels that Angie was trying to get a reaction from her.

Min telling Carol that she should go and speak with Jamar because Angie told Jamar that Carol meant something mean about Jamar being like a gang banger. Minh feels that Angie was trying to instigate anger with Jamar.

Minh tells Carol that if she has the opportunity she's getting Angie out of the house. Carol says that she feels closest to Minh in the house.

Minh and Carol talking about the comp. Carol says that she put most of her balls in Ri's tube. Minh says that no one will tell her who put balls in her tube and Carol laughs saying that she doesn't blame them.

Hira and Ri in the kitchen talking about Sheldon and a possible BD plan. Ri says that the precedent has already been set but maybe he's too much of a stand up guy for that.

Minh tell Carol that her and Vanessa are her people in the house and that she would take either of them down if they were on the block.

Minh I'm not intimidated by the size of the guys in this house. I know that the comps are balanced for everyone to win.

📢Good Friday Morning Brother-Lovers 📢 It's Day 13 🍁 of 70

March 12, 2020

📢Good Friday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢

It's Day 13 🍁 of 70

Who won HoH on Big Brother Canada 8 this week?

Entering this HoH Competition, we knew in advance that this was going to be a little bit of a mixed bag. We hate the notion that players like Madeline, John Luke, and Rianne are going to be doomed here from the start just based on the premise of the challenge contestants had a chance to quickly eliminate other contestants. Yet, we do think that there was a chance for this to be interesting at the end — it felt like someone like a Susanne or a Jamar would have a chance to win it. It was a way to maybe split up the larger group … or cause some paranoia that could become an important part of the show down the line.

So who ended up actually taking the HoH home this time around? The feeds came back immediately to the sight of Hira trying to console Kyle and Sheldon won HoH! As for who he will target, this probably isn’t an HoH that he really needed to win because of that, the smart move for him may just be to go ahead and target two people in Madeline/Rianne who aren’t working with the big group. This isn’t a super-exciting plan, but it could be the one that keeps a lot of blood from getting on his hands.

What do you think about the latest HoH winner within the Big Brother Canada 8 house?

Be sure to share right now in the comments!


March 12, 2020

Sheldon tells the KSVB to keep their eye on everyone this week. They have concerns about Hira

Sheldon says we need to avoid being seen with each oth

er in public. Kyle We'll do the shower thing (talking at the shower doors) They all feel good about how the week will play out. Still not for sure exactly who Sheldon plans to nom but it looks like Maddie & Rianne

Chris & Kyle in the Swamp.Chris We really need to work on Jammers (Jamar) They got into his head last week

Hira in HOH Rom talking with Sheldon & Brooke trying to influence the nominations and JL enters. 4th call from BB for HGs to go to bed

Chris came into HOH to say G'night. Hugs it out & leaves. Sue comes in. HOH room light dim. They're hanging out

Some of the HGs are in the BR getting ready for bed. JL making his bed and Chris walks in. JL to the outgoing HOH Chris "Welcome to the real World peasant"

Brooke to JL So when did you find out Micheal was in the Military? JL I was 2nd to know & felt so stupid. Brooke So he rung you in first & then told you? JL Yeah lol

JL asks Brooke how do you feel about Chris.Brooke Its's not from a disingenuous level but he's discomforting based on a lot of his comments to to other HGs

JL tells Brooke I hope Sheldon doesn't put me up. I feel like I could be a gunner for you guys. I'm not great at the social thing but I can do the Comps

JL to Brooke I never saw Mike & Maddie's showmance. I really need to talk to Shelly tomorrow, I feel like everyone thinks I'm the biggest floater

JL to Brooke I feel like the HGs this year have the craziest brain patterns this season. I mean how did they keep that back door from all of us

JL to Brooke, who do you think Shelly is going after? Brooke I don't know. JL- I've heard it's probably Maddie and Ri JL I'm so lost in this house

JL & Brooke getting up to go to bed. JL to Brooke Thanks for staying up & chatting with me because I feel lost


March 12, 2020


Kyle and JL are now talking it out.. Kyle keeps apologizing to JL about how it went down, he's been feeling really bad about it. JL assures him that he gets it's a game. No hard feelings.

Sue is asking Jams if he tells what she says to Minh. He says he doesn't. Sue did you say I'm in your back pocket to her? Jams I did, but for game. I know you're your own woman. They agree Minh is telling them things to make them fight.

Kyle is telling JL that if he had won this week, he would have said right from the beginning that JL and Maddie were going up. He said he loves them which is why he is giving them both a chance at Veto. Ness agrees she would have done the same. JL appreciates it.

Sheldon is telling Maddie about his brother Brandon.. He's the "good one". Maddie can't believe that Sheldon would be considered "the bad one" since he's so great.

Chris tells Sue that he wants to trust her completely, she tells him he should and then gets out of there.

The KVSB alliance celebrates. They want to get Ri out - they know JL needs somewhere to land, and it should be them.

KVSB are going through the other HGs and where each stand with them and who they can trust. They're making plans on what they need to do with certain HGs to build more trust.

KVSB alliance Kyle Vanessa Sheldon Brook, talking through the plan for the week . They feel is a wild card but not taking a shot this week. Sheldon wants Rianne gone. If she wins Veto he'll consider Minh

Brooke tells the KVSB alliance JL told them he's not necessarily for the girls Maddie and Rianne. He's just looking for a place to land. Kyle we got this house by the balls

Sheldon to the KSVB alliance- I'm gonnna keep working on JL. You keep working on JL. We just need to get through the next 2 weeks

They then discuss what to do with Chirs. Brooke says he's just collateral damage

Minh comes up in the Convo. Brooke is she dumb or is she a genius. She told me night 1 before the cameras came on "You're smart, I need to keep my eye on you."

HGs get the BB voice: Goodnight HGs sleep well. Let's see how long it takes them to crawl into bed


March 12, 2020


Chris is now singing "Yummy" to Jamar.. He is not with it. They're talking about what they put on their iPods. Sheldon didn't put much thought into his music. Jamar sat down and curated a list of 150. There's some confusion about Blackstreet and Backstreet Boys.

Chris is congratulating Shel on the HOH. They both agree that this is what they need to do in this game dominate.

Jams asks Riri what kind of kiss they should do when one of them gets evicted.

Minh is now explaining why she has it out for Angie.. Minh: I told her behind her back that she was a floater and a pawn, and then I said it to her face. One day in the HT someone said slay that ho and she gave me this look.

Chris and Carol are razzing Jams and Minh about when they'll sleep together. Chris says once Jams is HOH, Minh will be all up in the tub, and have outfits they've never seen before.

Brooke and Hira are checking in.They think it's such a weird feeling to know people are talking about you, and that you're not welcome in certain conversations. Brooke brings up that she didn't realize Maddie and Mike were in a showmance. She thought they were just flirty

Minh is asking Ness how many balls Brooke put in her tube. Ness thinks it was a lot, she doesn't know where Brookes head is. Chris says Brooke is with Shelly, Minh calls them floaters. They do nothing and get lucky with cushy positions.

Brooke is talking about having something with Riri. They don't talk game but there's been a couple instances where someone says something and the two will lock eyes in a knowing way. Brooke doesn't know what it is.

Sheldon tells Brooke and Jamar that he wants everyone to be chill and happy this week not like last week when they were all wondering what was going to happen.

Jamar breaks the news to Minh that Sheldon won't be putting Kyle up. Minh asks is Jamar is paranoid now because of the Shel/Kyle relationship. He says he's not, at least not yet. Minh makes Jam promise that he'll have her back completely. He assures her he is.


March 12, 2020


Large group in the HOH talking about the HOH comp. JL mentions he and Kyle joked they shouldn't have even played. Maddie asks Sheldon what they should wear on their date to Wendy's.

Rianne to Angie so question.. Did Minh really put 10 in your thing? Angie:she didn't put 10 in.. But I would say 6. Everyone in the HOH agree that Minh was fast in that comp. Sheldon: in my mind she filled up your whole thing.

The crew in the HN talking some smack about Mike, how they destroyed the Evictors alliance by taking out the strongest person. They're annoyed that the Evictors are so emotional and hypocrites.

Minh asks what they think Sheldon is going to do this week.They all agree he's hard to read, and that he'll most likely do something safe and honest. Minh: I know he's really close with Brooke, but does Brooke want to work with JL and Maddie?

Chris asks Minh why she went so hard on Angie. Minh it wasn't personal, but if she won HOH I would go up. Ness I don't blame you, none of us would have thought to put balls in Angie's. She would have won. Minh The she got mad.. "I'm not your target?!"

He assures Sue that the only reason her name was brought up this week is because of her being close to Kyle. He feels bad for Ness because she's being dragged down with him. Hira Kyle ran the show last week, he's who put me up.

They move on to talk about Minh and how awkward it is that she walk up to you in front of people to ask about alliances. Sue: did she ask you? Hira: ya of course! I said yes, we have a F2. She probably has 18 of them.

Sue is annoyed with Jams - he put balls in her tube. Plus his constant flirting is bugging her. She asks Hira if he tried to make an alliance with Ri and Maddie, he says he did - he was trying to see what was out there last week when he was up.

Sue, Hira and Ness are talking about how close they are with their families - how their favourite part of the day is hanging out with them. They're all tearing up a bit and joking that it's only been two weeks. Hira hopes they remember this feeling to appreciate things.

Kyle and Ri are talking about how emotional Sheldon's letter made them. They can't believe it's only been 13 days and they miss their family so much.


March 12, 2020


The house guests eating dinner are talking about how weird it was to not have an audience. Minh is saying how it's weird they live in set and not a real house.

Kyle tells Brooke, Vanessa and Carol he's glad he doesn't have to lie to anyone's face anymore.

Brooke and Sheldon conversation continued. He mentions putting Maddie and Rianne up. They say Rianne is sketch. He says Kyle needs to play a good social game this week because he doesn't want to fight his battles this week.

Brooke and Sheldon talk game. She tells him about her conversation with Jamar and he wanted to target Kyle she pointed out why that isn't a good idea.

Conversation continued. They are talking about the HOH comp, who was targeting who, and how they came in 1st and 2nd and that could be bad for them.

Brooke and Sheldon talking about who to put up as a pawn if Maddie or Rianne come down. They mention they want Rianne out over Maddie.

John Luke and Maddie talking about the HOH comp. Maddie says she didn't cry when she lost but she cried when Sheldon offered her Wendy's. Minh put 10 balls in Angie's. Kyle shoved the Have Not room door open because he was so mad.

Kyle, Chris, Vanessa and Sue talking about the HOH comp. They are wondering why Jamar targeted them (Kyle and Sue). Kyle says Minh told him that Jamar isn't really with their alliance.


March 12, 2020


Minh and Chris have a check-in in the storage room. Minh says that "they" (The Evictors) think 3 people are running the house. She doesn't know who the 3rd is (Vanessa). They laugh about no one knowing Minh was behind the plan this week.

Sheldon is filling in Vanessa on the "rogue vote by Carol" conspiracy. Vanessa is confused by what she gains by doing so.

Micheal is attempting to campaign to Jamar again. They are saying again that the only way Kyle can be beat in comps is by a guy. That Brooke is "too nice" to do it. Jamar says he was pitching for Micheal to stay last night (he wasn't) Micheal If Brooke just leaves it's easy.

Vanessa has taken it upon herself to get to the bottom of the Carol vote situation and is talking to her on the balcony outside of the bedrooms. Vanessa tells Carol that Jamar told Brooke that she is contemplating switching. Carol says she's not switching.

Vanessa and Carol both express concerns that Brooke never campaigned to either of them. Carol then goes to Brooke and makes her look her in the eyes and says that Brooke 100% has her vote.

Hira and Minh check in and they are discussing if she should gun for HOH (She feels like she is in a good position in the house). She says that she is only worried about Kyle, Jamar and even Sue. Hira says he is gunning for everything. Says she won't "Touch the block"

Hira tells Micheal again that he doesn't have the votes. That Carol is "weirdly" close to Vanessa and Minh (They do have a F3). Micheal says He would like Hira's vote "out of respect" and That Jamar told him that he would "probably" vote for Micheal for respect.


March 12, 2020


Susanne and Jamar are discussing votes with Brooke in the Comic Book room. They figure the vote will be 9-3 for Brooke to stay. Jamar says anything different and he will "turn up" on the HGs that vote against Brooke. Angie arrives, she's annoyed by Micheal's campaigning

Jamar checks in with Chris in the HOH. They appear to say that things are going according to plan. They "bro hug." Carol arrives in the HOH for a check-in as well.

Madeline tells Micheal that "Jams" is the one that he needs to get to have the other dominoes fall, like Hira. He asks if she thinks Carol's on board. John Luke joins them at the Dining Room table.

John Luke and Micheal say it's him this week, John Luke next week. They say they hope Maddy can "reintergrate" herself. They are still calling the other HGs cowards. Hira and Kyle join. Hira sat in the seat that Kyle was sitting in and Kyle is very rude to him.

Vanessa and Jamar have a quick game talk and discuss votes in the Comic Book (Anime) room. Then Jamar cam talks. Claiming he is controlling the game and has Vanessa ready to flip on her "ride or die"

Brooke tells Sheldon and Susanne that Jamar told her that Carol wants to flip the vote or throw a rogue vote.

After talking to Sheldon and Susanne, Brooke joins Angie, Hira and Carol on the upstairs balcony. All of them are talking about they are 100% voting for Brooke to stay. Carol specifically says Brooke has been by her side for the whole game. They talk rogue votes.


March 12, 2020


Sheldon and John Luke discuss the upcoming HOH comp. They feel like if it's just based on straight facts from that board in the Expedia room, that it's between the 2 of them and Vanessa. They hope it's not random. They discuss that Minh is the only wildcard HOH

Sheldon and Brooke had discussed talking to John Luke to "pull him in" with them yesterday and Sheldon is doing that this AM. Sheldon tells John Luke that he and Brooke can't see any reason to target John Luke and John Luke says the same.

John Luke tells Sheldon that he would be a good ally to have, that he can win comps, play in veto, etc. Sheldon says that he thinks that the 4 weren't an actual alliance until they were put together by the rest of the house.

John Luke and Sheldon discuss that they would both be welcome in a future HOH room either would have, along with Brooke, "Jams" and Hira. They say this week was very odd compared to what they have seen the HOH be in previous years, not a hang out spot. Discussion ends.


March 11, 2020


We see a recap of Chris winning HoH, Kyle pitching to Chris an alliance with Sheldon and to get rid of Michael. We see a showmance blossoming between Michael and Madeline. We see the nomination ceremony and Chris putting up Brooke and Hira as his pawns and Michael as his target. Tonight, well se the PoV competition and the veto ceremony!

We pick up from the end of the nomination ceremony and hugs being given and its Day 7. Chris says Brooke and Hira are pawns, but he wants to take out Michael because hes in a clique with John Luke, Madeline, and Rianne. No way was he going to put Michael on the block and give him a chance to go after veto.

Susanne says her and Chris are close because of week 1 and this week shes in the know. Brooke says shes on the block and this is not an ideal situation. She says Chris told her she was a pawn, and she does believe him, but anything can happen. Pawns do go home.

Hira says being on the block sucks and we see Chris telling him to stay calm and cool. Hira says Big Brother is all about building relationships and he and Chris didnt build one. He was an easy nomination for him. The only way he can control his destiny right now is to win PoV. He�s going to win. 100%. Hes in the color comics bedroom and hes hyping himself up. He says this is what we came here for. Youll see.

Chris gives Brooke a hug and he comforts her. Brooke says Chris is an alpha bro and that is a personality irritates her. She hates having to kiss his butt, but shell do what she has to do. Chris tells Brooke to stay relaxed and calm and let other people have their drama and she can sleep like a baby.

Minh-ly is going to visit the HoH room. Minh-ly says Chris has let her know about the backdoor plan, but she wants to make sure no one in his alliance wins veto. Susanne joins them and Minh-ly tells them she wants to get one of the four out. Chris tells them to not be worried. Minh-ly says she is concerned if one of them wins veto, they might not use the veto. Minh-ly suggests Chris tell them theres a backdoor plan to get rid of her so if they do win, theyll use the veto thinking Chris is going to nominate Minh-ly.

Hira goes to talk to Chris in the HoH and Chris tells Hira he is safe this week. He tells him theres a backdoor plan, but not who the target is. Chris says he doesnt care if Hira leaks the plan because hell set up that Minh-ly is the backdoor plan. Hira says hes on board.

Kyle is trying pick up lines on Rianne. He asks if shes single and she says yes, Im single. Kyle says this isnt going well. Lets start again. Hi my name is Kyle. I noticed youre here alone. Do you want to get a drink? Rianne says thats your pickup line. Carol is encouraging Rianne to pick up Kyle. Rianne says she doesnt do this! She says to Kyle can I by you a drink?

Madeline wants to talk to Chris and shes so thankful that none of her alliance members are on the block this week. They go to the HoH room and Madeline says she respects his mom and she wants to know who he wants to go home or is this a backdoor plan? Chris says Hira and Brooke arent dangerous, so hes thinking Minh-ly. Madeline asks if he is for sure using it on Minh-ly? He says yeah. She says she likes that. Chris says he does communication and persuasion for a living. He doesnt see it as lying, but he cant risk her having an alliance and being loyal to other guys.

Minh-ly is talking to Jamar and she says he isnt giving her anything. Minh-ly needs to know if she can trust him. Minh-ly says she has a lot of secrets and Jamar asks who she is. She says I dont know. Well find out. He wants a preview and she puts her hood up and hes waiting and they stare at each other. She says Im waiting and he says for what? She says what do you think? Jamar leans in for a kiss and then says thats all she gets for now. Minh-ly says youre going to ration me? She wants five more minutes and he says hell give her five more seconds and behind her back he puts up a this rocks symbol. Bed time and Minh-ly heads out first leaving Jamar to laugh on the couch and look at the camera.

Jamar is in the airport room with Susanne and Minh-ly. He farts and Susanne says is that going to smell and Jamar leaves. Minh-ly says hes rude and hes always telling her to cook him stuff. Susanne says Minh-ly is full of sass and she wants her to teach her how to say no. Minh-ly says hey Sue, fill my water and she says no fill it yourself. Minh-ly smiles and nods and Susanne says thats empowering.

Chris has Michael and John Luke in the HoH and he is telling them that Minh-ly is the biggest threat to the guys and the biggest target in the house and he pitches backdooring her. John Luke asks if Minh-ly wins if he is worried about the two targets on the block and Chris says no. Chris says their jaws will drop when they find out the actual plan hes carrying out.

John Luke and Michael go to Rianne and they tell her about the Minh-ly backdoor plan. John Luke says hes confident that whoever uses the veto will pull someone off and thats a super smart plan. Rianne says thats good. Madeline joins and they are creating a secret handshake where they stand in a square and spin out with The Evictors symbol showing.

John Luke talks to Madeline and says babies are like pets, but dumber. Chris comes out and its time to pick players for the veto competition! Only five people will participate in the competition, the two nominees and three people drawn at random. HoH is not eligible to compete. Chris is preferring not to have Michael play in this veto. Chris draws Vanessa. Brooke draws Carol. Hira draws Madeline. Chris says it wasnt perfect Madeline was picked, but the plan is solid and hes confident shell use the veto if she wins. Susanne will host the competition.

Madeline is so excited to get picked, but Chris is a little sketchy. She doesnt know if she should gun for this veto or not. Madeline goes to talk to Michael and she says she doesnt know if she trusts Chris. She says if she wins, then its best to keep them the same. Susanne comes in and says Minh-ly is going home this week. Susanne says Madeline and Michael are kind of sketched out and its her job to keep them calm. Michael says he knows Chris threw his name out earlier and he doesnt know if Chris is trustworthy. Susanne says Chris has been solid with her that he wants Minh-ly out. Susanne says if Maddy wins the veto, they need her to use.

Its time for the veto comp and we see dog sleds and fish name tags for each of the players. Susanne is dressed as a penguin. The first PoV is called Sleigh the Veto. They will crawl over to an icy pond and bob for a fish using only their mouth. Once they get all 20 fish, they will clear some snow off and reveal a puzzle. But theyll have more fish than they need so theyll need to be careful. Once they think they have it, then they can hit their button and the first to do it wins PoV!

Vanessa is on board with the backdoor plan and she wants to win. Brooke recaps the rules and everyone is moving. Brooke wants to win because she didnt come here to be a block warmer. She came to make moves. Madeline says this is not only physically challenging, but mentally challenging too. Shes exhausted. Hira says this PoV is extremely important. He wants this veto! Hira is off to a lead and Vanessa is right on his tail.

Vanessa says shes working with Kyle, Sheldon, and Brooke and shed love to take Brooke down. Carol says this is the most ridiculous things shes ever done in her life. She says this water is real cold, like take your breath away cold. Jamar wants to hold hands with Minh-ly and he tells us they have to keep each other warm. Minh-ly says they are only holding hands because Jamar is trying to get attention and shes board.

Brooke looks like shes tiring out. She says shes not the poster child for physical fitness. Shes more of a read by herself kind of chick. Michael says its tough not to be part of this competition, but he loves cheering for Madeline. Vanessa has collected all of her fish and shes starting her puzzle. Hira says Vanessa is a beast and it lights a fire in him. Hira has now collected his fish. They have to memorize the order of the fish and the colours and its not easy. Madeline is now starting her puzzle.

Vanessa has 7 fish up so far. Kyle is rooting for Vanessa. Susanne reminds everyone to make sure they have their fish in the right spot. Brooke looks down at Vanessa and shes still collecting fish. Hira is moving some of his fish around. ITs anyones game!

Vanessa and Hira are neck and neck in the competition. Madeline is starting on her puzzle. Hira has all his fish on the rack, but is he correct? He hits his button and he is not correct. Madeline is still working. Hira makes a few changes and hits his button and is wrong again. Vanessa is going back to continue putting fish up. Hira makes a few more changes and he hits his button and he has won the PoV!

Hira says when he gets a chance to compete, hes a competitor. They underestimated him and they shouldnt do it again. Brooke says shes happy for Hira, but she cant help but think if anyone else had won she would have been taken down. But she is still sitting comfortable with the backdoor plan. Hira says this is exactly what he was hoping for and theyll see now he will go really hard. John Luke goes and congratulates Hira.

Kyle tells Minh-ly to be ready for the fireworks and she says shes ready. Kyle says Hira will pull himself off and Chris will put Michael up. Kyle says he doesnt trust Minh-ly but he sure needs her this week. Minh-ly loves this as a big move for their season. Minh-ly says Kyle is shady and he has a good social game. She needs him this week for the plan, but after that he needs to go.

We see Madeline and Michael in the swamp. Michael says he wishes they could lock the doors. Madeline says he is a breath of fresh air for her game. She hopes they get to know each other better while in the house. She is cuddling up with him and she goes over the list of things she wants in a guy. He has to be loyal and responsible and love animals and family oriented. Michael says Madeline takes his mind off the game and he definitely has a crush on her.

Its Day 10 and Rianne calls everyone to the living room. They have the four have-nots on one couch. For one of them, life as they know it is about to change for the better. Thanks to Skip the Dishes, Canada has been voting to save one of the have-nots. This person will win themselves a delicious meal of their choice which will be delivered right to their door. This person will also get to skip the slop for the rest of the week. The have-not Canada has decided to save isVanessa!

Vanessa gets emotional and she tells us shes so happy. She thanks Canada. It means so much to her. Shes scrolling through her meal options. She says slop has been a challenge, shes so hungry. She says shes just a fisherman from PI. We see Kyle getting slop and the door rings and Vanessa runs upstairs. She says this is by far the best thing she could have won yet.

Sheldon is talking to Michael and John Luke and they are talking about Minh-ly. John Luke says she has no clue but she brought it on herself. Sheldon says he cant believe Michael doesnt understand how hard everyone is playing around him.

Vanessa and Carol and Minh-ly are in the hot tub. Minh-ly is hoping the plan is to backdoor and get Michael out the door. Minh-ly says she wants the four out, but Kyle needs to go. Minh-ly says she will nominate Angie and Madeline, but shes going to backdoor Kyle. Vanessa says does Minh-ly not know me and Kyle are tight? Minh-ly tells them not to tell anyone.

Vanessa says she has to tell Kyle because hes like her brother. Kyle goes to talk to Chris and tells him Minh-ly wants to backdoor him next week and hes going to grab Vanessa and Susanne and Vanessa fills them in on Minh-lys plan to backdoor Kyle. Chris says lets just think of numbers. Chris says he has Carol and Angie 100% locked down and he has Jamar in his pocket. Chris says Minh-ly is one person, but the others are in four person alliance. Lets destroy the alliance and take the head of the snake out, then we can worry about Minh-ly.

PoV Ceremony is today. Hira stands at the front of the living room and he has decided to use the power of veto on himself. He says its not easy being on the block, but hes glad it gave him a chance to compete and show them hes here to play hard. Chris now has to name a replacement nominee.

Chris says they are all amazing human beings and hes proud to get ot know them. He wants to make a decision representative of what the house really wants. It became apparent that a clique was formed early and the house was concerned about it. So Michael have a seat. This PoV ceremony is now complete.

Madeline says Chris is a liar. He lied to everyone. Michael calls him a coward. He says if hes just going to let this happen, hes in for a shock. Madeline says Chris is a liar and next week hell be on the block. She doesnt care what it takes. Chris says hell get lots of information this week and hell just sit back and watch it happen


March 11, 2020


Brooke has told Minh why she was upset with her (making comments about B not being real), and Minh assures her that she was just joking and didn't think of it like that. Minh knows how Brooke feels, because Sheldon has been doing it to her.

Minh tells Brooke that she had to tell Jamar to stop joking around with her around other people she knows not everyone gets who they are and she's worried it will start annoying the other HGs.

Minh is telling Brooke that she can talk through things with the psychiatrist and she'll feel better. He's really helped Minh stay calm. Minh feels good about the BB experience because her dad is a psychic and told her new and great opportunities are coming.

Brooke re-telling her convo with Minh to Carol. Carol I thinks she's had a hard life and she's bring that experience in here to play the game

Brooke relaying to Sheldon that Minh wants to talk to him because of things she' heard him say she doesn't like

Sheldon goes to talk to Minh. Minh.I'm mad at you. Have at seat. Sheldon does not have a seat. Minh. There's a lot of things you say in public that make me look bad. I don't like it

Sheldon tells Minh I do that a lot with a lot people but if you want me to stop I will. Sorry if I make you feel weird (Editor's note: Minh wanted to intimidate Sheldon. It didn't work)

And Sheldon exits the room

Sheldon relays to Brooke Carol & Vanessa his convo with Minh. I told her I joke sarcastically with people in public all the time but I'll stop with you. V-She can dish it but she can't take it. B- She's a complicated woman

Brooke to Sheldon (assuming Micheal is going home) I think JL feels he needs to align somewhere else other than with the girls ( Rianee & Maddie). S- I'm going to talk to him tonight

Minh to Vanessa- If Jamar is going to start flirting with everyone I feel I need to distance myself from him because I don't want to feel disrespected

Big Brother Voice: "Goodnight HGs. Sleep well." (It usually takes them awhile to straggle off to bed unlike previous seasons)

Kyle gives goodnight hugs to some of the HGs including 2 of his HN room mates Maddie & Micheal. "I'll see you in there" (the Swamp)

The HGs are starting to mill around and get ready for bed

Hira & Ri in Expedia studying the Arrival/Departure Board that Big Brother put in there earlier today. All the HGs think it's part of tomorrow night's HOH Comp

Chris thanks Brooke for being a good sport this week while being OTB and they hug it out before bed


March 11, 2020


Sheldon and Brooke are laughing about the fact that Jamar, Hira and Sue all think they're the 5th to their 4 with Kyle and Vanessa

Chris stops by the Brooke/Shel chat.. He tells Shel he loves when he sees Shel smile, pats him on the back and goes on his way. Sheldon: I have never in my life met someone like Chris. They laugh and say they're season is wild, but the think the feeds suck.. Do they?

Chris plans to go flirt with Ness (he has a crush).. Ange: You never flirt with me! Chris: I tell you look pretty when you're dolled up I'm a gentleman. Jams give her tips on flirting.. "you've had an empty bed for 2 days, you didn't invite me"

Brooke and Sue are checking in.. Brooke is sketched out by Minh she keeps trying to make Brooke look shady. Brooke thinks it's getting worse because Jams is flirting with her now. Brooke knows that Minh intuitively doesn't trust her. Sue wants Minh out next week.

Hira is telling Mike that he doesn't have a chance tomorrow. He thought they could get Minh, but he realizesnshe's working with Ness and the two of them don't trust Kyle.Mike assures him he has Carol.. But Hira stressed he doesn't have Jams. Mike thinks Ange is the flop.

Jamar is chirping Maddie about her showmance with Mike. Maddie don't give me those eyes in bed! Minh will hate me, she loves you. Jams: everyone loves me, not my problem. BB calls Maddie to DR.. Maddie: C*ckblockers! This isn't the showmance they want.

They want to study but are mainly talking about Disney movies and how they have made changes due to racism. Kyle really wants them to do the Little Mermaid, Ness and JL tell him they are, with a very talented and beautiful African American girl from Broadway.

Chris and Angie are talking about flirting and relationships. Angie says she's usually shy, but vacation Ange is very inappropriate and assertive.


March 11, 2020


Mike Rianne and Maddie working Jamar again for his vote. J tells them he wants to vote to keep Mike. (He is not). They say tell Angie & Hira because they want to vote with the house

Carol & Minh are in the colorful bedroom. Minh tells carol how she read a lot of books like Robert Green before she came in the house.

Jamar joins Minh and Carol in the color bedroom. Jamar tells Minh how Micheal and them are throwing out that they had Minh's vote. Minh gets up set about people putting words in her mouth. and they all discuss how they are not going to vote for Micheal to stay.

Jamar asks Carol if she likes Kyle and she tells him as a person yes. But in the game he is probably the biggest threat and Jamar tells her that thats what most people are telling him.

Hira and Sue are quizing each other on the cities and times from the board while Jamar lays in another bed in the colorful BR

Brooke and Kyle on the Blue Coach upstairs. Brooke is telling Kyle that her family told her to not let her dad know that there are live feeds, not to give him the link to find them.

Hira Sue and Jamar are all in the color BR discussing who is a bigger target JL or Kyle for next week. Sue thinks that JL should leave before Kyle

Jamar is telling Hira that they arent thinking clearly and that they are afraid to get Kyle out. Sue leaves to go get Sheldon and Vanessa so they can further discuss. Jamar says that JL isn't a threat to anyone. Kyle is more of a threat.

Minh and Vanessa join in with the group in the color RM and they jump to act like they are studying the flight numbers and cities for the upcoming comp.

Chris is helping Ness visually remember the flight board. He charted them all in his head and would put the destination letters into separate boxes. They both seem to know it well, especially Chris.

Carol is telling Mike and Maddie some of her back story. She's ordained (which she loves rubbing in her mom's face), she does stand up comedy, and a talk show. Mike asks if she would do a podcast, she's thought about it but cancer set her back so maybe in the future.

Carol is talking about how she met her wife, who was 3 months pregnant at the time. She did a lot of soul searching, it scared her a lot, but she thinks the universe brought it to her. They decided to be parents first and have fallen more in love every day.

Everyone - minus the Evictors, Carol and Minh - have agreed to not throw rogue votes tomorrow. They're sure it will be a 9-3 vote.

Shel is filling Brooke in on everyone wanting Kyle out - Shel says he might tell Kyle that Hira that H is going after K. They think they're good with JL. Brooke asks Shel for his rankings of HGs: 1- Brooke 2- Kyle 3 - He says it's hard between Jam and Sue.

Shel is asking Brooke if she thinks it's a good idea to pull JL aside and say "we don't tell anyone, but we don't put each other up til jury". Brooke responds she's basically already done that. They both think JL won't put them up. Shel hopes Chris goes next, not Kyle.


March 11, 2020


Jamar talking to the camera. It starts with are you bored? give me a mission. Ends with Canada wasn't ready for me.

Micheal tells Maddie he might reenlist in the military. He asks her if she would move to Petawawa. She asks where's that? He says Ontario. She asks what's that? He says a military base. She asks am I going to be a military wife?

Jamar tells the camera he's running the house. He runs through who he is with.

Maddie tells Micheal if there is a battle back she would throw it so he could win and go back in the house. He nods. He says his only goal would be to take out Kyle.

Micheal tells Maddie to watch what he does when Chris comes out. She asks what he'll do. He says something funny. I think. This is what he does.

Kyle asks Jamar if he would back door Minh. Jamar says no Kyle says not in the game Jamar says no Feeds cut in that room

Feeds come back. Minh asks how they would feel if they were on the block. Minh says Kyle would turn up, she would turn up, Jamar would turn up. Kyle says he would tough to beat in veto that week. Jamar says he would tell everything he knows if he went up.

Kyle telling MInh and Jamar how Micheal thinks he orchestrated the whole thing of backdooring Mike.


March 11, 2020


Kyle comes into the kitchen and Maddy starts crying saying that this (losing mike) is so hard. Kyle says he knows his role this week was to be sinister. Maddy says she glad he owned up to to after the fact

Kyle is telling Maddy that he was not the one who master minded it, it just looked like he executed and hes no puppet master. Kyle goes back to the day the four was talking upstairs and everyone door stairs could see them checking the door to make sure no one was there

Kyle asks Maddy who is the HOH? and says that if HE was HOH his move would have been direct and not Mike

Rianne, Angie, and Susanne are talking about the food the like to eat, and vegetable they dont

Kyle and Maddy are still talking. Kyle says at the end of the say i lay my head down and know ive done everything i can to better my game. Maddy says i'm here to play an honest game and get to know ppl and be the best person that I can be

Kyle is bringing the conversation back around to Chris and MAddy says she heard that Chris only put up Mike bc he (Chris) has a crush on Maddy. Kyle says he doesn't know anything about that, just that he didn't puppet master mike leaving

Sheldon. Brooke, Jamar, Minh, and Vanessa are in the Expedia room watching the screes.

Maddy, Mike and Rianne are analyzing the conversation Maddy just had with Kyle

Susanne joins Chris and gives him and big hug in his bed, and the Chris starts demonstrating his memorization skills and going over everything he remembers off the board. Chris says he will go over everything with Susanne later

Mike is telling Rianne, Maddy, and Angie in the kitchen that his friend said mike was going to either go out first or make it final 3. Maddy says well technically that not true bc of Nico's self eviction and they laugh

Rianne leave the kitchen to go back to study. Angie says there is a point when one studies to much and everything just starts to blur together. Mike says he only has one more day to live

Maddie tells Micheal he should talk to Carol. He doesn't think it will help.


March 11, 2020


Jamar and Susanne are chatting on the LR couches. Jamar calls Minh out for grilling him. Susanne whipsers that she (Minh) is always grilling them when they are talking to each other.

Jamar says right now its himself, Sue, Hira, Sheldon, and Brooke working together. They need to string along Chris and Minh for the tinme being. Sue says Minh will back stab them in a second. Jamar thinks he and Minh are playing a game of "who can get the other out 1st.

Jamar and Sue are talking about Kyle - they say he has been spreading some mistrust around the house b/c he has been sketchy and lying a lot. Rianne joins them for some "human talk" and the game talk ends. Sue leaves and Ri says she feels like everyone is avoiding her.

Maddy and Mike are talking in the NEW Maui Room talking about Mike's Nana and Maddy says she can't wait to meet her

Sheldon, rianne, and Brooke are chatting in the HN room. they are quizzing each other with the flight information that was on the board in the Expedia room earlier

Mike and Maddy are hugging in the Maui Room, Mike is feeling very defeated, but MAddy says they will def hang out after the show. and they both that each other for being there as a support system, mike leaves to go to the bathroom

JL joins Maddy in the Maui room and says they house was already dirty and now ppl are going to be tracking sand every where

Maddy says to JL and Mike that she want to go make pancakes, JL says that another thing about the cancelled planes was that some were in white and some were in red. Maddy says she will study after pancakes

HNR group has dispersed, Sheldon and Angie hug Rianne bc she is crying. Rianne says shes having a rough day

Mike, Maddy, and JL are in the kitchen and Mike asks what can he do? he wants to shoot and fight, Maddy says not to do that. the Mike says its his moms B-day is tomorrow

Susanne and Rianne are chatting. Rianne is stressing studying and Susanne says there are only 5 boards to memorize and is giving her studying advice


March 11, 2020


Maddie and Micheal are in the new Maui room talking about their game play so far. Most of the other HGs are in the Expedia room studying the departure and arrival board that just recently appeared there.

Micheal asks Jamar if he "gets the power of veto will he use it on him". Jamar says no doubt. Mike tells Jamar that he wishes he could stay and fight for him. Jamar tells him he wishes he (Micheal) was on his side so he could fight for him to stay.

Some of the HGs have been referencing a POV that they might be able to win from the new additions to the house (the Maui room and/or the departure/arrival board). Micheal is curious to know who will win. Maddie thinks they will win a trip too.

Jamar is sharing what he has learned from the departure/arrival board with Maddie and Micheal. Jams and Maddie are comparing notes.

Jamar heads back to the Expedia room to continue studying. Maddie tells Micheal that she doesn't even know what Jamar was talking about - she is shocked that he knows so much info from the departure/arrival board, She says this sucks.

Micheal says he is flattered that he threatens Kyle so much. He says it sucks that the season is supposed to be 93 days long and he will only make it to day 14. Hira joins them in the Maui room.

Jamar and Minh-Ly are talking in the BR. Minh wants to know who Jamar has been talking sh*t to about her. He tells her no one. She asks him if she will be able to watch the show back without getting mad at him. He says yes - says that he's real with her.

Minh-Ly questions Jamar on the departure/arrival times. She then questions him whether anyone has been talking badly about her. She thinks he has been telling other HGs that he would put her on the block. He admits that he has, but it was only strategical.

Jamar wants to know who told Minh-Ly that he had been throwing her name around. He asks if she has been talking to Vanessa - says she seems to be close to Vanessa.

Minh-ly says she has her own back in this game. Jamar says he wants be her number 1. She says he has to show her loyalty - like Chris did this week by carrying out the plan he brought to her. Minh wants Jamar to promise to save her if ever she is in danger.

Minh/Jamar agree to be each others number 1s. Minh tells him not to talk sh*t. Jamar tells her not to tell Vanessa & Kyle anything. Minh asks for a real kiss to seal the deal. Jamar obliges, but then immediately washes his face after she leaves - says he will cut her ass.

Sheldon joined Maddie and Micheal in the Maui room. He doesnt want them to feel isolated. Maddie says she feels like she is in the dark with the whole house.

Sheldon says that at the beginning of the week, either himself or Micheal was getting backdoored, which is why he told them not to use the POV if they won. Then by the middle of the week he was pretty sure Minh-Ly was the BD option.

Sheldon says when they were walking to the POV ceremony, Brooke told him what was going to happen and he was shocked. He didn't know what to do in the moment because he didn't feel safe -he thought he might still be a BD option.


March 11, 2020


Madeline tells Micheal that Rianne Hira and her cant do that and that they don't want to kiss the other sides buts. They are all discussing why the ones in the middle wouldn't want to vote to keep Micheal.

feeds have been down for lil. In the meantime do you love Big Brother as much as we do? Do you watch the *FREE* live feeds?Do you think that its to late to become an up-dater? Do you want to join an amazing group of live feed up-daters?? Look no further!!! Comm below

Feeds return and we have a new room it seems check it out. Rianne tells Angie someone is going to go to Maui, and are talking about memorizing things for maybe the next comp??

Carol is now in the room scoping things out. Angie is in there with her. carol is taking her shoes off and feeling around in the sand on the floor. She apologizes to BB for destroying there room.

Angie joins in searching and Jamar comes in and tells the girls that he found it in his room behind the cheese, & that he gets to take a guest and they have 24 hours to convince him who to take. adding that Minh is disqualified.

The other HG are all sitting and watching the arrival and departure board.

Carol had joined the group watching the board. Chris Micheal, & Angie are in the beach room.

Micheal asked Angie if she is going to memorize the board, she says no. that she thinks the Maui room is more important plus they arent going to ask about everything from the board. before she gets called to the DR

Seems the HG think there is a power of veto hidden somewhere. Micheal and Madeline are checking the pillows in the Maui room. Micheal says its the Maui veto


March 11, 2020


Vanessa, Carol, Minh by the hot tub. Minh tells them Jamar is playing his own game. She says that when she told Sue that, Sue was freaked out and she knows Sue feels and is guilty.

Minh says Sue is Jamar's little bit*h. She says Sue is a sketchy, paranoid liar that makes deals with everyone in the house

Minh She says that word got out who her real target is and she needs to cover own ass. (Kyle) Minh asks Vanessa who she thinks told Kyle she wanted to back-door him.

Vanessa tells Minh that no one even knows. Carol says Kyle apologized to her yesterday, but questions how he knew he needed to do that. Minh asks Vanessa if she has ever been in on any conversations about her and Kyle.

Vanessa says they need to figure out who that could even be. Minh says Jamar told her he would like to backdoor Kyle.

Minh says how they should be able to reel in Maddie and JL. Vanessa says Carol and Minh are in a better position to do that.

Minh says Jamar came up to her last night and told her to ask Vanessa about Kyle. Vanessa says she has to be careful about Kyle in order to save face. Minh and Carol says they have to trust each other that they could be F3. Vanessa says they need to keep Chris.

Minh says she would get out Angie, Kyle. Carol and Vanessa say one of the 4, probably Rianne. Minh starts talking about Sue, she says that Sue is obvious and a nervous wreck. Carol says it's suspicious she is talking to Micheal. Vanessa says Sue is close with Chris.

Sue comes out to the hot tub area. The other three switch to talking about Angie and where she's voting.

Sue and Minh leave the hot tub area and move to the hall. Minh is repeating her conversation in the storage room. Sue says she would rather Minh come to her, she is trying to protect both of them.

Minh tells Sue she heard that Chris is wavering with Kyle. Sue says Chris is not a huge fan of the way Kyle lied. Minh says she wants to keep Chris, that she wants him in jury. They both agree Chris is loyal.

Minh says she doesn't want Maddie, JL, Rianne or Angie in jury, that they would be bitter. Minh tells Sue she wants to trust her, that they need to have these kind of talks more often.

Both Minh and Sue agree they need to wait on evicting Kyle, but Minh says she is nervous because someone told Kyle she wanted to backdoor him. Minh mentions Jamar, and how he told her he wanted to backdoor Kyle as well.

Minh tells Sue that Maddie, Rianne and JL told her Chris was a puppet and she thinks they were talking about Kyle being the mastermind. Minh says everyone knows Kyle has to go in order for any of them to win.

Sue assures Minh she is safe next week if she gets power. Minh tells Sue what she told Micheal about calling a house meeting.

Minh is moving around the house. She's talked to Brooke about how they need to get power, and to JL about Kyle. Minh, speaking with JL asks him what he thinks about her.

JL tells Minh he wants her in jury, and that he didn't want to backdoor her. JL says Kyle told him Minh is making alliances with the whole house. Minh proposes a loose alliance with JL. JL asks about Kyle. Minh says Kyle is dangerous long term.

Minh is talking about how she finds women attractive and sexy. Bu that she came out as Bi sexual but then realized she wasn't. whoever she is speaking with cant see on the feeds said they are "open"

Hira tells Maddie and Micheal that no one in the 4 are on his (Hira's) list. Maddie and Hira both agree they won't target people who are straight up with them.

Hira leaves. Micheal says he does not understand how Vanessa can be so vicious.

Brooke and Angie in the BR. Brooke says she wants to keep the perspective that they are all good people, but people who expect others to not compromise in the game as they would in the outside world, means you are morally superior. Angie emphatically agrees.

Brooke asks Angie how she is, and they discuss how they are reluctant to get into a showmance, and that it's not smart. Both agree there are no suitable prospects in the house.

Brooke tells Angie the Micheal confrontation has helped her trust Chris more, even though he put her on the block. Brooke says she feels more comfortable with everyone this week.

Hira enters the BR while Angie and Brooke are talking about floaters. Hira says there are always floaters, and Carol says that no matter what Chris did, he wouldn't be seen as one.

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March 11, 2020


Angie and Carol are talking in the Superhero bedroom. Carol is saying Micheal does not have the votes to stay. Angie says she doesn't think it's smart for Rianne to vote Brooke out.

Carol and Angie say Micheal's argument with the Kyle the night before did not help Micheal, that he kept throwing people's names out. This made him look untrustworthy.

Angie tells Carol that when Minh suggested Micheal start a confrontation, the 4 said they would never do that, and they did anyway. Carol: Never listen to Minh.

Angie says that losing Brooke would hurt her game. Angie says she can get emotional support from Brooke. Carol agrees. Both agree they don't feel included in the 4.

Jamar comforts Rianne. Jamar says he is going to work out, he has to fit in with the dudes.

Jamar moves to the kitchen to comfort Maddie. Maddie tells Jamar he is not a villian, that he's too nice to her. Jamar says super heroes never win.

Micheal and Minh in the Black and White Bedroom. Micheal says his talk with Vanessa was a fake thing. He's lamenting losing votes. He thinks Carol and Vanessa are paranoid.

Micheal thinks he has 5 votes. Minh says he shouldn't have let Kyle start the confrontation. She is still trying to get Micheal to have a house meeting, to be the one in control.

Micheal says he's sad Madeline and JL are being hurt. He wishes Minh the best. Micheal leaves the bedroom.

Sue and Minh in the storage room. Minh tells Sue she doesn't have to lie to her, that she sees how Sue and (Kyle?) talk game. Sue wants to know why Minh doesn't trust her.

Sue says she's only asking who would this person vote for if they got HOH. (So, I don't think it's Kyle). Minh says she is not dumb and doesn't appreciate it it when she asks Sue something and Sue doesn't tell her.

Sue says she doesn't understand what Minh means by talking game. Minh says she sees them whispering together. Minh says she (Sue) should be straight up with her. (Sorry, the camera came in the middle of the conversation, and I did not get a name. Jamar comes in).

The conversation ends and they leave the storage room. Hira, Maddie, Jamar, Rianne, Micheal in the LR. Jamar gets called to the Diary room. Maddie tells Hira she doesn't want to say the other side has bad people, but they are bad people.


March 11, 2020

📢Good Wednesday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢

It's Day 12 🍁 of 71

A perceived broken promise set off a clash of egos and words in the house.

The dispute began as Micheal and Chris argued once again about how and why Chris blindsided Micheal.

it says a lot about your character and you. If that is the confidence you have then that is the confidence you have,” said Micheal taking a dig at Chris’ character as they stood in the kitchen.

I am pretty confident in my character to be honest with you,” replied Chris smiling and finishing his snack at the counter as Micheal sat at it.

I wouldn’t make the decision if everyone wasn’t behind it so you can do whatever you want,” said Chris once again explaining why he nominated Micheal.

I don’t see the argument in not giving me the courtesy,” said Micheal still contending that Chris should have given him a warning that he was going to be nominated.

I don’t think there was any good time to tell you,” replied Chris.

It shows that you don’t care. You just don’t care,” claimed Micheal accusing Chris of wanting to purposely catch him by surprise, make a fool of him at the Veto Meeting.

If I told you an hour before it wouldn’t have mattered,” said Chris.

Everything good here, gentlemen?” asked Kyle sauntering over to take a seat at the counter directly across from Micheal.

You told me on your kids that you would vote to keep me,” said Micheal turning his attention to Kyle.

I would but just like I told John Luke, I heard that some of your alliance’s campaigns have been designed to drag me through the mud,” said Kyle also alleging that Micheal told Carol he was talking badly about her behind her back.

That is true,” Micheal admitted.

That is a personal thing, man. That is a strange thing to use in your campaign,” said Kyle shaking his head.

People will see it on TV. They will see how you flipped your opinion,” said Micheal.

I have flipped my opinion. I am telling you right now!” replied Kyle.

You know why, Kyle? Because after you promised on your kids to me that you would vote to keep me you went and told Maddy that if the house majority voted then you would be the flip vote,” argued Micheal.


March 11, 2020


Vanessa, Carol, Minh by the hot tub. Minh tells them Jamar is playing his own game. She says that when she told Sue that, Sue was freaked out and she knows Sue feels and is guilty.

Minh says Sue is Jamar's little bit*h. She says Sue is a sketchy, paranoid liar that makes deals with everyone in the house.

Minh She says that word got out who her real target is and she needs to cover own ass. (Kyle) Minh asks Vanessa who she thinks told Kyle she wanted to back-door him.

Vanessa tells Minh that no one even knows. Carol says Kyle apologized to her yesterday, but questions how he knew he needed to do that. Minh asks Vanessa if she has ever been in on any conversations about her and Kyle.

Vanessa says they need to figure out who that could even be. Minh says Jamar told her he would like to backdoor Kyle.

Minh says how they should be able to reel in Maddie and JL. Vanessa says Carol and Minh are in a better position to do that.

Minh says Jamar came up to her last night and told her to ask Vanessa about Kyle. Vanessa says she has to be careful about Kyle in order to save face. Minh and Carol says they have to trust each other that they could be F3. Vanessa says they need to keep Chris.

Minh says she would get out Angie, Kyle. Carol and Vanessa say one of the 4, probably Rianne. Minh starts talking about Sue, she says that Sue is obvious and a nervous wreck. Carol says it's suspicious she is talking to Micheal. Vanessa says Sue is close with Chris.

Sue comes out to the hot tub area. The other three switch to talking about Angie and where she's voting.

Sue and Minh leave the hot tub area and move to the hall. Minh is repeating her conversation in the storage room. Sue says she would rather Minh come to her, she is trying to protect both of them.

Minh tells Sue she heard that Chris is wavering with Kyle. Sue says Chris is not a huge fan of the way Kyle lied. Minh says she wants to keep Chris, that she wants him in jury. They both agree Chris is loyal.

Both Minh and Sue agree they need to wait on evicting Kyle, but Minh says she is nervous because someone told Kyle she wanted to backdoor him. Minh mentions Jamar, and how he told her he wanted to backdoor Kyle as well.

Minh tells Sue that Maddie, Rianne and JL told her Chris was a puppet and she thinks they were talking about Kyle being the mastermind. Minh says everyone knows Kyle has to go in order for any of them to win

Sue assures Minh she is safe next week if she gets power. Minh tells Sue what she told Micheal about calling a house meeting.

Minh is moving around the house. She's talked to Brooke about how they need to get power, and to JL about Kyle. Minh, speaking with JL asks him what he thinks about her.

JL tells Minh he wants her in jury, and that he didn't want to backdoor her. JL says Kyle told him Minh is making alliances with the whole house. Minh proposes a loose alliance with JL. JL asks about Kyle. Minh says Kyle is dangerous long term.

Minh is talking about how she finds women attractive and sexy. Bu that she came out as Bi sexual but then realized she wasn't. whoever she is speaking with cant see on the feeds said they are "open"

Madeline And Rianne discussing how you have to be fake in this game moving forward. and that its going to be hard because she is not that type of person.
Madeline telling Rianne she doesnt understand how the ones in the middle can vote Micheal out.

Rianne & Madeline asked each other how did Minh fly under the radar ???

Rianne is talking about how Chris told Carol this morning I heard you where going to flip carebear to Carol. And that Carol said she still is going to vote Micheal out but not to say anything to anyone.


March 11, 2020


Sheldon tells Brooke he's tired of the cute baby voice, he wants her sarcastic voice.

Brooke and Susanne have moved to the backyard couches to game talk. Brooke says that Minh is one of the people who think Brooke should be a target/Threat. Susanne says she thinks Minh will be a target for them, not right now. She will be a target ahead of them.

Brooke says that she likes the alliance but that they need to rein Kyle in. If they can't do that, they need to weigh the pros and cons or he will bring them all down. That they need to protect him at all cost, because he is a target ahead of them.

Brooke and Susanne say that pretty much anyone who gets HOH will probably BD Kyle. They said that Hira would make a big move and put him up outright. Susanne says that Chris is probably the better player to keep because he is a little more logical.

Rianne, Micheal and Madeline are talking on the couches in the living room. They are planning to talk to Carol, thinking she is a swing vote. Rianne says that the vote will be very close and that it could come down to Angie. Madeline says to talk to them inv. first

Maddie, Rianne, Hira, Micheal, Brooke are together. Maddie is doubting her ability to lie in the game, and is sad that Micheal may be leaving. Micheal is called to the diary room.

Jamar, Angie, Sue are in the bedroom. Sue and Carol are telling Jamar he has a big heart. JL walks in and Jamar is telling the others how Minh is obsessed with him. JL leaves.

Jamar leaves the room, and goes into the black and white bedroom. He tells Minh that JL is following everyone and being nosy. I think it's Minh in the bed, but she's buried under the covers and so I can't be sure.


March 11, 2020

Kyle, Carol, Minh and Brooke are chatting in the living room. Kyle is saying that The Evictors kept saying they wanted to go to Jury with Kyle and that it was BS that they would go after him ASAP. Minh continues to say who cares about jury? Vanessa has joined.

Brooke and Hira are whispering in the kitchen. It was difficult to know exactly who they were talking about but they were saying that Someone (Kyle?) would always be a big target, especially after how this week played out.

John Luke and Brooke are chatting on the upstairs couches. John Luke says he just is trying to lay low and figure out how he can blend back in after this week. He says he "feels bad for Mikey. He never had a chance. He played in 'basketwall' the stupidist competion ever"

Sheldon and Rianne are talking on the "backyard" couches. She asks him if she should just tell everyone she is voting for Micheal to stay and why...His answer is No. It could be used against her in the future.

Sheldon and Rianne are saying that Brooke is such a "Stand Up" person that they trust everything she says. Sheldon goes on to say that he even thinks she isn't campaigning enough or as hard as Micheal because she doesn't "have it in her" to go against him. Rianne agrees

Sheldon says that Kyle hasn't done anything to him personally in the game. He says that until he does, he's OK with him. However, he does see how Kyle is playing the game. Angie joins and talk turns to Rianne not feeling well and needing to wash sheets.

Brooke and John Luke are joined mid-convo. She is talking about next week. John Luke says he is going to make her an egg. He's never made eggs before. She says she'll eat it if it doesn't look like it will give her salmonella

John Luke is learning how to cook eggs. Jamar joins and says he's thinking about having KD for breakfast. Brooke: It's 9 in the morning? I'm not trying to sensor you.

Cooking lesson over, John Luke has joined Micheal and Madeline in the HN room. He is talking about how difficult this is because he is sitting alone a lot. He says he wishes he could do something for Micheal. Micheal says that he wishes he could do something for them.

Micheal and John Luke say they tried to do something but everyone lied to them. Madeline says that she's never seen a season where people have lied this much this soon. "Everyone just lies lies lies" Micheal and JL say that "there are just shitty people here"

Micheal leaves the HN room and John Luke says they can't roll over and die. That a lot can change in 24 hours. Madeline starts to cry after he leaves. They say they aren't changing their vote and won't go with the house.

John Luke says that if everyone is lying to them, they have to get info through Hira, Jamar. They are confused how everyone knew and everyone lied. They say Jamar "seemed" pissed. They don't understand if Jamar knew why he would say he's targeting Kyle.

Sheldon is recounting his conversation with Rianne to Brooke. About her vote, how it might effect her going forward and he says she was trying to campaign to him too.

Madeline has returned to the HN room sobbing about how she can't play the game and how she's probably seen as a weak player. She says she isn't good at the game and that Micheal has been her "rock" in the game.

John Luke says if he gets HOH next week he is going to use Chris' speech against him and turn it around on the others. Madeline says again that this is the only season that people have gotten "blood on their hands" this early.


March 11, 2020


Madeline and Chris are talking in the HOH, Chris tells her that the only people that didnt know about the backdoor plan were her, Rianne, Mike, and JL. He tells her to keep it between them. Madeline points out he already told everyone that though

Madeline is telling Chris that Kyle is talking to people that he thought was on his side. He keeps asking who "those people" are. He adds that he took the heat yesterday when everyone had grins on their faces. "You know Im a smart guy, right?"

Madeline threatens to call a house meeting if people keep lying to her face. She says Minh looked shocked but Chris tells her that Minh knew too. Chris mentions a DR session where he was asked about lying to Madeline and that people are lying to everyone. He told 3 lies

Chris says Madeline made a great point and she should have knew before. He says he knew it wouldnt go well, so there was no good time. Madeline says she isnt mad, but Chris will rewatch the season and see Kyle is a bully and is the puppetmaster of the season.

Chris mentions his connection to Madeline on day 2 and waited for her to reach out. Madeline asks why he didnt come to her then. He says again, he wouldnt have made the decision if the house wasnt on board. Madeline says she thinks Kyle influenced that, cut the strings

Madeline tells Chris that Kyle is saying mean things about him behind closed doors, take what Kyle says with a grain of salt. She says he is doing it with his own interest, not Chris's. She says she is telling him this because he is a good person

Chris says the benefit of making this move is seeing everyones cards and how they act. Madeline counters saying that he has to look at who is aligned with who. She isnt sure why Micheal wasnt given a heads up if Chris has no issue with him

Madeline goes back to Minh being so shocked by the backdoor. Chris tells her that Minh had the idea to backdoor Mike and that everyone knew and they are all lying to her. Madeline goes back to people lying to her face and that the trust is gone.

Chris is reminding her that everyone is acting and lying and was in on the backdoor plan, he knows that. He is getting the opportunity to see who is the best liar to predict who lies. Madeline still refuses to believe that no one is playing as honest of a game as she is

Madeline says she would walk out without winning and her head held high than be an a*****e liar, she doesnt want to preach that to her family. She says they are voting out the most honest person in the game, and letting him go before other people is a bad move

Chris says the game is cutting people from the house. Madeline says Chris cut the one person in the house that she had and sarcastically thanks him for that. She leaves the HOH and appears to be near tears

Madelne joins Micheal and other HGs including Minh the conversation she just had with Chris, including Minh being the originator. Madeline keeps saying she doesnt believe a word Chris said. Hira also says he didnt know, Minh agrees

Madeline tells Micheal, Minh, Hira, and Rianne that Chris just threw everyone under the bus and that Chris doesnt give people respect. Micheal says how does Chris expect to get jury votes if he is acting this way

Madeline says if everyone but the 4 knew then why is she even here if she has no chance possible. If she goes out for being honest, so be it, she doesnt care anymore

Madeline says last season Dane played the most honest game possible, but Minh corrects her and reminds her of the fake alliances and blindsides there. Madeline says that is true, but he didnt play by throwing the whole house under the bus

Minh tells Madeline that because Brooke is so weak comp wise, people know they need to get Micheal out to help their chances of getting the check. Madeline says that this house doesnt understand that, but Minh tells her that they do, thats what is happening.

JL has come in saying that during the argument Kyle said his closest allies are Chris, Sheldon, and Vanessa, and he will care about those three more than any of the others. They say if they get a group of 7 or 8 to vote to keep Micheal they can make it to jury at least

Kyle, Brooke, and Vanessa are in the HOH with Chris talking about the argument. Minh comes in after Micheal is called to the DR and the other talk breaks up

Minh confronts Chris about him telling Madeline that it was her idea to backdoor Micheal. Chris is acting all shocked like he didnt say these things

Madeline is crying and being comforted by Brooke and Angie. Sheldon walks up and is clarifying what happened with Madeline, who wants to talk with Minh

As soon as Maddie leaves.....she retells her convo with Chris She tells him to "open his eyes, but not really"

Chris has been denying that he told Madeline that Minh had planned the backdoor. Minh says she is not worried, but wanted Chris to know what was being said. A group is still outside the HOH door. The overhead voice comes on again and says goodnight

Chris says he isnt entertaining anything else tonight he is done. He says now people are trying to turn them against each other. Kyle has now been called to the DR

Minh-Ly tells Chris, in a room full of people that she needs to have a private conversation with Chris. She shoos Brooke and Sheldon out of the room, but allows Kyle/Ness to stay. Sheldon is less than impressed.

Jamar enters the HOH and says he is shocked Minh missed it because she is asleep. Minh says she doesnt have to be at the center of every drama. Jamar says that Minh is growing up and puts his arm around her

Everyone leaves the HOH and Jamar and Minh talk sleeping arrangements. They want to share a bed but Sheldon assumes he is with Minh. Meanwhile, Hira and Vanessa are recapping the earlier blowup

Minh walks in on Hira and Vanessa and says that Madeline will be a bitter jury member and needs to go, anyone that is a fan of this game knows it is immoral

Kyle appears out of DR and says to Angie that he told his wife and kids he would say what he had to when he needed to say it. Angie says she didnt need an explanation but Kyle felt like she was bothered by what he said so he gave one


March 10, 2020


Madeline and Jamar are saying that they need to stick together as a group even if Micheal goes home, what if a battleback happens. Madeline tells Jamar to get Minh on their side, she wanted the blowup to happen anyways.

Question time! While we gather clips of the argument between Micheal and Kyle, what are your thoughts on the situation? Do you agree with any of the points made? Do you think it will help Micheal stay in the game? Let us know!

HGs are all recounting the blowup and what happened. Micheal is with a group upstairs and Kyle is in the kitchen saying he hopes no ones mad that he said Micheal doesnt have votes, might as well make it known so he is prepared. Chris says its week 2, they learn on the fly

Micheal and Kyle have a disagreement in the kitchen. Micheal says that Kyle lied and swore on his wife/kids. Kyle says that Micheal has been using Kyle's name to try to stay. (1/6)

Susanne is talking to Micheal and Madeline about the argument. Micheal says that all he said was that he was disappointed, Kyle saying "have fun next week" was unnecessary

Kyle is still talking with Carol, Vanessa, and Chris, while Micheal is with Madeline and Jamar. Micheal: "You know why he has puffy nipples? He took steroids, thats what its from" Feeds cut from Micheal

Kyle and Brooke move outside. Kyle says all of that would have never happened if I hadnt talked to JL

At various points in this repetitive argument, Micheal throws both Vanessa, Chris and Jamar "under the bus" saying they were telling him they didn't like Kyle. Vanessa and Chris were right there, Jamar in the living room. He asks about it later.

Brooke said she got involved because she doesnt need Micheal to give people reasons to change the vote. She thinks Kyle was saying the right thing. the longer that it plays out that vocally, odds are it isnt good. The pair play pool as they speak


March 10, 2020


Micheal says to Chris he was rooting for Chris from day 1 until Kyle told him Chris threw out his (Micheals) and Sheldons name. Kyle says "This is season 8, learn how to play, everybody knows"

Kyle tells Micheal that he told him to his face that Kyle wont vote for him, what more does he want. He says thats all he wanted to say and Micheal made it a whole thing. Micheal says that his campaign against Kyle began the moment he broke his word

Kyle says that Micheal seems to have a lot to get off his chest and keeps asking if he has anything else to say. Kyle says that he is fine, Micheal made it a big thing

Micheal says to Kyle that he got his blowout, he reeled him and Minh into it. "Whatever makes great TV for you." Kyle says this definitely will make great TV

Kyle keeps saying that Micheal is mad that he got screwed first in the game, it is season 8, everyone lies its part of the game. Micheal says that Kyle is gaslighting him.

Brooke jumps in and says this conversation is going nowhere, nothing more constructive is going to be said and they need to take a breather. Micheal says he is disappointed in Kyle

Kyle is now explaining to Madeline the argument, saying things have changed since he said what he did. Madeline asks what did, Kyle says no one voting to keep him. Kyle is still arguing with Micheal and Madeline and raising his voice, saying this is how to play the game

Kyle says that its whatever for swearing on his kids. Kyle says that he would say anything to go far in the game and thats that. Micheal and Madeline say theres a right and wrong way to play the game and you dont use family to play heartstrings

The arguments ends and Brooke mediates, telling Kyle that he is playing FOR his kids and there is nothing wrong with that. Brooke tells Micheal that she is sorry she stepped in but she felt she had to, Micheal was recapping to Jamar and Hira what went on in the kitchen

Brooke is called to the DR, Kyle jokes that production is wanting some good stuff now


March 10, 2020


The guys are in the hot tub joking around about the first night and how lit Jamar was.. Jam I had to come in hot, I gotta be who I am. Now they're discussing that jury house must be so boring.

Jamar assuring JL that he wants Mike there, but has to vote with the house. Mike and Maddie campaigning to Angie, who continues to stress she's voting with the house.

Carol and Ness are chatting.Carol Jams is loyal to himself, and Minh is the same way. Ness: she's brings us a ton of information though. I don't trust er. Carol I don't trust her, I like her sass though. Sue is up my butt all the time. With Minh, keep your enemies closer.

Ness you know Carol, JL would have been better to go, but at least it's one of the four. Brooke only talks to me when she has to. Carol me too. Ness but if we were to do that, how could we explain it? C: agreed, we have to go with the plan.

Sue is upset because Minh and Jamar told her about the Evictors telling people that she went up to HOH after talking to Mike and laughed. Both Minh and Jamar told her. Sheldon assures her that Chris is a bigger target than her.

JL checks in with Brooke and Sheldon.. they all agree this week is weird vibes, but it's not like they don't like each other, it's just the game. Sheldon tells JL that he hasn't heard JL's name.

Sue and now they're going around calling me a bitch. Angie they never said bitch, just that you were laughing. Sue well I did and I said "f*ck em" like 87 times. Angie: well they didn't say that. Sue: I was trying to comfort Nessie.

Sheldon is asking Brooke if she thinks it's bad they're perceived as a duo. Kyle and Ness come and he asks the same. Brooke: I think as long as they don't see us as a four, it's ok at this point that they see is a two.

Susanne is telling Jamar that she hopes she wins the HOH next week, she has a perfect reason to put Madeline up for talking crap about her

Susanne and Jamar are talking about what to do if they win HOH, Susanne says they need the power. Jamar wants to backdoor Kyle but Susanne says its too soon

Angie walks up to them and the game talk stops. Susanne asks Angie how she is feeling, Angie says she doesnt know where everyone is at but hopes everyone is on the same page

Jamar and Susanne are debating what day in the house today was. When Jamar realizes he was wrong, he said that he said it was Day 11 the whole time

Micheal asks Chris why he wasnt given the courtesy of knowing he was going up. Micheal: "If you dont care man, say that, its fine." Chris argues that there was no good time to tell him and thats what the ceremony was for

Kyle joins them and he starts arguing with Micheal. Micheal says that Kyle promised his kids that if Micheal was on the block Kyle would vote for him. Kyle says he wont stick his neck out of Micheal doesnt have the votes. Kyle says to stop making this some personal crap

Kyle says that if Micheal wants to take it the way he is, thats fine. If Kyle made Micheal do something, maybe he should have listened to himself. Kyle keeps saying "Who put you on the block?" Kyle says the whispering is part of the game

Micheal tells Kyle that Vanessa threw Kyle under the bus to him, with Vanessa in the room. Micheal says he feels bad his kids and wife have to see that


March 10, 2020


Minh is now telling Maddie about why she thinks Mike should call a house meeting. Maddie starts pushing for Minh to give a name about who's lying about their vote - Minh doesn't want to say. Mike: You have to give us something Minh. *Brooke some in to shower, talk stops.

JL and Hira are playing pool.. JL notes who went outside together - Sheldon, Kyle, Brooke, Carol and Vanessa - "and they say we look obvious together"

Mike, Maddie and JL tell Jamar about Minh saying she's voting Mike out and won't drop names. Jamar: so do you want me to talk to her? Maddie: if we're a team we should be dropping names. Jamar is assuring Mike that he needs him in the game, that he has to get the votes.

Maddie if filling in Rianne in the B&W room. They're talking about Vanessa telling Carol that the Evictors would put up Carol next week. Rianne: I said floaters a couple of days ago, no names but that's no longer the case. Either way it's a lie

Kyle,Shel, Brooke&Ness are filling Chris in on what the Evictors are doing campaign wise.. Shel: they trap you in the bathroom and come at you. Ness: Carol is telling them yes, but just to get them off her back. B: Minh straight up told him no. Everyone: Minh's a badass.

Mike is campaigning to Carol he says the people he has with them are cohesive, but they were left out. He's getting a lot of mhhmm's in return. Mike I trust you with my life. Carol I know, but I just don't know if I trust who is telling you yes. Even Jammers.

Minh and Hira are talking game.. The only people Hira doesn't trust is Chris and Kyle. He'd put up one of those two and a pawn. Minh Jamar sketches me out, a lot of ppl sketch me out. Hira I got emotional today because I like them both, but I'm going to tell Mike Thurs

Hira and Angie are now talking.. Hira tells her Mike doesn't have the votes. Angie says they have to make sure they get something out of their votes this week and coordinate. She says the middle has to stick together, and have each others backs. Hira agrees.

Mike telling Carol it's upsetting that Brooke has to deal with Chris when she has a history of men coming down on her. Mike he called her quirky hot. Who does that? Carol I love Brooke but she can't do for my game what you could potentially do.

Minh is now telling Maddie why she thinks Mike should have a house meeting. Maddie thinks that will be a last resort. Maddie but if we're a team you should be able to tell me who is lying. Minh: that's Mike's job to figure out. I'm just trying to give you a heads up

Minh tells her to appreciate where they're at now. If Mike leaves, I think it still stands that we should work together. Maddie agrees, and says Mike could be their sheild.

Minh girl, I can't vote on the opposite side of house. You do what you gotta do, I've given you so much. I might be giving you guys a great idea, but this is the beginning of our relationship. We have to water it to watch it grow.

Maddie and Minh are now talking about how dangerous Kyle is. He's the "danger zone" and if no one gets him out, they're signing his cheque. Maddie where are we going to get the 6th vote? Minh I'm going to let you handle that. Maddie ok.

Carol and Ness are having a check in. Carol Mike told me that Sue told him to keep trying, and then she ran up to Chris and laughed about saying it. (Mike was listening at the door) Ness Sue better watch it, she's all caught up in this. She's the female Kyle. Carol Yes


March 10, 2020


Jamar explains that he never believed Madeline, Rianne, John Luke and Micheal wanted to work with him. He says he called them out because they wouldn't have acted the same way if Jamar had been the Back Door.

Minh asks Jamar if he is voting out Mike. He says everyone is but the 3. She wants to tell Maddie so she'll trust her. Jamar says wait until the day of. He wants to be there and she says she wants to be alone.

Carol and Maddie are chatting about the votes.. Carol I don't want to be the lone wolf, but if there's enough people on his side I would prefer to keep Mike. Maddie I just really want to make it to jury so I'm at least voting for the best person to win the game.

Micheal and John Luke are discussing how they have the "votes on lock" to save Micheal. The 2 they "know" that they have are Angie and Carol, who have already promised their votes to Brooke.

Minh is telling Mike that she can't guarantee the vote because people could be lying to Mike's face about him having their votes. She can't put herself in that position. JL joins and she tells them she thinks everyone has the same target (Kyle) but are afraid to say it.

Minh then tells Mike she doesn't think he has the numbers. Minh: if you had the balls to loudly say you're going after Kyle and blow sh*it up, you would have the votes. Brooke isn't going after Kyle. My tip to you - call a house meeting and only drop one name.

Mike and JL fill Maddie in about the Minh conversation. Mike she's like they're lying to you but she wouldn't even give me one name. Hopefully we can do something with Ange. Maddie you need to talk to Ange.

Carol saying she wanted to bring a bible into the house to read but they told her she couldn't. Vanessa says there's a lot of things she thought she could bring but they said no.

Angie is talking about the dinner, she said it was uncomfortable and they (Mike, Maddie?) were bombarding her with game talk. Carol says they're very confident and Angie agrees.

Angie what they don't understand that there's a person on the other side of them, and Brooke has been talking to me since day one and they just started talking to me today. Carol: what they say makes me think, but you still have to get out one of four.

Kyle and Brooke are chatting.. Kyle says he's sexually to women, but he gets being attracted to an individual because of who they are. Brooke is explaining being pansexual and where she is on the Kinsey scale. Kyle likes that his mind is being opened by everyone.

Mike is talking to Sue about what he brings to the table.. That he's respectable and he does the right thing. Sue tells him she wishes he was up against anyone other than Brooke. He hopes people see that he's valuable before the end of the week.

Brooke and Kyle are now talking religion.. Kyle leans towards the universe, but he thinks it's cool that religions like Sikhism pray for everyone. Brooke thinks all religion is beautiful, but she likes the idea of Taoism. You're part of a bigger source with everyone.

Sheldon congratulates Brooke, Kyle and Vanessa on this week.Sheldon we have to win. (HOH) Kyle we won't have to follow rules, we can make the rules.


March 10, 2020


Micheal and Carol are telling each other they have their backs

Micheal and Carol telling each other they are loyal. Micheal says if she's in with him she's in with his group.

Maddie tells Angie she thinks Chris may be being controlled by someone. She told him she will have a hard time trusting him bc he lied to her. He said he did this so he can get closer to her.

Angie tells Maddie she went in the have not room and Susanne asked her if she could have a minute with Minh. So Angie left. But Vanessa went in and she wasn't asked to leave. She says she notices things like that.

Maddie asks Angie if her vote is going towards what the house wants. Angie says she's pretty impartial bc a lot of people leave her out of stuff. Maddie says all the girls lied to her about finding out minutes before. She says it would have been honorable to tell Mike

Brooke, Chris, Susanne, and Vanessa are talking about the votes. Susanne says it's 9-3 and they think they can flip Ri. Chris says they should keep Ri over Maddie bc Maddie is an athlete.

Minh asks Jamar who he would put up if he wins next week. He says he would put up Carol and Maddie as pawns and backdoor Kyle. Minh says to tell them they're pawns. He says he will.

Brooke, Chris, Vanessa, Susanne, and Carol talking about working with Minh. They mention the evictors wanted her up last week and Minh won't forget that. Chris says she can do their dirty work. Brooke mentions she's a target before them.

Jamar, Brooke and Sheldon are talking in the comic book room. They believe they have the votes to keep Brooke even if they don't have Carol, Angie and Hira. That it would be a tie and Chris would send Micheal home.

Susanne tells Angie that she needs to win HOH because they are throwing out her name. Angie says she hasn't heard that so people are lying to her. Chris and Susanne say they need to stick together. Angie asks about Carol. They says she's good.

They say that if Hira wins HOH, his plan is to nominate to Kyle and Chris. Sheldon says that He just didn't vibe "with that crew at all" Specifically mentioning Micheal and John Luke.

Jamar, Brooke and Sheldon talk about how Micheal has changed since the start of the game. That his entire demeanor is different and that he dropped Sheldon/Jamar for "those 2 girls"


March 10, 2020


Brooke enters the Color BR and says that BB is f***ed up summer camp

The Color room is talking about the Summer Fresh stuff that will happen today. Vanessa says that she's excited if its food, but she doesn't like health food

Chris is in the HOH talking to Sheldon about next weeks HOH comp. He says he hopes its mental because he doesn't think they will well.

Vanessa saays that they all think they are going to win, but there is going to only be 1 winner. She says it's going to be interesting to watch ppl not be able to do what they think they can do when it comes to comps

Minh tells Jamar they are each others number 1 and they need to get Kyle out. They'll wait until the last minute to see where the votes lie.

Maddie and Micheal talking about votes. Micheal says they need Carol and hope Minh sticks to her word. It would be a big spotlight on her. They say "he" swore on his kids that he would give him his vote. So he'll throw that in his face.

Rianne says to Maddie she should concentrate on Carol, Jammers, and Minh. Maddie agrees. She says she trusts them. Rianne warns her to be careful with Minh.

Maddie says she's the only who's on slop that hasn't gotten food. Micheal says he feels bad. Maddie says she's glad they won.

Micheal talking about visiting Jamar and Maddie. They apparently live right near each other.

Minh is giving Carol a massage. Minh says I got your back literally. Carol says me too. The people that have included me from the beginning are the people i'm sticking with.

Carol and Minh say they believe Micheal and them (hard to hear) will work with them. Minh says they don't know she had anything to do with it.

Susanne is crying in the HOH room. She says it's tough and she feels alone. Jamar says she can always come to him. She says she appreciates him. He says I appreciate you too. You feel me?

Angie and John Luke are still chatting upstairs. They were talking about sleeping arrangements. They asked Jamar to bring up popcorn but then Angie said they should be ready for thing. Sounds like they won a meal.

Carol telling Vanessa about her talk with Rianne. She wants to flip the vote. The four think Vanessa is with Kyle. Carol said she should to talk to her. Carol mentions she and Vanessa have a final 2

Vanessa and Carol try to tell Angie that Vanessa wants to distance herself from Kyle.

Vanessa (and Carol) is telling Micheal she is playing her own game. She asks if she is a target of his. He says Chris is his target.

Carol and Vanessa talking to Micheal still asking if he would be loyal if they flip the vote. He says he would be loyal.

Jamar, Sheldon, Hira and Brooke are talking about if they should take out Kyle next week.

Susanne comes in. They talk about throwing HOH or not. Susanne and Brooke say they think Kyle wants the same thing as them and is a number for them.

Hira is warning Sheldon and Brooke that things people says to Kyle are coming around to others. Even his partner is turning on him.

Micheal and Carol are telling each other they have their backs.


March 10, 2020


Brooke and Rianne are talking in the bathroom. Brook is saying that she has know hard feeling to anyone and understand Rianne's loyalty is to Mike

Angie and Susanne are listening to music while laying in the HOH bed

Sheldon and Kyle are chatting in the HN room. Sheldon says that JL and Mikes pitch involved putting Kyle up

In the B&W room Maddy says that Kyle to her that if she could get 6 people he would be the 7th vote

Jamar, Minh, Maddy, JL, and Mike are in the B&W room talking about who they have on their side to save Mike. Maddy says she wants this group to stick together.

Sheldon is talking to Vanessa. They are talking about finding out where Carol stands. Vanessa says she nice to them but she connects more with her. Sheldon also tells Van about how they are using Kyle as part of their campaign to save Mike

Sheldon is telling Vanessa that Hira and Kyle talked yesterday and he does not think that he will go to the 4. Van says her biggest worry is Angie.

Sheldon says they have Hira and Carol and that they would have to lie to the 4 and say they will still vote to evict Brooke

Carol and Kyle are talking about how Carol almost self evicted. Carol says she was hurt that Kyle threw her name out. Kyle says he's not going to say who but he wasn't they only one and that some of the people shes been talking to were also involved in the conversation

Vanessa is talking to Hira. THey are talking about how close her and Kyle got right away and that she wants everyone to know that she playing her own game. She says she knows Kyle's name is out there. She says she doesn't want to go down a sinking ship

the group in the B&W BR have disperse and Maddy is talking to JL. Jamar says that the reason Chris wants Mike out is bc he thinks Maddy is into him and Chris wants Maddy.

Angie has joined van, jam, and Hira in the Color BR and Angie says she feels that she is in the middle.

Kyle and Carol are ending the conversation with a hug and Carol says your right I do need to be tougher

the group in the Color BR are talking about how they didn't like that they were not informed about BD Mike plan. Van, jam, angie, and Hira are in the middle. She says nobody in the middle win and that they should start their own group.


March 10, 2020


Carol & Rianne continue talking in the Expedia room. Carol says that people tell her (Carol) secrets. They are scared of Kyle’s influence in the house and believes he lies about what he knows. They also say that they are unsure of Vanessa.

Carol & Rianne continue talking in the Expedia room. Carol mentions that Micheal did support her when she was crying and wanting to self-evict. Rianne says she’s definitely not putting Carol up next week if she’s HOH. Carol insists again that everybody shares info w/her.

Carol & Rianne continue talking in the Expedia room. Carol says that Vanessa has been distancing herself from Kyle. Carol & Rianne think this is good for Vanessa’s game since people like to get rid of pairs. They support Vanessa playing her own game, not Kyle's.

Minh-Ly, Madeline, & Micheal are talking in the B&W bedroom. Minh-Ly mentions she’s so annoyed by the girls that go along with the strong male players and do whatever the male players want, and doesn't trust them at all.

John Luke (JL) joins Minh-Ly, Madeline, & Micheal in the B&W bedroom. JL tells Minh-Ly that she’s got security with him and their group. They say that Sheldon & Brooke are definitely working together.

Sheldon and Angie are talking in the HN. Sheldon says that the HGs are figuring out the game, but its conversations like this that make him feel better about his place in the game. Then they start counting the numbers on each side. Sheldon think they need 4 ppl to flip

Sheldon says even if they can swing a tie that Chris will vote out Mike. Hira, Jamar, and Minh are wild cards but Sheldon thinks he can talk to Jamar and Hira and swing them to their side.

Minh, Mike, and Maddy are chatting in the B&W BR. Minh and Maddy are planning on keeping mike. Minh hopes she is the swing vote so she can say that someone on the other side flipped to cause disruption on the other side

JL comes in and delivers Maddy some clothes and she is very excited and says "Yay, I wont have to walk around naked"

Minh says that she will get back with them later. Maddy says they are all straight shooters and can trust each other.

Maddy is saying that they don't want to solidify a four person alliance and that they wanted more people in it.


March 10, 2020


Micheal, Minh-Ly, and Hira talk game in the B&W bedroom. Micheal says he likes working with them. They say Kyle is running the house along with his “minions”, & say Jamar is scared of Kyle. They try to figure out if they have the numbers.

Madeline joins Micheal, Minh-Ly, and Hira. Madeline says she admires Minh-Ly for being upfront/honest & this is why she wants to work with Minh-Ly. Micheal agrees. Hira nods.

Madeline, Micheal, Minh-Ly, and Hira continue talking. They say that Sheldon has influence. Madeline mentions that Chris, Kyle, & Brooke lied to her when they said they didn’t know Micheal would be back-doored.

Sheldon and Brooke continue talking in the have-not room. Sheldon says he would put up Madeline & Rianne if he was HOH. Brooke says she would put up Chris.

Sheldon and Brooke continue talking in the have-not room. They are talking about John Luke (JL). Brooke says JL is close to Rianne & would take Rianne off the block if needed, which they don't want. Sheldon says that he can influence JL.

Angie, Hira, & Carol talk in the bathroom. Carol says that now Kyle is her target, but she can’t let him know because he’s too emotional and would explode.

Minh-Ly, Micheal, and Madeline talk in the B&W room. They all say they don’t know where Vanessa’s mind is at, and they don’t trust her. Minh-Ly says that she’s happy that Micheal & Madeline realize she (Minh-Ly) isn’t the biggest threat in the house.

Minh-Ly, Micheal, and Madeline continue talking in the B&W room. Micheal says he would put up Chris if he was HOH. They know that Chris & Kyle are close due to their Wendy’s meal together. They also say that Angie has something personal ("salty") against Minh-Ly.

Carol, Angie, & Rianne talk in the Expedia room. Rianne tells Carol & Angie to stick with her separate 5-person alliance because they are “straight-shooters”, over other players. Carol says she likes Brooke on a personal level, but has never talked game with Brooke.

Angie leaves the Expedia room. Carol & Rianne continue talking. They say that the players that would vote to save Micheal would never see the block. Rianne says she has a good relationship with Kyle when Carol asks if she’s close to both sides of the house.


March 10, 2020


Madeline begins to cry. She says she's always honest with people and she expects the same in return. Kyle suggests she go to the DR to compose herself.

Kyle tells Madeline it's time to think for herself. Madeline says she doesn't know how to do that because she's never done that in her entire life.

Kyle tells Madeline to get him a list of 6 people that will vote out Michael and he will talk to each one individually. He tells her to stay calm if they are lying to her.

Madeline is now relaying the conversation she had with Kyle to Michael and Hira. Michael tells her to take everything Kyle says with a grain of salt.

Hira tells Michael and Madeline that he's voting to keep Michael.

Brooke and Sheldon are chatting in the have not room. Brooke says if she wins HOH she's putting up Madeline and Rianne and she would be direct about it telling them it's because they campaigned against her. Sheldon agrees to do the same.


March 10, 2020


Micheal and Brooke talk about the both being on the block and about them campaigning. Micheal wants to give people in the chance to fight even if he doesn't respect them.

Madeline wants people to be open with her and not lie to her face. She said maybe I'm not fit for this game.

Kyle and Sheldon on cams 1&2 in the kitchen. Kyle says he doesn't watch a lot of tv other then Big Brother. that that's all he watches. Big Brother!

Carol telling the group in the living room that she is a real housewives fan. feeds cut when someone says they were almost cast on feeds cut..

Brooke, Angie and Susanne are in the bedroom discussing which votes they think Brooke has.

Jamar, Minh, Brooke, Carol, Hira and Vanessa are lounging around in the bedroom. Susanne is talking about how she talks so loudly she has vocal nodules.

Susanne is talking about her blog. She's had it for a year. She wants to promote herself as a writer and hopes to publish a book.

Kyle tells Madeline he will give her a heads up on Thursday if he's going to vote out Michael.

Madeline tells Kyle she will not vote with the house because that is the way cowards play.

Madeline is frustrated that everyone is lying to her face. She tells Kyle she feels like she's alone in the house and everyone is against her because she's an easy out.


March 10, 2020


Rianne is talking to Angie about her vote. She tells Angie that her side is more loyal and honest and would have Angie's back. Kyle enters and they both tell him to leave. Rianne tells Angie she knows Kyle knew about the back door, and that he didn't do a good enough job communicating to the rest of his army what to say. Angie agrees.

Angie says she is worried what a split house will be next week. Rianne says she thinks her side has Carol and Jamar's vote. Angie says she is going with the majority.

Rianne is telling Hira that she had been talking to Angie and and told Angie they had Hira's vote. Rianne says Angie told (Rianne) they had her vote. Ed Note: Angie said she would vote with the majority.

Rianne suggests to Hira that he talk to Angie. Angie walks by and Hira mentions that he wants to talk to her. Rianne says that Kyle was angry that Vanessa got hit in the face with a water gun by JL. She says it was an accident and JL apologized three times.

Angie and JL have left, leaving Hira and Rianne alone. Hira says he is going to talk to Minh Rianne tells him to be careful, that she doesn't trust her. He says he will propose safety and tell her they would be getting one of Kyle's minions out.

Rianne says Minh is close with Vanessa and Vanessa is an extension of Kyle.

BB tells the HG the backyard is now closed. Angie is telling Jamar, in the bedroom that Rianne said Kyle would put Angie on the block. Angie says Kyle told her straight out she would go on the block.

Angie says the conversation was awkward; that she knew Rianne added the part about Kyle in. She then says she doesn't understand what Kyle would have to gain, putting her up, except as a pawn.

In the bathroom, Micheal tells Maddie that he told Jamar he is on the bottom of that side, that Jamar is freaked out. He hopes Minh will come to her senses.

📢Good Tuesday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢

March 09, 2020

📢Good Tuesday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢

It's Day 11 🍁 of 72

Let’s kick off this article with a reminder of what happened leading up to the big ceremony today. There were plans aplenty in the words to get Michael on the block, though those were almost changed thanks to frustrations Susanne, Vanessa, and others were having with Minh-Ly. There are fears that she is extremely untrustworthy, but Chris has insisted that his plan was going to be the right move. This was a way to ensure that the four-person block was split up … but also think it has a thing or two to do with him being jealous that another guy in the game is getting attention other than him.

When the dust settled and the truth was revealed, Chris did go ahead and nominate Michael for eviction. This cements what we thought for most of the week, and that means that either he or Brooke will go on Thursday. To the shock of no one, Michael was upset about him being the replacement nominee, and he wanted to know not only why, but also who knew in advance. Meanwhile, we’re already seeing Chris trying to do whatever he can in order to smooth over some situations and went people back over … but it’s not altogether easy.

Do you think that Michael’s fate is sealed on Big Brother Canada 8?

Be sure to share some of your thoughts right now!


March 09, 2020


Susanne is called to the DR. Madeline in the bathroom is telling Micheal (who is in the shower) "yeah, we played the whole house, it started to work" She says imagine if she won the POV and used it, it would have killed her

Minh and Kyle are in the bedroom chatting. Hira, Angie, Rianne, and Jamar in the kitchen area. JL joins Jamar as the HGs prepare dinner

Chris and Rianne are in the HOH room, Chris is telling her to relax. Rianne understands why Chris did what he did but its so early. Chris says he wouldnt have done it if he didnt have support. Chris is sharing his wine and chocolate with Rianne

Chris says to Rianne that he admits to lying to her, Micheal, and Madeline but that is it. He keeps saying he wouldnt have done it without the support of everyone

Sheldon, Minh, Susanne, Brooke, and Jamar are hanging out on the couch upstairs. Chris and Rianne end their discussion and cams follow Chris to the kitchen

Chris is explaining to Madeline his perspective in putting Micheal on the block. She is not buying what he is saying and calls him out for being a liar, saying that this may be the game, but if she leaves next week it will be with her head high because she was honest

Madeline says this situation is unfortunate because she actually trusted Chris. She kept her word in their friendship. He keeps backtracking and saying the situation happened fast, but she says it didnt because it was two days ago

Madeline says if Chris told her he was putting Mike up, she would respect it, but to blindside her was not cool. She tells Chris that a lot of people are being fake to him in the house as well. She notes Mike had a feeling he was going up because no one would meet his eye

Madeline tells Chris that she felt out of the loop and feels a lot of other people do too. She ends the conversation and says she is going to bed.

JL and Brooke are playing pool and discussing Micheal going on the block. Brooke says if she were in the position, she would have told the person after the POV comp because at that point there is nothing to be done. JL doesnt understand why it happened the way it did

HGs are all eating dinner or getting ready for bed. Jamar and Minh are on a "dinner date" eating the fish and chips. Jamar feeds Minh a bite of fish

Micheal and Madeline are in the HN room. Madeline is telling Micheal that he is her go-to in the game and she feels like he is her rock. Theyve been entirely honest with each other in the game. Micheal says he was happy to be put in the Showmance box with her

Madeline doesnt think Micheal will go home. She says she can get Angie on her side. They hope Carol will stick to her word and vote to save Micheal

Madeline and Micheal go over who knew about the blindside. They dont think Sheldon knew, they need to plant the seed that Micheal will protect Sheldon more over Brooke, and with Sheldons vote comes Jamar and Minh

Micheal says he met Rianne at the audition he went to but didnt place her until after they were in the house

Jamar is telling stories of past hookups and feeds cut. They were down like 5 minutes, came back, but went down shortly after when another story was mentioned

Feeds are back. Jamar gives a shout out to live feeders, Vanessa heads off to bed. HGs are aware that bedtime is soon


March 09, 2020


Minh-Ly reacts to Rianne and Maddie leaving the room after small talk.

The Evictors are talking outside.. Rianne thinks Hira is with them for sure. She told him that he's at the bottom of the other side, so why would he stick with them? They all agree Jamar is solid, and think he's mad at Shelly for not telling him the plan.

Vanessa, Sue and Jamar are farting up the HN room and having a lot of laughs. They joke their F3 is "The Farts" and how hilarious it will be in they make it.

Chris is breaking out the wine.. He's hugging each girl saying "not on my watch" and that he trust the girls more because all the guys are lying.

They crack the wine and Vanessa is in heaven.

They talk about how obvious the Evictors were when it was just the 3 of them who freaked out when Mike went up.

Hira is outside with the Evictors.. Mike is telling him that Shelly wasn't going to use the POV if he won. Mike points out they told him that right away. Hira tells them to work on Jamar. Maddie imagine we blindside Chris? Hira I am here for that. We need to work on it.

Hira says he will low key work on Jamar and Angie. Hira I have to play both sides, they did it to F me, so I'm going to do it to them. JL we can't do both sides cause they type casted us Mike we're just filling the role.

Minh tells the HOH crew that she could fill the downtime with her stories but she can't because they're bait. Chris suggests she takes a vacation (from the spotlight).. "You've had a lot of attention dear".

Maddie and Mike are telling Jamar about Chris being pissed with M&M being in a showmance. JL says the other side are major gamers, they got to Chris. They say Chris is child when he's a grown ass man. Jams if it was me I just would've put both of you up revenge wise

Brooke is telling Rianne she knows that Rianne is loyal to Mike. Brooke won't hold it against her or JL going forward. She respects it.

Rianne I'm stress eating like you are.. Sheldon do you want to keep going? I'm going to get a muffin right now. Earlier he told others that he says he's stress eating to look a certain way, but in truth he just likes to eat a lot


March 09, 2020


Kyle flat out denying to Micheal that he knew. He says ask anybody. (Editor's note: Micheal doesn't believe him. I think he's fishing for Kyle's vote)

Angie to Chris in the pantry, Vanessa is really bad at lying. Chris I told you I got you (Angie feels good with Chris)

Maddie & Kyle in the Jungle. She's venting and he's deflecting. She says I believe that people knew. She's asks him who knew. He's still deflecting & covering for himself

Maddie tells Kyle she thinks Sheldon is a flip flopper. He's always in Chris's room then he talks to Jamar, and I know he's close with Brooke

Kyle to Maddie- I;m sorry I blew up (after the veto ceremony) Kyle- You gotta play ball with this idiot (Chris) until you have some power

Jamar tells Sue Vanessa told him she's not here to give anybody else the check & she can't believe Chris did that. He assures her he's voting out Mike

Mike is retelling his talk with Chris to Maddie.. He calls Chris dumb for telling him there's other alliances out there. He's talking about everyone loosing it on Chris post veto meeting.

Mike I was listening to the door when Chris and Hira were talking about Hira was playing Chris like a fiddle. Hira found me afterward and said we should talk.

Chris do you think the guys or the girls are more truthful? Brooke: I think there's some on both sides. I trust Kyle, Sheldon, Carol and Sue.. And of course you, you've been so straight up with me. Chris I'll ride this week out, but everyone better start telling the truth

Maddie, JL and Mike plotting to get Minh's vote on top. Vanessa telling Kyle she thinks it's bad he swore on his kids down below

Jamar is asking Vanessa what kind of fast food they have in PEI. She says no to Uber Eats, Skip etc.. She says they mainly have Tim Hortons.. One Starbucks. He asks if they have a Wendy's and the feeds cut

Maddie I made them all food and they lied to me. Jams: but we're all family sarcastic Maddie family's don't lie. Jams: that's why we're in a game, leave your emotions at the door.

Kyle must have yelled bet on my kids during the veto blow up.. He's concerned about it and keeps bringing it up. Sheldon is he talking about his kids again? Brooke: you guys know we're the villains right? I am pulling out the tears and lying my face off.

Chris is f*cking cut throat. All of that happened and then he turned around and made a sandwich. Sue f*cking cut throat. They're laughing about there being 18 different alliances.. Sue: I'm in an alliance with Chris and effing Minh

Mike and JL agree that this week will be a war for Carol and Angie's votes

Vanessa telling Jamar and Sue that they can't give Kyle more information then he needs. He already has too much power. She thinks getting out will need good timing. They all agree JL will be going hard for HOH this week.

Vanessa everyone thinks he's (Kyle) Dane, but he's not. We all see him being good with everyone. We have to get the others out first, but then we have to start thinking about Kyle. Jamar if I see an opportunity I'm going to dead ass get him out.


March 09, 2020


Micheal & Sheldon in the B & W room. Micheal says after he won HOH Chris told me he was thinking about putting up you and Hira. Sheldon says I believe you

L and Maddie have gone over their votes, and they think at best it will be 6-6 split. They agree they need to work on some people.

Maddie tells Sue Brooke and Angie it's going to very difficult for Chris moving forward. He's going to have to win out

Jamal (he was shook) Angie Hira Kyle? Vanessa? Maddie gets excited that they might have a chance to flip it.

Outside Minh tells Vanessa & Carol she overheard Maddie yelling at Chris that he's a liar you said you were going to get Minh out. She's toxic

Kyle and JL shake on the fact that Kyle will never go after him and Maddie. Kyle assures them they have a gentlemens agreement, and that they come to him with enough votes to evict Brooke he'll do it.

Micheal tell John Luke he told Chris is this really how you want to look in front of Canada, like a f'ing liar

Micheal tells John Luke Minh didn't even know about the plan. Editor's Note: Minh knew

Rianne in the pantry to Chris. I'm worred about the next couple of days. I don't want you to worry if I vote to keep M that I'm not okay with you

Micheal to John Luke & Jamar, I told Chris that I thought he was a coward

Micheal to John Luke & Jamar, I told Chris that I thought he was a coward

Sheldon to Chris, good job. There's just going to be loud for a few days. Chris yeah they're feeling the pressure, feeling defeated

Sheldon told Vanessa & Brooke when Micheal came to talk to him he told him right now you don't have my vote. But if you do get the votes I decide then

Sheldon wants the KVBS alliance (Kyle, Vanessa, Brooke & Sheldon) to try and get together to talk now that everything is calming down now and discuss moving forward

Sheldon to Brooke & Vanessa, Kyle said Hira told him that he wants to make a 3 with them 2

Sue trying to cover herself telling Rianne Micheal and John Like she only found about the plan just before it happened

Sue & Vanessa in the Jungle discussing how they will keep their stories straight about when the found out about the plan to put up Micheal

Chris & Hira in HOH discussing/laughing how everyone knew. Hira thinks it funny watching every running around covering themselves. Hira is just happy he's safe

Chris tells Hira to just sit around & observe everybody lying and learn from it. He says right now I need eyes. It was their choice to deny they knew about the plan

Carol in HOH with Chris. He says I don't think any of the other guys could pull this off. As long as I got my girls I'm okay. Carol says he does, all the girls love him & the word on the street is everyone is turning on Kyle

Carol tells Chris she's putting up pawns if she wins HOH and that his name is not in her mouth. People come & tell me more than they think they do

Chris to Carol, it's actually making them all look bad saying they didn't know about the plan. No one is going to trust them. I want to get me and us girls to the end. I smelt sh*t from these guys early on

After speaking to Chris in the storage room, Jamar tells Canada his true feelings about Kyle...and about having to evict Micheal.

Hira reassuring Micheal he didn't know. I mean you saw my eyes man. I feel blindsided. They feel other people knew. M- He's not smart enough to pull off that back door plan by himself


March 09, 2020


Micheal confronts Susanne. She says she pushed for Minh. She says everyone wanted her out.

Micheal tells Susanne that Chris is taking the guys out because he thinks he can beat the girls in comps.

Carol hugs Miciheal. Vanessa hugs Brooke. Carol asks Micheal who is always in Chris' ear. Micheal- Kyle.

Micheal tells Kyle he thinks he knew and planned it with Chris. Kyle acts shocked and offended that Micheal would think that.

John Luke and Chris talk in the HOH. John Luke says he doesn't think Chris was the ring leader. Chris says he had 8 -10 people telling him to do this. Chris says Maddie and Mike can continue their relationship outside the house.

Chris tells John Luke he was worried that if Maddie or Micheal won he could be in the same position. John Luke says that was never the plan. He and Mike told each other Chris was a good guy. Chris says even though he knows John Luke would stick with Mike.

John Luke tells Chris the four of them weren't working together they just like each other. He was working with Mike and Ri was with Maddie but it wasn't the four of them. Chris says it looks like it though.

John Luke asks Chris if he is a target now. Chris says to let the dust settle but he wasn't a target for him. John Luke asks if he is next week to give him a chance and not do it this way.

Rianne tells Jamar and Michael about talking to Vanessa after the POV meeting.

Brooke tells Rianne, Mike and Kyle how she found out about the backdoor.

Chris asks Micheal to talk. Micheal tells Chris he's two things: a nice guy and a coward. He should have told him to his face. Chris tries to tell him it was the whole house. Micheal says the whole house talks sh*t about him.

Micheal tells Chris he thinks there's a 60% chance he targeted him because of insecurity.

Kyle and Vanessa have a quick check in.. Kyle is mad that he looks bad because he stuck to the plan of telling people he didn't know it was coming when other people caved.

Chris told Micheal the entire house outside of the 4 wanted him to go up. Now everyone is scrambling trying to cover themselves with the Evictors who are not happy


March 09, 2020


Feeds return Jamar is taking a shower. sheldon and Kyle are in the hoh Kyle telling Sheldon he should just go into the have not room.

the pov ceremony has not happened yet. Micheal brings Sheldon & Kyle food in the HoH and then leaves.

the pov ceremony has not happened yet. Micheal brings Sheldon & Kyle food in the HoH and then leaves.

B anounces a 15 min warning to the house guests. The house will be off limits in 15 min the must all return to the back yard.

Vanessa is in the hot tub talking to Carol. Talking about if they trust minh or not. Minh-ly walked and to spill some tea.

Minh-ly tells Vanessa and Carol that they can't say anthing that he will kill her if he knows that she told them. But that Jamar told her if he wins Hoh that he would back door Kyle and then she french kissed him.

Minh-ly is talking about how much she wants to be the one to get Kyle out The house announces 3 min warning.

Minh-ly says that he is like a cancer talking about Kyle and that you have to nip the cancer in the bud before it spreads to the body.

Carol asked V what did Kyle say when he said something yesterday about throwing her bag of the balcony. The house is officially closed to the house guests.

Jamar, Minh-ly, Carol & Vanessa are in the hot tub area. general chat going on.

Madeline and Micheal are back still playing pool talking about her dogs. She lost the pool game.

Kyle, Brooke, and Vanessa hanging out on the couch near the hot tub chatting. about how happy Vanessa was to get food.


March 09, 2020


Minh, John Luke and Micheal are outside by the hot tub. Minh asks if they would still do this (BB) if they knew what they knew now. John Luke says yes, it's a one in a lifetime experience. He says his family is at "Cab-O" right now.

Hira has joined Chris in the HOH. Chris asks if Hira is going to use POV on himself and if he is OK with a "big player" going home this week. Hira says absolutely, we're here to make big moves. "As long as it's not me" Hira asks if he will tell him who, Chris deflects.

Chris asks Hira who he is close to...he names Jamar, Sheldon, Kyle, Sue, Vanessa, Angie and Carol. Chris says after this week, after this move, let's talk game. Chris says it takes him awhile to open up and feel comfortable.

Minh, John Luke, Angie, Micheal and Madeline are all hanging out by the hot tub enjoying the sun. They are talking about how Canadians take off their coats and walk around in shorts/tshirts when it gets to be like 0 degrees. "It's so hot"

They are talking about wishing they had sunglasses outside. John Luke says that he understands why they aren't allowed to wear sunglasses inside because "they can't tell if we're napping" Mad: "they probably can't tell if we're sleeping" JL "Um that's what I said"

Brooke, Carol and Vanessa are checking in with each other in the comic book room. They are discussing their mental state in the house vs all of it. They talk about the POV comp and Carol's tooth situation. She says she can't chew anything that doesn't use molars.

After a conversation with Minh outside by the hot tub about their lives in High School and into college, Madeline walks away saying "I hate being fake"


March 09, 2020


Sheldon tells Minh that he hasn't heard anything about her in a few days. He says "surprise surprise" and tells her she shut up and didn't act out and people stopped talking about her. She goes on about why that's wrong.

Sheldon has moved to the comic book bedroom and is now talking to Vanessa, Brooke and Susanne. They are talking about what the fall out is going to be. They say Kyle is planning to deny he knew anything. They think this is a bad idea since Chris is his "number one"

Sheldon says since everyone knows it will be hard to "pin point" a group that would be responsible.

They are discussing about Kyle not taking some sort of "credit" for the plan. They discuss the pros and cons. Sheldon says (and the girls agree) that Kyle being targeted this early isn't good for them. "He's a juicy target"

Hira and then Minh join so talk turns to how hot the Comic Bedroom is, especially at night. They are now talking about how sore they are after the POV.

Kyle is telling John Luke a story about a party that he attended where people were destroying a house.

Carol has gone to talk to Chris in the HOH. They discuss that her social game is good and that she is feeling better now that she feels like she can contribute. Chris says he wants to work with loyal people. Carol says that the lack of knowing who is loyal took it's toll

Chris tells Carol that he works with psychology and neuroscience. She smiles and he says that he knew what she was going through with the mental component. She says she wanted to prove that a 44 year old chubby girl can play this game.

Carol says that she has never felt as "rock bottom" as she did yesterday since she found out she had kidney cancer. Chris tells her that she got herself out of it. He continues to talk to her about how to stay "up" in the house. The chat breaks up. They hug.


March 09, 2020


Most of the HGs are milling around doing morning routine type things. Showering, Brushing teeth, etc. Some are in the kitchen eating breakfast as John Luke tells more of his life story that he started yesterday. He was talking about his friend "Gordo"

They are currently discussing in the kitchen how to pronounce "Calgary" Is it Cal-Gary? Or Calgary? They have moved on to Winnipeg. Referring to it as "The Asshole of Canada"

Vanessa and Sheldon were discussing how they slept and then say that what is going to happen today (The POV Ceremony) is going to "flip the game" and "it will never be the same" Vanessa says that the next HOH comp will probably be a pick two to face off. Minh joins.

Carol has joined, as well as Sue. They are asking her how she is feeling. She says her back feels better and she got a good night's sleep so she is feeling "More chipper" Trying to find "Happy Carol" She says BB told her they aren't trying to ration them. She's on Keto.

John Luke is describing some sort of TV show (Australian) where a guy drives around throwing fast food out of his car at people in bus stops. Brooke walks in and says "Are you talking about Urban Sports??" She says she loves that show. Apparently, he is.

Carol is talking about a former girlfriend who went blind that is now her best friend for life. She says she walked down the isle at Carol's first wedding with her seeing eye dog, in an Oilers jersey. They have now moved on to discussion for being friends with an Ex.

Minh has pulled Sheldon onto the backyard couches. She asks him if he thinks that the plan is still the same. He says yes. They talk about who knows

Minh asks Sheldon what he would do next week if he won HOH. What she should do right now, he says to keep doing what she is doing, not say anything.

Sheldon finds out that Carol also knows "the plan" He says he would've never told that many people. He says it's safe to say everyone knows, except Hira and "the 4"

Minh tells Sheldon he's being tight lipped. He says that anything he knows won't hurt/help her now and if he says anything it could be used against him down the road. They go back and forth about whether he trusts her.


March 08, 2020


Brooke & Sheldon are speaking in the bedroom. Sheldon admits he almost told Susanne to stop talking to him the previous night.

Minh-ly and Carol talking about how back dooring Micheal will be legendary and that if she gets put on the block that she will blow up everything!

Carol is talking about putting on her bathing suit to go sit in the hot tub to work her back out some.

Minh-ly is giving Carol permission to talk smack about her if need be in the game.

Brooke and Minh are talking about Kyle.. Minh: You know who he is? He's Dane from last season. Everyone loves him. Brooke: I know, I trust him so much but I also realize a lot of people feel the same way.

Minh do you trust me? Brooke I do, but when I hear you've brought my name up Minh who was it? Brooke I overheard it. I adore you, and want to trust you but I don't know who else you're working with. I'm trusting you but I don't know what else I can do.

Kyle and Sheldon are in HN joking around about the things they've said to Chris. Kyle: when we were having Wendy's he told me he wants me in the F2 with him, and that 20k would be good for me. *laughs* The only person your beating is Angie bro.


March 08, 2020


Susanne, Vanessa and Minh were game talking in the hot tub but have been interrupted by Rianne with a salad. Susanne says she is going to go get her sandwich.

John Luke and Madeline are chatting on the upstairs couches. She is complaining about being tired and wanting to cry. She says she doesn't want to be "that person in the DR that cries" John Luke offers to go get her "blankie" from the HN room.

Brooke, Kyle, Susanne and now Rianne are talking in the "back yard" Brooke is saying she feels liberated after Minh asked if Brooke trusted her in this game and Brooke said No. She says they get along on a personal level but in the game, no.

Minh and Vanessa are talking in the hot tub. Minh is confronting Vanessa about her allegience to Kyle. They are fighting a little and Minh is saying that she is Vanessa's 1. Minh has Vanessa cornered in the hot tub, she seems very uncomfortable.

Vanessa asks Minh where her actual allegience lies. Minh tells her where she has allies, but also talks about how she was talking to Nico day 1 and wanted to keep him , which upset Susanne. Minh says "He's from Montreal all people from Montreal are corrupt" Feeds Cut

Carol has joined Minh and Vanessa in the hot tub. Minh is currently comparing herself to the hero in the movie, Vanessa is the ally and Kyle is the villain. At the end she says something that makes Vanessa believe her, they hug.

Carol, Minh and Vanessa discuss that they want a woman to win the game, that as it stands now Kyle is going to win. Minh says if she wins HOH next week she wants to BD Kyle. They are comparing the Kyle stories with each other.

Minh wants to bring Brooke into this BD Kyle plan. Vanessa says there is no way that she would go for it. Vanessa says she doesn't want to talk in front of Minh because she doesn't believe that she won't mention her name. They says "This is the final test" for Minh.

Minh keeps saying that things can be mis-construed so they should trust her. Carol says things can't get mis-construed if their names don't come out of her mouth. Minh then tells Vanessa "I need you to be more trustworthy with me"

Minh says that if they hear something about her that she wants them to stop and think and know she is their number one. She tells them that this is what breaks them in past seasons and they will get picked off one by one.

Meanwhile...Micheal, Madeline and John Luke are talking about party stories and "hooks" (Hook-ups) John Luke is telling his life story.

Susanne has joined the girls in the hot tub. They ask her where everyone is. She says "everyone is just chillin'" Minh tells her "what we were talking about..." Susanne says I'm in "Italian Mafia" style. They are talking about the paranoia.


March 08, 2020


Brooke and Carol are in Expedia talking about Minh wanting to make an alliance with the people who were in the hot tub. Carol: well Kyle told me that she wanted to see me as a HN to make me suffer. And then she's telling me that I'm her mama C.


Brooke she's using chaos to her advantage, and well. Carol so is Kyle. Brooke,No but Kyle is using info he's gotten, Minh is spouting anything that comes to her brain. Carol I don't trust her as far as I can throw her, but I have not told anyone anything about this game.


Carol,I could have told Mike that he was getting BD before I left (if she did leave) but I'm not that person. How are you dealing with this? You're a good person, our stories are similar. Brooke the thing is, we are similar and we've both been through things


Brooke But what I've been through far more resembles what Minh has been through, and that's a lot. I spent a lot of years manipulating, and lying to people and it's a part of my life I'm not proud of, but I have a tolerance for that behavior.


Kyle and Sheldon going over the Pretty Boys game last season. They think they had the perfect set up. Sheldon: the thing is, they would always hear their name but what could anyone do about it? The second ppl see how I move in a physical comp, I'm going to be a target.


Sheldon Hira has told me 3 times that Nessie is a beast. Kyle Now we're going to be looked at like "Oh f*ck, they're both really good" Sheldon it's ok to hear your name, we're not coming in here like Hira, staying in a corner til F4 and winning. We want to dominate.


Kyle is now with Mike and Rianne in the bathroom. Kyle has Chris been weird, with you guys? Rianne ya he was feeling left out and I had to calm him down. He's pissed off about ppl having alliances. I think he was pissed off that I didn't eat pizza with him.


Kyle leaves.Mike,if I win next week I'm going to backdoor Sheldon. Rianne ya I agree, I mean it's not like he has anyone. Mike I think he does, Brooke, Sue.. But I don't think he would mind *gestures to Kyle Rianne true, it wouldn't upset anyone.

Feeds go down 1:45 PM EST, and are still down

March 08, 2020

Feeds go down 1:45 PM EST, and are still down

We’ll update this post once we learn for sure whether Carol self-evicted or stayed in the game. We’ll also figure out what that might mean for this week’s eviction.

The new season of Big Brother Canada began with a bang. Host Arisa Cox announced the latest twist: Canada voted on the players they wanted to save, and the four with the least votes would face eviction. This left Nico, Chris, Susanne, and Minh-Ly in danger of being the first BBCAN8 player evicted. Minh-Ly and Chris won themselves safety through two physical and mental competitions. This left Susanne and Nico to face off through a typical eviction vote.

Nico was down on himself , especially starting the game knowing that Canada didn’t support him. He also felt that he had no chance to beat Susanne in a vote. Minh-Ly even risked her game by trying to put in a little work to keep Nico safe. In the end, Nico chose to self-evict. This was the first time ever in Big Brother Canada history that someone left the game through a self-eviction. And now it looks like another player may follow in Nico’s footsteps.

Chris’s plan as Head of Household was to nominate Brooke and Hira as pawns, and then backdoor Micheal this week. Yesterday, Hira, Brooke, Carol, Madeline, and Vanessa played in the Veto competition. Hira ended up taking the victory, but all the players felt extremely exhausted and beat up after it. Carol, especially, started to question if Big Brother was the game for her. She started to wonder if she could physically handle the demands of the competitions.

Carol also spoke about usually being a big personality, but this wasn’t the case in the Big Brother Canada house. She also missed her family. After the Veto competition, she seriously discussed possibly self-evicting. She decided to give it a night to think about, but this morning she continued to think about it. The BBCAN8 feeds cut today and have been down for hours. We can’t confirm yet if Carol self-evicted, but things looked like they were heading that way.


March 08, 2020


In Expedia, Angie is telling Jamar and Sue that Kyle is coming after her, but she could work with him if necessary. Angie says Minh is the one person she can't work with. (Minh's name is not specifically mentioned).

Sue leaves Expedia, and Angie tells Jamar that she doesn't know what either Carol or Hira would do if they won HOH. Jamar assumes Hira would put up Chris, since Chris put Hira up.

Both Jamar and Angie say they will not put up Brooke next week, if she stays. Angie says she would be pissed if she was put up because she would expect that the HOH would be straight with her.

Angie says she felt at the bottom of the totem pole last week.

Sue, Kyle, and Vanessa are talking in the bedroom. Sue says their biggest threat is the 4. Kyle says if JL wins HOH, he's going up. Sue says if Rianne wins, she's going up. Kyle says if Rianne wins, Vanessa is going up.

Vanessa, Kyle, and Sue are saying that Minh is way too dangerous. They plan to pull Chris aside. They plan to tell Minh they plan on backdooring Micheal, so she will not cause trouble, and then tell Micheal why they fed that info to Minh to stop her from causing havoc.

Sue says that Sheldon and Brooke are good for now, even though Sheldon broke their trust. Kyle leaves the bedroom.

Sue and Vanessa are still talking in the bedroom. Sue says she heard Hira say Kyle's name. Both agree not to tell Kyle, for now. Vanessa says Minh is running around asking people to throw the HOH. Discussion ends.

Kyle approaches Chris in the HOH about Minh. Kyle brings Vanessa and Sue into the room. Vanessa tells everyone Minh came up to her and said they needed to backdoor Kyle.

Chris tells Sue, Kyle, and Vanessa that he is sure he has them, Angie, Carol, Sheldon, and Brooke. Chris says he is sure Minh is not going to win the HOH next him. He is confident in the plan to backdoor Micheal.

Sue and Chris are now in the HOH alone. Sue and Chris say they can't believe Minh did that. Chris says she is an idiot. Sue says they can't trust her.

Both Sue and Chris agree they can trust Jamar, and Chris tells Sue Jamar has only watched one season.


March 08, 2020


Chris and Minh in the HOH. Chris seeks assurance from her he will good next week. He tells her that a lot of people want her out. Chris says he need a strong competitor, and says she is his choice. Minh says she values loyalty.

Minh leaves the HOH, and asks Carol if she could ask Sue to meet her outside. Outside, Minh tells Sue she has been isolating herself and proud that she's pulling it off. Minh asks about Jamar. Sue assures her Jamar does not have her name in his mouth.

Sue says she would put up one of the girls if she wins HOH. Maddie's name is mentioned. Minh says Angie would expect her (Minh) to put her on the block. (Angie), so she would put her up, and JL, and backdoor Rianne if someone comes down.

Mihn says that Rianne is more of a threat because she can win comps and her social game is good. She would tell JL she heard he was trying to get her out.

Minh says she is okay with JL going home, that Angie would probably not go home anyway. Minh says she told Angie to her face that she (Angie) was not her target, but that Angie would be her (Minh's) pawn. Minh says that's why Angie hates her.

Minh also told Angie she was a floater. Minh says both Sheldon and Carol know Micheal is the backdoor plan. She says Carol told her Kyle let it slip.

Sheldon and Brooke are assuring Chris they haven't divulged the plan to backdoor Micheal in the storeroom.

Brooke leaves and Chris tells Sheldon that when Micheal is put on the block, JL will lost his sh*t. They agree they have to beat him (JL) next week.

Sheldon and Rianne in the bedroom. Sheldon tells her he watched just a few seasons. Sheldon says he thinks he watched BB16 and BB21. Sheldon is trying to convince her he didn't learn much from watching them.

Chris and Jamar in the HOH. Chris tells Jamar people underestimate him. Chris tells him JL and those guys mentioned his name. Jamar says he will vote out whoever Chris wants. Chris tells Jamar to deny they have talked game. (Chris and Jamar)

Jamar goes to the bathroom. He tells the feedsters that Chris has earned his trust, and he's going to work with him.

Jamar mentions JL, and that he is playing him (Jamar). Jamar leaves the bathroom.

Hira and JL in the BY, multiple HG in the kitchen, general chit-chat.

Rianne and Maddie joins Hira and JL in the BY to work out. Kyle and Micheal are talking in the kitchen.6


March 08, 2020


Maddie asks Micheal if he wants to go look for a veto. She says she feels like it's Survivor and she needs to go look for immunity. Micheal says he's wanted to go at night time and look in the expedia room. She starts looking around the swamp.

Rianne tells John Luke that Jamar want to work with them so bad. He's freaking out because he's not in on every piece of information. She says Jamar said something about back dooring one of the guys. They say Chris would be stupid if they did that.

John Luke telling Rianne he was paranoid for a bit that if he used it what if Mike went up. Rianne says everyone needs to calm down.

Brooke tells Sheldon he has a good excuse to tell Ri why he voted for Micheal. Because of the two choices (Brooke and Micheal). Sheldon says once Micheal is gone he'll go to those two Maddie & Ri) and capitalize on their loss. Brooke says she needs to do that as well.

Sheldon says if Maddie or Rianne win HOH it's possible they put up Minh and Chris. Or use Brooke as a pawn with Minh and back door Chris.

Hira telling Brooke he thinks Kyle is playing both sides. If he gets to jury he could sway the whole jury to whoever he wants.

Angie and Susanne talking. Susanne asks her how she's doing. Angie says good she's waiting for people to start playing. They talk about the paranoia is bad.

Minh and Kyle talking about who knows about the back door plan and who still thinks Minh is being backdoored Jamar is one of them

Sheldon and Brooke in Expedia. Sheldon says they can't go forward with Maddie and Mihn. Brooke says she told Kyle she can't compromise on Rianne. She then adds that Kyle is strategically strong.

Brooke says they can't take both Chris and Rianne deep. Sheldon agrees, but suggests they take out Rianne first since she is more comfortable with Brooke going home.

Sheldon and Brooke are both concerned about Kyle. Sheldon says Kyle does not like Chris.

Sheldon tells Brooke not to push Kyle right now, he will get suspicious. Brooke thinks Kyle views her paranoia as weakness.

Kyle, Sue and Vanessa in the bedroom. Kyle says they should get rid of 2 of the 4 before Minh, and then take care of her.

Kyle says he will go to Chris and tell him he will act surprised when Micheal is put on the block and then act like he is mad. Hira enters the room, and the discussion ends.


March 08, 2020


Chris telling Vanessa that they need to get the big targets out.

Vanessa says she's confident with the group they have.

Small talk between Rianne, John Luke and Chris. Rianne tells them she had the time change wrong in the beginning (3 hours later instead of earlier).

More small talk in the swamp between Kyle, Maddie and Micheal. Micheal says his mom watched some BB America and Canada. But his family will all be watching this season.

Sheldon, Brroke and Susanne in the expedia room. They are saying they want Rianne or Maddie out next week. Not JL. They are trying to figure out when the early double is, week 2 or week 3. Sheldon thinks it will be next week.

Brooke, Sheldon and Susanne saying they feel bad Micheal is going home because he's nice but it's the game.

Brooke, Sheldon & Sue still talking about MIcheal. Sheldon says he was joking in the beginning but not now. Susanne says once he finds his people he wants to stick with them. Brooke says she thinks he doesn't realize the work needed for the game.

Angie telling Chris, Rianne and John Luke about possible dates people could have in the house. Picnic in the swamp. The HOH room, etc.

Maddie tells Micheal that production asked her what her ideal guy was and she basically described Micheal.

Kyle and Chris in the kitchen. Kyle says they have to think about Sheldon. He doesn't trust him now but they need to keep for a while. Kyle says they need to have floaters in the jury.

Brooke camtalk

March 08, 2020

Brooke camtalk

Brooke camtalk I feel like I put myself in a position where I can go far, but I can't win with all of the people I'm working with. They want different things than I want and they have more challenge prowess in order to get the things what they want done.

Brooke camtalk "Kyle wanting to keep Rianne for a long time. I love her but that's bad for me. I wanna keep JL for a long time, but Kyle wants him out. But Kyle is more likely to win competitions to get what he wants. I need to revaluate

how I position myself.

Brooke camtalk This is a house full of really great people. Even people who I initially think I didn't like, I really care about. Like Chris, he's a sweet guy. I don't trust him, but I respect him. I've been really emotional in this game, I didn't expect that.

Meeting Brooke/Sue/Sheldon/Jamar: They want to form a 6-alliance with Kyle/Vanessa. Jamar wants to get rid of Kyle at F8 & keep Angie/Carol as long as they can, because he sees them as weak players.

Sue/Brooke sum up the day. Sue is worried about Sheldon, who wasn't in a good mood. Brooke is sure he just needs his sleep. B: "Sometimes I think Jamar is a mastermind. Right now he's having a pretty intense conversation with Hira for like forever. I'm so confused"


March 08, 2020


John Luke joins Hira and asks him how he's doing.

Hira says his chest hurts and his knees hurt and he's found new cuts on his finger.

Hira and John Luke talking about the veto comp. It's one of the comps Hira wanted to play in.

Kyle has joined the others again in the swamp. Kyle is asking their dad's names and then giving them a shout out.

Sheldon has joined Hira and John Luke. He is wondering if anyone has taken out the toothbrush from the jello. He's wondering who's it is.

John Luke leaves. Sheldon tells HIra he has to feel good. Hira says he trusts Chris. Sheldon says at this point you have to. He says he'll try to work out with Chris and talk to him. He says everyone knows about the 4 so that's an option.

Brooke has joined them. Sheldon says today is a listening day. Make sure they don't hear anything like backdoor Sheldon. Brooke says not to talk to much game just listen. John Luke and Carol join them.

Minh and Susanne are in the BR. It was Minh's toothbrush in the jello. They are talking about doing laundry.

John Luke is still talking about his Jello prank. He asks them if they would vote him out if he was a prankster. Hira and Sheldon says no. Hira says he would keep him.

Lots of house guests in the kitchen. Hira and Brooke are comparing aches and pains from the POV comp.

Jamar says someone put a toilet paper roll in his pillow last night. People in the kitchen says it wasn't them.

Jamar talks to the camera about the toilet paper in his pillow.

Minh tells Jamar to stop. She says he's so extra. They figure John Luke is the one who did it. She tells him it was her toothbrush. Jamar says he's the one the gave it to him. He didn't know it was hers.

Chris telling Vanessa that they need to get the big targets out. Vanessa says she's confident with the group they have.

📢Good Sunday Morning Brother-Lovers 📢 It's Day 9 🍁 of 74

March 08, 2020

📢Good Sunday Morning Brother-Lovers 📢

It's Day 9 🍁 of 74

Who won the first Power of Veto on Big Brother Canada season 8?

Before we share the winner, though, let’s set the stage for the week in the event you haven’t had a chance to see it already. Head of Household Chris nominated both Hira and Brooke for eviction, with the idea here being that neither one of them is his actual target. He actually wants to put up Michael, a key component in the Evictors alliance (Madeline, Rianne, Michael, and John Luke). He probably should’ve, at least in our mind, nominated two of them from the get-go that way, he would’ve ensured that he got one out while also having the trust of everyone outside that group.

The Veto player draw benefited Chris to some extent though not completely, since he wasn’t able to play as HoH. (That’s a rule carried over from last season.) Carol, Vanessa, and Madeline were drawn alongside the nominees, and other than Madeline, everyone else had a plan to use it. The houseguests have tried to trick Madeline into thinking that Minh Ly will be a replacement nominee, but they’re not buying into it all that much.

In the end, though, we had a rather surprising finish Hira won the Veto! He’s secured his spot moving forward, but that means that Brooke will remain on the block. It also means that we’re going to be seeing Michael as the likely replacement nominee and probably also heading out the door.

What do you think about the Veto winner on Big Brother Canada season 8?

Be sure to share in the comments below! Also, remember to stick around in the event you want some other news on the show.

Week 2 Veto Competition Results

March 08, 2020

Week 2 Veto Competition Results

Big Brother Canada 8 Head of Household Chris has a very risky plan this week. He wants to take out another alpha-male and his possible biggest competitive threat, and possibly a romantically threat as well. Chris wants Micheal out of the BBCAN8 game. Instead of going right for Micheal, he picked two pawns: Brooke and Hira. Basically, almost everyone now knows Chris’s plan and are on the board, at the moment, to take out Micheal and save one of the nominees.

The success of this Big Brother Canada 8 plan really depended on if Micheal was picked to play in the Veto competition and if he or one of his allies won it. If this happened, Chris would be in big trouble going further in the Big Brother Canada game.

Chris lucked out with the Veto players pick being in his favor. Brooke and Hira are playing as nominees, then Carol, Madeline, and Vanessa were the additional players picked to compete. Susanne was chosen to host this week’s POV competition. Like with last season, Chris as HOH isnot allowed to play in Power of Veto. Carol, Vanessa, Hira, and Brooke are all likely to use the Veto. The only one who would be hesitant to use it is Madeline as she’s in an alliance with Micheal.


Did everything go according to Chris’s backdoor plan? Well…

BBCAN8 Week 2 Veto Competition

Hira won Veto!

Are you happy with the results? Do you think Chris will stick to his initial plan of targeting Micheal? 


March 08, 2020


Houseguests are all anxious to go to bed, yet they havent heard the call that they can yet

In the bathroom, Minh, Madeline, and Kyle were discussing ways outside Canada to watch the show or feeds, cams cut

Most of the HGs are either chatting in the kitchen area or in the bathroom as they get ready for bed

No mention of why they went to the pantry. Carol, Susanne, and Brooke are on the couch. You can see how badly their knees are scraped

Brooke wants to know what the POV comp was called. Carol jokes "Kill Me Now?" Carol says at one point she fell face first into the water

Kyle is told to put on his mic but tells them it is broken. Only cams 3/4 are up presently, and they are on Brooke, Angie, and Carol in the living area where Susanne and Hira are walking through

Susanne says that they should choreograph a dance tomorrow. She does a few moves Brooke tries but cannot immitate

Feeds have gone to Sheldon, Jamar, Hira, Rianne, and Angie in the Expedia room talking about bad dates

Brooke and Susanne are having fun in the living room dancing for Carol. Susanne suggests they show Sheldon. Brooke quickly vetos the idea

Brooke wants Susanne to teach her to dance because she is bad at it. She jokes she wont dance for Susanne like her jester but will for Carol since it makes her feel better. The girls cant stop laughing


March 08, 2020


Minh tells Carol that she was only pretending to be worried about being a backdoor this week and shares the original plan to BD Micheal

Minh says that because she is a method actor, her pretending to be scared is actually affecting her. Carol says she doesnt want to be a quitter but she is at rock bottom right now. Minh says its hard to fake it but its what you have to do to get ahead

Brooke is in the Expedia room talking to feeds, saying she really cares about Chris, he is a really sweet guy. She doesnt trust him but respects him, and she never thought that she would say that

Kyle has walked in on the conversation with Carol and Minh and begins talking about the competition

Minh tells Carol that she made out with Jamar two nights ago. She goes in detail about the several times Jamar has kissed her in the house

Minh says that she thinks Jamar is a sociopath, but he is there, she is bored, and what else is there to do

Cams cut from Carol and Minh and go to the HGs cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes

Brooke and Hira in the kitchen talking, they are hopefully since tomorrow has downtime that they get to sleep in after the competition

Minh tells Carol that she looks around the house and sees so many people she can guarantee wont win the game

Back in the kitchen, Micheal says that with being on slop he has no energy left. It is so chalky. Brooke hopes that since hes been in the HN room that he got used to it and can sleep better

The HGs are guessing that its only 10 or 11 at night since the overhead told them that naptime is over. Vanessa is called to the DR

The overhead speaker says: "Remember, Canada is watching. Please watch your language." after several conversations were cut from


March 08, 2020


Chris JL Rianne, Jamar, Madeline, and Micheal are in the kitchen cooking and getting dinner together

Sheldon and Minh are in the Expedia room laying on the couches in silence. Hira is talking with Vanessa, who is telling him that Carol is deciding whether or not to stay in the game. Hira told Carol to sleep on it, it was a rough day and more than anyone expected it

Carol says that Hira was spitting up blood during the comp, and she wants to know if shes just joking herself, she promised her family before she came that she wouldnt cause herself unnecessary hurt

Carol I just want a Momma to take back to her daughter. She says a part of her wanted to back out because of her tooth but she kept going and didnt quit

Carol is now alone in the colorful bedroom. She has been crying and doubting her place in the game. All cams now on kitchen area with houseguests eating and having general chatter

Chris says to stay composed, they have the numbers, the 4 will be scrambling and alludes to one of them going up in Hiras place

Vanessa also notes to coughing up blood after the competiton. This is at least the second competitor to say that (Hira also was) Several people have said that production must not have thought this one through

Susanne and Kyle are in the HN swamp talking about the POV results and what route they want to take next week in terms of noms and a backdoor

Feeds have all cut, come back to Minh telling Carol she values her in the house and doesnt know what she would do without her. Carol says she doesnt want to be the season charity case. Its hard enough getting through the day-to-day nothingness


March 08, 2020


Hira won the POV, Brooke and Carols legs are beat up badly. Hira says it was a hard competition even for physically fit guys

Carol hurt her tooth during the competition, there were fish they had to pick up with their front teeth and she loosened one of them

Minh and Sheldon are in the Expedia room. Sheldon says "he knew this would happen" and Minh asks what is wrong with him. Sheldon says he was wrong about everything

Minh calls Sheldon childish. Sheldon is rather quiet and wont communicate with her.

Sheldon tells Minh that it doesnt appear that she doesnt like Jamar, its more clear that she doesnt like Angie. Minh just says that shes just bored

Minh thinks Sheldon is mad at her and Sheldon calls her psychotic for thinking so. She says the house is a more intense version of high school but they are all supposedly adults

Angie and Brooke are still discussing the competition. They say next week might be their week, maybe it wont. Brooke says she was behind Vanessa and Hira, but she was close on the puzzle portion of the competition and could have won that. She is frustrated

Carol, Susanne, and Vanessa are in the colorful bedroom. Carol says she told her family she wouldnt push her body past her limits and she did that today. She is sniffling badly and appears most hurt physically from the competition

Carol is discussing self-eviction because her body cant handle doing a lot of the competitions. Susanne and Vanessa are talking her through this

The POV competition had snow and Brooke says the costumes had a weird fur on them

The POV comp required them to crawl back and forth on their knees to pick up 20 fish with their mouths


March 07, 2020


Micheal and Kyle are talking in the swamp area. They are discussing how erratic Chris is. Micheal says he's not sure Chris has his back. They say that Chris is mentioning everyone's name

Alex tells Micheal Madeline asked him if she should use the veto if she won. Carol comes out and says she wants to talk to Kyle when they are done. Carol leaves.

Micheal says he told Madeline it would be Chris' responsibility and he wouldn't blame her if he goes up.

Sheldon and Madeline join Kyle and Micheal in swamp. Sheldon says the the plan has always been to get rid of Mihn.

Brooke has joined the group. Brooke says she does not want to be on the block with Hira. Madeline expresses her concern over someone else going up.


March 07, 2020


Vanessa and Mihn are talking in the bedroom. BB tells Vanessa to wake up. They are saying that they trust each other completely.

Angie, Chris, Susanne, Rianne, Sheldon are in the HOH. General chit chat and Sheldon leaves.

Jamar and Madeline are in Expedia, talking about the competition. They are reasonably sure Mihn is being backdoored but agree you never know with Chris.

Multiple guests in the upstairs area/lounge. Madeline, JL, and Brooke are talking about Mihn. Madeline tells them Mihn has told her she(Madeline) is in an alliance, but Madeline denies it.

Rianne and Chris in the HOH. Chris tells her has had anxiety growing up, and has panic attacks.

Kyle and Carol talking in the bedroom. Carol expresses concern that everyone thinks she can't compete because she's older. Kyle assures her she is in a good spot.

Carol tells Kyle she really wanted to talk to him particularly. Kyle says he believes in her, and points out the competitions are varied and not all physical.

Carol cries and Kyle reassures her.

Carol says she is having trouble connecting with others because they (others) are talking about nothingness, that her age is probably a factor.

Madeline and Micheal in the kitchen area. Madeline says she doesn't want to win the veto. Micheal tells her to stop talking about what she would do if she wins it.

Micheal says Kyle told him (Micheal) that Madeline talking about it looks sketchy. Madeline says she was under the impression that he and Kyle were good. Micheal says they are, but only to discuss the veto on a need to know basis. Madeline says she doesn't know what to do

Micheal tells Madeline he thinks Kyle and Sheldon are working together, and she needs to be careful.

Micheal says that Sheldon told him he wouldn't use the veto.

Micheal seems concerned about both Sheldon and Kyle.


March 07, 2020


Angie & Carol talking about veto. while they hear the crew setting up for the veto.

Chris telling Carol that people in the house underestimate her.

Maddie is talking to Michael about how no one will expect them working together. While he showers next to John-Luke

Madeline is telling Micheal and John-Luke about seeing 2 people in bed I believe Minh and Jamar, but Jamar is on another feed.

Chris & Kyle are in the HOH talking about targeting John-Luke next week.

Hira Micheal & John-Luke speaking in the bathroom about working together and not letting Kyle know.


March 07, 2020


John Luke says the next HOH is "so important." Then they discuss that it is hard to read Chris and know what he's thinking. That they wish they knew it wouldn't be them (BD'd) but if it was that they be like "oh sick" They are discussing what Chris does for a living.

At the kitchen table Kyle, Sheldon, Brooke and Carol are talking about how they only got 2 cartons of eggs for 16 people. Sheldon says that Chris took 5 eggs and he isn't going to say anything to him "because he's HOH."

Kyle is asking that they don't judge him or say "He's a big guy he needs this" because he realizes he can't keep up his normal routine in the BB house. Sheldon agrees, saying he knew he'd "drop off" in the house, physically.

John Luke and Minh are talking about feeling ill. It sounds like John was sick yesterday and he apologized and said it's probably going to go through all of them. He says he didn't throw up but would've felt better if he did.


March 07, 2020


Both Micheal and Madeline feel Kyle is a puppet master, but he has numbers.

JL and Jamar join Madeline and Micheal in the kitchen. They tell Madeline again that she shouldn't talk about whether she would use the veto, not to play her cards. He doesn't want it to get back to Chris.

JL and Chris talking in the storage room. JL assures he will keep Chris safe next week since he (Chris) is keeping him safe this week.

Brooke is talking to Vanessa and Kyle about which votes she has vs. Hira while Susanne and Sheldon talk how they will keep power week to week. Sue says she knows Brooke is Shelly's number one.

Susanne tells Sheldon that Minh thinks they (Sue and Minh) are working together. Sheldon agrees - says Minh asked him to throw the POV to him. They laugh.

Brooke, Vanessa and Kyle are talking about who they are close to in the game. Kyle says he is completely loyal to Vanessa in the game and he won't deny it. Brooke says she feels the same about Sheldon. Kyle suggests that Brooke doesn't admit that to everyone.

Jamar has joined Sue and Sheldon - tells them that he overheard Micheal in the kitchen tell Maddie not to use the POV, Sheldon tells them that Mike JUST told him that he told Maddie not to use the POV so they can back door Minh.

Jamar tells Sue and Sheldon that Hira went to "the four" (the Evictors) and they brought him in. Says they wanted to solidify the 6 of them (the evictors plus Hira and Jamar) and Hira sold his soul to them.

Sheldon, Sue and Jamar are talking about final 3 in the HN room. They are guaranteeing each other their votes if any of them are in F2.

Hira has brought a grilled cheese to share with the 3 in the HN room. He says this is his last meal. Says he is ready to compete. They all discuss how long everything takes in the house - the nom ceremony, the POV pick, etc.


March 07, 2020


Vanessa is up and is in the pantry. Battery change time. Vanessa takes the box of new batteries to the rest of the hg's so they can change theirs

Big Brother gave the hg's another wakeup call. Vanessa is tell the other hg's how it was sleeping in the have not room.

Vanessa has returned to the havenot room. Big Brother activated the rooster crowing to get the hg's up and moving. Just a little FYI... it made me jump.

Kyle gathering his dirty laundry talking to Sheldon hoping they pick names for the POV comp soon.

Madeline, Rianne, Micheal, Kyle, Vanessa and Carol chatting in the living room.

Sheldon has joined the other's in the living room. Still no game talk. Mostly chatting about how they slept and how cold they were. You can here the POV comp being built in the background

John Luke told Sheldon he wants the weak girls and floaters out first.

Some hg's in the kitchen having coffee and cooking. Just normal chit chat. No game talk.

Rianne telling Kyle she can't wait to compete in something. She likes competing. Kyle agrees with her.

📢Good Saturday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢

March 07, 2020

📢Good Saturday Morning Brother-Lovers <3📢

It's Day 8 🍁 of 75

Big Brother Canada has had an exciting start to the week. First, we had the two night premiere episodes that saw four houseguests in danger of eviction because of Canada’s vote. Then, those four fought it out in a series of challenges. The challenges guaranteed safety for Minh-Ly and Chris. This left it Nico and Susanne on the block to fight for their BBCAN8 life.

Susanne went right to work. She started to form a new six person alliance that included Carol, Brooke, Kyle, Sheldon, and some other players. Things weren’t looking good for Nico as Susanne’s spot seemed safe. Minh-Ly decided to act on Nico’s behalf and try to help his spot in the game. That didn’t go over well with some of the other Big Brother Canad 8 houseguests. Minh-Ly’s fight for Nico didn’t help him, and he also made the major decision to leave the BBCAN8 game. This resulted in no fight week eviction.

Big Brother Canada ended Thursday’s episode with the start of a basketball related Head of Household competition. After a few rounds, Jamar and Minh-Ly tied for first place. Due to spoilers, and the episode being taped in advance, we know that Chris won this Head of Household competition.

It’s been a busy first several hours of feeds. The main take away from all this action as that these players are trying to play the game HARD. Last night, Chris decided to nominate Hira and Brooke as pawns. He then wants to remove one of them from the block and put up Micheal, his real target. Did he stick to this bold move?

BBCAN8 Week 2 Nominations

Chris nominated Hira and Brooke for eviction.

The alpha-males targeting the alpha males isn’t something we see too often in Big Brother Canada, so this already sets a nice pace to the season. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow’s Power of Veto Competition to see if Chris sticks to his plan or if he goes a different route in the end.


How do you feel about Chris’s nominations and plan?


March 06, 2020


Jamar is telling Sheldon that Micheal denied his 4 alliance and lied to his face. He also mentions Micheal wanting to keep the nominations the same. Sheldon plans to talk with Micheal tomorrow about it all

Madeline and Micheal are in the HN room scoping out areas to sleep. They find a nook and ask how they would fit in there. They joke of what the cameras would think of them in there together

Jamar says he and Sheldon can just kick back this week because everyone likes both of them. Sheldon doesnt feel comfortable with Madeline or Rianne winning. They say they need back-to-back of the four leaving this week and next week

Micheal, Vanessa, Madeline, and Kyle are in the HN room and Kyle is saying all the reasons he wants Angie gone. Most have to do with her complaining about not getting a single bed and taking food she didnt cook without asking

Minh has joined Jamar and Sheldon in the Expedia room and the trio are discussing musicians

Jamar leaves and Minh talks to Sheldon about her "concerns" being backdoored this week. She asks what Sheldon would do if he played veto. He doesnt feel safe so he would play for it but doesnt know who he would use it on

anessa comes into the Expedia room with Minh and Sheldon and discusses sleeping arrangements. Sheldon has been getting no sleep when he sleeps with Angie, so he asks to move. Vanessa asks if that means Angie gets her own bed, which all thinks is unfair

Angie, Rianne, Susanne, and Chris are in the HOH room. Brooke has joined Sheldon, Vanessa, and Minh in the Expedia room. All look like they are ready for bed


March 06, 2020


Kyle and Vanessa just finiehed a heart-to-heart and Kyle goes to the HN room to try to sleep. He runs into Jamar and they plan to bring pillows into the HN room. They note the overhead voice hasnt said goodnight yet despite it being late

Hira, Brooke, Angie, Madeline, and Susanne are in the Expedia room chatting. Kyle is in the kitchen talking to Chris. Jamar and Micheal are talking in a bedroom regarding noms and why Jamar is bothered by some actions that were made

Jamar tells Micheal that if either of them win the POV they need to keep noms the same

Vanessa joins Jamar and Micheal, saying she is shocked that two girls didnt go up. She says that she saw Brooke coming but not Hira

Kyle and Hira are talking about how Hira should act once veto players are known. Kyle suggest for Hira to open up a bit more about his game and maybe more people could like him and want him to stay. Kyle says he wants to work with Hira further and wants him to go far

Brooke and Kyle are talking in the storage room about noms and how if there is a backdoor opportunity, to take it and get out one of the 4. Brooke says once Micheal is gone, they can easily pull in the others. Brooke thinks only Maddy is vengeful

Brooke says they'll all do what has to be done this week. Kyle says in the immediate future they need people they can depend on. He says if Riannes word is her bond, theyll see this week

Micheal and Madeline are discussing future strategy following this week. Micheal says he doesnt want to look like an idiot in front of his mom. Madeline says she can hear what her mom would be saying "just be a floater"

Madeline tells Micheal they have to win the next HOH but she doesnt even know who she would put up

Chris, Angie, Sheldon, Susanne, and Rianne are hanging out in the HOH room talking about the nomination ceremony. They had two takes and they think it was brutal. Chris says there was the generic script and he just had to fill out reasons he nominated

Jamar and Minh are talking about bonds. Jamar tells her if she is close to Kyle, stay close to him, but dont tell him or anyone what they talk about

Minh says Jamar can carry her and she can carry him through this game. Jamar tells her she needs to stop being catty to the girls and think about him and the impact of her actions on him when she lashes out. Jamar says next week its better for her to win HOH than him

Micheal tells Madeline that they need to start considering who will take them out. Madeline suggests staging a fake fight to get them to think they arent a thing

Brooke and Kyle are still chatting over scenarios in the storage room while Madeline and Micheal are discussing their own strategy for the week in the upstairs lounge area

Carol and Hira are in the colorful comic bedroom talking about the week. Vanessa comes in and says the HNs are only allowed to sleep with supplied pillows and no blankets in their room. This is different from years past where they were allowed blankets

Jamar and Sheldon are discussing nominations in the Expedia room while Kyle and Minh are in the HN room talking about his conversation with Brooke went


March 07, 2020


Minh and Hira are talking in the storage room. Hira: I don't know what's happening but Chris wants to put someone else up. Minh: Who told you that? H: He did, he's told everyone. M: I'm so paranoid about the veto. H: day 7, I got out up because I don't talk game.

Minh is now talking to Hira, Nessie and Brooke about being BD. Hira doesn't understand why Minh would be so worried. Brooke: I mean have you talked game with him? (Chris) Hira: I don't know, does anyone talk real game with him?

Brooke Maddie told me that there's a BD plan. Hira: we can't bank on it. We're background noise to them. Brooke: I feel bad for Minh, but that's just the way it goes. Hira: I'm just telling her what she needs to hear to calm down.

Carol has joined Hira and Brooke. They tell her they're living in a new level of paranoia. C: I don't have inside inf, but I think you two are pawns.Minh was worried all day, she thought she was going up. Brooke: I'm confused, Chris seems the type to not do an easy move.

Sheldon asked Chris about his mentality and why he is the way he is.. Chris attributes it to his anxiety in high school, and some drug issues that led him needing to take control of his mind.

John Luke is worried about what would happen if they won veto and took someone off.

Jamar is consoling Hira over being nominated in the Expedia room, saying at least he can play in the veto. Hira says he wishes he would have competed to the fullest, he didnt try hard and didnt care to win HOH and this is the position he was put in

Brooke and Susanne are talking about everyone flirting. Brooke says she would but doesnt know how. Susanne asks her who she thinks is hottest. Brooke says JL is the cutest, Jamar is sexiest, and Sheldon is by far hottest. The girls talk about how attractive Sheldon is


March 06, 2020


Sue and Chris go in the bathroom. Chris says you're doing good. She hugs him and says I know. He says she should visit his HOH. She leaves and Jamar comes in. Chris asks him if he free styles. Jamar says not really. They say they like each other.

Chris and Jamar talk about being confident and uplifting. Sue puts makeup on Chris for the nomination ceremony.

Minh and Kyle talk in the HOH. Kyle tells her Maddie and Micheal think Minh is getting backdoored. He tells her about his convo with them earlier.

Kyle tells Minh they are solid. He thinks the 4 don't think they are in with her. He says it's a good bc they think she'll always be a target. She says I know they were sh!tting themselves thinking she would win HOH.

Kyle and Minh talking about how she can bring drama to stir the game and how Chris needs to be okay with that.

Nessie and Kyle in the HOH room Nessie-this game is long. It's not even a marathon. Kyle- it's a lifetime. Kyle says Angie sold him out at the table and said she thinks he'll win the game in front of 8 people. Nessie says she annoys her. She followed her around today.

Minh tells Sue that the 4 believe she will be backdoored. She tells her not to trust Jamar. She says he told Maddie and Angie that she said the first week she would put Angie up as a pawn and Maddie would be the target. Vid 1/2

Minh is apologizing to Maddie saying wasn't bullying her she was joiking. Maddie says it didn't seem like she was. Minh says she doesn't know her sense of humor yet.

Maddie I acc.....I appreciate your apology

Minh explains her looks at Maddie aren't at her. It's just she's upset at the time but not with her.

Maddie asks Minh if she threw around her name if she won HOH. Minh says she said Angie and someone else. She asks if Jamar told her? Minh backpeddles. Maddie says she thinks it's true.

Maddie says Minh said she would own up to stuff so she wants to know if she said she would put her (Maddie) up. Minh says she said Angie and Jamar. And she told Angie she wasn't her target she was a pawn.


March 06, 2020


Madeline Kyle Micheal and Sheldon are in the Swamp goofing around. They says it's kinda cool in there. They like it

Sue Hira Vanessa & Minh are in Expedia having general chit chat

Madeline is complaining about Minh to Kyle Sheldon and Micheal

Some of the HGs are in the kitchen starting to make dinner

In Expedia Hira and John Luke are discussing who they think Chris is going to put up JL to Hira I don't think it will be you

John Luke is not feeling well. He has the chills and a fever but said he hasn't thrown up yet like some of the other HGs have

Kyle in the Swamp grass. He & Michael discussing noms and the guys hanging with each other and their possible guys alliance. They want to make sure they don't give it away to the other HGs

In Expedia Hira and John Luke are discussing who they think Chris is going to put up JL to Hira I don't think it will be youamar and Sue

Chris came out of HOH & reassured Brooke that she's good and she'll be okay (regarding noms)

Chris told Brooke that whoever wins the Veto will take her down

Minh Sue Brook and Sheldon discussing HGs from previous seasons


March 06, 2020


Mihn I'm going to start being nice to Angie. Susanne: that's a good plan. I don't think you have to worry about that though. Mihn: I need to have all my bases covered.

JL and Mike are filling Madeline in on the plan to BD Minh, and that the only thing in their way is her picking to play POV.

Madeline telling JL not to gun for the POV. He doesn't need that heat on him. Maddie: I can't be fake, if I don't like you, you're going to know. JL: Oh btw we have super hero names now.. I'm the socializer, you're the manipulator, he's the slopper (Mike).

The Evictors are all together now, Rianne is saying she trust Sheldon. They all agree but they think he's a gamer and it could be hard to get him out.

Sheldon and Chris solidify wanting to work together.. Sheldon wants to name their alliance. They're going to be The Mamba's and keep that mentality.

Chris is feeling good about his game today

Minh-Ly and Vanessa are talking in the bedroom. Vanessa says that Susanne told her she suck up to whose's in power.

Minh-y says she told Susanne that she could see her (Susanne) being a pawn in this game. Vanessa agrees. Both hug and say they are 'besties' in the house, that they are feeling the same way about people.
Minh-y and Vanessa are now talking about Angie. They feel she is also acting like a potential pawn.

The Evictors leave the bedroom, along with Sheldon. In the kitchen John Luke and Micheal say how they feel good with Chris.

Micheal tells Chris in the HOH room that he is glad Chris is sticking with the people he bonded with in the beginning. Micheal leaves as Chris gets ready for the nom ceremony.

Brooke tells Vanessa in the bathroom that Chris told her if she was in with Sue and Vanessa, she was good. Kyle walks in and Brooke says she is going up.

Brooke and Vanessa and Kyle go in the bedroom. Both Vanessa and Brooke told Kyle to wanted to talk to him. Minh-Ly, is already in the bedroom and so the talk seems to go nowhere.

Kyle and Brooke go the backyard. With all the background noise, it's hard to hear. Kyle mentions a back door, but I cannot hear the specifics. Kyle is reassuring her that she is not going home.

Brooke and Kyle have moved to the outdoor area. Kyle mentions that she has JL. He says that JL says there is a Kyle Army and wants Brooke to be the medium between. He says that sucks for him.

Rianne has joined Brooke and Kyle. Kyle tells Rianne that he advised Chris to put Minh-Ly, and just be done with it, instead of using the backdoor. He told him it would make everyone happy.

Rianne explains to Kyle that she started crying when Mihn-Ly took all the milk. She tells him she's a very emotional. They continue to discuss how hard it is to be in the house.


March 06, 2020


Chirs and Carol are working out, Jamar, Vanessa, Madeline and Micheal are in a bedroom relaxing and talking about noms. Vanessa wishes she could talk to Chris for just like 5 minutes

Susanne has joined Chris and Carol in the workout area. Once she leaves, Chris and Carol call Susanne the most down-to-earth hot girl theyve ever met

Sheldon,Brooke, Kyle, Susanne, and Angie chat in the living area. Brooke and Susanne break away and they discuss Brooke's campaign to Chris. She says she is still sure she is going on the block

Minh joins Brooke and Susanne and says she hopes they play veto because she will use it to pull Brooke offf

Jamar, Madeline, Micheal, and Vanessa are in the bedroom and hear a frog. They think the Have Not room is ready. The girls move to check it but Jamar is not easily swayed

Jamar names the alliances. Kyle and Vanessa; Sheldon and Brooke; Micheal, JL, Madeline, and Rianne. He says Angie and Carol and possibly Hira are pawns. Jamar says no one likes Minh. Susanne says Jamar was making out with Minh but he denies it

Chris and John Luke are in the storage room discussing nominations. Chris reiterates that he is keeping those he is close with safe and the people that had his back when he was in danger are also safe

Angie walks in and talks to Chris alone. Chris says he is the only guy in the house that can guarantee her safety

Susanne and Jamar say they will use the veto on one another no matter what. Susanne says she would use it on Brooke this week, and Jamar says he would use it on Sheldon. They both like Sheldon. Jamar says he wouldnt be mad about one of the 4 leaving


March 06, 2020


Chirs and Carol are working out, Jamar, Vanessa, Madeline and Micheal are in a bedroom relaxing and talking about noms. Vanessa wishes she could talk to Chris for just like 5 minutes

Susanne has joined Chris and Carol in the workout area. Once she leaves, Chris and Carol call Susanne the most down-to-earth hot girl theyve ever met

Sheldon,Brooke, Kyle, Susanne, and Angie chat in the living area. Brooke and Susanne break away and they discuss Brooke's campaign to Chris. She says she is still sure she is going on the block

Minh joins Brooke and Susanne and says she hopes they play veto because she will use it to pull Brooke offf

Jamar, Madeline, Micheal, and Vanessa are in the bedroom and hear a frog. They think the Have Not room is ready. The girls move to check it but Jamar is not easily swayed

Jamar names the alliances. Kyle and Vanessa; Sheldon and Brooke; Micheal, JL, Madeline, and Rianne. He says Angie and Carol and possibly Hira are pawns. Jamar says no one likes Minh. Susanne says Jamar was making out with Minh but he denies it

Chris and John Luke are in the storage room discussing nominations. Chris reiterates that he is keeping those he is close with safe and the people that had his back when he was in danger are also safe

Angie walks in and talks to Chris alone. Chris says he is the only guy in the house that can guarantee her safety

Susanne and Jamar say they will use the veto on one another no matter what. Susanne says she would use it on Brooke this week, and Jamar says he would use it on Sheldon. They both like Sheldon. Jamar says he wouldnt be mad about one of the 4 leaving


March 06, 2020


Madeline says that if he doesn't want "Blood on his hands" that evicting Minh is the way to go. She says that Minh gives her dirty looks. Chris says "The drama is stupid" Madeline agrees.

Angie is talking in the comic bedroom about Ika and strong powerful black women in Canada. Madeline is relaying her chat with Chris to John Luke and Micheal. She tells them about the "who would you use the POV on?" part of the convo.

John Luke says that "ideally" this week the eviction would be Minh or Angie. Micheal says that he's tired of the "kitchen situation" with Angie. They both want to see her on slop. Chris/Kyle check-in. Chris says the "plan" is in motion. He has "tiers" of help.

Chris is joined by Carol. He says he wants to go work out. She says I need 2 minutes. They discuss that She has a good social game "You are Switzerland" She says she can get him info. Carol says they need to break up the foursome. Chris tells her she's good.

Sheldon and Kyle check in. Kyle tells Sheldon about Chris' "tier" system and giggles as he says Chris calls himself/Kyle the "General" Sheldon says that he knows how hard Kyle is "working" He says that Chris is nominating Hira/Brooke with a BD to one of the 4.

Sheldon/Kyle say that John Luke would be better to get rid of for their games. That he is the better player. Sheldon thought John Luke and Chris were too tight for that to happen. Sheldon says it's tough because he can't be seen talking to anyone.

Sheldon and John Luke are chatting. John Luke says he only heard Sheldon's name once. John Luke says he doesn't think Chris will target a "Big guy"

Minh had jumped into bed with Jamar. After multiple camera cuts, Minh leaves. Jamar says that she is a cougar and they all want him, that he's 23. Says that she wanted to touch his private parts. Susanne has arrived. Jamar says Minh asked him to kiss her last night.

Hira and Brooke are chatting in the kitchen. They are talking about their conversations with Chris. Brooke says their convos were very similar. They are saying the both feel like they are going to be nom'd because they didn't get a clear answer, but other people did.


March 06, 2020


Brooke has arrived in the HOH. Chris is telling her not to cry (she is about to). She says that she was feeling isolated yesterday. He is telling her the same thing about resect/loyalty thing and about people who talked to him before the mental comp.

Brooke says she is closest to Sue and Carol. Chris appears shocked by that information. Brooke says that Sue is her best friend. Chris says he only saw her talking to Micheal, John and the two girls, so he could perceive that she would favor them.

Chris is telling Brooke that if she is good with the girls she says she is, that she is good for the week. He asks her to let him think about it, when he has the plan that he will talk to her again. He says that "Susanna and Vanessa told me that you seem sweet."

Madeline and Chris are now chatting in the HOH. He asks how she is doing. She says she is feeling better. She says every time she eats the slop, she's thrown up. She isn't eating it. She says they haven't talked much game. Says she was rooting for him/Sue to win.

Madeline asks if he has targets. He lists the people that came to him when he was "Still in Jeopardy" She says "I said I had your back" He says that's not the same thing. He says that when he was in "that hazy situation" last week he saw chatting behind closed doors.

Chris asks who she is close to guy-wise. She names Kyle. She also says she hopes he doesn't nominate Have Nots "because we are weak" He says "well I'm not going to nominate you" Chris says the producers and Canada would hate him if he did.

Madeline says she is really only close to Rianne, that she isn't friends with Brooke. He wants to know what she does 7 weeks from now if some random person wins HOH and nominates 2 big guys and she wins HOH. She says she wouldn't use it on Kyle.

She says that between Micheal and Chris that she wouldn't know what to do because they haven't seen game from Michael but that she would "lean" towards Chris because he is genuine. He says she needs a guy to protect her "You're playing Big Brother"

Madeline asks if he is going with the house or if it's his own plan. She says Most/All of the house want Minh out. She says she isn't afraid to throw names out. He says she is an option. He says he doesn't want Minh coming to him saying that she heard she is a target.

Madeline says that if he doesn't want "Blood on his hands" that evicting Minh is the way to go. She says that Minh gives her dirty looks. Chris says "The drama is stupid" Madeline agrees.


March 06, 2020


The HGs in the kitchen are talking to Chris about his first night in the HOH room. He tells them they should win a comp. They are now discussing diets. Carol says she is hungrier in the house than she is in every day life because she is eating carbs

Madeline and Brooke are talking about if they feel safe today. Neither of them feel very safe. They are saying that Sheldon campaigned for Wendy's. That they didn't know they were "supposed" to. Brooke leaves, Angie arrives and Madeline talks to Angie about PMS.

Brooke has returned. She and Madeline are discussing that even if they are nominated they get to participate in the comps. Brooke says that Chris isn't swayed by the house and won't be putting up men. Madeline says she "Have. To. Keep. Myself. Off. The. Block."

Angie is talking to Jamar in the comic bedroom. She tells him that if Chris told him he was safe in the hot tub that he probably is because Chris, as HOH, has no reason to lie. Jamar is still lying in bed. Angie warns against that so that he doesn't fall asleep.

Sheldon, Kyle and an buried Vanessa are talking about Noms. They say that they will talk to Brooke and make sure she's OK. They said that she seems better today. Carol and Angie have joined Sheldon and Kyle. They are discussing High School.

They are now discussing how Angie's Nephew, who is nine and Carol's Daughter, who is four have already faced racist talk sent their way. Carol says that her daughter asks why she doesn't have the same color skin as her

Rianne has grabbed Chris and is in the HOH talking to him. She asks where his head is at. He says since he was in a bad spot, that he is going to favor the people that had his back before. She says that she feels good with him, that she is tight with Maddy.

Chris says it is obvious that he is a big target. Rianne says that she and Maddy have his back "if you scratch my back, we'll scratch yours" That they have his back 100% no matter what.

Rianne talks to Chris about nominating Minh. He says he needs to talk to her, because she is offering a lot. She asks who the "other" nom is. He deflects. He says how sweet both girls are (Rianne and Madeline) because one is a teacher the other is a nurse.


March 06, 2020


Hira, Susanne, and Sheldon are still discussing sleeping arrangements. Hira and Angie are the only two that need to relocate but its a bigger discussion it seems

Brooke talks about Chris triggering her back to a dark time and how she doesnt want to out her makeup on every day to kiss his butt

Hira and Susanne discuss Chris and noms. Susanne tells Hira that at the end of the day they have votes. Hira says he wants to play veto and Susanne tells him he is a competitor and could totally win it. Hira admits this HoH he didnt try as hard as he could have

Kyle keeps talking Brooke through her feelings and trying to build her confidence by reassuring her that he is there for her

Brooke says the only time Chris was nice to her since the game started was today when he was hitting on her because she looked better than usual. He allegedly asked her on fake dates before the ceremony and she just hates having to play into it for the week

Kyle says he went to DR last night and cried because of his outburst to Minh-Ly because he tried so hard not to be that person. Hira and Susanne continue talking about their relationships to the HGs. Hira likes Micheal, wants him to stay out of his 4. Susanne disagrees

Hira asks Susanne if they can go all the way and thinks they can. He says not to underestimate him and he is a beast at competitions

The voice overhead says goodnight again and Kyle and Vanessa (who joined the conversation) leave Brooke alone in the Expedia room to have her moment alone. Kyle says tomorrow is tomorrow, worry then, they love her

Micheal, Jamar, and John Luke are all in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Angie enters the room and once again the sleeping arrangements are discussed. Lights arent out yet

Brooke talks to the feeds about her perspective on the situation this week. She says Susanne is socially threatening and she cant beat Sheldon or Kyle in a POV

Kyle, Sheldon, Vanessa, and Susanne touch base on the plans for tomorrow. They plan to fill Brooke in later since she wants to be alone

Sheldon finds Brooke and tells him to talk to her at the end of tomorrow and that he hates to leave her when she is upset

Brooke talks to feeds, saying it is frustrating because she thinks she has a good view of what is happening but isnt sure she has what it takes to back it up like Sheldon does. She says Sheldon is the best player in the house and her best move is to cut him when hes cocky

Micheal, JL. Vanessa, Susanne, and Kyle are in the storage room discussing the events of the week

Brooke leaves the lounge room and enters the main living area. She finds her way to the storage room and begins talking with everyone

Jamar and Susanne are in the kitchen. She tells him that she is happy he is good this week. When he questions it, she says she just knows and not to worry about it

Brooke thinks the girls are syncing up because she is PMSing like crazy. Madeline confirms that theory and Brooke says she hopes Madeline gets better soon, since she is also sick and on slop

Madeline goes to the guys in the storage room and asks for a bucket because she is getting sick. JL jokes that this is the first season where all HGs self evict. Kyle continues it, joking that the slop will make them all pack their bags

Jamar and Susanne are chatting in the Expedia room. Susanne says Jamar could play the middle but shouldnt since everyone is looking at them

All cams are on the bathroom as houseguests continue getting ready for bed


March 05, 2020


Kyle and Brooke are talking about a way to convince Chris to nominate Angie. They say Susanne is their best bet. Brooke doesnt trust that Chris will take anything his closest female ally in the house will say over Kyle. Brooke says she feels that she and Hira are going up

Brooke says that she feels Hira will win a veto over her and if Chris changes noms, he will take Hira off over her to backdoor Micheal

Brooke is confident that no one will use the veto on her if she is up, and if she is next to Hira there is a good chance she will go home on eviction night

Cams cut to Jamar and Micheal talking in the kitchen over potential noms. Micheal knows that Chris is looking at him to put up

Jamar says he is good with Micheal but outside the 4 they definitely need numbers in order to survive. Jamar admits to only having watched one season of BB and basing it off of that

Minh, Chris, and Susanne break up their convo in the hot tub. It sounds like Chris was called to the DR but the name was muffled

Susanne joins Kyle and Brooke talking about noms and she is informed of their plan

Kyle tells Brooke that they have the numbers and that Hira would go home over her. Susanne reiterates that Brooke has the votes and Hira does not. They agree Angie will be a number for Brooke. Kyle says Chris wants him to win and all he has to do is talk with him

Vanesssa joins Kyle, Brooke, and Susanne. Cams cut to Chris telling Angie that he has her back 100% and she is safe, no pawns this week. Ang says she is his eyes and ears

Micheal and Hira are talking in the main area. Kyle comes out and says hes hot and sweaty. Micheal says that they should cuddle later. Micheal and Hira continue their conversation about Hira's heritage

Sheldon has joined Brooke, Vanessa, and Susanne and is slightly filled in on the plan. The girls dont share much but he accepts that. They go over all potential scenarios

Sheldon says worst case scenario is two of them are on the block Thursday but it wont happen as long as they divert Chris from him. Brooke says she knew it was a possibility but people told her it wouldnt be a problem

Micheal and Hira are still talking about Indian culture in the living area

Brooke, Susanne, and Vanessa hug after consoling Brooke and her fears of being on the block


March 05, 2020


Susanne, Chris, and Mihn-Ly have shook hands on plans for who they need to evict. They confirm one of 7 have to go, and they name off votes. They say next week is a breeze too no matter who is HoH. They discuss what two floaters to nominate

Mihn-Ly names Angie as a floater but she is a number for Chris. Susanne says why dont they go for one of the solid 4 Evictors, but Chris says who is left would go after him. Hira is also named as a floater to nominate.

The girls in the hot tub name Hira and Micheal to nominate, thinking he doesnt win POV because of slop. Chris says that Micheal has the hots for Madeline so he is still unsure. Chris says that the his idea is to put up Brooke and Hira with a possible backdoor

Chris keeps telling Minh-Ly not to say a word about their discussion. Minh-Ly says she knows psychology and that when Angie was insecure about her earlier, the conversation they had makes Angie value her

Minh says that if she gets blood on her hands for Chris's game, the next week shes gunning for him. She and Susanne agree they want the showmance of M&M gone


March 05, 2020

Micheal, John Luke and Madeline are chatting in the kitchen. John Luke says Susanne is still looking for a place to land. Minh, Vanessa, Susanne and Chris are chatting in the hot tub. Talking about the 4 alliance. Chris asks about Sheldon. They him to make "bold" move.
Hira and Kyle are discussing people helping around the house. They specifically mention John Luke and Angie. They are now talking about Chris and how difficult he is to deal with on a social level. Kyle is telling Hira how he plays up to Chris.
Hira and Kyle are talking about Chris and his noms. Kyle says Chris wants to be a "big dog" but Kyle reminded him that he's won 2 comps now. Says Chris isn't an emotional player. Hira says "It's hard to have a social conversation with him" Kyle says he figures he'll BD
Angie, Brooke, Rianne and Sheldon are in the Departure room talking about Jamar and Minh and their "Sexual tension" They say it's "Good TV" Sheldon calls their calling each other names "foreplay"
Hira and Kyle are playing pool and talking about their wives/families. How much they think about them. They are talking about where the line is/what their loved ones are seeing how someday you may just need a hug from someone. And that person may be female.
They talk about how there is also a downside to this type of gameplay. That they fall into a "pawn" potential. Angie says that's bad but she can see the benefits too because there are no "mega groups" forming and they need people like her/Brooke for their votes.
Angie and Brooke are now talking in the Departure lounge. Brooke is talking about how since she's kinda sat back and made friendships with eveyone, she is more capable than others to see who is making relationships with other people. Angie says yes "the lay of the land"
They are now talking about the NOT hidden alliance of "Maddie, Mike, JL and RiRi" (Madeline, Micheal, John Luke and Rianne). Vanessa/Carol want to break up the convo before anyone sees it. Vanessa is heading outside to smoke. Minh-Ly wants to go with her.
Vanessa, Carol and Minh are talking in the pantry. Minh is talking about how they are supposed to be a team and that she saw Jamar go up to Madeline. Carol/Vanessa say that she needs to stop getting
flustered because people talk to others.


March 05, 2020


Brooke and Sheldon are talking in the departure room about Minh. Sheldon is relaying his earlier convo with her to Brooke. Minh was pitching an alliance and when Sheldon didn't respond, she called him out for being in an alliance with various people.

On the other feeds John Luke, Jamar, Rianne and Chris are talking aboutDamienBBCAN7

seeing the original pretty boy convo in the storage room when he was voted in by Canada.

Carol says "Let's be honest, if they are going to use a pawn it's going to be one of us" She also mentions Brooke. Hira says no way is he going to be a pawn.

Angie, Hira and Carol are chatting at the dining room table. Angie is doing a lot of the talking. She is saying that Minh and one of the guys should be the noms and then everyone would vote out the guy. She mentions Kyle, Micheal, etc.

Kyle is talking to Vanessa, who he calls Nessy, about his convo with Chris and how the alliances are shaking out and what the noms could be. He says that he is trying to get Chris away from a Sheldon (Shelly) Backdoor.

Kyle, Rianne, and John Luke saying that Minh needs someone else to be a bigger person. They are saying her an Angie are still not getting along because of that.

John Luke, Rianne, Kyle, and Vanessa talking about how you do need time for yourself and space. Kyle says that was why he left that conversation with Minh because he needed space. He was embarrassed the next day because that's not how he normally acts.

Vanessa and Kyle go out to the hot tub. She asks Jamar, Rianne and John Luke they mind if she smokes. They say they don't. Chris comes out too.

Kyle and Vanessa in the hall before they go out to the hot tub. Kyle says he has to be fake around other people but he loves her. She says she loves him too.

John Luke telling Rianne she could pick him as a House Guest choice if it happens.

Kyle comes in & hugs Vanessa. Maddie says they're so cute. Jamar goes to the hot tub. Vanessa says she's going to go to smoke. Kyle asks her if she wants him to come. Kyle asks Carol if she'll watch his pizza. Carol says of course, he took slop, she can watch the pizza.

Jamar says Vanessa can talk/hang with him any time. Madeline and Micheal come in. Madeline says she just threw up (from slop). Jamar says again he goes in to Expedia to chill. It's his room. He says Maddie should try it.

Vanessa and Carol talking about how the house is a microcosm of society and Canada. Jamar walks in.

Vanessa telling Carol she's struggling with the fact that people don't really talk to her. Carol says they're inconsequential. Vanessa asks why. Carol says Kyle sets the tone and maybe she can ask Kyle to talk it down a bit. Vanessa says it's hard to get a word in.

Kyle and Chris talking about the 8 people they need to get to control the house. Sheldon isn't on the list. Kyle how will they deflect him? Chris says they'll come up with something. Kyle asks if he'll nominate him. He says no.

Kyle & Chris still talking. Chris says they guys will be intimidated by him and Kyle needs to have his back. They tell each other they are "ride or die"s. Kyle says Sue likes you right> Chris says Sue loves him. Kyle says he has Nessie & Chris has Sue that's a solid 4.

Kyle and Chris talking about bringing Sheldon in. Then talking about how they have floaters with them. Chris makes comments about Angie's body and about Susanne.

Angie, Rianne and Brooke helping Chris fold clothes. John Luke headed to the hot tub.


March 05, 2020


Susanne, Chris, and Mihn-Ly have shook hands on plans for who they need to evict. They confirm one of 7 have to go, and they name off votes. They say next week is a breeze too no matter who is HoH. They discuss what two floaters to nominate

Mihn-Ly names Angie as a floater but she is a number for Chris. Susanne says why dont they go for one of the solid 4 Evictors, but Chris says who is left would go after him. Hira is also named as a floater to nominate.

The girls in the hot tub name Hira and Micheal to nominate, thinking he doesnt win POV because of slop. Chris says that Micheal has the hots for Madeline so he is still unsure. Chris says that the his idea is to put up Brooke and Hira with a possible backdoor

Chris keeps telling Minh-Ly not to say a word about their discussion. Minh-Ly says she knows psychology and that when Angie was insecure about her earlier, the conversation they had makes Angie value her

Minh says that if she gets blood on her hands for Chris's game, the next week shes gunning for him. She and Susanne agree they want the showmance of M&M gone

Minh and Sheldon talking in the Departure Lounge. Minh is saying nothing will ever happen between her and Jamar. Sheldon says they argue and almost kissed. Minh says it's all a joke. They are both players and are playing. Sheldon says he believes they believe that.

Susanne and Brooke talking about Susanne and they don't know where she's at.

Brooke and Susanne are taling about Angie. Susanne thinks she's clueless but Brooke thinks she's playing that way so people don't know where her head's at. They both say they like her though.

John Luke and Rianne complaining that they are annoyed by people. Angie walks in. Then they complain about her and Minh being annoying.

Hira says it's funny how people are swarming Chris now that he's HOH. Minh agrees. Jamar says she is doing it too. He says he was the first to leave his room. Minh says he's a renegade. Hira says they're two peas in a pod...both renegades.

Kyle, Carol, and Vanessa in the kitchen. Carol says she's a hero for having to put up with slop for a week. Kyle say he's a hero for having to put with Chris. Vanessa says at least he get's to go to Wendy's.

Chris telling Kyle "he has the best girl in the house". Carol walks over after Chris leaves and Kyle says "uhhh". Not sure if it's about the slop or Chris.

Jamar, Minh and Hira talking about the comp. How Minh and Jamar tied. Hira says now they don't have a clear winner of their bet. Jamar and Minh say they were each going to put each other on the block if one of them won.

Carol making Slop cookies or muffins. She says she's just trying to help out her friends.

Minh-Ly and Jamar wrestling. Suzanne and Brooke tell Minh she's feisty.

Hira says it's Minh-Ly's turn and she says she's worried it will get to physical and she'll get kicked out.

Suzanne and Jamar "wrestling" while Minh-Ly and Hira watch. Hira tells her how so the ladies challenge him to wrestle.

Chris says they need to make sure the people they align with have their back. He says they are big guys and targets Kyle says like last season. Chris leaves. Sheldon says it's going to be a long season. Kyle agrees. Sheldon says to keep referring to "last season".

Kyle told Chris in the Storage room that he has his back. Sheldon walked in and they did a group hug.

Jamar finally tired slop.

Most are hanging out at the table chatting. Everyone's wondering where Jamar is. (he's in the


Chris is talking about who he will get for


food delivery tomorrow. He's hoping it's

Susanne and Rianne are talking about how someone (Angie?) is rubbing everyone the wrong way.

John Luke and Susanne are talking about JL being close to winning HOH. JL: well as long as he does what the house wants to do there's no problem.

Kyle is feeding everyone a bite of slop. No one is a fan.

They've got their have not slop and rules. Kyle is reading out the ingredients. Everyone cheers when he says coffee and tea are allowed.


March 05, 2020


9:11 PM HOH Kyle comes in with the slop bucket.

The Have nots are: Kyle, Madeline, Vannessa, and Micheal

9:20 pm Chris reassures Kyle he’s safe this week. Kyle seems stoned (He’s tired) and complains about how much weight he’s lost while being on Slop. Plus the slop looks fortified with WEED.

9:23 PM Susanne and Rianne complaining about Angie’s complaining about the food. Sounds like Kyle is making everyone food. They also don’t like Min-Ly.

Susanne I love Kyle man Rianne me too

They agree to stick together and trust each other. Sealed with a hug.

9:30 PM Kyle shares the slop with everyone using the same spoon.

Green Slop

9:34PM Cam 4 Bros bro-ing out

“Solid and f***” “Bro we got all week”

Brooke walks in on them.

Talking about Between the “three of us” there’s no one that can stop them, “We got the beasts”

Chris this game is all mental

Chris we’re big guys we’re the targets none of us are getting backdoored any point we’re going final 4

“Like last season we’re going to rock bro”

Kyle last season but better

After Chris leaves Sheldon and Kyle talk about working on pushing “last season” to Chris. Sound slike Sheldon and Kyle have a final 2.

9:44 PM Cam 1 Jamar and Minh-ly wrestle

10:01 pm John Luke and Vanessa saying they only like each other “Madeline, Brooke and Sheldon. They both think Minh-ly and Angie are “So annoying”

John-Luke says Angie “mooches” so much food.

10:20 PM Kyle and Chris HOH

They agree to keep the weaker players in the game. Players like Carol and Susanne.

Kyle tells Chris he’s his “Ride or DIE”

Chris you already know I’m going to beat them all in comps.

Chris Normally a girl like Madeline in the real world would be all over me The fact that I just won and that doesn’t happen.. but the other girls are.

They want a final 4 with Susanne and Vanessa but they will keep that to themselves leaving

Chris F*ing Jamar is in my pocket and no one talks game with him

They identify there’s an obvious alliance between Madeline, John Luke, Michael and Rianne

Chris you and me are the most popular guys on the show

They talk about floaters. Chris identifies Hira and Brooke as possible pawns with a backdoor plan against a real threat. Michael.

Before leaving Kyle thanks Chris for taking him to Wendy’s

10:45 PM Madeline and Michael talking about Chris being strange. Michael shares with her being deployed overseas. Madeline goes on about past boyfriends.

11:04 PM on Brooke and Sheldon

Brooke suspects Michael is the target. Sheldon says if after the veto they have Micahel and Madeline on the block that would be the best scenario.

11:06 PM Kyle, Vanessa and Susanne

Kyle says Chris wants a four with the three of them. Susanne is Chris’ number one girl and Vanessa is Kyle’s number one girl.

Kyle there’s another four, Carol, Angie, Minh-Ly and Jamar. He (Chris) wants it to be an 8 so we have numbers.

Kyle He (Chris) wants to put up Hira and Brooke and then backdoor Mike

Kyle wants Chris to switch out Brooke with Angie, “She’s (Angie) a piece of sh1t a f*ing loser”

Susanne calls Angie a floater.

Vanessa says Angie is a waste of an HOH

After Susanne leaves Kyle tells Vanessa she’ll be safe.

12:00 PM Hira and Kyle

Kyle talks about Chris wanting to go into the storage room with him and flex. Kyle says Chirs doesn’t have a “super smart plan” calls it a “shifty plan”

Kyle mentions he sees Chris doing a Backdoor.

Hira I have no clue what he will do

Hira says he hasn’t made any emotional connection with Chris.

Hira thinks that it will be “one of those four” (the 4 least popular)

Kyle mentions that Brooke could be a pawn says that CHris told him that they don’t see eye to eye.

12:20 AM Kyle Fills Brooke in on the plan this week. Says she’s slated to be a pawn.

12:24 AM THE TANKS alliance

Minh-ly, Vanessa, Susanne, and Chris

Chris tells them his plan is to put up two floaters, Hira and Brooke, and backdoor.

Susanne warns them that John-Luke will be a competition beast. She wants Madeline on the block over Brooke.


March 05, 2020


Tonight, it's an absolutely shocking ending to week one of Season 8 and it all starts now! We get a recap from our premiere episode and we see the HG getting to know each other and the first twist of the season and four ill-fated HG found out that Canada would not save them and instead, they would have to save themselves.

At the first competition to escape the block, the fatal four were put to the test to save their game. Despite their flex appeal, the super dudes couldn't hold their weight. But Minh-ly leaned in and when Susanne ran out of gas, the volatile vixen moved to safety.

Tonight, three remain in jeopardy and they have to face the mental to avoid the block.

Arisa welcomes us and she reminds us we kicked off a season like never before. Minh-ly showed superhuman strength to stay safe which left Nico, Chris, and Susanne in jeopardy. But something happened just hours ago that has never happened in BB Canada history! Let's go inside!

Arisa wishes everyone luck and Minh-ly says she won and she's not going anywhere. She just proved she's a badass b*tch and she's going to keep doing. Susanne says she didn't see this coming and it's an advantage because she can play this off. Minh-ly and Susanne are talking and Minh-ly says they have strong female energy.

Nico is frustrated and he's annoyed how much adversity he's facing from the get-go. Chris says this is a terrible situation to be in and he's feeling off his game, but his game isn't over. He may look like a physical beast, but his mind is where he shines. Chris and Nico join Minh-ly and Susanne and they talk about how cool and calm everyone else is.

John Luke says the first day has been kind of crazy and he loves it so far. He's feeling it. He thinks taking a moment to himself is important on night one. It's day 2 and the HG are up and moving around and doing ADLs. Chris says he's in a vulnerable position in the game and he goes to talk to Madeline. Madeline says she feels like he's a good person. Chris says he gets the same vibe with her. Madeline says Chris is just like Chris Hemsworth and Leonardo DiCaprio. Chris says he loves a lot of brain stuff and he doesn't want her to tell anyone and she says she won't and she loves what he does. They hug it out.

Minh-ly wants to straighten Jamar's hair and he says she can straighten her own hair. Minh-ly says he is really boring and he says they can do anything but that. Minh-ly says he's disgusting because he left a banana peel in the restroom and he denies it. Minh-ly says he's arrogant and so into her and she's going with it because she's bored. Minh-ly says he needs to go pick up his banana peel and she won't. Minh-ly says Jamar isn't bad looking but mentally he's a five-year-old.

John Luke and Nico are playing pool and Jamar comes out and John Luke leaves. Nico is saying he's stressed. Nico says this game obviously started very poorly for him and it's tough adapting under these circumstances. He just hopes this isn't the end of the road. Arisa says coming up is the second opportunity for Chris, Nico, and Susanne to save themselves.

Three of our superheroes are in danger this week. It's time head back inside. Chris is meditating. We see the three outside and Angie and Jamar are hosting. Are you ready to meet the action figures? Jamar turns around a John Luke in a floater box dressed as a sailor. This BB action figure thinks they're playing a great game, but Canada thinks it's boring. They always vote with the house.

Next up are the showmancers and it's Madeline and Michael. Canada loves them and they'll spend a lot of their day snuggling, but their HG are annoyed by them. However, their love story will be cut short when one turns on the other in the final three.

Next is the bitter juror and it's Vanessa and they won't want to vote as a winner and at the finale, they will make it about them. This one talks too. Jamar presses the button and she says you'll never get my vote!

Last but not least is Kyle and he is a comp beast and they won't study for mental comps and have no social skills and will likely leave pre-jury. This one has a karate action and Jamar hits the button.

True or False, the recommended age for the floater was 4 and up. They all answer true and they are all correct.

True or False: The price difference from the original price to the clearance price on the bitter juror is $14.98. Chris and Susanne answers false and Nico answers true. The correct answer is true. Nico has 2 points and Chris and Susanne have one point each.

True or false: She said the floater is guaranteed to drift to the final four. Nico answers true and Susanne and Chris answer false and it's false. All of them now have 2 points.

Both the comp beast and the bitter juror both featured try me on their box. Nico and Susanne say true and Chris says false and the answer is false. Chris has 3 points and Nico and Susanne have 2 points each.

For the showmancers, she said their fellow HG are annoyed by them before, she said they'll spend their days snuggling. Nico answers true and Chris and Susanne answer false and the answer is true. Chris and Nico have 3 points each and Susanne has 2 points.

True or False: The combined price of the comp beast and the floater is $31.77. Nico answers true and starts to switch to false but keeps true and Susanne and Chris answer false and the answer is false and Chris has earned safety.

Chris says he won his first mental comp of the season and he's so relieved. He crushed it with his brain. Nico is very upset and Kyle hugs him. Nico says he lost fair and square and now he has to campaign against Susanne. We see Susanne go to the airplane room to be alone and she's crying. She feels very defeated and she needs to remind herself why she's here. Susanne says this is the best-case scenario for her and Jamar comes in and he says he's going to make sure she's ok but she needs to watch for the bromance. Jamar says the game starts now because of the campaigning and he tells her she needs 8 votes to stay. Arisa says Nico and Susanne are on the block this week.

Arisa welcomes us back and says Nico and Susanne will have to rely on their social game to stay in the house. Hira is asking Susanne and Brooke fashion advice for what color to wear and Susanne is confused and trying to figure out if he means a shirt. Hira explains for his turban. They talk about him being the first Sikh player in BB Canada history. He's confident in who he is and he wants to show people they can be themselves and they don't have to change to conform.

Susanne goes into the kitchen and they are doing a family breakfast. Susanne is making the rounds everywhere. She says she's been doing the work and putting trust in multiple people. She needs to make sure she makes a concrete alliance and she goes to Carol and Brooke and pitches working with Sheldon and two others because they are the misfits and don't fit perfectly with anyone else.

Chris and Minh-ly and Nico are laying around and she says it's hard to not have privacy. She wants people to whisper when they come into a room when someone is asleep. Angie is in there and she says sometimes they don't always notice someone is sleeping. Kyle comes in and says are you for real? Do you think the whole world revolves around you? Minh-ly and Kyle bicker and she is in disbelief that he's talking to her the way he is because he's making her look like a trouble maker so she wants to talk to him privately.

Minh-ly goes after him and wants a private conversation. Kyle says she talks down to people and she needs to watch how she talks to others. Minh-ly can't believe this and says he doesn't need to be a douchebag. Arisa says it looks like the house is full of volatility already. In the end, Nico or Susanne will go home this week.

Time to head back inside. Madeline, Michael, John Luke, and Rianne are alone and talking and they want to make an alliance. They want to name it something that has to do with a superpower. John Luke suggests The Evicters and Michael likes it and so does Madeline. They come up with a symbol and want to end their good-bye videos with that symbol.

Nico and Minh-ly are talking and he thinks she will vote him out. Nico says Chris and Minh-ly might have his back. Minh-ly doesn't want the easy vote. She wants to do the unexpected and she wants to get rid of Susanne. She goes to Carol and Sheldon and Vanessa says Nico could be a puppet and she says she advised him to campaign and talk to people. Sheldon says Susanne hasn't made an aggressive pitch. Carol says Minh-ly campaigning super hard for Nico isn't a good decision this early in the game.

Carol tells Susanne that Minh-ly is campaigning against her and Sheldon tells Susanne to relax. Carol tells Susanne what Minh-ly said and Susanne says she's stupid coming into her room. They are telling Susanne she can't confront Minh-ly. Susanne says she's delusional for coming in HER room. Susanne says she is so fake and it makes her so mad.

Coming up after the break it's the shocking end to our first week. Either Nico or Susanne will be leaving.

Arisa welcomes us back and says the eviction this week is unprecedented. Let's head back inside for this must-see moment. Susanne is talking to Nico and Hira and Susanne are hugging Nico. Susanne asks if he's had lunch and he says he's not hungry. Hira says since he lost he's been out of sorts. Nico says the eviction is tomorrow night? Do I have to stay until then? He says he could just leave and go home and cut his losses. He says this is a waste of time. He has no fight left in him. He's already packed and it is what it is. It sucks man.

Hira says he feels for Nico because the mental and physical just gets to you and it's hard to watch. Nico heads into the DR and sits down. He says he's been miserable for four days straight and it's pretty awful. He wants to get a good night's rest for once and there is no point in him being here. He can tell by the way the house is voting that this is a waste of his time. Hira is talking to Sheldon and says he's sad for Nico because he was sad and crying.

Nico is pacing around the DR and then sits back down some more and thinks. He seems to be counting. He sits up and says he's choosing to self-evict. He leaves the room and we hear on the speaker HG, please come to the living room. They get an update on Nico and hear he has decided to self-evict and he's already left the house and will not be returning. It's important they respect and support his decision and he needed to do what was best for him. They all say they love him and support him too. Tomorrow's eviction is canceled and Susanne is now safe for the week.

Vanessa says this is very intense and she's feeling heavy for Nico and for someone to say they can't do this shows how draining this is. This game is no joke. The HG all do a group hug and send love to Nico. Arisa says being in the Big Brother house and there are stresses they can't imagine. They respect his decision and they wish him nothing but the best. The first HOH competition of the season is coming up!
BBCAN8 Let's dribble our way to the backyard for the first HoH comp of the season! This competition is called basketball. One at a time they'll grab a ball, jump on a trampoline and take a shot at the baskets. The player with the highest score will be the first HoH of the season.

Sheldon is first and he hits 13. Jamar is next and he hits 24 and he is now in the lead. John Luke is up next and he hits 23. Jamar is still in the lead.

Minh-ly is up next and she hits 24 and is tied with Jamar. Arisa says we're off to a start! Live feeds are open tonight! We'll see who is the HoH on Sunday night. And remember someone is always watching!


March 05, 2020

Chris won the mental comp - Nico self-evicted - Chris won HOH - Kyle, Madeline, Micheal, Vanessa are Have-not (volunteers)

early alliances include Susanne/Brooke/Carol/Kyle/Sheldon/Vanessa and John Luke/Madeline/Micheal/Rianne


January 01, 2020


Arisa sends the next five HGs into the house. Minh-ly is wanting to drink without waiting for the others and she asks if she'll be a villain if she takes another drink. Introductions begin again and Madeline and Michael already call themselves M&M. They are looking around again. Sheldon, Chris, and Michael are in one of the rooms and Brook and Angie and Kyle come in.


Time to meet the last five HGs to enter. We meet John Luke and his favorite color is orange. He doesn't mind black even though it's a shade and Halloween is his favorite holiday. He's a journalist so he's used to investigating. Rianne is an operating room nurse and she's used to adapting to different situations. Hira is an accountant and he's a guy next door. He's married and has a daughter and he wants to win. He wants to mentally and physically crush the competition. Vanessa is a lobster fisherman and she loves proving to men that women can do it. Nico works in sales and he comes off as cocky and he's very blunt, loud, and intelligent.


John Luke likes being the alpha and he could never throw a competition. Rianne hates guys that are full of themselves and she wants to make a girl's alliance. Vanessa wants to align with people like her. She wants to play hard. Nico is very courteous and respectful, but he can be cocky. Hira doesn't intend to lie, cheat, and backstab. He wants to gain everyone's trust. Rianne says it's time to bring the girls together for total domination. Nico will be a huge threat once someone realizes who he is. Vanessa will definitely not be a floater.

Arisa welcomes the final five HG: John Luke, Rianne, Hira, Vanessa, and Nico. Arisa welcomes this and wishes them luck and sends them into the house. More introductions begin with hugs. Minh-ly is very giggly and all the HGs toast each other. This super-sized season of Big Brother Canada is officially underway.


Minh-ly, Susanne, and Jamar are talking in the storage room and Minh-ly is already talking about someone she doesn't like. She's been doing yoga and she tells Jamar she's volatile and she has a bad temper. They decide to sit and begin introductions. Susanne tells them she has a boyfriend. Vanessa is the first contestant from Prince Edward Island. John Luke wants to head to the hot-tub. Arisa says coming up we'll have the first twist of the season!


For the next 12 weeks, the HGs will have to use their physical, mental, and social superpowers. Time to roll out the first twist! Arisa calls everyone to the living room. She knows the season has just started, but she already has a major announcement. This week there will be no HoH. Also, for the past few days, their video profiles have been online and Canadians have been watching and voting for their favorites. She's going to announce the four HGs who received the fewest votes and only those four will be in jeopardy this week.


Arisa says here we go! The four HGs are Susanne. The next HGs in jeopardy this week is Nico. The third HGs in the bottom four is Chris. And the final HGs at risk is... Minh-ly. There is some good news! They will have three chances to save themselves. The first opportunity to save themselves will be tonight's challenge which will require super strength. The second challenge will require mental prowess. The final two HGs will be up for eviction and they'll be required to rely on their social skills to keep them alive.


Nico and Chris shake hands and hug and Chris says they don't like us. Chris says he's completely blindsided and he's going to turn this around and start really getting the game going. Nico goes to the storage room alone and he says he's not surprised. He's one of those guys that people don't like until they get to know him. He was born for the fight. John Luke goes and celebrates quickly in the storage room.


Minh-ly and Chris are commiserating, and Vanessa asks Minh-ly what's up and she says the adrenaline is pumping. Vanessa says she needs to stay because she can't imagine the season without her. Minh-ly says it just lit a fire under ass. Brooke thinks she has a great chance to stay.


Arisa recaps the twist and says the four at jeopardy HGs have three chances to save themselves. The first opportunity starts now! The four HGs can go from zero to superhero. There are cars in front of them about to fall off a bridge. It's up to them to hold on to save them. They will hold a rope and if their grip slips they will be eliminated. The weight has been modified in proportion to their body weight. The challenge is on.


Susanne seems to struggle a bit at the start, but they all look solid. Minh-ly is bent way over and says this is evil. Susanne is breathing very heavily. She says her fingers are going number and her feet are shaking but she wants to prove to Canada she deserves to be here. Susanne's car falls a bit and she struggles to get it back.


Minh-ly says Canada put her in this position but she's not afraid to fight for her place in the house. Nico says Chris is his biggest threat and it's going to be a battle who can tolerate the most and stand there the longest. Chris says he's in the gym five or six days a week. It's his to lose. 20 minutes later and Michael offers massages for all of their shoulders. Nico is readjusting and Chris is struggling a bit. Minh-ly sees them. Kyla says the guys are making it all about strength, but as a powerlifter, he knows body positioning is important and Susanne and Minh-ly have that down. Chris's car is falling and he's struggling. He readjusts and gets it back, but it's not enough and the car moves and falls. Chris is eliminated. Nico is moving again and his car is tilting. Minh-ly leans further forward and Susanne is struggling too. Nico keeps moving and he drops his car and has been eliminated and he says it's demoralizing. He's frustrated. It's down to Susanne and Minh-ly and 35 minutes have passed. Vanessa says everyone thought the men would take the competition, but the women are killing it. She thinks women will take over this season. Susanne is panting again. Susanne starts moving and her car falls. Minh-ly has managed to channel her super strength and she is now safe this week. Minh-ly says she knows she can come off cocky and overconfident, but she can back it up and she did. This competition was very easy for her. Arisa checks-in with the HGs and she asks Minh-ly how she feels and she says she felt like she had to win. Chris, Nico, and Susanne are still in a bit of trouble. Arisa asks Chris if he's ready for the mental challenge? Chris says he thought he was ready tonight and he wasn't so he'll say no. Nico agrees with Chris. Susanne says she feels good and she'll see what happens. Arisa wishes them luck!

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